Mohawk Way / Sandford Lane, Woodley

Phase 1 Survey & Ecological Assessment

Mohawk Way Ecological Assessment


This survey was commission to provide an initial ecological assessment and Phase 1 habitat survey of the proposed development site at the Junction of Mohawk Way and Sandford Lane in Woodley, (Application No. O/2013/1212). In total, the site covers 1.8 ha. The site is bounded by residential properties on the western side, with a pumping station occupying the northern boundary. Mohawk Way lies to the west, with Sandford lane to the south (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Mohawk Way / Sandford Lane site boundaries. Method

This assessment was compiled using a combination of field survey visits and a desktop study. The ecological assessment of the site was carried out an experienced ecological surveyor, with visits being made to the site between April and October 2012. A follow-up visit was made to the site in August 2013 to ensure the information on habitats remains current. Visual surveys of the site were undertaken with notes being made of the nature and type of vegetation and any species of interest being recorded. Matthew Smith BSc ARCS FRES MCIEEM Page 1

Mohawk Way Ecological Assessment

The desktop portion of the assessment was carried out using a datasearch provided by the Thames Valley Environmental Record Centre (TVERC) in August 2013. The datasearch asked for information relating to protected species and other species of interest noted either on site or within a 1km radius of the site centre. The full TVERC datasearch is attached to this report as an Appendix.


The field surveys recorded three types of habitat on site. These consist of an area of developing woodland in the northern portion, large areas of dense scrub and a smaller area of coarse grassland. The distribution of these different habitats is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Mohawk Way / Sandford Lane Phase 1 habitats.

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Mohawk Way Ecological Assessment

The area of developing woodland consists of a mix of regenerating elm suckers together with self sown ash, sycamore and oak saplings. With the exception of a few slightly larger oak trees in the northwest corner of the site, the majority of these trees are saplings that appear to be recent in origin, there are no mature or veteran trees in the wooded area. Most of the elm suckers are now reaching the size where the bark will be of a suitable depth to allow the ingress of elm bark beetle, so it expected that the majority of the elm will suffer from dutch elm disease over the next few years. The ground flora in this area is unexceptional, consisting mostly of a mix of nettle and brambles (Figure 3).

Much of the central part of the site is occupied by blocks of dense scrub. Most of this is bramble, though a large block in the south-east corner consists mostly of snowberry, a non- native garden escape (Figure 4).

The areas of coarse grassland appear to be kept open due to grazing by rabbits. The ground flora is typical of an area of ground with a medium level of rabbit grazing, consisting of a mixture of grasses and ruderal plants such as ragwort, ground ivy, nettles and thistles. (Figure 5). The southern margins of the site adjoin a small area of regularly mown grassland. Along this boundary is a strip of slightly taller coarse grasses and weeds which is allowed to grow taller due to the reluctance of the rabbits to graze in more exposed areas.

Figure 3. Ground flora in the developing woodland.

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Mohawk Way Ecological Assessment

Figure 4. Dense bramble and snowberry scrub.

Figure 5. Rabbit grazed area in the centre part of the site flanked by scrub.

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Mohawk Way Ecological Assessment

The TVERC datasearch indicated that the Mohawk Way is situated within 1km of a number of statutory designated and non-statutory designated wildlife sites including the Lodge Wood and Sandford Mill SSSI and the Sandford Fen and Dinton Pastures Local Wildlife Sites. Although the datasearch produced a range of records for protected species and other species of interest, there are no species records held on the TVERC database from within Mohawk Way site itself.


This site is typical of a small area of fairly recently “unused” land. Young trees saplings and scrub have begun to become established and parts of the site are grazed by rabbits. The vegetation on the site appears to consist of common plant species regularly recorded from sites such as this. None of the three habitat types identified would be classed as BAP habitats.

When assessing sites such as this, it is usual to consider the potential impact on protected species such as badgers, bats and reptiles. The TVERC datasearch indicates there are no records for badgers with the 1km search area, and on-site survey visits found no evidence of the presence of badgers (e.g. sett entrances, latrines or badger hairs) on the site.

Similarly, bats have been recorded from the search area. There are no buildings or other structures on site which could potentially provide roosting or hibernation sites for bats. The trees within the area of developing woodland consist of a mix of saplings and young trees. These lack rot holes or areas of loose bark and are considered to offer negligible bat roost potential. As such, it is considered the proposed development will have minimal impact on any local bat populations.

Reptiles were found to be present on site. Full details of the reptile survey and mitigation proposals are provided in a separate report.

The area of developing woodland offers potential nesting sites for breeding birds. In order to minimise the risk to breeding birds, any clearance of trees or scrub will be carried out outside of the nesting season (1 March – 31 July). Although some trees and scrub will be lost, the aboricultural report identifies a number of existing larger trees that are to be retained. The illustrative master plan for the site also identifies a number of plantings of new trees and shrubs within the completed development; these would offer potential replacement nesting sites to mitigate for those trees that are removed.

The datasearch provided 2 records for Great Crested Newts (GCN) from within the search area. GCN are known to move at least 500m from their breeding ponds, though most are found with 250m of the pond. These two records were the result of the finding of a pair of GCN hibernating newts in an old pillbox in Sandford Fen, approximately 250m from the southern boundary of the Mohawk Road site. The closest ponds to the old pillbox are to the south of the pillbox. There are no ponds within 500m of the Mohawk Road site and it is considered unlikely that the proposed development with have any impact on GCN populations. Overall, with the exception of the small population of reptiles noted on site, the site would appear to be of limited ecological interest.

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Mohawk Way Ecological Assessment

Appendix I

Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre Datasearch

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Biodiversity Report

Site: Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley

TVERC Ref: B94.13

Prepared for : Matthew Smith

Date: 23rd August 2013

By Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre

This report should not to be passed on to third parties without prior permission of TVERC. Please be aware that printing maps from this report requires an appropriate OS licence

TVERC is hosted by Oxfordshire County Council TABLE OF CONTENTS

The following are included in this report:


 Terms & Conditions  Species data statements


 Table of legally protected and notable species records (1 km search area)  Species status key  Data origin key


 A map of statutory designated wildlife sites (1 km search area)  A map of non-statutory designated wildlife sites (1km search area)  Descriptions/citations for designated wildlife sites  Designated Wildlife Sites Guidance

Produced by TVERC 06/09/2012 TERMS AND CONDITIONS

The copyright for this document and the information provided is retained by Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre. The copyright for some of the species data will be held by a recording group or individual recorder. Where this is the case, and the group or individual providing the data in known, the data origin will be given in the species table.

TVERC must be acknowledged if any part of this report or data derived from it is used in a report. The whole document may be used as an appendix within your report.

The data in this report can only be used for the project for which it was requested. It cannot be passed on to third parties without permission of TVERC (this excludes reports presented to clients and Local Authorities).

The data should be considered valid for a maximum 12 months from the date on the cover of this report. If the data is to be used after that time an update should be requested. The data must not be added to any permanent database system.

The absence of any species or habitat data for any site, area or location does not mean that any species or habitat is not present.


To reproduce the Ordnance Survey mapping you must hold a relevant licence for the use of Ordnance Survey mapping or it can be copied at a printers or copyshop that holds a licence to carry out search work (see the Ordnance Survey website).

