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Sekapur Sirih

Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia (UMT)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaratuh,

Syukur kepada Allah SWT atas keizinanNya kita berjaya menganjurkan kali ke-lima Minggu Penyelidikan dan Inovasi 2021 (MPI ‘21). Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, penganjuran MPI ‘21 pada kali ini juga menerusi kerjasama kesepunyaan dan keserakanan antara Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) dan Kolej Universiti TATI (UC TATI).

Sekalung syabas dan tahniah kepada seluruh Pengurusan Tertinggi Universiti dan Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja MPI ‘21, para peserta pertandingan serta semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung atas usaha dan kerjasama dalam memastikan penganjuran MPI ‘21 berjalan lancar.

Saya berharap agar MPI ‘21 akan terus menjadi platform untuk memberi pendedahan dan pengiktirafan kepada penyelidik yang kreatif dan inovatif dalam menghasilkan produk terbaik. Saya juga amat menghargai sumbangan dan penglibatan bersama rakan-rakan industri dalam menyokong usaha- usaha penyelidikan dan inovasi seterusnya mengangkat produk terbaik untuk dikomersilkan bagi manfaat UMT sejagat.

Akhir kata, sekali lagi saya mengucapkan terima kasih dan tahniah kepada semua pihak yang menjayakan MPI ‘21 terutamaya kepada barisan jawatankuasa, penaja, peserta dan seluruh pihak yang terlibat. Selamat Maju Jaya untuk MPI 2021!

Professor Dato’ Dr. Nor Aieni binti Haji Mokhtar Naib Canselor Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

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Sekapur Sirih

Naib Canselor Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera

Segala puji-pujian bagi Allah s.w.t. yang telah mengizinkan Minggu Penyelidikan dan Inovasi 2021 (MPI ‘21), diadakan buat kesekian kalinya. Tahun ini merupakan tahun ke-5 MPI direalisasikan dengan kerjasama yang semakin erat antara Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) dan Kolej Universiti TATI (UC TATI).

Penganjuran MPI edisi ke-5 ini mencatat sejarah buat julung kalinya apabila MPI 2021 dilaksanakan secara maya dengan kolaborasi yang semakin utuh demi menjayakan acara tahunan yang sangat membuahkan begitu banyak manfaat khususnya dalam mencungkil dan meggilap serta membawa ke hadapan produk-produk inovasi dari kalangan pelajar sekolah dan institusi pengajian tinggi termasuklah institusi pengajian tinggi awam dan juga swasta. Syukur, alhamdulillah.

Justeru itu, atas kejayaan ini, saya mengambil kesempatan mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada semua yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam penganjuran MPI 2021. Dengan tema tahun ini ‘Penyatuan Minda Kreatif dan Kritis Dalam Memacu Inovasi Teknologi Terkini’, saya berharap MPI akan sentiasa menjadi medan terbaik dalam memberi ruang dan peluang kepada para penyelidik dan pelajar untuk menzahirkan idea-idea inovasi kepada produk bermanfaat untuk masyarakat terutama dalam membantu meningkatkan taraf hidup komuniti setempat dan dunia secara global.

Akhir kalam, saya mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada semua peserta MPI ‘21 dan sekali lagi syabas dan tahniah kepada semua ahli jawatankuasa yang telah bekerja keras bagi menjayakan program ini. Semoga penyelidikan dan inovasi yang dihasilkan terus memberi manfaat besar kepada kesejahteraan sejagat.

Profesor Dato' Dr. Hassan Basri bin Awang Mat Dahan Naib Canselor Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)

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Sekapur Sirih

REKTOR Kolej Universiti TATI (UC TATI)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera. Alhamdulilah, syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana dengan limpah dan kurniaNya dapat kita laksanakan Minggu Penyelidikan dan Inovasi 2021 secara maya yang kolaborasi antara tiga buah univeristi UMT, UniSZA dan UC TATI yang bertemakan ‘Penyatuan Minda Kreatif dan Kritis Dalam Memacu Inovasi Teknologi Terkini’. Saya juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini mengucapkan syabas dan ribuan terima kasih kepada Jawatankuasa MPI UMT, UniSZA dan UC TATI. Sebanyak 405 jumlah penyertaan dari UMT sebanyak 144, UniSZA sebanyak 173, UC TATI sebanyak 39 dan lain – lain sebanyak 48 penyertaan. Ini membuktikan jenama MPI telah dikenali oleh penyelidik di seluruh negara.

Dengan tema tahun ini ‘Penyatuan Minda Kreatif dan Kritis Dalam Memacu Inovasi Teknologi Terkini’, MPI kali ini berharap mampu menjadi medan kepada para penyelidik dan pelajar untuk menzahirkan idea- idea inovasi kepada produk bermanfaat untuk kesejahteraan sejagat. MPI juga diharap menjadi platform kepada produk-produk penyelidikan dan inovasi untuk diketengahkan kepada pemain industri bagi tujuan pengkomersilan seterusnya menjadikan universiti lebih manpan dan berdaya maju.

Saya melihat MPI 2021 mampu menjadi platform yang terbaik bagi mengetengahkan kesarjanaan para penyelidik dan pelajar dalam bidang kepakaran masing-masing. Ia juga membuka ruang kepada para penyelidik membina jaringan dengan pemain industri dan komuniti seterusnya mengkomersilkan produk untuk manfaat masyarakat. Saya mendoakan agar MPI ‘21 akan terus menjadi platform untuk memberi pendedahan dan pengiktirafan kepada penyelidik yang kreatif dan inovatif dalam menghasilkan produk terbaik. Saya juga amat menghargai sumbangan dan penglibatan bersama rakan-rakan industri dalam menyokong usaha-usaha penyelidikan dan inovasi seterusnya mengangkat produk terbaik untuk dikomersilkan bagi manfaat sejagat.

Akhir kata, sekalung penghargaan saya ucapkan kepada seluruh jawatankuasa MPI UMT, UniSZA dan UC TATI. Syabas dan tahniah diucapkan kepada semua yang terlibat.

Profesor Dr. Anuar bin Ahmad Rektor Kolej Universiti TATI (UC TATI)

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Sekapur Sirih

Pengarah Program MPI 2021 Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabaratuh dan Selamat Sejahtera

Bersyukur ke hadrat Illahi kerana izinnya saya dapat menitipkan kata – kata buku program Minggu Penyelidikan Inovasi 2021. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak pengurusan Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNiSZA) dan TATI University College (UC TATI).

Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendedahan dan pengiktirafan kepada penyelidik dan kumpulan pelajar yang telah menghasilkan produk kreatif dan inovatif yang cemerlang bagi meningkatkan keberkesananperlaksanaan penyelidikan. Penganjuran MPI ‘21 turut menerima penyertaan yang amat memberansangkan dari beberapa Universiti Awam (UA), agensi swasta dan sekolah sekitar Terengganu. Pemilihan panel-panel pertandingan juga disaring mengikut kepakaran dan kategori produk yang dipertandingkan.

Saya percaya penerapan inovasi dalam kalangan penyelidik dan pelajar amat penting dalam melahirkan warga berfikiran kreatif serta mampu menjana idea-idea yang akan memberi impak positif kepada universiti, masyarakat serta negara. Saya berharap negara kita akan dapat melahirkan generasi muda beretika, mahir dan cekap dalam pelbagai kerjaya, berfikiran kreatif dan inovatif, tegasa dan efektif dalam kepimpinan dan membuat keputusan serta bersifat patriotik terhadap negara.

Akhir kata, saya mengharapkan penganjuran ini dapat meningkatkan itizam dan inspriasi kepada semua terlibat khususnya penyelidik dalam menghasilkan produk inovasi yang memberi manfaat kepada umat sejagat. Kesempatan ini saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada Jawatankuasa kerja MPI ‘21, yang telah bertungkus-lumus menjayakan program ini. Mudah-mudahan usaha anda ini mendapat keberkatan di sisi Allah SWT. Syabas dan tahniah sekali lagi diucapkan kepada semua yang mengambil bahagian dalam MPI ‘21.

Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mustafa Man Pengarah Program MPI2021 Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

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Indeks Muka surat Cluster A: Environment & Renewable Energy 7-45

Cluster B: Agriculture & Aquaculture 46-60

Cluster C: Industrial Design, Building Engineering & Architecture 60-64

Cluster D: Disaster Management 65-69

Cluster E: Education, Community Development & Social Innovation 70-185

Cluster F: Health, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Food & Supplement 184-219

Cluster G: Digital Era, Data Analytics & Automation Revolution 220-238

Cluster H: Manufacturing Technologies, Food Processing & 239-259 Mechanization

Cluster I: Automobile, Aeroneutical & Maritime Technology 260-266

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Cluster A Environment & Renewable Energy

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Kategori: IPT- Staf/ Pasca Siswazah/Pra Siswazah

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI001

Nama Produk : Monitoring Platform for SARS-CoV-2 Virus Airborne Particles and Particulate Matters (PM) on Surface and Air Contamination in Healthcare Facilities In Malaysia

Penyelidik : Dr. Samsuri Bin Abdullah Associate Prof. Ts. Dr. Nazri Che Dom Associate Prof. Ts Dr. Mohd Shukri Bin Mohd Aris Siti Khamisah Binti Saijan Dr. Ali Najah Ahmed Amalina Abu Mansor Professor Dr. Marzuki Bin Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Healthcare facilities could transmit virus to the occupants through particulate matter (PM), including SARS-CoV-2 virus in recent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. Therefore, the efficiency of the existing Mechanical, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC) system at the healthcare facilities in Malaysia in controlling the distribution of particulate matters (PM) and virus will be evaluated. An efficient MVAC system at the healthcare facilities will promote healthy well-being for the occupants (medium-term impact) and will ensure sustainability of the building for the Ummah at large (long-term impact). We hope this study will help in reducing the virus transmission at the healthcare facilities.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI003

Nama Produk : FLEXA 2.0 : Evolutions in Anion Receptors Design

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Chm Dr. Maisara Abdul Kadir Nur Shuhaila Haryani Abdul Haris Nafisah Mansor Dr. Hafiza Mohamed Zuki Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Sukeri Mohd Yusof

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "This innovation presents the evolution in the design of anion receptors from inorganic materials consisting flexible and pre-organized based amide ligands. By incorporating a flexible spacer within the structure of the anion receptors, several anions can be separated by the nature anion pockets via weak hydrogen bonding interactions. In this innovation, the interaction with several anions will be presented supported by theory and experimental data. Keywords: pyridine, hydrogen bond, anion receptors, 2,6-pyridine dicarboxamide."

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI008

Nama Produk : The Potential Of Biochar As Green Catalyst For The Carboxylation Of Glycerol

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Penyelidik : Najaa Nur Atiqah Binti Rozulan Dr. Nurul Ashraf Binti Razali Profesor Ts. Dr. Lam Su Shiung

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The commercialisation of biodiesel as an alternative fuel has generate large amount of glycerol waste reaching 2.7 billion kg in 2020, and the concentration of CO2 has continuously increased to 413 ppm in December 2020. Increased efforts towards carbon capture and the abundance of glycerol waste have made these wastes a readily- available feedstock. This work demonstrates for the first time the use and efficacy of biochar as catalysts to convert CO2 and glycerol to glycerol carbonate via the direct carboxylation of glycerol. Glycerol carbonate can be used as electrolyte in lithium ion battery. Plastic char, rice husk, palm kernel shell and bamboo char were produced via pyrolysis reaction. High selectivity towards glycerol carbonate was observed upon the addition of bamboo char, followed by palm kernel shell, plastic char, rice husk at 170°C, 25 bar for 18 h. The highest selectivity to glycerol carbonate was observed using plastic char at 150°C, 35 bar for 5 h. The morphology and properties of the biochar was analysed using SEM, CHNS, BET and FTIR. This study gives the insight into carboxylation of glycerol and suggests the possibility of using plastic char heterogeneous catalyst.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI009

Nama Produk : Water Recyclng System For Laboratory Water Distiller

Penyelidik : Mohd Kamri Bin Mamat Mohd Hafiz Bin Ismail Mohd Azlien Bin A. Jalil Mohd Razman Bin Ngah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "Water recycling systems for laboratory water distiller was developed to ensure the wastage of water supply can be reduced in the laboratory. The recycled water is clean and safe for use of laboratory users. Product development has been completed. The system has been installed and well functioned in Makmal Alam Sekitar, Pusat Perkhidmatan Penyelidikan dan Lapangan."

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI021

Nama Produk : CAMREG Rechargeable Battery

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Khadijah Hilmun Kamarudin Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Ikmar Nizam Mohamad Isa Muhammad Naqiuddinq Syahmie Anuar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Current electronic devices, from smartphones to electric cars, mostly used lithium batteries as their energy storage. However, depletion of raw materials and safety issues related to the liquid electrolyte in this battery may hinder its production in the future. Thus, the CAMREG rechargeable battery is design for potential new energy storage. The CAMREG comprises carboxy methylcellulose-ammonium nitrate-

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ethylene glycol as a solid biopolymer electrolyte (SBE). SBE is a non- toxic, renewable, abundant in nature, biocompatible, and biodegradable film. The CAMREG innovation has promising features as an alternative to overcome the security risk (leakage and explosion), cost of materials and production, and flexibility in design and dimension in commercialized batteries.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI022

Nama Produk : HyPho: Metamorphosis of Light to Nanotech

Penyelidik : Dr. Syara Binti Kassim Prof. Madya Dr. Marinah Binti Mohd Ariffin Chan Kiki Rabiatul Addawiyah Azwa Binti Tahrin Wan Ahmad Lutfil Hadi Bin Wan Abdul Halim Nor Shafeera Rasyada Binti Shaiful Bahri Nor Abidah Mukhtar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "Adopting the architectural marvel found in nature, Hybrid Photonic Crystal Nano-Alloy (HyPho) affects the propagation properties of photons (or light), similar to the periodic nanostructures responsible for the beautiful iridescent wings of the Morpho butterfly. It has the unique property of localising and controlling emission of light. This, among many other factors, makes it potent in rectifying the many limitations of Raman spectroscopy, an analytical technique for molecular identification, such as weak spectrum, low sensitivity, and time- consuming procedures. HyPho comprises styrene and methyl methacrylate copolymer nanospheres embedded with gold-silver alloy nanoparticles (Au-Ag NPs) via polyethyleneimine (PEI) linking agent. Stacked in a 3-D thin film structure, HyPho provides roughened surfaces that create hotspots for high electronic activities, resulting in high performance surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). An intense SERS signal is obtained when an analyte from a dilute sample is adsorbed onto or in close proximity to a metal surface. By employing HyPho as SERS substrate, it is capable of bringing >90% enhancement to the intensity of regular Raman spectrum while requiring a much lower analyte concentration (up to 0.000001 Molar), making it ultra quick and sensitive. In our endeavours to seek solutions in overcoming the shortcomings of traditional SERS substrate, we have brought innovations into multiple aspects of the conventional. For one, the copolymerisation of methyl methacrylate and styrene increases the tuneability of the physical characteristics of the particle and thus, increases the variability in photonic capabilities of the core- shell. This also minimises the cost of production, and greatly reduces thermal degradation. Silver nanoparticles are known to produce a sharp resonance, however, they are easily oxidised while gold nanoparticles are known for their stability due to their inert nature, however they are expensive and are lesser in plasmonic activity compared to silver. The novelty in alloying gold and silver nanoparticles minimises the aforementioned issues while reaping the benefits of both metals in full. As we aim for a greener tomorrow for a better future, the synthesis of our SERS substrate is centred around a greener approach of surfactant-free emulsion polymerisation and self- assembly method, substituting water as dispersion medium, and polyethyleneimine (PEI) as linking agent for solvents which are hazardous to the environment while also being easier, faster and more

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cost-effective. HyPho will cut down the carbon footprint that accompanies the conventional Raman spectroscopy by producing signal enhancement up to 10 tera folds, effectively reducing energy consumption through the lowering of laser power requirement to mere 1 mW. Therefore, not only does HyPho align with the nation's strategies for Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Malaysian government policy, it also satisfies current global urgency for efficiency and sustainability. The potential of SERS with HyPho is boundless across multitude of fields which could benefit from, and demand affordable, quick, and precise molecular analytical technique."

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI026

Nama Produk : HyBro – Biopolymer Conductive Film Towards Green Energy Storage

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Khadijah Hilmun Kamarudin Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Ikmar Nizam Mohamad Isa Nur Yasmin Abu Bakar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The new biopolymer conductive film based on cellulose derivatives as a core material has been highlighted as an alternative to overcome the environmental issues related to waste disposal, environmental pollution, and human health. Recently, commercialized batteries are using petroleum-based synthetic polymers for their electrolytes, which are costly and non-biodegradable. Thus, to hinder these issues, HyBro is created. HyBro – biopolymer conductive film composed of 2- hydroxyethyl cellulose (2-HEC) and dodecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (DTAB) prepared via solution casting technique. 2-HEC is a polysaccharide derivative, water-soluble biopolymer, and environmentally friendly material. HyBro exhibits ionic conductivity of (2.80 ± 0.97) x 10-5 S/cm (9 wt. % DTAB) at room temperature, high durability, and thermal stability. The commercialization of HyBro will lower the cost of production and manufacturing batteries due to the lowering cost of the electrolyte materials and preparation. This innovation of HyBro has a great potential to be applied in future green energy storage.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI052

Nama Produk : Assessing Willingness to Pay for Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources: A Case Study of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azlina Abd Aziz Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahirah Kamaludin Shahida Abu Bakar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The growing population leads to enhance electricity consumption at the same time the dependence on fossil fuel resources is increasing that is linked with climate change. As a result, it has driven for the development of renewable energy which is a top priority of the most country since its more environmentally friendly resources. Although Malaysia has promoted various forms of renewable energy but the consumption still at the low levels. Therefore, this study aims to

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investigate the consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for renewable energy among household in Malaysia. This study also identifies other factors that can influence consumers’ WTP for renewable energy. By applying the contingent valuation method, the findings able to determine that consumers’ WTP for renewable energy is significantly influenced to the price, income, confident level and education. Research at this level can assist the government in creating a useful framework to ensure the sustainable development in future.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI055

Nama Produk : Cubic-Like Mn2O3 Particles as a Potential Anode for Sodium-Ion Battery Applications

Penyelidik : Prof Madya Ts Dr Nurul Hayati Idris Nor Fazila Mahamad Nor Sarah Umeera Muhamad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) are seen as a potential candidate for next- generation wide-scale energy storage systems owing to the abundance of sodium sources and comparatively high safety. In this work, for the first time, Mn2O3 powders are synthesised as an anode for SIBs by thermal conversion of MnCO3. Systematically, the structural and electrochemical properties of Mn2O3 are analysed. The morphological properties of cubic-like Mn2O3 with particle sizes of approximately 1.0-1.5μm coupled with the surface creation of Mn2O3 sub-units allow the electrolyte to easily infiltrate the porous surface, offering more active sites and a reduced route of Na+ diffusion. The Mn2O3 cubic-like with such a smart architecture, benefiting from unique structural features, conveys an initial reversible capacity of 544 mAh/g and retains its capacity at 100 mA/g by 85% after 200 cycles. The electrochemical efficiency of Mn2O3 as an anode electrode was outstanding. The remarkable electrochemical performance could derive from the Mn2O3 structures, comparatively high surface area and ample surface active sites that can reinforce the kinetics of continuous charge transfer, ion diffusion and capacity. Therefore, the high cycling stability and long life span make Mn2O3 promising electrode materials for electrochemical energy storage also serves as a vital contribution towards look into the potential of Mn2O3 as a promising anode in the evolution of SIBs.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI057

Nama Produk : A superb photocatalyst for environmental pollution remediation

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Mohd Hasmizam Bin Razali Ts Dr. Uwaisulqarni M. Osman Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Zul Helmi Rozaini Basirah Binti Mohd Azam

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : People that working for environment and water purification are concerned with our water resources. The revolution in technology and science can cause high demand industries for chemicals to used in control water pollution. The pharmaceutical also release compounds

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into water from disposal from hospitals and household (excretions by humans and animals). Coking also release a mutagenic and carcinogenic by-product into the water and can cause long-term problems. The textile industries release the toxic and harmful pollutant into the water and can cause a major problem for both humans and animals. For an example, a present of batik textile industries has believed to be the main source of water pollution in Terengganu, Malaysia. Various conventional method such as membrane filtration has been used to treat their dye effluent. However, the conventional method involves high cost of maintenance and operation as well as its limited feeding rate. Therefore, a low-cost and efficient photocatalyst has been develop as an alternative to replace the conventional method. In this research, a very stable under light irradiation photocatalyst is called g-C3N4 doped with TiO2 and was tested for degradation of dyes, organic compound and drug under light irradiation. The removal of dyes and drug was found to be 100 % after 5 h under UV irradiation. Meanwhile the organic compound found 74.66 % after 5h under UV irradiation which is a good result considering organic compound really hard to degraded. This g- C3N4/TiO2 hybrid could benefit the textile, pharmaceutical industries and the field of water treatment.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI060

Nama Produk : An unique 1D/2D nanocomposites enhanced photocatalytic activity in degradation of Dye from textile industries

Penyelidik : Prof Madya. Ts. Dr Mohd Hasmizam Bin Razali Basirah Bt Mohd Azam Muhammad Amir Fikri Bin Md Fauzi Ts. Dr Uwaisulqarni M. Osman Prof Madya Dr. Zulhelmi Rozaini

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Colours present everywhere like the objects, clothes, food and it can be synthetic or natural origin. The major market for pigments and synthetic dyes companies are in the Asia-Pacific region which involves 41.9% of the global market and the highest percentage of produced dyes among all the dye types is Azo dyes form (65–70%) which is from insoluble dye and it usually used in the textile industry. Thus, the wastewater pollution is the main concern since waste are from the harmful chemical that containing dye that cause serious health and environmental problems. However, the physical and biological technologies for the removal of dyes were reviewed by many researchers and it was observable that each of these technologies has its own advantages, limitations and drawbacks. Therefore, photocatalytic activity has been developed and considered as a low- cost, non-toxic and high efficiency of technology to remove dyes from wastewater in a short time. In this study, a unique hybrid 1D/2D nanocomposites leads to the broadening of the visible light response range and also because of their large surface area, unique optical properties, flexible structure and excellent mobility of charge carriers that attributed to the generation of more effective of reactive oxygen species to degrade of MO dye under uv light.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI061

Nama Produk : CeC-EL: A Promising Organic Electroluminescent Material Featuring Conjugated Ethynylated Chalcone as Active Material for OLEDs

Penyelidik : Prof. Chm. Dr. Wan Mohd Khairul Wan Mohamed Zin Mas Binti Mohammed Dr. Rafizah Binti Rahamathullah Dr. Adibah Izzati Binti Daud

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "The shortage of electricity is the major problem due to the presence of lighting system, which consumes more power, and are not eco- friendly as they used heavy metals like mercury, which is harmful and non-disposable. To overcome and providing alternative to this problem, CeC-EL was introduced as an active organic electroluminescent material in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with green chemistry approaches. CeC-EL product with new hybrid moieties that utilized as active electronic components which are extended conjugated system (C≡C) and chalcone system with donor- π-acceptor (D-π-A) system. This product from the presence of anthracene portion afforded high stable configuration which making CeC-EL suitable in optoelectronic application such as OLEDs. CeC- EL gives excellent luminescent properties, increment in thermal stability which is essential for making long life devices and also can be produced in high yield. Besides, CeC-EL as an active material in OLED was used due to its low cost, tuning ability, structural diversity, favourable chemical modification, flexibility, and ease of fabrication. Herein, this product becomes significant in answering all the drawbacks of the current OLEDs in the market due to the high number of applications of OLEDs consumers which are ranging from displays for handled telecom devices, up to military displays and large area displays of lighting equipment."

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI063

Nama Produk : The potential of Heteroatom-Doped Graphene Aerogel as An Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries

Penyelidik : Prof Madya Ts Dr Nurul Hayati Idris Sarah Umeera Muhamad Nor Fazila Mahamad Yusoff

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The high abundance of sodium and its low cost compared to lithium renewed the high interest on sodium ion batteries (SIBs) as cheaper solution for electrochemical energy storage. Indeed, SIBs have recently proposed as possible candidates for stationary and mobile energy storage devices. However, several various elements have an effect on the efficiency of energy storage and conversion systems. The overall efficiency of systems depends on the specific structure and properties of incorporated functional materials. Carbon materials, such as graphene, are especially promising for materials development in the energy storage and conversion fields. Graphene, a two-dimensional (2D) carbon material only a single atomic thick, displays outstanding electrical conductivity, superior thermal conductivity and excellent

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mechanical properties. 2D free-standing graphene films and powders have paved the way for promising energy applications. Recently, much effort has been spent trying to improve the number of active sites in electrode materials within 3D network/aerogel structures derived from graphene. Interestingly, graphene aerogel (GA), a 3D architecture assembled by lots of 2D graphene sheets, possesses expanded interlayer distance from monolayer of sp2 carbon lattices and high specific surface area from its porosity. Moreover, the excellent electronic conductivity and crosslinked network of GA ensure the fast transport of Na ions and electrons. Herein, a porous interconnected 3D heteroatom (such as nitrogen, sulphur and boron)-doped GA were prepared via a one-pot hydrothermal treatment. X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy confirm the formation of heteroatom doping in GA composites. From 3D morphology and pore size, in conjunction with heteroatom-doping, this composite could lead to a promising anode for SIBs with high electrochemical performances. Thus, GA has been considered as one of the fascinating carbonaceous anodes for SIBs in recent years.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI065

Nama Produk : Sycop: Synthetic Conductive Polymer

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Md. Uwaisulqarni Osman Sharmili A/P Silvarajoo Siti Zuliana Zulkifli Ts. Dr. Khadijah Hilmun Binti Kamarudin Prof. Madya Ts. Dr Mohd Hasmizam Bin Razali Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Zul Helmi B. Rozaini

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "Continuous increasing of mobile technology and energy storage stimulates the researcher to create a new battery technology. Hence, low cost, high current and low self-discharge are primarily important criteria. However, to design a new battery prototype, suitable solid biopolymer electrolytes material is the crucial strategy. The focus of the current project is to make the synthetic solid biopolymer electrolytes consist of a mixture of thiosemicarbazide derivatives, metal ion and chitosan biopolymer, which is easy to decompose. This product can be massively produced because it does not require any sophisticated laboratory equipment, typical laboratory environment and used cheap solvent, ethanol. The main highlight is an electrical conductivity study of our biopolymer electrolyte that was transformed into thin films which are measured by Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The current researchers are expected that the product would exhibit higher potential electrical conductivity compared with a single insulator chitosan biopolymer. This research purpose is aligned with our “Dasar Teknologi Hijau Kebangsaan” which is the development and application of products, equipment and systems used to conserve the natural environment and resources. In addition, the development of eco-friendly technology, degradable biopolymer electrolyte, and most importantly is low cost for patent and commercialization are our true inspirations."

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Institusi/Sekolah : Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

ID : MPI068

Nama Produk : Hybrid Energy Management System Controller for Smart Energy Utilization

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Kumuthawathe Ananda-Rao PM. Ir. Dr. Rosnazri Ali Steven Taniselass Ir. Tunku Muhammad Nizar Tunku Mansur Ir. Dr. Nor Hanisah Baharuddin Dr. Afifah Shuhada Rosmi Dr. Leow Wai Zhe

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Hybrid Energy Management System Controller (HEMSC) is designed and developed for Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) integrated with solar Photovoltaic (PV) for smart energy utilization, which is based on load leveling and peak shaving applications for real-time AC power management. The main function of the controller is to monitor the load demand profile and trigger the battery to either charge from the solar PV or discharge to produce a leveled or shaved load profile that will be seen at the grid network, while maintaining the actual load demand usage, besides prolong battery lifetime. This product opts for a smart solution based on microcontrollers and it provides a wide array of solutions to the power system, starting from grid owners to end-user consumers. For grid owners, some of the benefits are increasing the utilization factor of facilities, saving facility renewal expenses and avoiding upgrading facilities. Meanwhile, reduction in utility bills and cost saving are notable benefits for end-user consumers, mainly for industrial and commercial sectors. This HEMSC is a dual function and automatic detection controller based on the two energy applications as well as an energy meter. The product features include LCD to display present function, LED to indicate battery status charge and safety measures such as electrical isolation, reverse current flow protection, low voltage disconnect and overload protection. The usage of HEMSC in power system impacts energy and cost saving, maximize grid utilization, move towards advanced usage of green energy and intelligent grid technologies. Although there are various types of similar controllers in the market, this product is unique and novel as it is based on energy applications as well as both technically practical and economically attractive. Besides that, this HEMSC is based on new, simple and effective control algorithm to maintain consumer load demand usage more securely and reliably, so that the utility bill is reduced and the battery lifetime is prolonged simultaneously.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI075

Nama Produk : Potential of Nitokra lacustris pacifica (Copepod: Harpacticoida) as an Invertebrate Model for Ecotoxicity Testing

Penyelidik : Dr. Roswati Md Amin Erqa Shazira Sohaimi Annisa Nursabrina Jaapar Associate Prof. Ts. Dr. Kesaven Bhubalan

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The relatively short life cycles, high reproduction and population growth of harpacticoid copepods, make them ideal for use in experiment that rapidly assess the sublethal or chronic effects of water and sediment contaminants. Harpacticoids serve as an important trophic link between the microphytobenthos and higher trophic levels in marine and brackish environment. An ample amount of research has been conducted to assess the effects of different compounds on the development, reproduction, and mortality of genus Nitocra and other harpacticoid species at favorable laboratory conditions. Nitokra Lacustris pacifica, UMTCrus 1103-1104 is recorded from Malaysia for the first time and this work involves some case studies in laboratory experiment with this species, as a potential good organism for laboratory monitoring studies, including microplastic, demonstrating the usefulness of this organism in future ecotoxicological studies and considering it for regulatory environmental agencies in Malaysia

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI085

Nama Produk : The Effect of Cephalopod Bone Addition on Microstructural Properties of YBA2CU3O7-Δ Superconductor

Penyelidik : Dr. Aima Binti Ramli Nurulnabihah Aqilah Bt Zulkarnain Siti Zulaikha Binti Ismail Dr. Nurul Huda Binti Abd Kadir @ Abdul Rahman Associate Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Mustafa Bin Awang Kechik

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Superconductor is an element or compound that conduct current without any resistance below a certain temperature. Nowadays, there are many demands for superconductor in their applications. However, YBa2Cu3O7-∂ superconductor suffers from low grain conductivity and weak links of the grains, thus resulting in disruption of superconducting performance. This research was focusing on the effect of microstructure and phase formation of YBa2Cu3O7-∂ adding with marine waste, cephalopod bone. Cephalopod bone contains various types of elements which believe has the potential as an alternative resource for conductor elements to increase the performance of superconducting properties. Research has been started with synthesization of YBa2Cu3O7-∂ samples via solid state method followed by the addition of cephalopod bone with different weight percentage (wt%), (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 wt %). All samples were systematically investigated using thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Samples showed identical thermal decomposition observing the weight lost and the optimum temperature for sintering was at 900 ⁰C. It was found that the phase formation are dominantly in Y(123) phase with orthorhombic structures and secondary phase of cephalopod bone as wt % of cephalopod bone addition increased. The variation of lattice parameters also contributes the decreasing of orthorhombicity of samples. Besides, the grain size of samples increased as the addition of cephalopod bone increased. As a conclusion, the cephalopod bone addition successfully enhanced the grain growth of YBa2Cu3O7-∂ superconductor and also reduces the weak links.

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Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI086 Nama Produk : IoT Smart Energy Storage on Outdoor Air-Conditioner Fan for Car Porch Lighting (IoT - SES)

Penyelidik : Muhammad Ridzuan Syafiq Bin Yaacob Ts. Dr. Kharudin Bin Ali Ammar Husaini Bin Hussian Dr. Damhuji Bin Rifai Mohamad Amirul Ikhmal Bin Mokhtar Hafiz Asyraf Bin Shazali Amir Syakir Bin Ahmad Azmi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : “Wind energy” or “wind power” describes the process which is used wind to generate mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity to power homes. Motor generator turn in the moving air and power on electric generator that supplies an electric current. On this project the wind from outdoor air-conditional turns the small generator, which provides the kinetic energy to spin the wires in the generator. From here the mechanical energy is instead converted to electricity. This project is develop based on the wastage of wind energy generated from air conditional radiator fans can be seen and not utilized for conversion into electricity. It not only causes wastage of wind energy but also electrical energy is also widely used. From here the development of IoT Smart Energy Storage on Outdoor Air- Conditioner Fan for Car Porch Lighting is do for analyses the voltage produce base on wind speed from outdoor air-conditioner fan and at the same time to monitor the voltage storage using IoT system. The result show that the time of charges is directly proportional with voltage storage in battery. Hence the following power generation technique can be used at air-conditioner and various zones of parts were air is the source of power generation.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI094

Nama Produk : Co-pyrolysis of Fish Waste with Empty Fruit Bunch

Penyelidik : Dr. Nur Farizan Munajat Profesor Madya Ts. Dr. Salisa Abdul Rahman Dr. Wan Mariam Wan Muda Nurul Iffah Farhah Mohd Yusof Farah Najiah Shaiful Bharee

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pyrolysis and torrefaction of fish waste (FW) have been conducted by the same research group in 2019 and proved that they have a potential for high value products recovery. To improve the yields and quality of the pyrolysis products, we work on the co-pyrolysis of the FW with fruit bunch (EFB) in a laboratory size fixed bed reactor, in early 2020. The results show that the yields and quality of pyrolysis products (liquid, char and gas) of the FW can be improved by addition of EFB. We now investigating the kinetics and thermodynamics of the co-pyrolysis of FW and EFB to further understand the process and prepare the data that can be used to design and develop the reactor as well as optimize the co-pyrolysis process. In conclusion, the co-pyrolysis of SW and EFB is an effective method for disposing such solid waste, improving

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energy utilization and the quality of pyrolysis products. Furthermore, it can potentially minimize the health and environmental problem from poor waste management. This research also in line with SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate change).

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI099

Nama Produk : CSAB: Conjugated Di-substituted Alkoxy Bischalcone as Active Emissive Layer in OLEDs Application

Penyelidik : Prof. Ts. Chm. Dr Wan Mohd Khairul Wan Mohamed Zin Syaharil Bin Saidin Dr. Rafizah Binti Rahamathullah Mas Binti Mohammed

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Recently, Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) are being well developed for many applications in optoelectronics devices such as in mobile phone screen, television displays, and some other devices. They align with Liquid Crystal Display (LCDs) due to ideal advantages namely the low cost, high power efficiency, wide colour gamut, ease fabrication by solution processes and their ability to yield curve, thin and flexible devices. The efficiency of the OLEDs is depending on the emissive layer that consists of organic material that has mobility of charge carrier. In this context, CSAB is being introduced due to the unique characteristics in optical, electronic properties, thermal and mechanical stabilities that featuring ideal charge transfer mobility. It consists of (C=O) and (C=C) bonds that contributing in delocalization of electrons and two aromatic rings that have a -electron system that great in transferring electrons in any chemical reaction. CSAB attributes by Donor- -Donor (D- -D) system where the -system consists of phenyl rings at the centre of molecular backbone while the ligand acting as a donor (D) that are attributed by alkoxy chain which can enhance the efficiency of OLEDs and LCDs behaviour. In this system, there are alternation of molecular bonds involving C=C-C=C- C in the molecular framework of CSAB that exhibits the intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) in the excited state and are highly emissive class of compounds as it exhibits the stated properties. Furthermore, by having LCs characteristics CSAB has - self-stacking, self-healing ability, easy processabilities, great luminescence ability, and intrinsic charge carrier properties in the soft condensed state. Hence, according to these features, CSAB has been proven to act as active emissive layer of OLEDs.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI113

Nama Produk : BioD-E-CoNa films: An innovation for Green Materials

Penyelidik : Ts Dr. Mohd Faiz Bin Hassan Ts Dr. Khadijah Hilmun Binti Kamarudin Fatin Farhana Binti Awang

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Concerns about environmental issues have motivated research into development of energy storage devices from natural sources. This is because a commercial batteries today are usually hazardous, non-

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environmental friendly and high in cost. Thus, in this research, corn starch-sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3) is electrically conductive solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) prepared by solution casting technique. Corn starch (CS) is naturally abundance, high solubility and low cost are expected to be a better innovation in energy sources than commercialize nowadays. It was found that the highest conductivity was recorded at room temperature with a value of 2.22 × 10-4 Scm-1. Furthermore, this new development of SPE films can overcome the safety and leakage issues which come from liquid electrolytes. Lastly, based on the performed experimental outcomes, the BioD-E-CONA film is believed to have a wide range potential to be functional in electronic devices besides will create a healthier surrounding for future generations.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI119

Nama Produk : Single-Use Plastics from Natural (Non-Synthetic) Materials as Initiative Towards The Sustainable Ocean

Penyelidik : Nurhawanis Binti Ghazali Kanakesswaran Munuchamy Siti Nur Zulaiha Binti Misbah Aziz Bin Yahaya Amira Binti Amiruddin Dr. Izyan Munirah binti Mohd Zaideen Mohd Amin Bin Azhari Muhammad Norasyraaf Bin Norhadie

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Plastic is the most vital product that being used by human in this world. Almost every sector need plastic for example to produce packaging, in construction and building, in textiles, consumer products, electrical and electronics, and toward industrial machinery as well because it is the most affordable way that can reduce their costs. However, the plastic is made from cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and crude oil through a polymerisation or polycondensation process that can affect to the environment and harm the nature. Currently, the single-use plastics or disposable plastics still being used as a necessity. Therefore, we want to propose this new innovation as initiative way to encounter the problem of single-use plastics. The product that we propose is Biodegradable Plant-Based Plastic that are biodegrade and dissolve in seawater, but also water resistance under normal use. This new initiative plastic is made from cellulose nanofibers and starch, where both of it were extracted from plants. On the other hand, we want to propose a process that can improve the water resistant and strengths of the composite so that it could be use in the same way as petroleum- based plastic. Thereby, by using these low-cost and plant-based materials, the cost of the plastic is kept low and at the same time, fewer greenhouse gases are emitted, because no petroleum products were used anymore.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI128

Nama Produk : To Conserve or Exploit: Assessing Sea Turtles' Sustainability via Mathematical Modelling

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Penyelidik : Mr. Muhammad Afiq Bin Ahmad Khairuddin Dr. Ummu Atiqah Binti Mohd Roslan Dr. Mohd Uzair Bin Rusli Dr. Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The life cycle of sea turtle may be divided into two stages; egg stage and the hatchling to adult stage, and each stage has different dynamics and complement each other. The egg stage is the most vulnerable to the beach activity, either tends to conserve or to exploit the resources. This research presents the construction of the mathematical modelling for the prey-predator system in a controlled environment that consist of beach predator that feeds on the sea turtle eggs. The system is represented as a stage-structured in form of ordinary differential equations. The system is then analysed for the stability aspects of the system according to the beach activity. The system will be sustainable if the conservation effort is higher than the exploitation effort and will crumble if the exploitation effort the same or even higher than the conservation effort.

Institusi/Sekolah : Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

ID : MPI134

Nama Produk : Development Of Raspberry Pi Controlled Switch Mode For Battery Charger

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr Liew Hui Fang Chuan Deik Shawn Ts. Junaidah Binti Ali Mohd Jobran Pn. Norhanisa Binti Kimpol Ts. Dr. Muhammad Naufal Bin Mansor Ts. Dr. Muhammad Izuan Fahmi Bin Romli

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The project of Raspberry Pi is getting popular and getting advanced day by day. The trending advanced project such as Artificial Intelligence (A.I) system can be made by Raspberry Pi. The first generation of Raspberry Pi is founded at 2012 that is Raspberry Pi 1 Model B. It is a low-cost Single Board Computers (SBCS) and it required Python languages or other language could make it smarter. Therefore, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is chosen to be used for this project. The battery is important for uninterruptible power supply (UPS). UPS is the electrical apparatus that provide supply when power supply is loss or voltage drops to an unacceptable value. When rechargeable battery voltage and current value drops or the efficiency rechargeable battery is decreased, the charging process is needed for a battery recharger process continue back to its rated voltage and current which is fully charged. Most of the battery charger only include single mode that is charging mode, if charging mode is continued after battery is fully charged, it may cause the shorten of battery lifespan and it may cause short circuit and explode, the fire accident will be happen. Most of the battery charger display is not included. The battery charger is built by Raspberry Pi and the controlled with protection switch mode is used protection charging current when battery is fully charged and the LCD display is included to show the charging time, voltage, current and battery percentage. The expected result of the output voltage is in range 5 V - 12 V, constant output current 0.5 A, charging time is depend on the setting current and battery capacity. The project is used to charge battery securely to prevent the

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precaution of overcharging process and it can be monitoring all the time during charging process. The project is expected to be portable; it can be bringing to anywhere if power supply is available.

Institusi/Sekolah : Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

ID : MPI135

Nama Produk : Smart Echo Advanced Footstep For Power Generation System

Penyelidik : Ts Dr Liew Hui Fang Pn. Norhanisa Binti Kimpol Ts Dr. Muhammad Naufal Bin Mansor Ts Dr. Muhammad Izuan Fahmi Bin Romli Ts Junaidah Binti Ali Mohd Jobran

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This project presents the development of power generation energy by using piezoelectricity effect.The wasted mechanical energy from walking can be converted to electrical energy by using a piezoelectric transducer and can be stored in a battery for later use.The main idea is to construct a power generation system, which includes the piezoelectric transducers as renewable sources that can be used to power up low power application.The piezoelectric transducers are able to produce electrical charges by stressed when subjected to dynamic strain (expand). Three circuits used to improve this project were voltage multiplier circuit, charge controller circuit, and LCD display DC voltage output circuit.Voltage Multiplier circuit was the main circuit that used to convert from AC main power supply generated from the piezoelectric sensor to DC supply as the output.The piezoelectric sensor regulated DC voltage output and charged the rechargeable battery.The basic Arduino coding was used to display DC voltage from the battery to easily know and predict the output voltage from the piezoelectric transducer to do the analysis.The 16 V maximum voltage already taken out from this piezoelectric circuit was enough to charge a 7.4 V rechargeable battery.

Institusi/Sekolah : Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

ID : MPI136

Nama Produk : Implementation of Piezoelectric Sensor Technique for Raindrop Energy Harvester

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr Liew Hui Fang Muhammad Syahmi Bin Mohamed Motari Ts. Junaidah Binti Ali Mohd Jobran Ts. Dr. Muhammad Izuan Fahmi Bin Romli Pn. Norhanisa Binti Kimpol Ts. Dr. Muhammad Naufal Bin Mansor

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In this modern era, renewable energy is now widely used all around the world in order to reduce dependence on non-renewable source energy such as fossil fuel, coal and etc. According to Malaysia Meteorological Department (MMD), normally the annual average rainfall is 2,420 mm for Peninsular Malaysia, 2,630 mm for Sabah and 3,830 mm for Sarawak. Basically, the raindrop is a source of kinetic energy that can be utilize without wasting the source. To utilize the rainfall, the unit of piezoelectric have been limit to 28 pieces maximum

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and the diameter of piezoelectric also have been limit to 50 mm maximum by using piezoelectric as an energy harvester that can convert kinetic energy to electrical energy. Other than that, this project also is use ac-dc full bridge converter circuit to produce highly efficient power amplifying and then to analyse the performance of the raindrop energy harvester system. Next, lithium polymer (LiPo) battery is selected for this project as storage energy device to store energy produced by piezoelectric before supply the electrical energy to electronic device. The type of voltage regulator will be used in this project is linear voltage regulator. The output specification of this system will generate DC voltage with range of 5 – 12 V and current within 1 – 50 mA. Last, application of this project is to apply for low voltage devices such as low voltage light and battery charger and LED as well.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI137

Nama Produk : MagnET-4-ME: Magnetic Effervescent Tablet for Multi-Class Drugs Extraction

Penyelidik : Ts ChM Dr. Wan Mohd Afiq Wan Mohd Khalik Assoc. Prof. ChM Dr. Loh Saw Hong Assoc. Prof. ChM Dr. Marinah Mohd Ariffin Sarveishwhary Rajendran

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The presence of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs) in environmental matrices has become one of the emerging problems of great concern among scientists. Residues of active drugs found in the water are detected at low concentrations but have a high detection level. Conventional method using commercial solid-phase or liquid- phase extraction results in high organic solvent use, multi-stage operation, demands a high sample volume, single-use of packed sorbent, potential analyte loss, but noteworthy to highlight is that after post-analysis, the generation of chemical waste has a negative effect on the environment. MagnET-4-ME, an acronym for Magnetic Effervescent Tablet for the μ-Extraction, is a new pre-concentration technique based on tablet design to address this constraint. Formulation of tablet subject to wet granulation method possess superparamagnetic properties with the presence of iron oxide. Main materials include Na2CO3 (carbon source), Na2HPO4 (proton donor) and C3H8O3 (chemical binder). In an aqueous solution, the formation of a bubble speeds up the flow of the target analyte into the extractant solvent ([bmim][PF6]). An analysis of analgesics (acetaminophen), antihypertensive (atenolol, metoprolol), antihyperglycemic (gliclazide, metformin), antihyperlipidemic (lovastatin), cardiovascular agent (nifedipine) and stimulant (caffeine) in mimic environmental samples reveals that MagnET-4-ME plays a vital role in improving the low limit of detection, high recovery and accuracy. A few benefits of tablet design subject to miniaturization, quick equilibrium, low volume sample necessary, and no high-skill laboratory required. MagnET-4-ME has a commercial value link for low-cost manufacturing, rapid preparation, easy to carry, and universal tablet for multi-class PhACs extraction. MagnET-4-ME has the promise to become a powerful tool for routine laboratory or fieldwork studies.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI138

Nama Produk : Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle from Aqueous Extract of Red Onion Peel and Its Application as Green Catalyst in Pharmaceutical Synthesis and Potential Antioxidant Agent

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr Chia Poh Wai Hannan Syafiyyah Tan Sian Hui Abdullah Siti NurAqlili Riana Mohd Asseri Wan NurulKhursyiah Wan Mohamad Kan Su-Yin Alyza Azzura Azmi Julius Yong Fu Siong

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The current innovation enables the reuse of bio-waste (onion peels). Statistic has shown that about 500 million of onion wastes were disposed annually and incineration of this biowastes could contribute to global warming. In this work, onion peel wastes were converted into silver nanoparticles as green catalysts in pharmaceutical synthesis and can be use as anti-oxidant in reducing cancer risk factor diseases. In future, biowastes-mediated nano-syntheses will continue to grow and play a major role in the development of economical and environmentally sustainable materials, for which their uses can be found in the many areas of health and agriculture.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI146

Nama Produk : Rainwater Harvesting IoT-Enabled System

Penyelidik : Ir. Dr. Azimah Ismail Prof. Dr. Hafizan Juahir Dr. Fathurrahman Lananan Noor Muzlinda Hashim Md Hafriz Fikrie Hussin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This work describes an Intelligent Rainwater Enabled-IoT Systems which can communicate online with RWH mobile application (front-end apps) and RWH web system (back-ends system) utilizing the Arduino and ultrasonic sensors aim to provide a real-time supervisory monitoring platform and actions to the operators. The Intelligent Rainwater Enabled-IoT Systems supervisory monitoring platform combines components of data analytics, Arduino, ultrasonic sensors, and mobile application that was developed for the use of small-scale smart farming (hydroponic). The measured values from the sensors are being processed by the microcontroller (Arduino). The Node mcu esp32 was used as a core controller, whilst the WI-FI module (flutter server) to facilitate the data exchange between the automation system and the data repository. The system consists of several sensors enabled the measurement of physical and chemical parameters of the rainwater. The parameters being monitored, namely are temperature, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, electrical conductivity (EC) and the water level. The selection of monitored parameters was performed based the algorithm development of the rainwater data. The functionalities of the developed an Intelligent Rainwater Enabled-IoT Systems facilitates on decision making and

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notification (alert) system based on the integration of data analytics- IoTs system. The integration of Arduino, ultrasonic sensors and mobile application in this system enable to alert the operator on the quality of the rainwater and the level rainwater in the tank for the operator proceed with necessary action.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI153

Nama Produk : LoVEx: Sorbent Based Extraction for EDCs

Penyelidik : Mohamad Zahid Bin Baharom Dr. Nurulnadia Binti Mohd Yusoff Ts. ChM Dr. Wan Mohd Afiq Bin Wan Mohd Khalik Prof Madya Dr. Marinah Binti Mohd Ariffin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) occurrence in environmental matrices have been detected consistently over the past three decades. Traditional methods such as liquid-liquid extraction and steam distillation extraction were proved to extract the chemical compounds efficiently but resulted in high consumption of organic solvents, volume sample and time. To overcome this limitation, we introduce the sorbent-based extraction namely LoVEx, an acronym word for low volume extraction in securing the EDCs compound in river water and sediment efficiently yet, less wastes produced. Materials consist of C18, an octadecyl bonded and encapped silica sorbent (Brand: Restek) which significantly proved to trap EDCs such as 4-octylphenol and 4-nonylhenol potently. The optimum working conditions were secured with only 200 mL sample loading, conditioned and eluted with 10 mL of methanol and acetone (1:1, v/v) as re-constitute solvents each. This analytical method has showed significant result in several aspects such as good linearity, low detection limit, high recovery and precision. To be highlighted, low consumption of organic solvents, volume sample and time load are the main novelties in this project. LoVEx has the potential to become a simple yet effective tool to monitor the occurrence of EDCs in our river ecosystem.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI172

Nama Produk : TPT Cells: Titanium Oxide Plasma Treated to Enhance Hybrid Solar Cells Performance for Future Green Energy

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Ahmad Nazri Bin Dagang Nur Salihah Binti Alias Hasiah Binti Salleh Nurul Alfatihah Binti Mohd Arifin Ts. Dr. Nik Aziz Bin Nik Ali Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Siti Khadijah Zaaba Dr. Nurul Huda Binti Kamarulzaman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Renewable energy provides many types of electrical energy production including solar energy. Solar energy is depend on solar cells. This project selected hybrid solar cell where a solar cell is fabricated from organic and inorganic materials as active materials. Application of titanium oxide (TiO2) in hybrid solar cell (HSC) is well

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known as good photocatalyst and has received a lot of attention of solar cell researchers. Unfortunately, power conversion efficiency, PCE of HSC still low because of insufficient surface area for light harvesting and recombination could occur on the transparent conducting oxide (TCO) as the TiO2 film may not fully cover the TCO. Plasma treatment of TiO2 nanoparticles was carried out to enhance the efficiency of hybrid solar cells. The TiO2 nanoparticles layer was treated using an atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) with helium gas for variation exposure time. The effect of TiO2 nanoparticles before and after plasma treatment were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry. The study results revealed that the modification to TiO2 increase the surface area and dye absorption amount on TiO2. It was observed that the performance power conversion efficiency (PCE) of hybrid solar cell with plasma-treated TiO2 increased 6% compared to untreated TiO2.

Institusi/Sekolah : Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

ID : MPI178

Nama Produk : ANTISTATPAK Anti-Static Packaging from Poly (hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV)/ Graphene (G) Film

Penyelidik : Dr. Syarifah Nuraqmar binti Syed Mahamud Ts. Dr. Mohd Hanif bin Mohd Pisal Dr. Jalilah binti Abd Jalil Koh Jin Hong

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In this innovation, PHBV, a bio-based and sustainable biopolymer was used together with a conductive filler, graphene, to develop a biocomposite film with enhanced electrical conductivity. This biocomposite film shows a potential application in anti-static packaging due to its biodegradability and the use of a non-toxic solvent in the solvent casting preparation method.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI183

Nama Produk : Band Gap Widening and Quantum Tunnelling Effects of MgO Thin Films for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Application

Penyelidik : Dr. Nurhanna bt Batar @ Badar Dr. Hanis bt Mohd Yusoff

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Innovation in material science, device structure and multifunction of nano devices based on thin film technology are being studied intensively. Silicon dioxide (SiO2) has been used as a gate dielectric since metal oxide semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOSFET) devices were first introduced. When transistors are scaled down, SiO2 conventional gate dielectric becomes just a few atomic layers thick resulting in tunnelling current leakage, increase of power dissipation and heat production. To resolve this leakage problem, the mechanism of the carriers tunneling through the gate dielectric must be better understood. MgO thin films has been proposed to be an alternative dielectric to replace SiO2 in future-generation Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) due to large band gap, high thermal

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and chemical stability and relatively high dielectric constant. Although there are many published work on MgO fabricated thin films, to our knowledge, no in-depth analysis was done on the I-V characteristics of nano layer films and no work has been done on the quantum tunnelling with respect to thickness of the films. In this work, MgO thin films were fabricated via the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method using different process parameters. It is very important to optimize the deposition parameters in order to obtain good workable devices for MOS. MgO thin films of various thicknesses (43 to 103 nm) have been obtained in vacuum and oxygen environments with the objectives of investigating the band gaps, Current-Voltage (I–V) characteristics and quantum tunnelling effects of the thin films. The MgO thin films obtained have the advantage of high quality mirror finish, good densification and uniform thickness. The decrease of the turn-on as well as the tunnelling voltage of the thinner films, despite their larger band gap, is a direct experimental evidence of quantum tunnelling effects in the thin films. Tunnelling phenomenon is crucial to the success of the MOS devices. Thus, it is very important to study the band gaps and I–V characteristics of thin films prior implementing them in semiconductor applications because the behaviour may be different from thin layers of micro metre dimensions.

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI203

Nama Produk : Development of Membrane – Triton X 100 (MANTRIX) Filtration for Excellent Dye Wastewater Treatment

Penyelidik : Mohd Badrul Haswan B Besar Dr. Abdul Rahman B Hassan Ts. Dr. Kharudin B Ali Md Khairil Hafizi B Muhamad Dr. Hajaratul Najwa Bt Mohamed Saidatul Radhiah Bt Ghazali Dr. Mohamad Redhwan B Abd Aziz

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : A well-functioning membrane such as high rejection efficiency and high flux rate is indeed the main goal in a study. In fact, many studies on the factors that affect the membrane are carried out, such as pressure rate, polymer type, additive type, temperature effect during fabrication and so on. The addition of surfactant as an additive in membrane development is an alternative method to improve filtration of dye wastewater treatment. Therefore, in this study, the main objective is to develop a membrane filtration system using Triton-X 100 as a non- ionic surfactant to improve rejection rate and permeability flux for excellent dye wastewater treatment. The membrane –Triton X 100 (MANTRIX) were prepared via dry/wet phase inversion with addition of Triton-X 100 into polymer solution. The experimental data revealed that the MANTRIX improved the filtration performance up to above 80% rejection of dye wastewater and high permeability flux. The FTIR spectrum and DSC analysis were used to analyse the morphology structural effect of MANTRIX and to evaluate the thermal behaviour of different concentration of surfactant on MANTRIX, respectively. Moreover, the addition of Triton X 100 concentration into polymer solution was also found to induce higher the glass transition temperature (Tg) of MANTRIX impacting the porosity which contribute significantly towards better flux and rejection rate. In conclusion, the

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development of MANTRIX improved the performance properties of dye wastewater treatment and molecular structure of membrane.

Institusi/Sekolah : Institut Kajian Orang Asal Borneo (BorIIS), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)

ID : MPI207

Nama Produk : Perkaitan antara Kesanggupan untuk Membayar (WTP) dan Pola Ruang Keliaran Pelancong: Kajian Kes di Kundasang - Ranau, Sabah

Penyelidik : Profesor Madya Dr. Jabil Mapjabil Profesor Dr. Kasim Mansur Profesor Madya Dr. Gaim James Lunkapis Dr. Harifah Mohd Noor Dr. Badariah Ab Rahman Najib Bahari Nabila Farysha Dering

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Kajian tentang kesanggupan untuk membayar (WTP) adalah penting dalam membangunkan sektorp keusahawanan pelancongan. Untuk itu, kajian ini meneliti tentang hubung kait kesanggupan untuk membayar dan ruang keliaran pelancong di Kundasang-Ranau, Sabah. Pendekatan kajian yang digunakan adalah penilaian dan kajian kes. Kaedah penyelidikan melibatkan temu bual menggunakan borang soal selidik dan pemerhatian. Untuk itu, seramai 150 orang responden terlibat dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa majoriti status perjalanan pelancong ke destinasi pelancongan terpilih di Kundasang-Ranau adalah ditetapkan secara persendirian iaitu 131 orang responden (87.3%). Manakala status perjalanan ke destinasi pelancongan yang ditetapkan oleh pakej pelancongan seramai 11 orang responden (7.3%) dan yang ditetapkan oleh organisasi atau institusi pula adalah seramai lapan orang (5.3%). Seramai 105 responden (70%) menyatakan bahawa harga yuran masuk ke destinasi pelancongan adalah mempengaruhi keputusan mereka untuk menentukan destinasi pelancongan yang mereka kunjungi. Seterusnya, kriteria utama yang diambil kira oleh pelancong untuk memilih destinasi pelancongan adalah memilih destinasi yang belum pernah mereka kunjungi iaitu seramai 59 orang (59.3%). Hasil kajian turut mendapati ruang keliaran pelancong bukan semata-mata dipengaruhi oleh kesanggupan pengunjung membayar ke satu-satu destinasi yang dikunjungi tetapi turut dipengaruhi oleh jenis status perjalanan yang dipilih.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI212

Nama Produk : i-FLOAT: Intelligent Fuzzy Logic System in Optimizing Task Offloading for Mobile Devices

Penyelidik : Dr Elissa Nadia Binti Madi Cik Nur Khalida Binti Khalid Prof. Madya Dr. Zarina Binti Mohammad Dr. Nor Aida Binti Mahidin Dr Wan Nor Shuhadah Bt Wan Nik

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Nowadays, high usage of compute-intensive applications from mobile devices has lead to limited energy supply due to the size of small battery. Various offloading task algorithm are used as an alternative to convert intensive computation from mobile device (local) to cloud- based platform. Thus, the offloading algorithm is vital to ensure the performance of mobile devices is at optimum level. We developed an i-FLOAT (An Intelligent Fuzzy Logic System) to optimize the perfromance of mobile device in term of energy usage by introducing an intelligent method in decision making process for tasks offloading. During the offloading process, the existence of constraint such as uncertainty information that influences the offloading decision is inevitable. Therefore, the developed system is designed in such a way that it can handle the vagueness and uncertain data from various criteria. In other words, this system is able to make intelligent decision in controlling the amount of task to be calculated by offloading certain amount of tasks to the cloud. Users of this system need to supply the information of current energy usage from mobile devices while using applications. This developed system will decide whether the task should be remain local or need to be migrated to the cloud. The implementation of iFLOAT has been tested on real mobile device. The results showed that i-FLOAT system can saves more than 70% of energy required to execute task.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI222

Nama Produk : Energy Efficiency Labelling: Investigating Students’ Preferences and Awareness on the Energy-efficient Electrical Appliances in Hostel

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Mahirah Binti Kamaludin Prof. Madya Dr. Azlina Binti Abd Aziz Dr. Roseliza Binti Mat Alipiah Dr. Nazatul Faizah Binti Haron Prof. Madya Dr. Zaiton Binti Samdin Muhammad Azrin Shah Bin Razali Mohd Parid Bin Mamat

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The significant role of energy efficiency labelling should not be ignored as it provides various information that serve as a guideline when people make purchasing decision. It indicates projection energy consumption of an electrical equipment according to energy efficiency rating system. This study applied choice experiment (CE) method in which the conditional logit (CL) model was valued to determine students’ willingness to pay (WTP) based on their preferences of the energy label attributes of table fans. A questionnaire survey was distributed to 151 on-campus students in Terengganu, Malaysia. The attributes were speed of fan, energy consumption and energy star and price of fan. The study found that the students mostly preferred energy consumption attribute with WTP estimation of RM123.538 (USD29.66) at level two and RM42.88 (USD10.30) at level three. These findings illustrate how people place value on monetary and non monetary attributes based on their preferences. A label with energy-efficient standard makes it easier for utility companies and government energy conservation organizations to offer consumers incentives to purchase energy efficient products. The usefulness of energy efficiency label is very reliant in terms of how it portrays information to the people and promote energy conservation.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI245

Nama Produk : Surfactant Modified Reverse Osmosis for Water Desalination

Penyelidik : Dr. Abdul Rahman Bin Hassan Sabariah Binti Rozali Nurul Hannan Binti Mohd Safari M. Hamad Wael Syahril Hirman Bin Azmee

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This research highlights the modification of polymeric based reverse osmosis (RO) membrane for water desalination. A special formulation designed consisting of hydrophobic polymer and surfactant was successfully developed. Its unique characteristics include selective active-skin, defect-free structures, high salinity rejection and narrower pore size. In the operational aspect, the present of surfactants material in the RO membranes are very critical and beneficial towards energy saving up to 25%. At the optimal formulation, the modified RO membrane demonstrated significantly enhancement in the aspect of performance, properties as well as fine morphologies. Besides, the combination of these components into one concept is essential towards producing of high selective reverse osmosis membrane. Moreover, the fabricated modified RO membrane met the criteria of eco-friendly, cost-effective and promoted to be as a sustainable technology in the future. In the context of applicability of the innovation, modified RO membrane is a high desirably solution for toxic wastewater treatment, distillery spent wash treatment, groundwater treatment and drinking water. Highly potential to be used for water industry, manufacturing industry, landfill leachate and many more industries, modified RO membrane is really high-end technology and versatile product to serve societies and industries.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI257

Nama Produk : The New Low-Cost Indoor Air Quality and Monitoring Device (LIAM)

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Noor Zaitun Bt. Yahaya Prof. Dr Juliana Bt. Jalaludin Prof. Madya Dr Jamaiah Bt. Yahaya Mohd Shafrizal B. Abd. Ghani Fahimah Bt. Hashim Nurfatini Atiqrah Bt. Khairul Azhar Muhammad Haziq B. Azis

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Due to increment of pandemic COVID-19 cases, Malaysia has great initiatives to control the number of cases and preventing this virus from spreading around. The implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) was enforced by government of Malaysia has decided to on restricting people’s movement. Due to the MCO, many people are asked to stay at home and work from home which resulted to more of their time spend indoor compared to before. This link to more exposure to indoor pollutant that can caused health effects. Thus, the air quality and physical parameters of indoor air inside the home is questioned. An initial study was conducted based on the previous statement and a

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new prototype of low-cost air quality and monitoring device (LIAM) with small size and less weight instrument was designed that can be used to monitor an indoor air pollution namely particulate matter (PM10), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and physical parameters (relative humidity, air movement and temperature). The LIAM prototype consisted of a plurality of interconnected processors, a first group of sensors responsive to the meteorological parameters, and the second group of sensors responsive to pollutant concentrations (particles and gases). The features are linked to the data collected and display panel. Data are then gathered and displayed on the display screen. A performance evaluation was conducted and tested compared to reference instrument at different numbers of occupant inside the premis to evaluate the LIAM prototype and data sampling were collected. Results revealed that the the relationship between LIAM and reference instrument fall between acceptable range. The innovation of this product is in line with the industrial revolution (IR 4.0) in which fall within the artificial intelligent, enhance data science in data management and analytics system category.

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI265

Nama Produk : Treated Banana Peel for Heavy Metal Adsorption

Penyelidik : Rabiatul Manisah Binti Mohamed Nur Aimi Nadhirah Bt Zainudin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Water pollution by heavy metals becomes a serious environmental problem nowadays due to high toxicity, wide sources and non- biodegradable properties. Among various methods to remove heavy metals from polluted aqueous environments, adsorption has been considered to be the most promising one due to several characteristics such as convenience, easy process and high efficiency. In particular, banana peel is a common biological waste, rich in surface functional groups suitable to be employed as sorbent to remove dissolved heavy metals in wastewater. In order to solve these problems, carbonization of treated banana peel via hydrothermal process are synthesize in this research. The heavy metals adsorption of the hydrochars adsorbent was evaluated and showed improvement in the removal of heavy metals. Furthermore, this research will provide a new path for banana peel adsorbent and further enlarging their application scope.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI267

Nama Produk : PAMP: Purple Anthocyanin of Natural Dyes as Photosensitizer for Enviromental Friendly Solar Cell Application

Penyelidik : Associate Prof. Ts Dr. Ahmad Nazri Bin Dagang Miss Nurul Alfatihah Binti Mohd Arifin Madam Hasiah Binti Salleh Miss Nur Salihah Binti Alias Dr. Nik Aziz Bin Nik Ali Dr. Nurul Huda Binti Kamarulzaman

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass, hydro, and geothermal have become imperative for green energy solution. A growing demand of hybrid solar cell is yet another promising option toward green energy providing opportunity to explore natural dye extracts from plant as photosensitizer. The photosensitizer natural dyes were extracted from mangosteen pericarp (PAMP), black grape peel (BGP) and violet Bougainvillea flowers (VBF). The result show that mangosteen pericarp absorbs three range of light spectra, 400- 600nm (chlorophyll a), 530- 550nm (anthocyanin) and 650-670nm (chlorophyll a). While, the black grape peel absorbs at wavelength range of 470-525nm (anthocyanin), 390-420nm (chlorophyll a) and 650-680nm (chlorophyll a). The absorption peak for violet Bougainvillea flowers was observed at 460-500 nm (betaxanthins), 500-550nm (anthocyanin), 600-625nm (chlorophyll b) and 650-670nm (chlorophyll a). After 7 weeks, mangosteen pericarp (PAMP) gives the best in terms of lowest percentage of photodegradation with 50.73 %, compared to black grape peel with 83.38 % and violet Bougainvillea flowers with 65.66 %. The stability of mangosteen pericarp dye (PAMP) under the light exposure is considered the best photosensitizer for hybrid solar cell application follow by violet Bougainvillea flowers and black grape peel. The dyes were then applied as photosensitizers in zinc oxide (ZnO) based hybrid solar cells. In this device, the inorganic ZnO has the great potential for the absorption of the photon energy from the solar, especially in the form of ZnO nanorod structure. The hybrid solar cell with mangosteen pericarp (PAMP) had a maximum conversion efficiency of 0.7%, which was higher than that of the hybrid solar cell sensitized with black grape peel and violet Bougainvillea flowers, 0.2% and 0.4%, respectively. Thus, mangosteen pericarp (PAMP) exhibited the best photosensitization effects. Keywords: photosensitizer, anthocyanin, chlorophyll, photodegradation.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI269

Nama Produk : Catalytic Effect of CoTiO3 Synthesized via Solid State Method on The Dehydrogenation Performance of LiAlH4

Penyelidik : Associate Prof. Ts Dr. Mohammad Bin Ismail Nurul Amirah Binti Ali Noratiqah Binti Sazelee Muhammad Afiq Aizzat Bin Abd Kadir Muhammad Amirul Nawi Bin Ahmad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Hydrogen as a clean energy carrier has been considered as the fuel for future. Lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH4) has received special attention as the most promising material for solid state hydrogen storage due to its hydrogen storage capacity (10.5 wt.%). The application of LiAlH4 is hindered by its high decomposition temperature, slow sorption kinetics and poor reversibility. In the present work, the catalytic effect of the CoTiO3 catalyst that was synthesized via solid state method was investigated. The CoTiO3 catalyst present notable effect on the dehydrogenation performance of LiAlH4. The onset decomposition temperature of LiAlH4 with the addition of 5 wt.%, 10 wt.%, 15 wt.% and 20 wt.% of CoTiO3 catalyst was reduced to around 113 °C and 140 °C for the first and second decomposition step. The isothermal desorption kinetics revealed that the LiAlH4-CoTiO3 sample desorbed hydrogen 35 times faster than

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undoped LiAlH4. The LiAlH4-CoTiO3 sample could desorb 3.5 wt.% of hydrogen in 30 minutes while the undoped LiAlH4 desorbed < 0.1 wt.% of hydrogen. From the Kissinger analysis, the apparent activation energy of the LiAlH4-CoTiO3 sample for the first and second decomposition step was reduced to 75.2 kJ/mol and 91.78 kJ/mol, 24.9 and 28.0 kJ/mol lower than undoped LiAlH4. The LiAlH4-CoTiO3 sample presents uniforms and smaller particle size distribution compared than undoped LiAlH4 that irregular in shape with some agglomerations. The experimental results suggested that the CoTiO3 catalyst promoted significant improvement on the dehydrogenation performance of LiAlH4.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI270

Nama Produk : Influence of BaMnO3 Catalyst on The Hydrogen Storage Performance of MgH2

Penyelidik : Associate Prof. Ts Dr. Mohammad Bin Ismail Noratiqah Binti Sazelee Nurul Amirah Binti Ali Muhammad Amirul Nawi Bin Ahmad Muhammad Afiq Aizzat Bin Abd Kadir

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Magnesium hydride (MgH2) has been considered as one of the most promising candidates for solid-state hydrogen storage with the benefits of high hydrogen capacity (7.5 wt.%), outstanding reversibility and low cost. However, storage in MgH2 is strongly restricted by sluggish kinetics and high decomposition temperature. Therefore, the BaMnO3 catalyst was used to enhance the hydrogen storage performance of MgH2. The results show that MgH2-10 wt.% BaMnO3 can release hydrogen at 282 °C which was lowered by 61 °C for as-milled MgH2 (282 °C) and 138 °C for as-received MgH2 (420 °C). Furthermore, the absorption and desorption kinetics also improved after the addition of the BaMnO3 catalyst. For absorption kinetics, MgH2-10 wt.% BaMnO3 able to absorb 6.0 wt.% compared to as-milled MgH2 (5.0 wt.%) at 250 °C in 5 minutes. Meanwhile, the desorption kinetics results showed that the MgH2-10 wt.% BaMnO3 sample can release about 5.3 wt.% of hydrogen in 60 minutes at 300 °C, while as-milled MgH2 only released about 0.3 wt.% of hydrogen. The activation energy value was calculated by the Kissinger equation, and the result exposed that the activation energy value was 99 kJ/mol for MgH2-10 wt.% BaMnO3 and 144 kJ/mol for the as-milled MgH2. Additionally, the addition of the BaMnO3 catalyst revealed that the morphology of the samples became smaller compared to as-milled MgH2 and as-received MgH2. Hence, it can be speculated that the hydrogen storage performance of MgH2 was improved after the addition of BaMnO3 catalyst due to a reduction in particle size and less agglomeration.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI272

Nama Produk : An Innovative Green Wave Power Energy Conversion System for Future Wave Energy Harvesting in Terengganu

Penyelidik : Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Zamri Bin Ibrahim

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Mohd Afifi Bin Haji Jusoh Dr. Zulkifli Bin Mohd Yusop Prof Madya Ts. Dr. Muhamad Zalani Bin Daud Ts. Gs. Dr. Aliashim Bin Albani

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Electricity production traditionally relies on burning fossil fuels, which releases harmful pollutants into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). These gases contribute to global heating by trapping heat energy in the Earth’s atmosphere. In order to contribute to reducing these emissions, wave4power team from Eastern Corridor Renewable Energy research group of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu has developed the innovative green wave power conversion system for nearshore emission-free energy production. The wave energy conversion system is capable of generating electricity during the high-tide and low-tide conditions.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI282

Nama Produk : The Multi-Plane Darrieus Blade Shape of Low-Speed Ocean Current Turbine

Penyelidik : Ts. Gs. Dr. Aliashim Albani Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Zamri Ibrahim Puteri Nurfarah Adawiyah Taslin Dr. Zulkifli Bin Mohd Yusop Mohd Afifi Bin Haji Jusoh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In order to design a high hydrodynamic efficiency rotor, the Darrieus is the best choice. However, the weakness of Darrieus rotor is in its small starting torque. There are a few solutions have been done to cater this problem, including hybridize the Darrieus with savonius rotor. However, the negative torque was reported to happen on Savonius blade that will reduce the efficiency of the hybrid rotor. There are the needs to better understand the hydrodynamics of multi-plane Darrieus both quantitatively, by evaluating their hydrodynamic performance and the optimal number of blade plane, and qualitatively, by examining the flow phenomena around these blades. The flow solver utilized to validate the ANN based hydrodynamics coefficients. Three types of optimization algorithms were tested and validated using a series of mathematical benchmark functions. The geometry of flow domain is meshed and exported into the Ansys Fluent model to analyze the hydrodynamic efficiency. The outcome of this project is a better understanding of the effect of number of blade planes to the hydrodynamic efficiency of the Darreius rotor in low speed of ocean current condition. In addition, time consuming during blade airfoil optimization process can be reduced by integration of the optimization algorithm with ANN. The finding from this study will provide the updated information in the optimal blade design for ocean current energy harvesting. Moreover, the fundamental result can be as a reference to improve the existing current energy converter for application in Malaysia ocean water.

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Institusi/Sekolah : Kaneka Innovative Fibers Sdn Bhd + UMT

ID : MPI287

Nama Produk : BioPond: Smart Monitoring System For Industry Effluent

Penyelidik : Wan Zharif Akram Wan Abdullah Siti Nursyarina Tam Norashikin Abu Sari Mohd Yusoff Nurulnadia Meng Chuan Ong

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : To comply with Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluents) Regulations 2009 (PU (A) 434), BioPond monitoring was introduced in Kaneka Innovative Fibers (KIF) iMODA Plant. This system consist of 1.5 x 1 x 1 m (length x wide x depth) pond which connected to the treated plant effluent. Wild tilapia fish was caught from the main drain outside the plant area. This fish was chosen to represent the natural area and will be the first organism to indicate any impact of effluent. The water parameters was monitored using smart system of EC/Ph meter – HORIBA multiprobe which recorded temperature, conductivity, and pH in every 30 seconds. The data was stored in Excel and retrieved weekly for monitoring purposes. If any strange behavior or physical sign showed on fish, the water parameters will be critically examined in order to find the potential reason. This system is relevant reflecting the nature condition, easy and assist the industry to closely monitor their effluent.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI289

Nama Produk : Introduction to Eco-Friendly Banana Based Eraser

Penyelidik : Azamuddin Bin Mansor Siti Balqis Binti Zaiduddin Muhammad Naim Bin Johari Nurin Aida Binti Khairudin Trisha Thiagarajan Nurul Izzah Binti Jamaludin Dr Noraifaa Binti Abdullah Sani

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : A developed and improved eco-friendly eraser with a slight twist of innovation was created based on the increasing of silicone production waste in Malaysia. Due to this rising problem, this project will focus on using the silicone wastes by combining raw materials e.g., corn starch and banana peel. By producing eraser in such way, the cost production of eraser can be reduced as eraser is highly commercialised in the education line. Other than that, the high amount of silicone waste from the manufacturing could be avoided. In the first part of this investigation, the composition of banana field in the making of eraser was studied. Next, an examination on the effects of the improved eraser on different types of paper and type of pencil leads were conducted. Changes in tensile strength, colour and texture of the eraser were observed and compared with results for untreated controls. In conclusions, the banana-based eraser altered surface characteristics but not mechanical properties of the paper. Keywords: banana peels, improved eraser, silicone, innovation

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Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI292

Nama Produk : The Enhancement of Oil Palm Trunk (Opt) Mechanical Properties Reinforced Epoxy via Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding (VARTM)

Penyelidik : Dr. Anuar Bin Abu Bakar Wan Nur Fatihah Amirah Binti Nik Wan @ Wan Senik Dr. Suriani Binti Mat Jusoh Dr. Asmalina Binti Mohamed Saat Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Eng. Ahmad Fitriadhy Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Shukry Bin Abdul Majid Zaimi Bin Zainal Mukhtar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Usually, the oil palm trunks (OPT) were decomposed naturally or let to be burnt in the plantation area. Consider awareness in many aspects likely safety, environmental impact, health issue and saving for composite structures. This scope of invention is to convert the waste oil palm trunk (OPT) into value added product by using method of Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding (VARTM). The VARTM technique proposed OPT reinforced Epoxy to enhance mechanical properties of the composite in tensile and compressive parameters. In addition, the Scanning Electron Microscopy shows better morphology in outer zone of OPT/Epoxy composite. The OPT reinforced composite will be used as alternative wood production.

