’s & President’s Messages Hand In Hand President’s Message

The first Hebrew prayer book ever printed was L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu! May 5780 be a sweet a High Holiday called Machzor new year! Roma. Completed in 1486 by Solomon Soncino of Italy, it contains a prayer that appears in In a recent article, a Chicago-area the final pages of every holiday prayer book, “Atah Conservative Rabbi discusses a new version of Notein Yad.” We chant it at the very moment when “The Prayer for Our Country”. This version is our empty bellies are growling the loudest in our the third iteration of this prayer and is “…a Kippur fast, entreating the Holy One: “You hold beautiful and timely reshaping of the current Rabbi Sharon Mars out Your hand to those who go astray, Your right Amy Weisbach one that fully maintains the centuries old hand opens wide to receive those who return.” God’s Temple Israel President tradition.” The rabbi’s revision was needed, he firm hand protects us in our state of fragility and uncertainty, lifts us up claims, because we, as and as a country, and steadies our spirits, and holds us in love despite the list of are in a different place now than when the last revision was shortcomings we’ve enumerated from through the Day made. Instead of asking God to protect our leaders and granting of Atonement. them the strength to make good decisions, it is a call for us to raise our voices, so that we recognize that we are the repositories The theological image of God supporting us with a Divine Hand of moral courage and religious conviction. may not be new to us, but most unique to this particular prayer is the fact that the Hebrew letters of “Atah Notein Yad” appear This is but another reminder that every and this time of twice the size on the page of any other prayer in the machzor. The year provide opportunities to renew our bodies and our souls. words leap off the page at us! Why this special visual effect? What is the The High Holidays are a time for introspection, giving us the machzor trying to communicate to us here, just as the Gates of chance to discard the unimportant and reconnect to what is Repentance are closing at Ne’ilah? One theory speculates that the larger truly important in our lives. These are the moments to think lettering was actually trying to send a silent message of encouragement to about the future, to reconnect with God and to enhance our the Conversos of 15th century Spain. For those Jews who were forced to relationships with loved ones. Rosh HaShanah begins a period convert to Christianity at the beginning of the Inquisition, this secret when seriousness is wedded to celebration. Ten days later it is lettering communicated to them: “Be brave despite your plight. God’s culminates at . These Ten Days of Awe draw our hand reaches out to you beyond the confines of your circumstance.” attention to judgment, repentance, memory, and the divine presence in the world. This message has resonated for centuries of Jews in challenging times and it resonates deeply for me now. I hope this message As much as the emphasis during the High Holidays is on us as can lead us on our collective journey this holiday season. What I individuals, they also are a reminder that we are responsible for pray is that we feel strengthened by an invisible hand belonging our community. As your president, I have spent much time to a Force of love and compassion as we enter the Days of Awe reflecting on where we need to renew and revitalize. My together - a hand that guides us on a path of courage in these predecessors have done much of the hard work. We can point to challenging times for our divided country, a hand that financial stability, a soon to be completed new home, a dynamic strengthens us as Israel moves into its next election, a hand that and exemplary clergy and staff. In order to continue that welcomes our doubt and embraces our wisdom. We need God momentum, our board will dedicate its energy to renewing our to be that helping hand of reassurance and repentance so that governance structure to insure that our procedures and policies we are led into a year of teshuvah, of change and of hope despite any will be appropriate for our new home. Our board is robust, filled fear or trepidation. with people who are not afraid of challenge. The board and I need to hear from you, whether it is praise or criticism. You, the May you and your families be blessed to encounter the generous congregation, are our partners, and we will be present among and encouraging hand of holiness as we enter the year 5780 you as often as possible. Look for us in the same way that we together! look for you. We are not strangers; all of us reside under Abraham’s tent. B’shalom - In peace, May we all be inscribed in the for a healthy and a happy year!