To display Natural England boundary data (statutory designated sites) within a report that is used for commercial purposes you must purchase a licence from Natural England. Full terms and conditions are available here:

Produced by TVERC September 2012 DATA STATEMENTS


TVERC has agreed an exchange of data with BSBBG which enables us to provide records belonging to them with the grid reference given to 1 km precision. Such records are indicated by the term “refer to BSBBG for full details” in the location column of the species table. Enquirers are recommended to contact the BSBBG direct to obtain further information. Please note that the BSBBG provides TVERC with an annual update of their records, so they may hold records for your search area that TVERC does not yet have access to. Requests for information may be submitted via the BSBBG website;


TVERC has a data exchange agreement with the Binfield Badger Group, and receives regular updates. However under the terms of the agreement it cannot provide these records to you. Requests for information should be directed to:

Binfield Badger Group PO Box 3805 Binfield Berks RG42 1HH

Email: [email protected]

For data searches within Berkshire, we will check and let enquirers know whether we hold any Binfield Badger Group records for within your chosen data search area.


Since 2008 data has been collected as positive or negative sections of watercourses. Positive sections crossing into search areas are included within the data. These are shown with the central grid reference for the stretch of watercourse. This may fall outside the search area but the stretch will be at least partly within the search area. The location information shows the beginning and end points of the stretch of watercourse.


Commercial organisations and members of the public may refer to the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway for wildlife records and habitat and designated site information for their own private use.

The NBN Gateway’s Terms and Conditions state "You may not republish wholesale the material, data and/or information made available to you, or exploit it for commercial or academic research purposes without first obtaining written permission from the relevant data Produced by TVERC September 2012 provider". This means that environmental consultants cannot use NBN data in ecology reports for planning applications unless they have obtained written permission from all the data providers. If NBN Gateway data are also provided for this project please make sure that the NBN Gateway’s terms and conditions are followed precisely.

The National Planning Policy Framework states that “planning policies and decisions should be based on up-to date information about the natural environment and other characteristics of the area”. The NBN Gateway does not hold the most up-to-date, comprehensive or highest resolution information on protected and notable species, local sites or habitats in Berkshire and Oxfordshire.

TVERC have advised planning authorities in Berkshire and Oxfordshire that ecology reports using only NBN data should not usually be validated and the NBN has requested that suspected breaches of NBN terms and conditions are reported to the NBN Data Access Officer, who will take appropriate action. Further detail is available on our website:


The following types of grid references are provided:

 Six figure grid references. Many of these will be an assigned relatively central grid reference for a site though with small sites the assigned grid reference for a site could be close to the edge. The record may have come from anywhere within the site. Where additional location information is provided the reference may be more accurate or central to a subsite within the larger site. Where the location is not site based, the grid reference should be within 100 metres of the location.

 Four figure grid references. Generally these are 1km records often with some location information to give an idea of which part of the 1km square the record was found. Sometime this information can be quite accurate. Where a large site is referred to the location should be in that part of the 1km square that is within the site. In some case these may be tetrad records with grid reference referring to a 2km x 2km square. This includes some confidential records from Oxford Ornithological Society. Other tetrad data is rarely included.

 Eight and ten figure grid references: These are generally accurately worked out to the location where the species was found. However for small and narrow sites eight figure grid references may be used as a central grid reference for a site.

 TVERC intends to start tagging data to qualify these grid references but at present only a limited amount of qualification is provided. 1km square records are tagged as 1km record and 2km square records are tagged as 2km record.

Produced by TVERC September 2012 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants Schedule 5 - all parts A Mouse-eared Bat Myotis 60 in house 27/06/1985 SU7773 Woodley NE (W&C Act 1981) H & S Dir 2 Adults , nest 01/01/2003- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Tyto alba record 31/12/2003 SU786728 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 3 Juvenile 01/01/2003- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba Female nest 31/12/2003 SU786728 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 2 Juvenile 01/01/2004- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba Female nest 31/12/2004 SU786728 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 2 Adults , nest 01/01/2004- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba record 31/12/2004 SU786728 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 01/01/2005- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba nest record 31/12/2005 SU781731 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 2 Adults , nest 01/01/2005- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba record 31/12/2005 SU786728 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 2 Juvenile 01/01/2005- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba Female nest 31/12/2005 SU786728 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 01/01/2006- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba nest record 31/12/2006 SU781731 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 1 Adult , nest 01/01/2006- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba record 31/12/2006 SU786728 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 6 Juvenile 01/01/2007- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba Female nest 31/12/2007 SU786728 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List 1 Adult , nest 01/01/2007- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Schedule 1 (W&C Act Barn Owl Tyto alba record 31/12/2007 SU786728 Pastures) WBC 1981) Amber List Dinton Pastures Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis several 07/02/1999 SU783728 Country Park Sandford Lake BIG Amber List W&C Act 1981, Hyacinthoides non- Schedule 8, Section 13 Bluebell scripta 1983 SU78617360 Lodge Wood BBOWT Part 2 W&C Act 1981, Hyacinthoides non- Schedule 8, Section 13 Bluebell scripta 03/09/1984 SU775740 BBOWT Part 2 Sandford Mill and W&C Act 1981, Hyacinthoides non- Lodge Wood and Sandford Copse Schedule 8, Section 13 Bluebell scripta 11/07/1985 SU779729 Sandford Mill SSSI SSSI NE Part 2 W&C Act 1981, Hyacinthoides non- Lodge Wood and Schedule 8, Section 13 Bluebell scripta 1953 - 1985 SU787737 Sandford Mill SSSI Lodge Wood NE Part 2 W&C Act 1981, Hyacinthoides non- 28/06/1993- SU77594728 Dinton Pastures Schedule 8, Section 13 Bluebell scripta 13/08/1993 66 Country Park Bader Way Copse WBC Part 2 W&C Act 1981, Hyacinthoides non- 28/06/1993- SU77672723 Dinton Pastures Schedule 8, Section 13 Bluebell scripta 13/08/1993 62 Country Park Loddon river bank WBC Part 2 W&C Act 1981, Hyacinthoides non- 28/06/1993- SU77823729 Dinton Pastures Schedule 8, Section 13 Bluebell scripta 13/08/1993 58 Country Park Sandford Copse WBC Part 2 W&C Act 1981, Hyacinthoides non- Schedule 8, Section 13 Bluebell scripta locally abundant 01/05/2003 SU775740 Alder Moors BBOWT Part 2 W&C Act 1981, Hyacinthoides non- Schedule 8, Section 13 Bluebell scripta rare 09/05/2003 SU778732 Sandford Fen BBOWT Part 2 Schedule 5 - all parts H & S Dir (An Brown Long-eared Bat Plecotus auritus 2 in house 03/07/1996 SU774737 Woodley NE (W&C Act 1981) 4,5) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. refer to BSBBG for Schedule 5 - all parts H & S Dir (An Brown Long-eared Bat Plecotus auritus 02-Oct-2001 SU7873 further details BSBBG (W&C Act 1981) 4,5) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Priority Sp. Cuculus canorus 01/08/1984 SU778732 Sandford Fen BBOWT (Research only) Section 41 Sp. Red List Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Garden, Lands End, and (b) (W&C Act Common Frog Rana temporaria 2005 SU7874 Charvil, Berks TVERC 1981) Pond 2, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Frog Rana temporaria 22/04/2006 SU782741 Berks BRAG 1981)

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 1 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants Sandford Fen, Dinton Pastures Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Country Park, and (b) (W&C Act Common Frog Rana temporaria Adults 22/05/2007 SU77857306 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Bucephala Dinton Pastures Common Goldeneye clangula several 07/02/1999 SU783728 Country Park Sandford Lake BIG Amber List South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78037346 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78037346 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU78037346 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78117361 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78147339 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78147339 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78157344 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara Adults 27/05/2006 SU78157344 Sandford Farm BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU78157344 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU78157374 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 1 Adult 09/05/2008 SU78047342 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Sandford Farm, Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara 2 Adults 09/05/2008 SU78107345 Woodley, Berks BRAG Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Dinton Pastures Common Pochard Aythya ferina several 07/02/1999 SU783728 Country Park Sandford Lake BIG Amber List

Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago 01/08/1984 SU778732 Sandford Fen BBOWT Amber List

Priority Sp. Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris 09/05/2003 SU778732 Sandford Fen BBOWT (Research only) Section 41 Sp. Red List Dinton Pastures Country Park (west Schedule 5, parts 5(a) end of Lavell's LNR and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Juvenile 07/09/2005 SU782731 by Teal hide TVERC 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Dinton Pastures Country Park (west Schedule 5, parts 5(a) end of Lavell's LNR and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 3 Adults 07/09/2005 SU782731 by Teal hide TVERC 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Garden, Lands End, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 2005 SU7874 Charvil, Berks TVERC 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Sandford Farm, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 2 Adults 07/06/2006 SU77917412 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Sandford Farm, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 2 Adults 03/06/2006 SU77917412 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 2 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants North Block, Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Sandford Farm, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78157415 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Sandford Farm, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78157415 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Pond 2, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 22/04/2006 SU782741 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78377388 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78407378 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78407378 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78427411 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 2 Adults 03/06/2006 SU78427411 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78447410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 5 Adults 07/06/2006 SU78447410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78447410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 5 Adults 27/05/2006 SU78447410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 3 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78447410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 8 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78467410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 9 Adults 03/06/2006 SU78467410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 10 Adults 07/06/2006 SU78467410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78557393 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU78557393 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 2 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78557393 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 3 Adults 03/06/2006 SU78557393 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 3 Adults 07/06/2006 SU78557398 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 5 Adults 27/05/2006 SU78557398 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 3 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 6 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78557398 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 2 Adults 03/06/2006 SU78557398 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 2 Adults 27/05/2006 SU78567404 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 4 Adults 03/06/2006 SU78567404 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 2 Adults 07/06/2006 SU78567404 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78567407 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU78567407 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78567407 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78567407 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU78647388 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Sandford Fen, Dinton Pastures Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Country Park, and (b) (W&C Act Common Toad Bufo bufo Adults 22/05/2007 SU77857306 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. 1/1/1997- refer to BSBBG for Schedule 5 - all parts H & S Dir (An Daubenton's Bat Myotis daubentonii 3 31/12/1997 SU7872 further details BSBBG (W&C Act 1981) 4,5) Dittander Lepidium latifolium 01/08/1984 SU778732 Sandford Fen BBOWT Scarce (VP) Dinton Pastures 01/02/2007- SU77529724 Dinton Pastures Countryside Park Eurasian Badger Meles meles Sett 28/02/2007 66 Country Park (part) WBC Badger Act 1992 Eurasian Teal Anas crecca 01/08/1984 SU778732 Sandford Fen BBOWT Amber List River Loddon near Beggars Hill Road Schedule 5 - all parts H & S Dir (An European Otter Lutra lutra 1 Adult 11-Apr-2010 SU78107426 (Woodley) TVERC (W&C Act 1981) 2) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Schedule 5 - all parts Dinton Pastures (W&C Act 1981, European Water Vole Arvicola amphibius 1996 SU776727 River Loddon Country Park BBOWT amended Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Schedule 5 - all parts Dinton Pastures (W&C Act 1981, European Water Vole Arvicola amphibius Summer 1997 SU780726 River Loddon Country Park BBOWT amended Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Schedule 5 - all parts Dinton Pastures (W&C Act 1981, European Water Vole Arvicola amphibius 1998 SU776725 River Loddon Country Park BBOWT amended Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Nymphoides 28/06/1993- SU78230727 Dinton Pastures Fringed Water-lily peltata 13/08/1993 47 Country Park Margin of lake WBC Scarce (VP) Nymphoides June 1993 - Dinton Pastures Lavell's Lake, Tern Fringed Water-lily peltata August 1993 SU782731 Country Park Hide area WBC Scarce (VP) Nymphoides 01/06/1993- SU78500728 Dinton Pastures Fringed Water-lily peltata 31/08/1993 00 Country Park Lavell's Lake, Area A WBC Scarce (VP) Nymphoides SU77960725 Dinton Pastures Fringed Water-lily peltata 05-Jul-2001 40 Country Park Compartment 3 WBC Scarce (VP) Dinton Pastures Anas strepera several 07/02/1999 SU783728 Country Park Sandford Lake BIG Amber List 28/06/1993- SU78230727 Dinton Pastures Galingale Cyperus longus 13/08/1993 47 Country Park Margin of lake WBC post2001:NT Scarce (VP) Chenopodium Rough Grassland Good-King-Henry bonus-henricus 25/07/1984 SU778727 near Sandford Mill BBOWT post2001:VU

