JAVA FULL STACK DEVELOPER TRAINING By Nirvana Enterprises 1 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242
[email protected] About the Course This is a full stack web development (Java IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web course using Angular, Spring Boot, and Server. The course will also give you ex- Spring Security Frameworks. You will pertise in MongoDB, and Docker so you be using Angular (Frontend Framework), can build, test, and deploy applications TypeScript Basics, Angular CLI(To create quickly using containers. The Course in- Angular projects), Spring Boot (REST API cludes 3 industry level practice projects, Framework), Spring (Dependency Man- and interview preparation, and extreme agement), Spring Security (Authentica- coding practices. This prepares you for tion and Authorization - Basic and JWT), your next Fortune 500 company project BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (depen- as a Full Stack Java Developer. dencies management), Node (npm), Vi- sual Studio Code (TypeScript IDE), Eclipse 2 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242
[email protected] Key Course Highlights Concept & Logic development Learn Core Java, Advanced Java, with 160 Hours of Training by SpringBoot, HTML, CSS, Javas- Experts cript, Bootstrap & MongoDB 3 Industry-level projects on Core Develop Cloud Native Applica- Java, Testing, Automation, AWS, tion - on AWS Cloud Angular, MongoDB & Docker Earn a Certificate in Java Full Architecture & SDLC - Microser- Stack Development on success- vices & DevOps ful completion of the program Guaranteed Placement within Cloud Platform & Deployment - months of successful comple- AWS Cloud, Docker & Jenkins tion of the program 3 Java Full Stack Developer Training 732.889.4242
[email protected] Learning Outcomes Develop a working application on Build cloud-native application by Shopping Cart for ECommerce and seeding the code to Cloud (SCM), in Healthcare using full stack with like AWS.