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The BG News March 15, 1991

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BRIEFLY Inside Sears captures USG presidency Soviet turmoil: Internationally recog- nized Soviet affairs expert Record number of voters Don K. Rowney explains the vote that may topple Gor- bachev and even lead to a turnout for USG election civil war. ►See WORLD, page 6. tion leaders, planning USG by Robert Davidson Events of the Month to begin in 'Into the Faddisphare': staff writer September. With the clarion Blast of The Event of the Month project his trumpet, Jon K add is Mike Sears and Rob Routzahn is part of the team's platform to takes his audience "Into unseated two-term incumbent bring groups and students The Faddisphere" as the Kevin Coughlin Thursday to be- together through cultural and ed- grand finale of Jazz Week, come the new USG president and ucational programming, Sears sponsored by the College of vice-president elect. said. Musical Arts. The team won 1,066 of the 3,208 He added he will start talking to Faddis's distinctive votes cast by undergraduate stu- the presidents of Faculty and sound, which can be heard dents, putting Sara Parish and Graduate Student senates to im- on tracks by the Rolling Damian Billak in second place prove relations among the Stones, Billy Joel, Frank with 873. groups. Sinatra, Luther Vandross, Kevin Coughlin and Julie Mar- Second place candidate Sara and many more, is com- tini fell 60 votes short of second Parish said she is happy Sears bined with the harmonious place, with 813, and Dave Gagner won and believes she and Billak sounds of drums, bass, and and Sharon Seifert finished last, played an important role in the piano to produce "fun mu- with 376 votes in their favor. election. sic." Undergraduate students cast "Our campaign raised a lot of 3,208 votes in the election, the issues," she said. "The goal was ►See The Insider. most in any Undergraduate Stu- to get Kevin out of office and that dent Government contest, and a was accomplished. The students 12 percent increase from last will be much better off for it." Campus year. Parish said she intends to join Contribution* needed: Sears and Routzahn said their USG in another capacity. As of March 7 the BGSU hard work and popular support Gagner echoed Parish's plea- community had ordered 157 put them on top. sure with the election results but bouquets of daffodils to "We busted our asses," Rout- thinks he could have finished benefit the American Can- zahn said. stronger. cer Society, but contribu- Sears thinks the team gained "I'm happy with the outcome, a tions are still needed. votes because of Greg Richey's lot of people wanted Kevin out," Order forms to purchase withdrawal from the race Mon- he said. "People jumped on daffodils can be obtained by day and an endorsement by The ISears'] bandwagon because of News. his strong advertising and pub- calling Beta Theta Pi licity." fraternity at 372-2810. Daf- The team said they will cele- fodils will be delivered on brate their victory, but are pre- Gagner believes he could have March 19 and 20. paring to take office. been competitive if he had more All contributions will go "We're going to party this money and organization. toward support of cancer weekend but then we will begin "We got a late start. We talked patients and research. getting USG cabinet applications about running over winter break, out," Routzahn said. but we did not get going until just "We will meet with Kevin a couple weeks ago," he said. Grad named PR direc- Coughlin and I.inda Schnetzer He stressed he will remain in tor: next week to review our official USG, "still making a lot of Christopher Charles duties," Sears added. noise." According to Schnetzer, who The election, fraught with Cheuvront, a 1990 Universi- also serves as USG Elections and mud-slinging and accusations of ty graduate has been named Opinions Board chairperson, campaign violations, saw no dis- director of public relations Sears will assume an apprentice- 3ualif ications of presi- of the Sigma Chi Interna- ship role, working with Coughlin ential/vice-presidential candi- tional Fraternity General until the new team takes office at dates, Schnetzer said. Headquarters in Evanston, the last USG General Assembly "We have had a world-record 111. meeting in April. number of stupid violations," she As a University student, Coughlin said he is "sure peo- said, stressing none of the viola- Cheuvront reported for The ple are shocked" he lost. "Two tions were serious enough to ex- BG News, The Gavel and pell a team. Miscellany magazine. The K*y/Enc Mull out of three ain't bad," he added, Mike Sears (left) and running mate Rob Routzahn react in Prout Hall Wednesday morning when It was an- referring to his two terms. Schnetzer said most of the 20 nounced they won the Undergraduate Student Government presidential and vice presidential election. Sears said he will now start violations reported were for sign Health conference They take office In April. meeting with student organiza- C) See PRESIDENT, page 7. planned: More than 100 health professionals will be in Fer- ry sburg to learn how to bet- ter their health education Attorneys Murderer faces parole hearing facilities in a conference funded by the Ohio Depart- ment of Health. Attending the conference file initial Man convicted of killing University student may go free will be school nurses and representatives from Uni- ejected the teens from the bar. other times. Usually I just ex- said. "You can imagine how ri- by Wynne Everett Eress how my husband and I and versity health departments. statement investigative editor Edward Villarreal, 26, and diculous that would be." Arthur Oviedo, 27, also were con- is sisters feel." Mrs. Bowers said while she is victed of murder and are current- no longer bitter about the loss of Get fit: The man convicted of killing a ly serving 15-years to life senten- 'One time they her son, she hopes she may sway The Student Recreation in appeal University student in 1980 soon ces. the parole board to keep Thomp- Center will be hosting its may be free on parole. The Ohio Parole Board said wanted to let him son in prison. Fourth Annual Biathalon on Brian Thompson, 28, of Perrys- Thompson is scheduled for a par- "I don't think you help yourself Saturday, April 20. The by Wynne Everett burg Heights, has served 10 years ole hearing sometime in the near have weekend by being bitter," she said. "But biathalon will consist of a investigative editor of a 15 years to life sentence for future. furlough.' Sou have to live with what has 10k run through the campus the stabbing death of University Bowers' mother, Shirley, said and a mile swim in the appened. Our son will never be Attorneys for convicted mur- freshman Steven Bowers, 18, of she regularly writes the parole paroled. We will never see our SRC's Cooper Pool. Canton, in November 1980. board concerning the three men son again." Team and individual sign- derer Richard Fox have filed Ohio victims' rights laws re- Xare due in the SRC main their first statement in the appeal Bowers died after being stab- and plans to write a letter per- quire the parole board to notify of the Tontogany man sentenced bed four times during a fight be- suading the board to deny families of victims of the "You grieve everyday but par- ce March 19. hind Downtown with Thompson Thompson parole. prisoners' impending release. ticularly around the holidays — The event will be com- to death for kill- ing a local and two other teenagers after "We always send letters," she "One time they wanted to let Mothers Day, Fathers Day, prised of three different di- Bowers, a Downtown employee, said. "I've written two or three him have weekend furlough," she visions. woman in 1989. Christmas." Volunteers also will be Fox's attor- needed for the event for lap ney, John Cal- counting, crowd control and lahan, submit- other various jobs. All vol- ted a statement 1991 PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET unteers will receive a free to the court Budget increases T-shirt for participating. Monday alleg- ALLOCATION OF $21,586,670.24 All participants and vol- ing seven er- rors were made INCOME TAX unteers are required to at Richard Fox NON-GOVERNMENTAL 2,529,779.00 tend a meeting on either by the judge up for approval (TRANSFERS) (11.727.) March 19 or 20 at 4 or 7 p.m. and prosecutor during Fox's trial, including the release of CAPITOL Fox's alleged confession. by Michelle Banks creates drug awareness IMPROVEMENTS Weather Wood County Prosecutor Alan assitant managing editor among sixth-graders and re- Mayberry included the confes- cently the city's program was Sunny sklei: sion in discovery papers filed extended to the junior high Today, mostly sunny. with the clerk of courts, which The city police Drug level. High around 50. North winds were then published by the Awareness Resistance Edu- Ash explained why the de- 5 to 15 media. cation (DARE) program will partment was requesting ad- DEBT REDUCTION mph. To- Fox was sentenced to death by be doubled by $2,500 and the ditional funding for the pro- night, a three-judge panel last June for public works department will gram. mostly the 1989 strangulation/stabbing receive $307,000 for five addi- "Right now we are one of clear. Low murder of 18-year-old Leslie tional vehicles if council ap- two agencies, outside Cali- in the up- Keckler. 6roves the 1991 budget on fornia, which will begin a per 20s. Callahan contends the pub- londay. program at the high school OPERATING & Saturday, lication of the alleged confession According to a budget re- level," Ash said. "Council has MAINTENANCE sunny. ruined Fox's chance for a fair port submitted to the Finance been supportive of the pro- EXPENSE High 50 to trial in Wood County. Committee by Police Chief gram." 55. Mayberry said the publication Galen Ash, his department is However, in preliminary FRCfC6ED 1991TOTALBLDGET com- of the confession, which was part requesting $5,000 this year for hearings, the Finance Com- Abcoticri at hrd> to Cper3tr6 and Mci-terxrce piled from local and wire of a statement Fox gave to police safety programs. mittee said it could not sup- Ccr*a rnpCM=merts. Dett tedclfcrxand Ncr>Go\«rrmerWaiOTfer3 reports See FOX, page 5. The DARE program □ SeeiUDOfT,page4. THE BG NEWS Editorial

gested. The emphasis should be placed on penalizing •If local tavern owners did ever try to crack down on alcohol's harm to others, not restricting an entire class. the underage drinking in their establishments, some of No reason for Education is the key to reducing problem drinking — them would certainly go out of business. No bar has not blind enforcement. We have seen cigarette use gone under and stayed there since 21-drinking age was drop in this country for 20 years because of a strong imposed. health campaign and other factors. •Complete enforcement of underage drinking in the keeping 21 law Professionals like Jacqueline Daley at the Universi- bars is nearly impossible, as evidenced by a story in ty Prevention Center have even suggested the age has Tuesday's News. Our point for the article was to snow Prohibition didn't work in the 1920s, yet today Con- interfered with education efforts from her office. how risky it is to operate a bar in Bowling Green today gress insists on applying it to the 18-20 age group. "Twenty-one" obviously represents a dated mindset because of the higher drinking age — not to "expose" Prohibition is an apt analogy to the 21-year-old drink- which is badly in need of revision. Bringing attention to anyone. ing age — ignored by the population to which it applies, the issue may be the only way to correct it. Gardner and State Sen. Betty Montgomery should just like the drinking law of the 1920s. Undergraduate Student Government and Bowling push the General Assembly to investigate the feasibili- The 21-drinking-age is more than just an inconven- Green City Council should adopt token resolutions call- ty of reducing the penalties for underage drinking and ience and risk to college students — it is a sign of a na- ing for a reduced drinking age, and send it to appro- service to token fines — technically following Con- tion mistakenly looking to enforcement as the solution priate state and federal officials. gress' mandate for a 21-drinking age, but not enforcing to all its problems. City Council could also explore the possibility of re- it. The important justification for the 21-drinking-age ducing the penalties for locally enforced underage This move, if possible, would focus national attention was that it would reduce highway deaths. If this line of penalities. Even if it is rarely applied, sue months on the drinking age once again, as well as calling to thought is carried to its logical conclusion, a 30-year- and/or a $1,000 fine is a massive penalty for the question the federal government's penchant for old drinking age would look pretty attractive. "crime" of underage drinking. blackmailing states into disagreeable policies. The reality is a responsible 20-year-old cannot legal- State Rep. Randall Gardner, who believes his dis- And, of course, Congressnerson Paul Gillmor needs ly walk downtown to have a beer in Bowling Green trict is wildly supportive of the new age, needs to re- to take a position on the drinking age and push Con- without breaking the law. But a 22-year-old convicted examine what 21 has meant for his hometown. gress on the issue. It seems hypocritical for him to highway killer and alcoholic can purchase liquor as •There is some evidence that new restrictions on criticize federal blackmail as a state senator while ig- long as he has the money. campus and/or in the bars have sent drinking-age noring it as a member of Congress. The should update its beliefs and look scoff-laws into the residential neighborhoods to cause a The drinking age represents a clearly misguided al- to the more progressive policies of Europe for emula- ruckus. Noise complaints in Bowling Green are up 42 cohol policy in this country, and our leaders, as well as tion, as Bowling Green Mayor Edwin Miller has sug- percent since 1987. the people, need to take action on it.

1 JuST6VT<*fA LETTERS Prevention Center Support, funds IN COMBAT- JrWtSS/OA/fU restates program needed to sustain Af?r NOTHiNe! goals and duties Campus Security Editor The News: Officer Program We are compelled to refute John Kohlstrand's flagrant mis- Editor The News: representation of The Prevention One of the major issues on (.. Center for Alcohol and Other campus and in USG is campus Drug Abuse in his article on safety. Joseph Fazek, USG sena- Wednesday, March 13, 1991. He tor, is thankfully supporting the wrote that the Prevention Center Campus Security Officer Pro- is "rarely utilized by students — gram and trying to it from one of the most common ways being cut altogether. All of us in students contact the Prevention this program heard only through Center is by force." This state- the grapevine that our jobs were ment is blatantly untrue. As peer in jeopardy because of budget educators in the Prevention cuts. Center, we frequently assist stu- dents with researching informa- Many people don't understand tion for papers and speeches, who we are when they see us lock- talking about personal concerns, ing up buildings at night. As Mr. and requesting presentations for Fazek said, our responsibilities residence halls. The Prevention have been cut considerably. We Center is a service provided for lock up buildings and assist the students, not strictly a place for campus police in reporting suspi- e>tw cHuacBc&r discipline. We believe in helping cious activity. the students, through education, and challenging them to think Now, since our hours have been about their actions where alcohol cut because of budget cuts, we Coughlin's legacy: a strong, useful USG is concerned. barely have time to lock the Statements like Kohlstrand's buildings. Many of the officers Kevin Coughlin lost this year's In this light, one should ques- ical violence. Away from the Stu- to fell — tuition increases, dis- perpetuate the misconceptions are thankful that we exist be- USG presidential election. tion exactly why Kevin was re- dent Services Building as well, crimination, racial polarity and associated with alcohol and other cause we relieve them from lock- A fairly simple statement on placed. Upon close examination, Coughlin quipped he "ran" The campus safety. drug use. The Prevention Center ing the buildings and they also be- the surface, but this campaign it seems he pissed off the wrong BG News, "hired" WBGU to works hard to benefit students. lieve that our presence on cam- will be remembered foremost as people. cover campaign appearances and Now it's put up or shut up time Statements like those made by pus does help keep campus crime the election Kevin lost — not the Granted, Coughlin made all his supposedly "owned" Jeff Mer- for USG. The four anti-Coughlin Kohlstrand are detrimental to down. election Mike Sears won. enemies — personal and political hige of the Interfraternity Coun- candidates could all play nice our mission of helping students Proof in point are the many an- — on his own. He landed on the cil. during the campaign when Kevin make responsible decisions. In ti-Coughlinites dancing on Ke- scene in the fall of 1988 and im- wasn't around (take, for in- Hopefully, the committee being the future, we hope that Kohl- formed to help our program will vin's USG political grave like mediately became the campus' These flaws would prove fatal stance, Chris Comer's Sunday strand will remember the philos- participants in a Mardi Gras par- darling. The University couldn't night radio show on which they ail help keep our program going and when it came time for Coughlin to ophy of the Prevention Center give us more tune to handle more ade. Instead of rejoicing in the get enough of this bright, ambi- secure political allies in a battle harmoniously appeared.) and not destroy the hard work of Sears upset victory, a common tious go-getter who seemed to responsibilities so we can keep with four bloodthirsty opponents. caring students and administra- the campus safer. theme running "on the street" is embody the Republican wave Coughlin should have never as- Now's the time for them to keep tion. the fact that many students en- sumed his presidency was a that spirit in mind. When the joyed the look on Kevin's face in mandate for his personal agenda. General Assembly convenes next Stephanie Clapper, Patty Lawton, defeat. He could have enhanced his once- fall, let's hope they can re- Lisa Maxwell, Was this the sole purpose of the Cod in enormous popularity by including member how to work together STEP 1, The Prevention Center campus security officer election? Albeit, Sears is a quali- diverse opinions in his decision- and get real things accomplished. fied leader and a fresh change in making process. the presidency, he was used by left Field Instead, he closed (Nah, Kevin has made USG a power- many scorned Coughlin support- locked) his door like a paranoia ful instrument for the student ers as a simple payback. Nixon in the final days, alienating body. Now it is up to Mike Sears The University might be the by Scott Geringer those politically diametric, yet and company to make sure it is The BG News worse for it if the new. Sears-led and Wynne Everett willing to cooperate with senators used in the students' best inter- - An Independent Student Voice - student government doesn't re- who eventually turned on him in ests. member the good things Coughlin frustration. Editorial Board has done for them. sweeping the country with the The campaign, in the final Let the legacy of Kevin's defeat Lost in this malicious celebra- election of George Bush (a form- analysis, was Kevin versus the be that USG has learned how to James A. Tinker tion is the fact that Kevin Cough- er Coughlin employer.) exert its force in unity and that it editor whole world. And although he Jill Novak Michelle Banks lin did more for the students at During his two-term presi- may have brought the fight on will never return to the worthless, managing editor assistant managing editor this University in his reign than dency, however, Coughlin let self- himself, those are still formida- do-nothing body it was before he John Kohlstrand the previous four USG presidents importance cloud his judgment in ble odds to ask anyone to over- arrived. city editor combined. Erofessional and personal re- come — even the the great and Charles Toil Chuck Travis Not only did he strike out new itionships. powerful Kevin Coughlin. editorial editor editorial coordinator ground for an inept political body, He ruled USG with an iron fist With their calls for his political Scoff Geringer and Wynne he rectified a history of former — locking doors, alienating VP head satisified, we'd like to see Everett are The News'infamous Matthew A. Daneman Ivan Groger USG mistakes including a huge Linda Scnnetzer and even alleg- the anti-Coughlinites remain left- and right-winged political copy chief copy chief deficit handed him in 1989. edly threatening Sears with phys- united in search of bigger giants analysis team. The BG News Staff

News Editor Christian Thompson Copy Editor Michelle Uaherty Sports Editor Matt Schroder Copy Editor Michelle Taylor Respond AMI Sports Editor Steve Easlon Copy Editor Kathleen Lowry Asst Sports Editor Jamie Joss Copy Editor NfcklFloros Wire Editor Tanya Moore Copy Editor Cyndi Prada The BG News editorial Ant. Wire Editor Irene Baoeeux Copy Editor Mara Stork page is your campus fo- Photo Editor Jay Murdock Copy Editor Kelse Schlrmer Insider EOHor P. Francis Eaposlto Copy Editor Jamie Smith rum. Letters to the editor Insider Asst Editor J J Thompson Copy Editor Jack DIM should be a maximum of Invest Director Wynne Everett Prod. Sup'r Tim J. Mechley 200 words in length and Features Director Jennifer Taday Prod Sup'r RyanTVk Copy Editor Trtsh Davis Prod. Sup'r Moty Zakralaek should be typewritten, Copy Editor Michelle latter Prod. Sup'r Cwrtck Ross double-spaced, and signed. n» SO Ntwt m punished deny Tuesday through Fnday during the academic yea- and weekly during the summer laeaion by the Board ot Sludent Pubocatlons ol Bowfeng Green Slate Ureverarry The BG News reserves Op—one expressed by ccejmniete do not neceeeerey retted me ocmrone ol The 00 News The BG News and Bowing Green Slate University ere equal opportunity employers end do not the right to reject any rkacWMnele m rwmg practices material that Is offensive, The BO News we) not accept advemamg that e deemed dwcrmwwtary. degrading or meuWng on malicious or llbelous. me base ot race, sex or nasone) ongev Please address all sub- Copyngni 1981 Al Kghts Reserved missions to: Office EOMoneJOMce Ph <41»> 372-2601 210 Wool Mel Fm lull 372 eges Editorial Editor Bowfeng Green Stole university Bowsng Green Ohio 43403-0276 210 West Hall BOO am lo 5:00 p.m. Monday through Fnday tm»CO^ii,joeuS- wutawmWA

■•' THE BG NEWS Friday, March 15. 1991 Editorial Opinions How difficult do you # think it is to drink in Bowling Green? tO N«wi/Tlm Norman


Lauren Turk, Junior IPCO Jang-Pyo Park, senior biology major from Solon, Ohio. major from Korea. "I don't think it is difficult be- "It's not too hard because there cause if you know bouncers or are a lot of parties around town [legal drinkers] at the bar then it which are sponsored by friends or is fairly easy to get drinks.'' people you know, and they aren't going to be checking IDs.

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zOV€'«0<" rv»ue \wst Cvf SJof« eaWio- Op©Cq?io«rt To af( stol* Supf&fted LWHfcMrfifS. Mot Q

Kellie Tuggle, senior RTVF Stan Hunter, MBA finance major from Toledo, Ohio. graduate student from Dayton, ii! •"■'"'-- Hi 30 Ohio. Ull, I +W*t J -ft "From what I hear, it's not that "I don't think it is difficult at all ,lfl fa. l^r^S difficult for those who are because there are too many op- underage to obtain alcohol. I've portunities for students to get read a lot of articles and been told take IDs or get other students, by many people that it is easy to who are legal drinkers, to get be served alcohol." them alcohol. [Besides], bars -f-»!:-;'::v:-QO don't even consistently check IDs." fo^Si. i ThE BU3H Boofrtg. mm KAPPA SIGMA

Yahoo & His Sister Grit & Katty Bern & Megan Clark & Amy Tom & Kelly Hell & My Buddy Russ & Saul Gooch & ? Root & Allison Hans & Julia Tonto & My Little Squaw 0k & Remington PanPan & The Teacher Marcus & April Mute & The Snow Woman Tony ft Heather Pokey & A Small Amphibian Melon & Noma Tray & Beth Ann Barney & Chris Craiej & Kim Girar & Hit Caddy Steve & Kristi Hair & Bottle King Rich & Snookemsless Cheesy & Shall! Erie & Hop-Along Bob & Cindy House ft ?? "I'll never be able to understand it. Butts & Pan Hogan & Ruff I was just with them the other day- Egg &Mo Vidal ft Chief You never can tell when death will Chud & Aun Robbi Mike & 77? strike the ones you love- Kep&OJ They always brought smiles to people's faces, Clark & Jen m Paziani & The Quack Major & ?? forever laughing and joking and living Jeff&Vicki life to its fullest- Dennis ft Jena Beagle & Amy Jeff ft 7 It just doesn't seem right. Pappy & Juliet Wright ft Tracie They had the world at their fingertips Mr. & Mrs. Coolwhip Chubby ft KC and because of one man's decision to Lithe KE Man & Kate Turtle ft Ape drink and drive they'll never have Dale & Jennifer Blake ft Whatever It the chance to show how much Tom & Maureen behind curtain #1 they had to offer- Sloth & A Woman B.D. ft Yam* How anyone could ever be so irresponsible, Big Cliff & Deb Duke ft Km, I'll never know- One thing is certain- This should never happen again...NEVER AGAIN" ISLAND TIME NEVER AGAIN WISHES YOU A SAFE SPRING BREAK! March 16,1991

