Jet Battle Prospect Seen in Argentina

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Jet Battle Prospect Seen in Argentina Distribution Today 22,425 DIAL SH .1-0010 Iniud Itur, Hmfrj tnnott maw. MOOT* Out PMUI* VOL. 85, NO. 200 Hid at R*4 Buk ant at AUJUMUI ttuiini OWen.1 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE MIG Incident Closed, Other Cuban Issues Wide Open WASHINGTON (AP)-The Inci- from Cuba, disappointingly stow Also expected shortly is a U.S. Ruzek. The Czechs handle Cuban stern. The ship was not hit. regrets the incident of March 28, tha explosive situation in the Car' nouncement of tighter measure* dent of the Cuban MIG attack from Kennedy's' standpoint, Only note to Moscow rejecting Russia's Interests here in the absence ol In its note, the Cuban govern- and that it is undertaking to ibbean. against freelance foray* on Cuba. en the US. freighter Ftorlditn "several hundred" more were charge that the United States was U.S.-Cuban diplomatic ties. ment said its pilots had been adopt all possible measures to Ruzek said the Castro regime And in the Bahamas It Cuban Was officially stamped "closed" said to have left the-iiland since to .blame for'Cuban exiles' hit- Press Officer Joseph W. Reap chasing another vessel and had avoid a recurrence of the inci- had also asked the United States crew members of a raiding ship today following an apology from Kennedy reported the departure and-run attacks on Soviet ships quickly pronounced the Havana fired warning shots at the Flori- dent," Reap said. to take due account of the "se- apprehended by British officials th» Cutro regime. of 3,000 at his last press confer- near Cuba March 18 and 26. answer satisfactory to the United dian by mistake, without hav- riousness of the situation" by over the weekend were jailed ence March. 21. That leaves an The apology and tha speed with Various Cuban issues remained The, Castro apology for the States and said "we consider this ing properly identified the Amer- which Washington accepted it as clamping down on hit-and-run yesterday pending an investiga- vj#y much opeo, however, with estimated 13,000 to 14,000 still in particular incident closed." ican ship which was flying the raids on Cuba. Havana warned tion. The 17th, American Jerry Cuba. March 28 attack on the Floridian, a satisfactory response to the - profpects that President Kennedy coupled with a promise to avoid Hie Floridian was about 25 American flag. U.S. demand for a "full and against letting the situation "get Buchanan of Miami, pleaded would be asked about them at 2. A further explanation of thesuch incidents in the future, ar- miles off the north coast of Cuba The Cuban government said "it prompt explanation" of the at- out of hand," he said. guilty to a charge of illegal entry, his 'cewi. conference this after- administration's reasons for rived at the State Department on' a San Juan to Miami run had no wish to interfere with tack showed that both sides were Reap declined direct comment posted a $70 bond and won ad- noon* Among them: ' clamping down on anti-Castro late yesterday in a note presented when two Russian-built MIGs the U.S. or other international anxious to avoid shooting inci- on this, but noted the Kennedy journment of his case on con- 1. Withdrawal of Soviet troops raiders. by Czech' Ambassador Miloslav fired shots across its bow and shipping in the Caribbean, that it dents that could set the spark to Administration's Saturday an- dition he leave by Friday. No Variances Builder Revises Subdivision; Jet Battle Prospect Friedauer to Withdraw Suit jfOLMDEL - One local build- er and Zoning Board of Adjust- er threw in the towel last night. ment, contesting the validity of1 Lakeside Homes, Inc., Plain- the 24 variances. field, represented by attorney Sal- Cote's Intent vador Diana, announced that it He charged that the large Seen in Argentina has dropped its original plan* for number of variances violated the • 39-house project off LOhgstreet intent of the zone code. BUENOS AIRES (AP) - Two was speeding toward the capita! the fleet headquarters at Mar Del steaming for Buenos Aires to Rd., and submitted instead a new Mr. Diana informed the Plan-' Argentine Air Force bombers with supporting ships. Plata, 400 miles southeast of help overthrow Guido and would •ketch plat'for 35 units. ning Board last night, that his took off from Buenos ^Aires' to- "At dawni our air power will Buenos Aires, and the naval base arrive off the capital this morn- Under the original proposal, subdivision map provides day in support of an air force strike offensively again," the at Bahia Blanca, 350 miles to the ing. the builder had obtained 24 vari' (hat "every single lot is 200 by pledge of an all-Out' attack on rebel broadcast said. southwest. The navy claimed new Jet vic- «nces (exceptions) for irregular- 200 feet in size or larger." navy