Institusi/Sekolah : UUM

ID : MPI293

Nama Produk : Food Spoilage Management Using Smart Portable Outdoor Domestic Solar Drying Cabinet (PODSOD) with Smartphone Application

Penyelidik : Dr. Saadi bin Ahmad Kamaruddin Ts. Dr. Irnis Azura Zakarya Dr. Nor Anis Nadhirah Bt. Md. Nasir Dr. Norlinda Mohd Rozar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Food waste problem is becoming a habit among Malaysians. This unhealthy culture is considerable as the Malaysians’ as well as the world’s food system main challenges. These wastes create a worrying effects on land, water and air pollution, not to be forgotten our world climate change. This condition is worsened due to the fact that the spread of Covid-19 virus is contributed by unsystematic food waste management. This project which is under UIGreenMetric: Energy & Climate Change and SDG: 4 – Quality Education attempts to handle the unwieldy issues inherent with food waste management. The main aim of this product is to reduce food wastes by preserving the food wastes using drying approach. In the meanwhile, using this innovation, users can just leave the parcels/ goods/ packages/ groceries inside the cabinet and leave them there under the sun for less than 3 hours. This is an easier and alternative way to disinfect our parcels, goods, packages or groceries items, without need to wash them or throw the packages away. During critical times such as Movement Control Order (MCO), this drying cabinet can be used for something else for example

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drying fruits, vegetables, grains, fish, meat and flowers. By this way, we can help to reduce food waste and pollution in our nation.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI299

Nama Produk : PHEB KiTE: An Innovation for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Bus for Terengganu

Penyelidik : Dr. Siti Norbakyah Jabar Aiman Eizaz Bin Azhar Muhammad Aimi Asyraf Bin Ahmad Wan Mohammad Aiman Wan Wan Anuar PM. Ts. Dr. Salisa Abdul Rahman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Bas KiTE public bus in currently consumption diesel fuel as the main source to operate the bus. One of the alternatives to reduce diesel usage is to produce a plug-in hybrid electric bus (PHEB). Conceptual modeling and simulation of PHEB KiTE are introduced in this research.

Institusi/Sekolah : Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

ID : MPI302

Nama Produk : Paddy Charcoal for Renewable Energy Alternative

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Firuz Binti Zainuddin Cik Noor Zulaika Salleh Morgan Dr. Syed Nuzul Fadzli Syed Adam Dr. Jalilah Abdul Jalil Dr. Nor Wahidatul Azura Zainon Najib

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Paddy planting industry is one of the major agricultural acquisition in Perlis. However, most of the paddy leaves which has been harvested are left in the field and burned in order to prepare the land for the next plantation cycle. The burning activity of the paddy leaves caused a major environment pollution, especially to the nearby resident. Hence, this has led us to produce charcoal from paddy leaves as a new renewable energy alternative by using a simple processing method. According to our preliminary work, the amount of moisture content in paddy leaves was 10.058%. Therefore, paddy leaves are suitable for producing charcoal. To reduce excess energy consumption, the production of paddy leaves charcoal powder is made via combustion process, using a universal oven at the temperature of 220 °C to 260 °C. The combustion time is between 30 minutes to four hours. The paddy leaves char produced at 260 °C for four hours of combustion process has good properties in thermal stability. The paddy leaves charcoal briquette produced using this char, has a higher compressive strength than the charcoal briquettes produced using paddy leaves char obtained at lower combustion temperatures. In conclusion, the paddy charcoal can be considered as the new renewable energy alternative in charcoal industries.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI313

Nama Produk : Environmental Awareness Fun Game Version 3

Penyelidik : Associate Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mohd Khairul Amri Bin Kamarudin Ts. Dr. Ahmad Shakir Bin Mohd Saudi Dr. Mohd Hafiz Bin Rosli Dr. Mohd Syaiful Nizam Bin Abu Hassan Muhammad Hafiz Bin Md Saad Siti Nor Aisyah Bt Md Bati

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Research studies show that board games such as Snakes and Ladder result in children showing significant improvements in aspects of basic number skills such as counting, recognizing numbers, numerical estimation and number comprehension. They also practice fine motor skills each time they grasp a game piece. Playing board games also can improving children's executive functions. Related to this, is a growing academic interest in the topic of game accessibility, culminating in the development of guidelines for assessing the accessibility of modern tabletop games and the extent to which they are playable for people with disabilities. Luck may be introduced into a game by a number of methods. The use of dice of various sorts goes back to the earliest board games. These can decide everything from how many steps a player moves their token, as in Monopoly Game. Another important aspect of some games is diplomacy, that is, players making deals with one another. Negotiation generally features only in games with three or more players, cooperative games being the exception. Environmental Awareness Fun Game Version 3 (Environess Game V3) is one of the board games created to achieve the same goal of increasing the development of knowledge and information especially among communities but this game emphasizes more about environmental awareness. The Acts, fines and campaigns are provided in the form of games in this product that can make players are more likely to remember and thus influence good attitudes in environmental awareness, especially to children and teenagers. This product has good potential in ensuring that environmental awareness can be delivered indirectly in the form of a fun game. With low cost, players can get information on the environment while also change the perspectives on environmental awareness and consequently affecting their own attitudes. Environess Fun Game V3 was created to give improvement to the game from Environess Game V2 which is using Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Environess Game V2 will be add Virtual Reality (VR) technology as an electronic element to make this game more interactive for IR 4.0.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI317

Nama Produk : Preparation and Characterization of Lemongrass Waste as Biofiller for Thermoplastic Starch

Penyelidik : Dr Sharifah Hanis Yasmin Binti Sayid Abdullah Siti Hajar Hamin Syahril Amin Hashim Dr. Fathurrahman Lananan Dr. Ireana Yusra Abdul Fatah

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Dr. Martini Muhamad Prof. Dr. Azizah Endut

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Natural fibers are environmentally friendly resources used to strengthen biocomposites, which are useful for many industrial applications. Among different types of natural fiber lemongrass the least to be used despite its high cellulosic content, availability, low cost, possesses good mechanical and thermal properties. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of chemical treatment on structural characteristic, thermal properties and water absorption capacity of lemongrass fiber as biofiller for thermoplastic starch. The alkaline treatment with 5 wt. % sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution was performed on lemongrass fibers. The structural properties, thermal properties and water absorption ability of the untreated and treated lemongrass thermoplastic have been studied. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed that treated lemongrass fibers has rougher surface which indicated that NaOH treatment improved surface roughness by removing surface impurities and waxy substances that cover the fibers. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra indicated that the treatment with NaOH removed hemicelluloses as demonstrated by an absence of absorption bands at 2849.45 cm-1 and the lack of absorption strength at bands 1245.73 cm-1 due to loss of lignin. Thermal analysis results showed that treated lemongrass demonstrated greater thermal stability at lower temperature and higher residue level due to elimination of hemicellulose and lignin. In addition, the treated lemongrass fibre showed a lowered water absorption capacity compared to untreated lemongrass fibre. In conclusion, alkaline treated lemongrass fibre showed a good potential as biofiller for thermoplastic starch.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI319

Nama Produk : CQ eDNA S-Box

Penyelidik : Dr. Ahmad Syazni Kamarudin Dr. Norshida Ismail Muhammad Syafiq Aiman Mohd Nasir Mohamad Zulkarnain Mohd Dali Aliyu Garba Khaleel

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Australian redclaw crayfish (Decapoda, Parastacidea, Cherax) is a hardy crayfish originated from Northern Australia and South-eastern Papua New Guinea. It has been introduced into Malaysia for aquaculture and aquarium pet purposes. However, it became an invasive species due to deliberate and accidental release into the native environment. The introduction of the crayfish has caused disturbance towards the native biodiversity and ecosystem. Therefore, monitoring on the distribution of the invasive crayfish must be done to minimize the effect to the environment and ecosystem. The conventional monitoring method would consume a lot of time and energy especially at sites where the target species cannot be observed with naked eyes. The introduction of environmental DNA (eDNA) method offers more rapid monitoring result with shorter time. We have been successful to develop species-specific primer that enable the used of environmental DNA (eDNA) method in monitoring the crayfish distribution in Malaysian waters. Now laymen or netizen scientist across Malaysia can contribute to nationwide monitoring program by

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using our newly established Redclaw Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) Water Environmental DNA (eDNA) Sampling Box. This kit was developed to allow laymen to make water samples collection in any water bodies with possible Cherax quadricarinatus introduction. The water samples will be send to us and we will do the confirmation of the crayfish presences via qPCR amplification. The kit includes a user manual, 3 pairs of gloves, a specific primer set for C. quadricarinatus, a probe for qPCR usage, 3 volume of syringes for water collection, and a 1.5 metres aeration tube as extension to the syringe tip for collecting water at tight spaces like rock crevices.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI342

Nama Produk : Save the Ocean

Penyelidik : Dr. Tengku Fara Kamilia bt Tengku Mohd Kamil Dr. Azza Jauhar Ahmad Tajuddin Dr. Nur Mazlina Abu Bakar Puan Nur Salina Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Coral reefs, is an essential part of the marine ecosystem as providing the habitat to millions of marine flora and fauna. It is also very important source for the coastal livelihoods in terms of food security and eco- tourism. Malaysia contains 76% of the world’s coral species in about 4,000 km2 of area. However, since last few decades, Malaysian coral reefs are under severe threat from natural impacts; high sea water temperatures and solar irradiance. In the plan of action 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG), one of the actions is to conserve and sustainably use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development (SDG14). Thus, this study is looked into ocean literacy to improve human understanding on the oceans, especially for school children. Moderate and high knowledge level plays an important role in developing their positive attitude towards marine environment. This boardgame, with the Save the Ocean theme, hopefully can create an awareness towards ocean sustainability for the future generation.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI400

Nama Produk : Rapid Composting Free (RCF) Technology: From Pollution To Solution

Penyelidik : Muhammad Nur Arif Bin Kamanizam Syafi'ah Nadiah Bt Mohd Sa'id Ismafatin Nabilah Binti Ismail Ts. Dr. Mohamed Shahrir Bin Mohamed Zahari Ts. Dr. Shahrul Bin Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Dalam tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini, jumlah sisa makanan yang semakin meningkat di Malaysia telah menyebabkan banyak masalah alam sekitar. Pengkomposan memainkan peranan penting di dunia sekarang ini. Dunia sekarang berusaha untuk memperbaiki persekitaran dan kesihatan. Pengkomposan tidak hanya mengurangkan masalah sampah di tempat pembuangan sampah,

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tetapi juga memberi manfaat kepada manusia dan nutrien tanah kerana kompos dapat mengurangkan jumlah sampah seperti tempat pembuangan sampah, sampah dapur, sampah isi rumah, dan sisa makanan di Bumi. Proses pengkomposan adalah kaedah terbaik untuk mengurangkan sisa pelupusan sampah, kerana kompos dapat mewujudkan keperluan nutrien dalam pertanian dan dapat menghasilkan baja. Dengan masalah tersebut telah memikirkan cara untuk mengurangkan sisa makanan yang semakin banyak ini. Kajian ini telah merancang untuk membina sebuah mesin kompos yang boleh membuat baja. Mesin tersebut akan dapat mengurangkan sisa makanan yang telah di buang dan boleh menghasilkan baja yang banyak bergantung pada kuantiti yang di kumpul oleh sisa makanan tersebut. Mesin kompos ini akan mempercepatkan lagi proses kitaran untuk hasilan baja tersebut. Spekfikasi mesin kompos tersebut sangat padat dan kecil, sehingga boleh menjimatkan ruang. Lakaran mesin kompos tersebut telah dilukis dan telah di periksa untuk dibina. Mesin kompos ini utamakan masa untuk menghasilkan baja. Bahan atau komponen yang akan dibina dari mesin kompos tersebut ialah reaktor dram, keluli tahan karat, mesin pencincang, motor, pelompat. Dengan ini mesin kompos ini akan memudahkan lagi penggunaan dan menjimatkan masa.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI401

Nama Produk : MARS; Mobile Anammox Reactor System

Penyelidik : Nor Najwa Binti Nizam Syafi'ah Nadiah Bt Mohd Sa'id Ismafatin Nabilah Binti Ismail Ts. Dr. Mohamed Shahrir Bin Mohamed Zahari Ts. Dr. Shahrul Bin Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Bakteria anammox atau dikenali Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation ini telah menjadi perhatian kepada ramai saintis dan pakar teknologi sejak penemuannya dalam air sisa kumbahan pada dua dekad yang lalu iaitu pada pertengahan 1990-an. Bakteria ini telah dijumpai dalam dua jenis air yang berbeza iaitu air masin dan juga air tawar. Antara kelebihan menggunakan bakteria ini dalam sektor rawatan air adalah dapat menyingkirkan nutrient yang berlebihan dalam air dengan skala yang besar, nutrient utama yang banyak disingkirkan adalah ammonia (NH4+) dan nitrogen (N2). Proses ini sekaligus dapat mengurangkan eutrofikasi dalam air dan juga mampu mengurangkan pencemaran air yang lain. Disamping itu juga, ianya dapat menjaga dan melindungi hidupan akuatik. Antara kelebihan utama menggunakan bakteria ini adalah, ianya dapat digunakan dalam keadaan kekurangan oksigen atau sifar oksigen. Proses menggunakan bakteria ini sangat terkenal dengan kelebihannya yang mempunyai kadar penyingkiran yang tinggi bagi ammonia dan nitrogen. Proses ini juga sangat mesra alam dengan hanya memerlukan kos operasi yang rendah. Langkah atau proses ini sangat berkesan untuk semua sektor akuakultur. Namun secara am nya, proses ini merupakan perkara asing dan baru di Malaysia terutama sekali untuk bakteria air masin. Bagi menyelesaikan masalah dan menambah baik proses pemulihan air sisa, projek pengasingan/pemilihan dan pertumbuhan bakteria anammox tempatan dalam sektor akuakultur dilakukan. Antara kelainan bakteria anammox yang kami lakukan adalah ianya menggunakan sampel air tempatan iaitu kolam air udang dan juga dari

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muara Sungai Kuala Terengganu. Projek ini juga menggunakan bakteria tempatan iaitu dari Malaysia sendiri ianya dapat meningkatkan tahap keberkesanan dalam merawat air sisa akuakultur kerana keadaan dan struktur air yang sama berbanding dengan menggunakan bakteria air masin yang dikaji di negara lain. Antara kelainan yang diketengahkan di dalam projek ini adalah dengan menggunakan sampel bakteria dari air masin yang jarang digunakan oleh pengkaji tempatan yang lain, kerana kebanyakkan mereka hanya menggunakan sampel air dari air tawar. Ini merupakan salah satu inovasi atau langkah yang sesuai dengan menggunakan teknologi terkini untuk merawat air sisa akuakultur dengan efektif dan berkesan.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI403


Penyelidik : Nur Adibah Atiqa Binti Mohd Hatta Syafi'ah Nadiah Bt Mohd Sa'id Ismafatin Nabilah Binti Ismail Ts. Dr. Mohamed Shahrir Bin Mohamed Zahari Ts. Dr. Shahrul Bin Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Malaysia already accustomed with treating wastewater using aerobic system. One of the well-known process applied is activated sludge treatment. However with recent researches and studies conducted, anaerobic system proved to be more efficient than conventional aerobic process. Treating wastewater anaerobically will save up cost and energy since it does not require blower to supply oxygen. The absence of oxygen involve several steps of biochemical conversion by microbial degradation activity in anaerobic digestion process. There are many methods to carry out anaerobic treatment and one of the promising technique is implementing sludge bed technology. In this technology, Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor is the first digester introduced. Since then, numbers of reactor emerged by modifying UASB to improve its weakness. These digesters performance closely associated with their potential to develop granular sludge. Granulation aids in retaining active biomass as it have good settling properties. Thus, microbial aggregation in form of granules will not be easily washed out and remain in the reactor to let microbes break down organic carbon into simpler matter. Although this biogranulation is vital for successful operation, it usually takes longer time to be developed in the reactor. A technique called WHIRLZ just discovered to overcome this problem. Hence, granulation of anaerobic sludge can be performed outside the anaerobic digester.

Kategori: Sekolah

Institusi/ Sekolah : Kolej Vokasional Wakaf Tembesu

ID : MPI147

Nama Produk : Alternative Emergency Generator (AEG)

Penyelidik : En. Mohd Kaspi Bin Harun En. Hirrawady Bin Sumarto En. Wan Zohal Bin Wan Ali Muhammad Fajrul Iman Bin Mohd Mazli

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Muhammad Rasydan Bin Rosmadi Muhammad Azrul Amri Bin Zulkifli Pn.Zailawati Binti Che Lah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Penggunaan penjana solar dalam masyarakat masih belum meluas meskipun telah berada di pasaran. Penjana sedia ada masih lagi menggunakan bahan bakar yang memberi risiko terhadap pencemaran. Kami telah mengambil inisiatif menginovasikan projek yang sedia ada di pasaran dengan projek ‘Alternative Emergency Generator’ (AEG) yang bersumberkan tenaga solar. AEG bukan sahaja menjimatkan malah mesra pengguna kerana tiada pencemaran bau dan bunyi. Selain boleh dijadikan model dalam proses PdPc iaitu pengajaran dan pemudah cara, AEG ini juga bertujuan untuk menyalurkan tenaga elektrik di kawasan pendalaman dan terpencil seperti kampung serta kawasan yang terputus bekalan elektrik. AEG mengatasi masalah penduduk, tidak lagi berada dalam masalah kegelapan. Aktiviti perniagaan di pasar malam juga memerlukan para peniaga memaksimumkan penggunaan elektrik bagi urusan jual beli dan dengan adanya projek AEG ini, tenaga elektrik dapat dijimatkan sekaligus memastikan alam sekitar terus terpelihara. Ujilari dan kajian responden terhadap projek ini telah dijalankan di kawasan sekitar tapak pasar malam untuk melihat keberkesanannya. Ternyata para peniaga atau pengguna sangat berpuas hati terhadap AEG kerana dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang mereka hadapi selama ini.

Institusi/Sekolah : Kolej Vokasional Wakaf Tembesu

ID : MPI148

Nama Produk : Brilliant Street Light (BSL)

Penyelidik : En. Zainuzzaman Bin Abdullah En. Hirrawady Bin Sumarto En. Azamani @ Azman Bin Ismail Puan Eliyawati Binti Saydi Puan Zailawati Binti Che Lah Muhammad Iqmal Muqri Bin Mohd Tadjuddin Che Rozairul Farhan Bin Che Rozaimi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Sistem lampu Brilliant Street Light (BSL) adalah salah satu teknologi terkini yang berkaitan dengan teknologi hijau. Teknologi ini menggunakan sumber solar sebagai bekalan yang dihidupkan secara automatik dengan menggunakan sistem Arduino dan sensor LDR. Projek ini dikendalikan dengan sokongan laman web (thingspeak) yang disambungkan secara atas talian kepada telefon pintar, bagi menghidupkan lampu LED. Lampu LED dapat menjimatkan tenaga dan tidak memerlukan penyenggaraan. Bekalan kuasa yang berterusan sebanyak 12V dapat dihasilkan secara konsisten walaupun berlaku perubahan pada kadar pencahayaan terhadap penerimaan sistem solar. Semasa lampu dihidupkan voltan bateri dapat dilihat melalui paparan secara langsung di skrin digital laman web Thingspek. Kuasa bateri yang dijana dapat bertahan selama 12 jam untuk menghidupkan semua lampu. Projek ini sesuai digunakan di kawasan yang tidak mempunyai lampu jalan dan dapat mengurangkan risiko kemalangan jalan raya, masalah sosial dan jenayah yang lain.

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Institusi/Sekolah : Kolej Vokasional Wakaf Tembesu

ID : MPI149

Nama Produk : Solar Grass Cutter (SGC)

Penyelidik : En. Elias Bin Mohd Yatim En. Roslan Bin Abdullah Puan Norshuhaida Binti Ghazali En. Ismail Bin Abdul Ghafar Muhammad Bakri Idham Bin Mat Ahmad Syahmi Bin Abdullah Abdul Aziz Bin Saide

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "Mesin rumput yang sedia ada di pasaran sekarang mempunyai beberapa kelemahan iaitu, perlu menggunakan bahan bakar petrol untuk berfungsi dan harga jualan semasa bahan bakar ini semakin meningkat. Mesin rumput konvensional mengeluarkan bunyi bising dan boleh menganggu keselesaan penduduk di kawasan sekitar. Sebagai salah satu jalan penyelesaian masalah tersebut, kami telah menginovasikan mesin rumput yang lama kepada yang baharu dan diberi nama “Solar Grass Cutter” (SGC). SGC tidak menggunakan bahan bakar untuk berfungsi kerana menggunakan tenaga yang diperbaharui iaitu tenaga solar yang semula jadi dan mesra alam. SGC tidak mengeluarkan bunyi yang bising dan tidak mengganggu keselesaan penggunanya berbanding mesin rumput sedia ada di pasaran yang menggunakan sistem enjin. SGC ini dijana oleh solar panel 15W untuk pengecasan bateri 5.0AH. Ujilari penggunaan SGC ini di halaman rumah beberapa penduduk di sekitar kawasan Kuala Nerus dengan anggaran keluasan 30 kaki dan selebar 30 kaki. Dapatan dari responden telah melahirkan rasa gembira, berpuas hati dan berpendapat bahawa “Solar Grass Cutter” (SGC) ini telah dapat mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi oleh pengguna selama ini iaitu pencemaran bunyi, bau dan kos yang tinggi."

Institusi/Sekolah : Kolej Vokasional Wakaf Tembesu

ID : MPI150

Nama Produk : Equipment Sensor Handtools Detector (ESHD)

Penyelidik : En. Wan Zohal Bin Wan Ali Hj. Mohamad Zabidi Bin Abdullah En. Zulkarnain Bin Mohd Zawawi Hj. Wan Azhar Bin Wan Abdul Rahman Muhammad Zulkarnain Bin Mohd Zaki Muhammad Irfan Fahhim Bin Syaharizal Haiqal Aiman Bin Mohd Tarmizi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Projek ini direka cipta untuk menyelesaikan masalah alat tangan bersepah di atas meja selepas tamat waktu pembelajaran di makmal atau bengkel di Kolej Vokasional. Alat tangan yang dibekalkan oleh pihak kerajaan untuk kegunaan bengkel telah hilang dan sekaligus memaksa pihak bengkel mengeluarkan kos yang tinggi untuk membeli peralatan yang baharu. EQUIPMENT SENSOR HANDTOOLS DETECTOR (ESHD) adalah rekaan untuk mengesan alat tangan yang ditinggalkan di atas meja bengkel selepas tamat PdPc amali. ESHD menggunakan arduino sebagai sistem utama yang digabungkan dengan sistem kawalan elektrik untuk mengesan alat tangan yang tidak disimpan di tempat yang betul. Apabila lampu dimatikan, buzzer akan berbunyi kerana sensor inframerah mengesan alat tangan yang

44 |MPI ‘21 ditinggalkan di atas meja. Hasil kajian menunjukkan projek ini dapat meringankan tugas pembantu bengkel bagi memastikan bengkel dalam keadaan kemas selain dapat mewujudkan sifat bertanggungjawab dalam setiap diri pelajar. Projek ini juga mempunyai bekalan sokongan iaitu bekalan sistem solar untuk memastikan projek ini dapat berkendali meskipun mengalami kegagalan pada bekalan TNB.

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Cluster B Agriculture and Aquaculture

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Kategori: IPT- Staf/ Pasca Siswazah/Pra Siswazah

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI011

Nama Produk : Green Vapo: New Postharvest Technique in Reducing Losses

Penyelidik : Wan Zaliha Wan Sembok Tan Gaik Im Ung Yi Muhammad Ariff Syahmi Azuarizam Alang Aida Nadia A. Ramlee

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : One-third of fruits and vegetables produced in the world are never consumed by humans due to improper postharvest handling which include a series of processing such as harvesting, sorting, cleaning, pre-cooling, grading, packing, storage, and transportation. In Malaysia, the postharvest losses range between 10 and 40%, a direct result of poor postharvest handling. In order to reduce these losses, a new postharvest strategy has been discovered, GreenVapo. This new postharvest technique able to reduce browning incidence (BI), prickling and tingling sensation in fruits. BI is catalyzed by polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme generally degraded the appearance, organoleptical properties and nutritional quality of fresh cut products. Meanwhile, prickling and tingling sensation due to bromelain enzymes activities affect the flavor and are less preferred by consumer. All these contribute to the postharvest losses and end up in the rubbish bin. Therefore, GreenVapo technique, offers one of the best avenues in reducing postharvest losses by maintaining the quality and prolonging the shelflife of fruits.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI013

Nama Produk : Artificial Xspore for Mushroom Cultivation

Penyelidik : Dr. Andrew Anak Ngadin Ts. Dr. Fauziah Tufail Ahmad Dr. Elham Taghavi Nur Diyana Rosnan Nur Shafina Aris Nur Fatini Ahamd Khalil

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The mycelium-resistant disease product is an important factor influencing the quality of yields in mushroom production. To replace the classical method and produce artificial spawn product of mycelium to reduce the high risk of substrate contamination is required by mushroom growers. A method was investigated to produce spawn for mushroom production based on aseptic-encapsulated mycelium using alginate beads. A strain of an edible mushroom is selected to be cultured in liquid medium and spores were inoculated to this artificial product called Artificial Xspore. This product is blended with 100 mL of 2% sodium alginate solution (w / v) or with alginate solution with the addition of 2% nutrient rich solution (w / v). Cell suspension was drilled in 200 mL of 500 mM CaCl2 solution using a cut-off micro tip to produce an artificial beads. The obtained beads were inoculated in a

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degraded potato dextrose agar (PDA) and in a substrate to investigate growth. This study shows that mushroom mycelium is able to adapt to abiotic factors that are altered to emerge from beads.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI024

Nama Produk : IoT Engagement in Revolutionizing Agriculture 4.0

Penyelidik : Mohamad Afendee Mohamed Mohd Fadzil Abdul Kadir Ahmad Faisal Amri Abidin Abd Rasid Mamat Ahmad Aiman Shallahuddin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : By 2050, the world needs to produce 70 percent more food to tackle the proportionate growth in the population. Having not meeting this, millions people worldwide will suffer from hunger and be left undernourished. This statistics is actually a wake-up calls for a concerted effort by governments, investors, and innovative agricultural technologies to revolutionize agriculture 4.0 in the country. The fact is farming isn’t anymore about applying water, fertilizers, and pesticides uniformly across entire fields, but it’s about minimizing resources to only where and when it is needed to maximize yields. Agriculture framework will definitely be very differently, primarily due to advancements in technology such as sensors, devices, machines, and information technology. Future agriculture will use sophisticated technologies such as robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology. In this study, we take up the challenge by deploying technologies to a sample field. The monitoring (temperature, moisture, and nutrient) and controlling (disbursement of water, fertilizers and pesticides) of the crops will be tele-managed based on locality connected via the internet. The successful implementation of this project can be carefully adapted into farms of any size and location throughout the country for more profitable, efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI031

Nama Produk : TRI-ComPAct: The Mutifunction Bioproduct Towards Sustainable Agriculture

Penyelidik : Dr. Noor Afiza Badaluddin Nur Aisyah Zin Mariana Mohamad Dr. Nornasuha Yusoff Mohammad Hailmi Sajili

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Nowadays, soil and water pollution issue become endemic worldwide. The use of pesticide and synthetic fertilizer in agriculture led to water pollution through the leaching of chemical compound into ground water. Overload of nutrient causes of eutrophication in the water bodies which suppress other aquatic ecosystem. In addition, improper food waste management increase the amount of food waste on landfill. Therefore, the use of TRI-ComPAct have potential to alleviate this

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problems by acting as biocontrol agent, biodecomposer and plant growth promoter. TRI-ComPAct is composed with fungal consortium of Trichoderma hamatum, T. harzianum and T. atroviride. Our research found that this consortium secreted lignocelullose degrading enzymes and have antagonistic activity against several plant pathogens as well as plant growth promoter. Hence, TRI-ComPAct has potential to become ultimate bioproduct towards sustainable agriculture.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI070

Nama Produk : NeoCad Amour

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Aidilla Mubarak Iman Nur Sabrina Norasmadi Nurain Nabilah Zulkipli Dr. Nurul Ulfah Karim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : NeoCad Armour is an innovative kelampayan leaf-based coating solution that is effective for the protection of select seafood. Kelampayan (Neolamarckia cadamba) is an under-utilized plant that is rich in various bioactive compounds such as polyphenols. Microbial spoilage and lipid peroxidation are major cause of spoilage that limits the shelf life of seafood. To assess the effectiveness of NeoCad Armour in retaining postharvest quality of seafood, the coating solution was applied on white shrimp and Indian mackerel fillet that are both highly perishable. NeoCad Armour was found to be effective in delaying the percentage of weight loss and decreased the total volatile base nitrogen in both white shrimp and Indian mackerel fillet which indicated a delayed rate of spoilage. The coating was also able to inhibit lipid oxidation through the measure of reduced peroxide value. NeoCad Armour was capable in delaying melanosis formation in white shrimp and receives a better perception of acceptance from the sensory analysis. This product also reduced the microbial growth in both tested seafood during 9 days of chilled storage (5°C). NeoCad Armour is thus a valuable and potential product to be used in postharvest treatment of seafood.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI076

Nama Produk : Biopesticides For Pest Control

Penyelidik : Dr. Norhidayah Che Soh Dr. Suhaizan Lop Dr. Nurul Faziha Ibrahim Dr. Husni Hayati Mohd Rafdi Noor Shahira Md Yusoff

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Agriculture sector faced the destructive activities of several pests like fungi, weeds, and insects from time immemorial, leading to radical decrease in yields. Basically, application of chemical pesticides are the most effective method to controlling insect and pest due to their fast action and its lasting effect. But the over dependence on chemical pesticides and eventual abandoned use of them has required for

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alternatives mainly for environmental and human health concerns. Pesticide residues sometimes increase food safety concerns among domestic consumers and cause trade impediments for export crops. Therefore, an ecofriendly alternative is really need to be considered. Bio-pesticides are naturally contain substances that control pests by nontoxic mechanisms. These bio-pesticides created less threat to the environment and to human health. Biological pesticides specific to a target pest offer an ecologically and effective solution to pest problems. The interest in biopesticides is based on the advantages associated with such products which are less harmful and less environmental load, and when used as a component of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs, biopesticides can contribute significantly. Our products produced naturally using plants which is neem and kaffir lime leaves. Some literature mention that these plant contain compounds which have potential as antiseptic, antiviral, antipyretic, anti- inflammatory and antifungal properties. Compared to the conventional pesticides, this biopesticides is cheaper and environmentally friendly where it does not harm farmers and consumers. This product also easy to handle as it’s not poisonous and can be stored for a long period of time in proper way.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI129

Nama Produk : OptiFeed '4' ALL

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Aidilla Mubarak Ts. Dr. Nur Aidya Hanum Aizam Prof. Dr. Mhd Ikhwanuddin Abdullah Prof. Madya Dr. Liew Hon Jung Nurul Sakinah Din Zahidah Mohd Zaulir

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Expensive aqua feed has been one of the main hurdles in an effective aquaculture activity across varied species. OptiFeed is therefore invented as an effort to address this issue and potentially help create a more dynamic aquaculture production. OptiFeed is a guaranteed low-cost and nutritionally optimal feed that is produced using mathematical modelling. This approach creates the speciality of customizing ingredients to the needs of specific species and availabilities of ingredients. It also allows the incorporation of special ingredients with amount that does not compromise the contribution of nutrients from other source of ingredients. OptiFeed has been tested for its effectiveness to diverse marine species that includes ornamental fish; zebrafish as well as to the giant freshwater prawn, red nile tilapia and catfish. OptiFeed resulted in an enhanced survival rate and comparable growth when compared to a more expensive commercial feed. OptiFeed can therefore be a useful alternative to commercial feed for effective aquaculture production.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI145

Nama Produk : RotiferPRO

Penyelidik : Dr. Fathurrahman Lananan

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Dr. Shaharah Mohd Idris Dr. Mohd Nor Azra Md. Adib Ahmad Taufan Abdul Rashid Aluwi Sulaiman Mohd Mukriz Mohd Kasim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Rotifer culture is an important element in finfish breeding and larval production as natural live feed for fish larvae. Hence, with the expansion of intensive aquaculture the requirement of live feed is becoming more crucial. Thus, in most advanced marine hatchery such as in FRI Tanjung Demong the cultivation of rotifer had reach ultra- intensive scale which require very specialized monitoring and control. With the advancement of microcontrollers and IoT, its capability was explored in this research. Although at the initial stage of implementation, the developed embedded microcontroller complex, RotiferPRO had prove its capability in autonomous maintenance of ultra-intensive rotifer culture. With the total volume of three tonnes seawater working condition, RotiferPRO able to report the flow rates, filtration rate and most importantly continuous monitoring on the rotifer density live to the server than to the operator which could be located anywhere in the world. This unnoticed potential of realtime data stream could provide the institution for future long-distanced research collaboration and consultation. Developed completely locally with the collaboration between FRI Tanjung Demong, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and Politeknik Jeli, RotiferPRO could definitely transformed local aquaculture industry towards Industry 4.0 Revolutions.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniMAP

ID : MPI164

Nama Produk : Nanodevice For Arsenic Detection In Rice Grains- A Potential Screening Tool

Penyelidik : Muhammad Nur Aiman Uda Prof. Madya Dr. Subash Anak Lelaki Gopinath Prof. Dr. Uda Hashim Dr. Nor Azizah Parmin Dr. Muhammad Nur Afnan Uda Dr. Nur Hamidah Abdul Halim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The development of sensitive and reliable methods to detect arsenic in paddy field especially in paddy grains is one of great importance to biochemical research and monitoring applications. Thus a label-free and sensitive aptasensor in detection of arsenic need to develop ensuring food security and preserving a good quality of grains. In this research, silica nanoparticles and graphene have been assessed for high performance in sensing applications and high sensitivity resulting in LOD measurement for both nanomaterials.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI171

Nama Produk : Cultivation Innovation Of Pineapple By Children With Disabilities As Easy As 1,2,3 Penyelidik : Dr. Hartini Ab Ghani

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zunaidah Sulong Dr. Nazatul Faizah Haron Dr. Noor Aina Amirah Mohd Noor Zaharah Dzulkifli Salman Lambak

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In Malaysia although numbers of children with disability is not available, gross estimation of children have a disability is more than 85,000. The development of services for children with disability and their family is largely in the hands of professionals or therapists working in government agencies and non government organizations (NGOs). Children with disability and their parents should be consulted and involved in decision making process which cater for their needs. Professionals and therapists need to change their perspective from service provision to training. There is a need to train the disable and parents to run their day to day activities. Hence, this project is conducted to train the children to be independent and become self cultivated entrepreneurs. As pineapple is one of the plantation that contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Malaysia. Approximately, 600,000 hectares of peatland are cultivated with pineapple besides the rubber, oil palm and sago. The pineapple industry in Malaysia is unique because nearly 90% of the crop is planted on peat soil which is considered as a tool in reducing greenhouse gas emission. However, the current technology for cultivation of pineapple is of disadvantage due to labour shortages and raising of other inputs costs. As such, pineapple cultivation in polybag is introduced to the children with disability as it is easy to handle and does not require big capital.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI190

Nama Produk : MeT-GAS: A Biocontrol Agent for Controlling ‘Siput Gondang Emas’ in Infested Paddy Fields

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wahizatul Afzan Azmi Dr. Azila Adnan Dr. Ng Lee Chuen Anis Jazleena Syafiqah Ann Jaisoffi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Golden Apple Snails (GAS, Pomacea canaliculata) or commonly known as ‘Siput Gondang Emas’ was introduced in Malaysia as one of the world worst invasive pest species that caused extremely damaged to the paddy fields since it reduces enormous productivity of rice. Currently, chemical molluscicide is widely used by the farmers to kill GAS but it is costly and lead to major impacts towards farmers’ health and environment. Biological control agent using entomopathogenic fungus is the most preferable method to control GAS because it is non- toxic, environmental friendly and cost-effective than chemical molluscicides. In this study, the molluscicidal activity of an entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae towards GAS adults and eggs was investigated. M. anisopliae then was further tested against GAS adults and eggs with four different concentrations which were 3x104, 3x105, 3x106 and 3x107 spore/ml. The median lethal time (LT50) for concentration of 3x107 took 5.30 days to kill 50% of GAS adults; while the same concentration had an LT50 value of only 3.06 days to kill GAS eggs. Physiological analysis was also conducted on both GAS adults and eggs. Infected GAS adults’ skin turned to white

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opaque in colour and the internal organs such as lung, digestive part and liver were clearly disintegrated. Besides, the colour of GAS eggs turned to pale pink after being infected to M. anisopliae and resulted to non-viable eggs. This study reveals that M. anisopliae provides an effective biological control agent against GAS and has a potential as a targeted bio-molluscicides for management of GAS.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI198

Nama Produk : Cassa Moisturising Powder

Penyelidik : Siti Irdina Saharil Hanis Hazira Hamdan Alya Husna Abdullah Abdul Hadi Jamaludin Dr. Nurul Najidah Mohamed Prof. Madya Dr. Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : During the twenty-first century, the main environmental problem in Peninsular Malaysia that will most likely affect the country is water scarcity or technically defined as a drought. Apart from drought, lowers soil fertility also impairs agricultural crop production and affects a number of other soil properties including water retention capacity. Previous study reported that the cassava peel is rich with cellulose content that has significant capabilities to store water molecules due to its hydroxyl group properties. Thus, the aim of this innovation is to convert this industrial by-product which is cassava peel into ‘moisturizing material’ for soil that is known as Cassa Moisturizing Powder. The materials that were used in the production includes cassava peel waste, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), sodium hydroxide, urea, alum and coconut shell charcoal. It involves five steps which are 1) peeling the cassava peels, 2) drying the cassava peels, 3) blending all the materials together, 4) drying again all the mixtures and 5) packing into a suitable packaging. This innovation is specially created for the unfortunate farmers who could not afford to purchase the expensive fertilizer and to those people who want to start involving in farming. Also, Cassa Moisturizing Powder helps farmers who are not interested in chemical fertilizers and those who cannot afford to buy expensive ingredients to make their own fertilizer.

Institutsi/Sekolah : Institut Kajian Orang Asal Borneo, Universiti Malaysia Sabah

ID : MPI206

Nama Produk : Pertandingan Memancing Rekreasi Peringkat Tempatan: Eksplorasi Terhadap Profil dan Motif Pemancing

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Jabil Mapjabil Dr. Ayesah Uy Abubakar Dr. Mohamad Pirdaus Yusoh Datu Razali Datu Eranza Muhammad Aidil Mustafa Kamal

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Kajian terhadap aktiviti memancing rekreasi masih kurang di Malaysia terutamanya di Sabah. Ini menyebabkan tidak banyak dokumentasi dan bahan literatur yang dapat dirujuk untuk mengembangkan kajian

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ini sejajar dengan pelbagai isu sains sosial yang lain. Untuk itu, kajian pertandingan memancing rekreasi di peringkat tempatan ini adalah signifikan dan relevan. Tujuan kajian ini adalah meneliti profil dan motif peserta yang terlibat dalam pertandingan memancing rekreasi di peringkat tempatan, iaitu Kota Kinabalu dan Bongawan. Metode kajian yang digunakan ialah temu bual menggunakan borang soal selidik, temu bual tidak langsung dan pemerhatian di kawasan kajian. Dalam konteks profil pemancing, majoriti peserta pertandingan memancing tempatan menggunakan satu batang joran sahaja dan mementingkan jenama pancing tertentu serta mengutamakan kualitinya. Dari segi kos untuk membeli satu set pancing ialah RM300 ke bawah manakala kos untuk menyertai pertandingan memancing peringkat tempatan pula adalah RM200 dan ke bawah. Namun begitu, majoriti daripada mereka tidak menyertai mana-mana kelab memancing (85%). Untuk motif menyertai pertandingan memancing tempatan pula, faktor minat mencatatkan 4.37 iaitu skor min dalam kategori ‘sangat tinggi’. Terdapat tujuh faktor yang mencatatkan motif yang ‘tinggi’ (min 3.43 – 3.93), antaranya menyertai pertandingan kerana ada masa lapang, nilai hadiah dan bilangan kategori hadiah yang ditawarkan. Seterusnya, empat faktor dalam tahap ‘sederhana’ (min 3.12 – 3.28) seperti dorongan keluarga, yuran pertandingan berpatutan dan faktor reputasi penganjur. Namun begitu, kewujudan kelab memancing didapati adalah faktor terendah (2.58). Hasil kajian ini adalah bermanfaat kepada komuniti sebagai suatu amalan cara hidup yang sihat, mampu menjana pendapatan lumayan kepada penganjur pertandingan serta dokumentasi berguna untuk aktiviti memancing rekreasi dan sukan memancing negara.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI213

Nama Produk : Smart Automated Greenhouse

Penyelidik : Dr. W Omar Ali Saifuddin Wan Ismail Razwan Rohimi Ts. Dr. Roslan Awang Dr. Ireana Yusra Abdul Fatah Dr. Siti Maryam Sharun Dr. Nur Haizal Mat Yaakob@Ariffin Prof. Ts. Dr. Saiful Bahri Mohamed

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. Gardening can be a stress relief, happiness and also as a source of income among small farmers and hobbyist especially during COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Malaysian movement Control Order (MCO) applied, extreme temperature, pest and diseases, less time for watering, and heat trapped inside the greenhouse are the challenges faced among them to maintain the crop’s quality. Therefore, the existing greenhouse must be redesign and the cooling system is required to adapt the Malaysia’s climate which is hot and humid. The size and material for greenhouse’s glazing and framework are considered to reduce the cost of greenhouse fabrication without eliminate the strengthen of the greenhouse structure. The Automated Greenhouse (AG) is installed with Arduino UNO to control and monitor the greenhouse system to manage the crops include watering the plant twice per day, monitoring the soil moisture and water level of hydroponic nutrients and also to reduce the temperature inside the greenhouse up to 3-7 degree Celcius.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI247

Nama Produk : MyKelulut: Rapid Method for The Authentication And Quality Assessment of Stingless Bee Honey

Penyelidik : Kok Suet Cheng Cheang Khai Ming Dr. Maulidiani Dr. Rudiyanto Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Iryani Wan Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Stingless bee honey is one of the important commodities in Malaysia. It is widely consumed not only for its taste and nutritional value, but also for its health benefits such as to boost immune system and combat various diseases. Currently, authenticity and standardization are the major issues in ensuring the quality of stingless bee honey. In this project, we provide a robust and rapid method such as combination of ATR-FTIR chemometrics and 1H NMR analysis for the authentication and quality assessment of stingless bee honey. In addition, this method is also applicable in discriminating the pure and adulterated stingless bee honey as well as to evaluate the metabolites that contribute to its biological activity in particular antioxidant properties. The findings of this project may contribute to development of new method in authentication and quality assessment of stingless bee honey and set the preliminary step towards developing honey into high claim food product.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI280

Nama Produk : BIOFUNGICA: Natural Bio-pesticide for Agricultural Fungal Pathogen

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Khamsah Suryati Mohd Nik Nurnaemah Nik Muhammad Nasir Mohammad Hailmi Sajili Dr. Noor Afiza Badaluddin Dr. Abd. Jamil Zakaria Mohd Eeyad Arief Mohd Nor Asri Muhammad Azzuan Sa’idan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The plant pathogenic fungi are major problems during pre and postharvest in the agricultural sector in Malaysia. Repeated used of the chemical fungicides, pesticides and herbicides to solve the problems are causing severe concern from the health and environmental point of view. Baeckea frutescens known as Cucur atap is used as antibacterial, antidysentery, antipyretic and diuretic agent. The study on our research of B. frutescens have proven that B. frutescens extract have inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi that cause disease and loss during pre and postharvest of agriculture production. In order to commercially exploits the decency of B. frutescens, we formulated BIOFUNGICA, the bio-fungicides with addition as plants booster for prevention and treatment for the agriculture production problems with the B. frutescens extract as the main active ingredients. The antifungal activities exhibited by the B. frutescens extract would give good indications and noteworthy of its

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potential as promising safe and environmentally friendly candidate for future applications as a biocontrol agent.

Institutsi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI285

Nama Produk : Pesticide Spraying Mobile Robot

Penyelidik : Mohd Hafiz Othman Ahamd Rahimi Abdul Rahim Nazry Abd Rahman Dr. Suzanna Ridzuan Aw

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Spraying pesticide in agriculture is an important process to control the growing of plants by protecting them from pests, diseases or weeds. Traditional method of spraying pesticide is performed manually and this will give human a full direct exposure to the pesticide liquid, giving great harm to the human body. Hence, this project has developed a pesticide spraying mobile robot system that can be control using semi- automatic mode. The system is built using the Arduino microcontroller and the mobile robot can be controlled via a remote controller. The pesticide is sprayed out from nozzles located on the mobile robot. This system can easily help the human to control the spraying of pesticide on plants from far and thus reducing the harm of doing the manual spraying.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI288

Nama Produk : A Model of Pawah Entrepreneurial Loan Scheme for Farmers

Penyelidik : Noramziah Afzainizam Dr. Abdul Mutalib Embong

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Malays in the past were well known for the spirit of helping each other. Their communal life covered all aspects and in economy the rich would help the poor. One of the practices was seen in the Pawah system. It was where the rich would give their land or livestock to be cultivated by others and the profit gained was shared. The effectiveness of Pawah System indisputably gave advantages to both parties. Prior to that, the then system is still being practiced in this modern society among the Malays community. Yet, the system was given modern touches to make it free from oppression. This paper proposes a model of Pawah Entrepreneurial Loan Scheme that can be applied by farmers or individuals. It can be a plan to strategise their entrepreneurial skill so that their land and assets will be more productive. The elements and some guidelines for the Pawah Entrepreneurial Loan Scheme are discussed in deep that it is beneficial for any sort of business, from niche to mass markets.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI301

Nama Produk : BIO-RUBSID2: Potential Feed for Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Connie Fay Komilus Lukman Abiola Oluodo Nurul Fatihah Mokhtar Nur Asmira Rosli

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : BIO-RUBSID2 is a diet formulated using Rubber Seed Meal (RSM) and Lactobacillus strain of probiotic to replace soybean mean as protein source for Coturnix coturnix japonica (JapQ). A 4-weeks feeding trial on 60 tails aged 2-weeks quail was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementing soybean meal with different level of processed rubber seed meal in quail’s diet on growth performance, meat quality and carcass of quail. Rubber seed was processed into rubber seed meal (RSM) before proximate composition was done prior to diet formulation. Four dietary treatment groups consist of control (0% of RSM), treatment 1(10% of RSM), treatment 2 (20% of RSM) and treatment 3 (30% of RSM) were formulated for feeding experiment in triplicates. Parameters like daily feed intake, weekly body weight gain, average daily weight gain and feed conversion ratio were recorded and calculated. Quails were randomly picked and slaughtered at day-35 for proximate analysis, meat and liver quality analysis and carcass were conducted. Results showed that nutrient composition for crude protein, ether extract (fat), crude fibre, ash, moisture, carbohydrates (nitrogen feed extract) and metabolic energy content of rubber seed meal were 17.71%, 51.01%, 9.56%, 1.94%, 4.25%, 15.53% and 510.445 kcal respectively. No significant differences (p>0.05) on growth performances of quail, L*45min, L*24h, b*24h, SF, CL and WHC_p, breast meat quail were found among all treatments and control except on carcass yield, drumstick and wing. In conclusion, soybean meal can be replaced with 10%, 20% or 30% of rubber seed meal in quail’s diet as all treatments showed no negative impact on growth performance, meat quality and carcass of quail. It can be concluded that rubber seed meal can be suitable diet for Japanese quail.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI332

Nama Produk : 3Fs - Flying Fish Feeder

Penyelidik : Dr. Saiful Iskandar Khalit Noor Atiqah Badaluddin Mohamad ‘Afif Hamdi Mohamad Sobri Abdul Rahim Ibrahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In Malaysia, especially rural areas, most local fish farmer depends on the aquaculture sector as their main income. Technology development such as unmanned aerial vehicles or widely known as the drone can bring a great contribution to improve aquaculture industries. In large aquaculture farm, the feeding area should be as far as possible from the shore to avoid spoil foods build up. The handmade wood bridge that built to walk through to the feeding area would be very dangerous.

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Thus, a prototype of a drone is designed and built that can be used as a feeder for large aquaculture farm with the goal to feed the fishes using advanced technology. The prototype is modeled using CATIA V5 software in a three-dimension configuration with the implementation of added feeder system components on the drone. The common DJI Phantom 3 is upgraded into a customized drone mounted with remote-controlled fish feeder. The components of fish feeder such as container, board, fittings and others are assembled to operate the prototype drone according to the design. After undergoes through several variables of testing, the prototype managed to achieve its optimum mechanical and design properties. With a lower cost and can save more labor energy, this prototype can be a great potential to broaden the technology of drones especially in the aquaculture sector.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI364

Nama Produk : “Superb EM Ruminant” for Goats

Penyelidik : Dr. Abd Jamil Zakaria Dr. Norhayati Ngah Norzilawati Pauzi Amiral Azwani Zamri

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Microorganism in ruminant digestive systems played important role in digesting the feed consumed. It helps in the production of energy, proteins and vitamins for the ruminant. The magnitude of the benefits produced varies with the types of feeds, microbial strains and microbial population. “Superb EM Ruminant” is a microbial consortium formulated by anaerobic fermentation (bokashi) of various strains of beneficial microbes in fruit juices, herbal plants and rice bran, the latter also serves as microbes carrier materials. The efficacy of this consortium was proven on lactating goat and growing up goat kid in UniSZA goat farm Ladang Pasir Akar which was fed with feeds consisting of 70% Bracharia humidicola grass and 30% commercial pellet. Both the milk yield and quality of lactating saanen goat and the daily weight gain of young kids were improved as compared to the control treatment. The faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) conducted also indicated anthelmintic properties of this product. Usage of “Superb EM Ruminant” was able to produce healthy productive goats at reduced feed cost The bokashi can be sealed in thick plastic bag for long lasting keeping quality and commercialization.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI402

Nama Produk : Photosynthetic Purple Sulphate Bacteria Photobioreactor

Penyelidik : Najwa Liyana Mohd Zaki Syafi’ah Nadiah Mohd Sa’id Ismafatin Nabilah Ismail Ts. Dr. Mohamed Shahrir Mohamed Zahari Ts. Dr. Shahrul Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Day by day, the demand for PPSB is increasing in the market. So we took a new initiative by using machines to help in improving the PPSB

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manufacturing process on a large scale. The machine is known as photobioreactor. Photosynthetic Purple Sulfate Bacteria (PPSB) is an antibiotic-free probiotic that has developed extraordinary metabolic adaptability. Purple photosynthetic bacteria are typical anoxygenic photosynthetic microorganisms and are predictable to be one of the suitable microorganisms for some industrial production. The goal of this study is to produce PPSB in a large quantity with help of a photobioreactor. By using photobioreactor, the main source for used it was only solar energy from the sun. This method takes approximately 15 to 20 days to produce. Before this, we only can produce PPSB in a small quantity but this time we can produce around 1 tan PPSB production. In a conclusion, there are many benefits from using PPSB. PPSB not only commonly used in wastewater treatment but also can be used for environmental waste management, ecological regeneration, agriculture, and aquaculture. This PPSB is ready to be commercialized in the market as a useful product for the mentioned industries. By the production of PPSB on a large scale, I hope that we can further promote PPSB around the world and not only in Malaysia.

Kategori: Sekolah

Institutsi/ Sekolah : Kolej GENIUS@Pintar

ID : MPI111

Nama Produk : Smart Aqua-Aeroponic Growing System (SMAAGS)

Penyelidik : Siti Khadijah Sultan Masha Muhammad Azaief Menhat Akif Irfan Jefri Nur Hanan Mohd Makhzani Idlan Zafran Mohd Zaidie Syakir Muzaffar Saiful Bahari

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : By 2050, 10 billion of people will inhabit the Earth while two-thirds (2/3) of all humanity (6.5 billion) people will be urban. Thus, it will be difficult to ensure food security with limited land left for agriculture. To create sustainable cities with enough spaces for human settlement, we introduce an eco-friendly Smart Aqua-Aeroponic Growing System (SMAGS), the future of farming with cutting-edge technology. SMAGS is a vending machine-based farming, where plants grow inside it and can be directly bought by people. Even though SMAGS is built to tackle the land issue for agriculture, it also has other benefit especially during this pandemic. SMAGS can be put almost everywhere and people can easily access and bought vegetables from this machine without human interaction, thus limited the potential of the spreading of virus.

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Cluster C Industrial Design, Building Engineering and Architecture

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Kategori: IPT- Staf/ Pasca Siswazah/Pra Siswazah

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI101

Nama Produk : 3-Wheel Stair Climbing Trolley

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Yew Been Seok Muhammad Syafiq Norain

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Single and dual wheels trolleys are commonly used in industries as well as in household. However, there is constraint on the ergonomically aspect on the usage of trolley when there is a need to climb over the stair. Also, back pain epidemic is the most common hazard suffered by the trolley user. This paper presents the design and fabrication of tri-wheel stair climbing trolley for this purpose. The tri-wheel stair climbing trolley was designed and simulated using Autodesk Inventor. The simulation analysis shows that the stress and displacement results of the designed trolley within safety range which the value of safety factor is 2. The trolley was fabricated by using mild steel as it has high strength and easy to manufacture. The physical testing was done on the designed trolley and it was found that it can carries the maximum load, which is 20kg, and three wheels design can climb the stair smoothly without damage occurs to the trolley.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UTM

ID : MPI112

Nama Produk : Sustainable Cooling Solution for Semiconductor Industry in IR4.0

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nor Azwadi Che Sidik Wan Mohd Arif Aziz Japar Prof. Dr. Yutaka Asako Dr. Tan Lit Ken

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Microchannel heat sink is micro-cooling technology that can meet a cooling demand for current and future electronic devices. However, high coolant and pumping power consumption are required to provide the optimum cooling performance. This project proposed a green cooling technology such as a hybrid microchannel heat sink that can provide superior cooling performance with effective energy consumption. The performance of the hybrid microchannel heat sink was analysed for the flowrate ranging between 0.01g/s to 0.12g/s. The result showed that the hybrid microchannel heat sink saved energy consumption up to 83.7% with the enhancement of cooling performance by 41.3%. Besides that, by using the proposed hybrid microchannel heat sink, water-coolant consumption was saved by 68.9%. This means this hybrid microchannel heat sink is suitable for an application that requires low power consumption for its cooling system and for a system with a small and compact cooling compartment area.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI202

Nama Produk : Potential FORKLIFT X20 PRO as Portable Indoor Lift

Penyelidik : Muhammad Khairul Naim Rosland Muhammad Fakhrol Aidil Azmi Nufhail Hadzri Ahmad Ridzuan Syafi Husainie Sakri Dr. Salmiah Jamal Mat Rosid Dr. Siti Maisarah Aziz Khalid Jusoh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : A portable forklift has been invented with the name ‘FORKLIFT X20 PRO’ to reduce the rate of patients suffering Musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs), to ease workers, housewives or children in lifting heavy items with efficient time, smart Arduino and cost effective. This product was design using linear actuator, smart Arduino and mild metal which contribute to many advantages such as light, easy to use and suitable for all type of shape items. The portable forklift also can operate at narrow space, lift heavy goods up to 60 kg and suitable for all type of shape. The selective material for this product also is cost effective and uses of linear actuator which provide a safe, quiet and clean environment with accurate motion control. This product is able to be commercialized to community especially for the workers, housewives and children. The use of this product is also able to reduce the rate of patients who suffering MSDs and also prevent others from this illness.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI243

Nama Produk : Ignis: 21st century’s green laser pointer

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Fariza Hanim Suhailin Ng Zhun Wem

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The majority of commercially available green laser pointers are based on diode pumped solid state (DPSS) laser technology. Such DPSS green lasers have a huge flaw which is the presence of residual Infra- red (IR) light in the laser output. This IR light is the by-product of the non-efficient DPSS process, where the IR input is not fully converted to green laser output by the non-linear crystals. The residual IR light is very dangerous to human eyes. As IR light is not in the visible spectrum, it does not trigger the blink reflex to protect our eyes in the event of accidental exposure. This can cause permanent eye damage. Due to this reason, we propose a new technology to manufacture a green laser pointer using a direct-diode laser (DDL) technology. The DDL technology produce a laser light directly from the laser diode. Thus, this green laser pointer is safer as it is free from IR residual. Besides that, DDL-based laser pointer also offers other benefits such as high output power, high laser efficiency and greater thermal stability.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI298

Nama Produk : Porta-Mihrab

Penyelidik : Amirul Fahmi Razali Shahrul Anuwar Mohamed Yusof Addy Putra Md Zulkifli Nor Ziratul Aqma Norzaman Mohamad Amir Zikri Mustapha Mohd Hosni Rifin Amir Fadzli Abd Ghani

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The design of a mosque has evolved considerably from being straightforward design and functional to more sophisticated forms. Sometimes, the layout itself and its total design have transformed from just a religious building and recently monumental. However, the function of a mosque remains the same, not only as a place for prostrations but more so as a community centre and a symbol of Islam. Essential elements and spaces such as prayer hall, ablution, minaret, mimbar and Mihrab; for example, are standard features in any mosque. Mihrab, a component of the Qibla wall, marks the Qibla direction. Functionally, it positions the Imam who recites during congregations. Its form and design help the Imam to achieve total concentration or 'khusyu' in prayer. Mihrab should also function acoustically. By studying the Islamic-designed approach of Mihrab, this study aims at developing a new design of Mihrab that can suit the contemporary life of Muslim people in Malaysia. This project also aims at studying how this research can integrate local culture into Mihrab design.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI369

Nama Produk : Nadoh Chair

Penyelidik : Prof. Ts Dr. Marzuki Ibrahim Muhammad Fikri Ashraf Hasmadi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Foot problems and back pain often occur to older people. This is because older people or people with these problems usually sit long in the mosque to perform mosque activities such as listening to lectures, reading the Quran, and reading the scriptures. In some mosques provide chairs to sit in a state of disrepair without aching feet and back pain. However, the chairs provided in the mosque are not one table or Rehal. This makes it difficult for users during the process of religious learning and learning as they need to take a table or table. This is because the chairs provided by the mosque do not have a table with chairs or tables to place books and books while listening to lectures and learning processes.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI388

Nama Produk : Hybrid Bowl

Penyelidik : Dr. Marzuki Ibrahim Muhammad Afif Danish Mohd Adha Dr. Mohd Hisham Omar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Hybrid bowl with Islamic modernism concept is a toilet with 2 in 1 position which is squatting and sitting to ensure comfort and serenity especially for elderly and disabled people.

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Cluster D Disaster Management

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Kategori: IPT- Staf/ Pasca Siswazah/Pra Siswazah

Institutsi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI018

Nama Produk : Fire Monitors (Smoke And Fire) use IoT to Send Information to Users Via Mobile Phones

Penyelidik : Azman Abdul Rahman Musa Yusof Md Khairil Hafizi Muhamad Muhammad Faris Irsyad Azman Muhammad Nazrul Hazim Azman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Malay proverb that says there is "Api ketika kecil menjadi kawan tetapi apabila besar menjadi lawan" this is very true. Fire and smoke can result in loss of life and property, deaths as well as losses due to the effects of fire and smoke can reach not only a dozen but can reach tens or even hundreds of lives, likewise property losses can reach millions of dollars. Often the occurrence of a fire is the result of our delay in knowing the occurrence of a small fire or smoke starting fire, while knowing as early as possible the small fire and smoke start information is very important, for the purpose of enabling us to take swift action either extinguishing fires and smoke or saving lives and property before it spreads so that it becomes difficult for us to take action, which in the end we are no longer able to extinguish fires and smoke. Accordingly, this research has been done to produce designed equipment to allow us to know the fire at an early stage so that we can act properly.

Institutsi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI036

Nama Produk : SelamDrone Underwater ROV for Search and Rescue Mission

Penyelidik : Ts. Wan Zulkarnain bin Othman Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Nor Bahiyah binti Baba Dr Mohamad Redhwan bin Abd Aziz Mohammad Fadhil bin Mat Not Rosni bin Salim (Terengganu Safety Training Center) Mohd Khairul Anwar bin Omar Mahazer bin Ahmad (MATC Engineering Sdn Bhd)

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : SelamDrone is the underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) developed by UC TATI researchers for search and rescue (SAR) mission. In SAR mission, fast and accurate location tracking play an important factor in deciding the success or failure of a mission. Hence, Selamdrone is developed with included underwater HD and infrared camera with able to search under the sea up to 30 feet with 3 and 1 meter(s) vision of under clear and muddy water condition, respectively. The drone is also equipped with GPS tracker to locate and send the incident coordinate. Run test is done and from the observation, it is found that the Selamdrone able to be manuvere in deep water and able to send the signal of the incident coordinate. It can be concluded that the Selamdrone meet the requirement for SAR mission in identifying the incident spot and promptly send the signal to the rescue parties for appropriate action.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI056

Nama Produk : Humanitarian Logistics: A View from Seaport System

Penyelidik : Jagan Jeevan Nurul Azlin Fariza Abdul Hadi Amanda Marc Nurul Ayuni Idzha Nor Amira Juliana Jalaludin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Despite the apprehension of certain parties, the demand for maritime emergency logistics has emerged following the occurrence of maritime accidents around the world while trading activities are performed. The requirement of Emergency Logistics Centre (ELC) is crucial as part of the maritime disaster preparedness at the Straits of Malacca (SOM). The ELC prevents massive losses, should any disaster occur in the rough ocean. Based on unforeseen situations at sea, this paper explores the contributing factors of the ELC in proposing and improving strategies for Kuala Linggi seaport as an ELC. The Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) has been employed to achieve the objectives of this paper. The outcome of this paper indicates that resource availability, risk management, and geographical factors are the three key attributes that are substantially required to transform Kuala Linggi seaport into an ELC. Furthermore, disaster preparedness, ELC supply-chain management system, and safety procedures are the crucial components to enhance the operational efficacy at this seaport as an ELC. The findings of this research may contribute to the safety of the maritime route and disaster preparedness at the SOM.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI081

Nama Produk : Model Pengurusan Kesihatan Mental (MPKM) Mangsa Banjir Berintegrasikan Pendekatan Psikososial

Penyelidik : Dr R Zirwatul Aida R Ibrahim Dr Siti Nazilah Mat Ali Dr Khatijah Omar Dr Mazidah Mohd Dagang Prof. Madya Dr. Azlina Abu Bakar Dr. Rosyidah Muhamad Dr Siti Aisyah Saat

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Banjir besar yang sering melanda negara kita Malaysia bukan sahaja mempengaruhi kehidupan sebilangan besar individu secara fizikal tetapi juga psikologi mereka. Penyediaan Model Pengurusan Kesihatan Mental (MPKM) adalah bertujuan untuk mencapai Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) daripada aspek pembangunan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan manusia menjelang tahun 2030 yang direncatkan oleh bencana banjir. MPKM merangkumi integrasi pengurusan kesiapsiagaan psikososial yang terdiri daripada pengurusan personaliti, strategi daya tindak individu (fokus-masalah & fokus-emosi) dan sokongan sosial. Berlainan dengan pengurusan banjir yang menekankan aspek penambahbahbaikan infrastruktur fizikal, MPKM ini, dapat membantu: i) menyediakan maklumat awal kepada kaunselor/pegawai psikologi

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bertugas di lapangan untuk meredakan krisis psikologi mangsa banjir. ii) memberikan maklumat awal kepada Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara sebagai persediaan awal membangunkan satu modul khas berkaitan pengurusan dan kesiapsiagaan psikologi mangsa banjir dan iii) meningkatkan kepekaan pihak penggubal dasar berkaitan pengurusan isu traumatik pasca banjir.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI120

Nama Produk : A New Mobility Model To Enhance Network Performance In Post- Disaster Area

Penyelidik : Dr. Nor Aida Mahiddin Prof. Madya Dr. Zarina Mohamad Dr. Wan Nor Shuhadah Wan Nik Dr. Elissa Nadia Madi Dr. Azrul Amri Jamal Fatin Fazain Mohd Affandi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are becoming one of favourable approach to be deployed for recovering communication network especially in disaster area application. Recovering the communication network is one of the critical parts as it can provide the communication between rescue teams during search and rescue (SAR) operations. However, such networks present various and very specific communication issues, as there will be obstacles and different type of disaster may have different communication issues. The communication issues may arise because of how movement of mobile nodes are modelled to suit the disaster area scenarios. Thus, modelling mobility is crucial in this context and although many mobility models are already available to reproduce the behaviour of the mobile nodes in an ad-hoc network, most of these models still need to be improved as the node movement seems to be unrealistic if it is to be applied in the post-disaster area. In order to improve the mobility performance of the mobile nodes, the algorithm used in the existing Disaster Area (DA) mobility model were modified. The modified algorithm was made to suit the realistic movement of the rescue teams in post-disaster area. The objectives of the research are to study the mobility models used in post-disaster area. From the existing models, a new mobility model is proposed to enhance the network performance of the mobile nodes in post-disaster area. Simulation based analysis was conducted using real case of disaster area scenario. Comparison and evaluation of network performance metrics such as throughput, packet delivery fraction, and average end-to-end were analyzed between the proposed model and the existing DA model. The performance of the network communication between the rescue teams is expected to be improved as it will help rescuer to stay connected with the network despite having a harsh environment.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI154

Nama Produk : Business Interruption Micro Takaful Scheme For Micro Enterprises In Malaysia

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Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fauzilah Salleh Prof. Dr. Wan Norhayate Wan Daud Dr. Noor Aina Amirah Mohd Noor Dr. Nor Mazlina Abu Bakar Nur Salina Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : After several disasters, including major floods, landslides, and hurricanes, Malaysia was affected by multiple damages and losses. Moreover, with the movement Control Order (MCO) proclamation, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to widespread economic disruption. This year, Malaysia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to contract between 0.1 per cent and 4.6 per cent. However, this projection may be negatively impacted due to the closures of short- term business, sales losses, and the downturn in revenue. In Malaysia, the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) amounted to 907,765, in which 693,679 (76.5%) comprised of microenterprises (MEs). After ceasing their operations, these MEs and businesses were prone to bankruptcy, in which MEs were severely affected by the MCO. Therefore, this study investigated the coverage of existing insurance schemes of business interruption losses, formulated the business protection schemes against business losses by observing the effects of COVID-19, and Takaful/insurance protection requirements, particularly on MEs in Malaysia. Hence, this study focused on developing business interruption during a pandemic, which involved the microbusiness interruption scheme for MEs in Malaysia.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI155

Nama Produk : Paddy Micro Takaful Scheme (PMTS)

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fauzilah Salleh Dr. Nor Mazlina Abu Bakar Nur Salina Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The study intends to propose the Paddy Micro Takaful Scheme (PMTS) exclusively for smallholder farmers in Malaysia. This protection is significant for smallholder farmers to provide sustainable economic growth and food security. In order to understand the necessities of having the scheme, a few key areas must be observed. An overview of the agriculture sector in Malaysia is presented focusing on land use, employment, and production of food crops among the smallholder farmers. In addition, risks and perils in agriculture which include natural disasters, pests, and crop diseases are also outlined. The role of agriculture insurance/takaful is also discussed, highlighting its many benefits to smallholder farmers. For this study, a survey is carried out among 275 smallholder farmers to gain information on their demographic profiles, farming activities as well as their willingness to contribute to the PMTS. The information is vital in developing a suitable and well-accepted PMTS specifically among the smallholder paddy farmers in Malaysia. The PMTS presented in this study is based on a hypothetical product which contains four main attributes; (1) types of crops to be insured, (2) type of coverage, (3) contribution or the price (4) and sum assured/benefit. The scheme includes coverage for natural disaster, pest and crop diseases with the ultimate objective to reduce the vulnerability of the global food system.

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Cluster E Education, Community Development & Social Innovation

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI004

Nama Produk : The Metabolic Town

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Azila Adnan Dr. Hazlina Ahamad Zakeri

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The Metabolic Town illustration depicts the relationship of three metabolic pathways (Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle & Electron Transport Chain) in glucose metabolism topic. Each ‘neighbourhood’ resembles an organelle (location in cells) & the metabolic pathway involves. 1. Glycolysis happens in Cytosol 2. Krebs Cycle happens in matrix of mitochondria 3. Electron Transport Chain happens in inner-membrane of mitochondria. As learners are having difficulty to relate these three metabolic pathways during their learning process, this illustration is initiated to improve learners’ understanding of these 3 related metabolic pathway topics in Biochemistry subject using illustration.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI005

Nama Produk : Social Engineering and Fraud Illustration Bank (SEFIB)

Penyelidik : Dr. Wan Nur Syahida binti Wan Ismail Dr. Siti Nurain binti Muhmad Dr. Mohd Shaari bin Abd. Rahman Syed Izzul Iqmal bin Syed Hazman Mastura Afiqa binti Rahimie

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Social Engineering and Fraud Illustration Bank or SEFIB is a useful learning delivery tool for students and lecturers. This idea transpires after deal with students’ difficulties on how to describe and classify elements of frauds and Social Engineering Abuses Techniques, which are among the important topics in the Accounting Information System (AIS) course at the university. Too many types of fraud and social engineering techniques with unfamiliar names make it difficult for students to remember. SEFiB has developed as a solution for those problems with hoping that this new innovation can overcome their difficulties. SEFiB works by providing the types of Fraud and Social Engineering Techniques in the system created by offering at least one or two relevant illustrations for each type. These illustrations which are made in the form of animated video, are placed in a one-stop website. With interesting storyline in the form of animation in SEFIB, it is hoped to attract students and help them to master in this topic.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI006

Nama Produk : Aesthetic Mobile Learning Application for Primary Education

Penyelidik : Nor Fatin Farzana Binti Zainuddin Ts Dr. Zuriana Binti Abu Bakar Profesor Ts. Dr. Noor Maizura Binti Mohamad Noor

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Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Rosmayati Binti Mohemad Fatin Sarah Binti Salim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that are dealing with the nature of art, beauty, and taste. Aesthetics also assign as the study of sensory or sensory-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste. Aesthetics is an important element that able to influence students’ attraction. Hence, the aim of this project is to develop a mobile learning application for primary school students by considering aesthetic interfaces. This study focuses on the mobile learning interfaces because the aesthetic of the interfaces could draw student’s attention to the content of the learning modules and inspire students explore more on the learning materials.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI012

Nama Produk : Effective Bio Fertilizer and Stingless Bee Pollination @ Community and Industry

Penyelidik : Dr Wan Zaliha Wan Sembok Dr. Ts. Fauziah Tufail Ahmad Dr. Aidilla Mubarak Dr. Wan Zawiah Wan Abdullah Dr. Husni Hayati Mohd Rafdi Dr. Norhidayah Che Soh Prof. Madya Dr Wahizatul Afzan Azmi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Knowledge on newly-developed bio fertilizer and new pollination technique by stingless bee has been transferred to local community and industry particularly to enhance the crops productivity and boost profit. Tomato cherry and strawberry plants which were widely planted in the highland has been chosen in order to improve their growth and quality performances by using the above mentioned new techniques and grown under lowland condition. The aims of this knowledge transfer programme are i) to increase the community and industry profit and ii) improve the creativity in producing the end-product. Interestingly, ‘UMT-Pela Biochar’, UMT-Pela Biowalit, UMT-Pela Vegetable Products’ and one pollination technique were produced through four effective modules. Besides, 20 students also been trained to be Training of Trainers (TOT) in fertigation planting system and stingless bee keeping. The programme has been successfully conducted at Fertigasi Mega, Kg. Pela, and Big Bee Honey Sdn. Bhd.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI016

Nama Produk : ELECTRICO

Penyelidik : Dr Siti Maisarah Binti Aziz Dr Nurulhuda Mohammad Yusoff Dr Salmiah Jamal Mat Rosid

Siti Noor Syuhada Muhammad Amin Dr Najidah Mohamed

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Educational games provide a fun way to students for learn and review any topics in inside or outside classroom. Educational games made up games engage students in creative ways encouraging joy in learning. The understanding of Electric topic by student in any formal learning experiences is highly idiosyncratic and very commonly in conflict with the conceptions of physics. In order to overcome this problem, an innovative board game namely Electrico game board is designed to provide both fun and learning by facilitating the learning of Physics and mainly focus on Electric topic. The game set consists of dice, electric component, set of questions, buying-trading money and it needs at least two players. The interactive this game included hands-on arrangement component on circuit. In addition, the Electrico has designed the box with infinity mirror that fits the concept. This educative game would inculcate interest in electric among student and has a potential to be patented and commercialized.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI017

Nama Produk : Inovasi Penyampaian Ilmu Bagi Meningkatkan Tahap Keselamatan Dan Sosio Ekonomi Nelayan Pesisir Pantai Melalui Selaman Skuba

Penyelidik : Capt. Dr. Noor Apandi Osnin Dr Nurul Haqimin Mohd Salleh Dr. Razak Zakariya Shahriman Bin Abdul Hamid Muhammad Irsyad Hasbullah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Isu mengenai kesejahteraan atau kualiti hidup nelayan adalah sangat penting kerana rata-rata para nelayan pesisir termasuk dalam golongan rakyat yang miskin. Pembangunan golongan ini menjadi salah satu agenda berkaitan keselamatan, perkhidmatan sosial serta keprihatinan kerajaan dalam menangani ketidaksamaan kesejahteraan sosial selaras SDG 3, 8, 10 dan 14. Terengganu mempunyai perairan dan pulau yang menjadi tumpuan penyelam skuba, rata-rata mereka yang berkecimpung adalah dari luar atau pun yang berpendapatan tinggi. Objektif program ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan dan meningkatkan ilmu selaman skuba melalui kaedah dan teknik yang betul; meningkatkan kesedaran keselamatan ketika menjalankan aktiviti bawah air dan mewujudkan peluang penjanaan pendapatan tambahan melalui industri pelancongan dan aktiviti bawah air. Inovasi yang akan diketengahkan adalah dari segi penyampaian dan penerapan ilmu selaman skuba kepada komuniti nelayan.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI025

Nama Produk : Mnemonic Towels

Penyelidik : Prof. Dr. Zuhairah Ariff Abd Ghadas Rabiatul Adawiyah Mohd Ariffin Muhammad Irfan Ariff Mohd Asri

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Good personal hygiene is important to protect a person from getting illnesses and also help to prevent from spreading diseases to other people. One of the ways of keeping good personal hygiene is to use clean and separate towels for cleaning face and other parts of the body. According to dermatologists, separating towels for face, hair and other parts of the body is important as bacteria, fungus, dead skin cells, oils and other debris can collect on the towel and risk skin infections, acne flares, and irritation. It was also emphasized that products which a person put on the body such as moisturizers and hair products are not good for face as they can clog pores, increase breakouts and cause irritation or rashes.

