DAILY?Vol Number 8 LTHE 2,1990 XX. TUFTSFriday, February Medford, MA 02155 ~ MYSTIC MIRROR Religion study group originates at Tufts by MIKE ENGLEMAN depends on topics suggested by Contributing Writer students and, according to Hunter, Academic Vice President is a great success. Robert Rotberg has collected a Hunter said that he hopes that group of a dozen Tufts professors the study group initiated by Rot- and a number of faculty members berg is the first step on the road from other universities to assess towards improvement and enlarge- the study of religion among under- ment of the department. “It is a graduates nationwide. matter of basic common sense; a Twelve Tufts professors, along one-person department is only a with faculty from Harvard, Bos- temporary phenomena,’’ he said. ton University, the University of Hunter commends Rotberg for Chicago, Smith, Stanford and other his enthusiasm in pursuing the universities, intend to decide issue of religion. “I very much “whether and how to strengthen appreciate Vice President Rot- educational opportunities for berg’s initiative in pursuing the undergraduates,” according to a examination of the study of reli- memo released by Rotberg. gion,” Hunter said. Rotberg said he hopes that Although Hunter would ide- within a year the group will ally like to see the situation within complete a report that will help the Religion Department amelio- Tufts to make decisions regard- rated as soon as possible, he rec- Photo by Nathalie DesbieJ ing the future of the Religion ognizes that the Administration The mild weather lends Medford’s Mystic River a glassy, mirror-like apperance. Department. does not plan to take action until “We want to see if what works a year from February, when the nationally will work at Tufts,” multi-university group has com- Proposal underway to remodel Rotberg said. pleted their report. “To in-depthly Rotberg received a grant from study the matter is a time con- the Lilly Endowment to create suming process,” he said. audiovisual facilities on campus and oversee the study group. Meanwhile, Hunter admits that . “any progress is worthwhile.” by JSSSICA DYM The Eaton facility would provide the audiovisual equipment. Rotberg said that he does not Daily Staff Writex three viewing rooms equipped with With a centralized audiovis- foresee what the result of the study To alleviate problems with darkening and electrical facili- ual system, equipment and serv- group will be. Rotberg said the audiovisual services and facili- ties, and two portable audiovis- icescouldbeallocated efficiently committee will examine the ques- ties on campus, the Audiovisual ual carts. and repairs could be done more tion: “What exactly is the study Services Committee is pressing Ed Dente, director of the audio- easily, Dente said. of religion?” forward with a two-part renova- visual laboratory on the Medford Funds already exist - He said that-he is confident tion plan. campus, said that problems irl the The initial espenditure for the that with the contributions from The committee, a group of allocation of audiovisual resources Media Center branch would be the professors involved, this ques- administrators organized by the made the committee’s plan nec- $50,000 for a full-time audiovis- will be answered adequately. and Sciences Faculty last tion Arts essary. ual expert and additional student Some of the Tutfs professors who spring, first made the renovation help, and anorher $14,000 for the Since academic departments have committed to work with the proposal to the faculty in Decem- typically order and administer their equipment. “Though it Seems like a large group include professors Martin ber. audiovisual equipment separately, from the English Depart- The committee’s plan includes initial investment, I expect Green money is wasted on duplicate ment; Associate Professor of creating a branch of Tufts’ Bos- that most of the funding would servicesandequipmentpurchases, Romance Languages Elizabeth T. ton Education Media Center on he said. Other problems include a come fnwn redirecting money that According to Rotberg, the Lilly Endowment is the largest sup- Howe; professor of music Mark the Medford campus and build- lack of repair experts and a short- see AUDIO, page 7 DeVoto; Ken Lang, professor of ing a media area in Eaton Hall. age of staff who know how to use purter of the study of religion in the country. physics and astronomy; profes- of English Jesper Rosenmeier, 3he decision to form the group, sor Rotberg said, is in a response and Martin Sussman, professor in Bulgarian Premier and 22-member part the chemical engineering depart- to a perceived need for change ment. within Tufts’ Religion Depart- Communist-controlled cabinet resign ment. Rightnow, Howard Hunter The monthly meetings will be is the only full-time faculty led by Rotbeig and the directors tion was widely expected because member in the Tufts Religion of the Harvard Undergraduate of several personal attacks on him Study of Religion, Diana Eck and during an emergency Communist Departma Rotberg explained that the high William Graham. All other pro- Party conference currently under enrollment in last semester’s .fessors involved in the project way. limited number of religion courses have either been asked to partici- At the congress Thursday, indicates a strong student interest pate or have volunteered. They delegates adopted a new party in studying religion. The newly have all expressed an interest in platform that confirmed the re- formed Group Directed Studies the study of religion at the uni- linquishment of theCommunists’ OpportunitiesProgram isan indi- versity level, according to Rot- monopoly on power, as approved cator of the rising demand for berg. by Parliament last month. diversity within the Religion “I am very interested in the Delegates also accepted ad- Department. proper place of religion in higher enov’s proposal to separate the The program, which was engi- education,” DeVoto said. party leader’s position from the neered by Hunter and Tufts jun- Rotberg still encourages presidency. Mladenov currently ior John Cutler, is intended to members of the Tufts’faculty who holds both positions and is ex- enhance the study of religion are interested in the topic of reli- pected to retain the presidency. despite the lack of Religion De- nion to volunteer to assist the The changes were not enough , parbent faculty. The program itudy group. to keep the party together. A re- Features ...... p.3 BTA said. form-minded faction announced Former physics,professor dies at 78 On Thursday, they approved Thursday it had given up trying to Groundhogs’ Day is here, so a little Former Tufts Physics Professor Carl Stevens died on Tuesday in furry creamre in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin moderate reforms before starting changethecom~vepartyfrom 78, will tell us if spring will ever arrive. the secret session to elect the party within and would form its own New London, New Hampshire at age according to The Boston leadership. socialist party. Globe. Stevens taught at Tufts from 1936 to 1956 and then at the Arts ...... p.5 Also, a reform faction of the The creation of the Bulgarian University of Lowell until he retired in 1976. TheaterWorks’ latest production, Communist party decided it would SocialistParty will be formalized Stevens established the Department of Electrical Engineering Black Witnessexplores the life and work split off and form a new socialist at a special congress in Sofia on during his 20 years at the University of Lowell. He was born in of essayist James Baldwin. party, a spokesman said. Feb. 11, said spokesman Nikolai nearby Malden, received his undergraduate education at Tufts, and Atanassov, the No. 2 man in Vassilev. eamed a doctorate in physics from Boston University. Sports : pp. 8-9 ...... the government after President It was not clear when a new Stevens was also a former member of the Mount Hermon Lighming strikes the women’s swim- Petar Mladenov, had come under Cabinet would be created, but it Masonic Lodge of Medford. ming team again, and a brand-new col- A memorial service will take place Saturday at 1 p.m. at the for failing to curb unprece- dented labor unrest. His resigna- see BULGARIA, page 6 Fisrt Babtist Church in New London, New Hampshire. page two THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, February 2,1990

