Where You Read It First Rain 41/34 THE TUFTS DAILY Est. 1980 VOLUME LIX, NUMBER 31 MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2010 TUFTSDAILY.COM Flooding occurs across campus, rain wreaks havoc on buildings BY MARTHA SHANAHAN “They are continuing to work throughout Daily Editorial Board [Sunday] and into [Sunday night].” Additional staff from the department also The incessant rain of the last two days came in to field phone calls from students has caused buildings all across the Medford/ complaining about flooding. Somerville campus to flood extensively, and Richard Reynolds, interim vice president facilities workers have been trying to manage for operations in the Facilities Department, the effects. said that workers on campus have been trying Students in residences across campus yes- to contain the effects of the rain. terday notified authorities of heavy flooding “We’ve got crews on campus trying to miti- caused by the rain that began Saturday morn- gate, but while it’s still raining and blowing, ing and continued through Sunday. there’s nothing we can really do,” he said. “There’s a number of building that are tak- Reynolds added that the nature of the rain- ing on water,” John King, senior director of storm exacerbated the flooding problem. public and environmental safety, said. “[The “Most of the damage is because of Department of Public and Environmental wind-driven rain,” he said. “The horizon- Safety] received several calls during [Saturday tal movement attacks the walls. You don’t night] from students reporting water coming know what it’s going to do, and that’s what in their windows.” makes it so crazy. It’s not just normal roof King mentioned Lewis and Haskell Halls leakage. The wind drives it through the as two dorms that have experienced flood- cracks in the walls.” ing problems. Non-residential buildings have also Residents of Wren Hall and Latin Way have been affected by the flooding. According to also complained of flooding in the buildings. Reynolds, the Facilities Department has also

SCOTT TINGLEY/TUFTS DAILY King said that extra staff members came Cousens Gym flooded heavily during yesterday’s rainstorm. in to work on problems caused by the rain. see FLOODS, page 2 Tufts makes Service Honor Roll BY AMELIE HECHT coordinator for Learn and Serve courses offered and the incentives Daily Editorial Board America, a program under the used to promote students’ par- corporation; 29 schools in ticipation in service initiatives are Tufts on Feb. 25 was named Massachusetts, including Tufts, also integral to the final decision. to the 2009 President’s Higher received the award. The corporation then reviews Education Community Service Institutions of higher education up to three project descriptions Honor Roll for commendable are evaluated on a number of cri- for individual initiatives at each volunteer contributions in the teria laid out by the agency. school, according to Days. local area. “Overall, we look at the insti- “We look not just at the number This is Tufts’ second consecu- tutional commitment that the of inputs, the number of students tive year making the honor roll — school is making to support stu- and hours, but also the impact of the highest federal recognition for dent service on campus,” Days the projects and who is benefited,” service and civic engagement — told the Daily. Days said. although the university dropped The judges consider the per- Hollister cited the contributions a level from last year’s standings, centage of students engaged in of the Leonard Carmichael Society in which it was named to the 2008 community service on campus (LCS), Tisch College of Citizenship Honor Roll with Distinction. and the percentage of federal and Public Service, the Jumpstart JAMES CHOCA/TUFTS DAILY The Corporation for National work-study funds that the institu- program, the Greek community Students and faculty on Friday discussed the future of Tufts over lunch. and Community Service, a fed- tion uses to sustain service proj- and non-affiliated service groups eral agency, named over 700 ects, according to Tisch College as pivotal in helping to secure institutions of higher learning to of Citizenship and Public Service Tufts’ place on the honor roll. Students, faculty look the honor roll this year, accord- Dean Robert Hollister. ing to Kevin Days, the program The number of service-learning see SERVICE, page 2 ahead to Tufts in 2020 Cultural groups perform at Parade of Nations BY ELLEN KAN member of the ExCollege board, Daily Editorial Board said in opening remarks to the program. “We want to mimic that Students and faculty gathered and talk about what Tufts is going Friday afternoon to envision Tufts to look like in 2020 with every- in 2020 in light of potential trends thing changing economically and that could affect the future of high- socially in the world around us.” er education. Gimbel is also the outreach direc- Over lunch in the Chase Dining tor for the Daily. Room at Carmichael Dining Hall, In his keynote address intend- tables of faculty, administration and ed to start off the discussion, student representatives debated Provost and Senior Vice President “Tufts in the Year 2020,” the theme Jamshed Bharucha expressed his of this year’s Feedback program belief that the future of education organized by the Experimental would be one of increased inte- College (ExCollege). gration, whether between research The discussion touched on top- and teaching, across disciplines or ics such as pre-major advising, the between undergraduate and grad- growing emphasis on pre-profes- uate study. sional training, standardized test- Bharucha noted that his own ing and the role of teaching in the personal experiences with students tenure process. showed that their long-term reten- A similar event was held a tion of what they had learned in decade ago discussing what Tufts college is often minimal. would look like in 2010, and “The dirty little secret about organizers wanted to replicate learning is that we forget,” he said. that conversation. “As educators, we forget that stu- “Those things [predicted 10 dents forget.” VIRGINIA BLEDSOE/TUFTS DAILY years ago] haven’t necessarily Pointing out that students often The Tufts Garba Team on Saturday night performed at the International Club’s annual Parade of Nations event fea- come to fruition today, but some distinctly recalled their work on turing a fashion show and performances by student cultural groups like the Irish Step Team. Food was available dur- of their predictions have actually ing the intermission, with the profits donated to the Boryana Fund, a scholarship fund for international students. come true,” senior Ally Gimbel, a see FEEDBACK, page 2

Inside this issue Today’s Sections

Tufts alumna Tiphanie Tufts’ track and field News 1 Op-Ed 9 Yanique debuts a col- teams competed at lection of stories about Nationals this week- Features 3 Comics 10 the Virgin Islands. end, earning three All- Arts & Living 5Classifieds 11 American honors. Editorial | Letters 8 Sports Back see ARTS page 5 see SPORTS, back 2 THE TUFTS DAILY NEWS Monday, March 15, 2010 Visiting the Hill this week MONDAY and its consequences, specifically highlight- Rabb Room, Lincoln Filene Center Estimation Using an IMU and a Kinetic “Jeanne and Martin Sussman Endowed ing the case of the Andean guinea pig. Sponsor: Tisch College of Citizenship and Model of Human Gait.” Lecture in Chemical & Biological When and Where: 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Public Service When and Where: 3 p.m to 4:15 p.m.; Engineering” Sophia Gordon Multipurpose Room Nelson Auditorium, Anderson Hall Details: Professor Enrique Iglesia from the Sponsors: Office of the Dean of Arts and “Is Manliness for Men Only? Sponsor: Department of Mechanical University of California, Berkeley will pres- Sciences, Department of Anthropology, Latin Details: Professor of Government Harvey Engineering ent on “Nanostructures and Nanospaces in American Studies Program, Tufts Museum Mansfield from Harvard University will dis- Catalysis.” Studies cuss what it means to be manly in today’s FRIDAY When and Where: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.; gender-neutral society. “Philosophy Lecture” Coolidge Room, Ballou Hall WEDNESDAY When and Where: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Details: Hubert Dreyfus, the Edward A. Sponsor: Department of Chemical and “Tisch College Research Prize” Barnum 104 Dickson Professor Emeritus at the University Biological Engineering Details: Professor Doug McAdam from Sponsor: Tufts Republicans of California, Berkeley, will present on “The Stanford University, the winner of this year’s Myth of the Pervasiveness of the Mental: TUESDAY Tisch Civic Engagement Research Prize, will THURSDAY Merleau-Ponty vs. John McDowell on “Transnational Guinea Pigs” discuss “From Freedom Summer to Teach “Mechanical Engineering Seminar Series” Ground-Level Coping.” Details: Assistant Professor María Elena for America: Understanding the Impact of Details: Associate Professor Demoz Gebre- When and Where: 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Eaton Garciá from the University of Washington Youth Activism.” Egziabher from the University of Minnesota Hall Room 206 will speak about the transnational process When and Where: 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.; will be presenting on “In-situ Step Size Sponsor: Department of Philosophy Provost emphasizes integration and globalization at Feedback lunch FEEDBACK other cultures into their teaching,” he told continued from page 1 the Daily. a thesis or when partnering with a fac- Associate Director of the ExCollege ulty member on research while forgetting Howard Woolf at the end of the round- what had been taught in lecture, Bharucha table discussion summarized some of expressed his belief that integrating “active the sentiments he had heard as he was learning” more seamlessly into teaching making his rounds from table to table, was the solution to improving education in including the suggestions that it should the future. be mandatory for senior faculty to be “One of the things that makes retention pre-major advisers and that standardized of learning more robust is … involving tests should be avoided. the students in the process of the discov- Director of the ExCollege Robyn ery of knowledge,” he said. “Integration of Gittleman at the end of the event told the teaching and research means that faculty Daily that she was pleased with how the members need to find more ways to bring event went. students into their area of study and give “I think it went well,” she said. “It’s great them some ownership.” that we had so many students and faculty Bharucha later told the Daily in an at the same table, as well as faculty who DILYS ONG/TUFTS DAILY interview that he firmly believes that didn’t know each other.” Flooding caused the light fixture in the kitchen of 45 Sawyer Ave. to collapse. this balance and integration of the two Bharucha said that the discussion at his are possible. table was a success. “It was a great discus- Facilities workers try to contain flooding “I feel very strongly we should hold our sion … It was great to get student’s feed- professors to the highest levels of teaching back — it’s always important for me to get FLOODS not stop the collapse of the light fixture later in excellence so that tenure is not assured if students’ feedback,” he said. continued from page 1 the morning. somebody is not committed to undergrad- He also lauded events such as Feedback responded to water leakages in Bendetson “We heard this huge crashing noise … and uate teaching,” he told the Daily. “My vision that make an effort to create opportunities Hall as well as in Granoff Music Center and the light fixture and the ceiling tiles all around for the future for Tufts is that the faculty be for faculty and students to interact. Aidekman Arts Center. it fell from the ceiling,” Wilburn said. passionate teachers and thought leaders in “[Such events] are tremendous … in fact, The department has sought the services of Reynolds said that a diverter has been set their fields.” some of the students at the table were an external provider to manage the flooding up in the house to collect additional water. The second theme Bharucha empha- saying we should do this more often,” in Granoff and Aidekman and to help abate “When it stops raining, we can start a vacuum sized was globalization and the growth of Bharucha said. groundwater accumulation in the basement and start putting in pumps where we can.” technology. and ground floors. Andressa Osta, a sophomore living in “Your experience here at Tufts is going to “[We] decided to bring in an outside com- Latin Way, said her suite was being inun- be much more globalized and international pany with major pumping capabilities … and dated with rainwater. than today,” he said. air-dry blowers,” Reynolds said. “Our rooms are flooding; we’re not exactly Learning how to adapt to this new tech- He added that no instruments were dam- sure where it’s coming from,” she said. “At nology, Bharucha added, would be critical aged despite groundwater coming in through least three of the rooms in my suite have to the future of education. the areas around pipes but that “flooring is water coming in. Even the staircase is com- “There will be seamless engagement in going to be a problem.” pletely flooded. We’ve all put our stuff in the the cyber world,” he said. “I think what that “We’re just trying to keep even,” Reynolds hallway, and I put some towels in my room, means is that as educators we will not be said. but there’s really nothing we can do.” able to fight all this information coming at Meredith Packer, a freshman who wit- Osta said that she and her suitemates con- you … we’re going to have to join it and be nessed the flooding in the music buildings, tacted Tufts University Police Department part of this live stream of information.” described the scene. (TUPD), but the staff responding could not Bharucha later expanded on this “There was standing water everywhere in really solve the problem. idea of the challenge technology poses the practice rooms, in the hallways,” she said. “They took a while to come because they’ve to educators. “It was probably as deep as one inch in some been dealing with a lot of other stuff on cam- “Technology is going to be much more places. When I got there they were vacuuming pus,” she said. “[Facilities] sent a guy in with a advanced, and students are going to be everything out.” [vacuum], and they vacuumed the water. My more easily distracted … because they’ll The light fixture in the ceiling over the friend said the minute they moved on from have the whole world at their fingertips,” he kitchen at 45 Sawyer Ave. fell yesterday morn- her room and moved to the next room, there told the Daily. “It’s going to be important for ing as a result of water coming into the room was already a puddle under her bed.” us as teachers to join our students in their above the kitchen. King added that the city of Medford use of technology, so that will require some “We woke up and it was kind of flooded,” yesterday was pumping out sections of innovation in how we teach.” Frances Wilburn, a sophomore living in the Boston Avenue that flooded after a storm Bharucha highlighted, however, the fact house, said. “A bunch of water had been com- drain clogged. that a tremendous opportunity presented JAMES CHOCA/TUFTS DAILY ing in from the ceiling.” The Office of Residential Life and itself along with the challenge. Provost and Senior Vice President Jamshed Staff from the Facilities Department came Learning and TUPD could not be reached “It should become easier for teachers Bharucha delivered the keynote address at to the house to remove the water, but that did for comment. to incorporate global experiences and this year’s Feedback lunch. Tufts among nation’s collegiate leaders in community service SERVICE service and grow our institution.” service programs. important work that higher educa- around campus.” continued from page 1 Days explained that there “This level of award is really tion institutions are carrying out Hollister is excited by the recog- “There are a lot of departments are three levels of recognition about giving schools the oppor- to help their communities and the nition, particularly since it is the and student organizations that con- offered by the corporation. The tunity to talk about the work that nation as a whole,” Days said. second year in a row that Tufts has tributed to the overall institutional top six institutions are named they are doing in their commu- LCS Press Secretary Audrey Kuan, been named to the honor roll. achievement,” Hollister said. “We Presidential Awardees and repre- nity,” Days said. “We don’t spend a sophomore, said that the recogni- “We are really pleased to receive definitely have a strong combina- sent the best examples of insti- a lot of time talking about the tion was a significant achievement this recognition from the primary tion of ongoing programs and new tutional commitment to civic contributions of higher educa- for the university and for the LCS. federal agency whose mission is student initiatives on campus.” engagement in the nation. tion, and this is a means of doing “It’s a big applaud,” Kuan said. to promote national service,” said Hollister said that Tufts’ commit- Institutions at the second that and recognizing the contri- “We are happy that we can say we Hollister. “It is satisfying and defi- ment to service is unique because level — the Honor Roll with butions schools make to their had our hand in it.” nitely reinforcing.” new student initiatives are continu- Distinction — are identified as communities.” Kuan hopes that the award He added that the national ally being created each year. having exceeded the corpora- The President’s Higher Education will result in increased student recognition was symbolic of “We not only have well-estab- tion’s criteria by demonstrating Community Service Honor Roll involvement in service organiza- higher education’s growing focus lished ongoing service and social an exemplary commitment to program began in 2006. According tions on campus. on service. change efforts on campus, but each service, but fell just short of being to Days, the agency has seen a dra- “It’s a great first step. Our goal is “It’s a reminder we are part of a year there are new public service named Presidential Awardees. matic increase in the number of to support service on campus, and broader movement in higher edu- programs that students initiate,” The final level attained by Tufts is applicants since its inception, from to have Tufts recognized in this way cation,” said Hollister. “We are in Hollister said. “It is encouraging for institutions that meet the basic 500 in 2006 to nearly 750 in 2009. is very encouraging,” Kuan said. “It an exciting period in which higher that there are always new initia- service requirements set forth by “The honor roll was designed to is definitely an extra push to keep education is elevating its commu- tives that add to the opportunity for the agency for strong volunteer point out to the public all the really encouraging us to promote service nity and civic mission.” 3