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 4 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants Schedule 5, parts 1, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 07/08/1985 SU78617360 Lodge Wood BBOWT 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Schedule 5, parts 1, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix Adults 1996 SU782730 Sandford Mill BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Schedule 5, parts 1, , Dinton 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 5 23/06/1996 SU784730 Pastures LN 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 03/06/2002 SU78137375 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Schedule 5, parts 1, Garden, Lands End, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2005 SU7874 Charvil, Berks TVERC 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 20/06/2006 SU77967402 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Juvenile 27/05/2006 SU78017395 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Juvenile 27/05/2006 SU78037410 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 05/05/2006 SU78057341 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78077358 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Juvenile 27/05/2006 SU78077421 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78077421 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78097352 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78097352 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Juveniles 27/05/2006 SU78097352 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU78107345 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78107345 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 12/06/2006 SU78107345 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78107420 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78117361 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78127351 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78127351 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 5 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Juvenile 27/05/2006 SU78127351 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Juvenile 27/05/2006 SU78137375 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Juvenile 27/05/2006 SU78157354 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU78157404 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78247394 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78247394 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78257395 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78277383 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78297390 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78327377 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78407378 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78407389 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 20/06/2006 SU78447384 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78467373 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78467373 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78467373 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU78467373 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78467373 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78467384 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78467384 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78537415 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78557393 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 6 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78557398 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78557398 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78577410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 15/06/2006 SU78577410 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. East Block, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 1, Farm, Woodley, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78657395 Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 15/05/2008 SU77967396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Juvenile 07/05/2008 SU77967396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 12/05/2008 SU77967396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/05/2008 SU77977400 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 11/05/2008 SU77987407 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 05/05/2008 SU77987416 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 11/05/2008 SU78027407 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 05/05/2008 SU78047339 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/05/2008 SU78047339 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Juveniles 09/05/2008 SU78047339 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 11/05/2008 SU78047339 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 12/05/2008 SU78047339 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Juvenile 09/05/2008 SU78047342 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 05/05/2008 SU78047342 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/05/2008 SU78047342 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 09/05/2008 SU78077357 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 09/05/2008 SU78077364 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 7 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 05/05/2008 SU78077364 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 12/05/2008 SU78087342 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 09/05/2008 SU78087342 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 2 Adults 12/05/2008 SU78107345 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 07/05/2008 SU78107345 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 09/05/2008 SU78107345 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Juvenile 15/05/2008 SU78167373 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 11/05/2008 SU78167373 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Grass Snake Natrix natrix 1 Adult 12/05/2008 SU78167373 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Sandford Fen, Dinton Pastures Country Park, Schedule 5 - all parts H & S Dir (An Great Crested Newt Triturus cristatus 1 Female 07/01/2007 SU77857306 Woodley, Berks BRAG (W&C Act 1981) 2) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Sandford Fen, Dinton Pastures Country Park, Schedule 5 - all parts H & S Dir (An Great Crested Newt Triturus cristatus 1 Male 07/01/2007 SU77857306 Woodley, Berks BRAG (W&C Act 1981) 2) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. SU78650728 Dinton Pastures Green Woodpecker Picus viridis 05-Jul-2001 00 Country Park Compartment 4 WBC Amber List Dinton Pastures Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis 1 06-May-2005 SU78467285 Country Park Lavell's Lake LN Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Potamogeton Loddon Pondweed nodosus occasional 1978 SU781729 R Loddon U post2001:VU Rare (VP) Potamogeton Loddon Pondweed nodosus 07/07/1982 SU781729 R Loddon U post2001:VU Rare (VP) Potamogeton R Loddon, Loddon Loddon Pondweed nodosus 1986 SU780729 Bridge LN post2001:VU Rare (VP) Sandford Mill and Potamogeton Lodge Wood and Sandford Copse Loddon Pondweed nodosus 1986 SU780729 Sandford Mill SSSI SSSI LN post2001:VU Rare (VP) Meadow. Semi 28/06/1993- SU77990728 Dinton Pastures improved damp rank Loose Silky-bent Apera spica-venti 13/08/1993 19 Country Park grassland WBC post2001:NT Anas platyrhynchos 03/09/1984 SU775740 Alder Moors BBOWT Amber List Anas 1 probable Mallard platyrhynchos breeding 09/05/2003 SU778732 Sandford Fen BBOWT Amber List Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata 01/08/1984 SU778732 Sandford Fen BBOWT Amber List Schedule 5 - all parts H & S Dir (An Pipistrelle Bat species Pipistrellus 46 in house 28/06/1994 SU7673 Woodley NE (W&C Act 1981) 4,5) Galeopsis 01/06/1993- SU78150730 Dinton Pastures Red Hemp-nettle angustifolia 31/08/1993 50 Country Park Lavell's Lake, Area B WBC post2001:CR Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Scarce (VP) 01/06/1993- SU78150730 Dinton Pastures Schedule 8 (W&C Act Red-tipped Cudweed Filago lutescens 31/08/1993 50 Country Park Lavell's Lake, Area B WBC 1981) post2001:EN Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Scarce (VP) Emberiza Reed Bunting schoeniclus 01/08/1984 SU778732 Sandford Fen BBOWT Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Amber List Schedule 5, parts 1, Garden, Lands End, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2005 SU7874 Charvil, Berks TVERC 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 8 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 4 Adults 31/05/2006 SU77887411 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU77887411 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 27/05/2006 SU77887411 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU77897407 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU77897407 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 20/06/2006 SU77897407 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Juvenile 27/05/2006 SU77897407 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 31/05/2006 SU77897407 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 31/05/2006 SU77897409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 03/06/2006 SU77897409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 20/06/2006 SU77897409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU77907413 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 03/06/2006 SU77907413 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 03/06/2006 SU77927409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU77927409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU77927409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU77927409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU77927409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 31/05/2006 SU77937419 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 20/06/2006 SU77937419 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU77947417 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU77957405 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 9 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU77957405 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU77957405 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 03/06/2006 SU77957405 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU77957414 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU77967398 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 27/05/2006 SU77967398 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU77967398 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU77967398 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU77967402 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU77967402 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU77967402 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU77967420 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU77977409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 20/06/2006 SU77987412 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU77997393 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 27/05/2006 SU77997393 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU77997393 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU77997393 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU77997418 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU77997421 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 05/05/2006 SU78007343 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78007390 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 10 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78007397 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 03/06/2006 SU78007397 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78017395 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 20/06/2006 SU78017401 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Juveniles 27/05/2006 SU78017401 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78017401 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78017401 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78017422 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78027399 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78047422 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78047422 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78077400 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78077400 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78077412 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 5 Adults 27/05/2006 SU78077421 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 03/06/2006 SU78077421 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78077421 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78107420 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 07/06/2006 SU78157417 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Juveniles 27/05/2006 SU78157417 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78157417 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78157417 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 11 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 27/05/2006 SU78187411 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78187411 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78197400 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78197408 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78197408 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78217397 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78227398 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78227401 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 07/06/2006 SU78247394 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 12/06/2006 SU78247394 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 20/06/2006 SU78247394 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 12 Adults 27/05/2006 SU78247394 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 8 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78247394 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78247396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 03/06/2006 SU78247396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78247396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 12/06/2006 SU78247396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 20/06/2006 SU78247396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 27/05/2006 SU78247396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 31/05/2006 SU78257395 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78257395 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 12/06/2006 SU78257395 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 12 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/06/2006 SU78257396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 12/06/2006 SU78257396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 15/06/2006 SU78257396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Female 27/05/2006 SU78257396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 31/05/2006 SU78257396 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/05/2008 SU77887408 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 11/05/2008 SU77907407 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 07/05/2008 SU77907407 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 15/05/2008 SU77917405 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 12/05/2008 SU77917405 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 15/05/2008 SU77937403 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 07/05/2008 SU77937408 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 05/05/2008 SU77937408 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 15/05/2008 SU77947406 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/05/2008 SU77947406 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/05/2008 SU77947414 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 05/05/2008 SU77947414 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 07/05/2008 SU77957404 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 05/05/2008 SU77967402 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 07/05/2008 SU77967410 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Male 15/05/2008 SU77967410 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Female 15/05/2008 SU77967410 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp.

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 13 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 05/05/2008 SU77967410 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/05/2008 SU77977395 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 05/05/2008 SU77977409 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 12/05/2008 SU77997404 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 11/05/2008 SU77997404 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 11/05/2008 SU78017418 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Juvenile 05/05/2008 SU78017418 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 12/05/2008 SU78047339 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 07/05/2008 SU78047339 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. South Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 09/05/2008 SU78047339 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 07/05/2008 SU78047408 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Juveniles 05/05/2008 SU78047408 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Juvenile 05/05/2008 SU78157415 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Schedule 5, parts 1, South Block, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis Adults 05/05/2008 SU781734 Sandford Farm BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 2 Adults 05/05/2008 SU78197410 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 12/05/2008 SU78217408 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 1 Adult 12/05/2008 SU78257394 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. North Block, Schedule 5, parts 1, Sandford Farm, 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Slow-worm Anguis fragilis 3 Adults 05/05/2008 SU78257394 Woodley, Berks BRAG 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Dinton Pastures Smew Mergellus albellus 1 Female 07/02/1999 SU783728 Country Park Sandford Lake BIG Amber List Dinton Pastures Smew Mergellus albellus 1 Male 07/02/1999 SU783728 Country Park Sandford Lake BIG Amber List Pond 8, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Smooth Newt Lissotriton vulgaris 1 Male 21/04/2006 SU78207367 Berks BRAG 1981) Pond 8, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Smooth Newt Lissotriton vulgaris 1 Female 22/04/2006 SU78207367 Berks BRAG 1981) Pond 8, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Smooth Newt Lissotriton vulgaris 1 Male 23/04/2006 SU78207367 Berks BRAG 1981)