rHE TUFTSDAILJ Letters to the Editor Bob Goodman Candlelight vigil was have to .“keep the light on” to.make the Administration to realize that people are Editor-in-Chief improvements necessary in the the essence of Tufts. Buildings are helpful, inspirational and here at Tufts. but should never be emphasized more than Managing Editor: Lauren Keefe Associate Editors: Anna George, Geoff Lepper To the Editor: This service was an inspiration to me. the people that make up the “light on the Editorial Page Editor: Christopher Ball On Jan. 30,1990, Goddard Chapel was The crowdedChape1 was evidence that so Hill.” The atmosphere at Tufts is estab- oduction Managers: Beth Geller, Markus Muelle filled almost to capacity by students from many Tufts students really do care about lished by the students here, and it is crucial NEWS different races, classes’and groups, but all important issues. So many people gave that we attempt to keep or improve this Editors: David Spielman, Stephen Newman attended for the sole purpose of joining time and energy to ideas which transcend balance. The Candlelight vigil and the Assistant Editors: Constantine Athanas, together to honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther our everyday world. During the service I service helped me to keep my perspective, hanuel Bardanis and our university must work to do the Wire Editor: Ron Graber King Jr. and to reflect on the future. The thought, “this is why I came toTufts.”The Assistant Wire Editor: Jason Salgo address by the Rev. Charles Stith spoke people here and the diversity that we strive same. OP-ED abouttheCharlesStuartcaseandaboutthe to achieve brings together a blend of people Editor: David Rothenstein “crossroads” we find ourselves at in race that teach as much as classes can. It is very Lisa Fine J’93 Assistant Editor: Eric Hirsch relations. He stressed the fact .that we all important for the University and the TCU Senator FEATURES - Editors: Jena Gerstel, Jamie Bronstein Assistant Editor: Dan Ferat ARTS Western Europe supports Bush proposals Editors: Jill Grinberg, Colin Woodard . Assistant Editor: Laurie Jakobsen LONDON (AP)-- Western European “I think the Soviets will be lucky if soil are stationed. SPORTS leaders on Thursday supported the U.S. there is a symbolic contingent left; a So- . Two other East bloc nations, Czecho- Editors: Mike Friedman, David Saltzman, proposal for significant new troop with- viet Guantanamo,” he said, referring the slovakiaandHungary, have demanded that Kelley Alessi drawals from Europe but, amid hints of U.S. base in Cuba. the Soviet forces leave their soil. Assistant Editor: Geoff Edgers anxiety, stressed .they want a continued In London, Prime Minister Margaret PHOTOGRAPHY Other European NATO allies are con- Editor: Karl Schatz American presence. . Thatcher said Britain attached “great cernedabout being dominated by apower- Assistant Editors: Jonathan Grauer, Britain said it hoped this was the last importance to President Bush’s assurance ful, single German state. The fears are Narhalie Desbiez, Julio Mota, Mara Riemer reduction planned by Washington. that the new figure will be a floor and that heightened on a continent that was over- Weekender Photo Editor: Denise Drower The Soviet Union welcomed as a sign no more reductions are envisaged.” run by Nazi Germany in World War 11. PRODUCTION that “things are changing for the better” “This will ensure a continued strong ayout Editors: Janine Billy, Michelle Frayman the proposal by Resident Bush to cut troop American presence in Europe,” added the They are also worried about the United Graphics Editor: Rich Auerbach levels in central Europe to 195,000 for statement from her No. 10 Downing St. States detaching itself from Europe as the assifieds Editors: Laura Walker, Michele Pennel Soviet military threat diminishes with the Copy Editor: Julie Primost each superpower -- below the 275,000 ofice. being negotiated at talks in Vienna. Thatcher aides said Bush telephoned collapse of a string of Communist govern- Javier Macaya But Soviet Foreign Ministry spokes- her Saturday to discuss the proposal, and ments in 1989. Executive Business Director man Gennady Gerasimov complained the “we indicated our support.” - Belgium and the Netherlands followed Business Manager: Larry Azer plan did not go far‘enough, adding, “We Bush sent two senior aides to put this Mrs. Thatcher’s cautious line. Office Manager: Heather Paddock’ - must continue to have as.our goal no plan to the leaders of the four major West- Receivables Manager: Sandra Giordano “There have to be talks on the with- foreign troops on foreign soil.” em European powers, Britain, France, West drawal of troops, and I oppose a unilateral The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, publishe “It must be the ceiling, not the floor,” Germany and Italy. initiative,” said Belgian Foreign Affairs nday through Friday during the academic year and dir said Gerasimov. “You can note in his The United States has 305,000 mpsin Minister Mark Eyskens. uted free to the Tufts community. The Daily is entire1 (Bush’s) speech he needs American troops central Europe, and the Soviet Union lent-mn, and there are no paid editorial positions. Th has Manfred Woerner, secretary-general in Europe for here to eternity. ... This is not 565,000. Another 30,000 U.S. troops in of ly is printed at Charles River Publishing, Charleaow the 16-nation North Atlantic Treaty Or- i. a good sign.” Britain ipd southern Europe are excluded The Daily is located at the back entrance of Miller Ha! Some analysts said the Bush plan sig- from the Bush proposal. ganization, said in Brussels the Bush plan rufts University. Our phone number is (617) 381-309( was consistent with U.S. promises “to

