February 2021 Office

Nigeria Press Review 12.02. – 19.02.2021

Welcome to Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Nigeria Weekly Press Review

The weekly press review seeks to explore and keep you informed on selected issues relating to politics, business and economy, insecurity, infrastructure and development, health related issues, new trends and matters bothering on COVID-19 and the situation in Nigeria.


Covid-19: NAFDAC Approves Astrazenca Vaccine, MTN to Donate 1.4m Doses of Vaccines to Nigeria, FG Reveals Plan to Vaccinate 109 Million Citizens in 2 Years, NCDC Defends New Weekly Update Approach

Inflation Rises, Hits 16.47%, Experts Express Concerns

Criticism Trails President Buhari Appointment of Bala as EFCC Chair, Okonjo-Iweala Emerges the DG of the WTO

PDP Leaders Meet Jonathan over Rumoured Defection for the 2023 Elections, Attiku Group Politiking, Stakeholders Bicker over Party Relevance

Insecurity: Tension as Abdulsalami, Reps, Buhari, Others Criticize Growing Comments on Disunity, Stakeholders Advocate Gun Licensing for Citizens as Senate Kicks, Bandits Kidnap 27 in

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. N igeria Office February 2021 2

Covid-19: NAFDAC Approves Astrazenca Vac- Inflation Rises, Hits 16.47%, Experts Express cine, MTN to Donate 1.4m Doses of Vaccines Concerns to Nigeria, FG Reveals Plan to Vaccinate 109 Million Citizens in 2 Years, NCDC Defends New The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has re- Weekly Update Approach leased its latest Consumer Price Index report which indicates a 0.71% increase in inflation. Ac- Developing reports disclosed that NAFDAC has cording to the report, inflation stands at 16.47% approved the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vac- (year-on-year) in January 2021 as against 15.75% cine. Seun Opejobi, Daily Post (18th February) recorded in December 2020. The report at- writes. Prior, the Presidential Task Force (PTF), tributed the rise to the increase in the prices of has announced “that Nigeria is set to take deliv- food and food products. The report also cited the ery of 1.4 million doses of vaccines donated by states with the worst hit to include, Kogi, Oyo, MTN”. Disclosing this at the national briefing on Bauchi, Benue States, among others. Samuel Covid-19, the Minister of Health, Osagie Ehanire, Onyekanmmi, Nairametrics News (16th February) said that 500,000 doses will be made available by details. the end of February 2021, and 900,000 doses will be delivered by the end of March 2021. He also Speaking on the development, the Manufactures revealed another donation of 100,000 doses from Association of Nigeria (MAN), has raised alarm the Indian government. He stated that all vac- over the impact of the rising inflation in the coun- cines will undergo testing by the National Agency try. The Director-General of MAN, Segun Ajayi-Ka- for Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). dir noted that the rise is a threat to the recovery Vanguard News (15th February) details. of the industrial sector. He stressed on some fac- tors which threw up challenges for the sector to On another note, the federal government has re- include Covid-19 among others. Nike Poopla, vealed plans to vaccinate 109 million citizens Punch News (18th News) reports. within the next two years. The Executive Director of the National Primary Health Care Development Also, the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and In- Agency (NPHCDA), Faisal Shuaib, made the disclo- dustry (LCCI), has asked the Federal Government sure during the PTF Covid-19 briefing. He said “to intensify efforts toward tackling the nation’s that the age range for the vaccination is from 18 security and foreign exchange challenges to stem years and above including pregnant women. He the current inflationary pressures”. In a state- added that the Technical Working Group has de- ment by the Director-General of LCCI, Muda veloped a strategy to ensure a smooth vaccina- Yusuf, he emphasized on the need to stablise the tion process. Nike Adebowale, Premium Times foreign exchange market. He also attributed the (16th February) reports. inflation to the security situation in country. Van- guard News (17th February) and Olushola Bello, Meanwhile, the Director-General of the NCDC, Leadership (19th February) write. Chikwe Ihekweazu, has explained that the NCDC stopped publishing the daily infection cases up- Meanwhile, the NBS also revealed that the econ- date in order to ensure accurate reporting. Ac- omy has started to recover following the fourth cording to Ihekweazu, the agency still collects the quarter growth of 2020 where the nation’s Gross data of daily testing done from over 80 labs in the Domestic Product (GDP), grew by 0.11% with an country. He stated that the introduction of the aggregate of N43.5trn. The report also indicated weekly report will improve the quality of data that the growth stemmed from an improvement “while ensuring laboratories can focus primarily of 1.69% in the non-sector oil as well as the re- on the testing”. Premium Times (16th February) turn of economic activities following the easing of explains. the Covid-19 restrictions. The report gave details of other sectors that contributed to the growth In developing news, reports reveal a fall in the in- and also projected factors that would boost fur- fection rate. About 6,422 new cases were rec- ther recovery in 2021. Yinka Kolawole and Eliza- orded between 7 – 13 February, indicating a 26% beth Adegbesan, detail in Vanguard News (19th drop from the 8,685 cases recorded in the previ- February). ous week. However, the testing rate had also dropped significantly. Alfred Olufemi, Premium Times (16th February) writes.