Temple Israel TIKUN (USPS 537600) is published 11 times per year, monthly except August by Temple Israel 431 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215-4004. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio. Postmaster: Send address changes to Temple Israel Tikun, 431 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215-4004. 2 Temple Israel Services High Holy Day Service Schedule Tot Shabbat S’LICHOT Saturday, September 21 at JCC S’lichot Program ...... 7:00 PM Preparing for the

EREV ROSH HASHANAH Sunday, September 29 at JCC ! Erev Rosh Hashanah Service ...... 7:30 PM Saturday, September 7 ROSH HASHANAH Monday, September 30 at JCC 10:00 AM Rosh Hashanah Children’s Service ...... 9:00 AM Primarily for Non-Readers up to age 6 & parents — 45 mins at the JCC Rosh Hashanah Morning Service ...... 10:00 AM Join Cantor and friends as we learn all 2 1/2 hour service; Sermon, approx. 11:45 AM, followed by Service Rosh Hashanah Family Service ...... 10:00 AM about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We’ll sing Primarily for ages 7-12 & parents; interactive worship, music & stories — 1 hr. songs, hear a magical story, and maybe enjoy some Rosh Hashanah Teen Program ...... 11:30 AM for a snack! Tashlich ...... following the Morning service

EREV SHABBAT SHUVAH Friday, October 4 at JCC For more information, email Cantor Moses Erev Shabbat Shuvah ...... 6:00 PM at [email protected].

SHABBAT SHUVAH Saturday, October 5 at JCC Jewish Meditation ...... 10:00 AM S’lichot Service: To Forgive, To Be Forgiven CEMETERY SERVICES Sunday, October 6 Saturday, September 21 Memorial Service (Greenlawn Cemetery) ...... 9:30 AM 7:00 PM Memorial Service (New Temple Israel Cemetery) ...... 9:30 AM at the JCC Memorial Service (Forest Lawn Cemetery) ...... 9:30 AM Join us for an evening inspired by NPR’s Moth Radio Hour! EREV YOM KIPPUR Tuesday, October 8 at JCC Erev Yom Kippur—Kol Nidre ...... 7:30 PM Featuring:

YOM KIPPUR Wednesday, October 9 at JCC Jillian Gustin Yom Kippur Children’s Service ...... 9:00 AM Avi Reynolds Primarily for Non-Readers up to age 6 & parents — 45 mins Yom Kippur Morning Service ...... 10:00 AM Abby Thomas 2 1/2 hour service Yizkor...... following morning service, approx. 12:30 PM Jillian, Avi, and Abby will tell their stories of forgiveness. Yom Kippur Family Service ...... 10:00 AM Primarily for ages 7-12 & parents; interactive worship, music & stories Yom Kippur Teen Program ...... 11:30 AM CALLING ALL Volunteers Contemplative Music ...... 1:30 PM Jewish Meditation ...... 2:30 PM Take your Holidays just a little HIGHER – by Discussion w/David Frolick ...... 3:30 PM serving as one of our volunteer ushers, greeter, Afternoon Service, including Neilah ...... 4:30 PM wayfinding, and welcoming your fellow Community Break-the-Fast ...... immediately following Neilah community members.

Sign up via our website www.templeisrael.org/high-holidays Grateful thanks To JewishColumbus for providing funding to enhance our security. Mandatory High Holiday Security Briefings for Volunteers and Ushers

Yom Kippur Book of Remembrance Sunday, September 15 or Sunday, September 22

Letters about the Memorial Book were mailed in early August. 9:30 AM at the JCC Please return your contribution for the Memorial Book by Due to new, added, security measures being implemented to assure September 9 to Alice Simon, 1053 Woodtown Drive, Gahanna OH everyone's safety during the holidays, all volunteers are required to 43230. For further information, please contact Alice at 614-353- attend a briefing. Choose the date which best suits you and come 8257 or at [email protected]. learn the new details for this year's observances at the JCC.

Temple Israel 3 Services Where are my tickets for HHDs? Tashlich We’re breaking tradition. Instead of tickets, ALL our A Temple Israel Tradition members were sent a BRIGHT BLUE envelope containing our full High Holiday worship service Monday, September 30 schedule, annual calendar of events and our educational immediately following Morning Services program offerings this year. This packet was mailed in early September. ALL members will have name tags to What is Tashlich? pick up at the JCC for all the High Holy Days! If you The Tashlich service, held on Rosh Hashanah did not receive a bright blue envelope, please contact the afternoon, marks the beginning of the New Year office. when one symbolically casts away the sins of the past year by throwing bread crumbs into a flowing body of water. I have guests coming from out of town, how can they request tickets? Please join us for our annual Tashlich service. We will gather immediately following Morning Services Guest tickets are available by request. We are happy to and take a short walk to nearby waters. offer tickets as a courtesy to all members and do our best Join the Shofar Corps to accommodate all travelers and guests by advance for the High Holy Days! request. Any Religious School students who are The deadline for Rosh Hashanah is interested in learning how to blow the Shofar Wednesday, September 25. will be able to meet with Isaac Stewart during Religious School on Sunday mornings. Students will have the opportunity to blow the The deadline for Yom Kippur is shofar during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Thursday, October 3. Kippur services.

