Indian Archaeology 1994-95 a Review
INDIAN ARCHAEOLOGY 1994-95 — A REVIEW EDITED BY HARI MANJHI C. DORJE ARUNDHATI BANERJI PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA JANPATH, NEW DELHI 2000 front cover : Gudnapura, general view of remains of a brick temple-complex back cover : Kanaganahalli, drum-slab depicting empty throne and Buddhdpada flanked by chanri bearers and devotees © 2000 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Price : Rs. 330.00 PRINTED AT M/S BENGAL OFFSET WORKS, 335, KHAJOOR ROAD, NEW DELHI - 110005 PREFACE In bringing out this annual Review after a brief gap of one month, I warmly acknowledge the contributions of all my colleagues in the Survey as also those in the State Departments, Universities and various other Institutions engaged in archaeological researches for supplying material with illustrations for inclusion in this issue. I am sure, that, with the co-operation of all the heads of respective departments, we will soon be able to further reduce the gap in the printing of the Review. If contributions are received in time in the required format and style, our task of expediting its publication will be much easier. The material incorporated herein covers a wide range of subjects comprising exploration and excavation, epigraphical discoveries, development of museums, radio-carbon dates, architectural survey of secular and religious buildings, structural/chemical conservation etc. During the period under review many new discoveries have been reported throughout the country. Among these the survey of buildings in and around Vrindavan associated with mythological tradition is particularly interesting. I would like to place on record my sincere thanks to my colleagues Shri Hari Manjhi, Shri C.
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