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 14 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants Pond 8, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Smooth Newt Lissotriton vulgaris 1 Male 24/04/2006 SU78207367 Berks BRAG 1981) Pond 8, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Smooth Newt Lissotriton vulgaris 1 Female 24/04/2006 SU78207367 Berks BRAG 1981) Pond 2, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Smooth Newt Lissotriton vulgaris Males 22/04/2006 SU782741 Berks BRAG 1981) Pond 5, Sandford Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Farm, Woodley, and (b) (W&C Act Smooth Newt Lissotriton vulgaris 27/04/2006 SU78537410 Berks BRAG 1981) River Lodden, Song Thrush Turdus philomelos 1 Adult 23/05/2000 SU782732 Sandford BBOWT Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Red List Sandford Lake, Song Thrush Turdus philomelos 1 Adult 22/05/2000 SU783728 Woodley BBOWT Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Red List Lavells Lake, Song Thrush Turdus philomelos 1 Adult 23/05/2000 SU785729 Sandford, Woodley BBOWT Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Red List 208, Breeding (confirmed), Pipistrellus Aural bat refer to BSBBG for Schedule 5 - all parts H & S Dir (An Soprano Pipistrelle pygmaeus detector 18-Jun-2011 SU7774 further details BSBBG (W&C Act 1981) 4,5) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. 26 Pitford Rd, Schedule 5, parts 5(a) 1 Male, Woodley, Reading, and (b) (W&C Act Nationally Notable Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus Attracted to light 31/05/1998 SU77007369 Berks, RG5 4QF BBOWT 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. B Schedule 5, parts 5(a) 1 Male, and (b) (W&C Act Nationally Notable Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus Attracted to light 31/05/1998 SU77007369 PTES 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. B Schedule 5, parts 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Nationally Notable Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus 2 Males 06/05/1998 SU77007369 PTES 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. B 16 Pitford Rd, Schedule 5, parts 5(a) Woodley, Reading, and (b) (W&C Act Nationally Notable Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus 2 Males 06/05/1998 SU77007369 Berks, RG5 4QF BBOWT 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. B Schedule 5, parts 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Nationally Notable Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus 03/06/2007 SU776739 PTES 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. B Schedule 5, parts 5(a) and (b) (W&C Act Nationally Notable Stag Beetle Lucanus cervus 03/06/2007 SU776739 PTES 1981) Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. B 01/01/1997- Dinton Pastures Stock Pigeon Columba oenas nest record 31/12/1997 SU785730 Country Park Lavell's Lake WBC Amber List 01/01/2003- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Stock Pigeon Columba oenas nest record 31/12/2003 SU785730 Pastures) WBC Amber List 2 Adults , nest 01/01/2005- Dinton Pastures Dinton Pastures Stock Pigeon Columba oenas record 31/12/2005 SU780724 Country Park Country Park (part) WBC Amber List 01/01/2006- Dinton Pastures Dinton Pastures Stock Pigeon Columba oenas nest record 31/12/2006 SU780724 Country Park Country Park (part) WBC Amber List 1 Adult , nest 01/01/2006- Lavell's Lake (Dinton Stock Pigeon Columba oenas record 31/12/2006 SU786728 Pastures) WBC Amber List 01/01/2007- Dinton Pastures Dinton Pastures Stock Pigeon Columba oenas nest record 31/12/2007 SU780724 Country Park Country Park (part) WBC Amber List Leucojum Summer Snowflake aestivum 1983 SU78617360 Lodge Wood BBOWT Scarce (VP) Leucojum Summer Snowflake aestivum 07/08/1985 SU78617360 Lodge Wood BBOWT Scarce (VP) Leucojum Lodge Wood and Summer Snowflake aestivum 1953 - 1985 SU787737 Sandford Mill SSSI Lodge Wood NE Scarce (VP) Sandford Mill and Sandford Copse Leucojum Lodge Wood and SSSI, Sandford Mill Summer Snowflake aestivum 1987 SU779729 Sandford Mill SSSI Copse NE Scarce (VP) Leucojum Dinton Pastures Summer Snowflake aestivum 1987 SU782732 Country Park Lavell's Lake U Scarce (VP) Leucojum Summer Snowflake aestivum 1987 SU782737 Sandford Farm NE Scarce (VP)

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 15 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants Leucojum Summer Snowflake aestivum 1987 SU783736 Loddon Bridge NE Scarce (VP) Leucojum Summer Snowflake aestivum 63336 Apr 1998 SU78617360 Lodge Wood BBOWT Scarce (VP) Leucojum Summer Snowflake aestivum 65000 01/05/2001 SU78617360 Lodge Wood BBOWT Scarce (VP) Leucojum Summer Snowflake aestivum 80000 23/04/2003 SU78617360 Lodge Wood BBOWT Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77621723 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 55 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77627724 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 20 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77629724 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 09 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77633724 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 22 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77636724 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 88 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77640725 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 20 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77644724 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 29 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77647725 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 56 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77649724 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 49 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77676726 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 06 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU77704726 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 32 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 SU77707284 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78014730 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 23 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78105730 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 92 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78111730 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 19 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78148732 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 82 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78157731 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 45 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78164731 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 80 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78188732 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 90 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78198733 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 42 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78206730 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 77 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78222734 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 90 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78230734 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 52 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78240734 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 99 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78334735 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 94 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78408736 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 35 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78519737 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 29 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78527737 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 58 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78534737 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 62 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP)

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 16 Legally Protected & Notable/Rare Species Records Land off Mohawk Way, Woodley 1 km Search Area

Abund./ Stage/ Record Further Location European UK BAP NERC Act Notable 2009 BOCC Nat Rare Common Name Scientific Name Type Date Grid Ref Location Information Data Origin UK Legislation Legislation UK Red List Status 2007 2006 Invertebrates Status Scarce Plants Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78666738 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 28 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Leucojum 23/04/2010- SU78720738 Summer Snowflake aestivum 29/04/2010 76 River Loddon EA Scarce (VP) Woodley, W of Tower Mustard Arabis glabra 30/05/1985 SU7773 Sandford Mill U post2001:EN Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Scarce (VP) Aviation museum Tower Mustard Arabis glabra 1 1880 - 1999 SU77657295 car park LN post2001:EN Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Scarce (VP) SU77800728 Dinton Pastures Tubular Water-dropwort Oenanthe fistulosa Occasional 06-Jul-2001 50 Country Park Compartment 7 WBC post2001:VU Priority Sp. Section 41 Sp. Dinton Pastures Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula several 07/02/1999 SU783728 Country Park Sanford Lake BIG Amber List June 1993 - Dinton Pastures Lavell's Lake, Tern Water-soldier Stratiotes aloides August 1993 SU782731 Country Park Hide area WBC post2001:NT Rare (VP) 01/06/1993- SU78500728 Dinton Pastures Water-soldier Stratiotes aloides 31/08/1993 00 Country Park Lavell's Lake, Area A WBC post2001:NT Rare (VP) Myriophyllum June 1993 - Dinton Pastures Lavell's Lake, Tern Whorled Water-milfoil verticillatum August 1993 SU782731 Country Park Hide area WBC post2001:VU Myriophyllum 01/06/1993- SU78500728 Dinton Pastures Whorled Water-milfoil verticillatum 31/08/1993 00 Country Park Lavell's Lake, Area A WBC post2001:VU Phylloscopus Willow Warbler trochilus 03/09/1984 SU775740 Alder Moors BBOWT Amber List Phylloscopus Willow Warbler trochilus 23/04/2003 SU78617360 Lodge Wood BBOWT Amber List

Prepared by TVERC 23/08/2012 Page 17

Status Key. Produced January 2012 by Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre


• Schedule 5 (tagged as sch. 5) Animals • Schedule 8 (tagged as sch . 8) Plants • Schedule 1 Breeding Birds (tagged as sch.1) (Please note that some schedule 1 bird records will refer to species that do not breed in the county, e.g. over-wintering birds such as Redwing or Fieldfare. Although we include them in the annotated records, only they and their nests, eggs and dependent young enjoy extra protection under the W&C 1981 act. If you are in any doubt about the breeding status of a bird please contact us at TVERC)

• Other tagging sec. = section


• Species listed in Annex 2 (tagged as H & S Dir (An 2)) and Annexes 4/5 (tagged as H & S Dir (An 4,5)) of the EC Habitats Directive. This is the Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. This has been transposed into UK law as the Conservation (Natural Habitats & c.) Regulations 1994 where species are listed in Schedule 2 and Schedule 4. • Annex 1: Species listed on Annex 1 of EC Directive 79/409/EEC on the Conservation of Wild Birds.


