17, 1977 Jet for Municipal Services Christie-Buccolo LETTERS to N
{ 102 Years Old Public Legal • ••a n d NEW, Notices Every Thursday Page 8 <31 NO. 7 NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPT TUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1977 jet For Municipal Services Christie-Buccolo LETTERS TO N. J. Supreme Court Finds Grove’s Shows Penny Drop For 1977 EngaS " Told THE EDITOR _______J. M. \ BRIELLE—noirrrp Dr.r\- and Mrs. Victorxr:- Traditions Compatible To Today’s World NEPTUNE TWP. — At a Avon squad, called on the com- 'jJ* Christie, of this place, an- ^special meeting of the town- mlttee to repair an extension of nounce the engagement* of their Statement From OCEAN GROVE — This world-renowned resort c o m - ( the S u nday. Most o f th o se -shio committee last Thursday Davis Avenue that extends from daughter, Miss Pattie J. Christie, Grove’s President munity, clinging to religious atodatds in a r S S S S g night, th e proposed budget the, municipal complex to the to Mr. Joseph P. Buccolo, Jr., son of Col. and Mrs. J. P. Buccolo, Sr., EDITOR, TIMES; -Ji- . world, may now move forward into -its second century witn |,—i:, ................ lor municipal government of Jersey Shore Medical Center. greater vigor following the New Jersey Supreme Court de until near midnight on Sat of Fort Lee, People have asked me how I feel $6,403,815 was introduced, Tie road is in disrepair, damag cision last Thursday. urday. This course of con with public hearing schedul ed even more by the severe win now that the majority of ;the Su duct had been pursued fo r ed for Tuesday, March 15 at ter weather.
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