Volume 99 Issue 11FiatThe Student Newspaper of AlfredLux University April 12, 2005 Conflicts in Africa are being ignored and forgotten What’s Students should take action to stop the suffering before it is too late

BY DEEN GENZARDI Library and assistant director of of the fight against HIV and Inside NEWS EDITOR the study abroad program, was AIDS. These wars have the most largely responsible for Derryck’s impact on women and are issues There are three major persistent visit. Lakin and Derryck are both the United States is doing little or conflicts in Africa being ignored alumnae of Chatham College. nothing about. and forgotten, the Senior Vice Derryck’s speech was titled “You live in the most powerful President and Director of Public- “Forgotten Wars, Abandoned nation that the world has ever Private Partnerships at the Lives: Reclaiming Peace in the known,” said Derryck. It would Academy for Educational 21st Century.” Although take less money and energy to Development, Vivian Lowery Derryck’s talk covered a wide help the abandoned lives in Africa Derryck, told students, faculty variety of topics, ranging from the than all the time and energy and and community members on April power of the United States, con- money that we spend on Iraq. 4 in the Knight Club. cerns about war and peace, types In the war on poverty, there are “We as a country are so focused of wars and women’s issues, she roughly 2.7 billion people who on Afghanistan and Iraq that focused on three major forgotten live on less than $2 a day. This we’re not paying strong attention wars and what we can do to help. translates to about $730 a year. to these other conflicts. And these The three types of wars The average American makes RAICES conflicts are our century’s forgot- Derryck discussed are ideologi- around $31,633 a year. That is 43 PHOTO BY ADRIENNE EGGLINGER ten wars,” said Derryck. cal, traditional and category defy- times as much as those 2.7 billion The Riley Lecture was held April 4 in the Knight Club. Vivian Lowery THIRD ANNUAL The tenth annual Riley Lecture ing. An example of the first war, people. Derryck made it clear that Derryck, the guest speaker, spoke of three major forgotten wars and what we can do to help. PRODUCTION IS A was sponsored by the Riley sis- which is ideological, is the war on this economic inequality is wrong ters, Pamela Riley Osborn ’62, poverty. The second war, tradi- and unjust. said Derryck. “It’s time we live up ken up into seven clusters, devel- SUCCESS Patricia A. Riley ’65 and Melissa tional, can be seen in Darfur, a “We believe that we are our to these values of helping others.” oped by the United Nations. Riley. Pamela Lakin, AU’s region of Sudan. The third war, brothers and sisters keepers and The Millennium Development PAGE 4 research librarian at Herrick category defying, is the example that we can lift the less fortunate,” Goals (MDG) are eight goals bro- SEE RILEY, PAGE 6 AU’s Take Back the Night protests assault, violence BY ABBY TRIPP Assistant Professor of English and WIC CONTRIBUTING WRITER faculty advisor Melissa Ryan was active in planning and promoting the event. She said Every fifteen seconds, an American woman that she saw it as an opportunity to empower is battered by her intimate partner. One out participants. of six women in America has been the vic- “I'm really pleased that the Women's HABITAT tim of an attempted or completed rape. And Issues Coalition is putting together … a last month in Allegany County alone, there really important event for the community to were five rape calls - three of the victims demonstrate a protest against sexual assault READ ABOUT HOW were children. and domestic abuse,” she said. HABITAT FOR These were just a few of the statistics pre- Take Back the Night events began on HUMANITY MADE A sented on April 8 as part of Take Back the both sides of Main Street just before sunset. DIFFERENCE OVER Night, an event co-sponsored by Alfred On the Alfred University campus, stu- SPRING BREAK University's Women's Issues Coalition dents, faculty, administrators and other com- (WIC) and Alfred State College's munity members gathered next to the caril- Counseling Services to raise awareness lon, where they were provided with candles, PAGE 5 about sexual assault and domestic violence ribbons, a printout of chants and large card and abuse. stock signs that featured statements of Megan Gray, junior fine arts major and protest. WIC co-coordinator, said that preparations At 7 p.m. the nearly 50 demonstrators for the event began in February. In addition began their march across campus. The to weekly planning meetings, she said that a chants, at first tentative, grew in strength as great deal of time was devoted to communi- the group walked along Lower Pine Hill. cations with local organizations and busi- A group of students in front of Tefft and nesses. She said that the work was often Reimer Halls stopped and watched the PHOTO BY KELLY DONOHOE challenging. demonstrators. A few even joined their Students pin on blue ribbons and pick up printouts of chants before they march to the “We're trying to get two schools and a ranks. Village Bandstand during April 8's Take Back the Night observance. The event was community together,” Gray explained. “All right! We're like magnets!” shouted organized by AU's Women's Issues Coalition and ASC's Counseling Services. A2A junior english major Jonathan Hudack, one “I truly believe in social change,” Gray ALFRED TO ASIA SHOW of the demonstrators. said. “Be an advocate. It's what the world ORGANIZED BY PACIFIC At the traffic light, AU's group converged needs.” RIM A SUCCESS with a small delegation from ASC. The After the “speak-out”, counseling ser- combined demonstrators were accompanied vices and refreshments were available. by an Alfred Village Police escort as they Several students in attendance said that they PAGE 6 ended their march to the Alfred Village had been affected by the experience. Bandstand. “I was emotionally involved in what As dusk fell, candles were lit and mem- everyone had to say,” Hudack said. “The bers of the crowd began to share personal more people are aware, the more that we can stories of abuse. begin to contribute to an understanding of AU alumna and ASC counseling intern what people can do to ease the pain [of Elizabeth Reina shared an account written abuse].” by an ASC student of her experiences with Hudack, who called himself “a feminist at abuse and her road to recovery. heart,” said that the evening was also a pow- Several others discussed what it meant to erful reminder for male participants that go “from victim to survivor to thriver” - a abuse is not limited to women. common phrase throughout the evening. “I believe that men need to be aware of Survivors' stories were interspersed with being victimized and of what they can do to brief statistical presentations by members of survive and learn to thrive,” he said. HOROSCOPE WIC. Gray said that she was pleased with the PHOTO BY KELLY DONOHOE Toward the end of the evening, a visibly turnout and added that she hopes the event CHECK OUT WHAT AU students Catherine Cain, Erin Letovsky and Chandra Brackett stand with candles lit moved Gray tearfully addressed the crowd. will continue with increased participation at the Take Back the Night "speak out." The event brought together over 50 partici- THIS WEEK’S HORO- She stressed her gratitude for the response each year. pants from AU, ASC and the local community. of the community and emphasized the “I felt that Alfred really needed this,” she SCOPE HAS IN STORE importance of activism. said. ❍ FOR YOU PAGE 7 Housing points advantageous during sign-up process BY ASHLEY SWANSON credit hours taken), each student is Approximately six to 10 people benefit students who may have had extenuating COPY MANAGER assigned a number randomly by the com- every year from housing points, said circumstances one semester where their puter. This number has nothing to do with Morgansmith. grades slipped, speculated freshman “Earn a housing point!” is a sign that an individual's grades, judicial records, or If two or more students all accumulate Sarah Schwartz, sociology major. stands out of the collage of flyers lining housing points. the same number of housing points, only If the lottery were assigned by GPA, the walls around various residences on It is “hard to predict how many upper- one name will be drawn, explained Sarah extracurricular activities would not be campus. Many students, particularly in classmen will go through sign-ups to live Ryan, RD of Barresi. factored in. Because of possible situa- freshman dorms, have been encouraged on campus," commented Karen Porter, “Approximately six to 10 people bene- tions like this, the lottery system appears by these very signs to attend a Resident secretary of Residence Life, fit every year,” said Morgansmith who to be the best method. Assistant's program or event for these The lottery system allows each student also tallies the housing points. Eric Thibault, a freshman political sci- points. a fair shot at housing sign-ups. Returning Originally, housing points were ence major, was assigned number one for With housing sign-ups this week, what seniors and seniors are given priority, fol- designed to get people to attend pro- the freshman lottery. Thibault said that he role will these accumulated housing lowed by juniors, sophomore, and fresh- grams. This has been successful, as the was “surprised” adding, “I didn't do any- SPRING SPORTS points play? man. The housing points come into play chance to earn housing points has drawn thing to get this. I know people who went Housing points can “knock you a peg depending on who has the most for each many students to participate in RA pro- to everything. I didn't.” TENNIS REMAINS ahead in the housing process,” explained area of campus. One winner from each grams. Although Thibault does not mind, he UNDEFEATED Sheila Morgansmith, Resident Director of area is picked. The areas are broken down Concern over the fairness of the lottery thinks that housing points should have Openhym. by Pine Hill Suites (upper and lower), system is on many students' minds. Some more play in the lottery process. As the PAGE 8 The primary system for housing assign- Reimer and Tefft, Barresi and Cannon, say it is the only fair solution. If the lot- system stands now, the student with the ments is the lottery. Within each class and Openhym. One person from each of tery system were decided by GPA, for year (this is determined by the number of these areas will benefit. example, it would not take into account SEE HOUSING POINTS, PAGE 3 Page 2 Opinion April 12, 2005 Fiat Lux Roving America can start change: College is the real world Reporter AU has implemented its first- Students must help end apathy Take time to appreciate it while you’re here ever web-based registration for the fall 2005 semester. “Generation apathy” is a term frequently used to categorize our gener- ither you can’t wait to get out into it, or you where people find out who they are and where they What do you think about the ation. We hear about statistics, such as the millions of people dying want to delay it as much as possible. So what fit in to this world? Yes it is. Do you need to have a new online course registration from HIV/AIDS and other preventable diseases every day. There are Eis it exactly, and why aren’t we in it now? salaried job to help you find out who you are? No, process? thousands of people being forced out of their homes in Darfur, Sudan, Call me disillusioned, but I’m still try- you don’t. At least I don’t think so. abandoning their entire lives for a chance to simply live, no matter ing to figure out why no one considers It has occurred to me that maybe I only Quotes and photos by how impoverished. There are thousands of human rights violations college at least part of the real world. feel this way about college because gradu- Matthew Butts that occur every minute, and we don't stop to think about how things Sure, I tell people everyday that I want ation is so close. It goes without saying like this that exist so “far” away can affect us here in Alfred., or how to go to grad school because I don’t want that the thought of graduating evokes close some of these cases are. to grow up, but who am I kidding? All many emotions that are far more than sim- In one way or another, we are all connected to each other. We are all I’m really trying to avoid is a 9 to 5 cubi- ple. However, if I leave AU with the same human, and most people are born into the situations that they must cle job doing data entry and filling out mindset as my friends who don’t see col- live with. They don't get to choose whether they are surrounded by TPS reports. lege as even a tiny part of the real world, disease or poverty. If the roles were reversed, as humans we should After I decided that I wanted to con- then my goal of finding out who I am, as hope to expect aid from those with the ability to help. Being empa- tinue going to school after I leave JEN UNISLAWSKI an individual hasn’t been