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Criticism Trails President Buhari Appointment which had been blocked by former President of Bala as EFCC Chair, Okonjo-Iweala Emerges Donald Trump and also, her achievements and the DG of the WTO experience in the sector. Speaking on her ap- pointment, Okonjo-Iweala disclosed that her first Following President ’s ap- priority will be to address the effect of the Coro- pointment of Abdulrasheed Bawa as the new navirus pandemic on the economy. Aljazeera chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes News (15th February) reports. Commission (EFCC), stakeholders have expressed concerns over the appointment referencing to Okonjo-Iweala also stated that the “vaccine pro- the corruption case against the past acting EFCC tectionism must be overcome to solve the pan- chairman, Ibrahim Magu. According to Southern demic”. Okojo-Iweala who headed the Global Vac- and Middle Belt Leaders' Forum (SMBLF), the cine Alliance (GAVI), spoke of the increased world EFCC has been faced with corruption challenges demand for Covid-19 vaccines with some produc- and alleged reports on Bawa shows “that the ing countries limiting export within their borders. whole Anti-corruption war is a joke that can only She noted the impact for undeveloped countries impress the unwary”. They called for an investiga- and stressed on the importance of being vac- tion. Abdullateef Aliyu, All Africa News (16th Feb- cinated. She spoke of future agenda which the ruary) details. On the same note, Abdulaziz Ab- WTO will address to include rules on intellectual dulaziz et al, in All Africa News (17th February), de- property and manufacturing licensing, US-China tail a past allegation against Bawa. According to trade war as well as addressing concerns among the report, Bawa was removed as the zonal head members. Jonathan Josephs, BBC News (16th Feb- in Port-Harcourt by Magu over the sale of oil ruary) explains. trucks. However, no report confirmed his involve- ment. President Buhari sent his name to the Sen- On another note, Caleb Adebayo in Nairametrics ate for confirmation. News (17th February), examined Okonjo-Iweala’s emergence as the head of the WTO and the im- Also reacting, the lawyer and counsel to Magu, pact of the appointment on the international en- Tosin Ojaomo, has expressed shock over the ap- ergy market. Adedayo stressed on the im- pointment. He stated that in the face of the ongo- portance of energy as an essential part of trade ing case against Magu, it was expected that the and its effect on Covid-19 recovery, climate, presidency concludes the case before Bawa’s ap- among others. He speculates of Okonjo-Iweala’s pointment. He cited “injustice” on the part of the approach in tackling the issue based on her past suspended officers of the EFCC including Magu working policies and achievements. Adedayo fur- and called for accountability from the Federal ther makes positive predictions for Okonjo-Iweala Government by publishing the report of the in- in the wake of the African Continental Free Trade vestigation conducted. Jesupemi Are, the Cable Area (AfCTA). He foresees “trade financed energy News (16th February) explains. deals brokered between Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and developing economies”. He Responding, a presidential spokesperson has stressed on the importance of the win for the Af- stated that the reports of the Justice Abubakar rican continent. Malani led panel on Magu’s case is “immaterial” to Preident Buhari’s power to appoint the new chair of the EFCC. This was disclosed by the Sen- PDP Leaders Meet Jonathan over Rumoured ior Special Assistant, Media, and Publicity to the Defection for the 2023 Elections, Attiku Group President, Garba Shehu. He quoted the provision Politiking, Stakeholders Bicker over Party Rel- of the constitution that empowers the president evance to “appoint persons to hold offices and act in that capacity and to remove such persons”. Kunle Following wide speculation based on reports in Sanni, Premium Times (18th February) details. the media 2 week ago that the All Progressives Congress (APC), plans to field ex-President Good- Meanwhile, former Finance Minister, Ngozi- luck Jonathan as a candidate for the 2023 presi- Okonjo Iweala, has been appointed as the Direc- dential elections due to the growing demand for tor-General of the World Trade Organisation zoning, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has (WTO) by member countries of the WTO. Okonjo- met with Jonathan over the issue. At the end of Iweala’s win comes as the new United States the delegated meeting between Jonathan and the President Joe Biden endorsed her candidacy, PDP’s Reconciliation and Strategy Committee led

