Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896
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Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXIX, NO. 129 STORRS, CONNECTICUT WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1965 Babbidge Kidnapping Ends In Surprise Birthday Party With Loaded Guns UConn Student Heads Turn Bad Guys Steal UConn's Good Guy Hoods In Kidnapper Caper by Howie Walter by Sharon Feingold UConn's youngest President, was treated With Horns beeping, waterguns to a surprise birthday party yesterday squirting, and banners streaming afternoon, as he was "kidnapped" from President Homer D. Babbidge his office at 4:10 P.M. was "kidnapped* . Because it was his birthday, While having a meeting with Charlene Mrs. Babbidge asked her husband D'Andrea, who was in on the "caper" to please come home early, but President Babbidge was shocked and Pres. Babbidge informed her of his 4:00 "appointment" with Cha- dismayed as four students toting large rlene D'Andrea, former Vice water pistols and roaring twenties President of the student Govern- outfits, burst into the office. ment. Charlene kept her appointment. The Kidnappers were Andy Coughlin, and all the sisters of So did Andy Dlnneman and Lord Dinniman, President of the ASG, Kappa Alpha Theta. Refresh- Alfred (Malcom Mills),sporting KIDNAPPERS ARE GETTING PRETTIER! Lalla Faris, president Judi Becker, Editor-in-Chief of ments were served bv .Ian# black shirts, white ties, double- the DAIL Y CAMPUS, Laila Faris, Welssman, executive secretary of the Student Union Board of Governors, leads President Babbidge for the Student Senate, and Nancy breasted jackets, and water pis- out of his office and to the "getaway car." Charlene D'Andrea, on President of the BOG, and Mal- tols. Judy Becker, Editor-in- the right, had been meeting with the President when the "gang" colm Mills (Lord Alfred). Case. Chief of the Daily Campus and The "gangsters" proceeded to President Babbidge was pre- rushed Into the President's office. photo by Golden sented with a clock which was Laila Ferris, President of the I «4 ■ M ■ i blindfold the President and lead Board of Governors, accom- him by the hand to a waiting engraved "....from the Univer- panied the prohibltioners wearing convertible parked outside his of- sity of Connecticut Student beads and flapper costumes. fice. The "getaway" car lined Body." "All right,' said Gangster Din- Sororities And Fraternities with streamers and UConn ban- Shortly after, the gathering en- niman pointing his loaded water ners, carried members of the tertained themselves with punch pistol, "the students are revolt- Storrs and Hartford press in the and cake, as the President began ing and we've come to get you." Climax With Greek Sing last round of the procession expressing his reaction to the Babbidge was then blindfolded Melody, harmony and spirit ex- Phi's spirited version of "Little which ended at the Student Union. "kidnapping". He seemed quite and escorted by car to the Stu- hibited by the sixteen fraternities Liza Jane" carried home second Babbidge was lead upstairs to surprised and entertained by the dent Union where his family and and sororities Sunday night on prize for them. Sigma Phi Ep- the Reception room, where over experience, and offered several members of various student or- the Student Union Mall made the silon, for the third year In a row seventy students sang happy amusing anecdotes on the ganizations awaited his arrival. annual Greek Sing a fitting cli- and the seventh time In 9 years, birthday as the President was un- "hoods." Said Babbidge, "I've never been max to Greek Week Activities. gained first prize, with their ar- bllndfolded. The President, ob- Andy Dinniman rounded out the so happily kidnapped. Two-Gun- In the sorority division, Pi Beta rangements of "Shenandoa" and viously surprised and delighted, late afternoon afair In propos- Andy and His Lordship wanted Phi sang their way to third hon- "Skip To My Lou". proceded to blow out the candles ing a toast to President Babbidge, to hold my hand. Luckily there ors with their gleeful rendition Sigma Phi Epsllon also won the on a special birthday cake, with expressing "...our sincere ap- were warmer hands." of "Supercallfragilisticexpial- huge All Greek Week trophy. the assistance of his three chil- preciation, on behalf of the stu- After the blindfold was removed, idocious". Second honors went Lou Grennon, president of the co- dren. dent body, for the concern you Babbidge turned to his children, to Alpha Delta PI for their har- ordinated Greek Council In- Mrs. Babbidge, who worked with have shown for the students, and Amy 5, Sandy 4, and Alex 2 monious arrangement of "As dicated, that the award, presented the students and provided invalu- the contributions you have made and said, "Did you know that Long as He Needs Me." Delta for the first time this year, will able assistance In the way of toward making this