reached. thetic is key. Alfred, I did some research and decided A&E EDITOR What I offer to the Alfred community is As Americans, we are privileged to be citizens of a nation that is on two schools: Syracuse University and the idea that college is almost as real as it able to support their citizens. The poorest citizens in America are con- Emerson College. Only applying to a couple schools gets. We don’t live in a fake world; we’re just get- sidered wealthy in other nations. The average United States income of is risky, but I figured that if I didn’t get in to either, ting some help with preparing us for the next step. $31,633 is more than 43 times the yearly income of the 2.7 billion then it wasn’t meant to be. I’d just have to enter the Within the next week or so, I’ll be sending my “I like it because it was easy after I people living in poverty. These people live on $2 per day. Imagine if so-called real world sooner. deposit to Syracuse. Next comes apartment hunting figured out where to go. But I think you were to donate your coffee money one day, you would nearly dou- As of now, I’ve visited both schools, and I’ve and applying for loans. That’s pretty real to me. that the old way was better.” ble their income. By living comfortably in the world's only remaining received my acceptance from SU’s S.I. Newhouse Then again, maybe I’m just scared. superpower we should feel obligated to act on these statistics, rather School of Public Communications. With graduation In an earlier issue of the Fiat, Jessica Ecock wrote Jake Rulander than shrug our shoulders at these overwhelming figures. coming up in about a month, it’s starting to hit me. about death as being the inevitable next step after Business We know how easy it is to forget, or to push aside, these statistics. This is pretty real. graduation. If that’s true, then at least I can delay Thinking that it isn't our job, that someone else will take care of it. It Most people tell me I’m crazy for even insinuat- death another year with grad school, and I’ll be able is easy to pass the responsibility on to someone else and allow them to ing that college is part of the real world; they tell me to die thinking that I was part of the real world since deal with international policies. How much of an impact can one dis- that college kids are babied beyond belief. I agree 2001. ❍ pleased student have, anyway? More than we realize. and I disagree, but is the real world not a place It seems as if the United States has a totally different mindset. They would rather send over 120,000 men and women troops to Iraq. The U.S. would rather fight a war that is clearly over expanding military and economic power around the world, and Africa just gets looked “Axe” me why I love Staten Island over time and time again. It is truly a sad case because Africa would probably only need about $70 million to end the extreme suffering. raduation is approaching, and more than allow me to deny where I’m from. “Ask” But unfortunately, the U.S. has different goals ($100 billion going to anything, that means I must dreadfully becomes “axe,” “talk” becomes “tawk,” “mother” Iraq each year). Greturn to Staten Island. is always “ma,” and “idea” is “idear.” America has the resources and knowledge we need to prevent an For most of my life I have been forced to call My aunts, who were raised in Brooklyn, were AIDS epidemic here. Often, America assumes an impatient and a the New York City borough my home. Besides forced to take speech therapy in school to lose “It is easy, but if you are in a pre- “this must happen now” approach when examining and dealing with being the forgotten borough (understandable), their thick accents. I was told I would never be requisite class, it makes it harder other countries. And if the effects are not immediate, they will never Staten Island also holds NYC’s garbage from the successful if I didn’t lose mine. The thing is for you to sign up for the next level happen. We should slow down and evaluate things from the perspec- last fifty years. The fourteen-mile island houses though I love my accent. As much as it reveals class. I think that wastes time and tive of that land. Change will not occur at our pace. It is important to not only literal trash, but the people, my roots of fakeness, the accent is can cause you to lose your spot in a encourage and support rather than force change. But, with this like the scenery, are also trash. real. I am ashamed to describe the class.” encouragement and support, there must be people pushing for change. If you have never traveled to Staten Staten Island girls, because I too am It has to start with taking initiative and making it known your con- Island (understandable), here’s a like that, only brunette. And as much Pedro Cespedes cerns about issues occurring in our world. description for your fancy. Take what I as I hate them I will always be com- Business Administration By the year 2020, Africa, a continent with 853 million people, will write and add extra grime and sleaze pared to those girls because of the have nearly 10 percent of their population infected with the AIDS and your image will be near the real way I say “cawfee” or “chawklit.” virus. That is almost equivalent to America’s entire African American thing. Maybe that’s what I hate the most population. Years from now, we will all be thinking “how could we Picture men in wife-beater T’s, fat about Staten Island: the way I fit in. let this get so bad?” men with hairy chests, add gold chains, I sit on my stoop and I’m nasal and I In 15 years, 90 million people will have been affected by the dis- primarily large crucifixes or Italian had fake nails before Alfred and I ease, yet we aren't speaking out very much, are we? Gandhi said that horns. Picture women with acrylic air- JESSICA ECOCK want them again. Staten Island we must be the change we want to see in the world. Rather than being brushed nails, decked out in velour STAFF WRITER makes me a different person. You apathetic and letting someone else step up to the plate, we must take sweat suits and Prada handbags sitting need that fake tough-girl persona to on responsibility ourselves. on their stoops gesturing at everyone and calling walk down a street. You need to appear tough in The United States has been taking steps to help the African situa- their children in nasal voices. front of girls and nonchalant in front of guys, and tion. They have contributed $15 million to help twelve African coun- Picture one of three types of young guys: either that’s all it is, a front. tries fight HIV/AIDS. With the increasing amount of people contract- repeat wife-beater scenario minus chest hair, but Four years in Alfred may have lessened the ing the disease each day, really, what is that amount going to add orange tan, waxed eyebrows, BMW and harshness of my accent, but it’s still present. I accomplish? So if the “land of the free” does not feel that the crisis in Scarface-wannabe persona. Next male scenario: may have left Staten Island, but the characteris- “It is a good system. It cuts down Africa is worth fighting for, how can we change that? rap-loving white boys wearing the most expen- tics it breeds haven’t left me. In times of unneces- waiting time in the registrar’s We as students can help by speaking out. Students can and should sive clothes to look ghetto fabulous, add orange sary cruelty I have to wonder why that small office and it is pretty easy to use. participate in an U.N. organization. Other organizations, such as tan, waxed eyebrows, BMW and Eminem- island creates angry people. Why is road rage the You know then and there if you got Amnesty International, are a great way to help spread awareness. AU wannabe persona. Third and the most unusual highest in our borough? Why are we both physi- into a class. Banner should read if has recently re-instated an Amnesty International chapter. Students option: Goth boy who only hangs out with other cally and verbally violent? you are in a prerequisite class so who have not joined are encouraged to do so. Change can begin here, Goths. When someone asks where I’m going after you can take the next level.” even in rural Alfred. The typical Staten Island girl is my favorite to graduation I can only growl “Staten Island.” Students can also write to his or her senator. Let them know how describe: picture fake blond highlights, fake When they hear my bitterness, they ask, “Why Jason Reyes you feel. You may not think so, but you have a voice and they will lis- orange tan, fake nails, fake tough-girl persona, are you going back then?” Staten Island may have Electrical Engineering ten to it. plus short skirt, Lexus, and let’s not forget that made me resentful of the way it breeds hate and accent. You know it; you may have even heard the the fakeness of its people, but the only answer The Fiat Lux welcomes your opinion. thick speech rapidly shoot from my mouth, that seems real is, “It’s home.” ❍ Anyone may write a letter to the editor. painful evidence that, without a doubt, will never Submissions must include name, address, phone number and class year (for students). Letters to the editor should be limited to 250 words; guest columns should be limited to Relationships have downfalls 700 words. The Fiat Lux reserves the right to hen the dating process begins all sorts The hard part of a dating relationship is if the edit all letters for space, clarity, brevity and of steps are to be taken. At first you other person decides they no longer have feelings fair play. E-mail your thoughts to Wcrave to learn everything about the per- for you. When someone tells you they were fi[email protected]. Submissions should fol- son, like their favorite food. You notice the cute falling for you, but it is gone, you will feel some- low the rules of fair play things about them, like the way they smile or bite thing so strange happening inside of you. Not “It was the most useless thing. We (i.e. get the facts straight). their lip when they are nervous. You learn so only will you feel strange for a little while, but still had to meet with our advisors much about the person, even stuff like how they you will question yourself from the inside out. and schedule classes with them Ð would rather drive during the day It is painful to care for someone and why couldn’t they just turn it in? than at night. then have them tell you they can no They did it before.” The difficult thing about dating is longer be with you. When this hap- realizing if the other person in the penss, you look back at all the times Mike Coupe Fiat Lux relationship is there for the right rea- you spent together and try to picture Athletic Training Editor-in-Chief sons. when it went wrong. Copy Manager Matthew Butts Production Manager In the beginning of a dating rela- You will wonder why they said and Ashley Swanson Adrienne Egglinger Managing Editor tionship you are blinded by your feel- did certain things if they did not want News Editor Photo Editor Jernee Johnson ings. You have met someone that to be with you and the worst part is Deen Genzardi Melanie Braun Business Manager attracts you and that interests you. It when you just feel plain out sad. Features Editor Web Manager Keniel Ledgister is difficult to question the way the JESSICA The good thing is that you will not Katie Kiely Garri Stratiev person feels about you because you HENDERSON feel sad forever. You will be able to Advertising Manager Subscriptions A&E Editor think they would not be with you if STAFF WRITER move on and even if you feel like never Irma Cleto Vacant Jen Unislawski they did not want to be. dating again, trust me that feeling will Billing Manager Distribution Manager Sports Editor Vacant After the first month or so of hanging out and fade. Jessica Webster Chad Winant getting to know each other, the relationship Just make sure you talk to your close friends Faculty Adviser Next issue: April 26 becomes more intense. When this happens you and let them know how you feel and what is going Robyn Goodman Copy Deadline: April 20 Ad Deadline: April 19 begin to open up to the other person, expressing on. Accept the fact that person was not meant for some of your inner-most feelings. You may feel you, do not blame yourself and consider yourself “The Banner system is a lot easier as if this person is your best friend just because free. and convenient than the regular reg- Editorial Policy: The Fiat Lux welcomes tion of a broad and liberal education con- you feel so close to them. We are in college, this is a time to have fun and istration process. It tells you on the feedback from its readers. Letters to the ducive to free speech. Only unsigned edi- As time progresses you begin to enjoy talking being hurt through relationships is not having spot if you got into a class and editor will be subject to editing for space torials reflect the opinions of this newspa- to them on the phone, sharing your day with them fun. Learn from the past and look forward to the allows you to make changes quick- and content purposes. The Fiat Lux per. All other editorials