L, i I .. . Friday, February 2,1990’ THE TUFTS DAILY page five

Black Witness is strik.ing in its relevance and drama.tic intergity . by JIM LAVELLE Jones’ unaffected performance idea of the times. His difficulty in Contributing Writer reflected an admirable reverence coming to terms with his own The Theaterworks production for Baldwin and a conscious ef- sexuality was dealt with with of Black Witness, based entirely fort to keep Baldwin the play’s engaging sensitivity in an excerpt on the writings of James Bald- critical figure. Stan Smcklandalso from his play Giovanni’s’Room, I I showed a uleasant range in a varietv in which a boy is confused by, yet of roles; providi6 powerfth swept up in, a homosexual en- I @) Theater 1 musical and dramatic moments. counter. Review Even after attaining success, v During a piece from the short I I story ‘Sonny3 Blues,” Strickland Baldwin revealed his profound win, was an emotionally moving offered a smooth saxophone, and, discomfort with the people of work which allowed the author’s when playing Baldwin’s father, Harlem. In one intriguing piece, troubled, insightful voice to touch was indeed frightening as he Baldwin must return to the home the audience without unnecessary screamedout his hostility against of a grammar school friend in theatrics blocking the way. his son’s plans to write. Harlem. The friend had called Baldwin’s work takes on a The production afforded the Baldwin in Hollywood, years after striking immediacy in these times audience pleasure and discom- they had last spoken, to request a of heightened racial tensions. fort alternately, highlighting Bald- favor. The friend had read in Theaterworks’ dramatic collage, win’s wit and insight while chni- Baldwin’s newspaper that he, for adapted from Baldwin’s works cling his obscenely painful life- emotional reasons, could never by Vicent Murphy and Bob Devin long struggle for a positive iden- again wear the suit he had worn at Jones (the play’s principal actor), tity. Tension-filled scenes between Martin Luther King’s funeral. In was affecting from start to finish. Baldwin and his father, who saw need of a suit and remembering Bob Jones portrays Baldwin his son as a future minister, drama- that he and Baldwin had worn the as well as characters from his _.same size during” their youth, the tized the tortures of the author’s Photo by Adam PhMip fiction. Jones was a more than youth. friend asked Baldwin Stan Strickland (at right) plays a smooth sax during a piece from adequate mouthpiece for Bald- Racial tensions were another have it. James Baldwin’s Sonny Blues. win’s work, showing versatility cause of pain for Baldwin. The Back in Harlem. Baldwin in his portrait of uneducated play jumped from riot scarred women and men. As Baldwin city streets, to white-only restau- himself, Jones was thoughtful and rants, to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s believable. funeral, offering the audience an Santriani’s Dream soars on instrumentals, plunges on vocals by COLIN WOODARD album, but it also features Satri- just wanna ride/ Get on my bike Blood” a couple of times, one is Contemplative and moody, Daily Editorial Board ani’s first recorded vocals, which and ride.” Ride he does, laying inclined to sit in silence and reas- Schloff’s style and delivery as- Flying in a Blue Dream provide proof that you can’t be rubber on the frets and sending sess the intelligence of the human semble an unfocused self-portrait. Joe Satriani good at everything. Satriani’s voice clouds of sound into the inner ear. species. Apply that wonderful folk necro- may be emaciated and flat, but The entire second half of Flying mancy and -- presto! -- this Dor- Relativity ‘ .I the lyrics add a thematic dimen- is devoted entirely to guitar so- Live at the Lkdernround- trait may also be you. Or some- Gatherromnd the stereo,guitar sion to his expressive guitar dit- 10s. These solos give this record- Barb Schldff body you love, loved, dumped, or afficionados, Joe Santriani has ties. “Phone Call” unmasks love’s ing a temperament guaranteed to (Independent) worked for. prepared a special little show for selfish character with lines like separate the men from the boys - Live at the Underground is the you. The guitar virtuoso’s latest “And you know I don’t want what - and the fret-fanatics from the up and coming:take ape& at Michigan native’s second album. LP, Flying in a Blue Dream offers you want/ I want what I want.” rest of humanity. The entire affair was recorded at a panoramic, 18-track view of There’s a dearth of poetry on a popular club at Brown Univer- rock guitar’s beaches, mountains, this LP -- we’re force-fed cheesy Raw Evil: Live at the Dynamo sity. Between tracks Schloff and far-flung horizons. Satriani choruses like “I wanw Forbidden communicates with her audience This is an instrument-oriented ride/ Get on my bike and ride/ I Combat in a very honest and unpreten- tious manner that has rubbed off This band should be forbidden. on the music. Raw Evil is a far too ominous “Waiting,” a romantic-heroic image for the San Francisco lat- opener with staircase progression, est quintet’s can of thrash. For- is among the catchiest. “Finally bidden offers the musical equiva- Right,” which Schloff dedicates lent of an infantile temper-tan- to her brother and his wife, man- trum, replete with naive tactless- ages to stick in the ear after a ness and an overblown sense of listening or two. self-importance. At one point a member af the Making matters worse, the audience asks her to play “Mr. entire album was recorded live at Bossman,” a sarcastic swat at The Dynamo Festival in Holland restaurants’ tyrannical employee last May. Abnormally broad swaths hierarchy. She agrees on the con- of the recording are devoted to Up and coming Barb Schloff dition that all restaurant workers the cheers andchants of the audi- plays open, honest folk. raise their hands. Only ten hands ence, perhaps an effort to make are shown. “That’s all?’ she re- up for the fact that there are only Newport folk singer Barb Schloff sponds. “The scary thing is that foui tracks. before somebody “discovers” her. when you graduate is when you’ll These songs are terribly long She’s often compared to Joni have to work in a restaurant.” and the album would be improved Mitchell and Nancy Griffith, and Undergraduates had best act tremendously if three, perhaps all lies somewhere between Tracy quickly, or they may hear Schloff four, of the tracks were removed. Chapman and the Indigo Girls on for the fmt time on the prep cook’s After listening to “Chalice of the folk spectrum. radio. Lee Remick to recieve Lemmon award BOSTON (Ap)-- LeeRemick, forming Arts, is presented annu- formances in “The Blue Knight” who played JackLemmon’s alco- ally for outstanding contribution in 1973, “Jennie, Lady Randolph holic Wife in the 1963 film ‘‘Days to the performing arts by a CUT- Churchill” in 1975, and “Nut- of Wine and Rosa,” for which rent or former resident of Massa- cracker” in 1987, among others. both actors were nominated for chusetts. The first award was given Lemmon, who was born in Academy Awards, has been cho- to Yo Yo Ma, the cellist. Andover, has won two Academy sen to receive the Jack Lemmon Remick, a Boston native and a Awards, including best actor in award for her contribution to part-time resident Of Cape Cod, “SavetheTiger”in 1973 andbest performing arts. also has received six Golden Globe supporting actor for ‘‘Mister The award, created in 1988 by nominations and five mentions ~~h.g’in 1955. Featured on WMFO on Thursday night, Tufts’ own band The I Boston’s Wane Center for Per- for Emmy awards for her per- Void has gone back to its roots. Former lead guitarist Chris Mascara has rejoined the band after Tom Pica left the group to pursue other projects. The new line-up -- Mark Fakundiny, Micheal Knowblach, Matt Shurtleff, and Mascara -- will play a Write Arts == call Jill or Colin at 381-3090 series of concerts in clubs and on radio stations throughout Fehruarv. page six THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, February 2,1990 Cabinet to control until May BULGARIA tional concord,” but they have continued from page 1 not been specific on what powers TUFT’S FIRST presumably will run the govern- they might be willing to give up. ment at least until elections that The opposition Union of CHILDRENX THEATER are expected as early as May. Democratic Forces has said the Mladenov and other Commu- composition of such a govern- REPERTORY CO: nists have spoken vaguely of ment must be clarified before they creating a government of “na- agree to participate.