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by former Senate President , the Insecurity: Tension as Abdulsalami, Reps, committee confirmed Jonathan’s unwavering sup- Buhari, Others Criticize Growing Comments port for the PDP. Festus Owete, Premium Times on Disunity, Stakeholders Advocate Gun Li- (16th February), Gbade Ogunwale, and Alao Abio- censing for Citizens as Senate Kicks, Bandits dun, The Nation News (17th February) explain. Kidnap 27 in Niger State

On another note, a Chieftain of the APC Edith- Following last week’s comment by the Bauchi Mike Ejezie has said that the APC is the party that State Governor, noting that Fu- could guarantee the emergence of an Igbo Presi- lani herdsmen carry arms for self-defence, Mo- dent in 2023. She made the disclosure after reval- hammed has debunked the allegation that he idating her party membership. She enjoined sup- supports the activities of the group. This is porters to vote the APC in the coming 6 Novem- against the backdrop of criticisms on the activi- ber governorship election in . ties of Fulani herdsmen that led to the call for the Emma Elekwa, the Nation News (18th February) ban on open grazing. Explaining, Mohammed reports. cited that the growing criticism against Fulani’s where labeling all Fulani’s as Fulani herdsmen Still on 2023 ambitions, reports from an investi- may create ethnic disunity. He noted that the mi- gation conducted reveals an alleged ambition of gration of cattle does not violate the constitution. former Vice President Atitku Abubakar to com- Rober Egbe, The Nation News (15th February) re- pete in the 2023 presidential election. It was dis- ports. closed via an alleged memo circulating that a group “which is already galvanizing over 20million Reacting, the House of Representatives faulted members worldwide is working underground to the statement of Mohammed stating that it is “ca- ensure that former Abubakar becomes the next pable of causing divisions among Nigerians”. In ”. Reports indicate progress addition, the House reiterated the provisions of at both regional, state and national levels. Israel the constitution in regards to fire arms stressing Bulus, Leadership News (18th February) reports. that only licensed arms granted by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) are permitted. According On another note, the PDP's National Publicity to Dachung Bagos, most divisive statements are Secretary, Kola Ologbondiyan, has described the coming from public officials. He added that the APC revalidation and registration exercise as an House will meet with the Nigerian Governors Fo- attempt to stay relevant. This is due to reports of rum (NGF) in order to address the issue. Levinus some PDP members who defected to the APC to Nwabughiogu, Vanguard News (16th February) join the exercise. Explaining reasons for some re- details. cent defection, Ologbondiyan alleged that the ac- tions are plans to divide the PDP. Sahara Report- Also reacting, the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders ers (17th February) explains. Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has asked the Federal Government to regularize the carrying of In developing news, there are reports of an al- arms by citizens in the country. Reacting to a leged brewing crisis in the National Working comment by the Governor, Bala Mo- Committee (NWC) of the PDP. It was disclosed hammed, the President of MACBAN, Sadiq Ibra- that aggrieved members are faulting the PDP’s him Ahmed while commending Mohammed’s leadership over “the party’s incapacity to take op- statement stressed on the alleged failed obliga- portunity of the APC’s poor leadership to boost tion of the Federal Government to safeguard citi- the fortunes of the PDP” among others. Respond- zens. Sahara Reporters (15th February) reports. ing, the National Secretary of the party, Senator On the same note, an based cleric, Ibrahim Umar Tsauri, has debunked the ru- Henry Ijayi has charged the federal government moured crisis while alleging that “the APC was to issue gun license for “self-protection in face of bent on causing crisis for the party, particularly in the present level of security challenges in the the states where it is in control of the reins of country”. He emphasized that security agencies government”. Clifford Ndujihe and Dirisu Yakubu, are overstretched, hence the need for citizens to Vanguard News (17th February) report. “complement their efforts”. Ozioruva Aliu writes in Vanguard News (14th February).

