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List of Figures

1. Allan deSouza, Xing (2016) 15 2. Allan deSouza, Building Paradise (2016) 18 3. Allan deSouza, Borough Boogie Woogie (2016) 24 4. Zineb Sedira, SeaPath (2017). © Zineb Sedira. Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour, Paris 51 5. Zineb Sedira, SeaPath (2017) . © Zineb Sedira. Courtesy the artist and kamel mennour, Paris 53 6. Reconnaissance picture of the “left-to-die boat” taken by a French patrol aircraft on 27 March 2011 102 7.1 Envisat satellite image showing the modelled position of the “left-to- die boat” and the nearby presence of several military vessels who did not intervene to rescue the migrants 103 7.2 Chain of events in the “left-to-die boat” 103 8.1 Automatic Identification System (AIS) vessel tracks in the Mediterra- nean following a Mediterranean shipwreck of April 18, 2015 109 8.2 Video still of an interview with a survivor of the April 18, 2015 ship- wreck, showing his drawing of the collision between the migrants’ boat and the cargo ship 109 8.3 Map comparing the operational zones of Italian Navy’s Mare Nostrum and Frontex’s Triton 109 9.1 and 9.2 Minutes of a technical meeting held in Rome on 24.09.2014 between representatives of the European Commission, Frontex, the Italian Ministries of Interior, Defense and Foreign Affairs as well as the Italian Coast Guard Border Police and the Navy. In the meeting, a foreseen increase in search and rescue operation as a result of the end of Mare Nostrum is discussed 110 10.1 and 10.2 Video still from The Crime of Rescue — The Iuventa Case (2018) 118 11.1 Video still from Mare Clausum — The Sea Watch vs Libyan Coast Guard Case (2018) 121 11.2 Video still of Interview with A., survivor of a 2019 confrontation be- tween Sea Watch and the Libyan Coast Guard (2019) 121 316 List of Figures

12. Oil painting by the Dutch painter Gerard ter Borch (II) documenting the ratification of the Peace of Münster, one of the treaties concluded in Westphalia in 1648. The ratification of the treaty ended the Eighty Years’ War between the United Netherlands and the Spanish Crown and formally established the independence of the Dutch Republic. The painting is presented in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam; on loan from the National Gallery, London, since 2000 127 13.1 and 13.2 Stills from Grossraum (Borders of Europe) (2004 / 2005, 35 mm film), depicting smugglers throwing contraband over the border fence at the market in Ceuta 129 14. Letter and film still as reproduced in the publication, The Formal Trajec- tory (2004 / 2005) 131 15.1 and 15.2 Stills from Grossraum (Borders of Europe) (2004 / 2005, 35 mm film), depicting the UN buffer zone in Cyprus 133 16.1 and 16.2 Still from Monument of Sugar — how to use artistic means to elude trade barriers (2007, 16 mm film), depicting the pro­duction of a sugar block from European beet sugar respectively depicting ship unloading raw sugar bulk in the port of Lagos, filmed from the Dangote sugar refinery 135 17. Installation view of Monument of Sugar as exhibited at Argos, Brussels (2007) 137 18.1 and 18.2 Stills from Monument to Another Man’s Fatherland: Revolt of the Gi- ants — recited by prospective Germans (2009, 16 mm film) 140 18.3 Still from Monument to Another Man’s Fatherland: Revolt of the Gi- ants — reconstructed from reproductions (2009, 35 mm film) 141 19. Still from Grossraum (Borders of Europe), (2004 / 2005, 35 mm film), de- picting the flag of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in painted pebbles 144 20. The List as published in The Guardian UK (June 2018). List of 34,361 documented deaths of refugees and migrants due to the restrictive policies of Fortress Europe. Documentation as of May 5, 2018 by UNITED for Intercultural Action.Co-produced by Chisen- hale Gallery, London and Liverpool Biennial, the updated version of The List was printed and distributed by The Guardian in a print run of 210,000 on World Refugee Day, June 20, 2018. Free of charge cop- ies of the newspaper with the 64-page supplement were available at Chisenhale Gallery (28 June–26 August, 2018) and Liverpool Biennial (14 July–28 October, 2018). Copy edited by Lizzie Homersham, Edward Luker, and Nihan Somay 169 21.1 The List as displayed in Barcelona (2018). Documentation as of September 30, 2018 by UNITED for Intercultural Action From September 30, 2018 to February 6, 2019 as part of UMBRA project, in collaboration with Barcelona City Council, Imma Prieto and Associació La Llista Oblidada, The List translated into Spanish and Catalan was on view in Barcelona inside the Passeig de Gràcia metro station. Translation from English to Spanish and Catalan: Associació La Llista Oblidada; Ferran Macià Bros, Carme Ferrer Vilardell, Julie García McCusker, Dídac Macià Bros. Copy editing: Maike Moncayo. 170 List of Figures 317

21.2 The List as displayed in Amsterdam (2007). List of 7128 documented deaths of refugees and migrants due to the restrictive policies of Fortress Europe. Documentation as of May 3, 2006 by UNITED for Intercultural Action.Between March 14 and March 28, 2007, The List was displayed as a poster campaign in 110 outdoor advertising signs throughout the city of Amsterdam in close collaboration with curator Huib Haye van der Werf, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam and SKOR. 171 21.3 The List as displayed in West Hollywood, Los Angeles (2017). List of 29,586 documented deaths of refugees and migrants due to the restrictive policies of Fortress Europe, Documentation as of March 21, 2017 by UNITED for Intercultural Action in collaboration with Nihan Somay. This iteration of The List was commissioned by Roy and Edna Disney / CalArts Theater (REDCAT) in conjunction with an exhibit curated by Thomas Keenan and Sohrab Mohebbi, it is obvious from the map (March 25–June 4, 2017) and installed with the support of the City of West Hollywood through WeHo Arts ( The en- tire document was installed in two sections. One section was located on a concrete wall near the West Hollywood Park Auditorium (647 N. San Vicente Blvd.), while the other was on a busy section of Robertson Boulevard just south of The Abbey (692 N. Robertson) taking advantage of a temporary wooden construction fence in a high traffic pedestrian area. This List was on view from April 2017 to early June 2017. 172 22.1 Abdessamad El Montassir, The Adouaba Project (2019) 177 22.2 Abdessamad El Montassir, The Adouaba Project (2019) 179 22.3 Abdessamad El Montassir, The Adouaba Project (2019) 181 23.1 LGBTQIA+ Refugees Welcome, documentation of #Rockumenta action against Documenta 14, Athens, Greece (2017) 273 23.2–23.4 LGBTQIA+ Refugees Welcome, documentation of #Rockumenta action against Documenta 14, Athens, Greece (2017) 274 23.5a–d LGBTQIA+ Refugees Welcome, documentation of #Rockumenta action against Documenta 14, Athens, Greece (2017) 277 Social and Cultural Studies

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