The Centre Call germantown jewish centre Volume 24, Issue No. 6 TAMUZ 5776 JULY 2016 A Season of Hope

underworld for six months of the year, re- that the ancient are offering us. turning to the world of life for the other In T’kufat Tammuz, we are asked to six months, just as the agricultural year look at the dying world around us and cycles between growth and decay, death see the seed of new life. We are called and rebirth. This story was so well- upon to look at the anger, pain, out- known that it even appears in the He- rage, and division in the eyes of our fel- By Adam Zeff brew Bible in the book of Ezekiel, in low citizens and to see the possibility which God shows Ezekiel a vision of for love, comfort, and peace in reach- he ancient rabbis call this summer women sitting at the gates of the Temple, ing out to each other. Tseason T’kufat Tammuz – the time mourning the death of Tammuz at the The ancient rabbis, living amidst the of Tamuz, the period after the summer onset of summer (Ezekiel 8:14). ruins of Jewish life 2,000 years ago, solstice that in modern Hebrew is In the Jewish calendar, we are enter- certainly had every reason to despair, known as kayitz. It may seem a little ing into a season of misfortune and yet they put forward a message of odd that the ancients use the term mourning, culminating in Tish’ah b’Av, hope. May we hear that message and T’kufat Tammuz, since it is rooted in the ninth day of the month of Av, the take it to heart in this very difficult time. the pagan story of the Babylonian god month after Tammuz, on which we Tammuz, but I think their use of this mourn the destruction of the Temples and Program Highlights name holds an important lesson for us other tragedies in the history of the - about this season and about the current ish people. As we enter into that season, July 8 moment that we are living through in the rabbis invoke the story of Tammuz to Storytime at the Big Blue Marble this country. remind us that recognizing misfortune July 13 Tammuz was the Sumerian god of and entering into mourning are not the Hazak Book Group food and vegetation, worshipped same as giving in to despair. The trajec- July 15 widely in Babylon and other parts of tory of this season parallels that of the Kol Zimrah the ancient Near East. After the sum- story of Tammuz: death and mourning July 20 mer solstice, which heralded the begin- followed by rebirth and new life. As the Frozen River: Hazak Film & Discussion ning of the hottest season of the year, ancients famously taught, while Tish’ah July 22 in which vegetation died, it was com- b’Av is the lowest point on the Jewish Tot Shabbat mon to hold a six-day “funeral” for calendar, it is also the day on which the August 5 Tammuz, whose power was clearly seed of redemption will be planted, sym- Shabbat Storytime at the Big Blue Marble waning as the summer heat took hold. bolized by the birth of the Messiah August 7 For this reason, the month of summer ( Berachot 2:4). If we Red Cross Blood Drive became known as Tammuz in the only raise our voices in mourning and August 10 Babylonian calendar that was adopted never make the turn toward renewal and Hazak Book Group by the Jewish people when they lived hope, we have failed to grasp the true August 13 in exile in Babylon. lesson of this season. Erev Tish’ah b’Av Program, One story about Tammuz held that In our current American moment, we Service & Eicha are in grave danger of falling into despair. he followed his wife, Inana (in some August 19 texts known as Ishtar), into the under- We see death and destruction, fear and Tot Shabbat world to secure her release after she division all around us. It is hard to see August 24 had ventured there. In the end, Tam- the way forward. It is difficult to hear a Opera Under the Stars muz was consigned to remain in the message of hope. Yet that is the teaching germantown jewish centre • 400 west ellet street • , Pa 19119 • tel 215.844.1507 • fax 215.844.8309 tamUZ 5776 • jULY 2016 President’s Message

By Chip Becker, GJC President

am writing College and Yale Law School. I then had mentary on the transience of political Ithis letter to the good fortune to serve as a law clerk power, the insignificance of human en- you as one of to a federal judge in . That’s deavor when measured against the my first acts as where I met one Marta Taylor, an ab- vastness of time, and the power of art GJC’s new solutely spectacular person who remains to outlast the other legacies of power. president. For the love of my life. Marta was finishing The poem is also a powerful reminder me this is a humble moment. This syn- medical school at the time and begin- that no institution is guaranteed agogue is one of the great institutions ning her training as an Ear Nose and longevity or success. in Northwest Philadelphia, religious or Throat doctor. GIC has thrived for nearly 80 years otherwise. Its presidents are among Marta and I were married, had our due to the willpower, generosity, and the most accomplished, committed, first child, and lived for five years in dedication of its remarkable member- and engaged people I’ve ever encoun- North Carolina while she underwent res- ship and staff. I hope that the syna- tered. I feel honored to have the op- idency training at the University of North gogue will be equally strong 80 years portunity to serve this community and Carolina in Chapel Hill. When her resi- from now – that my kids, and their to tackle the challenge of keeping the dency finished, somehow I persuaded kids, should have the same opportu- community strong. her to move to Philadelphia. We moved nity to be enveloped and grow within By this point I feel kinship with lots into a home in Chestnut Hill in Decem- a community so completely dedicated of people who are part of the GJC com- ber 2003. A few years later, we moved to the principles of kindness, decency, munity. But – not surprisingly, given to a home on Allens Lane, and happily generosity, and inclusion. That work is that GJC has over 1,500 people within we’ve been here ever since. I practice not for the future. It is for today, as we its membership – there are more than law at a firm in Center City. Marta re- strive to keep the finan- a few of you I don’t really know. So mains a specialist in otolaryngology with cially sound, and to enhance the com- allow me to introduce myself. an office in Chestnut Hill. Some of you munities that comprise GJC as a I grew up in the Northwood Section are probably her patients. whole. I look forward to this work as of Philadelphia. For those of you who We have been GJC members since al- GJC’s new president! I look forward to don’t intimately know Philadelphia’s most the day we moved to Philadelphia. working with all of you to keep the neighborhoods, Northwood is in the Our three children – Isaac, , and synagogue vibrant. lower northeast section of the City. It Naomi – attended pre-school at the Early Thank you for all for reposing your lies between Frankford and the Roo- Childhood Program. They have attended trust in me. I will do my best to be a sevelt Boulevard, below Oxford Circle or are attending the religious school. careful steward of this place we value and above Feltonville. It was decid- Isaac recently had his bar , and love. Happy summer! edly not a Jewish part of the City, but which was an incredible moment for our through my parents I was fortunate to family. Many of our friends are part of be part of a wonderful Jewish commu- the GJC community. Over the years, the nity at Congregation Keneseth in synagogue and the people who make it Germantown Jewish Centre Elkins Park. GJC is in every way my hum have become inextricably woven Jewish home, but I am always happy to into the fabric of our life. It is difficult to would like to extend visit KI, where my sister and mother imagine our life in Philadelphia without thanks and gratitude to the still belong. GJC and its people. For us, as it is the I attended a local public school in case for many of you, GJC is not simply Wolfe Family Foundation Northwood through sixth grade. I then a Jewish home, but a framework within for generously attended and graduated high school which our life unfolds. from Germantown Friends School. You all know Percy Bysshe Shelley’s supporting and making (For SEPTA nerds, I took the K or J bus famous poem “Ozymandias,” in which our programming possible. across town, and amazingly was able the speaker recalls having met a traveler to take both buses home from the GFS who tells about the ruins of a statute in playing fields.) I attended Williams his native country. The poem is a com-

