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Page 01 Oct 12.Indd ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Home | 3 Business | 17 Sport | 28 Five artists from Energy Minister AIBA president Arab world to sees signs of oil unveils new showcase their industry recovery HeadsUp! works at Mathaf. in 2016. initiative. MONDAY 12 OCTOBER 2015 • 28 Dhul-Hijja 1436 • Volume 20 Number 6581 [email protected] | [email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Israeli air strike New five-year kills pregnant Palestinian and health strategy toddler daughter GAZA CITY: An Israeli air strike in Gaza killed a pregnant Palestinian woman and her tod- from 2017 dler, drawing a warning yes- terday from Islamist movement Hamas, as unrest spun further Focus on workers’ wellbeing towards a full-scale uprising. Emir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani received Generals, Public Prosecutors and Heads of Investigation After days of unrest in the Departments of the GCC states at the Emiri Diwan yesterday. The officials are in Doha to participate in their ninth West Bank and Israel, Gaza has By Fazeena Saleem abilities,” he added. meeting. been drawn into the violence since He said there will be more focus Friday, with clashes along the DOHA: The Supreme Council of to have a better environment for border leaving nine Palestinians Health (SCH) is currently work- health. It will address the occupa- dead from Israeli fire. ing on the next five-year National tional health problems of not only Israel’s air strikes demolished a Health Strategy 2017-2022 which the blue-collar workers but also GCC states to exchange house in the northern Gaza area will lay more emphasis on work- the white-collar workers from dif- of Zeitun, killing Nur Hassan, 30, ers’ health and wellbeing, a sen- ferent sectors. and her two-year-old daughter ior SCH official said yesterday. Speaking about workplace inju- Rahaf, Gaza medics said. The new five-year plan will be ries and health problems, Dr Al The Hamas chief in Gaza, launched after completion of the Thani said that the incidents have public prosecutors Ismail Haniya, has branded the current National Health Strategy significantly decreased over the spiralling violence an “intifada”. 2011-2016. past few years and the aim is to DOHA: GCC states yesterday He described the move as a regard is a gracious gesture and In fresh clashes on the border in It will address a wider area reduce it by five percent each year. agreed on a proposal for exchange major achievement, that would a great honour. He added that the central and northern Gaza, Israeli of health issues including work “Occupational injuries have of public prosecutors between the not have been possible without former Kuwaiti General Attorney soldiers fired warning shots in the place wellbeing of both blue- reduced by 40 percent although member countries. the support of the GCC leaders Hamid Al Othman had a great air to try to disperse hundreds of collar and white-collar workers, the population has increased in A decision in this respect was who approved a recommendation impact in the field of legal work stone throwing Palestinians, a said Dr Mohammad bin Hamad the recent years,” said Al Thani. taken at the ninth meeting of the of the heads of investigation and in the Gulf, adding that the Emir’s military spokeswoman said. Al Thani, Director of Public The new strategy will also public prosecutors, attorney-gen- prosecution bodies in the member recognition is not only for Late In response to the air strike, Health at SCH, on the sidelines of include implementation of early erals and heads of public investi- states. Hamid Al Othman and his family, a Hamas spokesman said “this Employee Health and Wellbeing warning systems for communica- gation bodies in the GCC states Al Marri said that under the but also for all the law workers in shows the occupation’s desire to Conference which opened here ble diseases like Ebola and MERS, yesterday. Qatar’s Attorney Gen- directives of Emir H H Sheikh the GCC States. escalate”. “We warn the occupa- yesterday. preventing work place stress, eral Dr Ali bin Fetais Al Marri Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the GCC Secretary-General Abdul- tion against continuing this fool- “We are working on another introducing healthcare education chaired the meeting. Award for Excellence for mem- latif Al Zayani hailed the Emir’s ishness,” said Sami Abu Zuhri. public health strategy, following for children, oral health and eye Dr Al Marri said that the GCC bers of the GCC public prosecu- directives on naming the award Hamas rules Gaza, the enclave the success of the first strategy. It care strategy. countries have approved a pro- tions and investigation bodies will