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33432 BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 15, No. 85 Sunday, April 5, 1970 32 Pages 10 Cents YOUR DAY Solutions demanded for 197O APRIL 197O S M T W T F S domestic labor problems m 4 5 6 7 8 9 TTTll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pressure on administration By United Press International to finance wage increases for postal immediately. The package would give federal judge would send controllers back to his Washington headquarters, Going Pressure is on the Nixon ad- workers. - the carriers another 8 per cent in- back to the towers, there has been no sources close to the negotiations said ministration to help resolve postal, rail Sen. Gale W. McGeee, D-Wyo., crease, depending on congressional substantial change in "sick-out" ab- today. Teamster officials in Chicago and air controller labor disputes. An chairman of the Senate Post Office and action on postal reforms. senteeism that has crippled air traffic. said no meetings with industry repre- agreement with the Teamsters union Civil Service Committee, said many of "What if they (Congress) don't pass A negotiating impasse in Chicago sentatives have been held for four to the appears on the verge of collapse. And his colleagues oppose raising the 6- the second part?" one New York postal threatened today to wreck a tentative days. there has been little progress in New cent first class rate more than a penny carrier asked. pay hike agreement for 450,000 If the Chicago union goes through York City newspaper negotiations. or two. Air traffic controllers waited for an Teamster drivers and touch off a new with the walkout, both Teamster and dogs? That was the bleak picture on the Postal workers in New York City, answer today from the White House for wave of wildcat strikes around the industry leaders fear the national embroiled labor scene today. who initiated the nation's first mail their pledge to end the 12-day nation. agreement will break down and The Nixon administration is facing a strike March 18, remained skeptical of slowdown in exchange for amnesty An independent Chicago union, drivers elsewhere in the nation will Polo isnt going to the dogs, but showdown with Congress over the the pact worked out by administration and mediation. Teamsters Local 705, has rejected the strike again. the dogs are going to polo Sun- President's proposal to raise the price and union officials that would give all ' 'There has to be mediation," said F. agreement and tentatively called a The one bright spot on the labor day, when Ray Nadeau brings of first class letters to 10 cents in order federal workers a 6 per cent raise Lee Bailey, executive director of the strike of 50,000 Chicago drivers for scene Friday was an agreement some of his students and their Professional Air Traffic Controllers Monday morning. National Airlines reached with its dogs, or students and their Organization (PATCO). "It is up to Frank E. Fitzsimmons, the acting mechanics to end their 6-month-old masters from his dog obedience Nixon to take the step." Teamster president, has abandoned strike. But there was no report of class at the Community Center. Despite earlier hopes that a com- attempts to persuade the Chicago progress in talks with ticket sellers They will demonstrate some dog promise worked out Thursday by a union to change its mind and has flown who went on strike Jan. 31. training methods, starting at 2 pm. At three, the polo action pits Miami and Milwaukee. The home town boys will take a rest for a Until Tuesday change.

Art Guild

The Art Guild opens its Desegration photography exhibit to the public Monday at 10 ajn. Photography is more than watch-thebirdie snapshots today; it's a true art form. If you'd like to see what creative local photographers are doing, be sure to visit the Guild suit recessed

Gregory ByKATHIEKEIM Junior High School. Included in the list of 28 cities which Court action in the Holland vs. Palm Hall admitted that under his plan, a have limited the ares in which Negroes Beach County ended for the week-end child would be not necessarily go to the may live, and his witness, real estate Dick Gregory has come a long Saturday morning with testimony school nearest his home. broker Preston Tillman, are Highland way from being just a good stand- from Dr. Joe Hall on the desegregation The trial was recessed until Tuesday Beach and University Park. Boca up comedian. He has involved plan he presented to the school board morning, due to previous com- Raton was not included. himself in the struggle for civil in February. mittments of Federal District Court Holland argued that the school rights and unity between blacks Th plan was not accepted by the Judge Joe Eaton in Miami for Monday. board, because it built schools in or and whites. Hatred from both school board but is preferred with In Friday's opening day court ac- near the areas where most blacks lived camps has been the reward for some modifications by attorney tion, Holland, who took the county to to serve the school children in these his efforts. He will speak this William Holland, the plaintiff. court in a dispute over its efforts to areas, had accepted the ordinances Sunday evening at 8:30 pjn. at One part of the plan presidented by desegregate the schools, charged that and customs and helped to perpetuate FAU's north patio area. The Hall that was challenged by school the county perpetrated segregation by them. address is open to the public. board attorney Michael Jackson was adopting the neighborhood school plan. In addition, by adopting the neigh- the area of contiguous school boun- Holland, who called his first witness borhood school plan, in which students daries. Under the Hall plan, school Friday afternoon, charged that most of go to the school nearest their homes, attendance areas are not necessarily the county's 39 incorporated the school board is still trying to Quick facts based on proximity. In the case of municipalities have, through perpetuate segregation by using a plan The wing of a U.S. Navy plane cuts through the view of a Soviet guided Boca Raton Junior High School, "restrictive ordinance, practice, and based on residential patterns, Holland missile cruiser in the Mediterranean near Malta Friday. The American Delray Beach Students would have custom," restricted the areas in which said. Weather Partly cloudy with a craft was checking the number and movements of Soviet vessels in the area been bused by Carver Junior High Negroes have lived and maintained The ordinances which Holland and 20 per cent chance of rain — UPI Cablephoto. School on their way to Boca Raton segregated residential patterns. Tillman presented have been declared through Sunday. High Friday illegal under the open housing section was 82, low Saturday morning of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and school 73. Noon Saturday 84. Low board attorney Michael Jackson ob- Saturday night 73, high jected that the ordinances had no Sunday 86. Fate of airliner, crew, hostage still relevance in the case. Boating: Seas 2-4 feet, inland Judge Joe Eaton, who is hearing the waters choppy in the af- (Continued on Page 13A) ternoon. Winds south to southeast 5-15 mph. High tides hanging on whims of North Koreans Saturday 6:45 a.m. and 7:15 pm., low tides 1:04 a.m. and (NHK) said earlier Hie Unitp

By HERBERT BRILL pockets. although I never did feel that I was They said each had a vial of chloroform in it and put us all to sleep. Written for UPI And on our last night (Thursday) on cooped up. nitroglycerine in their shirt pockets... Then they could have come aboard and the plane, everybody made speeches. I The hijacking occurred Tuesday just When we landed at Kimpo the ended the hijack. Bt that didn't happen TOKYO (UPI)-If those nine learned that some apologized for the after our Boeing 727 had leveled off students became suspicious when they Ann Landers Page4B hijackers ever get back from North and headed for Fukuoka. didn't see a portrait of (North Korean I felt some fear and shock when the 2B Korea, I'm going to recommend them Calendar (Editors note: Herbert Brill, an At first two of the so-called "Red Premier) Kim Il-Sung . . . hijacking occurred but during the next 12-13-14-15B to Japan Air lines. They'll make good Classifieds executive of Pepsi-Cola Ltd., was one Armymen" appeared to be dueling Then somehow they were sure they few days I experienced a whole 5B flight stewards. Dr.Colemam of two Americans who spent 79% hours with each other. Both had samurai were in Seoul and not in Pyongyang, rainbow of emotions. At times the 4A They cleaned up the ash trays, Editorials aboard a hijacked Japan Airlines swords. the North Korean capital. hijackers were nice and chummy, then IB picked up paper from the floor and Insight Boeing 727. This is his story.) Then others stood up and announced cold and caluclating. It was very Public Notices 12B even brought me magazine to read. that it was a hijack and the plane Sleeping was difficulty during the confusing. Real Estate 6B When food was brought into the plane would be diveroed to North Korea. three nights we spent on the ground at SamShulsky 6B through the cockpit, they made sure They seemed well organized and Kimpo. I slept at the most five hours. From the speeches they made it Sports 14-15A the passengers were fed first. inconvenience they caused us. They seems they wanted to go to North sang the Internationale and urged the calculating and there was no doubt in Once when the air conditioning Stocks 10-11B They weren't tough or threatening as system gave out the hijackers per- Korea to learn new tactics on how to passengers to join them in singing. my mind that they would have blown Travel 10-11A you would think hijackers would be. up the plane had some of us tried to mitted ground crews to pump in air conduct revolution. They said they also TV 8B When they tied our hands, they If we had musicians, we could have abort their attempt. Besides the through emergency exits. wanted to go to Cuba. They said they Women's News 2-3-4-5B removed the wristwatches but they had a show. swords, each carried a knife at his belt When the air was being pumped in I will create a new revolution and start a didn't take them. They put them in our The 79 hours on the plane was tiring, and held a lead pipe bolted at each end. thought someone might try to mix new world. •/••" •1

2A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 ¥ Briefly/ Showdown soon please.. on postal increase CORETTA SCOTT KING placed a wreath on the crypt of her husband Dr. Martin Luther Kins Jr., to lead the nation Saturday in comraeroating the second anniversary of the WASHINGTON (UPI) - oppose raising the 6-cent first Nixon also asked Congress federal workers would pay in assassination of the Civil rights leader. . . .In Memphis, The Nixon administration is class postal rate more than a to speed up collection of income taxes on their higher facing a showdown with penny or two. inheritance and gift taxes to where a sniper's bullet ended the life of the Nobel Peace salaries, would finance the Prize winner, Adlai Stevenson HI headed the speaker's list at Congress over the ad- But Postmaster General produce a one-time windfall of $1,5 billion during the nonpostal pay hikes without a rally and march. . .In Chicago, Cook County Sheriff ministration's proposal to Winto M. Blount said that during the postal crisis of the fiscal year tha begins July 1. reducing the projected Joseph Woods said the eviction of blacks had been called off finance a "pay as you go" postal wage increase by past two weeks "there were a That, coupled with the budget surplus of $1.3 billion for the day. They had claimed they were charged too much raising the cost of mailing a great number of statements extra $180 million that or raising tax rates. for homes because of their race, and had refused to pay the letter to 10 cents. by members of Congress that money directly to the developer, instead putting it into a Sen. Gale W. McGee, D- if the unions and government general fund until courts decide the case. ... could act together, it could Romeo and Juliet? Attorney F. Lee Bailey, representing the air con- Wyo., chairman of the Senate Post Office and Civil Service move very fast. We had that trollers, pretty well sums op the nationwide labor Committee, said most sense of urgency. • * * situation. — UPI Telephoto. members of the committee "Congress should go ahead and deal with this whole Love and lust WAGE NEGOTIATIONS between seven postal unions and r package with the same sense the government may point to a a new direction in collective of urgency—instead of with their usual sense of 'business bargaining between other federal workers and the govern- as usual,'" Blount said. ment, according to Postmaster General Winton Blount, who McGee said the committee in the nude said it would be "very possible" that other federal employes was ready to approve, could now negotiate pay raises with the government instead WORTHING, England (UPI) —Romeo and Juliet will per- probably on Monday, a form nude for Worthing schoolchildren at the end of the of having to reply totally on Congress to initiate them. "I proposed salary increase for believe the whole relationship between the government and all government employes, month. its employes will take another direction." he said. . . both civilian and military. He The local government is sponsoring an avant-garde version predicted quick Senate of Shakespeare's love classic which, according to director passage as well, possibly on Robert English, is "all about love and lust." Tuesday or Wednesday. "Young people will enjoy themselves and each other in it," Under an agreement the he said. "I can see nothing wrong with people appearing on administration negotiated stage nude if it fits into the play." with postal unions, all 4 UTAH STATE law requiriing motorcylce riders to wear The play features lengthy bedroom scenes in which the two government workers would tragic lovers leap from their bed nude. protective headgear has been declared unconstitutional by a get a 6 per cent wage boost district court judge, who said "police power should not un- retroactive to Dec. 27. Postal The lead roles will be played by actors under 21 and schoolchildren from 14 to 18 years old in and around Worthing dertake to protect the individual against his own act- workers would get an ad- will be given special performances April 28 and 30. s'' Arthur James Bolden Jr., convicted in Dallas of ditional 8 per cent if Congress robbery and attempted rape Friday, got only 500 year in jail. approves postal reform. Stanley Elliott, the local government's education director, said, "After all, we live in a permissive society in which In March, Texas juries imposed sentences as high as 800 and Nixon urged Congress to pay for both stages of the anything goes." 1000 years postal wage increase by raising postal rates. In ad- CONSERVATION dition to the 10-cent letter, he LECTURE SERIES * * • Cambodian university students, who left their classrooms to Join the army, learn suggested a 12 per cent in- by the art of hand-to-hand combat from their instructors at an army base, along the crease for second class C. Richard Tillis, Executive Director Mekong Delta. More than 5,000 students from five of the nation's campuses volun- matter a 5 per cent boost for Pine Jog Conservation Education Center teered for active service. — UPI Telephoto. bulk third class mail, and a 15 SAIGON REPORTED Saturday that North Vietnamese per cent increase in parcel 8 Lectures on Florida's Conservation Issues troops have clamped a siege on a Green Beret outpost on the post rates. Apr 1110-May 29,1970 $20.00 Laotian border, shooting down two helicopters and killing 14 If approved by Congress, More troop withdrawals seen Phone:276-4414 of its defenders. Military sources listed a total of 16 the higher rates would yield WASHINGTON (UPI) — However, a careful term operation after which $2.5 billion for the full fiscal Sponsored by Americans dead and 58 wounded. . .Field reports in Laos Unity of Delray Beach Wee Wisdom Montessori said North Vietnamese troops shelled the recently recap- President Nixon is expected analysis has disclosed the Hanoi and Viet Cong year beginning July 1. That to announce later this month woul d also wipe out a $600 Elementary School School tured U.S. support base at Sam Thong Saturday and overran nothing which would lead top troops will resume a lower further withdrawals of U.S. officials to believe that there level of activity million postal deficit. 101 N.W. 22nd St., Delray Beach an outpost two miles away in the monsoon rain. Heavy clouds troops from Vietnam despite is any peril at this time in limited the U.S. and Laotian bombing raids against the uncertainty posed by recent continuing the withdrawals. guerrila troops. . . development in neighboring The upheaval in Cambodia Laos and Cambodia. is assessed here, for the time : Indications are that being at least, as causing the * •'.• ;; ; American forces will con- Communists more trouble tinue to be pulled out at the than it does the United Staes rate of 10,000 to 12,000 per and the Saigon government. ~ 'ABOUT 1-000 snake hunters and 10,000 spectators are month. Troop reductions by The 40,000 North Vietnamese expected at the Archer City, Tex., rattlesnake hunt this April 15 will have lowered the and Viet Cong forces in; weekend, at which trophies will be given for the longest, force level to 434,000 men, a Cambodia are committed to, an understatement shortest, fattest and oldest rattlesnakes bagged A cut of 115,000 in the last 10 South Vietnam. Haywards Heath, England juvenile court took a 13-year-old months. In Laos, the Communist Elegance is in the mind of the beholder. There has been speculation girl away from her mother and put her into a government Pathet Lao offensive, sup- No one can tell you what is. Or what isn't. home home Friday because she was too fat. The girl, five that the ouster of Prince ported by what the United fleet tall, weighed more than 225 pounds. Said the judge: "We Norodom Sihanouk as Staes estimates as 60,000 It's for you to decide. think you will benefit from a spell in the home, where you can Cambodia's chief of state, North Vietnamese troops, which intensified Communist get a balanced diet and regular schooling" has slackened off. Rather than extolling the many virtues of military and political ac- In South Vietnam itself, the tivities there and in Laos, current flare-up of enemy Whitehall, its location on 400 feet of ocean might cause the President to activity is considered, on the frontage, its facilities and its amenities, we delay further reductions for basis of evidence in captured merely invite your inspection of its two and the time being. documents, to be a short three bedroom condominium apartments WASHINGTON: With the two top pitchers — President priced from $38,750. Nixon and Vice President Agnew — benched Monday by the Woman lives three Carswell Senate vote for the official opening of the baseball And your consideration. season, there is speculation that a young rookie named David Eisenhower, who will attend the game, may be a possible years with skeleton starter. . . The President entertains the Duke and Duchess of Windsor at a White House dinner Saturday night, and NEW ORLEANS (UPI)— bedspread. There was a Sunday morning hosts former President and Mrs. Lyndon Police arrested Effie Sarra- pillow under the skull. The Johnson at religious services in the White House. . .Mrs. nuttes on charges of house was dark and filthy Clydia Mae Richardson, keeper of the Great Seal of the "disturbing the peace" dirty with years of dust." United States, retired Friday after 37 years as a public Friday when they found her Schuster said Effie, in her living in a squalid room with 50's, told him her mother had httehall servant. the skeleton of her mother, been "in a coma" for three OF BOCA RATON who apparently had died years. "She said her mother CONDOMINIUM TOWER RESIDENCES three years earlier. hadn't eaten so good for three Pete Cschuster, a coroner's years—she hadn't eaten at 2000 SOUTH OCEAN BOULEVARD investigator, said "when we all." BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 got in there she was sitting at The charges of disturbing Phone: Boca Raton (305) 399-5022 A SERIES of powerful explosions ripped three buildings in a table earting raw biscuits. the peace were filed to hold Belfast today, and reinforcements flown from Britain joined She was sitting in a daze. Her Effie until a mental Britipi) troops with orders to shoot to kill fire bom- mother was in the bedroom examination could be carried bers. . .South Korean naval vesseles sank a 50-ton North on the floor, covered with a out. Korean gunboat manned by 12 men Saturday in a battle in the Yellow Sea. The boat was thought to be on a mission to land North Korean agents in South Korea. . .The Guatamalan government has rejected new demands from terrorists holding West German Ambassador Count Karivon Spreti, as the revolutionaires' deadline grew near.. . .

* •••••• ';••-.

UPSALA ( N.J.) COLLEGE'S "Students for an Ecologically Aware Society" will sponsor a photo contest April 22 to dramatically show air and water pollution con- ditions in the New York-Slew Jersey area. First prize: A gas mask Charles Bley of DeSoto, Mo. didn't quite make it to the hospital Friday with his expectant wife, Florence.Mrs. Bley gave birth to an eight-pound boy inside the car — a Volkswagen

* * *

PEOPLE: Ruth Cornwall Woodman, who created the original Death Valley Days radio series 40 years ago and wrote more than 700 scripts for the show, died in a Santa Monica, Calif., hospital at the age of 75. . .Actress Raquel Welch was sued for $18,846.65 Friday by two British firms who claimed they were not paid for services furnished during the filming of a television special in London, Paris and Mexico. . . A jury found Manatee County Court of Records Judge Robert Schulta innocent of a charge of driving while Hill tribesmen arrive in Moang Ptaoun, Laos, after a four-day walk from their village of Sam Thong, which intoxicated after the Highway Patrol , which has often Conceived, Created and Developed by they were forced to flee when it fell into comnumM critized Schultz for being too lenient toward drunken drivers, hands. Regular Laotian army troops retook the village RADICE REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION and © CHRYSLER REALTY a subsidiary of Chrysler Corporation testified he was not intoxicated to the point where his driving earlier this week and proceeded to loot and vandalize the was impaired the night he was booked. . . . U.S. Supply base located there. — UPI Telephoto. 1 Sunday, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 3A Chorus will By Rep. Graham meet Monday EYEGLASSES The Florida Atlantic University Community Chorus will meet Monday FLORIDA April 6 in the Humanities Regional universities seen building, room 119, at 7 pjn. EYEGLASS The chorus, under the direction of Richard Wright, will be singing selections SERVICE from Gounod's opera answer to state's needs "Faust" and "Man of La 601 S. Federal Hwy. Mancha" this quarter. Membership in the chorus BOCA RATON Regional universities providing present system of educational providing allocations for institutions is open to the public. answers to both urban and rural organization, he said, "competition for which show the greatest potential for problems are on the education horizon the education dollar no longer rests competent graduate programs rather Book review for Florida, according to Rep. D. only with the institutions of higher than for those with what he called 391-2920 Robert Graham of Miami. learning, but exists in elementary, "historical background." Speaking to the FAU chapter of secondary and junior college levels as Graham also wants the Board of is scheduled American Association of University well." Education and the Board of Regents to WO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Professors, Graham cited the He pointed out the problem of upper- deal with broad programs and ad- The sixth in a series of book Open Friday Evenings til 7:30 p.m. necessity of academic involvement in division colleges competing for funds ministrative functions rather than review sponsored by the "human and environmental issues." with junior or community colleges and become embroiled in individual Friends of the Library and SENIOR CITIZENS INVITED He feels the unification of land-grant the strife resulting from the com- problems which would be better the Boca Raton Public and urban institutions is the only way petition. The issue does not exist in handled at the local level. Library will be presented EMERGENCY SERVICE * LATEST FRAME to do this effectively. Graham closed his address with the Friday April 10 at 2 p.m. in institutions with a four-year un- the Scoutt Hut at the Com- FASHIONS FOR ENTIRE FAMILY * LICENSED He called for a broader concept in dergraduate program. remark that these ideas will contribute munity Center. allocating funds for education, ex- A similar question arises in the to solving society's problems when the TO FILL ALL EYEGLASS PRESCRIPTIONS * SAFETY university becomes more solidly Mrs. Ralph B.K Kling will tending from the primary orades matter of funding graduate programs, review "Mr. Sermon" by GLASSES • NEWEST SUNGLASS STYLES through graduate school. Under the Graham said. Graham advocated engaged in society itself. R.F. Delderfield. CONTACT LENS SUPPLIES The review is open to the public. Band concert Tuesday

Boca Raton's Pops Band director is Mark Azzolina. Co. with which he has been will present its final concert Dr. Walter's musical ex- affiliated for the past 20 of the season Tuesday, April periences have taken him to years. 14th in the community center. New York, where he has Special guest for the -The concert titled, scored for Fox Newsreels, the evening will be the "Dixiland "Requestfully Yours," will Far East on a recent tour Swingers" led by Jim Rutan begin at 8 p.m. and will which included Japan, Hong on the drums with John high feature Dr. Harold Walters, Kong and the Philippines, as Cahill, Dick Naylor, Dick as guest conductor. composer-arranger ^editor for Rohr and Phil Massey. Conductor and musical the Rubank Music Publishing Two youths interest arrested Two youths were arrested early this morning after one rates... allegedly pulled a knife on a police officer. Patrolman W. H. Spiegel was called to the Purity Bar in the Camino Real Shopping Center at 12:35 a.m. to in- attractive vestigate a disturbance. According to his report, when he approached two young men and asked them to go with him because they were terms drunk, Rex Whittelsey, 20, of offered by this area's largest Financial Institution Delray Beach, allegedly drew a six-inch long "switchblade" FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS Guaranteed hoi to tarnish. knife from his pocket. He was Polishing is unnecessary. disarmed and taken into Designs permanently bonded custody along with another for lasting use. youth, Charles M. Hill, 19, Items are impervious to food. also of Delray Beach. SAVINGS Use in your dishwasher. Whittelsey was charged Priced from $6.00 Up. with being drunk and assault CERTIFICATES* yearly COMPOUNDED DAILY EQUALS effective Also gold on Crystal. and battery. Bond was yearly requested in the amount of • minimum $5,000 • minimum term 2 years yield $390. Hill was charged with being drunk and resisting arrest without violence. His GIFT SHOP requested bond was $340. SAVINGS 71 S. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton 395-2566 Both are being held in the 'o DO PARK IN, THE REAR city jail. CERTIFICATES* yearly COMPOUNDED DAILY EQUALS effective 575 yearly • minimum $1,000 • minimum term 1 year yield O, SAVINGS of boca CERTIFICATES COMPOUNDED DAILY EQUALS yearly • minimum $1,000 • minimum term 3 months effective .125 • early withdrawals earn passbook rate yield BACK DOOR STORE PASSBOOK

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By JIM RIFENBURG would work. be harmful to minors was upheld by Congressman Paul Rogers has in- ' 'Pornography in America is a multi- the U.S. Supreme Court. That statute troduced legislation aimed at re- million dollar business, using the latest overcame the problem of vagueness in defining existing obscenity laws to marketing techniques and most other laws and was held precise give law enforcement agencies more modern methods of distribution, in- enough to prosecute offenders. muscle in prosecuting those dealing in cluding computer mailing and all," The legislation which Rogers has pornography through the mails. Rogers said. introduced is along these lines and But I wonder if it will do any good. "But basically it is peddling the would make it illegal for any person Pathetic, indeed Perhaps the flow of this sort of thing same filth that it has been for the past knowingly to sell, offer for sale, loan or through the mail can be slowed down 50 years, using various court decisions "deliver in interstate commerce or slightly but it's doubtful if it can be to keep in business and out of jail. through the mails to any minor any In a week highlighted by domestic labor The national grape boycott, which caught stopped. "Supreme Court decisions have material which is described in the bill. And what's the use of stopping the problems and disputes which have disrupted the imagination of housewives and dignitaries pretty well ruled that there is nothing Rogers said his office had received mailing of pornography through the important segments of life in our country, one from coast to coast, continues with the ex- obscene to an adult," Rogers said. an increasing number of letters from of the most heartening bits of news comes ception that grapes picked by members of mail when the neighborhood theater "But I think my bill will fit the court's constituents, including residents of from Southern California. Chaves group will be marked with a "union shows the same thing only animated? ruling that such material can be Boca Raton, who have received por- It has its pathetic overtones, however. picked" label. In answer to a letter from a FAU harmful to minors." nography in the mail over the past The plight and problems of migrant farm professor asking what can be done, In 1968, the New York state statute month. Rogers said he hoped his legislation The nation's postal workers and aircraft laborers have not been resolved, however, by which held that such materials could "Apparently there have been controllers have apparently proven beyond a small victory in Southern Califnoria. Con- massive mailings. From all in- doubt that if you have the organization and the ditions among the migrants in South dications, these dealers have compiled numbers, you can thumb your nose at Florida. . .just west of our glittering Gold U.S. isny t the only one a cross-reference of mailing lists from authority and get away with it. Postal workers Coast. . .continues to hover around the point the telephone book and city directory," ignored court orders to return to work and of marginal survival. Compassion and un- Rogers said. "We have laws now in were rewarded for their efforts with a 6 per derstanding might bring quicker relief to with problems force which can help deter a second cent pay hike and an agreement for another 8 miserable conditions than unionization. mailing. If the person receiving this per cent. A four-year strike for a 10 cent raise is an type of mail sends a letter to the Aircraft controllers have continued to expensive price to pay, but for migrant farm company and says he does not want report "sick" and heavy absenteeism — it's laborers who are more concerned about any other such material mailed to him not a strike, we're told — has seriously im- and the mail continues, the post office subsistence than luxuries, it probably looks can then come in." paired the safety and efficiency with which pretty good. major airports can operate. They're asking Every homeowner in the city daily for improved working conditions and pay receives what is termed as "junk" increases. mail. Advertisements, solicitations for donations and almost everything else The teamsters have tentatively reached an Shuttle service? else you can think of. If there were agreement which will result in an average pay laws against sending out unwanted increase of $1.10 per hour over the next three junk mail, then pornography couldn't years for drivers now earning $4 per hour. If the North Koreans keep that big Japanese be mailed to persons who don't want it. In California some four years ago, Cesar< jetliner, which it appears they're going to do, Chavez emerged from the vineyards to lead a we wonderiwhat they'll;do with it,It's unlikely The wholesale selling of names and strike against the grape growers which finally that they'd be able to introduce shutle service mailing addresses should be outlawed. began to bear fruit during the past week. to many cities, with the possible exception of If people want this type of mail, they Chavez, a colorful visionary who pleaded the those in Red China or Russia. Perhaps they can ask for it. cause of poverty among the migrant grape could use it to provide air cover for a cruise by An editor I once knew had one pickers, announced during the past week that the Pueblo. solution to junk .mail. As he went But the incident drives home the point, that through the morning's mail, he he had entered the first, three-year contract automatically threw away, unopened, with three small growers. In the context of the in almost any situation a negotiated anything that didn't have a first class week's other negotiations, the 10-cent-an-hour agreement is only as substantive as the in- stamp on it. increase the grape pickers won is pathetic tegrity of the parties involved. . .an area in "If they don't think it's worth indeed. It puts the laborers up to $1.75 an hour. which the North Koreans have never excelled. mailing first class," he told me, "I don't think it's worth my time to open." I have never received any por- nography in the mail (darn it) but I'd venture a guess it doesn't come first Wise decision class.

The Planning and Zoning Board's vote to agreement. approve the Hemispehere Hotel project on Some years ago — at least it seems that long Foreign News Commentary North Federal highway was a wise one. A — we objected editorially to a proposal to Major hotel development surrounded by a 100- build a major shopping center on that site. acre botanical garden cannot help but be an Center of the objections hinged on the impact asset to the city and, as drafted, the plan that a shopping center would have on graffic) would reduce the presently permitted density on Federal highway and on currently non- of the plot. existing east-west arteries. The hotel plan Backlash in Lebanon raises none of those objections and should be a Ultimately, of course, the decision must be welcome, esthetically pleasing addition. made by the City Council and that's where the By PHIL NEWSOM the remainder of government. Christians mounted and in March plan goes next. At face value there seems to However, now that we have a big shopping UPI Foreign News Analyst The Christians are proWestern. The exploded into violence. be some interpretative conflict possible center planned for the downtown area, we Moslems, especially the youth, lean between "botannical garden" and a center for wonder what's going to happen to the traffic Lebanon didn't want Palestinian toward Arab nationalism and its Part of the Christian resentment is I i against what they feel is a change Jin recreational activites for guests at the hotel. patterns there. The suggestion that it isn't guerrillas on its soil in the first place. aggressive hard line toward Israel. the balance of power between Undoubtedly Council members will want to really all that big a shopping center isn't Capitulation to that earlier demand Christian and Moslem. Part of the clarify that point. Perhaps the distinction precisely to the point; the crucial question to now threatens the delicate balance by Arab demands for a Lebanese sanctuary last spring led to violence is attributable to Israeli il between "active" and "passive" recreation which the Lebanese have lived since ask is "what plans are being made for east- widespread rioting and clashes be- threats of reprisal against guerrilla at- might well be made and incorporated in the independence in 1943. west access?" tween army forces and the guerrillas. tacks from Lebanese bases, and an Some are calling it a Christian The government fell, and an uneasy intense desire that the Arablsraeli war s backlash. Others call it a Christian summer followed. Finally, on Nov. 3, be ended. : ii The view from Tallahassee counter-revolution. Lebanon agreed to the presence of the guerrillas on its soil, but with reser- And part of the whole picture is the The top Arab guerrilla leaders call vations as to their movements. fact that elections are to be held this the violence which has taken more Resentment among right-wing summer. than a score of lives since late March a Time to shift gears conspiracy fomented by Israel, with the United States as co conspirator. By MALCOLM JOHNSON of trashy people. of examining the trash he found on the Whatever it is, it has faced Lebanon We're never going to rid our streets road, identifying its source by the with an uncertain future and its and highways of litter by picking it up. The law oi Florida is plain: address on a letter and following up by government with its third crisis in less We have to insist that our police "It is unlawful for any person to arresting a lawyer. than a year. By United Press International death for sending secret atomic in- enforce the law and begin picking up dump, or cause to be dumped or place, formation to the Russians. Woven into the fabric is a series of the litterers. or cause to be placed any garbage, Today is Sunday, April 5, the 95th In 1964 Gen. Douglas MacArthur A Tallahasseean the other day told rocket and bomb attacks against So, with a hearty salute to the refuse or rubbish of any kind what- day of 1970 with 250 to follow. died at the age of 84. us he had chased down a car from American-owned properties in Beirut Garden Club ladies who have made soever on or upon any public park, The moon is in its new phase. In 1968 major American cities were which three ehi!cken\ boxes had been and south Lebanon and disagreement such a dedicated effort to clean state designated highway, county The morning star is Jupiter. hit by violent riots in the aftermath of hurled, and a made a "citizen's among the guerrillas as to whether it Tallahassee's streets for the road, city street or other public lands, The evening stars are Mercury, the assassination of Negro leader arrest" by offering the driver a choice hurt or helped the Arab cause. Springtime festival beginning today, or upon private property, without the Venus, Mars and Saturn. Martin Luther King. of going back to the police station to be we must suggest they shift gears prior consent of the owner thereof." On this day in history: charged or having an officer track him The fighting between militiamen of tomorrow from collection to For the first conviction the penalty In 1614 Pocahontas, daughter of down by license number. The litterer the Christian Phalangist party and the prevention. can run up to $100 fine or three months Indian chief Powhatan, married A thought for the day— American turned around and went to the police Palestinian guerrillas must be seen These zealous ladies, you know, have in jail, or both. For subsequent con- English colonist John Rolfe in Negro educator Booker T. Washington station. against the background of history. vowed to carry on their campaign, and victions it can go to $500 and six Virginia. said, "No race shall prosper until it One of our litter ladies called our Lebanon's approximately 2.5 million to make citations for neighborhoods months. In 1951 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg learns that there is as much dignity in attention, also to a nationwide people traditionally have been ruled by which keep ttieir streets free from "The Florida highway patrol, county of New York City were sentenced to tilling a field as in writing a poem." a government headed by a Maronite garbage and trash. sheriffs, constables, city police of- champaign by the Family Camping Federation to give a horn-honking Christian, a premier from the Sunni That's fine, but the best neigh- ficers, officers of Florida Game and alarm every time you see a traveler sect of the Moslems and the speaker of borhoods don't create their street Fresh Water Fish Commission and any throwing out litter. Parliament a Moslem of the Shia sect. litter. It is dumped on them nightly by other law enforcement officer are Similar divisions run down through people traveling through and disposing charged with the responsibility of Your are supposed to give one short, of the cans, bottles and throw-away enforcement of this section." a long and two more short beeps on food containers from drive-away food The reason we have litter on our your horn to signify "Ah,a I caught stands. highways is that neither the people nor you!" There may be some shame Five years ago Sunday 4A April 5, 1970 It rains down at meal time, snack the law enforcement officers take that value in this game if trash dumpers Published daily except Saturday and Monday at 34 S.E. 2nd St., Boca and overnight from date-time. It law seriously. come to understand that.-.. is Morse Raton, Florida, 33432, by the Boca Raton News, Inc. Phone: 395-8300. comes also from the lunches of work When have you ever heard of any code for the letter "L" which stands in Boca Raton crews — and City and County laborers police official arresting a person for for litter. W. H. HARWELL, Jr. Publisher are among the worst offenders littering, or a court of convicting one? But nothing will succeed like a April 5, 1965 JOHN T.OPEL H.CLAYRILEY because they go from place to place Leon County Judge James C. Gwynn sheriff's or police campaign to do what D.C. (Smokey) Stover, a member of Editor Adv. Mgr. instead of sticking to one construction said he gets only four or five cases a the law charges them with doing and the Boca Raton police force for five site. year. His fines usually are $30 to $50. nab a few people they catch Uttering years, has resigned to become chief Entered as second class mail at the postoffice at Boca Raton, Florida Therefore, the Garden Club ladies which should be enough if the word the streets, then carry through with a, investigator for the State Attorney's under the act of March 8, 1879. could do more to eliminate trash from gets around that they are cracking little publicity about it. office of the 15th Judicial Circuit. the street by hounding the Sheriff and down. "If they'll post a "litter-trap" car Stover had served as training officer Member of the Florida Press Association and National Newspaper the City Manager to enforce the anti- A sheriff in Southwest Florida opposite the gates to my place any and detective for the local police and Association. Subscription rates: By carrier in the city $1.00 per litter laws than by wearing them- received favorable public notice a year evening after showtime, I can almost was highly praised by Chief Hugh month; by mail in the U.S., one year $15.60, six months $8.45, three selves out stooping to gather the fallout or so ago for the simple detective work guarantee they can catch a few. Brown for his abilities and services. months $4.55. Sunday, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 5A Wildcat truck CHAVEZ TAKES PART SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI)— Bishop-elect Patrick Fernandez Flores said ROOF PAINTING walkout ended Thursday Cesar Chavez, the California farm union VOLUME INDUSTRIES INC. organizer, will take part in Hi-WHITE 100% LATEX CONTAINS: TAMPA (UPI) — Officials where. Flores' consecration May 5 ,of the Ryder Truck lines But all of the men, in- —DuPoftt Latex Resins —Mercury Fungus Fighters, as bishop of the Catholic —DuPonts Whitest White Titanium 'have resolved a "misin- cluding the 10 who had been archdiocese of San Antonio. terpretation" of contract dismissed, were back on the IT DOES NOT CONTAIN CEMENT Flores said Chavez would FREE ESTIMATES Phone 522-1486 -provisions which caused a job by late afternoon. probably read the scriptures 'Wildcat walkout by 54 "It was a misinterpretation at the ceremony. members of the Teamsters of national contract - Union. provisions passed down by -. The walkout began early the company," said terminal ,,Friday when the company manager James Stelts. dismissed 10 men on grounds The Teamsters said the ' that the contract allows for walkout was in no way [the "adjustment" of work related to the tentative '"schedules whenever in- settlement reached 'eoming freight was reduced nationally by the Teamsters .by work stoppages else- Union.

A young standard bearer for the Malcom X United Liberation Front waves his DO NEWS PROGRAMS banner in the face of Leon County sheriff's dupties during an anti-Carswell COLOR THE NEWS? demonstration on the steps of the state capitol in Tallahassee—UPI Telephoto. Not on a new The Hampton Shop A New Shop Featuring Quality Antiques 'We love Carswell 281 Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton with Total Automatic Color for his enemies' TAC feeeps co/or right, alall the time, automatically.atically. WASHINGTON (UPI) —Court's decisions on por-Carswell nomination to the JUST SET IT and FORGET IT One of Supreme Court nography. He said Carswell, Senate Judiciary Committee BOCA RATON OFFICE SUPPLY nominee G. Harrold Car- as a justice, would "not turn from which, most senators swell's foremost Senate the First Amendment to the agreed, it was unlikely ever 190 E. Boca Raton Rd. 395-3140 supporters, seeking to Constitution into a license for to emerge again. discredit opponents of the commercial smut peddling." nominee, says"We love him Clark's father, Tom C. A UPI Count showed 44 for the enemies he has Clark, served on the Supreme Senators—35 Democrats and made." Court from 1949 until he nine Republicans - likely to APRIL SPECIALS Sen. Edward J. Gurney, R- retired in 1967. vote for recommittal and 45 Fla., in the final day of Seven senators—three senators -16 Democrats and 29 Republicans - likely to s debate before Monday's key Republicans and four vote on the nomination, Democrats— were still un- vote against I.T Four were DESKS singled out former Attorney committed on the montion to expected to be absent. Genral Ramsey Clark for his be voted upon at 1 p.m. EST Recommittal would require a opposition to Carswell. Monday to resubmit the majority of those voting to A 20% FILES 20% "Ramsey Clark's op- succeed. position is just one more good reason why Judge Carswell OFF CHAIRS OFF L should be confirmed as an L associate justice of the ONNOTOR LINENS Supreme Court of the United SPECIALIZING IN SCHIFFLI EMBROIDERED PRODUCTS LAMPS C States," Gurney told the BEDSPREADS, SCARVES. TABLECLOTHES. Senate Friday. CAN'T STOP BY? JUST CALL Clark, he recalled, had E 50 FOR AT HOME SERVICE 598 defended the Supreme FREE DELIVE Contemporary—model 6813 Winfield Shopping Center BOCA RATON Mobile Cart Optional 39T0589 Complete with 82-ChanneI UHF/VHF Remote Vote slims Control—with more functions and more conveniences than any other remote unit today! Your choice of three styles—Contemporary, Early American, Mediterranean— to 45-44 al] with TAC, plus these other advanced Magnavox fea- tures: Huge 295 sq. in. screen for life-like pictures; WASHINGTON (UPI) - Boca Raton National Bank's Chromatone adds depth and rich beauty to color; The Senate appeared almost Quick-On pictures and sound eliminate annoying warm- evenly divided today for and up delay; Brilliant new MX500 Color Tube gives you against the Supreme Court nomination of G. Harrold vivid, more natural color pictures; and world-famous Carswell. Magnavox sound brings you greater program realism. CERTIFICATE PLAN A key vote will come Color Portables start at only $259.90 Monday at 1 pjn. EST on a motion to return the ONLY MAGNAVOX HAS nomination to the Seante Judiciary Committee for Set-and-forget reconsideration. Counting public commit- PER TOTAL AUTOMATIC COLOR ments, private pledges and indications of leanings, the INTEREST PAYABLE UP TO ANNUM See it demonstrated now, at... latest UPI survey shows 44 senators favoring recom- cole-mcdaniel mittal; 45 senators against recommittal; 4 senators $ absent on official business or HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER because of illness; and 7 who ON CERTIFICATES OF 100,000 OR MORE • POMPANO BEACH 27SO E. Atlantic Blvd. - in Atlantic Square - Phone 9*1-14*1 have taken no public or •BOCA RATON 3333 N. Federal Hwy. Phone 395-12O1 private position. Summer Store Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 5 PM Because any senator may BOCA RATOIV NATIONAL BANIC ASK ABOUT OUR 3 DIFFERENT CREDIT PLANS change his vote, once cast, any time before the final tally Jb. 1134; Cole-McDanie! is the only Magnavox deaier in this is announced, there is a the-premises Magnavox Service Dept. (Pompano Beach store), possibility of considerable with their own staff of Factory-trained technicians to keep your set vote switching from previous 49. properly maintained. positions. defwbOedm



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~>^»- 6A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 Birthday party cracks up LARGE DELUXE CHARLESTON, S. C. statewide tourist bonanza. astronaut Pete Conrad at the One state senator by noted architect Buck- (UPI)— South Carolina Despite problems that have dedication will have an op- suggested two years ago that minster Fuller, drew more begins the celebration of its ranged from money to dead portunity to see several instead of spending the laughs and more money than RENTAL APARTMENTS 300th birthday Sunday with Indians, officials are banking problems firsthand. money on pavilions, the state anticipated. One state the roof threatening to cave on the observance to bring The biggest is the pavilion, give $5 to each man, woman senator called it "a monkey in on the party, both literally one of the nation's poorest the largest structure at the and child for liquor. dome." EACH WITH 2 BALCONIES and figuratively. states its largest influx of Old Towne landing site and "Then at a given time on a The Columbia pavilion, free-spending tourists. the most costly. The given day we would all sit consisting of two buildings at NEAR FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY The thousands expected for opposite ends of an historic the opening ceremonies at the There will be plenty to see modernistic facility, down and drink our liquor. at the dedication site along designed as the principal That would be a much better post Civil War home, was in ACROSS FROM BOCA RATON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL site where English colonists trouble until a few months landed in 1670 won't be in the winding, historic Ashley exhibit and display area for thing to do with all this money River, including a replica of a historical artifacts, will be and everybody would have a ago when the commission 1 Bedroom 1 Bath =170 1 Bedroom VA Baths '185 physical danger because finally succeeded in getting they'll be kept away from the 17th century trading ship, a closed to visitors for another part in it." s reconstruction of the early three to four weeks. The original plan was for the necessary land from a 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths 220 multi-million dollar pavilion reluctant owner. whose roof developed a crack settlers' fort and a specially The building developed a the state to pour its resources recently. designed forest where deer crack when the roof supports into Charleston, the site of the The Columbia and That was only the latest in a and other animals will roam buckled a few weeks ago. It founding of the colony and Greenville centers will open CHILDREN AND PETS WELCOME series of misfortunes that freely yet easily visible to was no surprise to at least one already the state's biggest in late April and May. have beset the State spectators. legislator who has opposed tourist attraction. Gold and silver medallions Tricentennial Commission's The problems have all but the location of the structure But legislators from other have been struck and the Post DIRECTIONS: West on Palmetto Park Road to N.W. 4th Ave. plans to turn the $10 million overshadowed the event, and since it was learned it was parts of the state demanded Office as issued a special Right to 13th Street. Left on 13th .2 mile past Glades Road birthday party into a the crowd which hears being built directly over a to be cut in and succeeded in stamp. Dignitaries from intersection to apartments on right. 17th century Kiawah Indian getting money for centers at throughout the nation will be village. Columbia and Greenville. in the state during the year. "That crack in the roof is The result was confusion, Most South Carolinians, Mainly odd ends nothing but the disgruntled arguments and delays over who proudly relate the state's Kiawahs turning over in their finances and construction history to newcomers, agree graves," he noted. and almost continuous efforts with one commission official: Other state officials have to appease lawmakers from "I'm worried because of all BARCELONA on Washington opposed the entire tricen- sections which did not receive the planning and work that tennial celebration as a funds for the party. has gone into it, but I'm COURT APARTMENTS WASHINGTON UPI —Washington conference on Boca Raton — Phone: 391-5364 Odds and ends from the junked cars how he had "glorified mess," a joke or a The design of the Green- optimistic and I believe we're nation's capital-mostly odd: arranged for police to drop "$10 million boondoggle." ville center, a futuristic cube going to have a success." Wayward words: off abandoned vehicles at his Wernher von Braun, new junkyard. If they're un- deputy assistant director of claimed for a given period, the space agency, told a news Diamond's firm crunches conference: them upi ionto bales for reuse A PRIVATE WORLD OF ELEGANCE! "If the budget rises we get of the metal. more money. If it doesn't long The system worked fine, pause we can't move that Diamond said, until that dan On the Intracoastal with Private Access to Ocean fast." an employe asked to borrow enough money for lunch. tMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY $ There was a brief spell Diamond inquired why. from there during which : 1 and 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS (1,260 Sq. Ft. of Living Area) 26,200 Seems that both the —The Republican National worker's car and his brown- PRICES GUARANTEED Committee's weekly bag meal were all baled up, a FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY publication, "Monday," fork-life operator having 24-HOUR RESIDENT MANAGER didn't arrive until Friday. made a slight mistake. — The American Iron and 1. Spacious living-dining area 5. Gracious appointments 10. Private dock on Intracoastal Steel Institute addressed a Rep. Bill Chappeil 2. Large master bedroom with big 6. G.E. oven range, dishwasher, Waterway report on metal shipments to distributed copies of a speech walk-in closet frost-free refrigerator. Disposal 11. Clubhouse with entertainment the Washington education MONTEREY in which he expressed alarm 3. Second bedroom convertible to 7. Underground parking rooms and kitchen editor of a wire service. that Florida may be left out den 8. Luxurious lobby 12. Heated swimming poof —The National Geographic at the 1972 Democratic and 4. Private balcony with gorgeous 9. High-speed elevators for 13. Sauna baths Society's news bulletin Republican National con- views prompt service reported: "Cyprus, island of ventions. HOUSE 14. Putting green 15. Shuffleboard love, ironically has been He said the state CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS GENERAL^ELECTRIC plagued with centuries of legislature changed the dates violence." of the parties' primary 3115 Ocean Drive, Highland Beach For a limited time only, underground parking included in sales price. elections from May to Sep- (Midway between Boca Raton and Delray Beach) If not desired, deduct $2,000 from sales price. Burt Diamond of tember, the aim being to Phones: 399-4903 and 278-5600 Waukegan, HI., was telling a shorten election campaigns.

spend their pay stores.

Savings and Loan Association of Delray Beach DELRAY BEACH OFFICE BOCA RATON OFFICE 645 E. Atlantic Ave. 601 N. Federal Hwy. Ph. 276-6311 Ph. 395-2121 Sunday, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 7A Veteran UPI writer remembers... spot for coverage of other United States and Israel and There was the constant who is the most popular Rabat to Baghdad, to give chev gave him a gold watch. By RAY MOSELEY fascinating for a newsman. There was Moise Tshombe, Middle East countries, and I From the terrace of my calling for more sacrifices struggle for influence bet- singer in the Arab world and much notice. WASHINGTON (UPI) —I the only person who dared to the Katanga secession was sent most frequently into remember an evening in apartment, in Cairo, I could from the Egyptian masses, ween the United States and Soviet Union, with Nasser go about Cairo in a Cadillac I remember a little, leader, and his futile attempt the Sudan. On the evening I Omdurman, at that comer of look out on the pyramids of who seemed able to give only joined the Islamic leader on more children instead. officially committed to the under Nasser's Socialist spidery man named Hef- to attend an African summit Africa where the white and Gixa, the Nile flowing past, naoui, whose specialty was conference in Cairo. His the dias by the Maahdi's and the always raucous Russians but, in his heart, regime (she owned two). blue Niles meet and rush on There was the handful of running up the Great plane was prevented from torab, there was talk of a ..northweard to the sea. street scenes of the great city committed only to Egypt. She could have been an West German scientists, em- unwitting secret weapon of Pyramid and down again for landing, so Tshombe flew on coup by followers of the On a historic Sudanese that is not quite Arab but (During the Cuban missile ployed by Nasser on a futile crisis, he sent a private the Israelis. It seemed visiting dignitaries. He could to Athens and caught a Maahdi's descendants. :battlefield, I sat on a dias remains the heart and nerve do it in seven minutes flat, commercial flight to Cairo. That coup never came, but center of the Arab world. and costly project to build message to President John F. probably the Israeli army :beside an Islamic leader, longrange missiles against could have marched into any which was quite a feat, and I He spent two days locked up, one did a few months later incense curling around us, Kennedy which said, in ef- For news there was Israel, who went about with fect: "The Russians are Arab country on a Friday recall Hefnaoui's complaint drinking Katanga beer which and I was back in the Sudan, the tomb of the Maahdi President Gamal Abdel pistols at their sides and night and found the entire that Chinese Premier Chou he thoughtfully brought with with the Nile running red and silhouetted behind us, while Nasser, thundering about boydguards in the bluffers, Don't back down.") populace too intoxicated by En-lai only gave him a him, then was flown out of the headless bodies floating 2,000 of his followers dressed Egypt's "rendzvous with background, ever fearful of I remember Um Kalsoum, the voice of Um Kalsoum, fountain pen (he did not know country again. downstream even as my in white galabiyas and tur- destiny," attacking the Israeli agents. a portly, middle-aged woman carried by Cairo Radio from how to write) while Khrush- Cairo was a jumping-off plane landed. bans filled the twilight with Arabic wailing and bowed to the ground in prayer, their rifles beside them'. The Maahdi, a fanatical religious and political leader who led a revolt against British rule, has been dead 75 years now. But the scene could not have been much different when Lord Kit- chener steamed up the Nile, a few yards away, to defeat the forces of the Maahdi and reclaim the Sudan for Britain. i I This is one of the moments SURABLE DiFFERl that lingers in my memory after eight years from home • as a correspondent of United Press International. Eight years that took me to Rome, '• Cairo, London, Moscow, Bel- grade and back to Rome.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Ray Moseley spent the last eight years covering some of the biggest events in Europe and the Middle East for United Press International. Recently reassigned to UPI's Washington bureau, he has written a series of four ar- ticles describing his ex- periences. His first story follows).

