Nehemiah as a Leader Spiritual Leadership that Counteracts Spiritual Lethargy

10 Marks of a Spiritual Leader 1. Active in Prayer; Prayerful in Activity. (Always prayerful, always active) a. :4-11 (Nehemiah was praying for 4 months before chapter 2!) b. :4 – So I prayed… i. For Nehemiah, prayer is like breathing 1. :9 – We prayed to our God and we set a guard 2. He doesn’t choose between God’s sovereignty and his responsibility; often, we are an answer to the prayer 3. :8-9 2. Courageous in Charting a Course a. Nehemiah 2:4 b. Pray and prepare; when it comes time to speak, speak with courage c. Wait until you are ready to speak; but then, speak with courage d. David Ravenhill – Desperate for God’s presence; experience intimacy before his face; out of desperation and intimacy comes authority. We speak as people who have been with God. 3. You are not a Lone Ranger a. Chapters 3, 7, 8:4-7, 10:1-27, 11, 12 – Remembers and calls out specific names i. Specific, yet comprehensive; these names matter to Nehemiah! ii. Great leaders are quick to name specifically and comprehensively those who have contributed to the work! iii. Praise publicly; reprove privately iv. Every win is a window; every loss is a mirror 4. You can’t always provide certainty, but you must always provide clarity. a. See Chapter 4:11-20 b. Nehemiah knows that there is a threat; doesn’t know for certain c. Have a clear and consistent communication plan in your House Church 5. Learn from complaints and don’t be defensive. a. Nehemiah 5:1 – a great outcry b. As leaders, we must receive feedback as a gift c. Your first response when you receive feedback must be, “Thank you” i. Fools reject feedback; wise men and women receive it and respond 6. Don’t be derailed by Nay-sayers a. Nehemiah 2:10, 17; 4:1-3; 7-8; 6:3 b. Remember Nehemiah 5 – He is attentive to complaints i. Contrast with Nehemiah 6:3 – He doesn’t have time for nay-sayers ii. We must hold points 5 and 6 in tension c. “Both complaints and compliments are like chewing gum.” i. Limited flavor; take it for what it’s worth, then move on 7. Willing to call out sin where it is present, especially in their own heart! a. Nehemiah 5:9-11; 13:23-25 i. Grace and the pursuit of holiness are not in opposition to one another ii. See 1 Peter 1 – Set your hope fully on the grace… iii. When we are soaking in grace, we will be serious about holiness 8. Embody the Vision a. It must bleed out of us; we can’t just teach and preach it. b. Nehemiah 5:14 i. Nehemiah’s bank statement tells the story that he is “in” on this mission ii. Are you embodying the values that you preach? c. This wasn’t just in word only or in title only for Nehemiah. 9. Know when it is time to pause and celebrate a. :9-10 – especially “the joy of the Lord is your strength” b. Joy is your strength as a leader. Laugh, celebrate, remember God’s goodness. 10. We must be Finishers! a. – he doesn’t rest on his victories in the past; keeps his intensity b. It is easy to be a starter; it is difficult to be a finisher c. Every ounce of faithfulness in us is a response to the grace of God. i. May this create desperation in our souls that drives us to the feet of Jesus; may this grow intimacy with Him that produces authority to be a spiritual leader who counteracts spiritual lethargy.