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HER I I OF AUTOBIOGRAPHY I I 1 Service I Guarantee I DAUGHTER OF S€UNGH.AI If yourpizzadocs not arrive I wioiin 30 minutes or less I simply ask the drivcr for I FRIDAY FEBRUARY $3.00 OFF I 2ND Weather Pcnnirring 629-2400 ------I 514 A Medford St. I Quality I Somerville 4 :OOpm HOURS I Guarantee I Mon. -Sun. 11 AM til 12 AM I lr you are unhappy wiLh I COKE,DIET COKE I your pizza for any reason, I Cans $65 1 siniply rciurn ovcr half of I Limited delivery area I iticpizza forancw pizzaor I Friday, February 2,1990 L page eight THE TUFTS DAILY SPORTS ~~ 44 points nets Athlete of the Week Win streak snapped ?. URI defeats women’s swimming, again honors for Kevin Blatchford by KELLEY ALESSI sophomore teammate Traci Hen- Daily Editorial Board by TED LONERGAN He played for 15 to 20 minutes against Suffolk, Amherst, WPI derson in third. Monahan and Senior Staff Writer per game and was expected to do and Babson. “We match up evenly They say that lightning never senior co-captain Mary Bryla Kevin Hlalchford took a sip of little else than shoot the basket- with all four. We just need toplay strikes twice in the same place. combined for a 1-3 finish in the They’re wrong. his Diet Coke as he began to ball. “This year,” the senior said, well.” 200-yard butterfly. Also, in the discuss his career in “I play more like 30 minutes a The last time that the women’s 50 freestyle, Owens and Roberts Asked if Kevin had any hob- swimming team had lost a dual the Houston Hall lounge. Setting game, and I need to do other bies, he responded, “Sleeping and took first and third with times of a new Tufts single-game scoring things, like rebound, play good meet was back in January of 1988 26.53 and 26.92, respectively. watching TV. .. anything where at the hands of Division I Univer- record with 44 points is his most defense and make assists..” I’m not running around for two After the one-meter diving recent highlight.Theguard broke Kevin acknowledged that sity of Rhode Island. Wednesday event, Tufts was able to move hours is a hobby,” he replied with night, the Jumbos, once again, Greg Davis’ old recoTd of 43 points unselfish play is the way to win. a sip of his drink and grin on his into the lead, 78-72. Senior Pia intheJumbos 117-85victory over fell prey to URI in a meet that Fruchtman (215.30), sophomore “I’d be as happy scoring only 10 face. went down to the wire. The 157- Wheaton College Tuesday night. to 15 points as long as the team Kathy Macchia (1 86.55), fresh- As for his plans after Tufts, the 143 defeat drops Tufts’ record to man Jennifer Lincoln (178.05) For this achievement, Blatchford wins.” senior hopes get into an ac- has been named the Daily’s Ath- to 5-1 on the season. and senior Sheri Marston (177.85) He also expressed the way the counting program at Northeast- “Even though we lost, it wasn’t x. lete of the Week: almost pulled off a sweep of the team’s style facilitates his effec- em University. If that prospect disappointing,” commented head event, as the Rams only managed The senior’s career began tive scoring. “[The team’s] of- falls through, his future is uncer-’ coach Nancy Bigelow. “It was to claim second place. In the three- simply enough in Gloucester, fense is wide open. If someone’s tam. Mass. Joining the town’s junior nip and tuck the whole way. From meter dive, Fruchtman, Macchia hot, we get the ball to him. I As Kevin and I finished our a team aspect, everyone came high and high school teams, Kevin discussion, he took the last sip of and Lincoln, all of whom have wouldn’t be surprised if someone through .” qualified for national competi- started playing in typical fashion. has a 30-point game in the next his Diet Coke and crushed the Our conversation turned Tufts got off to a strong start in tion, gave URI the old 1-2-3. week.” aluminum can in his hand. As we the 200-yard medley relay as the quickly to his collegiate career. stood up to leave, Kevin flipped Following the 100 freestyle, As a freshman, Kevin found the When asked what aspects of team of sophomoreApril Levine, which Monahan won, the Jumbos his game had improved, enabling the can toward a nearby barrel. freshman Bronwyn Roberts, jun- . demanding daily college practice The can caromed off the rim, fell led 90-78. Tufts extended its lead schedule to be a burden on his him to.become such a threat this ior Maureen Monahan and fresh- to 20 points after Levine and year, Kevin stated,“I’m the same out of the barrel and crashed loudly man Rory Owens beat their clos- academic performance. Academ- to the floor below. Henderson placed first and sec- ics have always been a high prior- player I’ve always been. I can’t est competitors by nearly 14 sec- ond in the 200 yard backstroke. say 1’m.better. My game has just “Hey, that happens sometimes, onds. Levine’s time of 2:15.92 quali- ity for him, so this trade-off was too,” he said with a smile. disturbing. By his sophomore matured ... I’m not forcing shots. But the Rams came storming fied her for nationals. season, however, Kevin lemed I’m more of a team player.” back in the 1000 and 200 frees- Then it started to slip away, as to study more efficiently, provid- Kevin’s team-oriented play of tyle, nabbing first and second in the Rams won each of the re- ing a sturdier balance between late does not mean that he played both events. Juniors Sarah McCann maining events, with the excep- athletics and academics. greedy, individual ball in years and JenniferBirrel managed third tion of the three-meter dive. When he was a junior, Blatch- past. As his role was a shooter, he and fourth place finishes,Tespec- McCann nabbed third in the 500 ford struggled with the crippling was expected to play for his own tively, for Tufts in the 1000.In the freestylewhile Monahan secured 200, -- *. effects of tom ligaments in his shot. Now things are different. Owens, who placed second second in the 100-yard butterfly. in the 200 individual medley, was thumb. After four to five weeks Team goals have called upon him This weekend the Jumbos will on the inactive list, the guard to broaden his game. just two-tenths of a second off of travel up %toMaine where they second place. wanted to return to play ball be- One of the team’s main goals will be talung on the Bobcats of fore doctors would allow him to. right now is to win several of the The Jumbosrallied to take first Bates. Although the Bobcats do He explained that, due to his role next few games. The team’s goal place in three of the nezt four I have some siong individuals, on the team that year, the condi- for the year is to qualify for the :vents. Levine captured her sec- .. Bigelow points-to Alack ofldepth tion of his thumb proved an insig- ECAC tournament. To accom- md victory of the night in the 100 as being the main weakness of the, nificant factor. “I wouldn’t plish this, the Jumbos (7-7) will backstroke and was backed up by squad. dribble,” he explained, “I’d just only be able to lose one more in I i catch and shoot.” order to maintain a qualifying Kevin was utilized in the past record of 15-8. “The next four Photo by Waldek Wajszczok by coach Bob Sheldon solely for games are crucial,” Kevin said, Kevin Blatchford scores again. Write 8porb his exceptional shooting ability. referring to upcoming matches - I 1

Sign up now...ttt At the Yearbook office, 55 Talbot Av.e. (upstairs) Why? All portraits must be taken by Varden