You can fill out your requests online at We are in need of for this activity. If http://tinyurl.com/hhd-guest-5780. you have one that you can donate or send with your child, please do! Contact Beata Abraham, [email protected] with any For security reasons, ONLY pre-registered guests will be questions. admitted for services. Even guests who are your relatives need to pre-register, so don't forget anyone! Refuah: A new discussion and support group for congregants experiencing the impact of loss I will be out of town for High Holidays this year, what do I do? The first Friday of each month, Beginning Friday, September 6 If you will be out of town for the holidays, and would 4:30 PM like us to arrange for courtesy seating at another reform in the JCC Conference Room congregation, we are happy to help. Please call the The direction of this group will be guided by the Temple Israel office during normal business hours needs of those participating and will be before Friday, September 20. We will make every effort facilitated by licensed therapist Dana Zager. to assist our members in securing reciprocity with the reform congregation in your destination. Reciprocity is ABOUT THE FACILITATOR: Dana Zager has worked as a therapist for more than 30 years, never easy at the last moment, so the sooner the better! specializing in counseling families and individuals facing end of life and life altering illnesses as well as healing through the grief and loss process.

4 Temple Israel All Are Welcome High Holy Day Worship Opportunities

Evening Services Contemplative Afternoon Welcome each holiday with a sense of awe, beauty, and joy as our clergy, adult choir, and musicians lead us in prayer and song. Our evening services begin at 7:30 PM. Doors open at on Yom Kippur 6:30 PM. Seating is on a first come, first serve basis.

Morning Services Contemplative Music ...... 1:30 PM On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mornings we will hold with Arkadiy Gips & Cheri Papier four worship services: Jewish Meditation ...... 2:30 PM • Children’s Service — 9:00 AM for pre-readers led by Rabbi Mars and Cantor Moses. All with Or Mars are welcome to enjoy this 45 minute worship experience with children. Come for singing, storytelling, music and Discussion ...... 3:30 PM the grand finale – hear the blasts of the shofar. with David Frolick • Morning Service — 10:00 AM “A Prayer for Our Country?” with Rabbi Mars, Cantor Moses and our amazing Adult Choir with director Thom Gall and accompanist Mark Afternoon Service & Neilah ...... 4:30 PM Rubinstein.

• Family Service — 10:00 AM led by Or Mars. Come enjoy a one hour worship experience with music and stories. “Kids” of all ages should be accompanied by a grown-up; services intended for households with children ages 7-12.

• Teen Program—11:30 AM All teens are invited to join their families in the main service for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. Then, att 11:30 AM, teens will gather for a fun, interactive, and reflective program.

Prayerbooks For evening and morning services, we use the new Reform Movement High Holy Day prayer book, Mishkan HaNefesh prayerbook.

Yizkor Our Memorial Service will begin after a 20 minute break following morning services on Yom Kippur. (We ask for your quiet and quick exit if you are not staying for Yizkor.)

Yom Kippur Afternoon and Evening Afternoon services will begin at 4:30 PM, followed by Neilah; the stirring final service of Yom Kippur. Stay for beautiful Havdalah and a delicious Break the Fast of bagels, fruit, and honey cake!