o some people, a blind date sounds like a miserable proposition, but who bet- ter to set you up than a friend who says, T“I know the perfect person for you!” On the other hand, a blind date is an interesting adventure and a chance to meet someone new, regardless of the outcome. You run the risk of an awkward hour or two, but on the other hand, maybe you’ll meet someone you really click with. And hey, what’s the worst that can happen? Matching people up on blind dates has become my guilty pleasure of the moment. It started a couple of weeks ago when some girl friends and I were joking around about dating, and a guy friend’s name popped into my head as an interesting match for one of them. It seemed perfect: They’re both originally from Chicago, had been in the same Jewish youth group and are interested in medicine. I set them up to meet for dinner the following weekend and was probably more anxious about whether the set-up would work out COURTESY SCOTT MCARTHUR than they were. The residents of Shilongo Village live on less than $1 a day and have numerous health problems, likely due to a lack of clean water. The plan was for him to meet her at her house on Saturday evening. That afternoon, I got a few text messages from each party. Tufts students hope to engineer a drinking She asked what she should wear; he asked for suggestions on where to take her for din- ner. Half an hour before the accorded time, I water solution for Ugandan village texted him her address and first name. Later that night, he sent me a text mes- BY CARTER ROGERS chapters. The organization focuses on refer engineers to projects that we can’t sage that said, “Haha well done! We had an Daily Editorial Board “low-tech, high-impact projects in … do,” sophomore and EWB member Ian amazing night.” I had barely finished my developing countries” according to its MacLellan said. little victory dance before my phone started Clean water is something most Tufts Web site. The group usually works for a semes- ringing. This time, it was my girl friend who students take for granted, but for the Shilongo Village is located in Uganda’s ter or two after its assessment before called to say that she had a good evening residents of Shilongo Village, Uganda, Mbale region. There is currently only returning on its implementation too. Success! it’s a constant concern and just one one polluted water source for the vil- trip. EWB members will do a follow- Finally, after meddling in other people’s of many quality-of-life issues that a lage of 1,000 people, all of whom live on up trip after that to make sure their love lives and setting up a few more dates, group of Tufts students hopes it can an income less than $1 a day. implemented projects are functioning two friends decided to give me a taste of my help improve. Sophomore Scott McArthur pro- smoothly. own medicine. This past week, I ended up on This May, members of the Tufts posed the idea for an EWB project The length of these trips often the receiving end of two blind dates. branch of Engineers Without Borders in Uganda. Last summer, McArthur depends on how far away their des- One friend, joking around, sent me a (EWB) will be making the trek to visited Shilongo village and has been tination is. The Uganda trip will be mysterious text message with instructions Shilongo Village to assess the most in contact with Samuel W. Watulatsu, three weeks, while a recent trip to El to meet at the campus center at 7 p.m. on pressing issues of the community and the founder of the Foundation for the Salvador lasted one. Wednesday, dress nicely and wear something assess potential solutions. They will Development of Needy Communities, “You want to stay as long as possible blue. “I can at least have some fun doing this, later return to implement their plans. an NGO devoted to improving the because you want to build a relation- right?” he laughed. The Uganda trip is only the latest of quality of life for Ugandans. ship and get as much value [from your That first blind date was somewhat for- several for the Tufts branch, which These sorts of connections with local visit] as possible,” MacLellan said. mal; we drove into Cambridge, where he has previously done projects in Tibet, communities are common for EWB Even if individual visits might be had made reservations at a restaurant, Ecuador and is currently in the middle projects. “The projects usually come only a few weeks, EWB projects rep- went out for dessert and got amusingly lost of a project in El Salvador. from some sort of pre-assessment con- resent lengthier commitments to the trying to navigate back roads on the return EWB was founded in 2002 and now nection … we have to turn down more to campus. has over 12,000 members from 300 projects than we can do. We sometimes see UGANDA, page 4 The second date was more casual and relaxed, although it started off a little awk- CAMPUS COMMENT wardly when he asked, “Oh wait, do you write a column for the Daily?” I giggled nervously. After missing the Joey (my fault) and trek- What did you do for your Wilderness Support Staff application? king through the pouring rain to a yet-un- Tufts Wilderness Orientation (TWO) is known as one of Tufts’ most popular programs for incoming freshmen, but trying to get on opened restaurant in Ball Square (my fault TWO’s support staff is just as competitive a process, if not more so. Jumbos occasionally go to great lengths to stand out. again), we ended up seeking shelter from the storm in Mr. Crepe in Davis. We chatted about theater at Tufts, Buddhist meditation ”It said ‘dress appropriately’ on the interview sign-up sheet, so I wore business formal clothes — a button- and the fact that he’s coincidentally best down shirt and heels, but with my hiking backpack, and I pulled out a copy of my resume. I know that a lot friends with my old roommate. of people who did TWO had such great times and were trying to have that experience again. I had a differ- The two guys were attractive, talkative and ent motivation, because I did FOCUS (Freshman Orientation CommUnity Service) for my pre-orientation, so I interesting (and maybe reading this column wanted to get what I missed out on last year.” right now). I had a great time on both dates, —Rose Eilenberg, freshman despite their differences, but they were more friendly and getting-to-know-you informa- tive, rather than date-y. ”I wrote my application as an epic poem, and I baked before my interview. I made dessert nachos, which After thinking about my experiences and are only nachos in that they had chip-like substances. It was graham crackers, Nutella, peanut butter, catching up with the friends that I set up, I chocolate chips and marshmallows.” feel like the best blind date advice is to relax, —Carly Boxer, freshman be open and not expect anything serious. If conversation is awkward, remember that you can always talk about that friend who set you up or just blind dates in general. Last, if your “I rolled around in the mud before my interview to show them how comfortable I am being dirty. I could roll date is a fellow Jumbo, remember the Tufts around in the mud again for a photo, if you want.” mantra — once you meet someone new, you —Emily Paine, freshman will continue to see them everywhere. Unlike in romantic comedies, it’s improb- able that sparks will fly immediately, so I ”Last year, I brought a Rubik’s Cube and I did it for them. It takes a lot of effort to do the most crazy think it’s best to take advantage of the oppor- things — two of my friends went in dressed as Avatars — because as much as it’s about fun, safety is tunity to meet someone new and see where really the key [during TWO], so it’s most important to show you’re capable of maintaining some sort of things go afterwards. diligence, and then be personable, welcoming, exciting.” —Allister Chang, sophomore Emily is a senior majoring in engineering —compiled and photos by Alexa Sasanow psychology. She can be reached at Emily. [email protected]. 4 THE TUFTS DAILY FEATURES Monday, March 15, 2010 Engineers Without Borders works to improve lives of those in Ugandan village

