Forecast " AEC-r 0 Inspect Generally falr.nd turnl", cold­ er teclay and ""'Itht wlttl hi",. In ..... narth .. _ ........ I Accelerator Sites 'al, _ celli W..... y. o won Serving the State University of lowa and the People of lOUXJ City N I C. AIIoc:Ieted Pre. I--s Wire.ad WinIpIIote Icnra CIty. Iowa-Tuesday. Ncmmber 16, 191$ ea r owa II)t Two propoled Iowa alte. for the Atomle Enero CommlIaIon'. (AEC) _ miIIioa lIIIclear puticle K<:eIIntor wiD be Iupeeted Dear low. City Friday by a four-member AEC team. Loeationa near North Uberty. between Iowa City aDd Cedar Eastern Blackout Rapids, aDd Dear SuDbury, between Iowa City aDd Davenport, are 'Hlegh Court Holds pl'Op08ed for the 200 billion elect.ron volt ac:celerator, the eoatlieIt Iin&Ie reteareh Indallation ever built. Blamed On Break '. ' camplll •. r' • Tbe Il'OUP will be on the for the one-day inlpedion, The team wl1l iDIpect the alt. and atta a tedmlc:aJ briefInI _ alon to ~ the ,.lolY, water aDd power RJpply. edueatloaal e 1}'Item, labor IUpply, traDIportatlon, bouRng, raearclI develo~ In Canadian Relay D ·I; e ment and c:ultural oHerlDp of the aru. d ' R . t t The team is one of eight curreDtly iDIped.ing 85 lite. In 43 ltatea. PinaJ IeIectIon 11 expected to be made by the AEC and the Federal Government In early 19M. ;:,i£~~;:~~~~~~~ R..e eg IS r a. Ion The Iowa ease will be praented .....day by repre.ltaUvea of announced Monday. the Iowa Geolopc:aJ SUrvey, ehamber of eOII'Uneree from Iowa City. u.s. and CanadIan offidala ly unlikely beeauae we have IIAI" Davenport, Cedar Rapids, IDdllllrial ftrma from thole dties, the reported their finding. after a rowed \t down to a pIece of UlIlverlity, and low. st.te Univeralty. James A. Van Allen, bud week 0( intensive Inquiry Into faulty equipment." of the Univerlity Pb)'liea and AItnIaomy Department, wfll moderate the cha\n.reacUon blackout, but The Canadian and American the briefing teUion. said they sUll don't know the ori· e~rts drew this outline of what The AEC factllty will require an annual operating budget of lin of the surge of power that occurred: $eO million and a pennaneal operatiJlC .wI of 2,000 persona with tripped out the automatic relay. The Beck Plant waa produc· Unconstitu tional 1,000 more world~ on • vialtation bali• . Nor do they yet have rec:orn· ing 1.2 million ltiIowatta and tall· 'lbe commIaIIoo wanta a .....tively flat. acre lite that will mendationa to prevent future Ing 400,000 ltiIowatta from the uoo 200.000 kllowatta of power available, and a 2,000 massive power lou. United States under the Irid have minimum of GOVERNMENT and industry system in which power systeml gaI)ona of hitb quality water per minute. experts are still digging to find are linked together to Jive each The Iowa bid ItreaIeI the .vallability of flat, weU clral.ned land, Red Leader Sees research factlltlea at the UlIlverlity, .vallability of labor, and ICJOd out wby so many of the Inter· other a helping hand. The 1.1 linked U.S. systems collapsed million kilowatts wa, being fed tranaporlation fadUties. like a row of dominoes and northward to Canadian IIHI'I Gov, Harold E, Hugbea, U,S, 1IID8t0n Bourke B. Hlckeniooper brought near·paralysls to much over five lines. and Jack Mlller, and Rep. Joim R. SchmIdhaIller aDd Jobn C. CUl. of the nation'. most populou. THE RELAY knoc:ked out waa 'I ncreased Activity' ver have been invited to a luncheon for the viliton. area I! weU as part of Canada. on OIIe of the five lines feeding The broken relay WI! pin. Beck's customers. The relay 11 WASHINGTON (AP) - The upreme Court held un· pointed by Ross Strike, cbair· a device to mea.ure load on a constitutional Monday a requirement for members of the m.n of the Ontario Hydroelectrie line and aet a 11mlt beyond whIch Commission which operates a a clrcult·breaker will lDap open Communist party to register with tbe federal government Councils Postpone system on the Niagara Rlver. He and cut off the power. Forced recistraUona under the * * * said it was in bts ayll.em'a Sir The power surged over Into the Subversive AcUvlUes Control Act Adam Beck plant No. 2 at other four circuits and knoeked of 1950 is inCOllSistent with the Queenalon, a village In IOUthern them out. This poured power into Filth A men d men t guarantee ODtario four miles west of Ni· upstate New York ')'Items. 