Forecast " AEC-r 0 Inspect Generally falr.nd turnl", cold­ er teclay and ""'Itht wlttl hi",. In ..... narth .. _ ...... I Accelerator Sites 'al, _ celli W..... y. o won Serving the State University of lowa and the People of lOUXJ City N I C. AIIoc:Ieted Pre. I--s WinIpIIote Icnra CIty. Iowa-Tuesday. Ncmmber 16, 191$ ea r owa II)t Two propoled Iowa alte. for the Atomle Enero CommlIaIon'. (AEC) _ miIIioa lIIIclear puticle K<:eIIntor wiD be Iupeeted Dear low. City Friday by a four-member AEC team. Loeationa near North Uberty. between Iowa City aDd Cedar Eastern Blackout Rapids, aDd Dear SuDbury, between Iowa City aDd Davenport, are 'Hlegh Court Holds pl'Op08ed for the 200 billion elect.ron volt ac:celerator, the eoatlieIt Iin&Ie reteareh Indallation ever built. Blamed On Break '. ' camplll •. r' • Tbe Il'OUP will be on the for the one-day inlpedion, The team wl1l iDIpect the alt. and atta a tedmlc:aJ briefInI _ alon to ~ the ,.lolY, water aDd power RJpply. edueatloaal e 1}'Item, labor IUpply, traDIportatlon, bouRng, raearclI develo~ In Canadian Relay D ·I; e ment and c:ultural oHerlDp of the aru. d ' R . t t The team is one of eight curreDtly 85 lite. In 43 ltatea. PinaJ IeIectIon 11 expected to be made by the AEC and the Federal Government In early 19M. ;:,i£~~;:~~~~~~~ R..e eg IS r a. Ion The Iowa ease will be praented by repre.ltaUvea of announced Monday. the Iowa Geolopc:aJ SUrvey, ehamber of eOII'Uneree from Iowa City. u.s. and CanadIan offidala ly unlikely beeauae we have IIAI" Davenport, Cedar Rapids, IDdllllrial ftrma from thole dties, the reported their finding. after a rowed \t down to a pIece of UlIlverlity, and low. st.te Univeralty. James A. Van Allen, bud week 0( intensive Inquiry Into faulty equipment." of the Univerlity Pb)'liea and AItnIaomy Department, wfll moderate the cha\n.reacUon blackout, but The Canadian and American the briefing teUion. said they sUll don't know the ori· e~rts drew this outline of what The AEC factllty will require an annual operating budget of lin of the surge of power that occurred: $eO million and a pennaneal operatiJlC .wI of 2,000 persona with tripped out the automatic relay. The Beck Plant waa produc· Unconstitu tional 1,000 more world~ on • vialtation bali• . Nor do they yet have rec:orn· ing 1.2 million ltiIowatta and tall· 'lbe commIaIIoo wanta a .....tively flat. acre lite that will mendationa to prevent future Ing 400,000 ltiIowatta from the uoo 200.000 kllowatta of power available, and a 2,000 massive power lou. United States under the Irid have minimum of GOVERNMENT and industry system in which power systeml gaI)ona of hitb quality water per minute. experts are still digging to find are linked together to Jive each The Iowa bid ItreaIeI the .vallability of flat, weU clral.ned land, Red Leader Sees research factlltlea at the UlIlverlity, .vallability of labor, and ICJOd out wby so many of the Inter· other a helping hand. The 1.1 linked U.S. systems collapsed million kilowatts wa, being fed tranaporlation fadUties. like a row of dominoes and northward to Canadian IIHI'I Gov, Harold E, Hugbea, U,S, 1IID8t0n Bourke B. Hlckeniooper brought near·paralysls to much over five lines. and Jack Mlller, and Rep. Joim R. SchmIdhaIller aDd Jobn C. CUl. of the nation'. most populou. THE RELAY knoc:ked out waa 'I ncreased Activity' ver have been invited to a luncheon for the viliton. area I! weU as part of Canada. on OIIe of the five lines feeding The broken relay WI! pin. Beck's customers. The relay 11 WASHINGTON (AP) - The upreme Court held un· pointed by Ross Strike, cbair· a device to mea.ure load on a constitutional Monday a requirement for members of the m.n of the Ontario Hydroelectrie line and aet a 11mlt beyond whIch Commission which operates a a clrcult·breaker will lDap open Communist party to register with tbe federal government Councils Postpone system on the Niagara Rlver. He and cut off the power. Forced recistraUona under the * * * said it was in bts ayll.em'a Sir The power surged over Into the Subversive AcUvlUes Control Act Adam Beck plant No. 2 at other four circuits and knoeked of 1950 is inCOllSistent with the Queenalon, a village In IOUthern them out. This poured power into Filth A men d men t guarantee ODtario four miles west of Ni· upstate New York ')'Items. 'MIe against possible aelf·lncrimlna· Annexation Fight lIara Falla. surge turned south because It tlon, Justice William J. Brennan STRIKE announeed the fmd· had no other place to go. Jr. laid for a unanimous court. By JUDY BRUHN inp In Toronto at almost the Strike said the rapid inc:reaae 'I1Ie declllon 11 believed to City ...... same time Chairman Joseph C. in frequency trIpped aafety eaat aerlOUl doubt on the gov. The Iowa City and Coralville councils Monday night Swldler of the Federal Power equipment but all· of It dlcIn't ernment'. uae of the law in the CommIulon W88 lsauing a report work. future to move against party reacbed a "gentlemen's agreement- tbat neither body would saying the faOure "seems to have TRANSMISSION lines and gell­ memben. take further fonnal action in their annexation dispute until occurred" at the Beck plant. He erating plant. were tripped out III NATIONAL COMMUNIST lead· after the new council members are installed in January. said the FPC will work with On· one system after another, reach· er Gus Hall welcomed the decl· Iowa City representativOl, however, left the meeting tarIo oftlelals to "confirm these Ing Into New EnglaDd and IOU' slon as opening the way for in· conclusions." them New York, throwing a creased Communist activity. He without taking the roll call vote Coralville Mayor Clarence At a newa COIIference In Tor· manUe of clartnesa over New said In New York, "wherever It's Wilson requested and without agreeing that a joint Iowa onto following Strike's announce- York CIty. possible, we're going to run Com· City·Coralville eouncil meeting in me!lt, reporters wed about the Swldler', report on the flndln. munlsts for public office, Thil poalbillty of aabolag.. Dennis W88 _t to the White H_. January would precede an,. an· about the dlapute or agree to a II 80methlng we've a I way. nexation action. joint council meeting until he had Dack, public relations officer for Secretary of Defenae Robert S. wanted to do and couldn't," the Hydroelectric CornmiIaion, McNamara and Buford EIllngton The agreement came at an in· talked with the other Iowa City replied : director of the OffIce of Erner· Justice Department officlals formal dinner meeting of city of· c:ounc:ilmen. "ANY SAIOTAGI _rna higb· gency Planning. noted, however, that the ruling ficlals of the two communities at The annexation area in di4pute II restricted to the registration the Univeralty Athl~ Club. The involves about 8.5 square mUes of individual party members and meeting was called by Coralville of territory west and northwest said they will continue to prose· to discuss mutual problems. of Coralville aDd Inc:ludin,- Oak· cute for failure to regis· Richard W. Butger, Iowa City dale and the Johnson County Wilson Given Special Power ter under the 1950 law. mayor, told the meeting that be home. Iowa CIty will hold a pub­ would like to see the clty eouncil lic Ilearing on the proposed .In· 1lalI said Monday's ruline is NATIONAL C;OMMUNIST LlAD· • "t Now agalnst the longest I• withhold action on the linnexlltlon nexation at the council meeting THIS CLOSIUP OP BRITAIN'S PrftIe ... Mal'1laret wa. mMe E R Gue Hall wolcomo. tIM 5,,· until the new council members at 7:30 tonight in the Civic C!n· To Suppress Rhodesia Rev~lt pi vendetta In American histo· p, CClUrt decillon Mend.y M.nay IIItht at a receptIen .Iyen Ity the NatI_1 p,.... c'" were aeated and until lI'Ie current ter. ry." nullify"" tM law ....,11-1/11 Corn· 'II!! tilt W_'. ~I p,.... CI_ In W...... , D.c., annexatilon dIfferences now in the One day after Iowa City's an· PAGE 1 - WILSON GIVEN-2-30-2 con ...... K ... . THE GOVERNMENT hI! been m"nl.t party members to reg I.· where .... wa. the ...... - AP Wi ...... courts were settled. nexaUon plan, the Coralville LONDON (AP) - Both houses of Parliament approved trying to force registration of fer with tIM Feder.1 Govomment. He said that time was needed council moved to annex pa;:t of early Tuesday the British government's emergency bill EM the party and Its memben since At a p..... conference In N.w to brief new councilmen Robert the lame territory. CorAlville the 19150 law W88 passed. Yortc 110 .ald tho elecl.lon ,Iv•• sweeping power to put down the rebelliouS white govern­ H. Lind Sr. and Loren L. Hicker· held Ita public hearine ~n the A... reault of the decision, Hall the .-IJtht .. Inc ...... "",. son about the annexation prob· annexation Oct. 26. ~t delayed in Rhodesia. aald the part;y will: munllt activity. - AP WIrephoto lem. further actloll .t the.i!quest of The bill gives Prime Milllster of "rectitude and honor." But be -Publl!h a bl!lc political pro­ NO OBJECTION to Burger's the Iowa Cit, council.' Harold Wilson power to rule by bowed to the ba.k: principle of gram or manilesto within two view was made by any member The two communities cur • .t· decree In Rhodesian issues. IIIlIICtions. He took the unusual weeks. Ike's Condition of the Iowa City council present. I: have in the courts an aneleat Seen "But most of the demonstrators don't have sider his moat artistically exciting and contro­ Weak Era" by Miss Joyce OI50n and Some time in the future, Iowa's governing fathers will beards. and it doesn 't look like they've had too vllrslal performancel. lawyers not hired torlll! enLltled "Wnauayun 'i'alK" by be faced with the necessity of taking a realistic look at some much to drink ," we told the student. Murphy. 