What time? 9am = 5pm Where? rin. 207, Campus Center (upstairs) Anything else? yes, BRING $35 This is it! RealIy, no .more second chances..TTT . And NO RETAKES!!!!!! page nine Friday, February 2,1990 THE TUFTS DALLY SPORTS 2- Jumbos stop Cardinals dead in the water, 152-133 by JAMES POWERS their top swimmers in four events Despite the fact that Hamilton nent out. He went on to place best of the season. Senior Staff Writer ascompared tothe Jumbos’ three. Pool has only a one-meter board, fourth in the 200 butterfly and The Jumbos have four meets The Tufts men’s swimming “We weren’t sure until half- the divers are as strong on the first in the 500 freestyle, a full left this season, including this team is at the point in the season way through the meet what was three-meter as they are on the five seconds ahead of his closest Saturday’s dual meet at Bates, where each individual meet is not going on,” commented senior Jude one-meter. But the divers won’t competitor. before their final test at the New as important as it might seem. Grimley. Atthatpointin themeet, see a lot of competition until the Freshman Chad Zawitz’s sec- Englands. In the meantime, the That is to say, the swimmers are Wesleyan led 53-5 1. New Englands. In the meantime, ond place time of 1:02.15 in the team will be “getting some things concentrating more on the still Soon thereafter, the divers and they will be racking up points for 100 backstroke was his best time polished up,” said Megerle. “I distant New England Champion- some strong second-half perform- the entire team. of the season. Similarly, John can see them starting to come ships rather than swimming each ances sealed the fourth Jumbo Many swimmers posted their Hurley and Nolan’s third and fourth around in a very positive way,” individual meet. victory. It should come as no best times of the season against place marks of 5:03.O9 and 5: 12.54 he added. The best results, how- “The team is looking forward surprise that the divers swept the Wesleyan. It’s an encouraging sign, in the 500 freestyle were their ever, are still to come. to the New Englandsand has been top three places in the one-meter since many swimmers are still geared toward that rather than the board competition. Seniors Kirk trying to make the cuts for the meet [against Wesleyan],” said Kolligian, Dennis Hamilton and New Englands. Freshman Matt senior Howard Levin. Paul Wolstencroft, as well as Nolan sheared 15 seconds off his That doesn’t mean that the sophomore John Sackeu, have previous best time in the 1000- Jumbos won’t take credit for a been a central part of the squad yard freestyle. His time of 10:?3.39. 152-133 victory over the Cardi- all season. vaulted him into first place and nals of Wesleyan last Saturday at “Our divers are a real integral put him five seconds ahead of Hamilton Pool. part of the team,” praised Grim- freshman Larry O’Connell, who The Jumbos advanced their ley. “We count on the divers, and cut 20 seconds from his previous record to 4-2 as they swam “almost the divers count on us.” best time for the season. our best line-up,” according to A high point of the meet was Sophomore Mark Bobbin head coach Don Megerle. Bat- Kolligian qualifying for the Na- placed second in the 200 frees- tling sicknesses and injuries, the tional Championshipson theone- tyle while freshmen Matt Synyder swimmers put away a stubborn meter board by scoring over 450 and John Hurley recorded their Wesleyan team. points. “He had come close a few besttimesoftheseasonin 151.39 Because of the format of the times, so that was good to see,” and 152.11 minutes, respectively. meet, the swimmers could par- said diving coach Bmd Snodgrass. Sophomore Mike Ingardia ticipate in events which they don’t All four divers have already quali- continued his impressive show- typically compete in. In addition, fied for the New England Cham- ings after a shoulder injury side- the number of maximum events pionships, and Snodgrass expects lined him last semester. He placed was raised from three to four. them to place among the top 16 first in the 100 breaststroke in a Atlantic and Pacific This enabled the Cardinals to swim divers. time of 1:03.26, edging his oppo- Promises Z can’t keep Division races heat up To me, the prospect of a weekly sports column nearby in an overflowing ash tray. This image This Week in the NBA is frightening. A powerful word can almost bite, could best be described as the Oscar Madison by JASON MONROE to have the best turnaround jump but the quest for a perfect phrase has left many a Syndrome. Senior Staff Writa shot in the league. I can’t believe writer baffled, looking at a page as if it were a To sustain life, all these men seem to need is an With the NBA All-Star break those three guys are still doing deadly poison. Crafting a sports column for a overflowing Italian sub (everything on it) and a a little more than a week away, the job for the Celtics. college paper is particularly futile. Acolumn is, of nice cold can of Schlitz beer. Well, unless my the division races are beginning The other heated division race course, for the roommate wants to live with a cigar-smoking, to heat up. In the Atlantic Divi- is in the Pacific. The Lakers are Geoff Edgers most part, all alcoholic slob, I’m going to have to find a better sion, the Philadelphia 76ers being seriously challenged by the opinion. way. There must be a happy medium. moved into a tie for first place on PortlandTrailblazers,andit has The Edge of Sports why would The most important aspect of this column is Wednesday night with the New many people surprised. Magic anyone take the obvious: the name. “Geoff Schorrt’s” was imme- York Knicks. I can’t remember Johnson is still doing it all for word of a semi-pro, attempting prophet as law? diately ruled out, as was “From the Bleachers.” the last time the Sixers were in L.A. this season. But he has not This is precisely what led me further down the These were already taken, I was told. Quickly, my first place. You’d probably have done as much scoring as many road of confusion. What can be done to wake up friends came to the rescue. “You have to make one to go back to the days of the had anticipated he’d do in the those partially snoring readers before an 8:30 class from your last name [Edgers],” they deduced. Doctor. But, led by Sir Charles post-Kareem era. He is certainly as they cover the words of the paper with more This is where all of them stopped agreeing. Barkley, Philly has put together a receiving help from James Wor- syrup from their waffles than concentration from My comrades came up with a potpourri of nine-game winning streak. Bar- thy, who will beat anyone in the their eyes? One idea would be to try my best to titles: “The Edge of Sanity,” “Edging to the Goal- kley is having another All-star league with his first step. create the most direct and intriguing piece of line,” “The Word Edgewise,” and the never to be season and the additions of Rick In Portland, the Blazers have writing possible around a sometimes limited sub- forgotten, “Over the Edge of Life.”Pardon me for Mahorn and Johnny Dawkins have finally started togel. Led by high- ject, sports. my criticism, my peers, but to open the sports page made the Sixers a better team. flying Clyde Drexler and Buck There must be an easier way. and find one of these, you’d be expecting to read Right behind the Knicks and Williams, the Blazers recently had Ever since Math 5, I’ve noticed a spectacular about a natural disaster or a boy who learned to Sixers, in third place are the Boston a streak where they won 16 of 17 reaction to low standards. My first three test scores peel bananas with his feet. It’s doubtful that John Celtics. I was lucky enough to games. This may well be the year were in a consistent D range. When I pulled out a Davidson, Skip Stevenson or Cathy Lee will be attend the Celtics’ last two games, that the Lakers do not coast to a 75 on the final, I received a C for the semester even offering their help, so that’s not going to happen. against the Phoenix Suns and the division title. though my average only equalled a 71. It could Well, I’ve come to a grudging conclusion (no Knicks. I must say that Robert Luckily, someone filled out work the same way with a sports column. If I write conclusions are happily reached except in math). Parish does not get the recogni- enough ballots to see to it that a bad column from its inception, who wouldnotice My column will be called “The Edge of Sports.” tion he deserves at center. He ate Charles Barkley did earn a start- as the year went on? I will not be writing about anything in particu- up Patrick Ewing on Wednesday ing position on the Eastern Con- On one hand, a horrible column could be a shot lar. It would be nice to be writing for the Boston night, leading the C’s to an im- ference All-star team. But there _. in the arm for Tufts Daily office morale. On more Globe or New York Times and find an instant pressive win over New York. is no excuse for what happened to than one occasion a bored friend and I have wasted interest for any observation made about the home- Although Larry Bird has not Karl Malone in the Western a long winter break day by renting a terrible movie town professional team. I have a feeling, however, been the old Larry Bird this sea- Conference. Somehow, A.C. Green to humor us. (Those 3-D movies put out in the that my knowledge of the might son, he is still the main reason wasvotedtostart.Maloneissecond early 80s with names like, “Death of the Four be read with the same tenacity by another person Boston is in the hunt. His un- in the league in scoring, in the top Crownsmen at the Castle of Towers,” come to as I might have reading an article about the Van- canny court sense and remark- five in rebounding, and is good mind.) My column could serve the same purpose couver Canucks. Or the Orlando Magic for that able court presence make him a for some solid post-up defense threat at any time. as those tortuously pathetic movie releases. matter. see NBA, page 10 Hard working news editors could join hand in Never think of the word “sport” as a defined Also, Kevin McHale happens__ hand with features editors at the weekly reading of and strict subject. Making billionsof dollars in TV my column. revenue may be a measure of success for some, but NBA Standings Near-impossible deadlines would be forgotten keep in mind money and commercial value mean (not including last night‘s games) for just a moment with a short break to laugh nothing -- after all, Donny and Marie, The Bay EASTERN CONFERENCE WESTERN CONFERENCE heartily at my latest attempt of sports romanti- City Rollers and Shawn Cassidy managed to Atlantic W L Pct GB Midwest W L Pct GB NewYorlc 27 16 .628 -- Utah 30 12 .714 -- cism. combine for six top 10 hits in the mid 70s. Philadelphia 27 16 .628 -- SanAntonio 29 13 .690 1 Unfortunately for some, my idea of success is Not all sports require a perfectly toned Bo Boston 26 16 .619 0.5 Denver 23 19 548 7 not providing entertainment for others while I slip Jackson clone to push his physical endurance to Washington 15 29 .341 12.5 Dallas 24 20 545 7 deeper and deeper into an abyss of complete stu- the greatest of limits. Take golf, for example, the NewJersey 12 31 .308 15 Houston 20 23 .465 10.5 pidity. I wanted this column for enjoyment, not only sport where you can watch a grossly obese Miami 9 36 .200 19 Minnesota 9 33 .214 21 embarrassment. man with hair growing out of every orifice on his Charlotte 8 33 .195 21.5 The picture of the great columnists is stere- body sink a 25-foot putt as he takes a drag from an Central Pacific’ otyped with a most appealing, decadent glamour. unfiltered Camel. Readers, every Friday will not Detroit 31 14 .689 -- L.A.Lakers 31 11 .738 -- It’s easy to picture Mike Barnicle, Red Smith, mean a weekly review session of the NFL,NBA or Chicago 28 15 .651 2 Portland 31 12 .721 0.5 Peter Gammons or Will McDonough hard at work NHL for “The Edge of Sports.” Milwaukee 25 19 .568 5.5 Phoenix 25 16 .610 5.5 the night before a tough deadline. They work on Don’t expect a formula, expect something Indiana 23 21 523 7.5 GoldenState 20 22 .476 11. old Smith Corona typewriters (not electric, of enthralling. 21 20 .512 8 Seattle 19 22 .463 11.5 course), and their only relief is the cigar resting Cleveland 19 23 .452 10.5 L.A.Clippers 19 24 .442 12.5 And bv the way. this is not a ioke. Orlando 13 30 .302 17 Sacramento 12 30 .286 19 page ten THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, February 2,1990