Species included here are from information compiled by JNCC (The Joint Nature Conservation Committee).


Species listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


Species included in national red lists. This includes red listings based on pre-1994, 1994 and 2001 IUCN guidelines.

Global and UK Red Lists Species are tagged with the guidelines date (pre94, post94, post2001) and the red list category. These are:

• EX – Extinct A taxon is Extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died. • EW – Extinct in the Wild. Species known to survive only in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalised population(s) well outside the past range. • CR – Critically Endangered (CR) Species facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future. • EN – Endangered: Species that are not Critically Endangered but is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild in the near future.

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• VU – Vulnerable: A species is Vulnerable when it is not Critically Endangered or Endangered but is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future • NT – Near Threatened – A taxon considered to llikely to become endangered in the near future. • DD – Data deficient – A taxon with insufficient data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction. • RE – Regionally Extinct – Taxa that are considered extinct within the region but populations exist elsewhere in the world. • Inde – indeterminate – based on a pre 1994 category: Taxa which are known to be Endangered, Vulnerable or Rare but with insufficient data to place them in one of the categories. • Insu – Insufficiently known - based on a pre 1994 category which equates to data deficient. • NR – Rare – a pre 1994 category: Taxa with small populations that are not at present Endangered or Vulnerable, but are at risk. (In GB, this was interpreted as species which exist in fifteen or fewer 10km squares).


These are species listed in the United Kingdom Biodiversity Action Plan (UKBAP) as priority species. Where the species is included as it requires research then “research only” is included in the status.


For any Local Authority that has drawn up a list of BAP species. Designations will only apply to species recorded from the Local Authority area.


Species listed in Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 as a species of principle importance. These are very similar to the list of UKBAP Species although these are minor differences.


These lists were drawn up by leading governmental and non-governmental conservation organisations including the RSPB and British Trust for Ornithology. The most recent version was published in May 2009. Red List - species are those that are globally threatened, whose population or range has declined rapidly in recent years (i.e. by more than 50% in 25 years), or which have declined historically and not recovered.

Amber List - Amber list species are those whose population or range has declined moderately in recent years (by more than 25% but less than 50% in 25 years), those whose population has declined historically but recovered recently, rare breeders (fewer than 300 pairs), those with internationally important populations in the UK, those with localised populations, and those with an unfavourable conservation status in Europe.


Nationally Notable (Scarce) A : Taxa which don't fall within IUCN Red List categories but are uncommon in Britain and occur in <30 10 km (hectad) squares or for less well recorded groups within <7 vice counties.

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Nationally Notable (Scarce) B: Taxa which don't fall within IUCN categories but are uncommon in Britain and occur in 31-100 10 km sq/ or for less or for less well recorded groups between 8 and 20 vice counties

Notable: Taxa known to be scarce (occurring in between 16 and 100 10km squares) but for which there is insufficient information to assign them to Na or Nb categories.

This designation comes from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) species dictionary.


This list applies to both lower and higher plants. The abbreviations used in the species lists are: Lic = Lichen, Liv = Liverwort, Mo = Moss, St = Stonewort and VP = Vascular Plant. The definition of nationally scarce and rare is as follows:

Rare = occurring in 15 or fewer hectads (10 km squares) in the UK

Scarce = occurring in 16 – 100 hectads in the UK.

Produced by TVERC September 2012


Data Origin Origin Details Abbreviation AN Abingdon Natural History Society ANHSO Ashmolean Natural History Society (& Rare Plant Group) BBG Binfield Badger Group BBOWT Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust BENHS British Entomological Natural History Society BFC Council BIG Berkshire Invertebrate Group BLWS Berkshire Local Wildlife Sites Project BMG Berkshire Mammal Group BOC Berkshire Bird Clubs BOS Banbury Ornithological Society BRAG Berkshire Reptile & Amphibian Group BRC Biological Record Centre (Monk's Wood) BTC Banbury Town Council BTO British Trust for Ornithology BUWG Bracknell Urban Wildlife Group CBT Childe Beale Trust CDC Cherwell District Council CRPG Cotswold Rare Plant Group EA Environment Agency (formally the National Rivers Authority) EC Professional Ecological Consultant ET The Earth Trust (formally the Northmoor Trust) FLC Friends of Longcot Churchyard FWAG Farmland Wildlife Advisory Group HA Highways Agency LN Local/National Expert (known to TVERC) LWVP Lower Windrush Valley Project MGLG Moor Green Lakes Group NE Natural England/EN/NCC NFC Newbury Field Club NHM Natural History Museum NPD National Ponds Database NRG Newbury Ringing Group NT National Trust OBG Oxfordshire Bat Group OBRC Oxfordshire Biological Record Centre (TVERC precursor) OCC Oxfordshire County Council OLWS Oxfordshire Local Wildlife Sites Project OOS Oxfordshire Ornithological Society ORAG Oxfordshire Reptile & Amphibian Group OS Otter Spotter Project OUNHM Oxford University Natural History Museum OUWG Oxford Urban Wildlife Group OX Oxford City Council


Produced by TVERC 14/11/2012

Data Origin Origin Details Abbreviation PC Pond Conservation PL Plantlife PTES People's Trust for Endangered Species RBWM Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead RM Reading Museum RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RUWG Reading Urban Wildlife Group RWP Reading Woodlands Plan SODC South Oxfordshire District Council SW Shotover Wildlife TVERC Thames Valley Environmental Record Centre TVFG Thames valley Fungus Group TW Thames Water U Unknown UTBC Upper Thames Butterfly Conservation VCH Victoria County History (historical records) VWH Vale of White Horse District Council WB District Council WBC Wokingham Borough Council WILDCRU Wildlife Conservation Research Unit WMUWG Windsor & Maidenhead Urban Wildlife Group WODC West Oxfordshire District Council WS Wytham Survey WWT Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust YE Yattendon Estate

Produced by TVERC 14/11/2012

COUNTY: BERKSHIRE SITE NAME: LODGE WOOD AND SANDFORD MILL Status: Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) notified under Section 28 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Local Planning Authorities: Wokingham District Council, Berkshire County Council National Grid Reference: SU779729/SU787736 Ordnance Survey Sheet 1:50,000: 175 1:10,000: SU77 SE Date Notified (Under 1949 Act): 1953 (part) Date of Last Revision: 1982 Date Notified (Under 1981 Act): 1985 Date of Last Revision: Area: 2.3 ha 5.7 ac Other information: Part of the site was included within the Loddon Valley SSSI, first notified in 1953. Lodge Wood is a nature reserve managed by Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Naturalists Trust.

Description and Reasons for Notification

This site consists of two small wet woodlands bordering the River Loddon, notable for large populations of the rare Loddon Lily.

The woodlands are situated on London Clay, which is largely overlain by alluvium at Sandford Mill and valley gravel at Lodge Wood. The poorly-drained and seasonally-waterlogged soils conform to the Fladbury 3 and Hurst associations, and consist of stoneless, fine, clay-like silts and loams. Both woodlands occur on relatively flat ground which is affected by groundwater and susceptible to intermittent flooding from the Loddon.