'l'hese arucles appeared on OLIVIER WALKS OFf wltb "Bunny Lake." Te the 'dlter: of the unrealistic laws now on the books regarding liquor, "Don't let appearances trick you," Bonanza He is a ham - but what a magnificent one I In Both the headline and the text 01 the news and 'tbursday respecuvelY 01 la'L weex'. youth, and the blue law approach in general. When that said. "You don 't want to be duped. do you? the entire film, he never rai_ hi. voice. He re­ story on Plge 1 of the Oct. 29 Daily Iowan lowan. time comes, we could ask no more than that the state's poli­ You just can't trust these beatniks. They may mains quiet and seems to be trying to blend lbout Stephen Smith, Iccused drift card burn· MIss Olson'. article, as publiahed. try to hide it, but they 're beatniks just the ticians and citizens view things with the cool headed ap­ into the scenery. but the more he tries, the more er, are inaccurate on one point. Both the bead· llUNed LIlli mam polO. of Mr. NeelY ', aame .'1 consplcuoully wonderful he la, until be over· proach taken by the Regents. - Jon Von line and the Dews story stated that an attorne, Young Kel'uO!lcan 8 meeLll1g OJ NOV. ~ . Casper Jeokers. piefessor of sociological haQ­ powers the cast, the story, the direction - and for Stmth had been "blred" by the Iowa Civil facmg bis remarks. Mr. NeelY made it penings, viewed the scene with more tolerance. lavea the film. Olivier's understatement-brand Liberties Union to defend him . The word "bire" Ly clear thaL lus talk would concern his if "It's okay these people want to demonstrate, of acting is almost intolerably forceful , and how implies accepting a job for pay. tlOn of the 11104 iOWA Uut' Ul!.r .l!.A'1 UNJ. but they should remember that in a lot of for· we love itl The Iowa Civil Liberties Union has not hired In Lallling with MISS Olson by University Bulletin Board eign countries they wouldn't be alJowed to just As (or the picture, it wal directed by Otto an Ittorney to defend Smith. Lawrence Speiser. llaLed t.II8L her arUCle had been CUt Vnverllty 'uUllln .01 .... not.... "",It be rec,lvld It Til, Dilly IIwln come out in favor of war like that. Even though Preminger, whose pictorial sense is as good as offlc•• lloom .1 Co",,,,unlcilion. Conta" ItY n_ of 'M _'I' Mfo'l we may not agree with everything tbey stand WllIhington director of the AmeriCaD Civil Llber· Ina puoUaI!ed. ThiS was quite uruOrLl.IIII\ I!Ublicollon. Th,y ",u., be Iypod Ind .I,nod by In Idvl.. , 0' Office, of it ever was, and whose ear (or dialogue Ind ties Union did not ask the ICLU to do so. caU8e the most ImporLaOl points such tl1. o'llnlullon beln, ,IIblk',". I'urely _III functlont Ire not ,111111141 for, we still allow them to express themselves ability to get portrayals from his actors is Jt.IP. for thl. lIeflon. caLion, road constl'ucuon, liquor contro~ fr~ly. That's what is so great about America. lousy. THI ACLU AND the ICLU exist only for the CHRfSTIAN ICIINCI Or,lnlution, hldey Ind SatIlI'dIY: • Roger Bolsby, dean of demonstrations at the purpose of upholding and defending the Con· porLlonmenL, elC., were comple~1y meet •••ch WedneldlY at S p.m. In a.m. to U ,.IlL Suad.,. But unfortunately worse than being unable to sLead, Issues 01 lesser unpor,ance such Dan/orth Chapel. All ore welcome Ileerea"on Arol - I • •m. ~o 11 University. Issued a formal statement regard· elicit good acting from the majority of his cast, ltitutlonal rights apelled out In the United States to attend. p.lII. Mondl,·TbundIY; a LIIl.·MI .. and World War l1lua,ory were lIIven lull nI,ht. J'rtdl,Y Ind saUl....." I ,.IlL ing the pro-war agitators. Preminller's latest film suffers a more grievous Con.titution its Amendments. And both or­ ALL STUDINTS enrolled uDder to 1'- p.m. S\III4IY. "The University does not endorse or condemn ,antUitions ect only when requested ' to do so. MISS MURPHY CLEARLY did not C_,,1e - ~w RI'Nt' R_ Clfl' fault: it telegraphs its punches. Since no one Is PL834 must II,n • form to ",ver . any demonstrations on this campus. Anyone When a requeJt la made and either or,anizl· their attendlnce Irom Sept. ~ to terla ClP!n 1 _" I _k, 7 ..... to supposed to be admiUed during the last 30 min­ NeeiY 's talk. Sbe COUld have written Oct. 31, 1965. Thl. form wli be avaJJ· 7 p ..... bluler me.1 bOil": 7 l.m.· breakine any laws , however, will be atrlcUy tlon feels a constitutional question is involved, able In B·l, University HaJJ on or 1:30 '.111., ....ldllt; 11:110 1.111.-1 p.m. utes of the film, the as.umptlon II that there toriallrom Miss Olson's arucle. Her Ifter Nov. 1. Lunchlon: 5-1 p.m., DIAaer. ~01 dealt with by officials." a co-operating Ittorney Is asked . to take the coif.. lAd Is a surprise or ahock endine of some IOrt that is even IUrther from Mr. Neely's topic bC.lkl, ....ckI ooort case. When one agrees to act, he aerves witbout MAIN LIIIIAIlY HOUIII, lion day. orderl .",. tlllle. We asked Bolsby if the statement referred has to be .built up during the preceding hour to previous article. Miss Mul'poy J'rtdey 7:30 l .m;·2 &.In./ S.turdlY ..Id " ..,"" - 1 I.III~ to 10:411 to the law just passed by COngress which Is di· fee. He, of course, fa reimbursed for any ex· - 7:30 •.III .. mJdnl,bt; SUDc1&7 - 1:30 p.m. lloacIIY·Tbul'ld.l1: 'f ...... to be appreciated. N~ly ' . talk as adding to the confUSIon p.m .. 21.1II. 11:40 ~.m .. rrtdIY; ':110 1.111. to 11:411 rected at draft card counterfeiters. penaea, but let It be repeated. he serves volun­ p.III., p..... This Is not the case. The riddle of "BUnny ing the GOP deleat on the NATIONAL Dlste HOUri SItu.....,; 1 to 10:411 ,.III. "Well, we 're against any laws being broken, tarily, and he servel without teceivinl any fee. lIondey·Thunday - 8 l.m.·l0 p.m.; 8uool1. Lake" can be solved before .. first tblrd of 1'bia i. not the cue aa pomted out I'rl~ay.gaturday - B a.m.-5 p.m ..i but this particular statement is more concerned (Re •• Mled Book Room - 7 p .III.-1u ,,,.... TI COONIlATlVI Uil" the picture is over. I/ld the audience mutt spend IMITH DID ASK the ICLU for legal help and It wouid appear that Miss Murphy I. p.m.): Sunday - 2 p.m. .a p.III.: Ia. with demonstrators who leave their sillDS on the .ITTIN. LU.UI. on.- ...... the rest of the fllm Idmiring Sir Laurence and the lCLU, beIleviq a ConItitutlona1 queation wa. who is conJUIied. Mr. Goldwater'. name ..rved Book Room - • ' .....·10 p.m.) hi _...,.1, cau ...... Pial "­ ground and hand out literature which is 100II blUMr .t J38.e070. lIember. dem. involVed. Ippolntin, Craig Sawyer of the Drake IUUCATION -:-iiIYCHOLOGY tJb­ waiting for the unraveling. which, presumably. mentioned in palling during Mr. Ing .lt~.r. c.U Mn. Ronald Butters, thrown away. Littering IS becominll a serioua UnI¥er8lty IIW faculty as ~sel for him. rlry HOUri - Monday·Thul'ld.)' • JaS.21o.. problem around here," Bolaby said. win supply the motivation - IOmetbing obacure Yet Mill Murphy made it tbe point of • •m.-10 p.m .• Frldly.slturda,y 8 • .m.' There Ire 500 attorney. acrou the United S p.m.. Sund.y 2 p ...·l. ,.IL YWCA U'UI"'''. .IIlVICI. ANOTH!R SPECTATOR saw stili more dan· I/ld unexpected, natch . torial by mentioning his name nUlneJ~ Call YWCA of"", 113·... Iftu. IUNNY LAKE, by the way la a four·year-old Slatea who have promiled to act without fee times I believe ) times. _ far ... ..,.,Itbil ."'.... gers in the demonstrations. THE SWIMMING ~OOL In Ibe WOo in one or more c:- a year In defense of. civil men'. Gymnallum will be OpeD for "This is all very dangerous, you know." WiI· girl, and as the title Indicates, she la milaing. To set the record Ilralllit, Mr .• recr•• Uonal Iwlnlml ... Monday Ibtu It. CHIt.'rMNG SESSION In liberties. It Is an injuatice to them, inelUdlng lIam Tell, NX, Alpland , said. "The whole thing But the question lOOn ari_: doe. BUMY Lake marlts concerned bla explanation 01 Friday. 4:15 to 5:15. Thll b open to French b beld every Wedn."'ay Prof. Sawyer who it actinll without fee in the women .rnd,nla. It.ff. fMUlty UI4 .t 4:10 , ... and ~very Thursday It la organized by outside agitators. See thOle 1IIY1 exist at IU, or i. she the figment of ber GO!' was defeated in Iowa during the faculty wive •• 7 p.lII. In Ibe canuval Room at Stephen Smith cue, to lay that they have been IIUfl1 BIU. wearing those funny red hats? They're all 1m· . mother', imagination? The answers come mucb tions. He made no attempt to assess the MIMOIlIAL UNION OI'IUTINI too lOOn. hired. '!'bey have not. HOUIIS: THI IMTliViiiiTV Cbrbtt.n ported to come in here and stir up trouble. These on a national basis. Gon.'11 'ulldln, - • '.m. to 11 ,.UOWIlllp, an Inttrdinomlllltiullal kids are being led down the primrose path." Carol Lynley was the mother, Kelr Dullea O¥e' Quilt p.m.. Sunday·Thur"'I:\,; e a.m. to lrouP 01 lIudent.. _tl ,nry m· Gene C. Wunder Nldnl.hl. II'rld., Ind S.turday. day at , p.m. In th~ Union Ind~ We asked one of the demonstrators welrin, I (David in "David and LI .... ) was her protec­ IJClCutfve hemery Intor"'llion D•• k - 7 .... to 11 aao Room. All lllterwt.d pe..-. tlve brother. Noel Coward was terribly funny lewl Civil Lilllrtle. Unlen 215 .... Prenttu p.m., Mond.,..Thuuday: , a.m. til IN weIc_. funny red hat if be was an outside agitator. "Sure frien'," he said, peering at us through as a lecheroua. drunken. Jlightly muoclIIstlc l'OH colored eye balla. "Step aroun' thiah c0m­ IaJIdlord and playwrigbt. MartIta Hunt comes OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN er to the bar and lesh discuss that. I'm gettln, off well IS a retlm! nursery school director and 'Th~1)ally Iowan tired of thiJb parade anyhow - everyone keeps Richard Wattla is behind the counter of I travel walking around in circles. At thlsh rate. we'n 1Il!ftCY, but of course. 1M Dally 1_ II ~ .wi .... by ~ and II c--' never get to Pasadena." HH Hitchcock been handUng it, "BUMY Lake University Calendar by /J boord ", IhUfenf CnIIfHI .z.ct.d "ud.m GlNi tw- by 1M body "Palfldena?" II Mllll~" might hive come oU II ..mer four trtuIe& appointed by the ",.,.,. of tit. U~. TIt. Dally "Sure, ian't this a Roee Bowl pep rally?" stufl. Uncler Preminaer, it remainl • moderlte Iowon', edltoritll polJcy II noI on I%ptudon of U ", I ~ "No, this is a Viet Nam rally," thriller, maGe fuclnaUnIl by the pl'el8llCe of TIItIII.y. Ntv. " • p.m. "A Nlpt on Venue" - Thu ...." •• policy or opinion, '" ~ purtfCUIot. "You don' laY. What conference are they in?" the &reatest actor - Ind IUbtlest bIm of our 'I p.m. - Db Century FUm. Studio Tbeltre. University Hoilclay_ ''The Walk" - Union. ~y,Ntv.2t •closed, "Never mind." time, Laurence OUvier. MIMI.. Pull, ....., ...... ,..,anl .... " 7:11 p.m. - TV Center Film 10 a.m. - Saturday Lecture SaturdlY, Ntv. AUDIT IUIlIAU Ntef ...... * Va" SarleJ: JOIflph Wolpe, M.D., '-MlIM I.,*, .... Dall.. Mil'''''' 1erItt, "CltiJeII Kane" - Sbam­ No Daily Iowan. 0' City M'ter ...... , .. '1liiy Iry"" bI~ Aucl. prof_ of Plycbiltry, Tempie CIIlCULATIOlla •• ...... Id"" ...... W~."" • p.m. - Lecture by Erof . Medical Center, "A SUrvey of ="~-'::r ':::::::::. ':m:. T'=~ Who are you? Eulelle Weinltlln, VuderbUt Behavioral Therlpy - Psyc. .... lporta lillto, ...... , ..,"' ....- _.. -a u. 8~"--'--- -~___... ~.~ Asat. Newt Idl.. , 'l..:.~_~1111_Ie P_ UIII', "Identltlee IIId tn· HOIpItal ~. r: ., eo_unle. OU Cellt4lr. AlIt. City llIItor lilian", AntIo,.... terplflOllll Control" - Old 1:10 p.m. - Football: North • 1111''' _. ..,141 ...llonllocll Iy TOM ".NSCH ....) , a Xerox copy of Dodpoft'. flnl manito ~da1. UlI'i'!:.1 b!~-!'~tora AIIt.:= I ...... "..... CIoyN Stiff Writer ICripi. Capitol llealte Chamber. CarollDa state. .. _Hl_ IDII~ 11M Alit. flII\II' .. PI", ....., Thole wbo read "Alice in Wonderland" ex· W....." ..... 