reflect the ❍ reserves the right not to print any letter. author’s opinion. and just look forward to the weekend you will future. er than before. But, when you sign Letters must be accompanied by name, The Fiat Lux is printed by the have to share together. up for class and its lab, if you don’t address and telephone number. E-mail: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle and get into the lab, you can’t get into fi[email protected] or mail letters to: Fiat is typeset by the production staff. It is the class either.” Lux, attn: Editor, Powell Campus Center, funded in part by Student Senate. The Alfred, N.Y. 14802. Fiat can be reached at (607) 871-2192. If you have story ideas or want to write, come to a general meeting, The Fiat Lux supports the perpetua- Stephanie Thompson Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Organization Suite. Biology April 12, 2005 Fiat Lux Page 3 To the Alfred Community National World News Mission statement of AU may change News Rudolph agrees to plea Dear Campus Community, ed to translate the mission into a centered comprehensive universi- tion to innovation, open-minded agreement basis for future decision-making ty offering a remarkable breadth inquiry, and service to society. Pope John Paul II buried in WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A recommendation from the and strategic planning. This will of outstanding programs. It is at Please send us your thoughts Vatican crypt Accused serial bomber Eric recent Middle States Oversight be developed once the MSAOC once small and complex, rural and suggestions on this draft. You VATICAN CITY (CNN) — Pope Robert Rudolph will avoid a pos- Committee (MSAOC) accredita- have the new mission statement and globally connected, private can email to [email protected] John Paul II was buried Friday in sible death sentence by pleading tion self-study and visiting team in place. and public, undergraduate and or go to and click a crypt under St. Peter’s Basilica guilty to a string of attacks in final report was for Alfred In February, the MSAOC asked graduate, steeped in history yet on the Task Forces button, then after a funeral Mass that millions Alabama and Georgia, including a University to better articulate its the student body for input regard- focused on the future. Middle States (the latter makes of people around the world deadly blast during the 1996 mission and identity. Toward that ing the mission statement and Alfred’s intimate atmosphere your comments anonymous). watched. Olympics, the U.S. Justice end President Edmondson they responded! The quantity and fosters the interplay of diverse Please respond by Friday, April Guests attending the elaborate Department announced Friday. charged the group with creating a quality of the thoughts submitted perspectives and a strong sense of 22. open-air service in St. Peter’s Rudolph, 38, will be sentenced new mission statement for the to the MSAOC were impressive. community. The university’s per- The MSAOC will also be Square cheered and applauded, to life in prison without the possi- university. Together with the Most striking was the regularity sonalized approach to education bringing this discussion to cam- many chanting “Santo, Santo” bility of parole in exchange for president, the MSAOC have with which certain themes were is aimed at enabling all students pus groups such as the Faculty — a call for John Paul to be can- guilty pleas to all charges against decided to, in fact, draft two repeated; it is clear that people at to grow intellectually, creatively, and Student Senates, the onized. Some pilgrims who him. statements. One (referred to as AU do indeed share a vision of and personally. Admin/Tech Spec and Support came from the pope’s homeland As part of the deal, Rudolph “the mission statement”) is to be who they and what they should be Alfred is committed to both Staff Councils. These sessions waved Polish flags. told investigators where in west- very brief and intended for easy doing. This makes the crafting of teaching and research, to combin- will allow for open dialogue. “Today, we bury his remains ern North Carolina he had stashed communication to outside con- a statement about the university’s ing technical expertise, artistic in the earth as a seed of immor- explosives, which were found and stituents. mission a relatively easy one. creativity and humanistic con- Sincerely, tality — our hearts are full of destroyed, the Justice Department The second (“the statement of Here is the draft of the new cerns, and to maintaining acade- Middle States Oversight sadness, yet at the same time of said. planning principles“) will expand Alfred University mission state- mic rigor in a caring environ- Committee joyful hope and profound grati- According to the Justice upon the mission statement and ment: ment. Uniting the university tude,” Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger Department, Rudolph will enter will be more detailed; it is intend- Alfred University is a student- community is a common dedica- said in the homily during the his first guilty plea Wednesday Mass. morning in Birmingham, Alabama, where jury selection Latino population rises, but still under-represented CBS stringer arrested in Iraq began this week for what was to BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — A have been his trial in the January CBS stringer has been arrested 1998 bombing of a women's clin- BY JERNEE JOHNSON University’s 1,943 full-time Alfred University gains much says that the development of a as a suspected insurgent, U.S. ic. MANAGING EDITOR undergraduates identify them- of its Latino population this multi-cultural office may help military officials said Friday. Rudolph will then be trans- selves as Latino. way, says Johnson. attract Latino students and other The video cameraman was ferred to Atlanta, Georgia, where Miles of hilltops. Grass covered The number of AU Latino stu- Informing students about students of color. wounded during a firefight in he will plead guilty to the attack at in a white, crystalline coating. It dents has grown from one per- AU’s many organizations, espe- Improving services for stu- northeastern Mosul between a concert in Centennial Olympic feels like an eternity before cent in 1986, to 4.1 percent (as cially Poder Latino, helps to dents of color goes beyond cam- U.S. troops and insurgents Park during the 1996 Olympics; specks of green finally peek of 2004). AU’s Latino popula- attract Latino students, accord- pus services. Being a black Tuesday. two bombings an hour apart at a through. One road leads into tion in 1986 was significantly ing to Wendy Beckemeyer, vice woman in Alfred can be chal- U.S. military officials said the suburban women's clinic in downtown Alfred, the equivalent low. Estimates indicate that 18 president of enrollment manage- lenging, according to Johnson. man’s camera held footage of a January 1997; and a bombing at a of one New York City block. Latino students were enrolled at ment. When she first came to Alfred number of roadside bomb lesbian nightclub in February that There are nothing but cows and AU in 1986. AU’s organizations and there was no ethnic hairdresser attacks against American troops, same year. horses in the fields alongside the The attrition rate of Latino groups are profiled in pam- in the area or surrounding area. and they believe he was tipped road. Welcome to Alfred. students, the rate at which the phlets. The pamphlets are then She had to drive over an hour off to those attacks. MIT developing $100 laptops It is a long way home for most university loses students, is con- sent out to prospective students. every two weeks to get her hair A U.S. military statement said for children AU students from urban areas. siderably low. “When I saw Poder Latino in done in Rochester. troops believe the man “poses an (AP) -- In a rural Cambodian vil- But surprisingly, many AU In the fall of 2003, 17 Latino AU’s pamphlet, I told my moth- Location is a big challenge at imperative threat to coalition lage where the homes lack elec- Latino students come from New students enrolled at AU. Among er that I was going to join it AU, says Johnson. There are forces” and that he “will be tricity, the nighttime darkness is York City. them, all but one student when I came here,” said needs that Latino students have processed as any other security pierced by the glow from laptops The Latino population is cur- returned for the spring semester. Cabrera, “and I did.” that the Alfred community as a detainee.” that children bring from school. rently the largest minority popu- That is a very good number, Although the university has whole may not have, she says. CBS said the photographer The students were equipped lation in the United States. The says Karen Johnson, director of productive methods of increas- While all of these plans have was hired about three months with notebook computers by a 2000 census estimates it at about enrollment operations and ing Latino presence, there are been taken into consideration, ago, and it asked news organiza- foundation run by MIT Media Lab 12.5 percent. Compared with research. still some who say that more can no plans have been put into tions not to identify him. founder Nicholas Negroponte and the US Latino population, AU’s The university currently uses be done. action as of yet. his wife Elaine. Latino presence is small. many effective tactics to recruit AU may be losing out on more Currently the admissions staff Islamic group claims Cairo "When the kids bring them Although the Latino popula- Latino students, says Johnson. Latino enrollment because of its is working on methods to bombing home and open them up, it's the tion at AU is growing steadily, it Every year admissions coun- lack of diverse faculty. Latino improve diversity. Beckemeyer CAIRO, Egypt (CNN) — An brightest light source in the still appears to be under-repre- selors attend college fairs to students need to see more repre- is preparing a roundtable discus- obscure Islamic group has home," said Negroponte. "Parents sented. help get students interested in sentations of Latin culture at sion on diversification at AU. claimed responsibility for a love it." “I thought it [Latino popula- AU. AU, says Beckemeyer. There are no set dates, but bombing in the heart of old Cairo Negroponte and some MIT col- tion] would be smaller,” said One effective recruitment Providing better services for Beckemeyer encourages stu- Thursday that killed three people, leagues are hard at work on a pro- Jessica Cabrera, a freshman method is the annual bus trip to students of color may help get dents to attend the discussion including one American. ject they hope will brighten the communication studies major. New York City, says Johnson. more Latino students, says with suggestions that would help On a Web site, a group calling lives and prospects of hundreds of “But it could be bigger,” she The university provides high Johnson. AU acquire more diversity. ❍ itself the Islamic Brigades of millions of developing world kids. said. school students in urban areas Nadine Shardlow, director of Pride in Egypt said Friday it car- Currently, 79 of Alfred the chance to visit AU. AU’s opportunity programs, ried out the bombing in retalia- Harvard loses another faculty tion against the United States member and other “colonial powers” CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts Accepted students kickoff with a warm welcome oppressing its Islamic brothers in (Reuters) -- Another member of Iraq and the Palestinian territo- Harvard University's African- BY KATIE KIELY accepted student had some that accepted students had about has brought to Alfred in the past ries. American studies department said FEATURES EDITOR thoughts to share on the events, their club. few years. Egyptian officials said two on Tuesday he will leave the “This event is crucial Jessica Henderson, vice presi- The AU Dance Team also put people died in the blast, a French school in what one critic called the The first Accepted Students for my son in determining dent of student senate, a commu- on a show for the event instead woman tourist and a man latest sign of discontent with Kickoff weekend of the semester whether or not he will come, he nication studies and marketing of staffing a table they per- believed to be an Egyptian and President Lawrence Summers. was held from April 2 to 3. has been accepted to a few dif- major, represented her table. She formed a few different numbers most likely the bomber. Michael Dawson will be the Many different events and tours ferent schools that academically greeted and waved as people on the stage. They performed to The U.S. Embassy said an third professor to leave the depart- were held throughout the week- are very different; what else the walked by and asked questions a variety of music that attracted American died early Friday ment this academic year and the end in order to recruit the poten- school has to offer will be the about the event. quite an audience. morning of wounds he sustained fifth