Name: Audrey Keesing Candidate for: Mayor of Email: [email protected]

1. Do you believe that walking and bicycling should be safe transportation options available to all and that we need to drastically reduce injuries and deaths of people walking and biking?

YES: wouldn't it be nice to have an area making a pathway for bicycles, like an extensive European town center with no cars, so parents and children could ride together? I would like to see this in several areas including . Some areas in the island are easier than other to make this happen. I would love to do this.

2. We currently have 46 miles of shared use path (pedestrian and bicycle) paths and 51 miles of bike lanes. Do you support building 30 new miles of shared use paths and 30 new miles of bike lanes by 2030, which will also make streets safer for pedestrians?

YES: I still wish to make paths to create without vehicles, but with pedestrians, and runners, too.

3. Do you support implementation of Honolulu’s Complete Streets ordinance (ROH 14-33) that requires streets to be planned, designed, operated, and maintained to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel for all modes of transportation throughout Honolulu, including walking and bicycling?

YES: The sun can be pretty intense in and not everyone is fit enough to ride bicycles. I like fuel efficient vehicles. I enjoy riding mopeds and motorcycles, too. Some people have skateboards and roller blading made a comeback during the pandemic in some parts of the U.S.. We have tiny electric cars, and large fancy electric vehicles now and we should have more. There are innovative new vehicles. For example, a car uses only water or solar powered vehicles. And driverless robot driven cars that are unproven. I love all sorts of transportation. I love driving. All forms of transportation should have a place on the road and/or a designated path to travel by. People need more room on the sidewalks for wheelchairs. Some are electric powered and go fast. We don't want to hurt people in the streets but we can widen the paths we have.

4. Prior to 2020 and COVID-19, seventy-nine percent of Oahu commuters drove as their primary way of getting to work and 15% walked, biked, or took public transportation. However, 55% of Oahu car trips are under 3 miles. Do you support the establishment of specific targets to reduce dependence on private automobile transportation and increase bicycling, walking, and transit use?

YES: Well, some transit uses diesel fuels which are make it hard to breathe. I took the public buses in every major city and our buses are very efficient for getting everywhere on Oahu, before 10pm. The price of bus rides keeps going up, but the minimum wage does not. We have carpooling, zipper lanes, and car sharing, taxis and Lyft and Uber. Now the planned HART that never planned for bathrooms for the public and is using steel on steel 20th century technology needs to be scrutinized again. 5 billion dollars in tax money hasn't completed the job and people from our of state have been hired. The public remembers that the money is disappearing without results. The concrete blocks that are supposed to hold the train are an eye sore. Down the middle of the road people can crash into them going both ways. The plan for the trains to go to sea level is not wise with the projected sea level rise. So when we preference transit over cars we may not be seeing innovation happening in both areas that we should be incorporating into our plans. Shade provided by solar panelled roofing to power electric buses, and more.

5. Describe ways you have supported safer walking and bicycling in your community. (short answer)

I always notice when ADA accommodation requirements are not met by C & C on sidewalks and street corners. Entire neighborhoods without sidewalks at all and mother's carrying their children or pushing strollers in the street. Back in the day when Phillip Lunsford the attorney and I used to talk on the phone often, I learned that C & C was behind the times and to be patient, but that was 20 plus years ago and not that much has been done or rather not as much as I'd like to see.

6. The City has the Oahu Bike Plan and is in the process of creating the first Oahu Pedestrian Plan. What will you do when elected to implement these plans? (short answer)

I'll make it happen. I'll walk with everyone and we can celebrate. We can make regular monthly walking events only available to people on the pedestrian pathways.

7. Trees lower temperature during the day, provide protection from the sun and rain, are a nice buffer to cars, and have a calming effect on traffic. Given that trees make it safer and more comfortable to walk and bicycle, do you support adding more trees to your area's inventory?

YES: I absolutely love trees. They should be giving shade in many places where we park, like by a bank, where bI have to run in but I have my dog in the car and in ten minutes, it's too hot, so decide to drive to a different outlet of the same bank because it has shade or covered parking. In certain neighborhoods without fruit trees, I would like to plant fruit trees again. Wouldn't it be great to take a walk and be able to eat fruit along the way, as I did in California as a kid. I don't mean taking the neighbors fruit, I mean for everyone. Maybe this should be part of the pedestrian pathways.