17 4, 7, • p.m. - Union BOard Glftee at low. CIty UDder 11M Act of AtlWrtIIIM DfI'llCto, it., Du-.o 'nIII book, U anythllll, la man intmltln' Movie: "Barlbba." - Union. eoaaro- 01 IIarcb I, II7t. Adve,.l11", Menettr . . peeling a nice tale of a liUle &irl wbo falla down • p.m. - Unlver,lty 81m· c ...... "..,...... " AN'"I la • than the final vll'llon. The Wbite Rlbbit, Tbe pbOI!' Orebellra CoIIcert, WU· I r.bbit hole lOOn find they've opened I bolt, • p.m. - Operl Workshop ...... ,...... Ib eantor .. "11'1. AllY. MI'. ... ~ rtvo Modi Turtle, and Father WllUam are b)cluded, u.m DoppmIDll, plano - UIIo PerformlllCt - Mecbride Aud. Iowa CI\.f, II. per JIll III ad'&IIIM; Clrculallon Ma,. .. .." ~II only to find lnother box, and inalde It IIIOther Ib monilia, " .10: til.... _ou...... but the Mid HItter, the DormouN IIId the Ion. • p.m. - "A Nlpl 01\ Veous" All mall ...... "b .. ,;:1" nI ., ...... bolt, and in It a I1T\8lJer box. each more m)'lterl· Cbeablre Cit who fades leavinl "only a .mil" • p.m. - "A N\cbt on Ven .... - Studio Theatre. per,..... ,,....., .. _ ltudio Tbutre. 81& _ua ....;lIiN'e .oaUll, Carol ~~.,,': Iq OUI thIJI the lall. appear oaly in the later V.... ODI of the book. ...." Nev. 21 ••• mt .... 0: De All "Allee in Wonderland" II not a children'. "..,.." Nt¥. II 2:10 p.m. - lowl Moun· IlIIteId of the f.moua IItCIIIq by SIr Jolul Dlel =.. 1" from _ to mldllllht I; alr>~OI.ift"'bll ~ book. It'. II paycholOlicikl IS Freud. II confUl­ T.· I p.m. - UIIlVIrait, Lecture taineera T r a vela aue: "In· to ~ ~IL\'" UI4 ~ omu. :: ~~ ~aM nlel, there Ire quaint, crude drawtDp by Doell­ .....: Hanry Steele Com· eredlble California," Donald IIMnta to TIle DIII1 ~IA . EdIlorlAl Dramatic .uta: J&a a_Mr, Ina II Joyee and a. current as texlay's newa. em_ .,. ID 11M ~ ••~ li0ii001 II "...... , M De.... lt II full double puJII .. bimletf. ma ... - UIIlOll . ShIW - )fecbrld. Aud. Coot.r. Depan-al II P . of Iy1ftbolilll1. meaDlnP. and philosophy. And here, Allee'. idvtllture with the Buddba­ I p.m. - "A Nlpt 011 VIII· 4, 7, • p.m. - Union Movie, III" - 8tudIo Tbeltte "I•• bba." - Union. AtIYtII.... &dItortall Now, almoIt 100 years aller a sby inwll'd like citerplllar 011 the 11IIIIbrooIn: "Who 11'1 IIIdura: AchertlllDI, Prot."'pO I." = a , ....y, Nt¥. It MendlY. Ntv. 22 ltottinaD: ClI'eulIttIIiL Prot. WU Oxford mlthemlUclan named Charl.. Lutdidle )'Ou1"; "I hardly know llir - just at present - Pettnoa. 8 p.D!. - Hwnanlti. Society Trip to 0.. MaiD .. for jour. DodIIOIl (Lew\a Carrol\l wrole AlIce in Woodel' at IIut I Imow ...., I wu wilen I lOt up tbII Lecture: Prof. Josepb SUm· nallam majorl. lind." a mOlt interestin, book baa beeII pub­ momIlII, but I think I IIIUIt bave dIantId IIV­ IMra, W.... in&ton Unlveraity on W.... ay. Nev. 24 Uahed. Ill. "AIIC!e', Adventures Under Ground" eral tim. alnce that," 80UIId remarkably cur­ the poetry of Andrew Mlrftll . , 11:20 p.m. - 'l'banbgiving

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Woodburn Sound Service For ~tIiiIft* It Eqaltable, _ yora ~ 0IIIcer. or ER S & SHIRT LAUNDRY wdte to Scouw. MIIIJIC""Ir ~ DIviIIon. 21. E. COLLEGE aero .. from Col .... St. The [qunUU life Alluf'lnCe SocIety of the Unhed States 2t",I'~I · r,iu:~ 1851 P arid.... Lot a-a... lIN .... 01 .. .-..... New Yodt. H.l: 1001' 0 ...... 1_ 121 Iowa Avenue .~0JapD ....., ,..,.,. Iowa City. Iowa -&Item Iowa', T4p6 RBcordef' HtNMlqllllrleri" p ... 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-low. City. ' •.,...... Tuol •• Sept. 16. ,'" Basketball Ticket Schedule Listed NC ·State Next Iowa FOE Tickets will be picked up at both the Fieldhouse Ticket oUice and the Union. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pm HOME PICKUP 1TO In La~t 4 Games Podolak Stars I IBuckeyes GAME DATES Intramural "Action Thurs .• Dec. 2 - sludent pickup - Mon. " Tues. Nov. 22 " 23 Allowed By Wolfpack In Freshman By RON ILIIS 38-0 Defeat Mon .• Dec. 6 - student pickup - MOn . " Tues. Nov. 29 " 30 It.H Wrftor Iy STIEU IETTERTON The two top teams in both the Hillcrest and Quadrangle Wed., Dec. 8 - student pickup - Wed . '" Thurs. Dec. 1 " 2 Grid Game St.H WrIt,r touch football leagues will meet today at 4:15 to decide their On Hawkeye Wed., Dec. 15 - student pickup - Wed. " Thurs. Dec. 8 " 9 Ed Podolu, a quarterback from respective 1965 touch football champions. I n early Se ptember Iowa prepared for a season which Allanlic, led his team to a '17-7 COLUMBUS. Ohio (~ Sat., Dec. 18 - student pickup - Mon. &: Tues. Dec. 13 " 14 In / the Hillcrest league, pre-playoff favorite Steindler contained hopes for a successfu1 campaign. win Monday afternoon as Iowa's - Ohio State Coach Woo freshman football team closed will meet Calvin in a batt1e of the unbeatens on field two. Mon .• Jan. 10 - student pickup - Wed. 8< Thurs. Ja.n. 5 " Hayes aptly summed it 6 At the same time, North Carolina State was preparing its season with an Intra· squad Steindler, 5-G, reached the!inala ------­ u, Sat., Jan. 22 - student pickup - Mon. & Tues. Jan. 17 &: 18 for a rebuilding year, a tenn which means "We wouldn't be game. by aqueezing put Bordw,ll 40-37 feated team, 25-7. "Everything went rightl in the quarterfinal round and nip. us and wrong for you." Mon., Jan. 24 _ student pickup _ Wed. &: Thurs. Jan. 19 " 20 surprised if we lose as many as we win." Podolak passed for two touch­ A FIERCE rivalry Is set for the downs and ran for another aa ping Hlilbee 22-18 in the aerni­ Salurday the two teams meet ------­ finals. During the reaulAr __, Social Fraternity league today Hayes made the Tues .• Feb. 15 - sludent pickup - Wed. & Thurs. Feb. 9 &: 10 lhe white tearn bested the blacu in th e final game of the 1965 shown against Florida State. The in a game played in the Iowa they won three ellY victories, aIJo II Phi Epsilon PI, 4-0, meets Iowa Coach Jerry Burru Siarna Nu, 4-0, in a aemilinal Mon., Feb. 21 - student pickup - Wed. " Thurs. Feb. 16 " 17 campaign. Jowa has lost seven Wollpack a I e r t I y grabbed a stadium. outIcorilll their opponenll 107·7, ter the Buckeyes had and now In all five game. com· game in thal league, on field whelmed Hawb Sat., Feb. 26 - student pickup - Mon . " Tues. Feb. 21 & 22 games in a rOw, while North Florida fumble on a punt situa­ The TD passes thrown by bined have • 169-82 margin over eight. the Podolak were caught by Larry here Saturday. Mon., March 7 - student pickup - Wed " Thurs. March 2 &: 3 Carolina State will be coming tion, moved the ball in close opponenll. Not only are both teams un­ into Iowa City on the strenith enough for a field goal .. and then Link and John Hayes. A fourth The loss - their white team touchdown was scored Calvin, &-0, has not had an defeated, but they also met in of a four game win streak. let tbe three pointer stand as the on a punt return by Al Breahm. easy time of it, ' especially In the the finals of laft year'. cham· straight in the Big pionship game with Phi Epsilon playoff.. Their two playoff vic­ shackled the Hawkeyes to EGGLESTONE OIL CO. Iowa coacb Whitey Piro scout- margin of victory. Denny Noe, the black team tories thus far have beea by de­ Pi coming out on top 7JI-7. Phi - ed the Wol fpack lasl weekend Running out oC a wing-I, the quarterback, went to the air for fault over O'Connor and by 20-19 Epsilon Pi has a winning streak conference cellar and REG. and watched them sneak by Wolfpack kept to their straight hi s team's only score. The re­ over Bush. During the regular of 11 straight games extending them their fir~ t ali-lOSing ALL ceiver was George. Stamos. through last year. 9 Florida State 3-0, and move tbeir power attack according to Piro, season they polted four decilive gue season sIDce the 25 CIGARETTES record to 5-4. and made no attempt to open Iowa head coach Jerry BUrDI victories. The other semifinal &ame In (FJ) witnessed the game, and aaid he team of 1944 lost six ET ' 'YL P iro credi ts the Atlantic Coast up to get another score. In the Quadranale I e a II u e, thai league today will pit pre­ 29c Conference team wilh a great The man who makes the power was very pleased with both the 4-1, will face Larra­ playoff favorile Sigma Phi Epsi­ NORTH STAR 9 defensive uni t, and the solid type attack go is 210 pound halfback spirit and the performance of bee, 4-1. on field one in a battle lon, ~, against Phi Kappa Pal, CURB SERVICE of club which waits for an op· Shelby Mansfield. Piro calls him this year's freshman team. of tbe giant killen. a 27 3-1. on field aU. lI : Ne;,' THERE'S doubt that ponenl to make a mistake. a great runner and compares Burns also praised the work of PERM. ANTI·FREEZE - 1.19 Gal. Can Both teamS advanCed throui!l Slama Phi Epsilon advanced can improve Ita 1.. IeUOD The a bili ty of their defense is him favorably with any Big Ten freshman coach Gary Flelcher the first round of the playoff' by to lemif\nala Monday nigbt by de· MAJOR BRANDS OIL 10-30 - SSe very well es tablished alter three halfback. and bis assistants. Fletcber ~ in pulling upsets. Beardsl,Y knocked feating Sigma Alpha Epallon 1H, We Honor All Credit Cards straight shutouts. and only one A pair of tough linebackers, his lint year II a member of the 0(( pre-playoff favorite Briggs in while Phi Kappa Pal upaet Delta Hawkeye coaching staff. "Th e Choice of Thrifty People" tou chdown allowed in the four and two big SOphomore tackles Its quarterfinal game ~7, while Upsilon IHS In a game played game win streak. anchor the aggressive Wolfpack Working with the ex-Hawkeye Larrabee upset Chambers &-0. Jaat week. OPEN 7-11 DAILY 11' W. Burn.... " I Cit No rth Carolina Slate's basic, defensive team. Since this defen- center were five other former Both teams had been undefeated. In olher action Monday night, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~w~.~~Y~~~c~on~s~er~v~at~iv~e~stYl e was well sive group matured at midseason Iowa players: Bob LeZotte. Del Beardsly then whipped Lueal 28- Leonard won the Town League team has been able to move Gehrke, Bob Sorensen, Joe De o In the semiflnala and Larrabee touch football championship by the ball against the Wolfpack. Antona, and BiU Niebala. trounced Kirkwood, another unde- defeating Spencer 33-18. ~~~ ~ ~o, what else ' ~::. ~ ord next Saturday in the against Nortb Carolinl ~ IS new? i. ~ ~ Iowa City. AND The Wolfpack, now with season mark, edged Florid. ~ . ~ . ~ 3-0 last weekend for thelr consecutive victory and ~ v ~ ~ straight shuout. MINUTES II was a bad! a~~~;:1 2 • • • around for the Hi Ohio State, Now 5-1 In THA T'S ALL IT TAKES TO ~ Hopsacking ~ squelched a ICOring threat in the iame. is traditional .. AFTER AI Randolph WASH YOUR CAR ~ ~ a fumble on the Iowa drove to the two :1' . ' but Ohio State baited AT ~ ~or~e . :.