since 2002, when Professor tial freshmen. It was a joint determining factor,” he said. “The accepted students kick- Clubs put a variety of things in the blast. It gave no other Cornel West -- known for his book effort to make the potential The Student Activities Office off was extremely successful, on their table to show what their details. "Race Matters" on race relations freshmen and their families feel managed the main table as peo- from the student/parent dinner to club is really about and what Another 18 people were in America -- decamped for welcome. ple walked in. Dan Napolitano, the club fair. As an AU ambas- makes it so special to them. wounded. Princeton University following a The admissions staff worked the director of Student sador I saw a lot of accepted stu- People Acting for Animal Egyptian officials said the well-publicized dispute with with the Student Activities Activities, greeted students and dents finding themselves Welfare (PAW), which was just bomb was crude, homemade and Summers. Office and the club members of their parents. John Ketcham, the impressed with what AU has to reinstated last semester, had stuffed with nails. different student groups to put new assistant director of Student offer,” she said. heart wrenching pictures of ani- It went off in a market section NBC announcer hangs it up on the Student Activities Fair, Activities also gave students and Jessica Webster, vice presi- mals behind cages in an effort to of old Cairo that is popular with after 62 years which was held on April 2, from their parents a warm welcome. dent of SAB, also attended. “I display the problem. tourists. Thursday night hun- NEW YORK (AP) -- Through the 3:30-4:30 p.m. The Knight Club offered free had a lot of fun and that it was Anticipated to be one hour, dreds of riot police had sealed eras of anchors John Chancellor, About two-thirds of AU’s soft drinks and pizza for every- nice to see what the new fresh- the fair spilled over that mark. off the area and a number of Tom Brokaw and now Brian clubs set up tables to promote one. Each AU club on campus men class was going to be like,” Prospective and current students investigators were combing the Williams, Howard Reig's voice their organizations and talk to represented themselves by their said Webster. At her table the left feeling welcomed and satis- scene for clues. also was heard when viewers the newly accepted students. own table. Club members were club had a display of all the top fied. ❍ turned on the news. James Morris, a parent of an present to answer any questions bands and artists that the club Marburg virus death toll hits "This is NBC Nightly News," 180 the clear baritone would say, ush- (CNN) — The World Health ering in headlines from Watergate Psychology club beats away the winter blues Organization is investigating an to terrorism. Now 84, with a outbreak of hemorrhagic fever in career that spans the very life of As apparent from the rain that awareness about this disorder, event was held, the Psychology winter causes. northwestern Angola, it said television itself, Reig retires drenched tours of accepted stu- the Psychology Club sponsored Club intends to make it an annu- From 9 to 12 p.m. on Apr. 2, Friday. Friday as NBC's last staff dents on April 2, Alfred isn’t “Beat the Winter Blues Bash.” al event. Davis Gym was transformed As of Thursday, 205 cases of announcer. known as the most sun-filled “It’s the first time we’ve had “In the future, we hope to hold with games, food and music for Marburg hemorrhagic fever had A gnomish figure who walks place to live. this event and I think it’s going it in January or February before everyone to take part in. been reported in the country, and the halls of NBC's Rockefeller This gloom that seems to con- really well,” said Crystal Myers, the weather starts to get nicer,” While enjoying mock-tails and 180 of those affected had died. Center office with the help of two sume 364 days out of the year secretary of the Psychology said Myers. delicious pineapple upside-down Seven provinces have been hearing aids and a pacemaker, he's affects an estimated half-million Club. “We chose this weekend Since SAD is most prominent cake, students and prospective affected, the latest being Zaire been working for NBC and its par- people every winter with a type hoping to attract prospective stu- from January through February, students mingled to play province, where six cases have ent General Electric for nearly 62 of depression called “Seasonal dents and we’re very happy it is hoped that introducing such Twister, dominos, sing Karaoke, been reported, the WHO said in years. Affective Disorder,” or SAD. about the outcome.” lively activities to the University dance, and participate in the its most recent update. His role as staff announcer is In order to lift spirits and raise While it was the first time this will decrease the depression that many other activities offered. ❍ “It is a very, very dangerous usually limited to those few key and lethal virus in human words each day. Sometimes he'd “It's terrible!” exclaimed began with the Upper Pine Hill importance of attending these beings,” Mike Ryan, director of even pre-tape them. …Housing points number 327, freshman art major suites and went through all of meetings. She also encouraged alert and response operations for His career began in 1943 when, CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE Jackson Hoose. “It didn't work last week. that students looking for a room- WHO, told CNN. The virus — in as a high school English teacher, well for me.” Hoose added that RD's took time to explain this mate go to the “roommate con- the same family as the Ebola he took a summer acting job at the “nobody should really be ranked process and give students their nection” program. This informa- virus — spreads through blood GE-owned radio station WGY in most housing points gets to go in above someone else”. lottery number. Those who tion will be available when and body fluid contact. Schenectady, New York, and its the first time slot for their year Freshman go to programs applied for a common interest sign-ups begin on April 13 in In this case — only the second new sister station WRGB-TV. regardless of their lottery num- “where they will intrinsically get suite and received it were able to Susan Howell Hall. Every stu- natural outbreak of the virus — "You have to face facts," he ber. something and have benefited skip the lottery process. dent must bring their signed there is evidence it has been said. "When you're 84 the end of Not everyone was so content from the program,” said Ryan. To make this system easier, housing contracts along with amplified through ineffective the road is not that far away and I with the Mandatory housing meetings Assistant Director of Residence their student identification. ❍ containment in hospitals, Ryan want to spend as much time as I system. were held starting March 28 Life Bonnie Dungan stressed the said. ❍ Page 4 Fiat Lux April 12, 2005 Poder Latino enriches Alfred with knowledge of Latin culture

BY JESSICA CABRERA “I thought the show was a nice dis- phone and said their name and the STAFF WRITER play of different cultures through diver- country they represented. Screams from sity. It was a very creative method of the audience were heard when the name displaying cultures for those who do not of their country was announced. On April 1, Poder Latino welcomed a get the opportunity or privilege to expe- “I thought the show was very well packed audience aboard Air RAICES. rience other cultures,” said Vernisha put together. All the acts were really In their constitution, their vision Gill, graduate student of business entertaining,” said Inis Feliz, a sopho- states that “Poder Latino wishes to edu- administration. more child psychology major. cate and increase communication Special guest performers included the Andreina Simet, a junior marketing between its members and the rest of the AU Divas, The Notables, Alfred and economics major, one of the direc- campus in order to foster and enrich the Steppas, Middle Eastern Dancers and tors and producers of the show and Latin community in Alfred,” which is the Hip Hop Dance Troupe. President of Poder Latino reflected on exactly what they accomplished Evette Cabral, a sophomore elemen- the show, saying that, “It was definitely through RAICES. tary education major, expressed her a lot of work, it showed because of the RAICES is one of the performances enjoyment of the show. “It was a beauti- response received from the Alfred that Alfred University looks forward to ful thing. I’m proud that Alfred got to Community. Next year we will need all year long. The cross-cultural experi- see how beautiful and diverse the more people to participate and help out, ence alone is worth donation. Latino Culture is,” she said. not just Hispanics, it’s apart of the “The choreography and costumes are The first stop after intermission was learning process.” all professional, in scope and execution. Brazil to see the Samba, originally an When you think of your roots, think Performers give 160 percent. Quality African dance. The Samba was a beauti- of Poder Latino and RAICES. Although [is] exceptional. I save a slot on my cal- ful act full of gorgeous costumes and everyone in the audience was not of endar every year,” Gail Walker, profes- wonderful dance moves. Latin descent, you could tell that every- sor of Psychology. PHOTO BY MATTHEW BUTTS After the stop in Brazil, Chaz Bruce, one was certainly proud of their roots. The show opened with host Raquel The Captain and flight attendant of Air RAICES, Jason Reyes and Raquel Mejia, sophomore performing arts major, per- Poder helped to convey the message of Mejia as a flight attendant. She greeted shown here, hosted this year’s RAICES performance at Holmes Auditorium on April formed the gospel song “Stand”. Soon being proud of one’s culture and her- the audience and explained to them that 1. With this theme, they took the audience on a flight through Latin culture, enter- after, focus shifted to the Dominican itage and being able to share it with the they would be taking a flight through taining all who attended. Republic, and the audience saw the world. ❍ Latin America on Air RAICES. Before Merengue Topico. The performers wore we took off, we met the Captain, Jason Republic. In Argentina, the presentation was traditional dresses that Reyes. They informed the audience The first stop was Spain, where the the Tango. Originally, the Tango was an were white with red and about the different places they would be Flamenco dance was introduced. expression of the relationship between a blue trimmings. visiting such as Spain, Argentina, Flamenco is a traditional song and prostitute and her pimp. Freshman “I brought my two-year , Brazil, and the Dominican dance of the Gypsies in southern Spain. Seward Molina seduced the crowd by old son and I was very playing his guitar, and lured sophomore proud to expose him to Penelope Perdomo to the stage; a sensu- such diverse cultures. It al dance ensued. made me grateful that we When Air RAICES landed in Puerto have such a production Rico, a dance named the was contributing to our cam- performed by student dancers. A pus,” said Director of moment of silence was given for Student Activities and deceased Latin singer Celia Cruz. ALANA Coordinator Dan The next stop was Latin America. Napolitano. Latino Mix was the name of the act. Towards the end of the The dance Quebradita which hails from show, there was a beautiful Mexico was performed. performance that included In Brazil, was the Lambada, a forbid- the representation of all den dance consisting of two partners Latin countries. having their hips close to each other. Performers entered from The Punta was showcased in the stop the staircases and waved to Honduras and Nicaragua. flags from the country they In Colombia, the Cumbia, a flirta- represented to the song, cious couples dance was performed. “Mi Tierra” by Gloria In the Dominican Republic, Panama Estefan. PHOTO BY MATTHEW BUTTS and Puerto Rico, the performance was Every performer dressed Asia Pina and Penelope Perdomo join the rest of the performers toward the con- to a popular reggaton song “Gasolina” according to each one’s PHOTO BY MATTHEW BUTTS clusion of the show, where each person represented individual countries. by Daddy Yankee. The Latin America country. One by one each Penelope Perdomo and Anthony Liriano perform the stop ended with the Cuban Conga performer, waving a flag, Tango, a traditional dance from Argentina. dance. approached the micro- Myth about HEOP dispelled: More diverse than many know BY MATTHEW BUTTS a generalization,” said senior HEOP Education department website, more Today, HEOP students are proud to Dan Napolitano, coordinator of EDITOR-IN-CHIEF student Danny Occena. than 75 percent of HEOP students are say that they participate in the program, ALANA affairs said that the two offices Students and faculty tend to make Black or Hispanic. said Katie Arseno, freshman HEOP stu- split