I remember Pope John XXIII dying in a wooden bed in the Apostolic Palace. I remember a war in Pakistan, a war in the Middle East, fighting in Cyprus, a couple of coups in the Sudan. I remember touring IOOO COLORFUL VARDSTICKS Ethiopia with Queen Elizabeth, covering Pope T Paul in Uganda, going *T ¥^ around Egypt with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and later his successor NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED Alexei Kosygin and dining in Belgrade with Milovan Djilas, the renegade Com- 655 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY 395-88OO BOCA RATON, FLORIDA . munist. Those years from home began in Rome. I went BOCA RATON FEDERAL abroad for a year, to work for SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION the Rome Daily American, and when it was up I was invited to fill a slot in the Palm Beach County's Fastest Growing Savings Institution Rome bureau of UPI. Two years later I was FREE VALUABLE GIFTS FOR SAVING plunged into the Nile Delta with its pharaonic scenes of FOR ACCOUNTS OF water buffalo turning water LONG TERM CERT/F/CATE RATES $500 OR MORE wheels, fellaheen turning up SELECT A VALUABLE GIFT. the soil with wooden plows and villages of baked mud FREE. huts. OVER 10 USEFUL I can never think of Egypt GIFT ITEMS FOR THE FAMILY. without remembering the (Limit one per quarter) filth, and the flies. When the Nile was high the sewers would back up into the streets and the clinging flies were PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS always around. THE HIGHEST RATES ALLOWED BY LAW Such annoyances wear down the outsider, but few spots on earth can be more INTEREST RATES PAID SAVERS ON ONE YEAR DANGEROUS CLOTHING AND LONGER MATURITIES VARIES, DEPENDING WASHINGTON (UPI)— ON THE AMOUNT OF MONEY. Infant christening sets COMPOUNDED YEARLY EFFECTIVE manufactured by Adorable Children's Dress Co., DA/LY Y/ELD Brooklyn, N.Y., have been found to be dangerously '•/7t QU/l#T£#iy D/WQEA/O TIME flammable, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said Friday. OPEN NITES AND SUNDAY Incom•GUARANTEED SERVICeE TAX






tiV^'V "W x "tX's'"^>•--ii'A,:v^'l--;iV--'';-:"-: In the groave-^jmrt II Prince and Prince: two men in one

By JERRY RENNINGER building; his tape recorder is trying its know what they're talking about. The contains one of the largest and finest to his lips. dead. best to shake the light fixtures loose. number of big bands may be dropping, collections of jazz records you could Thhe resultant effect is almost Bill places the trumpet on the table, Mr. William Prince, music in- You just follow the vibrations, and in a but the quality of jazz isn't. Jazz as find anywhere, and you know this as beyond description. The synthesizer is still smiling. "Man," he says, "doesn't structor at Florida Atlantic University few moments you find Bill and several music is constantly evolving, and right soon as he "lays" a few of the records creating a whole spectrum of sound, that gas you?" It does indeed. You've and associate conductor of the Boca of his students digging the tape made now it's going through some great on you. and Bill's trumpet is spinning a thread just experienced something which has Raton Pops Band, is also Bill Prince, at the last FAU stage band concert. changes." "Listen to this one," he says, all of notes to surround it like a cocoon. changed your way of thinking about one of the guttiest trumpet players you They alternately smile and frown as He agreed that the days of the big smiles, "it's written for the syn- This is definitely not Guy Lombardo. music in general and jazz in par- could hope to hear anywhere. parts of the tape please them or annoy jazz clubs like Birdland in New York the sizer, but to me it's jazz." The There's something ancient, something ticular. Bill is a veteran of the Buddy Rich them. and The Blue Angel in Chicago are synthesizer is an electronic computer primaeval in this music. It touches a and Billy Maxstead orchestras and has Bill is a portrait of ease as the tape gone, but jazz itself is alive and well, which produces some of the strangest spot in your mind that you didn't think several records to his credit. He was ends and the students leave. "I like to even in this area. sound patterns imaginable. The track was there. These sounds, generated by Unfortunately you can't sit around part of the NORAD band while in keep a friendly rapport with these "Let me tell you," he says, "you can is called "Silver Apples of the Moon" a computer and accompanied by a with Bill any longer because he's got a military service and, like every kids," he says, "they help me keep hear some great sounds in Fort and it sounds like a full orchestra trumpet in the Twentieth century, echo club date in West Palm Beach, but you musician who came up the hard way, track of what's going on in music Iauderdale. There's a couple of places accompanied by a Carribean steel in a dark part of your memory, in a promise to do it again very soon. If you he paid his dues in a lot of places he'd today, and most of the records they lay there where the guys really gas you." band in 6-4 time. Bill stands by the place where thinking is replaced by wanted to be very hip, you could say he rather not remember. on me are really good." You can only learn just so much speaker letting the tempo and the feeling.,It's both ancient and modern, has blown your mind tonight. If you're You don't have any trouble finding "A lot of people say that jazz is about Bill Prince by talking to him in feeling of the sound get into his blood, and it is jazz. not quite that hip, you might say Bill his office in FAU's Humanities dying," he says, "but I don't think they his office, though. His apartment and then he raises his muted trumpet Bill is right. Jazz is anything but Prince is a genius with a horn. 8A BOCA RATON NEWS April 5, 1970 Buy with confidence from Americas largest jewelers 500 stores coast to coast Diamonds to $5000 'Jazz as Watches to $1300 F60 Day money back guarantee if not satisfied on any purchase TORN TO THE FIRM BEST QUALIFIED music Shoppers Expert watch repair is Haven Open til Pompano 941-5710 |9P.M.Nitely] constantly in Boca Raton evolving.' To Place a Classified Ad Call 395-8300 B O OG A A R T s|

Grand Canyon Want to see something that makes lover's leap look like a hole in the sidewalk? Bordered by the Kaibab a remarkably varied climate ROYAL PALM PLAZA plateau on the north rim and and wildlife situation. Coconino plateau on the south Aiso a must to see are the BOCA RATON rim, it is called the Grand adobe ruins and fossils em- Canyon. bedded in the Canyon walls. Prices Good thru Saturday, April 11th Occupying 1,000 square miles of northwestern Watch next week for Arizona, the Grand Canyon is Switzerland — RATH HICKORY SMOKED famous throughout the world. Lakes and Mountains Outside of its gargantuan size, the Canyon is most striking because of its many colors. We make your vacation a HAMS 3 ib. 3.58 Millions of. years and the relaxing, worry-free trip at constant cutting of the mighty JUNE COLE TRAVEL SERVICE! Fresh Grade A Fla. or Ga. Cooorado river at its base We will show you many have produced many layers of tours and cruises available brilliantly colorful rock. Each — just right for your part of the day finds the budget. You-get the finest FRYER QUARTERS Grand Canyon arrayed in personalized service at different beautiful shades of JUNE COLE TRAVEL SERVICE color. 177 E. Palmetto Park Rd., Because of the Canyon's 391-0303. Open weekdays different altitudes there's also 9 to 5, . 39* PRIME % MO Dick Gregory at FAU Delmonico Steaks ibJL45 See Boca Raton's Dick Gregory, comedian event of rain, Gregory will Theatre and attendance will PRIME « AO and black activist, will speak speak in the University be limited to students only. MOST BEAUTIFUL MODEL HOMES at Florida Atlantic Univer- Rib Steaks i.Oo sity Sunday April 5 at 8:30 pjn. PRIME 1 1 O Gregory is known for having spent more time in Everyone Loves A Club Steaks l.lo jails, marched in more PRIME ftO£ demonstrations and worked harder to prevent racial Standing Rib Roast ib.zfo violence than any other en- BUICK PRIME CO(t tertainer in the country. His autobiography, titled Short Ribs ib.Oo "Nigger", has become a best FOR THE BEST DEAL ON A seller. Weather permitting, the Western Fresh Shoulder address will be held in the patio area north of the 1970 BUICK Picnic Roast WHOLE H>. HALLMARK IV MODEL IN 3 VERSIONS classroom building, and is open to the public. In the SEE FRANK COULSON WESTERN QUARTER SLICED Help for disadvantaged PHILADELPHIA (UPI) — Direct Factory Dealer Pork Loin ib. 78* Disadvantaged students here can now train for an • FINESTSERVICE * LARGE PAINT & BODY SHOP WESTERN CENTER CUT RIB aerospace or aviation job while studying for their high Pork Chops »98< school diplomas. 10* COULSON '*c The Academy of Aerospace WESTERN SLICED Armour Star Sliced and Aviation — a joint ven- DELRAY BEACH ture of government, civic Beef Liver Bacon groups and industry — 1616 N. Federal Hwy. - Ph. 278-3292 opened here with 42 students. Ib. Ib. BEDROOMS, s 59* 79* 3 2 B.ATHS, From 26.450 Armour All Meat

BEDROOMS, $ s Set amid stately trees, lush landscaping, classic fountains and statuary the FRANKS 69* 2 BATHS, from 27,350 inspiring garden-type Mausoleum at Forest Lawn provide the dignity of above k ' around burial in a noble resting place. We welcome your inspection at Colonel Edwards Whole Hog any time. Pre-need selection offers family protection at lower dl * prices and wider choice of location. Write, call or visit for SAUSAGE Hot or Mild Ib. 89* color brochure and complete information. DeMARCO-BUiLT HOMES -\ Smoked Center Cut - * CARRY A FULL Serving Broward and Palm Beach Counties A# 5-YEAR GUARANTEE All Structural Materials . 49 S.W. 4TH L: i Boca Raton. STREET Blue Ribbon 12 oz. Carton g * x • MODELS i j 5 • I < GENERAL® ELECTRIC Breaded Veal n>. JO HOWARD JOHNSONS • Appliances Supplied APPLIANCE CORP RESTAURANT & MOTEL, H and Serviced By Hf Boca Raton-Pompano Copeland All Meat r A<£ Eologna ib. oy DeMARCO & SONS, Inc. FOR Kfil ^MEMORIAL GARDENS Fl • 1 MOCKS WfSl Of DIVL HK.HWAV DESIGNERS » BUILDERS • DEVELOPERS SINCEi 19T9 TfUPHOM 'Ui-IVili The House of Prime Beef TELEPHONES 399-4300 • 395-4300 and Special Service

Li I The week in review Labor problems top domestic news

By DOUG ANDERSON The National Broadcasting but despite the settlement reorganization plan. heaviest fighting on the instead of Pyongyang, the authorizing Massachusetts trial of the "Chicago Seven" Company announced in New wildcat walkouts hampered United Press International No progress was reported Syrian border since the six- hijackers' desired destina- men to refuse combat duty in on similar charges. York that the National freight operations in more in long-deadlocked day war of 1967. Israel said tion—and authorities refused any undeclared war. A court Phnom Penh, Cambodia— The nation was plagued Association of Broadcast than 35 cities. negotiations for a settlement this week by labor disputes three MIGs and one Israeli to allow it to take off until its test is expected. The new rulers of Cambodia Employes and Technicians Threats of a renewed of the lfrmonth-old railway plane—perhaps a U.S.-made 100 passengers had left. The Chicago—Twelve mem- opened the doors of the which threatened postal planned to strike the network postal strike were allayed by labor dispute. Labor service, road and rail Phantom jet—were downed. passengers were released bers of the militant nation's prisons to 486 per- Friday evening. The an- an agreement under which Secretary George P. Shultz Syria reported seven Israeli after 79 hours with Japanese Weathermen, indicted on sons—men, women and transportation and travel by all government employes, urged Congress to impose a air. None developed into a nouncement followed the planes down and only two Deputy Transportation charges of conspiring to children born in prison- breakoff of contract talks including the men and settlement before the April 11 MIGs. Minister Shinjiro Yamamura incite riots, are to be tried on described as the last of the strike, but there was con- women of the armed forces, deadline. siderable disruption. between the network and the Seoul—Eight radical agreed to act as a hostage. an unspecified date before political prisoners confined union. will receive a 6 per cent raise Boston—Gov. Francis W. New York City had its own Around the world: youths armed with swords U.S. District Judge Julius by ousted Prince Norodom and postal workers will get Jerusalem—Israel and hijacked a Japanese jatliner Sargent signed into law a bill Hoffman, who presided at the Sihanouk. special troubles — The most serious of the an additional 8 per cent in- challenging the legality of the negotiations between four Syria battled with planes, and made it fly to Korea. The national disputes involved air crease as part of a post-office tanks and artillery in the plane landed in Seoul— Vietnam conflict by April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 9A major newspapers and 10 traffic controllers, who unions for contracts to stayed away from work replace previous contracts because of "sickness" in which expired at midnight numbers large enough to Monday. cripple some travel centers— Four of the unions had notably New York and authorized strikes, and the Cleveland. typographers were ham- pering operations with daily The Teamsters union "chapel meetings," but the reached agreement on a newspapers continued to contract with the trucking publish. industry early in the week, Every to I d Raton's chamDionsh polo.

Thousands of fans thrill to action-packed matches be- tween the world's greatest players at Royal Palm Polo Grounds. Arvida's beautiful University Park field pro- vides a Camelot-like setting for these rugged, hard fought contests. Brilliant flags and pennants flutter against a Japan's Parliamentary Vice Minister of Tran- warm blue sky. All of the ex- sportation, Shinjiro Yamamura walks .up steps of citement, pageantry and tra- hijacked JAL jetliner to serve as hostage for. radical students demanding flight to North Korea. — UPI dition associated with this Tejephoto. ancient and royal sport is here, in Boca Raton, for Kika painting I GRIFFIN everyone to enjoy —each in Hortt show |FIOORING CO. Sunday afternoon—January 'Griffin Has The Floor" through April. "Black is Beautiful," a carbon and offset painting by VINYL Polo was invented by Per- Steven R. Kika of Boca Raton, is currently displayed CORK sian cavalry officers over in the Hortt Memorial 2000 years ago. Its popularity Exhibition in Fort Lauder- CARPET dale Museum of the Arts. FORMICA spread to China where Gen- Kika, who has exhibited his ghis Khan's Mongols bat- paintings at many local SANDING tered one another on the galleries and art shows, said FINISHING "Black is Beautiful" is being frozen steppes of Asia. shown for the first time at the Hortt exhibition. FREE ESTIMATES Kika is television art studio ~ 138 N. Federal Hwy. Long known on the Con- manager at Florida Atlantic Delray Beach tinent and in England as the University. 391-4555 "Sport of Royalty," polo re- Today, Royal Palm Polo proud to have made it possi- tained that image when in- Grounds are leased by John ble to bring this splendid troduced to America—it was T. Oxley, an accomplished spectator sport to Boca available only to the very player, and one of the game's Raton. wealthy. most ardent advocates. Un- der his administration the High goal polo came to ARVIDA CORPORATION highest handicapped teams Boca Raton/Miami/Sarasota Boca Raton under the aus- with National and Internation- pices of the Boca Raton STOCKS al polo stars meet here in what Hotel & Club. In 1960, Ar- are said to be the finest match- BONDS vida Corporation set aside es played anywhere in the 80 acres of its land for polo. MUTUAL FUNDS worlds . _ ... It was specified, however, Boca Raton has, indeed, that the games were to be earnecLthe title "Winter Polo open to the public. Fans Capital of the World!' Here, flocked to the matches. The the people of Boca Raton Polo Grounds became an in- and visitors witness the beau- tegral part of the community ty and courage of men and life of Boca Raton. ponies in action. Arvida is

LAIRD, BISSELL & MEEDS, INC. Members New York and American Stock Exchanges and Principal Commodity Exchanges

First Bank and Trust Building Boca Raton, Florida Phone 395-7300 II

10A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 The WORK BENCH Forest unharmed by attraction development Wood Working of all Types Cabinets — Room Dividers Close to the spot where Rainbow Springs beautiful rodeo cowboys stir up ex- for a real eyeball-to-eyeball sites in the Sunshine State. A tainly located and easily Desks — Counter Tops Juliet lies dead but Romeo but not a formal garden. citement during calf roping, look at dozens of fish and viewing terrace and snack accessible from 1-75 at Ocala. Campers — Trailer Work still lives (both were turned The decision to add a full- cutting and steer wrestling aquatic creatures, plus the shop next to the waterfall It is only an 18 minute ride magic of the rainbow-hued provide another perspective from there to Rainbow to the century Florida fledged rodeo arena and 600- events. Rainbow Springs is 2640 N.W. 1st Awe. (Bay 2&3) Boca Raton. Ph. 391-3131 the only spot in Florida with ferns that adorn the river for shutter bugs who find the Springs, on U.S. 41, 3 miles towns), landscapers have seat grandstand was reached only after assurances were daily rodeo exhibitions and bottom. waterfall and lagoon below it north of Dunnellon. laced the wild forest with a has become the 'capital' of Nearby is the berth of the a spot they can't pass up. monorail and added a rodeo given that they would blend into the lush Florida land- quarter horse activities in the Rainbow Queen, a fifty-foot The outdoor zoo and rodeo arena. They were careful, scape, and not detract from south east. One of the star sternwheeler that is a replica arena are situated just however, to avoid forest the natural beauty. boarders at the Rainbow of the craft used on Florida around a small bend from the upheaval. Now, daily rodeo Springs Quarter Horse Barn rivers a century ago. Theaviary. Deer, wildcats, goats JOHN D.TALBOTT Strict instructions were exhibitions enliven the arena is World Champion Mr. Rainbow Raft, a delightful and other animals are on issued to landscape ar- and supply plenty of action Cajun. escape backward to the era of display. If you happen by at YOUR INSURANCE AGENT chitects to make the 'new' for visitors. Professional In the two years since the Tom Sawyer, is the lucky the right time one of the bird reworking began, family- eighth craft in the Rainbow handlers will put on a private size, "leaf shaped" space Springs Navy. It is used to showing for you with one of AETNA INSURANCE CO. THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. pods — carriers of the Forest ferry visitors across the river the matched sets of macaws ROYAL INDEMNITY CO. MIDWEST MUTUAL CO. Flite Monorail — have ap- from the alligator and otter that are perched about the AETNA LIFE INSURANCE RESERVE INSURANCE CO. peared and now scoot over pens to Port Rainbow. area. the moss-hung headlands From these pens it is an A leisurely walk along rising over the romantic easy walk to the huge aviary, paths hewn out of the rolling Rainbow River. one of the largest in the countryside and past an THE Below at Port Rainbow are world, where more than 200 array of flowers and shrubs the berths of the famous navy colorful birds put on a con- that is among the most TRAVELERS of underwater craft that have tinuous circus. fascinating horticutural J enhanced Rainbow Springs' Across the way from the displays in the south brings 489 N. E. 20th ST. Boca Raton most encuring reputation. A aviary is Florida's tallest you to the souvenir shop and fleet of six underwater boats waterfall, now fast becoming exitway. 395 1511 - 399-1516 1/ puts passengers at fish-level one of the most photographed Rainbow Springs is cer- Grand Opening GOING ON RIGHT NOW The Brightest 'Nugget' on the Gold Coast IN DEERFIELD BEACH

Deckout in its spring finnery, this African Crowned Crane admires itself in front of mirror at Florida's Silver Springs. Scenic Luxembourg a travel bargain Americans on a restricted charm and culture. It has travel budget can still find scores of attractions and the travel bargains in Europe. prices are right. Take Luxembourg. You Rates at the country's 320 can fly there — and back — tourist establishments, during the off-season for less ranging from small guest than $200 and stay in houses to big modern hotels medieval castles for only and health resort spas, run pennies a day. from $2.80 to $18 daily and The tiny Grand Duchy has average from $6 to $10 become the budget gateway (withoutmeals) per person in to the continent as the only a double room with private European nation which bath, according to the grants landing rights to Luxembourg National scheduled airlines offering Tourist Office. far lower trans-atlantic fares For the real economy- than those set by the In- minded, it said there are ternational Air Transport several honest-to-goodness Association (IATA) for its castles which have been member carriers. converted to unusual — if Bordered by France, somewhat drafty — youth Germany and Belgium, hostels. Rates are 36 cents for Luxembourg is a convenient youths under 20 and 50 cents hub for tours throughout for the over-20 set per night. Europe by air, rail, bus or Kitchens are available to rental cars. Most major prepare meals if you don't European cities are only want to pay the standard hours away by plane or train charge of 36 cents for break- or within easy driving fast, 50 cents for lunch or 90 distance. For instance, it is cents for dinner. 120 miles to Cologne, 210 to Elsewhere in most hotels Paris, 275 to Zurich, 320 to and restaurants, breakfast London (plus channel ferry) averages about 70 cents, and and 480 to Berlin. about $1.20 to $4 for lunch or Visit the grand opening of the new Lighting crisply modern Contemporary series. The range The 55-mile-long by 34- dinner. Local cuisine is a Gallery showroom and discover more than of colors, sizes and prices is as wide as our mile-wide duchy itself is a blend of French and German 1000 ways to beautify your home with showroom. microcosm of Old World cookery. • • . fashionable lighting. Come out Soon and see how a distinctive You'll see such popular styles as Country styling from the Lighting Gallery will give your Trend ANODIZED ALUMINUM Manor, New American, Mediterranean, and the home a new and exciting flair. Setting HEADBOARDS & ROOMDIVIDERS SPECIAL OPENING OFFERS! The Lighting *' %» Gallery * Pat Rogers McDevitt, President SPANISH BRONZE FLORENTINE 139 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY CHANDELIER CHANDELIER DEERFIELD BEACH WAS $ 105.00 WAS $138.00 Phone: 390-0000 NOW $39.95 NOW $59.95 OPEN THIS SUNDAY FREE DIMMER INCLUDED! 8:30 to 5:30 QUANTITIES LIMITED THEREAFTER Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs. 8:30 to 5:30 Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Featuring THOMASlighting Saturday to Noon

125 S.E. 5th COURT DEERFIELD BEACH, FLORIDA Ph. 399-9290 It's not everyone's trip Vacation back packing through Switzerland ternational Air Bahama, the By A. DURON PLESHER in some way resembled a The Swiss Holiday Ticket is half rate. This would seem a path reveal another un- The gifts of nature found so the subject of the Travel airline which seems to have scene from earlier centures. Individuals with a flair for one of the many happy travel most encouraging reason for forgettable scene. abundantly in Switzerland Program scheduled at the Art become Boca Raton's There stood the Alleys, — bargains to be found in have been captured on color Guild of Boca Raton the adventure, those who enjoy favorite for trans-Atlantic families to travel while their The famed peaks of Eiger, Jake, Nancy, Stevie, Dav, Europe. It is a border to "progeny" is of such an age Monch and Jungfrau are only slides by the Alleys. evening of April 8. It should all the best life has to offer — crossings, the Alley's landed Jim, K.C. and Kathi Wallsten these are the citizens of Boca border ticket. The itinerary is to benefit from these lesser three of the 17 gorgeous Their Swiss Holiday will be be a delightful presentation. in Luxembourg. in full regalia, their selected by the traveler Raton. From the handsome capital rates. As usual the words, mountain crowns that gaze belongings strapped to their himself! "Enjoy life — Now " loom down upon the charming April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 11A Trips, travel and plans to of the Grand dutchy with its shoulders, their sturdy boots railway station housed in a Included in the ticket is large in this column. resort city of Interlake ready for the vigors of the transportation on mountain Arriving in the Bernese clasped between Lake NOW IN BOCA RATON structure of fine late-Gothic foot trails through the Alpes. lines, the Alleys set off for railroads, alpine postal Oberland the Alleys used the Brienze and Lake Thun. COUNTY APPLIANCE gERVJCE Basel, Switzerland's northere buses, lake streamers, the various means of tran- Rushing brooks interruped border city on the Rhine. A Roman legionair would famous Europabus — even sportation made available by by giant stepping stones, Call 395-0627 Anthea certainly have hailed them ski-lifts! Airports too, are this ticket to carry them to quiet streams where deep GENERAL ELECTRIC, WESTINGHOUSE Plesher. with pride! honored as border stations! the starting point for their brown eddies swirl and play, MAJOR APPLIANCE SERVICE }• Washers, Dryers. Refrigerators | From Basle our Boca The Swiss do certainly think day-long hikes. Each evening and sweet-sceneted meadows * Freezers, Ranges, Dishwashers ' Raton "Back packers," as of everything to make the was spent in a comfortable filled with the lazy drone of Water Heaters, Disppsals the Alleys proudly refer to traveler most welcome. hotel or wayside inn. honey bees make golden the Licensed 8. Insured 15 Yrs. Experience well-known places or off to themselves, used their Swiss The price of a Holiday No more beautiful spot moments in the Alpine sun. the most remote corners of Holiday Transportation Ticket is made up of a basic could be found than the the world hold the people of Tickets for the journey to the charge plus a reduced fare valleys, steep hillsidees and our city enthralled, en- Bernese Oberland where for the route selected. jagestic mountains of this tranced. their all-day hiking ex- Children between the ages section of s Switzerland. peditions were to take place. of six and 16 are permitted a Each step, each turn of the BOCA RATON'S LARGEST, Surely one of the best ad- ventures, family style, was the trip to Switzerland MOST EXPERIENCED enjoyed by Boca Raton's Dr. and Mrs. John Alley, their four children, Stevie, Dav, Jim and K.C. and K.C.'s HOME BUILDER Their arrival in this city, special friend, Kathi once a frontier post of the Wallsten. Roman Empire, might have Flying aboard In- itvenus DO ALL HAS NEW HOMES READY NOW PROFESSIONAL HOWE SERVICES 391-3366

House & Apt, Cleaning Windows & Screens On Location Carpet Cleaning Furniture Cleaned House & Apt. Opening S Closing Scotch Guarding Put Up & Take Down Shutters Property Surveillance Smoke Damage Deodorizing

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Offices 8 Commercial Buildings Cleaned . .

Bill Sturdivant Ken Aspenwall VISIT THE ITVENUS MODEL AT 811 MALAGA DR. LICENSED S INSURED FREE ESTIMATES MODEL PHONE 399-4179 Interlaken Switzerland, with Jongfrau in background.

Tourist spending lI'lfHtllTC DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION in Philippines MANILA (UPI) - The LAMINATING 11 • vIlllS 499 E. Palmetto Pk, Rd., Boca Raton- 390-1330 121,321 foreign tourists who UNIVI WHY BOWl visited the Philippines in 1969 BOCA RATON spent an estimated $25.5 Phon* 395-5222 million.

Spanish Oaks.

CONDOMINIUM Where you'll hear the rustle APARTMENTS In Boca Raton's Spanish River Estates of trees rather than the Overlooking Ocean and Intracoastal roar of traffic.

•»aiill:W"=5i A new Open Space Rental Apartment Community in Boca Raton. i -.* rs i

At the Enviable Address of 2555 South Ocean Drive (A-l-A)


A quiet island of greenery, Our apartments are like on the west, Florida Atlantic GENERAL & ELECTRIC KITCHENS just a few minutes from residences, with up to University on the north, and midtown Boca Raton. Lush 15 per cent more space than the El Rio Canal on the east, lawns, oaks and palms, a the average luxury high rise. Spanish Oaks is designed for garden setting on the El Rio Fully heated and air-conditioned, those who want to be away Canal. At Spanish Oaks, large walk-in closets, wall-to-wall from it all — but not natural beauty is our carpeting, electric kitchen with too far away. Price Discounts most prized possession. refrigerator-freezer, dishwasher and For more information Spanish Oaks is resort garbage disposal. on this open space living — with a full recreation apartment community, center including pools, tennis visit our rental office at courts, boat docks and Located between the Boca Raton the corner of Glades Road MODEL 0PM 10-6 DAILY, SUNDAY 12-5 shuffieboard courts, and the El Rio Canal, all free to those who live Community or call 391-4040. A Development by F.R.E. Corporation in our rental apartments. Hospital G .Spanish Oaks 600 N.W. 13 Street Boca Raton. Fla. 33432 Mitch Woodbury reports New tune played with a big band sound

New Song... The Monte Bleu orchestra, the little band with pretty melody. Seems he was asked to sing "Rock-A-Bye-Baby In A Tree calling it an American classic. And before rendering "If I the big band sound which is winning new admirers nightly in Top" for Chad Ellaby, his wife, Ann, their daughter, Were A rich Man" and "Sunrise, Sunset" from "Fiddler On the El Largo Lounge of the Boca Raton Hotel and Club, is Happy Man ... The aforementioned Monte Bleu has been a Christine, and son-in-law Jack Thompson. Christine was The Roof" he announced he would portray the role to Tevye, playing a new melody these evenings. happy man this past week. He has had his eldest son with him expecting a bundle from heaven at the time. the dairyman, in a presentation of the hit musical in In- This fresh tune, which falls caressingly on the ears, is the here in South Florida all season. But seven days ago, Mrs. Guess what happened. A day or two after Kemp's rendition dianapolis and St. Louis this summer. composition of a local woman who is originally from Boston Bleu arrived via motor from their home in Fort Wayne, Ind., she became a proud mother. And Jack, the proud father, The star cajoled his auditors to join him with the bah, bah, but now resides in an apartment on the Boca Teeca golf with their other five small fry. They're returning north outdid himself when it came to passing out cigars (at least as bahs of Yale's "Whiffenpoof Song." And I'm wondering if course. Her name is Kay Rust and she is a member of the today. far as Kemp Read was concerned). Rudy Vallee will sue. plush Boca hotelry's private club. Monte and his group will be at the Hotel and Club through He gave Kemp a box of 50. Mr. Merrill introduced his comely accompanist as his wife, Titled "If I Had The Right" it is being rendered by Monte's May 17. They have been offered a six-week engagement in Mary. deft makers of music and sung by organist Don Seegar. Plans New York's Riverboat, probably the nation's top showcase Down Memory Lane ... An old timer who signs himself Have A Smile (Please) ... Teddy Marcello, the smiling to record it during one of the band's regular sessions in the for bands, after that date and likely will not be returning for "Biograph" (come on, old timer, give us your real name) maitre'd in the Boca Raton Hotel and Club's private dining lounge are now under way. their usual summer session in Fort Wayne until later than postcards from Palm Beach: "Let's REALLY go down quarters for members known as Le Club, tells me about the Knowing full well how difficult it is to break into the anticipated. Memory Lane. What about Wallace Reid, Charles Ray, area restaurant owner who telephoned the Better Business nation's tremendously select circle of song writers and get a Beverly Bayne, Dorothy J>alton, Elsie Ferguson, Coleen Bureau and said: "Send me some better business." new number national attention, I can only wish Kay Rust a Song Does It... Kemp Read, who has a way with the piano Moore, Ford Sterling, Marie Prevost. Noah Beery, lot of good wishes and luck and note that she does have a keys and a way with meeting and entertaining people, recalls William S. Hart, Harold Lloyd, Dustin Farnum, Anna Q. Off The Cuff ... Jim Wise, Boca mailman, and his wife, this incident which happened at Chez Joey, where he is now Nilsson, Ben Turpin, Pearl White, Marjorie Rambeau, Er- Bonnie, have returned from a chilly plane trip to Oberlin, nest Truex, Victor McLaglen, Zazu Pitts and Trixie 12A BOCA RATON NEWS April 5, 1970 holding forth. Ohio, for the marriage of their daughter, Judy. Jim's happy Friganza." to be back in the Florida sunshine, says he nearly froze up Thanks, old timer, a good list. Come again soon. there ... Still the best bet entertainment wise in the area: the 'Holiday' mirth provoked by Woody Woodbury at the Bahama Hotel in Gala Evening ... The Boca Raton Hotel and Club's spring Fort Lauderdale ... Gov. Kirk sent a congratulatory letter to cocktail party, dinner and entertainment program for Calvin Houghland, owner of Fort L's Le Dome, for having will open members a week ago last evening was a glittering, joyous been given a five star rating by Mobil Travel Guide as one of event. the nation's best restaurants. One of the area's annual Robert Merrill was the star of the show following the entertainment events opens After a couple of footlight duds ("The Button" and "Zor- gourmet repast and the engaging baritone of the ba"), producer Zeb Bufman finally has come up with a at the West Palm Beach Metropolitan Opera completely enraptured the 900 persons A HOME Auditorium Monday night winner at the Parker Playhouse in Fort Lauderdale. "Forty when the 25th Silver An- present in the Great Hall. Carats,' niversary Edition of Holiday Mr. Merrill was in fine voice, lifting his rich and resonant Starring Eleanor Parker, is the most delightful and to be a home, not just a house, on Ice moves in for nine vocal organ in an adroitly planned program of a dozen sparkling offering of his eight-production season. Miss performances through numbers embracing two of the operatic world's most Parker, an extremely comely actress (as you know from her Sunday, April 12. treasured arias, numerous tunes from well known and screen appearances), is completely captivating as a 40-year- MUST: Evening shows Monday popular musical productions from the Broadway stage and old career woman who falls in love with a 22-year-old lad. The through Friday will be at 8 even an audience participation period. play, which is full of smart laugh lines, has another week to o'clock, Saturday night at He did "Impossible Dream" from "Man Of La Mancha," run. Fit the family like a glove ... 8:30 p.m. Matinees will be Be as comfortable as an old shoe... presented on Saturday at 1 Clean like good dress material ... p.m. and on Sunday at 1:30 Be stretchable (if the family grows) like a pair and 5:30 p.m. of ribbed socks... Ronnie Robertson, called 8"x10 PORTRAIT "the world's best" by his Wear color tastefully as a necktie ... peers and a star of Holiday on Be landscaped like an Easter outfit. Ice for the past six seasons will be making his final ap- Sears pearances in West Palm IN IMPERIAL COLOR In the way you choose your wardrobe, piece Beach. A triple millionaire at by piece, you should be just as involved in the the age of 31, he is retiring to planning with the architecture and building of concentrate on his West Coast your own home. and New York business ventures. Robertson is supported by PENINSULAR PENINSULAR PROPERTIES, INC. specializes in an entourage of stars'. Marei Langenbein of Germany, PROPERTIES, building custom homes for people who care. Not more expensive than the average, just Alice Quessy of Boston, Carol INC. full measure for each dollar spent. Johnson of San Diego, Linda Adams, Seattle, Wash, and Linda Sowell, from the Contact us for full details ... same city are the featured feminine skaters. Tommy Allen and Juanita Percelly (Mr. and Mrs. Allen) and Carol Johnson and Alfredo Mendoza are paired in double Peninsular Properties, Inc. routines. In addition to Robertson, 5601 N. Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida Ray Balmer of Milwaukee is starred in a solo role. Just Call, any day, 305-391-5770 returned from Europe where he performed for three years with Holiday on Ice on the OUR FORMER CUSTOMERS ARE OUR VERY BEST SALESMEN continent, Balmer is featured as a soloist and in dual roles with both Marei Langenbeim and Alice Quessy. Seagate TOWERS LUXURY HI-RISE CONDOMINIUM 220-220 WacFarlane Drive, DELRAY BEACH Telephone 278-4564, 399-8633 MODEL OPEN DAILY 9:00 to 5:30 SUNDAYS 1:00 to 5:00 On the Intracoastal Oceanside — only 2 blocks from the ocean beach! Your own private peninsula with privacy preserved forever!

Away from traffic & noise — yet only a pleasant stroll to shops & restau- rants. the entire portrait photograph is completed in gorgeous color! Probably the last really ideal location on the Gold Coast, 8x1O PORTRAIT with unique & unusual Your child's portrait made with Eastman "PROFESSIONAL" Ektacolor Film layout of apts. with separate and materials and our all new DYNAMIC COLOR background assures you dining rooms! full color fidelity and breathtaking realism never before possible. You must see this value to believe it! It is a must to see for any sophisticated • NO OBLIGATION TO BUY ADDITIONAL PORTRAITS buyer! • EXTRA PRINTS AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES CONVENIENT! 49 • LIMIT: ONE PER CHILD —TWO PER FAMILY CHARGE IT on Sears • AGE LIMIT: 5 WEEKS TO 12 YEARS Revolving Charge • GROUPS TAKEN AT 99^ EACH ADDITIONAL CHILD • CHOICE OF POSES. FLOOR PLAN of C«nter Apartments • CHOOSE FROM FINISHED PORTRAITS-NOT PROOFS! APARTMENT 1,760 SQUARE FEET PLUS BALCONIES (2) 410 SQUARE FEET TOTAL 2.170 SQUARE FEET Through Sat. April 11th Only ... 9:30 a.m. 'til 9:30 p.m.

CGRAL 0ABX.M8/taj NORTUSIDE /B0H7WOOO MALL/FT. LAVDBRnALS/K^TWSST /POMPANO /W.PALM SMACa/*,5S5SESi2^r *****•*''' **f-f**9 Builder-Developer: Novo Investment Corp. / ' n*>*fff / cm $n-*r*r I nt-nn "** / t**-4**t I MMMI / nt-tm f+m Sears /*MW•..«M»V *****,.tit-urt / I / / AS I U Hour Catalog Service 7 Pay« A W«* Call... Dade 836-1900 * Bmw«rd 565-3361« Hom^Uftd Am 2WM31' Key Wat Area 2M-3751 • palm Beach &32411L] t SEARS, BOXPVCV A>P CO. Sunday, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 13A 'It takes two' is theme for Chamber week herald the week set aside to in the community. Commerce Week" is a both for the Cahmber and the "It takes two, thus begins runs through April 11. inquiries from persons in- area students. the slogan of the national The complete slogan, "I recognize the importance the Sponsored by the American program giving official terested in short-term visit to city." recognitition to telling the Although the Greater Boca observance of "Chamber of Takes Two — The Chamber Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce the community During Future programs currently Raton Chamber of Com- Commerce Week" which of Commerce and You!" will Chamber of Commerce plays Executives, "Chamber of story of the role the Chamber January, February and being planned by Chamber, plays in the economic, social merce has planned no special March of this year, the staff Stewart said, are a career activities for this week, and cultural development of day for Boca Raton students our city, our state and our answered more than 380 mail Schuehler said the residents inquiries from prospective in the inth through 12th of Boca Raton may stop by nation, said John F. grades; a slide-tape program the Chamber office, 2151 Schuehler, Chamber residents and 310 mail School suit recessed inquiries from visitors. on the city to be shown to Federal Hwy., this week and president,. prospective businessmen; every week to become "The Chamber is currently and a workshop on the con- (Continued from Page 1) the neighborhood school plan that was campuses. The service of the Greater acaaainted with the Cham- conducting a cost-of-living sequences of shoplifting for ber case in District court here, overruled modified for use in Palm Beach Godwin said there would be no Boca Raton Cahmber of survey under the sponsorship the objection, saying it was a proper County, 84 per cent of the black cahnge from the present system ex- Commerce, Schuehler said, of the education committee," road of attack in Holland's presen- students are expected to be attending cept that "the buildings would be begins with the opening of the Schuehler said. "The survey separated by more space." tation. integrated schools next year. door the Chamber office. will measure the cost-of- Holland questioned Powell and He said it "would be hard " to For eight and one-half hours living in Boca Ratin with SEAGATE OF HIGHLAND Jackson took most of the day a day, five days a week, the presenting the county's defense, which Charles Godwin, director of secondary segregate the classes in the combined other cities in the nation who schools, since computerized Cahmber is open to serve I CONDOMINIUM consisted of a presentation of a education for the county, at length on participate in the program. It the plan, particularly on school registration would not take note of John Q. Public, the man with will be a valuable statistic desegregation plan to be implemented a 1,001 questions about Boca next fall in the county's 88 schools. boundaries and the workings of a dual race or background when schedules Intracoastal-To-Ocean Forever!! are made out. Raton. Ralph Powell, the school system's campus plan that will turn six county for the *360 ft. of Private Ocean Frontage director of attendance and equal high schools into three schools with In the event some classes were The Chamber Staff daily: *700 ft. of Intracoastal frontage nearly segregated after com- *12 acres of "Gold Coast" land - only 12% education opportunities, was on the dual campuses. 1 Greets more than 25 persons CORRECT TIME puterized registration, Godwin said, who come into the office to covered with buildings. stand all morning and part of the af- Godwin said the dual campus con- 24 hours a day ternoon explaining the plan. cept would help promote manual shuffling of class roles can be inquire about the city. used to maximize desegregation. Grounds will have 3 swimming pools — Powell said the plan, based on the desegregation of school facilities Distributes Boca Raton Call 395-2010 separate club house — private boat because of "the fact that these When asked by the plaintiff if he did streets maps dockage — shuffleboard. From $21,750 neighborhood school concept, would not consider the dual campus plan result in 90.2 per cent of the blacks students are brought together and Compiles and distributes courtesy of registered in one school unit and 'an expensive venture into an untried fact sheets on the com- Visit our model open 9:30 to 5:30 Monday thru Saturday registered in the public schools next system," Godwin said he considered it year would be in desegregated classes are set up without regard to munity. BOCA RATON 3250 S. OCEAN BLVD., HIGHLAND BEACH to be workable and educationally Distributes literature about PHONE 399-9424 OR DELRAY BEACH 278-4566 schools, Powell defined a race or prior school." sound.' the goods and serivces NATIONAL BANK desegregated school in which there are In the dual campus setup, two Offered by Novo Investment Corp. also developers of Jackson called other members of the provided by Chamber S. Fed. at Camino Real Seagate Towers in Delray four or more students who belong to a schools such as Carver and Seacrest county staff to testify on behalf of the members. minority race. High school with one student body, plan, including Roger Atkins, the Distributes the Chamber In Orange County, which developed one administration, one staff, and two Directory, a 70-page booklet director of transportation. LICENSED - INSURED on Boca Raton which has an CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION abundance of information on Bertash files for the community. Provides answers to Deal numerous questions. Beach mayor's post "These questions, whether By Heue Welch asked over the telephone or in Matthew A. Bertash has Registration rolls for the R.'A. Zaehariae Florida. His only son, the office, seldom go filed his candidacy for _*aelection close Sunday, April Richard M. Zachariae, a unaswered," Franklin C. CONSTRUCTION Highland Beach mayoral 5. Three other candidates for Richard A. Zaehariae, dean lieutenant-commander in Stewart, Chamber executive the combined mayoral and the U.S. Navy during World election in May. of Long Beach Island's (N.J.) vice president, said. "If the BUILDING IN DEERFIELD - BOCA RATON SINCE 1957 Bertash is challenging town commission election War II, was killed in a private staff can't answer it, they filed sealed statements of realtors and mayors, died incumbant mayor Louis Y. Wednesday afternoon at Boca plane crash on Long Beach seek to direct the person to Horton for the post. candidacy, but their names Island in 1949. someone who can." will be not announced by the Raton Community hospital Complete Personalized Construction after an extended illness. Private funeral services During 1969, the staff an- Bertash, who has live in commission until Monday. were held in Boca Raton and swered more than 1,290 mail of Commercial — Residential Highland Beach voters will He was 80 years old, and in New Jersey. The family of Highland Beach for 14 years, had made Boca Raton his inquiries from prospective —and— is an account executive for cast ballots for a mayor and Mayor Zachariae has two commissioners in the residence for the last 10 requested that in lieu of permanent residents and Alterations Walston & Co., a Boca Raton years. stock brokerage firm. May 5 election. flowers, donations should be more than 1,170 mail MODEL OPEN Born in Bad Blankenburg, sent to the Cancer Fund. Phone 399-2871 9-5 DAILY Germany, Mayor Zaehariae emigrated to New York City C. K. DeFoe NEW LOCATION Designer Builder of Custom Homes

CozaC Iflanoz See these Beautiful Coral Manor Models

251 N.E. 4th AVENUE BOCA RATON SEE the NEW and EXCITINGLY DIFFERENT SPANISH-STYLE MODEL.... COMPLETELY FURNISHED i 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS 2 BEDROOMS gj _^ PALMETTO PK RD 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS 2 BATHS If" WITH or WITHOUT POOL WHY YOU SHOULD LIVE IN BOCA RATON ~ i Boca Raton g 1 Car-Lynn Homes have completed and sold 12 C3 ! . . . because Boca Raton has magnificient architecture, unique 5L ^ homes in this area in the past 6 months. 2, 3 and cultural advantages, fine social and recreational facilities. It has 4-Bedroom Residences incorporating distinctive excellent educational institutions. Marymount College for Girls, St. -JLs.i*M3tli Si CAMIhO R5J|; designs for Florida living. These homes are Andrews Preparatory School for Boys, and Florida Atlantic University. MODELS• I HOWRO mm S! -1 styled and crafted in exacting detail. Large lots, full sod, sprinkler system, GE kitchen appliances, 30 minutes to the North and South are Palm Beach and Fort heat and air conditioning included. Lauderdale ... many golf courses and a beautiful beach. Our development is close to the worlds' famous Boca Raton Hotel MODELS OPEN 9-5 DAILY and Club . . . recently completing a 26 story addition at a cost of ap- 2 BEDROOMS, 1355 S.W. 12th Ave., Boca Raton proximately $14,000,000. 2 BATHS PHONE 399-2299 Yachtmen and fishermen can be out of Boca Raton Inlet in a few 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS from s25,500« minutes. Our development, while in the heart of Boca Raton ... is away from any traffic and noise ... Yet only a short walk to the beach, { Large beautiful lots available in Boca Square [ KINGS COURT shopping, banks and churches. * On Your Lot y OTHER MODELS AVAILABLE Car-Lynn 251 N.E. 4th Avenue, Boca Raton WILL BUILD TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Telephone 391-2742 Homes W. Carl Robarts, Builder 14A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 Bobcats beat Jupiter, 4 to 3

Three runs in the sixth Jupiter came back with singles to lead the bases. Graham.p 1 0 o Cariter,cf 3 0 0 inning gave Boca Raton High their final run in the bottom George Knopp hit a Totals 26 4 7 Rogers,ss 3 0 1 School's baseball team a 4-3 of the fourth. A single sent La towering fly ball to center JUPITER AB R G Collier.c 2 0 1 victory over Jupiter Casse to first base. He stole field and Connor scored on Corson 3b 1 1 Pizzo,p 1 0 0 yesterday. second, went to third on a the tag up. Ernie Jones Smallwood,lf 4 0 0 1 0 0 It was the first win for the wild pitch and scored on a followed with a single scoring Lucas,2b 4 0 2 Totals 23 3 7 Bobcats in the last five starts. single by Collier. During the McLain to tie and Wentworth McProuty,lb 3 0 0 Bobcats 000 103 0—4 Jupiter jumped off to an same inning Rogers got on with the winning run. LaCassee^f 3 2 2 Jupiter 110 100 0-3 early lead with third base with a single, went down Wentworth was the leading baseman Corson led off by to second on a steal amd hitter of the day, getting getting on base with an error made it. However, Bobcat three for four trips to the and scored ahead of a single second sacker Tom Keith told plate. ' by Lucas. the sliding runner the ball The Cats were scheduled to The Warriors scored again was out of play and Rogers play Forst Hill on the home the second inning. LaCassee immediatedly trotted back to field today. got on base by virtue of a first. Halfway there he saw The box score: clean single but went all the the ball was still in play and Bobcats AB R H rest of the way and scored on had to slide into first to get Baez, c 1 0 0 errors. back. Probably the only Keith,2b 3 0 0 The Bobcats came up with player in Jupiter's history Connor ,lf 4 1 1 their first tally in the top of who ever stole first base. 4 2 2 the fourth inning. Greg Connor led off the sixth Wentworth,3b 4 1 3 McLain rapped a single, stole inning for Boca Raton with a Knopp ,rf 3 0 0 second and scored on a single. McLain and Went- Jones,lb 3 0 1 second base error. worth both followed with Hughes,ss 3 0 0 In track action Kennedy bows toBoca Boca Raton High School's Kayworth (BR). 6'2"; 2, Allen (BR), 3, track team walked and ran 120 High Hurdles - 1, Sparling (BR). all over John I. Kennedy last Robinson (BR) 15.2; 2, Lyles Long Jump - 1, Robinson night on the local ovan. (K), 3, Ritter (BR). BR2011; 2, Weber BR 20'6y4; It was strictly no contest as Pole Vault - 1, Sterling 3, Lyles (K) 20'3V4" 100 Dash - 1, B. Coleman the Bobcats took 100 points (BR) 13', 2, Greenman (BR) Wentowrth leaps for ball—misses. while holding Kennedy to 3, McKinley (BR). (K) 10.3; 2, Jones (BR) 3, D. only 32. Thomas (K). 880-Relay - 1, D. Coleman, Mile - 1, Ramsey (BR) Bobcats scored 13 first out Cooper, King, B. Koleman 4:29.5; 2, STone, (BR) 3, of 16 starts, took nine seconds (K) 2, Hayden Jones , Averill, Steinhoff (BR) and seven thirds on their way Morris (BR) 440 Dash - 1, Sparling (BR) to victory. 180 Low 1, Robinson (BR) 50.3; 2. Jackson (BR), 3, The local team will enter 20.5; 2, Lyles (K), 3, H. Thomas (K). the county meet next Wed- Coleman (K). 880 Run -1, Ramsey (BR) nesday then host Blanch Ely Spring Medley Relay, 1, 2:08.6; 2, Steinhoff (BR), 3, and Plantation the following Robinson, Morris, Jackson, Johnson (K) Friday. Sparling (BR) 2:03.1; 2, H. 220- Dash - 1, Jones (BR) The full results: Colema, T. King D. Thomas, 23.2; 2, B. Coleman (K), 3, Shot Put 1, Kelsh (BR) Lyles (K). Averffl (BR). 47'2"; 2, Travis (K) 3, 2 Mile - Wallace (BR) Mile Relay - 1, aAverill, Kayworth (BR). 10:39.0; 2, Stone (BR), 3, Hayden, Weber, Walters Discus - 1, Kelch (BR) Walker (K). (BR) 3:42.5; 2, C. Coleman 125'9", 2, Von Stettn (BR), 3, High Jump -1, Travis (K) Johnson Darville, Butler (K).

Bowling standings Keith tries tag — no ball.