~. ~ down plunge by Sila. After that, the Hawu ~ mdiVldualist _~ . ~ apart. Burns laid he started CAPITOL CAR WASH! ~~~~ This 11 a sport coat (or . ~t ~~~~ more quarterback Chuck ~ the man with the ~ who played lOost of the because Snoot missed most ~~ strength of an individualist ~~ ~ and the taste of the ~ week'. IIrIIlI alter ",.. :nu" 1I..I fa ther's funeral in NO FUSS - NO MESS tradltlonaU.t. Bremel'l ~ ~ "Under the l!ir/~mI ~~~ haa tailored this ~~ Chuck did a fine job. ALL YOU DO IS DRIVE THROUGH ~ outstanding fabric with ~ Burns. "He .howed that ~ all tbe authentic details ~ top compelltor." ~ of natural shoulder styUnll. ~ Roland hit on nine of 28 STOP TODAYI ~ A wealth of colors and ~ for 117 yards. ABOUT THI most ex thing about Saturday', from Iowa'. standpoint. ~ :.:.: B~;::. ~ sideline ineldent CAPITOL CAR WASH flamboyant Hayes and linebacker Dick Gibbs. The two didn't come u, 6 BLOCKS SOUTH OF OLD CAPITOL but they did exchange ON CAPITOL STREET words after Hayes accused ~ BREMERS of slugging one of his ~_~ 120 E. WasbiDiton Gibbs said he thoullht a normal lIdeline claimed that Hayes .hoved·him. AFTER AN early Iowl down attempt Saturday 0(( at the two yard .., Buckeyes took over the dominated play ' for the der of the afternoon. Tbe Hawkeyes never were in the lame. Ohio State'. initial score on a 83-yard touchdown the Buckeyes' 206-pound Tom Barrington midway the first quarter. They scored twice more ' Straight from the second period. first on yard field goal by Bob ' COME LOOK then on a four·yard big fullback, Sander, with only 59 US OVER in the half. IARRINGTON'S three­ touchdown run early in quarter opened the scoring. Halfback Bo Rein the, o e1 (Jpen j(.0iUe into the end ZO~ III the , ~ya« paR play from Some people say they like their beer right from the bottle or can. l.erback Don Unverferth No glass, please. AT IOWA CITY over a minute later. Well, that'. okay for a fishing trip or sometlring .•• when Sander's three-yard TELEPHONE BUILDING a touchdown Dear carrying along a glass is pretty clumsy. But when a glass is con­ ,/ the third period ended venient, we think it's a shame not to use it. Keeping BudweiserllD Tuesday, Wednesday for the day. inside that brown bottle is miMing half the fun. and Thunday See for yourself. Open a bottle of Bud and let it go tumbling November 16, 17 and 18 into a glass. The natural carbonation will kick up a clean, white head of foam. And notice the lively bubbles as they keep streaming 7 to 9 p.m. CHRISTMAS up to the top. They let that famous King-of-Beers aroma get J through to you. ,1_ your diallYltem in operation. Now hold your glass up to the light. See how clear and brilliant 4 .. the telephones of tomorrow, ~l it is? Our exclusive Beechwood Ageing has a lot to do with that. 4_ the interesting display. and d~ We go to a lot of trouble to brew a beer that performs like this. onstrations. So you can't really blame us for wanting you to get it at its ~ the telephODe mea and women beat, can you? EVERYBODY WELCOME M..t Just for fun, pour your next four or five bottles of Bud into who Ietft yolL . a glass. If you don't agree that the extra taste, clarity and aroma make a big difference, go back to the bottle. NOITHWESTEIN IELL TILIPHON. COMPANY We won't say another word. it's worth it ... it's Bude ANHEUSER ·IUSCH.INt. • ST.LOUIS. "EWARK • lOS ANGELES. TAMPA. ""d $OOn HOUSTON. HXA$ THI DAILY leMAN-Iowa CIty, 1•. .-T ..... IIeY. ,., ,~... ~ l Jack Lubin SOS Speaker Urges Group New Dean Still Not Found -.:.._mmittee/s Visit Dies, Tribute To Boost Anti-Draft Actions Here friday Demonstrator should step up their activities if they For College Of Engineering O Neg ro Colleges want to convince the U.S. government to step out of Viet The vacancy in the dean'l poIition baa DDt Since fay of this year the College of Enll:ineer· I Jilek Lubin. 54. proprietor of am, Pieter Clark said Saturday night retarded the educational crowth or apia_ of 'Fru·. u Lubin', Reull Drug Store and Clark spoke on "What To Do ------in, bas been operating \\i tholl1 a permanent the enalneering college, Boyd laid. Terme d tf I Lubin'. AmIeX, died Sunday in a Aboul the Draft . . , U You. , dean. Tutu. Okla. boIpitaJ. where he Have a Conscience" in the Union period after Clark. ,peecb. Steye Arthur Melloh. former dean of the College of "We're not." Boyd IIIld. "lettlnl grass ITOw By BOB BUCK bad been a heart patient for one Lucas-Dodge Room. His speech Smltb. A2. MariOil. who burned En£ineering, was di&rnissed from hiI position under our feet during tbi.I interim period." week. WIIS sponsored by tbe Students wbat be aaJd wu hia draft card Jut May In a Iclter banded him by Pres. Howard Staff Writer Mr. Lubin, of 3Z1 Magowan (or a Democratic Society (SDSl He empbuIzed that It wu extremely tmport;.. A four-day exploratory trip to two aouthem NettO colle,es was AYe .• bad a heart condition a.ince and tbe Iowa Socialist Leatue. Oct. :10 at the Soapbos Soundoff R. Bowen. fellah resigned as profeslOr of elec· ant for a college to ldenUfy its Ioala. trlcal engineering. delc:ribed Monday as a "fruitful venture" by one of the six faculty lac50. About 125 people attended. in the UDioa. was liked wbat A TEMPORARY EIIiineerinI Faculty C0m­ mernben who went as representatives of Pres. Howard R. Bowen'. A memorial aervice will be be tbouIh w.. tbe moet poU. Willard L. Boyd. dean of faculties, has been mittee was formed lalt 'PriDe to identify tile K boc committee. held at • p.m. Friday at the Clark, wbo is in hi.I early tweD' ticaUy efIect1ve meaJII for a per. acting dean of the College of Engineering since goala of the college and to atablish ita ob;" John Huntley. assistant professor of English. said that the reeent ~~a1A~~ynaandg°buriguea'l WI'I1 ties, was deferred from tbel_~aftt lOll to __ the war JIIIIe I . Ii vee, Boyd said. ' M' d I.e M C De r...- terV":",, in June after be campa au<'<' a . ,..- • C II H II S According to Boyd . a selection committee 11'81 trip to .Rust 0 ege. 0 y prmgs. ISS •• an oyne 0 ge, be held today in Memphis, Te~. the Induction center agalnat the IMITH RIPLIID that be Howard W. McCauley, profeaor 01 dvll MemphIS, Tenn.: gave them a much closer look than they bad be- Lubin', pareota are buried m war in Viet Nam. He 11 a memo IhouCht mucb eould be done formed early last summer to lake applications encl· neering, was aelected as chalnnan 01 the fore 01 the specific problems these two colleges have. MempbiI. ber of SDS in Chicago. workiq throuIb cburcb aDd for the vacant position. Facub Committee. THE PUItPOSII OF THE trip was designed to explore the crl· Lubin', Rexall DMI, Store and "I think that anybody that feels farm IJ'OUPI. He uld he bad NO SELECTION has been made, but I.he Ie­ A manual of faculty procedore ... IIUideIIDn tical areal where these coUeges need help. Huntly said. and to lind Lubin', AnDex wID be closed to- this war ia unjust should staDd been uked by leYeral cburcl! Iectloo has reviewed aeveral applica· ways they can be served under the provisioDi of the recentlY'passed t::,. in C~~~~~' ~ up and uy the war is unjust." IfOUJlI to help cqanlze pro- tiODl and is continuing to interview qualilled for faculty participation In Unlveralty aIfaItt, 8jgber Education Act. years Clark said. lJ'aJIlI. candidates, Boyd aaid Monday. Boyd said. ''The worry they have at Le Moyne." Huntley said. "is that. He ~as a gradUate of the Iowa RI!FI!RRING 10 recent demon- As for his own action, Smith of identity - of whether th.ey·U remain as a liberal arts coUe,e or City High School and received slralions. be said. "We have to "!d. "It ~as a proteat to main­ not." delJ'ees In pharmacy from the be more devoted . We're doing lain. the r~t to protest: but es· Eatablished as a Negro coUeae. one of Le Moyne's moat critical University in 1931 and 1933. damn well as it is . . . We just ~enhally Without the Viet Nam See Oral Dial" RIllS!!!'" needs is housina, specifically the establishment oC a dormitory Mr. Lubin was one of the have to ,lve a Utle more." lillie the protest would bawe t~ese Aut~orl~ ArtCamd JanJlR program for men and women. fOUDden of the congregation of I h' .. C1 k 'd tI been irreievanL" ~ "''''ath Acbim Syna"ocn'e n IS oplDJon. ar. sal. Ie S· h' f ' fed aI ch The college is located in what Huntley described as a "lranli.....-the " --: ' American people in their apnthY mit IS acmg er ar,es ent college town," since the students are all from tbe Memphls ~_~ebermberof ofC the Iowa IClty "are going to follow Utia c:oun. 01 ImowiQgIy deatroylng hiI draft li · f irt' ",.. m ommerce, owa t . to .. It " ttl eard. He it to appear in federal area wh. ere th ere are no vmg ac lIes. City Masonic Lodge and Kaaba ry m war. IS ID pro es . 0 court in Des MOines on Nov. 29. AMIS- HUNTLEY CITED THE overwhelming approval the studenta Shrine, Davenport. the. war that persons are bumlDg h'.. ,.~ give for the exchange that have been held with Iowans on both SUrvivora Include hi.I widOW, thelr ~raft cards and themselves, A petition calling for the im· CARROlL - the fonner Cele Goldberg of Iowa he Bald. peachmenL of President Lyndon C_"", '."iefY cam;SLees·M,"",e. Hllhtley laid, "they were very excited about two City, a lOll, Gary, • Unlvenity HThe~e peopl~, ar~ sarlng Johnlon for policy In the Viet I v... ItUctent: a daugbter. Andrea. at somethmg : .. They re drIven Nam war W81 circulated amone C.DA. 'AU' - students who had been on their campus from Grinnell fol' a semes- tbe Unlvenlty of Michigan Ann to desperallon becall!e tbey real- the audience at Clark's speecb .ellllll..... ,,,,'ry tet." This WIIS an Idea, he said. which was instituted with Pres. Arbor, two IlIten, Mra.' Ben Iy believe this war Is wrong." by Robert FenneD of Sioux City. C.D ...... rID'- Bowen when he was at Grinnell two years ago. Wbltebook. Iowa Cily. and Mrs. said Clark. . About 10 persons algned the petl· r .....,.. ,.wetry "It was a splendid idea that they'd like to see repeated witb Tbeodore Livingston, Penns&Tove. In a question and answer llon. CLINTON - the Univeraity," he added. N.J.; aIIIj a brother, Herman of I",m..... 'ewele ... At Rust College, Holly Sprinas, HunUey aaId be bad the oppor· Memphil, Tenn. COUNCIL ILUII'. - tunity to talk with 18 studenta who visited bere last summer. Most ---- W.".,.., , ...... of them, he said, would like to return to compete on a reaular Erie Shuler C ...TON - basia with Iowa students. "I. ,... Iry "A MOST IMPORTANT part of the student·, summer bere was THE TRIM C.IICO - the opportunity they bad to live In with Iowa families, and all of Dies; Rites Leo', Gift & "-I". .... them would like to repeat it," he said. (bUt nol too 11l1li) DIN lION - Huntley Indicated that the experience oC these studenta on the IC.IIY" '''''ry Iowa campull was apparently an innuencin, factor In tbefr activ!o Wednesday TAPERED DII MO'NII - Ilea this year on the Rust campus. Four of these students have Plumb ' ....,ry become recipients of Woodrow WlllOn felIowlhiPi. and all of them Funeral aeevices will be held DII MO'NI.