UGANDA the community and then our we’ll design and make some- continued from page 3 next trip will be an implemen- thing here or we’ll try and use communities involved. “An tation trip,” McArthur said. “We the resources that they have EWB project is usually a four- want to go into the community on site to make something so to five-year commitment from kind of without a specific idea that way if the thing breaks pre-implementation to follow- in mind and hear from them down, they have everything the up, so that’s sort of more rein- what they want. village might need to rebuild forcing education, checking “So far, the community has it, replace it or fix it up. We’re out how community ownership said that they most need better not just bringing in some fancy of the project is going and sort access to water, machinery for gizmo and gadget that breaks,” of figuring out what the impact grinding grain and fuel effi- Fuchs said. “Otherwise the of it was,” MacLellan said. cient stoves,” he added. project will only last so long. “Were there changes in the Cultural and linguistic dif- We want it to last as long as the community from an epidemio- ferences are one of the big- village needs it.” logical perspective? Was there gest issues EWB encounters in Although Engineers Without an improvement in health, and communities. The people of Borders’ name emphasizes its was this project successful? Shilongo Village speak Lugisu, engineering members, there is How could we make it better?” so the group will be commu- no one type of engineer or even Because the duration of an nicating through interpreters. student that EWB attracts. “The EWB project usually outlasts “Beyond that, it’s really trying misconception is that we’re an undergraduate’s time at to figure out how to work with all engineers that all work on Tufts, the group works to get what they have because the vil- the project, but it’s actually students involved in leadership lage we’re going to, there’s no split about 50-50 with liberal positions quickly to keep the electricity,” Tufts EWB member arts students and engineers projects going. and freshman Drew Fuchs said. because something we really “Generally, we’ll have some- EWB strives to make the stress is having the kind of body who’s been [there] go communities part of the proj- holistic viewpoint: getting the on each trip so that it’s not ect process. “You don’t want to scope that other students have completely new people. That’s offend anyone there so we have because we deal with com- not always the case, but that’s to be careful about how we munity health issues as well,” something we generally try to approach the situation. A lot of McArthur said. do,” McArthur said. “The com- communities will be offended McArthur added that the munity and the people we work by people coming in and say- group has a large contingent with know us as Tufts EWB and ing, ‘Here, we’re going to give of community health majors. not as individuals necessarily you this,’ and we try and make “Generally, for actual imple- so that kind of works out OK the point that’s not what we’re mentation of projects … the that way.” doing. We don’t come here to actual engineering designs that The group members try to build something for you and we deal with are civil and envi- keep an open mind before take off. It’s a very integrat- ronmental,” he said. going on their implementa- ed learning and participation Although the projects are all tion trips. However, Tufts EWB project,” McArthur said. student-led, a professor or men- does strive to take its project “It’s more of a partnership tor — such as a professional community’s suggestions into than a ‘we’re telling you what engineer — is always present on account. to do because we know better.’ EWB trips. The professor travel- “[This is] kind of a water- It’ll never be successful if they ing with the assessment group COURTESY SCOTT MCARTHUR specific project; that’s what the don’t own their own project. to Uganda is Associate Civil and Tufts students hope to improve access to clean water in Shilongo community identified as their They won’t be able to sustain it Environmental Engineering Village. greatest need. We’ll be doing by themselves,” Fuchs added. Professor Chris Swan. water quality testing, so we EWB tries to avoid engineer- “The more we can use fac- ested in getting involved and sight role; they don’t tell us what try to acquire as much data ing solutions for the commu- ulty to our advantage, the more are eager to help us out, which to do, it’s more they make sure and information as we can and nity that use parts the commu- we try to. There’s a lot of good is great,” McArthur said. we’re not doing anything stupid,” build a strong relationship with nity cannot obtain. “It’s either professors here that are inter- “They serve more of an over- MacLellan said.

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ȱ Presented by The American Studies Program and the Martha and Nat R. Knaster Charitable Trust ToȱlearnȱmoreȱorȱtoȱdeclareȱaȱmajorȱinȱCommunityȱ Health:ȱ 1. Goȱtoȱhttp://www.ase.tufts.edu/commhealth.ȱ 2. DownloadȱaȱcopyȱofȱtheȱCHȱAdvisorsȱList.ȱ 3. Emailȱanȱadvisorȱandȱaskȱforȱanȱappointmentȱorȱ contactȱusȱ([email protected])ȱtoȱdiscussȱyourȱoptions.ȱ 5

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ALUM PROFILE MITCHELL GELLER | SLINGS AND ARROWS Tufts alumna brings a rich array of voices ‘Two ears to her debut book up’ sounds BY JESSICA BAL in the International Orientation pro- Daily Editorial Board gram and adding a concentration in weird. Peace and Justice Studies to her educa- oger Ebert has one of the most Tiphanie Yanique isn’t content tion. “I began to think about my writ- famous body parts of all time: remaining within her own mind. ing in a more socially conscious way,” Achilles’ heel, Helen of Troy’s face, Instead, the writer and Tufts alumna Yanique said. “I didn’t want to write RSt. John the Baptist’s head, Roger (LA ’00) enters the minds of others — just vapid poems and navel-gazing Ebert’s thumb. While the Fonz may have a coffin dealer, a teen with leprosy, a stories.” popularized the wagging “aaaay” thumbs- Gambian priest — in order to weave For Yanique, a Virgin Islands native, up, Ebert really brought this gesture to the tales from the threads of hardship and socially conscious writing means con- mainstream. longing. Yanique’s book, entitled “How textualizing many of her stories within OK, so that might not be true, but it cer- to Escape from a Leper Colony,” was Caribbean culture and exploring issues tainly feels like it is. While the thumbs up released on March 2, marking her of identity formation. After graduat- has always been a part of the human expe- entrance into the published world of ing from Tufts in 2000, Yanique stud- rience — ancient Romans voting on the storytelling. ied Caribbean literature in Jamaica outcome of gladiator matches, hitchhikers And what a debut it is. “How to and Trinidad under a dual-country trying to grab rides, fighter pilots confirm- Escape from a Leper Colony” has Fulbright Scholarship. ing take off — Ebert’s thumb is the first to already received considerable praise; “My grandmother’s generation didn’t come to mind when the topic is discussed. it was featured in Oprah’s O Magazine have much access to American pop Starting in 1975, Ebert appeared, along and garnered Yanique a spot among culture, but my parents’ and my gener- with his longtime friend and rival, the The Boston Globe’s list of 16 up-and- ation have incredible access,” Yanique late Gene Siskel, on a weekly TV show comers for 2010. said of life in the Virgin Islands. “The called “Sneak Previews,” and then, from DREW.EDU The collection of stories is a three- Virgin Islands are still having a conver- Tufts alumna Tiphanie Yanique poignantly 1982 onward, “Siskel & Ebert & the Movies” year project born in part out of sation about identity. They have a very enters lives of others in her storytelling. (aka “At the Movies”), where he and Siskel Yanique’s Tufts experience and her American influence but a Caribbean argued about new releases. They rated each post-grad research as a Fulbright identity at the same time.” used each story as a way to experiment film with a number of thumbs: two up for a Scholar. She majored in English after Yanique explained that although with storytelling techniques, which great film, two down for a real clunker, etc. toying with the notion of a psychology she wasn’t consciously moving toward included taking on a variety of voices Simple. Perfect. Beautiful. concentration at Tufts. “Psychology a collection, the stories she devel- — male, female, young and old. The beauty of the thumbs up comes classes were actually among the best oped during and after her studies con- “Emotionally they’re all trying to do from its understated power. Something like classes for creative writing because tained similar emotional cores, and the same thing, which is talk about a dozen muscles contribute to one swift they taught me about how human eventually they morphed into “How to what it means to be longing for attach- motion that says it all: “Yes!” “Awesome!” beings work,” Yanique said. Escape.” ment — either to a person or a physi- “Absolutely!” “OK!” Like many Jumbos, Yanique also The stories are varied in length — cal place,” Yanique said. While fingers can say many things — the caught the “active citizenship” bug from 10 pages to a 60-page novella — pointer for accusing, the middle for telling during her time at Tufts, participating as well as in content. Yanique said she see YANIQUE, page 7 off, all five for greetings and goodbyes — only the thumbs up can be so wholly posi- TV REVIEW tive and optimistic. The thumbs up is always THEATER REVIEW genuine; try jabbing the sky with that little opposable guy with any hint of irony. Aesthetically, the thumb suffers from Blind date being, similar to a little teapot, both short and stout. Despite the basic form, no two pairs of thumbs are exactly alike: Some goes bad in people’s curve toward their wrists, known as hitchhiker’s thumb, while others are wide and flat toward the top, a condi- ‘Becky Shaw’ tion known as Brachydactyly type D (toe thumbs, for the layman). No matter what BY MICHELLE BEEHLER sort of thumb one possesses, the thumbs Daily Editorial Board up is a unifying experience to be shared by all; the thumbs up is universal, understood From a writer and director of the tele- and spoken by everybody. vision series “Law and Order” comes a It’s lucky for Roger Ebert, then, that he’s gut-splittingly hilarious play that con- associated with such a useful gesture. Over tains some characters seriously in need the past few years, Ebert has undergone of a good lawyer. a tough battle with cancer that’s left him unable to speak. Despite his lack of words, Becky Shaw he’s never lost his ability to flip up his fifth finger to give an insightful opinion. Roger Ebert is a longtime hero of mine (and one of the inspirations for “Slings TVGUIDE.COM Written by Gina Gionfriddo and Arrows”), with or without his famous Leighton Meester and Ed Westwick play young New Yorkers in love on “.” Directed by Peter DuBois thumbs. Since a Feb. 16 piece in Esquire At the Boston University Theatre magazine profiling Ebert and his adjust- through April 4 ment to his post-cancer life, everyone has been coming out of the woodwork to praise ‘Gossip Girl’ as melodramatic, Tickets $15 to $82.50 and honor him. I’d like to do this as well, but it’s been done so much lately it would In The Huntington Theatre just seem trite. What no one else has done addictive as ever Company’s production of Gina yet, however, is honor his thumbs. This BY REBECCA SANTIAGO season make “Gossip Girl,” which Gionfriddo’s “Becky Shaw,” sharp wit isn’t meant to belittle the man, his career, Daily Staff Writer returned last week from its winter and dialogue cut through issues of his vast body of work or his recent increase hiatus, as delightfully addictive as class, culture and politics in a hilari- in popularity; this is simply to say, “Wow, Even diehard fans acknowledge that ever. ous rendition of a very bad blind date. those are some fine thumbs you’ve got “Gossip Girl” jumped the shark near It is with an arched eyebrow and At first, “Becky Shaw” is simply shock- there, Mr. Ebert.” the end of the second season when a superior tone that ing if the audience is unable to regis- Thumbs up and Roger Ebert: They go (Leighton Meester) advises her best ter the dark, sometimes slightly offen- together like cookies and cream, peanut Gossip Girl frenemy, Serena van der Woodsen sive humor. But it slowly becomes butter and jelly, or Sudoku and the Daily. (Blake Lively), “Don’t be silly, Serena. The former is the best thing you can do We all need to play games.” That sage see SHAW, page 6 with your hand (short of a high five at Starring Blake Lively, Leighton counsel pertains to Serena’s budding least), and the latter is the best thing to Meester, Chace Crawford romance with Nate Archibald (Chace happen to criticism since Pauline Kael (not Crawford), their longtime mutual to mention a lot kinder). Airs Mondays at 9 p.m. friend who also happens to be Blair’s The thumbs up is ultimately what sepa- on The CW ex-boyfriend. Blair warns Serena to rates humans from animals. It’s the oppos- take things slowly in order to keep able thumb being used to its fullest poten- Lily Bass (Kelly Rutherford) spent an Nate interested, while tial, and it’s absolutely perfect. Paired with entire episode uselessly reminiscing (Penn Badgley) echoes similar sug- Roger Ebert, the two are a Voltron of awe- about her own wild years of teenage gestions to Nate. someness that simply can’t be beat. rebellion. The CW’s most addictive Of course, why either Serena or Roger Ebert’s thumbs up: five out of five drama has since veered onto the path Nate would take advice from a noto- stars. of unnecessary intensity paved by that riously manipulative beauty or a poet exemplar of the melodrama “One Tree of dubious success with the female Hill.” Even as its plotline tumbles into gender is anyone’s guess. Accordingly, HUNTINGTONTHEATRE.ORG Mitchell Geller is a junior majoring in psy- over-the-top absurdity, the relation- Characters Andrew and Becky go on an chology and English. He can be reached at ships developing in the show’s third see GOSSIP, page 7 unsuccessful blind date in “Becky Shaw.” [email protected]. 6 THE TUFTS DAILY ARTS & LIVING Monday, March 15, 2010

MOVIE REVIEW ‘The Yellow Handkerchief’ frames dual love stories with destitution in post-Katrina South