2 The Centre Call germantown jewish centre

In celeBrATIon… Shabbat and Marcy & Dan Bacine, on the birth of their granddaughter, Hazel Floria Holiday chai-lites Bacine, born on June 7, daughter of Alyse & Matthew Bacine (May 2016 – June 2016) Aryeh & Reena Friedman, on the July 15 marriage of their daughter, Shira, to Glen Romonosky • Kol Zimrah Tamar Jacobson, on the marriage of her son, Gilan Barkan, to Yuliya Pachos July 22 Avriel Kalman, son of David Zvi & Yael Kalman, on his Upsherin • Tot Shabbat Carol & Marty Kaplan, on their 61st wedding anniversary Diane Ajl & Neil Kitrosser, on the marriage of their son, August 13 Jeffrey Ajl Kitrosser, to Lauren Berger • Erev Tish’ah b’Av Program, Service & Eicha Jim & Sandy Meyer, on their 50th wedding anniversary Jim & Sandy Meyer, on the birth of their granddaughter, August 19 Philippa Kathryn Meyer, born on June 13, daughter of • Tot Shabbat Anna Oler & Alex Meyer Linda & Marty Millison, on their 50th wedding anniversary Andi & Jon Moselle, on the birth of their grandson, Kabbalat Shabbat / Kol Zimrah / Kol Ha-Lev Levi Micah Moselle Henderson, son of Elizabeth Moselle Fridays at 6 PM (unless otherwise noted) and Jason Henderson Jayne Pardys, daughter of David & Susan Pardys, on winning Shabbat Morning Services at 10 AM 2nd place in the PA state competition for her National (unless otherwise noted) History Day documentary, and going to the National History Day Competition Shabbat Morning Kids Space - Room 305 Joan Silver, on her special birthday Kids are welcome to play Shabbat-friendly games in Bev Somerson, on her special birthday Room 305 - bring your own and some will be provided. Bradley & Christina Terebelo, on the birth of their son, Please respect the space, clean up after yourselves Miles Arthur Terebelo and put all games away after use. Jonah Samuel Wade, son of Steven Wade & Martha Millison, on becoming Bar Mitzvah Aaron Weber, on his special birthday Zachary Wray, son of Matthew Wray & Jill Gurvey, ISrAelI dAncIng on becoming Bar Mitzvah In MeMorIAM Summer Israeli Dancing Wednesdays in August Stephanie Shapiro, niece of Mindy Shapiro (there will be no Israeli Dancing in July) William Diamond, father of Yona Diamond Dansky August 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 from 7:00-9:00 PM Hans Thalheimer, father of David Thalheimer Israeli Dancing on Sundays (at 10 AM) Irving Spivack, father of Jordan Spivack will resume on Sunday, September 11. Shira Salant, sister of Bob Pomerantz Taught by our wonderful, experienced dance teacher, Arthur Nissen, father of Jill Nissen Grant Shulman, GJC’s Israeli dance group welcomes dancers Sharon Kaplan, daughter-in-law of Carol & Marty Kaplan of all ages and levels. We begin each session with 45 minutes of beginner dances, followed by instruction, review, open dancing and requests with increasing levels Join us in welcoming new members of difficulty. GJC’s dance group is proud to be friendly and inclusive. Itzchak Kornfeld & Maria Barracca For more information, contact Tamar Magdovitz Daniel & Susan Mangold at [email protected]. 3 tamUZ 5776 • jULY 2016

Join the ner Tamid Society by Making a Planned gift to gJc

Please consider making a planned gift to the Germantown Jewish Centre’s endowment fund. Planned gifts come in many forms, including for example – charitable gift annuities, life insurance, trusts, or even a bequest in your will.

For more information about how you can join the Ner Tamid Society please contact the office.