, Friday Morch 15 1991 THE BG NEWS

Funds for city pending Committees ready city budget { Continued from page 1. The cumbersome task of allocating more than $21 million to various Kerr, Smith and Bowling Green Mayor Edwin Miller. port the department's request be used to pay on the bonds city departments falls on the shoulders of the City Finance Commit- If cuts were made in a division's budget, they are encouraged to ar- of $78,000 to hire two addi- for the police and fire stations tee. gue their case with council. tional officers and another as well as the parking lot be- Colleen Smith, municipal administrator, said the job begins in Oc- "This allows for a strong checks-and-balance system," Smith said. dispatcher. hind Uhlman's. tober when she requires each division to submit a budget proposal by "If we [Finance Committee] don't think something is important and . City council agreed there More than $21 million is Dec. 1 to Finance Director Charles Kerr. council does, then the department can get it back on their budget." was a need for the additional proposed for this year's city Smith said she encourages each department to budget programs Council finally votes on the budget after three readings. The city is personnel but the funding was budget. The majority is allo- which will save money on a long-term basis. required by law to submit the budget to the state by April 1. not available, Ash said. The cated for operation and main- "Sometimes you have to spend money to make money," she said. issue can be reviewed mid- tenance expenses including After receiving each department's proposal, Kerr analyzes the Tax dollars and other income have to be estimated from the pre- year to determine if there is salaries for the 143 city em- receipts and examines each request. He then makes a projection of vious year to determine how much money will be available for the ci- enough money for the hiring ployees. the following year's expenditures. ty's budget. The utilities department, however, does not have to esti- of employees, Municipal Ad- In addition, $4 million is After the Finance Committee revises the budget, it is submitted to mate its income because rates are altered to meet budget needs, ministrator Colleen Smith proposed for allocation for council where the proposal undergoes further changes. Smith said. said. debt reduction and $2.5 mil- Public budget hearings convene in January or February. At these "Bowling Green is still a two-headed monster government. The util- Parks and recreation also lion for capital improve- hearings department heads can try to convince council to replace ities department and city council have two separate budgets," she asked for additional staff but ments. items which had already been cut by the Finance Committee. Before said."The utilities department has a much easier time because they "uncertainties in the econo- Renovations on Dunbridge the hearings, the changes are reviewed with every department by can figure out expenses and set their rates accordingly." my" prevented the Finance Road are scheduled for this Committee from approving a year and would utilize money full-time clerk. from the capita 1- "If the economy is better in improvement fund as well June we will reconsider the state monies, Smith said. BGHS hockey inspired by Falcons positions," Smith said. A law passed by the Ohio Proposed improvements General Assembly in 1989 high school... and they like to see coaching was a positive force in the state championships.couldn't for the public works division which increased the state gas by Thomas W. Kelsey staff writer the results of their hard work." the state tournament. agree more with the positive ef- include a road grater, front tax will help finance street James Litwin, the director of "He was hard on us with his fect the Falcons have had on his endloader, garbage packer repairs. institutional studies at the Uni- strict curfews and all, but he was team's play. and dumptruck with plow and A kind of electricity continues versity and a hockey parent, said always right," he said. "But it "Bowling Green is such a a backhoe. The proposed cost "We are really excited to hum in the hallways of Bowling the family's 12-year support of wasn't until after the state tour- hockey town, and all the kids look for the vehicles is $307,000, about the law because it takes Green High School after the var- son Nathan's hockey career paid ney that we realized his discipline up to the Falcons. They influ- which is desperately needed, the 5 cent gas tax and reallo- sity hockey team's breathtaking off with the win in Cleveland. was all worth it." enced us all so much when we according to Finance Direc- cates 4 cents back to the mun- 2-1 state championship win "The parents have [played] a The success of the University were young," he said. tor, Charles Kerr. icipality for road repairs," against Parma Padua last week- critical role in the support of the hockey team the past 10 years has The players also gave credit to "The snowplow has become Smith said. end. hockey program," he said. "All also played a large part in the de- the University's gift of valuable totally inoperable and almost In 1990 the state money was The victory marks the third of us remember the 6 a.m. prac- velopment of the program. Dunn ice time at the BG Ice Arena the entire fleet is in need of used to remove curbs on state championship Bowling tices on those dark, cold and said young, aspiring players com- which helped the Bobcats gain a replacement," Kerr said. Campbell Hill Road. Green has brought home since snowy mornings, and consequen- ing up in Wood County's junior crucial edge- Last year the city had more Kerr said the proposed 1980. tly, the parents have developed a leagues have found the Falcons to According to Bamurowski, a than $715,000 carry over from budget is reasonable for all Marv Dunn, the school's athlet- strong relationship, a bond for be a major influence. total of five Toledo hockey teams 1990's budget, due to unex- divisions. ic director, said he attributes the over 12 years." "Growing up and playing in the share the Tamoshanter ice rink in pectedly high revenues from "It's a conservative budget hockey team's impressive win- But according to Litwin, that area leagues, Bowling Green kids Sylvania. Municipal Court. within our resources." he ning streak to a dedicated corps bond peaked last weekend at the take every opportunity to talk to Crawford added the extra ice The additional money will said. of parents. state championship. "With tears the Falcon players." he ex- time gave the Bobcats added en- "We have such a strong in our eyes, we realized every- plained. "Jerry York's 'Skate durance in the third period. (hockey] program in Wood thing we had done was all worth with the Falcons Night' has also "We could play both speed and County and the parents have been it," he said. given the kids a chance to gain strength hockey," he said. "We a big part of our success," he Bobcats co-captain Brent Ba- some helpful advice from the could use our finesse or we could said. "The Blueliners, our murowski said all of the players players." bang them around. The extra booster club, raise about $20,000 would agree head coach Dan Noel Crawford, the Bobcats' skating time kept us in the whole annually to have hockey at the DeWitt's discipline-style of number one goaitender during game. STEAK & SEAFOOD Support Daffodil Days... Support SUMMER SCHOOL LENTEN SPECIALS! IN CLEVELAND the fight against AT JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY SESSION I SESSION II SESSION HI cancer. 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- j-apf» ■ THE BG NEWS Friday. March IS. 1991

Men's rugby team to play in California tournament by Julie Potter staff writer "People have heard about us everywhere. We go to the bars at Kent State and wear The University's club rugby our rugby jackets and people kind of back teams hope to continue their win- ning ways this season, including a up and are in awe." spring break tournament in Cali- fornia. Since 1968 — the first year of they go, he claims. can't even get a decent field to club rugby's existence at the "People have heard about us play on. We're trying to work University —the teams have everywhere. We go to the bars at with the University to get a field, boasted 46 consecutive winning Kent State and wear our rugby but we're really getting the run- seasons, Paul Giovannetti, junior jackets and people kind of back around." construction management major up and are in awe," he said. and president of men's club rug- Unfortunately, not everyone Despite barriers the rugby by said. has the same respect for the rug- team may face, the sport has not The team has a 98.9 percent by team as their opponents do. diminished in popularity at the winning ratio, and is now ranked "We don't even have a halfway University. third in the nation, according to decent field to play on. Right now "We have a team of winners, the American Rugby Union, Gio- we play on a field called Sterling and that appeals to people. vannetti said. Farm, which is behind the rec Everyone on the team is very A selection committee of five center. The field is in really bad helpful and want the rookies to Gople watches the rookies at the shape. We've had guys blow out learn the game," Giovannetti coort»«y/Boo»r Monor»lla ginning of each season to knees and ankles out there be- said. determine who will be placed on cause it's so bad," Giovannetti The men's rugby team In action during a recent home match. which team, Giovannetti said. said. The team will be travelling to The rugby club consists of three He added the team has very Long Beach, Calif, during spring teams — an 'A' team, a 'B' team, little cooperation from the Uni- break to play teams from the getting us to come out there," he each member will be paying his They will be playing such and a 'C team. The 'A' team con- versity because they play a club Long Beach and San Diego areas. said. own way. We're not getting any teams as UCLA, the University of sists of the best players, and the sport that doesn't bring in many Forty-three members of the financial assistance from the San Diego, and the Air Force. 'C team is mostly rookies, he spectators. "We will be using the Belmont rugby club will be making the University." added. Sixty-five players are on This lack of cooperation upsets Shores Rugby Club fields while trip, including nearly all of the "A' "We're playing some very the roster this season. the team, he said. we are out there. A lot of guys on and 'B' teams and any rookies The team will be leaving Fri- prestigious teams. We are very Bowling Green's rugby reputa- "We have a team that is ranked that team graduated from BG, who want to go, Giovannetti said. day, March 22 and will fly to Cali- glad for the opportunity to be tion precedes them wherever third in the entire country and we and they were instrumental in "The cost of the trip is $400 and fornia, he said. playing all of tnem." FOX Continued from page 1. Women's rugby They may affirm the county court to resentence Fox, without an attorney present, did refusal to allow evidence about not jeopardize Fox's right to a Fox's personality disorder as fac- court's decision, reverse the Mayberry said. fair trial. tors which prejudiced the trial county court and order a new If Fox is unsuccessful in this at- "I routinely file police state- against his client. trial or remand the sentence as tempt to reverse his conviction, gains popularity ments in discovery, Mayberry Fox was automatically granted too harsh and order the county he may appeal to a, higher court. said. "It was not our intention or an appeal under Ohio law be- in our thoughts that it (the con- cause he received a death penalty fession) would be published." sentence. by Julie Potter "We're ready to go Callahan also lists the court's The 6th District Federal Court staff writer refusal to move the trial to an- in Toledo, which is hearing the out there and kick other county, failure to establish case, may rule several ways on A relatively new club team at some ass." aggravating circumstances and the appeal. the University is out to Drove that men's rugby players don't have a monopoly on being tough. Shelly Rohrer, women's club Plans are also in the works for rugby president, said the team is a tournament at the University starting to gain momentum this April 13, Rohrer said. year. "This team has been around for "We haven't officially con- a few years, but we're really firmed anything for the tourna- starting to pick up now," Rohrer ment, but we have invited five or said. six teams to come out and play," Women's rugby is different she said. WE'RE ALMOST FULL from men's rugby in that women According to Rohrer, this are not quite as violent as men, year's rugby team has great po- Rohrer said. tential. "We play for grace and style. "More than half the team this FIELD MANOR APTS. Rugby is more of a finesse game year is new, and once we fine- for women," she said. tune our game and everyone • 542 & 560 Frazee Ave. The women's rugby team has flicks up the basics, we'll be real- several matches planned for this y good," she said. • 519 Leroy Ave. season. Their first match will be played Deb White, sophomore elemen- Saturday at the University of tary education major and second- * 2 bedroom * 2bath * furnished * Michigan against the Wolverines year player, agrees with Rohrer. rugby team and the University of "We're young, but we have a lot Illinois, Rohrer said. of talent. We're a strong team Call 352-0717 Future matches will be April 6 and we're going to do really well at Dennison University and April this year,'' White said. for more information. 20 at home against a club from "We're ready to go out there Columbus. and kick some ass."

Applications for the Black Student Union's 1991-92 Executive Board and the Jackson Toliver Scholarship are now available in the office of Minority Cultural Affairs and the Minority Cultural Activities and Programs office. For more info, call 372-2629.

PRIORITY! On your list of things to do make sure to stop in at University Village & University Courts Apts. They are now renting! IS HERE! • 1 and 2 Bedroom apartments • 9 and 12 month leases • Heat, water, cooking, and sewer included ■ Available at The Union • Central air ■ Eliminates Paper Cups • No pets please Walking Distance To Campus! ■ Big Drinks / Small Price Clough & Mercer (419) 352-0164 Q Bowling Green THE BG NEWS World Future of U.S.S.R. hard to predict, professors say

by Scott Geringcr staff writer "Gorbachev is very weak now and has very little political power. Yeltsin is regarded as Soviets will vote Sunday on a kind of a wild card and wouldn't be referendum which could shatter the U.S.S.R. and the political accepted by the military and Ministry of reign of Mikhail Gorbachev. Don K. Rowney, University his- Affairs — which he would have to be." tory professor, predicts the poll question will pass, but added it is much harder to predict a result Moreover, the referendum will cate the vote will be close. on this issue than usual in Soviet be significant only if it does not "An implication [of a no vote] politics. pass. will be greater political instabi- "[Voting] outcomes are "Gorbachev would probably be lity," he said. "[Gorbachev] pub- usually quite predictable, but this replaced by a conservative per- licly accused Yeltsin of helping is not predictable," he said. son — a spokesperson for the the country along toward civil Contributing to the uncertainty army and police, he said. "If he war. The result of a close vote is the decision by six of the 15 re- wins it will not be a major advan- will mean the dissolution of the publics — including the three se- tage. But he will certainly say in Union." cessionist Baltic States — to boy- the Supreme Soviet that he will Rowney said he believes cott the referendum. have a mandate for the formation neither man will satisfy all Soviet "The fact that some republics of a new treaty" which would citizens. are not participating is interest- define the relationship of the "Gorbachev is very weak now ing in itself," Rowney said. Russian republics. and has very little political The conflict between Yeltsin power," he said. "Yeltsin is re- The referendum asks voters: and Gorbachev intensified garded as kind of a wild card and "Do you consider it necessary to Wednesday when Yeltsin deman- wouldn't be accepted by the mili- preserve the Union of Soviet ded state television give him 40 tary and Ministry of Affairs — Socialist Republics as a renewed minutes of air time tonight. Gor- which he would have to be." federation of equal, sovereign re- bachev, as head of state, will Pogacar agreed, adding publics in which human rights make a televised address Satur- "[Gorbachev] has tied his posi- and freedoms of any nationality day night. tion to maintaining the Union. mppar will be fully guaranteed?" However, a vote against Gorba- In simpler terms, Rowney In a televised appearance Feb. chev does not mean support for defined the referendum as the 12, Yeltsin accused Gorbachev of Yeltsin." question, "How much power is leading the nation to the brink of Rowney, a frequent visitor to going to be cut off and distributed dictatorship and demanded he the Soviet Union since 1968, pre- to the republics?" resign. dicted the current unrest in a patttic/cs According to Rowney, an inter- Timothy Pogacar, assistant press release last June. In the nationally known Soviet authori- firofessor of Russian, said he be- release, he stated all the ele- ty, the referendum will deter- ieved Yeltsin's television ap- ments are still in place to effect a mine the political lives of Gorba- pearances and demonstrations fast reversion to pre-Gorbachev: chev ana Russian Federation supporting independence all military, police, KGB, prisons President Boris Yeltsin. across the Russian Republic indi- and judicial system.

WE'VE k GOT THE CORE FOR -n Baker consults with Soviets MOSCOW (AP) — At the windup of a five-nation growing opposition to Soviet President Mikhail Mideast tour, Secretary of State James Baker ni Gorbachev. said Thursday chances of settling the Arab-Israeli dispute were better than ever before. The United States has promised the Soviets a postwar role in the peace process, but has not said Baker arrived in Moscow from Syria to consult what that role should be. The Soviets supported the with Soviet leaders on their nation's own turmoil, United Nations resolutions demanding that their as well as contributions the Soviet Union might former client, Iraq, give up Kuwait, but they de- make to a lasting Mideast peace. During a three- clined to send troops for the international coalition day visit, he also planned to talk to leaders of the that drove Iraq out.

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Sponsored by: Commuter Off-Campus Organization, Freshman Off-Campus March 16. 1991 University Students, Honors Student Association, Resident Student Association, and the Off-Campus Student Center :A o n Aon Aon Aon Aon AOH Aon Aon

■ ■ ■ -.. -. ,. ;. . > : :. ,. : - ■ ■ -. -. -.. -. ■. i • : • - THE BG NEWS Fnday. March 15 1991 Population growth BLOTTER= ■City police are investigating saulted by a male juvenile at. a complaint of possible drug her apartment complex The Population Explosion use on Monday morning at Tuesday evening. produces problems Bowling Green Junior High ■A resident of the 800 block School, 215 W. WoosterSt. of Fourth Street reported ■A pop machine and a pub- several males were beating Hi lic telephone were damaged on his door Wednesday morn- 'SmallFamily Pledge* viewed in the Fine Arts Building ing. Monday morning. Damage is ■An employee of Conneaut as ideal environmental solution h hillK.o tprofccttd m IWHi estimated at $130. School, 542 Haskins Road, re- 5 billion i IHfVi ■University police located erted six of the school's 4MHon(1974) a person wanted on an active ichers had money taken by Monella Raleigh tne human population," he said. warrant from another city from their purses sometime The group will have a "Small IMHonOMOl staff writer 2 billion 11972) Tuesday morning. Wednesday. Family Pledge" available at the ■An employee of the Uni- ■The Wood County Sher- end of March, Sherman said. 1 billion IIHIIII versity reported a female iff's Department is in- Overpopulation may be the Participants pledge to have no student was allegedly raped vestigating a reported rape leading cause of the world's envi- more than two children. Tuesday afternoon. which allegedly occurred ronmental problems and one or- To create additional aware- ■A resident of the 300 block Wednesday evening. Both the ganization is trying to do some- ness, the group is helping sponsor of Napoleon Road reported alleged victim and suspect thing about it. "Ease the Squeeze Week" to edu- her juvenile daughter was as- are Juveniles. Zero Population Growth, a non- cate students about the pressures profit, educational organization on the environment caused by working to achieve population overpopulation. Steele, said he is PRESIDENT stabilization, was founded in 1968 not sure if activities will be by Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford Uni- 6 tanned for the University during : Continued from page 1. 900 1OO0 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1M0 1900 2000 2080 versity professor and author of le week. Ytar placement and while EOB penses. The Population Bomb. Limiting family size also is received reports of candidates However, she said candidates ZPG has recently started work- stressed by ZPG. However, this II look Irom the baglnnlng ol lima to about In* y—r II70 tor MM Human population to raach I b/IMon people. Just over 100 yaan If'. tha nail bHIIon paopla wttaddad By exceeding the $200 campaign could have covered up overspend- ing with environmental and takes time because social atti- 1917. Earth wat horn* to 5 bHIIon human ba/ngi Cunt ml,, population It growing by spending limit, none did. ing by not showing all their worn ens' groups at "population tudes must be reevaluated. mon» titan 93 MM aach Ml Human numbam are pro/acted to exceed I baton MM Expense reports submitted to receipts. issues meetings" to educate peo- "It isn't simple. It involves tha year 2000and. unless tha .iaiH.ti.Wy end use or contraceptives mcreaeea dramellcel- EOB showed the winning team of Ballots were tallied by Univer- ple about the effects of overpopu- changing societal, religious, and ly. population could roach M billion by tha and of tha nattcantury. Sears/Routzahn spent the most, sity computer services this year lation. Currently, the coalition is cultural values," Steele said. $199.26. The Parish/Billak cam- but next fall a new computerized preparing a statement for Con- Zero population growth is paign cost $189.95, while Coughlin system will be used for senate gress in an attempt to get legisla- acheived when the number of Sherman counters, "ZPG growth," Steele said. and Martini spent $172.50. The elections, Schnetzer said. tive action, Diane Sherman, ZPG births equal the number of would provide a cushion of time Students can become members fourth place Gagner/Seifert communications director said. deaths, thus stabilizing the popu- to solve the other problems." of ZPG for $10 per year. Members team had expenses of $35.48. Students will vote by selec In addition, ZPG encourages lation. Any students interested in receive the ZPG newspaper and Schnetzer believes the reports candidates through keyboard students to "write the president "We [ ZPG ] want to balance the planning activities should contact are encouraged to distribute in- are true and said she randomly commands and will type the calling for an [overpopulation] people, the resources, and the en- Steele or ZPG. formation, especially about rel- checked some of the reported ex- names of write-in candidates. policy" because overpopulation vironment," Sherman said. "Students are the most impor- evant local legislation, Sherman is the basis for many environ- Not all believe, however, that tant community for ZPG to reach said. mental problems, according to overpopulation is a problem because they will be the next gen- Steve Steele, environmental stud- which causes other environmen- eration of parents, energy users, WE'RE HAVING A 20% OFF SALE ON ALL ies teaching fellow and contact tal problems. and voters," Sherman said. "The" HARDBOUND & PAPERBACK for the local ZPG chapter. Sociology professor Ed Stock- Overpopulation is not just a "Most environmentalists put well said lie does not agree with third world problem, she said. BG News TRADEBOOKS!! population as the number one en- the overpopultion connection. The world population is now 5.4 (Textbooks & Red-Ticketed Items not included) vironmental problem because "Our population is not the prob- billion and increasing. most of the [environmental] lem. It's our high level of con- "You can't solve anything else problems are caused by growth of sumption and waste," he said. without looking at population is recyclable! University Bookstore AUDIO & ALL A rap group promoting black VIDEO TRADE pride within an entertaining TAPES TITLES framework, will perform this weekend. Preferring to be called Afrikan DINOSAURS Musical Poets, X-Clan, an East CHILDREN'S Coast rap group, will perform 7 IN BOOK GAMES p.m. Sunday in the Lenhart SECTION Grand Ballroom. WE WANT YOU TO According to Maurice Tate, HELP US REDUCE member of Kappa Alpha Psi, the fraternity sponsoring the concert, OUR STOCK SO WE X-Clan dispells stereotypes faced UNIVERSITY WON'T HAVE TO by rappers. BOOKSTORE COUNT IT! "Rap concerts are stereotyped STUDENT NO OTHER as being long and meaninglesss, PRE INVENTORY DISCOUNTS SERVICES BLDG. APPLY! but X-Clan defies those stereo- M0N-THURSM SALE! I I types," he said. "There are im- portant messages in their music FRIDAY « SATURDAY 9-5 March 13- — they don't want to be called March 16 rappers." Tate called X-Clan "a black consciousness group" aimed at providing unity among students. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. For more infor- mation call 372-2491. HE


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On Wednesday, by Sieve Earton the Fighting Irish will come to Bowling Green to assistant sports editor field and weather conditions were ing. considered to be unfavorable ear- Ashland's record last year was open the home portion of the Falcon schedule. lier in the week. Sunday's twinbill not much better than UD's as it Windy. Cold. Snowy. "Notre Dame hasn't been a traditionally If last season's baseball games against Ashland is scheduled to finished with a 15-27 overall Words to describe Bowling Green during the strong Softball school," Joseph said. "However, against Dayton and Ashland are begin at 1 p.m at Stellar Field. mark, 2-9 against Division I op- winter. Also elements that keep the BG sports they've got a good ball club. any indication, Bowling Green After BG's split with EKU, the ponents and 11-17 against Divi- teams on the road for the beginning of their Eastern Illinois is expected to be a compete- can expect to secure a winning Falcons will hope to repeat their sion II foes. The other games seasons. tive team, according to Joseph, but they may be record when it begins its spring performances last year against were against Division In and For the second weekend in a row, the Softball better known because of their head coach. trip March 22 at Valdosta, Ga. the Flyers and Eagles. NAIA schools. team will travel out of state to participate in a Kathy Arenson, the coach of EIU, competes Junior centerfieder Chad Davis four-team tournament. for the Raybestos Brakettes, a team that won BG (1-1) defeated UD five and Junior catcher Rob Kennedy With several players returning Last weekend they won two out of five games the Pan Am games and a team that is currently times last year and possesses a both are batting .667 after two Ashland will be more competitive in the Missouri Round Robin. Today and Satur- one of the top fast-pitch softball teams in the 9-0 record in the past two years games, with Davis leading the but will have to rely on a young day they will participate in the Sycamore Clas- world. Arenson is the top for the team. against the Flyers while outscor- squad in runs batted in with four. pitching staff. sic at Indiana State. "She's one of the finest, if not the finest, pitch- ing them 56-18. The Falcons Senior first baseman Trent Dues Senior Dave Cindrich (3-1, 0.93 The Falcons begin play at 10 a.m. against er in the game today," Joseph said. defeated the Division II Eagles and Davis are leaders in runs average, one save) Eastern Illinois. Later on this afternoon they Arenson appeared on television some time last year by scores of 6-2 and 16-4. scored with three apiece. and junior Steve Ousley (3-5, 6.65 will play Notre Dame and ISU before competing ago and struck out three major league all-stars Dayton is 2-4-1 so far this ERA) are the leading hurlers in bracket competition on Saturday. ofthat time, including Reggie Jackson. season but will be forced to play Dayton returns eight starting from last year's squad and nine In the Missouri tournament, BG lost twice to BG won't have the problem of facing Arenson, back-to-back doubleheaders after position players from last year's freshmen dot this year's roster. the nationally ranked Tigers. In the tournament but they will have to fix a problem from the pre- playing Eastern Kentucky today. 15-46 squad including senior out- this weekend, the Falcons will not have to face a vious week. Giving up the big inning. BG split a twinbill with the fielder Rob Bosticco (.349, 1 HR, Senior outfielder Scott Jaloweic national powerhouse. In their first three losses of the season, the Colonels March 9, losing 10-9 (8 34 RBI last year), senior catcher (.341, 9 HR, 26 RBI), senior first "None of the teams, including ours, is over- Falcons lost because of multi-run innings. innings) and winning 6-3. Doug Waddle (.293, 4 HR, 26 baseman Craig Hurst .371, 3 HR, powering," BG head coach Jacquie Joseph said. "We need to shore up our defensive break- RBI), junior first baseman Tim 33 RBI) and junior outfielder Whoever plays consistently will do well." downs that lead to big innings," Joseph said. Saturday's doubleheader Rees (.285,4 HR, 27 RBI) and jun- Dave Paukst (.324,1 HR, 14 RBI) The Sycamores are coming off of their best "I'm pleased with our offensive performance so against UD was originally sched- ior shortstop Jay Roth (.256, 1 are the top returning position season in history, finishing 21-12 last year. far." uled to be played at Stellar Field HR, 20 RBl). The Flyers also players.