Temple Israel 5 HHD Information Help Is On the Way Does your child love to Every time we recite a Mi Shebeirach, our prayer perform? for healing we ask for a "refuat ha'nefesh v'refuat ha'guf," translated as a full healing of spirit and Join HAVA NASHIRA! body. We live in a day and age where we recognize that the state of our physical bodies aren't divorced from the nature of our spirits. While many may argue that disease in the body is a manifestation of "dis" "ease" within the soul, perhaps it is also true that just as Cantor Bat-Ami Moses objects are subjected to wear and tear over time Calling all singers, musicians and actors! and exposed to the stress of our environment and experiences, we too simply may break down. We are thrilled to announce another exciting During this fragile time of and when we arrive at the Days of opportunity to learn and perform with Cantor Moses. Awe we are certainly faced with our own broken-ness and perhaps This year, HAVA NASHIRA, our children's musical "dis-ease" in our bodies and souls as we engage in the daunting task and theatrical troupe we will learn to sing our beloved of "Heshbon Hanefesh," literally a taking account of our choices, thoughts and actions. We may begin to ask ourselves the specific Shabbat melodies, then lead our congregation at question, "How do we find the strength and courage to up when Celebration Shabbat services on these Fridays: we find ourselves broken down, time and time again?" How do we continue to be hopeful and strong, courageous and kind when God DECEMBER 6, 2019 and MAY 1st, 2020 forbid we are sick or attacked merely for being who we are? What happens when we watch our loved ones, our neighbors, friends, NEW this year, HAVA NASHIRA will be performing brothers and sisters vulnerable to political warfare or to the mystery a SHPIEL, "The LION QUEEN!" on Sunday of nature as tornadoes, earthquakes or fires destroy homes and March 8th during our Religious School Purim lives? celebration.

The only answer that I can think of and that our tradition echoes is found in the Torah, in Leviticus 15:35 where it states that, "If your Rehearsals will be every Sunday from 11:30-12:00 brother falls low, and his hand falters beside you, then you should beginning October 6th, 2019 (with some exceptions). strengthen him-sojourner or resident- and he will live with you." Cost for the program will be $50.00 for the year, October through May. We show up, we help, we engage in gemilut hasadim, acts of loving kindness not only because we know it's the right thing to do, but as For more information email Cantor Moses Emanual Levinas, a Jewish French philosopher suggests that it is our at [email protected] incumbent duty to look into the eyes of the other and by responsible for him or her.

The Chofetz Chayyim (a 20th-century Rabbinic luminary) says that there will come a moment in everyone’s life when a poor person, or a troubled person, or a desperate person, will come to you for help — at that moment, you have a choice, to help or not, to fulfill this basic mitzvah or to turn your back, to “strengthen your brother” (or sister) or to “let his hand falter beside you.” Even before you can answer your neighbor with a resounding, "Hineni — here I am," just hearing "help is on the way," is healing enough. At this time of year, as I chant the Hineni before God and my congregation, I am inspired by this beautiful song and idea by Nancy Lamott who died of breast cancer, tragically too young. As we stand on the precipice of hope and healing during these Days of Awe, let us truly be present and believe that "Help is on the Way."

Wishes for a sweet New year filled with only health and harmony, Shana tovah u'metukah, Hava Nashira last spring in the recording studio for “It’s a ChallaDAY!”

6 Temple Israel Lifelong Learning Jewish learning is a lifelong undertaking, as well as a core Jewish value. Starting in the Fall, Temple Israel will offer a variety of learning opportunities that span a wide range of interests. Take a look below to see some of the educational options coming in 5780. All classes are at the JCC unless otherwise noted. Parenting and the Urban Zen Integrative Parashah Therapy (UZIT) Select Sunday mornings Select Sunday mornings Beginning September 15 Beginning September 22 9:30 AM 9:30 AM with Rabbi Sharon Mars with Lori Guth Moffett

Parenting is a tough job. Join Rabbi Mars for an opportunity to Discovering balance through self care using a variety of relaxation learn with her and other parents about best parenting practices techniques, including yoga, meditation, Reiki, and essential oil straight from the Torah. therapy. Shabbat with Roots Scholars-In-Residence November 8 & 9 Select Sunday mornings Beginning October 20 9:30 AM An Israeli Settler and a Palestinian discuss how Speaker: Nick Breyfogle they are fostering a grassroots movement of understanding, nonviolence, and transformation among Congregants teaching congregants. Join us as Nick Breyfogle kicks Israelis and Palestinians. off the third year of this popular series. Friday, November 8 – D’var Torah at Services and Dinner (RSVP for limited spots) with Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class Shadi Abu Awwad.