Mnemonic Towels is a towel which remind the user the right part of the towel to be use during washing face and hand or bathing. Other than being useful for hygienic purposes, Mnemonic Towels has attractive / humorous/ fun embroidered caricature which would entice both children and adults. It would serve dual purpose- make people laugh and distinguish parts of the towel to be used for face, hand or body. For many people who use the same towels for bathing and washing face, Mnemonic Towels would be very useful to guide which part of the towel should go to the face or other part of the body. Mnemonic Towels is easy to produce and commercialized. It could be designed to attract different level of ages, gender and localities. The price could also be accommodated to the affordability of the user as the prices could be altered depending on quality of the towel without dipping its purposes.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI027

Nama Produk : Score Card for Members of Parliament (MPs)

Penyelidik : Dr Rosyidah Muhamad Prof. Madya Dr Ummu Atiyah Ahmad Zakuan Dr Nazli Aziz Prof. Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani Puan Azura Abdul Rahman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In the evolution of the democratic process - with the recent political upheaval and maneuvering for position among Members of Parliament (MPs), it is high time Malaysians set up a means to monitor how they carry out their duties as representatives of the people. The KPI is based on the basic roles of MPs- enacting laws, overseeing the government and representing people. In most large companies, every employee has to undergo an annual performance review. The main purpose is to provide feedback on areas where improvement is needed and to note achievements. Therefore, the use of a scorecard is very helpful to track the performance of every MP from the day he or she is elected so that people can make a wise choice during the election.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI028

Nama Produk : UNDI18@School

Penyelidik : Dr. Wan Rohila Ganti Wan Abdul Ghapar Prof. Madya Dr. Muhamad Fazil Ahmad Dr. Che Hamdan Che Mohd. Razali Dr. Abdul Rahman Abd. Latip

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pada 16 Julai 2019, Parlimen Malaysia melalui Perkara 119 Pindaan 2019 telah meluluskan Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Undi 18. RUU ini membolehkan warganegara Malaysia yang berumur 18 tahun dan ke atas mengundi dan menjadi calon dalam pilihan raya. Ini merupakan satu pengiktirafan kepada golongan belia untuk sama berpartisipasi dalam politik, sekaligus menjadi ukuran awal kepada kematangan demokrasi di Malaysia. Namun, permasalahan paling ketara pada pelaksanaan RUU Undi18 adalah berkenaan dengan tahap pengetahuan politik kenegaraan yang cetek di kalangan golongan belia, di samping ketiadaan minat terhadap topik berkaitan dengan pilihanraya, pendemokrasian, pemilihan pemimpin yang berkualiti, dan isu semasa yang melingkari negara. Dalam masa yang sama, belia dalam lingkungan umur 18–21 tahun baru selesai melalui alam persekolahan dan sibuk merencana masa hadapan, dengan samada memasuki institusi pengajian tinggi atau pun bekerja. Perihal politik dan kenegaraan bukanlah keutamaan buat mereka sementelah pula ketiadaan silibus khas berkaitan dengan politik, demokrasi dan kenegaraan di sekolah turut menjadi faktor para belia lepasan sekolah tidak ambil cakna mengenai politik. Modul UNDI18@School tampil sebagai solusi untuk mengisi kelompongan ini, dengan menawarkan 4 modul interaktif yang ringkas namun padat dengan infomasi bersesuaian dengan tren pembelajaran di kalangan anak muda. Modul 1: Perjuangan Kemerdekaan di Tanah Melayu dan Asas Pembentukan Perlembagaan Negara; Modul 2: Sistem Pemerintahan Negara; Modul 3: Latar Belakang Parti Politik Utama di Malaysia; dan Modul 4: Simulasi Kempen Pilihanraya. Kesemua modul akan dipersembahkan menggunakan aplikasi Powtoon dan Toonly, manakala simulasi pilihanraya melibatkan penyertaan menyeluruh dari peserta. Modul UNDI18@School ini akan diaplikasikan kepada pelajar Tingkatan 6 Atas. Ukuran tahap pemahaman peserta terhadap modul ini adalah melalui 10 soalan yang akan diukur menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!. Impak maksima Modul UNDI18@School adalah pendidikan politik dan kenegaraan dapat disuntik kepada bakal pengundi belia tanpa melalui proses pembelajaran ilmu politik dan kenegaraan secara formal dan membosankan di bilik darjah. Dengan ilmu yang diperolehi ini, para belia 18 – 21 tahun akan mengundi calon pilihanraya dengan ilmu dan maklumat yang tepat.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI029

Nama Produk : #MATE: Mindful Arts Therapy Exercise for Children with Cerebral Palsy, An Exploration of Social Connectedness through Therapeutic Art Activities During Physical Distancing

Penyelidik : Tuan Sharifah Azura Tuan Zaki Prof. Madya Dr. Muhamad Fazil Ahmad

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Muhammad Azrin Abdul Aziz Hishamuddin Hassan @ Mat Mohd Hafizi Mat Ali Tengku Ani Soraya Tengku Sulaiman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This project explores how Therapeutic Art Activities can foster the sense of togetherness to maintain the feeling of social connectedness during physical distancing. The current global pandemic COVID-19 is causing billions of people across the world to live in isolation or by physical distancing regulations. The elimination of almost all in-person interactions is affecting people’s mental health and has resulted in many people turning to Therapeutic Art Activities to feel a sense of social connectedness. The project builds upon three main areas of theory: the social and mental effects of physical distancing, designing for crises and design theories about togetherness within Therapeutic Art Activities. The design process is guided by a research through design methodological approach, with the aim find out how people who are living in isolation and by physical distancing regulations are using existing forms of Therapeutic Art Activities to feel a sense of social connectedness with others and what they need from it. The project addresses two key problematic areas which were identified during the fieldwork and literature review and are explored through prototypes. The prototypes focus on how to create a hang out feeling within online group interactions and how to create the in-the moment feeling during shared online live experiences. The outcome of this project includes in a problem framing, design process knowledge, research insights and prototypes that explore how to foster the sense of togetherness within Therapeutic Art Activities. The findings from this project intend to contribute knowledge to the research and design community on how to design new or alternative forms of Therapeutic Art Activities that foster social connectedness during physical distancing.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI032

Nama Produk : Ocean Literacy with Loligo & Staggy for Youngsters (YouOLLS)

Penyelidik : Dr. Azza Jauhar binti Ahmad Tajuddin Dr. Tengku Fara Kamilia Binti Tengku Mohd Kamil Dr. Nor Mazlina Abu Bakar Nur Salina bt Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Climate change is a major issue in the 21st century. However, Malaysians are still not fully aware of the impact of climate change since it gives indirect experience on their lives. There is a need for students to be exposed to the impacts of climate change. Such exposure could be given to students through knowledge and skills of ocean literacy. An ocean-literate person can communicate about the ocean meaningfully, and can make informed and responsible decisions about the ocean. We developed Ocean Literacy with Loligo & Staggy for young learners (YouOLLS) which is a platform to share online materials to enrich learners' experience on ocean knowledge of Terengganu, and relates it to Quranic values of being responsible agents of change. We partner with Yayasan Islam Terengganu and Ministry of Education to further expose the young learners on the topics of Ocean Literacy, narrate the current issues on ocean, create activities where they can contribute in slower the effect of climate change since changing public behaviour and lifestyles are necessary

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to adapt to the phenomena. YouOLLS offers localised solutions to respond to present situation, while preparing the young ones for the future impacts. It is inline with the societal objectives streamlined under UN Sustainable Development Goals under Agenda 2030 (SDGs) namely Climate Action (SDG13), Life Below Water (SDG 14) and Quality Education (SDG 4).

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI033

Nama Produk : Jaringan Keselamatan Sosial Dan Psikospiritual Dalam Memperkasakan Keluarga Yang Mempunyai Anak Cerebral Palsy

Penyelidik : Dr. Norhashimah Binti Yahya Prof. Madya Dr Syed Hadzrullathfi Bin Syed Omar Prof. Madya Dr Muhamad Fazil Bin Ahmad Dr. Wan Rohila Ganti Bin Wan Abdul Ghapar Dr. Siti Hajar Binti Mohamad Yusoff

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Kajian mendapati keluarga yang mempunyai anak istimewa Cerebral Palsy (CP) sering dihimpit dengan masalah kemiskinan dan tekanan emosi. Keadaan anak yang terlantar dan memerlukan sepenuh perhatian daripada ibu bapa, ditambah pula dengan ketiadaan pengasuh atau pusat penjagaan untuk menjaga anak CP, telah menghalang ibu bapa daripada keluar bekerja. Kemiskinan, stigma masyarakat pada ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak kelainan upaya, keletihan menguruskan anak CP dan keadaan sekeliling telah menyebabkan suami isteri sering bertelingkah dan memberi tekanan emosi yang amat berat kepada mereka. Model Jaringan Keselamatan Sosial dan Psikospiritual hadir sebagai solusi kepada permasalahan ini. Rumah Kebajikan Anak Cerebral Palsy yang didanai oleh syarikat korporat menjadi pusat jagaan harian kepada 30 anak-anak CP daripada 30 keluarga yang beroperasi dari jam 7.30 pagi – 7.30 petang. Selain daripada menjaga dan mengasuh anak CP, rumah kebajikan ini juga menyediakan terapi secara intensif demi keselesaan anak-anak CP oleh para pekerja sosial terlatih. Dalam tempoh itu, ibu bapa boleh keluar bekerja, tanpa rasa bimbang dengan khidmat pemadanan kerja yang disediakan oleh pengurusan rumah kebajikan. Bagi bapa yang gagal mendapatkan kerja, mereka dilatih dalam bidang pertanian menggunakan teknologi fertigasi. Satu lot tanah pertanian dan modal awal diberi kepada setiap bapa, dengan pemantauan yang ketat daripada pengurusan rumah kebajikan. Para ibu pula diberi kemahiran keusahawanan sosial iaitu membuat, membungkus dan memasarkan kerepek Tortilla dan coklat praline. Dengan kerjasama Kolej Komuniti Kuala Terengganu, ibu-ibu juga diberi kemahiran jahitan, dengan projek jahitan secara pukal diterima daripada saudagar fesyen terkenal di Terengganu. Penghayatan kerohanian turut dititik beratkan melalui pelaksanaan kelas pengajian Al Quran serta penyampaian kuliah dhuha dan bacaan Yasin yang diadakan setiap pagi Jumaat. Perkhidmatan kaunselor bertauliah secara berkala menggunakan pendekatan psikospiritual Islam turut disediakan kepada ibu-ibu yang berada dalam tekanan. Pelaksanaan modul ini telah menukar wajah keluarga yang mempunyai anak CP, daripada berstatus B40 kepada M40, dan menyuntik nilai-nilai yang positif sebagai kesan daripada pendekatan psikospiritual.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI038

Nama Produk : Islamic Family Law Portal: Online Portal For Muslim Marriages In Terengganu

Penyelidik : Asiah Bidin Kamaliah Salleh Noor 'Ashikin Hamid Nur Amani Pauzai Noraida Harun Dato' Haji Mahamad Naser Disa

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The Islamic Family Law Portal which is registered under the domain of i-nikah.com (‘the Portal’) is an informative and interactive portal for Muslim marriages in Terengganu. It is developed to encompass the all-inclusive substance and procedures of Muslim marriages, divorces and ruju’, claims and other relevant matrimonial related matters which integrate the law and its administration pursuant to the Administration of Islamic Family Law (Terengganu) Enactment 2017 (the 2017 Enactment’). At this juncture, the construction of the Portal is still in progress and on going. It has so far included all information that relate to Muslim Marriage that is further divided into Rukn / Pillars, Conditions, Procedure for Solemnization and Registration of marriage. In future, the Portal will be further expanded to include dissolution of marriage, ruju’ and ancillary claims. The construction will be done in stages until completion of all family legal and administrative procedures being included into the Portal. The Portal is currently being subjected to various use and reference, one of them is as a learning platform by students in law and Islamic study schools in UniSZA. Further, several negotiation involving Negeri Terengganu Syariah Judiciary Department as well as Terengganu Syarie Lawyers Association are still ongoing towards future collaboration on the enhancement of the contents and use of the Portal. Academic feedbacks were also being considered in respect of the Portal construction through paper presentations in various Seminars. Being a public portal, it is expected that it will contribute as an alternative reference or source of information which can be accessed by all especially when it comes to legal and administrative improvement and/or law reform purposes. The Portal is presented in a friendly user manner. To conclude, it can be utilized for educational and work purposes by students, academicians, researches, legal practitioners as well as the authorities or the law-makers.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI039

Nama Produk : “ StaP Tab” (Statutory Periodic Table)

Penyelidik : Zuhairah Ariff Abd Ghadas Farhanin A Suhaimi Dr.Hartinie Abd Aziz

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The periodic table is generally used to learn chemical elements. The table is organized so scientists can quickly discern the properties of individual elements such as their mass, electron number, electron configuration and their unique chemical properties. Metals reside on

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the left side of the table, while non-metals reside on the right. Organizing the elements to help further our understanding was first provided by Dmitri Mendeleev. “StaP Tab” is designed based on similar concept of periodic table of elements but for the purpose to facilitate learning of law courses, particularly for legal memorization of statutory provisions. “StaP Tab” applies the memory techniques of “mnemonics" which focus on systems or device designed to aid memory. In “StaP Tab”, the periodic table is formulated according to sequence of provisions which are relevant for specific topics. From the commercialization aspect, StaP Tab is easy to produce in massive production at low cost as it only requires printing. In future, StaP Tab can also be digitalized and turn into apps.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI040

Nama Produk : Terengganu Lawnet

Penyelidik : Zuhairah Ariff Abd Ghadas Prof. Madya Dr. Mokhairi Bin Makhtar Dr. Shariffah Nuridah Aishah Binti Syed Nong Mohamad. Rabiatul Adawiyah Mohd Ariffin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "Terengganu LawNet" is a digital repository that will be a comprehensive one-stop reference and help administrators, government agencies, investors from abroad and abroad and the people of Terengganu to obtain accurate and up-to-date information on Terengganu legal documents. For the Terengganu LawNet development process, the research methodology that will be involved is the collection and digitization of key legal documents of PBN and PBT, data analysis and design; system development based on needs; system testing; implementation and training to users. All legal documents that have been collected and verified will go through the digitization process.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI041

Nama Produk : Virtual Traffic Offences Adjudication System (V-Toas)

Penyelidik : Dr. Aminuddin Mustaffa Kamaliah Salleh Dr. Hartine Abd Aziz Dr. Nazli Ismail @ Nawang Dr. Suyatno Ladiqi Noor’Ashikin Hamid

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Judicial system is a system of courts that adjudicate legal disputes through application of law. Legal process is complicated, strict, technical in nature and tedious. Most of persons, especially laymen, find it extremely hard to understand legal process which involves bundles of legal documents, rigid procedural law, complex legal issues, strict rules of evidence and others. The rigidity and complexity of traditional judicial process make the whole process not only time consuming but also burdening parties with expensive legal costs. The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic proves fragility of the traditional

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judiciary system. The pandemic has severely affected the court judicial process, resulting with postponement of cases and procrastination. This system is designed to offer alternative approach in improving the existing traditional judicial process in traffic-related cases, one category of court cases. This system is proposed to infuse the elements of technology and artificial intelligence compared to the traditional judicial process relating to handling of traffic cases. It offers several advantages and benefits. First and foremost, it enables process and procedure of traffic cases to be expedited and disposed within a short period of time by enabling certain part of the legal process to be implemented online, under supervision of court staff and judges. The system will simplify the procedure and process. The use of combination of automatic system and traditional system enables the cases to be settled expeditiously and smoothly. It will help the court to solve the issue of backlog of cases. Apart from that, it will also save a lot of time and cost as users, especially traffic offenders, may access to the system from anywhere and their physical appearance to the court is no longer necessary. The system is also user-friendly as it is accessible from anywhere, systematically guide the users on steps to follow, provide relevant information and guideline on the process and offer direct access to the court officers as well as public for any inquiries.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI042

Nama Produk : PWD-Friendly Module: Delightful Pizza and Bun on Your Plate

Penyelidik : Dr. Azizah Binti Mahmood Ts Dr. Zamzahaila Binti Mohd Zin Dr. Azlin Shafrina Binti Hasim Dr. Nizaha Juhaida Binti Mohamad Prof. Madya Ts. Norizah Binti Sarbon Dr. Tengku Rozaina Binti Tengku Mohamad@Jaffar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : People with Disabilities (PWDs) are often excluded from the surrounding community due to their physical or mental health deficiencies. This special group needs special care to enable them to have equal opportunities in all aspects. This project aims to develop PWD-friendly modules specially designed to train and build PWD skill on basic bakeries products especially mini pizza bread and red bean bun. Considering their disabilities in reading for most of the PWD, the modules are more focused on visual presentations rather than instructions. To access the functioning of the modules, direct practical experience was conducted in a series of workshops in community- based rehabilitation (CBR). The effectiveness of the modules were evaluated in terms of its feasibility and acceptability including color scheme, language used, skills and knowledge enhancement, user friendly and attractiveness level. Most of the respondents either strongly agreed or agreed on the components of feasibility and acceptability of the PWD-friendly modules. The modules were said as user friendly, helpful and recommended to be used by others. Not only these modules could improve the PWD skills on bakeries products for commercialization, but also increased their motivation and self- confidence to get involved with community.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI043

Nama Produk : OKUSoPa: Istimewa Dapur OKU-Intelektual

Penyelidik : Dr. Nurmahani Binti Mohd Maidin Dr. Yusnita Binti Hamzah Dr. Faridah Binti Mohd Isa Dr. Siti Nur'Afifah Binti Jaafar Prof. Madya Dr. Hayati Binti Mohd Yusof

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Projek ini dibangunkan untuk membantu golongan kurang upaya dalam meningkatkan ilmu dalam penghasilan dan potensi pemasaran produk bakeri SoPa (Roti Sosej dan Roti Paung) untuk penambahbaikan status ekonomi OKU terpilih daripada Program Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti (PPDK) daerah Kuala Nerus. Projek meliputi pemilihan peserta, pembangunan modul latihan bersifat mesra-OKU Intelektual, pendedahan pengetahuan asas mengenai bahan-bahan mentah serta fungsinya dan prosedur penghasilan produk roti sosej dan roti paung. Modul yang dibangunkan ini sangat istimewa kerana ianya berkonsepkan mesra OKU dengan pendekatan langkah demi langkah penghasilan roti sosej menggunakan gambar yang jelas dan berwarna, bersesuaian dengan tahap kemampuan peserta OKU. Modul ini dijangkakan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh OKU yang berminat dan tenaga pengajar yang ingin melatih OKU untuk menghasilkan roti sosej dan roti paung. Impak daripada projek ini dijangka dapat meningkatkan keupayaan golongan OKU dalam pasaran pekerjaan terbuka, inklusif dan boleh diakses bagi membolehkan mereka hidup berdikari dan menyumbang kepada pembangunan negara. Modul yang dibangunkan juga dapat digunakan sebagai satu sumber untuk menjana pendapatan melalui perniagaan produk roti sosej dan roti paung yang dihasilkan terutamanya kepada golongan kurang upaya juga golongan yang kurang berkemampuan seperti ibu-ibu tunggal dan golongan B40.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI046

Nama Produk : i-Acoustic

Penyelidik : Majdan Bin Paharal Radzi Prof Madya Dr Shahidi A Hamid Prof Madya Dr Kaseh Abu Bakar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pengajaran bunyi plosif dan frikatif yang berkaitan dengan faringealisasi dan non faringealisasi merupakan antara masalah utama kepada penutur bukan natif Arab yang mempelajari huruf Arab. Secara umumnya, kajian ini bertujuan mendedahkan pembelajaran dan pengajaran Arab berasaskan kaedah fonetik eksperimental. Fonetik eksperimental merupakan salah satu bidang kajian yang membincangkan ciri-ciri fizikal bunyi bahasa. Perisian PRAAT digunakan bagi memperoleh data ujaran dalam bentuk spektogram. Kesimpulannya, bidang kajian ini mampu memberi nilai tambah dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran fonetik khususnya fonetik eksperimental dan pembelajaran bahasa kedua.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI047

Nama Produk : E-DETECTIVE GHARAR (e-DG) Gharar Detection System for Online Shopping Contracts

Penyelidik : Dr.Hartinie Abd Aziz Prof Dr. Zuhairah Ariff Abd Ghadas

Prof Dr Syarilla Iryani Ahmad Saany Dr. Julaily Aida Jusoh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The use of internet as a medium of communication has changed the way people conduct their business transaction and commerce in this competitive world. Sale and purchase activities are held online either for performance of contract through the internet itself or to be performed outside the cyber world (Razali, 2012). In Malaysia, the existences of online shopping websites such as Shoppee and Lazada websites are growing very rapid. The numbers of customers engage in online shopping contract is rapidly grow and it was reported by Datareportal that in 2019, more than 26 million Malaysians use the shopping online and 80 percent of users are between the ages of 16 and 64.All the online shopping websites used a standard form contract which contain terms of the transactions. Most of the customers did not realized existence of gharar in the contracts since they are hidden via "click-wrap “method. Under Shariah, gharar refers to contractual uncertainty and an agreement which contains gharar terms shall be void. The Arabic root for the term gharar means deception, but in practice the term encompasses uncertainty, risk, hazard and deceit. According to the Encyclopedia of Jurisprudence (1998), the origin of gharar can be divided into two categories, namely, tadlis (cheating in business) and ghabn (to deceive). The justification and guidance for forbidding contracts or transactions considered as gharar comes from both the Quran (Surah an-Nisa (4:29) and hadith of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. E-Detective Gharar (e-DG) applies machine learning-based method and tool for partially automating the detection of potentially gharar clauses. E-DG works on the sentence classification task to detect potentially gharar clauses. The automation of the task to identify gharar clauses in the online contracts will reduce the time and labour necessary to exercise the vetting and increase consumer protection in the Digital Single Market. This system will make the customers aware of the terms of gharar or unfair contract terms in the online contract and to ensure that they are not manipulated by the online retailers.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI048

Nama Produk : eZy Umrah: An Android Application for Protecting the Interests of Malaysian Umrah Pilgrims

Penyelidik : Dr. Norhasliza Binti Ghapa Farhanin Binti Abdullah Asuhaimi Dr. Hussain Yusri Bin Zawawi Khairun-Nisa Binti Asari Maheran Binti Makhtar Mohamad Syafiq Bin Sulaiman

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Umrah package travel has been recognized as one of the important contributors to the Malaysian tourism industry. When Muslim pilgrims purchase Umrah package travels from the local tour operators or travel agents, many parties will be involved in the course of contract performance including the tour operator, travel agent, service providers for transportation as well as accommodation. However, the number of complaints lodged by the Muslim pilgrims to the Complaints Unit, Investigation and Enforcement (Tourism Licensing Division) keep increasing annually. Due to many issues between Umrah pilgrims and service providers, they suffered massive financial and emotional loss in the case of non-performance, poor service, failure to get visa approval and fraud package through ‘scratch and win’ scheme. However, the advancement of IT can provide a solution to the problem mentioned above. Hence, we apply the Internet and smart phone technologies to develop the eZy Umrah application for users. The target users of this application are the Malaysian Umrah pilgrims. This application provides a platform for all services including tour operators, travel agents, transport providers and accommodation providers to gather their services for the convenience of Umrah pilgrims, but it is available to all licensed service providers approved by Malaysian and Saudi Arabia government as a measure to prevent any fraudulent transaction. It is hoped that this application will benefit the government, Umrah industry players and Muslim pilgrims.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI049

Nama Produk : Transformasi Juragan kepada Juragan-Pengusaha

Penyelidik : Dr. Norfatiha Othman Dr. Nor Hayati Sa'at

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : PERANAN JURAGAN DAN KEUSAHAWANAN DALAM INDUSTRI PERIKANAN: KAJIAN KES DI WILAYAH EKONOMI PANTAI TIMUR (ECER), SEMENANJUNG MALAYSIA Juragan merupakan pelaku penting dalam industri perikanan dengan peranan utamanya mengetuai sesebuah kapal nelayan dalam mengemudi dan menentukan kawasan tangkapan. Namun begitu, timbul satu persoalan mengenai siapa usahawan dalam industri perikanan di laut dalam. Ketidakjelasan inilah yang menjadi titik tolak untuk dijawab oleh kajian ini. Terdapat satu ruang kosong dalam bidang ilmu dan polisi berhubung dengan siapa golongan usahawan dalam industri perikanan. Berdasarkan permasalahan kajian, tesis ini menghujahkan bahawa terdapat satu kategori sosial yang tidak atau kurang dikenal pasti sebelum ini sebagai usahawan dalam industri perikanan. Kategori ini ialah kelompok juragan yang sebahagiannya sudah berubah menjadi usahawan yang muncul melalui proses transformasi jangka panjang sektor perikanan dan komuniti nelayan. Kajian ini mempunyai tiga objektif iaitu pertama, menganalisis transformasi sektor perikanan sejak zaman Merdeka (1957) sehingga sekarang (tahun 2107); kedua, mengenal pasti kumpulan strategik baharu, iaitu juragan-pengusaha, dalam sektor perikanan; dan ketiga, menganalisis pola hubungan juragan dengan komuniti dan kaitan keusahawanan dengan kelompok strategik baharu. Kajian ini dijalankan berdasarkan perspektif sosiologi ekonomi dan menggabungkan tiga teori menerusi pendekatan eklektik iaitu teori strukturasi, teori jaringan sosial ekonomi dan teori keusahawanan.

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Dari segi reka bentuk kajian, tesis ini melaksanakan kajian kes ke atas 17 orang informan juragan di empat lokasi kajian di Wilayah Ekonomi Pantai Timur (ECER) iaitu Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang dan Johor Timur. Data primer diperoleh menerusi kaedah kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan persejarahan, temu bual mendalam dan pemerhatian terhadap informan tersebut. Penemuan kajian menunjukkan sebahagian juragan adalah usahawan yang dikenali sebagai ‘juragan-pengusaha’. Yang membezakan juragan-pengusaha dengan juragan lain adalah sifat ‘keusahawanan dan kejuraganan’ yang dimiliki mereka. Berdasarkan sampel yang dipilih, didapati juragan-pengusaha ini muncul sebagai kelompok strategik baharu dalam industri perikanan di Pantai Timur. Mereka memiliki ciri-ciri keusahawanan tertentu dan boleh distrafikasikan kepada tiga jenis usahawan iaitu ‘usahawan paling maju’, ‘usahawan maju’ dan ‘usahawan sederhana’ berdasarkan beberapa kriteria terpilih. Transformasi ini menunjukkan industri perikanan telah berubah dari semata-mata bersifat huluan kepada aktiviti hiliran. Jika lebih enam dekad lalu khususnya selepas perang Dunia Kedua, industri perikanan merupakan sumber pencarian rezeki semata-mata, sekarang, industri perikanan merupakan satu sektor perniagaan yang menguntungkan, malah dapat menyumbangkan kepada jaminan keselamatan makanan negara.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

ID : MPI053

Nama Produk : Faculty of Science and Technology Laboratory in a Box (FaST LaB)

Penyelidik : Dr. Azrul Azim Mohd Yunus Siti Nazurah binti Md Jusoh Dr. Syaza Azhari Dr. Sofina Tamam Dr. Muhammad Zamir bin Othman Dr. Nur Athirah Mohd Taib Sharifah Shahirah binti Syed Shaharuddin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Faculty of Science and Technology Laboratory in A Box (FaST LaB) is an initiative to promote Science exploration through hands-on experiment. We encourage children to explore Science experiment by doing it rather than watching showcase or demonstration. This is important as school’s students started to abandon Science-related subject due to the difficulty of the syllabus and the limitation of experiment performed in schools.

On top of that, we create kits to expand the exploration further. The children will be able to bring the kit home and perform the experiment either with their parent or teacher with minimal guidance. The kits produced underwent several testing to ensure it is safe to perform under normal condition without bringing potential chemical hazard to children and the safety information provided in the manual. The instructions are easy to understand, simple to implement and most importantly, it is safe and fun to be explored.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI058

Nama Produk : The Draft Formulation Of A New Safety Regulation For The Drawbridge Of Terengganu River Under Colregs Rule 9: Narrow Channel

Penyelidik : Madzli Bin Harun Ain Nabilla Binti Sani (S50504) Putera Ariff Imran Bin Khalid Sharmila Subramaniam (S52389) Saudi Bin Abdullah (S55402) Manal Binti Muhsin (S50349) Nur Aida Syahira Binti Ahmad (S54863)

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The Kuala Terengganu City Centre Drawbridge Has Been Operating For Approximately A Year Since Its Launching. However, The Regulation That Will Be Regulated And Enforce By The Respective Agency Are Unclear Till Current. This Is Due To The Lack Of Interference From Respective Agencies Related To The Security And Safety Of The Bridge And Marine Activities. The Main Purpose Of This Study Is To Formulate A New Safety Regulation For The Traffic Flow Of Inbound And Outbound Of Vessel Under Ktcc Drawbridge. To Make The Enforcement Of The Genuine Legislation To Be More Initiated, Legalize And Convenient, The Ktcc Drawbridge Should Formulate The Absolute Maritime Regulation Such As The Vessel Traffic Management System (Vtms) To Oversee And Enforce The Proposed Legislation On A Day-To-Day Operation. While, A System Definitely Will Be Operated By A Competent Personnel Which Have Undergone The Required Training To Operate The System. One Example Of Harmonious Implementation Of The Above Stated Regulations Are Under Colregs Rule 9: Narrow Channels, Mso 1960 (Sarawak) & Menom Chao Phraya River.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI059

Nama Produk : The Interdependence Theory For Immigration Strategic Policy Towards National Sovereignty To Avoiding Illegal Foreigners Overstayed

Penyelidik : Madzli bin Harun Hanif Amzar bin Mahmud Manal binti Muhsin, Khairul Adha bin Mamat, Hazira Fatiqah binti Abdullah, Mohamad Iqbal Dzulqarnain bin Rosli

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Malaysia is a country as exciting and booming in terms of economy and tourism. It is for Malaysia to have foreigners visiting from all over the country, but inevitably it will lead to many issues such as overflow of foreigners who have affected crime issues, unhealthy civic harmonization, national and public safety and protection, illegal non- work visas, and overstay of international visitors. The research study used a methodology of Interdependent Theory among government agencies, such as interview session with Immigration Department, the Municipal Council, the Royal Malaysia Police Department (PDRM),

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PERHILITAN and the Legislative Department draft a new legislation to limit, decrease and monitor the number of illegal foreigners is to be formulated, as well as to reduce the number of criminal problems resulting from illegal foreigners in the country. The impact of this research study, the government agencies can build an integration and cooperation of all the agency in order to prevent from foreigner overstay. Also, a positive impact such, lead to a peace and harmony environment among Malaysian citizen. The result we can see such as, reducing the statistic of crime issues in nation to maintain sovereignty of the nation.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI062

Nama Produk : Smart Iqra'2: Mobile Application for Learning Al-Quran using Gamification Approach

Penyelidik : Dr Siti Sabariah Abas Nur Fatiha Othman Norlina Udin @Kamaruddin Maizan Mat Amin Dr Nurul Aini Jaafar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Al-Quran education is a must to every Muslims. Iqra’ is one of the effective techniques to improve learning of Al-Quran. With the advancement in mobile technology, learning Al-Quran can be more entertaining, interesting and engaging. To date, there are many mobile applications are available to assist the learning process but least are built with interactive activities. Therefore, this research aims to design and develop an android-based mobile application to assist children in Al-Quran education using a gamification approach. The proposed application is focused on Iqra’2. It comprises of learning module and activity module to support the learning process. The application is expected to provide the alternative method to learn Al-Quran conveniently and interactively.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI064

Nama Produk : Malaysia National uCustoms Transit System: The Formulation Of A New National Inland Transport Policy With Strategic Alliance Among Agency And Stakeholder For Integrating Land Transport Sectors

Penyelidik : Madzli bin Harun Sharmilla a/p Subramaniam Tuan Ahmad Shukri bin Idris Jagan a/l Jeevan Nourul Haqimin bin Salleh Mohammad Zaki bin Ahmad Wan Mariam bte Wan Abdullah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Ucustoms transit system could assist to reduce time for cargo clearance from Custom and definitely paperless document permit process. Hence, regards to industrial revolution 4.0, the government of Malaysia has developed its Ucustoms transit particularly for trade

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facilitation assistance. Hereby, purpose by using Ucustoms transit system to enhancement electronics medium as communication and process. The issue of National Transport policy in Malaysia which it needs to frame a new strategic plan to formulate National Hinterland Transport policy. Hence, several issues related to National Transport policy need to address particularly to ensure nation border sovereignty. Currently, it’s lacking participation from stakeholders especially forwarding companies because lack of knowledge and understanding about new system. The benchmarking theory which is to refer other country who adopt same system with different name such as Europe Computerized System, International Transit of Goods in Central America TIM, ETIR transit system and electronic freight transport information in EU (eFTI). Moreover, the Integrated Theory will be use in order to know the involvement of the government agencies and stakeholders that engagement of trade facilitation. Ucustoms system should be standardize the procedure and regulations by respective agencies and stakeholders for enhancement the national policy in trading system for integrated land transport sector.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI067

Nama Produk : Formulation Of The Asean Maritime Security Alliance In South China Sea: The Role Of Malaysia As A Catalyst For Comprehensive And Intergrated Harmony, Prosperity, Peace And Regional Cooperation

Penyelidik : Madzli Bin Harun; Mohammad Zaki Bin Ahmad Putera Ariff Imran Bin Khalid Wan Mariam Bte Wan Abdullah Azizul Yadi Bin Yaakop Marhaini Mohd Noor Noreha Bte Hashim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The South China Sea is one of the well-known seas for transportation of goods via ships from the West to the East and vice versa. However, in the recent years, South China Sea has been receiving many attempts of “ownership” from The People’s Republic of China government through its ‘nine-dash line’ movement. The member states of ASEAN including Malaysia which geographically surrounds the South China Sea have relationships on trading but lacking in maritime security in regards with the Sea. The main purpose of this study is to formulate an alliance of ASEAN Maritime Security to unite the ASEAN member states from the perspective of maritime security to counter with the China government in an effort to keep the South China Sea open and free to use for all especially for the ASEAN member states. Having NATO as the main bench-marker for the integration defence regime, this will ensure that the alliance will have strong defence mechanism to act as a leverage. An interview session of this study will be conducted with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as this study involves several countries and also with the Ministry of Defence to assist on the viability of this study.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI071

Nama Produk : Maritime Community Network Through “Teaching Port”

Penyelidik : Ts Dr. Nurul Haqimin Bin Mohd Salleh Prof Madya Ts Dr. Mohamad Rosni Bin Othman Dr. Jagan Jeevan Dr. Izyan Munirah Mohd Zaideen

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Malaysian shipping policy has been highlighted in the Malaysia Shipping Master Plan 2017 - 2022, addressing the needs for establishing a proper mechanism to monitor the shipping sector for a better future. This governance harmonized with the Blue Economy agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which emphasized the needs for good planning and management in the port, shipping, and maritime development sectors. Therefore, it is crucial for shipping governance in Malaysia to balance the needs and use of marine space for economic purposes, without neglecting the security and marine environment. The relevant stakeholders in Malaysia maritime sector must give high commitment in strengthening the maritime governance through the cooperation of all parties, the development between the blue economy, society, and ecosystem. In this social innovation, we highlighted the establishment of the maritime community network between academic and industry as a fundamental element for capacity and human capital development. The maritime community network is defined as the smart partnership between academic institution and industries particularly seaport and shipping sectors for the purpose of symbiosis relationship in conducting knowledge transfer, industrial-based teaching and learning, professional training and research related to maritime sector. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu with its existing entities, the Malaysian Maritime Logistics and Transport Center (MaLTraC), and the Maritime Community Lab act as the driving force behind this maritime community network. For the community network with closest seaport, Kemaman Port, “Teaching Port” has been established and located at Kemaman Port. “Teaching Port” plays as a center of maritime knowledge transfer and research which based in commercial port. It is expected that stakeholders such as ports and local communities will have the maximum impact encompassing human resource development, sustainable environment, and rapid port economic development.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI078

Nama Produk : Reciprocal Learning Pedagogy Incorporating Stealth Assessment Completing IR 4.0 In Education During Covid-19 Pandemic

Penyelidik : Noor Azlina Abu Bakar Noor Azuin Suliman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : As the Covid-19 pandemic took the world by surprise these days, remote teaching and learning approach increasing worldwide and is picking up pace. This pandemic has brought home the reality that education technology that delivers content provides a promising output

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to the learners despite the traditional classroom. Thousands of approaches was introduced in teaching and learning as to drive the education effectively. Couple with technology, different pedagogical approaches, course design and course organisation together with assessment was incorporated to impart learning processes. The aim of educational innovations in teaching and learning not solely to support IR 4.0 in education, but promotes practical and interactive learning experience for the students. The combination of inherent pedagogical value that the technology provides with educator’s attitude towards technology capable to enrich student-centre learning experience even on the go. Virtual, real time contexts and integrated curriculum delivery via the web and apps available shown to have promising output. The idea of embedding the assessment into a simulated learning environment not only impactful for learners but provides educators with continual information about the student learning state and process. A combination of virtual digital learning and simulation-based knowledge in one application capable to provides additional support in student learning throughout the pandemic season thus increases learners motivation and engagement.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI080

Nama Produk : Setiu Fishery Tourism Website - Empowering Entrepreneurial Skills Among Fishermen Community in Setiu, Terengganu

Penyelidik : Associate Prof. Dr. Mohd Nizam Bin Lani Dr. Zaleha Binti Mohamad Dr. Isma Rosila Binti Ismail Dr. Noorhaslinda Binti Kulub Abdul Rashid Prof. Madya Dr. Siti Falindah Binti Padlee Khyrizan Binti Abu Jalil Muhammad Afiq Bin Ahmad Khairuddin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Fishermen community is one of social groups categorised under B40 group and recognized as a poverty-level group. Poverty is a major problem in coastal region of Malaysia. To date, there are limited social innovation programme that is focusing on how to tackle the poverty issue. Entrepreneurship is one of the socio-economy programme that can help to increase income of the fishermen community. By engaging with the fishermen community, they are literally involved in various economic activities such as tourism, heritage, sport fishing, gastronomy and many more. However, they have limited access to promote their products and services. Therefore, this research was initiated to develop a website named Setiu Fishery Tourism. This website is developed to help the community to promote their products and services to reach to wider customers and to uplift their presence in the community. By empowering entrepreneurial skills among fishermen community, it is expected that the income of this community can be increased. The process of encouraging the community to involve and to manage their own website will be soon started. It begins by shifting the paradigm among fishermen community by starting to learn digital online applications and social media in a hope to sustain their income and economics stability among the fishermen community. Overall, this university-community-government-industry effort can lessen the poverty issue in coastal community in Setiu by addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (2010-2030).

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI082

Nama Produk : C-19: UNITYmetable

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Nur Aidya Hanum Aizam Zahidah Mohd Zaulir

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Covid-19 crisis has brought a new normal in education system where online learning execution is carried out instead of traditional classroom learning. The unprecedented circumstances of the pandemic leads to the ignorance of students’ welfare in terms of classes assigned. The timetable constructed for face-to-face learning was employed directly for online classes, neglecting the burden of adapting to the unfamiliar virtual learning. Consecutive classes 5 days weekly force students to be glued to their computer screens for hours which indirectly results to various health problems. With its flexibility and user-friendly mathematical model, UNITYmetable is used and modified to cater the problem in relation to timetabling which arises from the Covid-19 crisis. All difficulties and complaints were being addressed. For validation purposes, the product is tested for our own university. Detailed analysis on the performance has been carried out. Positive outputs have been achieved where the timetable produced eliminates complaints, yet caters various demands from users. This innovation offers a great deal to the administrative in-charge of producing timetables that can assist the users as much as possible. Compliance to demands from users which may seem small can lead to a more conducive learning environment that guarantees a better education. UNITYmetable has therefore proves its capability to produce a quality timetable under varied situations.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI083

Nama Produk : Bridging The Orang Asli Cultural Interface to the Classroom: A Module for English Language Curriculum for Orang Asli Children

Penyelidik : Muhamad Khairul bin Zakaria Dr. Abdul Mutalib Embong Prof. Dr. Faizah Abd Majid Prof. Dr. Supyan B. Hussin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The focal aim of this project is to investigate two main issues by proposing pertinent solutions. First, how teachers can engage their knowledge of Orang Asli (Indigenous community) in order to improve the performance of English among Orang Asli children. The solution proposed is to apply the reconciling theory of the Cultural Interface in the classroom. Second, how teachers can make productive use of Orang Asli knowledge in English language classrooms. The solution suggested is to implement the Orang Asli processes rather than the content material. It is deemed that the Orang Asli assemblage lack in every aspect of life including education, English subject particularly. These issues can be resolved through the implementation of a reconciling theory for working with multiple information curriculum/systems and by focusing on Orang Asli's meta-knowledge, especially native knowledge of pedagogy. The objectives of this

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project are to demonstrate how teachers can embrace deeper Orang Asli knowledge through reconciling processes, and how this knowledge can be integrated into classroom practice.

The methodology employed in this work is from an Orang Asli standpoint methodology which developed through a process of ethnography. An English Language Module will be produced based on the Orang Asli framework and embedded with the present pedagogy through Quasi experiment study. Altogether, it involves six stages. The results speak to the question of how to improve the English language performance. It challenges notions of Orang Asli knowledge as an intuitive process to be added in the margins of research for Indigenous flavour. The reconciling principle proposed in the module offers for Orang Asli education. It will be a new opportunity for researchers and teachers to move beyond that the present curriculum. The auto ethnography and Indigenous methodologies proposed are just one small window on this – it can be a surge for teachers and community creating new knowledge for the betterment of Orang Asli.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI084

Nama Produk : e-Intervensi Daya Tahan Diri (eIDTD)

Penyelidik : Dr. Nor Ezdianie bt Omar Muhamad Noh bin Abdullah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Abstract— Mahasiswa yang berada di universiti berhadapan dengan isu penyesuaian terhadap perubahan kehidupan di universiti. Mereka juga berhadapan dengan isu penyesuaian terhadap perubahan sebagai pelajar bidang perhubungan menolong yang merupakan latihan bidang profesional. Hal ini memberi kesan kepada kesejahteraan diri serta kelestarian pengajian mereka. Namun begitu, kajian terdahulu mendapati bahawa daya tahan diri menjadi sumber yang dapat membantu pelajar mengatasi isu penyesuaian dan mengekalkan kesejahteraan diri serta kelestarian pengajian mereka. Oleh itu e-Intervensi Daya Tahan Diri (e-IDTD) diperkenalkan sebagai suatu strategi intervensi psikologi positif atas talian (online positive psychology interventions [OPPI]) bagi disuaipadankan dengan mahasiswa yang mahir dan cekap dengan penggunaan teknologi. E- Intervensi Daya Tahan Diri (e-IDTD) ini merupakan suatu intervensi aplikasi kendiri yang mengandungi 3 elemen utama iaitu (i) Kapsul Psiko Pendidikan (mengandungi maklumat definisi, ciri, cara membentuk dan bagaimana daya tahan diri membantu pelajar menjalani kehidupan lebih baik); (ii) Instrumen Penilaian Kendiri (mengandungi set soalan ujian inventori dan penilaian tahap daya tahan diri); dan (iii) Perkhidmatan Terapis Maya (proses mendapatkan bantuan ahli terapi maya secara atas talian bagi membantu pembinaan personaliti, mengawal emosi dan hubungan interpersonal). E-Intervensi Daya Tahan Diri (e-IDTD) dilihat lebih berpotensi mencapai kejayaan bersesuaian dan memenuhi keperluan mahasiswa yang menguasai dunia digital.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI087

Nama Produk : PPR for Autism Children

Penyelidik : PM Dr. Norsuhaily Abu Bakar Dr. Nurnadiah Zamri Dr. Zulfa Izza Hashim

Prof Dr. Fadzli Adam Nur Salina Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by differences in social communication and social interaction as well as restricted interests and repetitive behaviours. In 2020, approximately 1 in 160 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) worldwide. Early identification of autism is best as research shows that almost 50% of children with autism are able to catch up to their peers if they are able to receive intensive behavioural treatment at an early age. Therefore, this research aims to facilitate a new version of a quick and practical electronic self- assessment for autism kids. The PPR for Autism Children system is built for UniSZA’s Psychology and Rehabilitation Centre (PPR) under the collaboration with TanyaPakar@UniSZA to help the autism kids. This proposed system offers parents with a set of questionnaires detecting early ASD among kids using fuzzy rule-based techniques. It also provides online self-therapy with online psychologist and therapist helps. Our main target is to offer a digital touch in self-teaching and self-learning on autism intervention via various of therapy such as floortime, speech and language therapy, music therapy, massage therapy, the picture exchange communication system (PECS) and ruqyah. Besides, it becomes one of the centres for the public to get information, spread love, awareness and share their story on autism. By this system helps to increase the level of adaptability among ASD parents and the scientific community’s awareness of autism. Thus, create an opportunity to embrace a healthy generation of people. In addition, this system can be used at all times, anywhere and making world-class services for autism accessible to all.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI088

Nama Produk : PPR for Dyslexia Children

Penyelidik : Dr. Nurnadiah binti Zamri PM. Dr. Norsuhaily binti Abu Bakar Abd Rasid bin Mamat Nur Farahin Nabilah binti Airol Anizam Nur Alia Najihah binti Mohd Shafie

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Autism is a learning disorder that involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and words. In 2017, approximately between 5-10% of the population experience dyslexia, which equates to around 700 million people worldwide. Early identification of dyslexia is crucial to ensure that children are able to maximize their educational potential, and speech language pathologists. Therefore, this research aims to

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facilitate a new version of a quick and practical electronic self- assessment for dyslexia kids. The PPR for Dyslexia Children system is built for UniSZA’s Psychology and Rehabilitation Centre (PPR) under the collaboration with TanyaPakar@UniSZA to help the dyslexia kids. This proposed system offers parents with a set of questionnaires detecting early dyslexia among kids using fuzzy rule-based techniques. It also provides online self-therapy with online psychologist and therapist helps. Our main target is to offer a digital touch in self-teaching and self-learning on dyslexia intervention via various of therapy such as speech and language therapy, phonological therapy, developing language therapy, letter and sound knowledge and multi-sensory approach. Besides, it becomes one of the centres for the public to get information, spread love, awareness and share their story on dyslexia. By this system helps to increase the level of adaptability among dyslexia parents and the scientific community’s awareness of dyslexia. Thus, create an opportunity to embrace a healthy generation of people. In addition, this system can be used at all times, anywhere and making world-class services for dyslexia accessible to all.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI089

Nama Produk : Ujian Kepulihan Penagihan Dadah (Drug Addiction Recovery Test -Dart)

Penyelidik : Prof. Dr. Lukman Z. Mohamad Siti Norashida Binti Mohd Rashid Norshahira Binti Osman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Kajian psikologikal berkenaan kepulihan ketagihan dadah berkembang dan bertambah secara dinamik selari dengan masalah dadah yang wujud di dunia. Kepulihan ketagihan dadah merupakan faktor asas untuk penagih dadah memulakan kehidupan nomal dan kembali ke pangkuan masyarakat semula. Hal ini menjadi tahap penting dalam rawatan dadah kerana dapat menjadi petunjuk atau bukti sama ada prosedur yang digunakan semasa rawatan itu sesuai atau tidak untuk membantu penagih dadah daripada ketagihan dadah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membina satu instrumen kepulihan dadah dan mengukur tahap kesembuhan penagih dadah yang dirawat di pusat pemulihan. Seramai 123 penagih dadah yang dirawat di Cure & Care Rehabilitation Centre (CCRC) di Besut, Terengganu dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk menemu bual responden bagi mengumpul maklumat kajian ini dibina berdasarkan kerangka konseptual yang dibentuk dan diolah daripada kajian-kajian lepas oleh pengkaji lain. Instrumen ini dinamakan sebagai Ujian Kepulihan Penagihan Dadah (Drug Addiction Recovery Test – DART). Instrumen ini mengandungi empat komponen utama iaitu kebergantungan dadah, relaps, resilensi dadah dan kekuatan mental yang dikembangkan menjadi empat sub-instrumen untuk DART iaitu Penilaian Kebergantungan Dadah (Drug Dependency Assessment – DDA), Penilaian Kemungkinan Relaps Dadah (Drug Possible Relapse Assessment – DPRA), Penilaian Resiliensi Dadah (Drug Resiliency Assessment – DRA) and Penilaian Kekuatan Mental Klien (Client Mental Strength Assessment – CMSA). Setiap komponen mengandungi 20 item dan jumlah keseluruhan item DART ialah 80. Analisis Faktor digunakan untuk menentukan keabsahan item psikometrik instrumen berkenaan yang berkait secara langsung

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dengan kepulihan penagihan dadah. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa nilai Cronbach Alpha bagi empat komponen DART ialah 0.790 untuk DDA, 0.873 untuk DPRA, 0.881untuk DRA, dan 0.845 untuk CMSA. Dari segi tahap kesembuhan responden di CCRC Besut pula, kajian ini menunjukkan 52.03% responden boleh dibebaskan sepenuhnya, 36.59% responden boleh dibebaskan sebagai pesakit luar, 8.94% responden tidak boleh dibebaskan dan perlu diberikan pemantauan, dan 2.44% responden tidak boleh dibebaskan dan perlu menjalani rawatan secara intensif. Kajian ini membuktikan instrumen yang dibina itu boleh digunakan untuk mengukur tahap kesembuhan penagih dadah yang sedang menjalani rawatan dadah di pusat pemulihan tersebut. Kesimpulannya, instrumen ini perlu menjalani beberapa siri ujian lagi untuk memastikannya menjadi satu instrumen yang boleh dipercayai untuk kegunaan akan datang. Kajian ini dan instrumen DART yang dibina ini diharapkan dapat membantu kerajaan terutamanya CCRC untuk merawat penagih dadah daripada masalah ketagihan dadah dengan lebih berkesan pada masa hadapan.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI090

Nama Produk : Ujian Tingkahlaku Hasrat Bunuh Diri (Suicidal Ideation Behaviour Assessment-Siba)

Penyelidik : Prof. Dr. Lukman Z. Mohamad Norshahira Binti Osman Siti Norashida Binti Mohd Rashid

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Masalah ketagihan dadah telah dikenal pasti sebagai salah satu faktor berisiko tinggi dan berkait rapat dengan tingkahlaku hasrat bunuh diri. Banyak kajian melaporkan bahawa tingkahlaku hasrat bunuh diri ini semakin meningkat dalam kalangan penagih dadah. Pengesanan awal hasrat bunuh diri dalam kalangan penagih adalah penting untuk memastikan mereka tidak mengambil tindakan selanjutnya yang boleh menyebabkan kematian. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk membina satu instrumen tingkahlaku hasrat bunuh diri dalam kalangan penagih dadah bagi mengesan tahap hasrat bunuh diri mereka. Instrumen psikometrik ini dibina berdasarkan situasi di Malaysia. Instrumen yang dibina untuk kajian ini dinamakan sebagai Penilaian Tingkahlaku Hasrat Bunuh Diri (Suicidal Ideation Behaviour Assessment – SIBA). Pembinaan instrumen itu dibuat berdasarkan satu kerangka konseptual yang dibentuk secara hipotetikal dan hasil kajian pengkaji- pengkaji terdahulu yang telah membuat penelitian secara mendalam tentang hubungan penagihan dadah dengan tingkahlaku hasrat bunuh diri. Instrumen ini mengandungi empat komponen iaitu konflik interpersonal, kecelaruan emosi, kemurungan, dan putus harapan. Setiap komponen SIBA mengandungi 10 item dan jumlah keseluruhannya ialah 40 item. Analisis Faktor Eksploratori (Exploratory Factor Analysis – EFA) digunakan untuk menentukan keabsahan dan kebolehpercayaan setiap item dalam komponen- komponen tersebut. Dalam hal ini, seramai 123 penagih yang dirawat di Cure & Care Rehabilitation Centre (CCRC) Besut, Terengganu dipilih sebagai responden kajian untuk pengujian instrumen ini. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa nilai Cronbach Alpha bagi komponen konflik interpersonal ialah 0.858, kecelaruan emosi ialah 0.858, kemurungan ialah 0.831, dan putus harapan ialah 0.895. Nilai-nilai Cronbach Alpha ini menunjukkan bahawa tahap kebolehpercayaan komponen- komponen tersebut adalah tinggi. Dari segi keabsahan item-item yang

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digunakan, nilai factor loading yang diperoleh ialah 0.450-0.895. Julat nilai ini menunjukkan bahawa item-item tersebut boleh diterima dan sesuai untuk instrumen ini. Analisis deskriptif mendapati bahawa 52.85% penagih di CCRC Besut mempunyai tahap hasrat bunuh diri yang rendah, 21.95% berada pada tahap sederhana, 0.81% pada tahap tinggi, dan 0.831% pada tahap sangat tinggi. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini dapat menunjukkan bahawa instrumen yang dibina ini boleh diguna pakai untuk mengukur tahap tingkahlaku hasrat bunuh diri dalam kalangan penagih dadah yang sedang menjalani rawatan di pusat pemulihan tersebut. Pada masa akan datang, instrumen ini dicadangkan agar menjalani beberapa siri ujian lagi untuk memastikannya menjadi satu instrumen yang lebih berkesan dan berguna dengan keperluan semasa. Instrumen SIBA yang dibina ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan yang besar kepada kerajaan terutamanya CCRC dalam usaha membantu penagih yang mempunyai tingkahlaku hasrat bunuh diri untuk diberikan perhatian dan perkhidmatan sokongan psikososial yang lebih baik.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI091

Nama Produk : Implementing ARonic for Phonics Development Among Preschoolers

Penyelidik : Nor Jijidiana binti Azmi Dr. Nor Azikin binti Mohd Omar Salina binti Ismail Dr Zailani binti Jusoh Dr Majdan bin Paharal Radzi Dr. Nurshafawati binti Ahmad Sani

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Reading skill is vital in early childhood education. Through reading, the children develop their vocabulary skills, reading comprehension and most importantly, building their phonemic awareness and phonics. Phonemic awareness is defined as the ability to hear, identify and work with individual sounds in spoken words meanwhile phonics refers to the ability to connect the letters of written language with the sounds of spoken language. These two skills are typically taught using conventional materials such as books, flashcards and songs. However, in line with the current technological advancement and Malaysian Education Blueprint (2013-2015), these skills should be introduced to young learners using a more interactive medium in order to provide quality education by international standards. On top of that, researchers believe that the implementation of interactive tools in teaching and learning will enhance children’s understanding of the topic they learned (Clements and Nastasi, 1993). For this reason, we have introduced ARonic as one of the teaching tools in teaching phonics to preschool children aged 4 years old. ARonic is a tool of teaching phonics by implementing the Augmented Reality (AR) technology. It is developed from the Aurasma application and 26 AR marker cards that represent 26 alphabets are designed using Microsoft Powerpoint. The marker cards are designed and created by using Microsoft Powerpoint and they will be uploaded in Aurasma application to generate the visual cues of the alphabets. Using a mobile device, the AR visuals will be generated by the AR Software when the users scan the markers. This process enhances the learning experience of preschool children since it integrates both visual and auditory elements when learning phonics. The introduction of ARonic has created a

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technologically designed interactive learning device that assists the preschoolers to distinguish and pronounce vowels and consonants sounds effectively hence increasing their engagement in the classroom

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI092


Penyelidik : Muhammad Fadzli Bin Muhammad Sukor Ts Dr. Kharudin Bin Ali Ammar Husaini bin Hussian Wan Raihan binti Wan Shaaidi Muhammad Ameen bin Wahab

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This project is mainly on building a Fishpond Monitoring System using a microcontroller called Arduino UNO. The main purpose of this project is to help those who are having difficulties in maintaining their outdoor fishpond, especially those who are frequently outstation, thus unable to constantly monitor their fishpond. By this system, users can monitor and maintain their fishpond regularly via LoRa system, using devices such as smartphones and laptop. The major role of this system is to enable users to monitor and maintain their fishpond through a server of database, which include tasks such as monitor the pH water in the fishpond, temperature and checking the level of oxygen needed in fishpond. When there are changing for condition of the pH water of fishpond to below normal pH range, the system would trigger an alarm and send a message to notify the user to take any appropriate action. To continuously check the fishpond status, the Arduino UNO is chosen as central board to collect data from sensors and subsequently uploads the data to the database and to the own host website. The user will then login to the website hosted by Arduino UNO to check on the status of their fishpond. Besides that, sensors such as pH sensor and turbidity sensor are also required to make sure that the system functions optimally. Other than that, water pump and oxygen pump are also required.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI096

Nama Produk : Centroidal Polygon: A new modified Euler to Improve Speed of Resistor-Capacitor (RC) Circuit Equation

Penyelidik : Nur Shahirah Zulkifli Dr Nooraida Binti Samsudin Dr Suzanna Binti Ridzuan Aw Dr Wan Farah Hanan Binti Wan Osman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : There have two circuits that consist of a first order circuit equation. There are Resistor-Inductor (RL) and Resistor-Capacitor (RC). In this research, the researcher will be focused on the RC circuit equation. To ensure that the new scheme able to improve the accuracy and improves in terms of the speed, the Centroidal-Polygon (CP) scheme will be tested in SCILAB 6.0 software. For the RC circuit equation, the

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circuit equation speed depends on the full charge or full discharge's fastest reach. Other than that, the researcher will also focus on the time taken to each scheme take to complete the simulation. To shows the best scheme, the new scheme, CP will be compared with the previous research, Polygon (P) by ZulZamri and Cube-Polygon by Nooraida. To analyze the speed of the simulation, this research used SCILAB 6.0 software to generate and compare the method results. The results show that the CP schemes are less computational and can be an alternative way to solve the first order circuit equation and get the result quickly compared with previous research.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI098

Nama Produk : Cyber Security Awareness Apps with CSA Games Board

Penyelidik : Ts Dr Noor Suhana Bt Sulaiman Dr Nooraida Bt Samsudin Wan Ainul Alyani Bt Wan Mohamed Saadiah Bt Ab. Rahman Wan Nur Idayu Bt Tun Mohd Hassan Ts Dr Nur Sukinah Bt Aziz Ts Dr Azliza Bt Yacob

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Cyber Security Awareness Apps with CSA Games Board is developed, suits to young generation specifically in Malaysia. The awareness should not only be focused on the adults and professionals only but have to be delivered to the young generation also. The knowledge and understanding on the importance of information privacy would help from the occurrence of data breach and privacy intrusions. The youngster should be taught and explained how to keep their data safe and secure from third party interventions. Since Covid-19 pandemic has forced global shutdown of several activities, including educational activities, and this has resulted in tremendous crisis-response migration of universities, secondary and primary school with online learning serving as the educational platform, via Google Meet, Zoom, Whatsapp, education learning website and many more. Hence, digital device and Internet as the necessity to digital learning produce more engagement of Internet to young generation in learning and other Internet activities, including playing games, communicate in social media and etc Cyber Security Awareness Apps consist module connect to CSA Games Board for user to play with. Apps consist of virtual dice, trivial card n threat info relate to CSA Games Board, providing fun, interactive and informative learning for user especially young children.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI102

Nama Produk : iHadir – Student Attendance System with Location Detection

Penyelidik : Dr. Julaily Aida Binti Jusoh Mohamad Amin Firdaus Bin Ramli Prof. Madya Dr. Syarilla Iryani Binti Ahmad Saany Prof. Madya Dr. Yousef Abubaker Mohamed Ahmed El-Ebiary

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Prof. Madya Dr. Ahmad Nazari Mohd Rose Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd Hafiz Bin Yusoff @ Che Abdullah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak has initiated the learning process to switch from face-to-face learning methods to open distance learning. The open distance learning is a concept of students assessing the lectures from different venues. Among the activities that are affected by that change, are the process of recording student’s attendance and engagement during the online lectures, as opposed to the normal method of being in the same classroom during the lecture. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a global navigation satellite system that provides location and time synchronization. This approach can assist lecturers in tracking the position of their students throughout the learning session. The operation of the GPS is based on the trilateration method where the position is determined from the distance measurement to satellites. Therefore, iHadir has been proposed to overcome the issue of tracking the students’ attendance. The iHadir is a mobile-based application system that can detect student’s location during the learning session. This application can be used as a new alternative in monitoring the student’s attendance during online learning. The iHadir will help in increasing the effectiveness of attendance’s record during online learning.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI103

Nama Produk : Tracking Concept Visual Narratives by Using Content Marketing Approach in Digital Pedagogy

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azizul Yadi bin Yaakop

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The response of Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia to Covid-19 crisis has been rapid to ensure students are provided continued opportunity to learn remotely via digital pedagogy. Hurdles to this technological integration into higher education are becoming apparent, especially in the context of Malaysian education ecosystem. However, digital pedagogy has advantages over the conventional ones, especially by using approaches which fitting to students’ interest and preference. Being the Net generation, students nowadays are enthusiastic towards technology integration in information literacy classes. Content marketing is the trend now and it is a strategic marketing approach focusing on the creation of content ultimately to drive students’ attention and action. Digital teaching delivery with visual narratives of real-life examples is current, preferred, engaging and innovative. Through this innovation, the students are expected to achieve major learning outcomes such as achievement orientation.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI104

Nama Produk : Projek Duit Dari Rumah

Penyelidik : Dr. Noorhaslinda bt Kulub Abd Rashid Dr. Norermawati Hussein Dr. Zaleha Mohamad Dr. Zuha Hussin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Peranan institusi pengajian tinggi dalam menjana modal insan berkualiti seringkali mendapat tumpuan ramai dalam menuju kelestarian sesebuah negara. Ketika tumpuan diberikan kepada peranan universiti dalam menghasilkan modal insan yang berkualiti, peratusan pengangguran d kalangan graduan di Malaysia terus menjadi isu yang hangat diperkatakan. Tidak kurang juga kadar pengangguran dalam kalangan belia secara keseluruhannya memberikan impak yang negatif terhadap pasaran buruh di Malaysia. Faktor yang dikenalpasti dalam isu kadar pengangguran tinggi dalam kalangan belia adalah kurangnya pengalaman dan kemahiran atau pendidikan untuk bersaing dalam pasaran pekerjaan. Majoriti peluang pekerjaan yang ada dalam pasaran adalah dalam kategori kemahiran rendah dan sederhana, dimana kurang sesuai untuk para graduan baru. Dalam hal ini, pendidikan Teknikal dan Latihan Vokasional (TVET) dilihat sebagai penyelesaian alternatif kepada para belia untuk mendepani cabaran dunia pekerjaan masa kini. Namun, persepsi dan status yang rendah dalam kalangan masyarakat terhadap pendidikan ini menjadi faktor dorongan kepada isu pengangguran belia lantaran ianya tidak menjanjikan peluang pekerjaan serta gaji yang lumayan. Sehubungan dengan itu, program pemindahan ilmu yang melibatkan integrasi atau kolaborasi dua hala antara institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) dengan Institut Kemahiran UNICETE, dilihat sebagai satu usahasama yang bijak ke arah mencapai satu matlamat yang sama iaitu modal insan yang berkemahiran tinggi dan inovatif. Justeru, motivasi serta keyakinan diri para belia sebagai peserta dalam projek pemindahan ilmu seumpama ini akan mendorong mereka dalam menentukan prospek hala tuju masing-masing dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga. Matlamat akhir ‘Projek Duit dari rumah’ adalah supaya para peserta dapat menjana pendapatan masing- masing walaupun hanya menjalankan aktiviti perniagaan di rumah dan seterusnya dapat memberi sumbangan kepada komuniti yang lain.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI105

Nama Produk : Interactive Fun Learning Computer Devices Using VR

Penyelidik : Muhammad Syuaib Bin Abdul Latif Noraniah Bt Abdul Aziz Siti Norwahidayah Wahab

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The proposed project describes the development of a Virtual Reality (VR) application for teaching and learning computer devices for children. Used together with mobile VR headset, children could view the computer devices in a fun and interactive manner using mobile VR headset as an interaction tool. Generally, teaching young children could be difficult this is due to the focus of young children is different

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from elderly since they could only focus on something for short period of time. Introducing the fun and interactive learning could grab the attention therefore enhance teaching and learning for young learner. Researches showed that fun learning also increase the ability to memorize and understanding of the user. VR application is one of the learning approaches to teach children the computer devices. The tangible manner of VR application introduces the interaction of learning therefore it could create the joyful learning. However, the potential of VR application could be further enhance through the use of VR technology. Therefore, introducing the use of VR could encompass fun learning since VR offer rich media learning. Besides going into immersive environment, children could search computer devices. The preliminary results indicate the children reacted positively towards the application most reported they like and enjoy using the mobile VR headset. These results suggest the potential of VR application as a tool to create fun learning environment.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI107

Nama Produk : Windows PC Unlocking Using Infrared

Penyelidik : Muhamad Fahmi Mohamad Noraniah Abdul Aziz Mohd Shah Shafie Idris

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The project is involving the developing of a Windows PC unlocking using RFID that will be connected with system RFID as a security mechanism. Besides, the computer in the open computer lab is not protected by password, outsider can use the computer at the open lab without authorized permission, they might sabotage the computer by stealing any important information in the computer. There are a few components have been used to develop the Project: Arduino Pro Micro, RC-552 RFID Module, Buzzer and RFID Card. With this “Windows Pc Unlocking using RFID”, the system can easily tracking since the RFID tag/card contain their own unique ID and linked to user’s information, thus when a user unlocking the PC using the card the details are recorded and allow IT officer at IT to track and monitor user authorization on computer. In addition, the strength of this project is it can ease the process to login the PC at the open pc in library without need to remember a password. Next, this system strength is it can record the user login time and username to provide a proof to IT Department Unit on who are using their assets.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI108

Nama Produk : i-JenzCare

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syarilla Iryani Binti Ahmad Saany Asrul Aiman Bin Daod Dr. Julaily Aida Binti Jusoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yousef Abubaker Mohamed Ahmed El-Ebiary Prof. Dr. Engku Ahmad Zaki Bin Engku Alwi Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd Hafiz Bin Yusoff @ Che Abdullah Prof Madya Dr Ahmad Nazari Mohd Rose

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Technologies are keep evolving and growing where almost all activities and services such as in the area of trading, commerce and education can be completed via online. Unfortunately, the funeral arrangement and handling service is still operating in the same process as it is done by our elderly before. Here, the proposed application will help user handling the funeral a lot faster and easier. I- JenzCare is a platform where the service provider and the user can match with one’s need on the funeral arrangement service. I-JenzCare is a unique idea because no similar application or system had been developed in related on a Muslim funeral handling yet in Malaysia. This study provides new values to the traditional Islamic funeral arrangement services which has been practiced in the Malay community. I-JenzCare which employs analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique just requires a medium-end smartphone to keep everything on the best user experience standard. In a nutshell, the system is a handy application for those who needs immediate assistance on funeral handling in Malaysia.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI109

Nama Produk : Memperkasakan Komuniti Usahawan Belia Telaga Papan dan Setiu Menerusi Keusahawan Digital: WEBSITE:Pasar Digital.Com

Penyelidik : Dr Zaleha Binti Mohamad Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Mustafa Bin Man Prof. Madya Dr Mohd Nizam Bin Lani Dr Noorhaslinda Kulub Binti Abdul Rashid Prof. Madya Dr Wahidah Hashim Dr Roseliza Binti Mat Alipiah Muhammad Afiq Bin Ahmad Khairuddin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Bidang keusahawanan semakin berkembang pesat, seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi. Usahawan masa kini mula bijak menggunakan peluang disekeliling mereka sebagai pemangkin untuk mengembangkan perniagaan mereka. Perniagaan atas talian atau e-dagang mula diceburi sebahagian besar usahawan terutama di kalangan belia. IR 4.0 bakal mewujudkan 1.5 juta peluang pekerjaan di Malaysia. Bidang-bidang baru yang menjadi tonggak IR 4.0 menawarkan pelbagai peluang pekerjaan pada masa hadapan. Peluang pekerjaan yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah bagi mereka yang berkemahiran tinggi yang mana IR 4.0 memerlukan 60% khidmat tenaga kerja berkemahiran.Kajian ini membincangkan mengenai permerkasaan aplikasi perniagaan digital di kalangan usahawan belia di Telaga Papan dan daerah Setiu seterusnya mendalami peluang untuk memperkasakan kaedah perniagaan digital berdasarkan sumber sedia ada, komitmen yang diberikan, elemen inovasi dalam perniagaan, kualiti hidup dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh agensi- agensi kerajaan dan lain-lain pihak yang terlibat. Bermula tahun 2018, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) merupakan salah satu penggerak yang menyokong ideology usahawan digital selari dengan SDG9 dan Key Economic Growth Activities 2 (KEGA 2): Ekonomi Digital di dalam Wawasan Kemakmuran bersama 2030. Usaha ini dilaksanakan atas nama projek “Profiling Komuniti Belia Telaga Papan dan Setiu Dalam Memperkasakan Keusahawanan Digital” yang mendapat dana sepenuhnya daripada UMT melalui vote 58901 &58902. Satu website iaitu Pasar Digital.Com telah dibangunkan

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untuk membantu usahawan belia di Telaga Papan dan Setiu untuk mempromosikan produk dan perniagaan mereka. Projek ini turut mendapat kerjasama industri Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), Usahanita, Alif Rafei Resource dan Top It (Payang.my). Objektif utama projek adalah untuk membantu dan memberi ilmu asas keusahawanan digital agar para usahawan dapat memasarkan produk secara digital seiring dengan kepesatan penggunaan teknologi digital seperti WhatsApp, Facebook dan Instagram. Sepanjang projek berjalan, dua bengkel pemindahan ilmu telah dilaksanakan dan para usahawan telah diberi pemindahan ilmu asas perniagaan dan ilmu asas penggunaan teknologi digital yang banyak diaplikasikan dalam perniagaan contohnya pemasaran produk di Facebook dan Instagram. Bengkel ini melibatkan 6 orang penyelidik UMT dan 100 orang komuniti usahawan yang bertumpu di Telaga Papan, Setiu. Ilmu yang diperoleh telah di terapkan ke dalam perniagaan masing-masing dan memberi impak yangm memberansangkan melalui peningkatan pendapatan dan pasaran perniagaan oleh para usahawan yang menyerta bengkel. Hasil dapatan projek menunjukkan peningkatan kemahiran usahawan dalam penggunaan aplikasi digital khususnya dan seorang alumni UMT berjaya dilatih sebagai pembantu penyelidik dan secara automatiknya meningkatkan kebolehpasaran graduan di kalangan bekas pelajar UMT. Ketua projek, Dr. Zaleha Mohamad daripada Fakulti Perniagaan,Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Sosial,UMT berkata projek ini merupakan tanggungjawab sosial bagi penyelidik untuk membantu dan mendidik masyarakat setempat. Menurutnya lagi, projek ini tidak hanya berhenti setakat ini, malah pihaknya akan sentiasa memantau perkembangan perniagaan peserta dan bersedia untuk membantu sekiranya peserta memerlukan khidmat kepakaran dan konsultansi. Menerusi Projek ini juga 4 penerbitan artikel Jurnal Terindeks dan 1 buku bertajuk Keusahawanan Digital: Penjana Ekonomi Komuniti berjaya diterbitkan. Di samping itu, jalinan kerjasama antara universiti telah dicapai melalui Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) dan geran padanan antara UMT dengan UIA, UNITEN dan UITM. Gabungan kerjasama ini telah meluaskan lagi jaringan pemindahan ilmu yang dapat dihasilkan. Secara umumnya, para penyelidik dan usahawan berpuas hati dengan penganjuran program sebegini yang diadakan secara komprehensif merangkumi teori ilmu pengetahuan serta kemahiran praktikal yang dapat membantu komuniti setempat. Projek bersama komuniti seperti ini dilihat sangat membantu serta berjaya menarik minat komuniti Setiu khususnya golongan belia untuk menceburi dunia perniagaan secara digital. Diharapkan kerjasama pihak luar dan UMT seperti projek ini akan berterusan dan mampu berkembang lebih jauh tidak terhad kepada ilmu keusahawanan digital sahaja.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI110

Nama Produk : i-HomeHelper

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Yousef Abubaker Mohamed Ahmed El-Ebiary Ainin Sofiya Binti Zaidi Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syarilla Iryani Binti Ahmad Saany Dr. Julaily Aida Binti Jusoh Dr. Hasni Binti Hassan Prof. Dato' Dr. Mohd Hafiz Bin Yusoff @ Che Abdullah Prof Madya Dr Ahmad Nazari Mohd Rose

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Home helper is very much sought nowadays as it will alleviate the burden of performing the daily chores at home. Home helpers are usually self-employed and provide home service on a part-time basis. However, to acquire home helper services within local community is quite challenging because the public do not know where and how to reach the person with this services. The examples of services that can be offered include chaperone services, garden maintenance, meals preparation, pet care assistance, household chores assistance or even companionship for the elderly. Obviously, there is a gap between home service providers and the local community who demanded the services. People who offer the services usually promote their services using flyers or by passing their phone number to people. This is not a systematic marketing strategy since the dissemination of information is limited to just a small group of local community. Hence, i- HomeHelper acts as a dynamic platform for individuals to promote their services to the nearby public who require their services using modern technologies in Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS). i-HomeHelper enables systematic booking process for the required services and also serves as a platform to promote various services that are available. Details of services that include prices, name of the home helpers and contact numbers are also displayed at the promoting page so that the public can choose the services that meet their criteria. It is anticipated that this application will create an ecosystem of inclusive economic growth for these self- employed individuals and benefits the public who really need an assistance on the household chores or home maintenance.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI114

Nama Produk : New Norm Teaching and Learning Guide for Lecturers

Penyelidik : Dr. Hazlina Ahamad Zakeri Assoc. Prof. Dr. Faizatul Shimal Mehamod Dr. Nor Omaima Harun Ts. Dr. Azila Adnan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The COVID-19 pandemic has demanded education instituitions to shift their traditional teaching style into fully online and become a challenge to both students and academicians. The lecturers might be feeling overwhelmed, suddenly faced with the task of learning how to teach classes online, and what more without any training or support. Moreover, since the world has no way of knowing how long this “new norm” will last and bearing these in mind, all the educational tools that can be applied by the lecturers online have been put together in one guidebook. The tools included delivery and assessment methods plus ‘in-class’ activities to further engage the students. The success story of using the tools is also included. This guidebook incorporates two immersive technologies – QR code and Augmented Reality (AR).