BY RENA OPPENHEIMER the characters in the movie, Daily Staff Writer they discover Brett’s true self and feel guilty for condemning “The Yellow Handkerchief” is him. Audiences get to know a story of three travelers in post- and identify with these oth- Katrina Louisiana searching for erwise misunderstood people who were brought together The Yellow Handkerchief by fate on an initially aimless road trip. Brett’s struggle and the frag- ments of the love story that Starring William Hurt, come together throughout the Maria Bello, Kristen movie are beautifully contrast- Stewart ed with the innocent court- Directed by Udayan ship between Martine (Kristen Prasad Stewart) and Gordy (Eddie Redmayne). Stewart, who filmed this movie before her human connection. William involvement in the “Twilight” Hurt is fantastic as the suffer- (2008, 2009) series, gives a in-silence ex-con Brett Hanson beautifully honest performance who has made mistakes and is as a strong-willed Southern girl. trying to pick up the pieces of Her often-mocked lip-biting his life. and fidgeting don’t distract too Brett and the lovely May much from the way she carries (Maria Bello) make up an ill- her character. fated couple, constantly torn Martine is a 15-year-old girl apart by their own insecurities. who is wise beyond her years. Over the course of “The Yellow She acts as the voice of reason ROTTENTOMATOES.COM Handkerchief,” in which three and the judge of people’s true Kristen Stewart plays a nice Southern girl lured by a teenage drifter. lost souls drift throughout the selves. Stewart deftly balances South, fragmented details are innocence (Martine is con- humanity and a place to belong tial areas, industrial centers Americans affected by disaster, revealed about the relationship stantly on pointed toe, dream- with each other. and the skeletons of buildings whether rebuilding physically between Brett and May. This ing of becoming a ballerina) Directed by Udayan Prasad, destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. from a hurricane or emotionally enthralling secondary storyline with the untimely maturity of the film’s consistent golden Prasad mirrors the stories of from a loved one lost to war or is an intimate glimpse into the a girl thrown into indepen- tones and depiction of destitute these three individuals with the prison. lives of two hardworking loners dence. She even almost pulls Southern life provide a senti- destroyed region through which Quiet yet powerful, “The trying to make it together. off the accent. mental backdrop in which Brett, they find themselves traveling. Yellow Handkerchief” was Just watching the film is a Stewart and Redmayne work Martine and Gordy interact. The image of the yellow rib- never meant to be a box-office reflective experience. Given together naturally. Gordy is a The buildings they find for ref- bon, a symbol of domestic sup- smash and is not destined to selective pieces of their history, geeky teenage drifter who hap- uge are abandoned and dusty, port for U.S. troops abroad, become 2010’s little indie film audience members are quick pens to own a sweet convertible marked by cobwebs and broken could not be any more appli- that could. It is worth seeing to label Hurt’s character as a that’s perfect for luring in nice windows; their environment is cable to the story and themes for the understated beauty of stalker, a rapist or even a cold- country girls. During their trav- as wrecked and lost as the lives of “The Yellow Handkerchief:” the actors’ performances and hearted murderer. Viewers are els and the drama that ensues, they lead. The camera pans love lost, reunion and redemp- as a brief escape into the emo- led to draw all sorts of judg- the ever-wandering characters across the wide country roads, tion. The story of these charac- tional realities of life in the rav- mental conclusions until, like find both a renewed hope in exposing patched-up residen- ters works as a synecdoche for aged South. Character relationships drive plot of Huntington Theatre Company’s ‘Becky Shaw’ SHAW accentuated by the fact that Andrew keeps for example, while it makes Andrew cry. two worlds meet, creating a war zone of continued from page 5 close to his college identity and youthful As a result, while the show itself might not pointed arguments and hissy fits. When evident that the show is one of the best dreams. While considered the only good be timeless, it makes it all the more appre- Becky arrives, everything is skewed. It finds this season. and decent person in the story, Andrew ciable in the moment. is difficult to decide whether she is the Suzanna Slater (Keira Naughton) is the is not without his flaws: He’s a dreaming Relationships between the characters delicate and mistreated individual that daughter of a wealthy family from the idealistic hipster whom Max enjoys tear- and their individually strong personali- Andrew sees or the desperate blackmail- South who finds herself depressed and ing to pieces with as many snipes and side ties are what drive the plot. Conversations ing person that Max imagines. bankrupt after her father’s death. She is comments as possible. make up the climactic moments of the Despite being the titular character of dependent on Max Garrett (Seth Fisher), It’s the work of Suzanna and Andrew show. The interactions between Suzanna’s the show, Becky Shaw is not so much the whom her parents took in but never to set up Max and Becky Shaw (Wendy mother, Susan Slater (Maureen Anderman), main protagonist, but the elusive charac- adopted after Max’s mother died. Hoopes) on a blind date. They instant- Suzanna and Max are highlights in the ter who, after making her entrance, brings Suzanna and Max are intimate because ly regret their decision, realizing their production. Anderman is simultaneously out everyone’s secrets. To Andrew, her they are so similar and understand one friends’ incompatibilities. It’s an action stunning and terrifying; she gracefully cap- self-destructiveness is a siren call, while another. They embody all of the preju- that creates turbulence and irrevocable tures her character’s ridiculous snobbery to Suzanna and Max, she is the figure dices and stereotypes of the upper-class, realizations for all of the characters. and blatant vulgarity. Her relationship with of a magnetic repulsion. Similar to the though it is often their graphic metaphors The commentary throughout the show a man half her age hardly assuages her class collisions central to the script, Becky and offensive comments that elicit laughs is fresh and full of contemporary refer- tasteless prejudices, but it brings tension to is another point of opposition between from the audience. ences. Jibes are constantly made at today’s her rapport with Suzanna, who finds this Suzanna and Max — one that their rela- Max’s rude and dismissive attitude is indie-hipster culture and members of the man more than an unacceptable replace- tionship may not survive. neither understood nor appreciated by all upper-class. These two worlds are repre- ment for her father. The Huntington Theatre Company’s of the characters, in particular Suzanna’s sented through the characters of Andrew The dichotomy of opposing classes and production of “Becky Shaw” is onstage husband, Andrew Porter (Eli James). and Max. Often at odds with one another, opinions is central to the performance. at the Boston University Theatre until Andrew is four years younger than Suzanna the two can never come to the same con- Max and Andrew represent entirely differ- April 4. Student rush tickets are available and a world apart from her, which is clusion about anything. Max loves porn, ent worlds, and through Suzanna, those for $15.

THEATER PREVIEW Torn Ticket II presents ‘Journey to the Past’ Feeling a little nostalgic? What better lesser-known Disney songs and chang- way to reconnect with childhood than a ing up more popular ones, creating a Disney musical performance? balance of old favorites and new tunes Tonight and tomorrow, some of the for the audience. best songs to come from Disney’s ani- Be prepared to listen to highlights mated classics are being presented out such as “Go the Distance” from of context and with a fresh perspective “Hercules” (1997), “Poor Unfortunate in Torn Ticket II’s minor production of Souls” from “The Little Mermaid” “Journey to the Past.” (1989) and “Be Prepared” from “The The performance is the brainchild of Lion King” (1994). director sophomore Josh Glenn-Kayden. One of the songs, “If I Never Knew You,” Glenn-Kayden’s idea is a song cycle that never even made it into a Disney movie. excludes dialogue and strings together It was cut from the film “Pocahontas” songs from various Disney films. (1995) but, according to Glenn-Kayden, is There is a loose plot that Glenn- a great song nonetheless. Kayden says is “true to the Disney The songs themselves are the stars of model, keeping the Disney feeling.” the show. Glenn-Kayden hopes that by It is a story that, not too surprisingly, the end, the audience will realize how contains a prince, a couple of villains good the songs truly are. and a love interest. Performances of “Journey to the But the plot is not the main point. The Past” are on March 15 and 16 at 8 p.m. idea is to explore the music, looking at in Barnum 008. HUNTINGTONTHEATRE.ORG — by Michelle Beehler Sharp-witted comedy spans class, culture and politics in “Becky Shaw.” Monday, March 15, 2010 THE TUFTS DAILY ARTS & LIVING 7 Yanique approaches multiple characters with keen understanding of humanity YANIQUE is in the process of crafting two novels continued from page 5 and a poetry collection — a multi-task- This theme of longing often makes er, she almost always works on more for stories that appear tragic, but than one project at once. Yanique, who speaks of her characters “As an artist, I don’t ever want to bore Want to reach as if they could speak back, believes myself,” Yanique said. “I’m definitely that unhappy circumstances don’t nec- interested in flexing my muscles and essarily make for unhappy protago- experimenting.” nists. “I think it’s just that life is kind “[Yanique] has the imaginative abil- of hard, as beautiful as Earth is,” she ity to enter into lots of people convinc- said. “Some of the characters are deal- ingly,” Strong said. “You feel like you’re ing with difficult stuff, but I think many not being led down a single road; you’re of them handle their difficulties with opening up to a lot of people ... which sensitivity and grace.” leads me to believe that [Yanique] has Tufts students? got a lot more to tell.” “How to Escape From a Leper Colony” “I think it’s just that life is is now available at the Tufts University kind of hard, as beautiful as bookstore. To learn more about Yanique, visit tiphanieyanique.com. Earth is.”

Tiphanie Yanique author You should While at Tufts, Yanique took creative writing classes with Professor Jonathan Strong and completed an undergradu- ate Senior Honors Thesis under his advertise in the supervision: a 150-page novel set in the Virgin Islands. The thesis, Strong said, was the single longest fiction project he’s had from a student in the last 10 years, and it provided a sample Tufts Daily. of the sort of flavor Yanique would bring to “How to Escape from a Leper Colony.” “Her thesis had in it the seeds of a very fertile, chock-full-of-people imag- ination,” Strong said. “It was clear to me that this was someone who had the possibility of going on to be a writer because she doesn’t just strike in one Email [email protected] note. She was exploring a lot of ter- ritory and a lot of different kinds of people.” AMAZON.COM for more information. What’s the Tufts alumna up to next? Yanique weaves tales of hardship and long- Yanique, who is an assistant professor ing in her novel “How to Escape from a of creative writing at Drew University, Leper Colony.” Indulgent cliffhangers and drama help boost uninspiring plot lines GOSSIP Less edgy, but infinitely more ven- continued from page 5 erable, is the relationship between Blair and Dan’s cries happily fall on Blair and (Ed Westwick). deaf ears at first. Viewers-cum-voyeurs Blair and Chuck have evolved from are treated to a sexy scene between their days of mind games and racy the blonde bombshell and her divinely bets. Their witty and steamy repartee chiseled new beau before their inevi- has been swapped with sincere love. table first fight. Of course, there could Blair has recently assumed a maternal not be a couple more aesthetically role in Chuck’s life, a transformation pleasing than Nate and Serena, yet highlighted by Chuck’s search for his this pretty duo also makes sense on a mother, whom he believed to be dead deeper level. until recently. As the once-selfish Blair Throughout the show, both Nate morphs into the well-dressed embodi- and Serena have kicked their old hab- ment of unconditional love, viewers its of inebriated frivolity — for the will both coo in awe and sigh wistfully most part, anyway — and have grown at this settled relationship. As beautiful increasingly down-to-earth. Their as Chuck and Blair’s mature union may love seems fated, as though these free be, it is far less guiltily gratifying than spirits only mellowed in order to fit their days of fiery, sexually charged more flawlessly together. At the very combat. least, even the staunchest opponents In fact, it is unnerving to see the of “Serenate” will prefer their relation- former queen of self-involvement and ship to Nate’s dull liaison with hipster king of unabashed debauchery develop Vanessa Abrams (). a bond more stable than that of the Meanwhile, Dan’s younger sister show’s two token adults, the newly Jenny () becomes more married Lily and Rufus Humphrey deeply entangled with the sinister (Matthew Settle). When Rufus discov- Damian Daalgard (Kevin Zegers), an ers that Lily secretly spent a night with international drug dealer with diplo- her ex-husband in a hotel room, his matic immunity and a mischievous trust in her is thoroughly shattered, smile. As they plot together to smuggle and he stalks out of her apartment into pills into high-security locations, Jenny the arms of Vanessa’s mother, Gabriela schemes privately to win the affections (Gina Torres). of her handsome partner-in-crime. The tumultuous nature of Lily and Jenny’s tendency to make life-ruin- Rufus’ relationship is another redun- ing decisions has been beaten to death dantly exhausted motif. Of course, a by the show’s writers. That unfor- prolonged honeymoon phase would tunate proclivity of hers was made be boring, but if the unlikely Chuck clear enough when she ran away from and Blair are managing to work things home, dropped out of school and near- out, why is the middle-aged couple so ly emancipated herself from her lov- incapable of getting its act together? ing father. And what about when she Lily and Rufus have split and gotten was caught stealing from a classmate’s back together too many times to count closet, or when she chose “Queen Bee” already — will they ever earn the right status over her best friend, Eric van to happiness marred solely by cute der Woodsen (Connor Paolo)? Despite domestic disputes? the overemphasis on this self-destruc- Despite its redundancy and use tive motif, Jenny herself is as lovably of cheesy, shock-factor plot twists, loathsome as ever. Her calculating “Gossip Girl” is full of indulgent cliff- determination is admirable, her new- hangers that continue to tease viewers found confidence is charming, and into urgent devotion. After all, even on TVGUIDE.COM like a cat, she always seems to land on the , scandal need not Blake Lively plays Serena, the rebellious socialite. her feet. be sophisticated to draw a crowd. 8 THE TUFTS DAILY EDITORIAL | LETTERS Monday, March 15, 2010