because of two main reasons. The Higher Education Opportunity that common assumption of minorities Much of the HEOP student popula- dent. Shardlow said that sophomore There were staffing issues and both Program (HEOP) at Alfred University and the HEOP program, said Shardlow. tion comes from metropolitan areas HEOP student, Chaz Bruce even wrote offices did not want the notion that is more diverse than many know, Every semester she receives calls such as New York City and Rochester, a song about the program. every student involved in HEOP was according to the Director of from faculty about minority students said Shardlow. Effective ways for people to learn part of ALANA and vise versa, Opportunity Programs, Nadine who they believe are in the program but Counselors and advisors in these about the HEOP program is to attend Napolitano said. Shardlow. are not, Shardlow said. locations are better and more educated events such as the annual HEOP con- HEOP is making strides to better HEOP is a program for New York Although the majority of students in about the program than those from non- ference and to go to locations where educate advisors and counselors in non- State students who are financially and the program are minorities, the non- urban areas because they deal with these students congregate, such as the urban areas about the program. This academically disadvantaged, said minority population of HEOP has much more minority students, HEOP office, freshman HEOP student, would aid in the recruitment of a broad- Shardlow. Students, who would have steadily increased over the years, said Shardlow said. Kathie Arseno said. er range of students into HEOP, accord- been unable to attend a college or uni- Shardlow. Out of 200 to 300 applications, only To show people that HEOP is not just ing to Shardlow. versity, are able to do so through the Currently, a total of 75 students are 25 students are chosen for the program a minority program, Shardlow said, In order to dispel misconceptions program, she said. enrolled in the HEOP program at AU. every year, Shardlow said. “We need a minority affairs office on about the program, “people need to be Perhaps the biggest misconception According to Shardlow, 38 percent of Minority students in the past were campus.” willing to find out what the HEOP pro- about the program is that it is only for students in the program are Hispanic, afraid to admit to being apart of HEOP, Shardlow said that she recalls the gram is really about,” said Occena. ❍ minorities. 37 percent are African-American and Shardlow said, because it meant con- HEOP office and the ALANA affairs “I think that people do not know 25 percent are Caucasian. fronting financial and educational office at AU being a unit at one time, enough about the program to make such According to the New York State shortcomings. but faded away. S.A.F.E. and AU faculty experience life with a disability

BY DARNELL THOMPSON, going to push me in a snow bank. She is coffee I saw some people in the lounge, had to make myself hit the wall to stop 11:15 a.m. (Katie): Time to go to the JOSH DRAKE, evil. I just want to get into my office but I can’t hear what they are saying. I the chair. Science Center for Psych 100 with Dr. DAN NAPOLITANO AND where it is safe and I know my way think they may have tried to get my 10:30 a.m. (Dan): Fire alarm just went Walker. The next challenge was the KATIE KIELY around. attention, but I was not sure so I just off. Everybody left me. Travis from cobble stone ramp: cobblestones and GUEST WRITERS 8:50 a.m. (Katie) Ð Getting in the kept walking. I think I may have pissed security came in and helped me out. wheel chairs do not mix! Once again wheelchair. I realize I have no idea how them off. 10:35 a.m. (Darnell): My Golfing the handicap button was broken. Four members of SAFE (Students to carry my backpack and wheel at the 9:30 a.m. (Katie): Entering Olin. The instructor approached me and asked me 11:45 a.m. (Josh): Someone had to Acting For Equality) spent the morning same time. The doorway in Myers is not handicap door does not work. I need to a couple of yes or no questions about come into the office and ask me if I April 4, trying to experience living with wide enough and I scrape my hand use the elevator to get to my class on my disability and how much of a strug- wanted to go to lunch. I can hear noises a disability. wheeling through the door. the second floor but you need a key and gle it was. I couldn’t really hear his but unless I can see someone face and Katie Kiely placed herself in a wheel- 9:05 a.m. (Josh): Walked into the the secretary is on the floor below me. instructions so I had to pay close atten- make eye contact I can’t tell for sure if chair. Josh Drake impaired his hearing. office said hello to everyone, not sure if 9:45 a.m. (Dan): I have checked my tion to my classmates to know when it they are talking to me. Darnell Thompson also impaired his I was too loud or if people responded. voice mail five times already. I can use was time for me to hit the ball. 12 p.m. (Darnell): Arrived in Powell hearing and did not speak. Dan Felt like I was there but not completely the phone easily so I have been calling 10:45 a.m. (Katie): I met up with Dan for the Disability Awareness Panel, was Napolitano blindfolded himself to expe- part of the office. everyone by phone. It was funny how I for mozzarella sticks in Powell. greeted by Kevin, a deaf student on rience blindness. 9:10 a.m. (Katie) Wheeling from feel “equal” on the phone but useless Teamwork helps. We found that him campus who related to my partial dis- What follows is their personal Myers. Ice on the sidewalks. Most of otherwise. holding on to the back of my wheel ability. When the panel discussion accounts of a morning with a disability the way was all right, but no one would 10:13 am (Josh): I saw two co-work- chair gave me better direction and con- began I was able to hear and speak 8:30 a.m. (Darnell): Awoke in my make eye contact with me unless they ers talking and I walked over to join in trol and it kept him from bumping into again but I have much more respect and room to silence. Tried to register for knew who I was. Some crossed the and think they were having a private things. admiration of the obstacles Kevin faces. classes, but I had some problems and I street to avoid me. The sidewalks were conversation. I am just going to stay in 10:50 a.m. (Dan): Need to use the couldn’t ask for help. not bad but there were no breaks in the my office and mind my own business. bathroom. It was kind of scary…. I SAFE would like to thank everyone who 8:45 a.m. (Dan): I’m walking up to curbs so the wheel chair would get 10:20 a.m. (Katie): From Olin to don’t know if the toilet seat is clean and attended the panel and shared their Powell blindfolded and guided by my stuck when having to cross the road Powell. The sidewalk curves around at I don’t want to use the urinal and risk experiences. SAFE is a group commit- wife. There are some icy patches on the between the lawn next to the Science the end of Scholes and makes it almost missing. I never even thought about ted to creating equality for all students paths that Tricia thankfully warns me Center and Myers. impossible to keep the chair from going needing to use the bathroom when I and they can be reached at about. She keeps joking that she is 9:20 a.m. (Josh): On the way to get down the hill toward the traffic light. I decided to be blind for the morning. [email protected]

The Fiat Lux welcomes your opinion. Anyone may write a letter to the editor. Submissions must include name, address, phone number and class year (for students). Letters to the editor should be limited to 250 words; guest columns should be limited to 700 words. The Fiat Lux reserves the right to edit all letters for space, clarity, brevity and fair play. E-mail your thoughts to fi[email protected]. Submissions should follow the rules of fair play (i.e. get the facts straight). April 12, 2005 Fiat Lux Page 5 Habitat hammers build homes, bring happiness and hope

BY TESS AND MEG CODDINGTON knew what we were doing and that they knew all of GUEST WRITERS our names. Every night we ate dinner at a different location Long bus rides. Short nights of sleep. Hot work- and did all kinds of activities. days. Cold showers. No fun you say? Well, you Local people welcomed all thirty of us into their obviously didn’t go on the Habitat for Humanity churches, nursing homes, hot tubs and pools. We Blitz Build in Florida for spring break. went mini golfing, shopping, exploring and swim- Although waking up at 6:15 a.m. and working ming while we were there. until 5 p.m. seems against the normal spring break And all of the fun was capped off by a fabulous- agenda, the Blitz Build has helped some AU stu- ly sunny beach trip on our last day in the state. dents build friendships, learn skills, and make When we sit down and think about our trip, the memories in Florida for almost a decade. hard work we put in at the worksite isn’t the first As juniors, we were a little worried about miss- thing that comes to mind. ing out on the normal spring break, such as trips Most of what we remember involves people that include home cooked meals or lying on the coming together and helping two families in need. beach and replacing that time with swinging a We are proud to say that we were a part of such a hammer precariously close to our fingers, nailing heroic group— changing the world one Habitat shingles to a rooftop, and strapping on a belt filled house at a time. with nails. To anyone who is reading this and wants to get Fortunately, we made the right decision and involved, come to our meetings on Sunday nights went to Florida with some of the most wonderful at 7 p.m. in the Kenyon-Allen room or donate a people to pass through our campus. quarter next time you see us in a booth. Thanks to our fundraising and the support of the If you are thinking of joining the Blitz Build in Alfred community, we departed for our Florida Florida next year—do it! You will never regret adventure at 5:30 a.m. on March 5 and arrived ten your decision. movies and two days later. PHOTO BY LAURA LAPIERRE We went away from Alfred thinking that we The first thing to greet us at Daytona was the A Habitat for Humanity volunteer works diligently on one of the two houses that they constructed over were going to help others and be an influence in gunning of engines and glistening of black leather- Spring Break in Florida. someone else’s life, but through the residents of Bike Week! Florida, all our supporters, the builders onsite The culture of Florida exploded as we felt our helping us everyday, and the deserving family who first sunrays and realized how much we have worked side by side with us, we have gained and missed them. We proceeded to our campsite, glad learned more than we ever thought possible, and to be away from the noise of the city and eager to have received far more than we have given. start our first day at the worksite. It is a worthwhile cause for people who were It seemed like we had just shut our eyes when incredibly grateful for our efforts, and we encour- our advisor and friend, Dave Snyder, woke us up age everyone to get involved and get on the bus with a camp song. After racing to the showers we with Habitat 2006. ❍ were off to the worksite in Deland, Florida to start our day’s work after a good breakfast. That brings me to one of the many great parts about the trip—the food! There was never a point when anyone even thought about being hungry. The people in Deland and in the surrounding towns were wonderful to us and brought amazing snacks and meals at least three times a day. When we weren’t eating and socializing we were working hard on the siding of the houses, the indoor walls, the precarious nailing of every board, tarring and shingling the roofs, cleaning, organiz- ing and helping each other. At the end of the day we left the site having worked tirelessly on the two houses and feeling a