'MIe against possible aelf·lncrimlna· Annexation Fight lIara Falla. surge turned south because It tlon, Justice William J. Brennan STRIKE announeed the fmd· had no other place to go. Jr. laid for a unanimous court. By JUDY BRUHN inp In Toronto at almost the Strike said the rapid inc:reaae 'I1Ie declllon 11 believed to City ...... same time Chairman Joseph C. in frequency trIpped aafety eaat aerlOUl doubt on the gov. The Iowa City and Coralville councils Monday night Swldler of the Federal Power equipment but all· of It dlcIn't ernment'. uae of the law in the CommIulon W88 lsauing a report work. future to move against party reacbed a "gentlemen's agreement- tbat neither body would saying the faOure "seems to have TRANSMISSION lines and gell­ memben. take further fonnal action in their annexation dispute until occurred" at the Beck plant. He erating plant. were tripped out III NATIONAL COMMUNIST lead· after the new council members are installed in January. said the FPC will work with On· one system after another, reach· er Gus Hall welcomed the decl· Iowa City representativOl, however, left the meeting tarIo oftlelals to "confirm these Ing Into New EnglaDd and IOU' slon as opening the way for in· conclusions." them New York, throwing a creased Communist activity. He without taking the roll call vote Coralville Mayor Clarence At a newa COIIference In Tor· manUe of clartnesa over New said In New York, "wherever It's Wilson requested and without agreeing that a joint Iowa onto following Strike's announce- York CIty. possible, we're going to run Com· City·Coralville eouncil meeting in me!lt, reporters wed about the Swldler', report on the flndln. munlsts for public office, Thil poalbillty of aabolag.. Dennis W88 _t to the White H_. January would precede an,. an· about the dlapute or agree to a II 80methlng we've a I way. nexation action. joint council meeting until he had Dack, public relations officer for Secretary of Defenae Robert S. wanted to do and couldn't," the Hydroelectric CornmiIaion, McNamara and Buford EIllngton The agreement came at an in· talked with the other Iowa City replied : director of the OffIce of Erner· Justice Department officlals formal dinner meeting of city of· c:ounc:ilmen. "ANY SAIOTAGI _rna higb· gency Planning. noted, however, that the ruling ficlals of the two communities at The annexation area in di4pute II restricted to the registration the Univeralty Athl~ Club. The involves about 8.5 square mUes of individual party members and meeting was called by Coralville of territory west and northwest said they will continue to prose· to discuss mutual problems. of Coralville aDd Inc:ludin,- Oak· cute the party for failure to regis· Richard W. Butger, Iowa City dale and the Johnson County Wilson Given Special Power ter under the 1950 law. mayor, told the meeting that be home. Iowa CIty will hold a pub­ would like to see the clty eouncil lic Ilearing on the proposed .In· 1lalI said Monday's ruline is NATIONAL C;OMMUNIST LlAD· • "t Now agalnst the longest I• withhold action on the linnexlltlon nexation at the council meeting THIS CLOSIUP OP BRITAIN'S PrftIe ... Mal'1laret wa. mMe E R Gue Hall wolcomo. tIM 5,,· until the new council members at 7:30 tonight in the Civic C!n· To Suppress Rhodesia Rev~lt pi vendetta In American histo· p,..me CClUrt decillon Mend.y M.nay IIItht at a receptIen .Iyen Ity the NatI_1 p,.... c'" were aeated and until lI'Ie current ter. ry." nullify"" tM law ....,11-1/11 Corn· 'II!! tilt W_'. ~I p,.... CI_ In W.......... , D.c., annexatilon dIfferences now in the One day after Iowa City's an· PAGE 1 - WILSON GIVEN-2-30-2 con . .. ... K ... THE GOVERNMENT hI! been m"nl.t party members to reg I.· where .... wa. the ........ ....... - AP Wi ........ courts were settled. nexaUon plan, the Coralville LONDON (AP) - Both houses of Parliament approved trying to force registration of fer with tIM Feder.1 Govomment. He said that time was needed council moved to annex pa;:t of early Tuesday the British government's emergency bill EM the party and Its memben since At a p..... conference In N.w to brief new councilmen Robert the lame territory. CorAlville the 19150 law W88 passed. Yortc 110 .ald tho elecl.lon ,Iv•• sweeping power to put down the rebelliouS white govern­ H. Lind Sr. and Loren L. Hicker· held Ita public hearine ~n the A... reault of the decision, Hall the .-IJtht .. Inc ....... "",. son about the annexation prob· annexation Oct. 26. ~t delayed in Rhodesia. aald the part;y will: munllt activity. - AP WIrephoto lem. further actloll .t the.i!quest of The bill gives Prime Milllster of "rectitude and honor." But be -Publl!h a bl!lc political pro­ NO OBJECTION to Burger's the Iowa Cit, council.' Harold Wilson power to rule by bowed to the ba.k: principle of gram or manilesto within two view was made by any member The two communities cur • .t· decree In Rhodesian issues.
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