KERIANNE M. OKIE Expanding community service Editor-in-Chief Of the many things Tufts is known honor and significance of this year’s Even if such opportunities do exist, EDITORIAL for, its commitment to civic engage- award, we have to wonder why, when community activities can get lost in Caryn Horowitz ment and public service is certainly Tufts proclaims its commitment to the flood of information on TuftsLife. Grace Lamb-Atkinson near the top of the list. At first glance, public service and civic engagement, com or the flyers around campus. The it appears that the university’s recent it falls into the lowest rank of those current system, while it is not broken, Managing Editors appointment to the 2009 President’s institutions honored and has even clearly needs to be revitalized. Ellen Kan Executive News Editor Higher Education Community Service fallen from its previous status. Additionally, while discussing why Michael Del Moro News Editors Harrison Jacobs Honor Roll would serve as confirma- Though there is no public release the university achieved a spot on the Katherine Sawyer tion of this aspect of its reputation. about how each institution was rated, Honor Roll, Robert Hollister, the dean Saumya Vaishampayan Indeed, with Tufts’ extensive array of the award takes into account the amount of Tisch College of Citizenship and Marissa Gallerani Assistant News Editors Amelie Hecht organizations, events and courses that of student participation in community Public Service, cited organizations like Corinne Segal claim to facilitate active citizenship service and the level of the institution’s Jumpstart and the Tisch Scholars pro- Martha Shanahan and public service on campus, it seems projects’ impact on the local commu- gram. It is important to note, however, Jenny White only natural that the university should nity, as well as special programs and that both programs, which are cer- Brent Yarnell garner such a prestigious award. endeavors. While it may be unclear in tainly beneficial and valuable, require Carter Rogers Executive Features Editor The President’s Honor Roll, which exactly which areas Tufts was deficient, an application process, meaning that Marissa Carberry Features Editors features over 700 institutions, is divid- it is apparent that we can better live up students who don’t get in are auto- Robin Carol Emily Maretsky ed into three categories: Presidential to our reputation of a university com- matically cut off from those specific Mary Beth Griggs Assistant Features Editors Award Winners — the top six schools mitted to public service. avenues of engagement. Emilia Luna — followed by the second level, Honor The university puts admirable Whatever the reason for the uni- Alexa Sasanow Derek Schlom Roll with Distinction and then finally, emphasis on hosting speakers, sym- versity’s apparent move off the Honor the Honor Roll. Tufts, along with the posiums and lectures on the ideas Roll with Distinction, Tufts needs to Catherine Scott Executive Arts Editor majority of the institutions chosen, of civic engagement, public service be aware that, if it’s going to bill itself Jessica Bal Arts Editors Adam Kulewicz falls into that third category. Last year and active citizenship. But Tufts’ as an institution that emphasizes Charissa Ng the university made the second-tier hands-on, community-focused volun- public service and civic engagement, Josh Zeidel category, Honor Roll with Distinction. teer opportunities need to be equally it should ensure that those values are Michelle Beehler Assistant Arts Editors Though the Daily recognizes the available. represented consistently in practice. Zachary Drucker Rebecca Goldberg

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Ben Schwalb Executive Online Editor Hena Kapadia Online Editors LETTER TO THE EDITOR Audrey Kuan Darcy Mann Assistant Online Editors Ann Sloan Dear Editor, that Tufts was publicly at the forefront with college students attending a four- of exploring innovative ideas in pro- hour concert. Muhammad Qadri Executive Technical Manager I am writing to you because I feel that tecting students from the dangers of Tufts’ strength is its ability to draw Michael Vastola Technical Manager the ban of alcohol at this year’s Spring binge drinking. I am now saddened on very courageous and intelligent Fling is a flawed and outdated policy. to read that in practice Tufts is simply people who possess an amazing ability BUSINESS As an alumnus of Tufts, I was proud to forging ahead with the same flawed to collectively solve difficult real-world Kahran Singh see that University President Lawrence and outdated policy that made this problems. I now call on the President Executive Business Director Bacow was a signatory to the Amethyst country’s Prohibition experiment such and other members of the Tufts admin- Benjamin Hubbell-Engler Advertising Director Initiative. The initiative, according to a complete failure. A total alcohol ban istration to revisit this decision and to, Brenna Duncan Online Advertising Manager their Web site, “supports informed and is the antithesis of the new ideas that at the very least, have an informed and Dwijo Goswami Billing Manager Ally Gimbel Outreach Director unimpeded debate on the 21-year-old the Amethyst Initiative seeks. A ban is debate on this matter. Hopefully, inno- drinking age. Amethyst Initiative presi- certainly the safe public relations move vative and more successful policies can The Tufts Daily is a nonprofit, independent newspaper, pub- dents and chancellors call upon elected in light of last year’s event. However, be freely explored and implemented in lished Monday through Friday during the academic year, and distributed free to the Tufts community. officials to weigh all the consequenc- as last year proved, student health and time for a safe concert. es of current alcohol policies and to safety is truly at stake. Perhaps this year P.O. Box 53018, Medford, MA 02155 invite new ideas on how best to prepare public relations should take a back- Sincerely, 617 627 3090 FAX 617 627 3910 [email protected] young adults to make responsible deci- seat to a new policy that realistically David McNally sions about alcohol use.” I was proud addresses the fact that we are dealing Class of 1997

EDITORIAL POLICY Editorials that appear on this page are written by the editorialists, and indi- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters must be submitted by 4 p.m. and should be handed ADVERTISING POLICY All advertising copy is subject vidual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in agreement with, the policies and editorials into the Daily office or sent to [email protected]. All letters must be word processed and to the approval of the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Board of The Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, cartoons and graphics include the writer’s name and telephone number. There is a 450-word limit and letters must and Executive Business Director. A publication sched- does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Tufts Daily editorial board. be verified. The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, space and length. ule and rate card are available upon request. Monday, March 15, 2010 THE TUFTS DAILY OP-ED 9 A response to McCarthyite Zionism BY DANIEL BLEIBERG

Der Judenstaat: It’s German for “The State of the Jews.” More than a century later, Theodor Herzl’s vision of a demo- cratic and Jewish homeland as described in his 1896 book “Der Judenstaat” has not only been fulfilled, but also exceeded the most optimistic of expectations. Despite being one of the world’s smallest countries and having to constantly defend itself against existential military threats, Israel has truly thrived. Israel has managed in 60 years to have the highest per capita rate of university degrees and museums and the third-largest number of companies in the NASDAQ Stock Market, to devel- op the origins of the cell phone and maintain state-of-the- art desalination capabilities, among many other miraculous achievements. In recent years, Israel has been at the forefront of humanitarian missions around the world, with journalist Anderson Cooper of CNN recently praising the Israeli-run field hospital in earthquake-torn Haiti, which is estimated to have performed 140 life-saving operations in the matter of a week. Though dissent may be stifled throughout the Arab world, Israel boasts one of the most transparent and multifaceted civil societies in the world. The State of Israel is highly ranked in civil liberties and was labeled as “Free” by the non-partisan organization Freedom House, a feat no other nation in the Middle East can boast. Domestic freedoms within Israel manifest themselves through exceptional women’s and gay rights, freedom of the press and a vibrant political process. Israel is the only country in the Middle East to adopt gay rights legislation, such as recognizing foreign same-sex mar- riages and allowing gays to openly serve in the military. Furthermore, Tel Aviv is considered worldwide to be a hub for what the Israeli Ministry of Tourism calls “gay tourism,” draw- ing in thousands of visitors yearly. With regard to women’s rights, Israel was one of the first nations to have a female prime minister (the late Golda Meir), many female CEOs make up the ranks of Israel Fortune 500 companies and its MCT first Olympic medal was awarded to female athlete Yael Arad in 1992 for judo. Within the political system, women have prizes, ranging from achievements in the promotion of peace, absorbed more immigrants per capita than any other nation held critical leadership positions as speakers of Parliament, chemistry, literature, biology and economics. Tel Aviv’s White worldwide. A shocking three million immigrants have been Supreme Court justices and prominent cabinet members. City is composed of 4,000 Bauhaus-style buildings, and its integrated into Israeli society in the last 62 years. Zionism has Freedom of the press is widely respected throughout Israel, architectural splendor is protected by its status as a UNESCO always aimed to provide Jews from all corners of the world with all newspapers privately owned and unrestrained in World Heritage Site. In a matter of a century, Hebrew has been with a sense that they can find protection and refuge in their critiquing their own government. revived from an ancient Biblical language to the spoken tongue ancestral homeland, even implementing covert operations to Although Israel enjoys full diplomatic relations with only and written vernacular. The first Prime Minister of Israel, David rescue tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews in the 1990s. The two members of the Arab League, Egypt and Jordan (20 out Ben-Gurion, devised a method to create a cultural melting pot State of Israel will continue to fulfill its promise to provide a of 22 members refuse to recognize Israel’s existence), it has within Israeli society by creating an Israeli Defense Force and a protective umbrella for the Jewish Diaspora worldwide, and for attempted to make the most out of its relationships with its pluralistic education system that incorporate citizens from any this reason, Israel’s purpose continues to be not only relevant, neighbors. Just to note a few recent examples, Jordan and Israel background or heritage. but of pressing and critical importance. Dr. Martin Luther King just established a joint emergency response team in prepara- In understanding Israel today, one must return to the Jr. could not have prophetically depicted Israel better when he tion for a natural disaster. Dr. Bruria Adini, head of the collab- roots of the Zionist movement. Zionism originates from the stated in 1968, “Israel is one of the great outposts of democracy orative team, hopes to one day bring the program to the national liberation struggle by the Jewish people who sought in the world and a marvelous example of what can be done, Palestinian territories, Egypt and Syria — envisioning concrete refuge in their historical homeland in the face of persecu- how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brother- normalization of relations in the region. In addition, Israel also tion, state-sponsored pogroms and ultimately, the calamity hood and democracy.” plans to construct a mega-solar plant in coordination with of the Holocaust. In 1947, the United Nations overwhelm- Egypt to supply alternative energy sources. ingly approved the Partition Plan, thus enabling the State of Moreover, Israel’s contributions in the cultural realm are Israel to be founded with the full backing of international Daniel Bleiberg is a freshman who has not yet declared a major. abundant. For example, nine Israelis have been awarded Nobel law and the global community. Since its founding, Israel has He is the political vice president for Tufts Friends of Israel. Re-examining prejudice

