7 Stanes Phase 2 Evaluation Report for Forestry Commission Scotland October 2007 Registered Office: Glasgow TOURISM RESOURCES COMPANY St George's Studios Management Consultancy and Research 93-97 St George's Road Services Glasgow, G3 6JA 2 LA BELLE PLACE, GLASGOW G3 7LH Tel: 0141-353 1143 Fax: 0141-353 Tel: 0141 353 1994 2560 Email:
[email protected] www.tourism-resources.co.uk Registered in Scotland Reg No 145099 email:
[email protected] www.ekos-consultants.co.uk Contents Executive Summary i Background i Method i Conclusions i Future Direction iii 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Study Objectives 1 1.3 Method 2 1.4 Report Structure 2 2. 7stanes Phase 2 Project 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Project Description 4 2.3 Project Partners and Vision 6 2.4 Progress to Date 7 3. Partner Consultations 9 3.1 Introduction 9 3.2 Summary 15 4. Visitor Survey 16 4.1 Introduction 16 4.2 Survey Results 16 4.3 Summary 36 5. Business Survey 39 5.1 On-Site Businesses 39 5.2 Off-Site Businesses 41 5.3 Summary 47 6. Community Groups 49 6.1 Introduction 49 6.2 Examples of groups using the trails 49 6.3 Specific Views on the 7stanes 53 6.4 Summary 54 7. Economic Impact 56 7.1 Introduction 56 7.2 On-site 56 7.3 Off-site 58 7.4 Net On-site and Off-site Employment Impact 63 7.5 Gross Value Added 64 7.6 Cost Effectiveness Indicators 64 7.7 Progress Against Targets 65 7.8 Summary 65 8.