Institutsi/ Sekolah : USIM

ID : MPI118

Nama Produk : Global Umrahaji Game (GUG)

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Penyelidik : Prof. Dr Azman Ab Rahman Mohamad Anwar Bin Zakaria Muhammad Faiz Bin Abd. Shakor Nurul Nadia Binti Nozlan Afaf Binti Sukari

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pelaksanaan Umrah dan Haji memerlukan pemahaman yang jelas dari segi rukun, wajib, perkara yang dilarang semasa berihram dan cara-cara mengerjakan ibadat umrah dan haji. Walaubagaimanapun, masyarakat masih belum mempunyai pengetahuan dan ilmu yang cukup tentang kaedah pelaksanaan ibadat umrah dan haji yang betul bahkan tidak memahami dan mendalami kaedah pelaksanaan ibadat umrah dan haji dengan sebaik mungkin. Oleh itu, masyarakat perlu diberikan persediaan dan gambaran yang jelas tentang suasana dan pelaksanaan ibadat umrah dan haji itu sendiri. Masyarakat perlu memperoleh ilmu yang mencukupi supaya mampu menjadi panduan ketika menunaikan ibadat umrah dan haji. Justeru, Global UmraHaji Game (GUG) diperkenalkan menggunakan konsep gamifikasi untuk meningkatkan kefahaman dan pengetahuan tentang kaedah pelaksanaan ibadat umrah dan haji secara terperinci kepada masyarakat seawal usia kanak-kanak. GUG merupakan permainan papan ilmiah yang bertemakan umrah dan haji bagi menerapkan konsep didik hibur (fun learning) dan interaktif dalam pendidikan ibadat umrah dan haji dalam masa yang sama dapat mengeratkan hubungan antara satu sama lain. GUG diyakini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kefahaman masyarakat terhadap kepentingan pelaksanaan ibadat umrah dan haji dengan betul.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI126

Nama Produk : AwarenessTung2

Penyelidik : Iliana Binti Mohd Ali Dr. Nooraida Binti Samsudin Wan Ainul Alyani Binti Wan Mohamed Norhayatie Binti Ibrahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Turtle eggs were consumed in the past as a source of protein for coastal communities in Malaysia as they lacked access to alternative sources, but this was no longer necessary. In 1960s, the population was just 10 million people and nesting numbers were much higher. In 2020, a population of 32 million but nesting numbers are decreasing and unstable. People need to stop the consumption of turtle eggs because the nesting numbers are fluctuating between 2,000 and 4,000 per year in Terengganu. Turtle conservation groups wanted to continue raising awareness. At the moment, this society still don’t have any mobile application. In order to support the educational programme, an Android application named AwarenessTung2 is developed. This application is built using the MIT App Inventor 2. AwarenessTung2 has four modules altogether. The first module is about turtle has some explanation regarding all types of turtles, pictures together with name. The second module, awareness lists the do’s and don’ts regarding turtles. The third module that is games divided into two that are true or false questions and memory game to match pictures of same turtles. The fourth module extra activity is some educational units in the form of Portable Document Format (PDF) files. AwarenessTung2 is found

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to be suitable for local students and local contexts, therefore the Turtle Conservation Society of Malaysia agrees to use the application for their future educational programme

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI127

Nama Produk : Sunnah Intermittent Fasting (SIF) - Neuroprotective Model

Penyelidik : Dr. Asheila Ak Meramat Prof. Dr. Nor Fadilah binti Rajab Prof. Dr. Suzana binti Shahar Associate Prof. Dr. Razinah binti Sharif

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : SIF-Neuroprotective model is a product under education, community development and social innovation. As we all know, the growing population of the elderly is very worrying as the elderly tend to get dementia. Hence, it is important to produce successful ageing elderly via the anti-ageing model. Intermittent fasting model was identified as an anti-aging model. However, the level of compliance with the model is low and the effect of neuro-protection has not been identified. Sunnah fasting on Monday and Thursday (SIF) is a sustainable intermittent fasting model in improving cognitive function among older adults that have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Therefore, it is important to educate and create awareness among the elderly. The sustainability in practicing SIF- neuroprotective model aids against oxidative damage, inflammation factors, as well as improving metabolomics profiling on older adults who have MCI. From this anti- ageing model, we found that older adults who had practiced SIF revert back to successful aging as compared as a group who are rarely practicing SIF and not practicing SIF. It also showed that with the SIF- neuroprotective model, there is a significantly decreased oxidative stress level, percentage of DNA damage, inflammation factor level and insulin level after practicing this SIF-neuroprotective model. There are seven metabolites that are involved in practicing SIF which are 3- hydroxybutyrate, acetate, acetoacetate, n-acetylglucosamine, guanosine, glucose, and N-acetylserotonin through glucose metabolism, acid amino metabolism and ketone metabolism that aids in neuroprotection effects. In conclusion, the SIF-neuroprotective model is a sustainable anti-ageing model in reducing oxidative damage and induce the presence of neuroprotective metabolites in returning populations who had experienced MCI to successful aging after implementing this model in their life. Indirectly, through this model we can produce dementia-free elderly.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI130

Nama Produk : Virtual Inabah (V-Inabah): Terapi Kejiwaan Secara Digital Dan Interaktif Untuk Komuniti Penagih Dadah

Penyelidik : Prof. Dr. Lua Pei Lin Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Manam Bin Mohamad Prof. Madya Dr. Mokhairi Bin Makhtar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Terapi kejiwaan Inabah konvensional (bersemuka) merupakan antara rawatan alternatif yang berkesan dan diterima baik untuk menangani masalah penagihan dadah. Sebagai kesinambungannya, Virtual Inabah (V-Inabah) dibangunkan bagi memperluaskan lagi capaian terapi kejiwaan untuk membantu masyarakat yang memerlukan. Mewakili inovasi sosio-keagamaan yang pertama di Malaysia, V- Inabah memuatkan modul rawatan Inabah sebagai asas tersedia yang dipersembahkan menerusi platform maya berbentuk aplikasi telefon pintar. Uniknya V-Inabah merangkumi modul qiyam al-layl (bangun awal malam); mandi taubat (hidroterapi); talqin (pengajaran khusus); solat (solat fardu dan pelbagai jenis solat sunat; rawatib dan nawafil); zikir (zikir jahr - bersuara nyaring; zikir khafy - dalam hati / meditasi) dan khataman, adab, doa dan irsyad (bimbingan / supervision). Gabungan modul tersusun dan kaedah pelaksanaan konvensional yang telah terbukti berkesan kini diterjemahkan dan diolah dalam bentuk interaktif dan digital yang menarik dan mudah difahami, sambil mengambil-kira latar-belakang akademik pengguna dan teknologi yang pelbagai. Selain itu V-Inabah disepadukan dengan nota, infografik, video latihan dan pentaksiran yang tiada dalam kaedah sebelum ini. Novelti utamanya ialah akses capaian maya yang melangkaui sempadan fizikal. Kelebihan lainnya termasuklah terapi alternatif yang boleh dilaksanakan secara kendiri (tanpa bersemuka), jaminan kerahsiaan peserta (untuk para profesional atau penjawat awam), peluang untuk penagih wanita (setakat ini pusat Inabah hanya menerima peserta lelaki sahaja) dan penjimatan kos pendaftaran serta pengangkutan (khususnya golongan kurang berkemampuan). Jelasnya V-Inabah bukan sahaja mampu mengatasi kekangan yang membelenggu Inabah konvensional tetapi juga menekankan elemen keagamaan yang paling diperlukan oleh komuniti penagih dadah.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI131

Nama Produk : Sustainable Seafood Consumption Calculator

Penyelidik : Associate Professor Dr. Marhana Mohamed Anuar Professor Ramayah Thurasamy Mr Yuarajh Ramasamy

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Sustainable Seafood Consumption (SSC) calculator enables consumers to monitor their seafood consumption on a daily basis. The SSC calculator enables consumers to calculate their seafood intake according to the WWF seafood guides categorized based on the simple traffic light system. Specifically, the three categories are; red light – avoid seafood in this category as the seafood was not caught or farmed using sustainable methods, yellow light – eat with caution, reduce if possible and green light – best choice, it freely as the seafood

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was caught or farmed using sustainable methods. At the end of every week, consumers will be able to know the total of their seafood intake for each categories. Hence, the SSC calculator is an important tool that assists consumers to self-audit their seafood intake on regular basis. Practically, the SSC calculator helps consumers to practice socially responsible consumption by providing clear percentages of their intake for the three seafood categories. Hence, responsible consumers would ensure that they will constantly monitor their seafood intake using this SSC calculator.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI132

Nama Produk : Managing Human Capital In The Digital Era

Penyelidik : Associate Professor Dr. Yusliza Mohd Yusoff Associate Professor Dr. Khatijah Omar Associate Professor Dr. Nik Hazimah Nik Mat Dr. Azlinzuraini Ahmad Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Noraida Haji Ali Wan Zulkifli Wan Kasim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Human capital is one of the most important components in every organization. Thus, it needs to be managed well. Effective management of human capital will ensure the success of the organizations. They can remain competitive, achieve their goals, and survive through challenging times. However, to effectively manage human capital require ones to have knowledge regarding human resource management in this technology era. This knowledge can now be attained conveniently in a time and cost saving manner with the specially developed module Managing Human Capital in the Digital Era. This module consists of five topics: Overview of Human Resource Management, Green Human Resource Management, Talent Management, Coaching, and Employee Green Behaviour. Four topics are supplemented with online teaching lessons, which can be watched on smartphones by scanning the QR codes included in the chapters. The lessons are conducted on UMTMOOC (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Massive Open Online Course) platform, offering innovative teaching and learning. The module can be used to train academicians, researchers, students, practitioners, as well as public and private organizations.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI139

Nama Produk : Get It Right: Determining Pricing Decision via Mobile App

Penyelidik : Noor Fadzlina Mohd Fadhil Anis Nursyafiqah Ab. Wahab

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Education nowadays has undergone a fundamental shift from traditional to the technological system. Current technology is believed to provide an efficient way of delivering effective educational content, especially during Covid-19 pandemic. However, the advancement of technology in teaching and learning did not come without a price. Some of the critical challenges educators face nowadays are to ensure

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students could engage and obtain learning input effectively from the learning session. Hence, a way that can be considered a solution to attract more students to engage directly with the learning session is by utilising an interactive mobile application. Thus, this project's main objective is to propose a mobile application named ‘Cost Calculator app’ (CCa) for teaching accounting students about pricing strategy. The CCa is used to gather product information such as raw materials, direct labour, and overhead cost to determine early prediction for units, costs and prices of the products produced by a business entity. The proposed mobile application also offers output such as ‘suggestions’ based on the calculated units, costs and selling price. The ‘suggestion’ in CCa is designed to enable the students to understand the meaning behind the amount calculated for a business, thus understanding how the business can make quick and reliable decision to improve business productivity and achieve profit maximization in the business. The research findings are expected to contribute to teaching and learning in the context of engaging accounting students with learning session.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI142

Nama Produk : E-Anak Susuan (E-AS)

Penyelidik : Dr. Siti Fatimah Salleh Dr. Siti Khatijah Ismail Dr. Tengku Fatimah Muliana Tengku Muda Prof Madya Dr. Normadiah Daud Dr. Syh Noorul Madihah Syed Husin Prof Madya Dr. Rogayah Saeed Salameh Alqaraleh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Aplikasi e - Anak Susuan (e-AS) merupakan aplikasi telefon pintar mudah alih dan mesra pengguna, bermatlamat untuk mendokumentasi maklumat anak susuan, ibu bapa susuan, saudara susuan dan adik beradik ibu bapa susuan serta jaluran usul dan furu’, ekoran trend pengambilan anak susuan. e-AS mampu memberi perlindungan kepada bayi susuan atas faktor kelahiran pra matang dan sebagainya dalam aspek pemeliharaan nyawa dan jaluran mahram susuan yang berlaku serta hubungan sosial. e-AS mampu memberi pendedahan dan pendidikan awal kepada masyarakat tentang anak susuan, serta pendedahan tentang kepentingan dan keperluan dokumentasi anak susuan. e-As mampu menyelesaikan isu agama di peringkat nasional dan antarabangsa, isu komuniti muslim di seluruh dunia, isu perkahwinan sesama mahram, isu sosial yang melibatkan pergaulan, isu ibadat seperti wudhu’, aurat, mahram haji dan umrah, isu pengurusan dan pentadbiran, iaitu pelengkap dokumen permohonan haji dan umrah dan platform interaksi antara mahram susuan. e-AS akan diperkenalkan kepada pejabat agama Islam negeri bagi tujuan pelaksanaan rasmi, secara menyeluruh di peringkat kebangsaan. Aplikasi ini adalah satu sistem yang mampu menyimpan maklumat yang didaftar oleh pengguna dan turut beroperasi untuk mencetak sijil anak susuan yang akan disahkan oleh pendaftar daerah di Pejabat Agama negeri.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI151

Nama Produk : E-Risalah Syeikh Bukit Bayas

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Hasanulddin Bin Mohd Prof. Madya Dr. Roslan Umar Dr. Zurita Mohd Yusof Dr. Engku Ibrahim Engku Wok Zin En. Ahmad Tirmizi Taha En. Khiral Anuar Daud Cik Hannan Fatini Md Reshad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Aplikasi e-Risalah Syeikh Bukit Bayas ialah suatu aplikasi yang memperkenalkan seorang tokoh ulama silam Terengganu yang berpengaruh iaitu Syeikh Abdul Qadir Bukit Bayas serta karya beliau, Risalah fi Bayan Hukm al-Bay’ wa al-Riba. Ketokohan beliau jarang diketengahkan dan karya beliau ini merupakan warisan Melayu Terengganu yang sangat berharga, terutamanya dalam penulisan fiqah muamalat. Banyak pemikiran beliau yang boleh digali dan dimanfaatkan untuk tatapan generasi hari ini. Aplikasi e-Risalah Syeikh Bukit Bayas merupakan satu usaha menginovasikan manuskrip lama dalam bentuk yang lebih mudah dan senang didapati. Pelbagai info dan segmen menarik dipaparkan dalam aplikasi ini agar ketokohan Syeikh Abdul Qadir Bukit Bayas dapat dihayati dan legasi keilmuan beliau dapat dilestarikan sesuai dengan arus kemodenan kontemporari. Aplikasi e-Risalah Syeikh Bukit Bayas ini sesuai digunakan oleh golongan ilmuwan, pengkaji, pendidik, pendakwah, penuntut dan mereka yang berminat dengan manuskrip ulama Melayu silam serta pemikiran dan keintelektualan mereka, khasnya dalam bidang muamalat Islam.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI156

Nama Produk : KIEPRO: Entrepl Development Programs for Female Entrepreneurs in Terengganureneuria

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Khatijah Binti Omar Prof. Madya Dr. Muhammad Abi Sofian Bin Abdul Halim Dr. Hazman Bin Samsudin Dr. Norhayati Binti Ab Manaf Dr. Noorhaslinda Binti Kulub Abdul Rashid Siti Nor Adawiyah Azzahra Binti Kamaruddin Md Khairul Azwan Bin Md Razali

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : KIEPRO is a series of entrepreneurial development programs aimed to improve the business performance among female entrepreneurs in Terengganu. This KIEPRO project is the joint project between Universiti Malaysia Terengganu and Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Terengganu (YPKT). Under KIEPRO project, there are series of scheduled development programs and each of the program has different emphasis and focus. For every program, different data set would be collected. This project studies the determinants of the decision to become an entrepreneur among the program participants, entrepreneurial personality, business performance, training needed, as well as business projection. Using data on 129 entrepreneurs who

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are the participants of KIEPRO project, several findings were tabulated. We find evidence that family and friends are the main factors that trigger the majority of the participants to be entrepreneurs (those individuals whose relatives and childhood friends are entrepreneurs are more likely to be entrepreneurs); personality also significantly influence their business performance (individual characteristics including academic success and educational background, personal confidence, and willingness to take risks are also important determinants of entrepreneurship and business success), training is essential for them to maintain and improve their business and many of them expect that their business would grow with the help of some government and private agencies.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI158

Nama Produk : Badminton Profile System (B-ProS)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr Mohamad Razali Bin Abdullah Intan Meily Puspitasari Bt Sumber Noor Aishah Bt Kamarudin Mohd Daneil Syafiq Bin Dasriel Ahmad Nadzmi Bin Mohd Rairah Haji Azmi Bin Mamat Ahmad Bisyri Husin Musawi Bin Maliki

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : B-ProS is a Badminton profile system for coaches, referees and athletes. Persatuan Badminton Terengganu manually write all the coaches, referees and athletes profile details. They take too much time to find information if they need the data urgently and there is possibility the form will be missing. Therefore, B-ProS will help Persatuan Badminton Terengganu in organizing coaches, referees and profile data. Persatuan Badminton Terengganu do not need to stores all the form manually, and just key in the data in the profile system. Persatuan Badminton Terengganu also can easily reach the information by using the system. B-ProS was provided under the grant of Inisiatif Prihatin Sukan 2020 (IPS20) of the Kementerian Belia & Sukan (KBS) which is the assistance of Digitalization, Research and Development program under application code IPS20C. The badminton profile system of coaches, referees and athletes is the result of a collaboration between the Persatuan Badminton Terengganu (PBT), Majlis Sukan Negeri Terengganu (MSNT) & Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA)

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI161

Nama Produk : Aquatic Talent Identification System (AQ-TIS)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr Mohamad Razali Bin Abdullah Nur Faizatul Amira Binti Jibril Koo Bon Chin Mohamad Amirur Rafiqi Bin Zainoddin Noor Aishah Bt Kamarudin Mohd Daneil Syafiq Bin Dasriel Prof. Dr. Hafizan Bin Juahir

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Aquatic Talent Identification System (AQ-TIS) was developed to identify new talents for Terengganu aquatic swimming athletes. AQ- TIS will recognise talented athletes and suggested to the association to make the right selection. SATIS providing the physical test and also psychological status for each athlete. The variables will be documented, evaluated and recorded by the system. AQ-TIS is granted under the Inisiatif Prihatin Sukan 2020 (IPS20) of the Kementerian Belia & Sukan (KBS). It is supported under application code IPS20C which assist of Digitalization, Research and Development program of Persatuan Renang Akuatik Terengganu (PRAT). This system is the result of a collaboration between the PRAT, Majlis Sukan Negeri Terengganu (MSNT) & Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA).

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI162

Nama Produk : Wushu Athlete Monitoring System (WAMS)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr Mohamad Razali Bin Abdullah Nur Amirah Binti Nawi Mohd Daneil Syafiq Bin Dasriel Nur Faizatul Amira Binti Jibril Rabiu Mu’azu Musa Ahmad Nadzmi Bin Mohd Rairah Lim Beng Kuan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Wushu Athlete Monitoring System (WAMS) is supported under the Inisiatif Prihatin Sukan 2020 (IPS20C) grant, Digitalization, Research and Development program, Kementerian Belia & Sukan (KBS). The Design of this Web-Based Athlete Development and Monitoring System is about the process of wushu’s athlete monitoring as well as how athlete profile information can be used to develop an internet- based athlete monitoring system. Through this system, the Terengganu Wushu Association can identify the strengths and weaknesses that exist in athletes and to further improve their performances. The Wushu Athlete Monitoring System provides proper prediction tools, it can track numerous variables such as athlete performance testing, competition performance, nutrition, therapy, and psychological status. The variables are recorded, stored and analyzed by the system to develop model.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI167

Nama Produk : Penggunaan Mobile Apps Pendidikan Islam Rendah Dalam Kalangan Murid Ketika Pelaksanaan Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran Di Rumah (PDPR)

Penyelidik : Amirah Wahidah Binti Adnan Roselizam Binti Daud Dr. Norasyikin Binti Osman Dr. Roslan Bin Ab Rahman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "MAPIR adalah singkatan kepada Mobile Apps Pendidikan Islam Rendah. Inovasi ini dibina bersesuaian dengan penggunaan aplikasi

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mobile yang pesat digunakan dalam kalangan masyarakat. Situasi negara yang dilanda dengan pandemik covid-19 menuntut kepada Pengajaran Dan Pembelajaran di Rumah (PDPR). Kebanyakan pelajar mempunyai peranti mudah alih sama ada milik sendiri mahupun milik ahli keluarga. Oleh itu penyelidik telah membangunkan satu aplikasi mudah alih untuk mata pelajaran pendidikan Islam. Aplikasi ini merangkumi kurikulum pendidikan Islam yang terdiri daripada isi kandungan, aktiviti, pengukuhan dan pengayaan. Aplikasi MAPIR ini dibina bertujuan untuk memudahkan murid mempelajari Pendidikan Islam dengan menggunakan peranti mudah alih di rumah. Inovasi ini dibangunkan dalam bentuk aplikasi digital yang menggabungkan beberapa aplikasi menarik seperti kaligrafi callipro khat, anyflip, video youtube, padlet dan pelbagai gamifikasi interaktif sebagai pengukuhan pembelajaran seperti Jewel of Wisdom, Stellar Speller, proprofs dan classtoolnet. Manakala e-komenter bertindak sebagai pengumpulan hasil kerja murid secara atas talian. Satu soal selidik dijalankan terhadap 30 orang murid Tahun 5 di SK Kompleks . Data kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa murid mudah untuk menjalani PDPR menggunakan aplikasi MAPIR. Justeru penggunaan MAPIR dalam pengajaran guru mampu membantu meningkatkan penggunaan teknologi dalam bidang pendidikan selaras dengan hasrat Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) dalam Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025 yang menuju ke Pembelajaran Abad Ke-21. Penggunaan MAPIR secara berterusan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran diharapkan dapat membantu guru, pihak sekolah dan KPM dalam mengakulturasi pendidikan berasaskan teknologi digital terutamanya dalam situasi pandemik covid-19 yang melanda negara genap setahun."

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI169

Nama Produk : MonoLad Wallet "Shake! Shake!"

Penyelidik : Dr. Fazida Binti Karim Dr. Nooraida Binti Samsudin Ts. Dr. Noor Suhana Binti Sulaiman Ts.Dr. Nur Sukinah Binti Aziz Prof Madya Ts. Dr. Mohd Nasir Bin Ismail Abdullah Bin Mazlan Wan Ainul Alyani Binti Wan Mohamed

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : MonoLad Wallet "Shake! Shake!" is a 2nd version of this gameboard that enhanced with new digitalized features. Now players can integrate this gameboard with application in their smart phone and just "shake" to play. MonoLad Wallet "Shake! Shake!" is promising with fun and information that will draw audience to play and learn at the same time. Packed with special characters, QR-code puzzle, instruction and info cards, it will offer an entertaining gameplay and provide a better understanding towards mobile wallet services.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI173 Nama Produk : MyHACCP

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Penyelidik : Prof Madya Ts Dr Mohd Adzim Khalili Rohin Dr Norhayati Abd Hadi Norhaslinda Ridzwan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : MyHACCP is an application which develops as a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) coaching tool system. The development of MyHACCP apps aims at coaching and provides specific, informative and convenient information to the interest of entrepreneurs in the HACCP system, principles in place for managing food safety risks and avoiding food contamination. The system of HACCP has resulted from a long history of the need for consumer protection and the regulations issued by the authority of the Food Safety Management Systems. HACCP is a management system that addresses food safety through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from the production, procurement and handling of raw materials to production, distribution and consumption. As the highlight and novelty of this tool, the accessibility of the coaching tool includes visual and service-oriented, following given specific layouts and requirements based on HACCP system. The development of this application was also implemented to target populations from each company; micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The new elements in MyHACCP briefly presented underneath the necessary changes based on user’s request for HACCP system. The results proposed main elements, necessary changes, informative photographs and guidelines based on the Department of Food Safety and Quality and Ministry of Health, Malaysia. For the future, MyHACCP hopes to provide more interactions by offering two-way contact between the entrepreneur and the authorities with a service driven approach. Thus, this program aims to gives more collaborative and insightful to be applied.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI175

Nama Produk : Malaysian Legal System App (MyLegS)

Penyelidik : Dr. Shariffah Nuridah Aishah binti Syed Nong Mohamad Dr. Hartnie Abd Aziz Prof. Dr. Zuhairah Ariff Abd Ghadas

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "Integrating technology with law is an innovation that could help many people in learning and understanding the laws using a mobile app. In today’s technology driven world, legal professionals need the ability to access legal information and documents while away from the office. LexisNexis concluded that the intersection of three emerging technology trends, namely mobile technology, digital books and social media are changing the day-to-day workflows of every legal professional. Thus, it is important to look into how legal education and understanding could be enhanced via information technology. One of the problems that the law students would face is to bring bulky books of legal acts to the class or whenever they need it. Multiple versions of the act would make it even bigger problem as they have to buy newer version of it should amendments are made in the law. At the moment, there are only few legal apps associated with Malaysian laws available on mobile app stores, e.g. Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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Malaysian Legal System App (MyLegS) is an innovation of the smartphone app which could assist students in learning Malaysian Legal System. The app has basic features such as Contents; Provisions; and Other Links, which are very helpful for them to access the relevant statutes in Malaysian Legal System. The app is simple to use and can be accessed anytime and anywhere. MyLegS is also linked to Lexis Malaysia and CLJ Law online databases as well as UniSZA e-learning platform known as KeLIP to enhance and facilitate e-learning."

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI176

Nama Produk : Awareness towards Impacts of Sea Level Rise among Community in Tioman Island

Penyelidik : Siti Nor Adawiyah Azzahra Binti Kamaruddin Associate Prof. Dr. Khatijah Binti Omar Associate Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abi Sofian Bin Abdul Halim Dr. Hazman Bin Samsudin Dr. Zaleha Binti Mohamad Dr. Raja Zirwatul Aida Binti Raja Ibrahim Md Khairul Azwan Bin Md Razali

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Sea level rise is one of the effects of global warming and climate change which has the most impact on coastal countries including Malaysia. Global sea level rise has become a serious problem and will continue in the next decades as it will increase the risk of floods and erosion which will have an impact on communities living along the coastal area. In conjunction with the issue, this study investigates the awareness of community in Tioman Island towards impacts of sea level rise. Sample involved in this study composed of 123 respondents selected randomly. The data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. The study used common statistical analysis which is the descriptive analyses analyzed by statistical software, namely the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS-20). The outcome shows that the level of awareness community in Tioman Island is at medium level (more than 50% not sure about the impacts of sea level rise). In addition, this study found that the impact of sea level rise that occurs in Tioman Island affected infrastructure, natural resources, flora and fauna, and threaten community in Tioman Island. Thus, the findings of this study will assist community in understanding the effect of sea level rise and provide information to parties involved making effort and initiative to overcome the problem arise due to sea level rise in Tioman Island.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

ID : MPI180

Nama Produk : 3D Hologram for Early Childhood Education

Penyelidik : Dr. Azira Binti Khalil Dr. Affa Rozana Abdul Rashid Ms. Aisyah Binti Mohd Rahimi Ms. Nur Insyirah bt Nazari

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : While countries are at different points in their COVID-19 infection rates, worldwide there are currently more than 1.2 billion children in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the pandemic. As online learning become the essential tools for the children to continue with their lesson at home, there is part of the lesson that are unable to be comprehended by the students due to lack of visualization in real-time or real-life session. The holographic system has been studied before however the implementation has never been commercialized especially for the children's education system. So, for starter, my team and I have been creating the simplest holographic system and education application containing and targeting early childhood education level. In Malaysia, there is a rise in illiteracy rate among children enrolled in Year 1. One of the reasons was due to poor acceptance of early childhood education. Besides, parents are overexposing their kids to gadgets, subsequently exposing them to unmonitored and unfiltered sources of online applications. Thus, there is a demand for better early childhood education resources taking advantage of the popular usage of gadgets to children below 7 years old. Our innovation proposed the usage of a hologram system that projects various early childhood education sources for better and safer delivering lessons to children below 7 years old. This system will involve a hologram system made by the technology of 3D printing. accompanied by an application that includes various educational resources such as alphabets, numbering, and animal videos. This holographic system enables the visualization of complex 3D models in real-size dimensions enabling concurrent 3D visualization of the models to a team of children. We also conducted initial testing on 50 children and their parents' responses on their kid’s acceptance of the holographic-based education were encouraging. The children were enjoying the hologram projections and at the same time gained various knowledge, thus improving the early education system for them. In the future, we believe that this hologram technology can help in providing better education for students across all levels of education and we are working towards that goals.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI181

Nama Produk : MyBahagia : Modul Pra Perkahwinan Islam Dan Pembinaan Keluarga Bahagia

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mokhairi Makhtar Prof. Dr. Harmy Bin Mohamed Yusoff Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Syadiah Nor Binti Wan Shamsuddin Prof. Dr. Engku Ahmad Zaki Bin Engku Alwi Dr. Ras Azira Binti Ramli Prof. Madya Dr. Normadiah Binti Daud Prof. Madya Dr. Hasanulddin Bin Mohd Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd. Shafiee Bin Hamzah Prof. Dr. Hafizan Bin Juahir Dr. Suhailan Bin Safei Azwa Bin Abdul Aziz

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Kursus pra-perkahwinan secara konvensional telah tertangguh lama akibat penularan wabak COVID-19. Pelaksanaan kursus secara konvesional semasa pasca COVID-19 bertambah sukar bagi memastikan norma baharu dipatuhi. Penyelesaian jangka masa pendek untuk membenarkan pasangan berkahwin dengan

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memendekkan tempoh kursus atau menghadiri temuduga sedikit terkesan daripada objektif asal seperti yang digariskan didalam Modul Bersepadu Kursus Pra Perkahwinan Islam (MBKPI) daripada JAKIM. Dengan perkembangan IR4.0, pembelajaran abad ini telah berubah kepada penggunaan telefon pintar menerusi aplikasi secara dalam talian. Justeru, MyBahagia telah dibangunkan sebagai pelantar PdP dalam talian bagi pelaksanaan kursus pra perkahwinan secara dalam talian yang merupakan alternatif terbaik kepada perserta dan pihak penganjur melaksanakan kursus pra-perkahwinan Islam. Melalui MyBahagia, proses pembelajaran secara dalam talian sangat mudah dan efisien. Ianya dibangunkan dengan mengambilkira pelbagai latar belakang akademik dan keupayaan teknologi peserta. Dengan pengunaan telefon pintar, peserta boleh mengikuti kursus pra perkahwinan sepanjang masa dan di mana sahaja dengan penggunaan data internet yang minimum. Keunikan MyBahagia adalah dari segi model pembelajaran; kandungan digital yang dibangunkan oleh pakar bidang Pengajian Islam, Pakar Perubatan, Pakar Kewangan Islam, Pakar Undang- undang Islam dan Pakar Teknologi Maklumat dari UniSZA. Pelantar ini juga dilengkapkan dengan sijil yang menggunakan teknologi QR Code bagi mengesahkan maklumat sijil. MyBahagia telah dilancarkan dan telah digunakan oleh jabatan agama islam kelantan dan pihak JAKIM telah bersetuju menjalankan kerjasama dengan UniSZA untuk diaplikasikan ke seluruh Malaysia.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI182

Nama Produk : f-Fahmi: OKU Pendengaran (Fiqh-Fardhu Ain Munakahat: OKU Pendengaran)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya To' Puan Dr. Nizaita binti Omar SS Dato' Haji Dr. Zulkifly bin Muda Dr. Razi bin Yaakob Dr. Ruhaizan binti Sulaiman@Abd. Rahim Dr. Ruzaini binti Sulaiman@Abd. Rahim En. Mohd. Firdaus bin Jusoh En. Ahmad Zamani bin Nawi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Dasar Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) 2007 menjadi asas kesaksamaan hak dan peluang kepada OKU bagi penyertaan penuh dalam masyarakat dalam menjamin kepentingan dan kesejahteraan mereka. Walau bagaimanapun, komuniti OKU hari ini masih terpinggir dalam arus perdana khususnya dari aspek pendidikan. Fenomena ini mendesak kerajaan memperkenalkan Dasar Sifar Penolakan pada 2019 bagi menjamin golongan ini menerima hak pendidikan yang relevan dan sesuai. Tindakan ini sejajar dengan Dasar OKU di bawah strategi ke-5 memfokus kepada peningkatan akses OKU kepada pendidikan semua peringkat, termasuk pendidikan sepanjang hayat. Ini selari dengan Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) meletakkan kualiti pendidikan sebagai matlamat ke-4. Sehingga kini, pelbagai isu berkaitan dengan OKU termasuk OKU pendengaran terus-menerus menerima kritikan, antaranya isu keciciran dalam pembangunan kerohanian. Corak pengajaran agama untuk OKU pendengaran didapati masih berbentuk tradisional tanpa memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi semasa. Kesannya, kelas yang dianjurkan kurang memberi impak dan tidak diminati. Hal ini amat membimbangkan memandangkan kehidupan beragama merupakan

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domain terpenting dalam melahirkan modal insan berkualiti sebagai aset pembangunan negara. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti bentuk cabaran dan kekangan dalam pengendalian pengajian fardhu ain OKU pendengaran sedia ada di samping meneliti pendekatan terbaik bagi pelaksanaannya dari pelbagai aspek. Penyediaan sebarang modul khusus fardhu ain yang efektif untuk golongan pekak amat diperlukan demi memastikan pembangunan keagamaan mereka dapat disempurnakan. Justeru, satu modul berbentuk buku kecil (booklet) berilustrasi menarik yang membicarakan perkara asas munakahat (perkahwinan) dibangunkan. Modul ini merupakan projek rintis kepada bentuk pembelajaran interaktif yang sesuai dan relevan kepada golongan ini dengan mengguna pakai teknologi augmented reality (AR). Melalui AR, video penyampaian juru bahasa isyarat turut dimuatkan dalam kandungan setiap halaman selain info tambahan berbentuk visual dengan meletakkan kapsyen atau sarikata di bawah gambar atau ilustrasi berkenaan. Pendekatan ini diharap dapat menarik minat golongan pekak dalam memberi fokus kepada sesi pengajian fardhu ain. Teknik pendikan berteknologi ini amat berpontensi untuk diperluaskan dalam sesi pengajian keagamaan khususnya pembelajaran fardhu ain menjadikannya lebih bermakna dan memberi kesan kepada tahap kefahaman dan penghayatan agama golongan ini.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI184

Nama Produk : AGRO-TRIGONAPRENEUR: Improving and Generating Higher Income of Smallholder Farmers for a Sustainable Agri-business

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wahizatul Afzan Azmi Dr. Wan Zaliha Wan Sembok Dr. Nurul Faziha Ibrahim Mr. Muhammad Firdaus Mohd. Hatta Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Melon Manis Terengganu (MMT) is one of the commercialised fruits in Malaysia and has a great potential to become an important horticultural crop for international market. A local co-operative known as KOPMET was introduced in early 2018 with the aims to support the smallholder farmers of MMT in Terengganu. To date, members of KOPMET faced major obstacles to achieve high production is cultivation under greenhouse conditions which may result in poor pollination due to the enclosed structure of the greenhouse. Besides, farmers also faced problems of poor quality of fruits and low percentage of seedling growth due to poor pre and postharvest management, as well as MMT are easily infected by pest and diseases problem that lead to yield loss. Through Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP) grant, we have introduced new pollination method using stingless bees which have increased fruit quality, yields and extra side income. We also have introduced bio-fertilizer or biochar to improve the growth and quality of MMT. The use of inorganic salts against pests and crop fungal diseases have also been approached for high quality and safe agricultural products. Thus, this knowledge transfer programme has significantly improve the quality and production of MMT as well as increase the smallholder farmers’ income.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI185

Nama Produk : Development Of Malaysian Seafarers Work Stress Instrument

Penyelidik : Dr Siti Nazilah binti Mat Ali

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : -

Institutsi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI186

Nama Produk : Overvoltage and Low Voltage Protection System Using IoT

Penyelidik : Muhammad Iffat Hakimi bin Muhd Zalizan Mohd Anuar bin Mohammed Ayub Ts Dr Kharudin bin Ali Ammar Husaini bin Hussian Wan Raihan bt Wan Shaaidi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The design of this project is for low voltage and high voltage protection. The purpose of this project is to protect home, office and industrial equipment. It can also extend the lifespan of electrical equipment for a long time. the system uses the ZMPT101B sensor to detect a voltage of -6% of the rated voltage and it is in the voltage condition and 10% of the rated voltage and it is the upper voltage condition. This is the standard Energy Commission (ST) for the single-phase provisioning system in Malaysia on 230/400 V. ESP 8266 Wi-Fi platform to the Internet Items are attached that users view the device using the Blynk application. and can be seen on the panel board via LCD display. It detects lower voltage and more if the voltage is below 216 V then it has shown "Low Voltage", if the voltage is between 217- 252 V then it will show "normal voltage" and if the voltage is above 253 V then it has shown the text "Voltage High "above applications and LCD for security issues. The system will trip when the voltage over 253 V.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI187

Nama Produk : Fundmybook Islamic Crowdfunding As An Alternative Fund For Book Publishing In Malaysia

Penyelidik : Dr. Muhammad Shahrul Ifwat Bin Ishak Dr. Nor Mazlina Binti Abu Bakar @ Harun Dr. Wan Mohamad Asyraf Bin Wan Afthanorhan Dr. Nik Hazimi Bin Mohammed Foziah Dr. Azwa Bin Abdul Aziz Huzaifah Bin Kamaruddin Prof. Madya Dr. Fakhrul Anwar Bin Zainol

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Over the period, the book industry in Malaysia has experienced a gloomy trend. This trend can be illustrated through the decrease of publishing book in this country as well as the shutdown of many well- known book retailers. It should be noted that many factors are contributing to the receding of this industry. Such factors are the

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emergence of the digital e-book and economic factors, mainly operational cost as well as lower purchasing power among society. Thus, this study engages with the above problem to ensure books publishing industry in Malaysia can survive as well as to preserve the talents among new writers. In this regard, it proposes a special model known as FundMyBook, which can effectively provide financial assistance for small publishers and self-published writers. In fact, Islamic crowdfunding can be an efficient financial instrument for books industry since it is a part of social contributions.

Institutsi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI188

Nama Produk : COVID-19 Self-Reported Screening

Penyelidik : Muhamad Rostan Bin Zakaria Azham Bin Ahmad Juliani Binti Hussain Norzamziah Binti Afzainizam Nurul Jannah Binti Mahat

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : COVID-19 is an infectious disease characterized by various clinical presentations. Knowledge of possible symptoms and their distribution allows for the early identification of infected patients. To determine the distribution pattern of COVID-19 symptoms as well as possible unreported symptoms, we created a web-based self- reporting system.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI189

Nama Produk : O’Chem1.0

Penyelidik : Puan Nurul Huda Binti Abdul Wahab Prof. Madya Dr. Asnuzilawati Binti Asari Dr. Ahmad Nazif Bin Aziz ChM. Dr. Soraya Shafawati Binti Mohamad Tahier ChM. Dr. Syara Binti Kassim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : O’Chem1.0 was developed to provide effective learning techniques to students who have very minimum basics in organic chemistry. Students taking up the food and nutrition services programme as well as biology program, are required to enroll basic organic chemistry course. O'Chem1.0 can help in providing easier and more enjoyable learning experience. O'Chem1.0 will give a new frame of mind for non- chemistry students.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI192

Nama Produk : E-TAHSIN: Aplikasi Bacaan Al-Quran Kendiri

Penyelidik : Dr. Abdul Hanis Bin Embong Associate Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Mustafa Bin Man

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Mohd Kamir Bin Yusof PM Dr. Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Dr. Azizul Bin Hassan Mustaffami Bin Imas Hannan Fatini Binti Md Reshad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : E-Tahsin merupakan satu aplikasi di telefon pintar yang dapat membantu pengguna Muslim yang terdiri daripada pelajar dan masyarakat awam untuk mempertingkatkan kualiti bacaan al-Quran secara kendiri. Fokus yang diberikan adalah kepada lima elemen utama dalam tajwid al-Quran secara praktikal iaitu Makhraj/Sifat Huruf, Nun/Mim Sakinah, Mad/Qasr, Wakaf/Ibtida’ dan Kesalahan Umum. Melalui penjelasan berfokus secara video, para pengguna mampu mengenal pasti kelemahan dan kesalahan dalam bacaan sekali gus memperbaiki bacaan. Aplikasi ini dibina bagi memenuhi aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran di Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) bagi dua kursus elektif iaitu Personaliti Ulul Albab dan Al-Quran & Dunia Moden yang mengandungi elemen hafazan al-Quran dalam silibus kursus. Ia juga dikenali sebagai mobile-learning yang mesra pengguna dan berbentuk self-learning.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI193

Nama Produk : E-QAULI: Aplikasi Bacaan Solat Kendiri

Penyelidik : Dr. Abdul Hanis Bin Embong Associate Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Mustafa Bin Man Mohd Kamir Bin Yusof Dr. Wan Aezwani Bt Wan Abu Bakar PM Dr. Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Dr. Wan Khairul Aiman Bin Wan Mokhtar Dr. Azizul Bin Hassan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : E-Qauli merupakan satu aplikasi di telefon pintar yang dapat membantu pengguna mempelajari bacaan dalam solat secara kendiri. Fokus yang diberikan dalam aplikasi tersebut adalah bacaan dalam solat yang sukar untuk dilafazkan secara sempurna oleh orang awam seperti bacaan Qunut, bacaan Tahiyat, bacaan Iftitah dan sebagainya. Melalui aplikasi ini, para pengguna hanya perlu mendengar penjelasan bacaan dalam aplikasi secara video sekali gus memperbaiki bacaan yang sedia ada. Aplikasi ini dibina bagi memenuhi aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran di Pusat Pendidikan Asas dan Lanjutan (PPAL), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) bagi kursus elektif iaitu Fiqh Ibadat yang mengandungi elemen hafazan-tasmik bacaan solat dalam silibus kursus melibatkan pemarkahan. Ia juga dikenali sebagai mobile-learning yang mesra pengguna dan berbentuk self-learning.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI194

Nama Produk : iQS-STUDIO QURAN: Talaqqi-Tadrib-Tahkim

Penyelidik : Dr. Abdul Hanis Bin Embong Associate Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Mustafa Bin Man Mohd Kamir Bin Yusof

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Prof. Dr. Asyraf Bin Haji Ab Rahman Dr. Riswadi Bin Azmi Dr. Aisyah Binti Dollah@Abdullah Md. Tarmizi Bin Ahmad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : iQS-Studio Quran: Talaqqi-Tadrib-Tahkim, bermaksud intelligent quranic system yang terdapat di Studio Al-Quran Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) merangkumi tiga elemen utama 3T iaitu talaqqi, bersemuka - tadrib, latihan, - tahkim, penilaian. Sistem yang dibina ini merupakan satu sistem komprehensif bagi pengajian al-Quran secara sistematik yang bermula daripada asas, pertengahan sehingga kepada peringkat lanjutan seperti ulum Quran, tarannum, qiraat dan hafazan. Melalui pembelajaran di studio al-Quran UMT, para peserta dapat mempelajari al-Quran secara bersemuka dan tidak bersemuka. Antara keunikannya ialah build in modul mengikut tahap, latihan lengkap, rakaman bacaan dan penilaian oleh tenaga pengajar secara atas talian dalam satu sistem. Akhirnya, analisis akan dapat dilakukan berdasarkan statistik bacaan peserta sama ada secara bulanan, tahunan atau pun berdasarkan semester dan kursus. Peningkatan tahap bacaan peserta dapat dilihat secara saintifik apabila setiap bacaan direkod dan disimpan dalam iQS, sekali gus pemantauan berterusan dapat dilakukan oleh pihak guru bagi memastikan keberkesanan kaedah pengajaran serta melakukan penambahbaikan jika perlu.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI195

Nama Produk : OrganicMap: An Alternative Assessment to Assess Cognitive Domain

Penyelidik : Dr. Nurul Najidah Binti Mohamed ChM. Dr. Salmiah Jamal Binti Mat Rosid Aida binti Othman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the world of academic systems. With the shift to online learning, students’ assessment becomes more difficult. Therefore, educators need to create assessment methods that are fair, reliable and consistent with the course's learning outcomes. In assessing students’ knowledge and understanding through online assessments, cheating and plagiarizing are among the most highlighted concerns. Hence, in subject PAA10304: Chemistry I, OrganicMap has been introduced as an alternative for the final assessment in assessing students’ knowledge and understanding. The concept of OrganicMap is able to measure each student’s performance within their own understanding and knowledge. Students were asked to explain their answers in method of both mind map and video. The success of OrganicMap’s concept was determined based on students’ grades. Students’ feedback also demonstrated the effectiveness of this innovation in fairly assessing their performance.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI197

Nama Produk : AR Interactive Constellations (ICONS)

Penyelidik : Prof Madya Ts Dr. Roslan bin Umar Prof Madya Ts Dr. Nor Hazmin binti Sabri Ts Dr. Ismahafezi bin Ismail Ahmad Solihin bin Sira Juddin Ahmad Ezzuddin bin Mohamad Ahmad Najmuddin bin Zulkeflee Minhah Mardhiyyah binti Saifulizam

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Boardgame is a very effective medium for knowledge and education. Especially in a subject regarding astronomy where practicality is required in order to understand certain concept. For example, a knowledge about constellation, galaxy, messier object, planets, and stars. Constellation, specifically, is a group of stars close together forming a certain recognizable shape which is named after certain mythological figure. In general, 88 constellations have been recognised by International Astronomical Union (IAU). Because of that big number and many types of pattern, the public and students having a hard time to remember or identify every each of them. Therefore, a boardgame named as Interactive Constellation shorten as ICONS is created to help players to recognize the pattern, the function, the name of the constellation and also recognising stars inside the constellation. In addition, the lack of boardgame in two languages (Malay and English) regarding constellation or astronomy in the market making this boardgame very unique and interesting. The use of star chart and augmented reality (AR) in this game are another point of uniqueness for this game. This game is expected to encourage the university students and public to become more interesting in astronomy and also to exolore more about constellation in a practical way.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI199

Nama Produk : iGQA: Infografik Qawa'id Arabiyyah

Penyelidik : Mohd Fauzi Bin Abdul Hamid Prof. Madya Dr. Zulazhan Bin Ab. Halim Prof. Madya Dr. Muhammad Sabri Bin Sahrir Mohd Shahrizal Bin Nasir Mohd Firdaus Bin Yahaya Shaferul Hafes Bin Sha'ari

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Buku rujukan pembelajaran tatabahasa Arab sering dikaitkan dengan penerangan yang kompleks serta terperinci lalu menyebabkan pelajar menganggapnya sukar untuk dikuasai dan difahami. Modul Infografik Qawa’id Arabiyyah (iGQA) dibangunkan dalam usaha memudahkan kefahaman dan menarik minat untuk menguasai ilmu tatabahasa Arab. Kandungan modul ini meliputi topik-topik tatabahasa Arab dalam bentuk maklumat infografik yang bergerak. Teks, imej dan audio digabungkan dan dipersembahkan dalam bentuk yang ringkas dan menarik serta berfokus. Semua elemen ini dapat membantu pelajar untuk memahami dan menguasai topik pembelajaran dengan lebih cepat dan mudah. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan Kajian

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Rekabentuk dan Pembangunan (Design and Development Research) melibatkan fasa analisis keperluan, reka bentuk dan pembangunan dan fasa penilaian kebolehgunaan. Modul iGQA ini dipaparkan dalam bentuk video YouTube dan disertakan eBook yang mengandungi QRcode untuk mengakses modul serta latihan interaktif secara dalam talian.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI204

Nama Produk : TanyaAkademik@UniSZA

Penyelidik : AP. Dr. Sharifah Wajihah Wafa binti Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa Prof. Dr. Kamarul Shukri bin Mat The AP. Dr. Syarilla Iryani Ahmad Saany AP. Dr. Mazuri Abd Ghani Dr. Julaily Aida Jusoh AP. Dr. Khamsah Suryati Mohd Dr. Wan Anisah Endut

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Platform TanyaAkademik@UniSZA telah dibangunkan bagi menawarkan khidmat nasihat berkaitan akademik melalui penggunaan teknologi secara dalam talian bagi membolehkan pensyarah dan pelajar mendapat akses pertanyaan kepada panel akademik secara mudah dan pantas. Ini adalah sebahagian daripada cetusan inovasi yang mampu membantu pihak pengurusan akademik dalam mengharungi arus perubahan menerusi kaedah dan pendekatan baharu dalam sistem penyampaian maklumat yang tepat. TanyaAkademik@UniSZA juga merupakan satu inisiatif yang dibangunkan bagi menangani isu lain yang turut memberi cabaran yang besar kepada pengurusan universiti. Tahap kesiapsagaan dan kesediaan pelajar serta kakitangan akademik yang masih bersikap skeptikal terhadap perubahan yang dirancang di bahagian pengurusan dan pembangunan akademik adalah antara isu lain yang perlu ditangani secara berhemah. Unit Meja Bantuan telah mengumpulkan sebanyak mungkin persoalan yang sering menjadi pertanyaan dalam kalangan pensyarah dan pelajar. Sebanyak 115 soalan berjaya dikumpul daripada pensyarah dan pelajar dan seterusnya soalan ini dikategorikan kepada beberapa kategori soalan iaitu pentaksiran, jadual perkuliahan, kurikulum, infrastruktur dan hal- hal lain berkaitan akademik.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : Institut Kajian Orang Asal Borneo (BorIIS), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS0

ID : MPI205

Nama Produk : Tahap Kepuasan Pengunjung terhadap Kemudahan dan Perkhidmatan di Pasar Minggu: Kajian Kes di Pekan Putatan, Sabah

Penyelidik : Profesor Madya Dr. Jabil Mapjabil Profesor Dr. Rosazman Hussin Dr. Nor-Ina Kanyo Herman Obi Muhammad Nashrul Azam Shabri Gulam Mohammad

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Ridhuan Mohd

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pasar minggu merupakan salah satu aktiviti ekonomi sektor informal yang konvensional namun berkembang pesat seiring dengan proses pembandaran. Sejajar dengan tempoh operasinya yang telah berdekad lamanya, suatu kajian telah dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti persepsi pengunjung terhadap pasar minggu. Untuk itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kepuasan pengunjung terhadap kemudahan dan perkhidmatan Pasar Minggu di Pekan Putatan, Sabah. Kajian ini melibatkan penggunaan kaedah kuantitatif melalui tinjauan borang soal selidik terhadap 80 orang responden. Dengan menggunakan analisis skala likert dan tafsiran skor min yang dikemukakan oleh Alias (1999), pengkaji dapat meneliti tahap kepuasan responden untuk beberapa parameter yang ditetapkan. Hasil kajian mendapati tahap kepuasan terhadap kemudahan yang disediakan di pasar minggu yang mencatatkan skor min yang 'tinggi' adalah aspek ketersediaan kedai makan minum (3.90) dan pengangkutan (3.35). Namun begitu, tiga aspek yang mencatatkan skor ‘sederhana’ yang paling rendah adalah kemudahan aduan dan informasi (2.85), tempat meletak kenderaan (2.70) dan pondok keselamatan (2.64). Manakala untuk aspek perkhidmatan pula, kepelbagaian jenis produk serta produk yang memenuhi keperluan dan citarasa mencatatkan skor min yang lebih ‘tinggi’ berbanding beberapa ciri lain dengan masing-masing skor min 3.90 ke atas. Terdapat tiga aspek yang mencatatkan skor min ‘sederhana’ sahaja iaitu gerai yang kecil dan sempit (3.36), persekitaran yang bersih (3.34) dan kemudahan asas yang lengkap (3.31). Untuk itu, hasil kajian ini diharap dapat menyediakan cadangan penambahbaikan kepada pihak pemegang taruh yang berkenaan agar Pasar Minggu Putatan akan lebih menjadi tumpuan pengunjung dan pelanggan, berdaya saing dan lestari.

Institutsi/Sekolah : Institut Kajian Orang Asal Borneo (BorIIS), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)

ID : MPI208

Nama Produk : Pengetahuan dan Ketersediaan Komuniti Semasa Tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) Akibat Pandemik COVID-19: Kajian Kes di Kampung Kasuapan, Pulau Gaya, Sabah

Penyelidik : Profesor Madya Dr. Jabil Mapjabil Dr. Nor-Ina Kanyo Profesor Madya Dr. Abentin Estim Profesor Madya Dr. Rosazman Hussin Datu Razali Datu Eranza Dr. Abdul Hamid Abdul Rahim Natasya Farhana Nazry

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) di Malaysia yang bermula pada 18 Mac 2020 kesan penularan pandemik COVID-19 memberikan kesan yang mendalam terutamanya komuniti pulau di negeri Sabah. Persoalannya, pelaksanaan PKP adalah suatu pengalaman yang baharu dalam kalangan komuniti pulau. Sehingga ke hari ini, tiada rekod dokumentasi dan penyelidikan dalam sains soial mengenainya pula masih kurang dan terhad. Untuk itu, kajian ini meneliti tentang tahap pengetahuan dan ketersediaan komuniti pulau semasa tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dalam menghadapi pandemik COVID-19. Kajian ini menggunakan

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pendekatan eksplorasi dan evaluatif, iaitu suatu usaha untuk mengeksplorasi respon kumpulan komuniti berkenaan dan sekali gus menilai sama ada mereka tahu, peka dan bersedia untuk menghadapi pandemik ini. Reka bentuk kajian yang digunakan adalah kajian kes iaitu di Kampung Kasuapan, Pulau Gaya di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah dengan penekanan terhadap deskripsi tentang fenomena dan tingkah laku. Kajian ini melibatkan seramai 71 orang responden yang mewakili 4.73% daripada keseluruhan populasi penduduk di kampung berkenaan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tahap pengetahuan responden berkenaan COVID-19 dan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) merekodkan nilai paling tinggi iaitu sebanyak 98.6 peratus (70 orang). Tahap ketersediaan responden pula umumnya adalah tinggi terutamanya langkah menghadkan aktiviti sosial dengan komuniti pulau dan bersedia untuk duduk di rumah semasa perlaksanaan PKP dengan masing-masing mencatatkan skor min 4.32 yang mewakili tahap ‘sangat tinggi’. Hasil kajian ini bermanfaat untuk perancangan dalam pengurusan risiko dalam menangani pandemik di Sabah khususnya dan Malaysia keseluruhannya.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : Institut Kajian Orang Asal Borneo (BorIIS), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)

ID : MPI209

Nama Produk : Implikasi Pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) Terhadap Kesejahteraan Komuniti Pulau: Pendekatan Menggunakan Analisis Semantik

Penyelidik : Profesor Madya Dr. Jabil Mapjabil Dr. Nor-Ina Kanyo Profesor Madya Dr. Abentin Estim

Profesor Dr. Rosazman Hussin Datu Razali Datu Eranza Dr. Abdul Hamid Abdul Rahim Mohd. Halipah Jetendra

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Malaysia telah melaksanakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) pada 18 Mac 2020 diikuti dengan pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) dan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan bagi membendung penularan pandemik COVID-19 di negara ini. Pelaksanaan PKP dalam tempoh yang panjang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan penduduk terutamanya komuniti pulau di negeri Sabah. Sehingga kini, dokumentasi dalam penyelidikan Sains Ssosial tentang perkaitan pandemik dan kesejahteraan komuniti pulau masih belum ada. Untuk kajian, kajian ini meneliti implikasi pelaksanaan tiga fasa PKP terhadap kesejahteraan komuniti pulau. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan eksplorasi dan evaluatif melalui aplikasi analisis semantik. Reka bentuk kajian yang digunakan adalah kajian kes iaitu di Kampung Pulau Gaya, Kota Kinabalu dengan penekanan terhadap deskripsi terhadap fenomena dan tingkah laku responden. Hasil kajian menggunakan analisis semantik menunjukkan PKP memberikan impak terhadap kesejahteraan komuniti pulau dari aspek kesihatan, ekonomi dan sosial. Berdasarkan perubahan jalur garisan pada jadual semantik menunjukkan pelaksanaan PKP, PKPB dan PKPP memberikan kesan kepada parameter terpilih untuk ketiga- tiga aspek kesejahteraan yang dikaji. Sebagai contoh, peluang pekerjaan (ekonomi) komuniti pulau sepanjang tempoh PKP merekodkan perubahan yang signifikan, iaitu skor min 1.48 pada fasa

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PKP, 2.12 pada fasa PKPB dan meningkat kepada 3.72 pada fasa PKPB. Demikian juga pada aspek kesihatan dan sosial. Hasil kajian ini memberikan manfaat untuk perancangan dalam pengurusan risiko bagi komuniti pulau dalam menangani pandemik di Sabah khususnya dan Malaysia keseluruhannya.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI210

Nama Produk : Diabetes Escape

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa Karimah binti Ismail Dr. Nor Mazlina binti Abu Bakar Dr. Siti Maisarah binti Ismail Dr. Ismahafezi binti ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Diabetes Escape is an excellent board game about diabetes for older kids and adults. It was designed to be an interactive educational tool to help people learn about diabetes. Diabetes Escape is a professionally made game. The quality shows in the board and the question and answer cards, which are on par with any board game people will find in a store. Players advance tokens based on the roll of a die, and answer diabetes-related questions from the game cards and complete their Suku Suku Separuh plates to escape the game or in other words, win the game. Students will have fun and learn about diabetes by playing the game together.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI211

Nama Produk : MySimB': Interactive Learning idiom with AR

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Nur Sukinah Binti Aziz Wan Nur Idayu Bt Tun Mohd Hassan Saadiah A Rahman Ts. Dr. Noor Suhana Sulaiman Nur Liyana Zakaria Ts. Dr. Azliza Binti Yacob

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The use of technologies such as information communication technologies (ICT) as teaching media in R & D can help teachers as teaching aids and help students as learning aids. AR can be one of the effective branches of education because the description in reality and clear can be visualized to students. MySimB' has 4 main modules. One of the module is an Augmented Reality part, which allocated in with AR module. There are 10 marker images that user can choose to scan to know the related idioms. Just hit the button scan to start scanning the marker image. The AR scanned image will be popup with related idioms in cool effect. There are also an audio button, which user can listen the pronounce of related idioms in Malay language. In promoting an active learning process, AR technology is of great importance and associates subjects with real life, which increases their motivation and positively affects attitudes. Therefore it is important to implement AR in education.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI214

Nama Produk : Smart Sink Cutting Board for Modern Kitchen

Penyelidik : Dr. W Omar Ali Saifuddin bin Wan Ismail Muhammad Haziq bin Omar Che Wan Noorakma binti Abdullah Razwan bin Rohimi Dr. Siti Maryam binti Sharun Dr. Nur Haizal binti Mat Yaakob @ Ariffin Ts. Dr. Roslan bin Awang

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Cooking is a task that any individuals must prepare to eat as eating is essential to any living things. Every day, millions of Malaysians spend time preparing foods to eat or serve to their household. The mainstream for every one used to prepare food and drinks is a kitchen sink. Safety and cleanliness are essential things needed in preparing foods. The lack of hygienic faucet, slipping of a knife while cutting food substances, hard to clean cutting board and storage management could lead to food poisoning or injury. Therefore, the existing sink must be redesign to adopt the Malaysian's lack of awareness towards the hygienic cooking structure. The optimum size and material for the sink's framework and cutting board are analysed to reduce the innovative sink fabrication cost without eliminating the product structure's strength. Furthermore, designing the technical drawing using Autodesk Fusion 360 software is very difficult to test the structure ability and detail measurements before fabricating the actual product. The combination of cutting board and grater could be beneficial in terms of storing management kitchen tools. A moveable knife also could resolve anyone to cut quickly and safely. The automatic faucet is installed with ARDUINO UNO to control water pouring system as the ultrasonic sensor detects any movement to turn-on or turn-off water. Automatic Sink Cutting Board is the answer to all of the problems regarding cutting food substances, hygienic life-style, and safer cooking methods.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI216

Nama Produk : Custom Disability Living Aids

Penyelidik : Ts Dr. Roslan bin Awang Dr. Nor Raihan binti Mohamad Dr. Naresh Bhaskar Raj Dr Ong Swee Leong Poo Tsek Chuang

Liong Kwan Sing Mohamad Sobri bin Hamid

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Managing daily living activities for special needs children is too challenging for parents or caretaker. Patience, strength and customised living aids are the most crucial elements in completing the tasks. A child with severe disability involving physical and mental disability is fully dependent on their caretaker to take bath, eat and all other routines. The burden of these challenging tasks will gradually be

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increasing as their disabled child is getting bigger and inevitably, their parents are getting older and weaker. Nonetheless, various disability tools or living aids in market are of standard product and are usually too expensive. Hence, this study attempts to facilitate parents who need the customised living aids to support their daily routines to manage their disabled child. An interview session will be conducted with the special needs child’s family and the data will be analysed to develop the customised disability living aids.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UNISZA

ID : MPI218

Nama Produk : E-Fiqh al-Muamalat

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Nadhirah Binti Nordin Nur Amani Aisyah Binti Samsuddin Mahadi Bin Mohammad Prof. Madya Dr. Engku Muhammad Tajuddin Bin Engku Ali Dr. Ahmad Faizol Bin Ismail Dr. Sumayyah Binti Abdul Aziz

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : "E-Fiqh al-Muamalat merupakan sebuah portal yang dibangunkan khusus untuk memuatkan perbahasan dalam fiqh muamalat sebagai rujukan bagi umat Islam, khususnya pelajar-pelajar di Fakulti Pengajian Kontemporari Islam, UniSZA. Perbincangan dalam portal E- Fiqh al-Muamalat adalah berkaitan dengan hukum hakam yang berhubung dengan kegiatan dan tindak tanduk manusia sesama manusia seperti jual beli, sewaan, gadaian, pinjaman, hutang, upah, isu riba dan lain-lain. Portal ini berperanan sebagai pangkalan data yang memuatkan maklumat dalam bentuk video, artikel, soalan yang berkaitan dengan fiqh al-muamalat. Pautan kepada facebook fiqh al- mualamat dan aplikasi chatbot turut dibina bagi membantu masyarakat untuk terus berhubung dengan pakar apabila terdapat sebarang persoalan yang berkaitan dengan muamalat dan kewangan. Oleh itu, portal ini menjadi salah satu platform penting bagi menangani persoalan dan kemusykilan di kalangan masyarakat berkaitan status hukum bagi transaksi-transaksi dan produk-produk kewangan yang berada di pasaran. Pembangunan portal ini menjadi pemangkin kepada anjakan pemikiran umat Islam untuk mula beralih kepada produk kewangan yang patuh syariah. Kesedaran dan kefahaman yang jelas mengenai transaksi dan kontrak dalam kewangan Islam akan mengelakkan masyarakat Islam daripada terlibat dengan transaksi dan produk kewangan yang bercanggah dengan syarak. "

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI219

Nama Produk : MRI screening checklist mobile application (MagnetoSafe)

Penyelidik : Dr. Cheah Wai Hun Pn. Azizah Binti Abdul Ghani Dr. Norhasiza Binti Mat Jusoh Dr. Husbani Binti Mohd Amin Rebuan Dr. Myat Moe Thwe Aung Dr. Mohd Salami Bin Ibrahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : ‘MagnetoSafe’ is an Android-based mobile application (app) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) screening checklist which has been developed by radiology team, UniSZA. It is a screening tool which use to check for any contraindication before patient schedule for MRI investigation. MRI preparation is an important topic for radiography and medical students because the presence of any metal or ferromagnetic object inside or outside patient's body can lead to catastrophic outcome. Basically, MagnetoSafe is a mobile app which has integrated a full list of MRI contraindications. Upon key in the patient's data, MagnetoSafe will provide a conclusion regarding absolute, relative or no contraindication on patient’s safety whether to proceed for MRI scanning or not. During Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, face to face classes are shorten in almost all allied health sciences and medical educational programmes in Malaysia and worldwide. MagnetoSafe facilitate a platform for lecturer to provide various clinical case scenarios which simulate real patient's situation in clinical setting. Student able to practice a part of MRI consent taking using MagnetoSafe outside the hospital and classroom. A study was conducted among undergraduate radiography students in UniSZA to compare between MagnetoSafe and video lecture e-learning techniques regarding effectiveness, usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning and satisfaction using pre and post tests and a survey questionnaire. The results showed that there was no difference in mean scores between these two teaching methods in students’ pre- test marks. However the marks in post-test, there was difference in mean scores between the two groups (p <0.001). Mean scores of usefulness, ease of use, ease of learning and satisfaction for MagnetoSafe were higher compared to video lecture. As a conclusion, MagnetoSafe is an innovative and effective offline e-learning teaching tool to master the MRI screening checklist topic and has been accepted well by learners.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI225

Nama Produk : Aplikasi i-Kalkulator Kesejahteraan Keluarga (i-3K)

Penyelidik : Abdul Wahab Md. Ali Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Mohd Yusof bin Wan Chik Zulkifli bin Mohd Dr. Mohd Faizol bin Ismail Dr. Farah Syazrah binti Mohd Ghazalli Mohd Sufian bin Moktar Muhamad Hafizuddin bin Ghani

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Aplikasi i-Kalkulator Kesejahteraan Keluarga (i-3K) merupakan satu aplikasi untuk mengesan dan mengukur tahap kesejahteraan dalam sebuah keluarga Muslim. Pengesanan dan pengukuran tahap kesejahteraan ini sangat penting bagi memastikan proses pemulihan keluarga yang komprehensif dan lestari dapat dilaksanakan. Aplikasi ini pada awalnya dijadikan sebagai borang senarai semak dalam program yang dilakukan ke atas 181 orang responden yang terdiri daripada ahli keluarga penagih opiat di negeri Terengganu. Kemudian, ia dijadikan sebagai bahan asas dalam kursus-kursus pemerkasaan keluarga yang dijalankan bersama pihak Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) Kuala Terengganu dan pihak Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK) Seberang Takir, Pulau Duyong, Bukit Besar dan Chabang Tiga. Secara asasnya, aplikasi ini mengandungi empat puluh (40) soalan yang meliputi sepuluh (10) indikator iaitu kerohanian, ilmu, ibadah, ekonomi, perumahan, persekitaran, keselamatan, kesihatan, kenderaan dan komunikasi. Kajian mendapati bahawa institusi kekeluargaan sekarang bukan hanya menghadapi masalah dalam indikator ekonomi bahkan bermasalah dalam setiap indikator yang dikemukakan terutamanya dalam indikator perumahan, persekitaran dan komunikasi. Kebanyakan keluarga juga tidak mengetahui kewujudan indikator tertentu yang perlu dipenuhi seperti indikator ilmu dan ibadah. Justeru, aplikasi ini sangat relevan untuk diketengahkan serta dijadikan panduan yang lebih mesra pengguna khusus untuk mengatasi kekangan komitmen. Pihak keluarga dapat mengenalpasti kelemahan dalam keluarga serta mengambil langkah pemulihan sebagaimana yang dicadangkan pada penghujung aplikasi. Aplikasi ini juga menepati kaedah pembelajaran digital kepada keluarga khususnya dan komuniti umumnya

Kata Kunci: Aplikasi, Kalkulator, Kesejahteraan Keluarga, i-3K"

Institutsi/ Sekolah : Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)

ID : MPI226

Nama Produk : Re-inventing PTPTN Study Loan with Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Penyelidik : Dr. Hjh. Haneffa Muchlis Gazali Assistant Professor Dr. Rizal Mohd Nor Dr. Tamrin Amboala Dr. Suddin Lada

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The issue of default payments from borrowers of the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) is worrisome. Many borrowers fail to pay their loans and claims that the PTPTN has poor management and filing system. This study proposed a prototype for managing study loan repayment utilizing blockchain and smart contracts. Borrowers have full access toward their accounts and ledgers while corporation filing and management system get automatically up-to-date with the assistance of smart contracts. Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI228

Nama Produk : Modul KE Cilik

Penyelidik : Nor Aizal Akmal Rohaizad

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Modul KE Cilik' adalah berkaitan bagaimana untuk membantu kanak- kanak prasekolah yang berumur antara 4 hingga 6 tahun dalam mencapai kecerdasan emosi (KE) apabila mereka dewasa kelak. Modul KE Cilik adalah pengantaranya dalam usaha ini insyaAllah.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI229

Nama Produk : i-UlamaTracker

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Najihah Binti Abd Wahid Dr. Zurita Binti Mohd Yusoff Muhammad Hafiy Bin Abd Malek Mohd Naim Bin Abdul

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Dengan ledakan kemajuan teknologi menuju Revolusi Industri (I.R) 4.0, generasi muda hari ini semakin melupakan malah hampir tidak mengenali dan mendalami sejarah ulama silam Alam Melayu. Sejarah agung ulama-ulama silam Alam Melayu akan pupus bersama ledakan teknologi sekiranya tiada tindakan progresif diambil untuk menangani kealpaan ini. Bagi mendepani arus Revolusi Teknologi (I.R) 4.0 ini, i- UlamaTracker telah dibina dalam bentuk pelantar gelintaran bagi membuat capaian berkaitan profilisasi ulama-ulama silam Alam Melayu. Pelantar ini dibina bagi memudahan akses data-data berkaitan profil latar belakang ulama silam dan cendekiawan Islam di Alam Melayu. Pelantar ini bertujuan memelihara dan memudahkan carian data-data sejarah berkaitan ulama silam di Alam Melayu. Pelantar ini memuatkan informasi penting berkaitan data kelahiran dan kewafatan para ulama silam Alam Melayu, info susurgalur keturunan, tempat kelahiran, info lokasi makam, himpunan karya-karya manuskrip, alat kemudahan pengemudian berdasarkan sistem penentududukan sejagat (GPS) makam, koleksi artikel ilmiah berkaitan dan penyelidikan tentang tokoh-tokoh ulama di Alam Melayu. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi terkini bersesuaian dengan Revolusi Industri (I.R 4.0), maka pelantar gelintaran i-UlamaTracker ini diharap mampu menjadi laman info digital sejarah agung Alam Melayu dalam memelihara data-data penting berkaitan tokoh-tokoh ulama Alam Melayu. Selain itu, pelantar ini juga membantu menyelesaikan konflik berkaitan salasilah keturunan ulama dan data-data penting yang lain berkaitan ulama Alam Melayu. Laman info digital i- UlamaTracker diyakini dapat memberi manfaat maksimum kepada komuniti sejagat khususnya para penyelidik dan pencinta sejarah Alam Melayu.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI230

Nama Produk : Destination Image, Tourist Satisfaction and Destination Loyalty at Malacca

Penyelidik : Dr Zaliha Zainuddin Nurul Ezzah Yahya

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The tourism sector is becoming one of the fastest growing industries in the world. However, understanding the destination’s image can be

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one of the important elements that influence tourists’ decision-making and choice. As numerous researchers have pointed out, the tourist image is the factor influencing tourist choice and also the relationship between tourist satisfaction and loyalty. This study will give a greater understanding of the concept and relationship of destination image and satisfaction in enhancing tourists’ loyalty. The purpose of this study was to explore the variables related and investigate relationship between destination image, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty. It is expected that the model will enhance the understanding of image tourism destinations in predicting the satisfaction and loyalty of the tourist. This research was conducted quantitative approach by 366 respondents that have been to Malacca and were analyzed using SPSS. The result of this research showed that destination image was significantly on destination loyalty through the mediation of tourist satisfaction. It also can provide information to the government agencies or tourism agencies on the ways to improve tourism satisfaction and tourism image. Keywords: Destination image, tourist satisfaction, destination loyalty, Revisit

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI231

Nama Produk : Community Based Ecotourism Development and Local Bottom 40 Community Empowerment

Penyelidik : Md Khairul Azwan Bin Md Razali Dr. Hazman Bin Samsudin Dr. Hakimah Binti Razak Associate Prof. Dr. Khatijah Binti Omar Associate Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abi Sofian Bin Abdul Halim Dr. Norhayati Binti Ab Manaf Siti Nor Adawiyah Azzahra Binti Kamaruddin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Community-Based Ecotourism (CBE) Development and Local Bottom 40 (B40) Community Empowerment Program was social science research focused more on B40 youths. This research was a sequel to the Nature Appreciation Program: Flora and Fauna Conservation held on July 25th to 27th, 2017 at Hutan Lipur Sekayu Hulu Terengganu. The program was designated to attract active participation among B40 youths to make nature tourist guides their career options, as the career has high economic prospects for the local community. Besides, the number of nature tourist guide is still below average. Upon preliminary program, 50 participants from 21 to 25 years old participated in the program. The program has received cooperation from the 'Pejabat Daerah Hulu Terengganu' in terms of participant recruitment. Through the analysis made during the program, the study found that 87 percent of participants were interested in attending the course and 82 percent of the participants prepared to attend 'Kursus Pemandu Pelancong Berkemahiran Alam Semula Jadi Setempat Tahap (2)'. The analysis also found that average participants were unaware of their natural resources' potential in their respective places. The CBE research grant intends to select participants in Hulu Terengganu, Setiu and Besut for the course to obtain a license to be funded by this research grant and to provide some modules for reference, training and ongoing knowledge of nature management.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI232

Nama Produk : The Hajj Chronicles: Aplikasi Telefon Pintar Permainan 3D Berasaskan Manasik Haji

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Dr. Abdul Hanis Embong Dr. Hasanulddin Mohd Hannan Fatini Md. Reshad Wan Nur Izzati Wan Nor Anas Dr. Azizul Hassan Mohd Mustaffami Imas

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pelaksaan ibadah Haji dan Umrah merupakan satu kewajipan mengikut kemampuan bagi setiap umat Islam dan diletakkan sebagai salah satu rukum Islam yang lima. Bagi mempersiapkan para jemaah Haji, kebanyakan negara Islam menyediakan satu kursus bimbingan haji dan umrah kepada para bakal jemaah. Kursus ini dijalankan dalam beberapa siri dan sebahagiannya tidak mampu untuk kefahaman yang jitu terhadap pelaksaan ibadah haji yang sedikit kompleks. Dengan kemajuan teknologi dan perkembangan gamifikasi, satu versi aplikasi telefon pintar 3D dibina bagi memudahkan pemahaman pemain berkaitan ibadah haji dan umrah dari segala peringkat umur. Pembinaan prototaip menjadi satu alternatif yang interaktif berasaskan gamifikasi 3D bagi membantu meningkatkan pemahaman ibadah haji. Selain itu, fokus kursus bimbingan umrah dan haji yang lebih kepada golongan dewasa dan tua dapat diperluaskan lagi kepada semua lapisan golongan.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI233

Nama Produk : Mushaf al-Quran al-Huffaz bi Alfaz Mutasyabihat al-Alfaz

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Dr. Azizul Hassan Dr. Abdul Hanis Embong Mohd Mustaffami Imas Hannan Fatini Md. Reshad Abdullah Abdol Razak Mohd Sufi Ibrahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Al-Quran merupakan satu simbol paling sinonim dengan agama Islam. Al-Quran adalah kitab suci umat Islam dan mengandungi pelbagai hukum hakam kehidupan dunia dan akhirat. Islam sangat memuliakan al-Quran dan para ahlinya iaitu para penghafal al-Quran. Pada masa kini, penghafal al-Quran menjadi fokus utama kepada pemerintah negara Islam termasuklah Malaysia. Penumpuan ini adalah dengan membina pusat-pusat tahfiz pada setiap peringkat pengajian. Namun, penumpuan ini hanya terfokus kepada membangunkan pelajar tahfiz tanpa melihat aspek terpenting iaitu menjaga hafalan al-Quran. Hasilnya, ramai para penghafal al-Quran tidak mampu untuk menjaga al-Quran dengan baik disebabkan kerumitan. Atas premis ini, satu mushaf yang khusus untuk penghafaz al-Quran dibina. Mushaf ini diberi nama sebagai Mushaf al-Quran al-Huffaz bi Alfaz Mutasyabihat al-Alfaz. Mushaf ini melihat kepada beberapa aspek utama yang perlu

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diberikan penekanan kepada para penghafaz al-Quran termasuklah waqaf ibtida’, ayat mutasyabihat, tajwid dan pembahagian hafalan dan murajaah. Selain itu, mushaf ini juga dilengkapi dengan ciri-ciri teknologi yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kefahaman dan pencapaian penghafal al-Quran.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI235

Nama Produk : e-Darah Wanita AR.