BY JOSHUA REED-DIAWUOH meant the projection of a narrow slice of African American these select topics are of equal, if not greater, importance life onto a larger American narrative. A widespread fasci- than predatory gangster culture in the lives of many of the University of California, San Diego has the small- nation with gangster elements of black culture present chosen commercial rappers of our day. est African-American population of the nine-campus in rap music has led to the rapid homogenization of this It is accurate to say that a majority of African Americans University of California (UC) system: a meager three per- musical genre. On the radio waves, where there was once live in urban environments and also fair to suggest that the cent. It has been a statistic which as of late many black a great diversity of voices and experiences in hip-hop, subjects harped upon by mainstream rappers are realities students have been very cognizant of. there are now almost exclusively artists boasting about in many urban centers. It is, however, completely absurd On the night of Feb. 25, a noose was found hanging in criminal pasts and sexual exploits (there is of course a to characterize the modern African American experience Geisel Library on the University of California, San Diego vibrant hip-hop culture outside the bounds of commer- through mainstream rap culture; experiences of young (UCSD) campus. The incident triggered demonstrations cial hip-hop music). African Americans within and outside of urban areas are by outraged students on campus and also drew wide- It’s interesting to note that over 70 percent of rap is pur- complex and varied. As obvious as this may seem, this spread condemnation from professors and administra- chased by white listeners; that is to say that the majority reality is frequently missed and in this instance, at UC San tors who saw this as a despicable act of racial hatred. of its listeners presumably have limited experience with Diego, it was missed in an overtly racist manner. Admittedly, the motives behind this incident have yet to the content of the music they are listening to. The conse- In this framework it is then not surprising that fraterni- be confirmed as racially motivated; however the incident quence of this statistical reality is disastrous: Many people ties at UC San Diego would host a joint party regurgitat- undeniably invoked vivid imagery of this country’s violent see only a fraction of black life in poor urban centers as ing stereotypes about black culture and assume that this racial history and understandably outraged and intimi- depicted in commercial rap with nothing against which behavior would not be scrutinized. These developments dated African-American students on campus. This was to contrast it. This leaves listeners with a misleading and beg the question of whether there is a causal relationship also only one in a string of other racial incidents on the dangerous notion: that they understand the spectrum of between a lack of racial and ethnic diversity and prejudi- UCSD campus, including a joint fraternity party that made life experiences “in the hood” through rap. cial behaviors such as those unfolding at UC San Diego. a mockery of Black History Month by hosting a “Compton Here’s a simple example to illustrate my point. Have Regardless, the actions of ignorant students at UC San Cookout,” encouraging guests to wear rapper-style cloth- you ever heard a rap song on the radio about the strong Diego need to be understood both within the context of ing, including baggy clothes, jerseys, chains and gold teeth. religious foundations of a particular community a rapper a school atmosphere in which racial incidents have been Guests were also encouraged to start fights and drama, and grew up in? How about the dynamics of public education frequent but also within a larger culture wrought with chicken, watermelon and purple drink were the extent of at under-funded schools an entertainer attended? Or the black stereotyping. the food that was to be served. For me, this is where a more importance of a strong nuclear family throughout an art- nuanced controversy begins, one inextricably linked to ist’s life? As a listener of commercial rap, I would be pressed popular media and specifically to rap music. to find rhymes that speak to these points — let alone Joshua Reed-Diawuoh is a freshman who has not yet declared The ascendance of commercial rap in my lifetime has songs, even albums, dedicated to them. I would argue that a major. LET THE CAMPUS KNOW WHAT MATTERS TO YOU. The Op-Ed section of the Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. Submissions are welcome from all members of the Tufts community. We accept opinion articles on any aspect of campus life, as well as articles on national or international news. Opinion pieces should be between 600 and 1,200 words. Please send submissions, with a contact number, to [email protected]. Feel free to e-mail us with any questions.

OP-ED POLICY The Op-EdOp-ed section of the Tufts Daily, an open forum for campus editorial commentary, is printed Monday through Thursday. Op-EdOp-ed welcomes submissions from all members of the Tufts community. Opinion articles on campus, national and international issues should be 600 to 1,200 words in length. All material is subject to editorial discretion, and is not guaranteed to appear in The Tufts Daily. All material should be submitted by no later than 1 p.m. on the day prior to the desired day of publication. Material must be submitted via e-mail ([email protected]) attached in .doc or .docx format. Questions and concerns should be directed to the Op-EdOp-ed editors. The opinions expressed in the Op-edOp-Ed section do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Tufts Daily itself. 10 THE TUFTS DAILY COMICS Monday, March 15, 2010






SUDOKU Level: Sleeping in every day during spring break


Friday’s Solution

Ben: “You can’t make a sex playlist beforehand. You need a DJ there for on-the-spot action.”

Please recycle this Daily Monday, March 15, 2010 THE TUFTS DAILY SPORTS 11

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MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD seventh place among 12 ath- off guard, an advantage which man Sam Haney, senior quad- Faller was able to pass two continued from page 16 letes. he was able to use to vault into captain Billy Hale, sophomore teams during his leg of the “It started really spreading “It was a pretty good perfor- a high position. Ben Crastnopol and Faller ran relay, but it was not enough to out with about a thousand to mance. I did what I needed to In the final event, the 1,000- a time of 10:13.93, nearly 17 boost the Jumbos into the top go,” Faller said. “I passed three do,” Engelking said. “I didn’t meter run, Engelking took sixth seconds slower than the team eight teams. guys with 600 meters left in the hit my [personal record], but with a time of 2:50.85 to secure ran to qualify for NCAA’s last “For the DMR, I think the race and moved into fourth no one really did. All the guys his spot as seventh overall and weekend (9:56.97). younger guys might have their place, and then finally moved were under their qualifying as an All-American, which is “It didn’t turn out as we shot again at Nationals, and I into third place going into the scores. All in all I was pretty given out to the top eight fin- would have liked,” Faller said. think this year is definitely a last lap, so it was definitely an pleased, except for my long ishers. “I would be lying to say that good experience for them for all-out sprint and that played jump.” “I basically ran a strategic we weren’t disappointed with the future, and for me I’m glad right into my hands. Senior Todd Wildman of race,” Engelking said. “I wasn’t the race. I think we went into that I could finish my indoor “The talent of the field was Trinity University in Texas took really going for time. I knew Nationals with the hope and track career on a high note,” definitely unquestioned, and home the title in the pentath- who I needed to beat, and by the expectation of finishing in Faller said. the times don’t reflect the tal- lon, accumulating a point total how much time I needed to the top eight, so to not accom- The team had hoped to ent. I think some of the guys of 3,751. Wildman entered the beat them to podium. So going plish a top-eight finish was a match the Jumbo’s strong DMR who are more strength runners meet with the highest qualify- into the 1,000 I had that in disappointment. That being finish at Nationals last indoor might have not had a good race ing score at 3,876 points. mind, and time was really sec- said, I think we also ran good season, when the squad, which because of how fast the finish The competition began ondary.” races and we put out a good featured Hale and Faller, took was, but it was a very competi- bright and early at 9 a.m. Along with Engelking’s third- effort, and things just didn’t go third in a time of 10:04.78. tive field,” Faller continued. on Friday with the 55-meter place finish in the decathlon our way. With the indoor season Faller’s finish this weekend hurdles, Engelking’s strongest at NCAA’s last outdoor season, “Our lead-off leg, Sam Haney, wrapped up, Tufts now turns its garnered him his third indoor event. The fourth-year boast- the senior now holds two All- didn’t have his best race, and attention to its outdoor cam- All-American honor and sixth ed a runner-up finish in that American titles. he got stuck in the back of the paign, which will commence overall recognition as an All- event, with a time of 7.77 sec- The distance medley relay pack and wasn’t really able to when it hosts the Snowflake American in his decorated four onds, putting him in second (DMR) also competed on move up,” Faller continued. Classic on April 3 after spring years at Tufts. The senior has place as he moved on to the Friday. In a disappointing fin- “When I got the baton, we break. But that certainly will proved that he can perform second event. ish, the relay placed ninth were too far behind the other not diminish the feeling of just as well running outside “[My hurdle time was] pretty among 11 teams. teams for me to make up the earning All-American honors in cross-country events, for good for me for opening up, The squad from Trinity took ground. I didn’t run my best for Engelking and Faller. which he is also a three-time basically like a trials. I real- a strong lead during the race, race or my best time, but our “I don’t think there is any bet- All-American, in addition to ly needed that to boost my going into the final leg with team doesn’t match up well ter way to end the season, with keeping the pace with the best points,” Engelking said. The a large gap over the rest of against other national DMR an All-American at Nationals,” in the country in the indoor pentathlon has only one hur- the field, but was outkicked teams because a lot of other Engelking said. “It’s a culmina- events. dle race, unlike the normal by University of Wisconsin- teams have a solid runner on tion of everything I’ve done While Faller was busy prep- preliminary and final races of Stevens Point, whose unit ran the first leg and a solid run- this season — I was able to stay ping for his race on Saturday, the event. a time of 10:02.38 to win the ner on the mile leg. Our team healthy for the most part, work his teammate Engelking fin- According to Engelking, the event by a margin of seven depends a lot on anchor leg, hard and do all the workouts. ished the pentathlon on Friday early-morning scheduling of the hundredths of a second. and I just wasn’t able to meet Everything just seemed to fit with a score of 3,491 to secure hurdles race put some athletes Tufts’ relay team of fresh- the challenge.” into place.”