Fall 1991 Leases Available BGSU's Best CHARLESTOWN and for MID AM MANOR NEW Home APARTMENTS Within walking distance to campus for Columbia Courts Video summer 1991 and 1991 - 92 school year. Apartments 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished, 3 bedroom furnished apartments Is there any of it out there? gas heat & water included, air condition- ## Construction begins The KEY video yearbook is looking for ing. Summer 1991 ^ T^ student lite scenes tor potential inclusion in Contact: Resident Manager the 1991 KEY video yearbook supplement. 641 Third St., Apt. 4, B.O. We'd like to take a look at yours. Call 352-0717 for more information 332-4340 Call Carolyn Golns, 352-8072, after 5:30 p.m. -


Stacey G Tom Lisa 6 Don KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA & PI BETA PHI Dana G Dan Julie & Pat Angle & Alan Amy & Kevin Jill G Rex Lisa & Kit Sammy & Big 'E' Linda G ? JenG ? Lauren 6 Glenn Krlsta & Cralg Stephanie & Doug Laura & Ernie Chris 6 Mike Meg G Kevin Kandl & Mark Krlstlna & urn...Mark Kelll & Mooner M0NM01MDU0 Margaret G Patrick Jennie & Bryan Krlata & Todd Christine 6 Scott Lorl & Gary Sarah & 'Dreamboy' Lisa & Jim Justine & Mike Krlstl & Doug Bonnie & Tom Laurie & Glenn Cassle G Mike Jenny & Chris Krlstl & Steve Kelly & Tony Karen & Scott Krlatlna & Matt Jill & Frank Laurie 6 Brad Jeanle 6 Dante Pam & Bob Ann & Eric Nancy & Big Jim Mays & Mayes Andrea & Chris Karen & Tim Deb 6 Joe Christy & Ron Angle & Dave Leslie & Brian Nicole & Fred Belinda 6 Drews Amy & Brian Jen & 'Cool Whip' Rita & Mick Michelle & Shawn Jen & John Robbie £ Bret Danla & Tim Maureen & Greg Derky G Josh Anne & Kevin Diane G Pat Stacy & Eric Amy G Fran Stacy & Schmltty Megan & Chris Me 6 Him Jen & Mike Shannon & Lee Mandl & Mitch Mlchele & Barry Penny G Scott Andrea & Sean Trlsh G Tubber Beth & Steve Karen G Eric Tina G Dan Jen & Nell Selch & Bando Elyse & Tony Shacker & Shackee Mary G Eric Teresa G Dave Carrie 6 Eric Penny & Ox Suzanne & Matt Kathy & Steve Susan & Doug Korle & Ken Mlguet G Dave Cathy G Tim Amy G Dave Barb & Rob Erica & Dave(Garth) Prlj & Spike Kristin & Greg Lisa & Ron Kelly 6 Kevin AM& JP Dldl & Bob Kathleen & Jim Cindy & Tim Trlcla & Matt Margaret & Eric Troy & Eric Michelle & Clllo Amy 6 Jamey Lisa G Rodney Mary & Guldo A Kappa & A Slg Martini & Her Shadow Kathy & Paul Blrdy & the Bug Laura G T.J. Melissa & Tom Dawn & Jason Kappa & Boy Wonder Angela & Cralg Jen & Dave Lucy G John Spag 6 Fish Taml G Owen Cindy & Scott Missy & Kent Homey & Yet another John Roccl & Big Cliff Amy & Mr. Personality Lisa G Matt Tracy G Doug Jodl G Martin Robin G Jeff Susan G Jeff Donna & Joe O.J. & Kop Hot Woman 6 Hot Phi Delt Sue & Jesse Tammy & Eric Tracy G Tom Ginger 6 Denny Anne 6 Dave Angle 6 Cralg Louise G Randy Jackie G 8.C. Lorl & Toddle D. Teddy & Glbby Mlndy G Paul Stephanie & ? Karen & Jon l.ll' Mary & Adam Douglas 'The Tradition Continues" Jennifer G John Marsha G Bryan Lisa & Jeff A Kappa 6 A Phi Psl Tracy & BUI Scherm & J. D. Krissy G Mark Jenny G Jason Amy 6 Tony Susan & Trent Dana G Bob Christy & Todd Kathy & Brian Anne & To be announced Marcy G Charlie Trad & Bllzz Mary Mac & Waldo The Chaperone G The Bouncer Laura & Matt Leslie & the Canadian March 15,1991 Jen & Jay Kim & her fun friend Frank Michelle & Steve Jen 6 Nell

-: c •; ■: f •' -' •-' •: J . . ; =.".;; THE BG NEWS Friday. March IS. 1991 Falcon tennis preparing Tribe's Nichols 'beaming' TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - The fight for the top more about being a dominating pitcher, which is spot in the Geveland Indians' pitching rotation what I want to be." is shaping up, and Rod Nichols appears to have Nichols, Charles Nagy, Willie Blair and Sergio for Big Ten competition an early advantage. Valdez are the leading candidates for those two Nichols pitched four scoreless innings and openings in the rotation. held the San Diego Padres to a single hit in a 4-2 loss on Wednesday. Nichols surrendered a lea- "Rod kept the ball down in the strike zone and by Sebastien druthers ing to be another tough match," Talented might be an under- doff double to Jerald Clark in the third inning, he had great control," Indians manager John sports writer senior co-captain Steve Mudre statement. but retired all 12 of the other hitters he faced. McNamara said. "And he did it against a diffi- said. "But we have a realistic The Buckeyes boast two excep- In the first inning he struck out two batters, cult lineup." chance to win some individual tional plavers at number one and including four-time batting Pitching coach Mark Wiley said, "That was a It's Big Ten time again for the matches." two singles. Ty Tucker (No.l) champ Tony Gwynn. It was the first of very aggressive pitching performance. Rod men's tennis team as it travels to Unfortunately, the Falcons will just came back this semester the spring for Gwynn, who entered the game showed a very crisp fastball, and a good hard Columbus to face Ohio State on Srobably not have the services of after taking last semester off to batting .571. curve. He really seemed in command. ' Saturday. tike Teets to help them in dou- play the circuit. He was an All- "I'm beaming," Nichols after the San Diego Nichols has changed his delivery, discarding "We have proven that we can bles. Teets is suffering from an American in tennis for OSU last game. 'Everything I threw felt good." the Luis Tiant-type full body turn he used to em- compete with the big time pro- ear infection and has been in bed year. Gaboor Koves (No.2) plays The outing was particularly important for Ni- ploy. grams, but competing and win- the last four days and is doubtful Davis Cup for his native Hunga- chols because in his first spring game last Sat- ning are two different stories," for the match. ry. urday against the Giants, he gave up three runs "Now, Rod is throwing his pitches more on a head coach Gene Orlando said. "We have our work cut out for on four hits in two innings. downward plane than last year," Wiley said. "It "The more times we play teams us this weekend for two reasons: "We're going to go out there "In my first game, the stuff was there, my gives him better leverage because his arm of this caliber the closer we are to the loss of Mike from the lineup this weekend with confident atti- control was just off," he said. "Plus I was ner- comes over the top more. He has a harder getting a big time win." and because the Buckeyes are a tudes and we will give the Buck- vous. I try not to go out there thinking there are breaking ball and more pop on his fastball than "Were playing another Big very talented team," Orlando eyes the fight of their lives," two openings in the rotation. I'm thinking he did last year." Ten school and it is definitely go- said. freshman Jeff Huffman said.

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Pisanello's THE PHEASANT ROOM Small 1 Item $3.00 Medium 1 Item $4.00 Open 4pm offers a Open 4pm Chicago Stylo Extra Chicago Stylo Extra Extra llemi 30' each Extra Itoms 73' ooch Free Delivery Free Delivery SUNDAY BUFFET 0 5 352-5166 Expires 3-30-91 410,5 plSao*" ' I. G. Only PESCV* "tsar All you can eat only $5.95 Not Valid with any other otter Not Valid with any other otter Open Sot. & Sun. ot Noon Open Sot. 61 Sun. ot Noon located in the University Union Quantum 90 card accepted 2 Large Subs Large 1 Item $5.00 j or 1 for $3.00 $5.00 Open 4pm Chicago Style Extra Open 4pm Free Delivery Extra Items $1.00 each 352-5166 /"" ""N Free Delivery 12-2 p.m. ^Pisoncllo-S 352-5166 372-7947 or 372-7949 Not Valid with any other otter Not Valid with any other otter Open Sot. & Sun. ot Noon Open Sot. & Sun. ot Noon L. —L. THE FALCON'S NEST 1 qugStdo IS OPEN ot the Days Inn 1550 €. Wooster SAT. & SUN. 10:00 am - 6:00 pm "Great" Featuring short order grill SUNDfiV BRUNCH line and cafeteria 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 111 you CM Ml SE1FM0 PIME Located in the University Union CHICKEN PUTTER n Quantum 90 card accepted Banquet facilities for 225 352-5211 Visa • Mastercard • cash Friday. March 15, 1991 THE BG NEWS How to beat UNLV in seven steps Boxer Pryor Murphy has the keys to beating score. Championships. Just ask Villan- their own region. Jim Jackson is arrested the Runnin' Rebels. So pay close 3. Drive the lane. Take it to the ova and North Carolina State. a force to be dealt with and OSU attention. trees. If you can get UNLV into Given all of these tips, I per- has amazing speed. The main CINCINNATI (AP) - A Murphy's First, you have to believe that foul trouble, they might have to sonally think there are only a ?uestion is if they can recover former junior welterweight you are the Little Train That go to their bench and who knows handf ull of teams that could real- rom their recent tail spin. champion remained in jail Could. UNLV could be over- what their bench will do under ly pull off the upset. Thursday after his arrest on Law confident txnd that would make pressure. Indiana will defeat UNLV in the Another question that arises is charges of drug abuse and them very beatable. In addition, 4. Don't get cute. You must play tournament final. At least I think that they play the same style as aggravated drug traffick- if you are looking for the best your game. If you change to a they will. Many people are saying UNLV. OSU did play them tough ing, authorities said. team ever assembled, then you style mat you have not played all that after Vegas gets through to last year before bowing out 76-65 Aaron Pryor, 35, of su- year, you will lose. High percent- the regional semi-finals, they will in the second round of the tour- burban Forest Park, was w should look to the UCLA dynasty nament. It would be an interest- An open letter to the coaches not to Nevada. Do not psyche age shots are a must. Again, work be on cruise control, but I dis- arrested at an apartment who have to play UNLV: yourself out. that ball around. agree. ing game. building at 12:15 a.m. The University of Nevada-Las If you can believe in your abil- 5. Rebound, Rebound, Re- Indiana has the half court Vegas begins its attempt to re- ity, you are halfway home. bound. Only give Vegas one shot game. Indiana has the coach, Arkansas lost to UNLV earlier Home meet peat as NCAA Cham- Now, all you need to do is follow each trip down the floor. Their Bobby Knight. Indiana has Da- in the year, but they are better for pions today. Is your team going to Murph's seven steps to a major field goal percentage will drop if mon Bailey and Calbert Cheaney. the experience. I think that they accept the challange? Can you upset. you can eliminate those slam They also have the home court know that they should not try to on Saturday beat the Runnin' Ribs? 1. Slow the pace. Nobody can dunk rebounds. advantage for the final four. In- outdo the Rebs in the full court Or... beat UNLV at their own game, 6. Preaure the ball. You cannot diana gets the nod. game. They do have the talent Ending their regular Do you feel like you don't have period. If your style is similar to let up against them. If you do not But there are teams that could and the experience to get the job season, the women's gym- a prayer against maybe the best the Rebels, forget it. You cannot play for the entire 40 minutes, you beat them before they even get to done. nastics team will compete college team ever? beat them 112-104. Work the ball are doomed to be on an early the finals. Past these four teams, it is against Valparaiso In the Do you feel like you were around and use that clock. flight home. A tough man-to-man Arizona is one such team. They reasonable to assume that there Eppler North Gymnasium Kced in the West region because 2. Protect the ball. Keep the defense will eliminate the open have the big front line in Sean is not much of a chance UNLV on Saturday. NCAA was looking for a little turnovers to minumum. There is three point shot. Rooks, 6-10, Brian Williams, 6-11, will be unseeded as the NCAA shark bait? no need to give Vegas an added 7. Hope that it is your night. and Ed Stokes, 7 feet. They also Champions. But Cinderella occa- The Falcons defeated the And do you think the odds advantage by handing them the Anyone can beat anyone else on have the experience and the con- sionally attends The Ball and this Crusaders 176.15-160.4 last against your team winning are ball an extra IS to 20 times a any given night does not always fidence to do it. year might not be an exception. season. The meet begins at stacked heavily against you? game. The longer you hold the apply. But dreams really do come Ohio State could take care of Patrick Murphy is a sports 1:00. Then I am here to help. Coach ball, the less points they can true in the NCAA Basketball Vegas, if they can take care of writer lor the News THE BG NEWS Classifieds

Phi Beta Lambda Students tor AtOS Awareness and Education -GOLDEN KEY' Good Tymsi and WFAL110 AM present "PI Sigma Epsllon' General Meeting CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS General Membership Meeting 374 Unplugged Delia Sigma PI Monday 7:00 3 Acoustical performances Jamie and Joe. PERSONALS Tues March 19 104 BA Oft East 7th Floor Lounge Find out what we are doing «n April' Larry Fish, and John Foster PLUS Area XIX ihe Criminal Justice Organ list Ion <•>.■ be lea Skating March teth Come pel WFAL Cable 14. 680 AM at Good The Ohio CattK*c Student Coalition is holding sponsoring Happy Hours this evening (rom 6:30-7:30 Tymes this Tues, March 19 at 10 00 pm it's 5th annual conference April 5. 6. 4 7 at 0 00-9 OOpm ft w* take place at Quarter a AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Atwood Resort and Conference Center outside Cafe $1 00 Admission tor anyone urxler 21 General Meeting LAST DAY TO ORDER DAFFODILS. 2-2810 of Canton, Ohio An opportunity for Christian Everyone Wetcome' Mon March 18 6 30 pm Listen to WBOU SJ.1 FM SHAMROCK SALE! teadershtp. teHowsnip. growth, and sharing wrth 306 Hanna ALPHA SIGMA PHI • WrCI * WICI * WtCI ' today between 2-4 pm. ONLY 1 50 EACH OR 2 FOR 3 00 college students (rom campuses throughout "The Sons ol Saint Patrick" Attention Women In Communications. Inc. YOU could wins pair of UNIVERSITY HALL / UNION OVAL Ohio. Wrth a theme of "Let's Celebrate New Saturday. March 16 members ATTENTION EVERYONE tickets to see "The Doors" TOOAY Lite", students can anticipate insightful work-' Celebration starts at 0:00pm The election process (or 91-92 officers has SUPPORT OUR TROOPS by Oliver Stone. WE DELIVER TOO! shops, guest speakers, prayer services}, the begun, but rt's not too late to run. If you have Come sign your message on a sheet *n Ihe Tune In to hear YOUR SHAMROCK SALE! company of other Christian students and the question* about an office or want to run for Union Foyer on Friday The Sheet will be sent chance tc win. wonderful recreational facilities Atwood Resort one and missed the last meeting, Call Julie at to our troopa in Saudi Arabia Sponsored by Al- then call 372-2826! has to offer II interested, please contact Chns • • • NEVER AQAIN ■ • • 372-M16SOONI pha Phi Omega 81354-4061 or Beth 352-6607 There will be an important meeting on Tues BGSU IS HOLDING A PUBLIC AUCTION OF TEACHER JOB FAIR INTERVIEW SIGN-UPS March 19 at 9pm The meeting ww be in room Sponsored by University Placement Services SURPLUS EQUIPMENT AND LOST S FOUNO LOST 8. FOUND 117 ol the 8.A. building. This Is an Important PROPERTY ON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27. TUESDAY APRIL 2. 1991 meeting and all members are encouraged to be 1991 BEGINNING AT 10 30 AM. THE LOCA- GRAND BALLROOM UNIVERSITY UNION present New members are always welcome. 6 OOPM. 7 00PM. a8:00PM TION OF THE AUCTION WILL BE AT THE OLD Found. Female Collie mix Friendly, pin in hip, Come and tind out what Never Again la al PAINT SHOP STORAGE BUILDING. LOCATED NOW AVAILABLE CM 352-7339 about. NEXT TO THE TV STATION OFF OF TROUP TO PARTICIPATE IN TEACHER JOB FAIR • ■ • NEVER AGAIN • • • STREET AMONG THE ITEMS TO BE AUC- SIGN-UPS. STUDENTS AND ALUMNI MUST LOST ON 3/9 AT UPTOWN BROWN TIONED ARE VEHICLES. FURNITURE. COM- BE REGISTERED WITH UNIVERSITY PLACE- LEATHER COAT PLEASE AT LEAST RETURN • Alpha Phi. Phi Mu. ZBT. SAE. 2 & 3 PERSON RATES PUTERS « PRINTERS. TIRES S RIMS. BICY- MENT SERVICES ALL CANDIDATES SHOULD KEYS AND IDS TO RODGER S FRONT DESK. Pi kappa Phi. Skj Ep's ' CLES. JEWELRY. WATCHES. CALCULA BRING AMPLE COPIES OF THEIR PLACE- OR CALL 372-3153 NO QUESTIONS The Alpha Gams are excited lor the 7 way on TORS. WALKMANS. RADAR DETECTORS 4 MENT DATA SHEETS AND GOLD ANO BLUE ASKED. Sat See you there* 516 E. MERRY APTS. CARDS ADVANCED JOB HUNTERS MAY SCANNERS. CAMERAS MISC SPORTING Lost-Navy Blue long wool coal. Left at Tuxedo "Kiae me, I'm Greek'" SIGN-UP AT 8:00 PM. FIRST CHOICE CARD GOODS. MISC TOOLS CASH OR CHECK Junction. Saturday nignl REWARD!" Please ACCEPTED • N KEITH BRADLEY AUC- HOLDERS MAY SIGNUP AT 7:00 PM OPEN call Shannon 364-6831 TIONEER OTHER INFORMATION MAY BE SIGN-UPS BEGIN AT 8 00 PM FOR ALUMNI. * DISNEY IS COMINOI ' OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE INVEN- ADVANCEO JOB HUNTERS AND FIRST ' DISNEY IS COMING.! * TORY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT, BOWL- CHOICE CARD HOLDERS WHO WISH TO SERVICES OFFERED WED. MARCH 20TH ING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY. 372-2121 SCHEDULE ADDITIONAL INTERVIEWS FOR 7:00 PM BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7.30 AM - 4:00 INFO. CONTACT PLACEMENT OFFICE. 121 WEST HALL 372-2358 PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY CALL CO-OP: 372-2461 FOR DETAILS CASH FOR COLLEGE ■ DISNEY IS COMING! • We offer a computer • DISNEY IS COMING! • scholarship a financial aid STUDENT TRAINING GROUP RATES AVAILABLE matching service. Send $7 lor WRITE OR CALL COLLECT FOR FREE BROCHURE complete details and application • KKG • PHI TAU • KKG ■ Phase III. Dept Tl. PO Box 4467. Monmoufh Duo-The Best date party of the year' Columbia. South Carolina 29240 Dave Carr-The Best date in the world! -Gel psyched, babe 'cuz I love you1 • KKG • PHI TAU • KKG • SKYDIVING • ZBT • ZBT • ZBT • ZBT • POWERFLO MOBILE OJ SERVICE CLEVELAND 15199 Grove Rd. Best price in sound around ZBT VoteybaJI Marathon • 2 Bedroom • 2 Bath • PARACHUTE 216-548-4511 Garrettsville, Ohio Call 874-6684 To benefit the Ohio Cancer Reasearch Assc 5:00am Sat to 5:00 Sun m front of ConkHn CENTER 44231 • ZBT • ZBT • ZBT • ZBT ■ • Furnished • New Carpet PREGNANT? We can help Free pregnancy tests and suppor- • "DELTA SIGMA PI" • tive services Confidential. BG Pregnancy BIGDARL- LIMITED TIME ONLY Center Ca»354HOPE CONQRATULATIONS ON BECOMING CHANCELLOR! Taking reservations now lor Summer storage LOVE. CIUI 352-0717 FOR MOR€ CaU Stor-AI at 352-4541 LILUSA TYPING SERVICES Students lefs make sure your Spring Break Is Reasonable rates with accuracy. INFORMATION SAFE & HAPPY Call 352-3987 Irom Sam to 9pm with a Free Safety Inspection _ J§ with O A Lube, Oil and Filter jfrffi* for $17.95 99C A Call or stop by for an appointment 353-3060 small, 5 oz. yogurt •fllfcr*^ Please bring this ad with you. Free Delivery 7:00 - 10:30 pm peat Mon - Thurs y M w Oiomefront *v*!> 524 E. Woosler MLXjfl BGSU THEATRE PRESENTS expires May 15 354-7050 r"-"*| A benefit for the families of our military personnel.