Penyelidik : Hannan Fatini Md. Reshad Dr. Siti Khadijah Ismail PM Dr. Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Dr. Siti Fatimah Salleh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : E-Darah Wanita AR merupakan suatu inisiatif baru bagi memudahkan masyarakat terutamanya wanita untuk mengklasifikasikan darah yang kebiasaan keluar pada setiap bulan. Kesedaran kepada pendidikan fiqh wanita dalam kalangan masyarakat menuntut kepada satu pembinaan e-Darah Wanita AR yang mampu memberi penyelesaian terhadap masalah berlaku. Dengan kemajuan teknologi, augmented reality boleh digunakan bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini. E-Darah Wanita AR ini adalah aplikasi telefon bimbit yang menjelaskan tentang pengkategorian darah secara interaktif dan berkesan yang ditetapkan oleh ulama fiqh serta implikasi hukumnya. Aplikasi ini disertakan dengan satu buku panduan haid dengan lebih interaktif dan menarik secara bergambar.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI236

Nama Produk : E-Muhammadiah

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Hannan Fatini Md. Reshad Dr. Abdul Hanis Embong Mohd Sufi Ibrahim Abdullah Abdol Razak

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Aplikasi e-Muhammadiah ini adalah suatu aplikasi yang telah dibangunkan bagi memperkenalkan tarikat Ahmadiah di Malaysia. Tarikat Ahmadiyyah Idrisiyyah ini diasaskan oleh Sayyid Ahmad bin Idris yang merupakan keturunan Rasulullah SAW. Aplikasi eTarikat ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana perkembangan bermula di Asia Tenggara dan bagaimana tarikat ini diamalkan. Hasil daripada inisiatif ini, aplikasi e-Muhammadiah boleh dianggap perintis kepada satu sistem yang lengkap untuk menjadi satu aplikasi yang memberi pendedahan tentang tarikah muhammadiah atau ahmadiah ini kepada masyarakat umum. Selain itu, pendetailan terhadap khalifah dan ahli bagi setiap negeri di Malaysia dimasukkan dalam aplikais ini. Selain itu, aplikasi ini turut menjadi satu sistem data kepada ahli tarikah muhammadiah secara lengkap. Aplikasi ini turut menginovasikan amalan dalam bentuk yang lebih mudah dan efektif bagi melestarikan falsafah tarikat untuk mencapai kebahagian dunia dan akhirat.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI237

Nama Produk : e-Quran with Augmented Reality

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Mohd Mustaffami Imas Dr. Azizul Hassan Hannan Fatini Md. Reshad Dr. Wan Khairul Aiman Wan Mokhtar Dr. Abdul Hanis Embong

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Al-Quran merupakan satu mushaf yang menjadi pegangan umat Islam secara keseluruhannya. Al-Quran diturunkan dalam Bahasa Arab dan pembacaan juga dalam bahasa Arab. Membaca al-Quran wajib dilakukan dalam bahasa asalnya dan mengikut hukum tajwid yang khusus. Hal ini kadang kala membawa kesukaran kepada umat Islam bukan Arab untuk memahami teks al-Quran dengan baik. Bahkan, hukum tajwid al-Quran perlu dipelajari terlebih dahulu. Oleh yang demikian, satu aplikasi Augmented Reality dicadangkan dengan mengetengahkan terjemahan/tafsiran al-Quran dan hukum-hukum tajwid al-Quran melalui telefon pintar. Hal ini sekurang-kurangnya akan memudahkan pengguna untuk mengakses terjemahan dan tajwid al-Quran secara pantas.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI238

Nama Produk : Musafir: Aplikasi Telefor Pintar Untuk Musafir

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Dr. Abdul Hanis Embong Dr. Roslan Umar Dr. Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin Dr. Wan Khairul Aiman Wan Mokhtar Hannan Fatini Md. Reshad Wan Nur Izzati Wan Nor Anas

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Musafir adalah aplikasi telefon pintar yang perlu dimiliki oleh semua pengembara dan musafir. Aplikasi ini hadir sebagai satu panduan untuk pelaksanaan solat musafir oleh umat Islam. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan pelbagai ciri yang boleh dimanfaat para musafir termasuklah panduan solat, panduan arah kiblat, selain fokus utama sebagai penjejak dan pengira kepada keharusan pelaksanaan solat musafir. Selain itu, aplikasi ini turut berupaya memberi maklumat terperinci dan notifikasi sekiranya orang yang bermusafir telah melepasi mukim yang mengharuskan pelaksanaan solat musafir. Inovasi ini sangat bermanfaat membantu para musafir untuk melaksanakan solat musafir dengan baik.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI239

Nama Produk : Shallakh Linguistic Splash: A Self-learning Kit

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Penyelidik : Mohammad Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Shallakh Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Nazri Bin Latiff Azmi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : “Shallakh Linguistic Splash: A Self-learning Kit” is an autonomous learning material that can be used by learners to increase their knowledge in syntax, morphology and phonology. This product was designed based on the learners’ needs. It was designed in three chapters, and each chapter contains three lessons. The product’s main feature is that it can be used by the learners without any external help. The product starts informing the learners how to run the kit, and it also shows them how to evaluate their progress after finishing each step. Each lesson starts evaluating the learners’ knowledge by conducting a pre-test, followed by vocabulary enrichment, after that the learners find the specific objectives that should be achieved by the end of the lesson. The learners, then, start working on the input knowledge, and each input step is followed by different evaluating exercises to check their progress. The lessons end post-test assessment to evaluate the learners’ performance after applying the kit. All answers are given to the learners in the last section of the kit. The product was validated, and it is reliable to be used. It was also applied to 50 students in a real situation, and the collected data revealed increasing in the learners’ performance. This product can be useful to English language learners, teachers, heads of English departments and curricula developers. This product showed usefulness in COVID-19 pandemic period because of the learners’ fear to enrol in learning institutions to learn English, but now the learners can use this product at home to improve their linguistic performance without risk.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI240

Nama Produk : The Innovation of ‘Kopi Joss’ Packaging

Penyelidik : Muhamad Rifqi bin Wasis Nugroho Norhayatie binti Ibrahim Saadiah binti A. Rahman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This study is about the packaging design for a coffee product that has been on the market but does not have packaging for this product. The coffee product is Kopi Joss from Jogjakarta, Indonesia. Apart from that, some other promotional materials are also suggested such as posters and billboards to further introduce the product to customers. Surveys and interviews methods are selected to obtain accurate and clear information about the Kopi Joss product, to Innovate the packaging of this Kopi Joss so that this coffee product can be marketed more widely locally and abroad because this product has its own fans and high commercial value, especially in its original market.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI242

Nama Produk : Digital Campaign Of New Norms Trends After COVID- 19

Penyelidik : Siti Sahera binti Mohd Azhar Norhayatie binti Ibrahim Nasmira binti Shafie Mohd Khairul Anwar bin Omar Md. Khairil Hafizi bin Muhamad Amarah binti Abdul Karim Ainal Amirah binti Abd Aziz

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This study is about digital campaign was created to raise awareness and help the public to protect themselves from being infected with the covid-19 virus. Besides, using this digital campaign with adequate information through design Television Commercial and digital poster and publish in digital platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and Facebook it will be able to help the public as a precautionary measure against themselves. According to the problem statement, there is a problem among the public who are stubborn to accept a new normal life and also affect the health of the public. Based on the objective of this campaign was, to plan a new awareness campaign on New Normal Trends, to identify ways to prevent COVID 19 in society and to educate the public about the dangerous COVID 19 that uses attractive graphic, visual, color elements and is able to convey the message to the audience effectively.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI253

Nama Produk : Penghasilan Video Portfolio Diri Dalam Meningkatkan Kebolehpasaran Graduan

Penyelidik : Mohd Radhi Bin Abu Shahim Dr. Kamarul Bin Md Shah Puan Rozita Binti Jayus

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Penghasilan Video berkaitan tentang latar belakang pendidikan, kegiataan kokurikulum, kemahiran, pengalaman kerja dalam bentuk persembahan kreatif untuk tujuan pemasaran graduan dalam sektor pekerjaan.

Institusi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI255

Nama Produk : Virtual Herbarium: The Solution For Outdoor Practical Session For Botany Students During ODL

Penyelidik : Dr. Rohani Shahrudin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : .COVID-19 is a pandemic that impacted people’s lives in many aspects. In Malaysia, the infection of the virus was first reported in January 2020 and the country experienced a total lockdown two months later. During the lockdown period, the education sector was

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among the most affected ones. Even though online distance learning (ODL) was suggested to be an alternative for face-to-face learning, however, not every subject is suitable for this method. Subjects that require fieldwork or onsite practical seems rather difficult to execute the teaching and learning process using ODL. Here, a virtual practical session was proposed to overcome this problem. The practical sessions were conducted for a group of students that took the Dendrology (Plant identification) course using the virtual herbarium from Charles Sturt University, Australia (https://science.csu.edu.au/herbarium). Three modules were chosen from this web, which are Floral Formula, Gynoecium, Floral Symmetry, and Leaf Structure. The level of student’s understanding was assessed using an exercise and quiz after the practical session. The details of the plant specimens accompanied by the interactive web interface were found very useful for the students in understanding the plant morphology and increase the student’s interest in the subject of botany.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI259

Nama Produk : SAVE MANGROVES SAVE EARTH! Mangroves Educational Module For High School Students

Penyelidik : Dr. Siti Mariam Binti Muhammad Nor Dr. Wan Bayani Binti Wan Omar Dr. Maizah Binti Abdullah Dr. Nurul Shahida Binti Redzuan Dr. Maisarah Binti Jaafar Dr. Nurulhuda Binti Zakaria Dr. Nur Fariza M. Shaipulah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The mangrove ecosystem is a highly productive forest. It plays important ecological functions towards the resilience of marine environments and acts as a significant contributor to the economy in various ways. Ecologically, mangrove is well known for its ability to protect the coastline, acts as a land builder and also as a carbon reservoir for global warming mitigation. Economically, mangroves are sources for charcoal, timbers and fisheries products. However, mangroves are getting threatened due to the active coastal development and climate change pressure. Hence, it is important to promote environmental education to successfully protect and conserve the mangrove ecosystem. To achieve this, we have initiated the “Save Mangroves Save Earth!” Project to elevate the awareness on the importance of mangroves among high school students. This project aims to nurture the students’ understanding on how crucial for them to get involved in the protection and conservation of the mangroves. The mangroves educational module has been developed to transfer the knowledge to the targeted students. The module was prepared by the expertise in particular fields related to mangrove, to ensure the precise of the content provided. In addition, the module also promotes active learning such as reading, writing, guided discussing and guided exchange of ideas. Consisted of four sections, the first section of the module tackles issues on how mangroves responded to climate change; section two describes the ecosystem services and function, including the biodiversity resources of mangrove forest; section three emphasizes on the reforestation effort, and the last section indicates the role of students can play in mangrove protection. This module is

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expected to raise awareness on the importance of mangroves to mitigate climate change as well as to educate the students on the fundamental actions that could be taken to conserve the mangroves. Keywords: Mangrove awareness program, climate change, high school students, mangrove modules, mangrove conservation

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI263

Nama Produk : MyHistory : Interactive E-Learning of Malaysia History for Primary School

Penyelidik : Mohd Khairul Anwar Bin Omar Nurul Nasmira Binti Shafie Md Khairil Hafizi Bin Muhamad Ainal Amirah Binti Abdul Aziz Norhayatie Binti Ibrahim Saadiah Binti A.Rahman Wan Nur Idayu Binti Tun Mohd Hassan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e- learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Malaysian primary schools undergo significant changes due to the COVID19 primary school students are unable to attend school due to curfews being implemented throughout Malaysia. One of the ways to solve this problem is through online learning or E-learning, which uses the tools of technology and applications. Learning the history of Malaysia is a challenging task because most of the textbooks only have a long text and there are no interesting graphic images to attract the students. This study proposes an educational mobile based on Bahasa Melayu that focuses on Malaysia History with educational ontology and multimedia technology to teach primary students in an attractive way. The benefits of using the MyHistory application are it can engage students in the learning process, improve their knowledge and achievement towards learning Malaysia history anytime and anywhere with the interest of graphic elements. Keywords: Educational mobile application, Primary school, multimedia technology, Interactive E-learning, Malaysia History

Institusi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI264

Nama Produk : MyCampaign Mobile Application (From Apps to Charity)

Penyelidik : Muhammad Najmuddin Bin Mohamad Anuar Amarah Binti Abdul Karim Wan Nur Idayu Binti Tun Mohd Hassan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In today's digital world, technological change has led to a number of social changes that demand to keep pace with technological advances. As all know, many campaign programs and activites are sometimes received less attention and encouragement from the community to get involved together to succeed in activities and signs of support for the campaign. Awareness campaigns need to continue

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to be strengthened and efforts need to continue to be carried out continuously and the facilities provided can encourage individuals to do something more beneficial. MyCampaign Apps was created to help the community get more extensive and up-to-date information related to the campaign conducted as well as MyCampaign Apps also helps the community to make donations to those in need through good and safe channels. The social innovation, MyCampaign Apps facilitates the community to participate in activities as well as contribute more safely. “My” represent Malaysia and campaign referring to all the campaign activities in Malaysia such as Save Gaza, Zero Plastic bag and many more.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI266

Nama Produk : Inovasi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

Penyelidik : Dr Azlina Binti Musa

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : -

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI274

Nama Produk : A Holistic Policy Intervention for Monitoring Students' Complex Presenteeism in ODL

Penyelidik : Dr. Roslina binti Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : A complex presenteeism in Open Distance Learning (ODL) happens when students are present or showing up in the online classes without really being present. In the ODL settings, students are ghostly present and not able to be fully engaged in the content being presented by lecturers. This would negatively affect the learning achievements of MQF 2.0, particularly which is related to the knowledge and understanding outcomes. Results of a survey show that such complex presenteeism would reduce both students’ motivations to learn and their understanding of what have been asked to them instructionally when they fall in the category of complex presenteeism. Thus, a holistic policy (HOP) is a steady method of intervention developed for providing formative engagement opportunities for students avoiding the complex presenteeism during ODL. The intervention would decrease the number of complex presenteeism among university students therefore support the objective of PLO1 of MQF 2.0 in the ODL environment. The model is applicable to use as a substitute for formative assessment of social science students in the ODL environment.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI277

Nama Produk : Soccer Player Performance System (SPMS)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamad Razali Bin Abdullah Prof. Dr. Hafizan Bin Juahir Ahmad Bisyri Husin Musawi Bin Maliki Mohamad Jupri Liga Intan Meily Puspitasari Binti Sumber Aina Munirah Binti Ab. Rasid Nur Faizatul Amira Binti Jibril

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Soccer Player Performance System (SPMS) is an advanced statistical analysis such as Machine Learning. It is the only product integrating the advance statistical analysis, learning, prediction and profiling of each players based on specific position. Benefits of SPMS is coaches and athletes can monitor their performance individually. SPMS is a product design with a low cost compared to the existing system, user friendly, easy to apply and compatible with all technology based. It is developed based on local environment.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI278

Nama Produk : Takraw Performance Monitoring System (TPMS)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamad Razali Bin Abdullah Aina Munirah Binti Ab. Rasid Mohamad Amirur Rafiqi Bin Zainoddin Noor Aishah Binti Kamarudin Nur Amirah Binti Nawi Mohd Daneil Syafiq Bin Dasriel Mohd Khairul Aizuddin Bin Abu Bakar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Takraw Performance Monitoring System (TPMS) is a web-based system developed to assess the athletes’ performance in finding talent among the Terengganu sepak takraw athletes. It is designed to monitor and analyze athletes’ performances and at the same time, the data can be used to build an internet-based athlete monitoring system. Furthermore, Sepak Takraw Performance Monitoring System can aid the Sepak Takraw Association to evaluate the athletes’ performances to further improve their skills. At the moment, there is lack of system available to properly track and record the athletes’ conditions such as their performances, nutrition, rehabilitations and psychological status. Hence with the existing system, all of the aforementioned parameters can be recorded, stored and analyzed. Lastly, it is acknowledged that Sepak Takraw Performance Monitoring System was granted over Inisiatif Prihatin Sukan (IPS) 2020 of Kementerian Belia Dan Sukan (KBS) with application code IPS20C supported by Digitalization, Research and Development program.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI281

Nama Produk : Virtual Juvenile Justice Adjudication and Non-adjudication System (V-JUANAS)

Penyelidik : Dr. Aminuddin Bin Mustaffa Kamaliah Binti Salleh Dr. Hartinie Binti Abd Aziz Dr. Suyatno Dr. Nazli Ismail @ Nawang Norshamimi Bin Mohd Mazlan Noor'ashikin Binti Hamid

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Juvenile delinquency is a common occurrence that has always been the centre of discussion in legal systems. Among the main focus of discussion is the examination of the effectiveness of the legal response to the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency. As far as Malaysian law is concerned, various issues are clouding the current Malaysian juvenile justice system. Among the main issues is a delay in the disposal of juvenile cases, and the escalating number of recorded juvenile cases has been identified as one of the causes of such delay. In addition, the existing juvenile justice system put much emphasize on the formal adjudication system, which is rigid, technical in nature, tedious, and meticulous. It involves bundles of legal documents, rigid procedural law, complex legal issues, strict rules of evidence, and others. The rigidity and complexity of the formal adjudication judicial process make the whole system not only time-consuming but also burdening parties with expensive legal costs. The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic proves the fragility of the formal adjudication juvenile justice system. The pandemic has severely affected the juvenile court judicial process, resulting in the postponement of trials and procrastination of court processes. In order to address this problem, it is recommended that the Virtual Juvenile Justice Adjudication System (V-JUANAS), which combines both formal and informal adjudication processes, to be adopted by the Malaysian juvenile justice system. This system is designed to offer an alternative mechanism in improving the existing formal juvenile justice process. This system is proposed to infuse the elements of technology and artificial intelligence compared to the existing juvenile justice judicial processes which are manually conducted. It offers several advantages and benefits. Firstly, it allows speedy disposal of juvenile cases ed by enabling certain parts of the legal processes and procedures to be implemented online, under the supervision of court staff and judges. The system offers a much more simplified procedure especially in cases where juveniles choose to plead guilty. The combination of the automatic online system and physical system enables the cases to be settled expeditiously and efficiently. Secondly, the use of an online virtual juvenile justice adjudication process provides the establishment of a special court system that is child friendly and aims to protect the interests and needs of juveniles. This is in line with the international standards on juvenile justice fixed by the international instruments. Apart from that, the introduction of a virtual juvenile court system will also save a lot of time and cost for all parties to the proceedings, such as juveniles, judges, prosecutors, and parents as they are not required to spare time & money to travel and stay in the courtroom until the disposal of the whole proceeding which may take place for days, or months. Their physical appearance to the court is no longer necessary. The V- JUANAS system is flexible in the sense that it is accessible from

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anywhere, systematically guides the parties on steps and procedures to be followed, provides relevant information and guideline on the process, arranges virtual proceedings between parties and others. Lastly, the system also provides a platform for the introduction of virtual alternative measures, which are informal in nature, as an integrated part of the Malaysian juvenile justice system. The adoption of V- JUANAS may potentially enhance and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing Malaysian juvenile justice system. Keyword: Juvenile, virtual adjudication, the court system

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI283

Nama Produk : New Development of Private Maritime Security Company Framework

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Ahmad Faizal Bin Ahmad Fuad Aimie Qamarina Binti Anwar Mohd Sharifuddin Ahmad Mohd Hafizi Bin Said Mohammed Ismail Rustam Suhrab

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : MOHA and Malaysia NSC had developed SOP related to operational of PMSC in Malaysia for the local security companies. However, the SOP’s developed were based on the local regulations that are related to land-based private security company and firearms act. These aforementioned regulations are not compatible with the local and international maritime law and practices. This had happened because no framework of PMSC has been established earlier to guide the development of the SOP that is compatible with the existing maritime law and practices. Framework is defined as a basic structure underlying a system or a concept. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop the national and international framework of PMSC of Malaysia so that the SOP developed would be compatible with the national and international maritime law and practices. The research methodology adopted in this study consists of a few activities based on the Delphi Method. Surveys were conducted; safety experts were consulted and invited to express their views, either through interviews or workshops. Based on the investigation, a comprehensive framework consists of four main criteria (factors) associated with the PMSC in Malaysia was developed. This framework determines types of services should be provided by the PMSC and guide the development of SOP for PMSC that in-line with the requirement of the national maritime law and international maritime convention. It is concluded that this new framework was developed based on relevant agencies and expert consensus. This should be implemented in Malaysia in order to produce consistent, effective and secure action plan which address the main role of PMSC.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI284

Nama Produk : Pendekatan Holistik Literasi Kewangan Belia “Saya Bijak EcoMoney”

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Penyelidik : Dr. Nor Fatimah Binti Che Sulaiman Dr. Noor Haslina Binti Mohamad Akhir Dr. Zairihan Binti Abdul Halim Dr. Nor Ermawati Binti Hussain

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pertumbuhan ekonomi mapan berkait rapat dengan pembangunan ekonomi melalui pengurusan sumber secara efektif bagi memenuhi keperluan dan kehendak manusia. Pengurusan sumber yang efektif dalam ekosistem ekonomi merangkumi peranan modal insan, kewangan dan sumber alam berupaya melestarikan manfaat ekonomi bagi generasi kini dan masa hadapan. Ia dilihat menjadi pemangkin kepada pembangunan ekonomi pada masa hadapan. Justeru itu, komuniti belia seharusnya diberikan pendedahan mengenai pertumbuhan ekonomi mapan. Program pemindahan ilmu melalui Bengkel Modul “Saya Bijak EcoMoney” yang bersifat sebagai pembelajaran sepanjang hayat telah dijalankan. Sasaran bengkel ini adalah kepada pelajar Pra-Universiti dalam usaha memberikan pendedahan ilmiah mengenai kemapanan pembangunan ekonomi melalui kesejahteraan alam sekitar dan kewangan (environmental and financial well-being) serta sokongan pembangunan modal insan (human capital development). Bengkel Modul “Saya Bijak EcoMoney” telah dijalankan di Terengganu dengan kerjasama Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK). Modul ini memupuk kesedaran serta literasi ekonomi dan kewangan sebagai persediaan pelajar menghadapi cabaran ketidaktentuan sosio-ekonomi dalam tempoh transisi mereka dari pelajar kepada pekerja. Hasil daripada program ini menunjukkan bahawa 52 daripada 84 peserta menyatakan bahawa mereka mampu untuk menguruskan kewangan masa hadapan selepas mengikuti modul ini. Justeru itu, penglibatan komuniti terutamanya belia memainkan peranan yang signifikan dalam membangunkan kapasiti pengurusan dan penggunaan sumber yang mapan.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI295

Nama Produk : Teens Online Tuition

Penyelidik : Aida Binti Othman Prof. Madya Dr. Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Binti Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa Dr. Siti Maisarah Binti Aziz Dr. Nurulhuda Binti Mohammad Yusoff

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The method of learning reinforcement is said to be essential for students in any learning process. This is because classroom learning alone is not enough and students may not fully grasp of what they have learned in class. Previously research emphasizes the significance of the outside classroom experiences for making a student as a creator instead of a rote learner. Methods of learning reinforcement include self-learning, watching online lecture videos, joining a study group and others. Some of them even take extra classes or attend any tuition classes for subjects they're bad at it and are willing to pay a certain amount of fees only to further strengthen the knowledge and get a better understanding of a lesson they learned in school or at university. As much as tuition is seen as necessity for students to do well in their studies, not all of them could afford it. Teens Online Tuition (ToT) is an

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academic guidance approach to school students run by university students. The school students involved are consisting of SPM candidates from the B40 group whilst the facilitators or academic mentors are from UniSZA students. Apart from helping to increase the motivation and academic achievement of SPM candidate students, the facilitators themselves can also improve their basic soft skills such as personal and interpersonal skills for these two skills are becoming mandatory elements applied to university students. This ToT program has several modules accordingly to SPM syllabus modules such as Additional Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This approach has the potential to be continued as a community service program that fosters social integration between university students and the community.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI296

Nama Produk : Hospitalized Muslim Trauma Patients Ibadah Disability Scale (HM[T]-IIDS)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Ariff Bin Sharifudin Prof. Madya Dr. Mai Nurul Ashikin Binti Taib Dr. Yuzana Binti Mohd Yusop Dr. Salman Bin Amiruddin Dr. Wan Rumaizi Bin Wan Husin Prof. Dr. Nazri Bin Mohd. Yusof Dr. Al Hafiz Bin Ibrahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Illness does not alleviate the obligation of Muslim patients to perform religious duties such as the prayer. Despite the nation-wide Ibadah- Friendly Hospital campaign, available reports concluded that the majority of Muslim trauma patients neglected their religious duties during hospitalization. The importance of a systematic evaluation of patients’ ability to perform such duties needs to be highlighted and anticipated. The Hospitalized Muslim Trauma Patients Ibadah Disability Scale or HM[T]-IDS is an assessment tool designed to develop a standard, objective evaluation scoring system to recognize disability levels of Muslim trauma patients in performing religious physical cleansing and prayer during their illness and improve the deliverance of assistance they need. It is an assessment tool constructed based on both patients' and physicians' perspectives of difficulties in performing religious duties. HM[T]-IDS assists physicians and hospital staff in scrutinizing the types of assistance required by the patients. It will provide a balance approach in patients' care and deliverance of assistance. The tool had received various international and local recognitions apart from other several publications. The Malaysian Government, including the Ministry of Health along with other government agencies and professional bodies are striving towards campaigning for Ibadah-Friendly and Syariah-Compliant hospitals. The Government is also looking into a Malaysian Syariah Index including the health sectors. In the hype of the upcoming UniSZA’s teaching hospital and the much anticipated nation-wide Ibadah-Friendly Hospital campaign, HM[T]-IDS has the potential of becoming a standard of practice in a more holistic patient care.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI303

Nama Produk : Peranan Agensi Dan Komuniti Terhadap Ekosistem Semulajadi Sekitar Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu

Penyelidik : Dr. Nor Hayati Binti Sa'at Prof. Madya Dr. Jamilah Binti Mohd. Salim @ Halim Dr. Hazman Bin Samsudin Ihsan Bin Alwi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Agensi dan komuniti setempat memainkan tanggungjawab yang penting dalam memastikan kelestarian sumber alam semulajadi. Agensi adalah organisasi yang bertanggungjawab terhadap sesebuah pembangunan di sesuatu kawasan khususnya di Tasik Kenyir dan kampung sekitarnya. Komuniti Tasik Kenyir pula merupakan suatu komuniti yang menjalani kehidupan seharian dan menjadikan unsur alam semulajadi di Tasik Kenyir sebagai sumber ekonomi utama mereka. Kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengetahui apakah peranan agensi terhadap komuniti setempat Tasik Kenyir dalam menjaga sumber semulajadi Tasik Kenyir yang lestari. Kaedah pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah melibatkan kajian kualitatif yang akan menggunakan data primer. Data primer yang didapati daripada proses temu bual yang melibatkan enam agensi yang dipilih berdasarkan sumbangan dan keterlibatan mereka terhadap pembangunan Tasik Kenyir dan komuniti sekitarnya. Hasil kajian mendapati peranan setiap agensi yang mempunyai hubungkait antara komuniti dan sumber alam semulajadi. Secara keseluruhannya, agensi ini telah menyediakan inisiatif dan peluang kepada penduduk kampung untuk menjana ekonomi dan sekaligus dapat memelihara dan memulihara alam semulajadi ini. Kajian ini juga bermanfaat kepada ilmu sosiologi dalam negara khususnya kajian berkenaan dengan peranan agensi dan penggubal dasar dalam menjamin kelestarian alam semulajadi di Malaysia.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI304

Nama Produk : My-K: Ke Arah Kesejahteraan Komuniti Kampung

Penyelidik : Dr. Hussain Yusri Bin Zawawi Mohamad Syafiq Bin Sulaiman Dr. Norhasliza Binti Ghapa Farhanin Binti Abdullah Asuhaimi Khairun-Nisaa Binti Asari Maheran Binti Makhtar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pengurusan sesebuah komuniti kampung merupakan aspek yang sangat penting untuk kemajuan sesebuah negara demi menjamin kesejahteraan komuniti setempat. Ini bertepatan dengan matlamat 11 dan 16 yang digariskan oleh United Nations dalam Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) yang memberi keutamaan dalam pembentukan komuniti kampung secara inklusif dan berdaya saing untuk membentuk modal sosial yang mantap. Perkara ini penting untuk diketengahkan kerana tahap kemajuan sesebuah komuniti kampung pada masa ini masih lagi diperingkat asas serta mempunyai

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banyak kelemahan yang ketara terutamanya dari segi pengumpulan data penduduk, pengurusan komuniti dan penyampaian maklumat. Hal ini sekaligus menyebabkan kebanyakan pengurusan komuniti kampung berada pada tahap yang lemah dan sentiasa berkonflik. Ketiadaan sistem yang efektif dalam menguruskan pembangunan sesebuah komuniti kampung menimbulkan pelbagai masalah terutamanya apabila berlaku bencana alam, kegiatan jenayah serta masalah kesihatan. Justeru itu, penghasilan aplikasi My-K yang sistematik dan menyeluruh ini dapat membantu komuniti kampung mendapatkan kemudahan pengaksesan maklumat dan saluran bantuan yang tersedia dengan cara yang lebih cepat dan efisien. Objektif utama dalam pelaksanaan My-K ini adalah untuk mewujudkan interaksi dan komunikasi dua hala yang berkesan, membina jaringan ekonomi dan sosial yang lengkap, memudahkan agihan keperluan asas kehidupan, memenuhi jaringan keperluan sosial dan memelihara keselamatan komuniti kampung. Sistem aplikasi My-K ini diharapkan dapat menambahbaik sistem pengurusan komuniti kampung yang sedia ada agar dapat menyelesaikan segala isu yang berlaku diperingkat komuniti kampung dengan lebih cekap dan pantas. Selain itu, penggunaan aplikasi My-K ini dapat dijadikan sebagai satu platform kerjasama di antara pihak kerajaan, badan-badan bukan kerajaan dan komuniti kampung sekaligus dapat dipraktikkan dan dijadikan model bagi memberi manfaat kepada seluruh komuniti kampung di Malaysia.

Kata Kunci: Komuniti, Pengurusan Komuniti, Sistematik, Pengurusan Data, Pengaksesan Data.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI305

Nama Produk : Pengurusan Ekopelancongan Terhadap Kelestarian Pembangunan Komuniti Setempat di Tasik Kenyir

Penyelidik : Dr. Nor Hayati Binti Sa'at Prof. Madya Dr. Khatijah Binti Omar Prof. Madya Dr. Abi Sofian Abdul Halim Fatimah Najihah Binti Mohamed

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Agensi memainkan peranan penting dalam sesebuah pembangunan. Mereka merupakan tonggak utama dalam penentu arah tuju sesuatu tempat, kampung ataupun perbandaran. Ia melibatkan pengembelingan tenaga, pendapat, idea, ilham dan usaha dari berbagai agensi. Kerjasama antara agensi-agensi yang terlibat haruslah dilakukan demi mencapai suatu permuafakatan dalam usaha mencapai kemajuan yang diinginkan. Peranan komuniti yang terdekat juga harus dititik beratkan demi keberlangsungan matlamat yang dicapai. Agensi telah diberikan mandat dalam pengurusan sesebuah tempat. Dalam ruangan ekopelancongan agensi akan membuat perancangan dalam pembangunan tempat serta komuniti sekitar yang tidak harus dilupakan. Kesan langsung kepada komuniti samaada secara positif atau negatif akan dirasai oleh penduduk tempatan akibat dari pembangunan yang dilaksanakan. Oleh itu pengurusan oleh pihak yang dipertanggungjawabkan haruslah dipertingkatkan supaya isu-isu yang tidak diingini wujud. Bangunan terbengkalai, projek pembangunan tidak disiapkan dengan sempurna, kurangnya penyelengaraan sesuatu kawasan ekopelancongan antara isu-isu yang wujud sesebuah tempat dalam ruang pembangunan ini.

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Pengurusan ekopelancongan ini perlu diberi perhatian dalam menangani isu ini secara berterusan. Pelbagai usaha perlu dilakukan oleh agensi dalam menangani pemasalahan ini. Sebanyak tiga mukim telah dipilih iaitu Mukim Hulu Telemong, Jenagor dan juga .

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI307

Nama Produk : EcoXplorer: Malaysia’s Ecotourism Interactive Map Game

Penyelidik : Dr. Muaz Bin Azinuddin Prof. Dr. Ahmad Puad Bin Mat Som Mohd Usairi Bin Mohamed Zainuddin Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mohd Khairul Amri Bin Kamarudin Dr. Nur Shahirah Binti Mior Shariffuddin Dr. Wan Mohd Adzim Bin Wan Mohd Zain Dr. Nurul Jannah Binti Mohd Juaini

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Ecotourism Interactive Map Game, or known as ‘EcoXplorer’ is an initiative to promote the famous and hidden gems of ecotourism destinations in Malaysia, subsequently increase the awareness on the importance of sustainability by preserving and protecting the natural beauties in the country. Using the map of Malaysia to pinpoint the ecotourism attractions across the country, the players need to answer a series of quizzes on their characteristics to progress from start to the end point of the destination. Accumulation of points collected from the correct answers will be used to categorize players at the end of the game to three different levels of hard, medium and soft ecotourists. Since the questions are provided in the form of games, players are more likely to remember the interesting ecotourism information such as campaigns, acts, fines, products and services at a particular area. Thus, EcoXplorer has good potential in promoting the ecotourism destinations in Malaysia and cultivating the values of responsible tourism among the players indirectly through a fun game. As this game involves low-cost production, it is postulated that the EcoXplorer would be a valuable marketing asset for various tourism stakeholders in shaping the perspectives of tourists toward the sustainable future.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI308

Nama Produk : Taysir al-Idah: Modul Infografik Pembelajaran Balaghah Arab

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Zulazhan Bin Ab. Halim Prof. Dr. Abdul Hakim Bin Abdullah Prof. Madya Dr. Zamri Bin Arifin Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Janudin Bin Sardi

Dr. Abdul Wahid Bin Salleh Dr. Noor Eliza Binti Abdul Rahman Muhamad Amir Bin Zainudin

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Perkembangan teknologi dan multimedia pada masa kini telah mempengaruhi segenap bidang kehidupan termasuklah pendidikan. Pembelajaran bahasa Arab, khususnya komponen balaghah Arab sering menjadi permasalahan dalam kalangan pelajar kerana penerangannya yang kompleks dan rumit serta sukar difahami. Penggunaan buku teks yang dipenuhi dengan perbahasan panjang berbentuk tulisan semata-mata menyukarkan pelajar untuk memahami subjek balaghah ini dengan lebih baik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, sebuah modul yang dinamakan Taysir al-Idah dibangunkan sebagai satu pendekatan yang lebih efektif dalam pembelajaran balaghah Arab. Penggunaan elemen grafik yang menggabungkan teks, rajah, simbol dan warna dengan terjemahan ke bahasa Melayu menjadi teras dalam pembangunan modul ini. Modul Taysir al-Idah ini melibatkan kursus Kajian Teks Balaghah al-Qazwini yang ditawarkan dalam Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pengajian Bahasa Arab, Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan Kajian Reka Bentuk dan Pembangunan (Design and Development Research) yang melibatkan tiga fasa, iaitu fasa analisis keperluan, fasa reka bentuk & pembangunan dan fasa penilaian kebolehgunaan.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI314

Nama Produk : Space Squad

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Zahrahtul Amani Binti Zakaria Prof. Madya Dr. Mumtazimah Binti Mohamad Maizan Binti Mat Amin Ts. Dr. Ismahafezi Bin Ismail Nur Atiqah Binti Muhamad Khairudin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Space Squad is developed as an alternative approach in learning Science Subject for secondary school students. This application (app) combines various multimedia elements to attract students to reinforce the understanding, focusing on topic of stars and galaxy. Generally, students are having difficulty in understanding and remembering the science’s terms. This app can provide visualization solutions to improve the teaching and learning process. The Space Squad project has been developed based on the ADDIE model. This project involves interactivity, simulation and user control concepts that allow users to quickly navigate the app freely. It consists of interactive modules integrated with multimedia elements such as graphics, audio, video and animation to make them more attractive to users. Activity has also been set up to test the understanding of user/student on this topic. This interactive application has great potential to be used as an alternative approach to educating students about solar system in school.

Institusi/Sekolah : UiTM Cawangan Terengganu, Kampus Kuala Terengganu

ID : MPI315

Nama Produk : Learning Tajweed for Multiple Users Courseware (LTFMUC)

Penyelidik : Nur Aina Binti Sham Ts. Dr. Hasiah Binti Mohamed @ Omar

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Siti Nurul Hayatie Binti Ishak

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Learning methods play a major role in our lives and learning process should be considered carefully that learners nowadays need learning materials that are effective, efficient, dynamic, fast, and interactive. Learning Tajweed for Multiple Users Courseware (LTFMUC) is developed for different type of users which are kid, teenager, and senior citizen with different interface designs according to their characteristics. The development of this courseware is based on the problems carried out through preliminary and secondary study where users are rely on school textbooks, school digital textbooks, tajweed reference books, and tajweed applications in learning tajweed. Kids have difficulty to focus using a textbook, teenager has problem in memorizing the exact pronouncation of tajweed and senior citizen has problem with the content design of tajweed reference books. The research also found that there is no courseware available for tajweed lessons that can cater for different type of users according to their characteristics. Therefore, LTFMUC has been developed to cater the multiple users’ characteristics and equipped with multimedia elements such as text, graphics, audio, video, and animation. LTMFUC has been developed using ADDIE instructional model that consists of five stages; analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The scope of this courseware covers the three lessons namely tajweed rules, articulation place, and activities. Meanwhile the interface design for LTMFUC is following the five rules from Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design. The five principles are namely striving for consistency, providing informative feedback, allowing easy reversal of actions, supporting locus of internal control, and reducing short-term memory load. Furthermore, the functional test has been conducted to ensure the courseware is navigable, works well, and runs smoothly. The results found that all pages and multimedia elements on each page are working well and are ready to be used by users. Conclusively, LTMFUC can be used as educational material for users to understand and deepen the lessons of tajweed for different types of users likes to the kid, teenager, and senior citizen.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI320

Nama Produk : Industrial Design Students Project Assessment and Exhibition Module using VR technology

Penyelidik : Addy Putra Bin Md Zulkifli Shahrul Anuwar Bin Mohamed Yusof Amirul Fahmi Bin Razali Nor Ziratul Aqma Binti Norzaman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In 2019, the pandemic outbreak has affected many sectors including the academic institution. Many academic courses have been struggling in delivering the teaching and learning (T&L) content and assessment of the students’ development through the implementation of the online distance learning (ODL). Even though many online virtual platform (OVP) has deemed useful and effective for most of the academic courses T&L and assessments. However, project-based course such as Industrial Design, still searching for the best methods especially in accessing students’ works.

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Industrial Design course relies heavily on the practice-based T&L and thus, most of the students’ works are accessed through project-based output and exhibition. In common practice, students’ works are usually being exhibit and presented in a physical setting. However, most of current OVP enable the project output to be accessed visually; but not immersive. The virtual reality (VR) technology has been identified as it was featured to display an immersive experience to the user. The immersive experience featured in the VR technology is the main characteristic that would suit the need for the Industrial Design project exhibition and assessment. Thus, a case study for the VR assessment and exhibition were conducted. A group of Industrial design students has been invited to display and present their project in the VR setting. The observations and feedback were captured and recorded from the students and the assessment panel. The research will identify the criteria of VR based learning, and display the feasibility, capability, and challenges, and finally display the module for the Industrial Design project assessment and exhibition. This preliminary study and module also would enable the future recommendation of the T&L in immersive, interactive, and effective setting for other courses as well.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI323

Nama Produk : QoL-My 3.0

Penyelidik : Prof. Dr. Norizan binti Abdul Ghani Dr. Wan Nur Jazmina binti Wan Ariffin Dr. Farah Syazrah binti Mohd. Ghazalli Dr. Wan Mohd. Amir Fazamin bin Wan Hamzah Dr. Nurul Jannah binti Mohd. Juaini Dr. Hezzrin binti Mohd. Pauzi Muhammad Ammar bin Abd. Wahab

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : QoL-My 3.0 ialah Aplikasi Web yang dibangun untuk mengukur tahap kesejahteraan hidup rakyat Malaysia melalui indikator yang dipilih. Aplikasi ini adalah penambahbaikan daripada QoL-My dan QoL-My 2.0. Novelty QoL-My 3.0 ialah, ia merupakan satu medium inovasi baharu bagi mengukur tahap kesejahteraan hidup rakyat Malaysia dan pendedahan bagaimana untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup mereka. QoL-My 3.0 menyediakan item pengukuran kesejahteraan hidup melalui instrumen yang dipilih. Kesungguhan meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kualiti hidup rakyat adalah selaras dengan usaha kerajaan mencapai Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama 2030 dan agenda Keutamaan Negara serta Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), United Nation. SDG turut dilaksana oleh negara Malaysia di mana agenda ketiga daripada 17 agendanya adalah memastikan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan rakyat di tahap memuaskan. Jelasnya, rakyat perlu didedahkan dengan pengetahuan untuk mengukur tahap kesejahteraan hidup dan berpengetahuan dalam menentukan indikator yang boleh meningkatkan tahap kesejahteraan hidup mereka. Soal selidik QoL-My 3.0 akan membantu pengguna mengetahui tahap kesejahteraan hidup mereka yang dimuat naik dalam Aplikasi Web QoL-My 3.0. Melalui Aplikasi Web OoL-My 3.0, data pengguna akan dapat dianalisis yang memudahkan penyelidik atau pembuat dasar negara menyaring tahap kesejahteraan rakyat Malaysia. Data kesejahteraan hidup juga boleh digunakan oleh

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beberapa agensi kerajaan seperti Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM), dan agensi kerajaan di Terengganu seperti; Yayasan Pembangunan Usahawan (YPU), Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga (YPK), Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Terengganu (MAIDAM) yang dapat mengenalpasti rakyat yang tergolong dalam kategori kesejahteraan hidup rendah dan berada dalam golongan B40. Agensi yang berminat boleh mengakses Aplikasi Web dan mendapat data terus melalui link yang disediakan. Aplikasi Web QoL-My 3.0 berpotensi dikomersilkan kepada agensi kerajaan dan swasta yang berminat.

Kata kunci: QoL-My 3.0, Aplikasi Web, Kesejahteraan hidup, Inovasi

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI325

Nama Produk : Voice Out! 2.0

Penyelidik : Saliana Binti Sawaluddin Mohd Firdaus Bin Jusoh Nur naimhafizah Binti Ramli Junaidah Binti Abdul Rahman Ts. Dr. Ismahafezi Bin Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : It is a contemporary English book introduced to amplify the learners’ learning abilities to perform a better speech presentation through ways of technological experiences. Voice Out! 2.0 is an Augmented Reality (AR) application designed to connect the digital world with the personalised experiences of the users. Tailored to enhance users’ learning experience, the application is developed according to the learners’ preferences; fun and easy to follow contents and real-people demonstrations. And this certainly provides added-values to the interactional learning experience. Virtual Reality (VR), another technology booster, gives users a simulation-based learning experience. Ultimately, interacting with AR mobile apps and enjoying real-time simulation through VR headset would beautify the learners’ immersive learning experience while traditionally flipping the book. Any types of learners, from intrapersonal to the tactile learners, are now ready to enter the virtual world and set to becoming a better speech English presenter.

Keywords; Mobile Apps, Technology, Teaching and Learning, English Second Language (ESL), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR)

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI326

Nama Produk : Modul i-Qaseh

Penyelidik : Dr. Farah Syazrah Binti Mohd Ghazalli Prof. Dr. Norizan Binti Abdul Ghani Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Mohd Yusof Bin Wan Chik Prof. Madya Dr. Berhanundin Bin Abdullah Dr. Wan Nor Jazmina Binti Wan Ariffin

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Dr. Abdul Qahhar Bin Ibrahim Zulkifli Bin Mohd

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Modul i-Qaseh, merupakan sebuah modul yang memberi fokus kepada keluarga remaja berisiko. Matlamat modul ini adalah untuk menyediakan sokongan kepada keluarga remaja berisiko melibatkan maklumat dan kemahiran mengurus remaja berisiko. Remaja berisiko dicirikan dengan penglibatan salah laku dan faktor yang mendorong keterlibatan remaja dalam perbuatan salah sehingga melampaui had toleransi masyarakat. Remaja berisiko dalam kalangan pelajar sekolah umumnya terlibat dengan pelbagai jenis salah laku seperti ponteng, merokok, mencuri, gengsterisme dan buli. Lebih serius, tahun 2017 mencatatkan 1,750 pelajar didapati positif dadah hasil ujian saringan air kencing oleh Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan (AADK). Pada tahun 2018 pula, 2,100 pelajar sekolah rendah dan menengah membabitkan 178 sekolah di seluruh negara dikesan terbabit dengan penagihan dadah. Sementara, 2 juta pelajar sekolah daripada 178 Kawasan Berisiko Tinggi, KBT di Malaysia berisiko terjebak dengan ketagihan sekiranya tidak dilakukan intervensi awal. Terkini, trend penyalahgunaan dadah di usia masih muda yang semakin meningkat malah, direkodkan pelajar berumur tujuh (7) tahun turut terlibat dengan ketagihan dadah. Kumpulan remaja berisiko telah terdedah kepada persekitaran kehidupan yang tidak selamat, apabila terdapat ahli keluarga lain yang terlibat dengan pelbagai salah laku. Atas kesedaran ini, modul kasih dibentuk adaptasi daripada modul keluarga kasih (i-Kasih) yang memberi fokus kepada peranan keluarga membantu pemulihan dadah. Menerusi Modul Kasih, beberapa elemen melibatkan pendidikan pencegahan di ekstrak berdasarkan keperluan keluarga remaja berisiko melibatkan elemen niat, ilmu, kemahiran dan tindakan. Modul ini masih mengekalkan Islam sebagai teras utama dengan terapan kaedah Islamik dalam pelaksanaan. Selain itu, sebagai respon kepada suasana keluarga hari ini, modul ini dibangunkan dalam bentuk digital menggunakan aplikasi Augmented Reality (AR), di mana panduan seperti panduan keluarga menurut Islam, bacaan doa, strategi bertindak, dan cabaran usaha keluarga disediakan dalam bentuk video.

Kata kunci: Modul Pencegahan, Remaja Berisiko, Keluarga, Augmented Reality, Modul Keluarga

Institusi/Sekolah : Institut Kajian Orang Asal Borneo (BorIIS), Universiti Malaysia Sabah

ID : MPI329

Nama Produk : Penglibatan Komuniti Tempatan dalam Pembangunan Pelancongan Gunung di Taman Kinabalu

Penyelidik : Arnold Samih Prof. Madya Dr. Jabil Mapjabil

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pembangunan pelancongan di kawasan pergunungan diiktiraf sebagai salah satu strategi paling efisien dalam usaha meningkatkan taraf hidup komuniti di kawasan pedalaman dan terpencil. Pembangunan pelancongan gunung sangat penting kerana kebanyakan komuniti di kawasan pergunungan dikenal pasti sebagai golongan masyarakat yang miskin dan terpinggir di dunia. Oleh itu, komuniti tempatan perlu dilibatkan secara saksama dalam proses pembangunan pelancongan

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di kawasan pergunungan agar faedahnya dapat dikongsi bersama. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk meninjau tahap dan bentuk penglibatan komuniti tempatan dalam pembangunan pelancongan gunung di Taman Kinabalu. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Kaedah penyelidikan melibatkan pengedaran borang soal selidik dan pemerhatian sebagai instrumen kajian. Sejumlah 218 orang responden yang terdiri daripada komuniti tempatan di sekitar Taman Kinabalu terlibat dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tahap penglibatan komuniti tempatan dalam pembangunan pelancongan gunung di Taman Kinabalu adalah tinggi. Manakala bentuk penglibatan pula menunjukkan kebanyakan responden terlibat dalam dalam keusahawanan pelancongan seperti mengusahakan perkhidmatan penginapan, restoran dan mengusahakan perkhidmatan berkaitan mendaki gunung. Bagaimanapun skor yang lebih rendah direkodkan terhadap peluang mendapatkan kontrak perniagaan dan perkhidmatan dengan pihak pengurusan Taman Kinabalu seperti perkhidmatan keselamatan, pembersihan dan baik pulih bangunan. Dari segi implikasi dasar pula, semua pihak pemegang taruh terutamanya pihak kerajaan perlu peka dengan keterlibatan komuniti tempatan dan merancang strategi yang holistik bagi meningkatkan lagi penglibatan komuniti tempatan dalam pembangunan pelancongan gunung di Taman Kinabalu. Sebagai intiha, hasil kajian ini penting kepada pembuat dasar khususnya Taman-Taman Sabah, Lembaga Pelancongan Sabah dan Kementerian Pelancongan, Kebudayaan dan Alam Sekitar Negeri Sabah.

Kata Kunci: Pelancongan Gunung, Komuniti Tempatan, Tahap dan Bentuk Penglibatan

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI330

Nama Produk : Excessive Food Distribution Service

Penyelidik : Nethiyaprasath A/L Tanasinggam Fakhrul Adli Bin Mohd Zaki

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Food is an essential need for human being in this world. In order to reduce food wastage which causes many impacts to area of entire life cycle, sustainable food management is very important. By applying the sustainable management of food, we can experience benefits. For example, food producers can reduce the cost of disposing waste food produced on daily basis. We also can help to those who do not have enough food to consume especially in pandemic situation like this by providing support by giving out those excessive food rather than disposing it away. In Malaysia there are numerous number of food production areas such as restaurants, hotels, catering services, food retailers and many more. Food management system is a platform that was designed to support maintenance of food production until the phase that it will be no longer in use and disposed. This type of platform is useful to reduce unnecessary wastage of food due to various reasons. Therefore, a system was designed to contribute to the sustainable management on waste food. This web-based application is called Excessive Food Distribution Service. The service is mainly to distribute excess food which produced by the food producers. This web-based application also will be a medium for those who intended to donate food for the needy people around them.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI331

Nama Produk : Easy-Go Community Development Tool (Intelligent Spatial Decision Support System for Community Development)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mohd Khairul Amri Bin Kamarudin Prof. Dr. Wan Abd Aziz Bin Wan Mohd Amin Dr. Wan Nor Jazmina Binti Wan Ariffin Dr. Mohamad Asmawi Bin Ibrahim Dr. Wan Nor Azilawanie Binti Tun Ismail Nur Ili Hasmida Binti Mustaffa Naime Mohd Nawawi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Technological sophistication plays a key role in a life that can facilitate daily life as an example in performing tasks and making decisions. Decision support system (DSS) is an information platform system to assist the authorities and a non-governmental organization in monitoring and making decisions in a matter. It has clearly defined end user with a problem such as it solved predetermined problem. It implements expertise to interpret and assess, and finally provide a synopsis or summary of the relevant information in a format that is intelligible to the decision maker. Ideally it use appropriate and comfortable language, and provides any necessary visualization and documentation. This system application was attached with the geographic information system (GIS) technology to manipulate each quality of life data for community development and information of that area using the spatial analysis process. In this product, the spatial analysis process produces a fully informative map that describes the scale of the quality of life and need analysis to the best community development where it can help the authorities to make decision in action plans, assistance and so on more clearly, specifically and systematically. It also allow user to solve complex location-oriented problems and better understand where and what is occurring in the area. Using the spatial analysis, user can combine information from many independent sources and derive new sets of information by applying a sophisticated set of spatial operators. The integration of community development data and IR 4.0 tools will be use in this product such as integrations with google earth in any gadget to show the real time location for all the data. With a low cost and easy access, this product can help authorities and a non-governmental organization be more alerts and informed directly about their area’s environment from time to time, and can influence them to become more productive.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI334

Nama Produk : E-FormulaOne English Camp Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Kamariah Binti Yunus Dr. Shafawati Binti Ahmad Sani Pn. Nursalina Binti Ismail Pn. Wahidah Binti Wahid En. Hishamuddin Bin Salim Pn. Mahani Binti Mohamad

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Acquiring English is always considered as challenging, particularly to students learning English as a second Language. There are many factors contributed to this phenomenon, including the English language itself, the first language, cultural barriers, and education. Malaysian students have spent more than eleven years learning English language; however, it was reported that Malaysia drops in global English proficiency ranking rated by Education First (EF) English Proficiency Index after Singapore and the Phillipines. The Ministry of Education of Malaysia (MoHE) also reported the statistics of 3,500,000 students in Malaysia who do not meet the minimum English proficiency required from secondary school graduates. This figure represents the low performing students who will enter colleges and universities later. Serious efforts have been made at the national and university levels to enhance English language proficiency among students. English Language Carnival, for example, is a biannual English language programme initiated by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia to meet the end, in addition to various intensive English programs and language camps held at the English language centre or English department of each Malaysian university. Many English language activities were designed and created to make them fun and interesting for students as a means of motivating them to learn English. However, despite efforts made, many Malaysian university students have still not reached an advanced English proficiency level aspired by MoHE, as evident in Malaysian University English Test (MUET). Reaching an advanced level of English (MUET Band 4 to 6) is indeed very necessary for the students’ success to meet the demands required of them in the current competitive job markets. Hence, E- FormulaOne English Camp (E-FOEC) is a module designed as an online creative approach to enhance students’ interests in learning English language through integration of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This module is specifically designed for pre service teachers at diploma level to accelerate their English language proficiency to advanced level. The module is equipped with online language games, plays, and chants, as well as innovative online teaching and motivational workshops to equip students with sufficient pedagogical knowledge and to enhance their self-esteem. Besides, this E-FOEC module is one of its kind to fit the experience of learning English with fun and engaging during the pandemic, for all of the activities are done online. Such activities are significant to strengthen the government policy on English language reform in Malaysia to embrace the new language curriculum, and to ensure quality young Malaysian English language education in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. It also supports Malaysia aims to achieve the Malaysia Education Blueprint (2013-2025), as well as the Malaysia English Language Roadmap (2015-2025), in which English language proficiency is globally measured through Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This leads to important questions about the positions of English language proficiency among young learners and intervention strategies to help low-performing students.

Keywords: E-FormulaOne English Camp, module, innovation, English language

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI335

Nama Produk : Aplikasi Pendidikan Khalifah Ulul Albab (e-KUA) Bagi Pemantapan Sahsiah Holistik

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Rahimah Binti Embong Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Shafiee Bin Hamzah Azhar Bin Yaacob Dr. Nik Murshidah Binti Nik Din Normila Binti Noruddin @ Che Ahmad Nurul Amirah Binti Alias Huda Afiqah Binti Hashim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Aplikasi pendidikan Khalifah Ulul Albab atau dikenali sebagai e-KUA merupakan satu platform pendidikan integratif yang bertujuan membantu proses pemantapan sahsiah holistik dalam kalangan pelajar Muslim di Malaysia. e-KUA mengandungi lima tema utama iaitu Kepimpinan Khalifah, Fenomena Cakerawala, Fenomena Flora dan Fauna, Fenomena Manusia dan Cinta Allah. E-KUA juga memfokuskan tadabbur dua surah pilihan tema iaitu Surah Al-Kahfi dan Surah Al-Rahman. Tahun 2020 merupakan tahun signifikan yang menjadi titik tolak ke arah kerancakan pembelajaran secara maya akibat impak Pandemik Covid-19 di seluruh dunia. Justeru, penggunaan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran menjadi satu keperluan yang mendesak bagi para pelajar dan pengajar. Aplikasi e-KUA ini mampu menawarkan pembelajaran alternatif yang berinovatif dengan penggunaan teknologi terkini yang mengintegrasikan teknologi realiti terimbuh (Augmented Reality) dan juga mengaplikasikan medium MOBINCUBE. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan pakej pengisian bermanfaat yang mesra pengguna dengan sekali akses melalui sambungan internet. Aplikasi e-KUA dijangka akan merancakkan lagi industri pendidikan 4.0 yang boleh membantu proses pembentukan personaliti holistik dari segi aspek rohani, emosi, intelektual, jasmani, personal, sosial dan profesionalisme.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI336

Nama Produk : Modul Suka Jawi (MSJ) Bagi Murid Lemah Jawi

Penyelidik : Rasyidah Binti Ibrahim Prof. Madya Dr. Rahimah Binti Embong Prof. Dr. Basri Bin Ibrahim Dr. Hanif Bin Md Lateh @ Junid Dr. Firdaus Khairi Bin Abdul Kadir Dr. Noorsafuan Bin Che Noh Huda Afiqah Binti Hashim Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Produk inovasi yang dihasilkan adalah “Modul Suka Jawi (MSJ) yang mengintegrasikan modul dengan aplikasi teknologi AR iaitu Augmented Reality atau Realiti Terimbuh supaya dapat dijalinkan dengan simulasi maya. MSJ ini terhasil berasaskan pencapaian Jawi di sekolah yang rendah yang disimpulkan sebagai kurang memuaskan dan masalah lemah jawi masih berlarutan. MSJ ini diadaptasi daripada modul pengajaran oleh Sidek dan Jamaludin (2005) dan Modul kesedaran Hati oleh Shahril (2012). Pra pembinaan modul adalah

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menerusi satu kajian ke atas sampel sebanyak 60 orang murid lemah jawi Tahun 2 hingga 6 dari Sekolah Kebangsaan Marang Terengganu. Sampel dipilih berdasarkan pencapaian kurang 40% iaitu berada pada gred D dan E dalam ujian sumatif 2015. MSJ dibina untuk membantu masalah penguasaan Jawi di sekolah rendah. MSJ telah disahkan tiga orang pakar dalam bidang pendidikan yang menyokong kebolehgunaan modul ini. Ketekalan MSJ turut diperoleh menerusi data temu bual guru yang menunjukkan tahap kebolehgunaan MSJ adalah tinggi dan sesuai dijadikan modul pemulihan jawi. Produk inovasi ini turut diuji dari aspek penerimaan dalam kalangan sampel kajian. Ujian ke atas sampel dari aspek penerimaan MSJ menatijahkan penerimaan murid terhadap modul MSJ adalah tinggi. Justeru, produk ini mempunyai potensi untuk diangkat sebagai modul yang diterbitkan untuk kegunaan di sekolah rendah bagi mengatasi masalah penguasaan Jawi. Selain itu, aplikasi MSJ telah didaptasi untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran di rumah (PdPR) seiring dengan pandemik Covid 19. Melangkah lebih jauh, produk ini dirancang untuk diperkenalkan kepada pihak berkepentingan khususnya Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Seiring juga dengan kebergantungan pada IR4.0, produk ini akan ditambah upaya sebagai produk -pembelajaran di masa hadapan.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI337

Nama Produk : Modul Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Arudh (i-'ARUDH)

Penyelidik : Dr. Nik Murshidah Binti Nik Din Prof. Madya Dr. Rahimah Binti Embong Dr. Roslan Bin Ab Rahman Dr. Noor Eliza Binti Abdul Rahman Dr. Nooraihan Binti Ali Normila Binti Noruddin @ Che Ahmad Noor Anida Binti Awang

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Aplikasi pembelajaran ARUDH (i-'Arudh) merupakan satu aplikasi alternatif bagi memudahkan proses pembelajaran ilmu arudh yang merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu linguistik Arab. Di Malaysia, ilmu ini diajarkan kepada pelajar diploma dan ijazah bahasa Arab di seluruh institusi pengajian tinggi samada awam mahupun swasta yang menawarkan kursus bahasa Arab dan sastera. Subjek ini juga merupakan subjek wajib bagi peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM). Aplikasi ini merupakan satu alternatif untuk diguna pakai oleh pihak universiti, sekolah, konsultan atau pusat tuisyen yang komited dalam menjalankan aktiviti pengajaran bahasa Arab di Malaysia. Usaha ini bermatlamat menjadikan ilmu arudh sebagai ilmu yang menarik untuk dipelajari dan dengan dengan hati pelajar. Tambahan pula, ledakan arus revolusi industri 4.0 yang menuntut kesepaduan usaha dengan kepelbagaian inovasi dengan aplikasi dan teknologi terkini. Justeru, i-'Arudh ini diperkenalkan dengan mengetengahkan tiga tema utama iaitu mukawwanat arudh, buhur arudh dan irama arudh. Aplikasi i-'Arudh mengintegrasikan aplikasi teknologi AR iaitu Augmented Reality atau Realiti Terimbuh supaya dapat dijalinkan dengan simulasi maya. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu menerangkan kesemua tema dalam ilmu Arudh dengan lebih jelas dan menarik. iARUDH memberi panduan tentang makna, konsep dan cadangan irama bagi setiap buhur supaya pembelajaran Arudh menjadi menarik, mudah dihayati dan dilaksanakan secara praktikal.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI338

Nama Produk : Model Of Holistic Islamic Education (M-HIE): An Integrative Educational Application For Muslim Educators

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Rahimah Binti Embong Prof. Madya Dr. Nadhirah Binti Nordin Dr. Nik Murshidah Binti Nik Din Rosmalizawati Binti Abd. Rashid Dr. Zuraidah Juliana Binti Mohamad Yusoff Zaiton Binti Mustafa Huda Afiqah Binti Hashim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The model of Holistic Islamic Education (M-HIE) is an integrative educational application to facilitate the Muslim educators in understanding what is holistic Islamic education? The impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the global pandemic of Covid-19 demands integration with various information and applications via internet networking. Hence, this M-HIE offers innovative alternative learning with the use of the latest technology that integrates augmented reality technology (Augmented Reality) to stimulate virtual learning. It also applies the native apps of MOBINCUBE using mobile device and cab be used off-line (without an Internet connection). M- HIE is designed with aims, goals and objectives that balance between realistic and idealistic concerns. The main goal of HIE is to develop an Islamic holistic personality which is well-balanced and comprehensive. M-HIE delineates the educational philosophy that comprises seven essential components and integral elements. HIE promotes a balance between informative and transformative orientation which are complementary to each other. The integration of both informative and transformative orientations has resulted in an integrative method of HIE which is designed to realize the transformation of self, society and the world. This model incorporates four complementary Islamic educational methodologies (the 4-Ts), namely Ta‘līm (academic teaching), Tarbiyah (social enhancement), Ta’dīb (self-discipline) and Tahfīz (Qur’anic preservation). These methodologies give positive effects on the educational processes and outcomes. This product is a research output of Fundamental Research Grant Scheme Remodeling Islamic Integrated Curriculum (IIC): A Holistic Framework for Human Development in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions, M-HIE is expected to give clear understanding about the concept of holistic Islamic education and it will give a significant implication in holistic human development for Muslim Education.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI339

Nama Produk : Sistem Pengesanan Kaedah Pengajaran Bagi Murid Berkeperluan Khas (SPKP_MBK)

Penyelidik : Nik Yusanida Binti Nik Daud Prof Madya Dr Rahimah Binti Embong Prof Dr Mustafa Bin Mamat Ts Dr Hasiah Binti Mohamed @ Omar Dr Abdullah Bin Ibrahim Mohamad Saiful Firdaus Singah Huda Afiqah Binti Hashim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Sistem Pengesanan Kaedah Pengajaran Bagi Pelajar Berkeperluan Khas (SPKP_MBK) merupakan satu sistem yang dibangunkan untuk membantu guru mengesan kaedah pengajaran berdasarkan gaya pembelajaran yang gemari bersesuaian dengan ketidakupayaan Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK). SPKP_MBK juga dapat membantu mengenapasti isu semasa yang dialami, mengenal pasti perkembangan, menentukan tahap pembelajaran semasa dan membantu guru dalam pelaksanaan Rancangan Pendidikan Individu (RPI). Pembangunan SPKP_MBK dijalankan secara sistematik menggunakan pendekatan penyelidikan Design and Development Research (DDR) yang mengandungi tiga fasa iaitu fasa analisis, rekabentuk dan penilaian. SPKP_MBK ini boleh dicapai dengan mudah menggunakan sebarang peranti yang mempunyai akses internet sama ada komputer atau telefon mudah alih tanpa memerlukan sebarang aplikasi tambahan. Pengguna boleh memilih untuk mengenal pasti kaedah pengajaran dari aspek perkembangan kognitif, bahasa dan komunikasi, tingkah laku, sosioemosi, motor kasar atau motor halus. Pengguna hanya perlu memasukkan beberapa maklumat penilaian MBK untuk membolehkan sistem mengumpul data secara sistematik sebelum keputusan kaedah pengajaran dihasilkan. Penghasilan keputusan kaedah pengajaran oleh sistem adalah berdasarkan kesepakatan pakar pelbagai disiplin yang terdiri daripada pakar psikologi, pensyarah pendidikan khas, pegawai Bahagian Pendidikan Khas (BPK), ahli terapi carakerja dan guru pendidikan khas yang sukar dikumpulkan dalam satu masa untuk membuat keputusan berkenaan pembelajaran MBK. Oleh itu, pengguna SPKP_MBK ini tidak memerlukan pengetahuan yang luas dan kepakaran yang tinggi dalam proses pengajaran MBK kerana setiap keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh sistem telah pun disahkan oleh pakar dalam pelbagai disiplin. Penilaian terhadap kebolehgunaan SPKP_MBK telah dijalankan kepada 34 orang guru pendidikan khas. Hasil penilaian menunjukkan SPKP_MBK telah mencapai tahap kebolehgunaan keseluruhan bagi setiap elemen kebergunaan (87.35%), mudah diguna (84.89 %), mudah dipelajari (86.47 %) dan kepuasan (87.45 %). Selain guru, ibu bapa dan penjaga yang memiliki anak berkeperluan khas pembelajaran turut mendapat manfaat dari penggunaan SPKP_MBK ini. SPKP_MBK akan memberi panduan kepada ibu bapa dan penjaga untuk membantu pembelajaran MBK di rumah terutamanya semasa negara menghadapi pendemik Covid-19 yang menghadkan proses pembelajaran bersemuka bersama guru.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI340

Nama Produk : Web Programming Learning Assistant

Penyelidik : Dr. Wan Mohd Amir Fazamin bin Wan Hamzah En. Mohd Kamir bin Yusof Ts. Dr. Ismahafezi bin Ismail En. Azwa bin Abdul Aziz Dr. Wan Aezwani binti Wan Abu Bakar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The virtual learning environment allows users to access learning content at any time. They can use the Learning Management System to access learning videos, read notes, and post questions in discussion forums. Users can post questions about learning content on discussion forums or chatrooms. However, users often to wait a long time to get a response. They are also not sure if their questions will be answered or not. The use of internet search engines for learning content is not helpful because learning content on the internet is different from their syllabus. Therefore, we developed the Web Programming Learning Assistant (WeLast) to solve the problem. WeLast is a Chatbot mobile app for learning that specifics to Web Programming learning content. WeLast will response all the questions with an immediate response in real-time.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI343

Nama Produk : ViReL: Online Virtual Reality (OVR) Platform For Project-Based Course Meeting

Penyelidik : Dr. Ireana Yusra Binti Abdul Fatah Dr. Muhammad Firdaus Asyraf Bin Abdul Halim Yap Addy Putra Bin Md Zulkifli Dr. Wan Omar Ali Saifuddin Bin Wan Ismail Nik Ahmad Firdaus Bin Nik Wan Razwan Bin Rohimi Nurul Nabihah Binti Abdullah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The current pandemic situation has seriously affected many important sectors, including the academic institution. As Malaysian are adapting to the new norm of teaching and learning (T&L) process, the academicians struggle to identify and use the effective online virtual platform (OVP) for their T&L session. However, despites of many available OVP, it seems that the limitation and challenges of the common online platform are including real-time interaction, real-like activity and immersive environment especially for project-based courses. Thus, choosing the alternate OVP with the features of virtual reality (VR) accessibility can provide us with a better T&L experience. The VR technology is relatively new in the educational field, but the development of a few VR application, are accessible for the T&L session. Mozilla Hub is one of the OVP that featuring the cross- platform interaction and enable the user to connect through various devices including VR headset. The hub features the virtual setting of a meeting space; and these features becoming more interactive and immersive with the use of VR head-mount display (HMD). The

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demonstration of using the Mozilla Hub has been done by the researcher with a group of diploma students and during the CAID subject previously. Based from the demonstration and experience, we have created the early module for the integration of VR in the T&L process. The main goal of this module is to introduce an interactive and immersive T&L environment for student focusing in the project- based courses. Students will able to explore and experience part of the internet of things (IoT) technology, and this application could assist them in facing the industrial revolution (IR 4.0). It can be concluded that by integrating the online platform of virtual reality e-learning (ViReL) module in the project-based course; the interactive, immersive and collaborative discussion can be accessed anywhere.