after the former Kuwaiti Attor- hit by three devastating wars with will be launched after completing It was earlier revealed that posal on exchanging of prosecu- be named after former Kuwaiti ney General, explaining that the Israel since 2008. this strategy by next year,” said four years after the launch of the tors to make it possible for a Gulf Attorney General Hamid Al Oth- award was approved by the GCC With international concern Dr Al Thani. National Health Strategy 2011- prosecutor to serve in any of the man. Ministerial Council on the basis of mounting over the violence, “The 2017-2022 public health 2016, it has completed 61 per- member states. The award has been named the recommendation of the Public French President Francois Hol- strategy is ambitious and will cent of its projects, a 17 percent He said that there is a specific “the Hamid Al Othman Award Prosecutors, Attorney-Generals lande’s office said: “Everything cover more areas than the first increase from 2014. mechanism for the work of Gulf for Excellence for members of and Heads of Public Investigation must be done to... end this cycle strategy to prepare the country Continued on page 4 prosecutors in any GCC country, the GCC public prosecutions and Bodies in the GCC countries. which has already caused too for the 2022 FIFA World Cup, under the framework of the Coop- investigation bodies”. many victims.” protecting lives and reducing dis- THE PENINSULA eration Council. The Emir’s directives in this THE PENINSULA AFP Eight IS leaders killed in Iraq BAGHDAD: Eight senior fig- vived a year of US-led air strikes Al Baghdadi is unknown and he ures from Islamic State (IS) were and wars in two countries since was carried away by a vehicle. His killed in an air strike while meet- proclaiming himself caliph of all health condition is still unclear,” ing in a town in western Iraq, but Muslims. A Twitter site which the military said. the group’s reclusive leader Abu publishes statements from IS said Hospital sources and residents Bakr Al Baghdadi did not appear “rumours” that an air strike had said air strikes hit two houses and to be among them, residents of the targeted Baghdadi were false. killed eight senior local leaders town and hospital sources said. The US military declined to of an IS police force in the town. Iraq said yesterday its air force comment on the report. “Iraqi Islamic State supporters said had hit the meeting and had also air forces have bombed the con- on Twitter that even if Baghdadi struck a convoy that was carry- voy of the terrorist Abu Bakr Al had been killed, his self-pro- ing Baghdadi to attend it. It said Baghdadi while he was heading claimed caliphate straddling large Baghdadi had been driven away to Karbala to attend a meeting areas of Iraq and Syria would from the convoy in an unknown with Daesh commanders,” the survive. “Do you think we would condition. Iraqi military said in a statement. leave the State of the caliphate The Iraqi military’s announce- “The location of the meeting and abandon it, oh vile world?,” ment was the latest unconfirmed was also bombed and many of the asked one of his followers. report of the possible death or group’s leaders were killed and injury of Baghdadi, who has sur- wounded. The fate of murderer REUTERS Winds lash Qatar Syria opposition to boycott UN talks BEIRUT: Syria’s key opposition National Coalition said yesterday it would boycott talks proposed by UN peace envoy Staffan de Mistura over concerns about his plan and Russia’s air strikes in the country. The National Coalition has “decided not to participate in the consultative working groups and considers adherence to the Geneva communique and (UN) Security Council resolutions and an end to Russian aggression to be the basis for the resumption of the negotiation process,” it said in a statement. The Geneva communique is a document agreed at a peace con- ference in 2012 that drew up base- A view of Doha Corniche yesterday evening as winds lashed Qatar lines for a Syria peace deal. whipping up a dust storm. KAMMUTTY VP AFP MONDAY 12 OCTOBER 2015 02 HOME Da’wa opens new mosque Mental health law final draft ready in Uganda DOHA: The Islamic Da’wa Minister highlights achievements as Qatar observes World Mental Health Day Organisation has opened a new mosque in Rosniga in Uganda at DOHA: The final draft of the proposed ily physicians in foundation level mental a cost of QR114,000, donated by mental health law is ready and will be health and over 60 in advanced train- two Qataris. With this mosque enforced as part of Qatar National Mental ing and developed clinical guidelines for that can accommodate 700 wor- Health Strategy, a meeting by the Supreme depression and anxiety.
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