Secular Franciscan Noteworthy Individuals

The names listed are allegedly Secular . A lot of the names had different designations and/or spellings. Every effort was made to corroborate the information with at least two different websites and/or books. Some individuals were allegedly Secular Franciscans before entering, joining and/or founding an Institute, Congregation, Society, Community or a Religious Order. If you find that some of the information is inaccurate, please notify Deacon Dave and Thérèse, O.F.S. so that changes can be made. Thank you!


• Albert Chmielowski (d.1916) • Jutta of Thuringia (d.1260) • (d.1787) • Leo Karasumaru (d.1597) • Amatus Ronconi (d.1292) • Leo Kinuya (d.1597) • Angela Merici (d. 1540) • Leonard Murialdo (d.1900) • Angela of (d.1309) • Louis Ibaraki (d.1597) • (d.1870) • Louis IX, King of (d.1270) • Anthony of Nagasaki (d.1597) • Louis Martin (d.1894) • Bartholomea Capitanio (d.1833) • Margaret of Cortona (d.1297) • Benedict Joseph Labre (d.1783) • Mary Ann of of Paredes (d.1645) • Bonaventure of Mikayo (d.1597) • Mary Frances of the Five Wounds (d.1791) • Bridget of Sweden (d.1373) • Mary Joseph Rosello (d.1880) • Catherine of Genoa (d.1510) • Matthias of Miyako (d.1597) • Charles Borromeo (d.1584) • Michael Garicoïts (d.1863) • Clare of Montefalco (d.1308) • Michael Kozaki (d.1597) • Colette of Corbie (d.1447) • Nicholas of Flüe (d.1487) • Conrad of Piacenza (d.1351) • Paul Ibaraki (d.1597) • Cosmas Zakeya (d.1597) • Paul Suzuki (d.1597) • Elizabeth of Hungary (d.1231) • Peter of Joseph Betancur (d.1667) • Elizabeth of (d.1336) • Peter Sukejiro (d.1597) • Elzéar of Sabran (d.1323) • Peter Tchang-Pan-Nieu (1900) • Ferdinand III, King of Castile (d. 1252) • Peter U-Ngan-Pan (d.1900) • Francis Falegname (d.1597) • Philip Tchang (d.1900) • Francis of Miyako (d.1597) • Pope John XXIII (d.1963) • Francis Tchang-Iun (d.1900) • (d.1914) • Gabriel of Ise (d.1597) • Richard Pampuri (d.1930) • Gemma of Goriano Sicoli (d.1439) • Roch of Montpellier (d.1327) • Hyacintha of Mariscotti (d.1640) • Rose of (d. 1251) • Jane of Valois (d.1505) • Thomas Danki (d.1597) • Jean-Baptiste Rossi (d.1764) • Thomas Kozaki (d.1597) • Joachim Sakakibara (d.1597) • Thomas More (d.1535) • Joan of Arc (d.1431) • Veridiana of (d.1242) • Joaquina Vedruna de Mas (d.1854) • Vincenta Gerosa (d.1847) • John Mary Vianney (d.1859) • Yves of Brittany (d.1303) • John Tchang (d.1900) • Zéllie Martin (d.1877) • Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (d.1842) • Zita of Lucca (d.1278) • Joseph Cafasso (d.1860)