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4 The Centre Call germantown jewish centre early childhood Program (ecP)

By Jodi Gordon, ECP Director

he ECP celebrated Israel’s birthday classroom as a different city including Twith a program called “A Taste of Is- Tel- Aviv ( the Café where children taste rael” which is an imaginary trip to Israel the foods of Israel), Eilat where the that our entire ECP takes together. Each children play in the water (water tables) class prepared for their “pretend trip” by and the Negev where the children dig in creating passports, t-shirts, and little suit- the sand boxes for little treasures. They cases (bags) to take with them on their also stopped at the Kotel in Jerusalem to trip. We all gathered together in one of place a special note in the Wall. We the larger classrooms for a pretend take- ended our trip up North in Zfat where off on an airplane. We pretended to the children decorated their very own land in Israel and each class then visited Hamsa for good luck and to take back a different city in Israel. We set up each home with them. 5 tamUZ 5776 • jULY 2016 religious School

Shaboom! is a Blast By Rabbi Alanna Sklover, Rabbi Educator

his spring, something new and BimBam has now released the premier Twonderful hit the internet’s on- episodes of Shaboom!, an animated web- demand airwaves. Jewish online con- series geared towards Jewish 3-7 year- tent for young children (I’m thinking olds and their families. Shaboom! will here about ages 3-6, or so) has long offer 11 episodes in its first season (each disappointed me. Characteristics in- episode is about 8 minutes long and new cluding low production value, pronun- episodes will become available each ciation of Hebrew that is incongruous week) and each episode will post with a with the sound of non-Ashkenazi/Or- short accompanying Parent video and re- thodox worship, a lack of racial and sources for home and classroom. gender diversity, and non-egalitarian But… what is Shaboom!? In its and of a high professional quality, the portrayals of gender roles in pilot episode (available now at: thing that most impressed me about render much of this content unusable Shaboom! was the way in which the and even alienating to many families we meet Gabi and Rafael, two “sparks,” show blends together both accessibly who are raising Jewish children today. magical angelic (and multi-racial!) crea- and higher-level Jewish cultural and re- Plainly put, it has been challenging tures who are on a mission to “fix the ligious “in-language” (the random fam- for today’s families to find educational world.” They live in a world of magic in ily helped by Gabi and Rafael are and engaging Jewish online content which all stars have six points – Gabi called “the Plonys”, is inte- for their young children that looks even sports a Jewish star on her hair clips grated in lines like “oops, plotz-land- and feels representative of their own – and rainbow slides are the main mode ing!” and their sign-off, “So may it be, Jewish experience. of transportation. Using their magic next week,” reminds us of ending a rab- A new offering from BimBam (for- word “Shaboom!” they playfully help binic teaching with the words ken y’hi merly G-dcast) and its creative and human characters in our world to notice ratzon). visionary leader, Sarah Lefton, is chang- and tap into the power of mitzvot (in I look forward to seeing how the rest ing this scenario. In partnership with the case of the first episode, the com- of the first season of Shaboom! unfolds, organizations across the Jewish land- mandment of hachnasat orchim – wel- and look forward to hearing your (and scape - United Synagogue of Conserva- coming) with song, jokes, and up-to-date your children’s) reflections as well. tive Judaism (USCJ) Union for Reform cultural references. And, as Rafael and Gabby say, “Time to Judaism (URJ), PJ Library among others, In addition to being visually engaging shine, sparks. SHABOOM!”

6 The Centre Call germantown jewish centre Hazak news

By Helen Feinberg & Coleman Poses

A Walk in Chanticleer, photos courtesy of GJC member Ellie Seif

he year may be winding down “Frozen River.” This movie Tand summer may be approaching from 2002 deals with diffi- (or we might be in the full heat of cult contemporary issues – Philadelphia summer), but our immigration, poverty, par- Hazak group doesn't stop for sum- enting alone – in a com- mer. During our annual Hazak Shab- pelling and sometimes bat on May 14, Dr. Reena Friedman ominous way. The cast is presented a delightful and informa- excellent. As always, we tive d'var about prominent will have a chance to react Philadelphia and their major to the movie and discuss its contributions to Philadelphia life further implications. We ex- over the centuries, which offered pect a full house!] much to think and talk about at the And look for “Opera kiddush lunch that followed. Stars,” our annual talk by On June 15, we went on a walk opera expert Sam Feinberg, through the Chanticleer Gardens in toward the end of August! Wayne. This beautiful spot is proba- bly not as well-known as Longwood Gardens, but it should be (or maybe Upcoming book group book and dates (at 10:00 AM) are: not, better to keep a little secret). Whimsical, lovely garden walks and • July 13: Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five a tour of the house, which is rarely Books of by Bruce Feiler accessible to visitors, made this a de- lightful morning. Thanks to Martha • August 10: The Misunderstood Jew: The Church and the Scandal Schleifer for arranging and reserving of the Jewish Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine the day, and to Ellie Seif for taking pictures! • September 14: Shylock is my Name by Howard Jacobson On Wednesday, July 20, at 7:00 pm, we'll be showing the film 7 tamUZ 5776 • jULY 2016 Member Spotlight By Linda Kriger