PHOTO BY LAURA LAPIERRET sense of pride that comes with creation and hard The weary Habitat workers rest by the nearly constructed site. Habitat for Humanity is a national work. organization that builds houses for those in need. The trip included 27 Alfred University students and Our guides in the building process, men of every one Alfred State College student. age who have mastered their art, saw to it that we Page 6 Fiat Lux April 12, 2005 Second Alfred-to-Asia performance a huge success, showing Asian traditions BY PIETER HEINEKEN The A2A show, organized by Pacific Rim performances will give exposure to Asian STAFF WRITER and Bonnie Ye, a sophomore accounting culture people do not know about, said Ye. major, is becoming a yearly staple after its Maybe they will also see the performances The crowd quieted to a murmur as the cur- debut last year. This year’s show was co- and be encouraged to perform in next year’s tains rose in a dimly lit Holmes Auditorium. hosted by Ian Phillips, a junior philosophy show, she added. A hint of orange and pink fluttered momen- major, and Judy Tsang, a 2002 AU alumna. To get several of the acts for the show, Ye tarily behind loosely pulled backstage cur- While the presence of Tsang, now a first- reached out beyond Alfred University and tains. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, year law student at the University of contacted people such as the Jonchhe sisters eight fan dancers in quick succession took Albany, was a treat in itself, the show was from Hornell high school, who performed center. It was not the opening of a New about the performances. This year’s acts an Indian dance. York City dance troupe, but rather Alfred ranged from a calligraphy demonstration to Only one percent of the AU community University’s own fan dancers performing a fashion show with the overall goal of is Asian, said Ye. during the April 2 Alfred-to-Asia show. spreading Asian cultural awareness. Accordingly, it was difficult finding peo- “The aim [of the ple to be involved in the show, she said. show] is to educate However, Ye was confident that her efforts Alfred people and with the A2A show would gain more expo- teach them the rich- sure for Pacific Rim and help attract more ness of Asian cul- Asian students to AU. ture, because not a While efforts to further spread Asian cul- PHOTO BY MELANIE BRAUN lot of people have tural awareness at AU were at the forefront An ASC student performed a piano piece called “Butterfly Lovers” during the Alfred experienced differ- of the A2A show, co-host Judy Tsang said to Asia show on April 2. The song is a Chinese love song, telling a story similar to ent Asian perfor- that she was impressed at how far Pacific Romeo & Juliet. mances,” said Ye Rim had already come. prior to the show’s “Pacific Rim started at the end of my grown to host such cultural events under an opportunity to learn about Asian culture. opening. junior year [in 2001] and for it to now have Bonnie Ye’s leadership. The fashion show and calligraphy were Indeed, the show, a full-blown schedule as diverse as the For co-host Ian Phillips, Ye’s leadership highlights said Diesslin, but the entire show which featured 11 schedule tonight, it’s really amazing how in producing the show was his reason for was unique and well put together. After the acts compared to last far Alfred has come in terms of diversity participation. “I think everything [Bonnie] curtains dropped wild applause ensued and year’s six, was a and the programs they put together,” she does ends up being very successful,” said Diesslin said she was happy to have come showcase of differ- said. Phillips, “so when she came to me about to the event. ent Asian traditions. Tsang recalled that during her time at hosting with Judy I immediately said yes,” Once the audience had left and the cast Chinese, Japanese, Alfred, there was a lack of a centralized he said. and crew were left to eat Chinese food, Korean, Vietnamese, Asian organization such as Pacific Rim. Phillips attributed the shows’ success to according to Ye, who added that she looks Indian, Pakistani, Most Asian students seemed to be in the art Ye’s energy and vision in putting on such an forward to making next years show even and Middle Eastern school or engineering or graduate students event as well as Student Senate and AU pro- better. cultures were repre- and tended to stay within their own pro- viding funding and support for her efforts. As for this year, with her simple modesty, sented in the one and grams, said Tsang. When initially asked to Audience members such as Anna Ye voiced her opinion of this year’s show. PHOTO BY MELANIE BRAUN ❍ Host Judy Tsang performing her interpertive dance for the Alfred to Asia show a half hour presenta- host the show, she recalls being very flat- Diesslin, a prospective student from “I think it was good,” she said. which included the use of bright colored ribbons tion. The variety of tered but also amazed that Pacific Rim had Brooklyn, New York, felt that the show was

Darfur, a region in the Sudan that has to a displacement camp just to be turned Africans infected with HIV. To help stop the suffering in Africa …Riley always known war, according to away because her son exceeded the 80 Derryck talked about a young girl from there are several actions students can Derryck. They haven’t experienced dis- percent body weight requirement for the Kenya who lost both her parents to take. Students should participate in any CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE placement, rape, murder and hunger of feeding program. HIV/AIDS. She had to support her broth- U.N. organization. this magnitude since the genocide that The United States is obligated to do ers and sisters. Desperate, she started On AU’s campus, students can partici- took place in Rwanda in 1994. something, according to Derryck. If there having sex for money and was dead with- pate in Amnesty International to help These goals attempt to tackle poverty. The Janjaweed, a militia group, are were a well-known figure, such as Colin in two years because of the virus. Poverty spread awareness and begin change. It’s They focus on education, gender equali- systematically killing the people of this Powell or Jesse Jackson to draw more breeds violence and disease, says important that everyone writes to his or ty, the environment, health systems, region. They rape women and purposely attention to the situation, there would Derryck. her senators. Derryck explained that if world development, urban development, impregnate them, resulting in the women probably be more action taken to end Derryck suggested that in 100 years you let these people know how you feel and science technology. being outcasts in their communities. war. we’ll ask ourselves, “How could we have about certain issues, they will listen. Poverty limits access to education, It has been estimated that it would only Derryck said the African Union would watched this happen?” “It’s not enough to be knowledgeable, health, clean water, food and technology. take 550 United States men and women only need $70 million to end the suffer- The United States has contributed $15 you’ve also got to make your voice The U.N. may meet some of these goals to end the genocide and unrest in Darfur. ing. This is an insignificant amount of million to help twelve African countries known,” said Derryck. but in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America However, the US claims that they cannot money compared to the $100 billion fight HIV/AIDS. Derryck also explained All of these wars are “just undertak- and the Arab world, poverty is increas- spare any of their troops. Meanwhile being spent on Iraq every year, claimed that Africans are encouraged to use the ings” and something needs to be done ing, stated Derryck. The onset of conflict there are between 120,000 and 140,000 Derryck. ABC’s: Abstain, Be faithful and use a about them, claimed Derryck. and poverty have adverse effects on one men and women in Iraq, said Derryck. The third war is the war on HIV/AIDS. Condom. Unfortunately these sugges- “Each of you has to be a drum major for another. One usually starts the other and More than 1.6 million people have In Africa, the life expectancy has been tions aren’t the reality in Africa, just as justice. You’ve got to remember these they are both common in countries at been displaced as a result of this war. cut in half because of the disease. they aren’t in the United States. It is, forgotten wars,” said Derryck. ❍ war. Derryck gave an example of one woman According to Derryck, by the year 2020 however, important to insist on the use of The second war is a traditional war in who was forced to flea her home and go there will be approximately 90 million condoms to curb this disease.

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For the BEST graduation experience—make your reservations today at Historic Moonwinks. Just 30 minutes away—take Rt 86 to Exit 28 & we’re just 1 mile north. April 12, 2005 Fiat Lux Page 7 Sin City: Comic turned movie scores big Weird News Not your typical film, must be seen to be believed BY JOHN TOMMASINO trated books. It stays true to the form and style Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Nation's Tall Asked To Stand Back STAFF WRITER of its source material. Just sitting in the theater The film’s episodes are set to a snappy and WASHINGTON, DC-In a wide-reaching relocation of U.S. citizenry, gives you the feeling that you’re reading a good energetic narration that makes the film seem all Americans above six feet tall were asked to please move to the back When you look at many films, the old saying graphic novel. more like a literary adventure than just a night Monday. that “the book was better” is true all-too-often. Maybe that’s because Frank Miller, creator at the movies. "Those fortunate enough to be blessed with stature, please step to the But in the past decade I’ve found myself say- of the Sin City graphic novels, sat in the direc- Mickey Rourke makes a strong comeback rear so that others may be able to see and be seen," said Nolan Mills, ing that the comic book (or graphic novel) was tor’s chair. Sharing directing credits is Robert performance as a physically deformed street Secretary of the U.S. Department of Height. "Anyone willing to crouch better than cinematic duds like Ang Lee’s The Rodriguez, who also photographed and edited hero named Marv who seeks vengeance for the or sit cross-legged on the ground is welcome to move to the front." Hulk or Ben Affleck as Daredevil. the new film. Even the pretentious and murder of his prostitute lover. This is the largest measure of its kind since 1993, when U.S. citizens Sin City is the rarity of films based on illus- overblown talents of guest-director Quentin It isn’t your typical comic book and it is not were asked to not block the nation's doorways. Tarantino don’t hamper this your typical film. The main characters seek a movie. Sin City is a gem. type of primordial justice, but there is no happy The film is comprised of ending waiting for the questionable heroes. Colombian Teen Going Through Anti-Government Guerilla Phase distinct and interconnected Think of Charles Darwin’s survival axiom and BOGOTA, COLOMBIA-Like many Colombian teens, Juan Ardila, 15, episodes chronicling the the philosophy of Frederick Nietzsche, that’s is experiencing typical growing pains, characterized by mood swings, adventures of two street fight- Sin City. raging hormones, and a fervent allegiance to a squadron of leftist anti- ers, a hard-boiled detective The cinematography is a rich black and white government rebels, his 48-year-old father Rafael reported Monday. and a bevy of homicidal har- with only occasional, surreal splashes of color. "I have told him that no good can come out of running with the lots set to the backdrop of ret- I’ve never seen anything quite like it and I’m Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia," the elder Ardila said. "But rograde film noir urban land- sure directors will be imitating the style of it for he'll snap out of it. When I was his age, I was kidnapping state officials scape. years to come. and car-bombing nightclubs in the name of Communism myself." Frank Miller’s graphic Cameos by veteran character actors Rutger Ardila said he expects Juan to grow bored of drug trafficking and novels have more to do with Hauer and Powers Boothe add deep texture and extortion when and if he reaches adulthood. the hard-boiled detective grittiness to the flavor of the film. genre of Mickey Spillane and The only negative points are some truly bad 1998 Powerball Winner Returns To Food-Service Job Daschel Hammet than the computer-generated effects that are especially RAPID CITY, SD-In spite of winning an $18-million Powerball jack- super powered fisticuffs of glaring during several car chases. pot in 1998, William Berringer, 39, insisted on returning to his line- photo provided comic book creators such as Sin City must be seen to be believed. ❍ cook job at Nelson's Steak House Tuesday. "Winning all that money didn't change me," Berringer said. "I'm still the same Bill Berringer that I was before I hit the jackpot, then pro- busy with social obligations. You get a lot of energy from spending time ceeded to spend it all on partying, bad stocks, and a Jamaican condo- Horoscopes with other people, but at a certain point it might all get to be too much. minium." Berringer added that he hopes everyone at work Feel free to opt out of anything you just don’t have room for. will treat him the same way they always did, or at least the ones who (courtesy of were there when he quit his job the day after he won the jackpot. Libra (Sept. 23 Ð Oct. 22) Aries (March 21 Ð April 19) On your way to work on Monday, you’ll pass a garden or a flower shop All that hard work? It’s finally going to start to pay off on Monday. The or a beautiful tree and it’s going to strike you that the world is truly spec- Five Minutes Of Watching Indian Channel Leads To Five Hours key to your recent successes has been perseverance. And your ability to tacular. It’s a