Keyword(s): Virtual Reality e-Learning, Project-Based Course, Online Virtual Reality

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI346


Penyelidik : Dr. Mohd Syaiful Nizam Abu Hassan Ts. Dr. Ismahafezi B. Ismail Mohd Usairi Bin Mohamed Zainuddin Prof. Dr. Lukman @ Zawawi Mohamad Prof. Madya Dr Mohamad Razali Abdullah Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin Dr. Ahmad Bisyri Husin Musawi Maliki

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Our innovation is basically a board game based on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Awareness. COVID-19 Info-Soc-Innovation board game is an effort to raise awareness and reduce the misinformation and the lack of information received during a health crisis that can create paranoia, fear, and stigma, and result in people not being protected or doing things that can hurt themselves and others. The outbreak has also left many people feeling worried, isolated, lonely and stressed. The finding from my research showed that many people are worried and anxious right now – and in difficult times people sometimes share incorrect or inaccurate information. Often, they are not doing this on purpose and are trying to be helpful – they simply don’t know where to find the correct information. There is no excuse for discrimination or xenophobia during a disease outbreak – or in any situation. COVID-19 can affect anyone and everyone regardless where they come from, what they look like, or how old they are. COVID-19 does not discriminate, nor should our response. More than ever, we all need to raise awareness, build solidarity, support each other, and be kind. This game is adapted from the board game which is a tabletop game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules. Like others game, this game has a goal that a player needs to achieve. All players need to scan the board and answer the question that shows on their phone, and if they answered the questions correctly, they will get a chance to solve the puzzle. They will be considered as a winner if they can complete all the puzzles. All the questions are referring to the basic informations of COVID-19 and additional information about COVID-19 can be seen in the puzzle. The aim of our innovation is for the player to increase their knowledge about COVID-19 in a very

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enjoyable way. One of the greatest benefits of playing a board game is the fun that comes from the social interaction during the games. Our target group is public including primary, secondary and university students. By playing this game, we can see their level of awareness about COVID-19. It can help individual, family, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Ministry of Education and also other agencies to spread the awareness of COVID-19 among public. If all parties are involved in spreading the awareness, it will help in preventing and reducing the risk of COVID-19 in the future. Therefore, a person with COVID-19 can do early detection where they may increase the chances for recovery. In our game, we use Augmented Reality (AR). AR is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory. An augogram is a computer generated image that is used to create AR. Augography is the science and practice of making augograms for AR. AR can be defined as a system that fulfills three basic features; a combination of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction and accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects. The overlaid sensory information can be constructive (additive to the natural environment), or destructive (masking of the natural environment).This experience is seamlessly interwoven with the physical world such that it is perceived as an immersive aspect of the real environment. In this way, augmented reality alters one's ongoing perception of a real-world environment, whereas virtual reality completely replaces the user's real-world environment with a simulated one. Augmented reality is related to two largely synonymous terms: mixed reality and computer- mediated reality.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI348

Nama Produk : Gamifikasi Makhraj Huruf

Penyelidik : Dr Azizul Hassan Prof Madya Dr Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus Wan Khairuldin Dr Abdul Hanis Embong Mohd Mustaffami Imas Dr Wan Khairul Aiman Mokhtar Hannan Fatini Bt Md Reshad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Makhraj huruf adalah salah satu perkara asas yang perlu dipenuhi dalam pembacaan al-Quran secara bertajwid. Makhraj huruf adalah tempat keluarnya sebutan huruf bagi tujuan membaca al-Quran. Kelemahan sebutan ini dikenalpasti berdasarkan kepada kejian-kajian lepas. Bagi memudahkan pembelajaran berkaitan makhraj, satu permainan papan direka, permainan ini berasaskan kepada dam dapat membantu pembelajaran secara interaktif bagi setiap lapisan masyarakat.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI349

Nama Produk : Anbiya' Fun Card

Penyelidik : Dr Azizul bin Hassan Prof Madya Dr Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus bin Wan Khairuldin Dr Hanis Embong Hannan Fatini Bt Md Reshad Mohd Mustaffami Imas

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Kad Anbiya' merupakan satu permainan mudah dalam bentuk kad. Pada setiap kad terdapat gambar sebagai ikon bagi setiap anbiya'. Pengetahuan tentang para anbiya secara asas, masih kurang diberi perhatian dan pembelajaran yang sedia ada lebih kepada bentuk penceritaan yang kurang membantu para pelajar mengingati kisah para anbiya'. Oleh itu, permainan kad yang mudah ini mampu membantu para pelajar mengetahui serta mengingati kisah para anbiya dengan mudah dan seronok.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI350

Nama Produk : E-Chemtoon: An Interactive Teaching Tool For Students' Understanding in Electrochemistry

Penyelidik : Dr. Azrilawani Ahmad Madam Rosyati Abdul Rashid

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Conceptual difficulties and misconceptions in chemistry, particularly in electrochemistry are a major concern, especially in the concepts of electrolytes, redox reactions, as well as galvanic and electrolytic cells. The problem of misconceptions has become more critical when students have to acquire science concepts in a second language. One way to improve students’ understanding in an abstract subjects is by providing them with visual learning and teaching, which helps students to engage better with the subjects they learned. To overcome the misconceptions about electrochemistry in university level and high school students, this study was designed to develop a partial flipped learning, via introduction of comic series and discussion among peers using interactive magnetic story board. In this research, a partially classroom model was introduced in order to improve student engagement, and avoid the misconception in galvanic cell topic. A group of students was selected in this study, consisting of approximately 80 students of third year BSc. (Chemical Sciences), UMT. Before class, the students were given digital comic (online), and they learned about these topics through comic reading. The in-class sessions were designed to promote students’ engagement with interactive learning activities. During the session, students need to practice and apply their understanding to their peers and lecturer by presenting their concepts through interactive magnetic story board and a test was given to measure students’ performance in electrochemistry. Data gathered from this study showed that 97 % of the students agreed that interactive board helps them to have a visual explanation on galvanic cell. This study also provides strong empirical evidence on the effectiveness of using the comic and interactive story

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board for electrochemistry teaching and learning. The new teaching innovation introduced in this study enabled students to understand electrochemistry and be able to apply it in their daily life.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI351

Nama Produk : Kerelevanan Pulau Pangkor Sebagai Destinasi Pelancongan Selam Skuba

Penyelidik : Dr. Mohamad Pirdaus bin Yusoh Prof. Madya Dr. Jabil Mapjabil Pn. Nurhazliyana Hanafi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Terdapat tiga isu utama yang mendasari permasalahan kajian ini iaitu sejauh mana kesahihan Pulau Pangkor sebagai destinasi pelancongan selam skuba di Malaysia dan isu kekeliruan tentang status sebenar Pulau Pangkor sebagai destinasi pelancongan selam skuba di Malaysia berdasarkan promosi agensi pelancongan dan penjualan cenderahati serta kajian lepas yang dijalankan oleh sarjana tempatan. Bagi mendapatkan kesahihan tersebut, beberapa pihak berkepentingan dijadikan responden kajian, iaitu pelancong asing, penduduk tempatan dan pengusaha resort. Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti ciri-ciri tarikan pelancong ke Pulau Pangkor berdasarkan persepsi pelancong asing dan komuniti tempatan, meneliti keterlibatan komuniti tempatan dalam pembangunan pelancongan dan tahap pengetahuan mereka terhadap pelancongan selam skuba. Seterusnya, meneliti sama ada aktiviti tersebut merupakan ciri tarikan yang mendorong pelancong antarabangsa berkunjung ke Pulau Pangkor berdasarkan ciri tarikan yang dinyatakan dan penawaran perkhidmatan aktiviti selam skuba oleh pengusaha hotel dan resort di sana. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan disokong oleh pendekatan kualitatif. Kaedah kajian yang digunakan adalah temu bual bersemuka dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik, pemerhatian dan temu bual mendalam. Dapatan kajian terhadap 125 orang pelancong asing, 179 orang komuniti tempatan dan 42 buah hotel dan resort menunjukkan Pulau Pangkor tidak relevan sebagai sebuah destinasi selam skuba. Ketiga-tiga pihak berkepentingan ini memberikan respon yang negatif terhadap permasalahan kajian ini. Bagi pelancong asing, ciri tarikan utama yang dinyatakan adalah pantai dan laut serta alam sekitar yang menarik iaitu sebanyak 71.4%. Temu bual komuniti tempatan pula menunjukkan bahawa Pulau Pangkor tidak popular sebagai destinasi selam skuba iaitu sebanyak 52.0% dan analisis resort mendapati penawaran pakej berkaitan selam skuba hanya dijalankan oleh empat buah resort daripada 42 resort dan hotel yang terdapat di pulau ini, itupun disediakan jika ada permintaan. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan selam skuba tidak popular sebagai tarikan pelancongan di sana. Justeru, hasil kajian ini menolak kenyataan Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) yang meletakkan Pulau Pangkor sebagai destinasi pelancongan selam skuba. Sebagai implikasi dasarnya, perlu ada usaha bagi menyalurkan maklumat yang tepat tentang pelancongan selam skuba di Malaysia, pemantauan berkaitan peletakan lokasi pelancongan selam skuba daripada pihak berkuasa tempatan khususnya dan Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia amnya serta penambahbaikan sektor pelancongan selam skuba sebagai salah satu tarikan utama pelancong ke Malaysia.

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Institusi/Sekolah : Kolej Matrikulasi Kelantan

ID : MPI354

Nama Produk : Quick Response Tutor

Penyelidik : Syafrian Wahdini Binti Syaflyadi Johana Binti Muhammad Noor Idrawaty Binti Shamsudin Suhaini Binti Ismail Nor Maslini Binti Ibrahim Norhafizah Binti Idris Haslina Binti Hassan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Quick Response Tutor merupakan satu apllikasi yang menggunakan aplikasi whatapps sebagai platform utma dan diintegrasikan bersama dengan aplikasi google sheets. QRT ini menggabugkan teknologi yang berasaskan Machine Learning dan menggunakan pendekatan Artificial Intelligence. Pelajar hanya perlu memasang aplikasi Whatapps di telefon pintar mereka untuk tujuan carian bahan PdP iaitu nota kuliah, Tutorial, video Kuliah dan video yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran. QRT ini akan memberi tindakbalas yang pantas, tepat dan menjimatkan masa kerana ianya tidak memerlukan capaian data besar seperti kebiasaan melayari internet. Permintaan carian akan diproses bedasarkan kata kunci yang diminta oleh pelajar, ianya akan dipaparkan secara pantas di Platform Whatapps tanpa membuka aplikasi Browser internet dan sebagainya.

Institusi/Sekolah : Kolej Matrikulasi Kelantan

ID : MPI355

Nama Produk : PdPR Chatbot

Penyelidik : Azizan Bin Isa Sazuaranie Bin Hanapiah Dr Jaffry Bin Mohd Daud Kamaruzaman Bin Yusoff Nor Hisham Bin Ismail Mohamad Hanizan Bin Md Nor

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : PdPR Chatbot merupakan satu apllikasi Chatbots yang menggunakan teknologi yang berasaskan Machine Learning dan menggunakan pendekatan Artificial Intelligence. Chatbots ini diintergrasikan bersama aplikasi Telegram. Pelajar hanya perlu memasang aplikasi tersebut untuk tujuan carian bahan PdP iaitu nota kuliah , Tutorial,video Kuliah dan video yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran serta hasil kerja pelajar seperti nota ringkas peta minta dan sebagainya, ataupun carian Wikipedia yang menjadi pantas,tepat dan menjimatkan masa kerana ianya tidak memerlukan capaian data besar seperti kebiasaan melayari internet . Permintaan carian akan diproses oleh Chatbots dan ianya akan dipaparkan secara pantas di Platform Telegram tanpa membuka aplikasi Browser internet.

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Institusi/Sekolah : Kolej Matrikulasi Kelantan

ID : MPI356

Nama Produk : Smart Learning MCO

Penyelidik : Dr Sayed Yusoff Bin Syed Hussain Mohd Yusri Bin Abidin Mohd Ruzman Bin Mat Ali Nadzrul Iswandie Bin Che Nazir Nazri Bin Bakar Fadilah Binti Abdul Rauf

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Smart Learning MCO (Movement Control Order) ini merupakan aplikasi yang dibangunkan dengan integrasi platform Google dalam telefon pintar. Tujuan Smart Learning MCO ini adalah untuk menyediakan video pengajaran daripada pelbagai sumber termasuklah daripada pensyarah dan juga Internet. Smart Learning MCO akan menjadi alternative pembelajaran yang baru untuk membantu pelajar lebih memahami pembelajaran sekaligus mengatasi kekurangan “blended learning”. Cabaran-cabaran bagi “blended learning” yang berlaku apabila pensyarah tidak dapat meneruskan pembelajaran secara bersemuka serta bahan pembelajaran di atas talian tidak menepati kesesuaian pelajar. Oleh itu, Smart Learning MCO ini dapat membantu pelajar mengatasi masalah tersebut sepanjang pembelajaran norma baharu ini.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI359

Nama Produk : E-Tajwid

Penyelidik : Mohd Mustaffami Imas Prof.Madya Dr.Wan Mohd Khairul Firdaus b Wan Khairuldin Dr Azizul Hassan Dr Wan Khairul Aiman B Wan Mokhtar Dr Abdul Hanis b Embong Ahmad Zamani bin nawi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pembelajaran tajwid al-Quran sangat penting bagi muslim. Tajwid merupakan salah satu ilmu yang memerlukan guru untuk mengesahkan bacaan. Hal ini kerana tajwid al-Quran menggunakan lisan atau pertuturan bagi menyebut dengan tepat bacaan al-Quran tersebut. Kebanyakan buku-buku tajwid di pasaran hanya menjelaskan secara teori cara bacaan tersebut dan memerlukan guru yang berasingan untuk menjelaskannya. Dengan kemajuan teknologi, augmented reality boleh digunakan bagi menyelesaikan masalah ini. TajweedAR ini adalah aplikasi telefon bimbit yang menjelaskan tentang sebutan dan penerangan secara interaktif dan berkesan. Aplikasi ini disertakan dengan satu buku tajwid interaktif QuranikInfografik yang meringkaskan teori-teori umum tajwid al-Quran secara bergambar dan interaktif.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI360

Nama Produk : My-IIECT®: A novel tool to determine Institutional and Interpersonal, Economical, Cultural and Technology Factors in Service sector SMEs in Malaysia towards Globalization

Penyelidik : Mavra Riaz Atif Dr Mazuri Abd Ghani

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : My-IICET is a novel tool, constructed keeping in mind the factors effecting the globalization of services small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. keeping in mind the Increasing trends of globalization and the effort government is putting in to encourage the SMEs to trade globally so as, to increase the foreign reserves and economical upraise towards standard of living at individual level. In Malaysia, SMEs are considered as the backbone of economy and among SMEs, service sector is the largest contributor in terms of economic activities. There is no proper tool available till date, to assess the factors affecting the globalization process of service sector SMEs. To identify those factors different search engines were used to analyze previous literature, besides publications and archives of ASEAN, EU, World Bank, CIA Country fact book, SME Corp Malaysia, Department of Statics Malaysia and Ministry of International trade and industry’s databases were used to measure and compare the facts and figures around the globe so as to define relationship between these factors and SMEs globalization decisions for a firm gap analysis. A total of 2050 studies were selected, and four factors namely Interpersonal and institutional, cultural, economical and technological factors were shortlisted as per their significant effect on globalization of service SME’s in Malaysia. This tool was constructed (Malay and English version) with a total of 80 items subdivided into a total of 6 domains (sections). The reliability and content validity (inclusive of face validity) was performed and questionnaire was distributed for its validity to a total of 45 subjects from different SMEs in service sector (Cronbach’s alpha = > 0.7 for all items as per Likert scale). Currently the data is being analysed to identify the factors in real time scenario in Malaysian Service SMEs. The tool will be helpful for all SME managers/owners and decision makers to help decide in managing the SMEs jourrey towards globalization. With its high commercialization potential, this tool which is available as a website and as a android app for Malaysia and even can be used globally, and will be proposed to the SME crop Malaysia (central coordinating agency, under the ministry of Entrepreneur Development Malaysia) for having ideal input to help ministry and country economical uplift through SMEs strengthening.

Keywords: My-IIECT, Globalization, service SMEs, Malaysia, , Service sector globalization

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI362

Nama Produk : Kit Metakognitif SMART Murajaah

Penyelidik : Fatimah Zaharah Ismail Ts Ahmad Farimin Ahmad Osman

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : SMART Murajaah adalah satu kit pembelajaran metakognitif atau kendiri yang berpusatkan pelajar untuk mengulang hafazan. Kit ini memudahkan para huffaz mengulang hafazan tanpa dipantau oleh individu lain. Kit ini berperanan untuk memantau murajaah secara berterusan dengan menekankan elemen-elemen SMART. Pengguna akan menetapkan sasaran murajaah secara mingguan dan membuat penilaian berdasarkan rubrik yang disertakan dalam kit ini. Setelah itu, pengguna boleh menguji hafazan dengan menjawab soalan dalam 5 jilid buku yang disertakan dalam kit ini. Pembelajaran berasaskan separa permainan ini akan menarik minat golongan huffaz. Kit SMART Murajaah akan membantu para pengguna untuk mengetahui tahap hafazan mereka dan seterusnya meningkatkan kualiti hafazan.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI365

Nama Produk : Portable T-Flash

Penyelidik : Amir bin Asmaniza Dr. Siti Norziahidayu Amzee Zamri Dr. Salmiah Jamal Mat Rosid Nurul Syazwina binti Mohd Yusran Nita Marlisa binti Suhaimi Jamilatun Natija Hanani binti Azhar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Camping is a one of popular challenge outdoor activity since it often gives a new experience to the campers. Camping also can increase vitamin D intake by exposure to the sunlight.[1] Along with tents and sleeping bags, torches are a vital part of any compete camping kit. Currently, torchlight with LED is considered as an important tool used for the campers to light their tent or outside surrounding. This is because light emitted from an ordinary torchlight is in a focused direction and incapable to brighten up the surrounding.[2] Another problem faced by camper is insect’s distraction. Mosquitoes, fire ants and wasps are the most common bugs that bite or sting campers. Therefore, an invention named ‘Portable T-Flash’ is introduced to overcome these problems. The Portable T-Flash created based on the Tyndall effect phenomenon, which there is a scattering of light as a light beam passed through a colloid.[3] Together with torchlight, there is an insect repellent that will help reduce the distraction of insects such as mosquitos and ants. The portable T-Flash is made of a light-emitting diode (LED) strip which is attached to the recyclable chocolate chip bottle, battery 9V, switch on/off, connector, hook, rope, insect repellent and colloid substance. In conclusion, this product is able to be commercialized to community especially for the campers to be used as a torchlight and insect repellent and also provide a conducive environment in the tent and outside surrounding.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI366

Nama Produk : Interactive Fardhu-Ain Islamic Class Games Application (i-KAFA)

Penyelidik : Dr. Normala binti Rahim Dr. Wan Mohd Rizhan bin Wan Idris

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Ts. Dr. Ismahafezi bin Ismail Pn. Maizan binti Mat Amin Dr. Nor Aida binti Mahiddin Dr. Elissa Nadia binti Madi Cik Rafhanah binti Ramlan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : According to Malaysia Advance Islamic Department (JAKIM), there are a total of 4,030 Islamic Schools and another 5,036 of specific Fardhu- Ain Islamic Class (KAFA) Primary Schools all over Malaysia. The KAFA purpose is to ensure that all children in that age category are able to learn and practice basic things that are necessary (fardhu) for a muslim. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of utilization of digital teaching aids, especially for KAFA learning. The significant method in this pandemic COVID-19 phenomena is to conduct teaching and learning via online. To solve this problem, Interactive Fardhu-Ain Islamic Class Games Application has been developed. The methodology used is based on User-Centered Design (UCD) model. Interactive Fardhu-Ain Islamic Class Game Application contains a board game and Augmented Reality (AR) application. The users can play the fun board game and at the same time can obtain the information via interactive cards for augmented reality. i-KAFA can attract students, especially primary school students, to motivate them to be interested in teaching and learning KAFA. In addition, this product also can help teachers in conducting teaching effectively and enjoyable.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)

ID : MPI371

Nama Produk : Industry Analysis Assessment Tool

Penyelidik : Datu Razali bin Datu Eranza Siti Hasnah binti Tanalol Prof. Dr. Jabil bin Mapjabil Andy Lee Chen Hiung Prof. Dr. Hjh Arsiah binti Hj Bahron

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The impact of COVID-19 has been particularly catastrophic for travel and tourism sector. It triggers economic recessions around the world. Local news reported that there is an increment of 778,800 unemployed individual. The situation requires small and medium enterprises in the tourism industry to reassess its current position and gauging human capital strategy to align its human capital to meet the organizational target. Industry Analysis is a market assessment tool used by businesses and analysts to understand the competitive dynamics of an industry (CFI, 2020). Porter (1979) stated that the analysis of the five forces provides impression of industry and makes analysis easier. It helps to understand how five key competitive forces are affecting an industry. Broad Factors Analysis assesses and summarizes the four macro-environmental factors – political, economic, socio-demographic (social) and technological. These factors have significant impacts on a business’s operating environment, posting opportunities and threats to the company and all of its competitors (CFI, 2020). Sammut-Bonnici and Galea (2015) stated that it is a powerful and widely used tool for understanding strategic risk, that identifies the changes and the effects of the external macro environment on a firm’s competitive position. Business managers would need to seek to understand external factors and evaluate how business models will have to evolve to adapt to the

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environment. The proposed innovation is an online industry analysis (self-)assessment tool, that is accessible by business managers at all time to comprehend their current organizational settings. This web- based innovation is a business social innovation which is described by The World Economic Forum as the application, practical, sustainable, business-like approaches that achieve positive social and/or environmental change. This submission is funded under Universiti Malaysia Sabah internal grant SDK0282-2020 Post Covid-19 Industry Analysis and Human Capital Assessment in Sabah Tourism Small and Medium Enterprises.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI372

Nama Produk : TTube: An Alternative Assessment Platform for Teacher Trainees

Penyelidik : Dr. Zailani binti Jusoh Dr. Nor Azikin binti Mohd Omar Salina binti Ismail Dr. Nurshafawati binti Ahmad Sani Shahzool Hazimin bin Azizam Nor Jijidiana binti Azmi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Teacher education programs are designed to develop teachers who are competent in their profession by equipping them with necessary skills to meet the challenges of the 21st century. One core component of this program is teaching practicum which is aimed at providing a platform to these students to experience teaching in a real life environment. Under normal situations, student-teachers are physically placed in schools whereby their performance while conducting lessons is assessed by both their academic supervisor and cooperating teacher. However, as Covid 19 pandemic has caught many by surprise, this practice of placement is no longer possible as schools are closed for all teaching and learning activities. Not being able to teach in school has affected the way assessment was made. Hence, this called for an alternative assessment to be used so that students would still be able to successfully complete their teaching practicum despite not being able to teach in person. Teaching Tube (Ttube) is seen as the best solution for student teachers to demonstrate their teaching ability. Virtual classes are conducted without the presence of students and these classes were then uploaded to this Ttube channel so that appropriate assessment could be made by the supervisors both from the faculty and industry. 96 teacher trainees from Diploma TESL UniSZA have produced their own teaching videos, examined their performance on video and reflected on the teaching performance. Based on the feedback from the faculty members, this form of assessment has been found to be very effective in assessing student teachers with 52 students obtained A- while the rest received grades B+ and below for their teaching practicum. Several feedback items indicated higher learning efficiency for self reflection with the use of teaching tube videos.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI374

Nama Produk : U-OBE : UniSZA OBE Integrated Management System

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Penyelidik : Prof. Dr. Harmy bin Mohamed Yusoff Dr. Suhailan bin Safei Dr. Ras Azira binti Ramli Dr. Mohd Salami bin Ibrahim Pn. Aida binti Othman Dr. Wan Mohd Adzim bin Wan Mohd Zain Prof. Dr. Kamarul Shukri bin Mat Teh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Outcome Based Education (OBE) emphasizes student performance through measurement of program and course outcomes. Well- articulated developed learning outcomes can provide an insight to both lecturers and students about expected knowledge or skills to achieve at the end of course. However, the most common mistake when designing a curriculum is that the intended learning outcomes are not properly aligned to teaching learning activities and assessment methods thereby raising major concern regarding the quality of student performance. Thus, redesigning traditional curriculum method is crucial to ensure students opportunity to learn is optimized and they are graded accordingly. Adding to the notion, the use of conventional documentation or paper-based document is prone to unprecedented errors and accidents including missing or misplaced documents, fires and floods. Therefore, a proper and reliable record keeping system is required and UniSZA OBE Integrated Management System (U-OBE) is developed to ensure the curriculum is well-designed to cater the intended final outcomes. The U-OBE system has four main features; flexible, integrated, automated and collaborative. It is an inclusive system that allows lecturers or subject matter experts to design curriculum based on OBE principles, that begin with a clear direction of student prospects after several years of graduation; the importance of students’ ability; and the development of thorough and well-written course learning outcomes, learning instructions and assessments. Of note, the system also integrates the online assessment platform and continuous quality improvement (CQI). Upon completion of curriculum design, a status report on detailed course information, DCI and a set of DCIs (known as table4) can be generated automatically.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI375

Nama Produk : MyBiz-i (My Business According to Islamic Principle)

Penyelidik : Associate Prof. Dr. Ahmad Azrin bin Adnan Associate Prof. Ts. Dr. Mokhairi bin Makhtar Associate Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Dr. Izzat bin Ismail Dr. Wan Mohamad Asyraf bin Wan Afthanorhan Wan Zulqarnain bin Wan Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Walaupun terdapat pelbagai program pembangunan usahawan siswa B40 yang dijalankan di universiti, impak pelaksanaannya sukar dirumuskan. Ini terbukti dengan hanya 5 peratus graduan universiti yang menjadikan keusahawanan sebagai kerjaya. Jumlah ini meliputi siswa B40. Realiti ini memperlihatkan betapa pentingnya pengukuran potensi pelajar yang terlibat dalam program pembangunan keusahawanan. Tidak semua pelajar yang terlibat dalam program pembangunan keusahawanan cenderung untuk terlibat dalam aktiviti perniagaan. Apatah lagi dalam konteks pembangunan usahawan

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siswa B40 yang diharapkan dapat membantu mereka memperbaiki kualiti hidup. MyBiz-i merupakan satu sistem penilaian secara dalam talian mengenai kecenderungan peserta menceburi keusahawanan Islam. Sistem ini mampu memantau tahap kecenderungan keusahawanan Islam peserta secara berkala sebelum dan selepas menyertai sesuatu program pembangunan keusahawanan. Oleh yang demikian, ia membantu pihak penyedia program mengenal pasti bakat dan potensi kendiri berkait dengan keusahawanan. Pembangunan sistem ini mendapat tajaan sepenuhnya daripada Maybank Islamic.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI376

Nama Produk : My Blue Sea Journal

Penyelidik : Nur Salina Ismail Dr. Normazlina Abu Bakar @Harun Dr. Azza Jauhar Ahmad Tajuddin Dr. Tengku Fara Kamilia Tengku Mohd Kamil

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE) puts a significant emphasis on improving the proficiency level of English language among students by developing numerous English programs. However, the outcomes are undesirable with the amount of investment put in. It is evident as the statistics shown by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), 45% Primary School Assessment Test (UPSR) candidates at national schools were unable to achieve the minimum mastery of knowledge and understanding of English language in Paper 1 (Understanding). A more worrying figure in English Paper 2 (Writing) shows 58.56% UPSR candidates were yet to achieve minimum mastery in vocabulary and basic writing skill. It reflects on how the learning of English is variously conceptualized in our classrooms, raising important questions about the positions of English literacy to Malaysian learners and the society in general. The exam-oriented learning culture has caused teachers to resort to traditional rote-learning and memorization methods which lead to meaningless teaching and no output. My Blue Sea Journal is invented to improve students’ writing skill. This writing journal emphasizes on enhancing writing skills through art integrated based activities and tasks. This journal is designed to promote creativity, interactive, and student-centered learning. At the end of this module, students are expected to have shared their document on an ocean literacy-based website, YouOlls. While attempting the journal writing students can access relevant information needed by retrieving the said ocean literacy website. This will increase young learners’ interest and engagement in autonomous English learning environment. Engaging in the tasks assigned allows them to be as creative as they can. It was also found that these young learners are no longer facing anxiety to put down their thoughts into writing thus motivate them to learn English language. We have planned to establish partnership with government and private schools as this extended essential English resource tool enables teachers and students’ in accessing additional learning aids.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI377

Nama Produk : e-Warga Tani (Platform Digital Sebagai Produk Inovasi Sosial Bagi Penyelarasan Maklumat dan Komunikasi Warga Tani)

Penyelidik : Dr. Mohamad Asmawi Bin Ibrahim Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mohd Khairul Amri Bin Kamarudin Prof. Dr. Wan Abd Aziz Bin Wan Mohd Amin Dr. Mohamad Hafis Bin Amat Simin Dr. Mohd Syaiful Nizam Bin Abu Hassan Dr. Wan Nor Jazmina Binti Wan Ariffin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu sektor ekonomi penting yang menyumbang kepada pembangunan komuniti di Malaysia. Melalui aktiviti penanaman khususnya, komuniti memperoleh pendapatan untuk memenuhi keperluan sosioekonomi mereka. Namun berdasarkan pemerhatian, terdapat beberapa halangan yang terpaksa dihadapi oleh warga tani untuk menjalankan aktiviti pertanian. Antaranya petani tidak memperoleh pendapatan yang lumayan kerana hasil penanaman yang dijual terlalu rendah disebabkan lambakan hasil. Petani juga cenderung dimanipulasi oleh orang tengah yang mendapat keuntungan berganda daripada jualan hasil pertanian mereka. Sehubungan itu, sejajar dengan kemunculan gelombang teknologi baharu yang dikenali sebagai ‘Revolusi Perindustrian Keempat (Industri 4.0)’ dan era ‘ Ekonomi Digital’ maka satu platform digital khusus untuk warga tani saling berkomunikasi, menjana data raya dan pengetahuan telah dibangunkan. Platform digital e-Warga Tani yang telah dibangunkan melibatkan semua pihak berkepentingan (stakeholder) seperti pihak kerajaan, pemain industri, pemborong, penanam dan juga pengguna. Melalui platform digital yang mesra pengguna, petani memasukkan data berkaitan aktiviti penanaman yang meliputi jenis tanaman, tarikh penanaman, keluasan tanaman, lokasi dan jangkaan tarikh menuai. Pemborong dan pemain industri boleh berhubung terus dengan petani untuk membeli hasil pertanian dengan menawarkan harga semasa yang berpatutan. Ia akan mengelakkan manipulasi orang tengah yang berlapis-lapis. Pihak kerajaan khususnya Jabatan Pertanian boleh mendapatkan data dengan mudah untuk memantau aktiviti penanaman, memberi bantuan input dan juga pengetahuan secara atas digital. Petani juga boleh mengelakkan lambakan hasil dengan memantau jadual penanaman yang terdapat di kawasan lain. Platform ini juga berperanan menjadi pasar maya kerana pengguna boleh membeli dan mendapatkan hasil tanaman segar secara terus daripada ladang. Dengan itu, platform yang dibangunkan dapat memperkasa sosioekonomi warga tani melalui jualan hasil pertanian dengan harga yang tinggi, disamping memperoleh pengetahuan dan kemahiran secara atas digital. Selain itu, platform ini mewujudkan ekosistem perhubungan dalam sektor pertanian secara sistematik.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI378

Nama Produk : Infinity Ocean Story Cube

Penyelidik : Dr. Nor Mazlina Abu Bakar @ Harun Nur Salina Ismail Dr. Azza Jauhar Ahmad Tajuddin Dr. Tengku Fara Kamilia Tengku Mohd Kamil

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025 emphasizes the importance of English language in schools and introduces many innovative teaching and learning strategies to enhance students ‘English Proficiency. The Mastery of English language is essential for pupils in primary schools to gain access to information and knowledge written in English. The government is working deliberately on increasing students’ English language proficiency in order to unlock all sort of doors for students to excel in their future endeavors. In order to improve ESL students’ speaking skills, an appropriate strategy is crucial in teaching-learning process. Based on the Primary School Assessment Report for 2019, the level of English Proficiency of students in schools shows 14.87% of primary school students score E and still have not reached the minimum level in mastery of knowledge and understanding of language system and vocabulary. While 15.5 % of students are still incompetent in English language. This shows that the primary students need more opportunities to use and practice English language in a more relaxed environment. Hence, Infinity Ocean Story Cube, is a speaking game introduced to enhance students’ speaking competency. It designed for all ages of the community; young learners to adult community and it can be used informally with friends and family at home. This story game is simple and can be re-used or adapted to be used in many different environments or contexts. It offers a fun-filled, relaxed environment where they can practise using new words and are free to express themselves. It is a simple, very adaptable game which can be used at home or with friends, or in the work environment to increase collaboration and stimulate creative thinking. Many studies have proven that children can benefit a lot from playtime. It also helps the children to be more socially confident and may be a way to forge friendships. Participating in such recreational activities is an effective way to develop language and communication skills which is in line with The Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI379

Nama Produk : Jamboarding Your Ideas: A Brainstorming Tool in ESL Pre- Writing Activity

Penyelidik : Dr. Nurshafawati binti Ahmad Sani Nor Jijidiana binti Azmi Dr. Siti Zanariah binti Yusoff Mohd Faradi bin Mohamed Ghazali Nor Hafizah binti Abdullah Nazilah binti Mohamad

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Writing in English as Second Language (ESL) is a process-based activity that requires interest, creativity and focus as it involves the process of recalling, comprehending, analysing and associating points and ideas. Teaching writing in a conventional pen-and-paper way is challenging for ESL instructors, let alone teaching writing through distance learning. Brainstorming, which is an essential pre-writing strategy, promotes idea generation to develop a good quality essay. Conventionally, brainstorming techniques involve face to face interaction among the students, however due to the Covid 19 pandemic, most classrooms and lectures have to be shifted to online teaching and learning utilising various digital approaches. With these changes, challenges in teaching and delivering knowledge via online are unavoidable to the majority of educators. Therefore, this teaching innovation is to propose a digital platform, specifically, the Google Jamboard to allow not only educators but also students to do brainstorming. The use of the Google Jamboard is in line with the concept of Cybergogy, where it promotes communication, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and curation among students and educators via a giant white think canvas that is available via the web through Google Drive. We have implemented the Google Jamboard on 63 Diploma of Law students who are studying English for Law this semester with two simple steps. First, we grouped the students into smaller groups that consist of a maximum five members, and each group is assigned a topic for academic blogging writing. Second, students are required to illustrate their ideas on the respective frames and their group members also need to contribute to the blank canvas. Consequently, the students have used their creativity through colourful concept maps, story writing and digital storytelling components for ESL writing. Some of the ripple effects on students are they work collaboratively, creatively and enthusiastically to complete the given task.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI384

Nama Produk : SMART INSYAK

Penyelidik : Sharifah Saidah Binti Syed Abdullah Dr. Noor Eliza Binti Abdul Rahman Prof. Madya Dr. Zulazhan Bin Ab. Halim Rusliza Binti Othman Rumaizah Binti Abdullah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Kemahiran menulis merupakan salah satu kemahiran yang paling sukar dikuasai oleh murid. Kajian menunjukkan masih ramai murid yang menghadapi kesukaran dalam penulisan karangan. Hal ini turut menyebabkan mata pelajaran Lughatul Arabiyah Mua’sirah (LAM) dianggap sebagai salah satu “killer subject”. Secara tidak langsung ia turut mempengaruhi minat dan motivasi murid terhadap mata pelajaran ini. Keadaan ini perlu ditangani segera kerana karangan merupakan antara soalan yang mengandungi markah yang paling banyak dalam menentukan kejayaan atau kegagalan seseorang murid dalam mata pelajaran tersebut. Justeru, SMART Insyak dihasilkan khusus bagi menangani masalah ini. SMART Insyak berfungsi sebagai pemudah cara dalam penulisan Insyak menengah rendah. Ia merupakan bahan bantu belajar yang sangat fleksibel kerana boleh digunakan secara optimum bagi pelbagai tajuk karangan. Perkataan SMART merujuk kepada “Sistematik” + “Mudah” + “Audio” +

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“Rangsangan” + “Teknologi”. Manakala Insyak merupakan perkataan Arab yang membawa maksud karangan. Di dalam SMART Insyak ini terkandung empat rangka asas karangan yang boleh diubahsuai oleh murid iaitu SMART Rehlah, SMART Ijabiy, SMART Salbiy dan SMART Risalah. Penggunaan ayat yang ringkas dan mudah di samping audio nyanyian dilihat amat membantu murid dalam penulisan karangan. Bermula dari inovasi fizikal, SMART Insyak telah ditambah baik dengan pengintegrasian unsur teknologi dan gamifikasi bersesuaian dengan keadaan semasa. Kajian keberkesanan kaedah ini telah dijalankan kepada murid Tingkatan 2 Al-Biruni SMA Mahmudiah iaitu seramai 30 orang. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan murid yang selama ini tidak mampu menulis lebih daripada 20 perkataan, kini mampu menulis antara 50 - 60 patah perkataan. Melalui kaedah ini juga kesalahan tatabahasa dan ejaan dapat diminimumkan. Manakala audio nyanyian membantu murid menghafal rangka karangan sepenuhnya dalam tempoh dua hingga tujuh hari. SMART Insyak juga telah terbukti dapat memudahkan murid sebanyak 96.7% dalam membina karangan. Selain itu, minat murid terhadap LAM juga didapati meningkat daripada 20% kepada 93.4%. Kesimpulannya SMART Insyak amat bermanfaat kepada murid yang lemah dalam bahasa Arab umumnya dan LAM khususnya. Secara tidak langsung inovasi ini juga dapat membantu guru dalam pengajaran penulisan karangan.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI386

Nama Produk : UniSZA smartLAB V2

Penyelidik : Dr. Azman Bin Azid Robiah Binti Arifin Siti Husna Binti Zakaria Mohd Masrul Bin Ibrahim Syahril Amin Bin Hashim Afiq Nasri Bin Othman ChM. Wan Nur Amalina Binti Wan Mamat Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Khalid bin Awang

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : UniSZA smartLAB was developed based on the mobile application mainly to facilitate simultaneous management and monitoring of scientific laboratory activities on three Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin campus. This study had a high impact on the non-faculty and faculty member who participated in science learning. Unlike conventional lab management system, which tends to create manual tasks for the entire organisation; from spending time tracking or monitoring lab usage. The UniSZA smartLAB mainly enables efficient and effective lab activities to the consumer. UniSZA smartlab have upgrade their product to UniSZA smartLAB version 2.0 which have desktop version and apps link simultaneously. The smartlab version 2.0 also was embedded the Telegram API for means communication between user and smartlab admins.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI387

Nama Produk : Let’s Talk: An AR Apps to Enhance Communication Skill

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Penyelidik : Dr. Siti Zanariah binti Yusoff Nor Jijidiana binti Azmi Dr. Nurshafawati binti Ahmad Sani Nor Hafizah binti Abdullah Mohd Faradi bin Mohamed Ghazali Nazilah binti Mohamad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Social interaction definitely plays a huge role in shaping the identity of a person. The digitization of communication mediums that enables online interaction significantly affected face-to-face interaction. Although problems of face-to-face interaction arose long before the development of technologies, it becomes severe nowadays. Additionally, the current pandemic crisis makes physical interaction become tougher than ever. As a consequence, people might lose the pragmatic skills to politely communicate with others, and even worse they do not know how to initiate interaction. To affirm, based on a survey conducted on random university students, they admitted that they chose to avoid making eye contact with strangers due to the lack of interpersonal communication skills. These skills are crucial in coping with demands in the new world order. To overcome this, Let's Talk proposes the idea on how to initiate the conversation according to different phases of interaction using an Augmented Reality (AR) technology at fingertips. With mobile phone, users can scan cue cards to generate tips and activities that can be used and practiced to improve their communication skills for different stages of communication. The cue cards will be developed using the Microsoft Powerpoint, and then it will be uploaded in an AR software, the Aurasma. Codes will be generated by Aurasma, and users can scan the codes to view the content. This allows users to participate in an augmented reality experience when learning interpersonal communication skills. Let's Talk enables users to experience different approaches to communicate in various phases of relationships. Let's Talk will guide individuals who have problems with initiating conversation and provide guidelines on how to communicate politely at the different stages of relationships. Among the tips provided are the dos and the don’ts while communicating. Let's Talk will give benefits not just to introverted individuals, but to all individuals as human beings that involve with daily interaction in all different settings.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI390


Penyelidik : Nazilah binti Mohamad Mohd Faradi bin Mohamed Ghazali Dr. Siti Zanariah binti Yusoff Norjijidiana binti Azmi Nor Hafizah binti Abdullah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pembacaan melalui buku cerita bukan hanya membantu anak-anak dalam menguasai bahasa seperti meningkatkan kefahaman terhadap sesuatu makna dan memperluas perbendaharan kata tetapi juga membangunkan kemahiran kognitif, imaginasi, dan perasaan empati dan simpati serta menimbulkan keseronokan dalam pembelajaran. Hal ini dapat diperoleh melalui kandungan teks dan animasi yang lazimnya terdapat dalam sesebuah buku cerita. Oleh itu, penghasilan buku

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cerita bertemakan cerita rakyat yang mempunyai elemen interaktif seperti lihat dan dengar yang membolehkan kedua-dua aspek iaitu linguistik dan luar linguistik dapat diperoleh. Cerita rakyat mempunyai nilai yang dekat dengan kehidupan masyarakat ia secara langsung dapat membina jati diri pada awal usia. Cerita rakyat yang dipilih untuk dijadikan buku cerita berbentuk digital ialah ‘penyu’ yang merupakan cerita rakyat Terengganu. Buku ini dihasilkan melalui aplikasi Storyjumper. Buku ini mengandungi teks penceritaan dalam bahasa Melayu yang disertakan dengan audio yang boleh dimainkan dan dihentikan. Dalam setiap plot penceritaan, bunyian kosa kata yang seirama serta berulang dipilih bagi membantu kanak-kanak khususnya melatih menyebut perkataan dengan betul dan mengingati perkataan tersebut. Selain itu, setiap plot penceritaan akan disertakan animasi untuk memberi lebih kefahaman terhadap kata dan plot tersebut. Pada bahagian belakang buku, disertakan pengetahuan umum mengenai fakta hidupan penyu dan tempat pelancongan berkaitan penyu. Buku cerita ini bukan sahaja menarik untuk dibaca oleh kanak-kanak tetapi juga golongan pelajar dan pembaca awam. Di samping itu, buku digital sangat praktikal dan bersesuaian dengan keadaan semasa kerana dunia dilanda wabak pandemik Covid-19 yang membataskan pergerakan.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI392

Nama Produk : Virtual Reality Dream House Colour Mobile-based Application

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Ismahafezi Ismail Muhammad Nur Aiman Doktah@Mokhtar Dr. Wan Mohd Amir Fazamin Wan Hamzah Prof. Madya Ts Dr. Syadiah Nor Wan Shamsuddin Dr. Normala Rahim Dr. Wan Mohd Rizhan Wan Idris Dr. Nor Aida Mahiddin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Choosing the right paint for the new house is fun but it can also turn into a quite tricky and tiring process for most people. Oftentimes new house owners have problems choosing colour of furnishings, tiles, home accessories, and become paralyzed by fear when it comes to choosing a wall's paint color. Because paint covers so much square footage and can be time-consuming and costly to repaint, people are terrified to get it wrong. We want to make choosing a paint stress-free by developing a Virtual Reality Dream House Colour Application by using Virtual Reality technology and gaze interaction technique in the virtual environment. The Virtual Reality (VR) experience means immersing users entirely in three dimensional (3D) computer- generated environment. The methodology to develop the Virtual Reality Dream House Colour Application by using Interaction Design Life Cycle. Now, thanks to the Virtual Reality Dream House Colour Application, new house owners can easily try different color options for their walls, tiles, and accessories.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI394

Nama Produk : Flash Clinicard

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Penyelidik : Dr. Mohd Faeiz bin Pauzi Dr. Siti Norazlina binti Juhari Dr. Salman bin Amiruddin Dr. Nurul Azreen binti Yusof Prof. Madya Dr. Norwati binti Daud Dr. Nurulhuda binti Mat Hassan Hafzan binti Mohamad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Flash Clinicard is the combination of flash, clinical, augmented reality, and card. Augmented reality is a technology that integrates virtual objects into real environments to facilitate real-time interaction. It refers to the virtual interface, either in 2D or 3D, which augments or enhances our view. Augmented reality is the use of displays, cameras, and sensors to overlay digital information onto the real world. The potential of combining smartphones and Augmented Reality for education is big, grant students’ extra digital information and make learning more fun. Instead of receiving information via images and lecture, students had access to multimodal representations including text, audio, video, and 3D models. Quick response (QR) codes can also open up opportunities to have a mixed reality setting within the actual classroom. Flash Clinicard created by our team use Zappar Augmented Reality App. Initially we developed AR Clinical Skill Lab for the first phase. The code are provided besides the equipment at our clinical skill lab and the students can use their time while waiting for the classes or as self- directed learning. The continuous quality improvement (CQI) showed very good result. During the movement control order in COVID-19 pandemic, we upload the contents into our learning management system. For the second phase, we modified it into the Flash Clinicard; where the student can used it as a practice and discussion with their friends; one will answering the instruction provided by the Flash Clinicard, and another students will observe he/ she according to the structured answer via the opposite Flash Clinicard. The novelty of our teaching innovation it is the first in our faculty to embrace augmented reality in clinical exposure and basic procedural skills for medical students. The application of AR very useful because it can increase student participation in the classes. The enriched ways of telling a story may enhanced engagement and interaction among medical students in our faculty. Feedback from our students are encouraging. It is practical and user friendly. Students prefer the learning process anytime and anywhere, and this technology very useful usually during the movement control order. AR has already begun to help students learn more efficiently as well as increase their knowledge retention. For lecturers and school provider, the concept of scan and play could contribute to paperless system and green technology. As a conclusion, by Flash Clinicard, lecturers get to catch the attention of medical students and motivate them better, while students get new tools to visualize their subjects and complex concepts, as well as obtain practical skills. Flash Clinicard promotes Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4; Quality Education and indirectly SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being. This innovation align with the MPI theme this year; “Consolidation of Creative Minds Drives Into The Latest Innovation & Technology”.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI396

Nama Produk : Mukjam MyShakhsiyyah Telegram Bot

Penyelidik : Dr. Mohd Hasrul bin Shuhari Dr. Muhammad Rashidi bin Wahab Prof. Madya Dr. Roslan bin Umar Prof. Madya Dr. Mustafa bin Man Muhammad Hafizi bin Rozali Dr. Suhailan Bin Safei Dr. Wan Hishamudin bin Wan Jusoh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Mukjam MyShakhsiyyah Telegram Bot merupakan aplikasi yang boleh diakses menerusi telefon pintar dan komputer. Ia memudahkan para pengguna mencari definisi bagi istilah-istilah akidah, falsafah, akhlak, mantik, usul fiqh dan seumpamanya dengan cara menaip atau mencari entrinya dalam aplikasi telegram. Ia juga turut memaparkan video dan rujukan bagi setiap istilah yang dipilih.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI397

Nama Produk : M-Myshaksiyyah : Mobile based myshaksiyyah Apps

Penyelidik : Dr. Mohd Hasrul bin Shuhari Prof. Madya Dr. Mustafa Bin Man Prof. Madya Dr. Roslan Bin Umar Dr. Muhammad Rashidi Bin Wahab Muhammad Hafizi bin Rozali Dr. Aman Daima Bin Md. Zain Prof. Dr. Engku Ahmad Zaki Bin Engku Alwi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : My Shakhsiyyah Apps merupakan aplikasi telefon pintar yang mengandungi teknologi berasaskan telefon pintar untuk menjelaskan akhlak Islam. Ia merupakan hasil dari penyelidikan tentang pengalaman akhlak empat tokoh Islam iaitu Imam al-Shafie, Imam Ibn Sina, Imam al-Ghazali dan Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh. ‘My Shakhsiyyah’ diterjemahkan kepada ‘sahsiahku’ yang bermaksud sifat-sifat yang membezakan seseorang dengan yang lain. Ringkasnya ia berkaitan akhlak dan sifat mulia yang perlu dimiliki oleh seseorang Muslim. Untuk menjelaskan berkenaan akhlak Islam, teknologi semasa dimanfaatkan penggunaannya agar ia dapat menarik minat pengguna.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI398

Nama Produk : Online Assessment on Therapeutic Diet Preparation Among Dietetic Students During Covid-19 Pandemic: Our Experience

Penyelidik : Dr. Che Suhaili Che Taha Pn. Karimah Fakhriah binti Ismail Cik Chin Yi Ying

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The two core components of dietetic curriculum are to produce student with the ability to practice their medical nutrition therapy (MNT) theories in any nutritional related cases and therapeutic diet preparation skills. Prior to clinical year, dietetic students will be evaluted for their skills and ability in clerking nutrition related cases and translate this into a therapeutic menu. A routine session including practical class and hands on session is crucial to identify and assess their skills. However, the pandemic Covid-29 has restricted this learning process where face to face learning is not possible during the learning time. Using technology, new approach suits to current SOP was proposed and implemented during the learning process. Case study were provided using Kelip platform, a learning tools used in UniSZA. Students were provided with the detailed case study. They have to provide and complete the normal documentations on food ordering, menu recipes and workflow. Prior to the presentations session, students documented all the process including going to groceries. The main process of preparation the meal and meal presentation were recorded. In order for them to present their cooking process and presentation of the menu, students recorded all the process. Students used multisources of video editor software such as iMovie, Inshot, Viva Video and Adobe premiere to produce a 15 minutes of presentation. Pre-evaluation on the video contents were conducted. For the 30 minutes presentation, a group of six students and one evaluator were formed for a better online session using Webex platform. During the presentation, the students were evaluted for their knowledge and skills in handling cases given and meal presentations. Despite the pandemic situation, we manage to assess the therapeutic diet preparation among dietetic students thus ensuring the main program learning objectives was achieved.

Kategori: Sekolah

Institutsi/ Sekolah : Sekolah Kebangsaan Lembah Bidong

ID : MPI380

Nama Produk : Dam CEBIS (Celik Bestari Solat) 2.0

Penyelidik : Ismail bin Aziz Maziah binti Mansor Noor Asiah binti Mohd Rafiza binti Mamat Suhairoziatul Nidayu binti Sulaini Mohd Amri bin Hussain Suhaili binti Ibrahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : DAM CEBIS (Celik Bestari Solat) 2.0 Panitia Pendidikan Islam Sekolah Kebangsaan Lembah Bidong Dam CEBIS merupakan satu inovasi pembelajaran yang telah dijalankan oleh Panitia Agama Islam Sekolah Kebangsaan Lembah Bidong bagi mengukuhkan penguasaan bacaan dan pelakuan dalam solat. Inisiatif ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan satu kaedah inovasi pembelajaran yang berkesan disamping dapat menarik minat murid untuk belajar dan bermediumkan interaksi akademik yang aktif ceria dan penuh keseronokan. Penggunaan inovasi Dam CEBIS dalam pembelajaran Agama Islam sangat sesuai bertepatan dengan kehendak dan keinginan murid masa kini yang lebih suka belajar secara bermain disamping menggabung jalinkan unsur akademik dan permainan. Intervensi pengajaran dan pembelajaran menggunakan

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Dam CEBIS untuk pengukuhan solat ini telah memberikan satu alternatif kepada pelajar untuk belajar secara santai dan aktif dengan menggunakan isi pengajaran yang disusun secara interaktif. Beberapa Rukun Solat dipaparkan di dalam petak-petak dam dengan menggunakan pelbagai aplikasi (AR Kod). Guru-guru hanya bertindak sebagai pemudah cara dalam membimbing murid untuk mendapatkan manfaat yang maksimum dari penggunaan kaedah ini. Selepas penggunaan Dam CEBIS ini, hasil penilaian mendapati murid-murid dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan pengukuhan di dalam bacaan dan pelakuan solat. Oleh itu, dam CEBIS ini berpotensi dikembangkan ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi dan diadaptasikan oleh sekolah-sekolah lain.

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Cluster F Health, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Food & Supplement

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Kategori: IPT- Staf/ Pasca Siswazah/Pra Siswazah

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI007

Nama Produk : Nano Pandana: An Improved Cholesterol-Lowering Agent

Penyelidik : Dr. Yosie Andriani HS Prof. Dr. Tengku Sifzizul Tengku Muhammad Prof. Dr. Mohd. Effendy Abdul Wahid Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habsah Mohamad Drs. Hermansyah Amir, M.Pd Efriyana Oksal Inten Pangestika

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pandanus tectorius fruit, a natural product rich in tangeretin and ethyl caffeate, has been reported to have potential as anti- hypercholesterolemia agent. However, due to semi-polar properties of its bioactive compounds, P. tectorius extract exhibits poor solubility when used as a medical remedy. The extract’s solubility can be improved through a synthesis of nanoparticles of chitosan-P. tectorius fruit extract (NANO PANDANA), a promising low cost and simple method. To date, no studies on nanoparticles of chitosan-P. tectorius fruit extract and its reducing cholesterol pathway via SR-B1 and HMGCR have been published anywhere. In this study, cytotoxicity properties against HepG2 were explored by MTT. Then luciferase assay was used to detect their effectiveness in increasing SR-B1 activity. HMGCR activity was examined by enzymatic Randox. An in vivo study using Sprague dawley was carried out to observe the NANO PANDANA effectiveness in reducing the cholesterol levels and the toxicity property in rat’s liver. As the results showed, the NANO PANDANA displayed no cytotoxic activity against HepG2 cells. It exhibited higher SR-B1 gene expression and inhibited higher HMGCR activity than non-nano particle form. As the in vivo study proved, NANO PANDANA’s treatment can reduce the levels of TC (197%), LDL (360%), and TG (109%), as well as increase the level of HDL cholesterol by 150%, in comparison to those for the untreated high- cholesterol diet group. From the toxicity study, it was found that there was non-toxicity to the liver. It can be concluded that nanoparticles of chitosan-P. tectorius fruit extract (NANO PANDANA) successfully improved P. tectorius fruit extract’s effectiveness in reducing hypercholesterolemia via SR-B1 and HMGCR pathways.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI010

Nama Produk : Eugenol Analogues As Potential Antiamoebic Drugs

Penyelidik : Khairunisa Mohd Zamli Prof. Madya Dr. Asnuzilawati Asari Dr. Fatimah Hashim Prof. Madya Dr. Habsah Mohamad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This innovation presents the evolution in the design of anion receptors from inorganic materials consisting flexible and pre-organized based amide ligands. By incorporating a flexible spacer within the structure of the anion receptors, several anions can be separated by the nature anion pockets via weak hydrogen bonding interactions. In this

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innovation, the interaction with several anions will be presented supported by theory and experimental data. Keywords: pyridine, hydrogen bond, anion receptors, 2,6-pyridine dicarboxamide

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI023

Nama Produk : MyWarung©: A Food Poisoning Prevention Smartphone-Apps During Dining Out

Penyelidik : Nur Afifah Mursyida Binti Zaujan Dr. Asma' Ali Prof. Madya. Dr. Malina Osman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : MyWarung© is an innovative solution to the prevention of food poisoning while dining out. The public usually does not have access to food poisoning prevention when eating outside, including selecting the clean food premise and food handlers before they consume. Plus, the app educates the consumers to be self-aware to prevent food poisoning by observing the food premises' cleanliness and food handlers' hygiene. Moreover, the consumers can effortlessly access the food poisoning prevention guidelines during dining out by easily referring to the information given in this smartphone-apps, MyWarung©. This is the first mobile app-based study that covers the understanding of food poisoning and preventive behaviour during eating outside and directly make a report to the Ministry of Health of Malaysia (MOH). The app's objectives are to increase the knowledge of food poisoning and self-awareness towards food poisoning preventive behaviour among consumers. The consumers who are more actively engaged with the application will experience positive behavioural changes towards food poisoning prevention, particularly during dining.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI030

Nama Produk : IRING: Exploring Needs and Possibilities of TemaniKu Chaperone Door to Door Services for Elderly and Persons with Chronic Disease

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Muhamad Fazil Ahmad Dr. Wan Rohila Ganti Wan Abdul Ghapar Prof. Madya Dr. Shukor Abd. Razak Muhamad Ikman Anif Tuan Sharifah Azura Tuan Zaki

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The amount of aging population and people living with chronic diseases is increasing. This allows society to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Chronic diseases do not only induce human suffering, it is also an economic burden on society. To ease the suffering and reduce the costs connected to chronic diseases, the usage of health communication services might be a possibility. Currently, the expectations on such services are high, but not met. To better meet the expectations, this project suggested new ways of meeting the identified needs such as providing chaperones

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who are individuals trained in healthcare field and will accompany patients throughout their hospital or clinic visits. This includes escorting the patient to and from home and healthcare facilities over a timed duration. They may also be present, if required, during the medical consultation with the patient and update the information to the family members, if necessary. The project followed a user-centred design process, divided into four phases: (1) background information gathering, (2) user studies, (3) concept generation and (4) defining concepts. The first two phases provided insights regarding available health communication services and common needs of elderly and people living with chronic disease. The identified needs mostly regarded psychological challenges in accepting the disease, struggles in the communication with caregivers and authorities and difficulties in finding relevant and personalised services and treatments. Furthermore, a great willingness to use communication services to manage health and diseases was identified, along with safety concerns of such services. In the last two phases the identified needs were used for creating and detailing four different design concepts, representing four different health communication services. These included (1) a health communication account, (2) a health crowdsourcing platform, (3) a social chaperone healthcare buddy and (4) IRING TemaniKu app. An assessment of the concepts showed that none of them managed to fully meet the identified needs, but by merging the concepts there are great possibilities in creating a comprehensive service.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI023

Nama Produk : MyWarung©: A Food Poisoning Prevention Smartphone-Apps During Dining Out

Penyelidik : Nur Afifah Mursyida Binti Zaujan Dr. Asma' Ali Prof. Madya. Dr. Malina Osman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : MyWarung© is an innovative solution to the prevention of food poisoning while dining out. The public usually does not have access to food poisoning prevention when eating outside, including selecting the clean food premise and food handlers before they consume. Plus, the app educates the consumers to be self-aware to prevent food poisoning by observing the food premises' cleanliness and food handlers' hygiene. Moreover, the consumers can effortlessly access the food poisoning prevention guidelines during dining out by easily referring to the information given in this smartphone-apps, MyWarung©. This is the first mobile app-based study that covers the understanding of food poisoning and preventive behaviour during eating outside and directly make a report to the Ministry of Health of Malaysia (MOH). The app's objectives are to increase the knowledge of food poisoning and self-awareness towards food poisoning preventive behaviour among consumers. The consumers who are more actively engaged with the application will experience positive behavioural changes towards food poisoning prevention, particularly during dining.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI030

Nama Produk : IRING: Exploring Needs and Possibilities of TemaniKu Chaperone Door to Door Services for Elderly and Persons with Chronic Disease

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Muhamad Fazil Ahmad Dr. Wan Rohila Ganti Wan Abdul Ghapar Prof. Madya Dr. Shukor Abd. Razak Muhamad Ikman Anif Tuan Sharifah Azura Tuan Zaki

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The amount of aging population and people living with chronic diseases is increasing. This allows society to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Chronic diseases do not only induce human suffering, it is also an economic burden on society. To ease the suffering and reduce the costs connected to chronic diseases, the usage of health communication services might be a possibility. Currently, the expectations on such services are high, but not met. To better meet the expectations, this project suggested new ways of meeting the identified needs such as providing chaperones who are individuals trained in healthcare field and will accompany patients throughout their hospital or clinic visits. This includes escorting the patient to and from home and healthcare facilities over a timed duration. They may also be present, if required, during the medical consultation with the patient and update the information to the family members, if necessary. The project followed a user-centred design process, divided into four phases: (1) background information gathering, (2) user studies, (3) concept generation and (4) defining concepts. The first two phases provided insights regarding available health communication services and common needs of elderly and people living with chronic disease. The identified needs mostly regarded psychological challenges in accepting the disease, struggles in the communication with caregivers and authorities and difficulties in finding relevant and personalised services and treatments. Furthermore, a great willingness to use communication services to manage health and diseases was identified, along with safety concerns of such services. In the last two phases the identified needs were used for creating and detailing four different design concepts, representing four different health communication services. These included (1) a health communication account, (2) a health crowdsourcing platform, (3) a social chaperone healthcare buddy and (4) IRING TemaniKu app. An assessment of the concepts showed that none of them managed to fully meet the identified needs, but by merging the concepts there are great possibilities in creating a comprehensive service.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI035

Nama Produk : CobiaGel

Penyelidik : Prof. Ts. Dr. Amiza Mat Amin Wan Maizatul Shima Wan Musa Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Norizah Mhd. Sarbon Dr. Nor Hayati Ibrahim

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Dr. Nizaha Juhaida Mohamad Nor Salasiah Mohamed Afifah Aqilah Othman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Gelatin is a major hydrocolloid in food industry. However, gelatin is normally extracted from mammalian such as porcine and bovine, causing doubt in its halal status. Cobia, a marine fish has thick skin contributing to 6% of the overall fish weight, and it is a processing waste in filleting and sashimi processing. Thus, cobia skin is a good source of halal, natural and renewable gelatin to be explored. Thus, gelatin extraction from cobia skin has been optimized and its properties has been characterized. It was found cobia gelatin has comparable gel strength to commercial bovine gelatin (up to 316 g), gave high gelatin yield (up to 33.99%), possessed antioxidant and antihypertensive activities and had low melting point. Furthermore, cobia skin gelatin has similar characteristics to commercial bovine gelatin and has lower gelatin production cost compared to mammalian sources. This study shows that cobia skin gelatin has potential as halal alternative to bovine gelatin in food industry

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI050

Nama Produk : BETAC: Beta-glucanase Enzyme and Chlorhexidine as Acanthamoeba Cysticidal Agent

Penyelidik : Dr. Fatimah binti Hashim Nor Hidayana Mohd Rased Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Ma Nyuk Ling Dr. Syed Ahmad Tajudin Tuan Johari Dr. Hazlina Ahamad Zakeri

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Eye infections by Acanthamoeba sp. are so serious that it is very difficult to treat and it can inflict Acanthamoeba keratitis in human eyes. Treatment begins with a combination of topical antibiotics and leading to keratoplasty. Persistent infection by this group of protozoa is due to its dormant phase i.e. cysts that are highly resistant to biocides and antibiotics that are on the market today. The source of infection reported mainly on contamination of the contact lens. BETAC is a combination of enzyme solution and treatments that reduce the use or biocide by up to 70% .BETAC has also been tested on eye cornea cells with no side effects seen in vitro. SEM observations also displayed Acanthamoeba cyst cells with a very significant effect after BETAC treatment given. Protein analysis indicated downregulation of several proteins in this Acanthamoeba cyst. Cysticidal activity of BETAC on the Acanthamoeba cyst promises safety to the users and is a highly potential combination and method as it will not cause side effects to the user's cornea. BETAC ensures its effectiveness and safety as a precautionary as well as for therapeutic purposes for contact lens solution and Acanthamoeba keratitis treatment .

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI051

Nama Produk : Cinnamic Acid Analogues: Potential Antibacterial Agent

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Penyelidik : Farah Amirah Azmi Prof. Madya Dr. Asnuzilawati Asari Puan Nurul Huda Abdul Wahab Prof. Madya Dr. Habsah Mohamad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Cinnamic acid and its derivatives, mostly can be found in plant such as Cinnamomum cassia and Panax ginseng. Many studies had been reported that the derivatives have great potential in biological and pharmacological activities, including antibacterial activity. In this work, we designed and synthesized a series of cinnamic acid ester by using acyl halide esterification reactions. The synthesized compounds were characterized by three different spectroscopy techniques which were 1H and 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Mass Spectrometry (MS). Their in-vitro antibacterial activity against selected Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Streptococcus aureus and Streptococcus epidermidis) and Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia Coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) was assessed using Disk-diffusion method. Almost all of the molecules showed inhibition activity (7-15 mm) to the selected bacterial, particularly for Gram-positive bacterial strains.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI054

Nama Produk : Metal Cube Feng Fu Ring

Penyelidik : Muhammad Aziz Azman bin Zulkifli Dr. Saadi Bin Ahmad Kamaruddin Prof. Dr. Nor Azura Md. Ghani Dr. Norlinda Mohd Rozar Dr. Nor Anis Nadhirah bt. Md. Nasir

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Based on traditional Chinese acupuncture, there is a point at the base of the neck known as Feng Fu. The Feng Fu pressure point is found at the base of the skull below and at the top of the neck. If you put ice on it, the body starts to get a new breath and you will find yourself healthier, happier and full of energy. With empty stomach, a person just have to place the product on the Feng Fu point and hold for 20 minutes. A person just have to do this regularly with a 2-3 day break and do it in the morning on an empty stomach and the night before bed. After 30-40 seconds, you will feel a bit of heat coming to the point. On the first day, you will have a feeling of excitement due to the production of Endorphins. After a certain period of time, this product will help to improve sleep quality, routine mood, digestive system, as well as relieves colds, headaches, toothaches and pains. All in all, this product aids towards respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease, thyroid issues, Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual cycle and mental health

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI069

Nama Produk : Analysing Vaccine Sentiment Through Twitter

Penyelidik : Siti Hajar Binti Mohd Rafie Dr. Noor Hafhizah Binti Abd Rahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Vaccination is one of the health issues that attract the public to discuss openly. However, the discussion may lead to a crisis among them. So, the process to monitor public opinion is essential to avoid the problem or limit the crisis's impact. Analysing vaccine sentiment may help physicians and researchers identify the cause behind what is said to be a vaccine hesitancy between societies by distinguishing between opinions expressed through social media. As time goes by, there are various opinions about vaccination that come to an intervention to obtain the sentiment, mainly from Twitter that occurs in a tweet type. The real question is how we interpret the opinion given and how vaccine resistance becomes an issue in society. Using sentiment analysis, therefore, allows the ability to detect the type of view provided, whether it is positive, negative, or neutral through the tweets that Twitter gets. To classify the sentiment, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) the classifier has been used in this study. A few keywords related to vaccination are used to extract the Twitter data from 30th October 2019 until 30th March 2020. As our data provides three categories of polarity, the classifier needs to train more than two classes, which bring to the use of two types of kernels to handle our data. The kernels are polynomial and RBF kernels. Besides, in this study, a network visualisation, named Gephi visualises the identification of the polarity of Twitter and the frequency of the words used. Experiment results indicates RBF kernel has higher accuracy compared to the polynomial kernel.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI079

Nama Produk : MyDiPP

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sharifah Wajihah Wafa Syed Saadun Tarek Wafa Nurul Fatihah binti Fauzi Dr. Nurulhuda binti Mat Hassan Dr. Naresh Bashkar Raj Norkhairani Binti Abdul Rawi Ass. Prof. Dr. Rohayah binti Hussin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Individuals who are tested positive for Covid-19 and have a history of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes are at greater risk of serious health complications that could lead to mortality. About 80.7% of deaths due to Covid-19 involved those suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Malaysia is confronting a type 2 diabetes (T2DM) epidemic; around 3.6 million Malaysian have T2DM. Lifestyle modification intervention has shown to be effective in reducing or delaying the onset of T2DM among high-risk individuals. Malaysia Diabetes Prevention Programme (MyDiPP) app is a lifestyle intervention digital therapy with multiple approaches (weight loss, dietary modification, physical activity and quality of life).

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Institutsi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI106

Nama Produk : AboutSkin Moisturized Neem Lotion

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Norazlina Binti Hashim Lili Shakirah Hassan Ts. Dr Suhaila Abdullah Saidatul Radhiah Ghazali Nurul Aniyyah Mohd Sobri Siti Aisyah Binti Mohamad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The efficiency of Azadirachta indica (neem leaves) to be used in medicine and consumer products is proven due to the bioactive compounds contains in the plant. The most effective formulation needs to be explored to optimize the moisturized neem lotion. In this study, a few formulation were applied to produce moisturized lotion without changing the efficiency of neem leaves itself. The objective of this project is to determine In Vitro antimicrobial activity of the moisturized neem lotion formulation. Their antibacterial activity were investigated by using cylinder plate assay method against strain of Gram-positive bacteria Streptococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) and strain of gram- negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 15442). The physical properties and stability tests were observed after week 4 and week 8. From the result obtained, base lotion with diluted neem oil formulation shows the best antibacterial activity for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria compared to others. As conclusion, formulation of base lotion with diluted neem oil is stable and effective as moisturized neem lotion.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI115

Nama Produk : Goniothalamin As Potential Antiviral Drug

Penyelidik : Dr. Noor Zarina binti Abd Wahab Associate Prof. Madya Dr. Nazlina binti Ibrahim Dr. Norefrina Shafinaz binti Md Nor

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Abstract: Here we report the potential of goniothalamin a styrylpyrone derivative (SPD) as potential antiviral drug against human herpes virus (HHV) in in vitro and in vivo studies. Initially, the cytotoxicity of SPD was determined with the concentration that cause 50% of cell death (CC50) was 8.747 µg/mL. SPD was also found to be selective towards the virus with the concentration needed to act on virus was less that the CC50 values with selective indices (SI) between 6 to 19 for HHV clinical and acylclovir (ACV)-resistant isolates. The antiviral mechanism as indicated in the in vitro screening showed that anti- HSV-1 of SPD was most effective when given after Vero cells were infected (post-treatment), not virucidal or when pre-treated and deviates from acylclovir (ACV). With the ability to affect in vitro virus infection, we proceed to determine the antiviral activity in in vivo studies. Using two SPD incorporated formulated products that were predertmined to display non-cytotoxicity and antiviral activity, we proved that antiviral activity was exerted when given at early infection

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stage. The in vivo studies showed SPD has potential as topical antiviral product. Keywords: Goniothalamin, antiviral activity, in vitro, in vivo

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI122

Nama Produk : Elixir of MK : An Organic Topical Wound Care

Penyelidik : Dr. Thilahgavani Nagappan Nur Qistina Iwani Yurasbe Nurul Atifah Din Prof. Dr. Mohd Effendy Abdul Wahid

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The process of wound healing is a natural yet intricate cascading dynamic involving cellular, biochemical and molecular mechanism to restore the injured tissue. With multi ethic diversity, Malaysia is blessed with many traditional folk medicines that are used to cure many ailments. Hence, we had unlocked the wound healing potential of Murraya koenigii, a common culinary ingredient in many Malaysian cuisine. Based on our investigation, three main carbazole alkaloids (mahanine, mahanimbicine and mahanimbine), crude extract along with its essential oil had proven to display their efficacy in healing subcutaneous wound. Topical application of these three alkaloids, essential oil and crude extract on 8 mm wounds created on the dorsal skin of Sprague Dawley was monitored for 18 days. Wound contraction rate and epithelialization duration were calculated, while wound granulation and collagen deposition were evaluated via histological method. Wound contraction rates were obvious by day 4 for the group treated with extract and mahanimbicine, while complete epithelialization was achieved on day 18 for all treatment groups. Wounds treated with mahanimbicine (88.54%) and extract of M. koenigii (91.78%) showed the highest rate of collagen deposition with well-organized collagen bands, formation of fibroblasts, hair follicle buds and with reduced inflammatory cells. This study revealed the potential of bioactive and crude extract of M. koenigii in facilitation and acceleration of wound healing. Hence, the unique formulation of “Elixir of MK: An Organic Topical Wound Care” could potentially be an alternative solution to synthetic chemical based wound care products.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI125

Nama Produk : Intelligence Detection of Breast Cancer (i-DetectBC)

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Kamarul Amin Bin Abdullah @ Abu Bakar Prof. Ir. Dr. Nor Ashidi Bin Mat Isa En. Saifullah Harith Bin Suradi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women. Digital mammograms can be used to detect breast cancer, especially at an early stage. However, digital mammograms suffer from low image quality due to the low exposure factors used. As a result, misdiagnosis of breast cancer may occur. Therefore, an enhancement tool namely, Intelligence Detection of Breast Cancer (i- DetectBC) has been developed. i-DetectBC is an interactive tool that

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can improve the diagnostic efficacy of radiologists or clinicians when reading digital mammograms. It has been designed to enhance breast cancer detection especially the microcalcifications which can be detected at an early stage. The platform or interface of i-DetectBC can be considered user-friendly as every professionals or student are able to operate it. In addition, i-DetectBC is also using a low computational method to detect breast cancer which can provide fast results, especially when identifying different types of breast cancer such as benign or malignant. We believe that this tool can provide a new interactive way of detecting breast cancer especially at an early stage and thus, improve the survival rate.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UTM

ID : MPI133

Nama Produk : Easy-Lepto-D: Photonics Detection Scheme for Leptospira DNA

Penyelidik : Ts Dr Fariza Hanim Binti Suhailin Prof Dr Mohd Adzir Bin Mahdi Prof. Madya Dr. Chee Hui Yee Dr Aima Binti Ramli Anis Athirah Binti Abdul Razak

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Photonics field has played a major role in supporting modern telecommunication system. The usage of optical fiber and laser (photon) has revolutionized the way we engage to the world via fast internet connection, to a point of lagged-free experience. However, the application of optical fiber and laser has also evolves to many important applications such as in medical, industrial, military and aerospace. In this work, we explore the usage of optical fiber and photon for development of highly sensitive photonics detection scheme for deadly leptospirosis disease. The develop sensor is label-free and the optical measurement setup is portable, allowing detection of pathogenic Leptospira DNA outside the standard medical laboratories. We anticipate that this photonics-based sensor will offer considerable promises to enhance the point-of-care testing/diagnostic of leptospirosis disease.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UKM

ID : MPI168

Nama Produk : Bacteriocin Producing Lactobacillus plantarum F25 Isolated From Stingless Bee Honey

Penyelidik : Dr. Hamidun Bunawan Muhamad Afiq Akbar Mohd Hafiz Fikri Hazemi Nor Aishah Salleh Siti Nor Aqilah Yusoff

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Probiotics are live bacteria that are intended to have health benefits when consumed or applied to the body. In general, probiotics can be found in yogurt and other fermented foods and dietary supplements. Our project aimed to find novel probiotic strains from a new source such as stingless bees honey that will benefit humankind. In this study, Lactobacillus F25 was isolated using MRS agar from stingless bee’s honey Homotrigona fimbriata. Then, a disk diffusion assay was used

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to examine the antimicrobial properties of this isolate. Illumina Hiseq 2000 platform and bioinformatic analysis were done to characterize the genomes of this isolate. Lactobacillus F25 showed significant antimicrobial activity against five human pathogens: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Serratia mercescens and Alcaligenes faecalis. Further analysis revealed that Lactobacillus F25 encodes a gene cluster for bacteriocin biosynthesis, a compound capable of inhibiting a wide range of pathogens. Next, genome analysis also suggests that this strain capable of synthesizing vitamin B complex and several micronutrients. This strain can even utilize various carbohydrates, offering its versatility and potential for the food industry. In conclusion, the phenotypic and genome analyses of Lactobacillus F25 highlight this bacterium's potential as a new promising probiotic candidate.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI174

Nama Produk : CT Crackers

Penyelidik : Prof Madya Ts Dr Mohd Adzim Khalili Rohin Dr Norhayati Abd Hadi Norhaslinda Ridzwan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : “Celup tepung” or dip in flour foods are common foods in Terengganu, Malaysia’s east coast. Seafoods such as fish, squid, crab and shrimp are foods that are often fried after a dip in the flour; eaten fresh by fans typically. Food industry nowadays has focused on frozen foods as it is more accessible due to the increasing number of retail stores in large format. CT Crackers is therefore a new innovation that our team is proposing to concise on frozen “Celup Tepung” crackers. CT Crackers aim to produce frozen “Celup Tepung” foods from seafoods which can sustain the product’s nutrition and taste over the long term. Advances in freezing technology, new, cheaper and quicker solutions in the supply chain have been attributed to increased usage and rising demands of frozen food. This product’s innovation was focused on entire populations when they are not in Terengganu but craving for “Celup Tepung” and also when they always want to have “Celup Tepung” stock for family snacking time. On the other hand, this product is being proposed as another Terengganu dish (nasi dagang and keropok lekor frozen) that can offer good initiatives as consumers globally eat effectively frozen food that can still be on the market all the time.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI200

Nama Produk : Blood Transfusion Reactions: Classification, Pathophysiology and Prevention.

