DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module

Eastern Distributing Inc. 7/1/2008 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Product A. Users and Licensing page 3 B. OS requirements page 3 C. Languages page 3 D. Devices page 3 E. File Formats page 3 F. Fundamentals a. Author ID page 3 b. Job No. page 3 c. Workflow page 3 d. Folders page 4 e. Worktypes and Option Items page 4 f. Direct Record page 4 g. Ownership Attributes page 4 h. Voice Comments page 4 i. Index Marks page 5

2. Screen Components A. Main Screen page 5 a. Audio Tree page 6 b. Device Tree page 7 c. Content List View page 8 d. Information View page 9 e. Property View page 10 B. Playback Control Components page 10 C. Transcribe Bar Components page 11

Page 2 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus

3. Menu Lists A. File Menu page 12 B. Folder Menu page 13 C. Edit Menu page 13 D. View Menu page 14 E. Play Menu page 15 F. Tool Menu page 16 G. Device Menu page 17 H. Help Menu page 17

4. Key Assignments page 20 5. Option Settings page 21 6. Customization page 47 7. Networking page 51 8. Trouble Shooting A. Sound page 52 B. Logging page 52 C. DVR not recognized page 53 D. Auto connection page 54 E. Updating page 56

Page 3 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Introduction

DSS Player Pro R5 is the latest and greatest of the Olympus Dictation Products

Users and licensing

The DSS Player Pro R5 is a Dictation/Transcription system that supports individual users to multiple users. With that said it can be licensed by single license or multi-license. Multi-license is managed as a floating license. The multi requires a license manager server. Information on licensing can be obtained from you sales representative.

OS Requirements

Works with Windows 2000-SP4; Windows 2003 Server, XP-SP2, 32/64 bit and Vista 32/64 bit


English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian


Compatible with USB Card Reader MAUSB -1- and MAUSB-200

Foot Switches RS-27 and RS-28

File Formats Supported

DS2 (DSPRO in Player interface), DSS, WAV, WMA and MP3 (MP3 conversion not available)

Fundamentals (File Names and their Attributes)

Dictation file names are created with an Olympus recorder and are automatically named with an eight character format - The first four characters represent the Author ID the second 4 characters represent the job ID beginning with a one.

The Author ID is represents the author of the file. The Dictation Module can register up to 10 Author IDs and transfer them to the recorder. If no Author ID is registered, the Windows logon ID is used as the Author ID

The Job Number is automatically set when a recording is made. Each time a dictation is made, a new number is created for it. The Job No., which is an essential number for file management cannot be reset by the user. Removing the batteries or formatting the memory card will not reset the Job Number.

Workflow (as a process)

The process by which dictation files are created, moved through to the completed transcription file and sent via FTP or email is called workflow. Files can be networked or moved via FTP or Email from one

Page 4 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus module to another. By default, transcribed dictation files are automatically moved to the recycle box and deleted permanently after a certain period of time.

Folders (Networked and Non-Networked)

There are two types of folders: shortcut Folders and virtual Folders. Shortcut folders appear to be actual folders however they really only pointing to specified folders. Shortcuts are automatically created and managed by DSS Player Pro. Users can modify the paths and names of these folders. If the path is over the network, it is displayed as green. When the network connection is broken the folder will show as red. Non-networked folders are yellow. A virtual folder does not represent a physical path. If serves as a container for the shortcut folders and is called a tray.

Worktype and Option Items

Worktypes and option items are used to classify recorded files. Each worktype can have up to 10 option items registered. Option items can be thought of as the types of actions a worktype can be associated with it. For instance if Fax is the worktype, the option items associated would be ‘to’and ‘from’. These are edited

Direct Record

Direct Record is for recording directly into the PC using a connected recorder as a microphone. This recording state is managed under two statuses, Pending and Complete, both of which are required to finish a recording. A dictation file with Pending status is saved in the Recording folder where it can be selected and edited to resume recording. Since the files stored in the Recording file folder are on the local PC a transcriptionist cannot open them. A dictation File with Complete status can always be transcribed. Once a transcription has begun, it cannot be edited. A dictation file with Complete status can be edited until transcription begins. The Direct Record settings are configured with option settings > Job data > VCVA function.

Ownership Attributes

By default the Transcription Module is configured to automatically move a transcribed dictation file to the Finished folder. Ownership Attributes prevent this from happening. The transcriptionist or author can then move the transcribed file to another folder.