Community Hospital Boca His & Her series, man, Nordien Team Won :Lost Team Won Lost Jackson, 535; individual high Termites 76% 39% 4-D's 71 41 game, lady, Barb Brooks, Has Beens 75% 40% Razorbakcs 67 45 188. 67 Accidents 63 49 Roll Em Overs 49 IBM LADIES The Handicapped 66 50 Sandpipers 63 49 Team Won Lost 64% Born Losers 63 49 4Rapscals 51% Five Cents 74% 37% Three + One 64 52 4-B's 50 52 63% 52% Kidders 59% 52% NY. 71% 40% Bugs 66% 45% 61 Nuttneggers 59 53 Tarpons TNT 55 After Thts 66 46 Quad Squad 61 55 RealCaminos 57% 54% Gloworms 61% 49% Slo-Balls 54 62 Tarheels 57% 54% 54 62 Copiers 56 56 Lucky 13 62 50 G-Getters 61% 50% 50 66 Inseparables 52 60 Starters No. 15 Jacks 59 53 Road Runners 48% 67% Coffee Movers 46 66 Ups& Downs 54% 57% Cecil Connor, Bobcat outfielder, spent more time on his back yesterday at Jupiter Spoilers 47% 68% 86 Proof 44% 67% Go Go Kids 44 68 The Aven 54 58 - then he did on his feet. Above, he slides safely into third base, and below he makes it Ram Rods 46% 69% 49% 62% 28% River Rats 33 79 Goof-Ops safely into home plate for a score. Ex-Friends 87% 49 63 and series, High team game and series, Sometimers High team game dDirty Dozen 45% 66% ; individual 4-B's, 685-1863; individual Connor sliding again — at second Slo-Balls, 834-2372 ModSquad 44% 67% Meets Milwaukee high game and series, man, high game, man, Myron Brown, 211; individual high Plleze 41 71 Bob Zadareky, :250-642; in- 34% 77% ady, Bellbottoms dividual high game, 1 High team game, DOCKSIDE MARINE REPAIR Carol McDuffie, 242; in- Hotel Miami pads polo team dividual high series, ]lady, Gloworms 703; High team ENGINE TUNEUP —OIL CHANGES series, Tarpons, 2026; Ind Pat Lancaster, 633. & MINOR MAINTENANCE The battle lines are drawn But Miami has padded its locking mallets. A little golfers high game and series, added spice will be seen in the Camino Gardens Phone 390*0488 in polo here and Miami has team with one of the best Lost Romayne Krall 221 & 524. young players in the lineup split. For Milwaukee, Team Won Members of the Hotel brought up a big gun even Peach Trees 61% 34% though it can't win the fight. business. Polo promoter John Harold (Chico) Barry is the Women's Golf Association Oxley said yesterday Roy big stick. Roy Barry, playing June Berries 58 38 played on the number one Sunday afternoon at 3 Barry, Jr., will play for for Miami is his nephew. Walnuts 55% 40% course of Boca West this o'clock, Miami meets Miami, taking Tom Cedars 53% 42% week. It won't be the first time the 50 46 Milwaukee in the Sunshine Wayman's place in the Barry's have played against Sycamores In Class A competition, League. A victory by lineup. each other. In fact, there are Elm Trees 48 48 Hollyhocks 47 49 Mrs. Emile Arnautou took Milwaukee gives the Beer The game promises to be so many polo-playing high gross. A tie appeared at City the league title. The Sun one of the best of the season. members of the large Barry Butternuts 45 41 Hickories 44 52 95 for low gross between Mrs. City team can't hope for Three eight goalers and a family, it stands to reason the George Gescheidt and Mrs. anything but last place. nine goaler will be on the field odds would one day see them Maypops 43 53 Bayberries 42% 53% Clyde Fisher. C-15 CANAL all playing against each In Class B, Mrs. Berge other. Apple Trees 41% 54% Tamarinds 41% 54% Bergesen was high gross Miami's lineup will put golfer. Mrs. Lucille Zehr and N team captain Russell Pepperidges 41 55 EXECUTIVE High team game and series, Mrs. Randolph Hayes tied for Firestone, Jr., up front with low gross honors at 102. COURSE PAR 60 < Del Carroll, an eight-goaler Butternuts, 823-2326; in- X dividual high game and Class C saw Mrs. S.G. Stein o at number two. Barry will be \ in the pivot at number three series, man, Vern Carne1,199- with the high gross and Mrs. x' 530; individual high j HIDDEN VALLEY BLVD. and Chuck Wright will play game Luther Fisher and Mrs. John back. Both teams will have and series, Dot White, 163- Cowenhaven tied for low at (N.W. 76th STREET) an aggregate handicap rating 441. 114. CLUB BREAKFAST & of 23. HOUSE LUNCH SERVED In addition to Harold DAILY, 9 to 4 Barry, Milwaukee will field CALL'FOk STARTING TIME eight goaler Benny Gutierrez, • 391-4425 plus Hap Sharp and Wayne iOCA RATON COUNTRY CLUB Brown. GREEN FEES ... $ 3.00 Bob Grant, P.G.A. Instruction An upset by Miami brings ELECTRIC CARTS . 5.00 Pro Shop — Driving Range 10 PLAY BOOK . . 25.00 Ciub-Rentals about a tie in the league between Miami and 7607 W. Country Club Blvd. 397-4422 Milwaukee forcing a playoff 500 Yds. West of U.S. 1 in Boca Raton Close to Delray Beach next Sunday. Designed by the Stars... 2 BLOCKS WEST OF US-1 AT N.W. 51st ST., BOCA RATON for the Stars... and You! OPEN 7 DAYS A VIM MAYER MOTORS, INC. NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC PLAY FOR LIMITED TIME. A great new master- FULL COURSE GOURMET DINNERS piece in golf course design. Play first 9 of Championship 18, plus truly ex- The Place To Go For The Finest in Foreign Car Servicing citing Executive 9 holes. Greens Fee $5.00 Electric carts available. Lessons by Served nightly, including your own t«l«c- $ tiom from 30 d«Iectabl* it«m« at our popu- 50 Resident Pro Bob Verwey, touring star. Located on U.S. Highway 441, West of lor Salad and Ralith Bar. ffOm 4 Boca Raton. Use Florida Turnpike Exit 6. COMPLETE LUNCHEONS FASHION SHOW Rail; except $155 EVERY WED. NOON Su. Iran I Music by FOR RESERVATIONS BILL FLANNIGAN call firnir Ely LiiMirti lint Yicilirt Call Boca Raton. At Boca Raton, AND HIS TRIO 399-5120 390-0888 for Florida nightly except Sunday starting time MERCEDES-BENZ V O LV O TOYOTA CO*O«A and information. GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB *Now open for play on Located on U.S. Highway 441, West of Boca Raton. Championship first 9. Use Florida Turnpike Exit 6. turn South on 441. 116 S.E. Sixth Avenue* - 523-4381 Enjoy tlw Bo Teeca Lounge plus full Executive course for total of SANDALFOOTCOVEISA DEVELOPMENT OF UNITED UTILITIES CORP. OF FLORIDAjffi FT. LAUDERDALMLA. Complimentary Hors d'Oeuvres 4:30-6 P.M. 16 holes. A0104Wa| (U.S. 7 - North end of the Tunnel) VDEERFIELD 399-6104 Is Master's w a mill n? year: The par-five 15th However they're also tournament in the world, dollars is a hoax." ed off. That's why the PGA is The 34th Masters begins AUGUSTA, Ga. (UPI)- Gay Brewer (1967), Bob where Gene Sarazen made counting on the warm they will be taking special However, former PGA shifting to February next Thursday at the Azalea and How much will the winner of Goal by (1968) and George his double eagle, long the weather to rescue greens and precautions to protect the this week's prestigious Archer (1969) complain they champion Don January year." The last three dogwoodlined Augusta fairways from the affects of a South African from rumored contends a Masters title is a Masters champions have not National Golf Club—its home easiest birdie hole on the Masters golf tournament never received the financial course has been toughened. rough winter. racial harassment. reap from his victory? rewards they had been led to pro golfer's best source of fared well since winning ever since Bobby Jones The Augusta National has Player, who has been a outside income. here. Brewer hasn't had a started the tournament here Masters week is annually Three-time champ Jack expect. the time of year for nature long been considered as target of black militants in "The Masters is the one to victory in three years; Goal- in 1934. especially tailored for the protest against his country's Nicklaus once claimed a "A Masters victory may be win because it's the first of by's only victory in two years The 6,980-yard, par-72 lovers to visit this northeast Masters title is worth $1 Georgia city. But tournament "big three" — Palmer, apartheid policies, expressed a bonanza to an Arnold the big tournaments," was last September's course is basically the same Nicklaus and Gary Palyer. concern that the Masters million. Robinson (HI.) Open which officials fear unseasonably Palmer or a Jack Nicklaus," January said. "By the time I as that over which Horton But although those three might be the scene of a But the tournament's last said defending champ Ar- won the PGA (in August attracted few big names; and Smith beat Craig Wood in the warm weather may have demonstration. Archer has been shut out forced the blooms to peak too dominated the Masters for three winners all insist that cher. "But all that stuff about 1967), all the big endorse- inaugural 36 years ago. But nearly a decade, four-time since claiming his title. there's one key change this soon. "We are aware of Mr. figure is 10 times too high. it being worth a million ment plums had been pick- champ Palmer missed the Player's concern," a tour- cut in 1968 and tied for 25th nament official told United last year. Nicklaus and South Press International a few Africa's Player missed the days ago. "Although we cut last year. already have ample policing, Whitewash ? Player creates a special we will do as the other problem for officials this tournaments have done and year. Although they already assign some men to watch Writers don't think much have the best-guarded over him." of Kuhn decision on McLain April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 15A

A sampling of comments on been called a "slap on the Times, who wrote, "It is clear greedy and tried to make an 'more guilty' than Hornung feuded with the press. CHARTER FISHING and Karras, yet got off twice the BOWIE Kuhn decision wrist" or a "whitewash." from this rousing nonovation easy dishonest buck, but Pete Waldmier of the as easy." Detroit News wrote, "How do in the Denny McLain case Many compared it un- that most people think Kuhn instead got bilked by some favorably to pro football let McLain off too lightly. You other greedy men who were One of the few writers to you spell travesty? Better, at ECONOMY RATES from sportswtaters and back Kuhn was Prescott yet what's the definition of columnists around the nation commissioner Pete Rozelle's might conclude that smarter than him. Kuhn, in decision in 1963 to suspend McLain's offense was in fact effect, is saying to us: Sullivan of the San Francisco whitewash? Kuhn ought to NEW TWIN ENGINE SP0RTF1SHERMAN shows the consensus of Examiner, who wrote, "We have a ready answer in the opinion is that Kuhn should Alex Karras and Paul Hor- more serious than that of the McLain tried to be a bookie Complete Electronic Equipment nung for an entire season for two football players (Karras partner but he loused it up, believe Kuhn acted wisely. wake of his slap-on-the wrist have given McLain a stiffer Anyway, the decision had the penalty." sentence. betting on games. Kuhn's and Hornung). They were therefore he's only being All Fishing Equipment Supplied logic that McLain wasn't suspended for 12 weeks. dual purpose of getting the Joe Falls of the Detroit Since Kuhn announced merely making bets—and J $ actually a bookmaker never against their own "As for McLain, he hasn't commissioner's office off the Free Press: "Nobody here Wednesday that McLain will hook and acquainting can quite believe the stand FULL DAY 80 1/2 DAY 50 be suspended only until July because he was duped also teams —while McLain tried changed, he's still looking for the quic buck—only now McLain's hindquarters with that Kuhn took in handing 1, the decision has frequently was questioned. to buy into a bookmaking See the fantastic WAHINE Typical of the comments operation." because of necessity. His the authority of a firm hand down his sentence against was the one from Charles Rick Talley of Chicago debts are mountain high." without seriously impairing McLain—just 12 weeks and Maher of the Los Angeles Today said, "McLain was Galyn Wilkins of the Fort the prize pitcher's career." he can play again. Kuhn took Worth Star-Telegram wrote, Some of the mst stinging the easy way out—a penalty COVE MARINA Doesn't "Try to fit McLain's acts on a reaction came from Detroit, but not the one that fits the where McLain has long tradition of the game." Deerfield Beach 399-7572 believe scale of guilt and he seems Alcindor United Press International the new golf pmdise in beautiful Boa Rtfo Even after living with him for a season, Milwaukee coach Larry Costello still can't believe Lew Alcindor. "He's unbelievable. He outrebounded, outscored and he intimidated them," Costello said Friday night after Alcindor had scored 46 points and picked off 2> rebounds. He was the chief reason the Bucks crushed the Philadelphia 76ers, 115-106, to qualify for the Eastern Dvision final playoffs of the National Basketball Associa- tion. Houston Astro Doug Racier holds the ball he slammed Jack Ramsay, who had seen his Philadelphia team into the fifth level of seats in the Astrodome yesterday crushed in only five games, afternoon. It was the longest ever recorded in the Dome had to agree. and helped the Astros trim the Yanks, 9-5 UPI Telephoto. "I like him all the time," the 76er coach said of Alcindor. "He's a thoroughly Jockey files big suit dedicated team player. He's a good shooter, gets position and passes off to the open man. They got the ball to against Hialeah track Alcindor deep when they needed to." MIAMI (UPI)-Star jockey "failed to adequately resod The Chicago Bulls Manuel Jcaza blames prevented a sweep by Atlanta and maintain the area." from Miami to Palm Beach... Hialeah racetrack in a $2.5 The suit is against Hialeah in their Western Division million damage suit for semifinal. Friday night by Race Course and Con- failing to properly maintain solidated Mutual Insurance beating the Hawks, 131-120. its turf course and causing a However, Hawks' coach Co. for country club spill that could keep him out Richie Guerin promised, of the saddle. "It'll be over Sunday (when Ycaza filed the suit Friday Deerfield the teams meet again in in Dade County Circuit Court. living closest to Atlanta). That's for sure . . . Ycaza suffered injuries to his We might have had a little right leg, knee, back, neck women letdown being three games and shoulder and a fracture ahead, but Sunday will be the of the right ankle which Florence Brown won the the ocean it's... last game." required surgery in a fall Milwaukee next meets the championship class with a 61 Jan. 30 during a race on in golf action at the Deerfield survivor of the New York- Hialeah's turf course. Baltimore series, which re- Country Club this week. In his suit, the Panamanian She led a field of about 80 sumes Sunday in Baltimore jockey said Hialteah em- with the Knicks holding a players. ployes had driven vehicles In Class A, tied at 63, were threegames-to-two edge. In across a spot at the turn near CONDOMINIUMS ON THE FAIRWAYS tonight's only action, the the 3-8th pole and that "their Dorothy Jones, Mary Wallin spacious one & two bedroom two bath Phoenix Suns, boasting a 2-1 negligence caused ruts, killed and Lucretia Crafts. advantage over Los Angeles, the grass and caused a worn Class B saw Louise Orner apartments with den priced from $25,400 are at home to the Lakers. condition there." He said the and Claire Murray tied at 65. Philadelphia led 61-52 atemployes put loose grass In Class C, Alyne Bisset includes 1 year free greens fees and charter halftime and 85-82 after three clippings on the area but took the honors with a 67. periods in the game at membership in Boca Teeca Country Club Madison, Wis., but a three- point play by Alcindor with BOATERS ATTENTION 27 Hole Championship Complete Gym for Men & Women Golf Course Sauna Bath for Men & Women 9:13 left put the Bucks ahead New Clubhouse 92-90. Milwaukee soon Putting Greens BOATING Pro Shop Tennis Courts stretched that to 108-99 and it Restaurant and Lounge was no contest after that COURSE NEW CONDOMINIUM UNDER CONSTRUCTION Billiard and Card Rooms Shuffleboard despite a 28-point effort by Driving Range Heated Pools Billy Cunningham of the PRESENTED BY: 76ers. U.S. COAST GUARD AUXILLARY BOCA TEECA COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES Chet Walker scored 39 MODEL APARTMENTS OH PREMISES points and Clem Haskins FLOTILLA NO. 36 Sales Otficei, U.S. 1 at N.W. S1»t Street, Boca R»ton, and «l added 29 for Chicago, which 8 WEEK COURSE BEGINNING Boc» Teeea Country Club on* block w»at. ran away from the Hawks by In Boca Raton Phon* 399-5120 • In Miami Phone 949-6109 pouring in 74 pooints in the second half. It was the first TUESDAY, APRIL 7 NEW FURNISHED MODELS NOW OPEN1 loss in 11 games for Atlanta, Models by Guest Furniture Co., Pompano Beach which closed the regular 7.30 P.M. SHARP CM. KOVENS CONSTRUCTION CORP.-GENERAL CONTRACTOR season with a seven game BEHJTIFUL HEW CLUB WWSE winning streak and then took SCOUT HUT the opening three games To: Boca Teeca Country Club Estates from the bulls. at Community Center 5200 N. Federal Highway "We played with more Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 confidence and less Please send me the free illustrated color brochure pressure," Chicago coach about the Boca Teeca Way of Life. Dick Motta said after the • I am interested in a 1 Bedroom Apartment. home-court victory. "I told • I am interested in a 2 Bedroom Apartment. them no one ever came from three down so they didn't Name have anything to lose. Walker and Haskins got hot hands Address and that gave it to us. Eity State Zip Joe Caldwell was high man for Atlanta with 38 points, 20 phone of them in the final half, and Everyone Interested In Safe Boating Is Walt Hazzard added 22 Cordially Inviited To Attend. points. 16A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970

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The Fourth Amendment guarantees the right o! the people "to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches mid seisurss , . ." but burglars and fires don't pay much attention. To give you peace-of-mind, First Bank & Trust provides low-cost safe deposit boxes lor your valuables such as stocks, bonds, insurance policies, deeds, wills, jewelry, etc. And we have more than just a handful. Over 200 are immediately available, and 300 more will be ready for rental in April. Stop by and see what Boca's oldest banking institution offers individuals and businesses. It's the modern bank with old-fashioned personal service that gives you peace-of-mind in all your financial dealings so you can sleep well at night. a^-; - ...... ,_.. THE BANK THAT DELIVERS MORE •:"' QUALITY/SERVICE





Live at Loxahatchee

Everglade kite

face to face

with extinction

By MARVIN HURDLE more, would it be any great advantage Today their greatly reduced number! to you if during the year mighty beings are restricted to a rather small area ir How would you feel if a great outside your control used you as a southeast Florida. the birds when tfc°y 1 disaster should suddenly strike this target for their guns in order to What has brought the kite to this blinds or near their i country and you found yourself among overcome their boredom? It would appear that given adequate dangerous level? than one occasion, only 100 surviving Americans? Of course, we all know that such a The answer probably has several protection, a healthy environment, and an ample food supply, the kites would found dead near the Would it be any more comforting to tragedy could never occur here — or facets. Undoubtedly loss of adequate airboat use near a m know that you had to depend upon only could it? "No chance," you say, but the habitat is the number one contributing be able to make a comeback; but there are several other factors that appear known to destroy the one food item for nourishment and this tragic fact is that it has already factor. It is estimated that over 60 per birds to desert it. was in constant danger of con- cent of the original kite habitat has to have a restricting effect. First, the happened. kites build a rather flimsy nest that is With all these adversities, it almost refuge, there is still a good chance that tamination from pollutants? If this been destroyed through drainage, looks as if the days of the remaining the Everglade Kite may be saved. weren't enough to cause you worry, These few surviving Americans are and a large percentage of the easily destroyed by high winds. In kites are numbered. There are ap- would it help to know that your more a native of this country than you remaining habitat may not be suitable addition, the young birds are very proximately 120 kites believed sur- The Bureau of Sport Fisheries and chances of raising your offspring to or I, and they daily face the ex- during certain periods of the year due susceptible to exposure from heavy viving today. A big percentage of this Wildlife has a broad scale study in become adults was constantly being periences just described. These to changing water conditions. prolonged rain and cold weather. As population recently moved into the progress of the Everglade Kite, a part ehalleneged by hostile weather that aAmericans are the Florida Everglade The kite is a highly specialized bird many asone-fourth of a group of nests vast Loxahatchee National Wildlife of which is to determine specifically swept them from their homes and Kites, a medium-size hawk found that feeds only on a large fresh water under observation have been Refuge West of Boca Raton. Here the what the problems are and how they smashed them to death against the primarily in the Florida Everglades. mollusk, the pple snail. To survive the destroyed by adverse weather. birds have a good or better chance of can be resolved, so that the species can ground or drowned them in rushing At one time Everglade Kites were snail must have plenty of good, clean Nothing is known of diseases and survival than any other place within be retained as a part of our American waters? Just to complicate things a bit found throughout most of Florida. water. Drainage and water pollution parasites. their present range. Water levels in the wildlife heritage.

'People issues' emerging in Tallahassee

By BARBARA FRYE for racial integration. since Kirk and the Republicans Turlington, House money chairman, emptions now enjoyed by railroads, and there's no point in voting TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (UPI)— According to the candidate- brought two party government to refused to promise the budget his telegraph, telephone and insurance ditional money until this agency, under "People issues"—not special in- legislators who have their ears to the Florida three years ago. committee is due to start putting companies, banks, building and loan the governor, is "cleaned up." terests—may dominate Florida's first together soon will stay within present and cooperative marketing ground to catch every nuance of voter That doesn't mean there won't be One of the livlier issues of the session annual session of the legislature in this revenue. associations from the tax on their sentiment, the people want all this fights. probably will be proposed creation of a century. If it does not, he said, it will be ac- capital stock. without new taxes. But instead of the usual wrangles board to eliminate the absolute power This is a view shared by Senate companied by a recommendation for It doesn't make sense, he said, that And, with the governor and a big over whether to pass or reject the last legislature gave to the tran- President John Mathews, House financing the additional amount. electric companies but not telephone percentage of legislators running for legislation, the debate will more likely sportation secretary. Some insist that Speaker Fred Schultz, spending The finance chairman Chiles, flatly companies, airlines but not railroads, statewide office in a primary only 2% be over how far to go. it be a policy-making board, some that chairmen Ralph Turlington and predicted a "no tax" session and said and small loan companies but not months after the session's end, the it be purely advisory. Lawton Chiles and legislative aides to political facts of life are heavily on the Money will, as usual, be the major the money fights will come on how to banks, now pay this tax of $100 per Gov. Claude Kirk. side of the people getting what they issue, with education holding the top parcel out the existing dollars among $75,000 worth of stock. Aides to Kirk said he definitely will If the leadership is reading the mood ask. f priority. education, health and welfare, con- Mathews and Schultz, both stress his perennial "no new tax" of the public correctly, there is an This unusual combination of cir- According to latest estimates, there servation and other state re- Jacksonville Democrats and both stand in outlining a program to the overwhelming demand for action to cumstances —brought about by a new will be as much as $50 million more quirements. seeking higher office, see little legislature. curb pollution and drug abuse, con- Constitution changing from bienniel to revenue from existing sources than Turlington has already filed a tax likelihood of a gasoline tax increase for Mathews and Turlington anticipate serve the beaches, forests and wildlife annual sessions, allowing a governor anticipated. Schultz said in an in- bill, but does not consider it a revenue more roads. substantial debate on state aid to for the people, put teeth in consumer to seek reelection and moving primary terview he has told his Appropriations measure as much as a matter of being They said the Transportation private schools, and say there is an protection laws, give more money to election dates, could make the session Committee "I consider education to be "fair." It would produce several Department has not been able to spend organized mail campaign in support of the schools and prevent forced busing opening Tuesday the most harmonious the top priority item." million dollars a year by removing ex- about $100 million already available it. One of the scenes most oldtimers remember well and Inlet Bridge. The old bridge is gone and so is the view, but very few Boca Raton residents know about is the view for oldtimers the memory of the good old days lingers on. from the ocean side of the Inlet looking across the old Photo by Margaret Olsson. Final craft series slated

The spring series of craft classes, sponsored by the Boca Raton Recreation Department, are open for registration. Beginning Tuesday, April 7, at 12:30 pjn., Alfreda ANNUAL SALE Straleau will meet for the last six-week class in fabulous fakes. Students will learn how to make flower arrangements from various media, in- Our Once a Year Reduction cluding plastic, bread, burlap | and paper. ! Oil painting students may have a choice of Wednesday on All Furniture, Accessories evenings beginning April 8 at 7:30 or Thursday mornings beginning April 9 at 9:30. and Gifts in the Store ..... I Pre-registration for the evening class is required as a maximum of 12 students will be accepted. Liz Kehres teaches the six-week course in oil as well as a class in kcrylic painting which begins Fhursday, April 9, at 12:30 pm. 1 Registration also is being (accepted for the clothing 50%Ooff jconstruction class taught by Mrs. Zoe Stout beginning Monday, April 6, at 9 a.m. For additional information or registration contact the Community Center. Crop Output Cut 25 Per Cent CHICAGO — Farm experts estimate that insects, diseases, nematodes and 2004 N FEDERAL HIGHWAY weeds cut U.S. agricultural Trash pick-up production by about one- DELRAY BEACH, FLA. West side: Monday — Boca Islands, Camino Gardens and fourth. start Royal Oak Hills. Tuesday — finish Royal Oak Hills, Boca Park and start Boca Raton Square. Wednesday — finish Boca Raton Square, Palmetto Park Terrace, Paradise Palms, Country Club Village and Lake Floresta Park. One Of The Loveliest Things Thursday — Tunison Palms, Old Floresta, Esterly, Bible Grounds Ridge and Montez Gardens. Friday — Spanish In Spring Is To Be A POWERS GIRL! r Village north to 51st street. East side: Monday — Boca Harbor, Bel Marra, Caribbean This is NO Keys and start Delray Manor. Tuesday — finish Delray DIANE HENDRICKSON Manor south to Northeast 32nd street and Lake Rogers. '- iT's OUTOF Wednesday—32nd street south to 20th street and Stratoliner. This wcffldH Thursday — Boca Villas, Por la Mar and Riviera. Friday — Before Estates, Royal Palm and Pearl City. SIZE-20 Whatever Your Taste in VELVET 0 The Vooue IN neeaKXTTvE FAIKIC. After ANJ-NJ VJE //AVF /T-T -BiT 37i SIZE-14 (you dour HAV£ TO w*iT) Elegant plains or exciting prints -- WITH HER LOVELY MYL DM — you'll find the "exactly right" fabric from our huge POWERS GIRL selection. No charge for making full length, regular or FIGURE " traverse, from $1.98 G yd. Call Now and You Can Be A Lovely (act SAV£ POWERS GIRL This Spring! TODAY April 5 GUARANTEE Mt>ttf - C.UT- i IF YOU ARE A SIZE—, If for ANY REASON COMPLETE 50 t-oTTon - You Fail to Receive PER We service and 14 YOU CAN be a size 10 by May 6 4 MONTH MONTH AIL AT TKeHEkdouS 9AVt*/fS maintain free of the Results Listed, 9 I 16 YOU CAN be a size 12 by May 11 1 PLAN To The First 45 charge every drap- I 18 YOU CAN be a size 14 by May 11 I Elaine Powers Will ery rod we sell and NO ADDED | 20 YOU CAN be a size 14 by May 26 j Give You FAMOUS FALULOVS install as long as e ] 6 b Ma 26 6 MONTHS FREE CHARGES CAllNOW you use it. v v _1

Open Mon.-Sat Call Now 391-4890 for Your free Trial Visit ICAUCO cmm EELER, Inc. 9 to 5 HOURS Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-4 BOCA RATON - Draping the Gold Coast Come In 2O S. DIXIE - I BLOCK WEST ON USl Or Phone 395-4244 3415 S. Federal Hwy., Delray Beach, Elaine Powers Figure Salons * O • *. 278-2877 1976 NE 5th Ave. 5th Ave. Shopping Plaza, Boca Raton, Fla. Around the Town Couples exchange vows Spring finally conies

By SANDY WESLEY stein, 804 N.E. 70th St., are future brides and College if additional Spring has finally come to back home now after a trip to bridegrooms will be scholarship funds can be Boca Raton. But then the Nassau with friends from presented by sororities at provided ... but the help of a readers don't need me to tell Massachusettes, and New Florida Atlantic University civic club, dramatic them that. York. Thursday, April 9. The association, or an individual, All it takes to find out is a Council is open to the public is needed to bring her to Boca good look around. Models usually bring to and begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Raton. Boca Raton residents are mind beautiful young woman Student Lounge on campus. Sandra has won six certainly taking advantage of wearing beautiful clothes, but China, crystal and jewelry national awards in Ceylon for the warmth, sunshine and did you ever hear of a four will be displayed, and men's her performances in drama spring weather. A look at the year old model? and women's fashions will be and speech, and has had beaches and the parks will Sharry Stellabott is just shown. outstanding reviews for her tell that story. that. The four year old FAU's Panhellenic com- performance as Joan of Are daughter of Mr. and Mrs. mittee members are Lynn in Anouilh's "The Lark" Or even a look in someone's Joseph Stellabott, 420 N.E. Kurima, Phi Mu; Marilee produced in Columbo. back yard. Take for example 44th St., graduated last week from Jane Henderson James, Alpha Omicron Pi; She holds a certificate as a the Royal Palm home of Ted Pamela Council, Alpha Hodgkins. Mr. and Mrs. Modeling School. Now all she teacher of speech from Hodgkins took advantage of needs is to complete her Gamma Delta, and Joann Trinity College, London, and the weather to entertain 30 happiness is a modeling job. Kurzanski, Delta Gamma. is presently in a training Colby College students at a course with the Ceylon If sufficient scholarship Broadcasting Corporation. cookout last weekend. By the way, if you're assistance can be found, The students, members of planning on serving Hilda Marymount College will have Marymount College has a the college baseball and Cohens's Danish Roast Goose a young actress from Ceylon drama program under the tennis teams, were in Florida and potato recipes for dinner studying drama here next direction of Sister Regina for the spring training at tonight, don't follow that September. Cribari who teaches drama Miami-Dade Junior College. recipe in the paper unless you Miss Sandra Dorothy and music. The college has a Hodgkins, a graduate of add some corrections. Joseph, 19, of Columbo, number of dramatic and Colby, is a trustee of the The gremlins were at it Ceylon has been accepted for musical productions each college. again. This time they got into enrollment. at Marymount year. Hodgkins asked the my notebook and botched up April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 3B Mrs. Vincent Michael Matteis Wheaton College Wings, a my notes so badly that even I Mrs. Elvin P. Joyce group of 15 girls, to sing for had trouble reading them. the occasion. Actually it wasn't all that The girls were in south bad. The Roast Goose recipe Florida last week for per- in the Wednesday issue of the Yeazell-Joyce Stass-Matteis sonal appearances in the area News says something about and to sell their records. greens. It's supposed to say greenings or other tart ap- white crownless hats trim- "It was a delightful . Janice Allyn Yeazell, bridesmaids were Mrs. Colette Maura Stass, evening," Hodgkins ad- ples. Greenings, according to Di TIERI daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. Terrence daughter of Mr. and Mrs. med with lavender ribbons. mitted. Hilda, are a type of tart Arnold R. Yeazell, Pompano Yeazell and Miss Judith Frank B. Stass, Binghamton, Matron of honor carried apples. So use the greens in Beach, exchanged wedding Crow. Flower girl was Teresa N.Y., exchanged wedding white violets and ivy, and your salad and not in your An Unusual Procedure bridesmaids carried purple While some people are vows with Elvin Paul Joyce, Grass and ring bearer was vows with Vincent Michael cooking steaks for 30 boys, roast goose. At A Di Tier! Shop n, son of Mr. and Mrs. E p. Dennis Grass. Matteis, son of Mr. and Mrs. violets and ivy. Best man was John James others are traveling. The potato recipe calls for Joyce, Fort Lauderdaie, in a Best man was Leo Martin Sal Matteis, Boca Raton, in a In fact, Mr. and Mrs. Gus 1% tablespoons sugar, not % double ring ceremony double ring ceremony Matteis, the bridegroom's Since We No Longer Supply Our Mer- and ushers were Terrence cousin, and ushers were Hager joined the travelors tablespoons. So add that Saturday in First Yeazell, Frank Briante, Saturday in St. Joan of Arc Saturday. They embarked on extra tablespoon and have chandise To Other Shops As In The Past, We Presbyterian Church, Church. James Vento, Michael A. Can Offer Our Wide Cravat» To Our Louie Howell and D. Earl Benanti and Jerry Altieri. a seven day cruise on the fun. Pompano Beach. Lorey. The bride appeared at the German ship "Boheme" for Customers At The Wholesale Price, In This arms of her father in a full A reception at Crystal Lake Shop. ;.' The bride, a graduate of Following a wedding trip to Country Club followed the San Juan, Virgin Islands, The Mothers Association of Miami Beach, the couple will length organdy gown trim- Haiti and Freeport. The trip St. Andrew's School will • Pompano Beach High School, med with eyelet, the bodice ceremony. is employed at IBM Cor- reside in Fort Lauderdaie. was supposed to have been honor faculty and board of Colorful, Imported Purest Silk ... accented with lavender The bride is a graduate of made last fall, but Mrs. trustee members with a Unique and Original Designs poration in Boca Raton. The ribbon. Her full length veil Marymount College and the Hager took sick at the last reception in the school's bridegroom, a graduate of fell from a headpiece of bridegroom is a graduate of minute so it was postponed. Miami Jackson High School, Palm Beach Junior College. Fuller Lounge Monday. Nationally Advertised at $7.50 and $10.00 violets and stephanotis to Hager says this cruise The annual event is under Now Selling at $5^ is self employed in match her bouquet. Following a wedding trip to completes their tours of the the direction of the . automotive service. Maid of honor was Merrill New York, the couple will islands. "We'll have seen all Association's president, Mrs. Matron of honor was Mrs. Lee Stass, sister of the bride, reside in Boca Raton. of them after this trip," he Kenneth Parmalee. WORLD FAMOUS NECKWEAR Charles Mauro, and and bridesmaids were said. A veritable Museum of Silks and Brocades Barbara Daniello, Anne Festival Next trip they take? April showers bring May Designed or Collected by Atchinson- De.Massa and Toni Matteis. It'll be Europe. flowers, only to be followed Mr. Nicholas DiTieri They wore lavender and by June, and you know that lime green full length The Hagers aren't the only that month is reserved for. ROYAL PALM PLAZA organdy gowns with large scheduled Blanchard Fourth Annual Festival of Boca Raton residents touring Brides! 400 Golf View Dr. Boca Raton Arts and Crafts, sponsored by the islands. A Panhellenic Bridal :. Mrs. Norma Atchinson, Mr. and Mrs. David Bern- Council for present and 391-3588 2998 N.E. Fifth Ave., an- Graduation First United Methodist •3»unces the engagement of Church, will be held Satur- ;her daughter, Susan L., to F. recital slated day, April 11. :iN. Robert Blanchard,LSon of The exhibit featuring a Mrs. Dorothy Blan'chard, Miss Ban- Evelyn Champion, clothesline gallery, hand •Aicondepoga, N.Y. soprano, will be presented in crafted items and a special :• Miss Atchinson will concert Sunday at Florida children's exhibit will be open ".graduate from Boca Raton Barr- Atlantic University Theatre. 3:30 to 8 p.m. and will include :High School in June and her The concert, sponsored by a dinner in the church hall. :fiance is presently serving Gardiner FAU Music Department, will Movies for children and a rkfebard jke U.S.S. Cadmus in begin at 3 p.m. and is Mrs. cabaret with guitarist Sandy iNewport, R.I. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Champion's a graduation Thomas at 7 pan. also will be :- No wedding date has been Barr, Boca Raton, announce recital for an M.Ed. degree. part of the festival. ^scheduled. the engagement of their Mrs. Champion, wife of daughter, Deborah Ellen, to Ronald Champion, trumpet Meeting set James R. Gardiner, son of player with the Jackie Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gleason Orchestra, presently A surprise members Gardiner, Fort Lauderdaie. teaches choral at Fort participation program will be The bride elect was Lauderdaie Senior High in store for the Garden Club graduated from Titusville School. when it meets Tuesday, April High School, Titusville, and is Her program will include 7. now employed by Florida art songs and selections of The meeting will be held at Atlantic University. concert repertoire. 2 p.m. in the Garden Center. Her finace was graduated from Northeast High School, Fort Lauderdaie, and is now employed by City Plumbing of Dania. Madagascar, tropical island off Africa's southeast coast, became the Malagasy Zales Miss Atchinson Republic in 1960. Love Triangle Bridal Set for Her.. .Matching Band for Him

Thenewest, * quickest, easiest way \3 to draw the line AUTOMATIC MINUTE by Helena Rubinstein The most important innovation in liners since eye makeup began. Automatic Minute Eyeliner... a liquid liner and brush in one. Just unscrew the cap and slide out the sable tipped brush. Never skips. Never gets messy. Draws a perfect line every time. Purse-portable in a blue-enamelled NEW MERCHANDISE ARRIVING golden cylinder that holds Black, Taupe, Dark Brown or Navy Blue. 5.00 MEN'S STUFF TOO! Refills 2.50


Shoppers Haven, Pompano Beach 4B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 Residents organize Welcome Wagonettes

They call themselves the Welcome Wagonettes and women may listen to speakers, see films or plan ac- they hope to be of service to newcomers by just being tivities such as dances, family picnics and card par- social. ties. The club, the nighttime version of Welcome Wagon, There also will be special interest groups such as was organized recently by Mrs. Philip E. Sosey and bowling, ceramics, art, golf, flower arranging, and Mrs. Byron Chapin, Welcome Wagon hostesses for seasonal decorations, knitting, sewing and card flights. Boca Raton. Officers for the club, elected last week, are Mrs. According to Mrs. Robert Burgess, president of the Robert Burgess, president; Mrs. William D. Stur- new club, the Wagonettes was formed "because the divant, first vice president; Mrs. Byron J. Van Cott, hostesses felt there was a definite need for a nighttime second vice president; Mrs. Timothy Jemison, version of Welcome Wagon Club." corresponding and recording secretary, and Mrs. Joseph E. Cosentino, treasurer. Purpose of the club is to help new people moving into the community meet other people living in the com- Members of the board are Mrs. James E. Lane, munity. projects, ways and means; Mrs. Daniel D. Fernandez, Discussing Welcome Wagonettes program for the year are (left) Mrs. Byron J. Van Cott, Mrs. Robert Burgess interests; Mrs. Michael McCain, publicity, historian; and Mrs. William Sturdivant. Mrs. Sosey and Mrs. Chapin visit newcomers to town Mrs. William D. Ammann, telephone; Mrs. Curtis welcoming them to the area and telling them about the Miel, social; Mrs. Victor V. Hart, hostesses and town, then invite the homemakers to join Welcome hospitality, and Mrs. James A. Palm, SOS and sun- ANN LANDERS Wagon, a daytime luncheon club. shine. However Mrs. Sosey and Mrs. Chapin found that many young women with children at home could not Planning a Wedding...? attend a luncheon meeting so they decided to help form NEW PRICES TO FIT ANY BUDGET Teenager is turning grey a nighttime club. Ask About Our "Do It Yourself Plan" The group will meet at 8 p.m. the fourth Thursday of THE COLONY STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHERS guy can be taken advantage much more exciting when 60654, enclosing a stamped, the month in J.C. Mitchell Community School. The Dear Ann Landers: I they are kicked around. I Ph. 395-5511 BOCA RATON realize the chances that you of if he doesn't have good self-addressed envelope. sense and will power. Just hope for your sake that you will print my letter are one in change your tune. a million but it's worth the sign me try. I'm a 16-year-old girl —HateAgressive How far should a teen-age whose hair is turning gray. Females couple go? Can necking be Premature gray runs in our Dear H.A.F.: What do you safe? When does it become family and there's nothing I have that's so special? My too hot to handle? Send for can do about it. readers will surely be asking Ann Landers' booklet, The kids at school have me. What shall I tell them? "Necking And Petting — begun to notice and I get I've never heard of a man What Are The Limits?" Mail teased a little. Although I being raped by a woman but your request to Ann Landers laugh it off, it bothers me. if you don't reduce the animal in care of your newspaper Can you suggest a rinse magnetism you might be the enclosing 50 cents in coin and that will not look artificial? first. Have you considered a a long, stamped, self- My natural hair color is dark chastity belt? addressed envelope. brown. Thank you. Ann Landers will be glad —Old Before My Time Dear Ann Landers: How to help you with your Dear O.B.: You can go to a can I get rid of a creep who problems. Send them to her in beauty shop and get some won't give up? I'm a 16-year- care of Boca Raton News, professional counsel. The old girl who knows lots of Box 3346, Chicago, Illinois, decision should be made by answers but not this one. To an operator who can look at make matters worse my your hair and advise you on mom thinks this kid is great. the basis of color, texture and Whenever he calls on the ! $ style. phone Mom is so friendly it If I were you, though, I'd encourages him. Every time leave it alone. A high school Mom and I get into a girl with prematurely gray discussion about this pest we hair would be a standout in end up in a fight. She keeps any crowd. wanting to know why I don't like him. I tell her it is ORIGINAL OIL Dear Ann Landers: I'd like because he is so sweet and PAINTINGS to say something to that big attentive he makes me sick to 16x20 $12.00 & up 24x36 $25.00 & up mouth who is obviously a my stomach. She says this is 24x48 $30.00 & up man-hater from way back. a crazy reason. Do you know Open Daily 1 0 to 5 True, girls don't get them- what I mean? Please put it Sunday 12 to 5 selves pregnant but most of into words for me. I'm PICTURE FRAMING them know what causes —Stymied pregnancy and it is their Dear Sty: Yeah, I know SCKERTLE ART GALLERY responsibility to avoid it. what you mean. No 540 S. FED. HWY. The letter made it plain challenge. Some girls can't POMPANO BEACH 943-5450 stand a guy who is decent and 3 Blkt So. of Atlantic Blvd. that the boy did his darndest On U.S. 1 to get rid of the girl but she considerate. They find life chased him shamelessly and finally wore him down. I know how predatory females operate because a certain sex-bomb has been chasing HOME-MADE me all over the campus for two years. I've never asked her for a date. I've never given her a FUDGE phone call, in fact, I don't Tables, Rugs give her the time of day. But CHOCOLATE she turns up wherever I VANILLA WITH NUTS happen to be, greets me with VANILLA WITHOUT NUTS jUpholstered Furniture hugs and kisses, slobbers all PEANUT BUTTER over my face, and I can't get ^Fine Dining Room, Suites rid of her. Once she was ON tl .. waiting for me outside the men's John. SPECIAL:".35 LB. C Lamps, Bric-a-brac, Paintings Not all males are strong, Ann. I can understand how a SUGAR-FREE CANDY \ Porcelains, Oriental Rugs, Jewelry "Golden Clothesline" 7 Silver, Gift Items, Linens Festival NOW AVAILABLE EXHIBIT & SALE of PAINTINGS, CRAFTS and SCULPTURE at POPULAR PRICES including the remainder of various important estates and collections, such as G T. Chenery, Lawrence P. Fisher, Mrs. Cyril B. Judge FRI-SAT. Mrs. Noel Marshall Seeburg, Mrs. Maury Grubb, APRIL 10-11 Next Door to 49 S.E. First Ave. and various other owners. Nettie Milgrim BOCA RATON 801 W. P*hMtto Pic. M. Dealers May Attend — All Sales Will Be Final Deposits Will Be Required On All Purchases Checks Will Be Accepted | Jfi&f&f&ftrff^ LUNCHEON WILL BE SERVED FREE Representatives of ALL Beach Delivery Services will be on hand for instruction as to delivery of merchandise at your expense. Merchandise Must Be Removed from the Premises bv 5 P.M. Saturday, April 11th.


Custom Draperies and Shades Carpets Decorating Service rosuy Free Consultation Art and Auction / cilleries 5501 N. FEDERAL HWY. PHONE OF PALM BEACH. FLORIDA EOCA RATON, FLA. 399-7033 211 Royal Poinciana Way, Palm Beach • Phone 833-1650 Milton E. Freshman, President Your health Sunday, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 5B

Hopeful news in medicine REAL ESTATE! By L.L. COLEMAN, M.D. spreads all over the United tried. It is known as Poly I.C., advantage of a holiday. Most large cities have a States is envisaged. a contraction of polyinosinic These columns are poison control center which This, and other poison and polycytidylic acid. Ap- designed to relieve your fears JOHN B. DOLAN can be called on day or night control centers work har- parently its value is to in- about health through a better for life saving information. moniously in conjunction crease the production of a understanding of your mind Vice Pres.-Mgr. Telephone Public health officials and with local druggists in substance, interferon, for and body. All the hopeful new Bat em an & Co. Realtors Area Code 305 boards of health can thereby preventive and educational body resistance against advances in medicine 1299 So. Ocean Boulevard reported here are known to 395-9355 issue instructions to the campaigns. The entire poison viruses. Boca Raton, Florida 33432 399-8284 parents of children, to adults control project works closely Doctor David A. Hill and doctors everywhere. and to doctors about the ideal with churches and parent Doctor Samuel Baron have way to treat a specific ac- teachers associations to been using these substances cidental poisoning. highlight the increasing in the nose and have found a At the Childrens Mercy frequencies of such ac- marked reduction of infection Hospital in Kansas City an cidents, most of which are in volunteers who electric computer can now based on carelessness. deliberately were infected quickly pinpoint the treat- with a cold virus. ment for any one of the The common cold continues That which scientists are thousand toxic substances to plague us and simply now doing, is to enlarge the that can be poisonous, and refuses to yield to the series of cases in an effort to threaten life. Doctor Ned W. pressure of scientific find possible side effects and Enrollments for 1970-71 Smull and Doctor Vernon research. The reason, of to learn which viruses are Green are part of the team course, is that there are so more easily destroyed. School year are now that have utilized the com- many different kinds of At Bethesda, where these being accepted. puter service in more than a viruses thought to be studies are being done, it is thousand cases. responsible for the common felt that this is an important Within minutes after a cold. opening wedge to liberate the child is brought to the Relentlessly scientists seek reasons why the common hospital, or after a physician these answers despite their cold has been so difficult to calls the computer center, frustrations. control. instructions can be relayed to At the National Institute of The sheerest orange chiffon, hand printed in India with begin life-saving treatment. Allergies and Infectious Speaking of your health: the design traced In gold and accented by gold Even now, in its early stages, Diseases, a promising new Travelers who take their 101 N.W. 22ND STREET, DELRAY BEACH — FLORIDA — 33444 — PH 276-4414 medallions, for this special costume from Oscar de La a telephone service that anti-cold weapon is being worries with them ruin the : Renta's Spring 1970 collection. Midi length panels, front and back, flow over wide orange chiffon pants, and swirl with a generous orange chiffon scarf. Local profs are judges Three professors from Florida Atlantic University will act as judges for the annual General Federation of Women's Clubs education award contest. Awards are made by the federation and Shell Oil Company in each state except Hawaii to federated women's clubs which have done most to further education in their towns. Three prizes are awarded, $500, $300 and $200. Forty two clubs from Florida entered the contest this year, according to Mrs. G. Ballard Simmons, Boca Raton, education chairman for Florida Federation of Women's Clubs. First place winner from Florida will INTEREST PER ANNUM INTEREST PER ANNUM compete with other first SPERRY AN D place winners, from 48 states EQUALS EQUALS for national awards of $2,500, H UTC H I N SO N $1,500 and $1,000. Winners of the Florida "contest will be announced at the annual convention of the 6J8 Florida Federation, April 21 WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY in Sarasota. National winners 12 MONTHS MATURITY TERM 24 AND 48 MONTHS MATURITY TERMS :will be announced at the $100,000.00 MINIMUM BALANCE $5,000.00 MINIMUM BALANCE Inational convention June 9 in :San Antonio, Tex. : Judges for the contest are :Dr. Stephen H. Voss, coor- Idinator of elementary Education; Dr. Patricia :Carter, assistant professor of ".education, and Dr. Lawrence :E. Smith, chairman of the : department of educational DISCOUNT ;research.

For that Cool Crisp INTEREST PER ANNUM FOR INTEREST PER ANNUM : Slimnastics Comfortable look... EQUALS CASH EQUALS ; will begin * A final six week series of * slimnastics classes will begin VALU E 1 M LL -Tuesday in the Community S.92WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY S.39WHEN COMPOUNDED DAILY * Center. 12 AND 24 MONTHS MATURITY TERMS 6 MONTHS MATURITY TERM * The class, sponsored by $1,000.00 MINIMUM BALANCE $1,000.00 MINIMUM BALANCE -Boca Raton Recreation Fed. Hwy & 20th St. >Department, will close for the Boca Raton 11 summer months at the end of : the last session, but girls who 407 S. Federal HIGHEST INTEREST EARNINGS ALLOWED BY LAW -want to trim an inch or two Boynton Beach before the summer may 5% PASSBOOK RATE (No Notice Required — No Minimum Balance) exercise to music Tuesday * and Friday beginning April 7. 911 No. Dixie ' Class begins at 10 a.m. Lake Worth Comfortable loose fitting ; clothing or a leotard is - recommended. beginning April 1, 1970 April is hospitality month at Southern Federal, and : Troglodytes are permanent Use the Classifieds we're celebrating by awarding millions of interna- : cave dwelling animals. tionally famous S&H Green Stamps to our savers. S&H Green Stamps are a Southern Federal exclu- sive, and you can take part in our stamp bonanza by opening a new account or adding to an existing one in the amount of $250.00 or more! More stamps for certificate WINDOW accounts. FREE Refreshments, Courtesy of the Southern Hospitality Girls

CALL •*• Save by the 10th of April, earn highest interest rates from the first * Certificates of deposit in multiples of any amount over the minimum balance US (would you like one for $1,008.12?) Free transfer of funds from anywhere in the United States FOR Interest paid daily on all accounts PROMPT SERVICE REPAIR m where hospitality is a habit SERVICE & COMPLETE PARTS FOR ALL MAKES AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF BROWARD COUNTY MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 3885 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY 225 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY POMPANO BEACH PH. 941-5000 POMPANO BEACH PH. 941-5000 FIN-LAS (1 Block North of Shopp«r» H»v»n) (1 Block North of Atlantic Blvd.) ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CO. 125 S.E. Fifth Court DEERFIELD BEACH, FLA. ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $20,000 BY THE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION Ph. 399-6433 6B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 IT'S SO EASY to BUY of I REALTORS »m-»tnvt SELL a PROPERTY witli MfMBtBS OF ' V CONJTITUtNt i "MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE" Not 200 Strong in Boca Raton

Investors9 guide MULTIPLE LfST/NG SERVICE Picking stocks for MIS time of payments VTHERWELL By SAM SHULSKY payments at a time when you For A Sound Q. — In retirement, it can should be "sitting loose and REALTY be a long stretch from one resting easy." social security check to A house with a large Investment In mortgage is easier to sell — if ROYAL PALM YACHT the mortgage is at a SELLING? favorable interest rate. But & COUNTRY CLUB you "can't hardly get that" YOUR SAM now. If and when you decide SHULSKY to sell, I don't think you or the ATTENTION buyer will have to pay any ALL YACHTSMEN! more for a mortgage then FUTURE than you will have to pay today. So time is on your side. another, so I've been looking Why worry about the mort- for stocks which pay gage until you do decide to HAPPINESS dividends in different sell? months. I've already bought Pacific: Gas & Electric which Q. — Recently the govern- pays in the middle of ment condemned my farm Talk to Your January, April, July and for $120,000 which I must October and some Con- reinvest after paying about solidated Edison which $25,000 in taxes. I am a RENTING? distributes dividends in mid- widow, early 60s, no March, Juae, September and dependents. Should I put all December, I*am considering the money into tax exempts? Paeific Lighting for I want no taxable income this February, May, August and year. REALTOR Here is the ideal arrangement for November dividends. Any A. — Tax exempts would suggestions? certainly fill the bill. A few living and boating. This attractive A, I think you're on the thousand could go into BUYING split level home is located on right track. Anyone with as dividend-paying stock in or UASING Fishtail Palm Waterway which is few as three different stock order to nail down that $100 150' wide — Three bedrooms, 2Vi issues can so arrange his dividend exemption. Ad- income schedule so as to get a ditional funds could go into baths, family room with magnificent dividend cheek each month. utilities which pay a "return SELLING view across waterway. All this for (Most long-time dividend of capital" dividend not |When You Work With a REALTOR You only $68,500 — MLS-BR-2542W. payers pay quarterly.) subject to current income Some other January, April, taxes. The balance could go July and October dividend into tax exempts. payers include A.T.&T., Be sure you discuss them Baltimore Gas & Electric, with a bond broker in your ADVERTISE CPC International, Union own state so as to get not only nt b...EFFORT IN THE Pacific, Mountain States Federal but state and local kjKOTHERWELL Telephone, Southern tax exemption as well. California Edison ... You Get Dependable BOCA RATON NEWS f\i REALTY Among the February, May, Q.—What is the call price of August and November payers a bond? Professional Advice Florida's Fastest Growing Newspaper are American Can, Boston A.—It is the price at which 757 S. Fee/. Hwy.J Boca Raton Edison, Cincinnati Gas & the company may redeem it When YOB Work Call Colonial Building 395-4044 Electric, N.Y. State Electric from you at certain times and & Gas, Columbia Gas ... for certain reasons before With a REALTOR Among, the March, June, maturity. (At maturity, a 395-8300 September and December price is generally paid off at payers are Borden, R.J. par, $1,000.) Reynolds, Shell Oil, Union Carbide, Chesapeake & Ohio, Mr. Shulsky welcomes APARTMENTS Niagara Mohawk, Public written questions, but he will Service Electric & Gas, In- be able to provide answers ternational Nickel, New only through the column. CONDOMINIUMS England Telephone ... For investment lists, please BOCA RATON GOLD COAST These are only a skimpy include a self-addressed, sampling. Any broker can stamped envelope. Address help you fill out this list with your requests to Sam Shulsky many more. in care of Boca Raton News, P.O. Box 580, Boca Raton, Q. — We are retired, with a Fla. 33432. 3-f amity house which provides us two rentals. Our mortgage will soon be paid 460 FT. Jiigktkome Point off. Some friends advise us to rernortgage the house at once FRONTAGE for another ten years because, they say, a feoose ON TROPIC with a mortgage is easier to INTRACOASTAL sell. With the trend Boca HARBOR A. — I vote no. Raton is presently 1A will cost you 8, 9 per cent taking this tract has or even more to get a new an excellent HAS MORE OF mortgage loan, which is not potential and imtvml WATERFRONT GARDEN going to leave you any profit flexibility worth EVERYTHING on the reinvestment of money exploring. CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS so obtained. Further, it once 3 Blocks from Propotvd again will subject you to the Downtown Shopping Mall burden of monthly mortgage Ph. 395-4957 Or See your Broker

w «_ including more land in its recreation area than most other apartments offer in their entire site! Located on Tropic Isie Harbor, we offer 91/, acres of Florida living at its finest, with SPENDABLE DOLLARS? 1320' of waterfront, 2 swimming pools, (^ottagei the -J«V •| IP shuffleboard courts, putting greens, boat docks, plus luxurious recre- Seasonal, monthly or long term rental Most retired people are caught in the financial squeeze of having a fixed income to pay for good ation and hobby buildings. to accommodate a discriminating clientele. ond services that keep rising in price. UNDER CONSTRUCTION Prestige location—our property extends from ocean to ON THE NORTH GRAND CANAL waterway and overlooks residential estates of Hillsboro Millions of people have found that Mu- 2 BEDROOM - 2 BATH DIRECT ACCESS TO INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY tual Funds provide the best answer for Mile. Quiet refuge from congestion — the refreshing meeting this financia! squeeze. For a privacy and unspoiled natural tropical beauty of the free copy of the booklet "Understanding APARTMENTS three-mile long beach and waterway frontage provide a 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS from $19,500 the Mutual Funds", mail us the coupon sedate setting for satisfying informal living. below. Our furnished apartments are fully equipped for self- EAST OF US-1, JUST NORTH OF POMPANO. from • 22,490 sufficient living—spacious 2-bedroom, 2-bath units with Away from traffic, but handy to shopping restaurants, cafeterias, golf, beaches, churches. RAYMOND, JAMES & ASSOC, INC FIRST 3 BUILDINGS ihru-ventilation and panoramic views of ocean, waterway, Deluxe recreation facifities. Docks. All munici- SOLD OUT - OTHERS and estate properties - "a Country Cottage in the Sky." pal serv.ces. Visit today! Offices throughout Florida UNDER CONSTRUCTION Building features include sauna bath, swimming pool, ocean beach and cabanas, boat docks, recreation-card Stotks — Bonds — Mutual Funds — Underwriting fo meet unprecedented demand! tKIIIEl. IIMCI room, sun decks, underground parking garage, etc. Appliances by Pension and Profit-Sharing Planning GENERAL^ELECTRIC FRIGIDAIRE Phones^ 278-0466 — 833-8656 Full Color Brochure on Request Far information, mail the coupon below: APPLlANCESSUPPLIEn ) Lighthoust UUi APPLIANCE CORP 8 RAYMOND, JAMES & ASSOCIATES, INC. • HSDEl PIM § 1145 6. Atiantk Avo. DELRAY BEACH, Florida | HILLSBORO | Offices throughout Florida I Model Open Daily i lUMjf muiEKCE i stocks — Bonds — Mutual Funds — Underwriting I Tropic IIUCI MODEL OPEN " Pension and Profit-Sharing Planning " mi 6 PM Harbor APARTMENTS 9-5:30 DAILY • MEMBER MIDWEST — PHILADELPHIA — BALTIMORE — • 800 Tropic isle Drive CONDOMINIUM* I WASHINGTON STOCK EXCHANGES I SUNDAYS 1-6 Del ray Beach off U.S. »1. where Boca Baton meeli De 1021 HILLSBORO MILE (A1A) (EVES BY APPOINTMENT) •«otb (3400 block ot South Federal Hi9h> • NAME • HILLSBORO BEACH 943-8000 N. FEDERAL HWY., LIGHTHOUSE POINT - • ADDRESS...... • *0pen Daily and Sunday* I cm.....:.-.- .:... I Telephone 399-6667 or 278-3358 942-2872 \ I Sunday, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 7B

mru ON us...NOT rou




USOA II Center Rib CHOICE PorkChops



12-OZ. N.R. BTLS. Ground Round ^"^^^.I" U.S. CHOICE-GRAIN FED WESTERN Sirloin Tip Steak LB I29 6 OZ.-FROZEN . - U.S. CHOICE-GRAIN FED WESTERN 2V/2-OZ. BETTY CROCKER - PINEAPPLE Hawaiian Punch 5 FOR 99C TRIUMED 9 C Porterhouse Steak LBV Upside-Down Cake... 59 U.S. CHOICE Flank Steaks DEUCES FOR BAR-B-Q U.S. CHOICE-GRAIN FED WESTERN T-Bone Steak WELL TRIMMED . . , LEAN-BONELESS C Beef Stew B 89 MEATY-THICK CUT C Beef Flanken LB 79 WHOLE - LEAN - BONELESS 09 Beef Brisket B I U.S. CHOICE-GRAIN FED WESTERN 09 4 ROLL PKG. - SOFTEX BATHROOM Short Cut Rib Steak 11 U.S. CHOICE-THICK CUT CROSS RIB Tissue 39' SOLID PAK - WHOLE - 28"02- CAN ^Vi-OZ. CAN 29 10-OZ. N.R. BOTTLES -HIRE'S s London Broil . LB I Tomatoes 3/*1 4/ 1 U.S. CHOICE-GRAIN FED WESTERN Root Beer.. . 6/59' 14V2-OZ. CAN - HUNT'S STEWED 09 20-OZ. LOAF - FRESHBAKE - KING SIZE $ Rib Roast MIDDLE CUT LB I Tomatoes . . .. 4/ 1 LEAN MEATY Bread 2/49' 9-OZ. CAN C s Plate Boiling Beef 39 U.S. CHOICE-GRAIN FED WESTERN WITH THiS COUPON AND Tomato Paste 6/ 1 PURCHASE.. . 12-OZ. CAN-HUNT'S ' • ; Chuck Fillet Steak BONELESS. . Tomato Paste...... 3/$1 LB 1-LB. PKG. C (CASH VALUE 15-OZ. CAN - HUNT'S 1/20 OF 1c) Tomato Sauce ...... 4/$1 GOOD THRU APRIL 8th, 15-OZ. CAN -HUNT'S Mazola AT ALL GRAND UNION, Tomato Sauce WTHBTS ; . 4/$-| GRANDWAY & STEVEN'S FOOD STORE 15-OZ. CAN-HUNT'S C Margarine LIMIT-1 COUPON Manwich ...... 39 PER CUSTOMER 20-OZ. BTL. - HUNT'S GRUIt] war t Catsup 37C sparagus •••••••••••••••••••••••••I 48-OZ. BTL. C Wesson Oil 99 WASHINGTON STATE CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE - RED OR GOLDEN 1025 E. Delicious Apples 10/89c JUICY VALENCIA RIPE . EACH LIST 69c - HARD OR MEDIUM - ADULT C C HILLSBORO BLVD. c Oranges 5 • 49 Pineapple 29 Tek Toothbrushes 2/59 PINT - LOCAL GROWN FLORIDA'S FINEST LIST 1.00 - 4-OZ. CAN - AEROSOL Strawberries 3/$1 Grapefruit 3/29c DEERFIELD BEACH 5-Day Antiperspirant 69°