whole different world than I was used cheering every time a boat came in. to. It was based on living as if you were They took us to this gymnasium in on a Kibbutz. I met all these people from Jerusalem. We slept on army cots, and the folkshul in Philadelphia. Coming the only water we had was from cis- from an almost Orthodox background, terns on the roof. We Americans de- it was like being introduced to Recon- pleted it. We had to go around Sonia Dishler structionism. We talked about the mean- begging for showers.” ing of every holiday. Shabbat was given She saw a nation in the process of onia Dishler, 84, may be best a meaning for me it never had before. rebuilding after the War of Independ- Sknown to members of the Charry Saturdays, we’d study and appreciate ence. “In that time, they hadn’t rebuilt for having had a Bat Mitzvah nature. I became active in Habonim (the Hadassah Hospital or Hebrew Univer- at age 60 and for reading the haftarah sponsoring organization) and recruited sity yet,” she recalled. She spent a few on a regular basis ever since. As she for Galil when I got back to the city.” weeks working on the kibbutz where noted, 84 years is a long time. Sonia Sonia attended neighborhood public Haim Klimoff, the man who would be has a remarkable story of how she has schools, including Overbrook High her first husband, had been living for lived her life and contributed to peo- School and then went on to the Univer- two years. “We were entitled to one ple living in poverty, society’s outcasts, sity of . piece of meat a week, and that was and those who are vulnerable. “We never thought about going special for us,” she said. “I don’t know She grew up with privilege. Born anywhere besides Penn and Temple,” how much weight I lost.” a half block from Har Zion’s old loca- she said. “You didn’t think of travelling Back in the U.S., she brought Haim tion in Wynnefield, Sonia still lives all over the country in those days. Travel regards from his fellow kibbutzniks a half block from Har Zion’s current was difficult.” This was particularly true from Gesher Aziv. They began dating location in Penn Valley. for Jews. “Everything wasn’t open and and married. [Haim had lived in Kens- “Our family didn’t suffer during the accepting the way it is now. When you ington but his parents moved to NJ depression,” she said, sitting in the liv- wanted to travel someplace, you went and following their marriage, Sonia ing room of the memory-filled apart- to Rosenbluth Travel Agency and found and Haim moved there as well.] “That ment she shared with her husband, out where they would accept Jews. Or was a culture shock,” she said. Sonia Bob, before his death in 2009. “My you visited family. In New England, was married to Haim for 18 years. mother’s family owned a cigar factory when I was in my teens, one hotel told They had two children, a daughter, - my whole family worked there - and my father, ‘We don’t take people with Dodi, 58 and a son, Louis, 60. Louis my father had a furniture store. We your nose.’” lives in Princeton, and has worked for had a lot of servants, chauffeurs and Sonia graduated from Penn in 1953. Dow Jones for 40 years. Dodi lives in domestic help. I still remember the Tuition was $600 a year. In her last Elkins Park, and works at Gratz Col- milkman coming with a horse and year at Penn, after all those years at a lege as assistant to the President. “For carriage,” she recalled. “People came Zionist camp, she decided to see Israel a couple of years, we car-pooled them down the driveway, selling horse- for herself. She traveled on a Jewish to Solomon Schechter at Har Zion in radish and knife sharpeners, all Agency trip with young people from Wynnefield, from Haddon Township, kinds of things. There were no super- Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, NJ,” she said. “Later, they went to markets. We’d go to the baker, to the England and Canada as well as the U.S. Akiba and the car-pooling continued. butcher, to the fruit and vegetable They traveled on a yacht given to the They never forgave me, because after seller. We spent summers in a log Agency as part of German reparations they graduated, I moved to Old Lan- cabin in Arden, Delaware. I’ve lived for , but the boat was caster Road within walking distance of a lucky life.” highly unstable. Akiba,” she added with a grin. When her brother decided to go to “Water would come gushing through Sonia worked for 10 years in a new camp called Camp Galil, a the portholes,” she said. “People were her husband’s fabric store, but it Labor Zionist camp, Sonia followed getting seasick. Mothers were on the wasn’t enough for her restless mind. the next year. “We were the only peo- floor sick and kids were crying. There She took one course at a time at Tem- ple from Wynnefield who went to was no airport, no El Al. We landed in ple and got a degree as a reading Camp Galil,” she said. “That was a Haifa, and people were on the dock, specialist. She became involved in

8 The Centre Call germantown jewish centre

Gestalt Therapy and Rational Emotive standardized tests. The kids were in 25 years, retiring in 1998. Since then, Therapy and Bioenergetics and later shock. There wasn’t grief counseling at Sonia has a part time private practice took a three-year intensive training in the time.” in Voorhees, NJ. Family Therapy at the Family Institute After that experience, Sonia helped Standing in a supermarket check- of Philadelphia. to develop a task force for survivors of out line one day, she met Bob Dishler. She worked in an elementary tragic deaths, including gun deaths and “Bob was a talker,” she said. He school, and when the school started a suicide, and talked to students. She worked for the C.E.T.A. (Comprehen- child study team, Sonia went back to would also pick up the pieces after sive Employment and Training Act), school and became a school psychol- schools would “bring someone in and getting people connected to the work- ogist. For many years, she did a lot of scare the kids about taking drugs, and force. “I was interested in all these so- testing but didn’t feel sufficiently well kids would be scared that their mother cial problems and we started talking,” paid. In the early 1970’s, she shifted to smoked and drank alcohol. We’d talk to she recalled. an intermediate unit serving private them.” In the 1980’s, Sonia conducted “He brought me back into the syn- schools in Delaware County. Interme- another study for a course she was tak- agogue. During my single life, I wasn’t diate units, which were created in ing, on the children of lesbian mothers. part of it anymore,” she said. “He was 1971 in Pennsylvania, provide pro- Having run a support group for gay cou- a gabbai, and head of the House and grams and services to children, partic- ples, she found that lesbian couples Design Committee. We married in ularly those with special needs. “We often gave their children male role mod- 1981, after living together.” They were went into schools where no publicly els by involving them with uncles, male together for some 30 years. paid professionals had crossed the friends and grandfathers. “At the beginning, it was uncom- threshold before: Catholic, Evangelical Sonia was also involved in programs fortable for us, because his first wife and Friends schools,” Sonia said. to help students navigate the world once was still at GJC,” Sonia said, so they When she and her husband di- they graduated from high school. “Kids joined a havurah at the Kaiserman vorced in 1971, Sonia moved to had no idea how to open a bank ac- JCC, and, she said, “a woman handed Pennsauken. Single, she ran self- count, rent a car, or an apartment,” me the music and trope (musical awareness workshops with another she noted. “We had a workshop where notations in the Torah and haftarah). psychologist. But her job in non-pub- they had to solve problems.” I knew how to read Hebrew. I taught lic schools was about to come to an She continued following her interest myself the trope. Ron Anbar taught end. “Ted Mann, a friend, brought a in helping families in poverty deal with me Torah and Haftarah. For my 60th case to the Pennsylvania Supreme stress. She ran a group for parents of pre- birthday, in 1992, I wanted to have a court about the separation of religion schoolers in Headstart. Then the mental Bat Mitzvah, because a woman could- and state. We were shut down. I ended health center in Gloucester County re- n’t even get an aliyah when I was up in a community health center, the ceived a large grant from Columbia growing up.” Gloucester County Community Health Presbyterian Hospital in New York and They had always kept a connection Center, where I became a therapist.” the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to to the Germantown Jewish Centre. After a couple of years, Sonia be- help prevent teenage suicide. Sonia ran “Rabbi (Sanford) Hahn kept saying, came the Director of Consultation Ed- that program in South Jersey. She also ‘Do you want to do that much?’ My ucation. Working with the Division of ran a group for people who had lost Bat Mitzvah was on the first day of Family Services, Sonia and her staff someone to suicide. . It will be 25 years next year. worked with students who were sexu- Despite all her professional respon- I read the maftir, the haftarah, and ally abused, and young girls who’d sibilities, Sonia found the time to study made a speech. Then I started reading gotten pregnant. She visited nursing and complete her doctorate in 1991 at Torah. Lately, whenever they ask me, I homes, trained staff, ran mental health the Fielding Institute, in Santa Barbara, do the haftarah,” which she recently training workshops and dealt with a CA, “which had been started for working read for the Hazak Shabbat. “If you new deadly illness, AIDS. women who had a hard time getting into want me to come to services, give me “It was quite interesting,” she says doctoral programs.” Armed with an old something to do,” she said, smiling. of her varied portfolio. “One day I computer, she took courses online, and With two children and eight grand- was in a school and, over the loud- would meet monthly with a professor at children, Sonia continues to stay intel- speaker, they announced there was the Philadelphia airport. During the lectually and physically engaged. She a horrific car accident and that some summers, she went to Santa Barbara for was a docent for an exhibit at the Kim- of the kids in the school were killed. a few weeks. It took her about five years mel Center about Pope John Paul and The next announcement was that the to get her doctorate. She stayed with the Jews. She participates in an inter- students should go in and take their the Gloucester Mental Health Center for continued on next page 9 tamUZ 5776 • jULY 2016 The Study of Mussar