Doodles Comedy Club Frank Martin. Vicky Greenwood Centre Martin, Scan Rlnen house. 1616 E. Wootter St. n.iw Lockard. and Bowlinf Green. Ohio Stephen Taylor 3 Shows Sunday, March 17 at Doodles Comedy Club DOOR PRIZES " BLUES CONCERT 1:00 pm LIVE MUSIC COMEDY ■Mil starring The GrlswaJds & Tom Hofbauer Mark England JAZZ CONCERT 4:00 pm Sale includes LIVE MUSIC _ COMEDY all previously wiih lumim Mike Petrosino & Dave Locka/d UNIVERSITY Markdown Quartet Dave Zlnk BOOKSTORE Clothing! STUOSN! SERVICES BLDG ROCK CONCERT Conveniently located 8 OOpm on compul 372-2651 LIVE MUSIC COMEDY wiui M-Th S ■ 6 Rich Michel Band & Jeff Ffie-5 plus Dante Carter A BILL Of Sarv-5 Classic Rock wifh No Outlet Tickets on sale at Finders Records. ONE ACTS Woodland Mall Customer Service booth and * March 13, 14, 15, & 16 it Bowllni( Green Chamber ol Commerce SS.OO Admission Per Show March 13 16 rtraiJ * March 17 f2»mJ AD proceeds will be donated to the Wood Count'inty Veterana Joe E. Brown Theatre NO OTHER DISCOUNTS APPLY- ALL SALES FINAL Assistance Canter to be specifically used to providede rlnancifinancial relief ^cToVfamlBe. of WoodXounty MffittryT>ftaryi Personnel servlnserving our country overseas. Please maket ccfieckapayable to: ! Wood County Operationn IHofneTront. /l/tn^


- - * •: .: - ■- -: •: -: ^ ■-. THE BG NEWS Friday March 15 1991 Classifieds

3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 KKG ' Sigma Chi - KKG ■ Sigma Chi Learn how to write an effective reaume uemg continued from p. 10 Delta Sig "OWEN" Delta S.g Heel A Sole Shoe Repair Bram Power at the Dee Gee house' Congratula- Bothy Pagemaker. courteey ol IBM PS 2 and you Good luck at Group Reviews Sunday. now located at tions Megan Bauman for making the Dean's I cant tai you how much tun I've had. baartg Other tree seminars and further deasaa coming '••OELTAStGMAPT"* You'll do SUPER" Your Big. Jennifer 150 S. Main, next to Ben Franklin List We're glad you're al better now' with you' I hope you're elicited lor MON- aooni Secret Ul' Owen. MOUTH' I am because I have the honest date 1 Good Luck at Groups He»Kappae eve*1 LITTLE KM KINKLEY You'll do great' 40% ■ 70S Off Sale DELTA SIGMA Pi Kappas Love. Mary Your Secret Bigs'?' GCOO LUCK SUNDAY AM seasons clothing Actively YOU U. DO GREAT' entire stock Promoting •••OeRaStgmaPi"" Secret Lll' Hoe KKQ DELT KKQ DELT CARL* excluding Greek, sweatwea/. jackets Positive Congfatulabona Chne Harder' Fran. Uuppy. Schmltiy. 0.. Lumpy & swimsuits Actions You'll be a great secretary Groups are tun. groups are great. Monmouth Duo « finely hare. — Jeans N Things 1 Uttte Lisa Mutiner You are an awesome B*g' groups are important so don't be late' The BEST date party ot the year 531 Ridge St Good kick at Groups'I know you I do wel Loveyi. Study hard and III be rootm' Hay »!*•■' Be prepared to slam some brewa. 352-8333 Love Your Big Tars Ul' Stephanie forya' The AOTT'sare ready to Cauae when you re with me KAPPA S Open Mon • Thurs 10-BFn 10-5 30 Sun 12-5 1 Secret f>g #2 . pig out and have tun' You tust can I lose AOTT'PIKES-AOn-eKES Love Mate- Toledo Corporation seeks a 3 0 Junior or "DELTA SIGMA PI" Alpha Phi VIP sere #1" Amy Laurie Staci. Penny. Tnaa Senior Accounting major for Fal Infemaha) In UL ROB1 Good luck at Groups Remember I'm DELTA SIGMA PI Keep up the great work" KKQ DELT KKO DELT epeoal projects Cal Co-op Program at right there with ya1 Grand Little Michele INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE Coed Bowing 372 2451 lor data*. Love. Your B*g Shanna No one m our family has messed up yet m March 18. Man's a Woman's Soccer • March Alpha Sigma Phi Group Reviews, so let's not break the tradition' 19. 3-Pitch SoltBal Coed Apr* 2. Coed DOB KKGSigEpKKGSigEpKKG MARCH MADNESS IS HCRC Brothers of the Week Just kidding* You II do fantastic" a Men's Sngts Tennis ■ Apr* 3 Al entries doe Marc. Gat Psyched tor PM Kappa Tau BaeketOel Mar "• Delta Sigma Pi" Steve "Gunny" Qehr, "Woody" Men/. G'andBig Rich by 4 00 p m on due date in 108 Rec Canter I hope you didn't make athon Sunday March 17 9 ant 10 0 pm Secret Lime Cindy Carp Brian Muldoon any other plena becauee Good Luck at Groups'' INTRAMURAL ADVISORY BOARD APPUCA Michele Officers of the Week DELTA SIGMA Pi Monmouth • Tonight i Secret BigW Prudential Committee TKDNS ARE DUE BY MARCH 15. 1991 PICK Looking forward to a great time el the DUO and SECRET LITTLE ROB Gat Psyched' Athletes ot the Week UP APPLICATION IN 108 REC CENTER GET ttva weekend Loveya lots. BEST OF LUCK AT GROUPS Knstina A-Team Bowling INVOLVED IN PLANNING THE INTRAMURAL Sig Ep KKG Sig Ep KKG Sig Ep Barry •" Delta Stgma Pi'' SING YOUR HEART OUT PROGRAM Grand B»g Lorl Davis YOUR SYMBOL SECRET BIG Congratulations' Alpha Xi Delta-Beth Luther-Alpha Xi Delta INTRAMURAL SOCCER OFFICIALS NEEDED KKG TOM KKG TOM KKG MONMOUTH DUO You* be a great Historian' Welcome to "Xi Best" family' APPLY IN 108 REC CENTER BY MARCH 18 Monmouth Duo is F'tdey night MONMOUTH DUO Loveya. Delta Sigma Pi MONMOUTH DUO B.g TaraMoymhan Lilte Bryan Back Kappa-Kappa Sifl* Kappa You date is out ot sight Grand Lf Stephanie Grand Big Terri HoNer MONMOUTH DUO Good luck at Group Reviews Stave We I nave lots ol tun Great-Grand Big Amy Stearns You're doing greeat Keep up Get psyched tor Monmouth" and be aad when it's done 1 "FREDDIE FALCON" WE LOVE YOU II the good work' We will have a Qraal time Get Psyched' Doreen Omega Pin Alpha Freddie Fakxm isn't your real name Love your Big Krista Love you. KKG TOM KKG TOM KKG IOPJ CARY Thanks for being auch a wonder- But that doesn't matter, it s all the same. AOTT TTKA AOTT TTKA Kris! ful Big' I'm looking forward to many special It'll be our lirst date Kappa • Kappa S.g • Kappa timea" Did you know^ Over 15.880 abortions are per- KKG-KKG'KKG-KKG-KKG And I |ust can't wait' The AOTT's shal rule m the Hey you-the Venua "Glenn Love. Jenny Monmouth Duo will be lots ot tun, formed after the 5th month ol pregnancy each Pi Kappa Alpha Pie Eating KD* LIssQrubb" KD Trap. And we'll party all night 'till we see the sun year (National Center for Disease Control. Feb. II'I Contest Right Aahl" Welcome to Beta Mu1 We hope you Get psyched tor Monmouth Duo' I know wel Phi Pai • AOTT • Phi Pal * AOTT I hope I'm not wrong and definately nght. 1987) Your TTKA Coaches enjoy your stay in Bowling Green have a great time thai s it you don't pass out' Chris DiReruro and Todd Tornatrom When I say that tonight will be the night ol ail Don I forget the HSASHP Tuition Rattle wil be A 0 T . Your Sisters Ooh' Gotch ya' Roaes are red. violets are blue nights' AOTT TTKA AOTT TTKA Monday Mar 18 at 1 pm m the Falcons Nest Love Lauren We're sorry we don't "•SARAH"* Tickets wil be available lor purchase a half an Phi Delt • Phi Delt • Phi Dell nave any HOT DAMN tor you hour before hand it you forgot to buy one KKG BARRY FREY KKG Attention Mudslingers Welch out Stanley Please don't wear al green "SIGMA KAPPA" Come A see who the lucky winner wil be or we'I think you're tacky Cauae Monmouth Duo ia almost here" KKG"KKG*KKG'KKG*KKG'KKG • SHAWN FARRELL" Juat bring your HOT selves Join fellow students for a weekend for volleyball Eat some pie w. the Pikes this Saturday And it's gonna be Hey Lil Krishna- "Sweeter far than others are'" m the mud' UAA's 3rd annual tournament wiH It's aH in good taste "Crazy as heU"'' You. me. and our hot Monmouth dates Need l and wel be nappy' I love my little1 take place April 20-21 Mustc. Food and great TTKA * TTKA ■ TTKA See you tonighl - Love Michele say more? I love ya. sweetie You re the whip' Laura and Christy prizes for the top 3 teams Applications availa- Love. Big Lauren "SIGMA KAPPA" ble at 405 S Services and Milet" Alumni PHI SIGMA KAPPA ENTREPRENUERS Be your own boss Make KKG KKG KKG KKG KKG KKG • UL KARLeEN CONTINENZA" Center Due March 22 Apply now • don't mtss Congratulations to Kevin Humerlckhouee and big bucks seeing sunglasses NO INV REQ Jay. Chris A Him Lambda Chi Alpha - John Uttf*. we're going to have BIG tun' out! Write P O BOX 70. Tualatin. OR. 97062 Monmouth Duo Is this week. Phi Sigma Kappa - Kevin Sheila Brown on thee recent levaienng Love, your BK3??? Baseball card show PHI SIGMA KAPPA Ferrett ol this date parly, everyone wil speak. Phi Kappa Pal • Jason Free Admission Monmouth is coming I just can't wart. It's gonna be great, we cannot wail. Sun March 17th 10am-4pm ■" Sigma Kappa ■"■ Sigma Kappa" * I think you're going to be a great date1 Like Friday's trip, this was meant Tommorrow's the nighl PHI SIGS Uttfe Susan EcWer- Pemberville American Legion Hal to be our late' When al the mysteries wil come to kght Congratulations to Garretl Wyckotl tor being Get excited lor Big-Little Hunt' We I dance and have fun at City Park. Love. Your Kappa Babes. Polish up your boogie shoes, accepted mlo BG QUAD SCHOOLI and make sure to leave home any blues Your big loves you' Be a part of the book that thousands of BGSU I promise you it wil be quite a lark Jen. Meg. & Sandy PHI SIGS "Sigma Kappa" "Sigma Kappa* * students use • the 1991-92 UAO Day By Day KKG KKG KKG KKG KKG KKG Cause these AOTT scan'l wail. To finely parly down with their special dates Calendar' You can submit photos & cover de- On Friday night you will see. just C-yaSoon" PHI SIOS "SKIMA KAPPA" sigsn that could not only be used but may win howiunKKG'scanbe KKG • DELT • KKG • DELT • KKG •Your AOTT Leprechauns Congratulations to Chad NoMHwho received Happiness is you some money' Watch the paper for details Hick. Ins c-lot's license this past week' Having TWINS'' or call the UAO Office at 2-2343 Thanks lor being such a Sweetheart this past PHI SIQS Large Cleveland area manufacturer needs Betas ' Pi Phis * Betas Get Cut Definitely month Get psyched tor this weekend Soph Jr or Sr Computer Science or MIS major Dave, Doug. Matt, Mike. Steve, and Sean- Guess who? • AXO * AXO' AXO" AXO * AXO " AXO * with COBOL for Fal 91 » 92 Cal the Coop It's Friday night and Monmouth Duo is here With the CYBERGENICS system & TWIN Cab KKG * DELT ■ KKG ■ DELT ■ KKG continued on p. 12 Are YOU one ol theLUCKY ONES? Program 81372-2451 tor delates • AXO " AXO ' AXO ' AXO " AXO" AXO ' This wil be the best date party of the year We Gainers fuel Complete product Lines 20-50% wiH drmk and dance and have lots of tun there off'" Call 354 6608or 352-6680 wil be no stopping us. once we've begun Pi Good Luck Alpha Gams1 Phis and Betas wiH rule this night - So get ready Make us proud your TTKA Pie for a party that will be out of sight"' Get psy- 'Campus Pollyeyes* Eating Coaches Travis A Mark ched-we are' Live Entertainment Love-Jen. Steph. Lisa. Jen, Kathy and Andrea - R.E. Mgmt. - - $25.00 - "Hung Out To Dry" GOOD TYMES and WFAL 680 AM present Friday ■ 10pm to 1 am Congratulations 3/4 Unplugged IFC/PANHEL Greek Athletes of the Week HPHRTM€NT Smorg. All-U-Cin Eat for 3 Acoustical performances Jamie A Joe. Larry Scott Lokken - Phi Tau S4.50 Plzia. salad * soups Fish, and John Foster Plus Area XIX Come Friday 4 Sunday t tarn to 9pm Irene Babeau* • KKG (om WFAL Cable 14. 680 AM at Good Tymes - R.E. Mgmt. - this Tues. March 19 at 10 00 pm Congratulations to JEREMY HEILMAN. Delta GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 45678 4879 45167 •KKG*SIGEP"KKG'SK3fcP"KKG Upsiton's Scholar of the Week (U repair) Delinquent tax property so. EXPLOSION Brian Beck Dawn Przybyta RepOSSissions Your a/ea(l) 805 962-8000 - R.E. Mgmt. - - $500.00 - After 5 days ot gifts, you're ready to go to the Get psyched tor Big-Lil' Hunt Ext. GH 9849 for current repotist best DUO DATE PARTY you'll ever know Your Big loves ya MONMOUTH is here, you're sure to have fun Imagine, it's been 3 years Have you bought your tickets at the hottest You are always a -and it'&rust your first one!! DEAR JENNIFER SHEMANSKE- Jazz show around? Jon Faddis. a jazz trumpet Love. Amy WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD LOOKING? HAPPY player and his trio, will be here Staurday. March WINNER with •MONMOUTH DUO" 22ND B-DAY I LOVE YOU 16' Tickets are discounted for BGSU students LOVE. JENNYS. w. valid ID and are on sale now at various loca- tions Don't Miss Out* Ph # 419 - 352 - 9302 • OMEGA PHI ALPHA PLEDGE CLASS * R. E. MANAGEMENT Hey girls' Let's get excited for the spring re- I I I llllllllll treat Come ready to have a Wast' 113 Railroad St. *ZBT ■ ZBT ' ZBT ■ ZBT" ZBTahiti is coming soon Windsor. Canada - April 6 •ZBT'ZBT "ZBT "ZBT"

"ZBT " ZBT ' ZBT • ZBT' Congratulations to Dave Krupinski being elected Brother Grammar 'ZBT ' ZBT " ZBT " ZBT* WOMEN FOR WOMEN I 1 Small W SELF DEFENSE Cheese Pizza WORKSHOP $1.79 Extra ,tem 80 Inside Only Campus Pollyeyes Friday, March 15th 440 E. Court 352-9638 or NEED EXTRA MONEY? 7 - 9pm Ohio Suite Union Pagliais CALL THE HONEYBAKED HAM COMPANY 945 S. Main We are currently hiring for full and part time holiday positions. 352-7571 •ABOVE AVERAGE STARTING WAGE •COUNTER SALES AND FOOD JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE ALPHA XI PREPARATION POSITIONS AVAILABLE SUMMER & FALL RENTALS •WE WILL WORK AROUND YOUR DELTA LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Pledges Are Proud SCHEDULE HOUSES, DUPLEXES, & APARTMENTS CALL YOCJR NEAREST HONEYBAKED To Announce Their Nearly 5QQ UflJtS with SUPER locations Senior Sneak FOR MORE DETAILS Meet at the house CLEVELAND CINCINNATI STOP IN TO 319 E. WOOSTER FOR A BROCHURE OF COMPLETE tonight at 7:00 Parma- 351-1377 Kenwood - 891-9411 DETAILS AND SPEAK WITH OUR FRIENDLY STAFF. Mayfield- 461-1140 Northgate - 385-7440 Sondra Schmidt Rocky River - 356-0440 JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE 319 E. WOOSTER Emily Schroeder Maple Heights - 663-3450 COLUMBUS Abby Boldt Mentor - 255-3848 McNaughten - 863-9963 354-2260 Lyndhurst- 464-1800 Morse Road - 267-1016 (ACROSS FROM TACO BELL) Kimber Cox Kenny Centre - 459-5350 Jen Sal vino AKRON W. Broad Plaza - 275-3200 Shelli Sanderson Fairlawn - 867-9770 Tammy Sharpe LOUISVILLE CENTERVILLE 426-0344 Jen Stephens 439-0707 Steph Conway LEXINGTON ■■■■«■■«■■•« L Terri Kringen NORTH DAYTON 287-5090 Ann Marie Buscher 854-2600 ■ 1.111111111 It. 111 Friday March 15, 1991 THE BG NEWS

UOEP HELP* 12 lornota roornrnataa naadad tor The Siaters ol Alpha Ph. would kxe lo congralu D-ehwaahor port time Nights A weekend* Ap- continued from p. 11 BROTHER Of THE WEEK Summer Cal 353 9039 aftar 6 30 pm 2 BOHM APTSFURN > UNFURN Wa Unde Schnetier on becorrwvj MAPCA ply at Days Inn Ask tor Jan or Ed EncEvenko hrvnarAatary looUng tor one roommeta tor Fal Near Hartiaman Free neat a cable TV Prendent" 9-12 or Summer lea Rate Into sheets PlBttlPhi 91 Fun. outoomo girts $165'month ft alec- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Waiters Wart Sigma Chi D«« OJM Tha Sisters ot Alpha Omlcron PI avail front deak Best Western Falcon Get ready to eel your way to irt CtfAbAPJ^ J194 ' esses Busaers Lifeguards Tangktwood jNklt Caughay th« Stslsrs of Ds*s Gamma would eke to with me Phi Tans FWa Motel (across trom Harshman) VCTOBY Country Club. 8745 Tariglewood Trail, Chagrm ora atata-d lo hoar thai you v* boon ttscttxl M luck m a successful baakefbal tournament Looking lor reaponsibta parson lo stare 2 Good Luck from your 1 Faaa. OH 44022 (Bainbridge Twp ) Apply in Iha now Sigma Chi Houaa Swaafhaan Yaa toe AOTT • PHI KAPPA TAU ■ AOTT Ddrm apt until August Air. private room spa PiieGoachee catoua. qu«t rkKgnborhood S1B2 50'mo Col person, send lor appfccation or cal (216) Eat a PtE wen a PIKE you" Sigma Chi Oaa 0*M 352-4443. laavemmaga 543-7010 920 EAST REED Tha SOLD Laadarship T (p ot me Weak PiPTae " PiPraa • Pi Plea UPWARD BOUND SUMMER PROGRAM OMLY ONE LEFTI SIGMA KAPPA " • ' SKJMA KAPPA Need money tor Sprmg Break? Sal me your Bate 500 la coming' June 23 Aug 3. 1991 OOETOJENDOU. Undertake eomemmg mat a difficult; it wa do mountain bate' 3533483 FreorM la ready wtial about you? (s-x weeks) 2 BR turn apt Paafttarawhtf* you oood Urueea you try to do something PIPNa-PiPrna -PiPles Needed Female Summer Sublease lor house free water a aewer beyond what you have already mastered, you very close to campus Own room. S96 25 per A pre ■ college residential program across trom campus You I know who your S*g Kap w*J never grow month' Cal Juke. 3547463 tor NEWLOVE RENTALS Pfcee ■ PIES • P*es • PIES ■ P*« B*g a> raal toon • Ronald E Oaborn high school students 321 S. Main. 352-5820 Happy Hour. Friday 8 8 S*g Kap Shahaapaara Roommate needed lor next year Own room QoodTymaa Wa'ra SOLO on Leadership" $120 month Close to campus Call 352 9242 Employment available as SIGMA KAPPA To Denny and Tony 704 5th St PIKES • PIKES • PIKES ■ PIKES To my vttt*. Holy Maadlay gat psychad for Gal paychad lor MONMOUTH DUO1 Wanted i roommate tor 91/92 school year Tirtw/Counsotora: Residential position $140 a month 4 electricity Col Tarn or Meassa OM psyched lor TTKAaPie EatingConlaal •BkyUala Hunt YourBtploveayou' From your Kappa Dates Mmimum sophomore csssarncatton 2 bedroom, completely fum rt's al m good taate' 2 3531 Microwave. A C a laundry face SIGMA KAPPA PIKES " PIKES • PIKES ■ PIKES Instructor * High school Math. Engaah 2. 3. 4 person rates Ul Erika Paachka Isn't thai excihng'' Your vary TTKA DO TTKA DO TTKA Social Studies. Science Non-residential 352-3445 own ponftonat1 What a coo* tarnay wa hov* • Oood luck Dae Gee's on the Pie Eating HELP WANTED Bachelor's degree required Hours 9-9, local owner ROSES ARE RED g nothing but tna boat1 Lova ya bob* your oh Conteat Your TTKA Coaches Dave ft Dave VIOLET* ARE BLUE so-aocratbtg TTKA DG TTKA DO TTKA Applications A poamon desenptiona LOOK OUT ■CTH PATKE SIGMA KAPPA $10$400/Up WEEKLY, Mating Brochures! 1 available at 301 Hayes Hal YOUR BKMK3 CAP'S IOVIN YOU RUSH Sett-Addressed Envetope Income. A lew good tennants needed TTKA Pie Eating Contest Deadline April 5. 1991 •••WERE GONNA HAVE A TREMENOOUS 1660 Lakeside. Suite 301 CD€. Riviera. AZ Mt Vemon Apartments. 802 6th SI Stgma Kappa • SIGMA KAPPA • Sigma Kappa Happy Hours • Fn 6-0 YEAR*'- 86442 2 Bed. Furnished. Dishwashers. Paid utilities THERESA PLAMTNER I ve n*v*r rooty taatad 7K>UES8WHO?? GoodTymes Cal Gary at 353-7934 to you. but I wanted you tor my Irtle because ol your GREAT smile1 Gat psyched' We re gang SURFS UP FOR SALE Apt thru eummer Move in now tat mo paid SAE M M Ml M Pd Ml 'hi Pal lo be awesome together' Lova. 7?" TTKA TTKA TTKA TTKA MANAGER S WANTED for Formonitnlo can352 7070 To the lovee o* our bves Come see the moel taatelul philanthropy Hands on training ft opportunity Sigma Kappa'LIL OCNISE lALOOH-Sigma Carty Rentals - 2 bedroom apis/houses for 2 - Gel set lor a wonderful tuna al Morvmouth ot tha year tor advancement lor the right people '76Camaro Kappa 3 • 4 students Very near campus New Ratee on Friday mgnt You Know we're e»crted Pi Kappa Alpha s Pie Eating Contest It you're motivated dial Runs Great' Available! Call 352-7365 beceuee you're both outta eight'" Hay you wad woman ba prepared lor a rockln'- Sat Mar 16 ■ N E Commona • Noon (419)866 71 13as* lor $500 or boat offer Lova your Kappa gme. hme with your now big' I can't wart' Eat Pie with the Pikes •"' THE WILD A CRAZY ONE'- * * ■ 372-1256 ask for Jim FEMALE sublease apt lor SUMMER 91 Vary 1 KathyAKety I lova ya' - TTTf $375 • $700 average earning " close lo campus Can Julie 354-8057 ERIC IRIAN ERIC BRIAN ERIC BRIAN ERIC S«gms Kappa * Sigma Kappa • Sigma Kappa 860 Honda Nighthawk $1000 Call Furnished 2 bedroom house Furnished uterties 1 UNIVERSITY INTRAMUHALS 250 COUNSELORS and Instructors needed 823-3431 except electric Open for summer and fas ae- Stgma Nu KKG TodOa D KKGS-gmaNu DO YOU WANT TO BECOME Private coed summer camp m Pocono Moun- meslers 319E Evers Call6693036 SS Monmouth Ouo is almosl hare Acoustic guitar, good shape. $55 Cal George Tha Bromara ol S*gma Phi EprJon eakjte the MORE INVOLVED WITH tains. Northeastern Pennsylvania Lohecan. PO 372-3456 after 6 00 pm Houses lor rent 2 A 3 bedrooma 1991-1992 man and woman ol Operation Oaaart Storm lor Are you wondering Is there something to INTRAMUHALS? Box 234BG. KenHworth, NJ 07033 (908) loafr school year Cal 352-2330 or 354-2854 attar a krb wal dona, and would like to wiah mam a APPLICATIONS FOR 1991 92 276 0998 Awesome Car Stereo • Kenwood pul out CD Thts date party win be a blast ARE DUE BY 6 00 pm safe and happy ratum In addition, lei's not lor- ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT • fisheries player. AMP. equalizer Very good qualtty Paid And It certainly win not be our ■mat' MARCH IS. 1991 oat Iha onaa who oava thalr llvaa In combat and Eam $5,000 plus/month. Free transporta- $1000, must sell $500. or best offer Cal Houaea lor Rant 2 a 4 Bdrm WW rant lo 2.3. Kappa Lon Sigma Nu APPLY IN 108 REC CENTER non-combat related accident* fighting for tha tion! Room and Board! Over 0,000 opening* 352-5936 or 4 people 9 or 12 month leases or summer righta that wa value eo much hare in the United No experience neceaaary. Mala or Female. BASEBALL CARDS FOR SALE only. Close lo campus Good rates Cal 353 1731 ^^^ SfONUPTODAYIII What's m it tor you? For 06-page employment manual, aend $8.95 From 50 s to present 52= MISCELLANY MAGAZINE $10 EP The Student Recreahon Center presents to MftL Research, Box 84008, Seatlls. WA Cal Jodi 354-4522 LONG A ASSOCIATES ATHLETE Of THE WEEK tha 1991 Spring Biathlon! Coming Aprs 8 98124. - Satlsfactton Guaranteed. Leasing lor Fal-Rates Reduced Saturday. April 20. 1991 EFFICIENCIES DttvaSp-tnce CHALLENGING SUMMER JOBS WITH OUT- Cannondale ST-600 (18 speed aluminum tour- Team A Individual sign-ups In the SRC * 819 N Enterprise Apl C- WhoattvtMrtnoayglrl. DOOR FUN, SALARY A rnVbd in camps lor ng bike), 25" Frame (tall). $525, 352-5343. Main Office by Friday. March 15th Who has a "cruety eyebrow" $1 70/mo. a Qaa and util 810 EP SAM SCZ: Awards and prizes' Competi- disabled persons Need male.femaJe camp 372 2097 • Who thinks thedoset is a bathroom • 329 E. Wooater. garage apl I hop* you rtav* tha tion predicton-maM'femak* co-ed team en- counselors, lifeguard's, and specialists in food Who did a "number" tor the first time FOR SALE IBM COMPATIBLE LAPTOP COM- $280 mo A gaa Loch o ft* Irish tries The B*athk>n includes a 10K run on- service, canoeing, and camping/nature In Who Molten in a "crabby" mood PUTER. PRINTER. SOFTWARE, NEW CONDf • 416Clough. Apt C- tfws wkfxj beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains or near Virgin- campus and 1 mile swim in Cooper Pool For Who "cracks herself up" TK>N $1200 CALL372-4174 $170/mo. A gaa and util. Happy SI Patrick's 0«y' ia's East Coast Great experience lor any future more information cal 372- 7482 • 536 E Wooetar, garage A - Who"cuts the cheese" at Mark's careen Training provided Apply ASAP to ITEMS FOR SALE 14 ' Coky TV ($60); VCR S180/mo. Agas and util — ST. PATTY'S BASH Who has the Baal Friends ever CAMP EASTER SEAL. Box 5496. Roanoke. ($120): Brand New Zenith 2400 Ext Modem SIG EPS StQ EPS SK3 EPS 1 IEDROOM at Tuxedo Junction Happy 20th Birthday VA24012. 1 600-365-1656 ($ 100), microwave ($60), Desk ($30). Benttey Ertc A. Tim. Tony. Scott. Oava. ' 536 E Wooater. garage B - Friday. March 15th from 6-Bpm Beverly Ann Acoustic Electric Guitar ($ 120); Leather Jacket Grog. Dan. Eric I. $1 cover and 50 drafts' CHRISTMAS. SPRING IREAK summer travel $250/mo A gaa and util FREE Air couriers needed and cruiseahip fobs (L) - $46. Gal axcitad lor tonight Green Beer 50 50 Raffle Lots O'Fun 1 2 BEDROOM Win St00. Design Logo for Homecoming Everything Must go All prices negotiable Pi PhN) A Skj Epa wH do it right Can i 805-682-7555 exl F-1856 •416Clough.Apt 5- 18 and over welcome' 1991' Must use the theme "Blast From The Cal Ray at 353-9179 Your Pi Phi Girta (uat can I wart Sponsored by IPCO STUDENTS S400. mo A gaa and uM Paat Homecoming 1991'' Due by April 3 in To cotaorat* Monmouth & ba your aalo-i Association of Coesgarte Entrepreneurs 3 BEDROOM the UAO Office at 4 pm For more information Get great communications experience this d% Park ks whor a *•■ moet summer with one of America's oldest com* LOFT WITH LADDER - FOR SALE • 1368 1/2 E Wooater - Student Rec Center Spring Break Sole! cal 2-2343 So gat tat guyt. you f e In for a troat' ponies Average profit S416/week Please $60 00 or best offer. S530/mo. A gaa and util 15% off at Pro Shop merchandise March drop your name, major, ft phone no to OCMB Cal 354-4522, ask for Jodi PHONE: 353-7074 9:30 - 4:00 12-22 Bikin.8. soccer shorts, lank tops & 2582 SIG KAP' SIG KAPi SIG KAP' moral WANTED UT TARA TATE Like to sell? Motorcycle shield, will fit any bike over 500 The Brothers of Beta Thota Pi woukJ oka to Moyba I'l saa ya at Like to play games? cc. take best offer, must sell, call Greg at Need an apt. lor summer or fall? congratulate Brian Schwainhagan on his isva- 1 Okanay WorW again'?' 1 non-smoking female roommate needed for Do Both! 372-4838 and leave message. WE HAVE NEARLY 500 UNITS bennq to Nicote Oute.1 91-92 school year Very close to campus Very Furnished or unfurnished apis Lova. Make money by selling the latest new card Round trip ticket from Toledo to Orlando. FL. cheap' Cal Michelle or Roxanne at 372-1781 CALL JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE Your Big The Brothers of Beta Theta PI would like lo game SAKI. Make up to $96 per dozen sotd 3/22 3/30 (1991) Cal 352-5959 after SIG KAP' SIG KAP' SKJ KAP' congratulate Pete Menyhart on ha lavaliering to oi kiavp n mossage Compete lor cash bonuses baaed on sales per- 354-2260orstopat319E Wooater 4 30 pm. lacrosa from Taco Bel) Karin Gardner 2 Non-smoking, female subleasers needed tor fomance Work on your own schedule on cam- Bummer. $97/mo plus utilities Call pus Arrange for an interview by caiang Jim al SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats. 4wheek»rs. 10 pick up our Hating A motorhomes by FBI, IRS, DEA Available your speak with our friendly ataft Leaa/Staoe 2-5941 419-666-3333 "You may call cceect" Be one ol the select few chosen Col now Minimum areanow Cal 1 805 682 7555 Ext C-2804 Artists tor quick protrait sketches and canes- investment in inventory under $ 100' Nice 3 bedroom houaa. ctoae to campus, low u- turea at Cedar Point. Geeuga Lake, Sea World Two One-Way Tickets from Toledo to Ft. Laud. on March 22. Cal Jen 354-5690 tllllea, 12 month lease Starting Augual '91 Energetic and reliable W* tram those with abil- Professional couple needs dependable chad $575/mo 718 Ihlrd SI Call Carla ity to learn Contact Jerry Fields at P O Box care for 1 and 3 yr otds in our Perrysburg Twp VW Jetta 1980. good runner, good body. 1 433 4474 2835 Sandusky. Ohio. 44870. or call home 1 3 days per week Transportation and $800 Cal Tom. 353-5498. CENTER FOR CHOICI I 1 419-621 • 1306 after 5pm references required 1-874-2147. One A Two BR fum. apts 9 A 12 mo. and sum mer leases avail S A V Rentals 500 Lehman nMON-j«it*n-i*iiii .\ 14-, Female sublessor wanted ASAP REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER WORK I next to Pus station | 352-7454. 1 1/2 blocks from campus $113/month. We have positions with the city of Toledo in the FOR RENT Cal 354-5289 Parks and Recreation area which range from Ouiel 1 story apla 1 A 2 bedroom available • Abortion through tteguarding to protect coordinator and clerical Oood ratee. C* MM al 353- 7600 17 weeks workers as weK Come to AIM TEMPORARIES, 2 bedroom turnished apt Female Subleaaer needed for summer in beauti- 6605 W. Central, 841-5556 Bring two IDs FREE gas. heat, water. HBO RE Management ful air cond Fox Run Apt Rent negotiable Cal Has apartments for rent for Summer and Fal EOE Private parking • Morning after Connie anytime 353-9399 Laundry FacMttas 1991. Mention this ad when signing a new Register Now tor Summer Work lease. 3/5 - 3/15. and get $50 off Aral HELP ME" treatment We have positions with the City ot Toledo in the Newtove Rontato rnontti'anint 113 Railroad St 352-9302. NEED TO SUBLET MY PLACE MAY TO AUG 1 Parka ft Recreation area which range from Life- 326 S Main ■ 352 5620 PROUD TO BDRMMAIN ST APT PERFECT FOR ONE OR guarding to Protect Coordinator A clerical Ready to aettle down In quieter surroundings? TWO PEOPLE VERY. VERY CHEAP' CALL workers as wei Come to AIM TEMPORARIES, 710 Seventh St 2 bedroom unlum heal A AC BE PRO-CHOICE TODAY AND LETS MAKE A DEAL" 352-4009 6605 W. Central, 841-5556. Bring two ID a. paid 352-3445 EOE HELP US' 228 SOUTH COLLEGE Summer Sublease Available 16 N Huron A 22 and 23 year - old male seeking a 2 bed- PartialyFurn 1 bdrm S275 per month AluWi- Spring Break $$$ 1 A 2 BR apts Toledo. Oh. 43604 room, furnished apartment lor BG School year $7.25 starting free gas. water A sewer Me» and cable Included Can 354 7258 Must have off - street parking and not be more Phone Train now; FT on break, PT during school. Ex- 9 1/2 A 12 month leases Three Apartments In houaa that $3000L/, KID.' greater Cleveland area. Mentor. Ravenna. private parking COME] Niies. Norwaik. and Boardman Rate of pay wal NEWLOVE RENTALS Wage Green Apartments closer Houip be between $4.50 and $4 75 per hour Inter- 328 S. Main, 352-5820 Now renting for eummer only OUT MU> PO THESE ested individuals should can (216) 361-6016. Cal after 11:00am ' 354-3533 *(?R|FYIV6LY AWFUL ltAF£RS0^M- * UniGraphics *■ 211 West Hall TIRED Fatman- -by John Boissy 372-7418 ■a ■z OF THis> is iuarr A /JOTO.IC«_ TV. o^ea-. ftrcrro snaem. or-i WE Let^wet * i Mcsn iP" yow'i-e not f°ne Co re* ROOMMATE OBJECTIVE: To provide quality, professional resume service lo the University ' «vtN i e-ao r*r HASSLES? CCl>M»*-»CO, OH "TVenN^S, community at a reasonable price, Ttt AtO»V»j4H -it^KJt plus a $2.00 discount.' ■nar -Tstr»>--t*> -^> TRY A ONE PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Ability to take typewritten copy or BEDROOM &^ffi\ft$$ diskettes and produce the sharpest-type ^4^ resumes available in Bowling Green. APARTMENT a- 5H5 by J.A. Holmgren Currently support MSWord, MacWrite, OR AN MultiMate, Word Perfect. Some disk conversion possible. EFFICIENCY at REFERENCES: Your well-above-average roommate POE ROAD who has already had one done here. ^APARTMENTS* *215 E. Poe Road £ ' Bring in this ad for a $2.00 discount. Offer expires August 10,1991. t Call 332-0717 %