­ at 2 p.m. Wednesday. for Mr. AUTHENTIC are participating in a tutorial program with Rlllt Colle,. lJ'idllllte ErIe Shuler, 86, of Oxford, an w..... '''''ry ltIidenta. employee of the University (or IVY SLACKS I'O.T DODOI- William A. McMillan, dean of Rlllt College, said, "These ltu· the paat IS yean who died Sun. 0'.. " , ....ry denta are setting a new mode of life and are influencing other .tu· day night at Me~y Hospital fol. J ...... ION - dents on campus and orienting them towards a new life, both lea' lowing a three month Illness. lI_r _.'ry cIemlcally and socially." Mr. Shuler, a native of Bridge· LI MA •• - mann, Mich., was employed most Fry J ..., .... " THEIR. TEACHERS. accor~ing to McMillan, laid they were recently II a maintenance man OUARA.TElD MAlON - alert, bright and highly motivated . . . exerclain, a definite at HaWkeye apartments. He and IIIEVER IIIEEDS IRONIIII. Mo.. 1 J ....." Influence on campus. They're becoming the leaden." his wife Ruth moved to Oxford At Le Moyne. where the students and faculty talk aeademkally June, from Iowa City, where HIW HAM"OH­ J.n.. "', with each other. tbeir prospects are In terms of a ten-year-goal they Uved tor the past 15 years. '''''ry IMILDON _ Huntly said. This situation he added doesn't make it as "perilOUS" MI". Shuler is survived by his h.,..... J.w.'ry • that of Rust " wile, two daullhters. Mrs. Wil· "Rust CoU~ge wants help and tralnln, " Huntley added. "'They Ham Gales, Glidden, Iowa, and 'MINANooAH - . • Mra. J.met Vermace of Oxford; HonlOn MMonl , ...... need new waya of learrung to do thJngs and at the ,ame time to bJa father and a llater Mrs Ma. "" ,Iyl" snown .. ,Ih Ih. " IlltIe thron... c~rm l ngly gIll boxed W ... T'.LOO - keep" their ~wn Jntegrity and to learn methods that will aid their bel Harrlnpn, both 'of B~ldge. SlSO 10 $1200 by Ihe wrltlen ArlCalVo

AllertOll Halellfalidlr PIckI&I iIICIIdII: 3 ••Y. e 2 nllhl. L UJXllRlOU$ TWIll BEDROOM, ...... 'WIne beIuIIhIl lilli lIIelli,.. 1. COORIIET STW ... CHMPMU ..a II tile f-. CoIOIIY Reslaulllt 1. 110 COIITlftOOAL BREAKfASTS . 4. COCKTAILS FOR 110, II " ·21 _* liP TOP TAP • L 'TWO llCKm 10 DON IItNEllL'S BREAltFASr witll a Autolllatic W_ alii Dryer CLUB (Wllek~) \ .w This is Jagua r for men, After·shave and cologne com~ ." 110 IIOUR LAKE 1IIC111GA11 SlGKTSlE. Mew 081-.,t!c -"-....natn. ___ ...... -cIo' att.llll0It CRUISE (April 15 to Dc_ 1)* til .-y kind of ~, _ fabric •••• ltd co.-bl•• f c ....I .. oll ..b. bined. Women like it. Because it doesn't smell like the, 7. Cholet 01· BUS TOOR OF CIIICAIiD, • ...... "- _II to ki"g-sil •. stuff they wear. Men like it. Because it comes on stronger. Ii L CHICAGO I1I6IIT TillE TOUr- I Jut a--* dry« _ ...... , ._1 daY- a Su ... ••OTl/ 7 .. , "CLU"IUI ..... "Y day - 0 perfect day for clryillg. CIGtIIoI ..... tho Stays on longer. Jaguar is lusty. Powerful. Potent. It's OCT. , .,. a",l~ " • SEE ftMt, frwIt -'I of ...... aDII ••• lIIIwbIocI to Q I YOUR powd.,.,.,tf ...... All you do Is dial .... Itl .... bottled ina sta rk, strong, smoky-glass cylinder. It's only .~~~;I:*, ...... f drying you ...... Ewrythi", .... Is done ..,100 "'IWWI1'. ..rically. for the man who gets a bang out of living, a charge SlIAU~T CUI APPLIANCE t~ ._6PrI Mob the .11 .ula a IaIIIIdry way,.., way, .... out of leading-who plays to win, whatever the game. ,.. ...,... MIcWt- A., .... of ..... c.a.., ...... DEAlER , ... ."... , ...... - TWIll ~22'" ...... After-shave/cologne, $3.50, Soap on a rope, $2.50.' ...... Gift soap, box of 3, 53.00. Jaguar fromYardle,.: r ------~ P ... 6-TH. DAILY IOWAN-lewa City, la_or-.."- ,., 1~ Educational TV Pioneered Playful/Peter And The W AHracts 3S Children, Pa·ftft'l'l By Faculty During 1920's By PAUL BUTLER Copy editor (This Is the 'Irst of a series on cast over W9XK was in June, Television. The Iowa Joint Com- Approximately 35 children took their parents to hear tIM use of educational tel.vlslon 1939. mitlee is a combination of the "Peter and the Wolf' in the Union music room Saturday at the University_Ed _) In 1941, University television State Department of Public In· was used by Ray H. Abel, now struction and three state schools The program, offered by the Union Board Concerts By TOM FENSCH featured Leonard Bernstein's recording of 1>n>knlfiev'·. StaH Writer with WCBS-TV, New York City, - the University, Iowa State in partial fulfillment of his University, Ames, and State Col- classic and extemporaneous drawings by Melanie Educational television, thought master's degree requirements in lege 01 Iowa, Cedar Falls. Marion. b, many to be a development of art from the University. In 1962 the Board of Regents The children, none of them apparently oider than 10, sat the last several years, has been After World War n University established daily television pro­ tively still during the performance, a formidable conll/DlmlIlIj at the University since the 1920's. television became active again. grams for Iowa public schools. narrator Bernstein and Miss Moyer. Parents, freed of University experiments in tele- Five Universlty professors pre- The University participated in fierce glances at their children, were engrossed. vision began In 1923. The first ex- sented the first program In the the Board 01 Regent's project, perimental b r 0 a d c a I t, over state since W9XK left the air In "Iowa TV Schooltirne," with a After the bustle of unboltndling and enthusiastic greeting of W9XK, the forerunner of the 1939. The program was over series of history, guidance, geo­ not seen for an eternity, or at least since school the University's Internal television Woe-TV. Davenport, Nov. 6, graphy, social studies and music. the youngsters slowly yielded to Bernstein's chann. The Detwork, was in 1931. 1949. Through the cooperation 01 In- circled Miss Moyer more tightly as the musical story W9XK's flrst regular broadcast Two years later programming cal and county school boards, leaving her just room enough to move about her easel. was Jan. 25, 1933. began over WOI-TV, Ames, with these programs are DOW telecaat For the first few moments, parents attempted to THE FIRST program Included Frank Wachowiak, head 01 the regularly over three television suspense by wbispering to their youngsters. But by the !me • violin solo, a lesson in sketch- art department, who presented stations in Iowa. Surveys indio father first warned Peter of the Wol!, neither children or me, a dramatic skit and a lee- weekly lectures to the element- cate one or more of the pro­ lure. ary schools in the state. grams is seen in eacb of 1,800 needed attention aids. Production was very compli- The programming was success- elementary school classrooms by The children, as always, maintained an edge of MELANIE MOYER, A2, MARION, sketchlllll at her HMI, Illustrated "P.t.r and the Wolf" .t There was for them always time to analyze the girl on cated because of tbe equipment. ful and belped develop the Iowa approximately 50,000 students the Kith' C_trl In the Union Saturday. - Photo by Ken Kephart The early equipment included a Joint Committee on Educational this year. couch or the strange-looking parent in tbe rear, even time rotating disc that changed the brief round of gymnastics on the floor. picture to be televised into small 3 Cars Sprayed Adult attention was more acute, withdrawn only wben elements of light and dark whicb Iowa Graduate Appointed sbouted or stepped noisily Into a tin wastebasket. were sent in sequence. Receiv­ '66 Highlander Scohlarships With Black Paint Which group enjoyed the program more is questionable. ing equipment had the same ar­ were some apparently mifled adults when Miss Moyer rangement of sequences. To Medicare Policy Board During Weekend ber drawings to children only. Within tbe next two years A second program, "Hansel and Gretel," will be Awarded To 2 Coed Juniors labor and insurance. Dr. Trussell WDXK broadcast lectures and de­ President Lyndon B. Jobnson Vandals sprayed three cars Dec. 13. DIOIIItrations in botany, physics, recently announced the appoint· is one of the nine physicians on witb paint during the weekend. Linda K. Nolan of Guthrie Center and Mary Jane Phil· eugineering, commerce, art, mu­ ment of Dr. nay E. Trussell, who the sixteen-member Council. Jack E. Peterson, AS. Monte­ RUm techniques, romance lan­ lips of Grinnell. both juniors in the College of Liberal Arts. received bis A.B. and M.D. de­ Dr. Trussell was born in Toledo zuma, reported to police that his HOMEWAY HOMES MOVE­ IWlges and astronomy. have been awarded Highlander Scholarships for the first grees from the University, to the in 1914. He is Director of Colum­ car was sprayed black either Sat­ GRINNELL IA'I - Organizers Health Insurance Benefits Advis­ urday night or Sunday morning. MECHANICAL scanners were semester of the 1965-66 academic year. bia University's School of Public and Underwriters, Inc., of Cedar Threat With ory Council. The council will belp Health and Administrative Medi­ Clyde Albrecht, wbo lives next Rapids announced Monday the replaced by electronic equipment The two coeds were cbosen as ------­ the Government shape policies door to Peterson at 119 E. Pren­ Ja 1939. The last program broad- cine. He was also Commissioner recipients of the fuU-tuition schol­ Club, served as student manager for the administration of the new of Hospitals lor New York for tiss St., also reported that his acquisition of Homeway Mobile Paul E. Daggett, A2, arships on the basis of service lor the Highlanders during their Medicare program. the past four years. car was sprayed with black Homes of Denver, Iowa. pleaded guilty Monday to the Scottish Higblanders, 75- paint the same night. 1964 European trip. While on the Membersbip of the counci~ in­ The Cedar Rapids firm said it charge of pointing a gun member women's band at the cludes people outstanding in the Another car, owned by Butch would move the company to R. Finch, AI, Chicago. University, upon the recommen­ summer tour, she also bad the Hills, Iowa City, was reportedly fields of medicine, hospital care, Opera Workshop Grinnell about Jan. 1. Homeway Daggett's case was dation of the group's governing opportunity to perform as a piper nursing, nursing homes, business, sprayed Saturday night as it committee. Both students joined stood at the Hilltop DX service manufactures a camper mounted until Thursday by the band as freshmen in the fall with the band in Scotland, To Present Parts station, 1101 N. Dodge St. on a pickup truck. Judge Roger Ivie. of 1963. France, Italy, and Swi~erland. 