By Linda Kriger e think of ourselves as good peo- nated with Benjamin Franklin and were and one of the most salient middot or Wple. And for the most part, we translated into so many languages that traits: shtikah – or silence – when we are. But we may be unaware that dur- they came to the attention of Rabbi Israel take a moment before we speak to con- ing the course of every day, self-ab- Salanter of Lithuania, who created a cur- sider whether what is about to come sorption can unconsciously creep into riculum around them. Traditionally, the out of our mouths will help or harm the our relationships. We may not listen as middot were taught in a punitive man- situation at hand. a spouse or a child tries to communi- ner in . Rabbi Ira Stone, rabbi You are invited to enter into this ef- cate with us. We may casually make a emeritus of Beth Israel-Beth Zion in Cen- fective ethical mindfulness training. remark that hurts someone we work ter City, has adapted Mussar for the mod- People who have studied Mussar find with or have a casual relationship with. ern age. that it has improved their relationships We become angry at drivers whom we Each student meets weekly with a with their closest others, with them- think drive poorly. We may even think hevruta, someone from class to study the selves, with co-workers and with peo- that because we do social justice work text and to deal with troubling personal ple they encounter during the course of or take care of others who are sick or incidents during the week. We journal their daily lives. old, that we already do too much daily – through writing or speaking aloud giving and we could do with a little - relating how we behaved in situations Book: more self-caring. the day before and noting when we Mesillat Yesharim The practice of Mussar offers a acted out of our yetzer ha rah. We be- by Moses Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal) wake-up call in all these situations come acquainted with the sly function- with commentary by Rabbi Ira Stone. and many more. It provides a toolbox ing of our yetzer ha rah – often translated that enables us to balance the need as the evil impulse, but which modern Teacher: for self care with the need to take care Mussar calls self-absorption. Linda Kriger of others. We begin the study of Mussar with Similar to when we endeavor to seder – order. Mussar tells us that unless Schedule: transform our lives – whether losing 10 our possessions and schedules are in Eleven Sessions: Tues 7-9 pm, Sept. pounds or getting sober - Mussar re- order, we do not have room to attend to 6, 13, 20, 27; Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; quires conscious and attentive daily the needs of the other. Some other traits Dec. 6, 13. Please call the office for work. Weekly classes delve into the 13 include patience, humility, righteousness fee structure. middot, or character traits that origi- (not self-righteousness), calmness, trust

Member Spotlight Continued from page 9

faith dialogue between Jews and Catholics at St. Joseph’s University. Two Mussar “Another important part of my Group Graduations life is that when I retired, I got into with golf and bridge,” Sonia said. “I got Rabbi Ira Stone a hole-in-one at the Bala Golf Club. My son and nephew were with me that day. I’m also the bridge chair- man there.” Sonia is attached to GJC be- cause, she said, “They accepted me. It’s their egalitarianism. That was the big thing. I could get up and read Torah and haftarah. To me it’s an amazing privilege consider- ing the environment I grew up in.”

10 The Centre Call germantown jewish centre Women’s club news

By Marcy Fish (co-president), Yona Diamond Dansky (outgoing co-president), and Sandy Meyer (incoming co-president)

he Women’s Club calendar has ful. These huge endeavors benefit gen- Jeanette Kuvin Oren has a studio. The Twound down to the quiet sched- eral funds in the synagogue as well as new Torah mantles will be dedicated ule of the summer. The year just many specific items. Did you know that during this year’s Rabbi Elias Charry ending included fascinating pro- each year Women’s Club raises Memorial Shabbat in November. grams about the artist Frida Kahlo, $25,000 for the synagogue? Did you Please feel free to come to a WC the political pulse from Eli Lake know that each year Women’s Club Board meeting. The first of the fall will and the fun of cake decorating. raises $18,000 for the Religious be Tuesday evening, September 6th at There were also the ongoing/annual School? That we provide gifts for all 7 pm at GJC. They are all open meet- events, many co-sponsored with who celebrate becoming a Bar or Bat ings! Shop at the Little Shop (by the other groups: Women’s Clothing Mitzvah and all Confirmands? That we way, summer hours begin mid-June, Giveaway (co-sponsored with Social supply holiday treats for the school? open on Wednesdays and Fridays). Justice Committee), Sharing our Sto- That we send care packages to our col- Come to programs. Support this awe- ries-Sharing our Lives, Welcome lege students? This year we will also some place we call home! Back Brunch, Paid-up Membership help sponsor the Rosh Brunch, Purim Bash, Women’s Shab- ha-Shanah kiddush for bat, and Torah Fund Brunch. The cal- all of GJC. endar for the 2016-17 year is already The new covers for packed with programs and activities! the Torah scrolls in the There will be multiple interesting Charry Sanctuary and topics covered related to health and the Magil Chapel, the well being. WC Building Beautiful Women’s Club is a group of project for this past women who get together to learn, year, are well on their eat, socialize, but most of all—to way! The fabrics for support GJC. We are but one of the the Charry scrolls have groups within this amazing commu- been hand-dyed and, nity of communities and we wel- after Pesach, they come all women of GJC. One focus traveled to Israel to is on fund-raising. The Little Shop, begin the process of as- Honoree Sandy Meyer & family the Purim Bash and Building Beauti- sembly, where artist at the Torah Fund Brunch