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uday Younis Hussein Abdullah Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marwan Saad Azzubaidi Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aqil Mohammad Daher Prof. Dr. Nordin Simbak

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Introduction: blood transfusion reactions and their complications are major issue in transfusion medicine practice with their huge burden on national economy and medical resources. This schematic representation of blood transfusion reactions types, pathophysiology and preventive measures compiled in an integrated approach is easy to recognize, remember and understand is a novel approach with clinical and academic values. This scientifically-based and practically- useful illustration is an excellent investment in the medical and biomedical figure marketing and innovation and improve management of patients in need of blood transfusion as well as decreasing the overall burden on their families, social and national healthcare system. Novelty and Efectiveness: This illustration is a schematic representation of blood transfusion reactions types, pathophysiology and preventive measures compiled in an integrated approach that is easy to recognize, remember and understand. Moreover, this illustration sheds light on the role of the blood blanking and pre- transfusion testing in the prevention of transfusion reactions and their related limitations. Challenges: The diversity of BTR with regards to their classification, prevention and the mechanism of the reactions is rather wide and difficult to be explained both at practical and educational levels. Usefullnes and Application: Designing an integrated illustration that compiles all BTR in an easy to understand and visually recognized manner is a novel approach with clinical and academic values. Market and Commercialization Potential: Understanding BTR and their preventive measures contributes to decreasing the economic burden of BTR in medication resources and hospitalization budgets. Compiled, visually illustrated figure provides an excellent educational investment at regional and international scales pertaining to the blood transfusion practice and blood banking worldwide. Additionally, it is an excellent investment in the medical and biomedical useful illustrated figure marketing and innovation. SOCIAL IMPACT: Development of scientifically-based and practically useful illustration will contribute towards decreasing the difficulties in understanding of BTR and improve management of patients in need of blood transfusion as well as decreasing the overall burden on their families, social and national healthcare system. Academic Recognition and Intellectual Property: Submitted for MyIPO and in progress for publication.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI201

Nama Produk : Conceptual Illustration of the Coagulation System

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uday Younis Hussein Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marwan Saad Azzubaidi Dr. Omar Emad Ibrahim Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aqil Mohammad Daher Prof. Dr. Nordin Simbak

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : INTRODUCTION: The significance of acquiring proper knowledge of the coagulation system activation and their related disorders will be reflected during the professional life of medical and paramedical staff. So far, the traditional method used to present coagulation system activation are lacking simplicity and keywords emphasis. The current illustration is an attempt to display the crucial mechanism leading to coagulation system activation and its consequences comprehensively and without pitfalls. Moreover, this illustration comprehensively relates

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the components of the phases of coagulation system activation. Comprehension of coagulation system triggering, amplification and the resultant thrombin generation is complex especially at the educational levels. Simplifying this complex coagulation process in an integrated illustration combining all stages of the coagulation system activation and simulating the reality in-vivo process of coagulation, is a novel approach with clinical and academic applicable values. In addition to decreasing the difficulties in understanding of coagulation disorders, this illustration contribute to outline the specific clinical significant of coagulation disorders monitoring tests. PROBLEM STATEMENT: to date, the educational approaches for illustrating coagulation system activation are incomplete with pitfalls. This schematic representation of the in-vivo, cell model of coagulation system activation mechanisms are illustrated and compiled in one educational visually illustrated scheme for aiding medical and paramedical personnel involved in coagulation disorders teaching and practice. NOVELTY AND EFECTIVENESS: This illustration is a schematic representation of coagulation system activation compiled in an integrated approach that is easy to recognize, remember and understand. Moreover, this illustration sheds light on the role of the tissue factor, platelet plug and the coagulation complexes in the phases of coagulation system activation and thrombin generation. CHALLENGES: The understanding of coagulation system activation with regards to their phases and the mechanism of the coagulation complexes formation is rather difficult to be explained both at practical and educational levels. USEFULLNES AND APPLICATION: Designing an integrated illustration that compiles all stages of the coagulation system activation,as it occurs in-vivo, in an easy to understand and visually recognized manner is a novel approach with clinical and academic values. MARKET AND COMMERCIALIZATION POTENTIAL: Understanding coagulation system via a compiled, visually illustrated figure provides an excellent educational investment at regional and international scales pertaining to the coagulation disorders practice worldwide. Additionally, it is an excellent investment in the medical and biomedical marketing of teaching materials and innovation. SOCIAL IMPACT: Developing a scientifically-based and practically useful illustration of the coagulation system contribute towards decreasing the difficulties in understanding of coagulation disorders and improve management of patients with coagulation disorders as well as decreasing the overall burden on their families, social and national healthcare system. ACADEMIC RECOGNITION AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Submitted for MyIPO and in progress for publication.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI241

Nama Produk : Longtail Tuna as Metals Bioaccumulation Marker Towards Sustaining A Healthy Lifestyle of Malaysian Consumer

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Ong Meng Chuan ChM. Dr. Adiana Binti Ghazali Dr. Izyan Munirah Binti Mohd Zaideen Dr. Nurul Izzah Binti Ahmad Dr. Ahmad Bin Ali Norhazirah Binti Abdul Aziz

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) is the smallest species in the tuna family. It is considered as a commercially important pelagic species and abundantly found off the Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia waters. In Terengganu, Longtail tuna is commonly served for breakfast and lunch meals in the Nasi Dagang and Ikan Singgang menu. Throughout this study, the concentration of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) was determined in muscle, gill and liver of Longtail tuna sampled from Terengganu waters, using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. The concentration of Zn, As and Pb in Longtail tuna muscle has significantly exceeded the permitted level set by the Malaysian Food Regulation (1985) and Food Act (1983). However, the concentration of Hg in Longtail tuna from Terengganu waters has fallen below the permissible limit. Furthermore, human consumption rate of this species was recorded by conducting a survey on 124 respondents from all districts in Terengganu. The consumption rate data and metals concentration in the muscle of Longtail tuna were utilized to assess human health risk affected by metals through Longtail tuna consumption. Based on the calculated Permissible Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI), Zn, Pb and As were extremely exceeded the limit set by FAO/WHO. Hence, the present study has shown a high risk of Malaysian consumer towards Zn, Pb and As toxicity, due to excessive concentration of Zn, Pb and As in Longtail tuna, as well as extremely high PTWI value of these metals. The higher rate of metals bioaccumulation in this species might be contributed by the increasing of Malaysian population, urban development and rapid industrial growth in Malaysia. Subsequently, the permissible proportion of metal contaminants in specific food (Fourteen Schedule) guided by the Malaysian Food Act and Regulation should be revised, aligned with other countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and Australia. These countries have taken early steps to revise their food act on permissible limit of metal with their current population increment and situation.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI246

Nama Produk : Autonomous Cervical Collar

Penyelidik : Dr. Nur Haizal Mat Yaakob @ Ariffin Ahmad Fazril Bin Mat Zin Dr. Naresh Bhaskar Raj Prof. Madya Dr. Norsuhaily Binti Abu Bakar Dr. Ireana Yusra Binti Abdul Fatah Dr. W Omar Ali Saifuddin Bin Wan Ismail Dr. Muhammad Firdaus Asyraf Bin Abdul Halim Yap

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : A Halo Brace is the most rigid external immobilizer, especially in the upper cervical spine used after a neck fracture or dislocation to strengthen the neck structures, stabilizes the spine and decreased range of motion. It is recently observed that with inappropriate use of neck collar to stabilize and control the injured neck during healing period is very important. Previous research on a current model in the application of cervical braces is mainly solid and rigid positioning, manually adjust to a required position thus unable to provide disentangle changes for home patient. The significant of this study involved new knowledge of this area that required developing a new design of cervical brace to improve the ability to control appropriate movement with the integration between mechanical and autonomous

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robot. This project presents an attempt on developing an autonomous self-balancing robot attached to the new design development of a cervical brace with a combination of rigid brace structure and the assist of Arduino PID controller. The innovation has been considered in the design to improve the efficacy of the cervical collar and to reduce side effects from wearing them. Programmed Arduino received the calculated tilt angle from Accelerometer and gyroscope and send the measured data of the inclination angle and controlled the motors to move forward or backwards as to maintain 0˚angle vertical axis. Our finding indicates proper capacity stepper motor required in order to maintain the 0˚angle with minimum battery usage for a long period used. This study had finally contribute to the exploration and development of new theoretical understanding of cervical brace integrate autonomous robot control usage parallel with innovative solution in replacing rigid braces and increased satisfaction among home patient during rehabilitation period.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI249

Nama Produk : NanaZelle

Penyelidik : Dr. Husni Hayati binti Mohd Rafdi Dr. Fauziah binti Tufail Ahmad Dr. Aidilla binti Mubarak Dr. Razifah binti Mohd Razali Nur Amirah binti Yusoff

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : NanaZelle is produced with aim to provide healthy snack for kids that is also suitable for adults. Its main ingredient is freshly blended pineapple and roselle that are rich in vitamin C and anthocyanin. Hence, the name was chosen from the combination of Nanas and Roselle. The chewy texture is the main attraction to kids. This product is not only to provide better choice to parents for their kids, but also to diverse the utilisation of our agriculture product, pineapple and roselle. NanaZelle is not a simple gummy candy, but a healthy one.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI251

Nama Produk : Gell-co film as wound dressing materials

Penyelidik : Prof Madya Dr Khairul Anuar bin Mat Amin Aznatul Jannah binti Abu Bakar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In an effort to produce ideal wound dressing, gellan gum/collagen hydrogel films containing different concentrations of gatifloxacin were prepared via evaporative casting method. The films were examined in terms of physical appearances, water uptake, drug release percentage and in-vivo wound healing study. All the films showed good physical appearances. Swelling percentages of the films were decreased as the addition of gatifloxacin was increased. Swelling percentage of gellan gum/collagen film with the lowest percentage of gatifloxacin (GG/C- GAT01) has the highest swelling ratio (2057%). Results show that GG hydrogel with inclusion of 1% gatifloxacin (GG/C-GAT1) displayed slow drug release profile compared to others film due to the lowest

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swelling percentage. İn vivo animal study showed good recovery of wound healing within 14 days. The formulation of GG/C-GAT films with the addition of gatifloxacin offered promising materials to be applied as wound dressing materials.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI260

Nama Produk : Bee Ready

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Iryani Binti Wan Ismail Mr. Muhammad Faiz Zulkifli Mr. Abd Hisham Bin Mohd Yusoff Dr. Izwandy Bin Idris

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Bee Ready is an energy bar specially formulated from high antioxidant and protein of bee bread harvested from a local stingless bee (kelulut). The quality of bee bread has been monitored from the harvesting process, product development until the production using physicochemical analysis, MeSTI, and Halaal requirement by the Department of Agriculture Malaysia, Ministry of Health, and JAKIM. The product has been commercialized with the collaboration of Bayu Gagah Marketing (M) Sdn. Bhd. Bee Ready Energy Bar is suitable as an instant food with high energy and nutrition to busy schedule workers, students, athletes, frontliners, and even suitable as food aid during disaster events. Previously, bee bread was considered as no commercial value product. But now we have changed the bee bread as "Bee Ready: a premium stingless bee product".

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniMAP

ID : MPI261

Nama Produk : Safety Medical Syringe for Needlestick Injury Prevention

Penyelidik : Ts. Muhammad Ikman bin Ishak Najdah Atirah binti Mohd Mohd Sulhi Fahmi bin Nadzman Muhammad Suhail bin Fadelan Nur Fatin Bahjah binti Azmi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The occurrence of needlestick injury especially among healthcare workers and patients is really significant since long time ago. Apart from improper syringe usage management, the reuse syringe components and unsafe sharp wastes management also contribute to the incidence of the unexpected injuries. Thus, the aim of the invention was to design a new syringe that completed with safety and ergonomic features to avoid the related injuries. The proposed safety syringe comprises seven main individual parts which are plunger, adapter hub, barrel, needle, seal, cap, and lid. The pulling mechanism imposed on the needle inside the barrel through the attachment of unique male and female fittings has restricted the possibility of the used needle from coming out of the barrel. All these features have been built to secure the single-use of the syringe. For the conventional syringe, the needle is attached to the smaller end of the barrel externally. The needle placement is fixed and could not be moved unless being detached purposely. This may expose the sharp needle to the user which may

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highly possible to cause injury. In comparison to the proposed syringe, the needle is attached to the hub and the hub itself is fitted internally to the barrel and can be moved. If the plunger is attached to the hub and pulled in the opposite direction, the needle will also be pulled to avoid being exposed to the surrounding. Plus, the distinctive design of the plunger with the improved stress concentration elements and the lid at the barrel tip provide additional preventive elements.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI262

Nama Produk : Release Study of Gellan Gum Incorporated with Manuka Honey for Wound Dressing Application

Penyelidik : Prof Madya Dr Khairul Anuar bin Mat Amin Nur Aisyah Nasuha bt Mohd Azam

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In this study, gellan gum (GG) thin films incorporated with Manuka honey was successfully developed by using evaporative casting method. Their mechanical and physical properties, and drug release behaviour were investigated. The results shown that the swelling behaviour of GG-H films was decreased upon addition of Manuka honey at 302.48±18% for GG films incorporated with 10% Manuka honey (GG-H10). The tensile strength and elastic modulus of GG-H10 were 914.29±37.76 kPa and 38941.80±1745.12 kPa respectively. The drug release study with total time for GG-H10 achieve equilibrium was after 126 minutes with the highest percentage of release 83.22%. Water vapor transmission rate for GG-H10 was resulted at 1145±175 gm-2d-1 which is comparable with commercial wound dressing which OpSite at 792 gm-2d-1 and Metalline was 1272 gm-2d-1. This can indicate that the formulation of gellan gum incorporated with Manuka honey can be a potential wound dressing material.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI271

Nama Produk : Au-PEDOT/reGO-A Highly Sensitive Dopamine Sensor

Penyelidik : ChM. Dr. Farhanini Binti Yusoff Dr. Hanis Binti Mohd Yusoff Azleen Rashidah Binti Mohd Rosli

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Dopamine (DA) is a vital biomolecule which functions as catecholamine neurotransmitter. The levels of DA in the human body is significance which abnormal level of DA may cause neurological disorder such as Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, a sensitive and rapid analysis detection for DA was significance in physiological research and disease diagnosis. Hence, an electrochemical method was used as a tool with the newly proposed electrode to detect DA in the urine sample. Gold/Poly3,4-ethylene-dioxythiophene/reduced-graphene oxide (Au-PEDOT/reGO) nanocomposite material was synthesised via the facile one-pot method. The The successful formation of Au- PEDOT/reGO was confirm by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Ultraviolet- visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy. The electrochemical behaviour of Au- PEDOT/reGO was studied by Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and Differential

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Pulse Voltammetry (DPV). In this innovation, Au-PEDOT/reGO was firstly investigated as an electrochemical sensor for the detection of dopamine in human urine. Therefore, we proposed the Au- PEDOT/reGO modified electrode that demonstrated a lower limit and a wider range for detection of DA.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI275

Nama Produk : Digital Technology Sit And Reach V2.0

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr Mohamad Razali Bin Abdullah Dr Fathurrahman Lananan Ahmad Bisyri Husin Musawi Bin Maliki Prof. Dr. Hafizan Bin Juahir Encik Ahmad Taufan Bin Abdul Rashid Mohammad Khairuddin Ali Ruli Budiono

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The development of technology in sports have had a profound impact on sport including of improvements in the design of sport equipment and apparel. The common problem related to equipment is existing error while conducting fitness test manually. Present study proposed Digital Sit and Reach (DISAR) in purpose to overcome problems of systematic error in fitness test. Recorded data by digital instrument is very helpful in measuring the distance in sit and reach test so that it became more accurate and reliable. DISAR is a well-established product promises affordable prices that is 30% cheaper than the price in market, easy to carry, reliable in transmitting the data and great space saver. In addition, it also able to save manpower as only one tester is required. As contribution to the community, DISAR is beneficial to sports organization such as school, states sport council, national sports institute and individual.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI276

Nama Produk : SBJ

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr Mohamad Razali Bin Abdullah Prof. Dr. Hafizan Bin Juahir Ahmad Bisyri Husin Musawi Bin Maliki Dr Fathurrahman Lananan Encik Ahmad Taufan Bin Abdul Rashid Mohammad Khairuddin Ali Sukono Firman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Standing Broad Jump tester (SBJ) differ with existing measurement standing broad jump measurement tool which is reliable in transmitting the data, valid, and formulated (algorithm) to produce the unique index for computing the individual performance whether they are in the excellent group, moderate or poor performance. Standing Broad Jump Kit (SBJ) also a low cost, compact and light weighted kit. The current version of Standing Broad Jump Kit (SBJ) offers new design, operated using power bank, IOT, and provided with statistical finding such as classification and prediction performance. The new version valuable to

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organization such as Majlis Sukan Negeri, sport school and university/college where respondent is big to handle.

Institutsi/Sekolah : USIM

ID : MPI286

Nama Produk : Eisei Bag

Penyelidik : Dr Nur Zaireena bt Zainal Dr Siti Asmat Md Arepen Muhammad Azrin bin Baharin Abdullah Azzam bin Azlan Muhammad Arif bin Mat Zuki Maasyah Nasuha binti Mohd Nasir Nik Sarah Auni binti Nik Mohammed Faizal

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Eisei Bag is an easy and hygienic green technology bag to dispose any body fluid such as vomitous, urine or motion. It has diagnostic features to assist the caregiver or health provider in making diagnostic examination upon the body fluid removed. In the same time it offers safety and and hygienic features for the patient and caregiver to contain it after excretion of body fluids. The double safety features provide secure sealing effect and minimal risk of spillage of content. The green technology offer sustainability towards environment. Excellent satisfaction with hygienic features provides to patient and users. A matter a fact, due to its features, it is a must have tool for all especially hospital, clinics, old folks home, and even convenient for personal use during travelling.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI294

Nama Produk : AR Dysphagia Diet: Digital Nutrition Education by Augmented Reality for Stroke Rehabilitation Patients

Penyelidik : Chin Yi Ying Prof. Dr. Sakinah Harith Karimah Fakhriah Ismail Prof. Madya Dr. Roslan Umar Ts Dr. Ismahafezi Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Dysphagia is a common problem among stroke patients. The challenges encountered during the delivery of stroke rehabilitation are worsened cognitive functioning, vision, communication, and emotional functioning. AR Dysphagia Diet is a new nutrition educational platform for stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation. This tool is one of the interventions in stroke rehabilitation care, mainly in nutritional rehabilitation. It helps to provide nutrition support digitally for stroke rehabilitation patients especially those who are at malnutrition or nutritional risk. AR Dysphagia Diet can increase their nutrition learning with visual aids and better communication between healthcare professionals, caregivers, and patients. Patients are expected to be more engaging in nutritional stroke rehabilitation. This digital nutrition education comprises of the introduction of stroke, types of dysphagia diet such as liquid diet, pureed diet, minced & moist diet, soft diet, and regular diet, and sample menu. This intervention aims to improve

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nutrition intake and rehabilitation outcomes and prevent malnutrition among stroke patients.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI297

Nama Produk : Prayer R.O.M.: a Local-Based Normative Reference Value on Hip and Knee Range of Motion in Relation to Postures in Solah

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd Ariff Bin Sharifudin Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mai Nurul Ashikin Binti Taib Dr. Yuzana Binti Mohd Yusop Dr. Hassan Basri Bin Mukhali Dr. Shaifuzain Bin Ab Rahman Prof. Dr. Nazri Bin Mohd. Yusof Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Harith Bin Rosdi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The role of cultural and geographical influence on joint range of motion (ROM) is still a subject under study. The increased in demand of joint flexion has been the focus of research in the development of implants for the hip and knee joints suitable for Asian Muslim population. Formulating ROM normative data for local population reference for future research and therapeutic aims are imperative and essential. The PRAYER R.O.M. simultaneously obtain and compare the normative passive and functional range of flexion angles during Muslim prayers in the hip and knee joints of normal Muslim adults. We compared the difference between our data against existing normative ROM database available. Normative ROM values during functional activities are preferred in designing and developing joint implants and setting up therapeutic rehabilitative goals. Unfortunately, the information on both weight-bearing joints’ flexion angles related to different postures in prayers from an orthopaedic point of view is still limited. With the development of the Prayer ROM, we aim to fulfil the common demands of Muslim patients undergoing surgery and rehabilitation therapy. Apart from publications in indexed academic journals, the Prayer R.O.M. was recently awarded for one of the best researches under the theme “Exploring Novel Researches in Rehabilitation” in an international conference.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI300

Nama Produk : FIT -Cal

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr Mohamad Razali Bin Abdullah Noor Aishah Bt Kamarudin Dr. Siti Musliha Binti Mat Rasid Nur Amirah Binti Nawi Intan Meily Puspitasari Binti Sumber Ahmad Nadzmi Bin Mohd Rairah Aina Munirah Bt Ab. Rasid

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : How to choose the right candidate to your organization? Normally medical checkup has been used but candidate who are healthy not necessarily fit. Fitness Calculator (FIT Cal) is the system that can identify the best candidate in term of fitness capability. The system is

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flexible because it can be fix to organizational need. For example, if the organizational need is to increase weighted for cardiovascular endurance, other components should have decreased. Total score for fitness test will help the organizational to rank each of candidate automatically according to their capability by using formula from Fit- Cal. Selection of procedure will be faster, reliable and cost saving. FIT Cal can be used to select teacher, cadet officer, students and most of the human resources can benefited from this system.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI311

Nama Produk : VisScreen: A Validated Vision Screening App for Public Use

Penyelidik : Prof. Dr. Abdul Mutalib Bin Othman Associate Prof. Dr Atif Amin Baig Prof. Dr. Syed Hatim Noor Prof. Dr Asma Binti Hassan Dr. Syaratul Emma Binti Hashim Siti Nor Aishah Binti Abdul Rahman Dr Mohamad Aziz Bin Salowi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Cataract blindness is a serious public health problem and it is the single most important cause of preventable blindness globally. The World Health Organisation (WHO) Vision Report in 2019 estimated about 2.2 billion people worldwide, or nearly one-third of the present world’s population, are either visually impaired or blind. Cataract and uncorrected refractive errors remain as the two most leading causes affecting hundred millions of people. The national prevalence of cataract blindness (worse than 6/60) in Malaysia was 3.4%. It was attributed to late detection, and poor utilisation of eye care and cataract surgical services. This could affect the productivity and economy of the country. Our task to treat the visually impaired and blind due to cataract in our increasingly ageing society depends very much on early detection and timely surgical intervention. Highly effective eye care at the primary healthcare level and the corresponding utilisation is required. The VisScreen mobile app could facilitate vision screening and promote early identification of visual impairment and blindness to increase the awareness of the affected population to come forward and utilise the service provided. It is in lined with the WHO strategy to improve health for everyone, and everywhere by accelerating the adoption of appropriate digital technology in the provision of healthcare services. This app is proven to be a valid tool for rapid vision screening and has the potential to be the first and most effective strategy to address visual impairment and blindness in the country and potentially worldwide.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI318

Nama Produk : Red Chicken Sausage: Natural and functional cooked chicken sausage with red palm oil blend

Penyelidik : Dr. Wan Anwar Fahmi Bin Wan Mohamad Nur Adila Binti Basari Dr. Miskandar Bin Mat Sahar

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Prof. Dr. Che Abdullah Bin Abu Bakar Dr. Noor Lida Binti Habi Mat Dian

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Oxidative rancidity is a major cause of quality deterioration in cooked chicken meat products such as sausages, especially when stored at refrigeration temperatures. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), a synthetic antioxidant normally used to control lipid oxidation in foods has been shown to have several health issues and is banned in several European countries and Japan. Introducing Red Chicken Sausage (RCS), a reformed chicken leg meat mixed with novelly formulated palm shortening having a slip melting point similar to that of chicken fat. The chicken batter is stuffed in high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic casing and cooked to an internal temperature of 75o C. The highlight of this product is the addition of RPOo in the palm shortening blend, which has been shown to reduce oxidative rancidity naturally and increase vitamin E and carotene levels in this reformed meat product during storage at 0±4oC. The production of this functional sausage will promote utilisation of the underused yet highly nutritious RPOo, besides wide-spreading the versatility and function of palm oil, which has always been the major oil produced globally. Following its name, RCS contains natural red colouring that also comes from the RPOo, making the product more attractive and appetising. The same formulation of the RPOo blend can be applied to other meat products such as chicken ball, nugget and salami, or other types of meat such as beef, mutton, lamb etc.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI321

Nama Produk : Frequency Of Low Quality Image Of Ankle X-Ray

Penyelidik : Dr Aina Mardhiah Bt Md Khairi Dr Arnie A.Rahim Irwan Iskandar Bin Jusoh Rohana Saaban Mohd Azmi Bin Mohd Nor Mohd Abdul Salam Bin Mohamad Noh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Radiograph is widely used as a diagnostic tool in investigating of ankle injuries. 54% of radiographic cases were ankle injuries in University Health Centre, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. Patients had difficulties to sustain proper position especially in Anteroposterior (AP) position. Improper position will deteriorate the image radiograph criteria and then, repetition of the x-ray need to be done to get good quality of the image. Good image quality is very important to diagnose and later for treatment of the ankle injury. The objective of this project is to reduce the frequency of low quality x-ray ankle image. ANKLELIZER was invented by using 4mm clear acrylic material. Acrylic is the best material because it has low attenuation characteristics to radiation and it also rigid. There was reduction in patients’ radiation dosage exposure from 0.02sV to 0.0039sV, which was 5 times reduced compared before ANKLELIZER was been used. After ANKLELIZER was been used, there was not more repetition of x-ray ankle cases due to good image results.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI328

Nama Produk : Digital Tekan Tubi (DTT) Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr Mohamad Razali Bin Abdullah Ahmad Bisyri Husin Musawi Maliki Prof. Dr. Hafizan Bin Juahir Dr. Fathurrahman lananan Ahmad Taufan Abdul Rashid Prof Agus Rusdiana Aceng Sambas

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : A push-up test is used to assess the upper body muscle strength and be a very important indicator of health to human beings. This Digital Tekan Tubi (DTT) tool helps digitally test, record, and stored data. In fact, this DTT tool also helps to perform push-ups with the correct technique without guidance from the tester. DTT only record a correct technique because variation of push up techniques may cause inaccurate data collection.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI333

Nama Produk : D'MOS (Dioscorea hispida Malto-Oligosaccharides) Syrup

Penyelidik : Dr. Napisah Hussin Prof. Dr. Rosma Ahmad Dr. Zarinah Zakaria Dr. Abbe Maleyki Mhd. Jalil Dr. Nor Shazila Shahidan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Oligosaccharides are attracting increasing interest as prebiotic functional food ingredients. They can be extracted or obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis from a variety of biomass sources or synthesized from simple oligosaccharides by enzymatic transfer reactions. The major prebiotic oligosaccharides on the market are inulin, fructo- oligosaccharides, malto-oligosaccharides and galacto- oligosaccharides. In this study, the production of malto- oligosaccharides syrup from Dioscorea hispida tuber starch was done by treated the starch with starch-converting enzymes (α-amylase, amyloglucosidase and pullulanase).They were determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatoghraphy (HPLC). Malto- oligosaccharides are low sweeteners with properties like anti staling effect on bread, high water holding capacity and preventing sucrose crystallization. Dioscorea hispida malto-oligosaccharides have mildly sweet taste and other characteristics such as, mouth feeling. This mouth feeling characteristic gain interest in the food industry to incorporate these functional oligosaccharides in foods as a partial substitute for fat and sugars, and to improve food texture. Functional oligosaccharides are non-digestible in small intestine digestive enzymes and reached large intestine (colon) where it acts as a growth factor (prebiotics) to enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and inhibit pathogenic bacteria in the colon via competitive exclusion.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI341

Nama Produk : BeeCellulose Mask

Penyelidik : Dr. Nadiawati Alias Dr. Mohd Fahmi Abu Bakar Nurul Asma Hasliza Zulkifly Muhammad Haikal Hizani

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : BeeCellulose mask is an organic biocellulose based mask. This product uses a lab-based formulation with our own unique biocellulose fibres produced from a novel bacteria fermentation. Biocellulose fibres are four times stronger than plant-based cellulose with the ability to attract and retain fluid in great capacity due to their natural biocompatibility and biodegradability (eco-friendly). Our formulation contains pure and highly valuable organic ingredients which includes UniSZA’s own stingless bee honey, aloe vera and hibiscus gel which instantly hydrates, locks in moisture and also suitable for sensitive skin types (dry or sun-burned skin). BeeCellulose also features an aromatic scent of pomegranate botanical extracts with oil and fragrance-free formulations. Our product is low cost comparing to other commercial facial masks since we use local ingredients and production of the key material (biocellulose) is carried out in our UniSZA’s labs. Among natural polymers, biocellulose fibres have tremendous potential in many applications including biomedicine and cosmetics.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniMAP

ID : MPI344

Nama Produk : GSM Patient Heartbeat Monitoring System

Penyelidik : Ts Maizatul Nurul Bariah Binti Ahmad Muhammad Muqri Muazam Bin Zainal Ts Mohd Shahril Bin Shariff

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The purpose of this project is to create affordable and portable device that will allow doctors or relatives to continuously monitoring the heartbeat of the patient. The system calculates the patient heartbeat, if it goes above or below certain limit, immediate informative alert message will be sent to the registered number. For this system, a microcontroller was used which is interfaced with OLED LCD display and heartbeat sensor. The GSM Patient Heartbeat Monitoring System works with GSM modem to send the data remotely to the registered number. The final result, the system constantly monitored the heartbeat of the patient and displayed the reading on the LCD and warned the doctor or heir if the patient in a sudden emergency state using GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) module. The test was carried out and this system was progressing on the desired characteristic.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI347

Nama Produk : SI Omega Microcapsule

Penyelidik : Dr. Zarinah binti Zakaria Dr. Napisah binti Hussin Dr. Norshazila binti Shahidan Dr. Nurul Zaizuliana binti Rois Anwar

Dr. Asmaliza binti Abd. Ghani@Yaacob Farah Syimira binti Rasdi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Sacha inchi (SI) Omega Microcapsule is a novel functional food ingredient produced by emulsification process and spray drying technique. It has various applications in food and pharmaceuticals industries due to its natural and safe properties. This microcapsule is made from edible vegetable oil (Sacha inchi oil) and it provides which approximately of 50% linolenic acid (omega-3) and 35% linoleic acid (omega-6). Omega-3 and Omega-6 are excellent sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) which benefits human health especially in brain functions and developments, vision improvement and reducing chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. It also contains antioxidants in the form of vitamin E and vitamin A which help neutralizing the free radicals. In addition, this microcapsule helps to improve metabolism, fat burn and weight loss as well as enhance healthy skin and hair. SI microcapsule can be readily incorporated into foods and has potential to be marketed as dietary supplements and food additives. This product is ideal to improve the nutritional diet of people for all level of ages. It is recommended to be used as fortification ingredients in food formulations such as such as soup, bread, butter and yogurt for an extra nutrient boost while enhancing the oxidative stability of food products.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI352

Nama Produk : Pro-OSCE/PE

Penyelidik : Hamidah Binti Othman Farrahdilla Binti Hamzah Nur Syakilah Binti Mahyiddin Dr Nor Fadhilah binti Abdullah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) or objective structured practical examination (OSPE) is a type of examination often used in medical and health sciences students such as medicine, nursing, radiology and physiotherapy. During OSCE, the students were unable to perform the exam well due to lack of practice. Therefore, this application named Pro-OSCE/PE, Pro is professional, OSCE is an objective structured clinical examination and PE is practical examination was developed to help students prepare for the exam. It is designed to test the readiness of the students to perform the skills, update knowledge and develop their cognitive. Therefore, this app. consists of the cognitive domain for learning process but in- game method. This application consists of several procedures such as

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to monitor vital sign, wound dressing, positioning, and etc. Thus, this app allows the students to gain access to all the OSCE Skills via their phone whenever and where-ever they like.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI353

Nama Produk : Diana™: Anti-Diabetic Unique Product

Penyelidik : Prof Dr Mahadeva Rao Us Mr. Muhammad Abdurrazak Mr. Bashir Ado Ahmad Assoc Prof Dr Atif Amin Baig Assoc Prof Dr Khamsah Suryati Mohd

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Diana™ has been developed and tested for its antidiabetic effects. This unique novel product makes use of Banana (Musa paradisiaca). For this product development, tepals of Musa paradisiaca was evaluated for phytochemical screening, the total content of flavonoid and phenolics, in vitro α-glucosidase inhibition and in vivo antidiabetic efficacy in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice models. The Banana extracts were tested for animal models' specific activities, and the most efficient bioactive molecules with the capability as a potent inhibitor of α-glucosidase (with IC50 60±0.14 µg/mL) was used to develop this product. Plasma protein, lipid profile, transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase were also significantly reverted back to near normalcy (p<0.05) after the treatment with our product. Histopathological analysis indicated tissue damages in the diabetic untreated mice; treatment with our product exhibits the tissue- protective role (of pancreas and liver) against peroxidation damage, thus signifying tissue integrity maintenance. In conclusion, it infers the in vitro and in vivo antidiabetic therapeutic efficacy of Diana™. This product in the form of a capsule will be available for the patients, pharmaceutics, and also the medical personnel for the use and recommendation with its wide market potential. The uniqueness lies in its zero side-effect besides cost-effectiveness and easy to maintain as no cold-chain is required.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI357

Nama Produk : Smart Save Lab Kits@UMT: Alternatif Ujian Makmal Bantu Penjimatan Kos Perbelanjaan Ke Makmal Luar

Penyelidik : Dr Daeng Malis Bin Haji Ab. Kahar Amin Salihin Bin Yusuf Muhammad Hafizuddin Bin Razali

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Bermula pada tahun 2016, Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Rutin (routine medical examination/ checkup atau RME) telah dilaksanakan di Pusat Kesihatan Universiti (PKU) Universiti Malaysia Terengganu dan diwajibkan kepada semua pelajar baharu Diploma dan ijazah Sarjana Muda. Seterusnya telah dipanjangkan kepada pelajar Pasca Siswazah tempatan mahupun antarabangsa termasuk juga kepada staf antarabangsa. Beberapa permasalahan timbul selepas beberapa waktu seperti terdapatnya peningkatan perbelanjaan yang perlu

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ditanggung oleh universiti untuk membayar kepada pihak makmal luar (swasta) bagi ujian darah dan urin terutamanya untuk pelajar dan staf antarabangsa ini. Masa yang diperlukan untuk memperolehi keputusan keputusan ujian tersebut memerlukan masa sekurang- kurangnya 3 hari waktu bekerja. Hal ini dapat mengganggu proses pembelajaran pelajar serta waktu bekerja bagi staf. Menyedari permasalahan ini, PKU telah mengambil inisiatif memperkenalkan projek “Smart Save Lab Kits@UMT” (SSLK@UMT) ini, sebagai satu langkah yang dapat menjimatkan pengaliran duit universiti ke luar serta mempercepatkan waktu untuk mengetahui keputusan ujian makmal dan proses pemeriksaan kesihatan. Kaedah yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan kits untuk membuat ujian tertentu darah dan urin. Ketepatan, kebolehpercayaan dan spesifikasi dari kits ini adalah antara 95-99%. Hasil yang diperolehi dengan projek ini sangat memberangsangkan di mana purata penjimatan kos yang perlu dibayar ke makmal luar dalam setahun adalah sebanyak hampir 50%. Proses pemeriksaan kesihatan hanya mengambil masa 1 jam berbanding 4-5 hari dengan kaedah lama. Kaedah ini dapat mempercepat proses mendiagnosis, rujukan dan dapat menjimatkan sumber tenaga manusia serta meminimal penglibatan staf makmal. Projek ini juga dapat menaikkan citra UMT di mata masyarakat.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI358

Nama Produk : SPVCNets: Streptococcus Pneumoniae Vaccine Candidates Deployed for NETs’ induction; Towards The Development of Novel, Least Toxigenic, Highly Immunogenic, and Cost-Effective S. Pneumoniae Vaccine Candidate

Penyelidik : Associate Professor Dr. Atif Amin Baig Muhammad Hassan Atif Amin Baig Ahmad Zubaidi Bin Abdul Latif Nordin Bin Simbak Mohd Khairi Bin Zahri @ Johari Mohd Adzim Khalili Bin Rohin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Globally, Streptococcus Pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) remains a major public health problem in causing invasive diseases. This Gram- positive bacterium causes more morbidity and mortality worldwide as compared to other infections. Annually, a total of 1.6 million deaths occurred due to pneumococcal diseases, out of them 0.7-1.0 million are children (less than 5 years of age) because of their immunocompromised state. In Malaysia, pneumonia is considered the sixth largest cause of death. Among the virulence proteins of S. pneumoniae, alpha-enolase and endonuclease-A (endA) possess a pivotal role in the retrogression and progression of pneumococcal diseases respectively. Where alpha-enolase evokes neutrophil extracellular traps by binding on neutrophils to enhance its activity during the innate immune response, contrarily endA provides evade strategy to ruin NETs phenomena by degrading them into pieces. Currently, 94 serotypes of S. pneumoniae are identified, while available vaccines of pneumococcal diseases i.e. PPSV-23, PCV-7, PCV-10, and PCV-13 can target only 23, 7, 10, and 13 invasive serotypes respectively. Moreover, serotype switching and escalating antibiotic resistance due to the natural competency of S. pneumoniae have raised alarming situation for public health worldwide. The

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construct is panned by knocking out cell-surface alpha-enolase and endA of S. pneumoniae to elucidate the mechanism of NETs, involved in entrapment and destruction of S. pneumoniae. The comparative study of wild-type and mutated strains allows insight into the molecular function of NETs independent of alpha-enolase and endA effect, phagocytosis (for mutant alpha-enolase), and correlation of S. pneumoniae immunogenicity. Our vaccine candidates are offered to be novel, least toxigenic, cost-effective, environmentally safe, and highly immunogenic vaccine candidates of S. pneumoniae independent of age restriction and serotypes, which is the main drawback of current vaccines.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI361

Nama Produk : Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Pelajar Baharu Ke Arah Mencapai Tahap Kesihatan Yang Optima

Penyelidik : Dr Wan Norisah Bt Wan Yaakob Dr Arnie Bt A.Rahim Ahmad Abdul Samad Bin Zaki Wan Hasnie Bt Wan Mohamad

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Pusat Kesihatan Universiti (PKU) Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) menyediakan perkhidmatan kesihatan primer dan perkhidmatan pergigian kepada pelajar, kakitangan dan tanggungan mereka. Sejak 2016, PKU telah memperluas perkhidmatan perjanaan Pemeriksaan Perubatan Rutin (RME) untuk semua pelajar baharu yang mendaftar di UMT. Objektif perkhidmatan ini adalah untuk membantu dalam mengenal pasti masalah perubatan di kalangan pelajar baharu supaya rawatan dan langkah pencegahan dapat diberikan dengan lebih awal. Daripada data pemeriksaan yang diperolehi, pelajar- pelajar yang merokok serta berat badan yang tidak normal akan dirujuk ke Klinik Kekal Sihat (KKS) yang terdiri daripada Klinik Diet, Klinik Terapi Berat Badan dan Klinik Berhenti Merokok bagi tindakan susulan. Pencapaian KKS pada tahun 2019 adalah sebanyak 46% pelajar dari Klinik Diet dan 62.5% pelajar dari Klinik Terapi Berat Badan telah berjaya menurunkan berat badan. Seramai 47% pelajar yang menyertai Klinik Berhenti Merokok juga telah berjaya berhenti merokok. Oleh itu, pemeriksaan kesihatan pelajar baru dapat meningkatkan kesihatan yang optima bagi kesejahteraan pelajar- pelajar UMT bagi menimba ilmu di UMT.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI363

Nama Produk : SuCHaSe: Supplementary Tool for an Efficient COVID-19 Health Risk Assessment Surveillance System

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Aniza Binti Abd Aziz Dr. Mohd Salami Bin Ibrahim Dr. Nor Kamaruzaman Bin Esa Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mokhairi Bin Makhtar Dr. Safiya Binti Amaran Dr. Yusmina Binti Mohd Yusof Dr. Nurulhuda Binti Che Lah

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Preventive and control management of COVID-19 risk among staff and students poses great challenges to educational institutions. UniSZA has developed a COVID-19 Health-assessment and Self-evaluation system, also called CHaSe, in April 2020. CHaSe provides validated reports and personalized advice according to the individual's risk. However, problems arise for the health personnel to manage the high volume of reports to monitor the daily progress of at-risk respondents. Thus, we developed SuCHaSe, a web-based data management that complements the existing CHaSe system in May 2020. It extends the role of CHaSe from daily risk assessment into a robust surveillance tool.

SuCHaSe employs a complex algorithm run by the new Microsoft Excel's engine within the secure platform of Microsoft 365. The cloud- based Excel engine extracts salient results from CHaSe and enables real-time collaboration among the appointed university health personnel for further contact tracing. Firstly, when daily CHaSe reports are copied into SuCHaSe, it automatically filters out redundant information, segregate and color-coding individuals' names by risk categories. It subsequently generates and compiles text summary for all respondents' daily screening, then displays this comprehensive information in an easy-to-track timeline for all at-risk individuals. Simultaneously, SuCHaSe computes the total number of at-risk respondents by days, risk categories, faculties, and departments.

As a result, SuCHaSe augments the time-critical actions that otherwise would have been conventionally challenging to achieve. These include early identification of at-risk individuals and those who may work from home, verification of exposure and epidemiological risk, urgent personalized clinical assessment, and timely recommendations for testing or home quarantine. Otherwise, the scale of staff and students at low, medium, and high risk of contracting COVID-19 provides a quantitative burden of COVID-19 and the magnitude of preventive and control tasks in UniSZA. It can also serve as a secondary data repository for CHaSe.

In summary, SuCHaSe significantly reduces the load of work and makes-possible quick decision-making for field use. Therefore, SuCHaSe meets the crucial requirement of an efficient and easy-to- use tool for timely public health actions in combating COVID-19. The unique adaptive features of this complementary system are also applicable for other infectious disease surveillance.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI367

Nama Produk : MY SPADE: Malaysian tool for Streptococcus Pneumoniae Archives, Diagnostics, and Evaluation

Penyelidik : Associate Professor Dr. Atif Amin Baig Muhammad Hassan Atif Amin Baig Muhammad Usman Ahmad Zubaidi Bin Abdul Latif

Nordin Bin Simbak Mohd Khairi Bin Zahri @ Johari

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) remains the dominant causative agent of meningitis, community-acquired pneumonia, bacteremia, and otitis media, globally. Invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) burden is highest in younger children (less than two years), adults (older than 65 years), and those underlying immunocompromised and chronic conditions. The world health organization (WHO) ranked S. pneumoniae at 12th among critical pathogens and placed pneumonia at 6th among the major cause of morbidity and mortality. In the age of modern technology where a software application platform becomes a necessity for knowledge sharing, assessment, and awareness, no software widget standout specifically for S. pneumoniae. To fill out the vital space, an application is developed for awareness against S. pneumoniae in sense of its epidemiology, route of invasion, symptoms, diagnosis, virulence factors, serotypes, and available vaccines. A questionnaire-based assessment method is embedded for preliminary screening of pneumonia severity based on the medical health conditions of a person. Six critical questions containing medical terms of pneumonia are used in the assessment which not only helps professionals to determine the patient’s condition but also suggests medicine combinations with doses based on several cases. Moreover, dynamic web links are integrated into one place to provide literature and news of novel researches, medicines, serotype switching, and antibiotic resistance of S. pneumoniae.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI368

Nama Produk : MExSA: Medication Expired and Stock Alert

Penyelidik : Dr Nurul Farhana Bt Ismail Rohana Bt Saaban Nurozaida Bt Roslan Maisarah Bt Abd Rahman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Ubat-ubatan adalah antara alternatif utama dalam merawat pesakit bagi memastikan penyembuhan yang cepat dan berkesan. Di Unit Kecemasan Pusat Kesihatan Universiti (PKU), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) terdapat kira-kira 83 jenis ubatan yang disimpan dalam troli ubat khas. Kerap kali berlaku ada diantara ubatan tersebut terlepas tarikh luput atau ketiadaan stok apabila hendak digunakan. Sekiranya perkara ini tidak diatasi, ia boleh menyebabkan rawatan pesakit tertangguh, kurang berkesan, pesakit juga mungkin mendapat kesan sampingan dan ia juga adalah satu bentuk pembaziran. MExSA adalah projek amalan pengurusan stok ubatan yang praktikal dan efektif pada troli ubatan Unit Kecemasan PKU, UMT menggunakan kaedah F.A.S.T (Filing, Arranging, Stamping, Tell Others) bagi mencegah ubatan daripada melepasi tarikh luput dan kehabisan stok. Melalui kaedah ini, ubatan direkodkan dengan lebih terperinci dan coding 3 warna digunakan bagi memastikan objektif tercapai. Selepas MExSA dilaksanakan, tiada lagi ubatan yang terlepas tarikh luput atau kehabisan di troli ubat Unit Kecemasan, PKU.

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Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI373

Nama Produk : Pulse Rate Monitoring System

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Fadzil Bin Abdul Kadir Nurul Fatiha Bint Imuda Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Fadzil Bin Abdul Kadir Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamad Afendee Bin Mohamed Ahmad Faisal Amri Bin Abidin @ Bharun Nazirah Binti Abd Hamid Ahmad Aiman Bin Shallahuddin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : These days, an increasing number of people suffering from serious diseases such as heart problems, blood pressure, and other dangerous health problems regardless of age whether young or old. Some people are unaware and careless about their health. In addition, there are some people who are lazy and might be afraid to do health check-ups at the hospital. The Pulse Rate Monitoring system is proposed in this project to reduce the problems mentioned above. This project is to detect the pulse rate beat using the Pulse sensor. It can help people easier to check pulse at home or at work and more convenience to check it on their own anytime.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI381

Nama Produk : Pierce & Protect

Penyelidik : Dr Muhammad Nu'aim bin Ishak Associate Professor Dr Mohd Sayuti bin Razali Dr Nor Kamaruzaman bin Esa Dr Salman bin Amiruddin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is affecting patients and health care workers around the world. Otolaryngologists are particularly at high risk of occupational exposure to COVID-19 in view of commonly performed aerosol-generating procedures.

Diagnostic flexible nasopharyngolaryngoscopy (FNPLS) is an important tool for otorhinolaryngologists that helps in the assessment of the nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx. However, this procedure is considered high risk for the patients and attending otolaryngologists because the patients’ face mask need to be removed during the procedure, hence increasing the chance of transmission of COVID-19. For that reason, this procedure is reserved for critical cases only, with the consequences of suboptimal diagnosis and management of the patients.

We demonstrate the use of modified face mask that allow FNPLS to be done without the need for patients to remove their face mask, hence reducing the occupational risk of COVID-19 transmission as well as resuming the practice of FNPLS to all indicated patients. A set of PIERCE & PROTECT consists of a standard 3-ply surgical face mask, metal eyelet grommet with puncher, and a blade. The metal eyelet grommet will be clipped on the facemask, then a vertical slit is made

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at the centre of the eyelet, making a valve-like passage on the face mask.

This face mask will be given to the patient to be worn throughout the endoscopic procedure. The tip of the endoscopy will be introduced trough the opening at the centre of the eyelid, and FNPLS can be performed as usual. Upon completing and removal of the endoscope, the patient will be asked to change to another regular face mask. The material used in this kit is cheap and largely available, and the assembling step is effortless. These features allow PIERCE & PROTECT to be used widely in any otorhinolaryngology centre.

In summary, PIERCE & PROTECT allows the patient to continue wearing their face mask during FNPLS examination thus minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19. The use of this modification allows otorhinolaryngologists to perform diagnostic assessment to the patient with the ease of mind, as well as optimizing the patient care.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI382

Nama Produk : UniSZA EZCage

Penyelidik : Dr. Syed Ahmad Tajudin bin Tuan Johari Syahril Amin bin Hashim Dr. Azman bin Azid Dr. Abbe Maleyki bin Mhd. Jalil

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Bedding changes are very important in studies involving laboratory animals especially rats and mice. Bedding changes and cage cleaning should be done to ensure that the study animals are always in a clean and dry condition and in good health. The frequency of bedding change is highly dependent on the number and type of animals used in the study. Laboratory animals usually produce urine as well as faecal which can cause bedding to get wet and smelly. In addition, ammonia will also be produced and will have an unpleasant odour effect. As a result, the animal must move to the new cage and new bedding. Some studies showed that the changes of the environment completely would affect the animal’s behaviour. Rats always leave scent-marked but not in mice. Our idea is to make the bedding changes process fast and easy without change completely the whole cage so called UniSZA EZCage.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI385

Nama Produk : MelCUM3: Standardized Senduduk Extract Based on Multivariate- Identified Biomarkers for Health Tonic in Liver Cancer and Healthy Individuals

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saravanan A/L A Dharmaraj Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khamsah Suryati Mohd Amirah Wan-Azemin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : A standardized Melastoma malabathricum or Senduduk extract was prepared using samples that underwent quality control incorporating

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multivariate analysis and the extract was tested for liver anticancer potential. Liver cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer and the sixth most common cancer. Although modern pharmaceutical preparations are available, their toxicity and other considerations makes the search for herbal drugs to be an important strategy in the fight against the disease. The hinderance to the popularity of herbs is the quality control aspect due to the multicomponent nature of herbs and the choice of chemical markers to be monitored. The standardized extract in this study was prepared from samples that underwent FTIR metabolite fingerprinting. This approach is quite common but the strategy for this standardized extract was to use three different multivariate techniques of random forest, principal component analysis and genetic algorithm to identify functional chemical groups and relate it to specific biomarkers from the various herbal samples used. The variables or functional groups identified can be used as a pattern recognition approach to identify the most optimized samples. This approach has been combined with analysis of chemical contents and other quality control parameters and the prepared extract has shown good liver anticancer potential in in vitro assay using cell lines. The method can also be made more robust in the future by combining with the neural network approach that will make adulteration of samples difficult. This idea when used by herbal industry in preparation and testing of further products will negate the need for expensive biomarkers or standards and provide a versatile quality control approach.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI389

Nama Produk : StichoWound

Penyelidik : Dr. Mohd Faeiz bin Pauzi Dr. Siti Norazlina binti Juhari Dr. Salman bin Amiruddin Dr. Nik Mohd Nurhafizi bin Nik Anuar Dr. Wan Fadzlina binti Wan Muhd Shukeri (Universiti Sains Malaysia)

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Sea cucumber, or locally known as ‘gamat’, has long been exploited as a source of traditional medicine due to presence of various important nutritional and medicinal values. Sea cucumber that we used for this product came from Stichopus vastus species, an indigenous commensal invertebrate of the coastal areas of Terengganu. StichoWound is a wound solution which has properties of glycosaminoglycans extract from Stichopus vastus. The novelty of this product is sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) properties extract from integument wall of the ‘gamat’; so only the outside layer of the gamat taken, and these species can be put back in the ocean and continue their living; support government’s conservation and preservation of ecosystem efforts and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14; Life below water – conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. At the same time, we also promote SDG 3; good health and well-being by developing the products to aid wound healing. The product already tested for its usefulness, effectiveness and commercial value via laboratory study in aspects of tissue and cells evaluation. Another unique findings from our study shown it improved serum cytokines and immune regulatory agent dynamics. This product may emerge to be

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commercialibility and good market potential due to enhanced taxonomy, phylogenetics and phylogeography, no toxicity and homogenous structure, and most importantly come from our local marine source. As it is derived from marine source, potential for HALAL brand certification by JAKIM. The last but not least, our product come with very special packaging feature – StichoWound AR, a code embedded in the label with augmented reality feature. The consumer can scan the code and the information regarding the solution will come out via the augmented reality app. So the consumers not only get the physical products but also extra value regarding the products and wound management. It is align with our MPI theme this year; “Consolidation of Creative Minds Drives Into The Latest Innovations and Technology”.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI395

Nama Produk : AB-Ubah : Self-help Motivation and Tracker to Lose Bad Habits and Addiction

Penyelidik : Dr. Nurulhuda binti Mat Hassan Associate Prof. Dr. Norwati Daud Dr. Mohd Faeiz Pauzi Mustafa Afanddi Mat Nor Dr. Siti Norazlina Juhari Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rohayah Husain

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : AB-Ubah is a unique Malay-based app that includes self-motivation and tracker to help lose bad habits and addiction. Addiction is a behavioral action that needs behavioral modification in order to ensure complete recovery. Similar to a bad habit, it needs specific intervention at each different stages of behavioral change according to the cycle of change. Existing Malay based software application (app) educating and helping to change bad and addictive behaviours are scarce. Therefore, we designed this app to give intervention based on the stages of change and the interventions suitable, which leads to the action and guides users in the maintenance phase. This app can record goals, reasons for change, benefit gained from the change and the reasons relapse (if any). A panic button designed to prevent relapse provides motivational quotes, Hadiths and audio to prevent relapse. The holistic approach of addictive behaviours is emphasized in this app as self-help of addiction treatment do not only include medical approach, but also the modifying behaviours. It can also be used to educate the general public to increase the modification of addictive behaviours and subsequently reduce the morbidities associated with addictive behaviours. Commercialization potential: This app may be commercialized for public use or as a part of a behavioural change programme.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI405

Nama Produk : MyKombucha: Rapid Detection Tools for Monitoring The Production of Kombucha Tea as A Natural Source of Antioxidant

Penyelidik : Lee Jing Rou

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Vatsala Pithaih Dr. Maulidiani Dr. Nurul Huda Abd Kadir @ Abdul Rahman Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Azmuddin Abdullah Dr. Rudiyanto

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Kombucha tea is known to have beneficial effects to health such as antioxidant, antiobesity, and antidiabetes. It consumption is also believed to boost immune system. In this project, the production of kombucha tea was made from the combination of black tea and natural honey instead of regular sugar. The kombucha production was monitored using ATR-FTIR and 1H NMR metabolomics. ATR-FTIR metabolomics was successfully discriminated the metabolite fingerprint of kombucha and black tea extracts. 1H-NMR metabolomics was also carried out to further evaluate the metabolite changes during the kombucha tea production. The partial least square (PLS) analysis revealed the metabolites in kombucha tea such as caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline together with phenolics and flavonoids (e.g. gallic acid, ferulic acid, and kaempferol derivatives) were positively correlated with its antioxidant activity. According to the bioassay results, kombucha tea has higher total phenolic content (67.06±6.89 mg GAE/g extract) and DPPH free radical scavenging activity (IC50 value of 0.24±0.05 mg/ml) as compared to black tea extract. Hence, the innovative multiplatform metabolomics of ATR- FTIR and 1H-NMR are useful for monitoring the production of kombucha tea as a natural source of antioxidant.

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Cluster G Digital Era, Data Analytics & Automation Revolution

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Kategori: IPT- Staf/ Pasca Siswazah/Pra Siswazah

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI037

Nama Produk : Real-time Kuala Terengganu Driving Cycles Big Data Analysis by using Driving Cycle Tracking Device (DC-TRAD)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Ts Dr Salisa binti Abdul Rahman Nurru Anida binti Ibrahim Arunkumar A/L Subramaniam Dr. Siti Norbakyah binti Jabar Prof. Madya Dr Ahmad Faisal bin Mohamad Ayob Dr. Wan Mariam binti Wan Muda Dr. Nur Farizan binti Munajat

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Driving cycle is commonly known as the relationship between a set of vehicle speed points and time. The study on this discipline aids the vehicle manufactures, environmentalists and traffic engineers to further investigate the condition of the roads in the country for a better energy efficient vehicle production. To develop driving cycle for a route, data based on real world driving behaviour has been crucial and leads to the idea of construction of driving cycle tracking device (DC-TRAD), a device to collect the data on speed and time of the vehicle and updates instantly on cloud. In this project, a smart real-time monitoring and control system on Kuala Terengganu (KT) city work route driving cycle is implemented. The project is involving Internet of Things (IoT) solution in order to receive, transmit and store the large and big data throughout the driving process. The objectives of this research are; to develop a prototype of DC-TRAD, to construct the KT city work route driving cycle using MATLAB software, and to implement the big data management and analysis using cloud computing and data mining algorithms (k-means and ANN). In this project, the methodology is divided into three major phases which; development of DC-TRAD prototype using ARDUINO microcontroller, development of KT city work route driving cycle using k-means clustering method, and lastly, implementation the big data management and analysis development. This project will be introducing an efficient solution to society, environment, economy and world by characterizing and constructing real world KT city work route driving cycle, which results in less dependence on oil and reducing the effect of global warming. Proven successful, government annual spending for pollution recover could be reduced. This project also responded to the IR 4.0 mission by implementing the IoT system with the big data analytics.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI044

Nama Produk : Grass Cutter Robot

Penyelidik : Dr. Suzanna binti Ridzuan Aw Ain Eazriena binti Che Man Nazry bin Abd Rahman Mohd Hafiz bin Othman Farah Hanan binti Azimi Lia Safiyah binti Syafie Raja Siti Nur Adiimah binti Raja Aris

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : A grass cutter is a machine that uses a revolving blade or blades to cut a lawn grass. Many designs have been made, each suited to a particular purpose and this developed grass cutter robot used string trimmer as the cutting blade. This robot is designed to operate by a rechargeable battery and can be described as an intelligent robot because the micro-controller will receives information from a sensors connected to it in avoiding obstacle to ensure a neat pattern of cut and use the information to actuate the left and right motors driving the wheels and the center motor driving string trimmer and at the same time it obeys all parameters of work and its program database. As it is well known that random motion for a lawn mower would sometimes lead to uncovered spaced, it all depends on how random is random. So a few feature are added with a more advanced option which allows the user to manually control the lawn mower with a PS2 controller. This, in fact, where the user can manually control the grass cutting robot that looks like a tank which adds more fun in controlling manually this robot. The data analysis was listed in the table to test the development of grass cutter. This robot is safe to use, environmental friendly, easy to operate, and have various modes such as manual and automated mode.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI045

Nama Produk : IoT Based Hydraulic Jack

Penyelidik : Dr. Suzanna binti Ridzuan Aw Mohamad Ikhmal bin Mohd Zuki Lia Safiyah binti Syafie Farah Hanan binti Azimi Nurul Huda binti Mat Tahir Safuan Naim bin Mohamad Muhammad Ameen bin Wahab

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Conventionally, people use the manual hydraulic jack to lift the car whenever their car got flat tyre. In any problem case like replacing wheel, and when tyre is puncture, lifting the car is not easy (Jadhav et al., 2017). The manual hydraulic jack consumes lots of human energy especially to women, handicapped person and the elderly. Thus, the IoT Based Hydraulic Jack project is proposed. This project will use IoT to make the hydraulic jack easier to use and reduce the consumption of human energy. It will integrate IoT on an existing hydraulic jack and later will lift up and control the hydraulic jack using Arduino and IoT.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI072

Nama Produk : Performances of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Using KDD Cup ‘99 Dataset in Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

Penyelidik : Siti Norwahidayah binti Wahab Ts. Dr. Noor Suhana binti Sulaiman Noraniah binti Abdul Aziz Ainal Amirah binti Abd Aziz Nur Liyana binti Zakaria

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Nowadays, the number of attacker increasing fast due to the current technologies. Most companies or an organization use Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to protect their network system. Many researchers suggest different ways to improve the IDS such using optimization techniques. Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods also proposed in IDS to attained high accuracy of detection for example; artificial neural network, particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm. Artificial neural network (ANN) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) used in this paper to equate the method and performances in IDS environment. The ANN output value will be compared with the result where ANN supported by PSO to produce higher accurate value. KDD CUP ’99 Dataset used as the benchmark of IDS and will be simulated in MATLAB Simulink 2013. 200 datasets used consists of attacks and normal activities as an input. In this paper, DoS attack which are Smurf and Neptune attacks selected for detection.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI073

Nama Produk : MyCAPD: Development of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis System

Penyelidik : Siti Norwahidayah binti Wahab Ts. Dr. Nur Sukinah binti Aziz Wan Nur Idayu binti Tun Mohd Hassan Nur Liyana binti Zakaria Saadiah binti A Rahman Ainal Amirah binti Abd Aziz Wan Ainul Alyani binti Wan Mohamed

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : MyCAPD is an application to facilitate kidney patients undergoing Peritonial Dialysis (PD) treatment to record and update PD solutions that come in and out 4 times a day at home. In addition, patients will also be notified of the appointment schedule set by the CAPD unit / nurse. In addition, doctors can also monitor the patient's condition remotely by using this application and can record the level of germs in the patient's blood. Kidney patients undergoing Peritonial Dialysis (PD) treatment are performed 4 times a day at home and need to record incoming and outgoing PD solutions, hygiene of PD and UF solutions manually. Patients also need to see a doctor every 3 months. This results in the doctor being able to see only the records entered by the patient during the appointment only. In addition, the stock of PD solution should also be sent to the patient's home every 2 months. With this application, nurses will also be notified to order PD solution at the right time.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI074

Nama Produk : Multi-stage Identification (Type I - VI) Infected Mud Crab

Penyelidik : Dr. Rozniza Ali Muhamad Munawar Yusro

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : -

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI077

Nama Produk : Cloud Tunnel

Penyelidik : Dr. Siti Marsila Mhd Ruslan Dr. Rudiah Md Hanafiah Prof. Madya. Ts. Dr. Kasypi Mokhtar Dr. Rohana Ahmad Dr. Fakhrul Adli bin Mohd Zaki

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The idea of our innovation is inspired based on the daily transaction and chore that we face at shopping complex during Covid-19 pandemic. The proposition is to “enhance the standard of operation” at the entrance of the shopping complexes by introducing a sanitizing tunnel that we called as “Cloud Tunnel”. This cloud tunnel functions as a 2-in-1 purposed sanitization station. The first is to refine the visitors coming by only allowing “clean visitors” to enter. As the visitors enter the tunnel, a green or red light will be flashed, indicating whether they are fully fit or otherwise. The tunnel will scan the body temperature and related indicators and analyze it within 3 seconds. If the red light is displayed, the visitor will not be allowed to enter the premise. The second purpose of the tunnel is to emanate sanitization steam to the green light’s visitors before they enter the premise. As they conduct their businesses in the complex, the payment method will also be improved by introducing the self-scanning and payment booths, installed before the exit gate. The visitors will scan each of the goods that they buy and pay them using cards or through e-wallet. Following that, every 1 hour, the booth will be sanitized to prevent the accumulation of germ from spreading. Throughout of these processes, the contamination of bacteria and virus can be contained and the wellbeing as well as the security of visitors coming to the premise will be protected.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI093

Nama Produk : Mobile Robot Auto Tracking Navigation using Image Pattern

Penyelidik : Muhammad Luqman bin Muhd Zain Wan Faizura binti Wan Tarmizi Muhamad Hasib bin Ali Wan Raihan binti Wan Shaaidi Raja Siti Nur Adiimah binti Raja Aris Nor Hana Mamat Fatimah Rubaiah Che Jaafar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In industrial, mobile robot often used to move an object from its initial location to the final location. To perform the task, the robot needs to be move forward following the path provided. The problem has been countered from movement the robot is to find a path that moves the robot from start position to goal while never touch any obstacle. For an auto tracking mobile robot, the most critical part is the target identification and tracking of the moving object. Although the motion planning problem is defined in the regular world, it lives in another space. In this project, a combination of HUE based color of pattern were used as a tracking object and the mobile robot can only identify

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the color of that image pattern for the auto tracking navigation. Therefore, a study was carried out to make a path planning for mobile robot navigation using a vision system which is Pixy CMUcam5 as a sensory point to detect the color of image pattern of the object for the auto tracking purpose. Arduino Mega as the main controller unit that controls all input and output of the mobile robot. The results of work presented suggest that the color of image pattern identification used for the mobile robot navigation should be a combination should be at least two combination so that, the mobile robot could differentiate between the tracking object and the environment.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI095

Nama Produk : IOT based Gas Leakage Management System

Penyelidik : Wan Faizura binti Wan Tarmizi Muhammad Luqman bin Muhd Zain Muhammad Ikhwan bin Zakaria Raja Siti Nur Adiimah binti Raja Aris Nor Hana Mamat Wan Raihan binti Wan Shaaidi Fatimah Rubaiah Che Jaafar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In this IOT gas leakage detector, device will get connected to WIFI, the minimum and maximum parameter can be set accordingly. Such IOT as well as Arduino based gas leakage detector systems can be installed in homes, hotels LPG gas storage areas. In this LPG gas detector system senses the LPG gas using MQ5 gas sensor. This device will continuously monitor the level of LPG gas present in the air. While monitoring, if the value of LPG gas in air is within the set limit then the RGB LED on the circuit will glow green giving a safe sign. And whenever the gas exceeds above the predefined limit than the RGB LED will glow red and simultaneously solenoid value will turn off and update it over IOT. This Arduino and IOT project will help in detecting gas leakage in the surrounding.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI116

Nama Produk : Pembangunan Laman Web ‘Burger Kodiang’ Sebagai Penyelesaian Penjualan Yang Terhad

Penyelidik : Dr. Nur Amalina Mohamad Zaki Abdul Usaid bin Musa

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Banyak perniagaan terutamanya sektor Perniagaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) dan Perniagaan Mikro yang terjejas akibat Pandemik Covid-19. Antara puncanya adalah kerana perniagaan perlu mematuhi Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) seperti penjarakan sosial yang menetapkan kuota bilangan pekerja dan pembeli yang boleh berada di dalam premis. Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) pula mengetatkan lagi prosedur bagi kebanyakan perniagaan seperti waktu perniagaan yang terhad iaitu sehingga jam 8.00 malam dan pergerakan pembeli yang terbatas kepada 10 kilometer radius sahaja.

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Objektif utama projek ini adalah untuk membangunkan laman web bagi Perniagaan Mikro sebagai salah satu langkah untuk menyelesaikan isu penjualan yang terhad. Fungsi laman web ini adalah untuk mempromosikan perniagaan, berkongsi maklumat berkaitan perniagaan seperti produk dan lokasi perniagaan, serta memboleh penjualan atas talian dilakukan. Salah satu kelebihan laman web ‘H&L’ ini adalah, selain dapat menjual produk-produk sedia ada, ia juga mempunyai fungsi yang membenarkan tempahan produk (seperti tempahan bag) dilakukan secara atas talian. Dengan terciptanya laman web ini, peniaga dapat melakukan penjualan secara atas talian; di luar waktu yang dibenarkan untuk beroperasi. Selain daripada menjamin pendapatan bagi peniaga, pembangunan laman web ini, bukan sahaja dapat memenuhi keperluan pelanggan untuk membuat pesanan pada bila-bila masa dan dari mana-mana lokasi, malah ia juga merupakan langkah bagi mencegah penularan Virus Covid-19 di kalangan pelanggan dan peniaga. Laman web yang dibangunkan ini iaitu laman web ‘H&L’ dapat dijadikan contoh bagi peniaga-peniaga Perniagaan Mikro dan Perniagaan Kecil dan Sederhana (PKS) yang lain untuk terus berdaya saing; daripada perniagaan tradisional kepada perniagaan secara digital.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI117

Nama Produk : e-Manuscript UniSZA

Penyelidik : Prof Madya Ts. Dr. Fatma Susilawati Mohamad Dr. Zurita Mohd Yusoff Dr. Wan Suryani Wan Awang Dr. Engku Ibrahim Engku Wok Zin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Malay and islamic manuscripts are scattered anywhere in the world due to the colonialism since pre and post-independence of Malaya/Malaysia. Also many manuscripts from the 13 to 17 century is left unorganized and unattended when the ulama or the owner died. And many of them are damaged due to the long time kept in the form of the papers or books. This project is intended to support the digitalization process of Malay and Islamic manuscripts from all over the world. e-Manuscript system will become a platform where all the ancient manuscripts are gathered and digitalized for the purpose of preservation and also as a source of Research and Development for the Malay and Islamic manuscripts researchers. In the system, researchers can browse or search any manuscripts based on theme or category. This will save them a lot of time and money also at the same time will make UniSZA as a R&D hub for Malay and Islamic manuscript researches from all over the world.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI123

Nama Produk : Parcel Notification System For University College TATI

Penyelidik : Tuan Nur Izzati Atika binti Tuan Husin Ts. Dr. Nur Sukinah binti Aziz Wan Nur Idayu bt Tun Mohd Hassan Ts. Dr. Noor Suhana Sulaiman

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Ts. Dr. Azliza Yacob Nur Liyana Zakaria Saadiah A Rahman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Parcel Notification System is developed to facilitate administrator and student of University College TATI for parcel management system. In the existing system, process is conducted manually that consumes a lot of time and human effort. Therefore, the proposed system is to change the current process to computerized system, by sending the notification using SMS to the student. The web-based developed and the system helps increase the efficiency of parcel process activities. The system successfully give notification to students when parcels are arrived at UC TATI.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI141

Nama Produk : Eclat Miner

Penyelidik : Wan Aezwani Wan Abu Bakar Associate Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mustafa bin Man Associate Prof. Madya Dr. Zailani Abdullah Mahadi b Man

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Data mining and data analytic are the key components in the field of data science and applied research. Specifically, generating a rule or pattern in mining still suffer in the issue of high consumption of memory storage. Recent research is focusing on interestingness measure to define a significant threshold value that refers to minimum support or confidence level of certain items. Whereas the incremental or parallel approach to reduce memory consumption are some of the initiatives from active researchers. Eclat Miner is a data minig tool with Critical Relative Support (CRS) measure acts as an interestingness measure (filter) in iEclat model that comprises of i-Eclat-diffset algorithm, i-Eclat- sortdiffset algorithm and i-Eclat-postdiffset algorithm for infrequent (rare) itemset mining. The idea of association rule mining is to discover relationships among sets of items (itemsets) in a transactional database. The task of association rule mining is to discover if there exist the frequent itemset or infrequent patterns in the database and if any, an interesting relationship between these frequent or infrequent itemsets can reveal a new pattern analysis for the future decision making. Regardless of frequent or infrequent itemsets, the persisting issues are deemed to execution time to display the rules and the highest memory consumption during mining process. CRS-iEclat engine is proposed to overcome the said issues. Prior to experimentation, results indicate that CRS-iEclat outperforms iEclat from 54% to 100% accuracy on execution time (ET) in selected database as to show the improve of ET efficiency.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI159

Nama Produk : Hockey Player Evaluation System (HoPES)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamad Razali bin Abdullah Intan Meily Puspitasari bt Sumber Mohd Rashidi bin Hashim Mohd Daneil Syafiq bin Dasriel Norzulaikha bt Alias Dr. Naresh Bhaskar Raj Dr. Vijayamurugan Eswaramoorthi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : HoPES is a hockey performance monitoring system. Seeing the performance of the Terengganu state hockey team at the SUKMA 2018 tournament, a performance which is on display not so encouraging when the state hockey team Terengganu took fifth place. Therefore, hockey performance monitoring system can help in monitoring athletes and perhaps can help improve their performance in competition. Hockey Performance monitoring system is provided under the Kementerian Belia & Sukan (KBS), Inisiatif Prihatin Sukan 2020 (IPS20) grant, which funds the Digitization, Research & Development program under the IPS20C application code. Hockey Performance monitoring system is a partnership between the Persatuan Hoki Terengganu, Majlis Sukan Negeri Terengganu (MSNT) & Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA).