Voice Comments

There are two types of voice comments recorded by an Author with DSS Player Pro R5: Instructional and Verbal. Instructional comments can be created only with Direct Record and cannot be composed when making a recording with a stand-alone recorder. A blue icon will show in the comments column indicating that there are instructional comments. A verbal comment is embedded into the dictation file. Verbal comments can be created with supported recorders and can be placed in any part of the file. Voice comments cannot have index marks.

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Index Mark

Index marks allow a user to mark a specific place in a file so one can find it quickly.

Transcription Module Components

Main Screen

Once installed, to bring up the Transcription Module go to start > programs > Olympus DSS Player Pro > Transcription Module.

This is an example of the DSS Player Pro 5 Transcription Module. It consists of ten components:

1.) Title Bar – typical windows title bar, shows application name, folder, and file selected 2.) Menu Bar – typical windows menu bar, the commands will be discussed in detail 3.) Tool Bar – shortcuts to the commands of the menu bar 4.) Playback Control – the module that allows for control of playback and recording 5.) Audio Tree View – hierarchy tree view of folders and files in the Transcription Module 6.) Device Tree view – hierarchy tree view of folders and files in the DVR 7.) Content List View – view of files and attributes in a selected folder 8.) Information View – detailed information showing more attributes of a specific file 9.) Properties View - detailed information showing more properties of a specific file 10.) Status Bar – Displays operating state, progress of set email or FTP and Author ID

Page 6 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Components of the Main Screen

Audio Tree

1.) Title displays the name of the view. It includes the pin button which turns the display mode to automatically on or off. To display the view again, press in the Content List view. 2.) The Tool Bar displays the tool buttons for working with a file. They are new folder, add folder, remove folder, rename folder and folder settings 3.) The folder structure displayed

Page 7 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Components of the Main Screen

Device Tree

1. Select the down or up arrow in the middle of the bar to hide and restore the Device Tree 2. The Tool Bar has download, upload, change device mode, change storage media and synchronize date/time buttons 3. The folder structure for the device

Page 8 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Components of the Main Screen

Properties View

1.) In this diagram, one represents the Title and the View buttons. The three buttons in the title bar control the view displayed. The user can view either Property or Job History. The Pin Button switches the display mode to either on (always displayed) or off (automatically hidden). 2.) Number two represents the Property View. Properties are displayed by category. Items displayed in black can be edited (except properties headings). The buttons in this view control the display of properties by alphabetical order or category. Job History view is displayed only when a dictation is selected in the Content list view. It shows the history from the history of the creation of the dictation to the completion of the transcription or to the completion of the transmission if the dictation file has been sent via email or FTP.

Page 9 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Components of the Main Screen

Information View (Main Screen)

1.) Hide and restore or the information view is controlled by clicking on the little up down arrow located in the middle of this bar 2.) Title is displayed here. At the right hand corner there are three buttons that switch the display mode to document list, document or preview. The pin button this view to always on or off 3.) View Area displays the mode selected from the icons on the Title Bar.

Components of the Main Screen

Content list View

1.) Title displays the name of the list view either dictation or document (list). The symbol switches the filter of the list view. The symbol switches the in-line editing function of the list view to on or off. The symbol shows or hides the properties view. 2.) View area displays the audio or documents files in the folder

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Playback Control Screen Components

This is an example of the DSS Player Pro 5 Transcription Module. It consists of eleven components:

1.) Title Bar – displays the name of the file being played 2.) – allows for the ability to see priority, switch input devices, set mode, user settings, index marks, drag slider and select transcribe and information buttons 3.) Control Buttons – play/pause, fast forward, reverse move to beginning, end or index mark or verbal comment 4.) Playback Position/Recording Time Length – blue numbers for how much has played and white shows total length - shows format in the format of HH:MM:SS 5.) Timescale Control – Displays the time scale of the Play bar 6.) Volume Adjustment Control – allows for adjustment of audio output 7.) Audio Output display - the current state of audio 8.) Playback Speed Adjustment Control – adjusts speed without changing voice pitch 9.) Noise Cancelation – clicking or dragging the slider can adjust the noise cancelation 10.) Tone Adjustment Control – clicking or dragging the slider can adjust the tone 11.) Status Bar – displays the current operating state, author ID, Worktype and Comment

Page 11 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Transcribe Bar Components