FRIDAY I March 15, 1991

Volume 2 Issue 8

Videorama: Getlin' Happy At Jolly Times Arcade f Page 3 when the sun goes down, the world changes, Oh Brother!: when the sun goes down, you can see.... Smothers i Brothers Do Toledo Page 5 DARK LEGENDS

Page 6 2 Friday. March IS. 1991

M INSIDE DER ihSlDER MM This week, the Insider takes a walk on the dark side and brings you some haunting local legends. You know, those kind of stories Editor: Frank Esposito that put a golf ball-sized lump In Asst. Editor: J.J. Thompson your throat and cause you to 3W5! Staff Writers: Wendy M. King wake up in a cold sweat at 3 a.m. HURRY UP! THE Dean Wheeler and count your fingers? HOWARD'S CROWDf Morrella Raleigh The stuff your parents warned WILL BE HERE Staff Photographer: Jeff Radcliffe you about. The house you ran by ANY MINUTE! Art Director: Sean Risser on your way home from school. The road you never used as a Tim Haas Fiction Editor: short-cut Staff Mascot: Jivin' Ivan Asst. Prod. Manager: Pat Michel Our crack team of mystic % Production Sup'rs: Tim Mechley scribes Includes Morella Raleigh, Molly Zakrajsek Emily Vosburg, Tim , V. Wendy M King and our own J.J. & Jen Buell Prod. Assistants: Thompson. Good Job f re filibus- Bill Burgess ters. Dan Martis They found Uncle George In a p#Vr Sean Risser fetal position In the garage, every limb trembling, his Jet-black hair Advertising Manager: Jan Stubbs turned ghost white. Business Manager: Barb Miller The Editors. Advisor: Robert Bortel

The Insider nagasine is published entry Friday during the toucan: year by the Board of Student PublkaBons of Bovrtng Green State Uni- Readers are invited to write to The Zander magazine at Submissions of short fiction (five typewritten pages versity. 210 West Hail, Bowling Green State University, Bowling maximum unless other arrangements are made) are Opinions eipmstd by columnists do not necessarily reflect the opin- Green, Oh. 43403 to tell us off or pat us on the back encouraged. ions of The Insider magazine. (whatever the situation merits). The loader editors welcome any and all submissions for I The Insider magazine and Bo-iing Green State University are equal ■ publication. Unless arrangements are made by the author opportunity employers and do not discriminate in hiring practices. Anyone interested in working for Toe Insider as a writer, to have the material returned, all submissions become the artist, or photographer should call 372-6967 property of The Insider Copyright 1990. The BG News Yo! It's Insider Fun Facts!Collect 'email! If Ignorance is bliss. Insider satisfaction of knowing that you make me talk], once fashioned an You want to know the real carry? Do ya know, do ya kno readers are In orgasmic rapture. done good.] old back issue of the Inslderinto beauty of being an In- do ya know?! - Jlvln' Ivan There seem to be misconceptions Here's a few Interesting facts to an ancient Egyptian symbol and sfdertolumnlst [aside from the abounding about life In stump your stupid friends with. pointed It at the University Seal women swarming like files to DEAR IVE - Sorry little dudel the Insider and the way It works. ln front of McFa Cen,er Whal honey and the beer flowing like a but you're mistaken. I'M the of siiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiislWtttfrV^ttiBBKRL, ll,l " I'll be stopped on the street and |ff^^^ •™"" " **j happened? — read the book. mighty, torrential river]? The In- loved by all. You're Just a chea asked all sorts of stuff: "What's ■ GUFOTlSiUt/Lfll The/ns/deroncewontheUSG sider editor leu you do pretty little graphic done on a Mac. J the point of that paper, any- B presidential elections purely on a much whatever you want. I want I don't know what happened t way?" "Is JlvIn' Ivan, like, based 9 QJLr TjllJLi M grass roots write-In campaign to do a column about Bolivian Plebes. But If you send donatlcj on a real person or sumthln?" I ..-„,..— ,„ based on the camplgn promises Tree Frogs?-no problem. Legalize to the 'Money to Bring Back "What's Frank like?" "Do you get I li* Lu uIUV II of A) enclosing the entire Untver- Spam?-feel free. Plebes', c/o Chlqulta, 210 We paid?" "Isn't the Insider really HHal^HflHS3S9r~/l sltylnahuge, temperature- You know, I've always wanted Hall — I'll see what I can do. Just a vehicle for shameless, ego- ^K^^zfSr^0M controlled dome and B) killing all to write like my favorite col- padding self-promotion and re- ■OCMOTrV /I the damn squirrels. Unfortunate- umnists. And the/ns/derlets me Or I can always to revert to ceiving free promo Items from Wkt4lfVfY3nn/!Xn Vr I ly, corruption and favoritism do Just that. I can do a Larry King: some serious social commentaij record and movie companies?" ^~r~ ^^m plagued the short-lived adminis- ...For my money, the best pro- I couldn i understand when I Well...yeah. It Is So what? tration, paving the way for a cessed cheese on the market Is Postal Service raised Its rates I Jealous? But It's more than Just And they make Interstlng dinner young, ambitious, sult-and-tle Kraft individually-wrapped 29 cents Instead of nice round I that. A lot more. The Inslderls conversation. Or they'll cure In- wearing, dark-haired politico to slices...How 'bout them number, but I can appreciate i Just a big, old-fashioned family, somnla, at least. It'slnstder Trivia win an unprecedented freshman Reds!...My mind! I cannot form a like the Waltons. Look over there victory. Yes, Its true, the Insider coherent thought lasting more fact that some stores charge 3C - JJ Is churning genuine butter for Jlvln' Ivan Is not actually a handed the election to...Dick than six or seven se- cenIs and don l screw with the I those homemade Insider bis- real person. He's based on a Nixon. conds.. .Topeka?...Love that Mltzl pennies. HOWEVER, why do quits And Frank Is In the parlor character from an unpublished Their best columlsu actually Gaynor... some unnamed stores [Sterlln with Grandma, reading Dr. Dave Fyodor Dostoeyevsky manuscript do the work for the love of writ- Or I can always try more of a (hlnthlnt)] think they can ethic to the children. That's the real In- - Ivan Meets The Atomic Cat tng only. That's right • we're not practical advise column: ly charge a whole 35 cents for\ sider. Sure we're crassly com- Women From Mars. paid. But you can change that. DEAR CHIQUITA - Is It true crummy 29 cent stamp. Whot mercial, but so are Christmas and An avid Insider reader whom For the cost of a cup of coffee a that I'm not a real person, but a they think they are?! Why, lot Desert Storm t-shIris And Frank we won't name, but who goes by day, you can adopt an Insider fictional character? If so, why am tta...lGrrrlJerksl Is real nice. too. [No, I'm not paid. the Initials PJO and has the title of columnist. Just send your money I adored by qulntllllons world- But gosh, no matter how far But If you write the 'Pay Chlqulta University president [No, dam- to 'Adopt a Columnist', c/o Chl- wide, from London to the Bank? you stray from the loving bo Campaign'. 210 West Hall, you'll mlt, I will not tell you who It was. qulta, 210 West Hall. You can And what happened to Plebes, of the Insider, you always con receive a button, a sticker and the That's confidential. You'll never make a difference. that funny cartoon we used to back... home. ihSlDERJ Friday, March 15.1991 3 Videoland Jolly Times for BG vid junkies up a specific prize with the by MatJIa Mllnor contributing writer crane," according to Sam Win- born, an attendant at Jolly Time. Wlnborn, who has been work- ing at Jolly Time for four months. "Beginning a relationship with says that most kids love Wacky a girlfriend and a video game si- Gator, but she remembers one In- multaneously causes real conflict cident where a three-year-old for a guy. Warning: the video boy became scared of the game. game usually wins." "The alligator growled. 'I'm ■ Chris Itarcll, Ytl Magazine, gonna get you,' and the boy was April, 1991 so scared, he ran away," Wln- This quote may be true, con- born recalled. She added that the sidering that University students boy's father finished playing the have been known to hold Nin- game. tendo elimination matches until Wlnborn said that Thursday they either pass out or are sus- and Friday nights are busy be- pended from school. But before cause kids from elementary age Nintendo, the only place to play through high school age are in such classic games as Pac-Man the mall then. During the day the and Centipede was Inside your clientele are mainly adults. local arcade. According to Ryan Myers, I recently visited the Jolly Time manager at Jolly Time, the game lnild«r/>ff Radchffe Insider/j-ff Rodcliffe arcade at the Woodland Hall to that brings In the most money Is Local vldeohcads plug In at Jolly Tlmts arcade. see what brought In customers. called Hard Drtvln'. It's billed as Jolly Time knows It takes all "The World's First Driving Simu- kinds of games to please Its cus- lation Game." tomers. Choices Include games One game-player In the arcade about war, crime, sports, driving, said he Is In Jolly Time about Faddis blows through University cycling, science fiction, and fan- twice a month to play the games. Faddis has developed a dis- tasy, as well as classics. Those "It's better than Pole Position," and many more, Is com- classics Include Skee Ball, Pop-A- Richard said. "I'd like to have one by Rodney J.Auth tinctive sound which he bined with the harmonious contributing writer Ball, Plnball. Big Prize (a crane at home." combines with tremendous sounds of drums, bass, and game), and Wacky Gator, (a game Hard Drivln' features realistic showmanship to create piano to produce "fun mu- In which alligators pop out and scenery, resistance on the wheel With the clarion blast of what University Activities sic." you must literally bash them on (like Outrun but not as bumpy), his trumpet, Jon Faddis Organization Performing According to Schroedel. Faddls's music Is "very up- the head with a cushioned mal- various gauges, and the ability to takes his audience "Into The Arts Director Chrissy let). do spirals and flips. Hard Drtvln' Faddlsphere" as the grand Schroedel calls, "a great ra- beat" and that you "don't have to appreciate Jazz to Some games are played to gain only costs 25 cents compared to finale of Jazz Week, spon- pport with the audience." a high score, while others earn Outrun, another Jolly Time driv- Faddls's distinctive have a good time." sored by the College of Mu- the player tickets or tokens which ing game, which costs 50 cents. sical Arts. sound, which can be heard In fact, Schroedel said that In deciding to showcase can be used to purchase stuffed You may, however, find yourself Tutored by Dizzy Gllle- on tracks by the Rolling animals and other small prizes. expressing the same emotions as sple and surrounded by Jazz Stones, Billy Joel, Frank "The crane game Is addictive Sinatra, Luther Vandross, See Fsddis, page 8. one girl I observed playing Ou- greats since the age of 15, ■ because people are trying to pick ■ See games, page 5. [fiiiiiiiiiiiminiT u_i_ POWER There's Still Time To Get Your Tickets.. CLASSIC ROCK Jazz Trumpet Player JON FADDIS NO & trio OUTLET Live In Concert this Saturday, March 16! 8 p.m. Kobacker Hall BAND $15.50, $12.50, or $9.50 End this week by getting 'Into the Faddisphere'! FRIDAY-MARCH 15 Tickets on sale at Finders, Abbey Road, Boogie 9:30 PM - 1:00 AM Records and the Kobacker Hall Box Office. Sponsored by UAO & the College of Musical Arts. Jj, Fridoy, March 15, 1991 IJtSlDEN ROCK GOSSIP FROM THE BLACK SWAMP

STUDIO RODEO: Big Hunk O'Checsc laid down some track* In Cleveland last weekend for a forthcoming EP Trip 20 will be studio-bound to record the follow-up to 1989'* Insldor/Juhet Boling Deep Six.. .and Random Soul re- Local troubadour Paul Johnson corded some powertunes re- urges of Industrial Junkies cam- there early and strap yourself In. cently In Detroit for an upcoming puswlde. FASHION ASSASSIN: demo release. VME (I THOUGHT IT WAS For the record, the fact that Mark THEY'RE HOT AND ME): "Ike" Elchner of Big Hunk O' InsMor/Peier Allen WBGU'SGOT'EM: The nolsemakers known as Va- Cheese was wearing a Wisconsin Clarence (Kra C Bass) Ban of Black I'm talkin' bout the Thessalonlan mbo Marble Eye (Perry Finch. t-shlrt at the Independent Music Minds of Music Dope Gods, Toledo's version of Mike "Winger" Wing, and Larry Showcase at Howard's Tuesday Ministry, but with a better atti- Zengel for those of you keeping night did not go unnoticed. For day night In a first-round NTT tude. Their Urban Witchcraft cas- score at home) will make their those of you who missed Ike's game. Some rebel, that Ike. The llUid**/April Clark sette has surfaced at WBGU and flrst appearance as a headllner at symbolism, the men's basketball Cheese rocked like their pants Michael Bove of Big Hunk O' CAeese Is set to satisfy the libidinous Frankle's In Toledo tonight. Get team played Wisconsin Wednes- were on fire, too. Don't do Dave like that! What have you done tor him lately? Don't miss Hi Incredible College of Musical double cheese variety, Is this Ing your answers with your Junior level-Three points each. by Dove •oskind 5. "Hot Blooded" band's last Incredible College of Muiicol Knowledge Knowledge" wants all you lepre- week's winner. Here are all the name, address, phone number, chauns reading this to dust off correct answers for our 'Do' quiz: and favorite athlete to "Dr. Top 10 hit was 1988s "I Don't your shamrocks, eat a bowl of 1. Janet Jackson 2. Culture Club Dave's Music Quiz," c/o 214 Want To Live Without You"? Lucky Charms, and have a swell 3 UB40 4 Phil Collins 5. The West Hall. B.C.. OH. 43403. or 6. Whose only solo Top 10 hit Hello, me friends. Tli that time Irish weekend. Police 6. Huey Lewis and the drop It In the wooden box In 210 was 1988s "Don't Shed A Tear'? o'the year, again. Ah, yes. Kiss Our favorite four-leaf clover. News 7. Christopher Croc* 8. West Hall. Entries must be Senior level-Four points each. me Blarney Stone, It's St. Patty's Nurse Schmidt, claims that Rose Jermalne Jackson 9. Band Aid received before 8 a.m.. Wed., 7. Whose first Top 10 hit was Day. A tip o' me kelly green cap Doherty, who prefers her pizzas 10. Joan Jett and the Blackhearts March 20. 1991. 1987 's "Don't Mean Nothing"? to me buddy, Hugh. "Dr. Dave's to be of the mushroom and Enter this week's quiz by send- Since last week's quiz honored 8. What "The Lady In Red" nil the things we DO, thlsweek's singer's first Top 40 hit was salutes all those DONTS. DONT 1983s "Don't Pay the Ferry- forget to enter: man'? Freshman level-One point Graduate level-Five points each. each. N 1. Who hit Number One In 9. What California band's first > o> 1985 with "Don't You (Forget Top 40 hit was 1983 s "Don't Ten I S? Sfe About Me)'? Me You Love Me"? 2. What very-long-haired 10. What band's only Top 40 singer hit Number One last year hit was 1987s "I Don't Mind At with "I Don't Wanna Full In AH? Love'7 Yet again, this week's winner Sophomore level-Two points win be the recipient of a com- each. pletely FREE promotional cas- 3. Whose first Top 10 hit was sette from our friends at Finders 1988s "Please Don't Go Girl? Records and Tapes, located at 4. What Canadian band hit 128 N. Main, Bowling Green. Number Two In 1986 with "Don't Don't YOU want to be the win- Sports Preview Forget Me (When I'm Gone"? ner? Monday, March 18, 1991 HOWARD'S club H 210 N. Main 352-9951 Softball Baseball NU-T0NES Golf FRIDAY & SATURDAY Tennis MARCH 15 & 16 18-20 Welcome Track $2.00 cover after 9:30 21 and Over Tabloid Format ■ 11,200 copies $1 00 cover after 9:30 distributed at all regular points HOURS: on and off campus Mon.-Sat.: Noon 'til 2:30 a..m. Bowling Green State University Sunday: 2:00 p.m. 'til 2:30 a.m. / 214 West Ha* (419)372-2601 Fax: (419 (372-2300 * Mini-Pitchers Every Day* Friday, March 15. 1991 5