GQLP MEDAL - .SELF ««':::^-;' RISING rlour Flour

•" V : '--;,.- •'--' '•<.'•• 8B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 Apollo liftoff tops TV DINING OUT? BOCA RATON Chinese & American Cuisine HELD OVER! S£fA Evening Television schedule for coming week CHOW GAI PAN The INCREDIBLE SAGA of "MA" BARKER! JAMES H. NICHOLSON «ND NEW YORK (UPI) — The WEDNESDAY CBS at 1p.m. EST and at 1:30 SAMUEL Z ARKOFF meson Saturday television week will be Guests on "Hee Haw" for on ABC and NBC. Tentative RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE SHELLEY WINTERS *s Sill NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY featured by another rocket CBS are George Jones and blastoff is set for 2:13 p.m. POMPANO BEACH Ch. 2 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 TEL..3»-??I8 or 3W.0W0 liftoff for the moon, if the his wife, Tammy Wynette, NBC begins its weekly Come and See Yourself Bloody I 6:00 No programs News News Apollo 13 takes off as "Grand 01' Opry" major league baseball games 6:30 scheduled Perry Mason Huntley-Brinkley Under Black tight 7:00 Perry Mason Nashville Music scheduled on Saturday. The headliners. with the Cincinnati-San CANTONESE FOOD ["i M;nti;i 7:30 Jackie Gteason Andy Williams three networks will give the "Medical Center" on CBS Francisco contest. TO TAKE OUT 8:00 Jackie Gfeason Andy Williams STARRING 8:30 My Three Sons Adam-12 usual extensive coverage has a drama in which a young 9:00 Green Acres Movie (see below) then and at various times black resident in surgery be- PAT DON DIANEI 9:30 Petticoat Jet. 10:D0 Mannix during the ensuing days of lieves Dr. Gannon lacks DUUK IpNt HINGLE- STROUD-VARSII 10:30 Mannlx the venture. confidence in him. 11:00 News News INTERNATIONAL P.CTU.1 i »j§ 11:30 Movie (see below) Tonight Show CHINESE RESTAURANT NBC introduces its The Johnny Cash show on In the COVE SHOPPING CENTER baseball game of the week ABC offers Patti Page, Sonny DEERFIELD Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 10 series next Saturday. And James and Tony Jo White. Serving Lunch - Dinner - Late Supper has a pollution documentary THURSDAY CLOSED MONDAY Open Noon'ti! 10 P.M. 4:00 Movie . ' , •• , News World of Sports on Tuesday. FOR RESERVATION OR TAKE OUT ORDERS • 399-5455 4:30 (from 5 p.m.> Hun tley-Brinkley News On "Daniel Boone" on NBC 7:00 Call of the West News Hollywood's annual Oscar David Opatoshu is guest star 7:30 Movie (See Below) Andy Williams Let's Make Deal awards show is on ABC Tues- 8:00 Andy Williams Newlywed Game as an old Indian who plots 8:30 Adam-12 Lawrence Welk day night, preceded by a revenge for the long-ago »:00 Jose Feliciano Movie Lawrence Welk special starring singer 9:30 Blanquita Amaro Lennon Sisters massacre of his tribe. 10:00 Telon Arro •'"••-••". Lennon Sisters Robert Goulet. 10:30 Derecho

At Mint Indoor 2 Ch. 12 Ch. 23 TAKE THE MONEY (a.m.) 7:00 Big Picture ANDRUN 7:30 Revival Fires At Mint No. 3 8:00 Men of Action 8:30 Oral Roberts CHARLY 9:00 Rex Hum bard FOR THE LOVE OF IVY 9:30 Rex Humbard 10:00 Fantastic Voyage Mini Indoor Theatre 10:30 Fantastic Four located at 11:00 Butlwinkle Gold Coast Drive in 11:30 Discovery 12:00 (p.m. Face to Face 12:30 Esta Es La Vida 1:00 Speak to Manager La Santa Misa 1:30 Directions Ante el Exilio 2:0f. Sp. Movie (to 5 p.m.) 2:30 Issues, Answers SEAFOOD LOVERS LOOK TO NEW ENGLAND OYSTER HOUSE 3:00 NBA Basketball 3:30 4:00 FOR THE FINEST FRESHEST IN SEAFOOD 4:30 5:00 Amer. Sportsman 5:30 Amer. Sportsman Rincon Criollo 6:00 Waskiest Ship 6:30 Rincon Criolfp Wackiest ship Ante la Presna 7:00' McHale's Navy 7:30 Juan Cordero 8:00 News 8:30 FBI Miercoles de Amor 9:00 FBI Renzo el Gitano 9:30 Movie (See below) Harry and Lena 10:00 Renzo et Gitano 10:30 Aqui Tres Patines LANGOSTIN 11:00 Espectaculares 11:30 News Espectaculares Sp. Drama NEWBURG, AuGRATIN or SAUTEED MOVIES Look like shrimp, taste like lobster. Enticingly prepared in your choice of sauces and served with choice ofpotato,hush puppy, corn fritter, bucket of creamy cole slaw, basket of 11:30 a.m., Ch. 7 "Just This Once," Janet Leigh, Peter Lawford, Lewis our freshly baked hot rolls and butter. Stone (to 1:30 p.m.) 1 p.m., Ch.6—"Fraulein," DanaWynter,Mel Ferrer (to3p.m.) 3 p.m., Ch. 4 — "Stars and Stripes Forever," Clifton Webb, Debra Paget, Robert Wagner (to 5 p.m.).. 4 p.m., Ch. 7 — "A Life of Her Own," Lana Turner, , Tom Ewell, Louis Calhern, Ann Dvorak (to 6 p.m.) ONLY IN BOCA RATON 4 p.m., Ch. 10 — "They Came to Condura," Gary Cooper, Rita Hayworth, Van Heflin,Tab Hunter, Richard Contl (to 6p.m.) 4:30 p.m., Ch. 4 — "Prince of Players," Richard Burton, Maggie Mc- Namara, John Derek, Raymond Massey, Charles Blckford (to6:30 p.m.) 1701 N. Federal Highway 395-8181 5p.m., Ch.4—"Fraulein," Dana Wynter, Mel Ferrer (to7p.m.) 7 p.m., Ch. 6 — "Stars and Stripes Forever," Clifton Webb, Debra Paget, if. Robert Wagner (to 9 p.m.) 9 p.m., Ch. 10, 12 — "The Lonely Man," Jack Palance, Anthony Perkins, See the new Galleon Room — the newest Neville Brand (to 10:45 p.m.) 11:30 p.m.,Ch. 5^ "Savage Innocents," Anthony Qulnn. and most authentic nautical atmosphere 11:30 p.m., Ch. 10 — "Madonna of the Seven Moons," , ml® , Patricia Roc (to 1:30 a.m.) for seafood dining at its best. Original family ownership since 1946 I 'Butterfly' Sunday, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 9B f population

ByJACKGAVER UPI Drama Editor NEW YORK (UPI) — The Broadway success of Leonard Gershe's humorously romantic play, "Butterflies Are Free," has resulted in plans for two k duplications. PRICES GOOD THRU WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8,1970 A national company will QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED begin a tour May 21 at the Huntington Hartford Theater in Los Angeles. A second touring company is scheduled UEWBICHMO"0 UU/D to open Sept. 7 in New Haven, "BRAND" 8 IS IB 111 18 111 III III I Conn. This means that the GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT GRADED, play will be available in CENTER CUT INSPEGTED „ _ ..; « m a m ii « a ii ni » I .. WESTERN triplicate before the first AGED BEEF PORK CHOPS anniversary of the Broadway U S. CHOICE production, Oct. 21. All of U.S.D.A. U.S. CHOICE NATURALLY TENDER which spells prime success. GRADE "A" U.S. CHOICE HEAVY WESTERN I WESTERN ^^m^^M This adds to the stature of DELMONICOS young Arthur Whitelaw as a CHUCK STEAKS • CORN-FED M H producer. He first came to MB. 169 attention several years ago 14-OZ. as the sponsor of an off- •^h QUICK FROZEN Broadway revival of "Best Foot Forward," which gave the non-popular Liza Minnelli her first opportunity to be LB. someone besides the 159 U.S. CHOICE'BONELESS daughter of Judy Garland. SUPER8RAND OTTA©e U.S. CHOICE NATURALLY TENDER BONELESS (FULL CUT) Whielaw is co-producer of • CHEESE CHUCK STEAKS .99 QUARTER LOIN "Butterflies Are Free." He is COTTAGE CHEESE ROUND STEAKS 1.19 (SLICED INTO) co-producer of off- U.S. CHOICE TOP ROUND OR Broadway's phenomenal I-LB. PKG. OSCAR MAYER'S ALL MEAT OR ALL BEEF WIENERS OR PORK CHOPS success, "You're a Good FRANKS .69 SIRLOIN STEAKS 1.29 Man, Charlie Brown," which 1l-LB -LB.. PKG.. OSCAR MAYER'S QUICK FROZEFROZEN W.DW.D. BRANBRAND A WESTERN has had numerous Z duplications while the SLICED BACON .89 BEEF STEAKETTES 1.69 CORN-FED original production goes on LB. CUP USDA GRADE "A" QUICK FROZEN YOUNG TURKEY W.D. BRAND LEAN LB. and on at Theater 80 St. HINDQUARTERS .39 GROUND BEEF 3 1.79 Marks, where it began its USDA GRADE "A" QUICK FROZEN YOUNG TURKEY U.S. CHOICE NATURALLY TENDER ROUND BONE fourth year March 7. Whitelaw also is co- BREAST QUARTERS .49 DIRK'S GOLD SEAL SHOULDER STEAKS .99 producer of the new U.S. CHOICE NATURALLY TENDER Broadway musical, "Min- SLICED BOLOGNA .59 LONDON BROIL 1.29 1 12-OZ. PKG. COPEUND'S All BEEF nie's Boys," based on the EXTRA LEAN range show business saga of the ALL FLAVORS WIENERS .59 SHORT RIBS B.69 Marx Brothers. Ul. PKG. RATH'S BLACKHAWK SKINLESS (ALL FLAVORS) ALL MEAT STEW OR A 1/ Mention of "You're a Good GOLDEN AGE Z 2 Man Charlie Brown" is a LINK SAUSAGE .39 GROUND CHUCK 2.39 MB. PKG. ARMOUR STAR SKINLESS reminder that the only U.S. CHOICE NATURALLY TENDER T BONE OR original cast member still in 16-GZ. WIENERS .69 PORTERHOUSE STEAK LB 1.39 UB. PKG. IONES FARM PORE PORK the New York production — NO 4 WESTERN SELECTED SLICED by now there must be dozens DEPOSIT J of "Charlie Brown" alumni - LINK SAUSAGE .99 BEEF LIVER B.69 BOTTLE WESTERH CORH-FEB H1HUTI due to the many duplications VLB. PKG. PALM RIVER HICKORY SMOKED AND SUGAR CURED at home and abroad — is PORK CHOPS B.99 SLICED BACON .69 12-OZ. CAN it Karen Johnson, who plays the WESTERN CORN-FED PORK FOR BAR 3 QBE OR FIRST CUT PALM RIVER HICKORY SMOKED AND SUGAR CURED outspoken, all-knowning, anti-Snoopy Lucy. She is the PORK CHOPS B.59 SLICED BACON 2 1.38 daughter of U.S. Rep. Albert W. Johnson of Pennsylvania. •v The petite Miss Johnson vows that she keeps her trim figure by jumping rope in ASTOR Central Park while balancing a book on her head. A book 84 OZ. COFFEE considerably heavier than the PKG. 24-OZ. DIXIE BARUNG frequent volumes of IT collections of Charles Schulz' comic strips about Charlie ^vTT^' Brown and his "Peanuts" playmates. \V\ FOR Actually, that can't be too much of a feat. Now, if she LB. CAN would do the rope bit while balancing beagle Snoopy on LIMIT ONE WITH S3. ORDER OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES her head, we'd really have MB. BLUE BONNET something. But, of course, IMIT ONE WITH $3 00 OPDEP OP MOPE EXCLUDING CIGARtTTES 16-02, CAN ASTOR Snoopy would never stand for MARGARINE that. SMALL PEAS 4/1.00 Incidentally, one of \ Whitelaw's actors in "Min- \. nie's Boys" is Rolland 125 COUNT ASSORTED COLORS KLEENEX BOUTIQUE Winters, a very fine veteran 16-OZ. LA ROSA REGULAR SPAGHETTI. THIN SPAGHETTI OR who was one of several stars FACIAL TISSUE 4/1.00 who played the title role in RIGATONI 2/.49 TROPHY ROASTED Hollywood's long series of FOODS GERBER OR BEECHNUT 12-OZ. CAN FISCHER'S OLD GERMAN STYLE 150Z. CHEF BOY AR DEE MEAT SAUCE OR "Charlie Chan" movies. BEER OR ALE 6 ,,.89 MUSHROOM SAUCE .34 In the new musical, Win- Geiber CASHEWS ters has the role of E.F. loufiol TOWELS 3/1.00 PIIAPPLE JUICE 3/1.00 Albee, vaudeville-theater 4-OZ. magnate who had much to do BLUE BAY with the Marx Brothers' JAR success. Baby 6-OZ. PINK 16-OZ. Does "Lovely Ladies, Kind f Gentlemen" ring a bell? (EXCEPT MEATS) CAN Those were the welcoming SALMON words of Okinawan schemer K /| Sakini in 1953's John Patrick Broadway hit, "The HARVEST FRESH FROZEN FOOD! Teahouse of the August HARVEST FRESH FLORIDA IUICY VALENCIA Moon." It is the title producer ORANGE 10-OZ.PKGS. FROZEN ASrOR OR LIBBY ORANGES DOZEN.49 Herman Levin has chosen for ORANGE JUICE JUICE GREEN PEAS 5/1.00 THRIFTY MAID (ALL FLAVORS) the musical version of the HARVEST FRESH WESTERN LARGE HEAD B-OL CANS FROZEN SUN SIP comedy he is preparing for ICE MILK the next Broadway season. LETTUCE .23 ORANGE JUICE 6/1.00 Patrick has provided the 12-OZ. CANS FROZEN SUN SIP libretto, Stan Freeman the U.S. NO. I WHITE ORANGE JUICE 3/1.00 1 music and lyrics. QTS POTATOES LB. BAG .49 n OZ. FROZEN (ALL VARITIES) HARVEST FRESH ALL-PURPOSE-BAG MORTON DINNERS 2 .89 HALF, 8-0Z.PK0S. FROZEN THOMAS GAL Chorale will APPLES 5BB«G.59 ENGLISH MUFFINS 4/1.00 sing at FAU HARVEST FRESH FLORIDA LEAFY GREEN 16-OZ. PKG. FROZEN TASTE 0' SEA COD FISH OR CABBAGE 2/.39 PERCH FILLETS .49 The Madrigal Chorale of St. I Petersburg Junior College (Clearwater campus) will sing at Florida Atlantic FLORIDA CRISP IVORY DETERGENT University Monday, April 6, PECAN TWIST OR MEU-A WAY CAKE OR 1:30 pan. CARROTS APPLE DANISH The public may attend without charge to hear the 12- voice group in the FAU theater. FAU voice professor Richard Wright defined the 32-OZ. 10-OZ. madrigal as "polyphonic PKG. music, light, usually unac- LIQUID companied, and with all voices of equal importance." A sound report CHICAGO (UPI) — War Toys. Are they good or bad? OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Marvin Glass, designer of toys since 1939, answers the Swznt questions this way: CAMINO REAL AND "Realistic toy guns, ad- CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER S.W. 3rd AVENUE vertised realistically, convey the idea that violence is a legitimate persuader." 10B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 Complete New York Stock Exchange trading