No easy ride for the Lakers- ~ NBA gone to Miami in place of Dom- Miller, Dennis Rodman, Kevin Drexlet, Kevin Johnson, Fat Lever, ing in the All-star game, Karl continued from page 9 inique Wilkins. McHale, Dominique Wilkins, Karl Malone, Chris Mullin, Tom Malone scored 61 points... Look every night. Otherwise, I think the selec- Scottie Pippen, and Robert Par- Chambers, and David Robinson. out for the Suns ... David Robin- I thought it was a grave injus- tionsforbothteamsarefair.Start- ish. In other NBA news: Brad son will be considered a candi- tice to leave Moses Malone off ing for the Eastern Conference John Stockton and Magic Daugherty returned to action af- date for MVP. .. Have you noticed the Eastern Conference roster. will be Isiah Thomas and Mi- Johnson will starting at the guard ter missing the entire season thus that Kelly Tripucka forgot how to Somehow, he still averages 20 chael Jordan at guard, Patrick position for the Western Confer- far... Has Benoit Benjamin finally play basketball?... If you've never points and 10 rebounds a game Ewing .at center, and Charles ence, joined by Akeem Olajuwon settled down?... In response to been there, the Boston Garden is without much helD from his self- Barkley and Larry Bird. at for- at center, and A.C. Green and . not making the All-star roster, a pretty cool place to see a bas- ish teammates iiAtlanta. Per- ward. The Eastem Conference James Worthy at forward. Com- Terry Cukmings scored 52 ketball game. sonallv. I think he should have reserves: Joe Durnars, Reggie ing off the bench will be Clyde points... In response to not start- Tufts Dining-Weekend Menu Italian Baked Fish or Baked Fish Carrot Bread Dinner Buttermilk Pancakes Friday Barbecue Chicken English Muffins, Bagels Soup du Jour Sausage Links Lunch Pasta Fagioli Assorted Toasts, Jellies, Jam Chicken Tenderloin Cream Cheese w/Lox Bits Vegetarian Vegetable Soup Steak Fries Donuts Calzone Country Fried Potatoes Seafood Chowder Rice Pilaf Vegetarian Calzone Hot Vegetable du Jour Lunch Brown Rice Apple Strudel Fish & Chips Zucchini Assorted Cold Cereals Hot Meatball Sub w/Provolone Spinach Wonton Soup Whipped Potatoes Dinner Mexican Corn Italian Tortellini Soup Cheese Snowflake Rolls * Western Sandwich w/Pita Bread Oriental Vegetables Spinach Pie Jelly Roll Breaded Veal Patty Italian Ravioli w/Meat Sauce or Wheat Dinner Rolls Deli Bar Saturday Italian Ravioli wDomato Sauce Pie Shrimp & rice Louisiana Broccoli Cuts Deli Bar Vegetable Macaroni Casserole Crinkle Cut Fries Breakfast OBrien Potatoes Sunday Baked Potato Chocolate Frosted Cake Orange Carrot Coins Brunch French Style Green Beans Assorted Cold Cereals Butte&otch Pudding Brown & Serve Rolls Dinner Assorted Cold Cereals Soup du Jour Scrambled Eggs - Carmichael Lemon Pound Cake w/Choco- Fresh Scrambled Eggs late Sauce The Lakers and the Celtics The Red Sox and the Yankees The Steelers and the Cowboys The Bruins and the Canadiens . The Daily and the Observer All of these rivalries represent sports at its highest . level, competition between athletes at their physical peak, risking injury, death and embarassment for the proud satisfaction that only comes with being the best. Attempting to study for the MCAT alone would be nearly impossible.Attempting to study without Stanley H. Kaplan would simply be a bad career move. I i Tufts Daily vs. Observer.. Maybe it's our 50 years of experience. Our small classes. Or the advanced teaching methods we use in all our classes all across the country. Charity Basketball Game Whatever it is, if medical school is your future, Stanley Kaplan can help you start practicing right now. February 10,1990 at 3r00 p.m. SlANLEYH.KAPLAN Take Kaplan OrTakeYour Chances at Cousens Gym Prepare now to score your best in April. Please call 381 -3090 to make pledges. Call TODAY! (617) 868 - TEST All proceeds go to the Somerville Homeless Shelter.

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Customized format to' For Sale: Way, E tower, 3rd floor. The origi- Resumes, Multi le Letters, etc. COFFEE DRINKER? meet your indiviual needs. Free Yamaha FG-420-12 12-string gui- nal, not the fluorescent pre-. on IBM. Laser brinting. Reason- Then you need The Jumbo Card to advising and consultation. Disc tar with case-nice soundbxcel- tender. able Rates, Ouick Turnaround, get IOcent cups of coffee. tea. or storage and update service. Pick- lent condition (less than one year Parkina. Semina Tufts students old) $1 70. Call Bob at 629-7948 or CANCUN, NASSAU, hot chocolate at GOOD EATON. upanddeliveryon campus. 50%of HIST 64 . and f&ulty for-ten years. Five BeachfrontJAMAICA Hotels from $489. The all proceeds will be donated to the 629-9648. Used text .History of Indonesia 8 minutes from Tufts. CALL 395- GOING SOMEWHERE? homeless. 628-6910 The Philippines, Reader Books. 5921 ANYTIME. ASK FOR FRAN. Then you need The Jumbo Card for lowest price on campus for Spring FUTONS, FRAMES AND Price is negobable. 629-8206 Break Deals! Call Greg 391-8457. a $10 di-unt at GEPPE'TTOS Massage, Therapy ?"RESUMES'" TRAVEL COVERS!! Therapist looking for health- Direct from factory with Free LASER TYPESET minded clients. Variety of tech- $15.00 395-5921 GETTING YOUR HAIR Delivery. CoVfoam futon 8 in. niques performed. Call for free thick.8119. Full all cotton $89. Impressive Laser Typeset Resu- CUT? consultation. Certified and li- Guaranteed lowest prices. If you mes With Semester-Long Cam- Then you need The Jumbo Card for censed. 666-8821 Services puter Storage. One Day Semice a $5 discount at ALFRED HAIR can find a better deal -we will beat it!!! Call 629-2339. Available. 5 Minutes From Tufts. DESIGN. AUSTRALIA STUDY Events ABROAD Also, Word Processing and Typing DESSERT EATER? Summer & fall 1990. Students may Services. Student Papers, Grad Then you need The Jumbo Card for petition for credit to be trans- KEYBOARD FOR SALE! Yamaha Portasound P22-560. 49 School Applications, Personal Dept of Religion 2 for 1 cookies and ice cream. THE ferred towards their Tufts de- Bahamer Sale! Statements, Theses. Multiple is pleased to announce a lecture by JUMBO CARD is a plastic dis- gree. Paid internships avail. For mid-size ke s. 21 instrument voices, 12 &hms, digital syn- $100 off on all GWV Spring Break 7 Letters. Tams Transcribed. La- Prof. Max Stackhouse, Andover- count card with unlimited use. On information on the BEST'study night trips to the Bahamas. Prices ser PrinSng,' etc. CALL FRANCES Newton Theoldgical School and sale today and Mon in the Campus abroad program in the world call thesizer, custom drummer. auto start at $479 per person based on bass chords. Excellent condition. ANYTIME- 395-5921. Boston College on 'Religion & Ctr. (617) 239-5244 ~2736. double occu ncy NO HIDDEN Politics" Mon Feb 5 at 7pm in the Includes universal AC adapter. CHARGES. ends Friday 2/2/ BREAKFAST IN BED!! Ori inally $260. askingS150 or bo. !% Crane Room, PGge Hall. All wel- Mountain Bike for sale: The Processed Word 90. Call your on campus Travel BAGELS! BAGELS! come. Bridgestone MB6 in perfect condi- TERM PAPERS, resumes, cover Cat Larry at 629-8757 Agent Nicole at 629-8774. BAGELS! tion for great price. 18 speed, 21 letters, theses, dissertations, Not those spongy dining service The Traveling Treasure inch frame. Call Jon at 623-1738 tape transcriptions. (W) 381- THE AUDIO CONNECTION Call for Papers: ones, but guaranteed HOT, Trunk for information. 3371 (H) 387-0101. Please call for . RETURNS! On Sat March 31 the Mendel Club FRESH, REAL BAGELS from a will be holding auditions for enthu- further info. Reasonable rates. For the 8th consecutive year, The of Boston College will hold its 13th Boston bakery DELIVERED to siastic people interested in per- I will give you $IO!! Quick turnaround. Done right here Audio Connection provides the annual Undergraduate Confer- your door when you want! All va- forming children's theater. Audi- to ski at Mount Snow. Imagine on campus. Ask for Candy. . Tufts . community unbelievable ence on Bioethics. Students are nebes. plus cream cheese, OJ, tions will be held Thurs and Fri. getting paid to go skiing? Call savings on all major brands of new invited to submit papers on any newspapers, etc. $5.95 per doz, Sign-upandmore info on the Arena Howard at 629-8231. Professional typing stereo equipment. Located right aspect of bioethics for presenta- $3.95 per 112 doz. Call the day callboard. services- on campus, we list complete sys- tion at this meeting. For informa- before to place your order1 776- SKIS FOR SALE reasonable rates -high quality tems and every conceivable com- tion contact Guy Angella, Mendel 9528 JUNIORS!! 2 pair of ELAN racing skis with work -rush jobs welcome -pick up ponent at discounts even better Club, Higgins 61 1. Boston College, Come to our class council meet- MARKER bindings; 195 cm RC SL, AND delivery avail -call Carol 625- than "sales" at local and New Chestnut Hill, MA 02167: 558- I want you! ing Tues feb 6 at m in Campus 200 cm RC GS.Excellent condition 1150. 18 years experience. York stores, all with full manufac- 9286 Say it in a special way to that spe- Center-Room 208.%an'events for & great prices. Call Paul 391-9377 turers USA warranties. Maxell cial guy or gal. Send flowers. Car- the rest of the semester and SPRING BREAK 1990! . XLll tapes are $1.99 each in cases "'EARS FOR PEERS"" nations (white, pink, red) 31.00 SENIOR YEAR! COMPUTER PAPER Party with the best! Jamaica, hot of 9 and TDKs are in ,stack. Call A confidential. anonymous peer each. Roses $2.00. Free on-cam- High Quality. 1000 sheets for days and Reggae nights, starting Otis at 396-1462 or Rich at 776- support hotline run by and for stu- us delivery on Valentine's Day. Study Abroad- Gen'l Info 918.99 Call for great prices on all at $469!! or, Venezuela! Margarita 3242 now for more information. dents. 7 days aweek. 7PM to 7AM. Free classy singing telegram w/ Mtg disks. 391-9341 Island at $579!! Call Sun Splash THE AUDIO CONNECTION!!! No problem if200 big or too small, order of $10.00. Call today 623- Mon Feb 5 11:30 Eaton 201 Tours 1-800-426-7710. 31-3888 aaan