units trying to overthrow A rebel radio at, Bahia Blanca 'All Out' tories against government tanks ly-sbaped lot». Although.all the The announcement met with ap- President Jose Maria Guido. denied reports in Buenos Aires The air force chief, Brig. Gen. near Magdalena, where a tank lots conformed to zone regula- plause from the audience. The bombers' destination was that the forces rebelling against Carlos Armanini, loyal to the column was bombed and shelled tions (40,000 square feet mini- Mr. Friedauer told The Regis- not announced, but.they:were be- President Juan Maria Guido were Guido government, said his planes yesterday, mum size), several had frontages ter he will drop his suit, and lieved heading for rebel strong- in retreat., These reports had would go all out against rebelli- The revolt erupted yesterday of 150 to 160 feet. added, "I hope this will set a holds south of the capital. said the rebels evacuated key ous navy strongholds. morning in an effort to block tha March 17, Theodore Friedauer, precedent tor the enforcement of The pro-Guido air force and navy bases at Punta Indlo and The big question mark re- elections June 23 for president former president of the Property acre zoning." the rebellious fleet air Rio Santiago. mained the navy's high seas fleet. and congress. The Guido govern- Owners Association, filed suit in Mr. Diana made this state- threatened each other with dawn Rebel marines moved out of Guido's government claimed the ment planned to let the Peronists Superior Court against the build- ment: strikes today, raising the pros- the capital last night after hold- fleet commander, Rear Adm. take part, and the navy feared "My client* plan t6 stay in pect of a jet battle lit the skies. ing downtown Buenos Aires most Eladlo Vazquez, had radioed a they would win, since about a this area for some time to come, The 50-jet air force Warned of of the day. They also abandoned pledge of loyalty and said he third of Argentina's voters usu- BoroughMay and build other developments. all-out action against navy bases key points taken earlier in the would lead the fleet against the ally vote Peronlst. They recognize the value of good and ships, The rebel radio in the day at La Plata, 35 miles rebellious marines. Two violently anti-Peronlst gen- pubKc relations." A TIGHT SQUEEZE—This startling apparition had motor- claimed that the aircraft car- south of Buenos Aires. It was The rebel radio Insisted that erals touched oft the revolt with Sue to Block Contrast rier Independencia, with'22 jets, believed they were heading for Vazquez and the fleet were (See ARGENTINA, Page 2) The remarks were in (harp con- ists.and pedestrians taking quick second looks in Tampa, Rt. 36 Work trast to statement! made by the Fla. The1 lecond glance, showed it to be an advertise- Weather Sets attorney at a March 7 board HIGHLANDS - This borough ment thrown out by the beauty parlor in the background. Another Record may initiate court action meeting when he told the plan- Society to Start Campaign ners he would go ahead no mat- (AP Wirephoto) RED BANK — Yes, Virginia, •gainst the state Highway De-., ter, what action the board took, partment's proposal to widen 1 it was warm yesterday. It was, Rt. 36 from First Ave., Atlantic because - the variances were le- In fact, the warmest April 2 on Highlands, to the Highlands gal and valid. '. record. To Help Save Shipwrecks Bridge. The board has indicated that RedevelopmentPlan William D. Martin, Long it plans to ask the Township Branch Weather Bureau fore- By JACQUELINE ALBAN told The Register hs will learn Tha wrecks serve u underwa- Borough Council last night Committee to amend the zone announced that its attorney, caster, said the thermometer SANDY HOOK — The Ameri- Friday whether Maxter Metals ter reefs. When (hey decay, they code to clarify lot siz» require- soared to 78 degree* at 4 Co., N. Y., plans to demolish wlH explore the possibility erf is-; can Littoral Society has launched attract barnacle*, grass, mussels, «ulng a "show cause order"- ments. • •. .. : • , .-A - ' ' "' e'dwlc ywterdajr afternoon to tha sunken vessel. and a variety of mttiat vegeta- •gainst the state'* plaii. ^,, New Proposal Extended 3 Months «4 4h« alM** high. This h a Wide-scale campaign to isv* tlon which attract small feeding ? 1 shipwrecks in our coastal areas This Summer The governing body directed List nlgbl the first draft of* SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP - until definite word is i^ceived, II degrees above toe average fish, which la turn lurs larger recommendation was read. It The three-year-old saga of Craw- he said, adding that delays such temperature of O degrees for from being demolished, starting If the firm plans to go ahead feeding fish, which attract fish- « toterto A?Atlantic High- that date, Mr.
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