WEEKLY AMERICAN STOCK SALES Cen MIL 1.44 67 24% 23% 24 — 'A Elect Memo 302 26% 25 25%+ Vi 49B 133%127V2 154 18% 18 18 — Ve Parke Dvsl X1334 29% 28VB 28%— % Villager lnd 236 7 6% 6%— VB CenllLpf4'/2 Z4B0 62 3 Sou Pad.80 1421 35'A 34% 35 4 Total for the week 14,564,015 61 61 —V/2 ElMemopfi 37 22% 21% 22 A+ VA 53 24% 25V2 777 38 35Vs 351/2— 1/2 ParkHa 1.40 4 44 Va Elec 1.12 Weekaao...,...., 13.16O.475 CnlllPS1.12 113 19 43% 44 SouthRlwy3 194 49% 48% 49V24 811 25V4 24VB 24V2— 1/2 18Vi 18%— % Elgin Natl 110 8% BVs 8VB— V2 45 413/4 403/4 140 41 39 391/2—11/3 ParkPen .80 28 22'A 21% 213A+ Ve VaEPpf4.12 ZlO 54 54 54 — 1/4 Year ago ...,., ... 12,890,800 Cen La El 1 592 25 7 7 So Rwy pf 1 34 14% 14 23 /s 24%+ % EIPasoNG 1 444 VIVa 19'A 19'A— % 307 B 6 /s 47 24 20V2 23%+2% Penn Cenfrl 956 24V4 22V2 22%—1% VaEPpf4.20 Z220 55 January i to date...,. •CnMPw1.14 Sowst Airm 62 191/4 17VB 55 55 ..... 58 17%. 17V. 17%+ Ve EltraCpl.20 120 243A 23% 24 — % 1 14V2 16V2 27 44V4 43% 431/2— % Penney JC1 91B 49% 1969todate , CentSW1.90 4BVe 49%+ Vo SowstPS .70 282 12% 12 12%+ VA VaEI pf4.80 Z210 44 42V2 64 +V/2 597 44% 43V2 43%.. .. Eltra pfi.4p 0 Z190 27'/2 26Vj 26V2—1 70 14V2 13% 272 67% 46V4 64%— % PennDlx .60 CenSoya .80 3 223 19% 18% 18%— Ve Spartln.30d 1498 12% IV/j 12 —1 VaEIPwpf5 Z390 68V2 47 67 —1 140 29'A 26 A 27Vi—1% EmersnEi 1 795 63 61 61 —1 2 29 28% 740 W/B 18 183A+ 'A Penn Fruit 2 Cent Tel .88 74 13% 12V2 13'A+ % SpartlnA.60 1645 12 A IV/2 12 —1 VaEI pf7.72 Z2390 lOOVa 97V2 100Ve + l% 594 21% 203/4 21 — % EmElpf.90 2 423,4 423A 423A + 'A 195 22% 213/4 42 25 23'/2 25 + % PennCpf4% Cerro l.60g 1 63 63 63 Sparton .40 54 11% 11 VornadoInc 166 lii 1444 W/A—1 229 28'A 263/4 27%— Va EmeryA .90 28 593,4 5%VA 59 — % 474 441/4 42% 424 30% 2B3A 29%+VA PennPL 1.60 7 Certain-t.BO 157 25V2 25Va 25V2+ VB SperryHut 1 115 53% 52VS 53'A— % VSI Corp .48 19 2B 27V2 27 /e— Vs 574 25'/2 23% 23%—1% Emhartl.20 63 40% 4O'/B 4OVs— % 39 653A 64 849 57% 54 563A— Vi PaPLpf4.40 19Vi 203/8—1% Cessna .20e Z1410 60 5B% 59 + 'A SperryHpf3 21 75 74 75 +4 Vulcan M 1 398 22'A 284 18% 18VB I8V2.. .. Emp EI1.76 14 2BV4 27 28V4+1 25 49% 49% 49 V2— 'A 131 58% 56V2 57%+ % PaPLpf4.50 SpRand.25d 14V4 14'A.. .. CF8.I Stl .80 Z730 63 6OV4 62 —1 X859 37VB 35V2 3,6 —1% VWR Un .72 27 15 17 21% 20% 20%+ 1/4 EmpCa .90g 16 13O'/2 127% 130 141 13% 12Va 12'A—1 Pennwl 1.20 Sprag El .40 Footnotes :Chadbrn fnc 103 28V2 27V4 273/4+23/4 336 27% 24Va 26%— % 97 19% 18 W.W— 256 12Va 11 IVA—1 Pennwpf 2V2 ChmSPI1.20 Endicott Jn 23 26% 26 26%+ % 330 443/4 43'/2 43%— 1/4 203 39% 39 39%+ % 21 45% SpringMill 1 WaRRpf4V: Z870 61 61 Penwlpf VA 43 44V2— Vj IB 14 15V4 16 + % 41 + 1/2 Chartr NY 2 163 27% 26% 27V6+ Vo EndJonpf4 Z320 49V2 4BV2 49 +laA 107 54% 52% 52%—1% 75 44'A 43 44V4+1 39 233A 3 SqureD .80a Wachovia 1 54'A Pennzoil .80 22 A 23%+ VA 409 21% 20% 2V/2+ % 99 55 55 + 1/4 187 49V2 47% 47%—1% Engelhd .40 33 48% 48 48Ve+ 1/4 393 53 51 Squibb ,37d 3 ChaseMl.80 506 27% 25% 26%+1 477 29% 26% 27 —1% 563 65% 62V2 62 /i—V/e Walgreen 1 116 24Vs 22'A 223/4—1% 516 533A 5VA 51%—2Va 17VB Penzlpf 1.33 Checkr Mot Englepf4'/4 3 166 160 164 +6 X235 18 17%+ 'A 49 12VB 113/4 1J1/B+ VB 231042 373A 373A—23/4 SquibbBpf 2 WakHir 1.20 48'/4 VJ All sales in hundreds <00) omitted 1 Peopl D 1.10 56 6B 65V2 67V2+1 37 49 48%+ Chemetrn 1 38 19 18Va 19 — Ve EnnlsBF .32 138 231A 22 22'A —VA 319 32V< 30 3VA—I'/B Staley 1.40 Wall Murr 1 23'/2 except for those designated iz) which are 35 16Va 15% 16Vs+ Vx PeopGsl.96 29 21 19% 21 +1 7 35Vi 35V4 35V4.. .. 64 25% 23 V2—1 ChmNY2.60 444 24% 25 25 —1% EquGas 2.20 55 87V2 84% 84 + 1/2 811 28'A 27V4 27V2- 7 StBrand v/2 Walworth C traded in 10 share lots and carried In 67 323A 32 32Vs— 1/4 PepsiCo 1 429 34% 35V4 35 /e— VB 210 53'/2 50 60 6 5% 6 — VB Chmwy .20g 392 44 64Va 65'A+ 1/4 ESBInl.20 14 14 —V/a 412 17V2 143/4 17i/ + 1/4 3 StdBrpf3.50 WartiFds3k 17V _ 7/ full. DIVIDENDS: are annual rate unless 59 25'A 23% 24V2+ % X96 15 2 Perfect Flm 847 53 A 52 52 — 'A 531/4+ % 125 18% 17'A 2 a Ches Cpl.60 498 10 8 B'/B—We StBPaint.36 Z220 53% 52% Warnaco .90 otherwise identified: (a) plus extra; (b) Esq Inc .30 404 I6V2 15 15'A—VA I.I 42 38V2 38 38V4+ % Perkin Eim 175 13 12 12'A— % 60 I6V2 15% I6V2+ Vi Che5 Ohio 4 20 32'/2 3V/a 3V/a4 .. Std intl .24 288 35% 33*8 34V2+ % Warncpf 1 Va paid last year; (c) payment on Essxlntl.20 125 27 26 26 — Vs 76 32% 32%+ % 125 473A 45 44%+V/a Pet Inc 1.20 282 37% 34'/2 343,4— 'A 3 253/4 25 253/4—1 Ches Pond 1 StdKollsmn 67 133-B 12%— % WsrnCol.44 accumulated dividends; (d) declared or 108 S6V4 54% $6'/4 + V/2 Essxpf2.84 9 42Va 42 42 + VA 225 131/2 255 39% 37 39%+13/4 Pet Inc pf 1 236 39% 38'/2 39 — % X2 42 42 42 + % Chi E III Ry 128 50% 49% 49%— 'A StOICI2.80g 181 10% 9% 10 — % WarLm 1.10 paid so far this year, no regular rate; Ethyl Cp .84 503 1B3/4 17'/2 17V2— VA 10 64 i 64 +1 211 153/4 15V2 15V2— % Petlncpf .80 20 22% 213/4 22 — % 657 67'/2 66% 67 +1 Chi Milw wi StdOlnd 2 30 2398 45% 43% 45 +1 WarnrS 1.40 Ce) cash plus stock; (g) annual rate plus 35 9 8% 8%— 'A Ethyipf2.4O 48 33V4 32% 33 +1 143 30 1 30 + 1/4 X306 74 70 73V4+2% Pet erPI 1.20 19 22V2 21% 21%— % 223 34'/2 351/2 35V2—1 Chi Mil pfwi StdNJ ,90d 912 42V2 4V/s 4 V/2— % WashGsl.80 stock dividend; (h> paid this year—latest 599 19'/2 18 19 +1 Eurof 1.30b 89 54 : 53V4+ Va 4 37 36V4 36'A.. Petrolne .90 27 27% 24% 27 — 'A 263,4 263/4— 'A 3 47 19% 18% 19V8+ % StdOhio2.70 2282 57% 57 57%+ % Wash Stl .70 85 27 dividend omitted; (1) per cent in stock; 43 24 A 23V2 24V2+ 'A EvansP.60g 319 363,4 • 36'/s— V2 572 24% 22V2 24'/B— Va Petrl pf 1.37 41 4VA+ 'A 13 13%.. .. 195 37 34V8 35%—1% 34 4 V/2 StdOh pf33,4 298 7O'/2 69 69%— 1/4 Wash W 1.28 27 13Va (k) per cent in stock paid last year; (q) ChiPneum2 Eversharp ZS90 293/4 ! 2B'/2.. .. PetrIC 1.23d 3 30'A 30'A.. .. 20 2V/B+ % 189 38% 37 38'A+ % 519 29% 28V4 29 +1 • 3 28V4 28 28 — VA 5 30 A Std Packcp Z190 53'/2 53 53 WatkinsJsn 91 2VA in bankruptcy-receivership or reorganiza- ChiRI ctUP ExCellOil/4 Z100 29 29 —1 Pfizer 1.60a I8V2 19V2+ 3/4 12VJ 12V2+ VB 30 21% 21% 21%— % 182 24V2 24 26V4+ 1/4 32 23% 23'A 231/2 36 19% Std PrStl.44 139 9 8Va 8'A— % Wayne G .76 129 13 tion; (s) capital distribution; (x) ex- ChiRlet NW 3 E: r- Z300 29V4 • 28V2-V/2 Phelp 02.10 12 12%+ 1/2 25 21V2 20 A 20%— Va 224 28% 253/4 26 —2V4 429 107V2 103'A 104 +2 Std Prud.64 l'3O 10% 10 10%+ % Waynpf 1.60 64 13 dividend; (wi) when issued, ChockF.15e X164 Z40 313/4 ! 313/4.. .. PhilaEI 1.44 25V2 25 V'2— 'A 10 9% 9%— Vi Faberge .40 1324 27'A 21 21 —5% X360 24% 2V/2 23VB+2'/B 1873 541/2 53 55%+2'A StdPrupf .10 142 103A lOVe WeanUn Inc 1 25V4 FRACTIONS: (f) indicates following ChrisCr ,30e 302 8'/2 6%— Ve FactrM.60g. 320 43% 41% 41%—1% 383 13% , 12%— 3/4 23 25% 24'A 24V2- 'A Phil El pf 7 432 24Va 23% 24'/a— Vs . StanWkl.40 23% 29 IOVB 9% 9%— V« 14 24 23%— % Weathhd .50 figure is fraction in 32nds; (i) indicates ChrisCftpf 1 3 13V8 123/4 13Ve— VB FairCam.5FiC500 2079 83 71 1241 34% • 34%— Va 50 25Va 233A 23%—1% PhEppf4.40 Z1090 94V2 93'/2 94'/2— V2 Stanray .60 43 v 44 12% IV/2 12 — % 57 49 2 48'A+4% WebbDel Cp following figure is fraction In 64ths; (r) ChrC pf .10e 13 17% 17'A 17%— VA FairHil ,15b 243 9% 9Ve 9'A— % 69 14% 1 14'/8.. .. Z320 65 44 65 +V/4 PhE pf 4.30 Z740 61 59'/2 59'/2—1 Starrett .60 12% 440 113/4 1V/B 11%+ 1/4 55 13 13 WeisMkt.84 following figure Is fraction in 256fhs) (t) Chroma 1.50 636 27% 23% 24%—3% Fairmont 1 34 17% 16% 17%+ Va X52 lOVe 1 10 + VB Z80 75 74 74 PhE pf 3.80 Z230 59 57% 59 +VA Stauffer 1 80 17'/B WelbiltCp2i 28 32 30% 32 +1% 9 17% 17VB— VB indicates following figure Is fraction in Chroml pf 5 3 110 107V2 107V2—2V2 Falstaf ,10h 231 8% 8% 8V2.. .. 46 2 V/2 1 211/2+ % 202 33% 31% 33V4 + PhE pf 4.48 Z100 513.4 5V/2 5V/2.. .. Stffr pr 1.80 31% Wells F 1.60 43 6'/s 5% 5%— VB Chrysler .60 Philip Mori 140 33% 33 + % 1«ths. (H) indicates high for the year; 1410 28% 27Va 27'/2—VA FamilyFin 1 112 17% 16'/a 16'/8—Via 3 80 50 1008 40 40%—11/2 Z440 63'/2 62V2 43'/2.. .. SterchiB .4B 32'/i WescoFin 5i 92 42'A 4 V/2 42 — 'A Cin Bell 2.40 24 39 373/4 39 +1 PhilMorpf4 8 32% 32%+ '/2 (L) Indicates low for the year. Fansteel In 128 12 111/2 111/2— Ve 67 253/4 25V2+ 'A 531 22 2OV2 21 — Ve 2508 35VB 313/4 32'A— 2'/2 SterlDrg.75 IV/B WstCTr .50b 154 24 22% 22%—V/e CinGsEI V/2 7 Phi IMpf 3.90 40 11% 11%.. .. 7 247 26VB 24V2 25%+ 1 FarWst Fin 97 17% I6V4 16V4—1% 93V2 93V2+2V2 245 33Va 30% 32 /a+2% Z340 53'/2 52'/2 52'/2— V2 SterlDpf V/2 38'A WPeP pf4'/2 21 203A 19 /B 197/B— % 7 Philipsln .16 1543 40'/2 39%+ V2 Cin G E pf4 Z580 58 54Vi 57 Farah .80g 32 57 56 56V4.6 . .. 111 71/4 7V4— % 494 24% 22V2 23 /e+l% Z40 541/4 53 53 —2 Stevens2.40 723,4 WPE pf4.20 59% 60 —IVa Phil Ind pf 1 29 74% 743A— 'A Z580 4V/4 Cin Mill 1.40 19 473/4 47V4 47V4— % FAS Intl 2i 193 20% 19'A 20 +% 21 20% 1 203/4— Ve 23 39 36V4 39 +3 568 15 13 14%.. .. StewWnl.80 41 WPE pf4.10 55'/2 S5'/2.. .. PhilPetl.30 3 43 +2% Z20 551/2 CIT Fin 1.80 371 43% 4V/2 42Va—V/a Fedders .40 813 32% 31 31Ve—VA 317 44'A 1 44- — 1/2 52 5% 4% 5 — 1/4 18 2V/2 20 20 A+ VA Stokely Vn 1 X179 431/2 WstPtP .70d 52V2 54 +2 NEW YORK (UPD—Following is a Phil VnH 8k 34'A 34%— VB Z140 54 CIT prf 5V2 2 104 104 104—3% FedMogl.80 148 25% 24% 25'A 104 373A 37V4 + 1 Z1510 170 165 165 —4V2 2237 24Va 23VB 24!'B+ VA Stokely pf 1 84 35 West Air L 22 record of the stocks traded on the Ameri- 24'A+ VB 94 22% 22V4— 'A CitiesSv2.20 1238 40% 38% Fed Pac El 489 28% 1 28%+ 'A 48 24 23 23V4+ 1/4 PiedNGl.lO 17V2 18 + % Stone CC .36 19B 243/a 23V2 can Stock Exchange this week. 72 12% 12 12V2+ 1/4 47 18% 7 WsBancl.30 85 15% 14% 14%— % FPacpfl.26 Pillsbryl.36 Stone W 1.90 Z530 13 /e 13% 133/B— % Sales(hds) High Low Last Chg. CitiSpfA2'A • 1 7PA 71% 713^+2'/2 17 16% 15% 14%+ 1/2 622 16 14%+ % 28 41% 39% 41%+1% 44 193/4 19Ve 19%— Va WstMdl.40 478 38'/2 36% 38 Fed Paper 1 PioNGas.80 StorerBr 50 31 11% 11 IVA— 'A •A. A City lnvs.50 X938 21% 20% 203,4— % 28 20V2 193/4 193A— % Z20 59V2 . 59V2— 1/2 148 251/4 24V2 243/4+ Ve 137 58 54Va 57%+ % Wst PacRR 10 22% 22V2 223/4.. .. 3 Pitney B .68 27 34'A 33V2 33V2— % City Inv pf2 X384 37V2 35V4 34 — VA FdPBf5 214 19V2 ! 1B3A— VA 147 15% 15 14%+1% StudeWort 1 WUnionl.40 17VB AberdenP2i 22 6V4 4 6 — Va FdPBpfl.15 Z1700 22'/2 21 A 22V2.. .. PittForg .80 321 15 14V2 15 24V4—VA 79 19VB 19 +1% 3 StudeWpf 5 72 25% 24'A Acme Ham! 54 5% 5V8 5Va— % Cityl pf 1.31 X3 44V2 42'A 42V4—2Vs Fed Siggn .40 38 24V4 24% 24%—V/a 4 21 21 — % 924 19V2 17V2 173/4—13/4 595 36 A 33% 36'/2+2Va WsUnpf 4.90 271 47'A 453/4 453A—1 : 3 StuW pf 1.40 226 47 453/8 441,4 +V/B Cit— y St-• r .4-0 47 10 9% 9%— X981 37% 36'A 36 A— Va 351 70 i 6B%+8Vs 15 45 43V2 43'/2—1 WsUnpf4.60 104V2 104V2—1V2 Acme Prec 40 4% 3% Fed DepStl 35 14% 14Vs 14'A+ Va 3 74 73'/2 74 +13/4 9 106% Clark E1.40 307 35% 34V2 351/4— 1/2 117 9V2 9 9Va+ Ve 139 32V4 t 32'A + 1 VA 14 45 44 44V2— Va SuburbC ,68 West El 1.80 86 88 +3 Adams Rusl 44 7 4V4 6iA— 1/2 FedMtglnv PitFtWCpf7 Z220 88 87'/2 8B 93 35Vi 34 34%.. .. 24 88V2 Clark Oil .40 149 24V4 23V4 23%— 1/8 63 23V2 21% 21%—1% 80 283/4 28%+ Vs 31 33Ve 32Va32'A— % SubPrG1.60 WstElpf3.80 45% 64'A— % Admiral Irtf 55 HVs 9V4 lOVz— % FerroCp.70 PittsYApf7 Z110 84% 86% 86%— V/e 15V4 895 47 1252 340V2 : 1 326'/2—6VA 28 11V4 10% 10%— VA 3 SuCrest .80 75 15% 15V4— 'A Aerodexlnc 9% 97/B— VB ClevClif 1.40 57 44V2 41% 44V2+2V2 Fibrebrd.70 89 25 24 24 — % Pittston V/2 84V2 B4V2—2 Wstvac 1.05 Z90 58 57'/2 58 +2 53 9% 195 8B A Sun Chm .40 157 28V4 27% 2B — 'A Aero Flo .30 CleveEI2.16 220 34 35V4 35%+ Ve FieidMll.40 385 28 27Ve 28 +1 183 45V2 1 44%+2% 147 77'/2 753/4 77 — 'A PlanResrch 31 32%—7Va WeyenS1.20 242 24% 23% 24'A— Va 54 10% 9% 10 12B1 40 SunOI Co l 3 I4V2 14Vi 14V4— 1/2 1 Aeroiet .50a 3 Civ Pitts 3V2 Z90 46 45V2 45V'2+ 1/2 Filtrol Cp 2 51 38 33'/2 38 +4'/2 552 29 28V2— % Z90 45 45 65 Plough In.68 Weyerhas.8 3V/s 3 V/B— V» 20 14 A 14% 14%+ i/B 41 79V2 74 791/2+2'A SunOilpf2'A 74 31 28% 29Ve—1% 10 313/B 3 ClevPitt B 2 ZBO 27Va 27 27Ve+ 1/6 40 14V4 ! 14 1514 129% II6V2 117 — 1/2 Weyerpf 6VA 48 483,-»— V2 Aeronc ,20b 42 14V2 133A 13 A— % Find Feder 604 19% 17V2 17%—1% Polaroid .32 1157 IOOV2 94V4 95VB—4Vs 3 1 13B4 51 CloroxC .25d 479 24% 23 24Va+ 557 24 1 23%— VB Sunbem .80 99 4BVB 46% 47 —VA WhLkEr5 A AerosolT 5k Firestn 1.40 X444 44V2 43 44Vi+ 1/2 3 63 42'/2 63 Porteci 1.20 45 17VB 14Va 17 + VB 24 8% 8VB 8'A.. .. 3 Sunstrnd .80 2078 3B'/e 36 37 —1 215 1121/2 109V4 HV/2 + V/2 Aerovox Cp CluettP .90 259 27% 24% 26 —2 FirStChF5k 393 393/4 37% 37%—1% 104 35V2 34'A+ VA 587 105 99 A 100 —4 Porter pf5'/2 WhelPittStl 121 lOVs 8 91/2+V/2 Z30 49V4 49V4 69V4+ 1/2 Sunstrpf 31/2 B64 26 243/4 25%+ % XZ30 73 72 73 +2V2 A I C Photo CluettP pf 1 29 18 17 17 — % FstNCy2.40 1599 713* 69% 70%+ % 1029 14% 1 14V6+ 1/2 34 3VA 30% 3VA + VA PortGE 1.30 WhIP its pf4 15 B% 8% 8%+ 1/4 7 194 20% 20'A 20%.. .. SunshM.52g 461 20% 19 123 20 19% 19%+ Ve Aiken Indus CNAFin.50 1766 20 /a 20 20%+ % FstNSt .50d 41 353/4 34VB 353/4+1% • 44V2+ % 450 51% 50 5VA + VA Potiatch F 1 WhIPitS pf5 18 9 8V2 8V2— 1/4 226 34% 333A 34%— Ve Sup Oil 1.40 23 46% 45V2 67 47V4+ % Aileen Incrp CNA pf 1.10 632 26 25Va 25V2+ 'A Fisch8'/2 AIM Co Inc CoastStGas 160B 48 /s 453A 46'/2—1% FiShrF.05d 54 15V2 14'/2 14%—V/B ! 46 — VB PotE Ipf 2.44 171 16% Wh Cons .40 Z740 58 106 4 3V2 3%+ VB 19 94 93'A 95V2+2V2 24 35 34'/! 34%— Ve SuGn pf 1.30 57V4 40V2+3V2 Airlift Intl CstSGpfl.19 15 48V2 47 48 —VA FisherSc.16 77 11% IV/B 11%— VB 1 34%+1% PPG Ind 1.40 35 138 13V/2 WhitCpf A 3 351 61 1369 2% *— VB 443 10'A 9V2 1O'A+ 1/2 450 32 29 31%+2% Sup Val 1.10 I8V2 I8V2—1 AirpaxE .20 CocaColl.44 571 81'A 79'/2 79'/2— % Fleming .50 213 12'A IV/2 117- 2 59V2—V/2 Premlnd.60 186 26 25 24 ... WhitCpf B 3 179 19% 9 10% 9% 'a— 1/4 13 28% 27% 28%+ % 39 27V2 26% 27%.. .. SurvFd .55d 30 35 35 + V'2 Airwick .25 i 9V2—1% Prem pf .90 7 5 31 31 — WhitCpf C 3 11 35 22 13% Coca Btl 1.20 140 35 32% 35 +2% FlintkoteCI 106 25 24'/B 24%— 'A 144 24% 25>/2 25%— 'A 17 19Va 18% 18 /B— VB Swank .40a 333/B+ Va Aiax M ,10d 3 391/B+ % Proc8,G 2.60 35 24% 24 WhCross .44 5 33% 33% 31 26% 24% 26%+2 Colgate 1.30 248 44 42'/2 43%+ % Flintk pf4'/2 Z220 76 74V2 75V4—2 A 1149 22% 20'A 20%. 346 111 106'A 110 +1 Swift Co .60 34'/2+ 3/4 ProdRes.28 295 6V2 6'/a 4%- I/4 White Mot 2 22 34V2 33'/2 Ala Ppf 4.20 Z200 59 58V4 58Va.. ColgP pf3'/2 Z37O 51 50Va 51 Flinfkpf2'/p 4 6 35Vi 34V4 35>/2+13,4 ! 54 — % Z140 521/2 52 52 — _ 234 14 12V2 14V4—13/4 Swinglin.40 182 —3 PuSvC 1.04 227 17*! 163/a Whittakr Cp 182 15% ?5Vs AlanWSl.40 8 30'A 29'A 29'A— % CollinsAikl 397 27% 26V2 26%— Va F— l a -E Coas- t no 37% 33% 33%—3% 311 57 X309 21% 203/4 Sybron C .60 3 543/4 56 PSE&G1.44 486 31% 30'A 311/2+ VA Wickes Cpl 196 28 A 27% 28VB+ 3/i Alaska Airl ColiinR .20h 404 27'A 25'/B 26'A + I'/B Fla Gas .50 217 22V4 213A 22 + 'A 168 8 17 16'/2 17 + % Sybrnpf 2.40 143 10'A 9% 10 — PSEGpf 1.40 560 26% 24 26% X1257 32% 31% 32 + VB Wiebldt.25g 448 llVa 10Vi 10%— % Collntstl.60 100 33% 32 32%— V/a FlaPwrl.60 397 52V2 50 50 — % 107 + VS 31 15'/2 14% 15V4+ 1/4 'A Systron Don AlbaWal .24 391 12% 1V/2 12 — Va PSEGpf 4.08 16 20% 20 20'A 168 38% 37'/« 37%—1% WillRoss .34 71 41 40V4 41 + Va Coltlnd .25d 315 22% 22VB 22%+ % Fla PwrLt2 476 74% 70% 71 —3% 105 +4V2 380 21 19VB 193/4— 1/2 Aldon Indus 47 6% 5% 4 — VB PSEGpf 4.18 Z110 55 53 55 23 64 633/a 64 Williams Br 74 9% 8% 9Ve+ VA 3 CoitpfA 1.60 14 2I.V2 2TA 21'A— Va Florida Stll 21 21% 2V/e 213*— % 99 —1 3 All Am Eng 15 6 A 6V2 4'/2.. .. 119 18% 17% IS *— Ve PSEGpf 4.30 Z70 55 55 55 —1 54 20% 20Vi + l% WilIB pf .80 223 43 60Ve 61 —1 Coltlnpf4V4 56 49% 48 491/2+ 1/4 FluOrCpSi 224 33V2 31% 31%—VA 94%+ % 54 AlleghCpwt 32 9% 9 9 _ l/s 321 24V2 23V2 233,4— % PSEGpf 5.05 Z580 57 57 —1 T.T— WinnDxl.62 303 247/B 22% 23%— % CBS 1.40 533 46Va 43% 44%—1% FIUOrCppf, , 3. 15 52V4 5V/2 5V/2.. .. 7V/2.. .. Allegh Air 168 .12% 10'A 11%+ % 3 93 25 24Va 24V2+ % PSEGpfS.28 Z1220 66V2 45% 64 + Vi TaftBcst .40 122 24 213,i 21%—1% WinnDxCiB B 22'A 203/4 2 V/2— '/2 C B S pr 1 33 28 26% 26 A—VA FlyTiger.1FlTi100 1698 30% 26% 26%—3% 26 +1 3 AllegAirwts 69 7'/2 6% 6%+ % 49 64 62V4 63%— 'A PSEGpf4.B0 Z17D 71 703/i 703/4+ % Talcott 1.10 168 19'/2 1B A WisElP 1.40 259 29% 29 29%+ % Co! Gas 1.48 397 30Va 29% 30V2+ VA FMC Cp .85 545 23'A 22'/2 2.2V2— 'A 28 +1% Allen Elc3k 252 21 Vb 19V2 21 — % 101 68% 64% 47l/a— 3/4 PubS I 2.08 Z250 89 89 89 Talley Indst 23B 20 17Va 1754—2% WiscPS 1.10 52 3O'/2 29 30V2+ '/2 ColPict.30d 135 25 23% 23%— % FMC pf 2V4 40 37'/2 36 37V2+2 25 All Tire .26d 5 12% 12% 12%+ 'A 3 172 22% 20% 22 —VA PubSlpf3'/2 359 403A 39'A 403/4+ Ve Tampa E .74 251 243/4 23'A 23Va—V/B Witco Ch .92 307 22% 2VA ColS Oh 1.74 88 31 A 3VA 31%+ VA FdFairS .90 231 17% I6V2 14%— VS 22V2+ 1/2 Allied Artist 43 7V2 6% 6%—IVa 27%— VB 545 104% 102% 104%+3 PubSlpfl.04 Z190 49 47 49 +V/2 Tandy- Corp 719 58% 50V4 Witcopf 2.65 10B 14% 16 Comb E 2.40 133 90 88% /4— 7/s 52?e—5% I6V2— '/a FOOteCB .BO 40 10% 10'A 10%+ % 81 Z1110 14VB 14 — 'A VB WolvWW.50 Alld Control 57 12% 12 12%+ Va 3 189 20 19V4 19%— Va PSlndpfl.08 Tappan .40 115 21 20% 112 23% 2V/4 21%—1% CmE pf 1.70 13 411/2 4OV2 4OV2— % FooteMinrl 54 17 A 14'/2 17 + VA Wometo .42 AllisonSt .40 19 9% 9 9%+ % 15%+ % Z2450 8VA 81 81 Publickr 5k Z840 15 14% 15 + Ve Tech Mat 2i 34 6% 6 4'/a— Va ComSolv .40 921 34 3V/2 32V2—1% FMinpf2.20 65 273A 24'/2 273A— 1/4 WoodsCp .48 1 55 55 55 AlloysUni 3i 408 23% 2V/S 22VA + V/2 19V2—2'A 139 17V2 17 17V4.. Pueblo S .28 114 73/4 V/A 7'A— 1/2 Technicon 415 48Vi 44 457/a + VA 103A 7 X91 11% 10%— % AllrAuto .54 X49 19'/% 18% 1B3A+ 'A ComS Ipf .90 54 21'A 19% 20V2—V/e FordMt 2.40 843 47 45V2 443/8— % I8V2— Va 5 47'A 443/4 67'A+ Vs PuerRCl.10 136 22% 2 V/2 22 — /e Tektronx In Woolwhl.20 7 7 251 54Ve 54 54%—iyB 168 19 17V4 lB 'e.. .. 34 4V4 Com Ed 2.20 723 37% 36Va 37%.. .. For Mck .80 958 273/4 24% 27%+2V2 32 — % 70 29Ve 28% 28 /s— Vs PugtSP 1.74 27 17 14'/2 17 +1/4 Teledyne 3i 7 Wool pf 2.20 Alpha Indus 4 4Va.. .. 735 263* 24 /s 2534— o/B 154 22 1BV2 2OV2+2 7%+ 1/8 CwEdpfl.42 58 233/4 23'A 23%+ VB ForMpf 1.80 52 45V2 41 45 +3V2 19V2- Va 20 21 2'A 21 + 3A Pullmn 2.80 58 32V2 31% 32V2+ Va Teledynpf 6 World Airw AltamilC .20 74 7'A 4% 3 12 74 73V4 731/4— 3/4 377 35% 34% 35 + Va ComwOil.60 X411 24 23% 23V2.. .. FosterW .80 140 22 A 22'A 22%+ VB 21%+ VB PurexCp.84 85 473/4 Teledypf3'/2 WrigleyC3a AlterFds.50 29 14% 14Vs 14V8- % 1237 44% 42'/B?42%— '. 453/4 473/4+ 3/4 31 103 100 101 —V/2 41 53 51'A 52V2+ '/a 3 Com Sat Cp 395 37% 35Va 36 —VA FosterWpfl 12 173/4 17% 173/4.. .. 25%— Ve Purexpf 1.35 Telex Corp 7 Wurltzer ,B0 Alcoa pf3 A Z450 53V4 52% 53'A+ V2 105 26'/2 26 26 — Vi 1583 143/4 13% 13%—1 3133 143 128% 133 /s+5% 99 9Ve 33/i 8%— 1/8 ComputrSci 619 23% 21 21 —2% Foxboro .40 241 39% 373/4 373/4—VA 213/4+ 3/4 Purolat 1.40 Templel .25 Alum Sp.44 11 9% 9% 93A+ 1/4 856 63'/2 59% 6OV2— 1/4 13 23V2 22 22 —3 188 231A 21% 23 +V/2 19 103V2 102 102 —2 Cone Mills 1 59 15% 14V2 14V2— 1/4 FranklSt.40 482 26V4 24% 24%—V/s 32%.. .. 7 Teneco 1.32 Amco Indst 14 4% 4Va 4V2— VA 25 22 /a 22 22 — 1/2 78 66 44V4 441/4— % 1341 22Va 21% 22 — Va 34 12V4 11 Va 12 — VA ConracC .60 110 24V2 22V2 24V4+VA FreeptS1.60 779 IIVA 2O'/B 20%— '/a 30 — 1/2 7 Tenec pf5'/2 Ameco Inc 20 9'A 8% 311 24 /a 23 24V8+ Ve 145 85Vi 83V4 85 +1% XYZ— ConsEd 1.80 609 2BVs 27Va 28VB+ % 3 Texaco 1.60 AmAutV .20 21 8'A 71/2 73A— % Fruehufl.70 7B3 34 /4 33% 34%+ VA 41%—VA 18 22V2 22 22VB— % QuakOat.94 1090 443/4 43 443A.. .. 4862 27% + TexETrl.40 263,4 27 — VS XeroxCp.60 5499 92 87 87 —7 Am Biltr.60 37 11% 10% 10%—V/a ConsEd pf 6 X15 . 87V2 85 843/4+1% 3 132 237 45V2 46V2- -2% QuakOatpf 3 1 79 79 79 + 1/2 Fuqualn2k 1117 17V2 16 A 17 +1/4 TxGasT1.48 322 27 26 26V2+ Vi XTRA Inc 141 27% 24Va 26V2— % AmBookS 41 34 8 7% 8 + 1/4 ConsEd pf5 X35 65 43V2 65 +VA 752 353/4 34% 34%— VB QuakSOl .80 74 243A 24'/e 24V2— % TxGsTpf V/2 303 37V4 36 36Va.. .. YoStlDrl.20 15 2O'/2 20 2O'/a— % CEf46ConEpf4.655 XZ320 62 60 Jack Atl .24 7 AmBldM.24 59 34V2 33'A 34V2+V/2 GAC Cp V/2 314 45 44V4 44%— % Questor .50 70 17% 153/4 I6V2— % 69 37Vi 35% 36V4+ 1/4 ZaieCorp.64 315 39 37% 37 /a— % ConsFd 1.10 380 393A 38% 38%—1 JackAtpf .40 7V4— % R.R— TxGuSul .60 ACenM .35d 145 22 20% 21VB— 3/4 GAC Cp pf 1 42 3O'/a 29VB 29%— Ve Texas Ind 1 946 19'A 18Vs 18VS— Va ZaieCppf.80 6 31 30 30 —1 ConFdpf4'/2 4 98 96% 963/4—2'A JaegerM .20 10%.. .. Ralston .70 28'A 29V4+ 7/B A FinSyi.10 54 14% 15% 14V4+ VK GAF Cp ,40 X354 3 V/2 29% 30 —1 706 29% TexInstr.BO 99 27 23V2 23'/2—3% Zapata Nor 1730 20 19 19%+ VB ConsFrght1 405 3V/2 28 31 +2'A Janfzen .60 143/4+ Vi Ralstpf 1.20 40 AFinSpf V/a 8 18'A 17% 18'A+ 1/2 GAF pf 1.20 101 17V2 153/4 16Va—VA 92 4V/4 TexasOil .05 X780 120% 116'/2—33A ZapataNpf2 53 38 35 35'/2—2'/2 Con Leasing 129 9'/4 8V2 — 1/4 JapnF 4.28d 41%— 'A Ramada .24 24% A Israli-lld 54 4V2 4 4V8— 1/4 Gam Sk 1.30 809 44% 44 45V2— 1/2 182 25% 243A—V/a Tx PLT ,45d 106 53 51 52%— VB Zayre Corp 182 37 35 35 —1% ConsNG1.74 281 28'A 27'/2 273/4— VB JeffPilot.80 29%— % Ranco In .92 18 AMaizeA.33 70 10'A 9% 10'A.. .. Gamblpf PA 219 29'A 28V2 28V2—1 50 18% 18VB— Va TexUtil 1.80 31 14'/2 16 14V4— % Zenith R 1.40 43B 35% 34% 34%— % Consm Pw2 385 38 34'/2 38 +VA Jergen A .50 21V2— 1/2 RapdAm .75 17 3 AMaizeB .33 44 10'A 9% 10'A+ % GamSpf 1.40 245 32% 30% 31%— % 573 18% 17V4— A Textron .90 587 41 59'/i 59'A— % Zurn Ind.28 1001 32% 293/4 32'/8+2% ConP pf4.16 Z240 56% 56Ve 563/4.. .. Jer CPLpf 4 57 +IV2 Raybestos 3 AMfgl.35d 2 37V2 37'A 37V4— 1/2 Gannett .48 714 126 114'/2 115 —8 19 46V2 451/2 46V2.. .. Textrpf 2.08 424 24% 23% 24%+ % ConsPpf4'/a ZB50 643A 43'/i 64V2+VA GardDn 1.30 Jewel Co V/2 Raymlnt .80 Am Med .12 291 30 28'A 29V2+ 1/2 47 + % 53 29V2 2B'/2 29V2+ 1/2 523 11'A 10 IOV2— Va Textrpf 1.40 104 341/2 32% 33%+ '/a Garlock .80 JimWalt .40 30 —1 Raython .40 AmMotlnns 126 22% 2OVs 213A+ VA Cont Air .50 354 12'A 10% 11 —V/B 469 30% 159 22% 22% 223/4.. .. 402 28% 27V2 273/4—V/B Thiokol .40 92 25% 24% 25%+ % Gateway In JimWaltpfl Rayth pfi'/e 3 Am Pet .85b 168 34% 33 34V8+1 ConCan 2.20 457 75% 72'/2 74%+l% Z330 14Va 14 82 15% 15% 15%— VB 41 29% 28V2 2B A— 1/4 Th Bet ts 1.04 198 12'A IV/2 11%+ Vi Gemini Cap JimWpf 1.60 RCA Corp 1 7 3 Am Precson 14 5% 5Va 5%+ 'A CnCanpf4'A Z710 67'/2 64 66 —1 29 38% 3B'/2.. .. •45 23% 22Ve 23 + 7i 141B 30 /e 293/4 303/4— VB Thomlnd.40 54 42 A 42Va 42%+ 1/4 3 RCAcv pf4 3 7 CnCopp .07d 173 12 /4 11% 12Vfe + % Gem In.54a JimWaltpf 2 3 91 88 ^t 711/2 72Vi—1 /4 Tho JW .40d Bond sales 9'/a 8 /a 8%.. .. 86 24 23 24 + % 4B 74 AmRlty.33d 2B GnAlnl.57d RCApf 3'/2 40 19Va 18'/a 18%+ % 7% Contntl Cp 2 454 42% 40'/2 42V8+ VA JohnMvl.20 253 34% 33%+ 1/2 107 93A 9 9V2+ % Z260 533/4 52V4 533/4+ 3/4 ThriftyD .60 Am Safety 158 73/4 73/4.. .-. GnAOil .60g Reading Co 166 3 V/2 30 3V/8+ Va 394 8V2 CntlCppf2'/2 129 45% 44 45%+l JohnJn ,80a 324 157'A 151 Va—5 49 203A 19'A 19V4—VA 31 13% 12% 13VB+ Va T I Cp 1.40 3 AmTch .05d 8 + % 3 GenATrl.40 3 Reading lpf 74 18% 17% 17 A— % CtCppf B 2V2 18 45'A 44 A 45V4+ 'A John Svc .80 258 31% 30 /4—l 4 123/4 12 123/4+ % Time lni.90 NEW YORK (UPD—Bonds traded on AmesDSt5k 23 14VB 13'/! 14Ve+ GnAT pf 2V2 523 383A 2 70 70 70 Reading 2pf 152 29 27% 27%—V/e 3 JohnSvpf 2 12 Times M .50 the New York Stock Exchange this week. AMK Cp wt 476 7 A 7V4 71/4— 1/2 ConMtg .78a 854 24'A 22V2 23V4+ 1/4 20 59V4 58V2—l'/a 41 143/4 14Va 143/4+ 1/4 15 12% 12%+ % 100B 39 36 37V2+ % 3 Gen Bane .54 Read&Bf.25 WEEKLY BOND SALES Contl O1IV/2 1691 26 A 25 25'A— 1/2 JonLogn .80 308 57 563,4+13/4 440 19'A 17'/2 Timken 1.80 AmpcoM .60 7 16% 16V2 16%— VB GenCab .40d N.N— ReadBpf 1% 19 + 3/4 156 36 33 Va 36 +F/a Total for the week J65,5B2,OOO 22 38 36% 363/4— Va Jones L 1.35 67 17% 17%.. .. 33 Tishman .40 Am rep Corp 388 30% 25V2 29 +3V4 :ont Oil pf2 GenCgr 1.20 Nalco Ch .70 328 543/4 52Va 52'A—2'A Redmn .05d 3 33 33 + % 173 31% 30'A 31%+1 Week ago 61,317,300 JonesLpfA5 3 23 TobinPack 1 AnderEI .36 17Vi I8V4+ % nont Steel 1 40 32V2 25 321/2+7V4 Z420 63V2 63V2.. .. Narco Sc .60 78 32 A 3O'/2 30V2+ % ReevesBV/2 372 24% 24VB+ VB 23''S— VA 53 18% Gn Devel 2k 24% Todd Sh 1.20 115 23'A 22'/4 Year ago 44,032,400 5% 5%— Va Cont Tel .72 518 23% 23VB 23%— VB Jorgson 1.30 9 24% 24%.. .. NashuaC .44 228 37% 34'A 34%—2'/a Reichoid .50 35 24% 7 AndreaR .25 8 5% Gen Dynm 1 IVA TolEdisl,72 17 14V4 15 /e 16 — Vi Two years ago 89,815,800 lontrl Data 2455 60% 52 52V2—4% Jostens .70 396 35V2 35Vi— VA tiat Airl .40 226 19'A 18'/B 19'A + l RelStore .60 75 11% 11%— VB q-Andy Grd 421 5'A 5%+ Va Gn Elec2.40 9V2 TootsRI .40g 56 25% 25 ;onDtpf4V2 z310 58 57 5B + % JoyMfg 1.40 264 47% 46 +2 NatAv 1.24d 91. 223/4 21% 21%— 3/4 Rel Elec .70 21 93A 9'/2— 1/4 Angelica .IB 24 24% 24 24V2.. .. Gen Fir.l4d 25 TraneCo .90 X53 32% 31% 31%— % Conwod 1.90 13 333A 33Va 33%.. ... K.K— NatBisc2.20 1140 55 53VB 53%— 1% Rel Elec pf 3 139 24% 25 —13/4 Anglo Laut 40 2% 2Vi 2Vi.. .. GnFood2.40 Transam.55 46 21% 20% 21%+ % Cook Un .50 421 411/4 393/4 39%— % Kaiser Al 1 686 39 3B%+ % Nat Can .B0 245 67% 66V2 67%+ 'A RelElpf 1.60 2 74'A 73V2 73V2—2V2 Ansul Co .54 34 12VB 11%' 11%— % Gen HostCp Trans pf 4V2 123 46V2 45% 653/4—1 97 33V4 30 33 +2V2 KaAl pf 2% Z310 35V2 35V4+ 1/4 NtCanpf V/2 RepublicCp 18 47'/2 44 44 —7 Anthony Ind 59 8% 8Va 8'A— % Coop In 1.40 Gen Instr2k 93 6OV2 593A 60 — 'A TransLn ,40 X1222 23% 22 22V4 + 1 1 84V2 84V2 84V2+ 1/2 KaAl pf 4Ve 66V4+ VA Nt Cash 1.20 834 142 130 1303A—93/4 Rep Stl 2V2 2210 21V2 19 2O'/e + V/B AO Ind Inc 284 3% 3'/2 3V2— % Cooper I pf5 Genlnst pf 3 3 Trans Invst 4 165V2 141 161 —BV2 45 I8V2 IBVB lB'A— Vs KaA57pf 43A 79 +1'A Nt Chem .50 173 34% 353A 36V2+ A APIInst.lOb 134 19V4 17'A 17%— % Coopr Tirel GenMills .88 115 653A 61 41 —2 Transitron 203 12% 10% 12%+ % 8 19% 19 19%+ 1/2 KaA59pf 43/4 80 — VA Nt CityL .90 2V/2+ 3/4 Apollo Ind 48 6% 5% CoopTpf VA GMill pf 1% 55 153/4 14% lSVa— % Revco D .20 150 213/4 19% TranUn 1.16 400 16% 14% 15%—V'B Week 23 35% 333A 35V8+ Va GenMot.85d KaA66pf 43/4 BO + '/2 NatDistil .90 409 18'A 17Va 173A+ 3/4 24VB+ % 3 Applied Dat 14B B% 7'/2 % Copelndl.20 Revr CB V/2 87 243A 25V2 Trans WAir 142 6'A 5% 5 /4— Va 81 +5'/2 GnMotpf3% KaiserCt .80 616 26Ve 26Ve+ % NDistpf4'A 65%+V/a Applied Dev 187 10% 11 — % CopperR.50 1035 85 75 Z1540 58% 57V2 57V2.. .. Revlonlnc 1 389 64% 64% T W Acvpf 2 247 351/4 33'A 33V4— V'B CopwStll.20 37 17% 17 17%+ '/a GenMot pf 5 KaisCtpf2V2 7 55Vi 55V4+TA NDlstpf2V4 80 + 3/4 AquitaneCo 259 2O'/a 19VB 19%+ % 5 32V4 31 ,32'A + VA Revion pf 1 3 80 79 TranWFiSk 1889 17% 14'A 16V2—1% Corinth .07d 143 31 293/4 29%— 3/4 GenPCm .80 KaCpref 1% 22 22 22 + % Nt Fuel 1.6B 38%— % Argus Inc 88 4V4 4%.. Kan CityP 2 102 25'/a 24% 24%— Va Rex Belt V/2 52 393/4 38% 50 —1 Travlers.80 43 25 24'A 24%— 1/4 CornGI 2'/2a 159 227V2 215 226 +4 G PubU 1.40 165 351/4 35 + % Nat Gen .20 ArizCol Lnd 49 19% 18Ve 19%+1% KCPLpf3.80 455 lfl'A 17 IB + VA RexBlpf 2'A 1 50 50 36 + 7/B Travlrs pf 2 68 12% nvs 111/2— % Coronet! .22 298 221/2 21% 22 — VS Gen Refract Z20 5O'/2 5OV2—1 NatGyp 1.05 Ark Bst.l5d 10 I8V2 173A 17%—1 KaCPLtpf 4 305 22 20% 22 + % ReyMetl.10 1536 37 34V4 83 +1 TriCon 2.03d 144B 35Vi 33% 34 8% 8 B GenSig 1.20 ZlO 53 53 — 1/4 NatGy pf ArkLaGI.70 258 31 29V2 3O'A+ % CowlesCom _ . KCPLpf4.20 4V2 110 42 41 tl —2 ReyMtpf 4V2 15 83 82Vi 34 — 1/4 TriCtlpf 2V2 114 45'/a 42 42%— 2% Gen Sig pf 4 Z260 56V2 56V2 + 1 Natl Indust Arrow Elect 57 14V2 13 13V2- % Cox Brd .30 109 21% 193/4 193/4— % 157 B'/s 7% 8 ReyM pf2% 34 39VB— % Triangle .80 212 31 3O'/6 31 + '/a in KCPLpf4V2 Natlndpf .60 1 34 CPClntll.70 433 34% 33V4 34%+ 1/4 GenSteel .80 Z440 63 62'/2 + l'A 4 133/4 13'/2 133/4+ 'A TRW Incl ArundtCp5i 76 52% 45Ve 50V4+5% Kan CS In 2 Nat Ipf BVA ReyTob 2.40 593 39% 39 39'A— V2 6 37 36V4 36Vi— 3,4 Crane Cl.60 41 41% 40% 40%+ 3/4 Gen Tell.52 22 35V2 34VB— % 80 13V4 12% 13 ReynTpf2'A TRW pf 4V2 ArwoodC .40 34 9Va 8% 9 Gn Telpf VA KCSolndpfl 15%.. .. NtLead .42d 407 39% 39 VB 3 V/2— % 43 14% 16Va 16%+ 'A Credithrlft 1 4B 19% 1B3/4 193A+ 1/4 Z350 15% 26V4 24% 25 — VB Rheingld .20 TRW pr4.40 AsameraCp 1788 17'A 15Ve 15%+V/e GTIFIpf!.3O Kan GE1.40 24Vi.. .. NtPresto .90 1090 198 32% 31'/2 16%— '/2 1039 35% 34% 34V2— % Cromp K .80 44 14% 153/4 163/4+ 1/2 32 24% 68 26 Va Richr Co .BO TucsonG .72 ASPRO .50g 15 10% IV/B— % KanPLtl.26 Nat Serv .60 28 28 +1% 14 16% 16VB 60 + VS 9 77 75'A 75'A— PA CrouseHIn1 Gn Time .80 101 21% 20%+ Va RichMer .90 20thCen Fox AsBabyS .40 65 19% I8V2 19%+ % 215 25% 23V4 25%+2VB Katy Indust Nt Stand .75 83 17% 16% 17VB+ Vs 550 61 59Va 21%— VB 73 85% B5 85 — 3,4 CrowColUk Gen Tire lg 12 — 1/2 Tyler Corp 4V2 4'A 4'A.. 871 25Vs 23% 25 + % Kauf8.Br.20 34 123/4 NtStarch .60 88 40% 39Va 40VB+ 1/6 RiegelPapl 368 21% 13V2—1 173 173/4 17Va 17%+ Va AssoFdS .20 Crown Cork GnTlrepf5 383/4+ Ve 21 192 30% 29 450 14% 15% 14'A+ 1/2 Kawecki .20 515 40V4 NatSteel 2VS 43 29Ve 28 28V4— VA RiegelTx.80 12'A— % 1634 17%+ VB As Mtg .30d 30i/a+l% 3 Genesc 1.70 22V4+ % 21 14% 13Va 1293 19 CrownC pf 2 1 44% 44% 44%+ A 82 22'A 41 RioGr In.60 3 Asso Prd .40 X17 39% 39 39 Genstr .70b KayserR .60 Nat Tea .80 376 44 43'/2+l% 142 12'/2 11 A 10%+ % 173 111/2 10% 11 — Va 7 CrownZ1.60 25 RioGr pf .B0 review 1516 35 33 33%— Ve 40 25 Asfrex (nc 43 5 /8 5V4 5'/a— % GenuPtl.12 Keeblerl.20 NatUnEI.90 78 13% 12'/8 13'A— 1/! 151 10'/2 9% 24V2—V/2 U.U- 3 35 44 43%+!% Rite Aid .18 Astrodat In 1211 13% 10 CrnZpf 4.20 Z320 5B A 58 583/4+1 Ga Pac .80g Keller In.50 Natomas .25 25 14% 133/4 133/4— 'A 167 26% 24V2 UAL In .25d 828 24V2 23Va 23'A— Va CTSCorp.40 50 14% 13% 14Vi— % 50 17'/2 163,4— 1/2 Riviana .90 Atco Chem 65 3% 3'/2 3V2— 'A Ga-P pf 1.64 Kellogg 1.70 Neptune .74 762 36 27V2 28V2—7 48 28% 27% 28 — Ve Uarco 1.10 29 37% 35V2 35'/2—2'A CudahyCoSi 411 15% 13% 15V4+1% 201 44'/2 43V4— 1/4 RoanST.28d Athione Ind 91 21% 20 2O'/a—1 Ga Ppf 1.40 Kelsy-H 1.30 Nev Pwl.16 52 27'A 25 25 —2V2 1214 6V2 6Ve 6V4— VB UGI Cp 1.20 279 27 25% 26V2+ 1/2 CudCopf 1'A Kendall .60 77 26V4 24%—lVa Robshaw .70 4 18 173/4 18 Gerber 1.20 Newberry 1 58 43% 42'/2 43'A+ VB UMC Ind.72 260 15VB 133,4 14%— % AtlcoFcl .40 7 7 3 Robrtsnl.10 241 29% 2B'/a 29%+ % /»%..'/2. .1B3A..19VB+.% Kennmtl .80 421 39 /8 39V4+ % Newb pf3 A Unarco 1.40 IOV2 103,4.. .. WEEK IN REVIEW AtlCLIn 1.20 21 223/4 22 22%— 1/8 Getty 1.06d 38 26Va 25'A 25V2— % RobinAH.40 12 21% 21 21 14 10% Culligan .28 62 17'/s 16% 16%— % Gettypf 1.20 Kennctt2.60 4B 34% 33V2— Va NEngEll.48 UnilLtd.41d 24V2 24%—V/a Atl Rich wts 164 16Va 14'A 14%—1% 3 3 Z260 52 51 51 RochG1.20g 1281 35% 30% 35%+5'A 12 25V2 Cummn.BOg 192 37 A 34 A 37V2+ 3A KyFChic.10 1909 54% 53 +2 NET8.T2.36 UnilNV .60d 28V4 29V4+V/8 By United Prtu Intarnitlonal AtlsMi2.05a X13B 26% 25V4 25%+ % GiantPt .30d 144 22% 21% 22%+ 1 RochTll.20 X127 27'/2 253/4 27 + % 3 29V4 CunDrug .48 3""0 173/4 17 17 — 3/4 Ky Util 1.56 4429 35V4 29V4—6% Newmnl.04 Un Camp 1 3 V/2 NEW YORK—Tin mt In ravliw for AtlasCp Wts 275 2V2 2V4 2%.. .. GibraltrFin 115 34% 34 34V2.. .. Rockwl 1.40 46 39 38 38 — % 384 34V2 33 +1 th* wttk ending April 1: Curtiss Wr 1 208 16% 15% 15%— % Kerr Mel 1/2 42 293/4 29%.. .. Nemt pf 4V2 UnCarbide2 36% Augat I 05d 164 3O'/2 28V2 293A+ % GiddLew .80 1077 34'/B 32% 34 +2V2 RohmH 1.60 72 29% 28V4 29 993 37% 37Ve— 3,4 7 Kerr pf 4VS 88 + % NYHon .15d Austral Oil 447 21% 18 /a 20 + VA Curt Wr A 2 12 28V4 27% 27%— % Gillette 1.40 183 88% 34 111 103V2 1093/4+43/4 75V2 Union Corp 239 9V4 73/i 8%+ % CutlerH 1.20 KeystoneC 2 78 +2',4 NYSEG2.08 Rohr Cp .80 155 76 75%.. .. Autm Bldg 89 IOVB 9% 1/4 83 25% 24V2 25%+ % Gimbel Brl 14 78 27 24 23% 233/4.. .. 213/4 Un Elec 1.20 470 19'A I8V2 18%— VB Kidde 2'/2k 28Va— Va NYSEpf33A Rollinsln.18 117 22% 22Vi— 1/4 Cyclops 1.90 18 33VB 32% 33 + % Ginos Incor 19 29 491 32% 30% 32 +V/e 3 : un ci pf3'/2 47V2 49 +V/2 Autom Data 405 42% 39V2 403/4+ VB 3 KiddeW pf4 37%—1 Ronson .50 195 32 /4 3i /2-t- '/2 Z280 49 Cyprus 1.40 128 693/4 44 A 67V2— VS Glen Alden NiagMol.10 UnElecpf 4 54 Auto Radio 199 15V2 13'/2 14Va— % Kiddepf2.20 375 39V2 59 —1 Z930 50V2 49V2 50 + '/2 Roper Cp 1 221 9'A "9 9Va— 1/4 Z100 54'A 54 Dow Jones G Aldpf 3.15 NiaMpf3.40 UnEI pf 4'/2 40V4 AVCCp .50 17 17 16'A -~I6V2- — 3A KimbC12.20 5 60 78 —4 674 17VB I6V2 17 Rorer A .70 X31 26 25 26 +VA Z1040 61% 6V/2+I DanRiv.25d 109 11% IOV2 IOV2— VA GlenAld pf 3 NiaMpf3.40 UnElpf4.54 40V! Avco Cp wts 253 5% 5'/8 5V2— VB KingsDS .40 2 78 71V4—1% Z200 47 45V2 453,4+ 'A Royal CC .54 415 28'A 27>/2 273/i.. .. Z230 62V2 62'/2+2'/2 Dana Cp VA 132 24% 23VB 24%+ 1/4 GlenApf 2V4 NiaMpf3.90 UnEI pf6.40 84V Avien Inc 32 3'/2 3VB 3Va— 1/4 401 73% 19%+ % Z1570 48% 47V2 48%+ 3A RoyalDut2b 121 16% 16VB 16%+ % Z200 85 2 85 +V/2 Dart In .30g 83B 50 473/4 48 — VA Global Mar KinneyN .25 NiaMpf4.10 UnOCal 1.40 DOW JONES STOCK AVERAGES Avlslnd .20e 8V4 BV4— % 90 20'A 34 +VA Z470 53 51'A 52V2 + 1 Royal Ind 941 39% 38V4 39V2+ 1/2 459 343/4 32% 33'A—1% Opan High Low Clou Chg Dartlndpf2 89 55 53 53'/2— VA GlobeUn .80 Kinny pf4'A NiaMpf4.85 UnOICpf 2Va Avondlel.20 6 30 V2 30 30V2+ 1/4 1477 34% Z320 55 53'/2 55 +V/2 R TE Cp.24 137 10% 10 10 — % 314 46 43V2 44 —13/4 30 IndUIt 784.65 792.37 714.15 791.14+ 0.79 Kinny pf VA NiaMpf 5.25 UnPacCp2 7 Data Proces 299 22 19% 20 —1% Goodrh 1.72 9 120 116%+7% Z600 64V2 63 64V2+2 42% 44'/2+1 /B B.B Kinny pf .90 NiaMpf6.10 Rubbm 1.04 188 16%. 15VB I6V4+ 3/4 402 4434 20 Tr«n» 172.84 174.35 172.84 174.35+ 1.07 DaycoCl.14 103 23'/B 2 V/a 22V2+VA GoodyrT .85 171 69'/2 67'A+2'A Z30 683A 683/4+ % UnPacRrld 37Vi 38V2+1 B AC Mind 29 21 20% 20%— Va Kirsch Co 1 Niag Sh.27d Rucker Co 14 44% 43'/2 43V2—VA 114 38'/2 15 Utill 117.71 111.26 117.71 1 l«.ll + '/«0.!« 3 Daycopf4'A Z320 79 75 79 +4 GordonJ .24 6 67'A 67'/4+7'/2 79 —1 UPacpf .20d 45 Stocks 261.57,243.73 2«i.57 2(3 73+ 0.71 BagdadC.40 93 28 Va 25 A 27%+V/e K L M 2.48b Norf&Wst 6 Z390 80 79 RussTog .48 190 93A 8V2 8%— Vi 28 7% 7VB 7'A+ Va DaytonH .50 60 34V2 32V2 34V2+2 Gouldlnl.40 46 45'A 443/4.. Unamr 1.40 Baker In.24 144 . 24V2 24 24V4— 1/2 Knigt N .25d Norrisln .80 14 19V2 19V2+ Va RyderSy .50 508 16% 153/4 16 123 49V4 46V4 48%+l DayPLt 1.40 338 25% 25V4 25'A— 1/4 Grace W1V2 37'A+ 'A Uniroyal .70 BaldDH1.20 24 39V2 37% 38%+ 1/4 3 Koehrg 1.20 609 37V2 163 84V2 BOV4 B4V4+2yB 264 44'A VCA Cp .40 74 3B% 38'A 38'/!+ Vi DomFd .B5d 111 IOV2 lOVa IOV2+ VA SEDCO .08 X99 19 18 18V4—V/B Buf Frgi.lQ 243 45% 413/4 43V4 + 13A HackWr2.20 17 37 34Vs Veedrlnl.60 174 39% 38 383A— : Done! ley .44 Seilon Inc 7 4Vi BulovaW.60 134 2VA 19% 20Ve— % Hall Pr 1.40 44 3BV2 35% 4.9. 4 /B 273 3O'/4 28% 29 — % Doric Cp .32 Servomt .50 VendoCo .40 34 14% 14% 143,i— i/a 3 11 22% 22% 22%— Va 397 25 24 25 +1 Bunk Ramo 835 13% 12 /4 13 — Vs Dorr Oliver Hallibtnl.05 1489 4V/8 38 ShellOil2.40 V F Corp 1 117 30Va 29 293,i— M STANDARD (, POOR 590 STOCK INDEX BunR pf V/2 41 16Va 14% 15V2+ % Hamil Wali 62 lQVa 9 439 43Va 40% 42 + VA High Low Close Chg 45 39?A 38Va 39Va— Va Dover Cp .70 28 21 ShellTr ,70d 33Va VictorCC.50 118 23% 22 23 + i/3 Burllndl.40 311 43'/8 4OVs 43'/a+2% HammPapl 45 251/2 24V8 X33 34V8 33V2— Va 434 40 38% . 393/4— % Dow Ch 2.60 774 723/4 70% 7VA— V2 ShellerG -B0 lB'A Burl No.70d 3 HamdCp .70 165 12% IV/B 36 18% 425 Industrials 98.35 97.73 97.73— O.ti 2459 41'A 39,Vs 40 *— % DravoC1.40 Shellrpf 1.40 19'/2 BurIN pf .55 17 32'A 31% 32 — % Handlem .40 241 45 42% 4 19% 193,4.. .. 20 railroads 37.37 16.99 37.11+ 0.15 115 7% 7Vi 7'/2— Va Dresser 1.40 3 Shellrpf 1.35 213A BurndyC .70 276 29Va 27 A 28 — % Handy H .72 38 28'A 27V4 16 22% 21%—VA 55 Utilities 59.88 59.61 59.W+ 0.16 87 22% 2V/2 2IV2— % Ores pf 2.20 Sherwin W 2 40 500 Stocks 98.07 19.39 89.39— 0.53 136 35% 3414 35Va+l% HanesCp .50 13% 138 41% 4VA + 1V8 Burrghs .40 1346 153VS 143 144Vs—2% Dresser pf 2 84 13% ShrW pf4.40 68'A 7 24 32'/2 3 V/2 32 + % Hanna 1.30 212 497/a 483A Z480 73% 73 /s+5% Treasury bonds Bush Unv 2i 15 17V2 17 17 — '/a DreyfusCp 1 Shulton .80g 31 93 25 23'/2 24V4—1 ••HarcourtB 1 287 32'A 31 — 1/4 DukeP 1.40 109 53V4 51 Siegel H Co 8% 532 27V4 26% 27 Harris Int 1 140 9 9 + % Cabot Cp .60 109 35'A 33V2 34%+ % DukP pr 6% 129 67'A 45% SierrPw .72 45 IOTA 100 10VA+ 'A Harsco Cp 1 X29 19 18'/2 18%— Va Calif F inane 253 1V/4 lOVa 1O'/2— % DunBcdl.10 X42 2O'/2 19% SignalC 1.20 WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE STOCKS 143 541/4 52 52%+ VB HartSMx.80 556 22'A 21'A 21%— 3/4 TREASURY BONDS Callahan 3k 234 15% 14 14 —IVa DuplanCp2i 2362 26% 23% SignalCopf 1 Sales Hloh Low Clo»aCh« DuPontVAd 234 32VB 30V4 30%— % Harv A11.20 57 203A 19% SlgCopf 2.20 6 19 18'/2 19 NEW YORK (UPD—Over Ihs counter Utd Utll 561,000 :«"• 23H 24 —1 CamRL .45a 160 22Va 20Ve 22 +1% Hat Cp .10h U.S. Government Treasury bonds this DuPnpf 4V2 562 100 96Vi 99 +1 43 7'/2 7Va Slgnodei.10 10 433/4 42% 42%— % Xerox 549,900 92 87 17 —7 Camp S 1.10 283 35VV 341/2 35V4+ V* 3 3 HawaEI.1.32 week. DuPnpf3Vs 35 67 A 44'A 67 A+ % B5 30 29% Simmons Pr 35 42 40% 40%+ % Taxaco 414,21X1 27*1 26*4 27 — Vi CanSoRwyS Z220 42 4 V/2 42 —1 Hayes Alb 1 Hlsh Low Clou Chg Yin DuqneL 1.66 13 54'A 52 53%+l% 37 14Vj Simmnsl.40 158 73A 6% Am Hotp S 446,100 (Hi 35 37 —34I| Cn Brw .40a 100 7% 7'/a Hazel tine 15'/2 4S 1970 Aug 99.2 99.2 99.2 . 6.31 35'A J9V, 291/4—6H DuqLpf 2.10 291 243/4 24V8 24%— 1/4 91 14V2 13V2 SimpPat.80 57 48 46% 473/4+ % Ky Fr Chfc 442,900 51 46 62'A 43%—2% 2VJS 66-71 Mar 54.12 96.12 ?6.!2 .. 6.31 Talax Corp 313,300 143 133'/i+5% DLtfl% ZlO 29 29 29 —1 HeclaMn .70 Sing erC 2.40 187 81 74 80 +4V2 CanalRnl.10 40 18% 18% 142 31 30 4s 1971 Aug 94.10 96.10 96.10 . 463 AniTlT 306,100 52 —l'/i 18%— % DuqLtpfl% Z350 26 25V2 25'/2—V/2 HeinzHJ .92 Singerpf 3V2 79'A 80%+V/B 7 53V« 5U» 52 l/i Cap Clt Brd 168 34% 34 594 81% 3 /«5 1971 NOV 95.14 95.14 95.14 .. 4,48 Oulf Oil 279,690 V V 35% 34 343A+ % Helene Curt 102'A 105V2+23/4 27'A 27'/i 27V«— V« CarbCol.40 Duq Lt pf 2 Z1720 28% 27'A 28 311 14% 14 Skelly Oil 1 33 106V2 4S 1972 Feb 95.2 95.2 95.2 .. 6.48 Occdntl Ptl 272,400 54'/a 53V4 53%— 'A Hell Coil .80 33V2 33V2- % !'/i 23 — Carlisle .60 : DuqLpf 2.05 Z240 29 2B 2B —1 55 21% 19% SkilCorp .90 3B 34 2'/2S 47-72 Jun 91.12 91.2 91.2 —.14 6.80 Btnguet 240,100 10>4 II, 10 +1 14 13% 13%— % DuqLpf 2.07 " — Heller In.60 SkylinCp.14 35 3S'/e+ % ?3.2o 93.14 93.14—.lo 6.?3 Carci&Oh5 ) ZlO 28V2 2B'/a 2B'/a.. 283 23V2 22% 25 36'/a 4S 1972 Aug PMf Mor 250,800 35V'l 68Va 66 67%+ 1/2 Hellrpf4.07 3 90.12 90.4 90.6 —.10 4.60 V CaroPL 1.46 DuqLpf 2.10 Z30 29 29 29 17 100 Sm A 01.40 734 25 A 23Va 25%+2'/B 2'/j5 67-72 Sep Buritn Nor 245,900 33Vi 311/2 32Ve— % HelmePrd 1 100'A 89.16 89.6 89.8 —.8 6.82 391/2 40V4— H Carp Te 1.60 Dymolnd3k 68 14Va 13% 14VS+VA 88 19% 19 Smithlnt .40 33 34'A 35V8 34VB+ % 2Vi5 6772 Dec Am Moton 2*5,700 IOVV4 Vi , .,.«. 26% 25 24%+ % Helm Pn.20 25 24 + Va 90.38 90:16 90.1B—.22 7.12 CarrlerC .60 DynamC .40 227 9Va 8'A 8%+ VA 48 19 18 SmithK8.F2 44 261/2 4s 1973 Aua Cntrl Data 245,500 4O¥« 52 52l/i—4% 302£ 19% 37 391/B+2V2 HemlspCap 53 +1 41/BS 1973 NOV 90.18 90.6 9O.B —.20 7.16 CarrCpf 2'A z230S2% 32% 32%— % Hemlln.lOd 56 5'A 5 437 53V2 5V/8 89.28 89.16 89.16—.24 7.21 Std Oil C«l 239,800 45% <3H 45 +1 a 21 + % iVas 1974 Feb Hart 5 Mx 236,200 CarGn 1.70d IS W 29 EaglePit.80 110 26 A 26 26Va.. .. 80 7 6% 5 2VA 2O'/2 26'/* 23V, 2S —l'/l Here ln.25d 13%+ % 4i/*5 1974 May 89.28 89.16 B9.16—.24 7.17 Divers lnd 211,500 CartrW ,40» EascoCp .90 59 20Va 18'A 2O'/B+1% 130 13% 13Vj 7 23% M'/t 22V>+lVt Hershy 1.10 217 29 27VB Sola Bas .50 7 961 "' 24Va 2SVa+ 1/2 3 /"«s 1974 Nov 87.8 86.2< 86.24—1.0 7.17 Std Oil N J 228,200 57 /i 57 ST/A+ % CasetJl) Co Eastern Air 812 17% 16% 17Vi— Vs 143 24% 24% Soo Line id 16 30 VB 30 30 25 101/8 10%+ 3,4 Heublein .80 45 19B0 Feb 7V.8 78.24 78.24—.16 6.66 PtlllllpsPet223,7l» 24Vi 23Vi 24Vi+ 'A CastleCk.60 EastGsFI 3k 207 32 30% 3VA— VA Hewitt P.20 235 47 43% SOSCons .44 15 I6V2 16 16 — V4 61 Si '2 25% 25%— VA East Ut 1.40 3VjS 1980 NOV 74.8 73.24 73.24—.16 4.89 Republic C 221,000 J1V1 19 20V.+VA CaterTrl.20 120 19% 18% l? 6% 6%.. .. Eaton Y 1.40 235 38V2 XJVz 37%.. .. Hobart 1.20 228 47% 44% Southdn Inc 140 34% 32 32'A— % 4V4S 75-65 May 75.8 74.16 74,24—.16 4.85 Ceco Cp .90 6 2U. 21 Va 22Vi+ Vi Eatonpf1.19 1 37 37 37 +1 Sdwn pf 1.80 29'A Hoerner .90 47 42 4V/B 24'/2 27 + % 28 30 29'A— 3A JVaS 1990 Feb 48.24 68.B 48.24... 4.16 Cefanese 2 14 21 . 2VA 2V/2.. .. EchllnM .78 13% MOST ACTIVE AMERICAN X81 32Va 31% 31%— % Hoff Electn 64 22% 213A 8% 8%.. .. SoestPSl.08 39 14% 14%+ VA 87-92 Aug 73.0 72.8 72.24—.8 6.49 Celanspf4Va 842 S7-£ 55 5SVs—2Vfe EckerdJ .20 ! 24 Saias High Low Close Chg 148 28V4 27 A 27^— % Hoi Inns .22 135 V/a 7% 15 15 — Vi 50J Gas 1.44 32 . 24V2 24%— 1/4 45 88-93 Feb 70.16 6».24 70.16 + .8 6.39 CarMr Ad 174,100 15H 11% 14 +2 Cencoins .30 4 59V* 59 591/2+ Va EdlsonBrol 31% 4'JM 89-«4 V.By 70.21 70.0 70.24 27 28'A 24Va 24V2—VA HollnA.85d X794 40'/2 37% 34 341/a—l SoCalEdV/2 X731 323/4 32%+ Va 6.45 MilgoEltrn269,900 (0% 7H« 72**—IVE .. Centl Found 205 39V. 34% 39VS+2 . EG&G .10 Sou thCo 1.20 26'A 3S IMS Feb 48.24 68.8 68.24 . 5.18 1885 15Va UVa 14%- % HollySu 1.20 X91 57 XZ40 59'/2 58 59V2+1% 739 28VB 26Va— Ve Campb Chlb2SS,t00 u^« 11% 14V4 + 1V* Cen Hud 1.48 26 9VaS 9'A 9V2— VB EI&Mu .07d 40 32V4 3'/2S 1998 Nov 68.24 68.0 68.24 ... 5.44 249 4'/a 5% 5%— 'A Homestk .40 28 18'/e 17V4 903 20% 19V2 20Va— Va SolnGE 1.70 11 33 32%+ 'A URS Sytt I11.3N liV4 9H 10 — 42 24% 24 24%+ % Elect. Assoc SoNatG 1.40 45Vs Prices quoted in dollars and 3:nds. 177 9% 8%+ V4 431 22% 20 107 4'A 5% 5%— Va 277 47% 44%+ 'A A»m»r> 17J.I00, 17V4 15V* I Sunday, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 11B Slow trading, meandering prices * By EDWARD CRAIG Hutton & Co., said. inevitable profit taking would Herbert Stein, a White House Toward the end of the week the market must grind out an earnings reports were new lows. I .- UPI Business Writer The decline on Monday was make itself felt," one analyst economic adviser. traders and investors grew average of 10-rniilion shares depressing, bolstering The New York Stock Ex- 4 . NEW YORK (UPI)-Stock laid to profit taking since said. He told a New York apathetic toward the market a day. widespread anticipation that change index reflecting the 5 prrices spent the week mean- prices the week before had Tuesday saw a turndown, audience the rate of inflation and stayed to the sidelines. Altogether, background when most are in, they'll be average price of common dering in slow trading. surged on the basis of the cut but the following day there will be "significantly Activity for Thursday and news was too skimpy to impel well under those of the year- shares was 33 cents lower to Initially, the list took a dip. in the prime interest rate. was a vigorous upward reduced" this year. Friday was at a low ebb. traders and investors to the ago period. $49.70. Then it moved to the upside The Dow Jones industrial reaction. Some analysts But to balance this ob- Total volume was around 48- marketplace. Figures for The UPI stock market "and finally closed out the average reflector of 30 blue attributed it to renewed servation, Federal Reserve million shares, hardly construction awards and indicator lost 0.52 to 93.58. The Dow Jones industrial week in a slow decline. chips, picked up more than 27 thinking about the prime rate Board member Andrew F. enough for brokerages to construction spending for Standard & Poor's 500 stock average gained 0.89 to 791.84. >' "It was a somewhat points in the four sessions cut. Brimmer said in Sanmake the rent. Some February were higher than index was 0.53 lower to 89.92. Volume totaled 48,235,920 -pointless experience for previous to the threeday Others said some credit Francisco that economic knowledgeable Wall those for comparable periods Of the 1,760 issues traded, 854 shares, up from the 45,035,580 stocks generally," Newton Easter weekend. could be given to an en- restraints so far had little Streeters insist that for in the past. lost and 725 gained. There shares traded in the four •Zinder, analyst for W. E. "With such a gain, it was couraging statement by effect in checking inflation. brokerages to make a profit, But some first quarter were 206 new highs and 124 days the previous week. Complete American Stock Exchange listings

