PR..EEDTNGS oF THE DlsrRrcr EDU.ATI.NAL present:_ .FFI.ER, KRISHNA, MA.HILI.ATNAM Sri Devanada Reddy, nA.Sc., n.ea., Rc.No. 16781 El 20tZ / I Dt.09.1 1.2017 Sub :- l-1!oot Education _ Department Conduct of Field visits_ Inculcate awareness among students about India,s rich- cultural h".it"g.';;; its vibrant diversitv- Certain Cuiaeflnes ior Field visits to the studentsfnstructions- Issued. Ref 1 P:9g: R: !o.2ZO/A&r/2OtZ, Dt.28.tO.2017 of the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra p."a."n, el".Jr,rtfri @@ @cr [0[0 The atrenrion of rhe Deputy Educational Officers/Mandal Educationar officers/Head Masters. -all reference in the district is invited to the read above and they ilf*;;;at"."#iJa the Education, Andhra pradesh, ".. commissioner of school Am;;;il;;;'i""u.d guiderines/Instructions for conduct of excursion trip for Ix to furnish their i., the state and instructed draft pt"., "r;;" ";;..r," of visit, number of studenrs, ".tlo., _or, ;..p.;;;;s number of schools, budget, aaaitio'nuf iunislanctioned etc., with the objectives and guidelines. by 2O.l1.2OlZ Further thev are informed that an amount. of three lakhs forty one Rs.23,4 I ,Qo0/_Twenry thousand ;";';;g;; t""a*a has atreadyrffi6?sed certain schools @Rs.2o.l-per stud;,i; ,n.*ai",.i., to covered for excursion and the list of schools trip- is- herewi*, .""ro""al rire excursion completed on any trip shourd be holiday before 20tr, O.""-U"IZof Z. The Deputy Educational officers concerned are requested the required proposals rrom trre to obtain H."a- rti"",.rs concerned and accord permission to take the students to B*curson',;i, in the per the guidelines issued reference cited' The oeputy'-ea"""i1""1 ""of,cers submit the consolidated concerned should compiian.
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