BROTHERS KNOW BEST:Smothers Brothers to perform at American Lung Association benefit in Toledo tlon development director. best known for their prime time by J. J. Thompson "It's going to be a family enter- ossistont editor comedy series which aired dur- tainment (show) for young and ing the 60s and 80s and their old alike." Russel said. numerous concert tours. The Lung Association hopes to The Smothers Brothers arc also Northwest Ohio residents will raise about $20,000 through the the national spokesmen and be able to breathe a little easier benefit to help battle lung Christmas Seals Chairmen of the this weekend, with some help disease, and Russel said the or- American Lung Association, and from the Smothers Brothers. ganization Is optimistic about Russel said the brothers' re- The Smothers Brothers will reaching the goal. lationship with the organization perform tomorrow night at the Whether or not the Lung Asso- made It possible for the local Toledo Masonic Auditorium to ciation reaches this goal, though, benefit the American Lung Asso- will depend on ticket sales, which ■See Smothen, page 8. ciation of Northwest Ohio. are lower than they were for last The show — which Is spon- year's benefit. sored by The American Lung As- "If we hit 1800 seats (sold), we sociation, Paramount Health will be In good shape," Russel TWO FOR THE SHOW The Smothers Brothers Care. TCBY. WNWO TV 24 and said. "We're encouraged — the 3WM - will consist of "a little of phone was ringing off the hook ■ From games, page 3. everything." according to Sara this morning." The heroes of Two Crude are Russel, Northwest Lung Assocla- Tom and Dick Smothers are (run, who said, "Okay, where am two tattooed, spike-haired I?" as she ran off the road. muscle-bound thugs who trudge According to Winborn, other through post-apocalyptic New 1 0 fcLA-ZELTHHATRfc popular games are Team Quar- CINEMA 5 Sffi" *" nowl.INC CHUN • MWW terback and Pltftghter. 11834 NORTH MAIL ST 354 8SSI in York killing and destroying. I be- EMOTIONALLY Pete, who can be found playing lieve that the object of the game WEEKLY PERFORMANCE CIIAR(;KI>. Team Quarterback twice a week is to pick up everything in sight March 15-21,1991 and use it as a weapon. at Jolly Time, says he likes the SIEEHUG WITH THE EHEJIT K • game because its many forma- 12:10,210,4:20,7 20,1:20 tions and other characteristics The game Is straight out of a MH UIKXM comic book, throwing up clever UHTEilV, II, GLFNN llOM make It "very realistic." aa: i" i advertising on the sides of uptur- ■ Personally. I think Team Quar- ned buildings. In two-man play. 1MI terback's graphics were drawn It Is possible to hurt or even kill MM. C1I. 7M. M5 HAMLET™ on an Etch-a-Sketch. the other member of your crew, HARD WAY R NOMTIT AT /OOor-Y and all the other aspects of this 12:06,2:15,4:30. 7:35, 0:50 '**'Nft >1 A $0N AT 2 00 10 MISS In Pltftghter, a pro wrestling game are Just as comedlc. SILENCE OF THE LAMS R TIIE NEVER ENDING game, players can choose to be 12 00. 120, 4 40. HO. ! 30 STORY II fPO] represented by one of three The two guys I was watching, WB n mat * m MI niiun Him heroes who, through great sound who spent over four dollars play- MM MilflU effects and vivid graphics, malm ing the game, were surprised by and crush their hulking oppo- the game's frankness. "That guy nents. Just said shit," one young man IV 27 said. "This thing's full of it." i My faves Include Hard Drlvln', Outrun, and two others — Gate of But I know why those two < Doom and Two Crude. If you find played the game for so long. In I yourself near Jolly Time, do video games, escaping the real i check out the latter. I recommend world and having fun are the TONIGHT * Two Crude as my personal pick. name of the game. SPRING BREAK FOR LADIES ONLY! g SORORITIES / BIRTHDAYS / ALL OCCASIONS 3: CHECK THE


Ix-J Friday, March 15 and Saturday. March 16 WBGU NEW DANNY'S OF WINDSOR ALL MALE REVUE o 8:00p. 10:00pm and Midnight Open ? Nights • Musi Be 19 To Enter • Group Iravei Available i Eva Marie Saint Theater RJj^vir) TV27 ~ $1.50 'Admission ^*AK^ Friday. March 15, 1991

TheNazareth FearHall Academy of Shrouded God in mystery by Morella Raleigh and J. J. Thompson

COME CHILDREN, HARKEN TO ME: I WILL TEACH YOU THE FEAR OF THE LORD. Psalms LEGENDS 23:12. These haunting words are et- ched Into stone above the en- trance of a local, deserted mili- tary academy which Is rumored to be the home of much more than old and dusty cobwebs. All photos by Jeff Radcliffe Nazareth Hall Academy, lo- cated west of Bowling Green on said. "They say some nun died midnight while trespassing one Rt. 65 outside of Grand Rapids, there, but none ever did." night. was built In 1927 as a boys During these ghost hunts, the "It was Intriguing," she said. estate Is often damaged and "All of my friends told me It was to speak about It. several people have been ar- haunted and I was sort of hoping A former student, Wes Arm- rested. About 40 trespassers to see a ghost." strong, said there were legends have been caught since the acad- The same local man cited one about the academy while he at- emy closed, according to the strange Incident when two girls tended, but he could not re- man. were caught crawling on the member what they were about. "They mostly break windows academy roof. The girls claimed Armstrong did not say any- out to crawl In." he said. "They they were "looking for bats." thing specific about his experi- trip the alarm and (the police) Ghosts or no ghosts, the de- ences at the school. catch 'em." serted academy remains to be a "It was a good experience, I Two friends told Rosemary source of curiosity for local resi- guess," he said. "It was a military about a supernatural encounter dents. school run by Catholic nuns — so they experienced while Inside However, If a recent offer to it was real fun." the building on a late night ex- buy the academy Is finalized and Despite the lack of evidence cursion. the building Is once again Inha- confirming these tales, several "At first they heard moans, bited, the ghosts and local Intri- people have trespassed and/or and then they saw an apparition gue may vanish. Hopefully, the broken Into the academy building which chased them down the new occupants will discover This ominous plaque sUnds at the entrance to the Naiareth Academy in search of the supernatural. hallway," Rosemary said. whether the tales are strictly "These kids come looking for Rosemary also claims to have legends or historical truths. boarding school for grades four several students, one of whom ghosts," one local man, who seen a lantern-like Illumination In Only then will the "fear of the through eight. It was run by the committed suicide by hanging wished to remain anonymous. an upstairs window Just before Lord" be dispelled. Ur su line Convent of the Sacred himself from a tree on the prop- Heart and was home to more erty. His tormented spirit now ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ than 70 boys from the United roams the estate. States and Mexico. Because of fi- Rosemary also heard another nancial reasons, the academy demented tale during her high closed In 1982 and has been for school years. PHANTOM OF THE THEATER Meet "Alice II the University's resident ghost thespion by Emily Voshurg Joe E. Brown and Eva Marie St. because she also died In an auto theatres will always be graced by accident. He also pointed out that the prescence of Alice, their resi- 20 or 30 years ago people dent ghost. At least that's the ac- thought the ghost was male. cepted story among theatre In any event, Alice likes to be majors. Invited to the performances held However, there are a few in the theaters and shows her different explanations of how she displeasure If she's forgotten, came to haunt the stage. said Chris Banta, senior theater According to one legend, Alice major. Is the ghost of a former Universi- Alice, according to tradition, Is ty actress who was either killed Invited to each play by the stage en route to a performance or manager after the final dress killed by a falling object during a rehearsal. The stage manager performance of Othello In which must be alone In the theater she played Desdemona. when the Invitation Is offered. Another tale says that Alice "You have to thank her for let- was a theater student who had ting you use the theater, Invite graduated and was returning to her, and thank her for letting the the University for an evening play get that far," Banta said. awards ceremony at which she "For me, as a stage manager, It A stone angel reaches out Its arms at the defunct Nazareth Academy was to be named actress of the was scary. You're alone In the sale ever since. "On* of the nuns (supposedly) year. She was killed In an auto theater and If anything happens, A University student and went crazy and killed a bunch of accident before she got there. no one will hear you." Watervllle native, whose name kids," she said. Now her spirit Is supposedly Banta said the first time she has been changed to Rosemary, Both of these stories were not waiting In University Hall to col- was stage manager for a show has heard several mysterious confirmed by outside sources, lect her title. and Invited Alice, something out of the theater," Banta said. tales about the abandoned prop- several Grand Rapids residents Theater technical director strange happened. Alice has made her presence erty. claimed they did not know any- Steve Boone said the ghost may "As soon as I was done Inviting known among large group* of One .lory was that an academy thing about the academy and the be Alice Prout, wife of former her, I heard this rumbling that people as well. prtemt supposedly molested St. Ursullne sisters did not wish University President Frank Prout. sounded like Til be mere' I ran "She's In control. If she doesn't New troupe emphasizes Golden dreams for differences a saved wilderness Studying cultural diversity means more than examining the lifestyles ot people from different motivate storyteller parts of the world. It also includes learning about and understanding the people we come in contact Lou Gold, considered by many East Coast we have cut the an- with on a daily basis. as a dynamic storyteller, will be on cient forests and moved west- And that's the purpose of the on campus to share the secrets - ward. With the threat of global campus theatre troupe the CO and the scars -- of our country's warming and species extinction, (cultural diversity) Players. After grandest forests. His presentation everyone has a stake in the out- practicinng their show all fall se- is 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, in come." mester, they're now performing in 121 West Hall. residence halls across campus. Justine Magsig, assistant direc- The CD Players address such Gold is considered an elequent tor of Environmental Progrms, re- concerns as homosexuality, bigo- voice for the ancient forests of the members about Gold's previous try, racism, sexism and stereo- Pacific Northwest. His wilderness BG performance that, "Everybody types, and explore what the col- tales of bears, owls and wildfire just thought he was terrific." That lege atmosphere does to promote reveal the secrets of old-growth is precisely why her department or demote them. Their blend of forest ecology. His tough-minded asked him back, she added. humor and satire makes an inter- analysis of Forest Service policies One of the students who esting show, one that can enter- shows citizens how to end the thought he was terrific was Trlsha tain an audience while encourag- damage being done to our public Haitz, a member of the Environ- ing them to think about themselves lands. mental Interest Group. "He is in- and other people. credible, he's really down to The show is called "It Happens Known as an outstanding earth," she said. "He comes off I lo Everyone," because it really professor at Oberiin College and the mountain to speak for the does. An audience can relate to the University of Illinois, Gold left mountain. It's kind of Ike seeing a :he show through the material his academic career to take a good preacher." Haitz also appre- jbout college life, and those ideas stand on a remote mountain to ciated that Gold spoke directly to ire designed to carry over into speak for the wildlife and the huge her during his presentation. "I | x>5t-college adult life. The next trees. His measures range from have a dog, and he asked me if my jerformance will be held in the human blockades of bulldozers to dog wrote letters. I said no, but nain lounge of McDonald West, compromises in the halls of Con- that her owner does. He said, ind is free and open to all. gress. He also admits to talking to 'That's all that counts.' It's very Amelia Bischoff, the group's the forest itself on occasion. personal to me. It made me feel ounder and director, developed Gold relates the problem of the stronger about what I do." he idea when she was a student forests to every person in the it the University of Michigan. She country. "This is the last great The program, sponsored by En- vas in a troupe very similar to the battle in the war against wild vironmental Programs and the 2D Players, and it only seemed places," he says. "Starting on the EK3, is free and open to the public. latural to bring the experience to Jowling Green. Most of the scenes that the CD 'layers perform are spinoffs of FIJIs offer the sort of frisbee contest Scenes Bischoff either saw or per ormed while at UM. There are, lowever, a few pieces of the cur- On Saturday, April 6, Phi Ga- conventional football are very simi- ing," he said of the game. "It's a are also welcome. The donation is ent show that are almost exact mma Delta fraternity will host its lar. The game is played with seven challenge, with the amount of en- $15 per team, and all of the Ireplicas of UM material. third annual FIJI Ultimate Frisbee players on each of two teams on durance that's Involved." proceeds will go to charity. Bischoff said she believes that Classic, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Teams the field, and the players try to Chamberlain emphasized that !r,i greatest reward that she has from the University and several move the frisbee down the field for anyone could quickly achieve a The fraternity is also still looking eceived from her work with the other states have been invited to a goal. basic understanding of the game, for sponsorship from local mer- roup has been the reaction of the compete at the tournament, which which is why the classic is open to chants area businesses. In the udiences. She has heard from will be held at the Intramural Fields The fund-raising project began everyone. However, it is sug- past, T-shirts have been made that any staff members that the show adjacent to the stadium. at the suggestion of Scott Cham- gested that the new players prac- bore the names of the sponsors, is "a great educational tool," and berlain, the fraternity's president. tice for a few days in order to real- but this year sponsors will be ac- tudents have told her "That was The event is a fund-raiser which His Interest in the sport began ly get a feel for the pace and ac- knowledged by posters, flyers and eally great!" will benefit the Make-A-Wlsh after he became friends with a tion. packets of advertisements. Foundation of Northwest Ohio. It member of one of the Toledo ulti- Anyone Interested in is a non-profit organization that mate frisbee clubs. Chamberlain There is a minimum of seven Registrations fees are due no either the writing or the perform- grants the wishes of terminally ill found the game very rewarding, players per team, and each team later than Wednesday, April 3. ance of next year's show is en- children. and played with a Toledo team for must register into one of three di- Persons interested in playing in or couraged to contact a troupe three years. When It came time for visions of competition: club and sponsoring the tournament may ■ -Tiber Bischoff, who may be The game of ultimate frisbee is a FIJI fund-raiser, the idea was college, men's open (including contact the FIJI house at IT-372^1 ..askincjfQr. Jim McNalry eached through the Qpmpten-,H£jlJJalso koowaa*'Jlrisfca*football". , , practically already there.' fts.very -. , ;fraNjmi«eBj, of. yeftmen'Aooerj^ln,. kron^dsak^ft^fio:, nl a'»d2' becaute Iha-futosaftttie-cMMMn* M fasiqmsMli mKhmwHWnmnb: ,;cludini.eoferitie8),Co-.»djjB)|oi§o ^rBlllKru^flaj^,,,^;..,, • s.m -4 30 p.m. - Art Exhibit Noon - Basebell 11:30 a.m.-Church Service mJ 9-11:30 a.m.- Advisement • «.m.-4:30 pjn. - Art Exhibit "0*»lgn 18: Annual Undergraduate BGSU vs University of Dayton St. Thome* More Pariah. 425 S.--4J For hearing Impaired major* 444 "The BFA Exhibition tor Graduating DMign Exhibition." Free and open Staler Fa*). Thursbn. Ii."l Education [^*| studio Majors " Free and open to to* Gaaery. Fine Arts 1 p.m - Gymnastics all Gallery. McFal Canter | 9 s.m.-4:30 pjn. - Art Exhibit Epplar North 4 p.m. - Intramural Deadline • s.m.-4:30 p.m. - Art Exhibit Entries due for coed bowing. Play "Design 19: Annual Undergraduate 9 *jn.-4: JO p.m. - Art Exhibit y-~M Design Exhibition." Free and open -Th« BFA EnMUtlon for QradurtkiQ 4 p.m. - Church Service begins April 1 108 Student "Design 19: Annual Undergraduate '*| to el Gallery, Fine Arts Design Exhibition." Free and open Studto Majors " Fraa and opan to St. Thomas More Pariah. 426 Recreation Center. | a> Galery. McFalCanlat to all Gallery. Fine Arts s Thuratln. • ».m.-4:30 p.m. - Art Exhibit 5:30 p.m. - Church Service »:J0 pjn. - Amnesty International • a.m.-S p.m.-Art Exhibit Free and open to al 308 Henna "The BFA Exhibition for Graduating 9 s.m.-5 p.m. - Art Exhibit St Atoysma Church. 150 S Studio Majors " Free and open to "Work* on Paper." Watercokxa by "Work* on Paper." W*t*rcolor* by Enterprise. graduate art student Paul I pjn. - Student* tor Life al Gaaery. McFal Center graduate art student Paul Snodgraaa wa be on dktplay. Fraa Free and open to al. Faculty Snodgrass wM be on display. Free 6 pjn. - Tennis 9 a.m.-S p.m. - Art Exhibit and open to al Kennedy Green I and opan lo al Kennedy Green Men's teem at Ohio State Lounge. Union. Room. Moore Musical Ana Canter "Works on Paper " Watercokxa by Room. Moore Musical Arts Center University. graduate art student Paul • pjn. - Theatre Production 9i.m.-4:30p.m-Art Ex hi bit Noon - Graduate Student "Design 19 Annual Undergraduate Snodgraaa wH be on dlaplay. Fr*e f0:1S *.m.-6 pjn. - Intemstlonsl "Shorts Festivsl '91 A BH of One and open to al. Kennedy Green CM Dinner Tickets Luncheon Acts " Tonights bo* tnckjdaa "A Design Exhibition ' Free and open CM t1 donation. Opan lo all. United to all Gaaery, Fine Arts Room, Moore Musical Arts Center Ticket* ar* on sale for "Passport tc Game" by Dennis E Noble, "The the World." this years annual Christian Fellowship Canter, 11 9 Tel-tale Heert" by Edgar Allen Poe Tnoretln. • a .m .-4:30 pjn. - Art Exhibit 10:1 S a.m.-5 p.m. - International international dinner $8 Donation end "Nice People Dancing to Good Dinner Tickets For information or lo make Country Music" by Lee Blessing "The BFA Exhibition for Graduating 12:1 S p.m. - Church Servto* I Studio Major*." Fr*e and open to Tickets are on sale tor "Passport to reservation* cat 372-2249 Open Admission a) S3. Jo* E. Brown the World," this year's annual to all. Sponsored by WSA. 411 SI Thomaa More Pariah. 425 Theatre. University Hall | all Gaaery, McFal Center International dinner $6 Donation South Hal. Thuratln 6 p.m. -Jan Week • e.m.-5 pjn. - Art Exhibit For Information or to make 11 a.m.-COCO 2-4 p.m. - Lecture John Faddis wtl perform. Tickets "Work* on Paper" Watercokxs by reservations cal 372-2249 Open General Assembly lor Commuter are $9.50, S12 50, and S16.60, to al. Sponsored by WSA. 411 Off-Campus Organization. Mam Could Kant Have Been a wlths $2 50 discount lor students. graduate art student Paul Utatanen?'" R.M Hare, Graduate Snodgraaa wM be on display. Free South Hal Lounge. Off-Campue Student and are avsaabte at the music Center Raaaarch Professor. UnrveraMy of center box office Sponsored by and open to al Kennedy Green Room. Moore Musical Arts Center 11: JO a.m. - Church Service 11:30a.m.-Church Service Florida and White's Proleaaor of the Colege ol Musical Arts and Moral Phaoaophy, Emeritua. St. Thorn** More Pariah, 425 St. Thomaa More Parish, 426 UAO Kobackar Hal. Moore Thuratln Thurattn. Oxford, w*1 apeak. Fraa and opan Musical Arts Center 10:15 ■ jn.-O p.m - Internallonsl to all Sponsored by the Phsoeophy Dinner Tickets t and 10 p.m., Midnight - UAO Department. Ticket* are on sale for Passport to 12:J0 p.m. - Meditation Group 5:16 p.m. - Church Service and the World, "this year's annual Open to al United Christian Dinner 5 p.m. - Biathlon Sign-up "Flatsners ."$ 1.50 with vakd BGSU international dinner. $8 Donation. Felowshlp. 313 Thursttn. Dinner will fotow Mass Free and student I D. Gkth F«m Theater For information or to make open to al students Sponsored by Deadline 10 p.m.-2 a.m. - Dance The 1991 Spring Blathalon w« be reaervationa call 372-2249. Open the St. Tom's Connection. Mass is AprH20. 1991. 108 Student Sponsored by Sigma Gamma Rho to St Sponsored by WSA 3 p.m. - Softball at the Religious Education Room. Recreation Canter Northeast Commons University 14*1. BGSU vs. Notre Dame St Thome* More. 313 Thuratln • p.m.-BO SU Karate 5 p.m. - Scholarship Deadline I 10a.m. -Tennis 3 pjn. - Baseball 3:30 p.m. - Seminar Gym, Eppl*r Center. Alumni Book Scholarship Arts and Men's team vs Akron University BGSU at University ol Michigan. "Reducing Uncertainties in Aquatic Risk Assessment: Stream Sciencea Collage Office, 20S 10:30 a.m.-l2:30 p.m. -Master Arm Arbor. 8 p.m.-Students lor Life Administration Bulking Mesocoem Approach for the Free snd open to al. Faculty I Class Consumer Product Industry." Scott Distinguished vnmng professor, 4 p.m. -• Intramural Deadline Lounge, Union. • p.m. - B.G. Gaming Society Entries due for men's snd women's Betenger, of Proctor and Gamble. soprsno Martina Arroyo, wfl wH apeak. Sponsored by the Fraa and open to al. 2 22 present the class Free and open to soccer. Play begins Apr! 1.108 $ pjn. - Forefront 8art— Education Student Recreation Center Department of Biological Services "Music Today." Member* of the si Bryan Recital Hal. Moor* 112 Ufa Sciences. | Musical Arts Center Toledo Symphony Orchestra wil 7 p.m. - Concert 6 p.m. - United Karat* System perform. S3 for students and senk j $-7:30 p.m. - Affirmative Action Tom Gorman and Dan Hart wH 1 p.m. - Baseball BGSU Karate Club. Open to al. citizens, $5 tor others Bryan perform Fraa and opan lo al. | BGSU vs. Ashland Stater Field Gym. Eppter Center. Program Recital Hall, Moore Musical Arts Sponsored by COCO, RSA. HSA. 2 pan. - Theatre Production "Residential Roundtable: Center. OCSC. FOCUS, and NTSA 121 "Shorts Festival '91: A M ol One 7 p.m. - SoHd Mock Christian Majority /Minority, and the 9 pjn. - Lenhart Classic Film Waal He*. Ad*." Today'a M Includes "A Fellowehlp Number* Game." Free and open to Series Game" by Dannie E. table, "The Ms«eng Free and open to al. •I Rogers Hall Salute to 1939 Month. "Mr Smnt 7: JO p.m. - Malaysian Coffee Tel-tale Heart" by Edgar Alan Poe, Prout Chapel Goea to Washington " Free and 7 p.m. - Church Service Hours 'Nice People Dancing lo Good open to all Gish Flan Theatre Retreehments wi be eerved. Free Country Music "by Lee Blessing. 7 p.m.-Active Chrletlsns Today F*«h Temple. 175 State St. and open to al Sponaorad by Minnesota Moon ' by John Olive Fetowshlp meeting Free and open WSA International Lounge. 411 "Chocolete Cake" by Mary to al. Alumni Room. Union 7:00 p.m. - MM Wee* Prayer 7:10 a.m. - Breakfast In BO Sort* South Hal. Galeghor and "Family Happiness First Baptist Church, 749 S. "The Savings snd Loan and and Other Contradictions" by Brad 7:30 p.m. - Music Series Wmtergarden Banking Crisis " Ed Rater, CEO • p.m. - Planetarium Snow Crsddock Craddock Is a junior Music from Bowing Gr**n at the and chairperson of MM Am Inc., wi "Sky Stones " The hkMan creative writing major from Manor House. "Opera rafcNIght*.'' 7:30 p.m. - Man's Club VolleyballI speak $4. Reservations must be astronomy of different sites wsl be Chesleriand. Adrnktalon Is $3 For The Bowling Green Opera Theetr* BGSU v». Trt-St*te Anderson made by March 15. Cal Marcia explored Featured srtee include tickets cal 372-2222. Jo* E. wH perform. Free and open to al. Arena Latta at 372-2424. Open to al the Pyramid* ol Egypt, Stonehenge Brown Theatre, University Hal Manor House, Wildwood Metro Sponsored by the Office of and the Templee of May*. Park. Toledo. 7:10 pjn. - Fra*hm*n Bible Sludt | University Relatkxia Mean Alumni Planetarium 7:30 p.m. - Planetarium Show Free and open lo al. United | Center. "Sky Stones The hidden • p.m. - SIMM and Storlee Christian Feeowship Center. 313 S p.m. — Theatre Production astronomy of different sites we* be "Laaaon* from the Ancient Foreet: Thuratln. 9 a.m.-S pjn. - Art Exhibit ■Shorts Festival '91 ABU of One explored. Featured site* include Earth Wisdom and Political "Work*on Paper." W«tercolor81 Acts " Tonights0*Includes the Pyramlda ol Egypt. | Activism." Lou Gold, "a Johnny 9 p.m. - Reading graduate art student Paul "Mmneeota Moon" by John Otv* Stonghenge.and the Temples of ApplMosd of EnvVonrnentaftarn." German writer Daniela Dahn w* Snodgmsa w* be on dktplay Fr« Chocolate Cake" by Miry Maya Planetarium wH preeent slides and lei stories of read from her worka snd discuss and open to al. Kennedy Green Gallagher and "Family Happlnaaa t pjn. - try*n Ch*mb*r tarin the Oregon wilderness Fro* and the situation in the former German Room. Moore Musical Art* ( and Other Contradictions'' by Brad Bowling Green String Quartet Free open to al Sponsored by the EK3 Democratic Republic Free and CM Craddock. Craddock is a junkx and open to al Bryan Recital Hal, and the Center for Environmental open to al. Sponaorad by the CM 12:16 p.m. - Church Service creative writing major .MMasfen Is Moore Musical Arts Center Program*. Part of the Department ol German, Russian. St. Thorn** More Pariah. 425 S3. For ncketa cat 372-2222. Jo* environmental decade of action. xd East Asian Languages Room Thuratln. E Brown Theatre. University He* • pjn. - X-Clan Concert 115 Education 1, Colege P»rk. Tickets are $ 10 general arJmieaion. $ pjn. - MCA $ p.m. - French Fan $12 reeerved, and $15 at the 9 pjn. - Planetarium Show • p.m. - Faculty Artist Series Departure lor Orlando Free and open to si The French door. Lenhert Grand BMroom "Sky Stone*." Th* hidden Herbert Spencer, horn. Richard $ p.m. - Photo Contest Deadline I sstronomy of different sites wH be Ckxfart, piano, wi play. Free and A cover design phot lor the Day byl explored Featured site* include open to al Bryan Recital Hal. Day calendar should be an 8" x 101 • p.m.-Jen Week 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. - Art Exhibit the Pyramids of Egypt, Moore Musical Arta Center. black and white. The BGSU Guitars Free end open to al "Design 19: Annual Undergraduate Stonehenge. and th* Temple* of photographer's name, address, Bryan Recital He). Moore MueKal Deelgn Exixbraon " Free and open Maya Plenetartum. 9 pjn. - Progressive Student phone number should be Included! Aria Center toej Qatary. Fine Arta. Organization Cesh prize* for the beat 3. UAO • p.m.-Tub* Ensemble Free and open to •>. United office, third floor • end 10 p.m., Midnight-UAO • a.m.-4:J0 p.m. - Art Exhibit Free end open to al Bryan Recnal Christian Feaowehlp Center. 313 The BFA Exhibition lor Graduating Hal. Moore Musical Art* C*nter ThuratJn. • p.m.-Planetarium Show "SI 50 with vaad BGSU Studio Majors "Free and open lo "Sky Stones " The hidden student ID. Eva Maria SI. Theater | al Gaaery. McFal Center fcSfl pjn. - Weenena SplotuelHy 9 pjn. - Panel Dlacusalnn »»tronomy ol dafarent sites wH be I "Gay* and God: Toward a Better explored. Feiturad sites Include 10p.m.-2 a.m.-Dance • a.m.-6pjn.-Art Exhibit Fra* and open to *>. 217 W. Understanding." Fra* and open to the Pyramids ol Egypt. Stonerv Zeta Phi Beta Northeeet "Worka on Paper." Watercokxa by Washington St. •). Sponsored by LAGA. Campua and th* Temp** of May*. Cruaade. Navigator*. »nd Commona graduate art student Paul Ptenetartum Snodgraaa wM be on dktplay Free • p.m. - Peao* Coalition Kreiacher etaff and open lo al Kennedy Green Free end open to al United Room. Moor* Musical Arts Center Cnrieaan F**ow»hlp Canter. 313 • p.m.-Reach Out Tnuraan. Social Sarvk»Organtt»oon. Fraa 10:1Sej».-6pjri and open loal 200 Mosalay. • p.m. - Cokeg* DMnocrat* Ticketa are on sale for' Paaaport to Fra* *ndop*n to *l. 110 Buatnees • pai.-ClrcteK th* World." that y**r'a annual AJn Nassau on AkjrrrtRoom.Unkxv irnerriaoonel dhner. So Donation For IntoriTiatlon or to make reesrvsaoracal 372 2249 Open t loal Sponaorad by WSA ijnrveraky Hal 110 a.m. - Track I 1,10 a.m. - Church Services ; 11:10 a.m.- Church Service 9-11:30 a.m.-ArMeoment Noon - Graduate Student I Men's and Woman's teams at Wake ac-sM SI John's Episcopal Church. 1509 St Thomaa More Pariah. 425 For hearing impaired mefors 444 Luncheon I Forest Invitational. Wmston-Satem, L^fl E Woosler Thurstin Education $1 donation Open load. United INC. Christian FeHowshlp Center, tit 8,10 • .m., Noon - Church 0:30 p.m. - Amnesty International ] 11:30 a m - Church Service Thurstin. 12 p.m. - Gymnastics Services Free and open to all 306 Hanna SI Thomas More Pariah. 425 I BO at MAC Championships Central SI Atoyalos Church. 1 SO S Thurstin 12:15 p m. -Church J I Michigan University. Mount Pleas | Enterprise 6 p.m. -Students tor Lite St Thomas More Pariah. 425 I ant, Mien. Free and open to si Faculty 11 30 a.m.-l p.m. - Affirmative Thurstin 6:30.11 a.m. -Church Services Lounge. Union. Action Program St Mark's Lutheran Church, 315 Video Discussion Series Gender 1 p.m. - BssebeN S. College (Sunday school at 9:45 10 p.m. -CDPIsyers Biased Language." BOSU BGSU st Ohio University am). The CO Players Troupe wi Professor Janet Parks w* speak perform. "It Happens to Everyone " Free and open to al Community 2 pjn. - 9 9,11 a.m. - Church Services Free and open to al Sponsored by Suite. Union BGSU vs Western Michigan First United Methodist Church. Residenusl Services and University Softbal Field 1506 E Woosler PEOPLE. Committee Mam Noon-1 p.m. - Student Open Lounge. McDonald West Forum • pan. - eVO. Owning Society 9:30 a.m. - Church Service President Otscamp wH be on hand Free and open to al 222 S Grace Brethren Church, 121 S. 221 McFad Center Education Enterprise 12:30 p.m. -Meditation Group 7:30 p.m. - Poetry Reeding 10 a.m. - Church Service Open to al United Christian Poets Jennifer Lange and Gloria Prout Chapel. Feeowship. 313 Thurstin St* wa" reed. Free and open to al Prout Chapel 10 a.m. - Church Service University Christian Church. 1040 1-2:30 p.m. - People tor Racial I p.m. - Aloha Phi Alpha Choral Rehearsal Had, Moore Up Syne Lenhart Grand Baaroom I 1 p.m.-Baseball Free and open to al Taft Room, Musical Arts Center n"V BGSU vs. Wright State University P^a Steler Field Union. 1.10 p.m., and Midnight - UAO • 1.111. -Track 10 a.m.-Church Service Men's and women's teams at 3p.m.-Sottbell "Jacob's Ladder "$1 50 with valid First Presbyterian Church, 126 S. 2 p.m.-Softball Florida Relays GamsvUe. Fla Church. BGSU al the University of Dayton. BGSU student I 0 210 Math BGSU vs Cleveland State Sciencee 5:15 p.m.- Church Service 10,11:30 a.m., 7 p.m.-Church University Softbal Field 3:30 p.m. - Seminar SI Thomas Mote Parish. 425 ''Growth Hormone Secretion In the • pjn. - Planetarium Show Services 3:30 p.m. - Tennis Thurstin Perinatal Period "" Leona Cutler, ot "Sky Stonea " The hidden St. Thomas More Parish. 426 I Women's team al Kenyon Cosege Thurstm. the Department of PedkaMc astronomy of different sues w« be | Gambier Endocrinology and Metabolism at explored Featured sites include 10 a.m., S p.m. -Church Services Rainbow Babies and Chedren'e the Pyramide ol Egypt. Stonehenge 4 p.m. - Intramural Deadline Hospital in Cleveland. w» speak and the Temples of Maya Deyspring Assembly of God, Entries due for coed 3-pHch Sponsored by the Department of Planetarium. 1 7360 N Dixie Highway softbal Play begins April 8.108 Student Recreation Center. Biological Services 112 Lira 10:15 a.m. -Church Service Sciences. 6 p.m. - Mostly MIDI Series Christ Community Church, 123 Henry GwiazdewH perform Bryan 6 p.m. - Teacher Job Fall 4 p.m. - Intramural Deadline Recital Hal, Moore Musical Arts Court St. Slgn-ups Entries due for coed, and men'a Canter. Students who would like to singles tennis. Play begins Aprl 6 10:30 a.m. - Church Service CM schedule Interviews must be CM Peace Lutheran Church, 1028 106 Student Recreation Center. 10 p.m -2 a.m. - Dance registered with University Alpha Angels Northeast West Pearl (Sunday school st 9:15 Placement Services and attend the 4 p.m. - Logo Contest Deedllne a.m.). Teacher Job Fair Svjn-ups. Homecoming logo contest baaed Commons Advanced Job Hunters cards on the theme "Bleat From the 10:30 ajn. - Church Service required. First choice cards Past." Entries must be on 8 112" x | 11 s.m.-Track Agape Church ot Prayer. United 11" paper, and copy ready. UAO required for 7 p.m slgn-ups. Open Indiana Quadrangular at Christian Fellowship. 313 Thurstin slgn-ups sre st 8 p m Lenhart Office, third floor. Union. Btoomlngton. Ind (Bible study at 9.30 s m.) Grand Ballroom. Union. 7 p.m. - Church Safrtca 11 a.m.-UltimateFrlabeeClassic 10:30 a.m. - Church Sen*.s 6 p.m. -United Karate System Faith Temple, 175 State SI Sponsorsd by Phi Gsmms Delta Trinity United Methodist Church, BGSU Karate Club Open to all * 15 entry lee due Wedneedey. 200 N Summit (Sunday school at Gym. Eppfer Center. 7:00 p.m. - MM Week Prayer April 3 Intramural Fleide. I 9a.m.-Track 9:16 a.m.). First Baptist Church, 749 S Lrea Man's and women's Mama at Winter garden 1 p.m. - Baseball K1 Florida Relays Oalnavlta. Fla. 7 p.m. - SoNd Rock Christian 10:30 a.m.. 6 p.m. - Church FeHowshlp | BGSU SI Onto University Athena. Services Meeting Free and open to a*. 7:30 p.m. - Men's Club Volleyball First Baptist Church. 749 S. Prout Chapel BGSU vs Woosler Cosege 1 p.m. - SortbaH Winter garden. Anderson Arena. BGSU vs Weelem Michigan 7 p.m. - Active Christians Today UnrversHy Sottbel Field 10:30 a.m., 6:30 pm-- Church Fellowship meeting Free and open 7:10 p.m. - Freshman Bible Study Services to al Alumni Room, Union Free and open to al United 1 pjn. - Tennis Wage View Church ot Christ. 801 Christian Feeowship Center, 313 Women's team at St. Man/a. WeetPoeRd 7 p.m. - Teecher Job Fall Thurstin Sign-ope 4 pjn. - Church tarvloe 10:45 a.m. - Church Sank* Students who would kke to t pjn. -Guest Artist St Thomaa More Pariah, 426 First Christian Church, 875 Andre Van Drleasche wsl play horn schedule Interviews must be Thurstm. Hsskma (Sunday school at 9:30 registered with University Free and open to al Bryan Recital a.m.). Placement Services and attend the Hal, Moore Musical Arts Center. 5:30 p.m.-Church Service Teacher Job Fair Slgn-ups. First St. Aloyslus Church, 160 S. 10:45 a.m. - Church Service Bp.m.-Progri stve Student Enterprise CM FsKh Temple. 175 State SI choice cards required. Open Organization (Sunday school st 10 a m I slgn-ups are at 8 p.m. Lenhart Grand Ballroom. Union. Free and open to al United 7 p.m. - Gymnastics Chrietian Feeowship Center. 313 NCAA RegtonaM Sue to be 10:45 a.m. - Church Service Thurstm BfeB 7:30 p.m. - Music Series determined Deliverance Tabernacle Church of Music from Bowling Green al the God. 17202 N. Mercer (Sunday Manor House "Flemsmuziek » p.m. - Reech Out • p.m. - Concert s school at 9:30 a.m.). Avond - An Evening of Flemish Social Service Organization Free The University Men's Chorus, Music "Marc Matthys. Andre Van and open to al. 200Moaeley directed by R D Marhey. w9) 11 a.m. - Church S Dnessch, Herbert Spencer, and perform Admission charge Cat Maumee Valley Unitarian I p.m. - Circle K the box office at 372-81 71 tor Unrversalist Congregation Scheaer Richard Cioffarl win perform Free Alumni Room. Union and open to al. Manor House, ticket Information. Auditorium. Hal, 1 30 W Indiana. Perrysburg Bowkng Green Junior High School (Religious education at 10 a.m.|. Wsdwood Metro Park. Toledo 9 a.m. -Track 11:30 a.m. -Church Service 1 p.m. - Planetarium Show LTJ St Thomas More Panah. 425 I. 10 p.m., and Midnight - UAO Men's and women's sterna at 11 a.m.-Church Service Ir-M Florida Relays GamsvUe. Fla "SkyStones "Thehidden rJSfi TriUrittm Foursquare Gospel Church. 206 astronomy of afferent sites wM be Jacob's Ladder "$1 50 with veld Sandrldge explored Featured sites include 8 p.m. - BGSU Karele BGSU student I D 210 Math the of Egypt, Self Defense Night Wear sweets Sciencee 11 a.m., 7 p.m.-Church Semcee Stonehenge.andtheTemoleeol Free and open to al Gym. Eppter New Horizon Pentecostal Church Maya. Planetarium Center 10 p.m.-2 a.m. - Dance of God, 620 Second SI. (Sunday Sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha school at 10am) •:S0 p.m. - Women a Spirituality I p.m.-Students for LHe Northeeet Commone Group Free and open to al Faculty •:30 p.m. -Church Service Free and open to el. 217 W. Lounge. Union. Faith Temple. 175 State St Washington St. I p.m. - Concert I p.m.-Peece Coalition The BGSU Trumpet Ensemble way Free and open to al United perform Free and open to al. Christian Feeowahlp Center. 313 Bryan Recital Hal. Moore Musical Thuretm. Arts Center

