CC of CPI Report to 25Th Congress
Summary of the report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Israel to the 25th Congress 31 May – 2 June 2007 Chapter 1: Corporate globalization and the struggle against it The globalization of capital and the rapid growth of modern industry, technology, information systems and media have been exploited by capital in an attempt to concentrate the control of resources, capital and wage labor. But this has also created the material basis for the international workers‟ solidarity exemplified in Marx and Engels‟ slogan: “Workers of the world, unite!” The adoption of the neo-liberal model has aggravated socioeconomic inequality, both within nations and between rich and poor countries, to an unprecedented level, while increasing the numbers of unemployed people, poor workers, women, children and older people living in miserable conditions. In the first decade of the 21st century, wealth continues to be concentrated in the hands of the two hundred largest multinational corporations – that is, in the hands of a few hundred billionaires – while the majority of humanity is forced to live in poverty, lacking basic necessities such as clean water, food, housing, schools and hospitals. The US administration continues to sabotage all attempts to reach meaningful international agreement on ways to curtail global warming (the greenhouse effect), thus endangering the very existence of the human race on Earth. The Bush Administration cynically exploits the concept of democracy in an attempt to conceal a cruel policy of conquest, destruction of social rights and impingement on democratic rights within the USA. “The war on terror” is the latest phase of the US attempt to create a “new world order”.
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