Torah Fund Brunch Speaker Enjoying the Torah Fund Brunch Dr. Lila Berman 11 tamUZ 5776 • jULY 2016

Women’s & Men’s Club Installation

Women’s Club Israeli Shopping & Dining Trip

omen from Germantown Jewish Centre ventured Dorshei member, Mindy Brown, commented, “Galit’s shop is Wto Olde City for an evening of Israeli-themed shopping filled with innovative Israeli designers’ clothing, inspired by and dining. This was the second annual field trip to the idea that fashion should be easy and fun to wear. . . . My Little Redemption, a boutique carrying clothes exclusive- Great company, lovely clothes, and a fantastic dinner!” ly from Israeli designers. The owner, Galit Carmely, provided wine and nibbles and fashion advice. The participants tried on outfits and dresses and jewelry and, commu- nally, made comments, suggestions and lots of “oooohs and aaaahs,” as women paraded before the mirror. And, during the fun, the group raised $300 for GJC’s General Fund. Ms. Carmely generously donated 10% of all sales. After shopping, the group crossed the street and ate hummus, Israeli salad, pita, shak- shouka and toubeoleh at Café Ole.


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12 The Centre Call germantown jewish centre 13 tamUZ 5776 • jULY 2016

The fastest way for your contribution to be processed is for you to fill out a Contribution Form (available in the office or on our website) and return it to the office along with a check. Or just send in a check with a note. Contributions For the period of April, 2016 through June, 2016 Todah Rabbah! Sincere thanks and appreciation to those who remember to honor their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions. FUND BY OCCASION Adult Education Fund Nancy Fredland in memory of Beth Wiener, mother Tamar & Sam Magdovitz in honor of Sara Engel, on her graduation from Gratz College Bess Schick Memorial Fund Karen & Harry Kissileff in memory of Julia R. Kissileff Judah Labovitz in memory of Gittel Labovitz, mother Stephen & Christine Levin in honor of Beth Rosenbaum, friend Rona Pietrzak in memory of Sophie Pietrzak, mother Mariann Schick in memory of David Schick, father in memory of Miriam Elise Dratman, loved one Michael Schick in memory of Bessie Schick, mother in memory of David Schick, father Aaron Weber in memory of Weber, father Arthur & Barbara Weinrach in memory of Stephen Weinrach, brother in memory of Mildred Berkowitz, mother in memory of Benjamin Weinrach, father Camp Scholarships Fund Barbara Lissy in memory of Frank M. Lissy, father Ellen Ufberg in memory of Pearl Axelrod, mother Chesed Fund Mitchell Berk & Beth Stearman Sherry Pomerantz in memory of Lorna Carroll, mother Children’s Services Fund Adina Abramowitz in honor of Genie & Ameet Ravital, for their generous gift & Naomi Klayman of family-oriented Haggadot Dorshei Derekh Norman & Adina Newberg in honor of David and Betsy Teutsch, on the engagement of Nomi Teutsch to Micah Early Childhood Program Fund Diane Ajl & Neil Kitrosser in memory of Shira Salant, sister of Bob Pomerantz Richard Bazelon in memory of Miriam Bazelon Knox, mother Barbara Lissy, in memory of Mark J. Rosenberg, husband and father Ellen Lissy Rosenberg & Ruth Lissy Rosenberg Norman & Adina Newberg in memory of Rabbi Philip Goodman, husband of Malka Goodman Hideko Secrest in memory of Melvin Horwitz, father of Wendy Horwitz in honor of Rebecca Zaslow & Tristin Lowe, on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Zoey in honor of Andrew & Ricki Eisenstein, on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Noah Myrna Snyder in memory of Samuel Litten, father General Fund Diane Ajl & Neil Kitrosser in honor of Albert and Peninah Berdugo, on the birth of their grandson, Gabriel Nathan Sanieoff, son of Michal Berdugo & Arash Sanieoff refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke, friend in honor of Sam & Connie Katz, on the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Katz, to Micah Kaplan in memory of Stephanie Shapiro, niece of Mindy Shapiro in honor of Samuel & Tamar Magdovitz, on the upcoming wedding of their son, Joe, to Mattie Marcy & Dan Bacine in honor of Jim & Sandy Meyer, on the birth of their new granddaughter, Philippa Kathryn Meyer in memory of Irving Spivack, father of Jordan Spivack Mitchell Berk & Beth Stearman in honor of Aaron Weber, on his 95th birthday and for his service to our country Lawrence Charap in memory of Stanley Charap, father Mikael Elsila & Dina Pinsky in memory of Stephanie Shapiro, niece of Mindy Shapiro Samuel Feinberg in memory of Abraham Feinberg, father Judah Labovitz & Ellen Ufberg in honor of Rabbi Annie Lewis, and your service to Germantown Jewish Centre in honor of Marcy Bacine, on being honored by the Jewish Learning Venture Pesha Leichter in memory of Florence Leichter, mother Geof Margo in memory of Eli Margo, father Max Minkoff in memory of Richard Neff, brother Robin Minkoff in memory of Arlene Ostrow Smolar, mother Hideko Secrest in memory of Stephen Wolnek, father of Ivan Wolnek Patricia Segal in memory of Benjamin Bateman, father Shelley & Michael Spear in honor of Sara Engel, on her graduation from Gratz College Beth Stearman in memory of Al Denniberg, grandfather