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI160

Nama Produk : Simulation Decision Making System (SDM SYSTEM)

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamad Razali bin Abdullah Mohamad Amirur Rafiqi bin Zainoddin Mohd Nurakram bin Noraini/Bahrin Mohd Daneil Syafiq bin Dasriel Aina Munirah bt Ab. Rasid Nasree bin Najmi Nur Faizatul Amira binti Jibril

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Simulation Decision Making System (SDM System) was developed to identify the ability of Taekwondo athletes to anticipate correctly. Anticipation is one of the important factors that discriminate between elite and novice taekwondo athletes. SDM System is very helpful in athletes training programs by analyzing and providing the suggestion for improvement. SDM system was provided under the grant of the Inisiatif Perihatin Sukan 2020 (IPS20) of the Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS), Digitalization, Research and Development program of Terengganu Taekwon-do Federation (ITF). SDM system was the result of the collaboration between the Terengganu Taekwon-do Federation (ITF), Majlis Sukan Negeri Terengganu (MSNT) and University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI165

Nama Produk : UCTATI FYP Poster Presentation Evaluation System

Penyelidik : Madam Aini Zuriyati binti Abdul Kadir Nurul Atikah binti Norodzi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : UCTATI FYP Poster Presentation Evaluation System is a web-based system, in UCTATI currently they are using a manual system to evaluate the presentation mark of final year students. By using the manual system, it can, it takes a lot of time, and the process of getting the final results of students also complicated. Based on the research, UCTATI has no automatic system to evaluate FYP poster presentation by panels. Through the manual system, the admin had faced difficulties to calculate the marks of students during the presentation day because the manual system takes a lot of processes to get the overall results of students. By using a manual system, it can lead to mistakes or confusion to evaluate student marks and also leads to more time- consuming to get the final results of student. There are a few objectives of this system firstly is to analyze the system requirement for the FYP poster presentation evaluation system. Secondly, to design the FYP poster presentation evaluation system. And thirdly is to develop a systematic system for the FYP poster presentation evaluation system. The methodology that had been applied in this system is the ADDIE model. This system was built using the ADDIE model. The first process is analyzing which gathering the requirements that are needed to be inserted into the system. Then, by designing which are created the flowchart, ERD, and database. Then, developed the system by using PHP, xampp, Apache, notepad++, and MySQL. After that, on the implementation processed it need to be testing to ensure the system can be functioning correctly. Lastly is to evaluate which the system is successfully developed and achieved all of the objectives. As a result, the system can calculate the evaluation result automatically that is inserted by panels and the overall result is automatically displayed to the admin.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : University Malaysia Sabah (UMS)

ID : MPI177

Nama Produk : Enabling the Payment Processing Method and Apparatus For Shariah Compliant E-Commerce Transaction

Penyelidik : Dr. Tamrin b. Amboala Dr. Mohd Zulkifli bin Muhammad Dr. Haneffa bte Muchlis Gazali Assoc. Prof Dr. Hanudin Amin Dr. Zamhar Iswandono b Awang Ismail Assoc Prof. S Nasirin b Syed Zainol Abidin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : There is a growing concern among e-commerce customers particularly among Muslims as 5 response to rapid uptake of online transaction that encompasses both from security aspect and Shariah principles. This poses new challenges to devise an alternative payment processing method and apparatus that comply with the Shariah principles. In order to serve more than 1.2 billion Muslim ummah world wide the invention propose a new inventive solution that introduce

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Intermediary Shariah Transaction Party as an intermediary to 10 communicates with merchant and customer. The inclusion of the system alleviates three common shortcomings in e-commerce transactions namely riba, gharar and the validity and the legality of e- commerce transaction from Syariah point of view

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI179

Nama Produk : Integrated Interface System of Tool Path Generation for A Step File Based on ISO 6983

Penyelidik : Prof. Ts. Dr. Saiful Bahri bin Mohamed Ts. Zammeri bin Abd Rahman Ts. Dr. Roslan bin Awang

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Nowadays, modern manufacturing demands advance computer controllers, having higher input language and less proprietary vendor dependencies because no industry standard exists. Unusually for a machining operation, geometric data from 3D CAD modeling need to be specific post-processed before using the particular machine controller. The new standard known as STEP-NC is an open challenge in the field of machine tool programming. This fact strongly motivates the researchers to create versatile integration of STEP universal data structure, which lead to specific post-processor solution. This standard is used to develop the next generation of CNC controllers for new machine tools and robots. This project aims to develop an integrated interface system capable of extracting information from the STEP file, which will eventually automatically generate G-codes and provide tool paths for CNC machining operations. The project consists of three objectives; first, to analyze the STEP data structure and identify reproducible methods to recognize machining features. Second, to construct the workflow diagram that determines the machining tool path. Finally, to develop an integrated interface system that processes the geometric data of STEP files into G-codes format based on ISO 6983. The machined block sample designs from the 3D CAD modeler, which consists of features, need to be machined from a blank workpiece and saved in the STEP file format. The validation process will be done using the simulation in the Mach4 software. At the end of this project, novel reproducible methods for extracting and interfacing related 3-D geometric data based on the STEP universal data structure for Tool Path Generation (TPG) were formulated. This advanced and modern technology provides accurate data models for machining and on-site engineers, which will eventually provide a better economy on a macro scale and transfer knowledge to society.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI223

Nama Produk : Performance Evaluation Of Software Defined Network Using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and Pi 4

Penyelidik : Lukmanulhakim bin Ngah Nur Fatin Amirah Mohd Rodzi Dr. Akhyari bin Nasir Mohd Shah Shafie bin Idris

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Wan Ainul Alyani bin Wan Mohamed Mohd Khairul Anuar bin Omar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Nowadays, people are living in a ‘internet of things’ world. Everything can be programmed over network and no longer depended on hardware and human interaction to transfer data. Software Defined Network (SDN) is one of the creation of this new kind of world which programmed efficient network configuration that improve network performance and monitoring, which will lessen the hassle of configuring devices. Lack of SDN performance of using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ will encourage and motivate to extend research by using new Raspberry Pi 4. The main purpose of this research project is to evaluate performance of CPU Utilization between Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and 4 respectively. Both devices were installed with Mininet emulator and Pox Controller. From the result, it showed that raspberry pi 4 more better performance compared to raspberry pi 3 B+ significantly.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniMAP

ID : MPI244

Nama Produk : Remotely Controlled Defect Detection Wall Climbing Robot Using Vision

Penyelidik : Yogadhurgaishwaran A/L Ravi En. Mohd Rizal bin Manan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The quality issue of wall crack in Malaysia does not always meet expectations and a lot of cases been filed by years. The low quality material in construction and tropical climate which results cracks to appear on building wall surface. Defects may be considered as a failing or shortcoming in the function, performance, statutory or user requirement of a building and might manifest itself within the structure, fabric, services or other facilities of the affected building. Degradation inspection of inaccessible parts of concrete structures at higher structure is always a difficult task. An efficient and low cost solution is the use of wall climbing robots in such areas. This project is proposed duct fan based wall climbing robot for the crack inspection on concrete wall surfaces. The vehicle like robot using duct fan can be made to climb on wall surface for crack inspection in concrete structures. A duct fan is drive with the arrangement consisting of a fan, a high speed motor and mounted within a cylindrical duct. The duct reduces losses in thrust from the tips of the propeller and vary the cross-section of the duct which allows an advantage that affect the velocity and pressure of the airflow. The thrust force provided by the duct fan holds the robot on to the wall. This wireless robot moves like a four wheeled vehicle on the wall surface and monitored via vision system, where wall crack is inspected by capturing the images of wall surfaces using a mounted camera on the duct fan based wall climbing robot. The moving robot equipped with the wireless camera which captures the image of concrete surfaces that can be used for identifying surface cracks through image processing method by using MATLAB. An android web app is created via MIT app inventor to control the motor and display real time video output from the camera. In a nutshell, this climbing robot is expected to prevent the high risked human activities that need to climb the building to do inspections by taking the image of wall crack which can cause injuries or death. This robot which is more convenient

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and safe definitely can replace the high risky jobs conducted by humans.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI252

Nama Produk : Paddy Watch App: Eyes in The Sky for Mapping and Monitoring Paddy Farming

Penyelidik : Dr. Rudiyanto Dr. Ramisah M. Shah Dr. Norhidayah Che Soh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Paddy Watch is the first real-time digital application for mapping and monitoring paddy rice farming that uses Sentinel-1 and 2 satellite data. The Paddy Watch was being developed in partnership between Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), The University of Sydney and IADA KETARA, a unit in Division of Rice and Rice Industry, The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI) Malaysia. The Paddy Watch became one of 32 winning projects from 22 countries supported by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) - Google Earth Engine (GEE) partnership. The winning projects were able to access to a Google Earth Engine license for two years (2020 - 2022), valued by Google at $3 million USD, plus technical support valued at $1 million. The Paddy Watch also received a license from The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to use ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Data Products as JAXA’s contribution for Asia Rice team activity in the Global Agricultural Monitoring (GEOGLAM). The Paddy Watch allows farmers, agricultural scientists, non-government organizations and government planners to obtain accurate and up-to- date information on how much paddy rice has been planted and how much harvest to ensure food security in the world’s rice bowls.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI273

Nama Produk : Softball Evaluation Player System

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamad Razali bin Abdullah Ahmad Nadzmi bin Mohd Rairah Dr. Mohd Syaiful Nizam bin Abu Hassan Mohamad Amirur Rafiqi bin Zainoddin Nur Amirah binti Nawi Mohd Daneil Syafiq bin Dasriel Foo Wai Choo

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Softball Evaluation Player System was designed to monitor and evaluate the athlete’s development through Web-Based evaluation result. Persatuan Sofbol Terengganu (PST) will recognize the strengths and limitations of the athlete through this system and carry out a strategic strategy to boost the performance of the athlete. It can also provide sufficient communication to the athletes from the coaches while also controlling various variables to include athlete performance testing and performance in competition. The system was provided under the grant of the Inisiatif Prihatin Sukan 2020 (IPS20) of the Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) under application code IPS20C

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(Digitalization and Research & Development) The grant was conducted under collaboration of collaboration between the PST, Majlis Sukan Negeri Terengganu (MSNT) and Sultan Zainal Abidin University (UniSZA).

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniMAP

ID : MPI291

Nama Produk : IoT based COVID-19 Early Warning System for Children and Senior Citizen

Penyelidik : Dr. Leow Wai Zhe Saw Seh Xin Dr. Mohd Irwan bin Yusoff Associate Prof. Dr. Safwati binti Ibrahim Ir. Dr. Muhammad Irwanto Misrun Ts. Dr. Tan Xiao Jian Dr. Kumuthawathe A/P Ananda-Rao

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The project is dedicated to using the IoT to develop technologies in the fight against corona virus to help public health. This innovation is driven for the safety of the children especially when attending school for learning and senior citizen who live far from their family with the risk of transmission of COVID-19 disease recently. This project provides the features of detecting the important health care parameters such as temperature and pulse rate and also the location of the being. It also aims to provide a monitoring system for parents to observe their children or family to monitor their elderly parent through the IoT platform. This project implements the integration of ESP32 processor with temperature sensor, pulse rate sensor, GPS module, IoT platform, ThingSpeak and customized application through MIT App Inventor. When children or senior citizen detect possible COVID-19 symptoms, this device allows the system to send email notifications via smartphones and OLED, which indeed provides a convenient way to track them. Therefore, it can reduce the potential exposure risk of the population. We created the COVID-19 Warning System to help governments and our global community fight this pandemic through contact tracking.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI309

Nama Produk : myThalaHap: A Risk Prediction Model

Penyelidik : Dr. Wan Rohani binti Wan Taib Associate Prof. Dr. Mohd Khalid Awang Nur Aisyah Aziz Dr. Imilia Ismail Dr. Hamid Ali Al-Jamal Dr. Ezalia Esa Datuk Dr. Hishamshah Mohd Ibrahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Thalassaemia is an inherited disorder (autosomal recessive) characterised by reduced globin chain synthesis and imbalance of globin chains due to mutation in the beta globin (HBB) gene. Noteworthy, beta thalassemia is heterogeneous at the molecular level

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that explicates various clinical presentations in terms of severity even though the patients have the same beta thalassemia mutations. The genetic heterogeneity is more observed in multiracial population in Malaysia with diverse spectrum of HBB gene mutations. In Malaysia, beta-thalassemia is an important public health issue with 8681 registered thalassaemia cases have been recorded in the Malaysian Thalassemia Registry (MTR) since 2007 until November 2018. The ThalaHap Apps is developed based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm to provide prediction of predisposing effect by haplotype- SNP markers in HBB and reveal the severity and prognosis of thalassaemia. This model will be useful for the improvement of clinical management of beta thalassaemia in Malaysia based on the personalized haplotype profile. Haplotype-SNP markers in HBB may provide prediction in susceptibility effect or protection to beta thalassaemia development. The information may assist the Ministry of Health to reduce the prevalence rate among Malaysians.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI322

Nama Produk : ADHD e-Support

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Fatma Susilawati Mohamad Siti Nur Hasanah Afiqah Binti Anizam Prof. Madya Dr. Zarina Mohamad Dr. Aznida Hayati Zakaria Dr. Hasni Hassan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is a type of neurological disorder that can impact the crucial part of brain which help in planning, focusing and executing task. People with ADHD have difficulty with organizing, impulse-control, and behavioural control during certain period of time which give a huge impact on their daily life. They will definitely facing trouble in fitting themselves with society as they cannot control their behaviour which in result affect their social skills. Early detection is very important for both parents and people with ADHD to improve their education and psychosocial issues. In this system, we are going to focus on ADHD in children age 6 until 12 years old in primary school. Normally, parents or teachers who suspect their children suffers from ADHD needs to bring their child to hospital to take ADHD test first, and if their child is diagnosed with ADHD, they need to set an appointment to seek for specialist. This process is definitely time consuming and costly as the appointment will be held several times. So, we propose to develop a support system via online platform to assist these special children. The purpose of this study is to develop a functional and helpful system for parents and teachers to support and seeking professional help for their children. Parents and teachers can easily register their children/students before taking the ADHD test for their children. It is intended for an early detection whether these children has the symptoms or not. If the results are positive, they can set an appointment with available specialist online. All appointment sessions will occur in this platform. They can set the appointment or reset new appointment easily without having to actually go to hospital which will definitely save time and cost. This system will also provide assistance for parents and teachers to help and assist their special children and students.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI327

Nama Produk : Collaborative Consensus Enforcement Framework for Applied Ontology Construction Penyelidik : Mr. Kaneeka Vidanage Prof. Ts. Dr. Noor Maizura Mohamad Noor Assoc Prof. Ts. Dr. Rosmayati Mohemad Dr. Zuriana Abu Bakar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Collaborative ontology construction is the latest trend of applied ontology construction. Ontologies are recognized as human and machine-readable domain rich conceptualizations. Numerous advantages can be derived from an accurately modelled applied ontology. Without only restricting to the computing domain, knowledge models can be derived across any other non-computing domains, such as medicine, law, agriculture, management and etc. Henceforth, the created knowledge models can be linked with a chatbot or a reasoning module to accomplish various knowledge elicitation purposes. This research has focused on developing a collaborative consensus enforcement framework and a tool to facilitate the significant necessities. Proposed tool comprises of multivariate support to ease the role of non-computing domain specialists (i.e. medical doctors, lawyers, managers and etc.) Phases inclusive in the collaborative enforcement framework is boosted through visualization support to minimize the split attention problem, verbalizing support to minimize the comprehension struggles, natural language interrogation to verify the knowledge embeddings` accuracy of the ontology increment and eventually a dashboard to understand the complexity vs. efficacy of the proposed ontological schemata. The underlying algorithms invented in this tool with synch the collaboration of the domain specialists and the ontologists to fulfilling the phase –specific requirements of the suggested framework. The proposed tool and the framework are quantitatively and qualitatively tested for it`s efficacy and has yielded satisfactory results.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniMAP

ID : MPI370

Nama Produk : Survelliance Drone System Basedo Internet of Things (IoT) for Industrial Security Application

Penyelidik : Dr. Hasimah Ali Lau Yie Hang Tan Yin Suan Veeran Raj A/L Polaiah Muhammad Ikhwan Firdaus bin Aluwi Arif Afif bin Mohd Zabidi Dr. Mohamed Elshaikh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Nowadays, deployment of surveillance drone for monitoring or security application remains challenging and ongoing research. As Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more commercialized, various concept of IoT have been integrated with the drones due to efficient usage. Therefore, this project proposed the development of surveillance drone system based on IoT for industrial monitoring-security applications. The rationale of integrating IoT with surveillance drone is that it allows

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authorized users to login from any device, anywhere, and view video or images from surveillance drones in real-time for security awareness. In this work, the surveillance drone consists of mechanical system, electrical and electronic interfacing and IoT platform (mobile application system). A drone quadcopter has been constructed with brushless motor attached to the respective propellers to spin. In electronic system, power module, communication and control module, sensor and actuator as well as user interface module have been adopted and integrated into the system. Beside, in software development system, user interface configuration was developed through mobile application in which it communicates with Raspberry Pi B+ camera to serve as IoT platform. A series of experiments shows that the surveillance drone system based IoT able to operate with a promising flying distance with surveillance camera as the “eyes” of the drone system.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniMAP

ID : MPI383

Nama Produk : A Cascade Hyperbolic Recognition System of Buried Targets using Hybrid Feature Extraction in GPR Subsurface Scanning

Penyelidik : Dr. Hasimah Ali Ahmad Firdaus Ahmad Zaidi Dr. Mohd Shuhanaz Zanar Azalan Tengku Sarah Tengku Amran Mohamed Ridzuan Ahmad Prof. Madya Dr. Shazmin Aniza Abdul Shukor Dr. Siti Marhainis Othman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a nondestructive test used for shallow subsurface investigation such as land mines detection, mapping and locating buried utilities. In practical applications, GPR images could be noisy due to the system noise, the heterogeneity of the medium, and mutual wave interactions thus, it is a complex task to recognizing the hyperbolic pattern from GPR B-scan images. Thus, this project presents a cascade hyperbolic recognition system of buried targets using hybrid feature extraction in GPR subsurface scanning. In this framework, the hyperbolic pattern of GPR images are extracted using hybrid feature extraction by mean of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) used to recognize the geometrical shape of buried targets. The unique transform features derived from a set of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) and coefficient approximations are used as input features to Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier to recognize four geometrical shapes of cubic, cylindrical, disc and spherical of the buried objects.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI393

Nama Produk : myBLOCKSCRIPTS

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mohd Khalid bin Awang Robiah binti Arifin Afiq Nasri bin Othman Mohd Masrul bin Ibrahim Wan Syahida binti Wan Abdullah Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mokhairi Bin Makhtar Prof. Dr. Harmy bin Mohamed Yusoff

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Our team designed and created a blockchain solution named myBLOCKSCRIPTS to hold a student's transcript information. We are the first university that fully utilize blockchain technology to verify the authenticity of all graduating transcripts starting in 2020. With the current pandemic of COVID19, whereby students are not allowed to come to collect their physical transcripts, the project will allow student to retrieve the official academic results easily. The use of blockchain technology to scan data for graduates could increase the public’s confidence in the validity of the transcripts and could eliminate the issue of fake transcripts in the community. Transcripts data were encrypted and stored on UniSZA’s private blockchain that connected to various nodes and locations to ensure it could not be hacked or forged. The main advantages of using this technology is that all encrypted data will be secure in terms of data availability, transparency and integrity. Therefore, the authenticity of the scroll can be verified by anyone regardless of time and geography. Validation of the transcripts could be done by employers or anyone by scanning the unique QR code on the graduation scroll using a smartphone camera or download the myBLOCKSCRIPTS version of iOS or Android. The time saved for processing is another main benefit to be realized from storing transcripts on a blockchain. Such time savings can be significant for the person requesting the transcript, the registrar's office producing the transcript, and the third party receiving the transcript. In conclusion, this project shown that the use of blockchain technology will reduce the overall time needed to process transcripts and access them. Furthermore, the immutability provided by the blockchain technology will make it almost impossible to falsify or modify these documents, giving the interested third parties great certainty.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI399

Nama Produk : iMOS: Intelligent Mobile Apps for Mosquitoes Auto-Spray Dispenser Usage Tracking & Monitoring

Penyelidik : Associate Prof. Dr. Mustafa Man Mohd Kamir Yusof Dr. Wan Aezwani Wan Abu Bakar Wan Mohd Amir Fazamin Wan Hamzah Lim Chee Hwa

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Dengue fever has become an increasingly significant health threat worldwide. Currently, due to lack of specific treatment or vaccine against dengue, vector control, which is available in many forms,

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remains a key strategy for dengue fever prevention. Hence, we introduce an iMOS: Intelligent Mobile Apps for Mosquitoes Auto-Spray Dispenser Usage Tracking & Monitoring. This Mobile Apps give information for the user the notification about the usage of mosquitoes spray and battery. We need these apps as the scheduler reminder and alert that related to human tracking and monitoring tools that help the user for replacing the new spray and battery. These apps can be knowing/functioning as a human eye and spy for controlling and monitoring the mosquitos’ auto-spray dispenser system. The main contribution of iMOS is to monitor and track for the mosquito repellant (XMOS) to be refilled.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI404

Nama Produk : IR4.0 Integrated Smart Office Management System

Penyelidik : Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Ahmad Shukri bin Mohd Noor Maharaj Faawwaz A Yusran Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mustafa Bin Man Dr. Noor Hafhizah Abd Rahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Cloud computing, Mobile apps, system integration and autonomous systems are some of the core technologies in IR 4.0 framework. These IR 4.0 core technologies are necessary for the sustainability of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), so that they can continuously provide services while keeping data integrity. However, today there are many SMEs that have only semi-computerised or partly computerised system. Some jobs are automated but has to be integrated manually. Moreover, a large number of SMEs are still using physical files to process their clients' needs. These semi or partly integrated systems cause the delay of information processing that can lead to a significant disruptive factor to the SME firms.

This project proposes the “IR4.0 Integrated System for Smart Office Management”. This project will deploy state-of the-art web services for development of business logic for office management system. In addition, it will embed the mobile framework for ease of information retrieval from Mobile devices. All the system data will be store in cloud services. Furthermore, this project will utilise mobile app for digitising current physical documents in the pilot site(H2A). H TWO A CONSULTANT SERVICES (referred to as H2A) has agree to join in this project as a pilot development SME firm and willing to fund at least RM10,000 for this project.

The main goal of this project is to provide timely and efficient information management that is always available, providing a cost- efficient operation, more productive and high accuracy solution. Hence, it is crucial for this SME firm like H2A to have a smart office management system based on the IR4.0 framework for improving efficiency and productivity as well as reducing business disruption by continuously providing its services.

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Cluster H Manufacturing Technologies, Food Processing & Mechanization

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Kategori: IPT- Staf/ Pasca Siswazah/Pra Siswazah

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI002

Nama Produk : PureGac Ice Cream

Penyelidik : Dr. Faridah Yahya Ts. Dr. Fauziah Tufail Ahmad Dr. Ramisah Mohd Shah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : PureGac Ice Cream is an ice cream that incorporated with gac aril powder. Gac is highlighted in this product due to its pleasant orange colour and greatest amount of antioxidants such as lycopene and beta- carotene. However, gac is a seasonal plant and will be fruiting only twice per year. The ripe fruit is also perishable and will deteriorate within 3 days. Therefore, the gac aril which is the most part that contains the highest antioxidant will be used in this product to make it available throughout the year. Due to the highly lipophilic properties of the carotenoids in this fruit, a lipid-based matrice of food product is needed as a carrier to increase its absorption in the human body. Therefore, ice-cream is the most suitable product to be incorporated with this fruit. The natural colour of the ice-cream will be significantly contributed by the gac aril. Besides, the fat and protein emulsion with the carotenoids from the fruit will give a uniform colour and mouthful taste. The potential of this product to be commercialized has already been tested in many events with more than 95% acceptance. The properties of this product in line with its concept; pleasant, pure, delicious and natural.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI019

Nama Produk : Alginate-based Edible Coating: A Step to Minimize the Sugar Gain during Osmotic Dehydration Process

Penyelidik : Dr. Nora Salina binti Md Salim Muhammad Hafiz bin Hissham Ts. Dr. Khadijah Hilmun binti Kamarudin Dr. Aima binti Ramli Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Nizam bin Lani Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Ikmar Nizam bin Mohamad Isa

Abstrak produk/ inovasi Drying is a process for food preservation which can helps in prolong the shelf life of food products. In drying of food material, osmotic dehydration has been widely used as pre-treatment due to its low energy requirement with better product quality. However, excessive : solute occurred during the process give negative impact on the final product which often becomes the limitation of this technique to be applied in food industries. On top of that, increasing consumer awareness of the health effects of sugar leads to increased demand for low sugar-product. To address this issue, edible coating is the key step to minimize the sugar gain during the osmotic process. Alginate

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is a colloidal carbohydrate extracted from diverse species of brown algae and has a potential use as coating material due to its desirable hydrocolloid properties, high nutritional value, water solubility, and emulsifying capacity. These findings reveal the potential usefulness of alginate-based edible coating and its optimized condition on osmotic dehydration of ginger slices in minimizing the sugar gain and thus, it can be a promising route to meet the demand of current consumers.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI020

Nama Produk : One-TiRam Powder

Penyelidik : Dr. Faridah Yahya Ts. Dr. Fauziah Tufail Ahmad Dr. Tengku Rozaina Tengku Mohamad@Jaffar Nur Fadzira Anua Mohamad Asri Hashim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : One-TiRam Powder is a pure and natural multipurpose powder of grey oyster mushroom prepared with low temperature of drying process and does not contain any chemical additives. This product promises the sustainability of grey oyster mushroom to be consumed throughout the year as well as prolong the shelf life of mushroom. One-TiRam Powder is a highly nutritious product which contains high protein, fiber, minerals, antioxidant and low in fat content. The product is packaged in translucent aluminum to retain the quality and its nutritional value. It is suitable for all categories of consumer including vegetarians. This convenient product can to be stored at room temperature or cold condition. Not only used as a seasoning, One-TiRam also can be added in any food products to increase the sensorial quality. Worth seeking out for natural flavour enhancer lovers.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI066

Nama Produk : Manufacturing of Eco Design Army Helmet using Alternative KAKF Hybrid Composites

Penyelidik : Dr. Suriani binti Mat Jusoh Siti Nursufiyana binti Mohd Salim Nur Fatin Naziera binti Zulkifli Hannah Zalifah binti Rapi Muhammad Izzuddin bin Mohd Rashid Nur Dayana Syazwani binti Mohd Asri Mohd Zharif bin Che Yusof

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The scope for this innovation is to encourage widespread use of Eco- Hybrid composites in various application specifically in defend and military operations. The demand for military operation defending the illegal immigrants during pandemic Covid-19 outbreak in Malaysia has gone striking in number. General conditions in green composites are proposed, along with some preliminary data on the mechanical and thermal properties of hybrid composites. The new KAKF Eco Design Army Helmet are manufactured using Kevlar / Fibreglass / Arenga Pinnata hybrid reinforced polyester for the outer layer while the epoxy

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reinforced by Kenaf fibre is made as an inner layer of the helmet to ensure military safety during operations at national state border.

Institusi/ Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI097

Nama Produk : Design And Fabrication Of Adjustable Wheelbarrow

Penyelidik : Nurul Izatul Nuraishah binti Mazlee Norsilawati binti Ngah Nor Azinee binti Said Ummi Nazahah binti Roslan Mohd Shamsul Azmi bin Mohd Alim Mohd Faizal bin Ibrahim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Previous studies have provided evidence that young farm workers and agricultural workers may be at risk of lower back musculoskeletal injuries. Effective interventions are needed to reduce the stressors that cause harm to minimize these risks. Since almost all work environments require manual operations, agricultural and peasant workers are very likely to bear heavy loads. Lower back pain and injury are considered one of the most common musculoskeletal diseases caused by weightlifting. However, several factors increase workers' risk, such as weight, age, gender, and height. The purpose of the current research is to study alternative forms of wheelbarrows as an intervention for young people to transfer materials on farms. Young people helped solve this problem by innovating a simple machine called an adjustable wheelbarrow, which can transport goods from one place to another. The research first focused on the design of the tank scissor lift. It is good to make the new design have better ergonomics through some research on the scissor lift's existing structure and materials. This project aims to fabricate the adjustable wheelbarrow used scissor lift and explore the influence of load position and force on muscle activity during the wheelbarrow task. Innovative wheelbarrow used to relieve back pain of users. Previous studies show that alternative wheelbarrow designs can reduce the awkward postures and motions during wheelbarrow tasks. Therefore, further research into the effectiveness of these interventions, including spine loading and long-term use, is necessary. The structural model was developed using computer aided design software. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software is performed to study the scissor lift's deflection below the tank wheelbarrow after the load was applied.

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI100

Nama Produk : Fully Autonomous 'Kuih Ros' Mechanization System

Penyelidik : Nurul Huda binti Mat Tahir Safuan Naim bin Mohamad Farah Hanan binti Azimi Nazry bin Abdul Rahman Dr Suzanna binti Ridzuan Aw Wan Muhammad Hafyiez bin Wan Fauzi

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Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Nowadays, Small and Medium Industries (SMEs) are gaining huge demand in our country. Therefore, various machines has been produced with the latest technology in accordance with the market trends. The idea of designing fully autonomous kuih ros machine is to help the SMEs entrepreneur to increase their production with minimum labor supervision. The main purpose of this research is to provide innovation in mechanization process across manufacturing activity including automatic forming and frying technique. Furthermore, the added value on this automatic mechanization process is extended until the last stage of kuih ros making process which is dispensing the end product. Affluence the machine's user with less supervision while completing mechanization system to be more effective and efficient as a whole.

Institusi/Sekolah : USIM

ID : MPI121

Nama Produk : Waste To Wealth: Innovation Of Durian Seed Gum As A Sustainable Food Emulsifier (Emuldurio)

Penyelidik : Dr. Siti Radhiah binti Omar Dr. Siti Radhiah binti Omar Ahmad Naim bin Rohaizan Prof. Madya D.r Zaiton binti Hassan Siti Norhikmah binti Abdul Rashid

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Durian seed contains abundant sources of minerals, vitamins, protein and polysaccharide compounds but it is often discarded as a waste material. Durian seed also displayed characteristics like a hydrocolloid which could be potentially utilized as an emulsifying agent. This study is performed to extract gum from durian seeds and determine its functional characteristics with comparison to commercial guar gum (GG). The efficiency of durian seed gum (DSG) extraction was determined by calculating the yield percentage. The emulsifying properties of the DSG and GG were evaluated by measuring the solubility percentage, water holding capacity (WHC) and oil holding capacity (OHC). Proximate compositions of DSG and GG were obtained to observe its effects on the emulsifying properties displayed by DSG and GG. The emulsifying activity of DSG and GG was investigated by adding the gum into coconut milk. Coconut milk was applied as model system as it is recognized to be physically unstable and tends to separate into a layer of cream and serum. The emulsion stability of coconut milk was observed at four different concentrations (0.5 %, 1.0 %, 1.5 % and 2.0 %). This study can explore durian seed’s potential even further, reduce food waste problem and commercialize durian seed as something that can commercialized in food product which will eventually assist in enhancing agriculture sector and food security in Malaysia. This study also is contributing to the new knowledge on the utilization of durian seeds; from waste to sustainable food emulsifier in Food Industry.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI124

Nama Produk : Zawra Dd Cushion - Frontiers In Sunblock Technology For Cosmetic Applications Penyelidik : Prof. Madya ChM. Dr. Mohd Zul Helmi bin Rozaini Habibah binti Hamzah Mohamad Safuan bin Azhar Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Mohd Hasmizam bin Razali Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Md Uwaisulqarni bin Osman Mohd Fairuz Affandi bin Aziz Siti Kamilah bin Che Soh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Zawra DD cushion is a latest discovery in cosmetic technology. The polyhedral-shape like structure with high viscosity and long-term stability is a highlight of the latest invention of natural hybrid sunscreen in cosmeceutical. Zawra is design as skincare invention consist of modified fish bone derived from Decapterus maruadsi (ikan selayang) and doping with Titanium dioxide as UVB absorption. Rapid development in the fish processing industry has led large amounts of waste every year around the world. However, waste from fish bone contains hydroxyapatite (HAp) which is fishery products have also been explored in total including fish bones and fish scales such as the 100 % usage of palm oil. Certain fish bones have an attractive added value which contain HAp that can potentially be used as a hybrid sunscreen. Therefore, Decapterus maruadsi bone have been discovered and synthesized to be prepared in newest applications, particularly in cosmeceuticals as sunscreen. Fish bones have been characterized with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and UV-Vis. Results obtained clearly indicated that the HAp existence in waste Decapterus maruadsi bone with addition of TiO2 exhibit high Sun Protection Factor (SPF) value compared to conventional sunscreen. Thus, the utilization of waste from the fish bone not only produce value-added products from low-cost resources, but also help in reducing pollution to the environment and preserve from global warming. Hence, formulation on emulsion synthesized from fish bone is designed as a new hybrid innovation in cosmeceutical products and boost up the efficiency of skin prevention from UVB radiation.

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI140

Nama Produk : Advanced Hybrid Nano-cutting fluid for CNC Machining

Penyelidik : Dr. Mohamad Redhwan bin Abd Aziz Ts. Dr. Zainal Ariffin bin Selamat Muhammad Aminullah bin Abdul Rahman Badrulhaswan bin Besar Arifuddin bin Ariffin Muhamad Syafiq bin Ahmad Siti Hawa Nurul Jannah binti Ahmad Basri

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Common cooling technique in machining namely dry, flood and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) provide advantages and

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disadvantages among those techniques. For example, dry cooling comparatively is cheapest technique, but the cutting performance, namely surface roughness and cutting temperature is poor. The flood technique on the other hand, produce lowest surface roughness and lowest cutting temperature but come with high investment in cutting fluid and eventually polluting our environment with high cutting fluid waste. MQL technique hugely reduce the use of cutting fluid, but the performance is not at par with flood technique. Hence, the introduction of advanced hybrid nanocutting fluid combine with MQL technique in CNC machine able to produce best cutting performance, increasing tool life and at the same time protect our environment. The laboratory test has been conducted and the result shows that the use of advanced hybrid nano-cutting fluid (4% vol. concentration of TiO2 - SiO2) +MQL technique (MQL+4%) produce lowest surface roughness and cutting temperature. The comparing result among techniques are as follow: Surface roughness of 0.822, 0.677 and 0.510 Ra for dry, flood and MQL+4%, respectively. While for Cutting temperature, 32.1, 31.1 and 28.8oC, were produce for each cooling technique. It can be concluded that the introduction of advanced hybrid nano cutting fluid able to produce the best cutting performance while protecting our environment.

Institusi/Sekolah : UiTM Cawangan Terengganu Kampus & TATIUC

ID : MPI166

Nama Produk : Intelligent Parcel DropBox

Penyelidik : Ts. Mohamad Ridzuan bin Mohamed Rashid Ts. Mohd Ridhwan bin Mohammed Redza Ts. Mohd Arzaimiruddin bin Ariffin Muhammad Aliff bin Rosly Kamrol Amri bin Mohamed

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : To curb the deadly COVID-19 rising infectivity rate, R-Naught in Malaysia (Highest recorded on 8th September 2020, R-Naught 2.34), the Malaysian National Security Council has decided to embark on the Movement Control Order (MCO). Several restrictions and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been enforced during the MCO, such as the economic and social activities restriction, compulsory mask-wearing, and social distancing. These restrictions and SOPs lead to the unprecedented influx of deliveries, mainly due to the booming online shopping. The Intelligent Parcel DropBox is developed to allow better MCO SOPs compliance and reduce the probability of virus transmission during the delivery process. This DropBox is designed using SolidWorks CAD Modelling software, and the functionality of the control system is demonstrated using Proteus Design Suite software. It features a motor-controlled roller shutter door to maximize space usage and a pump-controlled disinfection antiseptic spray to sanitize the received goods. It is approximately 600 mm length x 600 mm width x 700 mm height in size and uses a corrosion-resistant material such as stainless steel. Hence allowing the most common size parcels to be inserted and can be used in outdoor conditions. The user interface control system is manifested in two ways; a user-friendly physical interface (at the DropBox) and an Internet of Things (IoT) based virtual interface (at the mobile phone). The physical interface allows a delivery person to interact with DropBox during the delivery process physically. While the latest cutting-edge IoT technology enables remote control using a virtual interface, even the user is far

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away. The spray simulation results show that 80% of inserted parcel area was covered, thus proved its efficiency. This project's novel outcome is a practical yet user-friendly designed DropBox equipped with the latest Industrial Revolution 4.0 (4IR) technology to suit current product application demands. Furthermore, it can promote a social distancing culture and has a high potential for commercialization.

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI170

Nama Produk : Comparative Study of Blade Materials For Transplant Shovel Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Penyelidik : Siti Najwa binti Halias Raja Manisa binti Raja Mamat Mohd Hairy bin Basir Mohd Khairul Anwar bin Omar

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Recently in agriculture and gardening, transplanting or replanting is often required technique of moving a plant from one location to another. Shovel as a tool resembling a spade with a broad blade, typically used for transplanting and replanting process. This research is about comparison of blade material for transplant shovel with aims of weight reduction, performance and material suitability. The blades are important to withstand large upper body strength and operated in any behaviour of soil. 3D design of transplant shovel is carried out using Autodesk Inventor 2019. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is applied to predict its maximum working pressure due to loading condition for three different materials of blade. Based on analysis of the design, common steel material gives the best performance of stress 307 MPa with 15 safety factor and 3.01 mm displacement compared to mild steel and alloy steel. In conclusion, design of transplant’s shovel with steel blade may perform well to the user.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI191

Nama Produk : Rambutan Silver Nano-Towards Producing Antibac Layer in Food Wrap

Penyelidik : Dr. Hanis Mohd Yusoff Nor Syazwanie Mohd Saidi Dr. Nurhanna Badar Dr. Farhanini Yusoff Dr. Suganthi Appalasamy Nur Zafirah Mohd. Izham Alia Diyana Mohamed Hassim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Synthesis of AgNPs using plant has sparked interest due to its environmentally safe, inexpensive and simple method properties compared to chemical and physical method. In this study, waste from fruit peel Nephelium lappaceum or also known as rambutan peel was used as a reducing agent. Rambutan peel extract was added to AgNO3 (1 mM) solution and stirred for 1 hr. Three sets of synthesis were carried out to see the reproducibility and stability of the AgNPs. The solution obtained was analyzed by using Fourier transform-

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infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), UV-Vis spectrophotometer and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The stability of the obtained AgNPs was observed and compared with AgNPs synthesized by using the chemical method. FTIR spectra showed O-H, C-H, C=O and C=C stretching at 3361 cm-1, 2090 cm-1, 1637 cm-1 and 1367 cm-1 respectively. The wavelength of UV-Vis obtained for the 3 sets of green synthesis is at 452 nm. The appearance of the peak around 452 nm due to the surface plasmon resonance band confirmed the formation of AgNPs. SEM images showed a mixture of spherical shapes that were agglomerated with size range of about 40 to 200 nm. The antibacterial study performed on AgNPs produced from rambutan peel extract was found to exhibited antibacterial activity on both Gram- positive and Gram-negative bacteria in various concentrations. This finding can be extended to the application as antibacterial food wrap.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI196

Nama Produk : Chicky Crunch

Penyelidik : Dr. Nurul Najidah binti Mohamed Siti Noor Syuhada binti Mohd @ Muhammad Amin Nur Liyana Batrisyia binti Kharul Senaizaydi Abida Arriesya binti Abdul Abida Arriesya binti Abdul Nur Aina Natasha binti Mansor Siti Nur Azliyana binti Che Huhaimi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Nowadays, there are many commercialised chicken feed products that has been produce in Malaysia. It is essential to provide chickens with feeds that can contribute to their optimum health to bread a healthy chicken However, some of the commercial chicken feeds available in the market have issue with their Halal status. This occur because the ingredients might contain enzymes that originated from the swine’s stomach. Besides that, harmful chemicals such as roxarsone are added as the food additives because the feed’s formulation lacks in nutrients. These two issues are the major concerns in the commercial chicken feeds. Thus, a new formulation of chicken feed, “Chicky Crunch” is introduced to overcome problems in the commercial chicken feed. Chicken Crunch are made up from the waste materials such as palm kernel cake, rice bran, eggshell and bitter bean weed. Palm kernel cake is a good source for protein while rice bran and eggshell are the source for the carbohydrate and calcium, respectively. Apart from that, nutrients from bitter bean weed offer a good immunisation boost for the chicken. Hence, these ingredients will nourish the chicken with all the diets needed. The process of making the Chicky Crunch involves the blending of all the materials, kneading the blended materials and drying under the sun. The chicken feed was then tested to a group of chicks to see their growth’s effect. The well- fed chicks grew healthier after a few weeks. In conclusion, this new feed formulation brings a solution in creating an alternative chicken feed that is free from harmful chemicals, rich with indispensable nutrients and most importantly contains Halal materials.

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Institusi/Sekolah : USIM

ID : MPI215

Nama Produk : PURTATO®: The Majestic On-the-go Heritage Food Innovation from Sweet Potato

Penyelidik : Dr. Siti Radhiah Omar Nur Ain Hanani Hamid Naimi Shahira Noorazlan Muhammad Mushab Mazlan Muhammad Rafiuddin Roslan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : PURTATO® is a multipurpose fusion food made of sustainable and economical resource (orange-fleshed sweet potato) served in a form of ready-to-eat (RTE) puree that also can be consumed as sauce, porridge and diluted into soup. It is one of the revolutionary food products introducing traditional food incorporated with modern technology in packaging (Vacuum packaging), blast freezing concept as well as Flameless Ration Heaters (FRHs) thermal reaction to retain its flavour, colour, texture, and nutrient content as well as prolong the shelf life. With the aims to support the World Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): GOAL 2: Zero Hunger, It is free from any added sugar and preservatives, high in fibre, great sources of vitamin C, low in fat, high beta-carotene level and carbohydrate content has made PURTATO® to be a great choice for combating hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agricultural as well as considering the demand of hectic and time-constraining lifestyle. Moreover, a special sambal from Indonesia accompanies this puree to create a fusion food combining heritage recipes from Malaysia and Indonesia. Nowadays, the awareness among youngsters in preserving the traditional food had been diminished. Hence, via sophisticated science and technology, PURTATO® aims to serve nutritious, convenient, scrumptious food as well as honouring Malindo heritage and culture.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI217

Nama Produk : Cassaver

Penyelidik : Ahmad Halhamin bin Zamri Zul Harith Danial bin Zulkifli Muhammad Aiman Hadi bin Che Mohd Zan Muhammad Amrin bin Abd Rasid Dr Siti Maisarah binti Aziz Encik Khalid bin Jusoh Puan Aida binti Othman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Cassava or Tapioca or is a type of plant from the Euphorbiaceae family. It is in high demand in several countries including Malaysia. Small and medium industries have been processing and selling it as frozen food or snacks in the form of chips for local as well as international markets. In addition, it has also been used as pellet- shaped feed. Cassava, mixed into declining petrol and ethanol, has the potential to be an alternative source of renewable energy. Previously, cassava was planted on a small scale in the village by farmers but due to high demand from the industrial sectors, it began to

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be grown on larger scales. One of the problems that often arises in this industry is the plucking of cassava. A lot of energy is required to uproot cassava. Although there are cassava harvesters that are available in the market, there are still many shortcomings. Apart from being rather costly, these harvesters are suitable only for certain types of cassava. Most importantly, they can cause damage to the cassava. Therefore, we are inventing a new product named Cassaver to overcome these problems. Despite the deficiency, we believed that due to its efficiencies and affordable price, Cassaver can fulfill industrials’ requisition, hence promising a high commercial potential.

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI220

Nama Produk : Preliminary Assessment on Industrial Revolution 4.0 Implementation in Manufacturing Industry

Penyelidik : Siti Norezzaty binti Mohd Rani Ummi Nazahah binti Roslan Nor Azinee binti Said Norsilawati binti Ngah Mohd Shamsul Azmi bin Mohd Alim

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : “Industrial Revolution 4.0” is not the new things for the industrial growth in Malaysia. The dominant explanation for this revolution have had spread widely for other country all around the world. The implementation of Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Malaysia for all sectors especially in manufacturing industry give thousands impact to their progress and flows of company, specifically to their production. The intelligent element such as Big Data, robotics, augmented reality and Internet of Things (IoT) adopted in the implementation Industrial Revolution 4.0 which make the company or factory be “smart” and undergoes intelligent process including its device, machines, modules and product. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyse possible risks and its performance of supply chain management in Industrial Revolution 4.0 implementation. This study is use questionnaire that was distributed to three major manufacturing companies that implement Industrial Revolution 4.0 and analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) software.

Institusi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI221

Nama Produk : MOTOBED: A New Model Design of Bedside Cycle Ergometer

Penyelidik : Dr. Muhammad Firdaus Asyraf bin Abdul Halim Yap Dr. Siti Maryam binti Sharun Dr. Naresh Bhaskar Raj Dr. Fathurrahman bin Lananan Prof. Ts. Dr. Saiful Bahri bin Mohamed Amir Fadzli bin Abdul Ghani Khalid bin Jusoh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Stroke was recorded as the top five leading causes of death and top 10 causes for hospitalization in Malaysia. As of 2020, more than 11,000 stroke cases have been reported. Stroke patients are often

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exposed to muscle loss complications due to prolonged immobilization. Post-stroke training is increasingly being recognized as an important intervention in preventing muscle loss. One of the best treatment options that have been widely used to improve the recovery process of stroke patients is to train bed-bound patients by using a bedside cycle ergometer. Ergometer cycling offers training characteristics that differ from those of walking, some of which are advantageous to the study of mobility and muscle coordination. This exercise training modality has shown to be a safe and feasible exercise tool for patients. The bedside cycle equipped with ergometers and advanced technology support systems to control the leg circulation is really in need due to the growing number of stroke patients. To date, there is no such rehabilitation device produced in Malaysia. With the collaboration of physiotherapy-based company, Misz Home Physiotherapy, this work was focused on the designation of a new model design of bedside cycle ergometer. The new design of this device was named MOTOBED. The MOTOBED has been developed ergonomically according to the criteria given by physiologists such as the variety of movement and muscle strength training. This device has been tested on real-life patients by the industry collaborator. The results show that the movement and muscle strength of patients has been improved. The commercial segment market of this device is hospitals, pharmacies, clinics, and Bedridden patients.

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI224

Nama Produk : Smart Vending Machine for B40 Student

Penyelidik : Dr. Siti Maryam binti Sharun Ahmad bin Azharudin Prof. Dr. Zuhairah Ariff binti Abd Ghadas Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Syadiah Nor binti Wan Shamsuddin Prof. Madya Dr. Zulazhan bin Ab. Halim Dr. Muhammad Firdaus Asyraf bin Abdul Halim Yap Dr. Ireana Yusra binti Abdul Fatah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : A vending machine is a money operated machine that dispenses goods automatically such as snacks, drinks, and other consumer products. It allows the customers to get what they want by making payment into the machine. The payment systems come in many forms such as cash (coins and notes) and credit or debit cards. The latest technology applied in the vending machine allows payments to be made via smartphone, a key for the transmitter, or something similar. These systems accept payment, determine value, and make a change if necessary. Smart Vending Machine for B40 was a vending machine that provides healthy food such as bread and packed meals for B40 students in UniSZA. Smart Vending Machine applies QR (Quick Response) Code as the method of payment whereby specially designed QR code for B40 students of UniSZA was installed in the student's matric or student identification cards and allows them to take the food from the vending machine without having to make any payment.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI227

Nama Produk : Watermelon Rind Pastille

Penyelidik : Dr. Wan Zawiah binti Wan Abdullah Dr. Aidilla binti Mubarak Mohd. Zaidi bin Yahaya Syafiqah Nazira binti Din

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Watermelon rind pastille is an innovative healthy fruit pastille that incorporates watermelon flesh and edible waste of rind puree. The internal rind, which is generally light green or white, contains numerous shrouded supplements and is consumable. Most times, however, it is discarded because of its unappealing flavour. The healthy gummy fruit snack has high source of natural antioxidants, lycopene, citrulline and dietary fiber. Despite the rich source of nutrients in flesh and rind of watermelon, there is less development on these sources in production of pastille product. In general, the materials used to produce pastilles with watermelon fruits comprised watermelon rind puree, watermelon flesh puree, gelatine, pectin, glucose syrup, sorbitol, sugar, citric acid, and corn flour. The pastilles were successfully developed in seashell shapes with diameters of 2.74–2.76cm and weighed about 2.52– 2.80g. The sensory evaluation was conducted and showed that the pastille was acceptable in terms of taste, appearance, and overall acceptability. This product has a unique sweet, sour taste and is some safe and shelf stable confectionary products. Besides being a healthier option for snack, this product helps in ensuring a full utilization of fruit waste such as the watermelon rind. This is therefore a part of the waste-to-wealth initiative. In addition, Watermelon Rind Pastille has been registered in the list of copyrights and protected under Copyright Act 1987.

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI234

Nama Produk : Design And Fabrication Of Multipurpose Step Bench For Workshop

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr. Alias bin Mohd Nur Alia Munirah binti Mazlan Zahari bin Deraman

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The idea to design and fabricate a multipurpose step bench for workshop is come from the current situation at UC TATI FTK’s Workshop where the student only used a wooden pallet to step and reaching the height of milling machine for setting purposes. There are many limitations and lack of safety using the pallet and the new invention must be produced to overcome these issues. The wooden pallet used is not safe and weight is quite heavy, required a lot of space and act a single purposed. To design and fabricate this multipurpose step bench, the existing product must be compared with the existing in the market in terms of design and function before the new concept is introduced. The concept of design comprises the idea how to design with considering safety, size, multipurpose function and small space required for storage. The whole of the project involved various

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methods such as concept design, analysing and fabrication process. Overall, this project can bring a motivation and experience, applying knowledge that has been learned and soft skill ability such as time management and planning project.

Institusi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI248

Nama Produk : Enhancement of Antibacterial Character, Biocompatibility and Durability of Surgical Tools using Silver Tantalum Oxide Layer

Penyelidik : Dr. Rodianah binti Alias Dr. Muhammad bin Rizwan Prof. Ts. Dr. Saiful Bahri bin Mohamed Dr. Krishnamurithy A/L Genasan Prof. Madya Dr. Salwani binti Ismail

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Stainless steel (SS) is used extensively for healthcare, hygiene and surgical applications due to its excellent corrosion resistance and adequate mechanical strength. SS grade 316L is the most widely employed stainless steel owing to the high corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties, resistance to sensitization and ease of fabrication. Nonetheless, stainless steel lacks antibacterial activity. To incorporate the antimicrobial characteristic in SS 316L-based surgical instruments, a new nanocomposite thin film coating comprising silver (Ag) and tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) was deposited by physical vapor deposition (PVD) reactive magnetron sputtering in this research. The delamination of the ceramic layers on the SS 316L substrate is one of the major limitations arising from insufficient crystallization and poor adhesion strength. It was found that the adhesion strength improved in a precisely controlled thermal treatment process. The microstructure, morphology, phases, elemental, structure, micromechanical properties, surface chemistry, hydrophobicity, toxicity and antibacterial performance of the as-deposited and annealed thin film specimens were analyzed to determine the characteristics of the developed layers. The thermal treatment setup involved temperatures of 250 to 850 °C that progressively increased the crystallinity and segregation of Ag at the surface. The highest adhesion strength was achieved when the coated samples were annealed at 400 °C, with 154 % improvement achieved compared to the as-deposited layer. The samples annealed at 400 °C demonstrated excellent antibacterial performance against gram-negative Escherichia coli (ATCC 15597) and gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (NCTC 6571) according to inhibition zone measurements. Ag/Ag-Ta2O5 prepared at 400 °C exhibited significantly superior biocompatibility (cell attachment and proliferation of seeded human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells) compared to Ag/Ag-Ta2O5 annealed at 700 °C as well as SS 316L.

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI250

Nama Produk : MFAEDM JIG

Penyelidik : Mohd Efendee bin Awang Mohd Shamsul Azmi bin Mohd Alim

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Dr. Haji Zainal Ariffin Selamat Dr. Mukhtar bin Malik Ir. Dr. Mohd Habir bin Ibrahim C.W. Shafie C.W. Putra

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : -

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI256

Nama Produk : Renewable Energy: Design and Fabricate The Innovative Solar Panel Structure for Oil Palm Frond Shredder Machinne

Penyelidik : Nurin Shafirah Najihah binti Azman Shah Ts Mohd Shamsul Azmi bin Mohd Alim C.W. Shafie bin C.W. Putra Ts Norsilawati binti Ngah Nor Azinee binti Said Ummi Nazahah binti Roslan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This project is to fabricate and design to improve for shredder machine oil palm frond. This improvement facilitates farmers who work in oil palm plantations because most shredder machines are very large and heavy to transfer any ware places. The farmer had to bring the oil palm frond to the place where the machine was located to chopping it. It can take some time to manage and may use a little cost for operation. In addition, without electricity, this machine cannot operate properly. Using solar power, it will operate with two sources of power; electricity and solar power. This will save the cost of operating the breeder. In addition, breeders can bring these machines into their oil palm fields as they are designed for portable and easy operation. Livestock breeders will be able to use this machine anywhere to source food for their livestock.

Institusi/Sekolah : TATIUC

ID : MPI268

Nama Produk : Investigation of Cold Treatment on Dielectric Fluidf Magnetic Field Assisted EDM Enhancement

Penyelidik : Ts. Dr Zainal Ariffin bin Selamat Muhammad Hasnain Bin Abdul Rashid Mohd Efendee bin Awang Dr. Redhwan bin Abd Aziz Mohd Azmir Bin Mohd Azhari

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the non-traditional machining techniques where the process offers wide range of parameters manipulation and machining applications. However, surface roughness issues, low material removal rate, electrode wear and operation costs were among the topmost issue within this technique. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of cold dielectric on tool wear rate, material removal rate and surface roughness enhancement during electrical discharge machining (EDM) on tool steel material (AISI 420) by using copper-tungsten electrode.

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Optimization experiment for different combinations of EDM machining parameters and several levels of dielectric temperature will be conducted. A portion of evaporated waste particle normally will solidify onto material surface if the debris is not leave the spark gap properly after each spark discharge. So the cold dielectric fluid acts to solidify the melted material immediately before it reaches and attached onto work material or tool surface. The spark produce under these conditions is squeezed and discharge craters generated on the machine surface is tiny and shallow. The method may reduce the migration of evaporated particle during EDM process between electrode and work piece. Cold dielectric fluid EDM process is highly expected to attain a high efficiency of EDM machining and improved tool wear rate, material removal rate and the quality of surface finish to meet the demand of modern industrial applications.

Institusi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI290

Nama Produk : Spinach Based Popeye Chips as a Healthy Snack

Penyelidik : Nurul Batrisyia binti Mohamad Efendi Nurul Syahriah binti Sudin Ikram Munawwar bin Badrul Redzuan Muhammad Zulhasnan bin Mohd Zahari Melaine Sophielea binti Kapli Khairul Ikhwan bin Suhaimi Dr. Noraifaa binti Abdullah Sani

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Popeye chips of Spinacia oleracea that are sold in Malaysian market were improvised as the healthy alternative chips to replace a bowl of a potato chips products. Popeye chips aims to 1) make spinach as a vegetable that not only being eaten during mealtimes but also to be consumed as a healthy snack by all range of age, 2) attract children to eat vegetables, and 3) help anemic patient and good for the pregnant women. Spinach is rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acids as well as being a good source of manganese, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B2. Spinach are rich in iron (34%) and increase the function of red blood cells as well in energy production and DNA synthesis. It is well known for its nutritional qualities and has always been regarded as a plant with remarkable abilities to restore energy, increase vitality and improve the quality of the blood. In this innovation project, we have improvised the spinach chips on the market by improved the taste and the crunchiness of the chips and at the same time to maintain the nutrients in the spinach. Based on the data that we collected among 120 foundation STEM students of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), results show that 80% of the students ate and liked the newly improved spinach chips with 54% prefering the chips in cheese flavor. Thus, Popeye chips has the tendency to attract children and most of the people to try this product. Keywords: Spinacia oleracea, improved chips, healthy, iron, anemia.

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI310

Nama Produk : BeeHealthyBeeHappy: The Amazing Stingless Bee Pollen Seasoning

Penyelidik : Dr. Wan Anwar Fahmi bin Wan Mohamad Dr. Norhayati binti Ngah Dr. Wan Mohd Fadli bin Wan Mokhtar Pm Dr Khamsah Suryati binti Mohd Muhammad Muslim bin Mohd Rodi Izzati Shahira binti Rosidi Sujanto Nur Syahidah binti Ramli

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Our product, ‘BeeHealthyBeeHappy: The Amazing Stingless Bee Pollen Seasoning’ is made from the mixture of stingless bee pollen and mushroom extract as innovative food ingredients. Bee pollen is a mixture of bee saliva, plant nectar and pollen that is naturally collected from the flowers by the stingless bee. Many research was done to investigate the nutritional value of bee pollen; and the result is promising. However, there was a lack of commercial products made by the bee pollen, as more focus was given into honey products. Thus, bee pollen is always discarded by the meliponarist. ‘BeeHealthyBeeHappy: The Amazing Stingless Bee Pollen Seasoning’ is developed to give the value added for stingless bee products. Dried bee pollen was mixed with the extract of oyster mushrooms that contain the natural glutamate compound. ‘BeeHealthyBeeHappy: The Amazing Stingless Bee Pollen Seasoning’ is perfect to add an umami flavor to soups, bakes, stir-fries, dips, and many more!

Institusi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI312

Nama Produk : Beegurt: Nutritional freeze-dried yogurt enriched with stingless bee honey

Penyelidik : Dr. Asmaliza binti Abd. Ghani @ Yaacob Dr. Norhayati binti Ngah Prof. Madya Dr. John Tang Yew Huat Prof. Madya Dr Khamsah Suryati binti Mohd Muhammad Muslim bin Mohd Rodi Izzati Shahira binti Rosidi Sujanto Nur Syahidah binti Ramli

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : ‘Beegurt’ is a nutritional, healthy, convenient and delicious freeze-dried yogurt made from a blend of creamy goat milk and sweet mildly tangy stingless bee honey. Consumer just need to add on some water into the powder of ‘Beegurt’ to enjoy the deliciousness and healthiness of this innovative product. We develop ‘Beegurt’ by using a freeze-drying technique that helps to keep all the natural flavours and minerals of goat milk and stingless bee honey. ’Beegurt’ is a yummy treat that will help to promote the growth of good bacteria in our gut for a happy tummy!

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Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI316

Nama Produk : Long-Range Human Availability Detector

Penyelidik : Dr. Muhammad Firdaus Asyraf bin Abdul Halim Yap Amira Erinna binti Ahmad Norhisham Fatin Nabila binti Mamat@Abd Razak Dr. Siti Maryam binti Sharun Dr. Wan Omar Ali Saifuddin Bin Wan Ismail Dr. Ireana Yusra binti Abdul Fatah Dr. Nurhaizal binti Mat Yaacob@ Ariffin

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In this work, an innovation name of Long-range Human Availability Detector was designed by integrating with the Arduino system. The application of this innovative detector is to detect the availability of humans in the room. The availability of the human in the room will be displayed on the naming board that attached at the main office. The laser distance sensor was applied in this detector due to the capability of detecting the presence of humans for a certain range of distances. For a long-distance connection between the detector and the naming board, this detector uses the NodeMCU Wi-Fi module as a wireless connection. This detector was designed and fabricated in a compact size that suitable for customer preference. This innovation could improve the work-style of workers/industry and thus could lead to high- profit selling.

Institusi/ Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI345

Nama Produk : Economic Portable Patient Hoist (Eco-Port)

Penyelidik : Dr. Ireana Yusra binti Abdul Fatah Nur Nazira binti Alias Dr. Wan Omar Ali Saifuddin bin Wan Ismail Dr. Muhammad Firdaus Asyraf bin Abdul Halim Yap Dr. Siti Maryam binti Sharun Dr. Nur Haizal binti Mat Yaakob @ Ariffin Dr. Sharifah Hanis Yasmin Sayid Abdullah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : In year 2020 till date, economy of the population in various countries had been affected by the pandemic Covid-19. Moving and lifting a patient is a main source of Muscular Skeletal Disorder (MSD) in the medical services industry, with the nursing occupation having among the most elevated occurrence of back injury. This problem is also face by the caregiver at home and even at the nursing home. Understanding patient transfer helps assume a significant part for giving smooth exchanges to patients who have limited versatility, disable and unfit to move unassisted from bed or from the floor to the wheelchair. Often-times, mostly patient hoist is required for daily tasks and moving at limited distance such as getting in or out of the bed, toileting and bathing. Economic Portable Patient Hoist (Eco-Port) was designed as a device to assist the manual handling of the caregivers in transferring the patient from one place to another place. According to the existing patient transfer, there is a lot of limitation that need to be improved. The aimed of this research is to develop a multipurpose patient transfer with important features such low cost, affordable,

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portable, safe, ergonomic and stable. Eco-Port is a user friendly device where it uses only one strong hand winch that make easier for the caregiver to lift the patient. It is also comfortable and convenient for the patient to move around. The Eco-Port also comes with a portable and compact innovative design where is allows to be easily disassemble for easy storage. Patient hoist can greatly ease the physical difficulty and caregiver needs for performing safe and effective transfers at home including old folk house and disable care centre, and in private hospital. This economic and low cost Eco-Port is beneficial for anyone in need including nurses, caregiver and patient.

Keyword(s): Economic, Portable, Patient Hoist, Patient Transfer, Lifting

Institusi/Sekolah : UniSZA

ID : MPI391

Nama Produk : Long-Life Fresh Flower

Penyelidik : Muhammad Ayman Shahmy Ahmad Bazli Dr. Siti Norziahidayu Amzee Zamri Puan Aida Othman Balqis Humaira binti Ahmad Fathinah Insyirah binti Mohd Zubaidi Ahmad Akmal Najmi bin Ahmad Syukri

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Floriography is another name for the language of flowers. Within the art of floriography, every flower carries its own special meaning or symbolism, according to its variety and colour. Some flowers even take on a new meaning dependent on the number gifted - for example a single red rose denotes 'love at first sight', whereas a dozen red roses say 'be mine'. Fresh flower also However, these flower bouquets only last for a certain period of time. Therefore, a product named Long-life Fresh Flower is introduced to maintain the freshness of the flowers and make them last longer. The list of ingredients tested to make this product are water, paracetamol, glycerine, eggshells and distilled water to prepare four type of solutions. The main ingredient, the eggshells are boiled and dried until become powdery before mix them with distilled water which produced extraction of hyaluronic acid solution. As a hypothesis, there are two main solutions considered to preserve the freshness of the fresh flowers which are glycerine and hyaluronic acid which has proven scientifically have their own properties of preservation and nutrition supply. Next, four containers of constant size are used to place the flowers with the solutions, where these four different solutions are tested to get the best results. The experiment took about one to two weeks where the best preservation for the flowers turns out to be the handmade hyaluronic acid, glycerine and water.

Kategori: Sekolah

Sekolah : Kolej Vokasional Wakaf Tembesu

ID : MPI152

Nama Produk : Penjemur Keropok Automatik

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Penyelidik : En. Hamizon bin Amzah (Guru Pembimbing) Pn. Yaumi binti Chik (Guru Pembimbing) Muhammad Aiman bin Sauti (Pelajar) Wan Ahmad Faris bin Wan Zakaria (Pelajar) Ilham Rusydee bin Jamaludin (Pelajar) Dai Yan Trisya Hanna binti Ramdan (Pelajar) Muhammad Haiqal Kaniu bin Mohammad Adam Kaniu (Pelajar)

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Projek Tahun Akhir saya adalah tentang penghasilan suatu benda yang baru iaitu Penjemur Keropok Keping Automatik. Projek ini akan mengeluarkan ampaian keropok secara automatik apabila hari cerah dan akan menarik semula ampaian keropok sekiranya hari hujan. Kita tidak dapat menjangka masa yang sesuai untuk menentukan keropok yang telah kering di sepanjang hari kerana keadaan cuaca yang tidak menentu. Projek ini menggunakan gabungan penggunaan litar pengesan cahaya (LDR) dan pengesan air. Projek Ini memerlukan DC Motor untuk menukarkan tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga mekanik supaya dapat menarik masuk dan keluar kesemua ampaian keropok tersebut. Litar ini menggunakan microcontroller Atmega 3288P/PU yang dikawal oleh perisian Arduino. Projek ini dapat membantu pengusaha keropok untuk menjimatkan kos bayaran gaji pekerja dan menjimatkan tenaga pekerja.

Institutsi/Sekolah : Kolej Vokasional Wakaf Tembesu

ID : MPI254

Nama Produk : Membangunkan Alat Tambah Mesin Pemotong Mudah Alih Untuk Kegunaan Sederhana

Penyelidik : Wan Nurmira binti Wan Ruslan Muhammad Aiman Aizuldin bin Muhamaad Tajudin Muhammad Amer bin Mhd Nasir Muhammad Faqih bin Rozlan Zainal bin Ngah

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Alat pemegang mesin canai yang dihasilkan dapat memudahkan proses pemotongan besi yang akan digunakan oleh pemilik bengkel kimpalan kecil-kecilan. Alat pemegang mesin canai ini juga dapat menjimatkan masa dan tenaga untuk memotong bahan kerja. Dalam proses memotong benda kerja menggunakan mesin canai tangan,proses itu sangat merumitkan kerana memerlukan tenaga yang banyak untuk memegang mesin canai tangan.Kaedah sedia ada hanya menggunakan tenaga tangan untuk memegang mesin canai tangan oleh itu dan membahayakan jika terlepas. Oleh sebab itu, pengguna berada dalam keadaan bahaya semasa menggunakan mesin canai tangan,objektif alat ini dibangunkan adalah untuk memberikan keselamatan kepada pengguna, meningkatkan mutu hasil pemotongan yang dilakukan, menjimatkan masa pemotongan dan menjimatkan kos.Selain itu alat ini juga mempunyai semua krateria kehendak pengguna dan kemudahan pengguna untuk menyimpan dan menggunakannya.disebabkan itu kami ingin membangunkan alat ini untuk memudahkan pengguna untuk menggunakan mesin canai tangan dan memotong dengan mudah dan tidak membahayakan.Kami telah membuat kajian dan kami bersetuju untuk menggunakan bahan aluminium sebagai pemegang dan keluli sebagai tapak supaya alat ini lebih stabil.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : Kolej Vokasional Wakaf Tembesu

ID : MPI258

Nama Produk : Penambahbaik Mesin Pencanai Sender Untuk Mencanai Permukaan

Penyelidik : Saharuddin bin Salleh Muhammad Irsyaduddin bin Bakar Muhammad Nadwi Iqbal bin Yusoff Syarafina binti Hamidi Zulkarnail bin Hassan

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Kajian ini dibuat bertujuan untuk membantu golongan yang kurang berkemahiran dalam mengendalikan mesin canai. Mesin canai digunakan untuk memotong, membentuk dan membuat segi pada permukaan logam. Projek ini dapat dijadikan sebagai alat bantuan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kumpulan sasaran ialah pelajar yang baru sahaja mempelajari cara mengendali mesin canai dan pengendali yang kurang berkemahiran. Masalahnya ialah mereka sukar untuk menyiapkan kerja dalam masa yang ditetapkan dan menyebabkan kecacatan pada permukaan bahan kerja kerana kurang berkemahiran dalam mengendalikan mesin canai. Kaedah penyelesaiannya ialah kami menginovasikan mesin canai tangan kepada mesin canai bersudut yang pelelasnya menggunakan kertas pasir dan mempunyai rekabentuk yang kecil berbanding mesin canai yang sedia ada. Kos penyelenggaraan yang dikira tidaklah terlalu mahal jika dbandingkan dengan mesin canai meja yang sedia ada. Pelelas yang dijual juga lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan roda canai. Bentuk projek telah dilukis dan spesifikasi telah dikaji berdasarkan rekabentuk, saiz, kos penyelenggaraan dan had kelajuan yang boleh diubah. Selepas projek diuji, keputusan menunjukkan projek ini amat sesuai digunakan membentuk dan membuang segi dan pelajar lebih bersetuju menggunakan mesin ini.

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Cluster I Automobile, Aeronautical & Maritime Technology

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Kategori: IPT- Staf/ Pasca Siswazah/Pra Siswazah

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI015

Nama Produk : Application of Full Mission Simulation Technology in Learning Colreg

Penyelidik : Dr. Mohammed Ismail Russtam Suhrab Ahmad Faizal Ahamd Fuad Mohd Hafizi Said Aimie Qamarina Anwar Mohd Hafiz Salleh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Collision is a major accident that happens at sea, even COLREGs have been used very well in Maritime Education and Training (MET) for the seafarer. Lack of ability to recall, understanding, and interpreting the Rule of the Road will affect the decision making during the real situation at sea. The proper way of learning COLREGs is needed and not just oriented in the Classroom. Exposure to the real situation is needed to train future seafarer—the ship simulator act as a bridge to connect the Classroom and real work situation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the application of simulator training in understanding COLREGs by nautical students in UMT. A COLREGs assessment is used to compare the result between simulator training and the Classroom. There will be a Division of group A and B. Group A will learn COLREGs using the Simulator and group B using the traditional classroom method. A comparison of the assessment result will determine if the simulator training is more effective compared to the Classroom. This study also is to determine the issues that affect simulator training in understanding COLREGs and ways to overcome them. The expected result will be the effectiveness of simulator training in understanding COLREGs that have been identified using the result from the assessment. Simulator training was used to provide a glimpse of how learning of COLREGs can be made more effective.

Institutsi/Sekolah : Kolej Vokasional Wakaf Tembesu

ID : MPI143


Penyelidik : Ts. Hj. Muhammad Khairi Sham bin Samsudin Mohd Khairul Azhar bin Yusuf Muhammad Khairul Anwar bin Mahmood Muhammad Amir Aiman bin Radin Muhammad Shamil Aiman bin Shaimi Muhammad Nabil Ikhwan bin Mat Radzi Muhammmad Amirul Aiman bin Zakaria

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This study was conducted as an effort to help overcome the heat heat in the vehicle when the vehicle engine is turned off. From the study, a prototype of the exhaust system was created. With this project, this heat dissipation system has successfully reduced the level of heat from inside the vehicle.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : Kolej Vokasional Wakaf Tembesu

ID : MPI144

Nama Produk : Universal Smart Cleaner (USC)

Penyelidik : Ts Muhammad Khairi Sham bin Samsudin Mohd Khairul Azhar bin Yusuf Muhammad Afif bin Mohamad Salim Muhammad Lutfil Hadi bin Abdul Azid Wan Luqman Halim bin Wan Khalid Amir Hisyam bin Amran Wan Azmi bin Wan Mohd Faudzi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : This study was conducted as an effort to help overcome the problem of odor in vehicles. From the study, a prototype of the air purification system was created. With this project, this air purification system has successfully absorbed odors and dust from inside the vehicle.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI157

Nama Produk : New Alternative Collapsible Container Design

Penyelidik : Nor Atiqah Binti Miseman Raisa Binti Mohd Rasul Norrizati Binti Mohamad Muhammad Hafezee Bin Ismail Rahni Binti Rahman Nur Atiqah Binti Rosli Noor Azni Binti Mahadi

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Foldable and collapsible container concept being introduced to solve the container reposition problem in storage and environment impact. Therefore, this concept still developed for improvement ever since. Many designs are being proposed and introduced to the market. Several companies have introduced a variety of foldable and collapsible methods for the container such as vertical folding and nesting method, Six-In-One container and the Fallpac container. All these methods serve the same purpose, that they are able to fold to reduce space. The difference is the system they used and their folding pattern. Hence, this paper is to purpose new folding methods for foldable containers to fit the current market. For this purpose, a design thinking approach is adopted using SWOT analysis that is obtained from literature review. The design involves karma, side-loader or heavy duty forklift to collapse the container to the side after a worker unlocked each side of the integral lock and folded each door inside the container and secured it with a sling belt. The purpose of the foldable container is to create a foldable method that is convenient with handling equipment frequently found in Malaysia. Finally, the suggestion is to propose new design methods to fit the current market in Malaysian shipping industry.

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Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI163

Nama Produk : Portable Ground Onshore Power Supply for Oil Tanker

Penyelidik : Muhammad Shafiq Roslan Anija Natasha Azhar Dr. Masha Nur Salsabiela Mehnat Dr. Izyan Munirah Mohd Zaideen

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Shipping sector has been recognised as the prime contributor of air pollution, especially in the coastal area (Corbett, 2003; Petzold et al., 2008). The main types of air pollutants from the shipping sector are sulfur oxides (SOx), black carbon, particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO₂ ) (Yau et al., 2012; Zetterdahl et al., 2016). The main engine of a vessel operated during cruising conditions at the sea meanwhile the auxiliary engine usually used while berthing. The auxiliary engine designated for the vessels’ electrical power production on board represents up to 15% of the total fuel consumption. In order to archive zero fuel consumption on the auxiliary engine to limit the dangerous emissions at port, the source of power must be changed from fuel to fully electric. To address this issue, we introduce a portable ground onshore power supply where the electricity will be supplied directly on board of a vessel, which in this case we are focusing on oil tankers. Additionally, this innovation will cut down the fuel consumptions of an auxiliary engine and provides safe operations of the vessel at port.

Institutsi/Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI279

Nama Produk : Hybrid Unmmanned Aerial Vehicle (hUAV): Technology Enabler for Aerotourism in Malaysia

Penyelidik : Dr. Fathilah Ismail Prof. Dr. Faizal Mustapha Fairul Azmin Mohd Naim Abdullah Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roshaiza Taha

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : The development of a new tourism product so-called aerotourism using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is considered as a new chapter for tourism industry. This product could offer new fascinating experiences to prospective tourists and at the same time will facilitate the sustainability of tourism industry. As Malaysia has been blessed with a wide range of natural assets, including lush virgin tropical jungles, lakes, mountains, dazzling waterfall, beautiful islands and wildlife, the utilisation of Hybrid UAV (hUAV) will enable tourists to explore this natural assets from a broader spectrum of ecosystem and at the same time will understand and aware of the importance of protecting it for future generation. HUAV could also provide an affordable and innovative approach in tourism as its capability in complementing for extending the utility of point monitoring approaches to meet the objectives of a scenic flight over particular tourism setting. HUAV has certain advantages over piloted aircraft missions, which include the lower operating cost, improved safety, flexibility in mission planning, less expensive remote sensing platform, more rapid

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deployment capability than piloted aircraft and closer proximity to the target requirement. The introduction of aerotourism via hUAV is considered timely due to the aggressive competition among tourism destinations. Therefore, a creation of a strong destination image via aerotourism is crucial for the destination to remain relevance in the marketplace as a strong destination image will influence tourist satisfaction and loyalty. It is anticipated that the application of this new technology may contribute to the rising number of tourist arrivals and therefore become the lifesaver to the tourism industry as the industry is now dying due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, the purpose of this study is to integrate aerospace technology particularly hUAV with the tourism industry. It is predicted that this enabling technology will achieve a smooth transition from hover to cruising and the realization of aerotourism in Malaysia. The aerotourism via hUAV has a great potential to be applied at a number of tourism settings such as ecotourism, mainland, highland and island. This research could be considered as a breakthrough for Malaysian destination image, thus it could further boost the tourism industry in Malaysia.

Institutsi/ Sekolah : UMT

ID : MPI306

Nama Produk : Marine Fluid Power Teaching and Learning (T&L) with Integration of Augment Reality (AR), Simulation and Videos Creativities: New Pedagogy Availing IR 4.0 Industry

Penyelidik : Assoc. Prof. Datin Dr. Norhayati Shariff Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd Norsani Wan Nik Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohamad Rosni Bin Othman Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Nizam Lani Mohd Hafiz Salleh

Abstrak produk/ inovasi : Recent technological developments are changing the ways student experience the physical and the virtual environments learning. Innovative new pedagogy (teaching and learning) where class session is inventive and become more creative with more interactive experience of a real-world environment. Where the objects are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, using remote operation or computer simulation that user could interacting directly with physical objects in industry or manufacturing virtual environment. The students will discover a new device, methods and content using digital integration Augment Reality (AR), simulation with real environment and videos creativities. Significant of innovation to ensure students equip with IR 4.0 skills and industry environment for Graduate Employability (GE) and acceptance use by industry such as port and shipping, automobile, manufacturing, logistics and other maritime industry. New pedagogy stimuli package availing INDUSTRY4WD skills for emerging IR 4.0 industries by more flexible, always, and everywhere, handing and stimulus creativity. Student taking part in this new pedagogy stimuli with a “Low Cost”. Always get the best learning experiences while ensure the availability of future talent and equipping students with the necessary skill sets to work in the industry 4.0 environments. This innovation gets the students into an immersive AR environment that ignites multiple human senses and receive an unprecedented level of engagement.

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