However, the Senate proposed strict punishment for anyone caught with illegal firearms. This was

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disclosed by the Senate President, , ing fight against banditry, kidnapping, armed rob- in his concluding remarks after the Senate con- bery and other violent crimes in the country”. Ac- sidered a bill seeking to amend the Firearms Act, cording to the Inspector General of Police (IGP), 2004 sponsored by Senator . He faulted Mohammed Adamu, the operation will be intelli- the increased rate of illegal fire arms in the coun- gence-led and community driven, and also secu- try and criticized the security situation in the rity personnels of the operation will collaborate country. He noted reinforced efforts from the ex- with other security outfits. Channels News (15th ecutive to address the situation. Emphasizing on February). Similarly, the federal government has the importance of the bill, Sani cited other coun- inaugurated a 17-man committee on “Community tries faced with the same challenge. Deji Safety and Human Security, to strategise ways to Elumoye, This Day News (16th February) explains. reduce crimes and violence in the country”. This is in collaboration with Risk and Accidental Pre- Meanwhile, the Former Military Head of State, vention Society of Nigeria (RAPSON). The commit- Abdulsalami Abubakar, has called citizens “to tee which will also involve representatives of Min- stop trading blame and focus on ending the cur- istries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), is rent ethnic clashes, which he described as unfor- chaired by the Minister of Special Duties and In- tunate”. This is against the backdrop of the rising tergovernmental Affairs, . Pulse security concerns in the country. Abubakar made News (15th February) details. the disclosure to pressmen in Minna, Niger State. He expressed concerns over the tension in the In developing news, Stepahnine Busari in CNN country that could fuel anarchy, disintegration News (17th February), reports that gunmen and disunity. He charged citizens to become dressed in military uniforms raided the Govern- more aware and responsible towards the state of ment Science Secondary School (GSSS) in Kagara, the nation. In addition, Abubakar urged state gov- Niger State and kidnapped 27 students killing 1 in ernments, security officials and other stakehold- the process. Further reports disclosed that some ers to work towards addressing the security situ- staff of the school were also missing. The exact ation in the country. Wole Mosadomi, Vanguard number of abducted persons is still unknown. A News (17th February) reports. resident in the community noted that they re- ceived information on an imminent attack but the Still on divisive statements, President Muham- area of attack was unknown. President Buhari madu Buhari has reiterated his commitment to- has deployed security personnel to handle the wards ensuring stability in the country. President situation. Buhari made the disclosure during a delegated visit by elders from Borno and Yobe States. He Reacting, members of the Senate have berated blamed the situation of the country on some in- the rising insecurity in the country stressing on its fluential citizens. President Buhari added that in- effect on various sectors of the economy. The dividuals responsible will be identified and dealt lawmakers drew attention to the impact of the with. John Owen Nwakchukwu, Daily Post (17th situation on education, agriculture among others. February) explains. They questioned the reason for the non-execu- tion of resolutions sent to President Buhari. The On the same note, Luke Onyekakeyah of the lawmakers criticized President Buhari’s admin- Guardian News (16th February), examined predic- istration describing it as “incompetent”. They also tions by the late Libyan leader, Mu’ammar al- called for a review of the constitution and moved Gadaffi and the American intelligence community for the legalization of gun licensing for citizens. In of a possible “break-up” in the country. Onyeka- addition, the lawmakers asked President Buhari keyah analysed the mounting tension in the to declare a state of emergency. This has been country. He focused on “ethnic rivalry” deeply met with support from citizens who called for the rooted in the country. He cited several factors suspension of constitutional procedures in order that continues to pose a challenge for national to control the situation. The Governor of Niger unity to include employment, indigene/settler is- State declared no intention for ransom settle- sues and the federal character. ment. However, the Governor Bello Matawalle and members of the National In new reports, the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) has Asembly are calling for dialogue. Azimazi Momoh launched an operation known as Operation Puff Jimoh and John Akubo, Guardian News (17th Feb- Adder II which is “aimed at reinforcing the ongo- ruary), and Leadership Newspaper (18th Febru- ary) detail.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

Dr. Vladimir Kreck, Resident Representative Vera Ali, Administrative Assistant / Editor Press Review

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