Saturday, November 9 – In the evening, location TBA. and Havdalah wit Rabbi Schlesinger “Hasidic Sources"

For specific questions or to request a reminder email, contact

Or at [email protected].

Saturdays, twice a month for 1 year with 101 Rabbi Mars, Cantor Moses & Beata Abraham January, 2020 Beginning October 26 with Rabbi Mars 9:00 AM More details to come soon! Class fee: $360 per person, includes materials & events.

A year of learning, culminating with a B'nai Mitzvah Zoom Hebrew Class Spring, 2020 service on October 9, 2020. To register, visit https:// with Beata Abraham www.templeisrael.org/form/adult-bnai-mitzvah Beginner Hebrew class coming this spring!

Stories of Music Sharing the Sounds and Stories that Embody the American Jewish Experience 9:30 AM with Cantor Moses

Sunday, November 24 — Jewish Music 101: What is Jewish Music?

Sunday, February 23 — The Art of - Western Art Music as Synagogue Sound

Sunday, March 29 — Di Yiddishe Amerika: as a Reflection of the American Experience

Temple Israel 7 HHD Information Help Us Build Our Schedule Sukkah! Sunday, October 13 Building and Decorating Our Sukkah 8:00 AM Sunday, October 13 at the JCC 8:00 AM—Adults & teens build the sukkah Call or text Jay Agranoff at 614-738-1660 if you’re 11:30 AM—Adults & kids decorate interested in helping construct the Sukkah. Bring your the sukkah together power tools and a stepladder if you have them! at the JCC Then come help take the sukkah down on Sunday, Consecration & October 27 at 9:30 AM. Sukkot Celebration High Holy Day Child Care Friday, October 18 6:00 PM Temple Israel is pleased to offer child at the JCC care for children 18 months through Join us for a special Erev Shabbat Service as we recognize 8 years during High Holiday Services. the children who will begin their Jewish education No child care will be provided during journey. A festive oneg will follow evening services or morning outside in the Sukkah. Children’s Services.

Tot Shabbat: Celebrate The following applies to all Child Care at the Temple Sukkot! during the High Holidays: • Babysitting on Rosh Hashanah Morning runs from Saturday, October 19 10 AM to 12:30 PM and on Yom Kippur Morning from 10:00 AM 10 AM to approximately 1:00 PM. at the JCC • The cost will be $15 /child per service. Join Cantor Moses and friends • Babysitting will be held in the Multipurpose Room at the JCC Preschool. Schedule • Advance reservations 3 business days prior to the Holiday are required (in order to maintain a safe child- Simchat Torah Celebration & Adult B’nai to-sitter ratio). Mitzvah Launch Party • “Walk-in” child care without a reservation will only be possible if a safe sitter-to-child ratio can be maintained. Sunday, October 20 • Parents may drop off children 15 minutes prior the start 7:00 PM of Services. at a private home; advance RSVP • Children must be signed in and signed out by the same required to ensure security. person. Kindly RSVP at https://tinyurl.com/y62jwog2 For children in child care during the 10:00 AM Service, note that no lunch will be provided but apple juice and /Simchat Torah graham crackers will be provided during all sessions. Monday, October 21 10:00 AM If you wish to make a reservation for High Holy Day child at the JCC care, please visit our website at www.templeisrael.org/high- Festival morning and Yizkor (Memorial) Service holidays or call Bethany Fitzgerald at 614-866-0010, extension 105.

8 Temple Israel Lurie Micro-Grants

Come Dream With Us!

Do you have a project idea that will make our congregation, community or the world a better place? Does your passion for an issue inspire you to want to do something about it? The Lurie Micro-Grants program provides financial support to turn your passion into a funded project!

On Sunday, October 6, from 10:00 - 11:00 AM at the JCC, members of the Lurie Micro-Grants committee, along with previous and current Lurie Micro-Grant recipients, will lead a workshop on the nuts and bolts of the program. As part of the workshop, committee members will be available to discuss your ideas and help cultivate those ideas into potentially funded projects.

For nearly 10 years, the Lurie Micro-Grants program has provided thousands of dollars to Temple Israel members and staff to turn their own personal passions into projects impacting Temple Israel and the Central Ohio Community. Learn more about previously funded projects at: www.templeisrael.org/lmg.