spectacle. It’s awe-inspiring. Clearly, you’re in the mood of Watching Indian Channel communicate well with grumpy people. Your life is filled with a wide for love. And love is coming your way this week, although not necessar- NEW YORK-A five-minute sampling of Hindi-language channel Zee variety of characters, but you are one of those people who always knows ily in the romantic sense. Expect to reconnect with a great friend TV stretched into a five-hour Indian TV marathon for Craig Mieritz, how to smooth things over. You make even boring tasks a pleasure. Later Wednesday or Thursday — someone you haven’t had a really great con- 23, Monday. in the week, turn your communication talents toward your love life. You versation with in a long time. You are constantly calling everyone’s "I have no idea what's going on, but I can't turn it off," the channel- and that certain someone are drawing closer and closer together these attention to the beauty of the outside world. Great friends have the abili- flipping Mieritz said about a colorful, frenetic musical number on the days. You really have an intuition for one another. It’s pretty amazing. ty to remind you of the beauty of the inside world, too. soap opera Tum Bin Jaaoon Kahaan. "Maybe I'll just watch another minute..." Following the soap, Mieritz watched a Hindi pop variety Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (Oct. 23 Ð Nov. 21) show, 11 music videos, and the three-hour Bollywood epic Khuda You are feeling good and your immediate neighborhood has never This person has been by your side through thick and thin, and chances Gawah, the remote in his hand the entire time. looked more beautiful. It’s amazing what a little sunlight can do. With are they’re not going anywhere. This isn’t the end of the world. This is your spirits up, you’re in the ideal mood to tackle this new challenge in just a little snag. And the solution is probably going to require a little your love life. You and you-know-who are really into each other; that’s compromise on your part. You care about this person and you’re willing Nation Planning Surprise Party To Cheer Up Conor Oberst not the problem. The problem is that, more and more, this romance just to make a sacrifice or two. Make sure they know that. A deep conversa- OMAHA, NE-American citizens are coordinating efforts to lift the doesn’t seem to be very practical. A little problem-solving is in order, as tion is in order later this week. Go into it with an open mind and try not spirits of wünderkind singer- Conor Oberst, sources report- well as a frank discussion about the future. Maybe you two are just rush- to control the outcome. That’s the only way to arrive at a solution you ed Monday. ing things. Whatever happens this week, communicate your feelings. can both be happy with. "I saw Conor's picture in a Spin article about Bright Eyes, and he Contentment will come this weekend from an unexpected source. just looked so down," said Lindsey Keisner of Youngstown, OH, one of Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Ð Dec. 21) the party's 4,000 planners. Gemini (May 21 Ð June 21) You have all these big ideas, but you’re at a loss when it comes to the "The country feels really bad that he's going through such a rough This is not the end of the world. This is just a minor bump in the road. finer points in your plans. It’s time to start thinking about the details. It’s spell, so next Friday, everyone who can should meet in Omaha with You’ve been dealing with minor bumps in the road all your life. Besides, a lot to think about, but you have friends who’d be happy to help. And balloons, funny cards, and silly little gag gifts." Britt Daniel from the little detours that life sometimes forces you to take often lead to great anyway, asking a friend for a hand might be a great way of reconnecting Spoon will lure Oberst to Omaha by asking him to overdub some things. People you wouldn’t have met otherwise, for example. You’re with them again. As you think about the future, you should also be think- vocals. going to meet someone on Wednesday who, completely out of the blue, ing about the people you’re going to want to still have in your life. lets you know they’re really attracted to you. Even if you’re not interest- Putting your energy into those relationships now is a wise investment. ed, you’re going to be hugely flattered. And why shouldn’t someone be Congress Awards Itself Congressional Medal Of Honor really attracted to you? You’re a rock star. People adore you. Don’t for- Capricorn (Dec. 22 Ð Jan. 19) WASHINGTON, DC-In recognition of its "service above and beyond get that. You’re in the mood to be wild and frivolous, but that’s not what the call of duty in the legislative field," Congress awarded itself the Monday’s about. That’s not what any of this week is about. There are a Congressional Medal of Honor Monday. Cancer (June 22 Ð July 22) couple things you really have to get done. Keep your head down and see "We've done a very good job this past year," House Majority Leader A group of friends are organizing a dinner party this week, and even them through and, in a couple days, you’ll be so happy to have them off Tom DeLay (R-TX) said. "After passing H.R. 682 through the Senate, though it’s not exactly in your honor, it’s pretty clear that you are going your plate. Later in the week, someone you know is going to fly off the we realized the 109th U.S. Congress had done something that would to be the centerpiece of the night. The thing is, you have this ability to handle about a minor thing. The best way to respond? Hear them out. benefit the entire country. We felt it was time we officially recognize really bring people together. In an unofficial way, you’re sort of in Sure, there’s a chance they’re overreacting, but no one likes to be told our accomplishments." charge of the group dynamic. Still, encourage everyone else to bring that. Be the friend you’d want them to be if your roles were reversed. The Congressional Medal of Honor, created in 1861 to recognize their own friends into the fold. Take a risk. Meet people who have noth- soldiers who distinguish themselves in battle, is the highest military ing in common with you. There’s not a lot that’s more stimulating than Aquarius (Jan. 20 Ð Feb. 18) decoration awarded by the U.S. government. getting to know people who swim in totally different waters than you do. The more you look into your own family’s history, the more you find out Although the medal is traditionally reserved for members of the U.S. about yourself. History is such an abstraction it can be hard to get a han- Armed Forces, a bill signed into law last month allows Congress to Leo (July 23 Ð Aug. 22) dle on — and everyone has their own version of what’s happened in the award the medal to "national legislative bodies charged with the Your career is all you can think about Monday. There’s a lot going on past — but it’s fascinating and, these days, eerily relevant. Tuesday or responsibility of making the laws that govern the nation," as well. right now, and your reputation at work is at stake. Do this well and you Wednesday, an intellectual conversation with someone is going to take "The Medal of Honor is a reward for extraordinary bravery and ded- will really impress everyone. The key is to be flexible but focused — a an unexpectedly romantic turn. If you’re single, go for it. If you’re not icated service on behalf of our great country," said Allard, his medal tricky balance, but you have a couple people you can rely on if things get single, well, consider what this might mean about your current relation- gleaming on his chest. "It is an honor reserved for that rarest of men: nuts. After work the next couple days, do whatever you can to take your ship. You might want to spend the weekend organizing your feelings and the hero." mind off the stress. You have to play just as hard as you work, as the say- figuring out your next move. Before Monday's ceremony, only 3,459 individuals had been award- ing goes. Toward the end of the week, when all your efforts start to pay ed the Congressional Medal of Honor. Some Americans-including the off, you’re going to feel like a million bucks. Pisces (Feb. 19 Ð March 20) family of Sgt. First Class Paul R. Smith, who received a Congressional The week is going to begin on a romantic note. In fact, it might begin Medal of Honor last week-have suggested that awarding the medal to Virgo (Aug. 23 Ð Sept. 22) with a romantic note — a poem, a letter, something like that. It’s so flat- 535 people at once diminishes its prestige. ❍ Sometimes you have to focus on the big picture, but not Monday. tering to see someone’s feelings for you written out on paper, isn’t it? Monday is all about making sure the little details are taken care of. Later And so rare these days. You’re going to be completely distracted and in the week, when some of the finer points have been hammered out, you overwhelmed, but it’ll feel great. Later in the week you’re going to be can take a step back and figure out what this all means in the grander able to really indulge this new romance, even if that simply means star- scheme of things. The second half of the week, you’re going to be crazy ing out the window and thinking about it for hours on end. Sometimes AU Sports Highlights

AU OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS II, Region II championships at Cazenovia College on Saturday. Junior Elizabeth Feinberg (Oakland, CA/Beacon) placed second in Crandall named AU’s Empire 8 sportsperson of the week novice equitation over fences. By placing in the top three at regionals, she ALFRED, NY — Andrea Crandall (Alfred, NY/Alfred-Almond), a senior advances to the IHSA Zone II championships Saturday, April 9, at second baseman on the softball team, has been named Empire 8 Skidmore College. The top two in each event at zones will qualify to com- Sportsperson of the Week. pete at the IHSA national championships April 5-8 in Sunbury, OH. The Empire 8 Sportsperson of the Week program, which debuted this Two other AU riders competing in the regionals Saturday — sophomore semester, identifies and rewards one student-athlete from each of the Ashley Wawrzynski (Hamlin, NY/Brockport) and junior Jessica Howe Empire 8 conference’s member institutions on a weekly basis. The hon- (Rochester, NY/Greece Athena) — placed 10th and 11th, respectively, in orees distinguish themselves through exemplary sporting behavior on and advanced walk-trot-canter. off the field of play. Crandall, who was nominated for the honor by Jaime McLaughlin, head Alfred University’s Bryant named ECAC men’s basketball all-star softball coach at AU, was honored for the week of March 28-April 3. ALFRED, NY — Quentin Bryant (Buffalo, NY/Seneca Vocational), a “Andrea is a four-year starter and a team captain,” McLaughlin com- junior on the Alfred University men’s basketball team, has been named an mented. “She has always exhibited a positive attitude and demonstrated Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) Upstate NY honorable men- good sportsmanship, which has helped her serve as a role model for our tion all-star. underclassmen.” Bryant, a 5-10 shooting guard, led AU and the Empire 8 Conference in Student-athletes’ performance is also considered when being nominated scoring with 18.9 points per game. He also led the team and conference in for the honor. In Alfred’s split of a doubleheader against Empire 8 opponent steals (1.96 per game) and ranked in the top 10 in the Empire 8 in field goal Utica last week, Crandall went 1-5 with a triple, an RBI, a run scored, two percentage (.453), free throw percentage (.794), three-point field goal per- sacrifice bunts and a stolen base. She was also perfect in six chances at sec- centage (.390) and three-point field goals made per game (2.28). ond base, recording four putouts and two assists. Bryant was previously named an Empire 8 First Team All-Star, a National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) Second Team East Three from equestrian team compete at IHSA regional championships District All-Star, and a Second Team All-East Region selec- CAZENOVIA, NY — Three members of the Alfred University equestrian tion. ❍ team competed in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) Zone Sports Fiat AULux • Alfred University • April 12, 2005 Men’s tennis looks to extend their winning streak BY CHAD WINANT with wins over Elmira 7-0, Penn St. Behrend 4-3, to you is great,” junior Andrew Lee said. “Other teams Vecchione on and off the court. This is a well-rounded SPORTS EDITOR Frostburg 6-1 and Roberts Wesleyan 5-4. The team’s don’t play in these conditions so it works to our advan- team with potential to carry on that perfect streak with amazing stats started when Alfred faced Elmira. They tage.” much of the thanks going to Friedland. If you haven’t hopped on the AU men’s tennis team had played only one match to Elmira’s 13, and two Lee also stressed the team’s comradery, stating that “Coach Friedland runs a very good program,” said train, you might want to