'The Bogey Cult' Finch charged that Miss Nolan, daughter of the This fall, Mary Jane assisted Of Famed Music ~------. made threatening Jobn Nolans of 1107 BIufl St. , Highlanders' director Bill Adam­ Finch and had pointed son at tryouts and is now a bass To Be Discussed The School of Music will pre­ him. Finch provided the played the bagpipes for over a sent an opera workshop at 8 year with tbe band and last Jan­ drummer with the group. A grad­ Campus Notes tion leading to Daggett's uate of Grinnell Community Higb The "Bogey" boom is spread­ p.m., Saturday in Macbride Audi­ Nov. 8. uary was chosen drum major. tori urn , under th e direction of CITY COUNCIL VISIT sored by the organization's Chi­ While at Guthrie Center Commun­ School, she is an art education ing across the nation's campuses MAW fUN WOIIIUHQ IN EUROPE. major, and has served as chair­ Herald Stark, professor of music. The University cbapter of Peo­ cago chapter, Feb. 25 to 28. ity School, she gained marching from New York to Calilornia, ac­ man of the Art Board at Burge The student group will preform ple-to-People will conduct a field Career roundtables will be held experience as a drum majorette cording to Janice Donn, A3, Chi­ trip to the city council meeting to enable the students to meet WORK IN in the high scbool band. Hail. This year Miss Phillips is Act 11, Scene I of Mozart's "The a member of the Activities Social cago, chairman of Union Board's Marriage of Figaro," and Act I tonight for foreign and Ameri­ journalists. One session will be A journalism major, Linda can stUdents. and Special Interest Boards at Books and Coffee. (Scena e Duetta) of Verdi's "Don devoted to where and how to look ~~~~~~~:;..~ EUROPE served as publicity cbairman of Kate Daum }Jouse. Ca rlos ," belore intermission. Those interested in attending for a job, how to write a resume For some unknown reason and bow high a salary to expect. L1lXlmboura· All types of Mother's Day and the University may meet members of People-to­ Sing last year and was section PATRIOTIC MARCHE5- Humphrey Bogart has made a The balance of the program People's hospitality committee During the "Dayan tbe Job," aummer jobs, 'lrith wages to will consist of Act I of "Die FIe­ S.OO, are avallable In Europe. editor of the "Hawkeye." She STERLING, m. IA'I - Sterling tremendous hit with college stu­ at the International Center at 6: 45 members will work with Chicago Each applicant receives a tra­ has also been on the Union and Rock Falls will have a derma us" by Strauss and several p.m, for transportation to the women already established in dents, Miss Donn said Monday. scenes from "The Merry Wives 'WI grant of $250. For a 36- Board and Pep Council Executive Patriots Day parade Saturday at Civic Center. After the meeting, communications fields. page illustrated booklet con­ Committees, served as social which, sponsors said, marchers The Rev. James Anderson. of Windsor" by Nicolai. Mayor Richard W. Burger will • • • tamIng a11jobs and application chairman and orientation leader will demonstrate their faitb In graduate assistant in religion. Robert W. Eckert, assistant explain city. council procedures SENATOR TO SPEAK fonns send $2 (handlini and for he,r sorority ,and was chosen their country, President and will speak at Books and Coffee professor of music, will be assis­ to the students. Sen. John J. Williams (R-Del.!, airmail) to Dept. N, American Hancher Speaking Contest final­ armed forces. "Come march at 7: 15 p.m. Thursday in the tant director of the performaoace. • will speak at the Armar Ball­ Student Information Service, ist. • • 22 Avenue de la Llbert6, with us." is the theme of the Union Ohio State Room on "The Nesbitt Blaisdell. G, Iowa City LAWMAKER TO SPEAK room in Cedar Rapids at 7: 30 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Miss Phillips, the daughter of event sponsored by the Sterling Bogey Cult." is stage director. Accompanists Rep, John R. Scbmidbauser, p.m. Thursday. Edwin Phillips 01 1706 Country ASsociation of Clubs. Anderson will try to explain are Marian Barnum, G, Dubuque, CD-Iowa ), wiJ] discuss "Federal Persons interested In attend­ some of the reasons lor the re­ Edwin Penhorwood, G, Toledo, Legislation for Education" at the ing may contact Lyle Krewson, ported revival 01 Bogart's popu­ Ohio, and Michael Sproston, G, initiation banquet for Pi Lamb­ A3, Van Horne, at 351-1682. Tfc­ 338-2738 larity. Cedar Rapids. da Theta, national bonorary and kets may be purchased for $1. Coffee and cookies will be Tickets are not required for professional association for wo­ served alter the meeting. the workshop. men in education. at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Union Hawkeye Room. Police File AtTht PIZZA CHICKEN The in itiation ceremony will be Tree House Lou held at 5 p.m. in the Union Har­ Beer Charges In the vard ROQITl. Members and initiates may Clayton House still make reservations with the On 8 Minors Pi Lambda Theta program chair- Billie Sh'i man. Iowa City Police .arrested eight • • • youths under 21 years of age {or THIEVES' MARKET possession of beer during the Now Open Union Board's Thieves' Mar­ weekend. ket, held from 1 to 5 p.m. Sat­ Steve C. Crow, 20, 1122 E . Dial a Piuo urday in the Union Terrace Washington St.; Larry A. Oaks, Lounge, was such a success that 20 , 523 E. Burlington St.; Jeanne all pottery was sold by 2:30 p,m. , E. Drury. 19. A3, Marshalltown; 351-2227 according to Rosie Timmerman, and Carol A. Stoy, 19, ~, Water­ Fast - Free delivery A1, Cedar Rapids, chairman. loo were arrested about 10 p.m. West of the river Thirty artists were on hand Sunday in the Hamburg Inn NO.2 Saturday to sell everything from parking lot on Market Street. prints and pottery to jewelry. All posted $100 bond. Crow Some sold between ISO and 200 and Oaks are to appear in Police pieces. court Friday and Miss Drury and The next Tbieve's Market will Miss Stoy are to appear Monday. be held in conjunction with Union Anoth er four were arrested Board's "Twelve Days 01 Christ­ about 2 a.m. Sunday in the City mas" from Dec. 4 to 16. Park upper road. They were: • • • James L. Earwood, 19, Des SHRIMP LAW WIVES TO GATHER Moines; Douglas B. Cook, 19, Ur­ The Law Wives will meet at bandale; Kathe M. Christ, 20 , AI, 7: 45 tOnight in the Law Center Union, TIl., and Lynne A. Hoft, 20, lounge. Vinton N. Rowley, asso­ A3, Fort Dodge. Their charges ciate. professor of psychiatry will are continued in police court until • be the guest speaker. 5 p.m . Thursday. : • • • • BEAVER CREEK 'THE WALK' SCHEDULED · "The Walk," a documentary (7!1 i'1 i i.J ·• film about the pacifist walk to ENDS DISTILLERY Moscow a few years ago. wiJi be NOW THURSDAY shown at 7 and 8 tonight in the Fort Dodge, Iowa, offers Union lIlinois Room as part of the 20th Century Film Series. The music fOr this film was com­ posed by David Hollister, G, New York. N.Y. 1,356,750 • • • the way GAS fluff-dries clothes! PERFORMANCE DELAYED "Citizen Kane," the film sched­ Notice how your both towels seem actually to grow lorger and softer in a SHARES COMMON uled for this week's TV Center DOORS OPEN 1:15 film series, has been postponed gos clothes dryer! That's becauM a gas dryer tumbles your clothes-ever so until Dec. 2. The fiims are scbeduled for 8 p.m. TUesdays. gently-on a cushion of worm, circulating"fresh air_ And they come out so STC:l(K AT $2.00 • • • Ii i; PERSHING RIFLES ';1:11 ftuffy-dry and wrinkle-free it seems like magic! Dainty flimsy things stoy dainty Pershing Rifles are to wear and flimsy. White things stay fresh and white. Becouse a gas dryer never PER SHARE fatigues to their meetings tonight. NOW! WED:;::AYI Pledges meet at 6:45, staff at 7, RESTLESS, RECKLESS yellows, never bakes ... it just dries. like mogic. A gas dryer is quicker, too. FIRST TIME IOWANS CAN OWN A IDR squad leaders at 7:20, and the company at 7:30 p.m. And more economical to operate than any other automatic method. Naturally! PART IN AN IOWA DISTILLERY • • • WHITE CARNATION MEETING MANFACTURING COMPLEX. Sisters of the White Carnation will meet at 7: 30 tonight. trans­ Your investment in Iowa's industrial growth will include portation to and from the Delta a rectifying and bottling complex of whiskey, gin and Chi chapter house will be provid­ ed. GAS PIPELINE COMPANY OF AMERICA vodka, a distillery for grain based whiskey, and a • and grain alcohol procassing complax. WASAMA• TO MEET• Wasama will meet at 8 p.m. BYRON D• BEELER Wednesday in E405, University 218A E. WASHINGTON ST. Hospital. Dr. Robert M. Kretz- Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Co. Phone 338-5457 scbmar, associate professor of YOUR obstetrics and gynecology, will speak about breast cancer. "I~.RNLAND. INCORPORATED "'IT~ SO.':" PH: TRIP YOU, HAM '0' IfTTfI liVING WITH GAS ••• N.4TU~Atty , REPRESENTATIVE 'l'hlI aolvertiament I. neither an ofter to ""u Members. of Theta Sigma Pbi, nor IOlIcttalion of offer to buy. The offering profesaional fraternity for wom- b mid. only by Jll'OlpeetUl, and only to lowi en in journalism, will attend a ..___ ... ______relldent• . ~ CoUege Weekend in Cbicago span- , '11t. DAILY IGWAN-I ... CIty, , ..,..,..." Nev. , .. 'MJ.