Please join us Sunday, October 6, 10:00 - 11:00 AM at the JCC to learn more and explore your ideas! For questions or inquiries, please email [email protected]

Jewish Columbus Cemetery Association Update

Until recently, the Jewish Columbus Cemetery Association (JCCA), was a loose confederation of five synagogues joined for the purpose of lawn maintenance and burial for the cemeteries located at Alum Creek and Performance Parkway. Nine months ago, representatives of Agudas Achim, Ahavas Sholom, Beth Jacob, Temple Israel and Tifereth Israel began meeting to address the shared overdue repairs. With the support and guidance from JewishColumbus, the group designed a plan for the future. A three-step plan was designed and unanimously agreed to.

Step one, a grant proposal presented to JewishColumbus was approved for the purpose of righting markers and cleaning up the older cemeteries. Specifically the oldest Jewish burial ground in Columbus, Mt. Calvary cemetery, maintained by Temple Israel since 1850 received some overdue attention. The grant corrected drainage and water service to the entire Performance Parkway cemetery. Geomapping of the placement of all grave sites within these grounds will also occur. A memorial plaque will be created and mounted at Mt. Calvary and the future JCCA location sharing historical significance and listing those interred.

In step two, JCCA will seek creative funding to continue this work. Step three will include the agreement and collective partnership of the cemeteries, for the purpose of selling cemetery plots, similar to partnerships in Cincinnati and Toledo. Basically, plots would be purchased from one source, while each synagogue would retain their ownership.

The support of the Jewish community cannot be understated. The synagogues ensure that no one is ever turned away from having a Jewish burial. If you wish to support the efforts of the Jewish Columbus Cemetery Association, please contact Elaine Tenenbaum [email protected].

Temple Israel 9 Temple Israel TIKUN Temple Israel (USPS 537600) 431 E. Broad St. is published 11 times per year, Columbus, Ohio 43215 monthly except August by Temple Israel 431 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215-4004 Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio Postmaster: Temple Send address changes to Temple Israel Tikun 431 E. Broad St. Israel Columbus, OH 43215-4004

Founded 1846 Administrative Offices 431 E. Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614)866-0010 Fax(614)866-9046 www.templeisrael.org

Founding Member: Union for

Board of Trustees Amy Weisbach, President David Frolick, Vice President Lisa Goldsand, Vice President Cheryl Hooker, Vice President Paul Russell, Secretary Aimee Sanders, Assistant Secretary Susan Lubow, Treasurer Liz Plotnick-Snay, Assistant Treasurer ENTERED PERIODICALS Patti Shorr, Immediate Past President COLUMBUS, OHIO

Tom Anger | Debbie Belinky Debbie Cohen | Molly Crabill Joan Folpe | Judy Herman Shelly Hoffman | Clemy Keidan Joshua Latzko | Izzy Naveh Nathan Render | Lynne Schmidt Important High Holy Day Tara Shiman | Jen Teal | Amy Wharton

Debbie Cohen, Women of Temple Israel Information! President Bob Keidan, Foundation President

Past Presidents Temple Israel has new guest registration requirements in place Robert S. Aronson | Rita Cohen for the High Holy Days. Barbi Crabill | Harriette Hansell Jody G. Scheiman | Susan Schubert Patti Shorr | Ted Smiley If you have guests coming into town for the High Holidays, don’t forget to Seyman L. Stern |Fred Summer sign up for guest tickets through our website. You can do so at https:// Brian Tuckerman | Steve Tuckerman Jeff Ungar tinyurl.com/hhd-guest-5780

Staff Sharon Mars, Senior Rabbi The deadline to request passes for Rosh Hashanah is Wednes- Bat-Ami Moses, Cantor Jennah Scher, Executive Director day, September 25. Beata Abraham, Education Director Bethany Fitzgerald, Religious School Asst. Communications Coordinator The deadline to request passes for Zachary Looper-Friedman, Accounting Yom Kippur is Manager Ruth Silverman, Clergy Assistant Thursday, October 3.

For security reasons, ONLY pre-registered guests will be admitted for services. Even Visit our website via guests who are your relatives need to pre- this QR Code