Did you know? Freemasons believe a Man’s Greatness Can Be Measured! Not by his wealth and fame, but by his DEEDS, his character, his truth, his tolerance, his charity, his trust, his friendship, his LOVE for his fellow creatures. For almost three centuries, Freemasonry has been that special place where good men can find their Greatness. But how do you become part of the oldest Fraternity, Philanthropy, and Ecumenical Brotherhood in the world? You ASK! Open House Saturday, March 27th 9am-3pm 125 Highland Avenue [Rear] - Somerville 12 THE TUFTS DAILY SPORTS Monday, March 15, 2010 First Round March 18-19 8. Texas (24-9) 8. Texas Forest (19-10) Wake 9. (29-5) 5. Temple 12. Cornell (27-4) (23-8) 4. Wisconsin (24-9) Washington 11. 3. New Mexico (29-4) 14. Montana (22-9) 7. Clemson (21-1) 10. Missouri (22-10) (27-6) Virginia 2. West St. (27-9) 15. Morgan 1. Duke (29-5) 16. Ark PB/Winthrop 8. California (23-10) 9. Louisville (20-12) A&M (23-9) 5. Texas 12. Utah St. (27-7) 4. Purdue (27-5) 13. Siena (27-6) 6. Notre Dame (23-11) Old Dominion (26-8) 11. 3. Baylor (25-7) 14. Sam Houston St. (25-7) 7. Richmond (26-8) (26-5) 10. Saint Mary’s (24-7) 2. Villanova 15. Robert Morris (23-11) 13. Wofford (26-8) 13. Wofford 1. Kentucky (32-2) St. (20-14) Tennessee 16. E. 6. Marquette (22-11) March 20-21 Second Round Jacksonville, Fla. Jacksonville, Friday-Sunday San Jose, Calif. Thursday-Saturday Fla. Jacksonville, Friday-Sunday Spokane, Wash. Friday-Sunday New Orleans, La. Thursday-Saturday R.I. Providence, Thursday-Saturday New Orleans, La. Thursday-Saturday N.Y. Buffalo, Friday-Sunday March 25-26 Sweet Sixteen Sweet EAST REGION Elite Eight March 27-28 April 3 INDIANAPOLIS FINAL FOUR Winthrop (19-13) Winthrop April 5 March 16 PLAY-IN GAME INDIANAPOLIS CHAMPIONSHIP 2010 MEN’S BRACKET NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP NATIONAL Tufts Daily Tufts Arkansas-Pine Bluff (17-15)Arkansas-Pine Bluff vs. MARCH MADNESS MARCH DIV. I NCAA TOURNAMENT FINAL FOUR April 3 INDIANAPOLIS Elite Eight March 27-28 March 25-26 Sweet Sixteen Sweet WEST REGION SOUTH REGION MIDWEST REGION Buffalo, N.Y. Buffalo, Friday-Sunday Friday-Sunday Friday-Sunday Friday-Sunday San Jose, Calif. Spokane, Wash. Spokane, Wash. Providence, R.I. Providence, Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee, Thursday-Saturday March 20-21 Thursday-Saturday Thursday-Saturday Thursday-Saturday Second Round Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma City, First Round March 18-19 6. Xavier (24-8) Minnesota (21-13) 11. 6. Tennessee (25-8) 6. Tennessee San Diego St. (25-8) 11. 1. Syracuse (28-4) (25-9) 16. Vermont (24-8) 3. Pittsburgh 14. Oakland (26-8) 7. BYU (29-5) 10. Florida (21-12) 2. Kansas St. (26-7) (24-8) Texas 15. North 3. Georgetown (23-10) 3. Georgetown 14. Ohio (21-14) 7. Oklahoma St. (22-10) (22-12) Tech 10. Georgia 2. Ohio State (27-7) 15. UC Santa Barbara (20-9) 8. Gonzaga (26-6) 9. Florida St. (22-9) 5. Butler (28-4) (26-6) 12. UTEP (24-8) 4. Vanderbilt 13. Murray State (30-4) 1. Kansas (32-2) 16. Lehigh (22-10) (25-8) 8. UNLV 9. Northern Iowa (28-4) 5. Michigan St. (24-8) 12. New Mexico St. (22-11) 4. Maryland (23-8) 13. Houston (19-15) Monday, March 15, 2010 THE TUFTS DAILY SPORTS 13 Jumbos look to non-conference Wellesley match to build confidence as a team WOMEN’S LACROSSE ball,” Perez said. “We turned it over a lot in the spurts and short breakdowns. I think we’re kinks that plagued them on Saturday. continued from page 16 beginning, which resulted in quick Amherst beginning to become comfortable with each “I think it will be really beneficial because minutes, two Trapp assists to Amherst fresh- goals, so we decided the most important part other on the field more and more, and we’ll be you can only do so much when you prac- man offensive midfielder Wyatt Davis put of the game is possession — ‘if we have it, they able to figure it out before our next games.” tice against your own team,” Perez said. the visitors up 2-0. don’t.’ We definitely just came together and Tufts outshot Amherst 23-21, but Amherst “Especially for attack, playing against a team Then, Johnson answered with her first goal calmed down. It helped a lot.” managed to fire off one more shot on goal. we’re not familiar with I think will really help at 21:43 left in the period. However, Trapp Egan started the second half with a goal for Junior goalkeeper Sara Bloom finished with us find our sense of rhythm and flow on would feed two more to sophomore attacker Tufts, and it looked briefly as if a comeback five saves in the match, while Johnson round- offense.” Allie Horwitz before Johnson scored unassist- was in order. But a four-goal Lord Jeffs run ed out her offensive performance with six “That’s the biggest advantage of playing a ed again. With the score 4-2, Trapp assisted rattled the defense, and the Jumbos weren’t draw controls, one caused turnover and one team like Wellesley: It gives us a chance for Horwitz a third time and scored one of her able to recover, despite the eventual run of ground ball. people to get really comfortable and build own to knock the Jumbos down by four. After their own. Tomorrow, the Jumbos will travel to some confidence in those players that haven’t freshman midfielder Kerry Eaton’s first career “I think the biggest thing has been inconsis- Wellesley for their first non-conference game played on this level as much,” Kopp added. goal, the Jumbos headed into halftime unex- tency,” senior co-captain Alyssa Kopp said. “I of the season. The Jumbos have beaten the “They can get to see how this team can be at pectedly down by three, needing to regroup. think we have a lot of potential, and it showed Blue by an average of 12 goals per game the our best, how the offense is supposed to run “We just decided we needed to communi- for 10 minutes at a time; we just need to play last five seasons, and they look to the game as and the defense is supposed to work. But still, cate more and just be more composed on the together as a team for 60 minutes without an opportunity to work out the early-season it’s always a big game for us.”

STATISTICS | STANDINGS Men's Lacrosse Women's Lacrosse Baseball Softball USILA Div. III Men’s Lax (1-0, 1-0 NESCAC) (0-1, 0-1 NESCAC) (0-0, 0-0 NESCAC East) (0-0, 0-0 NESCAC East) as of Mar. 7, 2010 Ranking, team (No. 1 votes) NESCAC OVERALL NESCAC OVERALL NESCAC OVERALL NESCAC OVERALL W L East W L T W L T 1. Gettysburg (10) W L W L W L W L East T W L T Bates 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bates 0 0 0 0 0 0 2. Stevenson (4) Bowdoin 1 0 1 0 Amherst 1 0 1 0 3. Roanoke Bowdoin 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bowdoin 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bates 1 0 1 0 4. Salisbury Conn. Coll. 1 0 2 0 Colby 0 0 0 0 0 0 Colby 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bowdoin 1 0 1 0 5. Cortland Middlebury 1 0 1 0 Trinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trinity 0 0 0 0 0 0 Colby 1 0 1 0 6. Denison Tufts 1 0 1 0 Tufts 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tufts 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trinity 1 0 1 0 7. Middlebury Williams 1 0 1 0 8. Washington & Lee 0 1 0 1 Amherst 0 1 0 1 Conn. Coll. West West 9. Tufts Bates 0 1 3 1 Middlebury 0 1 0 1 Amherst 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amherst 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tufts 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IWLCA Div. III Women’s Lax Colby 0 1 0 1 Hamilton Hamilton as of Mar. 8, 2010 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trinity 0 1 0 1 Wesleyan 0 3 Middlebury Middlebury Ranking, team (No. 1 votes) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Williams 0 1 0 1 Wesleyan Wesleyan 1. Franklin and Marshall Wesleyan 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Williams 0 0 0 0 0 0 Williams 2. Salisbury 3. Gettysburg Individual Statistics Individual Statistics Individual Statistics Individual Statistics 4. Hamilton AVG HR RBI 5. TCNJ G A P G A P AVG HR RBI 6. Middlebury Emily Johnson 4 1 5 David Leresche .000 0 0 Ryan Molloy 2 2 4 Casey Sullivan .000 0 0 7. Colby Nate Bankoff 0 0 Kevin McCormick 2 1 3 Casey Egan 2 0 2 .000 Lena Cantone .000 0 0 8. Babson Patrick Devine 1 2 3 Kerry Eaton 1 0 1 Sam Sager .000 0 0 Christy Tinker .000 0 0 9. Tufts Brian Donovan 2 0 2 Steph Perez 1 0 1 David Orlowitz .000 0 0 Julia Silberman .000 0 0 Mike Droesch 2 0 2 Jenna Abelli 0 1 1 Chase Rose .000 0 0 Mira Lieman-Sifry .000 0 0 NFCA Div. III Softball Doug DiSesa 2 0 2 Kaitlyn Leidl 0 1 1 Ben Walkley .000 0 0 Izzie Santone .000 0 0 as of Mar. 4, 2009 Matt Witko 2 0 2 Lara Kozin 0 0 0 Alex Perry .000 0 0 Lizzy Iuppa .000 0 0 Ranking, team (No. 1 votes) Jamie Atkins 1 1 2 Kelly Hyland 0 0 0 Caleb Sims .000 0 0 Erin Gallagher .000 0 0 1. Messiah (7) D.J. Hessler 1 1 2 Sara Bloom 0 0 0 Anthony Fucillo .000 0 0 Bri Cilley .000 0 0 2. Texas-Tyler 3. Louisiana College Nick Rhoads 1 0 1 Lily Colahan 0 0 0 Ian Goldberg .000 0 0 Aly Moskowitz .000 0 0 4. East Texas Baptist Team 18 8 26 Team 8 3 11 Team .000 0 0 Team 0 0 .000 5. Washington-St. Louis Pitching W L ERA SO 6. Cortland Goaltending GA Sv S% Goaltending GA Sv S% Pitching W L ERA SO Chris DeGoti 0 0 0.00 0 7. Ohio Northern Steven Foglietta 8 10 .556 Sara Bloom 11 5 .312 Izzie Santone 0 0 0.00 0 Tom Hill 0 0 0.00 0 8. Augustana Stefanie Tong 0 0 0.00 0 Also receiving votes: Tufts 3 credits in 6 weeks? Really.

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WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELD than the others I’ve run because continued from page 16 it’s more tactical,” Wilfert said. she, like Jones, set at the All- “It’s hard to hang on to the New England Championships. people in front of you, and Wilfert ran 5:03.22 in the pre- everyone is running around the liminary race on Friday after- same time. You don’t want to noon, positioning her among lose the pack.” the top 10 runners. But in the Jones’ runner-up finish finals, she fell over four sec- scored eight points for Tufts onds behind the eighth-place during the NCAA meet, putting competitor, sophomore Maeve the Jumbos in 27th place, along Evens of . with six other schools. Wartburg Like Jones, Wilfert had mixed College won the championship feelings about her results. meet with 33 points. Last year, “The season for me was a six Jumbos represented the lot of ups and downs, and the women’s team at the champi- [NCAA’s] didn’t go exactly the onships, but the smaller show- way I had hoped,” Wilfert said. ing of just Jones and Wilfert “It was a good learning experi- made for what Wilfert pegged ence, though.” as a more intense, personal The junior athlete isn’t new experience. to the NCAA Championships, “It was definitely different,” having qualified last year for said Wilfert. “I think we spent a the 1,200-meter portion of the lot more time getting ready and distance medley relay (DMR) in trying to be prepared. Last year, the Div. III indoor meet, as well in a way, was almost less pres- as the 1,500 meter in the Div. III sure because we were there as a outdoor meet. Her DMR team team [for the DMR].” won the championships — and Though both girls expressed an All-American honor — last some dissatisfaction with their March. season performances, spring “It was different last year,” break marks a welcome transi- Wilfert said. “It was more of a tion to a fresh outdoor season team effort for the DMR, where- — and another chance at the as outdoor was my way of figur- championships. ing out how to run the trials. This “It was a pretty lackluster time around, I knew coming in season for me,” Jones said. “I’m [to the NCAA’s] what I had to do looking forward to the good to make the finals ... and then I weather [in the outdoor sea- just had to go from there.” son]. Who knows, maybe it’ll While Wilfert came up short help me out.” of garnering an All-American Wilbert echoed her team- honor this indoor season, she mate’s sentiments. “Indoor said that the championship race was a little inconsistent for helped her better understand me,” she said. “I’m hoping for COURTESY DEPAUW UNIVERSITY the competition. a better, more consistent out- Junior Amy Wilfert finished in ninth place in the mile run at the Div. III NCAA Championships. Wilfert just barely “It’s a different sort of race door season.” missed receiving All-American honors for her swiftness on the track.