1.) Control Buttons – move to beginning, reverse, play/pause, fast forward and move to end 2.) Counter, Audio/Instruction Comment and priority button 3.) Display Area Slider and Index Mark 4.) Volume Control, Speed control, Noise Cancellation, Tone Control, Channel Separation, Edit Index Mark, Show/Hide Properties, Extended Switching Buttons 5.) Close Button 6.) Option Button Switching – allows transcriptionist to see option buttons or hide them

Page 12 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Menu Lists – the following is the menu list, commands and buttons associated with them


Page 13 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Folder Menu

Edit Menu

Page 14 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus View Menu

Page 15 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Play Menu

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Tool Menu

Page 17 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Device Menu

Help Menu

Page 18 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus More about the Tools Menu and the Commands within

Key Assignments\Hot Keys

General Key Assignments

Note: The picture below is from the Help Module of the Transaction Module. F12 to turn on/off hotkeys in incorrect – the correct key is F11

Functional Assignments for Programmable Buttons

Page 19 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Playback Control Key Assignments

Page 20 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Adding a New Hot Key

To change or add a new key command go to Tools Menu > Keyboard Settings. The Keyboard settings window looks like the picture below.

Choose the category you would like and then select a command you want to associate a new key with. Place your cursor in the New Key/Current Key box and then go to the key you wish to use for that command. To remove a key command, select the command and then go to the remove box. Reset All puts all keys back to the defaults.

Page 21 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Option Settings

Selecting Options under the Tools Menu is the most comphrehensive window to customizing your Transcription Module. As you can see from the picture below, this view can best be described as the contol center for both modules of the DSS Pro Player R5 respectively.

Notice the tabs Folder Design, Workflow, User Settings, Email/FTP and Update below the Option Settings title bar.

Folder Design – a hierachial view of the Audio Tree folders

Starting with top of the Audio Tree there is the Dictation Tray. Earier in this document when mentioning folders, it was specified that there are two types: Shortcut and Virtual. Shortcut folders are actual folders on a local machine or network. Virtual folders are simply containers for the shortcut folders. The Dictation Tray and the Download Tray are shortcut virtual folders. By editing attributes to those virtual folders the shortcut folders, lower in the hierachy, attributes change as well. You can tell which folders belong to the virtual (tray) folder by expanding and contracting the folders. You do this by selecting the plus or minus to the left of the Tray. Fortunately all virtual folders in this Module are called Trays.

Page 22 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus As you select each folder or tray the attributes will be in the window to the left of the window, such as the picture below. Notice that all actions attributes that can be changed for the corresponding tray or folder under the folder design tab are in Black Bold.

Notice in the picture above, the arrow pointing to line that allows you to edit the path. This is how you would configure this folder to get dictations from a Dictation Module on the network. You would simply point to the mapped drive and folder path to get those dictations. Keep in mind, as stated before, these folders only represent shortcuts to the folders in paths and users have the ability to customize paths.


Workflow is the process by which files are recorded, moved into the Dictation Module and/or Transcription Module, completed and sent. Because of this it should come as no big surprise that this will be a very detailed discussion on the Option Settings tab, Workflow. If you look at the hierarchy of the Workflow tree, you will see General, Download, Import, Auto Classification, Receive, Notification, Routing, Voice Recognition, Transcription, Auto Collection.

Page 23 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab - General

The General tab gives you options for managing deleted files, automatically adjusting your DVR/PC synchronization, prompting or automatically resolving filenames and adjusting the refresh interval.

Page 24 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab – Download

This tab allows the user to configure how they want files downloaded into the transaction module. Whether the user wants to be prompted for or download automatically. Specification on which folder will receive downloads if they are to be routed by Author ID, renaming and formatting options can be enabled as well.

Page 25 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab – Import

Import allows the user to prompts to be used every time a file is imported, renaming particular formats and the option of deleting original files after an import.

Page 26 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab – Auto Classification

Auto Classification allows the user to make rules specified by Author ID dictation to special folders after downloading or importing. Encrypted files can be auto classified as well.

Page 27 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab – Receive

The Receive tab allows users to choose the profile that receives dictation files and the source, format, renaming that is to take place for each profile.

Page 28 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab – Notification

The Notification tab allows users to control what notifications they receive and the interval in which they receive the notifications. Other options include sound notification, dialog notification and limiting to high priority.

