Portland Daily Press: July 29,1963
DAILY PRESS. VOLUME 11. PORTLAND, ME., WEDNESDAY JULY MORNING, 29, 1803. WHOLE NO. 340. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, ! The «iJendid and very costly present to Capt. Ericsson by Monitor builders, was on BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T. QILM A.H, Editor, In llic MISCELLANEOUS^ BUSINESS CARDS. FOR SALE TO exhibition window of one of the jewel- & LET. LEGAL & It at Ko. OFFICIAI;, p.bll.hrj ttf K*<HAN(.E ΗΤΚΚΓ.Γ. ry .itahllshment* 011 Washington street sever- WAR CLAIM AGENCY. al last CITY J. L. lIi*Hd IX FOX BLOCK, by i?ay» week, and attracted large and curl- HOTEL·, WINSLOW, Agent» Counting Room to Lit. «lu tarter·, Provost Mantel. υιι» crowd». 9IOO Bounty Buck It is iui ela Wate and massive Iflont-y, Pay, CornfP of C«n|rP·· nn«I !*. A. CONTERA Γ Ο. Green Street·. MANUFACTURER Ο» ttixjM orerNn. 90 Commercial 8t. FIRST DISTRICT MAINE. gold Monitor in minature, inches And PenHions. twenty-live LEWIS HOWARD, COUNTINGThouiae Block, to let. Apply to In length, Ave and one-half Inches Proprietor, PokTLASD, 3, ISA Τ «raie : wide, with Γ11Ι1Ε andorsigned is prepared to obtain from the Steam N. J. KILLER, Extract from Krnliu».. Jaly a (Recently of the Howard Steam mch'ldtf " regard to Sabstttotea : revolving turret with guns in JL United State» Government, $100Bounty Money, House, Lowell.) Engines, Boilers, Over 92 Commercial Street. «th. The Hoard of Tm P«»«tla *i» Daily Pkkm ·· pebléabed every it.sinoke-pipe, Enrollment will jrirr public ■ Back fcc., for heirs of Officers or Soldiers notice, after » draft i" πι at (WOO per v«*r iu ■lean-whistle.
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