buy a ticket, fast. matches to Frostburg’s 12. Their match against St. John there are no cliques within the team that you might see Lee. “Has anybody noticed we have something special on Fisher, scheduled for April 4 at home, was cancelled on other teams. Being close as a team contributes to the Friedland coached the women’s team from 1983-90 campus,” stated Head Coach Brian Friedland about his due to snow between courts three and five. A large pine team’s success. Playing consistent, learning from team- and the men’s team from 1987 to 1991. After a six-year teams 4-0 start to the 2005 season. tree blocked the sun from melting the snow. mates and competing with teammates is key in the absence from coaching, he returned to AU in 1997 to There is magic brewing because Friedland’s Even with opponents getting more court time, the game of tennis because it is an acquired sport. coach both the men’s and women’s teams. His knowl- women’s team went 12-0 during the fall season giving Saxons have relied on their experience and competi- The players that really carry this team are seniors edge of the game and well-rounded humor are what his the combined squads a 16-0 undefeated streak. tiveness to pull out victories. It has been a thing of Randy Vecchione who was named First Team Empire 8 players respect most about him. However, Friedland was quick to stress the fact that beauty what this men’s team has been able to accom- All-Star last season, Tim Inthirakoth and Kevin Dillon, “Coach Friedland is never in a bad mood,” Ventura he does not want to jinx his men’s team. He just wants plish this early in the season with limited preparation, juniors Andrew Lee, Ventura and freshman Haki stated. “He can also notice the smallest thing you’re to bring the streak to the attention of people who might according to Friedland. Nkhrumah. Dillon and Vecchione teamed up to earn doing wrong in a match, and when you correct it, it not know. Other teams are able to play so many more matches Second Team All-Conference honors. Nkhrumah is a turns the whole match around.” “We are definitely thinking about him when we are than Alfred because they have indoor facilities. Alfred 21-year-old freshman who is extremely talented and AU’s next home match will be played on April 11, out there winning matches,” junior Steve Ventura on the other hand must compete with Mother Nature’s provides a boost to this already talented team. versus Nazareth at 4 p.m., weather permitting of explained about the streak. elements, but that does not mean they don’t like that. According to Friedland, Inthirakoth’s backhand is course. ❍ This team has been able to jump out to their 3-0 start “Playing in the cold weather with the snow right next “picture perfect.” The team leadership comes from Umoja’s Jump Off Basketball Tournament New steroid policy adopted by Major League Baseball

“Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.” By “The player tested positive, and we did for an entire season. now we’ve all heard the statement made by what we said we were [gonna] do,” Selig still contends that the real punishment L. Paul Bremer when the United States explained Selig in his lengthy April 5 press is the blackballing that will occur once Army captured Saddam Hussein. It was a conference. someone is convicted. I doubt it though. simple sentence that summed up a world- He did exactly that, and Sanchez was sus- Jason Giambi would have never received his wide search for the former Iraqi pended ten games. How will $13.5 million a year salary from the Yankees dictator. Tampa Bay’s season ever recov- had he not taken steroids during his MVP Only a straightforward expla- er? season. I’m sure being booed by fans who nation was necessary to convey The problems with the steroid won’t earn in a lifetime what Giambi “earns” the immense pride in bringing to policy were clear from the in a month is worth that amount of money. justice exactly who they set out moment the owners and union The biggest problem is that no testing to capture. When baseball’s new representatives stepped up to the policy will ever really work. The only reason steroid policy brought its first table. First of all, blood tests we figured out a test for “the clear” was non-complier to justice, were left off the policy. HGH or because an athlete left a syringe in a hotel Commissioner Bud Selig needed human growth hormone only room. As long as athletes can afford to pay many more words than the six ALEX RASKIN shows up on blood tests. So the scientists to treat them like horses there will Bremer used to describe the suc- STAFF WRITER steroid policy will only target always be a way around testing. For cess of catching … Alex things like “the clear” which are instance, the Olympics have the most strin- Sanchez. present in urine tests. This neglects ampheta- gent testing policy today; yet they were That’s right; baseball caught the Devil mines, which has been part of the game for unable to connect Marion Jones with any- Rays’ horrible backup center fielder with much longer than we will ever know. thing more than a cloud of suspicion. only four career home runs. Who did you Another large problem with the policy is The steroid policy is more of a public rela- think Selig was going to catch, Sammy that Major League Baseball is in charge of tions ploy than an attempt to clean up the Sosa? If you did, you obviously have not testing instead of an independent firm. The game. As long as the game appears to be been paying attention. Since Balco has been Olympics have their testing done by an out- played on a fair level, Selig, the owners, and introduced into the American vernacular, side firm and they actually catch significant the players still stand to make a lot of money. Selig has fought steroid testing just as much athletes who are cheating (i.e. Ben Johnson). In effect, Selig is a magician. The fans

PHOTO BY MELANIE BRAUN as Donald Fehr and Barry Bonds. He’s made One other thing that the Olympic policy gave him complaints and demands for an Bill Battaglia shoots the ball into the basket for his team during Friday’s bas- all of the speeches, and he’s said all of the has over baseball’s policy is the punish- effective policy, and he turned that into Alex ketball jump off tournament which was sponsored by Umoja. right things, but no matter how much he ments. Had Alex Sanchez been an Olympic Sanchez. Ladies and gentlemen, we got says; Selig still looks like Geraldo Rivera luger (instead of a just being a loser) he you. ❍ standing in front of Al Capone’s empty vault. would be beginning his two year suspension For Selig, the public relations campaign is right now. As it stands, Sanchez could be just beginning. caught twice more and still not be suspended Men’s lacrosse still searching for first win BY CHAD WINANT Fisher. they will only lose one senior. to being one game out of the post-season this year. SPORTS EDITOR According to assistant coach Jeff Podolak, Fisher A losing season can really damage a team, but The lacrosse team is in the same boat. Maturity gained its first ever conference victory with a 13-6 perseverance could push them back on top. must take place for this team to be successful in the The men’s lacrosse team has slipped this season. win over the Saxons. St. John Fisher recently instat- Teamwork is a key ingredient when trying to over- next couple of seasons. They have just about fallen, but are still holding ed lacrosse as a varsity sport in 2001. come obstacles in any sport. This team works well For the next four conference games, AU will themselves up, barely. The main problem with this team, despite being together at times, but is having trouble staying have their backs against the wall because if they “We cannot afford to lose another game,” young, is the fact that they commit too many mis- focused and executing the fundamentals needed in lose they will be eliminated from the playoffs. explained junior defensemen Tristan Hujer. takes offensively and defensively, such as poor order to succeed. “This will really test us and see what we’re made The squad has started the season 0-7, 0-3 in con- passing and making turnovers. “We all have to get on the same page,” said out of,” explained Chapman about the remaining ference play with four conference games left. The This team practices six days a week, two hours a senior co-captain Josh Parker about the team. If this games. key is to win four conference games to make the day. According to head coach Preston Chapman, the team wants to start winning, it is going to take a lot “We have to play like there is no tomorrow,” said post-season. team is continuing to work hard in practice. The of work, he said. Hujer stressing the importance of not only needing However, with games against Ithaca and defend- fundamentals need to carry over into games for us Character is another ingredient in which a team a win, but needing one bad. ing National Champion Nazareth still left on the to be successful. can build upon. Losing isn’t fun, but a team can AU’s next game is against Nazareth on schedule, it will take some brilliant play and a “At this point in the season we shouldn’t be hav- never hang their heads. A good team will find ways Wednesday, April 13, at 4 p.m. on Merrill touch of luck to get into the playoffs. ing mental mistakes,” said Chapman. to improve and keep working hard. Field. ❍ The three losses suffered in conference play have Youth and inexperience has also plagued this Look at the men’s basketball team who suffered come at the sticks of Harwick, RIT and St. John team. However, the future does look bright because back-to-back horrific seasons and turned it around National Champs, UNC is facing deep roster issues next season The University of North Carolina Tar second foul early in the game, Williams ried in his gym bag all tournament the North Carolina now has some roster is a potential top two or three overall Heels defeated Illinois 75-70 and did not panic and pull his star point game tape of the 1976 National problems entering next season. Jawad pick. Williams would be the anchor for claimed their first National guard, instead he calmly Championship in which his Williams, Melvin Scott, and Jackie this team next season, who does have a Championship since 1993 on April 4. called a timeout and North father, Scott May, and the Manuel are out of eligibility, that makes promising freshman class coming in, The first for head coach Roy Williams Carolina came back out in a Indiana Hoosiers won. three gone. because of his size and leadership. in his third attempt (first with UNC) point 1-3-1 zone which elim- Collectively the Tar Heels Possible early entrees to the NBA If UNC lost all four of these players hushing the critics who said he was the inated Felton from picking watched the tape before the title Draft include Rashad McCants, May, mentioned that would leave them with best coach never to win the big game. up any cheap fouls. game. May did it to show his freshman Marvin Williams, and Felton. David Noel, Quentin Thomas and The media and critics now ask questions He was constantly subbing teammates what “team basket- Felton won the Bob Cousy award for top Reyshawn Terry. With the exception of like, “How does it feel to not be called players in and out of the ball” was all about because the point guard in the country and is consid- Noel, I find myself saying, “Who?” We the greatest coach to never win a title?” game, playing a total of 10 Heels were criticized all season ered a lottery pick. got a glimpse of Thomas, and I say that Williams responds with a smile and says, players, to keep guys fresh for being selfish. All of these guys have the option of literally because the moment he stepped “Now you people will have to ask me and when it came down to CHAD WINANT May, who finished with 26 returning for their senior year beside on the floor he ended up right back on something else.” making big plays the Tar SPORTS EDITOR points and 10 rebounds, beat Williams, who would be a sophomore. the bench, and Terry has seen about as What people are failing to recognize is Heels were in the right place his dad in the score books by But in the age of leaving school early much action as a fat kid in dodgeball. that Williams inherited an 8-20 North at the right time. grabbing two more rebounds in the title and taking the big dollars, it is likely that For the sake of college basketball and a Carolina team when he chose to return Sean May, who was named Most game. They both scored 26-points, but they will all enter the NBA draft. repeat national championship, let’s all back to his alma mater. He coached the Outstanding Player, was a wrecking ball Daddy May’s Hoosiers recorded a per- The biggest set back North Carolina hope and pray some of these guys stick game of his life in this title game. in the paint all tournament long and fect season going 32-0, the last team to might face is if Marvin Williams leaves around. ❍ When Raymond Felton picked up his deserved the award, hands down. He car- do so. early, which he is likely to do because he