Page 29 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab – Routing

Routing allows users set rules for each author. Users can specify a destination folder, creation of documents and sending of those documents and completed transcriptions.

Page 30 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab – Voice Recognition

If the DSS Player Pro R5 Transcription is integrated with Dragon Naturally Speaking the tab for voice recognition can be utilized and configured. This tab will let you set the range of the file as well as noise cancelation and starting with Dragon.

Page 31 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab – Transcription

The transcription allows users to open a word processor on the start of a transcription file as well as specified templates based on which Author ID created the dictation.

Page 32 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Workflow tab – Auto collection

This tab allows users to configure automatic collections once a dictation is complete. From there they can moved to other folders based on configured criteria.

Page 33 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus User Settings

User Settings contains four sections: General, Keyboard, Playback Control and Transcribe Bar.


General allows users to select the Transcription Module language and the color in which dictation files in different statuses show as. Reset allows users to set everything back to the defaults.

Page 34 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus User Settings


Keyboard allows users to see what hotkeys are preset and allows users to set new hotkeys.

Page 35 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus User Settings

Playback Control

Playback Control allows users to control the speed (without changing pitch), auto backspace and certain display settings and turn on or off the ability to listen while a file is being fast forwarded or reviewed.

Page 36 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus User Settings

Transcribe Bar

Transcribe bar allows users to change the settings when using the Transcribe bar window. Settings such as the display mode, length remaining and button customizations can be set to preference.

Page 37 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Option Settings tab - Email/ FTP

Under the Email/FTP settings folder there are four subfolders: E-mail, FTP, Send/Receive and Proxy.

Email setup is configured by going to E-mail (in the picture above in blue) and selecting the button ‘Add’.

Page 38 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Email

The next screen will appear as in the picture below.

At that point you have three options – Internet E-mail (POP3/SMTP), IMAP and Extended MAPI. When you select Internet E-mail (POP3/SMTP) you will see the next screen for configuration.

Page 39 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus The setup is fairly simple as long as the user knows the account name, POP and SMPT server information. Further information is required if you have a dialup connection. In that case the user will need to go to More Settings tab. An example of the more settings window is below.

There are more configuration options if users have an outgoing mail server that requires authentication. Options for retaining on the server as well as non-standard port settings

Page 40 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus FTP

The FTP configuration portion allows you to set up multiple FTP profiles. To add a FTP server select the Add button.

Page 41 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus At this point you see the screen below to set in configuration settings for your FTP server. You will need to know the login and password credentials as well as the address of the FTP server.

Page 42 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus E-mail/FTP

Send / Receive

This section gives the user the ability to choose the interval of automatically sending and receiving messages from either FTP or Email. It also allows the user to choose with to include the files that allow for the managing of files within the DSS Player Pro R5 software. Users will want these files sent with the transcription files if using DSS Player Pro R5 because they allow the user to access the features of the product. However if the user is not using R5 the customer may just want to send the transcription file because the management files my conflict with other software applications.

Page 43 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus E mail /FTP


This section allows users to configure for a proxy server if one exists on their network. With the top selection, the module accesses the same proxy server as the one used by . The middle selection is used if there is no proxy server. The third selection applies if the network proxy server has a specified address an port number.

Page 44 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Option Settings (tabs)


This section is allows users the ability to configure the foot switch. Users may select the type of switch can the type of action each pedal on the switch will perform.

Page 45 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Option Settings (tabs)


This section allows the user to select the interval in which automatic updates are checked for. The user has the option to automatically check once a week or once every 50 weeks. When a newer version is detected, a confirmation dialog box will appear, prompting the user to update. There is also a button selection that allows for users to check at that moment for updates. Notice that there is a link back to proxy settings in case these need to be changed for the user to get out to the internet.

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There are many ways that users can customize the DSS Player Pro R5. Basically, users can customize any and all section. In fact, most of what we have discussed has dealt with the customization of the product. In this section will deal with Work Area and Content List View.

Work Area

The work area consists of views we discussed in beginning of this manual. The chart below shows what is seen as a default view and if users have the ability to change it.

Content List

There are various ways to customize the content view.

Interchanging displayed columns

Users can choose display all, change the order, or hide certain columns two different ways.

Option 1: The user can right click on the Content View List as in the picture below. Notice the light grey area at which the arrow points. This is the Content View List.