Although Lodge Wood is shown on Rocque's map of Berkshire in 1761 and may be an site, management has modified its original composition and structure. Both woodlands are dominated by alder and crack willow Salix fragilis, together with some ash. There is a relatively poorly developed understorey which includes hazel, dogwood, elder, blackthorn and red currant Ribes sylvestre. The southern part of Lodge Wood is drier, and dominated by pedunculate oak and ash, with some hawthorn and spindle and occasional planted exotics.

The humic soils which have high levels of nutrients following enrichment by floodwaters, support a limited ground flora, heavily dominated by stinging nettle Urtica dioica, goosegrass Galium aparine and ground-ivy Glechoma hederacea. Less common species include primrose Primula vulgaris, wood anemone Anemone nemorosa, dog's mercury Mercurialis perennis and lesser celandine Ranunculus ficaria, together with marsh marigold Caltha palustris and moschatel Adoxa moschatellina on wetter ground. The drier soils in the southern part of Lodge Wood support stands of bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta and wild daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus. Twenty-two species of moss and liverwort have been recorded.

Both Lodge Wood and Sandford Mill Woods support large colonies of Loddon Lily or summer snowflake Leucojum aestivum. This species has a very restricted distribution in Britain, and is listed in the British Red Data Book of vascular plants. In England it is largely confined to the Thames Basin, with one centre of distribution between Reading and Windsor, and another between Goring and Abingdon. It was first recorded from near Reading in 1799, and from the confluence of the Thames and Loddon in 1809. Because of its mode of dispersal the Loddon Lily is almost wholly associated with rivers, and the majority of colonies are found on islands or in dense willow carr. After flowering in April or May, when it is pollinated by bees, the fruits develop flotation chambers. Although they remain attached to the stem, in the event of flooding the stems break and the fruits are carried downstream and stranded amongst debris in thickets or on flood-plains. The bulbs can also be transported during heavy floods and deposited on river banks.

Although 48 native sites for Loddon Lily are known in England, there are very few sizeable populations. The main strongholds are the Thames east of Reading, and near the headwaters of the River Loddon, from which its common English name derives. The two small sites at Lodge Wood and Sandford Mill are estimated to contain over 10% of the total English population. Berkshire Local Wildlife Site description

ALDER MOORS Site Code: 77R04 Grid Reference: SU775740 Area (ha): 11.12 Local Authority: Wokingham Last Survey Date(s): Designation Date:

Site Description This site is a Local Nature Reserve managed by Wokingham District Council. It is wet alder woodland with ash, willow and hawthorn. It is actively coppiced. Though not classed as ancient woodland it has a rich flora with many species associated with long established and wet woodland. These include wood anemone, wood sorrel, moschatel, opposite-leaved golden saxifrage, yellow archangel, ragged robin and marsh marigold.

Produced by TVERC 24/04/2013 Berkshire Local Wildlife Site description


Site Code: SU77W02 Grid Reference: SU780724 Area (ha): 24.1 Local Authority: Wokingham District Council Last Survey Date(s): Most data comes from the 1980s and 1990s Designation Date:

Site Description This site is a large country park managed by Wokingham District Council. It is based around a number of old gravel pits that are managed for recreation and nature conservation. The site also includes areas of woodland, a small wet meadow and a larger area of grassland in the west.

Produced by TVERC 24/04/2013 Berkshire Local Wildlife Site description

LAVELL’S LAKE Site Code: 77W01 Grid Reference: SU783730 Area (ha): 12.44 Local Authority: Wokingham Last Survey Date(s): 1993 Designation Date:

Site Description This site is a Local Nature Reserve. It lies within lies within Dinton Pastures Country Park and is the most important site for birds in the Park. In the winter there are good numbers of wildfowl and the lake attracts passing waders such as snipe and redshank. The fringing reedbeds attract passing bitterns in the winter. Little ringed plover occasionally breed here and thick hedgerows attract nightingales. The lake also supports a good variety of dragonflies and damselflies.

Produced by TVERC 24/04/2013 Berkshire Local Wildlife Site citation


Site Code: SU76N05 Grid Reference: SU72006527 - SU78837866 Length (km): 17 Local Authority: Wokingham District Council Last Survey Date(s): 1995 Designation Date:

Site Description A seventeen kilometre stretch of the River Loddon running from Swallowfield to its confluence with the River Thames near Wargrave. This section of the river has a diversity of features such as adjacent marsh, islands, inlets, riffles, river cliffs and extensive and varied channel vegetation. This includes the uncommon Loddon Pondweed Potamogeton nodosus. Water vole and a variety of dragonflies and damselflies are also found along its length.

UK PRIORITY BAP HABITATS: None UK PRIORITY BAP SPECIES: Water Vole (1990) LEGALLY PROTECTED SPECIES: Water Vole (1990) Schedule 5 Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 RED DATA BOOK SPECIES: Lodden pondweed IUCN (1994) - Low risk - near threatened (1995) NATIONALLY SCARCE or NOTABLE SPECIES: None recorded BIRDS OF CONSERVATION CONCERN: Red list: None recorded Amber list: None recorded

Produced by TVERC 24/04/2013 Berkshire Local Wildlife Site citation

SANDFORD FEN COPSE Site Code: 77R03 Grid Reference: SU778731 Area (ha): 3.72 Local Authority: Wokingham Last Survey Date(s): May 2002 Designation Date:

Site Description A small willow dominated woodland with adjacent wet grassland. The shade from the canopy of the grey and goat willows over the wet mud and leaf-litter, allowed little ground flora. The shade would also reduce the value of the site to amphibians and invertebrates. A mallard had nested in the western section of the woodland. The marshy grassland comprised small patches of common reed with larger areas of Yorkshire fog. The occasional tufted hair-grass and Jointed, Hard, Soft and Compact rushes gave the habitat a tussocky structure, ideal for many animals. Signs of small mammals, probably field vole, were evident although many invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians could also make use of it. Other herbs recorded included brooklime, gipsywort, and ox-eye daisy. The scrub areas included hawthorn and blackthorn, with occasional oak and ash, the latter two confined to hedgerows abutting the roads. The scrub within the grassland provided good habitat for birds including , chiffchaff, great tit and starling. The scrub-grassland interface also provided good habitat for foraging insects including large red and common blue damselflies, speckled wood butterfly and the red-tailed bumblebee. There were abundant meadow brown butterflies present on a brief visit in late June.

UK PRIORITY BAP HABITATS: Wet woodland UK PRIORITY BAP SPECIES: none LEGALLY PROTECTED SPECIES: Bluebell (WCA 1981, sch.8) RED DATA BOOK SPECIES: none NATIONALLY SCARCE or NOTABLE SPECIES: none BIRDS OF CONSERVATION CONCERN: Red list: Starling Amber list: none TYPICAL SPECIES OF WETLAND: Goat willow, grey willow, osier, jointed rush, compact rush, soft rush, hard rush, gipsywort, common reed, brooklime (10). ANCIENT WOODLAND INDICATOR SPECIES: Three-nerved sandwort, Bluebell (escape). CURRENT MANAGEMENT: The area was likely to become drier over time changing the ecological character if not suitably managed. IDEAL MANAGEMENT: ISSUES: Fly-tipping and dog-fouling. Many people park at the adjacent car park but walk elsewhere.