14 The Centre Call germantown jewish centre

Contributions Continued General Fund Berel & Susan Sternthal refuah shleimah to Mitchell Berk, for a continued recovery refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke, for a continued recovery Stephen Tobias in memory of Rebecca Tobias, wife Hazak Fund Sonia Dishler in memory of Isaac Feinberg, father Lynne & Art Ellis refuah shleimah to Rosalie August, friend Helen & Michael Feinberg in honor of Rabbi Annie Lewis, for her wonderful presence in the GJC community in honor of Sandy Meyer, as honoree of the Women’s Club Torah Fund Jim & Sandy Meyer in honor of Joan Silver, on her very special birthday in honor of Paul Minkoff, on his special birthday in honor of Bev Somerson, on her very special birthday Lucille Weber in memory of Rose Applebaum, mother Interfaith Hospitality Network Louie Elfant Asher in memory of Steven Asher, husband Cecile Merion in memory of T'ai Merion, grandson Frieda Sanders in memory of Abraham Goldenberg, brother in memory of Charles Wasserman, uncle Geanne Zelkowitz in memory of Edward Kulberg, father Israel Affairs Fund Marcy & Dan Bacine in memory of Sharon Kaplan, daughter-in-law of Marty & Carol Kaplan Meryl Bonderow in memory of Helene Bonderow, mother Nina Israel in honor of Cyrilla Rosen, on her special birthday. Norman & Adina Newberg in honor of Linda Cherkas & Chaim Dworkin, on the marriage of Akiva Dworkin Susan Rothschild in honor of Cyrilla Rosen, on her special birthday Leah Schwartz in memory of Esther Sharlin, mother Judy Schwartz & Jay Seitchik refuah shleimah to Gary Kaplan, wife of Sharon Kaplan and son of Marty & Carol Kaplan Hideko Secrest in honor of Denise Wolf & Paul Rudick, on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Noah Janice Spivack & family in honor of Cyrilla Gaber Rosen, on her 85th birthday Berel & Susan Sternthal in memory of William Diamond, father of Yona Diamond Dansky Israel Garden Fund Evelyn Caplin in memory of Sophie Barash, aunt Kiddush Fund Josh Barash in memory of Abraham Barash, grandfather Andrea Brockman in memory of Sylvia Brockman, mother in memory of Samuel Brockman, father Arlene & David Draiman in honor of Paul Minkoff, on his special birthday in memory of Hilda Minkoff, wife of Paul Minkoff Samuel & Connie Katz in honor of Joan Silver, on her special birthday in honor of Paul Minkoff, on his special birthday Richard Menin in memory of Irvin Menin, uncle Paul Minkoff in honor of Sam & Connie Katz, on the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Katz, to Micah Kaplan in honor of Michael & Marta Sivitz, grandparents of Madeline & Isabelle Bieber in honor of Norman & Leah Schwartz, great-grandparents of Benyamin Schwartz in memory of William Diamond, father of Yona Diamond Dansky in honor of David & Betsy Teutsch, on the engagement of their daughter, Nomi Teutsch, to Micah Weiss Joan Nerenberg in honor of Paul Minkoff, on his special birthday Rona Pietrzak in memory of William Pietrzak, father Hershel & Elizabeth Richman in honor of Sandy Meyer, as honoree of the Women's Club Torah Fund Joan W. Stern in memory of Ruth Winderman, mother Judith Sussholtz in memory of Samuel Sussholtz, father Library Fund Martin Itzkowitz in memory of Simon Itzkowitz, father Men’s Club Fund Edward & Dena Lake in memory of Morris Lakernick, father Minyan Masorti Beth David Reform Congregation refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke Memorial Shabbat Fund Elaine & Malcolm Ecker refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke, friend Karen Ganter refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke, friend Dara & James Klein Costello refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke, friend Richard & Estelle Kluft refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke, friend Ned & Karen Kripke in honor of Diane Ajl & Neil Kitrosser, on the engagement, aufruf, and upcoming marriage of their son, Jeffrey Ajl Kitrosser to Lauren Aliyah Berger. Mazal Tov! Missy Lowdermilk refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke. Tamar & Sam Magdovitz in memory of Donald Smith, father of Mark Smith Lynn & Sam Scott refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke, friend 15 tamUZ 5776 • jULY 2016