\ Classif iedsCla! sif iedsClassifiedsclassif iedsclassif iedsClas ;if iedsclassif iedsclassifieds IF YOU LOVE KIDS favorite purple mug Happy Birthday Corinne!! 3rd WORLD PHOTOS 9 NEEDED we have the perfect part-time job ;hat Ive had ever since Iwas little Get psyched to model your sexy this Semester taking care of chil- ot lost in the Campus Center a new nightgown at the Ski lodge For Militarization of the Thiro Personals World Symposium Photo Show. dren in their, homes. $6-$Blhour. kw days ago. Please call Stepha- this weekend! Have a great 22nd Flexible daybme hours. Call Joy, nie 666-0695. B-Day! Love, Kathy & Nicole Please call Sonja at 628-9720. Dear Lit, 739-KIDS. Since your birthday is Sunday, I'm WOMEN'S RUGBY Meliss- Newest musical dynamo Babysitter wanted for 7 putting in this personal for you to For all new and returning mem- Happy Birthday Schluff-We love on campus, Crawdaddy (name month old- tell you how much I love you and bers: meeting Sun Feb 4 in you a lot! Willy. Banan. Far. Laur. questionable), is looking for a as cute as can be-Mondaysall day, mand. how special you are. Your 20th will Carmichael Loungeatgpm. Call me Allison. Julia & Schwa trumpeter and percussionist with one evening, one other morning or be the best. Love, Sean if you can't make it: 6255553 set capabilities. Blues-funk-rock- afternoon per week. Call Alan or MUSEUM SCHOOL GRRR!- Christine reggae-etc. (Name it.) with focus Tobi 643-3250. . STUDENT Come one, come all!! on Feat. Allmans. Straits. Contact Has great house. Needs 5 more Mike, Rob. Terry, Lindsay, Son. FENCING ,TEAM Steve: 625-9561. (Gorilla suit not people. Moments from Shuffle Ben, Don. and Jason are doing it Let's do some senous decapitat- Wanted ' included) Bus. -College Ave across fiom again this Friday night! It's the ing tomorrow. -Dude-Lar Housing Cohen Lot. Driveway. Washer1 Ground Hog Day-six more weeks NEEDED NOW! Dryer. Pool Table. Balcony, Spa- of Madness Party. This time ...it's Responsible student to care for 1- 3 bdrm apt to share cious Rooms. Lease June to June- war. THE PRINCETON REVIEW yr. old boy in our Medford home Needs Energetic S.A.T. teachers. 10 minutes from Tufts- $367 pe subletting ok. Call Now 666-0149. several hours a weekdays. Flex- month plus cheap heat etc.-sun Jen fere- $15 per hour. For interview call E 277-5327. ible hours. On bus line. Call 395 deck - storage - dishwasher ; It Can't Be True!!! Good luck next week! Think of us Birthdays 2292 anytime. baths (Call 391-9340) But it is. Furnished room w/Bal- sitting in the suite eating and pro- Baby-sitter cony. Great roommates, cheap crasbnating as you work our butt MAC Programmet Needed Awesome Sublet1 rent. Close, to campus. Call 666- off on the Ice. We Love sbu! -The for a 9 month old baby a few nights each week. Walking distance (IO Must be experienced using "C" 1 furnished bdrm in 5 bdrm ap 3509 Wren 410s 'DAWN' language and must know how to ready for immediate occupancy min) from Tufts. Call 776-5979 ask work with Apple Share other net- Happy 22nd! It's great to finally for Juan or Gemma. Very close to campus, great con Beautifully Furnlshed LIsa D. have you back! Love, Pia PS. Can I work pogramming experience a dition. $350lmo. w10 utils. Call SUG Room Miss you. Love, Me borrow your exta year? Win a Hawaiian vacatbn or plus. Earn $lo+ PM part or full or Joe at 666-3552. Antique Brass Bed. Owner Occu- Blg Scmn TV tima. Work from your room. For pied Home Near Public Transpor- A Groundhog from HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA! more info call Dave (508) 820- LGE 6 Room Apt tation. Walking Distance To Tufts. Punxatawney, plus raise up to 1400 in just 10 Have a great one! Love, Anne, days! Objective: fundraiser; Com- 7284. just outside Davis Square. Ned) Utilities1 Phone1 Whose shadow was legendary, Amy, Leslie and Nadene renovated $979 month no utils Laundry Included. Security Sys- told Willard Scott to get lost, mitment: Minimal; Money: Raise $1400; Cost: Zero investment. Baby-sitter wanted Call 395501 5 tem. No Smoking, No Pets. $350. 'cause he'd rather get soused, At HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIPS 2/3 mornings for infant, andlor 213 426-3750 (0), 396-4257 (H), Call the BONE IN THE,SO's Party. The Campus organizations, clubs. HAVE A GREAT 19th filled with frats, sororities call OCMC 1- evenings for toddler, at our home "Super Spring Housing" E. Ruffing. ' ground hog's corning up from PA lots more drunk driver games, on CambridgelArliagton line. Rent only 827Ymo. Avail now just to be there. Will you? 800-932-05281 1-800-950-8472 sports casting from the gym (s.b.) ext.10. Should be dependable, energetic completely furnished big room-3C and many other good bmes to and speak some English. Call Jon secs from campus. Great room. To Kemn come. Love Ya. Kermit Camp Counselor or Kanta: 641-4166. Easy public mates, big LR, kitchen and atten (the hot blonde in the soprano HAVE THE SUMMER OF YOUR transportation tive landlord. Female nonsmokers Rides section), You're the best!! -an AMPHA HONIG call 391-9252 or 396-9666. admirer LIFEANDGETPAIDFOR IT. TOP3- (a.k.a Samantha) Happy 19th, camp organization in the Pocono Work for Peace and one day earlyl! For your birthday, Mountains of NE PA. Our 59th Justice 2 Capen! SERENA, Change US policy.towards Cen- ANYONE GOING TO you win unlimited wake-up calls, year. Positions in all areas-water Looking for female to live in a full) SYRACUSE Do ou know what OBSTREPER- free use of your CDs, and a dra- and land sports, Fine Arts and tral America. The Central America furnished apt for the spring se OUJ means? I hope so-It's the Solidarity Assoc. is hiring evening (or north of there-Watertown matic reading of The Fountain- Outdoor Adventure. Please call 1- mester. Bio rooms. riaht behinc area) 212, 2/9,2/16? I need a ride first question1 You know why we head. PS. Let's take a bath @ 800-533-CAMP (215887-9700 in hone bankers for $7.15 an hour. Wren, prac$cally on.ca6pus. Rea wrote this so we won't write lease call Malkah or Pam at 492- and will share expenses -Susan- ether somebme. Love, TheTonsii PA) or write 407 Benson East, F sonaMe rent!! Call 391-3289 oi 629-7944. "Good Luck" Love, L.W.'s 280's 8uy. 8699. 395-1429. & 310's - -- Jenkintown. PA 19046.