Hofman Ind 27 4 3% 3%— VA Muter Com 32 4V8 3% 3%— VB Sav A St .24 891 19VB 16 l67/,_2i/s Vulcn Cp.20 21 7"A 63/4 7 — 'it Whiting 1V4 X9 19% 19% 342 54% 51% 52'/2—IVB 7 T 7 • NEW YORK CUPI) — Stocks traded BangorP.60 n c HolMnsl.40 18 29 /s 27 A 29 /a+2V2 MWA Co .80 4 11%11% 11%+ 'A SavinB Mch 646 48% 41% Vulcanln .30 19 7'A 7VB 7V4+ Vs 193 »* 11 iv/a- % g!rc re io 18 Whitaker wt 291 4% 3'A 3V2-IVB 8V2 8V4 8%— VA Holly Corp 3 -N.N— .on the New York Stock Exchanse this BangrP pf 2 7 r 17 167 3 2 A 2%— Vi SavoylndIn 61 lO^B 9% —w.w— Wichita Ind 33 5 4% 4%— Vi 24 23% 24 - -A °?™J: l;* 14% 13 13 —1% Holoph 1.20 3 28 7 13 _4i/; WabMag .20 18%— % -week. BansxpfVA 5 26 13 22 A 22'A 22%.. .. Napco Inds 6%+ VB Saxon Indus 1322 104 92V: 702 21% Willcox G ibbs 1348 16 18 Indus 4% 4% HomOlA .50 264 173A 16% 16%—! /2 Narda Micr 13 5% 5% Sayre Fishr 58 5% 5 1/: Wackenhut 37 22Va 23V2+V/B WEEKLY NEW YORK STOCK SALES BkCalif 2.01 4V/4 40% 40%— % 45 5 23'A 7 Willhouse 231 36 333/4 36 +1% 9V2 8% HomOIB.50 7 7 Wadell 3k 34 6 'a 3 Total for the week 48,235,920 Bank Cat wi 3 28 27% 27%— VA 9 18 17*4 16 /B 16 /B— V2 Natl Alfalfa 53 8% 7V2 8 — % Scam Instru 25 IVA A— Vi 7'A 7Va+ % WilshireOUi 120 7'A 6 /i 6%— 'A Doc In 29 27% 27%—11/2 Hormel 1.40 4%— 1/4 Walthm Ind 84 7 9% 7 3 Weekago .• 45,035,580 BankOfNY 2 138 50>A 48% 50'/4+ % 3 29% 29Vs 29%+ Va Nat BellasH 115 4% 4% Schenuit .40 11 13'/B 10 /a 10%+ VB Wilson Bros 34 g'/B 8V4 8 /e+ /s 447 20 18% 18%—1% 3 382 Yearago 32,783,630 BankTr2.84 290 68% 67% 681/2+ V2 Horn &Hard 5 21 20>A 21 + 1/4 NtCask.l5b Z300 17% 17Va 17%— % Schiller .16 33 10 9V4 9V4 /4 Wang Labr 47 43*a 43%+ 'A WilsnCol.35 26 I6V4+ '.'2 104 14% 13% 14 — 1/2 7 19 3 Two years ago 78,475,620 BarberOil2( 18 43 41% 4!%— '/a Horn&H pf5 Z50 57'A 56V4 56Vz—I Nat Gen wts 183 9 /a V/A 9VA.. .. Science Mgt 36 36% 36'A 36V2— 1/4 WardFdswf 4% 4*B 4%.. .. WilsonCowt 119 4Vs 3 .4 3%— 'A Day|»nln .24 20% 20 20V2.. .. WardsCo .40 40 January! to date... 682,890,244 Bard CR .25 93 50Va 4BVs 48%-2% 278 Hoskin .80a 5 13% 13% 13%— Ve NatGnwtsn 572 5Va AVa 5 — Va ScientifcAtl 26 8Va 7>/2 10 W4 9%+ Va Wilsn Ph .50 45 9% 9 — Va 8VB— % 77/B— IA 1969 to date...;'....:. 708,990,330 Basiclnc.80 51 14'/4 14 + VA 160 8V2 8Va Host Entprs 24 12% 12 12 Natl Health 208 9V2 a 8V2— % Scope Indus 20 IOV2 97/B 10%+ i/a Watsco .16 10 5Ve 5 5¥a+ 'A Wilsn SG .60 111 16'.s 163/8+ '/4 30 2 1% 1%.. .. House Fab WeilMcL.50 34 297/B .1968 to date 708,492,216 BaSiclpf2V2 2100 39V2 39V2 " c Transit 91 33V4 31% 32VB+ Va Nat Ind wts 150 3 2VA 2%.. .. Scottys Hm 27 153/8 UVi 143/4— 1/4 30'A 30 — Vs Wil SpGdwt 84 4VB 4'A 4V4— VB Dear Com 112 20% 18V2 20 — % HouseVs .44 7 — Vs WeimanC 51 124 IOV2 7 Bates Mfg 87 10% 23 33 Va 31 /a 33Va+l Natl Radio 25 5 4% . .t, m, Scurry Rain 11 — 'A Winklmn.40 4 9 /8 97/a— i/a 8V2 9VB+ P 7 197 26% 25 26'/4+ % 10 BatesM pf 1 26 13'A DeJurA .30 14 8V2 8% 8Va— 1/4 Hubell A.96 14 30'A 29V2 29 /a— % Nat Rlty .80 15 15% W/e 8V2 Welded Tub 67 6% 6 6Ve.. .. WisPLpf4V4 61 61 — V/2 14V2 7 *??- S Sea Contain 70 8 8VB.. .. 3 7 Z90 63 Bath Indust 242 129 14V4 13 14%+ % Hubell B .96 50 30V2 29% 30'A.. .. Nat System 150 16 /a 14'A 14V2—2Vn s WellEn.lOb 32 9'/2 8 /4 8 /a— Vi 23V4 21'A 7/0 SbdAMII .30 22 9 8% 83/4— VB 7 Wolvern Ind 25 9'A 9 9 — Vs Bathl pf 21/2 Deltona CP 635 44% 40 43 +2% Hubbl pf 1% 5 45% 45% 45%+ VA NBO Indust 30 AVA 4% 4V2 Wentworth 11 4 33/4 3 /s— Va 32 55 52 Seab Ply .10 23 7% 7V4 7Vi— 1/4 7 Woodln.lSb 114 17 VA 15 17V4+2V3 BauschL .80 Deltown Fd 21 7 6V2 6%— VA Hud & Man 8 47'A 47 47V4— Vs NeedPak .20 11 Vs IOV2 WestChP .90 16 20 '8 20 20 — % 94 56'/2 54% Sealectro 20 8V2 8 7 Wool Lt .06d 5 U15 1114 Itl4— tl Baxter L .10 _,,. DepostCpla 7 24% 24% 24%+ % Hudsn Leas 23 23% 23Va 231*— % Neisner .20 16 15 WstlntHI.20 180 25 24 Vi 24 A— VB 545 32'/2 29% 7 i I 14. Searslnd.44 10 9% 9'A 9VA+ VI Work Wr.60 20 14% 14 143/4— 1/4 Footnotes 7 - Dero Resch 62 20% 19% 20 — % Huffman .60 % 3 7 Westate Pet 261 71/2 7%— % 3 Bayuk C .50 X48 12/B IIV2 11%—1/4 NellDn.20d 13 8'A 7% S'A 7 /i 21 12'A 11 — /s °Vj+ Season All 16 11% 10% 10 /4— /B 3 7 Wrather Cp 79 8% 73,4— 3/4 Deseret Ph 272 37 30 31%-2V14 Hunt Ch .24 54 45V2 40% 45V2+5 NestleL ,20g 249 4V2 4VB Westb Fash 246 6 /a 6 /a+ 'A 42 48V2 47% SecMtg .19d 266 19% 19 7 Wright Hrg 210 2t2 Itl5 2tl + tl 7 DetectoS .25 20 7V8 6V2 6V2— % HuskyOI .30 12V4 I6V4 127 4 /a 4 V2 4V2— VB Footnotes—New York Stock Exchange. jteatFaods 1 514 36 34 /a 103 IVA 11%+ Vs Newcor .90 3 16 16 — Seemn Bros 53 7'A 7 Wyandot In 33 6% 5% 6 + % HuyckCp .40 12% 25 16VB 15V4 15'A— l'A A!l sales in hundreds (00) omitted afffpdof4 3 97 Devon Apperl 52 38V4 36V2 37'A+ % NewEg Nuc 58 111/2 111/2— 11/4 SelasCp .40 25 14% 14'A 14it-''8 West Fir, Cp WyleLabort 206 6% 6'A 6V2— % except for those designated (z) which are ij£km IM Digital Eqpt 818 110 98 98 —4%Hycon Mfg 12 6% JI/B 6Va— 1/4 NHBallB.40 12 10% 10% IOV2— 1/4 ii3/!T 3/! Wst Nuclear 79 10'/i 9% 9%+ 1/4 138 43>/2 39% 42 +2 SelgLatz .80 7 11% 111/4 J Wyoms .06d 10 83/B— 'A ~ 60 12V4 12% 12%+ 1/4 7 3V4 7 1I-V4+ /4 \Westn Orbi_ s 94 6"a 5% traded In 10 share lots and carried in BectonD 30 579 54% 511/2 Hydromat 25 5V2 4% 4V2— /a New IdriaM 193 3 3 — 'ASequya Ind 5 /a 5V4 5%+ 'A A/Octrl n K!r 6 full. DIVIDENDS: are annual rate unless 49 5% 5V= S'A- VVA HydrSme I 7 157/B West Un Int 55 49V2 47V2 49'A+1% BeechAr .75 15 92 SVe 7V2 7 /a— V2 NewMex Ar 5 15% 15%— 1/4 Servisco .38 37 14'/8 13 13 —VA 7 8% 197 38V2 343/4 otherwise identified: (a) plus extra; fb) Beech Crici 790 23 14 12% 12 /8—VA Hydmtpf 60 X3 14'A 14 14 — VA New ParkM 188 7% 7%— 'A Servo Corp 29 5'/2 5V2+ VB Whltfrtr.Ma 37 +2'A XYZ— 26 61% 5% 4 7 paid last year; (c) payment on neicoPet 50 1171 297 % isv, 541/.—iss. 158 22*. 19V4 19V4—2% Hvarade Fd 29 35% 34'/4 35VB+ Va N Proc V/4d 69 56V2 59 +1 IBVB 9 8 /« 9 + Vi YonkRw .80 31 17 163/4 16%.. .. 29 /s 25'/2 Servotrnic 46 15=1.4 16 —1% 7 7 170 15% 14% 14*.— Va H™Fd pfA4 48V4 NYTime.60 31% WhitCab .50 14 11 Va 103.4 10 /a— 'A ZeroMfg .10 7'A 7%— /8 accumulated dividends; (d) declared or SeldaH 60a S9 3?% 2VA M 12 47'/2 48IA+ 'A 54 30% Iw it SetonCo.45 12 8V2 8V2+ Va 83 BVa 150 75 72% 73 —1% 5% 7 \° White Eagle 119 4% 4 4'A+ 'A 7 paid so far this year, no regular rate; Be||&Hli 60 2*0 I.I— NiagFS.07h 154 5 Shaer Sh 36 5 /B 5VA + ZimrHm .24 136 20% 19 20 /B+ VA 38 7 19 5% 7 3 3 ,(e) cash plus stock; (g) annual rate plus £2 intercn us N M S Indus 9 = 7 ? - 7/ Whitehal El 86 4 /a 10 6"e 11% IdealToy Cp 711 23% 20% 22%+2% 150 7 /a ,1 + f' Shahmoon 17 7 8 Via— Vi Zton Foods 5 .i 5 ,-4— 'A stock dividend; (h) paid this year—latest 5™ L™?., '!? 14 19'A Norf Sou Ry 18 15% 15 23 357 T & ^±% isrfss 17% 18%+ 7 If^T, ShattuckDn 53 5% 5% 5%— '/a dividend omitted; Hi per cent in stock; SfLVij* 1 «o -W7 D P A Incrp 15%+ /e Nortek Incp 7 29 VB 29 + % 124 7'A 6'A 6'A-l " World En 99 17V» 14% p 406 22% 20% SheffW.12e 128 9 /e 8'A 9V4— VB Driver Harr (k) per cent in stock paid last year; (q) f^S * 0,3 ,, 5VA gp 29 8Va 7% — 1/4 NA Mtg .42d 83 26 38 54 52'/4 52%+ % 5VA+2V4 317a 30'A 3VA— % 7Vo l/o OMCI VTU jricu inbankruptcy-receivershiporreorsaniza- BenFinlM 436 o* 205 Imoco G 10k 20 9% 8% NoAm Royl 30 7V4 6% 3 3 4 4tlO 4t7 4t7 + tl 428 2% 2 /4— VB .rion; {») capital distribution; (x) ex- £:? E "f2^ z™ Zi lmpCh.l7d 6t3 6t3 — t2 NASugar.BO 62 28'A 25'A + 7 60 13V2 12% 12%— Vi Z72 35 3% 3% ?B. Vt Sierra Pacif dividend; (wi) when issued. R?? £ Si,? S .2 „,,,, ,« 20Va 20%+ 1/4 No Can Oils 206 6tlO 6tl 13% Weekly mutuals ImprlOil .50 «i,~ 1/ Sierracin 36 14% 13%+ Ve 25 9% 9% 9%.. 60 6-la M FRACTIONS: (f) indicates following |™F #4 M 34 ff% f?/2 %/A+I'V, lmpTG.04d 2 2 Noeast Airl 5% *!'?T, ' SIFCO .50g 19 IOVB 9% 195 9% 8% Z350 57V2 g racion 32; (I) Ind Headwt 7'/2 7%— 1/4 NolPSpf4V4 56V2 57V2+1 Sigma I -50g 29 8% S'A 83/4— Va following figure is fraction in 64ths; (r) E.E— 45B Benguet Inc ID +1 IndPSiL pf4 55V4 55V4—VA NNwstlndwt Idtt 45B 6% 5% 6V3+ % signetCp 60 20 7% 7'A 7%.. .. following figure is fraction in 256ths) (t) 31 9Vi 8I/2 8V2— % 7 NEW YORK (UPiJ—Weekly Investing Ind Am 5.32 5.17 5.17 — .12 Berkey P 3k 13V4+1% Ind El Hard 2 /s 2%— Ve Novo Cp .80 .11 '£? '«.. WB-VA si|iconTran 67 8% 7% 7*8— % indicates following figure is fraction In 197 26 24'/2 24V2—1'/2 Companies showing the high, tow closing Integon 9.72 9.58 9.58 — .08 Bermec Crp 4%-% Inflt Pict2k 1V/2 12 — % Nuclear Am 192 3% 3% Simco St .20 34 5% 5% 53.4— VB 16ths. (H). indicates high for the year; 91 8% V/A 7'A—lVo bid prices and net chance from last InvC Am 12.11 12.32 12.39 Beth Stl 1.80 29%+ % Inlnd Credit 7'A 7V4— 1/4 Nuclear Dat 277 391/2 35% 7i. , ,. Simkinln.50 5 9'/2 9'A 9'/2+ 'A (L) indicates low for the year. 32 13% 12% 12%— % week's close as quoted by the NASD Inv Guid 9.15 9.00 9.09 + .09 43%+ % 8V! 9V8+ VA Nytronics In 756 7V4 7%+ V2 sjmp |n.25g 90 13V2 12 I3V2 + IV2 Inc. Big 3 Ind .60 50 141/2 14 14V2+ '/2 Instron Cp Inv Ind 9.80 9.61 9.61 — .11 78%+SVJ IOV4 IOV2— VA C Simplex Wtr 47 29 28 283*+ VB Higti Law Close Chg Inv Bos 1192 11.79 11.79 — ,15 ~~ Black D 1.20 10 28 27V4 28 +1 lnstrSy.75b 20 - 'A 48% 49 —IVB Offshore Co 11 27Vs 26% 27 + VA Sinclair V 2 Z540 27% 27 27 —VA Aberdn X2.07 2.05 2.05 INVEST GROUP: 26 6 5V2 5%.. .. IntCh&NucI NEW YORK (UPI)—Following is a BlfssLghlni 26%-V. Intl Control 10V4 11V2+ % OhioBrass 2 13 37% 25 IVA 10%— 1/4 ADMIRALTY IDSND 4.59 4.S2 4.58 + .07 I" 2 6 5% 5%— VA 23%—IVB Gwth 7.99 7.67 7.87 — .11 record of the stocks traded on the a|OckHR24 59V8-% 4V4 4%+ 1/4 OKC Cor .80 228 25 SkaggDr.40 50 24% 22V* IDSPr 4.54 4.44 4.54 + .11 D DC 9V8 10%+ 1/2 IntContrlwt 3 : Inc X3.S6 3.81 3.84 New York Stock Exchange this week. ' "-»* •« 40 +21/4 343 10% Okonite Co 15 9 8% 8 A— 9VB IVWt X9.52 9.48 9.50 BiueBell.20 19% 20%+ 'A !"JI Prot 10 2V/4 21%—11/4 SkycityStr5 73 7% 9VB + 1V3 Ins 7.66 7.79 7.B6 + .06 Sales(hds) High Low Last Chg. 77 21% Okonite wt 26 3'/2 3 Stock 18.46 IB.33 18.40 + .01 Bobbie Brks 13'/2.. .. 19% Int Strh .07d BVa 8V4+ '/a 768 16 18 +1 '4 Adv Fd 5.49 5.41 5.41 — .05 23%-% 946 21% OldTown Cp 21 7Vs 7 Select 8.84 S.S2 8.84 + .02 *.A Boeing C .40 12% 13%+V/a ntphoto Cp 11 Va IVA— 1/2 7% £Z Slick pf Wt 213 37% 33V4 37 /B+4VB Affil Fd 7.05 7.01 7.03 — .02 14 13'A 13V2— 1/4 40 104 13% Olla Indust 54 19VB 19V2— % 7 Var Pay 7.45 7.40 7.40 — .01 Boise C .25g 16% 18 +V/2 IntersUnCp IOV2 IOV2— % 20% SMD Ind .17 X85 8'A 7% 7 /a+ % AFuture 8.68 B.59 8.65 - .02 72V2 74 + VA 300 1BV4 109 109V2+ % Inv Res 4.55 4.50 4.50 Bondlndusl 7 Intersystm \AVA—V/I Ookiep4.20d Z950 110 Solitron .22 X308 34% 311/2 32 — 1% All Am 0.78 0.7B 0.78 58 8 /s 8% " <— 1/4 3 49 49%+ 1/4 34 lVa Originala.30 34 7 6% 6%— 1/4 Allst Eni 10.08 9.86 9.93 — .08 Book M 1.28 InvDvA 1.80 35% 34 g Sondr Bdcst 79 27 24V2 25 —1 /4 Ivy Fd 7.79 7.72 7.76 + .02 20 Va 70 10 8% 4VB 3%— Va 20VB— 1/2 Borden 1.20 InvDiv B.45 8%+ Vi Ormand Ind 59 3% SorgPap .80 27 15V> 14%—1 Alpha 11.12 11.02 11.02 — .OS J Hanck 7.62 7.54 7.54 — .11 11 18% 17V2 — % Amcap X5.94 5.63 5.83 24% 25 + % InvFund .60 17Va—1% OSullvan.50 21 8% 8V4 8%+ % . . Jhnstn 20.58 20.32 20.32 — .8! 9 19% 19 — 1/4 487 10% 8'A 9%+ % Am Bus 3.12 3.10 3.11 14VB+ Vt Bormans.80 13 13%+ % V —1/2 lnRoylt.!4a 5Vs+ 'A OverhdD .60 25 29 VB 28VB 001/b ife Soundesgn KEYSTONE: 101 6% 6V2 6 2 X35 23 Vi 22'A 22%+ % Am Div 9.92 9.B7 9.92 12Va— 1/4 Bost Ed 2.24 35% 36%+% IVA+2'A Oxford Elec 76 4'/2 4 4%J. % SCEdpf 1.30 Cust Bl 16.51 18.4D 18.48 — .03 23 9% 8% 9 V8 Iroqu Ind 2k 50 20 19'/2 20 + 1/4 Am Ex 8.91 8.33 B.83 — .07 *L \f Bourns Inc 17% 17%.. .. 7VB+ 1/8 Ox El pf .56 Z600 9 8V2 9 _L 7/B SCEdpf 1.45 7 CuSt B2 X19.68 19.26 19.28 52 10V4 9 1O'A+ % Irvinlnd5k Z550 27V2 26 26%— /a Am Grth 5.77 5.73 5.77 -r .04 10%— '/2 BraniffA .50 9% 91/4— % s c OxfdFirstSi 1346 19% 16'A 16V2-3./4 SCEdpf 1.40 Cust B4 8.86 3.83 8.83 — .03 58 7% 7 7%_ Va I indust 5v|Zi/* SCEdpf 1.02 1 13% 133/4.. .. Am Inv 6.32 4.18 6.IB — .12 44 — Va BriggsS 2.40 53% 54 —1V4 15 —IV2 Ozark Airlin 5V4 5 Cust Kl 7.84 7.76 7.76 — .08 265 19% 17 Ui/jj. yA ITEL Corp SCEdpf 1.06 36 14Vs 14 14 + VA Am Mut X8.43 8,38 8.41 Cust K2 4.99 4.91 4.91 — .03 39V8— Va BrisMyl.20 60% 62 + % 3%— Va '.P— Am Nat 2.92 2.91 2.91 + .01 219 22% 20% lvV-*% ITICorport 114— VH SCEdpf 1.08 36 14% 14VB 14%+ Ve Cust SI 17.63 17.43 17.43—15 11% 13V4+ % ir itMPf 2 42V4 43%+1% P8.F Indus 71 4V4 3% 3 Am Pac 7.21 7.19 7.19 7 2IA_ i/a ITICorprts J2 — J4 2 15% 15% 15 /4+ Vs 42 43 /a+T/2 BritPet 32d 66 2% 2% Pac Cst Prp 56 4% 4 4 _V4 SCEdpf 1.19 Cust S2 X9.78 9.71 9.71 11% 11%- 1/4 %3/A-i- Va ANCHOR GROUP: 125 7% 15 15 + i/4 South Rlty 110 8 7Va 8 + % Cu5t S3 7.40 7.30 7.30 . r. . 114V4 II8V2+5V2 BdwyHa'iel 37% 37%+ 1/4 7 5% 5%+ 1/4 PGEIPf 1.09 1 15 Cap Fnd 8.40 8.31 6.31 8 7VB 6%% 6 /s— VB Jaclyn .10d \6 So Royll.20 59 47 43 46%+2*% CuSt S4 4.82 4.71 4.71 —.03 Air Red.20d 1437 20% 18% 20%+l% BdwvHlpf2 40% 41 + % 7 ame w 2 k 17V4 17%.. .. PGEIpf 1.20 17 16 15% Fnd Inv 8.80 8.71 8.71 —.06 Apollo 9.03 8.93 8.93—09 l 12,^2 I8V2 17% 17 /a+ VB -i S V, . -lAi/^-'i/, Swst Forest 152 223% 21V4 22 Gwth 11.48 11.24 11.24 — .24 A J industrs 9~7 8"% 7"%' "7%'— "--••'% BrUnGsl.7- ?-2 26 26%+ % J e e G s 19% 21%—2% PGE5pf 1V4 7 16% I6V2 Polaris 3.89 3.79 3.79 — .10 137 17V8 15% 16'A— Va , *P ", ' Sowstlnv.70 9 13'A 13'/B 131/4— VA Inc 7.97 7.90 7.90 — .04 Ala Gas 1.10 47 17% 17 17V4-V* Brown Com 27 lOVa PG 5rpf 1V4 112 16% 16Ve 16%+ Va . Knikr 6.90 6.85 6.87 — .0! 9% 9%-% 11% 12 c alt 65 15'A 13V4 15 +V/2 Apollo 7.36 7.04 7.36 + .31 Alaska Intst 175 21% 20'A 20'A—11* 28 5% 5VB 5'A- VA ^jg"^? PGEpfA 1V4 16 17 16V2 16%++ %VB ?P!pi yy_? Knk Gth 9.62 9.42 9.42 — .22 e rs 16'A 18%.. .. 21VB— VB Spector Ind 37 7% 6% 7%+ Vt Asso Fd 1.27 1.25 1.27 + .01 AlbertOC .28 186 40% 38'/2 39V2- Va Bluebird In 6% 6%— EpkoSh .80a 10 15Va 151/a 15'/e.. .. ^|* . S"|! PGEIepf V/2 48 211/2 20% 3 Lex Gth 9.52 9.43 9.44 — .01 er v 6% 7V4+ % 27 11% ll'/B—1 /4 Astron 5.46 5.41 5.41 — .05 56 V/a 9'A 9'A— V2 Bluebird wt 2% 2%— i Equity Cp5i 409 4'A 4 4'A- VA ->, t '*.<:?*> PGEIepf 1% 27 18% 17% 18%— Ve Lex Res 15.11 15.01 15.01 + .05 Albertsn .36 3% 3V2— Vs 12 +1% AXE HOUGHTON: 977 271/4 24'A 27'A.. .. Bohack C 3k 20%-% EcjuityCp'f2 Z100 73 73 73 +1 •^1™".%',"? fP£E"!J 104 12'A Librty X5.84 5.77 5.77 AlcanA11.20 7% 8V2- 1/4 129 23V2 Fnd A 5.67 5.54 5.56 — .01 160 20 19 19%+ VB Botany Indu 71/2-lVa Eq Fnd .103 634 S2V4 49% 5VA+1% JohnsB Strs PacHold .60 21% 23VB+V/2 ipencrShoe 231 16% 15% 16%— VB Lite Gr 5.58 5.53 5.53—05 Alco Std .26 q Jupiter Crp 13% 13%+ 1/4 PcHolpfl.20 26 Fnd B X7.71 7.58 7.58 .... 67 24% 23% 24V4— V4 Bow Vail .10 -• - 8 5% 5V2 5V2.. 20% 19% 20%+lVs sSPInd.!2d 5 9VB 9 9'/e+ VB Lite Ins 7.58 7.56 7.56 Alexan ,30e 20%+ 1/4 Ernst EC 3i ] 3 Pac Industr 62 4% 4 A 4'A— Va stAllianc.60 4 17% 17V3 17 /4+ % Stk Fnd 6.21 6.18 6.19 + .01 Line Nat 9.95 9.85 9.85 — .14 AllegCp .27b 484 10% lO'/a 10%.. .. Bowmarlns 6%+l Ero Industr 32 10% lOVs Axe Sci 4.88 4.85 4.85 .... 34 32 29 29—3 Bowne .16 17V4+ 1/° Kaiserlnd2i 19V2 20%+1% PacLtpf4.3p 6 Z120 58 V2 54% 58V2+51/2 st Container 12 9% 9'A 9%+ VB Linfl Fd 4.12 4.08 4.10 — .01 .Allghpf .35d 25%+ % Esgro Inc 42 18% 17 2+ Babson 8.76 8.69 B.70 — .01 80 38 37 37%+ VB Bradford .60 8% "9 — % Kalvex .25d PacLtpf4.40 Z330 57V2 55% 57'/2+ StCoosa 1.30 21% 21% 21%— % LOOMIS SAYLES: All Lud 2.40 13%— % Espey Mfg 49 10 17%— Vs Beacon 13.58 13.53 13.54 — .07 16%—IV2 Kane Miller Pac Ltpf4V2 Z590 6OV4 581/4 40 + VA it "Drag .20b 51 IOV2 lOVa 10%— VA Can int 36.99 36.78 36.78 — .18 AllgLudpf3 37 45'A 44V2 45 Branch! .50 B%+ 1/4 Esq Radio 51 18% I6V2 Berger K 9.04 8.94 8.94 7 4V4— 1/4 KaneMillwt 7VB+ '/2 Pac Ltpf4% Z160 62'/2 61 62V2+1 StdDrpfl.6O Z150 2OV2 20V4 20V4— Va Cap Dv 10.56 10.46 10.46—11 AHg Pwl.32 336 22Vs 21% 21%+ % BrandRacl 27 /»+lV8 Essex Chem 66 4% 4'/8 Blair Fd 10.32 9.81 9.B3 — .29 3%.. .. Kaneb P .70 19%+ 1/4 PacNwTel 1 63 15% 15V2+ VB StdMetal 5k 68 5% 5V2 5%— Va Mut 13.64 13.75 13.75 — .01 852 24V2 23% 24VB— VB BranfCIA3k 9%.. .. EtsHoknCp 29 3% 3% Bnd Stk 6.16 6.13 6.13 — .02 Magna 8.17 8.14 8.14 — .01 Alld Ch 1.20 KaGEpf4>/2 57 —V/2 PacPwLpf5 Z275 66 63V2 65 +2 StdMotP .75 76 23 21% 23 +V/8 41 37% 361/4 37%— Ve Braniff wts Bi/i+ Vs Evans Arist 4 7V4 7Vs 7'A.. .. Bost St 7.73 7.67 7.67 — .05 Manhtn 6.42 6.28 6.26 — .04 AlliedMn .40 KatzDr .50 15 —IVa PacSavL .30 98 21% 20% 21 — % Std Pacific 64 10% 9V2 Bost Fdn 10.59 10-54 10.56 39 36'A 35'A 3«'A+ 1/4 Brascan la 14%.. .. Exectne .24 149 16Vs 13% 9%.. .. Mass Fd 10.33 10.22 10.22 — .08 •AlliedMI .75 Kauf8.Brwt 19Ve— % PacSAir wts 104 14% 13% 13'/2+ VB StShrs1.51e 15 28'A 27% Bost Fd 7.84 7.81 7.83 .... 265 23% 21Vi 21%—1% BraunEn.32 1914+ % Extndcare 444 31% 28% 29%+1 28'A+ 1/2 Mass Gr 10.75 11.63 11.63 — .10 AlfdProd.68 Kavanau .60 IOV2— 1/4 PallCorp.32 143 16 13 15%+2% Std Thomsn 13VB Broad St 13.07 12.94 12.94 — .08 im+V/4 Ka Jwl str 100 IVA 12%+ 1/2 MaSS Tr X14.62 14.46 14.46 AlliedPdpf3 2 52'/4 52 52 —1 Breeze Corp «Vfc_ i/B V 23 4%— VB Pantasote4i 6% 5% <>,+ '(f Stanley Av 31 5% 5Va 5%.. .. BULLOCK FUNDS: Mates 5.25 5.11 5.25 + .17 227 32>A 30V4 311A+ Va BriATB.23d 13 + %Fab Ind Inc 31 13V4 13 7V«_ i/ Kenton .32 53 Bulck 13.79 13.64 13.64 — .11 AII!edSt1.4O 8 21%— 1/4 Paramt Pac 9% 8V2 9Ve+ % stanrock Ur 224 2t3 2 2 Mather 11.47 11.39 11.39 — .01 IT30 54 53V! 531/4— V2 BriATR .34d 12%— % Fabien C .40 11 7Va 7 3 Cdn 19.20 18.94 19.70 + .24 AllledStpf4 ' Ketchum.30 21%+ VA Park Ch .30 8V4 8% 8%.. Stanwick Cp 45 4 3% 3%— 1/4 Mid Am 5.85 5.82 5.85 + .05 209 11 10% 10V4— VA Bro Dart 12%— VA Fabrics Nat 18 7% 7V4 Div Sh 3.57 3.54 3.54 — .02 AlldSup.lSh 23%—2 ParkElecSk 105 14V2 13 13%+ % stapMh.20d 15 17V4 16% 16%.. .. Mdy's Cp 12.56 12.44 12.65 + .08 146 241/4 23'A 23V4— % BrodyCo .16 4%— % FairNOI .04h 41 6% 5% a— Va Kewanee .90 Nat 9.69 9.86 9.B8 — .01 Allis Chalm 39 — V2 Parklne Hos 69 11% 10% IOV2.. .. star Sup .60 13 9%+ Va «•!«•= Fd 12.65 12.62 12.62 — .02 21% 21Ve 2VA+ 'A Brks Per .20 12 ++ % Fairmn.l2b 8 6 5% KewOil pf2 9% 9V2 NY Ven 17.99 17.66 17.66 — .04 AlphPC .10d 35 7 Parkwy Dis 35 13V2 12V2 12%— % stardst .12d 20 7% 7VB 7%+ Va 72V! 70 71%+VA BrwnFA.40 2 24%— % Falcon Sbd 25 9'/2 8% Key Comp Bus Fnd 8.00 7.94 7.94 — .02 NEA Mut 10.47 10.35 10.35 — .09 Alcoa 1.80 472 72V! 70 Parson RM 213 25% 23% 102 25'A+ % BrwnFB.40 17 6% 6V2 6%+ Keystlnd.60 9Va— Ve 24'/a— 'A statham Ins 27 24 24 —2% CG Fund 8.76 8.71 8.72 — .04 Nat Ind 9.72 9.64 9.64 — .13 AmalSgl.60 22 25V4 24V4 24% 25 — % FamRec .60 ParvnD .20b 206 46 14 — Vi BrwnFpf .40 44 22VB 20 20 —2 Kilemb.lSd 33 V2 30Va 30% + V/B steinHI .25g 9% 8% 9'/2+ % Capamer 7.81 7.76 7.61 + .06 Nat Inv 7.68 7.58 7.5B — .05 Ambac .50 161 14% 14 5% 5%+ Va Fanny .25d PatParP .36 24 2 23%— 1/4 B T B Corp 43 15 141/4 14%.. Kin Ark Cp 3'A— 1/4 18 —17%' 17Va—% Stella Indus 5% 5V4 5'A+ Va Cap Inv 3.88 3.83 3.81 — .06 NAT SEC SER: Amerac 1.20 77 241/4 23'A 7'/4 7%+ % FedMrt.40g PatoCn .20b 225 17 43 + VA BTUEng.28 302 6 5% 1/3 King Radio 9%+ 8% 6% 7%+ Va stepn Ch .48 22V2 22Va 22%+ 1/4 Cap Shrs 6.85 6.80 6.80 — .07 Balan xio.31 10.23 10.28 A Es pf 2.60 9 43% 42 13% 13%—IV4 Fed Resour 88 Cent Shr 11.38 11.29 11.35 — .01 26'A+ Vi Buehler Cp 29 9% 9 9 _ y2 KingsLf 1.44 29%+2% PeabGal3k 195 25'A 22% 23% + l'/a sterling Ele 7% 7 7V4— 1/2 Bond X5.33 5.24 5.24 Am Hss .07d 233 26% 25 7 5V4 5%— % Federal Inc 8 CHANNINS FUNDS: 62V2+ /e Buellln .10b 47 11 9% IOVB—% Kingsfrd.28 10%— Peei Elder 42 16Va 14% 14%—V/a sterl Ext .24 101/4 10 10V4— Va Divid X4.21 4.15 4.IB AHesspf3Vr 4 94 62'A 6OV4 .. 9iA 9%+ % FelmontOil 5VB— VB Balan 10.99 10.94 10.99 + .02 Pf Stk 6.57 6.51 6.57 + .03 107 28V2 27V2 28'A— 'A Kiny pfC.05 9%+ Penn En .60 189 12% 11 12%+1'A stIPrec .25b 133 5% 5'A A AirFilt.80 X807 54Vi 49% 51%+2% Bundy Cp 1 17% 18%— V4 Felsway .32 7 Com St 1.57 1.56 1.56 — .01 incom 5.25 5.22 5.24 + .02 10% 11'A— VA Kirbylnd.35 21%— PenobS .10d 19 7V2 6 /a 7 — 1/2 sternMtl .25 X28 15V2 14'A 14V2— % Am Airi .80 1257 27% 26'A 26%— % Burns W .60 44 44 — 1/2 Fibrebd wts 57 11% Gwth X5.49 5.41 5.41 Stock 8.12 8.05 8.10 + .03 8V4 8%+ VA Kit Mfg CO 13%.. Pentron Elc 79 4 3% V/a— Vi sternco Ind 94 29'A 28% 29V4+ % 82 13V2 13 13VB— % BurrJP -05b 4 4 Fields Plast 38 8% 3 7 Incom 7.23 7.18 7.23 + .03 Gwth 9.04 8.95 8.95 — .02 Am Bakeres 11%— % KleerVuind 7 PepBoys .84 14 29% 29 29 — VA stopShop .90 372 30 2a /4 29 /a+ % ABrand 2.10 515 34 32% 33'A— % ButlerA .05d 12% 13%+ % Filmwy.20b 145 13 11% 3 Sped 2.46 2.42 2.42 + .02 Nel Gr 9.28 9.17 9.17 — .07 14 —VA KleinertCo 33 —1 Pepcom .40 2 13'A 13'A 13V* + Va STPCorp.40 510 44 40% 42%+1 A A Brest 1.20 213 34 32% 33'A— % Buttes Gas 15% 15%— % FiltrDy .01b 30 151/4 14 7V2+ '/a CHASE BOSTON: Neuwth 21.47 21.19 21.38 -i- IB 16%— VB PEPI Incop 57 37% 36 37V2+VA struth Wells 54 7% 7V2 Cap 7.75 7.62 7.62 — .11 Am Can 2,20 514 41 39VB 4OV2— Va ByersA -15d 91/4 91/2— 1/2 FinCpSB .20 16 20 18% 1 New Wld ..... X12.23 12 18 12.21 16% 16%—1% PetrieSt.45 13 28V2 28 28 — VA stylon Corp 351 24 19'A Fnd Bos 10.20 10.05 10.05 — .13 A Can pf 1% 52 26% 25% 26V4+ 1/2 FinlGenl .24 100 151/4 15Va Newton 14.45 14.34 14.34 — .06 If*- * SMS 26V3 29V2+2% Permanr Cp 183 18 16% 16V2—1% SummitOrg 115 7'A 6'A 7 + % Front 87.13 85.96 85.96 — .90 Neast IT.... 15.07 15.02 15.03 AmCemt .60 224 14VB 13'A 14 + % Cablecom 10% 10%—1% FstCorm.80 9 15% 15Va 4 19V2 191/2—2V2 Phil Tel .90b 172 St Bos X10.70 10.59 10.62 Ocean 6.73 6.68 6.68—10 A Chain 1.60 27 2B'A 27% 27%— % Caldor In5k 1714 IB —1/2 ^-^Kyr?n 4°0 Va m 16 6% 6% 6%— VA First N Rlty 207 5% 4V2 PhillScr.20 147 2u ,SS 19 +«i |«nA.r Sped 8.71 B.65 8.65 — .01 Omega 7.19 7.09 7.09—01 A Credit .90 25% 25%— % Cal Comptr 26% 26i/4—l% 130 26'A 2S'/2 26 — Vi 68 26V4 First NRws 79 3 2Vz 5'A 5V2— % Phoenix Stl 312 Chem Fd 17.41 17.27 17.27 — .09 100 Fnd 14.09 14.04 14.05 — .02 AmCISgl.40 24V8 24Va- 12% 14V4+1V4 & 15 5V4 4% 4%— 1/4 17 241/4 CampbChib 2559 14% + FstS Ln .10d 16 17% 16V2 14'A 14'A—2Va Piasecki Air IB 6V4 1% 5 %3vt~-08S COLONIAL FUNDS: 101 Fnd 9.40 9.37 9.40 + .02 AmCSpf4'/2 30 10% 10% 1O'/4— Va 29 16Va 15'A 15V4— % Col 10.82 10.77 10.78 — .05 Z10 58V2 58i/4 58V2+V/2 CampMh.30 FischerPtS! 190 2VA 18% 9 9 — Vs Pickwick In 124 45'A 42% 43V4—1% fu Surgical One Wm 14.73 14.52 14.52 — .18 AmCyan VA 886 28 27VB 27%— '/a Cdn Ex Gas 468 512 4t10 4tl1+ tl 8 — Va Suprscope 124 26% 23% 243*—2% Eqt 4.26 4.20 4.20 — .05 Fishman.40 120 15 14 3% 3%.. .. Pierce G.40 9 8V2 O Neil 12.42 12.26 12.26 — .06 Am Distil I 7 20% 20V4 20%.. Can Gridoil 52 BV4 8 8%. FleetEnt.16 X627 24% 22%24%+l% 19%+ iA Supromcs C 18 4% 4 4 — VB Gwth X6.O3 5.79 5.79 Opph 7.13 7.10 7.10 — .04 ADsTel .10d 30% 30%— Va Pio P lastic 62 2OVs 19V4 228 30 28% 29'A + Cdn Hmsted 265 10 9t2 9t2 — t9 jl3fe-i- i/4 Susquehn Cp 199 1V/2 10%— Vs Vent 5.88 5.B4 5.84 — .03 OTC Sec X10.90 10.57 10.57 Flight Safty 70 22% 21% LangleyCp 4% 4%+ 1/4 PionSyst2k 115 111/2 10% AmDual Vst 45 10 9'/2 CdnHydr .20 15 13% 12%12%-% 20Vs— 1/2 Susqhanpf 1 38 14% 14 14'/!.. .. Colum G 12.61 12.48 12.48 — .16 Pace Fd 9.64 9.56 9.56—12 Fla Capital 36 4% 4Va La Pont .20a 14V2 14%— Va PittDesMn 1 6 20% 2OVs ADul pf .84a 19 13 13 + Va CanlnP 1.80 23 28V4 27% 27%+ % 11%—VA SutroM.61d X123 18% 17 17V4— % Com Fd B.99 8.94 B.94 — .04 Penn Sq X7.92 7.B8 7.89 12% Flowers Ind 24 13 11% LaSalleDch 13V8 13%— Va Pittway .60 55 4VA 40Va AmElecl.64 1247 31% 31%+ % Cdn Javelin 1045 16 14'/4 9%— 'A Synalloy 5i 62 8% 8 e>A.. .. CmSt Fd 4.83 4.79 4.79 — .02 Penn M 6.79 6.5B 6.58 — .22 Am Enka 1 30% 15%+% Fluke Jon3i 9 9% 9% Leader Intl 7 7VB— VS PittWVa .54 79 7% 7% 7iL_ 61 32V4 31% 32'A+l Can Marcon 100 4>/2 4 4%+ % Foodrm .30 12'/2— 1/2 7V.+ Va Syntex .40g 1116 36V2 33%35'A + l COMMONWLTH FUNDS: Phila Fd 13.90 13.71 13.71 — .23 Am Export 34 12% 12V2 Leasco D wt 7% 7%—1 PKLCOinc 139 8V4 7Va Pilfirm 9.03 8.93 8.93 — .05 132 15 13 13%—IV* Cdn Sup Oil 117 30 Vi 29% 30VB+ % an' 2 Z3070 56'A 55% 56Vs+ 'A 36V4 36%— % Cap 8.73 8.58 B.5B — .15 AmExp pf 6 ForcFordl CCan 2 191/2 19'/2— % Plant Indust 238 28% 24 27%+2V2 Inc 8.98 8.94 8.95 .... Pilot 7.39 7.35 7.36—01 62V2 63Va + l% Canavral3k 54 8 7 LeeE n d T.T— Am Gen .50 Z850 63Vi 7%-% For City .25 29 23 2VA 2T'A-1% N ,U^ b 9 10VB+ Vi Plaza Grup 72 17% 15V2 16 —VA Inv 8.60 8.55 8.55 — .04 Pine SI 10.84 10.77 10.81 311 21 19V4 20%+ CanogaInds 74 5% 5V4 5V<— 'A porestLb 2k 160 23 20% 20%-lV. LeeNt 13Vib Tamar Elec 19 4'A 41/4 4%+ VB AGn pf 1.80 lBVa 18Vs— VA Plume Atwd 39 12 11 as k 8 Sti; X8.5B 8.51 B.51 .... Pion Fd 11.59 11.50 11.57 + .06 97 31% 30% 31%+ 'A Caplnd.l6d 154 46% 44 44 — % FourSeasns 968 49% 44'/2 47 +2'A h^'EVniS 10% 38 16'A 15Va 16'A-t- '/a COMMONWLTH TRUST: Pion Ent 7.05 6.85 6.65 — .18 Am Hoist .70 Le P Md 18% 18%.. .. Ply Gem3i 17 9% wv*i% T !yA! - 223 15% 15% 15%+ % 14 +2 FklnMnt.10 425 41% 37 39%+2 !9" - 18% 17V2 17%+ Va Planned 10.60 10.41 10.41 — .11 Am Horn 11/4 Career Acd 3761 15% 11% Leisure Tec 22V» 22%+ 1/2 | A.06h 5V2 Va Tech Afoam A&B 1.3B 1.37 1.38 + .01 1026 67 63V2 FrankR .16d 9V4 P yRb 2 5% 2VA 19>/2 19%—1% C8.D 1.61 1.60 1.61 PRICE ROWE: A Home pf 2 Caressa Inc 45 11% 1078 10%— % 18 9'/2 Lenox Inc 1 48 48VB-2VS p| .06h 4% Techn Oper 14 99 95V4 9B'A+2% FranksN .60 22 18'A 1714 18V4 + 1V4 yRDB 2 4% 4%.. .. 6 51/2 6 > VA Comp As 13.44 13.19 13.19 — .07 Gwth 24.0B 23.75 23.75 — .IB AmHosp.24 Carnatn 1.60 62 113% 111% 112V4+VA Lerner .30d PneuSca .80 Tech Tape 37 —3% 7tl3 8t4 t6 2 14% 14% 14%— % 19'A 16% 18 +1% Comp Cp 7.40 7.33 7.33 — .05 NW Era 9.69 9.59 9.63 + .04 Amlnvsi.10 4468 41% 35 8 14% 141/4 14%+ VAFrench Petr 329 8tl1 Lerner wts Technclr .40 «i*_w. CarPline.72 21%.. Pneum Dyn 78 12% 12 12Va— Va 11% IOV3 10%— % Comp Bd 8.56 8.52 B.55 + .02 Nw Hor 25.75 25.49 25.62 + .16 A M F.90 131 15V4 Z260 70% 69V4 69'/2+ 'A FresnIII.IOd 15 21% 20% LeslieF .40g Technitrl In 22V4. 20% 151/4— % carPwLpf5 5% Polarad El 73 5V2 4% 5 — 1/4 12% 11% 12Va+ % Comp Fd 9.22 9.17 9.19 — .01 Pro Fd 9.88 9.84 9.84 — .04 , - AMetCx 1.40 610 2 V 10 22 21% 21%+ % Friend Fros 22 6V2 7 Levin Town 7% Poloron P 5i 109 16 15VB }•>%— V* Telefle p xmp .40t Comstk 4.84 4.B1 4.81 —.05 471 37% 361/4 l,± v Castle A.80 10 12 IVA 11%+ % Te! rO 96 87 88%—6 /8 Providt 4.51 4.48 4.51 + .02 148 7'A 6V4 6%— % FrierUnd.30 Levitz Furn % Concrd 13.46 13.24 13.34 — .04 93% 3 A A IP/a.. .. 280 46 44'A 44V4+ JA po|ychm 5k 30 n 10 >£,, Tenna Corp 10% 9iA 9V4— % Puritan X9.86 9.74 9.74 > •aAmMtClpf4 49 91V4 J tJ Castletonlnd 197 22 18% 20%+2'A Frontier Air 65 7V4 6% Libty FabSi p Cons Inv 11.00 10.B7 10.87 — .13 11% 20 10% 10'A 10%+ VB pO|ymer li Z250 10V4 10 6V2 6'/B 6VB.. .. PUTNAM FUNDS: i 1" Amer Motor 2457 10V4 931^+3 cavftron Cp 111 4VB 3V4 3%—24, FrontAlrws 10 4V8 3% Liberty Lsg Tenneco wts 39% 64 11Va 10'A 1V/B+ % Potter Instr 713 42% 5% 51/2 57/B+ Va Cnsum I X3.9B 3.93 3.93 Equity 8.44 8.31 8.39 + .06 AmNGs2.10 471 37% 11 + VA CBK Agro 90 11 9 9%—1% G %£ 3StS TennyEng ConMt In 8.34 8.26 B.34 + .10 Geo 13.62 13.51 13.51 — .05 1 1 7 IVA IVA IVA- Vi prairieOilR 50 11% 10V4 t APhoto .Q6d 645 11V4 10% 37VB—VA cellu Craft Z330 45'A 45 '45V2+ 'A Gabriel fnd 33 ii 'IOIA 10%--A K!. ;*™ ?* WA-V4 TensorEwp £ 6% 5% 5%— 1/2 Contrail 9.20 9.12 9.17 — .01 Gwth 9.81 9.73 9.73 — .02 92'A LrlyLynn In 33 IVA 10'A 11%+ % Pratt Lam 1 13 15 14% n 7 AmRes .06d 641 83% 11 — % CenMpf 3i/4 150 54 53 V4 53V2— \fa Garan In .36 46 9% 9V2 14%— A Term MrHdi I5kk lAf268l 8 /8+ VA Corp Ld 14.41 14.24 14.38 + -08Inc X7.79 7.65 7.66 221/4 409 6'A 5% 5'/a— Va pren H) u 157 49% 48Va 49%+ Amer Seat 1 16 851/4— % CenPwLpf4 32 19% 18% 18%— % Garland .60 37 9'/* Tesoro Pet 46 32% 31'A 31iA—l*B Cntry 12.21 12.06 12.06 — .17 Inv 7.06 6.94 6.94 — .06 22 2 6'A 6'A 6'A— Va presR A .80 3 12% • Am Ship .60 69 21% 21%— % Cn Sec 2.15d 28 V4 22 22 —8 Gate Spt .20 48 12% K 5%+% tJXS^ 64V4 62% 64V2+3'/2 Cwn Dal 9.4B 9.29 9.29 — .22 Vista 8.97 8.72 8.72—16 127 67 3'A 3'A 3Va— 'A presR B 80 34 13V4 19% 19%—2V4 Cent El .60g 4VB— % Gaylords .30 32 11% 7VB 6V2 6%— % Cwn Div 6.23 6.21 6.21 — .04 VOyg 7.64 7.43 7.43 — .09 A Smelti.90 1341 36'A 23 4% 4VB Loehmns.32 24 18% 18'A 18%- % Preston .28b 12 34V4 34 + 1/3 CenGeophy 9%+ V4 G C A Corp 43 18% 17T% 17%.n%T. vt LSSSS 8 n 9 16% 16% 16%+ VB DeVsh M 64.00 63.77 63.97 — .07 Rep Tech 4.37 4.32 4.33 + .03 ; AmS Afr .70 270 42 71 10% 9% X ii LoewsThwt 879 16 14'A 14%—V/2 |erS.50d 54 18% Decatr 11. J8 11.25 11.27 + .01 39% 41 +IV2 Centryln.24 8 + i/a Gearhrt .24 39 13% 12% PrO ™ "%-% ;«T?n r 136 7% 6% 7VB+ Vs Revere 11.18 11.11 11.11 — .08 , Am Stand 1 704 36'A 12 8'A 8 21 9% c P DelaFd 12.19 12.14 12.14 — .08 351/4 35%— VB Certified Cp 16 Gen Alloys 11 5 4% ™Vt— V4 Logistics In 63 5% 4% 5 — % provGas .64 18 11% 11% 111/4+ VB Rose L M .. .. 6.71 6.63 6.63 — .07 • AmStdpf4% 124 102 236 IBV4 14% 276 15% 9V4 9'A.. .. Thorfre.30d Delta 7.84 7.78 7.81 — .09 Salem 5.45 5.41 5.41 — .04 AmSterii .48 33 99V4 99%+VA Certron Cp 9 — yj Gen Battery 138 16% 15% 16V».. .. Longines.20 40 44 43V8 43'A—% PruRes.30d 13% 14 -1% fhriftimrtl 13 17% 17% 17V4— 1/4 21 9% 9 85 24% 23'A 24V4+1V4 MA Comp Dwot 5.81 5.70 5.76 + .08 Schustr 15.15 15.06 15.06 —.04 A Sugar 1.60 111 24V4 23% 23%— 'A ChadMI -05d 18% 20 + 'A Gen Buildrs 73 8% 8'A 8'A— % Louis Shery 47 3V2 3% 3'A+ 'A Prud Bid .24 T 75 2V2 2V4 2%.. .. 247 20% 20% 20'A 2OV2— 'A PrudFnd .10 71 20'A 19'A •"»>-— "• -"^ •"-*? Drexel 14.67 14.44 14.44 — .19 SCUDDER FUNDS: A Sugpf 2.65 3 326V9 4 25 25%+ % ChampH .16 29 4Vt,.. 3% 4—1/4 Gen Cine .32 30 36% 35V2 351/2— 'A LaGasS 1.02 7 242 30% 26V2 Dreyfus 11.7B 11.68 11.68 —-07 int Inv 15.B2 15.67 15.82 +.15 6% 5% 5%.. .. PubCOP.lSd 119 8Va 7% /VA— 'IB TolEdpf4V4 ASugr pf.68 3B'A 39 Charan Ind 9 12V* 11% 12V»+ l/* Gn Empl .24 125 14% 13% 14 — % LSB Indust 41 5 Z300 59% 59 59 — 1/2 DryfS Lv 12.33 12-22 12.24 + .01 Spec 32.87 32.71 32.71 — .07 30 Z150 59V2 58V2 AmTg.T2.60 9V4 9'A.. .. ChatGas.64 209 IOVB 9V4 9%+ % Gen Interior 76 9% 8'A S'A—VA LTV Aro .80 207 13 12V4 12%+ % PS C0lpf4'A »£+l Tonkacp.40 169 25'A 24 25'/2+l% EATON ft HOWARD: Bal 14.94 14.77 14.77 — .18 3061 531A 51 7% 6V2 7 AmWatr .56 51% 52 —V/s Chelsea .24 2 28'A 2sy2 28V2— 'A Gen Plywod 72 7% 7 7 — %% LTV Aro wt 142 4% 4 4Va— Va Puritn Fash 6%— /B TOO| RB,gng 463 18'A 16'AnVa+V/A Bal X9.83 9.72 9.72 wm 10.28 10.09 10.09 — .15 43 10 8 12% 12 AWatrpfVA 1420 9% 10 + i/s Cherry Burr 6 31 30'A 30%+ % Genge Indst 110 44% 411* 42%+l% LTV Electr 86 5% 5'A 5V2+ VA Putnams.34 12 — iA Torin c 1Oe X13 29% 26%26%— % Gwth 12.31 12.21 12.21 — .05 Sec EQ 3.3« 3.18 3.18 — .05 17'A 161/4 11 19% 18% 171/4.. .. ChRiv 1.60a 1075 16% 15V4 15'A—% GeniscoTec 25 S'A 4% 4%—% LTV Lin Alt 77 4% 3% 4'A.. .. Py!eNatl.6O Towns.C .20 129 10'A 9'A Income X5.99 5.91 5.91 Sec In F 7.43 7.37 7.43 + .05 AWtr pr VA H420 16%15% 25 ll'A 11 1VA+ 'A 16 + % ChrlstnaOil 320 7% 6% 7 — VB GerberScIn 135 27% 21% 26%+3% LTV LA wts 44 2'A 2 2 — Va PyrollCp.24 . TransLx .60 153 17% 15% 17 + VA Spec Fd 9.K 9-28 9.28 — .08 Sel Am X9.45 9.35 9.35 AWtrpfl.43 Z1560 2VA20V4 20%+ VA cinerama Stock Fd X13.37 13.16 13.18 292 26% 26Va 26V»— % G F Ind Inc 407 5% 3'A 4%+ % LTVAIpf .80 20 7% 7 7%+ VA TranWA wt 129 11% lO^A 10%— % Am Zinc Co 14 16%I6V2 16V4— % Circle K .40 .R Eberst 13.21 13.1! 13.12 — .05 119 53% 49% 52 +21/4 Giant Fd .50 25 23'A 23'A 23'A+ 'A Lundy Eltrn 21 12% 12'A 12'A— VB Trnsaio.02b 59 71/8 6 6%+ VA Sel Spc 14.95 14.81 14.88 + .07 Ameron .60 65 23V4 21 23'A + V/2 CircuitFI3k 34 5V4 5 5VB.. .. Egret 12.36 12.28 12.28 — .07 Sh Dean 18.45 17.83 18.45 + .28 10 14% 14%—% GlantYel.40 235 9t9 8tl3 9t2 + t2 Lynch Corp 28 5'A 4% 4%— 1/4 Ramer Inds Trans Carib 71 4% 4 AVa.. .. Ametek .60 217 15V» 15%— % CitlznFCl .32 15'A 381 6V2 5% 6 — V4 Emerg 6.91 6.81 6.81 + .06 Side Fd 9.B5 9.78 9.76 — .05 14 9'A 91A— VA GllbrtCo .10 18 7% 7 7—1/8 n I M RapdAmwt Trnsogrm 20 I4V2 13% 14 — Va Amfac In.80 124 46% 45V4 46V4+1 CityGsFI .50 9% 156 8V4 7V4+ 1/4 Energy 12.75 12.64 12.60 — .10 Sgma Cp 9.26 9.21 9.21 — .03 21 106 24V3 22% 24V4+ % Macoldlnds 37 4'A 3% 4 + 'A Rath Packg 6% Tri Pac .15b 73 23 21% 21%—IVa AMK Cp .30 389 26% 26i/B 26'A.. .. Clark C.05b 6 5% 51A— 'A Gilbert Flex 26 13 12% 121/2— 1/4 Ent Fd 7.45 7.36 7-36 — .11 Sgma In 10.58 10.51 10.52 — .07 177 17 2VA 20% 21 — Vs MacrodyCh 392 6Vi 5% 5%— 'A Ray Resrcs Tr? Cont wt 2 66V2 66'A66V4+1 Equity ...... B.67 B.62 B.62 — .03 AMP Inc.58 846 54% 52Vi 53%+lV4 Clarkson In 19'A 17'/4 17%.. .. GL Indus 5k 15 10'A 9% 9%% + 'A Sgma Tr 8.63 6.59 8.59 — .03 15 239 10% 8% 9%— % Magna Oil 145 5% 5'A 5'A— VA RayPrec .40 TriStMot 2k 50 9'A 8'A 9Va+ Va Eqt Gr 17.70 17.53 17.53 — .03 > Ampex Cp 821 37% 35Va 35VB—VA ClarostatM 7 6% ff/t— Mr Gladding Cp 27 6'A 5% 6 — 'A Smith B 9.26 9.19 9.19 — .01 44 43 7% 7V4 7%.. .. MePSv1.16 11 16% 17'A+ 'A Reading Ind Tubes Mex 86 3t4 2tl5 2tl5— t6 Essex 15.57 15.18 15.18 — .35 Swstn Inv 8.41 8.34 8.41 + .04 Amsted 2.40 85 39'A 37% 39Vi>+ i/4 Clary Corp 7% 7 7—'A Glasrock Pr V Realm 1.20a 53 20'A 19'A Amtel In.32 30 12% 12'/B 12%.. .. ClopayCp4i 37 13'A 12% 12%— % GlenGry .50 50 11'A 1014 10%— V4 Mallory Rd 210 6'A 5% 2 ^viiv4 TycoLaborf 339 15'A 13'A 13%—1% Everst 12.53 12.45 12.51 + .06 Sw Inv Gw 7.11 6.94 6.94 — .16 2VA+ 1/4 RealEq.25a 70 10 9V2 Fairflfl 10.55 10.47 10.47 .'Anacon 1.90 967 30V4 28% 29'A— Vfe C M I Corp 135 27% 24'A 25 —1% GlnDiSt.lOd 41 15% 15 15'A+ % MamMrt.28 47 2VA 2VA U.U- Sovr In 13.41 13.29 13.38 + .01 57 21% 20% 20%— % Rlty Eq wts 13 7'A 7 7 Fm Bur 10.59 10.46 10.46 — .09 -Anchor Hoi 126 38V4 36'/2 37%— 1/4 CoburnC .30 20..4. 5_.%_ 5 51/2+ % Gluckin Co 12 4% 3% 3%— y2 Manag Data Udico Corp 12 6% 6% 6%+ % Spectra 8.32 8.17 8.17—05 IOVA— % RltylTr.30d 136 14% 13% 14%+ % Fed Grttl 12.96 12.78 12.78 — .12 St Farm 5.08 5-05 5.05—01 AncorpNtli 35 19% 18'A 18V4— % CofMat .15d 62 16% 15% 15%—% Gofdbiat.36 8% 8V4 g%— VA Mangels .30 20 ll'A 10% u pp Cor 76 7 6%— 'A 20'A— 'A REDM Corp 50 4% 4V4 AMAV.— % P Fid Cap 11.25 11.19 11.19 — .05 State St X45.00 44.50 44.65 t 37% 37V4 37V2-. .. CohuEIC.15 262 11% IOVB 10%—VB GoIdfieldCp 343 3% 3% 3%.. Mangurian 114 2VA 20% ™ Unexcel tnc 167 8% 7% 8 — 'A ,A,dClyti.2O 16%+ Va Reeves inds 153 4'A 3% 4 + V4 Fid Fund 15.16 15.09 15.10 — .06 STEADMAH FUNDS: 111 21% 20V4 20%+ VA Cole Drg .25 45 13'A 12V4 13%+VA Goodwy Inc 41 14V4 13% 13'A— MansTr .50 X38 16% I6V2 UnionFin6k 24 11% ll'A ll'A— 'A i ApacheC .25 12%— % Reeves Tele 232 6% 6% 6%+ % Fid Trnd 22.97 22.60 22.60 — .32 Am Ind 9.67 9.53 9.53—13 r ApcoOil 4i 121 34% 33'A 33%— % ColeNatl .44 43 17 16 16 — % Gorinlnc.50 34 9% 9 Marlndq .60 X51 13% 12V4 % % UnionGs .52 x63 13'A 13'A 13'A.. .. ;/4— % Rellnsu2.20 Z6150 29'A 28 29V? + V4 FINANCIAL PROGRAMS: Fidcy 6.50 6.46 6.46 — .02 ' A P L Corp 104 25'A 24% 24%.. .. Colecoln.08 X2B 19% 1B% 18%— % Gouldlncwt 112 7 6% VA Marlen .05h 67 7'A 6V4 Unlnvest.70 6 13% 13% 13%+ 1/4 44% 431/4 44 +1 Remco Ind 12 10'A 9% 10 — 'A Dyn 6.12 6.04 6.04 + .01 SCi Gr 4.00 3.88 3.88 — .13 APL pf B .50 6 18% 18'A 18'A— 'A coleman .40 54 34'A 32% 34V4+ Vt Granger As 61 5% 4V2 MarleyC .40 83 UnionSt.lOd 17 13% 13 13 — 1/4 43 35V4 35'A—-5'A Rem Ar .80 56 14'A 13% 14V4+ % Ind 4.03 4.00 4.01 STEIN ROE FUNDS: APLpf C 1.06 5 20'A 19% 20 — % colonISS .30 53 9'A 8% 8%— 'A Granit M 3k 70 18 17%— vi Marshal !nd 897 UnAirP .50b 34 12'A IVA 11%+ % Bal 18.90 18.68 18.68 — .19 10% 10 10%+ Va RescCott.08 657 46% 41 43%+3% Inc 6.14 6.08 6.0B — .07 Aqua Chem 149 59 58V1 58'A—V* Comb Equip 87 27'A 25% 25%—l'A. GrassV Grp 56 14'A 13'A 14'A+ 'A Masland .40 65 Un Asb .07d 135 4t2 3tl4 3tl5— t3 Vent 7.64 7.47 7.47 — .07 Cap 8.87 8.78 8.7B — .09 17% 16 16'A—1% Reserve Oil 253 9% 8% 9%— V4 .. 'A-RA Svc .96 161 108 106 106 —2 Comincl.40 53 27 261A 26%.. .. GrayMfgCo 39 OK 9%—% Maul Bro .20 40 7 Utd Board 26 5'A 5'/B 5'A+ 'A 1st Inv Ds 8.14 803 8.03 — .03 StocK 13.30 13.11 13.11 — .15 15 13% 13%—VA ResistflxCp 94 7 A 7% 7V4— % 69 38 37 37 — 'A Commt Alii 27 7% 7 7 — % Gt Am Ind 362 3% 3% 3% Maule i .50d 19 U Dollar .42 46 14% 14'A 14%.. .. 1st F Va 10.25 10.13 10.13 — .12 Sup Inv 6.90 6.81 6.86 + .04 Arcata .03d 9% 10 1 ArcatpfC 2 i 5VA SOiA 5VA— 'A ComMt .60s 33 21V4 20'A 20%— % Gt Bas Pet 162 4% 41/4 41/j— i/i McCrory wt 39 9 81/3 8'A—'A Resortlntl A 252 10% UnFoods In 1009 4% 3% 4%+ VB 1st In G 8.88 8.67 B.67 — .13 Sup Insm 9.59 9.49 9.49—01 21 58% 57% 58 kes 304 13 12% 12'A.. .. McCr n wts 166 9% 8% 8'A— % Resortlntl B 15 13% 12% 12%-^A utd Nat Inv 289 5% 5%+ 'A Fst Multl 8.86 8.7B 8.7S — .05 Syncro 9.90 9.71 9.71 — .25 ArchDnl.60 Commd .02d 121 11VH 9'/» 1VA+V//t* gli£ "l 178 22% 21V4 20% 19% 20V4-. .. McCulCp5k 400 36'A 34% 35'A+ % RestAs.07d 1204 9% 10 —2% unNtllnvwt 2% 2'A Fst Nat 7.N 7.22 7.23—05 T W R A-J 16.53 16.03 16.03 — .13 Ariz PS 1.08 22 ComPSv VA 13 24% 23% y* Greenm Bro 13V4 13%—% 25 15 14% 14VB—VA McDono.l5d 57 17% 16% 17'A— 'A Rex Noreco 91 20 16% 19%+2% utdNtpf.70 8% 8'A Fst Sierr 42.87 42.05 42.76 — .10 Tellers 9.08 9.01 9.01 — .09 ArlanDS .20 176 14'A Compoln.36 46 16% 15% GreerHylb TKhnlc 5.98 5.84 5.93 + .16 571 26% 26 24'A— Vt 71 12% 11V4 nvj—1 Means FW1 8 18% 18 18'A+ Vs RH Medical 176 13% 11% 12'A+ % u PDye.20d 12% 12'A 12VB— iA FletChr C 6.74 6.64 6.64 — .10 ArmcoS1.60 Com Des .70 10 10 V4 GreyhC .20b 7 Tech Fd 7.18 7.14 7.14 — -02 42 10% 141/i 141/2 MedcoJwl A 16 6 5>/4 6 + 'A RIC Intl tnd 382 11% 10'A 10%— 1/3 utdRefng.15 12V2 11% 11 /B— VB Fletchr F 5.98 5.94 5.98 + .03 ArmSpf2.l0 355 29Vi 29 29i/B.4s"j.l IA, CompuDyn 5VB Grtesdk.25d 1 141/3 Tmpltn 25.20 25.04 25.04 — .29 45 113 5% 26% 27 _ VA MemCO.36d 27 14% 14% 14'A— 'A Richford In 25 8% 8 8%— 'A us Ceramic 8V4 8 8 -1/4 Fla Grth 6.43 6.36 6.38 + .03 ; Armour 1.60 33 45% f. +'* ComputrAp 7% 7%_ 1/, Groc StriVi Z325 27'A Fnd Gr • S.37 5.31 5,31 — .OS Tower 5.61 5.57 5.57 — ,08 60 44 8% 15%+ 'A Menasco 4k 504 13 15'A+2% Richton Intl 58 32'A 27 31%+4% us FilferCp 30 27'A 28%+1 " Armurpf 4% i d2 %iv,X IA Comp Equip 71A y. GrossTel .90 2 15% 15% Foundrs B.12 8.04 8.08 Transm 7.26 7.22 7.24 — .01 68 8 7'A 9—1/2 MerlNo ,10d 52 20'A 18% 7B 9% 11 +VA uSHomeDv Arms Ck.BO 783 33V4 32 32/8+ A comp Instr 7 ^J Grow Ch .3322 127 9% 8% 20 — % RicoArMin ll'A 32 29'A 29%—2% Foursq F X9.71 9.55 9.55 Trav Eq 9.66 9.61 9.61 — .02 18 7% 7 _ 5% Merrilllsl M 148 ArmC pf3% Z460 55V2 54'/2 Gruenlnd 4i 67 5% 5% 209 2t1S 2tl2 2tl5 Riker Mxsn ll'A 9'A 9%-l% us Leas .28 17% 18 — % FRANKLIN CUSTODIAN: Tudor H 15.28 15.15 15.19 +.07 S lliii Complnvst 320 10% 33^— i^ Mich Ch .20 10 111 ArmstR1.60 38 GSC Enterp 67 4'A 3% 1 10 10 — VA RikerM pfA 2% 2% 2%— Vi usNa t Res 29% 28 29'A— Vt DNTC ... 9.46 9.25 9.31 + .03 20th C G 3.47 3.43 3.43 — .07 15 39 T5M.+ Vi Computest 270 28% 24% ... S'A— Vt MichGenCp Aro Corp .90 16 19 18% .7 G T t Corp 85 5% 5'A 106 6% 6V4 6'A— Vt R10AI9M .40 33 20% 20'A 20V4— % uSRadirnTi 9% 8% $VA— 'A Gwth X6.4O 6.33 6.33 20th C I 4.24 4.18 4.24 + .05 in — » ComputSoft 420 54'A 49 49 33% 37%+4% MichSug.10 28 6V4 Unified 9.80 9.74 9.74 — .08 20 V4 20 B%+ % Guardian In 48 38 5% Ri ,,. .. US Rlty 1.40 20% 20 Va 20'A— VB Util 6.54 6.51 6.51 — .02 Arvin Ind 1 63 ««i^ TO. Conchem In 40 9 S'A 25'A 2«'A— 'A MichS pf .24 OT»+V* «erFn.34 41 5% S'A us 23% 144 27 11 3V2 3% 7i7Z ^ Reductn 10% lOVs 10'A— VA Inc 2.15 2.14 2.15 Unifund 9.24 9.19 9.24 + .08 * Ash! OH1.20 307 24% ??^Z% ConFab.lOd 50 9'A 8V2 8%— \J, GuMtg 1.60d 15'A 15%+ % Microwave Robintech 24 7% 6% Un Cap 8.87 B.77 8.77—11 4 15% 106 22% 21% 2VA—l'A 7A+ % uSRub.25d 8% 8V4 8%_ i/4 Freedm 7.47 7.59 7.65 + .06 ;' Assoc Brew 70 12% .„, [fiT iZ CondecCp 18V* 1*% 17%—'A GuardC.50g 16% 18%+2'A Midlnd C .60 Roblin Indu 71 8 7% 7V2— % UNITED FUNDS: m 56 19'A 60 13% 12% 12%+ 'A US Smelt wt 10 9 9 —1 FdMt dp 9.89 9.80 9.80 —.05 I AsDryG 1.20 43 * S£r2 Conduct £ 22 13% ,,54, im, 1% Guerdon In 231 \J\/A+ VA MidMt9.25d Rockowr .20 81 19 18'A Fund Am 9.09 9-01 9.01 — .03 ACCU 6.81 6.75 6.75 — .08 + /J KP 17% 182 13% 12% 13%+ % 13'A 1V/2 12'A— 'A : AssoSprl.20 23 18 16% Roger Cp 3k 20 32% Gen Sec 10.00 9.95 9.95 — .05 Incom 12.96 12.84 12.84 — .12 *% ^% ^ ' Con"^Cny 93 S'A '^S 7UZV4 GujfCan.60 AJA— I/, MidwR 18h 7 9'A 9% 9%— V4 31% 3% 1 Asso Trn .20 68 10V4 GulfStLand 23 4% 41/4 5 _ VA MidwtFn .32 Rollins I ntnl 324 36 33/4 3%.. .. GibrGr .12.30 11.91 11.99 + .29 Scien 7.39 7.30 7.30 — .06 9'A 8% 9 ..... rmrrrstConnrx .1414ae X33 10 10V».. 66 13V2 13V4 13V4— 1/4 33 33'A+ B% f AtlCtyE 1.34 83 241/4 23% 24V*— Vt cnnrrni Inr GulfWswts 257 5'A 5 Milgo Eltrn Rolls R .20b 237 IVA UnvContr2i 6V2 6%—1% GROUP SEC: Van 8.80 8.71 8.80 + .10 y 43 8% 8'A 8'A.. .. 2699 80% 71% 72%—1% 2% 2%.. ;i UnivMar.60 18% 17% I8V2+ Va , AtlCElpf5% 2 97 96043/%, aii'.j-u/9«%+VA. >-onroy inc H.H— 21%—2 Milgo El wi RoosvtR .80 5 47% Apex 7.57 7.44 7.44 — .14 Un F Cn B.SO 8.46 8.48 + .10 v Con Can Far 2tll 2t6 2t6 — t4 486 40 V4 36 36V4— % 46'A 46'A—VA UrisBId wts 27'A 27% 27'A+ Va AtlCtyElpf4 Z200 + 9'A 8% HiB Amer 433 23'A 21 10V*+ 'A Miller W.30 Rosnau ,05h 6 5 Bal 8.56 B-54 8.54 VALUE LINE FUNDS: IVil SSi Si Cons Nat Sh 17 33 11% 11 11%+ V4 5 16% 9% 10 —7 Com St 12.24 12,18 12.18 — .04 Val Lne ...... 6.96 6.88 6.88 — .11 \ • AIIRichfldJ 1607 68 16 12% HallM0.25h 35 10% 9% 12%—'A MillOnyx4k Rowan .07d 68 20 63% *4%-3% consoiliG 1270 147 18V4 17V4 I8V1+I 18'A 15 12% 12% 12%+ % Gth FdAm 7.17 7-13 7.14 — .01 Val inc 4.87 4.B4 4.86 + .01 I AtRchpf3% XZ850 53 51 52 +1V4 14% 13% Ham Cos .60 12% 12% 10 +1% Milo Electr Rowland Pd 10 10V4 lo -% U^hSgr.BO Consol Refn 29 6% 10 —V.V— Grth Ind 20.59 20.35 20.35 — .11 Val Spc 6.30 6.17 6.17—13 1 -.AtlRpf2.80 374 52 49 49 -2'A 14'A 14V4+ % Hampsp h De 291 10% 8% y/t— VA Milton Roy 46 5% 5V4— % RoyaiAm In 3 ConsltDs .40 1 14'A 30 205 2% VallesS eak 19 16V4 Gryphn 14.11 14.01 14.01 — .07 Vance 7-62 7.53 7.53—10 i - AHRch prf3 18 114 109A 3% 4 + 'A 6% 12 12V* 12 MoKanTctf 131 26 Valspar.lSd x238 5'A 7'A + 1% Cook Ind Inc 7% 7VA+ W HartAlf.40 61 4'A 3% Ham Gr 8.10 7.98 7.98 — .05 Varied In X4.86 4.80 4.80 105 18 8% 8% i2~ RRusseks tnc VanDorn.30 x21 13%13 13%+ 'A AtlsCpf.25c Z360 16% 16 16 —l'ACook Ptl.40 18'A 17'A Xjy, 3/j Hartfld Zds 80 18'A 14% nit osljl ii "SSAI .O4d 34 7% Hnover 1.23 1.21 1-21 — .01 VIKing Gr 6.44 6.42 6.42 — .03 13 e C t 91/4 7 ATOInc.OSa 265 11% 9V4 69 8% a^B 0%+ 'it pnGGjuiiii en Vangard Int 125 4% 4'A 4V4+ % Xooper J JO 65 10V* Harvard In 7% 8V.+ V4 "'• ., ?TP'' *£ nsi luixiu. KUSSnftlll .50 10 9'A 8% 8%.. .. Harbor 8.61 8.56 8.58 + .03 Walls In 11.04 10.99 10.99 — .06 Aurora Plas 37 14V4 20% 21 21 +% Mobile Him 387 12% 10% 12%+1'A RuScVft io Varo Incorp 92 9V2 8% 8%— % Wash Mut 12.21 1S.09 12.51 + .08 20V4 20%— % Harl pf .S5d 20% /' + ~ft ,.„....,,, .,,, ,_, -7A, rs, cl/ -». KU5n_rrr.40 4 26 Hartwel 12.55 12.39 12.39 — .08 5 0 1 lrl 121 5% 5% 25% 25%— Vt veeco Instr 454 37V2 34 35 +VA Au torn t Inds 432 Wt 1% T~* 'SSBI 3 8V* 7% a HarveyG .12 25 8'A 8V»? S%+ + %Vt f* * "* * |J^— "*™ RyersnHay 19 5 H&C Lv 10.47 10.35 10.3S — .02 WELLINGTON GROUP: 383 Cosmodyn 54 10 6V4 6'A 4% 4%+ 'A v^Yi^ 81 17% 16% 17'A+ Vi AvcoCp 1.20 22'A Z2%^i" Harv Str .24 14 11% 11'A 11%-% S.S— HiG Fnd X7.86 7.75 7.75 Explr 22.87 22.73 22.78 + .10 Molybdn 5k 255 42% 38V* 1137 14% 10% IVA—2% HedBe 11.62 11.51 11.56 + .05 Ivest 15.02 14.88 14.88 — .07 • Avcopf3.20 124 50%48% 49 —VA- Craig 140 10V* 9 9—1 Hastings .40 17 TVe 40 +1% sabine R .36 24 11%10V4 150 34 10 48V4 '°*+ * VeX™^ 14 S'A 8 8 — % Herltge 2.56 2.54 2.54 — .02 Morgan 9.44 9.33 9.33 — .11 AveryPd .20 33 34 + V4 CreoleP2.60 68 28% 27% 28'A.. . 59 12'A 50 14V4 13 1 Head Ski Co MonPpf4.40 z50 5BV4 i.rt£ M T ,,. vetcoOffSh 98 16% 15% I6V2— Va Horace 14.96 14.80 14.80 — .10 TChnlv 7.84 7.74 7.78 +'.0! 'Avneflnc.40 442 10% 10 10 — % CrestmtOil 59 5'A 5V» HealthM .60 61 10% 23 30% 29% Moog Incor 19 7% 6% stJhnsTr.90 VictLeec.20 181 8Va 7V2 7%— % Hubshn 5.71 5.51 5-51 — .09 Tru5t 10.76 10.63 10.63 — .09 ; Aynet pf2V4 1 51 51 51 —1 crompt 1.40 19 29 28'A 28%+ Vt Hecteln.20 38 30'A 164 8% 7% % Morse Elect 437 15% 15'A S?~ "?+ Vic LN Pf 3 13 47V2 UVi 46V4.. .. ICM Fin 7.36 7.28 7.3* + .02 Well 11.17 11.11 11.11 — .05 Avon Prod 2 351 168 144V4 167\*+2% CrownCP3k JO 22* 21% 22 — V, Heinicke In 444 11V* SanCMI.13d 22 5% 5V* IS1 Gr 4.99 4.84 4.86 — .10 Wndsr 9.55 9.49 9.49 — .07 Morton S .32 31 11*4 11% -,i£.\L1 jii.1 U.1. ViewleV icmcAx Inmic- 439 19% 17 19%+ Ve Aztec Oil Gs 252 14V* 13% 13%—1/4 Crystal Oil 107 8% 7'A 7V4— %» HelenaR .76 56 33'A 31 SDiegoGpf 1 12 14% 13% 12?a IS) Inc 4.64 4.61 4.63 — .01 West Ind 6.68 6-53 6.53—13 Mott Sup .16 15 9% 8% 14%+ Vt vikoa incor 308 IVA 1V/2—1% ——B.B—7- Cubic Corp 144 15»/* 14'A 15V4+ iA HellerpfSiA Z100 68 651/2 SDiegopf .90 7 12'A 12 12'A+ VA Impact 8.25 a.2O 8.24 — .03 Whthl 13,12 13.03 13.03 — .04 Moulding In 179 10% IOVB Visual Elect 1013 5% 3% 41/4—1V4 BBD4.W 1.36 650 28% 27'A 27*»— Vt Curtis Math 23 6% 6V4 6'A— iA HerMai .12d 13 8V4 10V4— SDiegopf .88 3 11% 11% 11%— 'A Imp Cap 9.08 9.O0 9.00 — .06 Wincap 7.19 7.10 7. IS — .04 8% MtVMill l'A 10 22 21% 5% 4% 4%— Vi BakerOil .65 82 22% 21Va 21%— % Cutter A .44 47 25 241/4 24'A.. .. Hi G Inc 3k 15'A 14 ff SanJ RalOk 15 24% 24'A 24%— 'A Vocaline .25 45 Imp Gr 7.11 7.04 7.09 + .03 Winfld 4.91 4.70 4.86 58 15 + 1/4 Movie St .50 11 15'A 14% 13 12'A 12V4— 1/4 BaltGasl.82 288 31Vi 30'A 30%— % Cutter B .44 7 22'A 22'A 22'A.. .. HiflbieM .BO 26'A 25 Sanitas .03d 126 15% 14 141/2— % vogtMfg .60 7 12'A Inc Bost 6.75 6.61 6.75 + .13 WiSCOn 6.59 9J6 6.56 12 26'A+1 Movielab In 22 4% SVt 11% 12 — Va Ind Fnd 7.96 7.»4 7.84 — .16 BltGS pf4'/j 1430 66 64V4 65V4— Vt D. D HlltanH wts 11 57% 53% 54 —2 SargentInd 144 SVa 5 5 — VA VolMdse .20 59 14% ! MPO Vid5k 12 B44 11% Ind Trnd 12.50 12-43 12.43 — .02 Worth 2.67 2.44 2.44 — .03 BIGEpfC 4 160 58 S6V4 56'A—2'A Daitch .20d 8Vi 75 5% 5 5'A— % VTR Incorp 91 11%—2% 102 9 «Vi 8H+ % Hi Shear .20 96 24'A 22% 24'A.. MultiAmp4i 85 17V4 12B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970