3 9 p.m. - Cottage Democrats 9 p.m. - Lenhert Clesetc FMss Free end open to al 110 Quern—a Dtaney Month. "Mary Poopms Free and open ton" Gkeh Flm I Theatre. Extra STAR week a scheduling bonus Remember last semester when signed as a buffer between priority the STAR system was so heavily and opn registration and will ena- used that many could not get on It ble students to schedule addi- and the phones didn't work right? tional or different classes to com- With priority registration rapidly plete their schedules. approaching, the Office of Regis- "Most people will not need to tration and Records is taking steps use open registration if they take to insure the same doesn't happen advantage of priority scheduling this time. and preferred open," said Susan The problem occurred when not Pugh, director of registration. enough students took advantage One other point that undergrad- of the priority registration period, uates should be aware of, espe- Instead opting to wait for open reg- cially those living off-campus,is istration. When open registration the distribution of class schedule began, 87 percent of undergradu- books, Pugh said. The books wiH ates had not completed their no longer be mailed or put in the schedules through the STAR off-campus mailboxes because Onto Site* phon by Ml rtmocttlo system and priority registration. too many never reached the off- Thto semester the registrar's of- campus student when mailed or One ol the many works on display at Design 19, the annual undergraduate design exhibition. These works can be fice is undertaking a publicity were taken away from the on- viewed now through Thursday. March21. 9a.m.-4:30p.m. weekdays in the Fine Arts Gallery. campaign to encourage students campus mailboxes. to use their priority registration While on-campus residents will appointments and not wait until the still receive books delivered to open registration period. their residence halls, off-campus Tickets on sale for WSA's yearly feast undergraduates must bring their Also, as an incentive to increase traction at the dinner, and there photo I.D. to the registrar's office A feast of major proportion is be- year. Though the menu has not the use of priority registration, the are still openings for international- to pick up a book, beginning ing planned, with help from people yet been finalized, it promises to registrar's office has added a oriented acts such as singing, Wednesday, March 20. Students from all over the world. Too good be as diverse as last year's con- bonus 'open priority' week, which dancing and reading poetry. Inter- can pick up a book for a friend, to be true? No, the WSA Interna- sidering there are 329 interna- Is available only to those students ested persons should contact too, but they must have the photo tional Dinner is almost here. tional students representing 54 who use the priority scheduling Toogood in the International Of- ID. of the friend as well as their Tickets for the dinner, sched- different countries on campus. period. fice. own. uled for Saturday, April 13, go on The students cook their own dish- Priority registration begins Mon- The international dinner will be To accomodate these students, sale Monday-Thursday, March es, according to World Student day, April 1, and continues held at the First United Methodist the office wiU extend its hours to 8 18-21. Ticket distribution is Association adviser Richard Too- through Friday, April 12 Pre- Church, 1506 E. Wooster. ferred open is Saturday- p.m. Wednesday-Thursday, 10:15a.m.-5 p.m., from Universi- good. Wednesday, April 13-17, with March 20-21, and Monday- ty Hall the first two days, a. J in "You can tell the students really Tickets to the dinner are $6, and open registration Saturday-Friday, Tuesday, April 1 -2. Books will be 411 South Hall the last two. The put a lot of effort into prep- all proceeds go to Save the Chil- April 20-May 10. available during regular office success of last year's dinner gives arations," he said. dren and the World Wildlife Fund. The preferred open week is de- hours all other days. WSA great confidence for this Entertainment is also a main at- Toledo Symphony at BG's Forefront Music written by area com- premiere new works. The series Family and Music Today series of posers will be featured in the final receives funding from Zapiecki & the Toledo Symphony. concert of the 1990-91 Forefront Partners, a Toledo marketing Others appearing in the program Series. communications firm. The per- include symphony members Robin formance here is sponsored in Peller, flute; Ron Samuels, clar- Nine members of the Toledo part by Ronald and Carolyn inet; David Brown, trumpet; Ste- Symphony, under the direction of McMaster of Perrysburg and the ven Shipps, violin; Reed Ander- guest conductor Ole Schmidt, will MidAmerican Center for Con- son, viola; Sarah Cleveland, ceHo; present "Music Today" 8 p.m. temporary Music at the College of Nancy Lendirm, harp; liana Iwens Thursday, March 21. The per- Musical Arts. Kenned, piano; and Bruce Golden, formance wNI be held in Bryan Re- percussion. cital Hall of the Moore Musical Arts Schmidt is a composer as well Tickets for the concert are $3 Center. as a conductor and performer. for students and senior citizens "Music Today," established four Last year, his score to the silent and $5 for others. They may be years ago, Is a series developed film "The Passion of Joan of Arc" purchased at the music center box by Toledo Symphony members to premiered in Toledo. This season, office between noon and 6 p.m. promote electronic music and to he is featured in the Classics. weekdays. Wanted: next year's calendar editor Applications are now being ac- Sheet. Applicants should have deadline environment. cepted for the paid internship po- good typing skills, the ability to or- Interested persons may contact sition of calendar editor of the ganize and assimilate large Bob Bortel, student publications 1991 -92 Green Sheet. Applica- amounts of detail in a brief, clear adviser, at 372-2807, for more in- tions are available in The BG News format and be able to work In a formation. office, 214 West Halt, during regu- lar business hours. lowtiKC CIIIIK inn umtinsirr- Persons with writing experi- ence, particulary journalism, pub- GREEN lic relations or creative writing majors, who can make a two-year Green Sheet is published by the Bowling Green State University committment to the job, are en- Office of Student Pubicationa for students, faculty and staff couraged to apply. The next Issue of Green Sheet will be published April 5 It win cover A two-year committment is re- •vents occuring April 8-21. The deadline to submit Information for that quired because the calendar edi- issue is noon Wednesday, April 3. Photo oowtmv of OMM ot Pubic RMaaons All events must be submitted In writing to the Green Sheet editor, tor generally Is promoted to editor 210 Wast Hall. There is no charge to have an item listed. of the publication the following The 1991-92 Falcon basebat season a underway with BGSU hosting Day- Editor: Melissa Henry year. ton noon Saturday. March 16. Ashland I p.m. Sunday. March 17; and Wright Calendar: Tom Rodda The calendar editor is responsi- 1 ^^^bW'^-ffir* "« W»>?&„;.A ble,orpages2and3ofthfe W i.Ui.'jj|ii")»Hriall» 'Hgill opnng-onMMr ■ ^^oi dn,MloH ' jftoiw ttrnvi, tf *»!U yliio Ion MUA jt'iiuiumiiuiijiuut i.m i JII Friday. March IS. 1991 mSlDERJ Highway to Hell? Holcomb Road is no traveler's paradise by Wendy M. King

