MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM WALLEN’S TOWING & FAMILY! WALLEN’S Thank you for 83 years of service! Since 1933 952 Hwy 25W, Corbin, KYÊUÊxÓΣ£ä£ÊUÊÜÜÜ°Ü>iÃÌÜ}°V WTOWING - RECOVERY & VEHICLE LOCKOUT SERVICE WWW.THENEWSJOURNAL.NETWWW.TH tthehe ..netnet TheThe WhitleyWhitley RepublicanRepublican Corbin!Corbin! ThisThis WeekWeek News Journal S STA W N E D N VOL. 107,107, NO. 51 • WILLIAMSBURGILLIAMS , KY. DECEMBER 23, 2015 For subscription info: 606.528.9767 75¢ POLICE HELPING OTHERS Former judge gets diverted sentence for drug arrest Price could have record expunged in 2 years ■ By Mark White the
[email protected] News Journal Rather than net stand trial ONLINE ONLINE: Read the ..neentire Tuesday morning text of the Price’s law license sus- for allegedly traf- pension order. ficking in drugs, a former Whitley that Price told her he needed more District Judge money to “bribe prosecutors and instead entered judges” in furtherance of her case, a plea deal that according to a Kentucky Supreme could result in Court opinion and order obtained his record being Price by the News Journal Tuesday after- expunged in two noon. Photos by MARK WHITE years. Price, who had been charged Shopping fun: Above, Williamsburg Police Chief Wayne Bird helps Dakota Herron, 2, pick out a helicopter The News Journal has also with first-degree trafficking in a toy while his sister, Abigail Martin, 9, watches. Both participated in the Shop with a Cop program Thursday. unveiled new details about what controlled substance in connection Below, Aiden Helton, 3, didn’t need much help picking out his toys from Detective Bobby Freeman.