The University of Texas at Austin Operating Budget
T H E U NIVERSITY OF T E X A S A T A USTIN O P E R A T I N G B UDGET F I S C A L Y E A R E N D I N G A U G U S T 31, 202 1 VOLUME I I OF I II Adopted by the U. T . S y s t e m B o a r d o f R e g e n t s A u g u s t 20, 2020 The University of Texas at Austin PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Rules And Regulations..................................................................... A.1 All Funds Operating Budget Summary............................................................... B.1 Summary Of Educational And General Budget; Year To Year Comparison............................... C.1 Summary Of Faculty Salaries, Departmental Operating Expenses, And Instructional Administration... D.1 Educational And General Funds.................................................................... E.1 Instruction.................................................................................. E.1 Architecture, School Of.................................................................. E.1 Business, Red McCombs School Of.......................................................... E.2 Communication, Moody College Of.......................................................... E.7 Engineering, Cockrell School Of.......................................................... E.10 Fine Arts, College Of.................................................................... E.16 Geosciences, John A. And Katherine G. Jackson School Of.................................. E.20 Graduate Studies, Vice Provost & Dean Of................................................. E.21 Information,
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