League plans pubHc Notices BUICK LE SABRE 1968 4 dr. joint meeting hard top. Blue, white vinyl NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CLASSIFIED top. Factory air. Power The joint annual meeting of equipment, radio, tinted NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Ad|ustment of the City o( the South Palm Beach County Boca Raton, Florida, will hold a Public Hearing on the Petition of Concepts glass, extras. One owner. League of Women Voters and Development, Inc., at 7:30 P.M., In the City Hall, 201 West Palmetto Park 12,600 miles. Excellent the West Palm Beach Area Road, on the 20th day of April, 1970, to consider arguments for and against Ads the request for a variance to waive Section 25-65 (a). In order to reduce the condition. 395-4787. ''. League is scheduled for rear yard requirement from 10 feet, to 9 feet, 10 inches, on the following described property: '67 FORD Country Squire Tuesday, April 7,9:30 ajn. at Station Wagon. Excellent the Holiday Inn, Palm Beach. condition. Air, radio. Full Guest speakers at the power $1600. Call 395-9393. • FEATURES INCLUDE: meeting will be Donald P. • CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING AND HEAT Reich, chairman Republican '68 FALCON Futura 2 door, • Sodrooms: Sp'tt plan arrangement • spacojs closets. • Baths: Ceramic ttle vanities mirrors • shower enclosure • medicine cabinets . party and Dominic A. Scacci, power steering, 2 tone paint, h«at lamps - linen dosel. • FOYER chairman Democratic party. factory air, radio and heater, • FAMILY ROOM wim vinyl floor. County Bookmobile also vinyl upholstery, 289 V8 with • GENERAL ELECTHIC KITCHEN. O.en rsnje • hood «nd fan • disposal • dishwasher - custom mica cabinets - full bftcksplash - luminous ceiling - will be open for viewing in the Proposal standard transmission. Call vinyl floor • passthrouflh window breakfast bar. 395-4484 days and 395-7874 • Pa-nallv Roofed screened PATIO of Chaitanoochee stone • TOOL. Holiday Inn parking lot from Call " 2 CAR GARAGE . • Storage 9:30-10 ajn. eves. • FULLY CARPETED Tile roof _ • fte.v.-reo for Telephone ""» W aramc '64 TRIUMPH TR 4, brand • FULLY SODDED • Decoralo' Designed Interiors. Menus 395 8300 new top. Michelin tires. $1095 • Quality Construction throughout . Custom Built. or best offer. Call 391-5579.

531,900 plus lot 219 South Fedtnl Highway BOCA RATON 399 6719 1 F Mobile Homes Boca Raton • Florida 33432 C0NVEKT10KAL FINANCING and ADDISON MIZNER 1970 MOBILE HOME. 3 Monday: Hamburger Telephone (305) 395-1515 Jim Foreman—Director of Sales 1969 CHEVROLET Mpala bedroom, bath and %. Small gravy over rice, buttered LEGAL DESCRIPTION custom hardtop sport coupe, down. Call 399-8869 or 395- peas, yeast roll and butter, Lot 7, Block 20, Winfield Park, Unit 2, according to the plat as recorded in factory air V8, automatic, 5100, Dr. Hagen. sliced pineapple, milk. Plat Book 25, pages 52 and 53, Public Records of Palm Beach County, power steering, power 5 C Child Care Tuesday: Hoagie, potato brakes, push button radio, chips, cole slaw, apple More detailed information relative to this proposal may be obtained at the TIC TOC Private School office of the Planning and Zoning Department, City Hall Annex, 71 North heater, tinted glass, deluxe cobbler, milk. Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida. wheel covers, premium white Infants to 7 years. Open all Wednesday: Baked ham, year. 273 N.W. 15th St. Boca SEE OUR CITY OF BOCA RATON side wall tires, vinyl top and 395-5044 Including Sats. potato salad, green beans, hot PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT full vinyl interior. Absolutely biscuit and butter, chocolate FURNISHED Walter R. Young loaded 5,100 actual miles, like S D Instructions, Tutoring cake, milk. Walter R. Young, Director new thru-out. 5 year or 50,000 PROFESSIONAL Thursday: Spaghetti and ( Publish: April 5, 1970 mile factory warranty. Will All ages. All problems. meat sauce, tossed salad, Furnish proof of publication finance any or all of $2788 full M.I.T. Honor grad. corn bread and butter, jello, sale price. Several to choose Harold Selleck, 395-3303 milk. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MODEL NOTICE OF PUBLICHEARING from. Family Chevrolets Inc. 10 A Help Female Friday: Fish sandwich, A PUBLIC HEARING will be held A PUBLIC HEARING will be held 940 S. Federal Hwy., Pom- NOTICE TO buttered spinach, carrot on the following proposed Or- on the following proposed Or- pano Beach, 943-6400. Open 3 and 4 BEDROOMS dinance at 7:30 P.M. on April 21st, dinance at 7:30 P.M. on April 21st, JOB APPLICANTS curls, ice cream, milk. 1970, in the Council Room at City 1970, in the Council Room at City Sunday 10 AM to 4 PM. Hall, 201 W. Palmetto Park Road, Hall, 201 W. Palmetto Park Road, The Boca Raton News does 2 BATHS Directions: at which time the City Council will at which time the City Council will not knowingly accept Help- J.C.MITCHELL consider its adoption into Law. 1969 CHEVY Nova 4 door Monday: Jiffy burger, consider its adoption into Law. sedan, factory air, V8, Wanted ads from employers Model Location: French fries, salad, oatmeal ORDINANCE NO. 1424 ORDINANCE NO. 1423 automatic, power steering, covered by the Fair Labor cookies, milk. Standards Act, which applies 2180 N.E. 2nd Avenue AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY push button radio, heater, Tuesday: Beef stew, OF BOCA RATON AMENDING OF BOCA RATON AMENDING tinted glass, premium white to employment in interstate Boca Raton SECTION 23-31, VEHICLES SECTION 7-1, BUILDING CODES commerce, if they offer less biscuits with butter, EQUIPMENT AND MAIN. ... BY ADDING THERETO AN sidewalls, deluxe wheel tomatoes, applesauce, milk. TENANCE, BY ADDING ADDITIONAL SUBSECTION (C> covers, full vinyl interior and than the legal minimum wage Wednesday: Texas Jack, THERETO A NEW SUBSECTION PROVIDING FOR APPROVAL BY loaded. 4700 actual miles, ($1.60 an hour for those Other Houses Immediate to 90 Days Occupancy TO BE DESIGNATED "(d) THE CITY COUNCIL OF CER- salad, crackers, banana TAXIMETERS" REQUIRING TAIN APPLICATIONS UNDER like new thru-out. Full 5 year covered prior to February 1, TAXICABS TO BE EQUIPPED SECTIONS 4-20 AND 25-18 OF THE 1967 and $1.30 an hour for 4 Bedrooms 2 Baths - Pool Boca Square $43,900 cake, milk. WITH TAXIMETERS, AND CITY CODE FOR PERMITS or 50,000 mile factory Thursday; Meat loaf, OTHER REQUIREMENTS AP- UNDER SECTION 106-PERMITS, warranty. Will finance any or newly covered employees) or 3 Bedrooms 2 Baths Boca Woods 28,900 PERTAINING THERETO. OF THE SOUTHERN STANDARD fail to pay the applicable 4 Bedrooms 2 Baths - Pool Tropic Isle Waterfront 47,900 mashed potatoes, tea rolls, BUILDING CODE, AS AMENDED, all of $2188 full sale price. green beans, plums, milk. THE CITY OF BOCA RATON AS A CONDITION PRECEDENT overtime. Contact the United 4 Bedrooms 2 Baths - Pool University Park 36,500 Family Chevrolets Inc., 940 S. Friday: Sea dog on bun, HEREBY ORDAINS: THERETO. States Labor Department's 4 Bedrooms 2 Baths University Park 32,600 Federal Hwy., Pompano parsley potatoes, spinach, ice Section 1. That Section 23-31 of the THE CITY OF BOCA RATON Beach. Open Sunday 10 AM to local office for more in- Code ot ordinances of the City of HEREBY ORDAINS: s cream, milk. 4 PM. 943-6400. formation. The address is OTHER HOUSES from 21,000 Plus Lot Boca Raton be and the same is U.S. Dept. of Labor Wage and hereby amended by adding thereto Section 1. That Section 7-1 1969 CHEVELLE Malibu 4 SALK HOSPITALIZED an additional subsection to be Building Codes ... of the Code of Hour and Public Contracts designated "(d) Taximeters", Ordinances of the City of Boca door sedan, factory air, V8, Divisions, Romark Bldg. 2521 SAN DIEGO, Calif. which shall read as follows: Raton be and the same is hereby automatic, power steering, GENERAL0ELECTRIC (UPI)— Dr. Jonas Salk, 56, amended by adding an additional W. Broward Blvd., Ft. "(d) Taximeters. Each taxicab sub-section thereto to be designated power brakes, push button Lauderdale, Fla. APPLIANCES SUPPLIED & SERVICED BY developer of polio vaccine, shall be equipped with a taximeter as "(C)" and to read as follows: of a size and design approved by the radio, heater, tinted glass, was released from Univer- City; such taximeter shall be "(C) As a condition precedent to the deluxe wheel covers, RECEPTIONIST - Typist sity Hospital after three days illuminated and shall be operated filing of applications for building premium white side wall for Physicians office in Boca mechanically by a mechanism of permits as hereinbelow specifically of observation for a possible standard design and construction, tires, full vinyl interior and Raton. Knowledge of medical driven either from the transmission set out, the same shall prior thereto APPLIANCE CORPORATION heart ailment, hospital of- be submitted to the City Council for loaded. 5,100 actual miles and terms and insurance forms. Boca Raton — Pompano Beach or from one of the front wheels by a CONSTRUCTION ficials said Thursday. flexible and permanently attached approval, and such approval or just kke new thru-out. 5 year Pleasant working conditions. driving mechanism, and it shall be authorization of the City Council Salk, head of the Salk In- sealed at all points and connections shall be by resolution at a regular or 50,000 mile factory 5 day week. No nights. Write 2260 North East 1st Avenue, Boca Raton stitute of Biological Studies, which, if manipulated, would affect meeting of said Council, which said warranty. Will finance any or Boca Raton News Clsssified a correct reading and recording. authorization shall be required for PHONE: 395-1183 399-5922 (eve.) did not suffer a heart attack, Each taximeter shall have thereon the following: all of $2488 full sale, price. Dept. Box JP 5 Boca Raton the spokesman said. a flag to denote when the vehicle is Several to choose from. Fla. employed and when it is not; and it 1. Applications for building permits shall be the duty of the driver to pursuant to Section 106 of the Family Chevrolets Inc., 940 S. SECTY-RECEPTIONIST throw the flag of such taximeter Southern Standard Building Code, Federal Hwy., Pompano into a non-recording position at the as amended, for any business which For Boca Raton Chamber of termination of each trip. Said will require the issuance of an Beach, open Sunday 10 AM to Commerce. Must be neat in taximeters shall be subject to in- alcoholic beverage license pursuant spection from time to time by the to Section 4-20 of the Code of Or- 4 PM. 943-6400. appearance, personable, with City; on complaint of any person, or dinances of the City of Boca Raton 1969 CHEVROLET Impala 4 ability to type and meet and without such complaint, the city as amended. may inspect any such taximeter, door hardtop, factory air, V8, deal with the public. For and upon discovery of any inac- 2. Applications for building permits automatic, power steering, interview appointment call curacy, the licensee and operator of pursuant to the aforesaid Section such vehicle shall be notified to 106 for any business covered by power brakes, push button 395-4433. cease operating that taxi, which Section 25-18, motor car fuel service radio, heater, tinted glass, shall be kept off the streets and stations (filling stations), or any DISHWASHERS highways until the taximeter is business engaged in retail selling of deluxe wheel covers, repaired and in required working gasoline, oil or any motor car fuel premium white sidewall Needed at our new condition. The face of every and-or motor car service under any Clubhouse. Boca Raton Hotel taximeter shall be visible at all other provision of the Code of Or- tires, full vinyl interior and 6 Club 395-3000 Ext 274. escape times from the passenger com- dinances of the City of Boca Raton loaded. 5 year or 50,000 mile partment of the taxicab in which it as amended is installed, and it shall be factory warranty. Will BANK JOBS $85-90 Recpt illuminated at such times and under such circumstances as to enable Jacob Heidt finance any or all of $2588 full with SH and Teller Trainees, passengers to ascertain the amount Jacob Heidt, City Clerk sale price. Several to choose 21 UP of the fare registered by such CITY OF BOCA RATON, to a finer way of life! FLORIDA from. Family Chevrolets, taximeter. The signal or flag af- A-l PERSONNEL fixed to any taximeter with which Inc., 940 S. Federal Hwy., each taxicab shall be equipped shall Publish: April 5th, 1970 500 S. Cypress, Pomp, under no circumstances indicate Furnish Proof of Publication Pompano Open Sunday 10 AM your little fee agency that the taxicab is vacant when, in to 4 PM. 943-6400. fact, such taxicab is then engaged Qualified DRAPER^ by a passenger; nor shall any such signal indicate that the taxicab to 1969 IMPALA convertible, SEAMSTRESS. Experienced which it is attached is employed at factory air, V8, automatic, in all phases of Drapery a rate of fare different from the rate NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING of fare prescribed by ordinance of power steering, power making. Must have ex- the city. The amount of fare A PUBLIC HEARING will be held brakes, push button radio, perience operating power collected from the passenger by the on the following proposed Or- heater, tinted glass, deluxe driver of any taxicab shall be dinance at 7:30 P.M. on April 21st, machine and in valance limited to the amount displayed on 1970, in the Council Room at City vheel covers, premium white work. Apply Evelyn's the face of the taximeter. The Hall, 201 W. Palmetto Park Road, sidewalls, full white vinyl driver, upon demand, shall furnish at which time the City Council will Drapery Studio, 5501 N. Fed. the passenger with a receipt stating consider its adoption into Law. interior white top. Like new the amount of fare collected. It is Hwy., Boca Raton, 391-5922. unlawful for any person to tamper thru-out. Only 6,700 actual with, multilate or break any ORDINANCE NO. 1422 miles and full 5 year or 50,000 GIRL FRIDAY $9oT taximeter or the seal thereof, or to Engineers office—good transfer a taximeter from one AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY mile factory warranty. Will taxicab to another taxicab to be OF BOCA RATON AMENDING finance any or all $2788 full typist. used in the transportation of SECTION 1317, DUTIES OF CITY passengers for hire with a tran- TREASURER, BY ADDING sale price. Several to choose A-l PERSONNEL sferred taximeter for inspection, THERETO A NEW SUBSECTION from. Family Chevrolets 500 S. Cypress, Pomp, testing and sealing, as hereinabove "(A) (8)", PROVIDING FOR provided." APPROVAL BY THE CITY Inc., 940 S. Federal Hwy., your little fee agency COUNCIL, PRIOR TO ISSUANCE Pompano Beach. Open OR TRANSFER, OF AN Experienced all around office Jacob Heidt ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE Sunday 10 AM to 4 PM. 943- Jacob Heidt, City Clerk LICENSE AND ANY LICENSE 6400. girl. Accurate typing. CITY OF BOCA RATON, FOR THE OPERATION OF Knowledge of payroll. Salary FLORIDA FILLING STATION BUSINESS OR 1969 CHEV "9 passenger Publish: April 5th, 1970 ANY BUSINESS ENGAGED IN commensurate with ability. Furnish Proof of Publication RETAIL SELLING OF deluxe Kingswopd station Call 399-9330 for appointment. GASOLINE, OIL, OR ANY MOTOR CAR FUEL AND-OR MOTOR CAR wagon factory air V8 NOTICE OF INTENTION SERVICE. automatic, power steering TRAVEL SECTY $120. Young TO MAKE APPLICATION and nice looking. SH a must. FOR FINAL DISCHARGE THE CITY OF BOCA RATON and brakes, chrome luggage IN THE COURT OF THE COUNTY HEREBY ORDAINS: rack tinted glass, premium A-l PERSONNEL JUDGE, IN AND FOR PALM whitewalls, push button 500 S. Cypress, Pomp, BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; IN Section 1. That Subsection 13-17 your little fee agency BOCA R E E F CONDOMINIUM PROBATE, No. 26130 (A) of the Code of Ordinances of the radio, heater and fully City of Boca Raton be and the same IN RE: ESTATE OF is hereby amended by adding loaded. Just like new BOOKKEEPER-SECTY Located in beautiful Boca Raton, Florida ARTHUR F. MADISON thereto an additional provision to be throughout and in 5 year or Full charge of small office, Deceased. numbered "(8)" and to read as 50,000 mile factory warranty. Leave the crowded cities behind. Boca Reef is a haven of tranquility in follows: complete set of books, typing TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON- Will finance any or all of $3288 and reception duties. Ac- a placid oceanfronl setting. There is no wait lo become part of the refined CERN: "(8) Prior Approval By The full sale price. Several to Notice is hereby given that Helen Council Before Issuance. Before counting or bookkeeping essence that is Boca Raton. Occupancy is immediate. Limited availabil- Hathaway Harris Madison has filed any license may be issued by the choose from. Family experience necessary. her final report as Executrix of the City Treasurer as hereinabove Chevrolets, Inc., 940 S. ities, join a list of residents that reads like an Honor Roll of Business estate of ARTHUR F. MADISON, provided, and as a condition Willing to pay for the right deceased; that she has filed her precedent thereto, applications for Federal Hwy., Pompano young and alert person in- Leaders. All the conveniences of today combined with the quality ap- petition for final discharge, and alcoholic beverage licenses and for Beach, 043-6400. Open Sunday that she will apply to the County filling station licenses or for any terested in growing with an pointments of traditional building. Judge of Palm Beach County, business engaged in retail selling of 10 AM to 4 PM. active firm. 5 Day week, year Florida, on the 6th day of May, 1970, gasoline, oil, or any motor car fuel for approval of same and for final and-or motor car services, shall be '66 PLYMOUTH Barracuda, round. Pay commensurate • 1280 sq. ft. fully carpeted apartments • 11" soundproof walls • Wet bar discharge as Executrix of the estate first approved by the City Council with ability. References to be Of ARTHUR F. MADISON. by resolution at a regular meeting fast back. White with black in living room • Ocean view bedrooms • 27 ft. living rooms with 10 ft. ceil- of said Council, and no such license interior. 273 CID, 235 HP, 4 checked. Phone 391-2929 or HELEN HATHAWAY shall be valid or issued or tran- Write Boca Raton News, ings • Tappan all-electric kitchens • Covered parking available • 100 ft. HARRIS MADDISON sferred from a licensee to a tran- speed, wide oval tires. Must Executrix of the estate of sferee until such license shall have see. $1150. Call 391-0595 or 391- Classified Dept Box D4, Boca private beach; access only by special key • Luxurious beach club now ARTHUR F. MADISON, been first approved as hereinabove Raton, Fla. deceased. required." 1714. ' under construction • Saunas • Recreation room • Card room • Meeting Jacob Heidt '67 CAMARO, 1 owner. 350 DOCTOR'S RECPT $80. HALLMAN, MEEKER & SANSON Jacob Heidt, City Clerk room • Exercise rooms. 131 Northeast First Avenue CITY OF BOCA RATON, engine, 4 speed Trans. N.Pomp, fairly young. Boca Raton, Florida 33432 FLORIDA 2 Bedroom, 2 Both Apartments Priced from $32,000 Attorneys for Executrix Michelin tires $1800. Call 395- A-l PERSONNEL Publish: April 5, 12, 19, 26, 1970 Publish: April 5th, 1970 0237. 500 S. Cypress, Pomp, Furnish proof of publication APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED Furnish Proof of Publication SCHOOL BUS converted to your little fee agency Remember, at Boca Reef you don't have to wait. Limited immediate camper. Fully equipped — good engine — great fun! Call NURSE AID for live in occupancies available. So start living your dream life. Right now. 391-0265. position for elderly couple. Search for Classified Attractive home. No heavy 3051 S. Ocean Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida Phone: 391-5625 '69 TOYOTA Crown 4 door cleaning. Call 395-0664. Presentation of Sedan, air conditioned, auto bargains? Ads and trans, power disc brakes. TYPIST $85 UP. Several in THE GRENADIER GROUP AM-FM trailer hitch, 3300 all areas. miles. Still under full A-l PERSONNEL waranty. Must sell-have 500 S. Cypress, Pomp, Check SAVE! company car. Call 391-1020. your little fee agency I