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MEN’S LACROSSE Jumbos trample Lord Jeff s in season opener Twelve diff erent players score for Tufts in electrifying 2010 debut BY BEN KOCHMAN Daily Editorial Board

The men’s lacrosse team opened its season slate against familiar NESCAC foe Amherst,

MEN’S LACROSSE (1-0, 1-0 NESCAC) at Amherst, Mass., Saturday

Tufts 8 4 0 6 --- 18 Amherst 2 0 1 5 --- 8 and for the second straight year, the Jumbos garnered what has become a familiar result against the Lord Jeffs: a resounding victory. The nationally ninth-ranked Jumbos scored 18 goals on 42 shots Saturday in Amherst, Mass. While the Lord Jeffs’ defense committed itself to shutting down Tufts junior DJ Hessler — who in last year’s meeting lit up Amherst with four goals and six assists — an array of Jumbos stepped up to propel the team to its seventh consecutive win over Amherst dating back to 2004. “We had a lot of different players score, which is a testa- ment to how hard we’ve been working in the off-season,” senior tri-captain Doug DiSesa said. “Everyone’s still pretty DAILY FILE PHOTO upset about the way last season Senior tri-captain Doug DiSesa blazed two goals past the Amherst defense as part of the Jumbos’ torrential 18-goal offensive explosion on Saturday ended, so we’ve been training in their season-opening win on the road. pretty hard and working on our mental toughness.” Saturday’s 18 goals were making plays.” 2-0 because we knew we could potential problem areas in of it, but we need to limit our spread out among 12 Jumbos, The game started with two come back and win.” which the Jumbos can improve penalties,” Droesch said. including a pair each from quick Amherst face-off wins The third quarter began with as they enter the meat of the With Saturday’s win, Tufts DiSesa and a pair from junior and ensuing goals by sopho- a lull in the action, as the Lord season. Tufts spent 10 min- moves to 1-0 on the year. attacker Ryan Molloy. Molloy more midfielders Alex Fox and Jeffs controlled possession, utes playing a man down on Tomorrow afternoon the contributed two assists as well, Evan Redwood, which put Tufts outshooting the Jumbos 13-1 Saturday after committing 11 Jumbos will host Lasell College leading the team with four total in a 2-0 hole early in the first but failing to capitalize. The penalties. The Lord Jeffs, by in the home opener at Bello points. Sophomore midfield- quarter. But the Jumbos kept lone goal of the quarter — an comparison, had seven penal- Field. In 2009, Tufts trounced er Kevin McCormick, junior their cool and reeled off eight unassisted score by Amherst ties for six total minutes. Still, Lasell 22-8 in the midst of an attacker Brian Donovan, junior consecutive goals to close out freshman midfielder Jeff Izzo the Jumbos only gave up one eight-game, season-opening midfielder Matt Witko and the quarter. Tufts came out — narrowed the lead to 12-3 goal while disadvantaged and winning streak. This Tuesday, senior tri-captain midfielder strong in the second quarter, going into the final stanza. scored on three of their own the Jumbos hope for a repeat Mike Droesch all chipped in scoring four goals and put- In the fourth quarter, Tufts man-up opportunities. performance. two goals apiece as part of a ting 14 of its 16 shots on goal. stretched its lead out to 16-4. For Tufts to maintain its high “We expect to win every balanced Jumbo attack. The lead was 12-2 at the half, Amherst produced a run of national ranking, discipline is game that we go into,” DiSesa “I was a little surprised, and the Jumbos never looked four goals late in the period, essential. As the Jumbos start said. “Lasell is a good program, but I’m really happy that the back. but ultimately the Jumbos lived to face tougher offensive teams, and we’ve got to prepare for scoring was spread around,” “We’ve prepared all along to up to their top-10 ranking and staying on the field and out of it like every other game. We Droesch said. “It shows that never let the score affect how were able to cruise to a victory. the penalty box may make the need to have all of our focus the talent on this team is we play,” McCormick said. “We While the team is content difference in the game. on Lasell because they are the spread out and that everyone go one goal at a time, so it with Saturday’s season-open- “We played a lot of man- only team that can affect our is capable of stepping up and didn’t really faze us to be down ing rout, there are still some down, and we did a good job season right now.”

Athletes of the Week

NAKEISHA JONES, WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELD As the No. 1 seed in the triple jump, sophomore Nakeisha Jones was expected to deliver at this weekend’s 2010 National Indoor Track and Field Championships at DePauw University in Greencastle, Ind. And deliver she did. With a 38-foot, 6 3/4-inch distance in the finals, Jones took second place in the event and earned the third All-American honor of her young indoor and outdoor career. Jones recorded a qualifying mark of 39-2 1/2 at the All-New England Championships hosted by Boston University two weeks ago to receive the national top spot. Then, in the NCAA preliminaries Saturday morn- ing, she again proved to be the best of the 14 qualifiers when her 38-foot, 5 1/2-inch jump surpassed all other competitors. Later, in the finals, Jones improved on her preliminary mark jumping 38-6 3/4. However, Springfield senior Nikki Hay broke out a 39-foot, 3 3/4-inch distance in her second-to-last pass to upset Jones and take first place. Jones’ eight points helped Tufts tie for 27th place at the meet. COURTESY DEPAUW UNIVERSITY


Senior quad-captain Jared Engelking and classmate Jesse Faller capped their decorated indoor track careers over the weekend by garnering All-American honors at the 2010 NCAA Championships in Greencastle, Ind. The final qualifier in the field of 12 in the pentathlon, Engelking finished seventh in the event on Friday to earn a place on the podium at indoor nationals for the first time. He achieved his final score of 3,491 points thanks, in part, to a 7.77-second run in the 55-meter hurdles, which was good enough for second place. Engelking’s performance came nearly 10 months after he earned the first All-American award of his career at outdoor nationals, where he came in third in the decathlon. Buoyed by a late charge in the 5,000-meter run, Faller secured the third top-five NCAA finish and the sixth All- American honor of his career on Saturday. Faller’s time of 14:50.39 earned him third place and was six-tenths of a second faster than the top qualifier in the event, senior Daniel Murner of Amherst. Faller now heads into the outdoor track season with both an eighth-place finish at the NCAA cross country championships and a career-best showing at indoor nationals on his 2009-10 résumé. The Burlington, Mass. native also anchored the distance medley relay team, which came in ninth place. For the COURTESY DEPAUW UNIVERSITY weekend, coach Ethan Barron’s Jumbos tied for 27th place overall. 16 INSIDE NCAA Men’s Bracket 12 Men’s Lacrosse 15 SSportsports Athletes of the Week 15 tuftsdaily.com

MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELD Jones leaps way to third All- American honors

BY JESSICA BAL Daily Editorial Board

The women’s track and field team sent two athletes to compete in the 2010 NCAA Div. III Indoor WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELD NCAA Championships at Greencastle, Ind., Friday-Saturday

1. Wartburg 33.0 2. Wisconson Oshkosh 29.0 3. St. Lawrence 24.0 4(t). Illinois Wesleyan 21.0

COURTESY DEPAUW UNIVERSITY 4(t). University of Chicago 21.0 Senior Jared Engelking competes in the high jump during the pentathlon of the NCAA Championships on Friday. Engelking finished seventh 27. Tufts 8.0 to capture All-American honors. Championships over the weekend at DePauw University in Greencastle, Ind., marking the close of a success- Two Jumbos run, jump and throw their way to ful indoor season for the Jumbos. Junior Amy Wilfert traveled nearly 1,000 miles west to run just once All-American honors for the weekend meet, while sopho- BY LAUREN FLAMENT third in the 5,000-meter run out of a the beginning I knew it was going to be more Nakeisha Jones also hopped on Daily Editorial Board field of 12 competitors. a tactical race, but I was shocked that a plane to face 13 competitors in the Faller went into the race seeded no one made a big move earlier than triple jump. Seniors Jesse Faller and quad-captain seventh with his qualifying time of 3K.” Jones took second place in her Jared Engelking returned from the NCAA 14:34.07. To secure his third-place fin- The race began to pick up around event, with a distance of 38-6 3/4. Championships at DePauw University ish at Nationals, though, Faller ran a the 3,000-meter mark and proceeded She entered the Indiana competi- time of 14:50.39, half a second behind to finish with a very fast last mile that tion with the nation’s best automatic MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD SUNY Geneseo sophomore Lee Berube finally began to spread out the pack of qualifying mark of the season: an NCAA Championships and two and a half seconds behind 13 runners. impressive 39-foot 2 1/2-inch jump at Greencastle, Ind., Friday-Saturday North Central College senior Kyle Brady, “I made a couple of key moves to that planted her in third place behind who finished in first with 14:47.97. Less stay in the race, and I knew that when two Div. I athletes at the All-New 1. North Central College 52.3 than 10 seconds separated the top nine it was down to one mile, and everyone England Championships held at 2. Wisc.-Stevens Pt 34.0 finishers in an extremely tight race that was still together, I had a good shot at Boston University on Feb. 27. 3. Wisc.-La Crosse 31.5 ran much slower than the individual doing well because I was probably one While the second-place slot at 4. Wisc.-Oshkosh 31.0 seed times. of the fastest mile runners in the race,” the NCAA’s secured Jones’ third All- 5. Trinity (Texas) 18.0 “I expected [the race] to go out slow, Faller said. American honor during her partici- 27. Tufts 8.0 and it did go out very slow, but what I The race was decided by who had the pation in Div. III indoor and outdoor didn’t expect [was] how long it would most speed in the last mile, according track thus far, she admitted to feeling remain at a slow pace. We came through to Faller, who closed the race with a somewhat disappointed with her per- with another set of All-American honors the 3K at 9:15, which is very slow, about sub-4:30 mile. formance at the meet. added to their track and field careers. 30 seconds slower than what we should “I was pretty happy with sec- On Saturday, Faller crossed the line have been running,” Faller said. “From see MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD, page 11 ond place, but I did really want to win,” Jones said. “I had a better WOMEN’S LACROSSE position [than in last year’s NCAA Championships] on the medal stand, but I wasn’t too happy with my distance.” Amherst upsets No. 9 Tufts in season opener That might be because last sea- BY CLAIRE KEMP son, during the 2009 NCAA Indoor Daily Editorial Board Championships, Jones won fourth place with a better mark of 39-3 1/4. It was too little, too late on Saturday for the She also improved on that distance women’s lacrosse team. After falling behind during the outdoor season, when she 11-5 to the nationally unranked Amherst Lord jumped 39-5 3/4 for a third-place medal in the championships. WOMEN’S LACROSSE “I would have liked to improve on (0-1, 0-1 NESCAC) my distance, but it’s pointless to wish Bello Field, Saturday or to hope [with the meet over],” Jones said. Amherst 6 5 — 11 The overall win that Jones had been preparing for was snagged instead Tufts 3 5 — 8 by Springfield senior Nikki Hay, who slid ahead of the Tufts sophomore Jeffs in the season opener, the No. 9 Jumbos during the finals — even after Jones went on a run in the last five minutes to close had established the weekend’s best the gap to three before time ran out. The 11-8 preliminary triple jump of 38-5 1/2 final margin drops the team to 0-1 in both on Saturday morning. Hay surprised overall record and in the NESCAC standings. during the finals with 39-foot, 3 3/4- The late spark was triggered by a series of inch jump on her penultimate leap, quickly controlled draws that led to two Tufts beating Jones’ NCAA qualifying mark goals in an 11-second span. The first came for the season. from sophomore midfielder Steph Perez at “If I was going to lose to anyone, I’m 4:24 left in the game and the second from glad it was [Hay],” said Jones. “She’s a senior attacker Emily Johnson — her fourth senior and she’s worked really hard in the game. and deserves it, so I couldn’t be too “I think that we finally felt a sense of urgen- upset. Seniors so often come in and cy,” Perez said of the late surge. “In the begin- have great performances because it’s ning of the game we weren’t fighting as hard VIRGINIA BLEDSOE/TUFTS DAILY their final year and their last chance for balls, but we saw time was running down, Despite senior attacker Emily Johnson’s four goals and two assists, the No. 9 Jumbos were unable to win.” so we realized we needed to step it up and do to hold off unranked and visiting Amherst on Saturday, falling 11-8 in the season opener. Wilfert finished ninth in the NCAA something with the ball.” mile run with a time of 5:09.95, leav- With the score at 11-7 and just over four opportunity after a turnover yielded a goal Tufts’ deficit was built early in the first ing her just one spot away from cap- minutes left to play, the draw was key. Tufts from sophomore midfielder Casey Egan at half, as Amherst junior midfielder Kelley turing All-American honors. Wilfert needed to control the draw and the ball for 2:27 remaining. The Jeffs continued to use the Trapp helped her team build a four-goal lead approached the NCAA Div. III meet in the rest of the game in order to prevent the clock to their advantage, controlling posses- by scoring once and notching five assists in ninth position among the qualifiers Lord Jeffs from running out the clock. But sion and slowing the game down. Ultimately, the first 21 minutes of play. In the opening with a season-best of 4:59.46 — which Amherst won possession, and the Jumbos the buzzer sounded too early for a scrambling were only able to capitalize on one more Tufts squad. see WOMEN’S LACROSSE, page 13 see WOMEN’S TRACK AND FIELD, page 14