• Aloysius Maki (d.1627) • Jane Mary of Maillé (d.1414) • Aloysius Stepinac (d.1960) • Jane of Signa (d.1307) • Amadeus IX of Savoy (d.1472) • Jeremy Lambertenghi (d.1513) • Andrew Charles Ferrari (d.1921) • John Chiang of Nan-tzu (d.1900) • Angela Salawa (d.1922) • John Chiang of Tae-Kuo (d.1900) • Angeline of (d.1435) • John Maki (d.1627) • Anne-Rose Gattorno (d.1900) • John Pelingotto (d.1304) • Antonia of Florence (d.1472) • John Tomachi (d.1628) • Bartholomew of San Gimignano (d.1300) • John Tomano Chikugo (d.1628) • Bernard of Baden (d.1458) • John Van (d.1900) • Caspar Vaez (d.1627) • Joseph Nascimbeni (d.1922) • Cayo Jiemon (d.1627) • Ladislaus Batthyany-Strattmann (d.1931) • Ceferino Gimenez Malla (d.1936) • Laurence Yamada (d.1628) • Charles of Blois-Chatillon (d.1364) • Leo de Satsuma (d.1622) • Christina of Tuscany (d.1310) • Louis Alleman (d.1450) • Clare of Rimini (d.1346) • Louis Baba (d.1624) • Contardo Ferrini (d.1902) • Louis Beltrame Quattrocchi (d.1951) • Davanzato of Poggibonzi (d.1295) • Louis Maki (d.1627) • Delphina of Glandeves (d.1358) • Louis Matsuo Soemon (d.1627) • Dominic Nihachi (d.1628) • Louis Nihachi (d.1628) • Dominic Tomachi (d.1628) • Louisa of Omura (d.1628) • Edouard Poppe (d.1924) • Louise Albertoni (d.1533) • Edouard-Joseph Rosas (d.1903) • Louise Chikugo of Nagasaki (d.1628) • Elizabeth Amodei (d.1498) • Luchesio Modestini of Poggibonzi (d.1260) • Elizabeth of Reute (d.1420) • Lucy de Freites (d.1622) • Elizabeth Vendramini (d.1860) • Lucy of Caltagirone (d.1400) • Emmanuel Dominguo y Sol (d.1909) • Luke Kiemon (d.1627) • Fabris Barban (d.1932) • Marcel Spinola y Maestre (d.1906) • Francinaina Cirer Carbonell (d.1855) • Marguerite Baeys (d.1879) • Francis Chiang-jun (d.1900) • Marie Corsini-Beltrame Quattrocchi (d.1965) • Francis Cichi of Pesaro (d.1350) • Maria del Transito Cabanillas (d.1885) • Francis Higashi (d.1628) • Martin Gomez (d.1627) • Francis Kuhioye (d.1627) • Mary Crucifixa of the Wounds of our Lord (d.1826) • Francis Nichachi (d.1628 • Mary de Vaz (d.1627) • Franz Jagerstatter (d.1943) • Mary Frances Schervier (d.1876) • Gaspar Vaz (d.1627) • Mary Theresa Ledochowska (d.1922) • Gerard of Lunel (d.1298) • Matthew Alvarez (d.1628) • Gerard of Villamagna (d.1242) • Matthias Fu-en-tei (1900) • Hippolyte Galantini (d.1620) • Michael Kizaemon (d.1627) • Hugolinus Magalotti (d.1373) • Michael Tomachi (d.1628) • Humiliana of Cerchi (d.1246) • Michael Yamada (d.1628) • Ignatius Falzon (d.1865) • Michelina of Pesaro (d.1356) • Jacoba of Settesoli (d.1273) • Nicholas of Forca Palena (d.1449) • James of Pieve (d.1304) • Novellone of Faenza (d.1280) • James Oldo (d.1404) • Oddino Barrotti (d.1400)


• Patrick Chun (d.1900) • Pope Pius IX (d.1878) • Paul Joseph Nardini (d.1862) • Raymond Lull (d.1315) • Paul Tomachi (d.1628) • Raymund of Omura (d.1628) • Paula Gambara Costa (d.1515) • Roland d’Medici (d.1386) • Peter Chiang-pan-niu (d.1900) • Simon Cheng (d.1900) • Peter Cresci of Foligno (d.1323) • Thomas O Jinemon (d.1627) • Peter Gambacorti of Pisa (d.1435) • Thomas Sakujiro (d.1630) • Peter of Siena (d.1289) • Thomas Shen (d.1900) • Peter Wu-an-pan (d.1900) • Thomas Tomachi (d.1628) • Philip Chiang (d.1900) • Thomas Tsuji (d.1627) • Pope Gregory X (d.1276) • Torello of Poppi (d.1282) • Pope Innocent XI (d.1689) • William Cufitella of Sicily (d.1404)