Produced by TVERC 24/04/2013 Berkshire Conservation Target Areas Descriptions.doc

Loddon Valley Gravel Pits This area encompasses all the gravels pits at the north end of the Loddon Valley between Winnersh and Twyford and includes various areas of adjacent land with woodland and grassland habitats. The area extends northwards to include riverside land that floods regularly including land within Oxfordshire. Joint Character Area: Thames valley Geology: Mainly on alluvium and River Terrace Sand and Gravel. Topography: Flat riverside land. Biodiversity: • Standing water: extensive areas in gravel pits including Lavells Lake LNR and Sandford Lake at Dinton Pastures Country Park and Loddon Nature Reserve. The whole area is important for wildfowl and other other birds. • Wet Woodland: Includes Lodge Wood SSSI, Alder Moors LNR and Sandford Fen and small areas associated with the gravel pits. Loddon lily is found at Lodge Wood and Warren Wood in Oxfordshire. • Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland: Alder Moors is ancient woodland and has lowland mixed deciduous woodland as well as wet woodland. There are areas of more recent woodland at Dinton Pastures. • Fen and reedbed: there are areas of marginal fen habitat associated with the gravel pits and remnants at Sandford Fen. In Oxfordshire there is an area of reedbed at Warren Wood and remnant fen at Shiplake Marsh. • Other habitats: sites include Charvil Meadows and meadows at Dinton Pastures with remnants of grassland habitat and there is scrub at the edge of the gravel pits.

Access: Numerous sites have access including Dinton Pastures Country Park, Charvil Meadows, Loddon Reserve, Alder Moors Targets and Opportunities: Co-ordinated management of gravel pits to enhance biodiversity, management of Wokingham Council owned sites to enhance biodiversity, management of wet woodland habitat, re-creation of fen and grassland habitats. Mineral extraction provides further opportunities to enhance biodiversity. Significant areas of land are managed by Wokingham Council.





Under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 LNRs may be declared by local authorities after consultation with the relevant statutory nature conservation agency. LNRs are declared and managed for nature conservation, and provide opportunities for research and education, or simply enjoying and having contact with nature.


NNRs contain examples of some of the most important natural and semi-natural terrestrial and coastal ecosystems in Great Britain. They are managed to conserve their habitats or to provide special opportunities for scientific study of the habitats communities and species represented within them.

NNRs are declared by the statutory country conservation agencies under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 and the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. In Northern Ireland, Nature Reserves are designated under the Amenity Lands Act (Northern Ireland) 1965.


Ramsar sites are designated under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, agreed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971. Originally intended to protect sites of importance especially as waterfowl habitat, the Convention has broadened its scope over the years to cover all aspects of wetland conservation and wise use, recognizing wetlands as ecosystems that are extremely important for biodiversity conservation in general and for the well-being of human communities. The Convention adopts a broad definition of wetland, namely "areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres". Wetlands "may incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent to the wetlands, and islands or bodies of marine water deeper than six metres at low tide lying within the wetlands".

There is only one Ramsar site in Berkshire or Oxfordshire, South West London Waterbodies.

Produced by TVERC September 2012


The SSSI series has developed since 1949 as the national suite of sites providing statutory protection for the best examples of the UK's flora, fauna, or geological or physiographical features. These sites are also used to underpin other national and international nature conservation designations. Most SSSIs are privately-owned or managed; others are owned or managed by public bodies or non-government organisations.

Originally notified under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, SSSIs have been renotified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Improved provisions for the protection and management of SSSIs were introduced by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (in England and Wales) and the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004.


SACs are designated under the EC Habitats Directive. SACs are areas which have been identified as best representing the range and variety within the European Union of habitats and (non-bird) species listed on Annexes I and II to the Directive. SACs in terrestrial areas and territorial marine waters out to 12 nautical miles are designated under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended). New and/or amended Habitats sites which have been submitted to the European Commission by Government, but not yet formally adopted by the Commission, are referred to as candidate Special Areas of Conservation (cSACs). Sites which have been adopted by the EC, but not yet formally designated by governments of Member States are known as Sites of Community Importance (SCIs). In the UK, designation of SACs is devolved to the relevant administration within each country.

SACs, together with SPAs, form the Natura 2000 network SPAs, together with SACs, form the Natura 2000 network.


SPAs are classified by the UK Government under the EC Birds Directive. SPAs are areas of the most important habitat for rare (listed on Annex I to the Directive) and migratory birds within the European Union. SPAs in terrestrial areas and territorial marine waters out to 12 nautical miles are classified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

SPAs, together with SACs, form the Natura 2000 network.

Produced by TVERC September 2012



Local authorities for any given area may designate certain areas as being of local conservation interest. The criteria for inclusion, and the level of protection provided, if any, may vary between areas. Most individual counties have a similar scheme, although they do vary. Most Local Wildlife Sites systems involve a panel of ecologists and others in the development of local criteria and the selection of the sites. Panels usually include a local government ecologist, an Natural England representative, the Local Wildlife Trust, the Local Environmental Record Centre and sometimes include a representative of local landowners and local naturalists. These sites, which may be given various titles such as ‘County Wildlife Sites’ (CWS), 'Local Wildlife Sites' (LWS), 'Local Nature Conservation Sites' (LNCS), 'Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation' (SINCs), or Sites of Nature Conservation Importance' (SNCIs), together with statutory designations, are defined in local plans under the Town and Country Planning system and the National Planning Policy Framework and are a material consideration when planning applications are being determined. As part of a national standardisation process these sites have recently been renamed as Local Wildlife Sites in Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Previously they were known as County Wildlife Sites in Oxfordshire and Wildlife Heritage Sites in Berkshire. Although the use of these names, especially in citations and descriptions, is being edited and replaced with Local Wildlife Sites or LWS it is likely that some references will remain to these former names until this is complete.


These are also included on designated sites maps. They are areas thought to include important areas of UKBAP habitat or priority or protected species populations. Extensions are likely to have similar habitats to the adjacent Local Wildlife Sites. Local Authorities are made aware of these sites. They will not have been fully surveyed and taken to the selection panel as yet.


A variety of non-governmental organisations such as the John Muir Trust, Plantlife, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Wildlife Trusts and Woodland Trust own or manage nature reserves or other areas of land that are important for biodiversity. These sites may be intended primarily for nature conservation, or for other purposes such as protection of landscape features or the provision public access to the countryside. These areas of themselves have no statutory basis, but a large number are also designated SSSIs / NNRs / SPAs / SACs / Ramsar sites, etc. In Berkshire and Oxfordshire, BBOWT (Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust), Woodland Trust and RSPB sites fall into this category.

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LOCAL GEOLOGICAL SITES (LGS) Local Geological Sites formerly known as Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites (RIGS) are the most important places for geology and geomorphology outside statutorily protected land such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). As part of a national standardisation process these sites have recently been renamed as Local Geological Sites in Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Sites are selected under locally-developed criteria, according to their value for education, scientific study, historical significance or aesthetic qualities. Whilst not benefiting from statutory protection, LGS are equivalent to Local Wildlife Sites, and ''...consideration of their importance becomes integral to the planning process”.


Occasionally other sites might be shown on maps. These are likely to be sites with some wildlife interest, usually managed by local groups, local authorities or town councils but which do not have a specific statutory or non-statutory designation.

Some local authorities within Oxfordshire and Berkshire have identified other sites which are protected through policies in their local plans, including sites of local importance to nature conservation (SLINCs) in oxford city and district wildlife sites in Cherwell. For SLINCs we only show sites on maps that are not local wildlife sites or proposed local wildlife sites.

CONSERVATION TARGET AREAS/ BIODIVERSITY OPPORTUNITY AREAS These landscape scale areas have been identified as supporting high concentrations of UKBAP habitats and species populations and the potential to restore habitats at a landscape scale. These areas act as a focus for targeting resources into habitat management and restoration.

Produced by TVERC September 2012