If you've ever driven past Hol- food wrappers, shotgun shells, you continue to look In the mir- comb Road, you probably didn't motor oil bottles and miscel- ror, the lights shoot off to the even notice It. It's nothing out of laneous car parts. Among these side, still facing forward, and the ordinary. But rumors and little treasures of human civiliza- disappear. Or so the story goes. legends that surround this lone- tion, we spotted two pelvic bones Two years ago, Jerry City resi- some roadway may make some from small animals, and a dead dent Kent Bateson actually wit- think otherwise. cat — frozen for the moment In a nessed these mysterious lights. * Holcomb Road Is a straight, horrified expression, teeth bared, "I was out (on Holcomb Road) * stone road located In nearby eyes rotted out. with my girlfriend," Bateson * Pembervllle, Just southeast of One of the more popular said. "I happened to look up, and * Bowling Green, off of State Route legends surrounding Holcomb I saw headlights In the mirror. I + 199. Woods says that some years ago, turned around and looked and + The road's most outstanding a drunk driver turned down Hol- there was nothing there." + feature Is Holcomb Woods, a comb Road and collided with a Another rumor about Holcomb + mile-long wooded area where the school bus, killing some of the road Is even more recent than the + + surrounding trees create an eerie students on the bus. Until a few "ghost bus" episode. About 15 + arboreal canopy overhead, caus- years ago, an old burned out years ago, an escaped convict or Holcomb Road - The dark woods stand out amongst the open flatlands + ing the road to resemble a dark school bus still sat on the corner mental patient was supposedly + tunnel. These woods seem out of of Holcomb Road and SR 199, al- hiding out from the police In Hol- man's car was parked In the had hanged himself. + + place when compared to the flat legedly serving as "evidence "of comb Woods. With escape Im- woods," Leslie Alexander said. Thus, one man's depressed de- + farmland that dominates the sur- this legend. possible, the convict/patient The families who own shares of sire to end his life has become + rounding landscape. This natural The story continues that If you committed suicide by hanging the woods became suspicious, one of the roots of many stories + characteristic adds to the strang- drive down the road, stop In the himself from a tree. The woods called the sheriff, and a search and rumors that have developed + + eness of Holcomb Road. middle of the woods, shut your are now rumored to be haunted party was sent out. Tom Alexan- about Holcomb Woods. + A recent Insider expedition to car off (lights and everything), by his ghost. der, Leslie's father, was part of + Holcomb Road (under the protec- and visit,something is supposed What really happened Is quite this search party. "The same year that suicide + tion of daylight) offered little evi- to happen. You are supposed to a different story, however. "I thought maybe (the driver of happened, another man died In + + dence of the terrifying place It is be able to see two round, yellow Senior Elementary Education the car) had shot himself," Tom the woods of asphyxiation, when + rumored to be. Beer and pop cans headlights in the rearview mirror major Leslie Alexander grew up said. he led a tube from the exhaust + littered the ground along the side heading toward your car, but if near Holcomb Road. She cleared pipe of his car Into the trunk," + of the road, joined by other you turn and look out the back up this mystery of the area. Tom found the man's body Tom said. + + common rural debris such as fast window, there Is nothing there. If "For a week, In 1976, a local 300-400 feet Into the woods. He This suicide may be the origin + of the story of the ghost head- ►+++♦++♦+♦++♦+++♦♦♦♦+♦++++++++♦♦♦++++++++ lights stage In any theater as a safety Other stories about the woods precaution — has to be on at all Include rumors of cult and Sa- times or "bad things will hap- tanic activities. Decapitated cows pen." have been found In the area, not "Nails come out of sets, things only In the woods, but In barns get tipped over, the light burns on people's property. out... things that could happen anyway but they only tend to Dave Helnze, a resident of happen when you don't leave her nearby Caskle Road, said that light on," Banta said. one of his neighbors had a cow Senior Creative Writing and killed In such a way. Theater major Brad Craddock "The cow was about to calf. He said he had experienced one of checked on It at night, and It was Alice's pranks last year when he fine," Helnze said. "In the morn- was performing In "Love's ing, he found the cow In the barn, Labors Lost" upstairs from Eva with Its head cut off. Someone Marie Saint theater In 405 Uni- had cut open the stomach and versity Hall. taken the calf out." "It was quite funny, a lot of props broke or didn't work. But Helnze had also heard that a Legends of suicide and violent deaths surround Holcomb Woods nothing really bad happened." decapitated cow was found on Craddock said. Holcomb Road a couple of years Craddock added that there had corner of his eye. On the way out things, she seems to want to act ago on Halloween. been a new stage manager for the of the room he looked again. again as well. "I've been concerned that sa- production, and It was quite pos- "When I came out I turned tanlsm would take hold around sible he had forgotten to invite around and there was this figure MacLalne said that during a here (because of the area's repu- Alice. standing next to me," MacLalne 1986 performance of Othello, tation)," Tom Alexander added. said. "The part about It that both- actor Roger Robinson, a Universi- He mentioned, however, that he Andrew UacLalne, senior ered me was I kept looking and ty graduate, saw Alice while has not heard of any kind of cult theater major, said that one of the she didn't fade." waiting In the wings to go on activities In the area. actors rehearsing for the one-act MacLalne said she had long stage. "As far as I know, there are no plays currently being staged at hair and wore a skirt. She was "He started screaming 'Where's cults there," Leslie Alexander Joe E. Brown told him that "(The pale white, he added, but he Kate?' thinking the actress who said. actors) haven't been alone here could see through her. played Desdemona wasn't on for the past few nights.' "She was more like a shadow stage," MacLalne said. "He had Whether Holcomb Woods arc MacLalne soon found out Just and she held out her arm to me," seen a figure whom he thought haunted or not, most residents of want you there, she'U make sure who their mysterious guest was. MacLalne said. "I was mad at was Kate backstage In the stair- the area feel It Is not exactly a you know it. You have to be nice While setting up for the one- myself Friday night because I well In Elizabethan costume." place you'd like to be after dark. to her." Banta said. acts Alice last Friday, MacLalne booked, but It was a very pleas- Kate actually was on stage. But As Helnze said. "There aren't For example, she said, the had gone Into a room and thought ant experience." Alice was watching from the iany eerier places around than gho« light _« Hfht left on center he'd seen something out of the Alice not only likes to oversee wings. Holcomb Woods." 8 Friday Maich IS 199! H'hflDEM) nothing dropped to speak of f upon Investigating. According to That pood ol sorority spirit Thompson and others, Amanda also likes to dismantle perfectly sturdy shelves and close doors meant to stay open. lovaltv to ^ A couple of years ago, a Chi O resident cracked some causal Jokes about the ghost while living Amanda was a little girl who now and then, the door Is myster- In "Amanda's Room." While pre- by Tim Funk iously found locked. paring for Job Interviews on two contributing writer played In the park which once existed where the Chi O house Amanda also holds a space in occasions after poking fun at was built, behind the Student the yearly composite sorority Amanda, the mirror on her wall Union. The little girl carelessly photo. The single group photo crashed to the floor. The simple name "Amanda" wandered to the nearby railroad she was left out of (1986-1987) Inspires awe and reminiscence tracks and was killed by a train. regularly falls from the wall. While trying to contact for the sorority women of the Today, Amanda's spiritual form Amanda makes her presence Amanda at recent seances. University's Chi Omega chapter. returns to play on the property. known regularly, although no Thompson said the glass on the Amanda, the resident ghost at The second saga of Amanda Is one has actually seen the ghost. oulja board repeatedly fell off the the Chi O house, lives with the rooted In Chi Omega folklore. "Something weird happens board before reaching a coherent girls In relative harmony, despite Amanda rushed Chi 0 on an un- about every two weeks," Thomp- /Jell Rodchffe message. Its vague history of sordid activi- recorded date long ago and was son said. Amanda's favorite little en hall. This place Is a favorite ty. also unfortunately killed by the cameos include locked rooms hub of metaphysical mischief for Chi O pledges by and large Jill Thompson, a five-year resi- selfsame train of the other legend mysteriously opening and stereos the ghost In Chi O legends. have never had apprehension dent of the house. Is the residing the night she was to "receive a suddenly turning off. Things Thompson delights In her own with the Amanda phenomenon Chi 0 authority on Amanda. bid" from the sorority. Amanda which sorority residents some- personal encounters with ghostly or problems accepting It. Host Thompson not only knows the yearned to remain a Chi O badly times lose are later discovered pranks. While discussing pledges have been curious and ghost story, but also recalls Its enough to return to the sorority gathering dust in "Amanda's Amanda with a fellow resident In later found Amanda to be friend- pranks. However, Amanda's as a spirit. Closet." the kitchen, the clock suddenly ly. During rush, Amanda is not to "history" mysteriously avoids Amanda Is accomodated quite Amanda's presence was actual- fell from its tack on the wall. be spoken of for reasons of cour- solid records and traces, such as kindly at the Chi O house. One of ly confirmed by hired "ghost- Thompson and other Chi O's tesy and everyone complies. So dates or names that would help the more modestly-sized quarters finders" with the aid of electronic have distinctly heard plastic cups far no one has avoided rushing uncover Amanda's actual Iden- in the house Is designated "A- devices a few years ago. Thomp- falling to the floor late at night In Chi O because of Amanda. The tity manda's Room," now occupied son says the spiritual detectives the empty kitchen, but found legend lives on. According to Thompson. by Amy Hole and Amy Slatt. The described Amanda as "a lady Amanda entered the spiritual house utility closet Is called " A- with brown hair wearing a skirt." ■ From I'sddU, page 3- The magical sounds of the realm through one of two unoffi- manda's Closet" and Is never The professionals also detected Jazz Week, "Faddlsphere" can be heard this cial tales. One account says that supposed to be locked. But every Amanda most often In the kltch- UAO and the College of Musical Saturday March 16 In Kobacker Arts tried to provide an "alterna- Hall. Tickets can be purchased at tive form of entertainment that Kobacker Hall and Finders for the typical University student S15.50. S12.50. or $9.50. Stu- may not ordinarily have a chance dents will recleve a $2.50 dis- to enjoy." count with a valid University ID. ■ From Smothers, page 5. Tickets for the show are branch to bring them to Toledo. S 18.50. $20 and S75 for V.I.P "(The American Lung Associa- passes. Anyone Interested can tion) has a commitment from place orders by calling the Amer- these two celebrities which helps ican Lung Association office, the us get our foot In the door," she Toledo Masonic Audltortm or said TIcketMaster. • LIVE COMEDY* SAT., MARCH 16. Starring ROB HAffEY Plus

RESERVATIONS & INFORMATION 354-7499 Saturday 8 & 10:30 PM - $3.00 DOORS OPEN 7:15 PM *2 CRNK MINIMUM" DOODLES GREENWOOD CENTRE • 1616 EAST WOOSTER STREET Life In Hell Is sponsored by The Answer Factory, BG's source for com- X^ BOWLING GREEN, OHIO 43402 puter hardware, software and supplies. 134 East Court St...354-2110. ^^. (ACROSS FROM BGSU STADIUM) [■""Where"Verbatim DSDD diskette-rOpacfcs-are-just fcH0-.50-on aalel— " ...... Friday Match 15, 1991 9

Television Listings From Mar. 15th Thru Mar. 21 st

DAYTIME MORNING MARCH 15,1991 - MARCH 21, 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 O Oev»i»n

DAYTIME AFTERNOON 11:30 12:00 I 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Price News Young and the Restless Bold. Bea As the World Turns Guiding Light Geraldo Donahue o Sesame St Midday Country Practice Coronation Take the High Road Never Twain Dolt Danger Bay Video Hits Talkabout o Price News Young and the Restless Bold. Bea As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winfrey Golden Girls Cosby Show • TnalWatch News Closer Look Days of Our Lives Q Another World Santa Barbara Gro. Pains ALF g Donahue o Home Match Game Loving g All My Children One Lite to Lrve General Hospital Geraldo Hard Copy News €B Instructional Varied Instructional Programming Varied Reading Sesame Street g Mr Rogers Varied fiD Instructional Instructional Programming Movie Animals Sesame Street g Mr Rogers Sq t TV SB New Beaver Jeannie |Odd Couple Hardcastle and McCormick Laverne Flintstones Peter Pan DuckTales Chip-Dale Tiny Toon Highway to Heaven g 09 Jetlersons g H mooner [l Love Lucy Andy Griffith B Hillbillies Facts ol Lite Chipmunks Peter Pan Chip-Dale Tale Spin Tiny Toon Gro Pains Head Clss ESPN Training In Motion Bodyshape Tennis Legends ot Wrestling Varied Programs TMC Movie Movie Movie Movie

The best in EASYSTREET ," entertainment Worth and information Watching is on your public 104 S. Main St. 353-0988 station, Channel Live Reggae 27. Check the GROOVEMASTER listings for this the wave performing this Friday and Saturday week's programs. hair becomes art ***************** Acoustic Night on Tueiday 135 l/2e. court tmttturlag WBGU 353-WAVE

TV27 lOpen Mlc Night) Friday, March 15, 1991


FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 15,1991 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00i 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O N«ws CBS News Cleveland College Basketball NCAA Tournament College Basketball: NCAA Tournament First Round Game News O CBCNmvs Figure Skating Work! Championships Tommy Hunter Journal CBCNews Good Rockin Tonrte A Minute

CD Newt CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy' College Basketball NCAA Tournament College Basketball: NCAA Tournament First Round Game News IB News NBC News Ent Tonight Cheers Figure Skating Champ. Hunter Dark Shadows News Tonight Show Letterman to Personalities ABC News Cur Affair Family Feud Full House Family Strangers Baby Talk 20/20 Arsenio Hall Nightline Party 9 Rod-Reel Business MacNeil/lehrer Newshour Wash Week Wall St Doctor Who European Unrv Forum Movie: Sugar Cane Alley SD MecNeii/Lehrer Newshour Business McLaughlin Wash Week Wall St Movie Casablanca Served Cartoons Tex Avery

SB Boss' Charles Night Court Mama America s Most Wanted Against the Law Star Trek Next Gener Star Trek Movie: "No Man's Land" 0D Boss' Family Ties Boss' Family lies America's Most Wanted Against the Law News M'A'S-H M-A'S'H Hunter am Molowortd Up Close SportsCtr Ski World Ski World Winter Fever Sled Dog Marathon Spirit ol Adventure SpeedWeek SportsCenter

we Movie Torch Song Trilogy Movie Part 2 Movie: House Party" Movie Reiuvenatnx '

SATURDAY AFTERNOON MARCH 16,1991 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Bill S Ted Pee-wee College Basketball NCAA Tournament College Basketball: NCAA Tournament Second Round Game College Basketball NCAA Tournament o Sesame Street Sportsweekend Sportsweekend ID Bill S Ted Pee wee College Basketball NCAA Tournameni College Basketball: NCAA Tournament Second Round Game College Basketball NCAA Tournament ID Saved Bell Guys Sat Videos Inside Stuff Kid n Play School Qua Fishing SportsWorld World Figure Skating Championships PGA Golf: Nestle Invitational SD Bugs Bunny a Tweety Little nosey Weekend Freedom Siskei Daily Mi«er Home Again PBA Bowling Long Island Open Wide World ol Sports CD Gourmet Microwave Cooking Garden Gourmet This Ok) House Hometime Collectors Rugs Austin City Limits Call ol the Canyon 8D Vets Only Fred Trost MotorWeek Special Gardens ol the World Hometime Habitat for Humanity Johnny Mathis SB WWF Superstars TBA Pregame Preseason Baseball: vs. St. Louis Cardinals Out of World Secret I D Hany-Hendr. Dummy SD Charles New Lassie Movie: "The Cars That Eat People International Star Search Star Search Lilestyles-Rich ESPN Outdoors SportsCtr Gymnastics International Mixed Pairs Championship Tennis: International Players Championship Aulo Racing IMSA 12 His Horse Racing Remington

TMC Listen to Me Movie Rocky |MOV* The Last ol the Finest Movie: Armed and Dangerous Movie: "Deceptions"

SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O College Basketball College Basketball NCAA T ournament Movie: "Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach" News Movie Dressed to Kil" o Saturday Report Figure Skiing NHL Hockey: Minnesota North Stars at Toronto Maple Leals CBCNews Move: "Harry's Kingdom SB College Basketball College Basketball NCAA T ournament Movie: "Police Academy 5: Assignment Miami Beach" News Star Search TBA ID News NBC News Entertainment Tonighl Figure Skating: Worlds Golden Girts Empty Nest Carol & Co Down Home News Saturday Night Live SD Fishing ABC News Currenl Aflaif Extra Funniest Married P Movie: "A Whisper Kills" Arsenio Hall American Gladiators 9 Degrassi Explorers Lawrence Weik Show Echoes ot the Big Bands With Merv Griffin Jukebox Saturday Night II Austin City Limits Sj) Johnny Mathis Lawrence Welk Show Movie: 20.000 Leagues Under the Sea" Movie: "Captain Blood" Red Dwarf SB Boss' Charles Night Court Mama Video Yearbook Cops Cops Star Trek Comic Strip: Late Night Movie Student Bodies" SD Hunter Star Trek: Next Gener. Video Yearbook Cops Cops News Emergency Comic Strip: Late Night Slave ol the Cannibal God ESPN Skiing Womens Down. SportsCtr Glory Days American Muscle NCAA Tournament Auto Racing: IMSA 12 Hrs SportsCtr Auto Racing: CART

TMC "Deceptions Cont'd Movie: "Working Girl" Movie Death Wish i The Crackdown |Movie "Deathstalker III The Warriors From Hell

DO VOU WANT TO BE AN ENVIRONMENTAL SHOPPER? HAIR UNLIMITED If you do, we are the business for you! 353-3281 143 W. Wooster Is Offering COPY SHOP Guys Haircuts For 117 East Court St. B.C. Only $6.00 Every Wo I II H ,,. the store to you' t 100% ORGANIC. NON-ANIMAL TESTED PRODUCTS more than just copies ! Wednesday In March • RARE OILS. BEADS. INSCENCE. ETC. • STRING BAGS, CAN CRUSHERS ETC. THE TANNING CENTER • GRATEFUL DEAD MERCHANDISE Get the BEST PRICE — Call Us Don't Forget Pre-tanning • RECYCLING CONTAINERS, WOOD CLOTH RACKS, ETC. Copying • Printing • Typesetting For Spring Break At • MUCH, MUCH, MORE • 143 W. Wooster Screen Printing • Word Processing • 248 N. Main Costomen i+at Jaw home stSotti reoe**' Q2H o( *he penonal otden Trophies • Plaques • Certificates • 993 S. Main call for info- 352-3081 ■———W^f-*-**** Friday. March 15. 1991 II l.7»rvr»«

SUNDAY AFTERNOON MARCH 17,1991 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Wall SI Jrnl Sports 8 College Basketball NCAA Tournament College Basketball NCAA Tournament Second Round Game College Basketball NCAA Tournament o Coronation Best Years Meeting Place Canada Hymn Sing Sunday Arts Entertainment Sunday Arts Entertainment Skiing Men's Super G Grizzly Adams CD Real Estate Fisherman College Basketball: NCAA Tournament College Basketball NCAA Tournament Second Round Game College Basketball NCAA Tournament CD Shut-ins Mass NBA Show NBA Basketball Philadelphia 76ers at SportsWorld Skating PGA Go" Nestle Invitational CD Runaway Week-David Bnnkley Close-Up Auto Racing NASCAR Winston Cup - Motorciatt 500 Auto Racing m Tony Brown Heritage Adam Smith Wall St Tchaikovsky 150th Birthday Gala 01 Moose and Men One on One McLaughlin Firing Line Market CD Degrassi Newtons One on One Johnny Mathis - Chances Are Frank Sinatra The Voice ol Our Time Movie A Hole m the Head CD Telecasi Sunglasses Movie. Charlies Balloon Movie "Mom. the Woltman. and Me Charles Dracuia Superboy Super Force m American Gladiators Star Trek: Next Gener Movie "Final Jeopardy Movie The Taking ol Pelham One. Two. Three Gro Pams 3 s Co Esm Reporters SponsCenter Artier. Cup Tennis: International Players Championship Preseason Baseball vs San Francisco Giants

TMC "The Karate Kid Part III | Movie Who s Harry Crumb'" | Move Cry-Baby Movie Chances Are | Movie The Beasl

SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 o College Basketball 60 Minutes Murder. She Wrote Movie. Blood River" News Financial Siskel Arsenio Hall o Bonanza Figure Skating: World Championships Scales ol Justice Venture CBCNews image Movie: Sunburn CD College Basketball 60 Minutes Murder. She Wrote Movie Blood River' News Movie: Charley Hannah CD News NBC News Figure Skating: Champ Expose Real Lite Movie Daughters of Privilege News Roggin s Byron Allen CD ABC News Emergency Lite Goes On Videos Movie: "Indiana Jones and the Temple ot Doom Editors TRA Doctor Is In m Lawrence Welk Show National Geographic Nature Kennedy s Ireland Silly Wizard at Center Stage Bookmark Delense CD Hole-Hed Great Performances Movie: "Enter Parade'' Great Performances flipping V CD Star Trek: Next Gener True Colors Parker L In Color Get a Lite Married GoodGnel Comic Strip Late Night Marketing Marketing Fn the 13th Series CD Head Clss Family Ties True Colors Parker L In Color Get a Lite Married.. GoodGnel News Sports Xtra Comic Strip Live Kenneth Copeland

ESPN Skiing Womens GS NCAA Tournament Skiing: U.S. Pro Tour Boxing: Michael Carbaial vs Javier Varguez SportsCenler LPBT Bowing

IMC "The Beast Cont'd Movie "The Karate Kid Part III Move: "Cry-Baby [Movie Relentless Secrets ol the Satin Blues

MONDAY EVENING MARCH 18,1991 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News Cleveland Shade Major Dad Murphy B Design W Good Sports Murphy B News Financial Arsenio Hall o CBC News Canada Man Glick Fresh Prince Northwood Intimate Contact Journal CBCNews SC1V Persuaders CD News CBS News Wh. Fortune Jeopardy1 Shade Mapr Dad Murphy B. Design W Good Sports Murphy B News Amenca-Nite CD News NBC News Ent Tonight Cheers Fresh Prince Movie: "Return ol the Jedr News Tonight Show Letter man CD Personalities ABC News Cur. Aftarr Family Feud MacGyver Funniest Home Videos Tube Test Two Arsenio Hall Nightline Parly CD Write Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Travels Firing Line Special Debate Drug Prohibition s Failed EastEnders EastEnders Feast CD MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Business Wild Am Travels Firing Line Special Debate: Drug Prohibition s Failed Served Mystery' CD Boss' Charles Night Court Mama Movie: The Princess Bride Star Trek: Next Gener Star Trek "The Sins ol Donan Gray" CD Boss' Family Ties Boss' Family lies Movie: "The Princess Bride" News M'A-S'H M'A'S'H Hunter ESPN Sports Up Close SportsCtr College Basketball: NIT - Second Round College Basketball NAIA Championship SportsCtr Women's College Softball

TMC Movie The Bid and the Beautilul Movie Singin m the Rain Movie: "The Big Picture Movie MUSK: Box SELL YOURSELF with a resume from UniGraohics 211 West Hall 372-7418 HECK OUR WCESI 12 Friday, Match IS, 1991 \ tnSlDERi

TUESDAY EVENING MARCH 19,1991 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O CBS News Ck»veland Movie ' The Wizard ol Oz Rescue 911 NmM Arsenio Halt

CBC News Raccoons Atlo. AHo> Slh estale MjrM PI CBC News SCTV My Girl

CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy' Movie. The Wizard of 0/ Rescue 911 News Amenca-Nile Wiseguy

News NBC News Ent Tonight Cheers Matiock In the Heal ol me Night Law S Order Tonight Show

ffl ABC News Cur Aflair Family Feud Davis Rules Roseanne Coach Eddie Dodd Arsenio Halt Party

Oceanus Business MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Nova Movers - Sports tor Sale Sports tor Sale Call-in SignOB

MacNeii/Lehrer Newsnour Business Wild Am Movers - Sports tor Sale Sports lor Sale Call-in Classics

Boss' Charles Night Court Mama Mow: DC Cab Star Trek Nent Gener Star Trek Movie: Something Wild"

Boss' Family Ties Boss' Family Ties Judds Across Heartland Billy Graham Crusade News M'A'S'H M-A'S'H Hunter

NBA Today Up Close SportsCtr Amer Cup Supertouts All vs Frazier Amazing Games Expedition Earth BnownoMa SportsCtr Skiing Powder

TMC Movie Physical Evidence Movie: Roxanne Movie Parenthood Movie Pretty in Pink"

WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 20,1991 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O CBS News awnM 48 Hours Jake and the Falman WIOU o Stores Night Heat Nature ol Things CBC News SCTV My Girl News CBS News Wh Fortune Jeopardy1 Prime Time Oprah: Nine Jake and the Fatman WIOU America Tonight Wiseguy

NBC News Ent. Tonight Cheers Unsolved Mysteries Night Court Dear John Quantum Leap News Tonight Show Lettetman

Personalities ABC News Cur Aflair Family Feud Wonder Y Gro Pains Doogie H Anything Equal Justice Nightline Party

Write Business MacNeH/Lehrer Newshour American Playhouse Innovation Art Beat

MacNeii/lehrer Newshour Business Wild Am American Playhouse Served Nova

Boss' Charles Night Court Mama NBA Basketball Detroit Pistons at Philadelphia 76ers Star Trek Neil Gener Twil Zone Movie. Cagney ft Lacey'

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THURSDAY EVENING MARCH 21,1991 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 o News CBS News Cleveland College Basketball NCAA Regional Semifinal College Basketball: NCAA Tournament Regional Semifinal News o CBC News On Road Ffw Adrienne Clarkson CODCO Kids in the Hall Journal CBC News SCTV My Girl He Scores ID News CBS News Wh Fortune jeopardy' College Basketball NCAA Regional Semifinal College Basketball: NCAA Tournament Regional Semifinal News IB News NBC News Ent Tonight Chews Cosily Show Oil World Cheers Wings LA Law News Tonighi Show Letterman SJ Personalities ABC News Cur Aflair Family Feud Movie: Columbo Goes lo College Primetime Lrve Arsenio Had Nightline Party & Oceanus Business MacNeii/Lehrer Newshour Wild Am Butterflies Mysteryi Journal On Trial GD Mac Neil/Lehrer Newsnour Business WtWAm Thurs Nile Old House Mystery' Interests Sign-Ofl CD Boss? Charles Night Court Mama Simpsons Babes Beverly Hills. 90210 Star Trek Ne»l Gener Star Trek Movie: "Johnny Be Good' O Boss' Family Ties Boss' Family Ties Simpsons Babes Beverly Hills. 90210 News M'A'S'H M-A-S-H Hunter E«PH Thbreds Up Close SportsCenter P8A Bowling Senior Tour Drag Racing: NHRA Baseball SportsCenter Auto Racing

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