-P.. e f' Allen 8. DuMont, Air Force AcaCiemy ' TV Pioneer, Dead Vatican Decrees Believed Weak NEW YORK WI - Dr. Allen Changes Honor Code Balcom Du Mont, 64, often called By BOB BUCK Simpson, Presbyterian University mette. IlL. president nf Phi Epsi· felt. somewhat, in religious c0- the "Callier of television," died Staff Writer cam pus minister. takes an opti. Ion Pi. IBid he thought the big· operation. WASHINGTON (.f\ - The Air including indoctrination of the late Sunday night in Doctors mistic attitude toward the decree. gat effect would be In the rural Kathleen Mae LeaD. A2. Pe­ Force announced today it has cadets on its meanini- H08p1ta1-; it was announced to­ If opinions and attitudes in Iowa City are indicati e of Simpson sees the decree as "of­ population of the United states, oria, m.. president of Newman changed the honor code at the "Far greater emphasis is be­ day. He bad been in the hospital world-wide sentiment, two of the latest decrees by the sec­ ficially going to help dbpel the mainly among persona who have Club, said she was "happy that Air Force Acedemy and adopted ing placed on a better under­ for leveral weeks. ond Ecumenical Council apparently will have little effect barriers that have exiated among not had much contact with non· it was issued SO thal people won't most recoDlmendalions of a standing of the honor code by Du Mont 1'115 responsible for CbriIt.iana. continue to mistake the attitude commitlee that studied the aca· prospective candidates, all staff the we in America of tbe first on men's relations with one another. the Roman Catbo1i<:a towardl other groups. and wbleb bave "1'1l1a will be mainly among of the Catholic church lowards demy's practices after wide­ members, cadets and liaison of­ aiI-electronic television receivers. On Oct. 28, Pope Paul and the bishops of the second tended to make certaiJI Protest· tboee who thought it WII right other religiOIlS. But I wish it spread cheating was disclosed. ficers." He establisbed a network which Ecumenical Council passed five decrees, ooe of which de­ ants delensi ve towanla them." to miItnlIt nOll-Cbriatlans." be hadn't been necessary to say." Measures also have been taken THE AIR FORCE listed a num­ carried the first commercial net­ llid. "and I would hope it would work television program. clared that the Jewish people could not be "charged'" with " IT OUGHT to help the PnIt· "PERHAPS THE change that which apparently would lead to ber of changes in carrying out C\Ire the bill there. But it would this approach could ~ve in the I ening of emphasis on football. the code. among them a provi­ He developed cathode-ray tubes the crucifixion of Christ. estants at least accept the fact not bave nearly the effect with that they're being approached immediate future." she added, siOb that an accused cadet or wit­ - the display tubes for te~vi· THE OTHER DECREE order­ word "deicide." meaning "God those already In contact wilh non· THE SPECIAL cornmiltee bead· sion, radar, oscilloscopes, and with dignity and respect," be "could best be realUed by a re­ ed by Gen. Thomas D. White, reo ness shall be told that his state­ ed a new course in Catholic killing." which hu "eradicated a Cbriatlanl ..• other devices - and developed re­ said. "ThiI may not be too dra· cent discussion held at lhe Catho­ tired former Air Force chief of ments are voluntary but may be lations with Jews and other non­ large portion of the schema's !liancy C. Lubin. AJ. Highland and sold the first singJe-unit matic at present. but it certainly lic Student Center on the sub­ staff, turned in a report last used against bim in any board CbriaUans by expressing the imporlance. " Park. m.. president of Epsilon ject: 'The Catholic Roots of bearing or court martial. oscilloIcopes. instruments which c:burdi's appreciation (or the " Regardless of whether lbe oUers reassurance that a new Phi, uld that after considera ble May after 109 cadets resigned in type of relatiolllhip II caDed for." Methodism.' the cheating incident. The advisory cornmittee found translate electrical fluctuations .piritual heritage of Judaism and Jews were Involved with Jesus' dilCUlliOb with ber friends she ''By this you can see that we're that cheating was eigbt times into waves visible on a screen. by pointing up the significance of crucifixion or not," Lerer said, A Catholic layman's view of thou&ht "the Pope's decision making a conscious effort to fur­ The five-man committee was more prevalent among football Islam. Buddhism and other "tbey were not Involved with kill· the decree wu that of James F. would not bave any great im­ ther our knowledge. In essence. set up to determine the basic players than other cadets who U.S. IN VIET NAM- pact." Caiths. ing God." McCue. assistant professor of re­ wbat we're lrying to dO is to dis­ causes of honor code violations were not athletes. SAIGON. Viet Nam (,f! - A After a survey taken aMong "In tbe original schema." the ligion. McCue aald, "The decree THERE MAY be some long­ cover the differences and similar­ and propose remedial action. THE COMMITTEE demanded U.S. military spokesman report­ darn, Itudenta and faculty. The rabbi continued, "the Ecumeni· should have some effect In that tenn effects. abe said. "that after ities between the two faiths, and THE ADVISORY panel recom· that "misplaced notions ()f loyal· ed Monday that American mili· Daily Iowan found that few of cal Council was condemning any anti·Semitism was theological in a number of years win aid broth­ through our understandillf get mended improvements in ad· ty" be eliminated (rom the ath­ tary personnel in South Viet U- queried had heard of the act of anti-Semitism, and in the root and the decree would go erhood and posai bly lend 10 fur­ closer together." she said. ministration of the honor code. letic program. Nam now numbere 161.100. proclamation. Of those that bad, revised form they say they 'de­ along way toward eliminating it." ther undel'llanding among the opinion was divided about what plore' any act of anti-Semitism. "However." he added. "anti· effect It would have on relations Certainly to deplore is much less Semitism among Christians I. Je;!!": between Calblllics and non·Chris­ emphatic than saying condemn." more complex in origin and this ~ri="~-Cbrisuan I D II I n \IV , Ad I liaDs. "WE FEEL the dlscipline of will not radically change the sit­ ~:~==~~~!h~a~~r: a Y ovvaan s Most outspoken among the cler­ the Catbolic church would ba\le uaUon. gy interviewed was Rabbi Samuel made anti·Semitism an anathema taa~Ob, India. SumK, a HinduD~~ , ~Ca~u~aald he '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S. Lerer, who found the recogni­ In America," the rabbi added. " It does seem to mark: a much thought tbe decree was very CHILD CARE TYPING SERVICE HELP WANTED-MALE liOll of the other religion'l pre­ "We feel that Catholics have ad· more positive altitude towarda gOOd. although he didn't know cept. and teachings "a big step vanced to such a liberal degree non·Judeo-Chriatlan rellglolll than much about Catholicism. BABV SITTING m.Y bome - .ny EXPERIENCED SECRETAJUES will PART TUB belp wanled. AfPIY so has hitherto been found withln Advertising Rates Urn Flnkblne are • .338-4118. 11-15 do Iypln, and edlUn,. Reuon.ble W. !'noll.. or c.lJI 338-788 Iller· forward ." However, he said It that it will not have much effect " What the Pope has said is r.!e~.,_(.. t ""rvlct. Call 331·1524 or noons 11·14 Roman Catholicism." Three Days . .. . . 15c a Word wal IIlill "a far cry" from the bere. U's really mended for the with the time. and will ba ve very PERSONALS 33...... evenln,.. 11-2 WAITRESS or WAITER Plrt tim •. original IChema introduced a Europeans and AaiaUcs who are 'THE JEWISH sororities and friendly reaclion with other reo She Days l'c • Word TYPING SERVICE - Th ..... book AIJo dlohwuher .nd delfvel')' reports, ole. Dial 338-4151 lI.-AR m.n. Plua 12·11 ,ear ago. imbued with anti-Semitism." fraternities represent still an· ligions," Dhar sale. Ten Day. 3le a Word BIG JOE WILLIAMS IS COMING I 11. 11 J1:RRY NYALL Electric mar Iypo ISTUDENT Help- wanted parI lime THE PRESENT decree, the At leut one Protestant leader olher approach to the subject. The most apparent effect of One Month . . ... 44c: a Word In, I.IId m1meoll'lphiDI. 338-1880 or full time . Apply In person B.m- rabbi lIid. does not Include the In Towa City. the Rev. Roger ruchard A. Seltzer, 84. Wi!- the decrees hal already been Minimum Ad 10 Word. WANTED ::-:==::;-:====:--c~l1;,,;'I;::.A:::.;R boo Inn .131 S. Dubullue 11-11 ELECTRIC TVPEWlUTER. Sbort pa­ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS pen and th.""s. SS7.'I112 I1~AR BABY SITTING and lronln,., my LOST AND FOUND One In"rtlon a Month $1.35· home . 207 E. Benton. 11 .11 MRs. NANCY KRUSE, my Eleetrle Schwarz' Opera l~plnl ..,rYlee. S38-e854 1I·13RC Mercy Day Five In"rtlon•• Month $1.15· LOST - • pl.,' piper 00 Roman· WSUI ELECTRlC TYPING - Term ~pera, e"'lue architeclure. JC found I•• ve Performed First Ten In"rtlon, a Month $1.05· RIDER WANTED etc. CaU 3!J8.e720 after &:00 p.m. II Union deak or Art buUdln, or. TUIIDAY. NOVIMIU ,., ,,., • Ratel for Eac;h Column Inc;h =0==-=-_-o===-=,.-_..,-_:.:,.:It.15 fl ee. IJ.l3 Poll Results AM RIDERS _ Round lrlp from Cedar TYPING SERVICE. n ..... 'eMIl pa· LOST - IUlIe .um of money Friday At Minot College ' :00 Promo R.pld. \0 Iowa Clly d.lly. 01.1 363- pe",~ book reportl. EXPOrtenced. Nov. 5. Reward. Conllet 351·1211. . :01 New. Phone 337-4191 1390. I H8 il3M847 11·15 11 ·11 "All in Black My Love Came WANTED - typln" elil. ele.:111e ':11 Unlyouity Report In"rtlon deadline noon on d,y typwrtl r. S3'7-w. lI·ltRC To Be Told Riding," a new opera by Ira ':30 Facully AUTOS , CYCLES FOR SALE Schwarz. received its premiere 1:&5 New. prec,dlnll publication. WANTED - ~,al tJIIln, .nd olh. ___M_O_I_ILE __ H_O_M_ES __ _ ' :00 Hona .. Semln.r era. lIlrperteneed. Coralville. sa. The results of a sUrvey of last week at Minot State College. TWO CITROEN·2CV; rlmUy sellin, 3«1 1958 Ix45 NEW MOON Trailer. Good . :30 The Book.hell C.nctllatlons rnust be rec,lved one. 1St63 or 19M. Roomy, rURRed . lJ·20RC student opinion regarding Mercy where Schwarz Is 8 professor of eondlUon. Prlee reduced. 338-2015 ' :&5 New. IIy INIOII before fM/bllcltlon. perred lr.Ctlon now lee; 50 M PG . ELECTRlC TYPEWRITEIL The..,1 after 5:00 p.m. 12-8 Day and on the flnal examina. music. 10:00 low. Government 4t Pollllc. ServIce avall.ble. Wrlle or eall afler a.nd lIIort papers. Dial S3'7.at3 10:30 Mullc $ p.m . Chule. Ebel, Rlvenld •• Iowa. tion schedule will be repOrted Dr. Schwa~ received bll Pb.D. 11:&5 Calendlr 01 Events .. MARV V. BURNS: Typln., mlm .... 1.,2-32' x I' ColonIal Triller. Good He.dllne. 848·3811 11·1. ,..phlnl. NOlary publiC. 400 Inwa eondltlon. ,,95.00. 338-2141 or 338- at the Student Senate meeting at here in 1961, and was orchestra 19M RAMBLER WAGON - ex •• I· lalae Bank. Dla! 337-215e 1:-7RC mi. 11 ·25 7:30 tonight in the House Cham· director at the City High School ~M lent condition - 2 new tIrel. 331· I 12:00 Rhythm R.mbln APARTMENT FOR RENT 2518 11· 18 WANTED TYPING - E~perlenced ber of Old Capitol. The Senate during 1957·1960. 12:30 New, with le,a! and medle.1 "rmlnol ... --~W-::-:H:-=O----::-DO::-E::-::S~IT?::---L- will vote to endorse an exam Tbe production, which runs 12:45 News B.ek,round IIIeICORVETTE - e"cel1l1onll eondl. 1)/. 883-2403 Ifter 8:00 11·19 1:00 Mu.le I BEDROOM FurnlsMd 'parlment lion with III OpUOflll n.tOO .oo. Sill- scbedule on the basis of this sur, from Thursday through Sunday, In Coralville. Suilible for 2-S boy. 9608 11·27 TVPING , THESES, lIIorl Pipers. ", IRONINGS-=-.Iudenl boYI .nd ing students to the Senate's News,round atroller .338-1763. 1\ ... - 1018 Rocl1e.ter - sa1- 2&24 Freshman Intern Program and a all proceeds from the opera's pre­ .:00 Evenln, Concert 2227 aner 3:30 p.m. 12.:1 4524_ \1·11 1I·26AR COAST GUARD Capt. V. G. 1:00 10WI CGvunment .. NEW BACHELOR APT. •' urnllhed. 