Individuals who were allegedly Secular Franciscans before entering, joining and/or founding an Institute, Congregation, Society, Community, or a

Religious Order St. Albert Chmielowski Bl. Francinaina Cirer Carbonell St. Alphonsus Liguori St. Jane of Valois St. Angela Merici St. Joaquina Vedruna de Mas Bl. Angeline of Marsciano Bl. Lucy of Caltagirone Bl. Anne-Rose Gattorno Bl. Maria del Transito Cabanillas St. Anthony Mary Claret Bl. Mary Frances Schervier Bl. Antonia of Florence St. Mary Joseph Rosello St. Bartholomea Capitanio Bl. Mary Theresa Ledochowska St. Bridget of Sweden St. Michael Garicoïts Bl. Catherine de Suede Bl. Paul Joseph Nardini St. Clare of Montefalco Bl. Peter Gambacorti of Pisa Bl. Clare of Rimini St. Peter of St. Joseph Betancur St. Colette of Corbie St. Richard Pampuri Bl. Elizabeth Reute St. Vincenta Gerosa Bl. Elizabeth Vendramini

Hermits St. Amatus Ronconi Bl. John Pelingotto St. Conrad of Piacenza Bl. Nicholas of Forca Palena Bl. Francis Cichi of Pesaro Bl. Novellone of Faenza Bl. Gerard of Lunel Bl. Peter Gambacorti of Pisa Bl. Gerard of Villamagna Bl. Torello of Poppi Bl. Hugolinus Magalotti St. Veridiana of Florence Bl. Jane of Signa Bl. William Cufitella of Sicily

Bishops Bl. Aloysius Stepinac St. Anthony Mary Claret Bl. Edouard-Joseph Rosas Bl. Louis Alleman Bl. Marcel Spinola y Maestre

Cardinals Bl. Andrew Charles Ferrari St. Charles Borromeo


Popes Gregory IX – 1227-1241 Leo XIII – 1878-1903 Blessed Gregory X – 1271-1276 Saint Pius X 1903-1914 Martin V – 1417-1431 Benedict XV – 1914-1922 Blessed Innocent XI – 1611-1689 Pius XI – 1922-1939 Innocent XII – 1691-1700 Pius XII – 1939-1958 Clement XII – 1730-1740 Saint John XXIII – 1958-1963 Blessed Pius IX – 1846-1878

Royalty Bl. Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy St. Ferdinand III, King of Castile St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, Patroness St. Louis IX, King of France, Patron of the of the Third Order St. Elizabeth, Queen of Portugal

Family Members of and Popes who were Secular Franciscans St. Bernadette Soubirous, brother: Pierre (d.1931) St. Francis of , mother (maybe): Lady Pica [“After the death of her husband, Blessed Pica Bernardone committed herself to Francis’s spiritual guidance, donned the penitential garb of the Third Order, and lived a secluded life devoted to piety and the practice of good works.” Habig, Marion. (1959/1979) The Franciscan Book of Saints. Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago, IL.] St. John Bosco, mother: Margaret (d.1856) Pope Leo XIII, mother: Anna Pecci (d.1824) Pope Pius XII, parents: Philip (d.1916) & Virginia (d.1920) Pacelli St. Thérèse of Lisieux, parents: Louis Martin (d.1894) & Zélie Martin (d.1877)

Authors/Poets Dante Alighieri (d.1321) Coventry Patmore (d.1896) Miguel de Cervantes (d.1616)

Explorers Christopher Columbus (d.1506) Vasco da Gama (d.1524)

Musicians Charles Gounod (d.1893) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (d.1594) Franz Liszt (d.1886) Sebastian Temple (d.1997)

Painters Bartholomew Murillo (d.1682) Michelangelo Buonarroti (d.1564) Giotto di Bondone (d.1337) Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (d.1520) John Cimabue (d.1302)

Scientists Andre-Marie Ampere (d.1836) Louis Pasteur (d.1895)

[Compiled by Deacon Dave & Thérèse Ream, O.F.S., July 2017]