16 The Centre Call germantown jewish centre Contributions Continued Minyan Masorti Wendy Weingarten in memory of Robert M. Traub, father Memorial Shabbat Fund Music Fund Meryl Bonderow in memory of Ida Rosenbloom, grandmother Yona Diamond Dansky in appreciation of Rabbi Annie Lewis, for her help and caring Judah Labovitz & Ellen Ufberg in honor of David & Marilyn Kraut, for years of service to Germantown Jewish Centre Jonathan Moselle in memory of Claire Moselle, mother Martha Schleifer in memory of Esther Myers, aunt Elliott Seif in memory of Benjamin Seif, father Judith Sussholtz in memory of Michael Sussholtz, father Program Fund Norman & Leah Schwartz in honor of Rabbi Annie Lewis, and the many contributions she has made to GJC as our wonderful Assistant Rabbi. We will miss her! Rabbi Zeff’s Discretionary Fund Diane Ajl in memory of Samuel Ajl, father Louie Elfant Asher in memory of Maurice Asher, father-in-law in memory of Rhea Asher, mother-in-law Sarah Barenbaum & Aaron Souza in honor of Rabbi Adam Zeff, for helping us prepare for our wedding and for officiating at the ceremony Michael Beer in memory of Seymour Beer, father Evelyn Caplin in memory of Dora Nierenberg, mother Yona Diamond Dansky in appreciation of Rabbi Adam Zeff, with much appreciation from the whole Diamond family, for his help during this difficult time Janet Elfant & Hannah Keogh in memory of Steven Asher, husband of Ina Asher Burton & Joan Horn in honor of Maria Pulzetti Neil Kitrosser in memory of Beatrice Kitrosser, mother Chris Levin in honor of Rabbi Adam Zeff Vilma Lieberman in memory of Kenneth A. Lieberman, husband Norman & Adina Newberg in memory of Hilda Minkoff, wife of Paul Minkoff in honor of Rabbi Annie Lewis, with thanks Maria Pulzetti in great appreciation of Rabbi Adam Zeff Ameet Ravital in memory of Kishor Raval, father Hideko Secrest in memory of Don Secrest, father Jeffrey Sultar in memory of Scott Sultar, brother Religious School Fund Mitchell Berk in memory of Mollie Needleman, grandmother Melanie Berman in memory of William Diamond, father of Yona Diamond Dansky Social Action Fund Sandy & Alex Murland refuah shleimah to Deborah Fishman, friend Norman & Adina Newberg in memory of Amiel Braverman, spouse of Rona Pietrzak in memory of Norma Walton, mother of Rivkah Walton Judith Sussholtz in memory of Martha Sussholtz, father Special Education Fund Tamar & Sam Magdovitz in memory of William Diamond, father of Yona Diamond Dansky Torah Restoration Fund Kathy & George Amrom refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke, best wishes for speedy healing and comfort in celebration of the marriage of Shira Friedman, daughter of Aryeh & Reena Friedman in celebration of the marriage of Jeffrey Ajl Kitrosser, son of Diane Ajl & Neil Kitrosser Marilyn Barr in memory of Edward I. Greenstone, father Cy & Rennie Cohen in honor of Joan Silver, on her very special birthday in honor of Bev Somerson, on her very special birthday Lynne & Art Ellis refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke, friend Sheila Erlbaum in memory of Nathan Erlbaum, brother Maxine Feldman in memory of Annetta Satkin, sister Maxine Feldman in memory of Fannie Berger, mother Maurice & Maxine Feldman in honor of Paul Minkoff, on his special birthday Judah Labovitz in memory of Jerome Labovitz, father Ellen Kopeland and Philip Myers, in honor of Joan Silver, on her birthday. Jon Silver, Rebecca and All of our love on this special day. Barry Lenick, Frankie Moses, Yael and David Moses, Francie and Bob Moses, Janet Moses, Andi and Bill Moses, Peggy and Marty Bloom, Sally Moses, Ron Moses and Michele Goldberg, Joelle and Rob Novick, Eve Pinkenson in memory of Regina Spitzer, grandmother Beverly & Ira Somerson in honor of Paul Minkoff, on his special birthday Shelley & Michael Spear refuah shleimah to Ned Kripke Carol Zelden in honor of Joan Silver, on her very special birthday 17 tamUZ 5776 • jULY 2016

Women’s Club Howard Dansky in honor of Marcy Bacine, on being honored by the Jewish & Yona Diamond Dansky Learning Venture Lynne & Art Ellis in honor of Marcy Bacine, on being honored by the Jewish Learning Venture in memory of William Diamond, father of Yona Diamond Dansky David & Marcy Fish in honor of Marcy Bacine, on being honored by the Jewish Learning Venture Frances Gold in memory of Gertrude Meloff, sister Barbara Menin in memory of Mildred Lance, mother Jim & Sandy Meyer in honor of Marcy Bacine, on being honored by the Jewish Learning Venture Nan Myers & Mark Lipshutz in honor of Marcy Bacine, on being honored by the Jewish Learning Venture Jeffrey & Linda Needleman in honor of Joan Silver, on her very special birthday in honor of Sam & Connie Katz, on the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Katz, to Micah Kaplan in memory of William Diamond, father of Yona Diamond Dansky Hannah Spear in honor of Women's Club. Thank you for the college care packages. Youth Activities Fund Tamar & Sam Magdovitz in honor of Debbie Aron & Joel Fish, on their son Eli’s graduation from the University of Wisconsin Business School Norman & Adina Newberg in honor of Judd Levingston & Hillary Kruger, on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Serena in honor of Laurance Rosenzweig & Hideko Secrest, on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Mei in honor of Gavi Miller & Minna Ziskind, on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Sarah in honor of Matthew & Yoel Solis, on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Erica Curtis & Leslie Pontz in memory of Sharon Kaplan, daughter-in-law of Marty & Carol Kaplan in memory of Hans Thalheimer, father of David Thalheimer in memory of William Diamond, father of Yona Diamond Dansky Hideko Secrest in honor of Liza Somers & Daniel Mines, on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Jemma Joan W. Stern in memory of Frances Winderman, aunt in memory of Charles B. Stern, husband

18 Inside centre call

Rabbi’s Message...... page 1

President’s Message...... page 2

Shabbat Chai-Lites...... page 3

What’s New in the Mishpoche...... page 3

New Members...... page 3

Early Childhood Program...... page 5

Religious School...... page 6

News from Hazak...... page 7

Member Spotlight...... page 8

Mussar...... page 10

Women’s Club News...... page 11

Contributions...... page 14

Please submit all articles via email to [email protected]. Deadline for the September issue is August 1st.

(215) 844-1507 fax: (215) 844-8309 Web:

Charles L. Becker P RESIDENT Adam Zeff R ABBI Nina Peskin E x E C U T I V E D IRECTOR Alanna Sklover R ABBI E DUCATOR Gloria Geissler F INANCE D IRECTOR Jodi Gordon E ARLY C HILDHOOD D IRECTOR Kate Lawn P ROGRAM D IRECTOR Leonard D. Gordon R ABBI E MERITUS Marcy Fish & Sandy Meyer W OMEN ’ S C LUB C O -P RESIDENTS affiliated with the United synagogue of