19M SI ~fCA . Exc.Uent eondlUon. COUNTRY FRESH EGGS. Three do .. motion concerning the use o( tho miere to a special scholarsblp POlities Coralvm •. , Phone 351·2221 aflu Any reuonabl. offer. 851-31&5 en A larr' '1.18. John'. Groce"., STERl!!==O"""ANl)=""RAD=""'::Cl:-::0:-:R-ep-'I~lr~.S.U .. NIeMrsIIII tell, newsmen Mon­ fund for theatre and music stu· 7:30 MlUlc . :00 p.m. \1-11 Ifter 5:00 \1·18 401 E. M.rkel . 1:1-14 faeUon .... rant.ed. Pbone 338- money the Senate will earn from 1:00 Lltarlry Toples 71et .lter 5:00 1W Illy the crvi" ship YIrmoutfl dents at Minot State College. I-BEDROOM ~UPLEX . Furnished or IIleO FORD GALAX-TE. new breaks, ADMIRAL CONSOLE TV. Good eon· the Student Discount Program it .:00 TrIo dUlon . ~l56ll . 11-20 C,dI, WII IIlv,n I ""'11 gMd, sponsors. • :45 Newa .. Sports Final unfllrnllhed. Coralvme. Phone .f1. llloeks, ww·tIr .., mutner. tun .up . cJolt" In,pectioft three w"ki 10:00 SIGN OF!" ler 4:00 p.m. 11·18 VS aUlomaUt. ~1"110 11.23 10DOIE PACKS earry on The Senate will also discuss SOVIET PROBE OF VENUS- your back. 331-5340 aner ~: OO p.m.. I·BEDRooM DUPLEX-:Ji''Uriiil1ie'iiOr I IIleO ENGLISH FORD nccdl .ome 12·14 lMfon It _nt down In flam" possible changes in the foreign MOSCOW (A'! - The Soviet unfurnlsbed. Coralvlll . Phone Slil· repatr. Make offer. 1313 Prlend. TUTORING - MATH lhrou,h CAL­ lalt Satvrday. H, Mid the Ihlp 2221 aner 4:00 p.m. 11·18 .h lp. \Ih23 S-T RET C H YOUR BUOGET with CULUS, elementary ot.U.llel, Call language requirements in the probe launched last Friday to­ lon,·We.rlnl Re.I.llk ho lor men Jsnol lI38·9S06 12·10 compiled with all International College of Liberal Arts. ward Venus was 778,125 mUes KSUI 1965 DOOGE DART V8, .iiiidafd and women tn popular coloTa Includ· TUTORING - En,lIlh Composition regulations. -AP Wirephoto TIII.DAY. NOVIMIlIt ", ,,.. \ran>ml ..lon, bur,undy. Tom Her· In, whit• . DIU 331.9504 aftor 5 Under new business the Scnate from the earth at :Monday, Tass APPROVED ROOMS man 351-3312. 1I·13 - .rldulte workshop Iludenl - 1:50 Schumano - Concerto for 12·11 Joe: 351-1688, 351-3010 early. lite. will discuss the value of :Pep reported. The unmanned space MUST S1!:LL 1965 MGS . Like now· 12·13 Cello It Orehe.trl In A COMFORTABLE SINGLE ROOM, 5 month. old. 331-2851 lH8 Club, the method of picking up station Is expected to reach the Opu.l29 ",.Ie .(udenl. Une.o furnllhed. THE! FRENCH ROOM student basketball tickets. and planet in about three and one· .: It Chopin - P' Coneerto 331-4346 11 ·24 IIleO FORO FALCON 4-door. radio. The Most Beauliful Clothes Dr. A. P. FANKHAUSER Remapping balf months. low mileale. automatle tra.n51ftI. the possibility of establishing a No. I In e, Opus Jl in Town .Ion. 338-llU 11 ·24 Your Chiropractor day-care nursery for married ROOMS FOR RENT 1855' Ford conve rUble. AUIOIh.UC. WMley Foundltlon III Ea,t Burlington students' children. r.dlo Belt offer. 331·9038 11-1. 120 N. Dubuque DI.I33HS07 Two Years Mterwards- MALE GRADUA Tr: nUdonl or 1\ FOR SALE: 11160 BMW Aulomobllo . Wad., Nov. 17th, • a.rn. ''Wh,,. peopl' 110 to .et w,II." For Illinois • 1" old 338-5637 after . :00 p.m . to 11 2 ,,, 5 14.000 mil '; one owner. DIU 338- Methodl,t Buaar Dally Hours: • a.m .• 11-21 29.1 . IH and 7 to • p.m. Speers To Help MEN=:-:-.-;Lar -':',:-:.---=II!':n"'.I!':,e---=roo:-:-Om'". - eoo;;:-;klnl l855 FORO WAGON V-8 nandard The basic Books on .the l.eWU s. 1103 We.l Benton. 338- ahllt. 6 neW Inow lar.. ,ebllnl, Seen Closer In Health Board 409$ 11-27 Prelton., r.dlo, etc. Excellenl eondl· I I NICE SINGLE Rooln - Men. Clooe Uon - Joe: 351.II18e, 35l·30l0 •• rly, SKEL DINER In. 331-2872 1:-3 I.te. 1:-13 James F. Speers, director of Interstate 10 CHICAGO IA'! - The lilinois Tragedy Are Still Available NICE DOUBLE ROOM. mele Itu· '5» FORD V8, 4 drtve , power Itcer. Francis Hamil House Reapportionment Commis· the Jowa State Board of Health. dents .clo .. In. 337-2812 1 :1-1 Ing rldlo, beller, 100d Un• . BOIl Open 24 hn. - 7 days a wHle. will be in low City Thursday to DOliBi:E ROOM - M. le - Clo.., olrer 338-0960. 11 ·19 Spaclaliling In fine foods and PHOTOGRAPHER sion Monday moved closer to 1963 PEUGEOT. ExcoUent Condition help formally organize Johnson In . 315 Eo DaveoPOrt ~26 11·16 t."e-out orders. Writ' BOll 173, Dally low.n, agreement on remapping of GRADUATE MEN l.r,. double - 26.000 miles. One owner. Will downstate legislative districts, County's newly-appointed ad· ..U re ..onably . Call .Iter ' :00 p.m. Iowa City, low • rOOIn. 530 N .Cllnton. Cookln • .' 331-5445. 12-11 but hit some snags. visory health board. 331-5487; 331-5848 11 ·23 Speers will help the 11·man ROOM !"OR Reliable .tude,,1 In ex· MILLER REPAIR SHOP When the 16-member biparti· board, which represents sellen eh.n,e tor work .round hom e. IGNITION MONEY LOANED san commission met for a11-day Applly In person. 33&-3101 11·13 CABURETORS 307 S. Capllal St. (,.ar' Johnson County communities. to Ph. 337·5813 DI~., Camer.. , Gun" efforts, there was almost imme­ ROOM FOR GIRL - eI.... In with GENERATORS STARTERS select a chairman and an ex· eooUn, prtvUe.ea. 331-8336 12-12 BrllIIs & Stratton Motors We specialize in­ Typewrlt,rs, W.tch.. diate agreement on boundaries L.. II •••• Mu,lcalln.trvm.ntl ecutive committee. The purpose FIRST FLOOR ROOM. SIn,le. dou: Motor tune·up, for 6 of the 29 dOWDstate dis· of the board is to advise the bl., Male student. Cooklnr prIYI-/ PYRAMID SERVICES HOCK·EYE LOAN tricts. Earlier, reapportionment le,ea. 337-2203 11-19 Brak, Work Johnson County Board of Health SINGLE ROQMS - Mal ... Av.U.ble 621 S. Dubuque Dial 337 ·Snl "-ral R." Worit Dial 237-4515 of Cook County's 30 districts was on county health problems. Dec. 1. 338-8591. 12·11 aettled. Appointed to the board Monday MOOSE by lob Web.r James A. Ronan, Democratic by the Johnson County Board of alate chairman. and George Supervisors were Dr. Richard Dunne. Democrat. advised Re· Eckhardt. clinical professor of I'M AF2.AIO MV WIFE, publican members of the com· medicine, and Dr. And rew C. STAND I~G BEH I"'D ')OU, mission that they found a verti­ Garvey, both of Jowa City; Dr. MIGHT OBJECT _..-'IfIi!-\~t1,.. "" cal division of Lake County into Philip McLaughlin, Coralville; three districts, the westernmost Dr. G. J. Zilblich. Lone Tree; Including McHenry County, un· and Clair Hein, Johnson County acceptable. Extension Director. The Democrats also objected Other members are Dr. R. C. to alloling three districts to Win· Hennes and William Rugger, doc­ tor of veterinary medicine. both oebago County. The IwO "",u.t" boob on the auauinotion of Prelid.nt K.... . of Oxford ; E. R. Beretta, doctor Jo!m A1torfer of Peorl~, a Re- of veterinary medicine, Solon; nedy or. IIiIl available 10 readen of thil new.paper, publican member. 88Jd th~t 'Meridith Maas Jr., Riverside; These or.: Democratic plans for Peoria Robert Ruth Schueyville ' and ntE WAIlIIN IIPOIlT__ ...... , hortIlteck County won't work. Mrs. Norm~ Swartzend~ber, eel,· mayor of Swisher. tlon of thl. , ...... tIowmeftt, • ,...'11hH by The A.... elated Pr... , tM • ...., ..... ,tIIMrI.,. .l'IanlJ:atlan of Talk Slated 'Night On Venus' which thl. new.poper la ...... ,. It costs only $' ,50. I.e.. ntE TOICH II PAllID, .1.. ,..... 04 by n. D. It'a On Russians Set Wednesday a dramatic, .....lIec1, ...... ty IIlvltratod account of The University Studio Theatre our laM Pre.I"ont'a tItIoI .,...... houri, .n4 what Max Oppenheimer, chairman will open its current season Wed· bapp.ned tt..t ""or. WIth .....- ....1111 ... copl.. al· of !be Department of Russian, nesday with "A Night on Venus." prize-winning comedy by Don ready IOld, It I. lay far tM ...... ,ul., of all tho ....Iu will discuss "The Russian Mind Davis, G, Sapulpa, Okla. ..lin. with tho ...... ,. It ..... aftIy ,2. SbIce Khrushchev" at 7 p.m. Performances begin at 8 p.m. You can order a • .any cepieI of OM or both al you wilh by Thursday at the Westminster Wednesday through Saturday. Mnding an appropriate Money order or check to The Torch II I'oundatlon, Clinton and Market Tickets are available at the Un­ ion east information des~ and are Palled, In cor. of thi. newapaper, 10.. 350, Paughknpli., N.Y, Streets. free to University students. Gen- Here .. a coupon for 'f'MIl -.,..lillice. The lecture is one of a series eral admission tickets are $1. al on current problema "A Night on Venus" 'l"on sec­ al Allan countries and their rela- DOd prize for full .Igth plays in /I'u" '--______--' I tIon to tbe United States. The last year's !liati~laI COllegiate TO THE TORCH'S PASSED -- .f1d; Playwriting Contest. leJ'ies Ie sponsored by the United Jean Scbarfenberg, associate I THE DAILY IOWAN IEITU IAIUY Campua Christian Fellowship. professor of speecb and dramatic Oppenheimer is a lieutenant art, will direct the production, lOX 350, POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. coIone1 in Military Intelli"ence ~ Barry Kaplan, .G, New York I eoLLY.' sew.! OF .. City, Is 811istant director. Enclosed is Please send ...... copies THeN &MAll. 'TOWNE; for !be World·wide Intelligence $...... NlE our OF lOUCl.\ Dlvition of the Defense Depart- RARE COINS STOLEN- I of The Torch Is Passed an ...... " copies of The wmI THE IlElOT OF 'n4& YtOIrLD ment. Carl L. Sweeting, 1409 Syca- Warren Report. Oppenheimer hal been an in. more St., reported to police day that DUmerous rare coluSUn'1 , NAME ; lerpreter 0( French and German and a revolver were taken from ...... for the u .S. Anny. ~e received bis bouse IOlDetime during the a battlefield commiIIl0D and the weekend. I ADDRESS ...... BroDIe Star t;nedaI In the Ar- Sweeting said that the coias denne. campaign of World War Included KennedY balf-dollars, ...... n. 1943 zinc pennies and Korean An Informal dlacuaion period 8DIl Peraian coins. "W foHow the lecture. The pUblic Two other homes were recently baa been Invited to at~. victims of coin thefts. r .. I-TH. DAILY IOWAN 'ew. CIty. ' ..,-"", ..... 14 ,.

\ •


Forty-live years o1d and still ~exciting!

We opened ovr doors for buslnes_ forty.flve years ago in a University community we thought exciting. We had a new concept of book' ..lIIng which hat never changed: Personal ..rvlce to our cUltomers mUlt equal the quality of our merchandl... I TODAY WE AU CELEIIAnNG A lit. We .... having a Grand Opening to show the students and faculty of The University of Iowa that at the University has ...mained exciting we, too, have kept pace with that excitement. Our .... cently ...modeled store (with entrances now on

Iowa Avenue at well at Clinton St .....), We feel typifies the shopping environment our customel'l "'rv.. ,. Help us celeluate our grand openl", toclay. An. Ngllter for one of the fifteen grand apenlng ,nUl we have carefully Hleeted from our stoclc.

We loole forwartllo ,Nell", youl