University a Daddy got surprised? Turning Zeta won first honors with their become a permanent part of suggestions, was also present finer institution..." to the students he Implored, "Will romantic rendering of "It's Al- Greek Week. as her husband and their child- In response, President Babbidge someone get my son (2 years most Like Being In Love." At the end of the eight soror- ren unwrapped their gifts. thanked all the students for the old) out of here before Forzano "Standing On The Corner" and ities and eight fraternities songs, Arrangements for much of the party and expressed the hope that Greek God and Goddess, Robert event were handled by Charlene he will be able to continue work- (Con't. To Pg. 7 Col. 3) "Sweetheart of Old Phi Tau" ing with the student body in the -r—i—+■ won third place in the fraternity Quist and Avis Ashapa presented D'Andrea, Nancy Clark, Marty division for Phi Kappa Tau. Chi the trophies to the winners, m Powers, Jinny Withycomb, Jane future. THIS IS UCONN! addition to the Greek Sing and All Greek Week trophies, awards SOMEBODY FORGOT HIS LATIN! tor the Greek Olympics held last Thursday were presented. m the fraternity division, Theta Xi placed first followed by Slg Ep and then Chi Phi. Pi Beta Phi won the sorority division followed by Delta Zeta and Kappa Alpha Theta. Later Sunday night Sigma Phi Epsllon serenaded Delta Zeta on South Campus. The houses faced each other and exchanged their winning songs with lighten- ing cracking over their heads. Cooperative house mothers al- lowed the girls to come out of their houses and participate in what one Slg Ep called "the perfect ending to a great Greek Week." PICTURED ABOVE are the four UConn students who played "kid- Officers Sworn PRESIDENT BABBIDGE, admiring his birthday cake, noticed the napper for a day!" From left to right; Judi Becker, editor-in- designs, including the Husky and the Connecticut state Seal. The chief of the DAILY CAMPUS, Andy Dinniman, president of the ASG, In At Scabbard Latin symbols and the forty candles bordered the blue and white Laila Farts, president of the Board of Governors and Malcolm decoration Photo by Souden Mills (Lord Alfred, of course). photo by Golden And Blade Dance International Center Being Last Saturday evening, May World 15th, the Scabbard and Blade held Its annual dinner dance at the Readied For Fall Term Usage US Resumes North Viet Nam Raids Marlboro Tavern In Marlboro, tunity for American students to Conn. For the first time at Next year UConn for the first (AP)-—US planes resumed air returned safely through light this dinner dance, the newly el- time will have an international learn about the customs of other 4 strikes against North Viet Nam ground fire. ected officers were sworn into Center. The building to be used countries and for foreign stu- today following a lull of several A North Viet Nam radio broad- their offices in a short, but is currently being remodeled and dents to learn about our cus- days marked by Washington dip- cast shortly after today's raid Impressive ceremony. should be ready by Fall, 1965. toms, students of different na- lomatic efforts to get the North declared the US suspension of Steve Firth was sworn in as The center will be used by for- tionalities will be able to com- Vietnamese to a conference table. air attacks was an effort to cam- Captain; Tom Ponte was sworn eign students even during vaca- municate and exchange ideas Today's strike against a petrol- ouflage an Intensification of the In as 1st Lt., Charles Wheeler tions when the student Union is freely. eum storage area was made by war and to deceive world opin- became the new 2nd Lt., and closed. But lt will not be just The University, however, does 30 US Navy planes from the ion. The broadcast by the North Frank Llonelll took his oath as a center for foreign students. not have sufficient funds to pur- Seventh Fleet. Pilots said the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry the new 1st sgt. These posi- It is to be an international Cen- chase all that is needed for the target area, 125 miles south of implied a rejection of the peace tions correspond to president, ter for the benefit of all stu- Center, if the Center is to be Hanoi, was left severely damaged bid. vice president, treasurer, and dents on campus. a success it needs student sup- and in flames. All the planes secretary respectively. The Center will offer an oppor- port. PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS WEDNESDAY. MAY 19. 1965 Connecticut the editor Daily Campus during rush, we are serenading more constructive channels. the independent girls we have Have you found that sorority ReadmUsUm met. The songs we sing embrace women have NOT contributed Greek Week To the Editor: the ideals of our houses and greatly to such organizations as speak of the memories we hold the Senate, the Class Councils The Greeks have another successful Greek The intent of your editorial In dear.