For Further Study of the

There is so much more we could study in the book of Ruth. Here’s a few ideas!

• Give each chapter a title that summarizes its main themes or events. • Outline the entire book of Ruth. • Compare different commentaries and their interpretation of the book. How do they view Naomi and her attitude, Elimelech’s move to Moab, Naomi’s plan for approaching ? • Note the repetition of the word name in Chapter 4, and research its significance. • Study the practice of levirate marriage in the . Use the dictionaries on Blue Letter Bible to help you. • Note all the mentions of God in the book of Ruth. What does the book tell us about God? In what contexts is God most often mentioned? What can you learn from this? • Study the life of , one of Boaz’s ancestors. Was she his mother, or does the genealogy only record some of the names in Boaz’s genealogy? How did she come to faith in the God of Israel? • Study the topic of barrenness and fruitfulness in . (Use the dictionaries on Blue Letter Bible.) Study the different women who were barren, and God’s actions on their behalf. Note the character and lives of the children who were born of mothers who had been barren. Were they special in any way? • Study the history of Moab and its relationship to the nation of Israel. How would this possibly affect the attitude of Bethlehemites when Ruth returned with Naomi? • Study Deuteronomy 28 and its description of the cursings for disobedience and blessings for obedience. How does this relate to the story of Ruth? How does it relate to the history of Israel? • Study the occurrence of famines in the Bible. List specific instances, how they affected the nations, the effects on people’s lives, and God’s role in the ending of famines. • Study the life of Nahshon, Boaz’s grandfather. What kind of heritage did he leave for Boaz? • Study in more detail the word checed, Strong’s No. H2617. Read and organize your notes on the verses that include this word. • Study in more detail Naomi’s words in :13, 20, and 21. Study words, read commentaries, etc. • Study the word chayil, Strong’s No. H2428, more thoroughly. In what ways is the word used? How do these uses relate to each other? • Study the image of taking refuge under God’s wings as it appears in Scripture. • Find out which Psalms are laments, and study them. How do they compare to Naomi’s words of lament in Ruth 1? • Study the word redeem. • Use the cross-reference tool on Blue Letter Bible to learn more about the image of spreading one’s skirt over someone, as is mentioned in Ruth • Study the roles of Rachel, Leah, and Tamar in the history of Israel, as mentioned in the last verses of Ruth. • Complete the Proverbs 31 study on Mama’s Refill. Notice how closely the description of this ideal woman describes the character of Ruth. Does this help you think differently about the Proverbs 31 woman?

Recommended Commentaries and Books

• The Book of Ruth, The new International Commentary on the Old Testament, Robert Hubbard, Jr. • From Famine to Fullness, The Gospel According to Ruth, Dean R. Ulrich • Esther and Ruth, Reformed Expository Commentary, Iain M. Duguid • The Gospel of Ruth, Carolyn Custis James • A Sweet and Bitter Providence, John Piper