Sunday, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 13B 10 A Help Female 10 B Help Male 10 C Help, Male or Female 15 0 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 25 B Apartments lor Rent 25 B Apartments lor Rent 25 B Apartments for Rent 25H Duplex lor Rent EXPERIENCED SALES- FULLTIME WAITERS STEREO. Just received 5 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH SUB-LEASING - Boca, 2 1WOMAN. FuU time, per- EXPERIENCED Brand new duplex for rent, WAITRESSES deluxe Solid State nationally , 1 BEDROOM 1 BATH bedroom 2 bath furnished NEED AN APT. within walking distance to ,'manent, for our Boca Raton REAL ESTATE advertised stereo consoles. Apartments for Rent in Boca apt. Available March 23. Shop, Dresses and sport- Good pay, fringe benefits. FOR 6 MONTHS everything on 5th Ave. in •••-..• SALESMAN Boca Raton Hotel & Club 395- Beautiful hand rubbed walnut Raton. Call Snow Monthly, children. Call 390- swear. Gall Mr. Rubel 946- Be associated with a leader in 1 Boca. 2 bedroom 2 bath un- 3000 Ext 301. finish, world renown BSR Construction 399-5922. 0888 Between 7:30 a.m. & 6 Lovely 2 bedroom 2 bath. furnished, deluxe appliances, 8442. the field. The name turn table and 4 speed audio pjii. Beautifully furnished, from -Experienced SALESLADY MOTHERWELL has been GABRIEL THEGOLFVIEW large screened patio, utility systems $75 each. Monthly RENTAL APARTMENTS May 1st to November 1st. Call room . Air & Heat. $225 per for Deerfield and Highland known for the past 12 years in COMMUNICATIONS terms available. May be CHATEAU ELIZABETH Boca Raton. Call Mel Vaught Now has openings for swit- 1 & 2 bedrooms with 1 Bedroom 1 bath un- MARIE DRASAL. month yearly Call 3954)781. -Beach Shop. Call 399-6410 inspected in warehouse at FIRST REALTY CORP. • between 12 and 3. for an appointment. In- chboard operators and Unclaimed Freight 2000 3 US balconys. Conveniently furnished, pool, sundeck, terviews held in strict con- mobile telephone operators. located across from First storage area. AC-heat fully Realtor For Fast Results - DOMESTIC HELP WANTED Hwy 441 S. Ft. Lauderdale 9 20S.E.lstAve. fidence. Apply 351 S.W. 1 Ave., Boca AM to 6 PM Monday thru Bank and Trust, overlooking equipped kitchen, carpet — Use The $2 Hour. Good Ironer-Must Raton. the picturesque Boca Raton No pets, 44 SE 14th St., Boca. Call anytime 395-8600 'love children. Three days Friday and Sat til 1 p.m. Boca Raton News kiOTHERWELL DESK CLERK Hotel. Heated pool. 200 E. '9:30-5:30 PM. References IWM REALTOR BRAND new sewing Royal Palm Road Call 399- Sub-lease Boca Oceanfront Experienced preferred but High Rise. 1 bedroom \V% -and own transportation. Call 757 S. Fed. Hwy. Colonial Bldg machines $29. Nationally 7121 or 390-1330. 30 C Business Opportunities 391-3465. not essential. Call Mr. bath. Large living room, Boca Raton 395-4044 Baumann 395-7989. advertised brand, we have 10 Furnished or unfurnished 1 LIST WITH OR 1970 Zig Zag sewing machines terrace. Very comfortably ACQUIRE FROM- CHAMBERMAIDS IF 10 D Situations Wanted bedroom-$175-$150. 2 Brand new luxury rental furnished. Color TV, walk in Excellent wages and large complete with 25 year factory bedroom $225-$200. One block FORTPALM HOUSEKEEPEK-Live in. guarantee to be sold for $29 apartments — with every closets. Heated pool. Rent gratuties Boca Raton Hotel & to Beach. Yearly lease. includes air conditioning & BUSINESS BROKER CORP. YOU ARE light cooking-more for home each cash or small monthly deluxe feature, immediate Negotiators & Brokeraging Club 395-3000 Ext 301. 12 YEARS OF AGE than wages. 276-4450 Delray Adults. No pets. MALIBU occupancy. 1 and 2 bedrooms, hot water. May 1 or sooner, 6 payment. These machines APTS. 656 S.E. 19th AVE., Industrial & Mercantile WAITRESSES — Full time DEPENDABLE Mature, reliable couple to have built in controls for includes carpeting and or 7 months. No pets or DEERFIELD BEACH. Call children. $240. 391-2764. Businesses (confidential and year around positions. Day HAVE A BICYCLE manage small co-op Con- making button holes, hem- deluxe appliances, pool, personal service), P.O. Box • and evening shift open. Apply and live in the Boca Teeca or dominium, rental apart- ming, decorative stitches, 399-7564. ______recreation area, on water, 25 C Houses for Rent 227, Palm Beach, Fla., 33480. in person Mrs. Mayne, University Heights area, The ments. Services include light sewing on buttons, darning, Widow to share apartment beautiful grounds, private Ocean frontage, unfurnished Phone 832-7154 __ Holiday Inn of Delray Beach, Boca Raton News has a paper maintenance, bookkeeping. mending overcasting, em- with business woman. 2 patios, near Golf courses. A beautiful 2 bedroom. $350 per 2809 S. Ocean Blvd. Highland route open for you. DON'T Available July 1st. Write broidering and many other bedrooms, air conditioned. residence to be proud of 600 month. 3914957. ASPHALT PAVING Convenient location. Vicinity BUSINESS • Beach. _ WAIT. . .APPLY NOW! Call Boca Raton News, Classified features. These may be in- LINDELL BLVD. DELRAY May 1st occupancy. Un- Circulation Dept. 395-3300. Dept., Box S6 Boca Raton, of St. Joan of Arc Church. BEACH (off Fed. Hwy. 1 - Complete with all WAREHOUSE WORK. 40 spected and tested at Un- furnished 3 bedroom 2 bath, Fla. claimed Freight 2003 US Hwy Reasonable. Call 391-0302. just north of Boca Raton). necessary : HOUR WEEK. Pleasant REAL ESTATE AC, carpeting, drapes, near heavy equipment OPPORTUNITY MOLZER's Saw Service 441 S., Ft. Laud, 9AM to 6PM COLONIAL COURT Write or call for brochure. all schools, $285. includes working conditions. Call 278- 2 bedroom apartments 399-2222 or 278-3902. Models A-l Accounts 0435. For the man who wants to S.W. 15 St. Deerfield Monday thru Friday and Sat lawn care. Call Boca 395-0325 Saws, knives, scissors and til 1 PM. unfurnished-air-heat open daily 9 AM-5 PM. after 6 PM. Exclusive CASHIER associate with a well- equipped office that offers top pinking shears and circle Brand new zig zag sewing $180 per month yearly lease PRINTING COMPANY Full time-permanent 315 N.W. 20th St. Boca Raton PRIVATE EFFICIENCY NORTH CAROLINA advertising. . .the finest real saws. Good Service. Res. machines $29. Unclaimed MOUNTAIN Offset, fully equipped position. Top salary-pay 1 Phone 391-1362 4 to 8 pjn. Open daily —399-7911 Near Beach, T.V., Couple reviews. All company estate sales training. We Freight, 2003 US Hwy 441 $150 Mo. Boca 3954365. Cottage for rent— completely constantly busy benefits and cordial working have "one" desk available. 15 A Miscellaneous 5ale South, Ft. Laud. HAMPSTEAD VILLAGE furn, 2 bedroom, Vh. baths, Best one in area .- conditions. For immediate Applicant must be neat, 6Ftxl2Ft Regulation APARTMENTS WE HAVE BOCA TEECA living rm with fireplace. Exclusive '•placement apply to Mr. energetic and have a pleasant Trampoline. 2 double tier 27,000 BTU ADMIRAL AIR 660 Glouchester St. North RENTALS! Modern Kitchen, 2 covered James Dluzak, Super X personality. For a most Lockers. Jogging machine. CONDITIONER. Still under Boca. Deluxe furnished Call Lynda Delisi, Associate porches, magnificent views, LAUNDROMAT Drugs, 281 W. Camino Real confidential interview, call Set of wall chest pulleys. warranty. Used to cool 3 apartment 1 bedroom VA on % acre above Lake All modern equipment Road, Boca Raton, Call 395- 391-3515 and ask for Mrs. 25FtxlOFt Vinyl Gym mats. bedroom home. Asking $250 baths. Monthly or yearly. Toxaway, N.C. June thru Johnson or Mr. Gesford. All equipment in new con- Call 395-8357. &^0 Aug. or minimum 2 months FORTPALM ' 7251., . V Completely Furn 1 bedroom call 395-9684. dition. Call 395-9416. convenient shopping etc. 2 REAL ESTATE Jnc. Business Broker Corp. Part time GIRL FRIDAY for Moving must sell^HarvesF Realtor BEACH HOUSE directly on PO Box 227 Palm Beach 33480 Boca Raton Doctor's Office. Unclaimed Freight now has table, Hose, Sprinkler, y Mos. or more 395-0714. TV's. Unclaimed Freight, 4 104 N.E. 2nd St. ocean. 2 bedroom 2 bath, 3 Phone 832-7154 Typing necessary. Ideal for H.P. Motor. Call 395-1218. BOCA. TO APRIL 12th. 2 391-5700 car garage. N. Deerfield woman 20 to 40 years of age. 2003 US Hwy. 441 S., Ft. room efficiency. Vz block to P.O. Box 227 Palm Beach, Twin Beds, box springs, One and two bedroom Beach. Completely furnished. Send brief resume to Boca REALTY INC. Lauderdale. mattresses, bookcase Beach. Adults. $50 per week. Fla. 33480. Phone 832-7154 234SFE0ERAL QQI.QC1C Call 399-8762. apartments in new DEL RIO June, July and August $300 Negotiators & Brokeraging Raton News Classified Dept BOCA RATON J3I £913 GARAGE SALE: Sunday. headboards, 2 nite stands, per month. Call 399-9228 late Box R12, Boca Raton, Fla. SOUTH APTS, 875 S.W.4 th Industrial & Mercantile Portable TV tape Recorders, large dresser and mirror ON THE EVTRACOASTAL Court off Camino Real. Call Eves. ladders, vases, clothing, etc. $215. Owner moving. Call 395- Business (confidential and Use News Classified Part time help morning or 395-7363 - adults, no pets. Yearly or seasonal Ocean- personal service). 5067 NW 4 Ave off 51 St. 5879. Spacious and lovely, 2 afternoons. Must be 17 or WANTED TO SUBLET: front, modern furnished 30 I Income Property Sale bedroom 1% bath. Private 10 B Help Male over. Call Mr. Harris 395- 20 GAUGE FULL CHOKE GOLD BROADLOOM RUG Furnished apartment on home. Private beach, air WINCHESTER PUMP GUN 14% ft x 12 ft. Good Condition screened terrace. Carpeted. SERVICE STATION AT- 1563. Ocean, beautiful view, 6 conditioned, 2 bedroom 1% INVESTMENT LAND TENDANT 6 day week. Call 391-1362. $50. Call 278-5652. Dishwasher, heated pool. months or yearly rental. Call bath. Available April 1st Call Also NIGHT MAN 11-7 Apply 10 C Help, Male or Female Elite surroundings, $300 per 391-5693 Tues, Thurs, & Sat 2784271. OIL PAINTING—Original DANISH MODERN LIVING month. BOCA RATON AREA Franks Shell Service Station A-l PERSONNEL 24"x36". Spanish Toreador & ROOM SET. 2 Sofas and 2 after 7 PM or Sun 9-11 AM. AVAILABLE JUNE 15 2 ACRE PARCEL 1930 N. Fed. Hwy. Boca. 1075 SPANISH RIVER RD. Your Little Fee Agency. Bull, Framed. Cost $150—will chairs. Light Oak wood OPEN DAILY — 395-7256 NEW BUILDING 3 Bedroom 2 bath in Esterly NEAR UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCED " MIXER 50Q S. CYPRESS POMP. seU for $75. Phone 391-5039. finish. All in Excellent Unfurnished 1 bedroom 1 Estates, Completely fur- Attractive Terms Unfurnished 1 bedroom-den 2 TRUCK DRIVERS. CALL TEACHERS needed for St. NO regret, the best yet; Blue Condition. $150. Call 391-0680. bath, electric kitchen. Wall to nished. Central air and heat. Ideal for Student Housing 390-1458. Joan of Arc School, For USED FURNITURE, full baths, wall to wall carpet. wall carpeting, central air Yearly Basis. Call 391-5613. Lustre cleans carpets Fully equipped kitchen. Air DELRAY INTERCHANGE EXPERIENCED Primary, intermediate and beautifully. Rent electric TABLES — CHAIRS — and heat. $150 per month. 520 25 D Rooms & Board Jr. High, Beginning Sept. 1970 COUCHES. Boca Quality conditioning included. N.E. 46th St. Apt. 8, Boca 128 ACRES —NOW!!! LAWNMAN shampooer $1. Belzer's Hdw., Heated pool. Available April Desire older woman or Good Terms To become a route foreman Call 395-4288 or 395-3550 after 3198 N.Fed. Hwy., Boca. Used Furniture, 117 NW 11 St, Raton, 391-2895. student to help with 2 small 4 pm. 391-3580. .1 — 2851S. Ocean Blvd., Boca Area Growth Excellent Good weekly salary 15 D Pets For Sale Call 391-1282 or 391-2240 Elegantly furnished, East of children in exchange for Year round work USHER & CANDY GIRL Formica Top Walnut Dining Federal, large 1 bedroom room and board and $15 per AKC SILVER POODLE, Deluxe 2 bedroom 2 bath Contact Monday thru Friday Needed to work at Boca male, 2 mo old, $75. 2 set, 1 leaf, 6 chairs. Call 391- apartment, heat & air. week. Call 391-1553. Frank Gulisano, Assoc ... BOCA Raton Theatre. Phone 399- 4073. unfurnished apartment with Walking distance to Royal Generation, Platinums, can covered parking in quiet 25 r Miscellaneous for Kent BOCA RATON REALTY LAWN MAINTENANCE 1616 be seen. Call 391-4533. GARAGESALE Palm Plaza. Weekly, mon- DRUMMOND BLDG. Branch Office, exclusive location So. Delray. thly or yearly. Call 395-9578. 391-5323 COOKS — Full time, year MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS Ironrite ironer, dishes, Annual lease. Call 9464034. DEERFIELD BEACH under Drummond Building, SECURITY vacuum cleaner, glasswear. round positions for Breakfast AKC. Sired by Champion NEW-LUXURIOUS new management prestige Deerfield Bch., Fla. . EXPERIENCED MAN FOR and Broiler Cook. Holiday Inn Miscellaneous items. 1386 W. Completely furnished 1 office space avaUable size to 399-1193 Mowress Gay Limbo. 7 bedroom and efficiency apts. BOCA SOL APARTMENTS 4 PM *HLL MIDNIGHT. $2.25 of Delray Bch. Call Mr. Weeks old. Call 399-1584. Camino Real. suit. Immediate occupancy. 35 4 Lois & Acreage Sate PER HOUR. APPLY IN Full kitchens, T.V. Pool, 200 NE 20 ST. Call resident mgr. 399-1193 Farson for appointment 278- NAUGAHYDE GREEN 1-2 Bedroom Unfurnished or PERSON TO CAPT. 6241. Love and Protection. German Tiffany Apts. 431 W. Camino Brokers protected. Choice Intracoastal water Shepard Puppies, AKC Good SOFA. PERFECT CON- Real, Manager Apt. No 18 call Beautifully furnished front lot 95 x 125. $24,000 net €ALLAHAN, SAN REMO DITION. CALL 395-3783. OFFICESPACE CO>HH)MINIUM, 2871 N. FOOD CHECKERS Blood lines. Call 391-4852. 395-6420. -SCREENED PATIOS HIGHLAND BEACH A1A Boca Raton Hotel & Club 395- GARAGE SALE Zenith TV —W-W CARPETING Available in Boca Raton, BEL LTDO. Owner Call 391- OCEAN\BLVD., BOCA 15 G Merchandise Wanted Furnished 1 bedrm and effic. Winfield Professional Bldg. RATON. ^. 3000 Ext. 301. $50, refrigerator $40, —DISHWASHER 5751. apts. — Air conditioned. 450 —HEATED POOL 2351 N. Federal Hwy. 395- LICENSED SALES PERSON WANTED TO BUY Rollicord Fishing Poles, Ft. to Public beach. SABAL PALM LAKE FLA. ATLANTIC UNIV. %HP motor, vise, drill, jig -SHUFFLEBOARD .4254. Immediate openings for For active real estate firm. Beautiful. Seasonal, 3994453. One of two lots left for sale on Floor time and good ad- 14-15 foot fiberglass boat and saw, misc tools, intercomm, —RECREATION ROOM OFFICE & WAREHOUSE this lovely lake. BV-676 RID ' qualified applicants many clothes, new Vz price, 1 bedroom 1 bath, some 2 —LAUNDRY FACILITIES BOCA RATON. Show Room vertising program. M.L.S. trailer. Whaler type with bedroom 2 bath unfurnished. Call daily or Sunday — 10 STOCK CLERK Pompano, Deerfield. console desired but may be dresses, mens, worn ens, From $180 unfurnished per location off Palmetto Pk. Rd., AM4 PM 395-1661. MAINTENANCE childrens. Sat & Sun, 22 OCEAN VIEW APTS., 2519 N. month. Model Open 12-6 or by parallel with Dixie Hwy. other brand. Must be in good Ocean Blvd. Call 399-8290. CARPENTER condition and capable of Forest Hills Ln, Univ Pk, appt. Call 391-5777 at above Foreman office. Air cond., 3 MAINTENANCE SUBURBAN handling 33 HP motor. Call Boca, beside Polo Grounds. DEOJXE hours. phase wiring. Phone 399-8907. GEORf.K VAN 7.KK, ELECTRICIAN 395-8300 Ext 27, 8 to 5 days. INTRACOASTAL Furnished 2 bedroom apt. Eves. 3914183. Realtor Apply now, personnel office. PROPERTIES REALTOR Pair of Antique brass carriage lamps. Small RENTAL APARTMENTS Central air & heat. Pool - OFFICES 307 Golfview Drive 395-5100 Ext 2514, Equal DRUMMOND BUILDING laundry. Yearly lease $235. Boca Raton 395-1661 201 N. Federal Hwy. WANTED TO BUY: Bar crystal chandelier, 4 yds FURNISHED OR STOREROOM opportunity employer. per month. One month Deerfield Bch. 390-1880 _ stools with backs. Must be white embroidered table One block from Boca Raton 129 E.BOCA RATON RD. Large Duplex lot, corner of reasonable. Call 391-0680. cloth with 12 napkins. Old Hotel & Club, overlooking security. Families welcome. MONTEGO APTS., 1800 N.W. VTS. block from post office. N.E. 5th Ave. & 32nd St. ISERVICE DIRECTORY 15 H Baals-Motor or Sail crystal globes, Spanish Royal Palm Yacht & Country Phone 395-5002 — 395-5005 Connected to sewers. 395- shawl. Call 395-2833. Club. 4th Ave., Boca Raton. Call AIR CONDITIONING PAINTING 6 HP Evinrude Engine and 391-0384. • WAREHOUSE RENTAL 2868. and HEATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR gas tank. Brand new $250 Call HAMILTON GAS CLOTHES Seasonal & Yearly New building — 4,000 Sq. Feet also SIGN PAINTING Models open Daily 1970-71 3 PROFITABLE AIRTECH HEATING & 395-5157. DRYER, LIKE NEW $100. — 14 ft. ceilings — Panelled BUILDING LOTS AIRCOND. J.RUSSELL 391-1695 Call 391-4974. 1075 Spanish River Rd. • Spacious furnished 1 offices. Available now. '63 23 Ft PENBROOK Sports bedroom 2 bath apartments. Located in fast developing Prompt personalized S&M PAINTERS Fisherman. Ship to Shore. 135 DELRAY BEACH TROPIC PALMS, Delray economical service Call 395- INSIDE AND OUTSIDE 23" ADMIRAL TV Fully furnished 1, 2 and 3 Daily maid service. Private 6300 Sq. Feet — with 2 offices HP Gray Marine, 95 hours porch facing Ocean. Now Beach Priced realistically for 9465. NEW OR OLD WORK total. Head, sinlyefrigerator, CHEAP 391-1841 bedroom apartments in 13.8 ceilings — available building in an area of $30,000 ALTERATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Oceant Front Villas. Heat taking reservations for April 15. sleeps 2. Mint condition $3000 Full size bookcase head- season, monthly or weekly. homes. All 3 can be bought for EXCELLENT TAILOR All NO JOB TOO SMALL FIRM Call Boca 391-0614. and air. Private balconies, board, night table, double FATIO HOUSE, 2175 S. $13,500 or singly. Call John kinds of Ladies & Men's Call after 5,391-1739. private beach, heated pool, Lease terms are flexible. Call VanHorson, Associate Alterations ... Barton & dresser and mirror, Fruit- luxurious grounds. Im- OCEAN BLVD. DELRAY Bill Powis, Assoc ... After "MR. TODD" WANTED TO BUY BEACH, 276-7455. Miller Cleaners & Laundry, HOUSE PAINTING wood finish $75. Call SUN mediate occupancy, March hours 395-8662. 2600 N. Dixie Hwy. at 5 3954806. weekly rate $300 up. Lower GENERAL REPAIRS 14-15 foot fiberglass boat and For rent yearly, Duplex apt., Points. Wilton Manors 566- LICENSED & INSURED 25 A Rooms lor Rent rates April 1st. Also booking % block off Ocean. OCEAN REAL ESTATE.Inc. 4314. _• trailer. Whaler type with N.W. Boca quiet room & for next winter. No children. FINANCING AVAILABLE console desired but may be RIDGE, immaculate and REALTOR Realtor Reasonable fast service. BOCA 941-4000 private bath. Couple or 1-2 Call 2784494. completely furnished. TV-air- 140 N. Federal Hwy. Boca 104 N.E. 2nd St. other brand. Must be in good females. Weekly or monthly. heat. 3 rooms plus kit- Button holes on sweaters. condition and capable of WINFIELD PARK duplex 1 395-8155 391-5700 Boca Sewing Center, 16 S.E. ROOF CLEANING Call 395-5619. bedroom nicely furnished. chenette. Laundry facilities. AND PAINTING handling 33 HP motor. Call Ideal for couple or 2 1st Ave. 391-0096. 395-8300 Ext 27, 8 to 5 days. Lovely Hotel room, private Reasonable - yearly. 2302 ALTERATIONS DON & JOHNS bath & entrance, twin beds. N.E. 5th Ave., Boca. bachelors. Will consider pet. BOCA RATON NEWS Roof, house ox trim, Pressure $160. Call 276-9974. Ladies and mens wear. Fast Convenient location. $30 per BEAUTIFULLY Cleaning & Painting. ! week. 391-4088. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING service, Phone Polly 391-1896. Licensed Ins. Free Estimate Furnished LICENSED HOME IMPROVEMENTS. 946-iOOO. . FOR RENT Spacious room, private en- Apt. Dry wall repair work. College REAL ESTATE RATES AND INFORMATION SFWING MACHINE 4 cubic yards all trance & bath. Heat and air 2 bedroom 2 bath central heat MEN OR WOMEN student does excellent dry hydraulic link belt conditioned. Quiet. Near The Boca Raton News is published Tuesday through wall, repair, remodeling or REPAIR' & air - available May 1 to Nov To represent the Friday afternoon and Sunday. Singer qualified technicians. back hoe - Model LS shops and Beach. Respon- 1st. 1970.$200 damage deposit small additions. Reasonable. sible student or adult only. world's most Free Estimates. Call 395-5100 Service on all makes. 5000 - with option required. No children under outstanding land 391-3667 after 6 PM. 16, or pets, complete kitchen DEADLINES ext. 2592. Reasonable-Guaranteed- o purchase. investment. . . Classified advertising deadline for each daily fpattmenis lor Rent — $200 per month. For all HOME MAINTENANCE •Fast. Boca Sewing Center, 16 LUCAYA publication is at 5:00 P.M. the day prioi—for Sunday —4 SE 1st Ave, 391-0096. DUPLEX RENTAL details Call GEORGE P.M. Friday. Leaving town? Complete CALL COLLECT KNOBLOCK Associate. FREEPORT SLIPCOVERS 2 Bdrm. 2 bath carpeted GRAND BAHAMA surveillance and personal 412-687-4100 screened patio. Unfurnished. WEIR REALTORS RATES services. References. Rattan cushions re-made. TAKE ADVANTAGE Your fabric or ours. Foam $195.00 mo. adults. 391-5700 or Weir Plaza Bldg 855 S Fed Hwy Rates are based on the size of the ad and consecutive Weekly, monthly, seasonal 399-5092 eve. Boca Raton, Ph. 395-4000 OF OUR frequency as shown on the chart below. rates. 276-5694 or 278-3918. rubber in stock. Call Paul 399- NEW 5152. ^ "TIMES LAMPS SALES PROGRAM! LINES TV SERVICE 1 -2-3 4-5 6-9 10-19 20 or more REWIRED — REPAIRED CITY OF NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED No long periods of driving 4 to 6 •32 .28 .24 .22 .20 CHANDELIERS CLEANED STAR TV SERVICE No residuals, accruals or 7 to 13 28 .24 .21 .19 .17 Swag lamps made up and REPAIR ALL MAKES BOCA RATON APPLY BY TELEPHONE charge backs 1 4 or More .25 .22 .19 .17 .15 ., installed. 391-2896 or 3954332. COLOR, BLACK & WHITE You will be paid career job openings immediately after the Special contract rates aYe available for commercial LAWN MAINTENANCE ZENITH SALES & SERVICE sale. 3174 NE 1 Ave. Boca 399-2266; DIAL 942-9088 advertisers. Please call for information. BOCA USED FURNITURE FIRE FIGHTER MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 AM to 4:30 PM Work in our LAWN MAINTENANCE CO. BUY—SELL—TRADE NEW OFFICE THE BOCA RATON NEWS IN Boca Raton Boca Quality Used Furniture $565.07 - $667.33 PHONE 395-8300 COMPLETE & Thrift Shop 117 NW 11th St. Full or Part Time MONTH Draw when Qualified 34 S.E. 2ND ST. P.O. BOX 580 LAWNSERVICE 391-3580. BOCA RATON, FLORIDA Locally Owned & Operated WATCH REPAIR OPENINGS FOR CABLE SPLICERS Licensed and Insured JOHN REDDING — Fritz in FOR For FREE Etimates. Call Carlson — Dora Yodonis. Apply PERSONAL AND POMPANO BCH - BOCA RATON - DELRAY BCH CONFIDENTIAL ERRORS % 391-5323 BEACON LITE JEWELERS PERSONNEL OFFICE PAINTING Beacon lite Shopping Center. INTERVIEW Advertisers are requested to check the first CITY HALL CALL appearance of ads for corrections. This ARVAN the PAINTMAN" To Place a Classified newspaper will be responsible for only one House & roof painting 8 A.M.-5P.M. SOUTHERN BELL BAHAMA REALTY Ad Call 395-8300 and CORPORATION incorrect insertion. ANY ERROR SHOULD BE WALLPAPERING 'An Equal Opportunity Employer' REPORTED IMMEDIATELY 391-0399 399-6719 395-1041 m 14B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 35 C Apis. Motels, Hotels-Sale 35 H Homes for Sale H Homes for Safe 35 H Homes for Sale 35 H Homes lor Sale 35 A Lots & Acreage Sale 35 ft Lois & Acreage Sale 35 B Co-oos & Condominiums Sale BY OWNER LAKEFLORESTAPARK — Lot on Northside of N.W. 7t£ PALM ROYAL POOL IN ROYAL PALM 8 Unit apartment building large 4 bedroom 2 bath, 293 Sabal Palm Terrace 4 BEDRM. $1,100 DOWN HOME SITES Street, Boca Raton $5,000 Call Spacious 2 bedroom 2 bath, BOCA SQUARE plus 1 efficiency-office. West central air, cable electric Distinctive architecture and BOCA RATON 391-3184. . screened porch. Walk to 2 bedroom 2 bath, all electric Camino area, Boca. All heat. Screened and roofed floor plan; new 3-2% plus One house too many, owner Shopping Center. Low kitchen, central heat, air HIGHLAND BEACH leased yearly, unfurnished. patio with interior planter, large panelled den; 40x40 wants deal. A sleeper nestled 26 lots in the Boca Raton High maintenance. $26,900. Call conditioned. Sprinklers. R-3 OCEANFRONTAGE On corner lot 130 by 120. double garage, good land- walled patio with pool, Frig, among brand new homes. School area, most of which 395-6275. Completely furnished. Lovely "TO SETTLE ESTATE" Gross over $17,000. Price scaping. W-W carpeted living icemaker ref, Corning range, New wall to wall carpet, dish- are newly developed with landscaping. $27,900. 1000 100 Ft. by approximate 250 $149,000. Assume 1st Mtg. of room, custom drapes, fully built-in vacuum; automatic washer, air conditioning, streets and sewers. Prices S.W. 11th St. Owner 395-0349. Ft. Priced $160,000. Contact ATLANTIC $40,000 at 6 per cent. 391-1502. tiled baths, appliances; sprinkler and gar. door; large patio, sewers & start at $4,995.00 per lot. R.M. Kinkead, H.V. Dally, CLOISTERS Please no brokers. walking distance to Mizner, NEW HOME FOR SALE many other deluxe features sidewalks. Walk to school. Contact Bill Kincaid, Inc. 1209 E. Atlantic Ave., Jr. High, and Sr. High 3 bedroom 2 bath garage, air $80,000 open daily 9-5; 395-777 MLS reduced $1,800 for quick Associate, for further in- Like new apartment located Delray 276-6303. To Place a Classified Schools. A bargain at $38,500. conditioned, carpets. $26,500 or see your broker. sale. A.M. BUCEK, formation. in much desired 2 story Villa bldg. Spacious living room, .Call 395-7392. Low down payment. 2299 REALTOR. 942-5635. BATEMAN&CO. Ad Call 395-8300 and $14,900 80 ACRES formal dining room, 2 large DEERFIELD BEACH N.W. 3rd. Ave. corner of N.W. Realtors 399-6719 3 bedroom 2 bath, screened "OPEN" 1320'on busy Hwy. bedrooms each with private ESPECIALLY FOR YOU 23 St. 391-5149 or 391-4546. patio, refrigerator and range. NEW HOME 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. 10 YEAR TERMS bath, electric kitchen, large like new 2 bedroom home 35 D Business Property-Sale Open daily. $3,000 down. 354 ONLY $36,850 Boca Raton Exclusive with John Zapack utility room and covered close to everything. Lots of ROYAL OAK HELLS ,395-9355 , 399-8284 BYOWNER Manchester St., Boca Raton. Realty. Call Ft. Laud. 584- garage parking. To inspect Office building on North storage ( 2 walk in closets), Call 391-2519. Delightfully new with ideal 8383, or Sun's & Eves 9464511, call Alta Knight, assoc. 395- Federal Hwy. Property runs 3 bedroom 3 bath, potential floor plan. 3 spacious Use News Classified central gas heat, sprinkler By owner 2 large bedrooms 2 ask for Joe Doyle. 1890 or 395-1850 MLS BCondo from Federal to Dixie 4th bedroom. Heated pool. 619 bedrooms plus Family Room, system (with well), the home tiled baths, living room, 281P providing ample parking. S.W. 3rd St. Shown by ap- WATERFRONT LOTS 2 Duplex Lots in and landscaping are in ex- dining room, Florida room. plus screened Porch, 2 car FLORIDA SITES, INC. Ideal for Bank, Insurance pointment only. Call 395-8701. Boca. Reasonable. Call cellent condition. This fine All electric kitchen, utility garage. NOT "WAY OUT Yachtsmen! 350' of water- REALTOR Company, Stock Brokers or residence only $19,990 MLS WEST" of town. Located in 399-5922. BOCA RATON SQUARE room, carport, sprinklers. front just "inches" from the 26S.E.4thSt. Offices. For information excellent neighborhood, near • RALPH C. Year old 3 bedroom 2 bath Central air-heat. $26,500. 481 Intracoastal. Now only INVESTORS! Boca Raton, Fla. write Boca Raton News, shopping & bridge to new with panelled family room, 2 N.E. 24th St., Boca, Call 395- $31,500. MLS BR 703-4WR1B 128 acres with 2600' on state Classified Dept. Box 08, Boca Boca Beach. Turn west off car garage. This house is 8140 for appointment. road at a proposed turnpike Raton, Fla. U.S. 1 at N.E. 28th St. to 2798 SANREMO JBCKSOH really different with FAN- RPY&CC! 200' on the water intersection at farmland OWNER—RIVIERA N.E. 27th Circle. BR-2626 $33,500! 10 STORE CORNER TASTIC financing available. now only $75,000. Magnificent price of $2000 per acre. Terms REALTY, INC. • Large 4 bedroom 3 bath. MacLaren & Anderson, Inc. SHOPPING CENTER 1M South Federal Highway For courteous showing — Call site for the executive negotiable, please call OMrfilld Beach, Fla. Reverse cycle air-heat. Ph 395-1333. Excellent location and zoning 1W-3132 Ed Ronan. MLS BR 1567. dreamhouse. Builder's terms SAL PANDOLFO—Assoc A 5th floor corner two Loads of extras including (Bl-Cl) makes this an out- BOCA avail. Ask about MLS bedroom, two bath apart- carpet, under $45,000 Close to standing investment for Immaculate 2 bedroom 2 bath BV500WR1A. ment. Garage included in CAMINO Ocean. Appointment 395-0626 REALTY deed. Brand new and never future growth. MLS Comm. Realto home with Florida room, 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. after 5 PM. boca 95 E. Palmetto Park Rd. occupied, it is ready for 49. GARDENS patio and porch. Convenient BOCA.RATON 395-2421 Anytime decorating. Owner's to shopping, theatre, etc. raton Gracious trouble-free house EXCEPTIONAL Eves. 395-0709 retirement postponed four 395-0000 anytime Priced for quick sale. MLS realty in mint condition. Sliding VALUE years permits the prompt (VFORt-« BOCA RATON Sea wall anchorage for deep MLS B-Condo 282WP lawn. BR 2475P. Call utility rooms MLS 2306 Sun- retirement. MLS 2445. Free 560) NORTH FEDERAL HWY. ROYAL PALM YACHT & Margaret Beiter draft boat. Boca's oldest and BATEMAN&CO. COUNTRY CLUB Eve. 395-9278. and clear. For full details Boca Raton 395-8200 30 lots just developed with most exclusive prestige Realtors AREALGEM FEDERALREALTY call. eves. 391-1504 OF FLORIDA streets and sewers, centrally section. Call 390-1944 or 399- 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, living WEIR REALTORS 629 So. Federal Hwy. SPRING SPECIALS situated for closeness to IBM, 1872. __ Boca Raton and dining area with parquet Weir Plaza Bldg 855 S Fed Hwy Boca Raton 391-2235 FAU, and the Boca Raton EAST OF FEDERAL 395-9355 399-8284, floor, family room, large FREALTY of Boca Raton Inc. Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 ONLY $6000 DOWN and no Hospital. The area is fast Eve. & Sun. 395-7710 36 S.E. 6th St. closing costs if you qualify to 2 beautifully graded single BOCATEECA kitchen, roomy East facing developing in fine rental M.R. Rodger. Realtor ROYAL PALM YACHT family unit lots — one on UNDER CONSTRUCTION patio, lots of closets - 2 car MAGNIFICENT buy this roomy 3 bedroom 2 complexes. This property is 391-0990 AND bath air-cond. home in Boca. corner — lSO'foot frontage by 1 bdrm + Den, 2 Bath garage with golf cart space. WATERFONRT priced at $1.10 per square COUNTRY CLUB 107ft, on sewers. Boca's most Sacrifice, less than present Many extras. MLS-BR-2346 VISTA! foot. Contact Bill Kincaid, Home on the golf course, with convenient area. Sacrifice sales price B Condo 236P Only $65,000 Call for ap- OPEN SUN. 1-5 GOOD terms Associate, for further in- pointment The finest appointments you 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, panelled GOOD home $6000 ea, BELOW AP- could wish for in this 2 727 BERKELEY formation. PRAISAL VALUE. den or 4th bedroom, Family GOOD neighborhood. kMOTHERWELL bedroom 2 bath CAMINO 1 Room, central air con- BATEMAN&CO. l)ft REALTOR GARDENS home. Auto, Owner has installed New Realtors ditioning and heat, formal Need we say more ? ? ? Ask for RICHARD F. ROSS REAL ESTATEJnc. 757 S. Fed. Hwy. Colonial Bldg garage door. . washer dryer, Central Air & Heat, New 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. dining room, screened patio MLS BR-2493. Realtor - Appraiser Realtor Boca Raton 395-4044 draperies, frost-free refrig. Carpet throughout, New Boca Raton and pool, with 2 car garage. 399-6444 395-0650i 104 N.E. 2nd St. Many many extras. MLS 2606 Drapes, New Wall Paper, 395-9355 399-8284 MLS-BR 2597PG 391-5700 GARVY'S W. For personal in- New Paint inside and out. Under $120 a month pays GOT ONCE IN Located in fine home area s&^T^. 395-4711 DEVELOPERS! ON THE spection and, appointment to /* "A 399-6711 everything if you assume the IT! AWHILE east of Federal Hwy. in WATERFRONT LOTS ESTER BEACH see call HAL HAYNES existing mortgage on this INTRACOASTAL! Pretty Bel Marra section. J.C. J^JlTCHELL & SONS Over 175 adjacent lots — 40 TOWERS you'll find a gorgeous Associate. convenient 3 b.r., 2 bath with 95 Ft. front by 186 ft. Compare at Low Price of |-^——"—A 22 S. Federal home. Walk to shops, theater, per cent on water (Zoned $51,000 structure with 6 bedrooms, 6 WEIR REALTORS R1AA), on sewers, near new deep. This outstanding lot is Only $29,950. MLS BR2226 Bill | REALTORS [Boc a Raton, Fla. recreation. Total price only A never tiring majestic vista full baths, 2 kitchens, 2 dining Weir Plaza Bldg 855 S Fed Hwy Nichols, Associate industrial plant reported to now available with excellent ROYALPALM $24,000. MLS BR 2535. from high above the city and rooms, 2 large living rooms - Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 „ soon employ hundreds. In terms! MLS BV 377W. For FIRST REALTY CORP. YACHT CLUB the ocean. The vast view of garages and a host of other TROPIC ISLE prime Palm Beach County details call HAROLD Realtor BY OWNER the Atlantic by day and a modern facilities % block to DELRAY area. Call Grace Porter daily O'CONNOR Associate 20S.E.lstAve. Beautifully landscaped golf raton carpet of lights by night the ocean—for $79,500. Use it "Cast Off" from your own WEIR REALTORS Call anytime 395-8600 course home. Overlooking 4 or Sunday — 10 AM-4 PM. unfolds beneath you. This as a large home or income dock - be in the Intracoastal realty Weir Plaza Bldg 855 S Fed Hwy fairways. Lot 100 x 150. 3 pleasant 2 bedroom 2 bath property. MLS BD 58 in a few minutes, when you LOVINGLY Realtors 395-9100 Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 bedrooms 3% baths. Maids residence is decorated in soft ED GARVY Realtor live in this charming new CARED FOR... 35 8 Co-ops & Condominiums Sale quarters, pool, stero, 5% per IMMACULATE 2-2 gold carpeting and quiet 701E. Palmetto Pk.Rd. ranch with 3 spacious By original owner. Two GEORGE VAN ZEE. cent mortg. (Vacant) This well built home has R»o!tor yellow drapes,which are 391-0900 Anytime bedrooms, 2 baths, family spacious beedrooms, two large screened porch plus room, 2 car garage, lush baths, with gracious living Realistic price. 1794 Sabal 30? Golfvlew Drive SANREMO! included in the price. The eat- florida room 1 bedroom has New 3 bedroom 2 bath, carpeting throughout. In- assured by a lovely, Palm Circle - open daily. Call Boca Raton 395-1661 PENTHOUSE in kitchen has the best separate entrance priced at $24,950. Reverse cycle air & spect this today. Only $49,900 hospitable Florida room. 395-3992 or 395-1222. cabinetry and is complete $24,900 MLS Br- 2568. NEARLY SOLD OUT Location — Location! Just with a clothes washer and heat. Wall to wall carpet, MLS BR 2549W. MLS 2553. Call daily or THE COVE WATERFRONT listed, the largest of the two dryer. To view these delights, large 75 x 150 ft. lot in Boca. Sunday 10 AM-4 PM — 395- OUR SUNDAY SPECIAL ROYALPALM Occupancy approximately 90 kMOTHERWELL 1661. OPEN HOUSE 1 to 5 P.M. bedroom apartments on the phone Bill Kincaid, IVE REALTOR CARLEN YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB top floor of Villa Raphael. An days. Only $2,650 down, Come and visit us at this Associate. MLS B-Condo 757 S. Fed. Hwy. Colonial Bldg Appraisal & Realty. Inc. Intracoastal $25,000 ocean view and Intracoastal 288WP furnished model can be seen spotless 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 100'Wide Canal 35,000 view that is beyond by appointment. Call 390- Boca Raton 395-4044 Realtor GFOR(JF VAN ZFK. Florida room home. $34,900 450 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. 150s Wide Canal 36,500 description. Absolutely new BATEMAN&CO. 1323. EL RIO CANAL Realtor includes carpets, drapes, Boca Raton 399-4440 Call as soon as possible for carpets, drapes, decorating Realtors NEAR BOCA BEACH Waterfront 4 bedroom 2 bath 307 Golfview Drive heat and air, sprinkler more details. Motherwell that are color 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. 4 bedroom 2 bath pool home, plus den, large double Boca Raton 395-1661 system. Close to schools and DEEP WATER Realty, 757 S. Federal High- coordinated by a Boca Raton EXTRA large family room — garage, sliding glass doors, OPEN SUNDAY shopping. BR-2567 908 N.E. NO BRIDGES way, Boca Raton - 395-4044. professional. Garage 395-9355 399-8284 excellent financing pool with pass-thru, closets 1:00 to 4:30 10th Street, Deerifled Beach. 3 Bedroom 3 bath, All electric kitchen 2 car garage, 5 post parking, of course. If you DONT CALL Unless you want arrangements ... $31,900.00 and space galore, cathedral CAMINO GARDENS 10 ACRES dock, carpeting, drapes, real FROM GOLF COURSE want the best of a one of a cash for A 2-2 on First or MLS BR 2592P ceiling. $44,900 with large 945 S.W Elderberry Way assumable mortgage. Call sharp home. A pleasure to Fenced — Cleared and in kind location — this is it. San Second Floor on intracoastal If you love Tropical Gardens, Builder 391-4070 after 6 p.m. show $58,500 MLS. pasture. Located in fine Remo has private beach, in or north of Boca«Not over 2 flowers, privacy and low Rea residential area. E. of Bar- pool, security — all theyears old. 390-1039 Between maintenance - see this out- 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. wick Road. High elevation. amenities. A desirable 10-2 OWNERS ONLY. WELCOME standing two bedroom home - BOCA RATON Price $4,500 Contact R.M. mortgage can be assumed as APRIL swimming pool overlooks SUBURBAN Kinkead, H.V. Dally, Inc. part of the purchase price. 395-0000 anytime SHOWERS! lush garden area. Magnificent living room with PROPERTIES REALTOR 1209 E. Atlantic Ave. Delray MLS B-Condo 271WP. Contact SANREMO! PALMETTO PARK DRUMMOND BU1LD1TJG EAST OF FEDERAL A world of comfort can be black Grecian marble - real 276-6303. Jack Dolan, Realtor, to view. TERRACE 201 N. Federal Hwy. BOCA RATON yours in this 3 bedroom ranch Deerfield Bch. 390-1880 He lives in San Remo. fireplace - high beamed Year old Mediterranean FOR DOCTOR—LAWYER There is no finer location and 2 Bedroom 2 bath, Florida home, 2 blocks from the BATEMAN&CO. . ceiling -separate dining room custom lakefront pool home INDIAN CHIEF environment than at San room A spacious home on an beach. Fireplace in living NEEDSONLY Realtors - Plantation window shutters - surrounded by beautiful Ocean Ridge High on Hill Remo, the Mediterranean of 80x168' lot. Air conditioning, room and completely rebuilt AN OWNER! 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. Travertine marble flooring - trees. 3 bedroom plus Overlooking Ocean, block the Gold Coast. A beautiful sprinklers, tile roof, Awning kitchen. New carpeting and Boca Raton only $56,500 BR-2546P or call beautiful panelled den with away. 148' Fronting A1A. bay is the focal point of this windows, Electric kitchen drapes. 2 car garage and In the beautiful Estate 395-9355 399-8284 for appointment anytime. built-in cabinets ... and a $29,600 Call Vince Earley, excellently planned com- with refrigerator. Very oversized lot with exquisite Section you will find this tremendous family room, Associate. SEAGATE TOWERS SOUTH munity that stretches from Nicely Landscaped yard shade trees for privacy and kMOTHERWELL builder's model - completely plus carpeting and draperies. Overlooking Intracoastal and the ocean to the Intracoastal. $27,500 MLS. atmosphere. See it today! Irl REALTOR furnished to minute detail! MLS BR 2501WP Call Ed Yacht Basin. 2 bedroom 2 The landscaping is $59,500. Call FRED CAREY, There are four bedrooms, 757 S. Fed. Hwy. Colonial Bldg Ronan. REAL ESTATE.Inc bath. Immediate occupancy. magnificent and Spanish Associate. Boca Raton 395-4044 three full baths, spacious Completely decorated, River Park to the north is a CARIBBEAN KEYS family room and of course Realtor BATEMAN&CO. pati-pool. MLS 2604P. To see carpeted. Many extras. natural paradise. Your own Realtors New 3 bedroom 2 bath plus 104 N.E. 2nd St. PROPERTIESREAITOR Realtor call TOM RAINES Associate 391-5700 $42,500. Can 278-4564 or 395- private beach, club, sauna, DRUMMOND BUILDING 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. family room - on water. 2915. games and full time security 201 N. Federal Hwy. Private dining room, circular 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. WEIR REALTORS Deerfield Bch. 390-1880 Boca Raton Boca Raton are all part of San Remo 395-9355 399-8284 foyer leading into ALL Weir Plaza Bldg 855 S Fed Hwy 395-0000 anytime NEW HOME living. The residents are the NEW ROOMS. Garden court en- Boca Raton Ph :395-4000 best of neighbors. WATERFRONT SANREMO "BEST BUY" trance. RED TILE ROOF A DREAM COME TRUE 293 SABAL PALM TERR. Select your apartment by $67,500 $41,000.00 This one is different. MLS reviewing the one, two and Choice S.E. exposure on 2518W. 5599 Rico Drive. Enjoy the Pool, Dock your Boat at your back In Royal Palm 4 Bedrooms - Pool three bedroom apartments Southern Exposure second floor in Villa "Capri" yard and enjoy this lovely 3 bdrm, 2 bath Another lovely new home - 3 that are available fully Immediate occupancy - see with Atlantic Ocean View, home only seconds from the Intracoastal. Refreshingly different decorated. Apartments vary overlooking putting green. bedroom 2 bath with pool, Realistically priced at $49,500. BR2357WP. this 3 bedrooms and den, or 4 double garage. MLS 2519WP. living space; 3—2V4 plus in size, location and price but Includes underground Call Doug Burgor, Associate bedrooms - two beautiful 5567 Rico Drive. den and pool. Built for easy there is one just for you. MLS bathrooms, quality car- parking unit, and high quality IDEAL FLORIDA HOME indoor and outdoor en- B-Condo 282 — 249 — 266WP. peting, Frigidaire kitchen carpets, drapes, fresh paint tertaining. Before you buy, Contact JACK DOLAN, and grass wallpaper all in Both open daily 11 a.m. to 4 Beautifully landscaped on a corner lot with SE appliances, excellent view of p.m. see the unusual in the Realtor to review these Intracoastal - capped "mint" condition. Existing exposure. 3 bdrms. 2 Bath Central air con- lowest priced new home in values. seawall, many extras. MLS- mortgage of $19,812.52 at 6% ditioned AND furnished for only $33,900. BR Royal Palm Call 395-7777 BR-2594 WP. per cent payable $198.00 per TC OHOP 2547. Call Doug Burgor, Associate. or see your broker. BATEMAN&CO. month incl. prin, int, tax, ins. .Realtor Realtors kMOTHERWELL Larger of the 2 bedroom 2 ZSOO N. Fed. Hwy. NEW, EAST OF FEDERAL 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. '« REALTOR bath units, and priced at least BOCA RATON Lovely 3 Bdrm. 2 Bath home so New you can Boca Raton 757 S. Fed. Hwy.'Colonial Bldg $3,500 under the new market. 395-0000 anytime choose your carpeting and landscaping. Ideal B-Condo 284WP 395-9355 399-8284 Boca Raton 395-4044 location walk to shopping but overlooking a OFFICE SPACE park. BR2283. Price $31,900. On US1, Boca Raton Will Divide DUPLEX... LIVE FREE A TRUE OPPORTUNITY PROPERTIESV to suit tenant 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath'each side conveniently located INC. Winfieid to shopping but near Park for privacy. Rental 219 S. Federal Hwy. Professional Bldg. IN CONGENIAL Boca Raton 395-4254 of one side pays mortgage. PD55. Priced at 395-1515 or 395-8327 $44,900. CAMINO GARDENS PRESTIGE STORE BRIGHT AND FRESH You will be so happy with this 2 Bdrm home A tastefully decorated, beautifully landscaped and with a charming lanai in the screened patio 2 Bedroom 2 Bath home in immaculate area. The backyard is filled with fruit trees 3—2, panelled dining and family rooms ... condition. Over size rooms, closets and OFFICE SPACES and fenced for privacy. Area of expensive Frigidaire appliances. Near shopping and homes but priced at $24,900. BR2487. ; cabinets contribute to comfortable living. !; schools Extra large covered and screened porch and FOR LEASE - . $27,500 lanai with the correct exposure to catch In Beautiful new shopping com- EXTRA VALUE Florida's balmy breezes. Two car garage with plex under construction on Boca 84x120 Lot automatic door. Priced for immediate sale. REAL ESTATEJnc. $5,300 Drive by 600 Camino Gardens Blvd — if in- Raton's main artery to beach, 200 Realtor OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. terested call 395-4049. block of E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. 104 N.E. 2nd St. 90f> N.W. 5th Ave. 391-1068 Anytime Phone 564-0269 391-5700 _Sundoy, April 5, 1970 BOCA RATON NEWS 15B 35 H Homes for Sale 35 H Homes for Sale 35 H Homes (oi Sale 35 H Homes (or Sale 35 H Homes foi Sale 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH BY OWNER PRICE REDUCED ROYAL OAK HILLS A FRIENDLY HOUSE HOMES WITH POOL for 3 bedroom 2 bath garage, On this lovely 2-2 pool home Home shows beautifully, 2 OWNERS OFFER $18,500 immediate occupancy. terrazzo floors. Awning beautifully landscaped many bedrooms, 1 bath, Florida Immaculate, trim, tidy, $36,500 CM 399-5922. windows, tile roof, central extras include self cleaning Room, central air con-Three bedrooms, two baths in charming, 2 Br. 1 Ba. well heat & air, screened patio, pool, carpeting and Tropical Garden setting one OPEN Sacrifice new large 4 ditioning and heat, wall to kept lawn, good location MLS sprinklers. $24,900. $5,000 draperies, refrigerator and wall carpets, drapes and block from Intracoastal. 2533 Sun-Eve 276-5883 SUNDAY bedroom home, oversized down payment. 87Pabjnino dishwasher. Central air, 1 car Large corner lot, well and pool, carpet, drapes and professionally landscaped. Circle, Hidden Valley. Call garage. Price reduced MLS BR 2618. sprinklers, patios and 11-4 appliances. IBM employee 391-2519. $24,00. NoWl only $33,500 MLS screened porch, carpeting, moving family back to New LARGE POOL HOME Br-2356P. draperies, large laundry and of Boca Raton Inc. York. Low $40's. Contact storage room, air and heat. owner direct 391-5186. Beautiful 3 bedroom home 36 S.E. 6th St. with pool and large patio near $28,000. Call 395-1903. M.R. Rodger, Realtor CARLEN 22 S. Federal 391-0990 ESTATES SECTION school. Central heat and air Boca Raton, Fla. Air conditioning, 4 bedroom, conditioning. Carpeting and Appraisal & Realty, Inc. FORMER MODEL IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY family room and utility room, draperies, refrigerator, dish- Realtor A MAGAZINE HOME! Ideal family home — con- EAST OF FEDERAL Quality drapes and car- washer, 1 car garage. Ex- 450 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Boca Raton .. 399-4440 This one should be in Better venient to IBM & Addison peting. New washer and cellent condition - MLS-BR- Homes & Gardens!! Unusual Mizner. Decorator carpeting, We've just listed two new dryer, freezer-refrigerator, 2431 P. Only $37,900 Call for plantings both inside and out draperies and luxurious homes in Kings Ct. in the dishwasher, 2 car garage appointment. plus spacious high-ceilinged appointments. 3 bedroom 2 heart of Boca Raton. Close to with electric door opener. BOCA ISLANDS shopping, post office and WATERFRONT! rooms, a kitchen full of ap- bath, pool, garage and many Screened patio and pool. kMOTHERWELL pliances, a charming patio. other extras. $39,900 Un- beach, both are excellent Many extras. 2 blocks from IVI REALTOR Just listed a delightful three Located East of the In- furnished, $43,900 furnished. values in today's market. Ocean. Mortgage available. 757 S. Fed. Hwy. Colonial Bldg bedroom air conditioned tracoastal and only one block MLS BR 2548P. 395-0450. Boca Raton 395-4044 home. Located on a large from the Ocean, makes this A very roomy 2 b.r., 2 bath on landscaped corner it affords unique 3 Bdrm, 2% Bath a huge lot for under $34,000 BEAUTIFUL AT THIS PRICE ROYAL PALM YACHT IT WON'T LAST LONG an excellent view down the home a must to consider at CARLEN (BR2602) and a 3 b.r., 2 bath & COUNTRY CLUB [SPLIT LEVEL HOME waterway. In mint condition, a $57,250. MLS BR2382 Call pool home in the Spanish $34,900! Only $23,900 for a pleasant Appraisal & Realty, Int. CHARM — COMFORT — VALUE three bedroom split-level it has central air, complete Jane Reid, Associate, eve. •I manner for $48,500 3 bedroom, 2 bath, central kitchen, garage door opener Realtor All wrapped up in one, plus top location in this house — in beautiful con- 3914461. *l (BR2589P) must be seen 3 bedroom, 3 bath lovely, open, breezy home. heat & air. Excellent con- and a 34 ft. screened and before you buy elsewhere. dition thanks to the excellent 450 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. $63,900 includes carpets, drapes, some dition. Attractively land- care the owners have given it. roofed patio. Could not scaped wooded lot. Mizner possibly be duplicated for the Boca Raton 399-4440. boca furniture, heat and air, garage, automatic Located on a quiet side street, REAL ESTATEJnc. OPEN HOUSE sprinklers, and large east-facing patio with School District. Enormous convenient to shopping. $38,500 price. Drive by 1151 raton family room adaptable for S.W. 4th Court and then call Realtor 1:30 to 4:30 P.M. SUNDAY tropical garden privacy. BR-2498. MLS-2598. Call daily or Jack Dolan, Realtor. MLS HEATED POOL HOME realty inexpensive conversion to Sunday 10 AM-4 PM. 395-1661. 104 N.E. 2nd St. additional bedrooms. For BR-2572W 391-5700 CAMINO GARDENS Realtors 395-9100 details call IVAN HAACK BATFMAN&CO. 828 SW Hickory Terr. OPEN HOUSE Realtors Immaculate, charming 3—2 STOP — LOOK — BROWSE Associate MLS BR 2506. GEORGE VAN ZEE, 3-2 NEARLY WEIR REALTORS 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. COMPLETED with SE exposure. SUNDAY 1 to 5 P.M. Realtor Well be there to show you Weir Plaza Bldg 855 S Fed Hwy 307 Golfview Drive Boca Raton 1 NEAR REEVES Homemaker's dream with Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 Boca Raton 395-1661 395-9355 399-8284 panelled family room, vinyl this priced right "home for Just West of Congress Ave. in floors, double self-cleaning the shrewd buyer," at 741 Sincerely Yours Delray Beach. City Police, for $32,000 ovens, ice maker freezer. N.W. 7th Drive. Abundance of Fire, Water, Underground Pass-thru to delightful patio space in this 3 bedroom, 2 In Royal Oak Hills 2 Br 2 Ba, Utilities, Large corner lot, GRAND OPENING wall to wall, drapes, area, Nutone barbecue and bath, family room, large Central Air & Heat, Car- vinyl awning. Luxurious kitchen, 31' x 28' screened Automatic washer, dryer. peting. Newly Developing Lush landscape, screened carpeting exquisite pool-patio area, central heat Area. Compare Low Price of and air, wall to wall carpet, 2 patio, with roof. MLS 2588. $26,500. MLS BR 2615 Bill draperies, marble Roman Sun-Eve 395-2289 master bath. Electric eye car garage, sprinkler system, SIMPLICITY AND ECONOMY Nichols, Assoc ... 278-1393 garage, storage and separate utility room. Addison Mizner Describes this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Eves. School district. Brand Ideally located for all shopping facilities and FIRST REALTY CORP. utility room. Roof and ex- terior just permatexed with new. . .superb work- close to J.C. Mitchell School. $37,500 includes Realtor of Boca Raton Inc. 15 yr. guarantee. Outside; manship. Perfect floor plan. spacious living area with studio ceilings and 20S.E. 1st Ave. concrete drive, fine land- BR-2380P. 36 S.E. 6th St. Call anytime 395-8600 marble-faced fireplace. Spotlessly clean, pool- M.R. Rodger, Realtor scaping with fruit trees and patio area, corner lot. Owner anxious to sell. 391-0990 BOCA SQ. POOL HOME illuminated fountain. All for BR-2512. 3 large bedrooms (one over $58,000cyaf. ML /MmS BR J?ea£2492 P PARADE OF HOMES ~~ 250 sq. ft.), 2 baths, family BY A&P room, 2 car garage make it GKORl.K VAN l\\.. PARADISE PALMS CONSTRUCTION an ideal home for a large Realtor 20 72 North Conference Dr. FROM $31,500 family. Add convenience to 307 Golfview Drive t Boca Raton Mizner School, cent, heat plus Boca Raton 395-1661 Homes for irnmed. oc- r-c air cond., new carpeting WARM WEATHER? 35 K Duplex STOP by and SEE this QUALITY home cupancy or occupancy in 90 and drapes and a good R/Jl NO PROBLEM IN EAST OF FEDERAL built by one of Boca Ratons finest days. mortgage and you'll ask for THIS BEAUTIFUL MLS BR 2213P. HOME! NEAR SHOPPING builders. We have others also under IN ESTERLY 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath each side, also boca Royal Oak Hills: Completely each has separate patio & construction in different areas thru- 3 BR-2 Bath home with extra furnished in excellent Florida large kitchen. raton utility room. Carpeted. out our beautiful city. We will also decor. 3 bedrooms, spacious Mortgage payments of $209. realty living, room and breakfast build custom homes of your desire on ESTATES SECTION per month covered by rental your lot or ours. MLS 2573. Realtors 395-9100 nook off passthrough kitchen, of one unit. Sale price $44,900. CAMINO GARDENS 3 BR-2 Bath home w-pool. 2 car garage and oversized FOR THE SPECIALTY BUYER OPEN HOUSE BD55. Owner anxious to sell. Open Daily from 9-5 PM Sun. 1-5 PM. patio looking out on com- This above average 4 bedroom, 3 bath home BOCASQUARE IN GOLDEN HARBOUR pletely private yard. $39,500. includes a large family room, beautifully 3 BR-2 Bath waterfront home SUNDAY 1 to 5 P.M. Let's look at this one kidney-shaped pool, screened patio, with pool and carpet. Come and see this beauty at together! Call FRED 941 S.W. 8th Street, for REAL ESTATEJnc. waterfront with seawall and dock, 2 car CAREY, Associate today! Realtor garage, marble baths, high-quality drapes IN LAKE ROGERS retirement or small family MLS BR-2255 Stephen J. 4 BR or 5 BR Home on water paradise. A delightful scene 104 N.E. 2nd St. and carpets, southeast exposure with lush plus family room, pool and will await you when you cross BATEMAN&CO. 391-5700 landscaping. Many other extras. Call now for carpet. the threshold of this fine Realtors a courteous showing. $74,500. BR-2590WP. 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. DEERFIELD BEACH home. You'll love the FLEXIBLE DUPLEX beautifully appointed in- Boca Raton S6fH JORTH FEDERAL -HWY. INBELMARRA 395-9355 399-8284 Excellent location — walk to 4 BR-2 Bath waterfront home terior. The 2 large bedrooms BEAUTIFUL FAMILY beach. In perfect condition, SOCA RATON with pool. and 2 baths plus area ex- furniture like new. Just pandable to 3rd bedroom, A POOL HOME reduced. Better look at this OPEN 395-8200 399-8272 OR huge screened porch has This home features 4 one. Only $48,750 MLS If you need a deep lot, How's entertainment center with bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 dining SUNDAY this for size 80' x 168 in the built-in barbeque and rustic areas, large family room, • RALPH C. 11-4 Heart of Town on City Sewers beamed ceiling. BR-2511W. A sewing and utility room, plus very unusual home. . .be many extras and is situated VISIT OUR MODEL sure and stop. $36,700. on a 90 x 170 ft lot. Ask for Jncifion IN GOLDEN HARBOUR MLS Br- 2516P. REALTY, INC, • Corner of N.E. 5th Ave. and 1M South Federil Highway Dwrfiilcf leach, Fla. N.E. 14th St. W»31» Phone 391-0784 or 395-4254. CARLEN L(O)(O)K Appraisal & Really, Inc. DUPLEX BOCA SQUARE, 2 bedroom 2 Realtor OPEN HOUSE bath. Air conditioning & cable 450 E. Palmetto Pk.Rd. Sunday—1:30 PM-4:00 PM heat. $35,000. 1256 S.W. 9th 13 Sailfish Lane, Ocean Ave. 391-5373. .Boca Raton 399-4440 RENT FURNISHED HOME Ridge. East of A1A — Beach PRICE REDUCED WITH AN OPTION IN privileges Immaculate units BOCA HARBOUR IN TO BUY PALMETTO PARK of 2-2. MLS-57. SUN and SURF This is an excellent op- TERRACE Be lucky and buy this charming 2 GOLF... portunity to build equity in It must be seen to be ap- bedroom 2 bath home on the water 3 BEDROOMS... your new home while paying preciated. This 2 bedrooms, 2 GFORUR V4N 7.W., 2 BATHS... bath home has many extras Realtor FLORESTA with Southeast patio and dock. rent. You'll be right at home, CHAMPAGNE AND CAVIAR ANDmuch, MUCHMORE. too, in this 2 bedroom house to insure your comfort, in- 307 Golfview Drive Complete with central air and heat, Call now for an appointment cluding dressing room in Boca Raton 395-1661 You must see the outstanding features in this ... suitable for retirement or charming 4 bedroom, 3 bath home with its carpeting, drapes and all appliances. to see this fine residence (just great for the kids with a large master bedroom, central air ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? MLS 2416W $39,700. steps from the beach) while fenced yard. Call Bill Powis conditioning and heat, walk- ... INCOME "Spanish flavor"; Large family home includes Owner's still anxious to sell. for MLS BR-2347. After hours in closets, screened patio and PRODUCING PROPERTY? den and leisure room, screened pool and MLS BR 2382. patio, 2 car garage, air and heat. Many ex- 395-8662; garage. MLS BR-2481. ...LUXURY LIVING? boca /S^fts 395-47J1 ...WOULD YOU tras. Realistically priced at $69,500. BR- ralen /* **\ 399-671! LIKE A LOT OF EACH? 258OP. BOCA WOODS REALTOR J.C.]|J[lTCHELL&SONS You'll find it in this unusual realty "Town House Duplex" of 3 NEW 3 bedroom 2 bath home with 140 N. Federal Hwy. Boca *.*•22 oS. reaeraFedera!l Realtors 395-9100 395-8J55 i Boca Raton, Fla. bdrms, 3 baths on each side... family room and pool. Central heat a potential gross income of and air, 2 car garage, and Southeast $9,600 per year PLUS the NEW HOME FOR beauty of finding the Ocean patio. Immediate occupancy. Wall to only Vz block away, makes wall carpeting included. MLS 2344P this an irrisistable in- $42,900. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY vestment at $79,500. MLS BD58 Call Jane Reid, By A8P CONSTRUCTION CO. Associate, eve. 391-4461. LAKE ROGERS Deluxe 3 bedroom 2 bath home on REAL ESTATE.Inc. PRICED BELOW APPRAISED VALUE water complete with central heat Realtor $46,500 and air, sunken living room, wall to 104 N.E. 2nd St. Will buy this like-new 4 bedroom, 2 bath, wall carpeting, large bright kitchen 391-5700 family room, dining room, pool and patio and much more. Just reduced. MLS home located on large corner lot in Boca Square. The extras will astound you! Entrance 2434W $62,500. CLOISTER foyer, 2 car garage, carpeting and drapes, 775 N.E. 39th ST. IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE ROGERS central heat and , air, self-cleaning oven, YEARLY RENTAL ON THE WATER — ONE LOT FROM THE INTRACOASTAL automatic sprinklers, sewered, etc., etc. 1 BR. 1 BATH — NEWLY FURNISHED $250 PER MO. DEL MAR Owner transferred and wishes immediate This Model Includes 4 Bedrooms — 2 Baths, Den or "5th Bedroom," Plus a sale. This won't last long! BR-2577P. OFFICE OPEN DAILY Beautiful Family Room, Wall to Wall Carpeting, Swimming Pool and Charming penthouse two Landscaping, bedrooms, two baths — better 9-5 SUN. 1-5 P.M. j^ than new. Immediate oc- Visit our model in Golden Harbour cupancy — Must be seen as 501 N.E. 14th St. and 5th Ave. has too many luxurious extras Stephen I Bodztft? In Golden Harbour Model Phone 391-0784 to mention BCondo 277WP — 7 also another beauty B-Condo h\pal(crr~-.... ^' WE WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOU GENERAL ii ELECTRIC 255WP. By appointment only. Call Frances Livaudais 395- 5601 NORTH FEDERAL HWY. 3700 or 395-3227. A&P CONSTRUCTION CO. Byron Parks Realtor BOCA RATON SAM ACQUILANO, GEN. CONTRACTOR Via Mizner BUILDING IN BOCA RATON SINCE 1953 Royal Palm Plaza 395-8200 399-8272 5425 North Dixie Highway, Boca Raton, Florida, 391-0784 395-4254 16B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, April 5, 1970 'Average' home is too dear By NORMAN KEMPSTER WASHINGTON (UPI) — Fewer than 20 per cent of the nation's families can afford a house fa-iced half way bet- ween the cheapest and the most expensive, according to Housing Secretary George Romney. Romney says it now costs $27,000 for a new house priced at the national median, the A FAVORITE mid-point on the cost scale. "Monthly housing expenses on the typical new median- priced home — financed with CUSTOMER BONUS a 30-year, 8% per cent mortgage — probably total This all-purpose table designed more than $290, including with Ihe decorator accent makes taxes, insurance, utilities, a beautiful addition to any room of and maintenance and repair," Romney said in the house. Top resists scuffing .. . testimony before a stains... simply wipes clean I'M BEAUTIFUL II with a damp cloth. Samsonita congressional committee. "To afford such a house FOLDING TABLE without stretching beyond reason, a family needs an income of nearly $14,000 a in beautiful year. Fewer than one family in five has this high an in- come. "By contrast, the median- priced house offered for sale FINISH! Prices Effective five years ago, before the Mon-Tue-Wed. current inflationary spiral, April 6-7-8 probably could have been Prices In This Ad Effective Kraft's Lo-Cal afforded by two families in Only In Dade, Broward, Palm EXTRA five. Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and French Dressing • 3 8-oz. "The rising cost of money Indian River Counties. botls. has hurt most. Its cost—both Durkees W/Cream Sauce for construction and per- 50-oz. box < manent financing—has risen Onions 2 ££ 69< Dash Detergent | (Coupon expires Wed. April 8,1970) •: by an exorbitant and un- Chef Boy Ar Dee Meat or Mushroom (Coupon Good From Vero Beach 3 warranted 15 to 25 per cent To Miami ONLY) i 15 z during the past year to the Spaghetti Sauce . 3 ^n°s 89« highest levels in a century." Romney increased the Cairo Beauty Smooth or Crunchy 16-OZ. interest ceiling on Federal Peanut Butter . jar 43< Housing Administration French's 200-ft. Roll Box Dow (FHA) home loans from 7.5 to Hand! Wrap 8.5 per cent last Jan. 5. He 13%-oz. Instant Potatoes • pkg. (Coupon expires Wed. April 8,1970) said the move was needed to (Coupon Good From Vero Beach attract additional money into Uncle Ben's Quick To Miami ONLY) the mortgage market. Rice 5-OZ. But the FHA reported that Del Monte Pineapple Grapefruit pkg. the percentage of its regional Ronco Medium or Wide offices reporting adequate funds to make all eligible Noodles 2 59< 16-oz. Liquid Bowl Cleaner loans dropped from 41 per Mott's Vanish cent on Jan. 1 — before the (Coupon expires Wed. April S, 1970) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach ceiling increase — to 39 per Apple Sauce . .2 To Miami ONLY) cent on Feb. 1. Libby's An FHA spokesman said even less money would have 1 EXTRA been available except for the Pumpkin 2 ££ 33< ^WGreenStamps rate boost. F&P Whole Kernel or Cream Style Swift's Premium In addition to pricing many $ 7-oz. Aerosol Furniture Polish families out of the new house Golden Corn . . 5 !££• 1. Quick Frozen, U.S. Choice Behold (Coupon expires Wed. April 8,1970) market, high interest rates Mott's Apple-Vanilla (Coupon Good From Vero Beach and scarce money have Lesueur To Miami ONLY) discouraged construction of Pie Filling .... 3 *& *1. new homes. Housing starts Beets. ^ 25< Lamb Sale Mott's Cherry-Vanilla were at a seasonally adjusted 2 annual rate of only a little Silver Floss Pie Filling .... 3 j£- *l. SHOULDER more than 1.1 million units in Oscar Mayer January. Sauerkraut . . .3 ™, 79< Mott's Apple ROAST 2 $ If activity remained at this Del Monte Pie Filler 3 far°s 1. Bologna >» 69« level, new home construction would fall far short of the 2.6 Tomato Catsup. . tt 33< Mott's Cherry Swift's Premium Cooked million units needed to meet Pie Filling .... 3 25-oz. SHOULDER CHOPS . Ib. 69c Salami «•. 89< the nation's goal of producing Royal Crown 16-oz. Bottles jars ROUND 26 million new or 6 rehabilitated homes in 10 Cola , r- 49< BONE CHOPS . Ib. 79c ' years. (Plus tax & deposit) Romney said the 26 million Heinz Fresh Not Frozen, home goal, although far out of IOV2-0Z. Waffles ...... 1g z- 39< reach, is really too little. Tomato Soup . . . can U.S.D.A. Inspected, e "The nation's total housing Star Kist Light Meat Chunk Style Stouffer's Beef, Chicken or Turkey need certainly exceeds the 26 Leg or Breast 1 2 million additional units Meat Pies ..... p°k°g 49< Congress called for in setting Ore-Ida Crinkle Cut a 10-year national goal in the Pix All Flavors 1968 Housing Act," the ryer Potatoes .... 2 %£; 49< secretary said. Soft Drinks - . 12 ^ 79< Professor Quarters Gorton's W/Lemon Butter z will speak Sole ...... *"k°g ; 59< • 'Mi 3wf • •' Brilliant Brand The Mathematical i Association of America, with Cooked Shrimp. • • 89< the financial support of the (Shipped Grade A) National Science Foundation, Fresh Florida is sponsoring a visit of Dr. (fflrcm xJur ^Dairy M)ept. Ralph Bennett, associate professor at Auburn Pillsbury's Hungry Jack Buttermilk University, to Palm Beach Strawberries or Flaky Junior College Tuesday, 9 5 O Z April 7. Dirr's Gold Seal Biscuits . . . . . 2 s iZ e 45« The visit to PBJC, part of a Dairi Fresh Large Curd or Schmierkase nationwide leeture program, Sliced Bacon * * * '';: 69< has a three-fold purpose: Cottage Cheese. . . "„" 29* To strengthen and Swift's Premium Chopped, Old Fashion Flavor stimulate the mathematics 4-oz. Dairi Fresh Imitation program of colleges and Dried Beef. . . . Pkg. Sour Cream .... *%£ 25* universities. Herman's Orange Band Pure Pork Wisconsin Mild To provide the mathematics staff and Brick Cheese ....'- 99< mathematics majors with an Bag Sausage . . K: (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) opportunity for personal Copeland's AH Meat contact with productive and Kraft Sliced Big Eye creative mathematicians. Bologna To aid in the motivation of a Swiss Cheese . . . ^ 79« able college students to consider careers in Indian River mathematics and the teaching of mathematics. Dr. Bennett received his White Seedless" bachelor's degree from 8-lb. Illinois Institute of Grapefruit bag Technology in 1960, his master's degree in 1962 and Large 27's Size doctoral degree in 1964 from Camino Gardens - Boca Raton the University of Tennessee. each tOO W, Camino Real Dr. Bennett will speak on: Cantaloupes* "What Do Topologists U.S. No. 1 Study?" 5th Ave. PLAZA- Boca Raton U.S. Highway #1 & 5th kn. The lecture, open is to the public, is scheduled for 2:30 Idaho Potatoes Florida Grown, Fresh Dug Palm Aire Shopping Center I !: p.m. in room 307 of the Business Administration 3-lb. 272 S. Federal Hwy., Deerfield Beach Building. Red Creamer Potatoes bag