This will bring up the column list. Note: You can only change the display of the folder view that you are in. In the example above, the user is in the Download Tray.

Page 47 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus The column list looks like this. The user can select which columns to view by clicking once to add a check mark or once to remove a check mark.

Notice that the check marks for

File Name and Priority Level are grey instead of black.

This is because those are the only columns in the Content List View that cannot be hidden. All other columns are fair game.

Option 2: Go to the View menu and select Columns to Display.

The Columns to Display dialog box will appear. Select the folder. The folders you can choose customize (clean) are the following: Download Tray; Inbox; Outbox; Finished; Backup; Recycle Box; Document Tray and Sentitem/OutBox. Use the [>> (S)] and [<< (C)] buttons to add or clean columns from the view. Use the up and down buttons to move the columns from left to right. The Up button moves the columns to the left. The Down button moves the columns to the right of the view. The Reset button brings the view back to the default.

Users can also change the order of dragging and dropping a column. Just select the column that you want to move. Hold down your left mouse button and drag the column where you want it to be.

The next two pages will show the Dictation File List view and the Document List view.

Page 48 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Displayed (dictation File List view)

Page 49 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Displayed Property List (Document List view)

Sorting displayed files

There are also two methods of sorting. User can select the column they want to sort by and double click or they can go to view > Sort by > and pick the column in the view in which they would like to sort.

Page 50 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Filtering Displayed Files

Filtering is a function that deals with what columns will display. It is based on conditions that the user sets for each column. It can help with searching for files that meet particular criteria set by the user. When filtering is on you will see a symbol that looks like a martini glass without a stem bottom. This is an example of the symbol you will see when filtering is on. This is an example of the symbol that you see when filtering conditions have been defined. Here is a picture of what it looks like in the Content List view.

Selecting all disables the filter for the current column. For the column whose date and time, number, or length can be specified, the Filters Option dialog box will appear when [Option] is pressed. Configure their conditions your preferences. Only the files that meet the configured conditions will be displayed.

Networking (by customizing folders)

Folders can be customized by going to Tools > Options. When the Option Settings dialog box appears the first tab is Folder Design. This enables you to customize the audio tree.

Earlier we discussed shortcut folders and virtual or container folders. Container folders simply group together the shortcut folders. The shortcut folders are able to be customized. In the picture above, on the right Folder D is highlighted in grey. That is because it has been selected by the user to customize. Everything on the right panel that is in bold print can be customized. Notice that users can change the name, path and actions of this folder. When networking the Transaction Module, this is the section you use in order to point that shortcut to a networked path. See the little box the arrow points to. When users select this box it shows the existing path allows users to select a mapped drive on the network.

Page 51 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Not all folders can be customized. As stated, it will be easy to tell which ones can be customized and which ones cannot by the bold print. In addition to networking, folders can be added, renamed and hidden. Note: Only folders created by users can be deleted. If the user does not want to see folders A through G, the user can choose to hide that folder be cannot delete it.

Trouble Shooting

The theory behind trouble shooting is eliminating variables in order to find the root cause of the problem. Keep this in mind as you go through this section. Keep in mind, the simplest questions can be the most telling.


System Remains Silent

If no sound is produced, verify the following items.

 Check the recorder connection - the device is connected to your PC and powered ON  Check the speakers – that they are plugged into the PC and that the speaker volume is set beyond the minimum level.  In the Transaction Module, go to Tools > Select Speaker > and make sure that the device you want to produce sound, is selected.  After checking these things, you cannot rule out that this may not be Olympus related. Disconnect your Olympus DVR and check that sound from another application or the OS itself works.  Once you have determined that the problem is narrowed down to the DVR or Transaction Module. Check the files from the DVR and make sure that you able to play them from the DVR.

Collecting Information with the Log Tool

The DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module provides the ability to trace and log a series of application operations. To perform logging, the modules to be logged have to be specified before the application is started. When a problem is encountered, it is recommended to send the PC operating conditions and the log data of the problematic areas to the supporting the product so that they will have more information in which to solve the problem. The DSSPrologtool.exe is located in the following default location:

C:\Program Files (x86)\OLYMPUS\DSSPlayerPro

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DVR is Not Recognized

 After connecting the recorder to your PC using a USB cable, check that the LCD display of the DVR shows ‘REMOTE’  If ‘REMOTE’is not displayed, remove the USB cable from the recorder and check that Stop mode and hold switch are not enabled.  Reconnect the USB cable to the recorder and check that the LCD display shows ‘REMOTE’  If there is still a problem with the DVR connecting and the LCD display shows ‘REMOTE’, there may be conflicting drive mapping. Go to Start > My Computer. Right click My Computer and select Manage. Once in the Computer Management console, look at the Computer Management (Local) tree and go down to Disk Management. Once you have selected Disk Management you will see the layout of all the storage devices on your system. Most of the time the DVR will try to take the drive mapping of F. Another sign is that it is by default, 242 MB with a of Fat32. Right click on the drive and choose, ‘Change Drive Letter’. You can change the letter to anything that is open. To make it easy, we in support usually choose ‘O’ for Olympus.

Page 53 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus

AutoPlay Stops DVR from auto connection in DSS Player Pro

Resolution/workaround 1: Disabling feature for ALL Removable Drives

Warning: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your . Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

1. Click Start, and then click Run. 2. Type regedit, and then click OK. 3. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\E xplorer

4. If the key NoDriveTypeAutoRun exist, right-click NoDriveTypeAutoRun, click Modify, type 4 Value data box, select Hexadecimal, and then click OK. 5. If the key NoDriveTypeAutoRun does not exist, create the key of type REG_DWORD first. Then right-click NoDriveTypeAutoRun, click Modify, type 4 in the Value data box, select Hexadecimal, and then click OK. 6. Quit Registry Editor.

Figure 1: disabling pop up on ALL removable drives

Resolution/Workaround 2: Disabling AutoPlay on a specific drive letter assigned to a Removable Drive (DS-4000).

Warning: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

1. Click Start, and then click Run. 2. Type regedit, and then click OK. 3. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:

Page 54 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\E xplorer

4. Verify that the key NoDriveAutoRun exist, otherwise create the key with type DWORD Value. 5. Right-click NoDriveAutoRun, click Modify, set the bit to “1”, right to left, which correspond to the drive letter assigned to the DS-4000. Enter the value in the Value data box, select Hexadecimal, and then click OK.

Consult the table below for drive letter and corresponding value to disable the windows pop up for it.

Drive Letter Assigned to DS-4000 Value Data A: 0x1 B: 0x2

C: 0x4

D: 0x8

E: 0x10

F: 0x20

G: 0x40

H: 0x80

I: 0x100

J: 0x200

K: 0x400

L: 0x800

M: 0x1000

N: 0x2000

O: 0x4000

P: 0x8000

Q: 0x10000

R: 0x20000

Page 55 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus

S: 0x40000

T: 0x80000

U: 0x100000

V: 0x200000

W: 0x400000

X: 0x800000

Y: 0x1000000

Z: 0x2000000

6. Quit Registry Editor. 7. Reboot the PC for the changes to take effect.

Updating the Product

It is best practice to check for updates on a regular basis. Updates contain fixes to known problems reported by valued resellers such as your and customers. Every time a problem is discovered and reported to the engineering team at Olympus it allows the engineers to add applicable updates to the product, thus creating a win-win for all of us. There are three ways in which you can update the DSS Pro Player R5 product. Users can go to the help menu and choose update. From that panel the user can to update automatically on a weekly plus basis or you can choose to update at that moment. You can also go to the Olympus site and download the latest update. In my opinion, this is the best way to update. That way you are sure that you grabbed the latest and greatest. Here is the URL to get updates for the DSS Pro Player R5.


and for the full install of DSS Player Pro R5 to:


login: prodealer

password: (must call Eastern Support for password)

Page 56 of 57 DSS Player Pro R5 Transaction Module Olympus Conclusion

This concludes the training on the DSS Pro Player R5 Transaction Module. Please remember this document is available for request and so is our support with your Olympus Dictation/Transcription products and support. You can reach the support department Monday through Friday 9 to 6pm CST at the following:

Technical Product Support Eastern Distributing

1.800.981.8973 1.800.962.7566 ext.1092 (f) 512.310.7683 www.easterndistributing.com

Your Reliable Source for all your Dictation, Audio Visual & Speech Recognition Products!

THIS IS A CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION AND MAY CONTAIN PRIVILEGED INFORMATION INTENDED FOR THE NAMED RECIPIENT ONLY. If you received this message in error, kindly notify our office by responding to this email and destroy the original. Any unauthorized copying, distribution, or review of this email is strictly prohibited.

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