and CLASSIFIEDS INFORMA'I'ION Calvin Hobbes \IIl'urisstutlcnts tn&t suhmitclassiricds inpcrson,prcpaitl,in ash. 1\11 classificdsmu: IC suhmittcd by 3 p.m. die day bcforc pohlication. All classificds suhmitrctl hy mail mu! IC accompanicd by a chcck. Classificds may not hc suhmittcd ovcr thc plionc. Notice 7X€R€, LW! FLKKS OF nd LOSIRr 1:ountls arc rrce and run on Tucsdays and'lltursdays only. Noticcs arc limitc BARIC, PIEC'ES OF GRRSL, J IWO per wcek per organization and must bc writrcn only on Daily fonns and suhmittc OF \C€ ! rUAT WAS YOUR n person. -Notices cannot bc used to scll rnercliandisc or advcfiisc major events. Tli SNONBU, AIL RIGHT.' 'ults Daily is no^ liahlc Tor any dam'agcs duc IO rypograpliical crrors or niisprinting xcept ~liccost of die insertion, wliicli is fully rcfunilahlc. For more Information, c:ill381-3090 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m. -6 p.m. <- Miller Ilall, Rear Intrance Medford, MA 02155

I . -O-,a- Subscriy tioris Himdrcds of parents and alumni currcnlly rcccivc The Tufts Daily mailed homc in a weekly package. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP 'Ilie 'L'uns I);iily Enclose chcck payablc Lo lhc Sihscripliori Ilcpt. Tufts Daily. $15 through 6/90 Y.0. I!ox 18 or $25 through 1/91. hlcdI?)r(l. MA02153 The Daily Commuter Puzzle

ACROSS 1 Performance 5 Gentlemen 10 Op or pop THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 13 Sacher torte THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME 14 Tape deck by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee button d$- 22 15 Inkling Unscramble these four Jumbles nt3 one letter to each square, to fok 16 ,Earthenware tour OrdinaN words. Pot 17 - Carlo 18 Allows 19 Material for ships 21 Eisenhower 23 Average 24 On the - (fleeing) 25 Pleasant 28 Skeletal part 33 Memory problem 34 Expiate UOW MANY A 35 - populi c uEC KEREV 36 Minerals CAREER ENDS UP. 37 Pitch I 38 Triangle part TULYSS 39 A letter 01990 Tribune Media Sf :r.'ices. Inc. 02/02/90 Now arrange the circled letters to 40 Loud sound All RiQhts Reserved form the surprise answer, as su@ 41 Vicious dog Yesterdav's Puzzle Solved 11 Klgested by the above cartoon. 42 Certain writer 5 Computer part 44 Check 6 'I- With a IN 45 Name for an View" Answer: A ~~~~~~ unknown 78 AlightPart of ETA: (Answers tomonow) 46 Nail *-__. .. vm-. Yesterday's Jumbles: HONEY LARVA WALNUT MORBID 47 Diminished abbr. I Answer: If he starts right out complaining about her 50 City in Egypt 9 Young plant Suddenly, second-chalr granite rock's jealousy of cooking, she'll learn better - - - OR HE WILL 54 Legumes 10 Shake -!. first-chair granite rock becomes uncontainable. 55 11 Buzzi or neighbor Gordon 57 Hence 12 Exam 58 Vases 15 Scale Quote of the Day 59 Life of - 20 Had on 60 Gen. 22 Lessen Robert - 25 Garlic bulb 61 Setter or 26 Jackrabbits The Tufts Daily would like to thank all of those who pointer 27 Swords 62 Prophets 28 Be sparing submitted entries for the Quote of the Day. Two winners 63 Specks 29 Traffic noise 02102141

30 Egg-shaped _t will be selected this weekend, and only the winners will be DOWN 31 Pries 43 Gather ' 50 Lots of 1 Edinburgh 32 Put forth 44 Dresses dough telephoned and informed of the results. The new native . 34 Oh, woe! 46 Mistake 51 Singer Guth[!e 2 Healthv 37 Burns fitfullv 47 Potato 52 "-a kick... quotes will begin in Monday's issue. 3 Enid's'state: 38 Pet food . 48 Pedestal 53 Performs abbr. 40 Greenish blue figure 56 Stamping 4 Foible 41 Unruly kid 49 Pealed device page twelve THE TUFTS DAII,Y Fridav. Februarv 2.1990


Friday, February 2 AEn "Bowling, Billards and Burgers" - (AEPi) 6:00pm - 21 Capen St. .. AX@ "Indoor Mini-Golf-a-Mania'' - 8:00pm-8-10 Whitfield Rd. (Alpha Sigma Phi)

ATA "The Last Supper" - 5:30pm' - 98 Prof. Row (DTD)

-" YY . "Mexican Night" - 8:00pm - 165 College Ave. (Psi-U)

OX "Scandinavian Massage NIght" - 7:00pm - 100 Packard Ave. (Theta Chi)

Saturday, February 3

AX@ Wine" and Cheese Party (Bring Date)" - 9:00pm - 8-10 Whitfield Rd. (Alpha Sigma Phi) 1

ATA "Tips on Having a Good Hair Day, Guest Speaker DORKMAN Zamboni" - (Dm> Noon - 98 Prof. Row

AY "Winter Sports Arena and Cookout - Dress Warm"-2:OOpm-114 Prof. Row (DU) .

CN "Fat Guys College B-Ball Viewing"-Noon- 92 Prof. Row (Sigma Nu)

CQE "Pizza and Pong" - 12:3Opm - 114 Curtis St. (Sig- Ep)

ZBT "Hoops and Spikes .Day"-'Location and Time TBA

ZY "Sports" - 1:3Opm - 80Prof. Row (Zeta Psi)

Sunday, February 4

AEII "Bang the Boards with'Barkley. Hoops and Pizza--an AEn Traditionf'--l:00pm-21 Capen St. (AEPi)

AY . "Casino Night--AMtle something for the winner"--7:00pm- 1 14 Prof. Row mJ)

ZBT "The ZBT Corvette Giveawayf'--4:OOpm--24Packard Ave. (ZBT)

In order to go through Rush and/or pledge a fraternity at Tufts, you may not currently be on disciplinary probation levels I or.11, and you must be in good academic standing with the University. Sponsored by the Inter-Fraternity Council .