Regeneration Update

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Regeneration Update REGENERATION UPDATE Exciting plans taking shape in Castletown ‘Uplifting’ scheme in Douglas wins top award Vision becomes a reality in heart of Laxey Peel project set to start early next year Market Place makeover nearing completion Proposals to improve gateway to Port Erin Government’s Regeneration Scheme is continuing to deliver improvements to the commercial centres of the Island’s towns and villages in order to support businesses and economic growth. This publication provides an update on the progress being achieved. PHOTO BY LIAM MILLER Initiative to build on success of local regeneration committees Wider remit to encourage community partnerships to drive local economies n recognition of the success that has been achieved by the six Local The additional remit of the Local Economy Committees in addition to IRegeneration Committees in driving their purposes as Regeneration Committees could include: forward physical improvements in their towns and villages, the Chief Minister Supporting the delivery of Vision shop unit data. recently announced how they will be 2020 and the Government’s encouraged to take on a wider remit. economic growth agenda. Identifying vacant sites and using The Chief Minister Allan Bell commented: the local economic baseline and ‘Local Regeneration Committees provide a Compiling, in conjunction with the Employment Land Review unique platform where national and local database to identify priority projects to politicians together with business people have Government, a baseline of local grow and support the local economy. worked in partnership to oversee the delivery economic information which of local infrastructure schemes which support includes, employment sectors, their local economy. employment numbers, unemployment, Identifying current land use ‘More importantly, the Committees are a housing numbers and types, retail allocations which could be proven format for delivering successful information, number of new businesses changed as and when Statutory schemes at the local level with strong established, the businesses benefitting Local Plans are prepared to promote community support.’ from grants, footfall figures and vacant local economic development. In order to continue this good work we are looking to evolve the committees to locally deliver the priority of growing the economy to make the most of the regeneration funds spent clear from the work on Regeneration that if an active say in how its region is developed. in their areas. local economies are to thrive and play their ‘I believe the Regeneration Committees The need for local delivery of Government’s part in growing and supporting the local have played a valuable role in ensuring priorities has already been stated by the Chief economy then the remit is wider than retail. Government’s investment in their communities Minister’s Foreword to Vision 2020: ‘The ‘It extends to include vacant development has gained the broadest support and is making economic challenge now facing the Isle of Man sites, marketing of the town, encouraging a real difference to each region’s economy and is one for the whole community …. Making sure investment, promoting events, and even public quality of life. the Isle of Man is the best place to do business art.’ ‘Given the Committees are working is a matter for everyone.’ The Minister for Economic Development successfully, I agree that it is entirely logical to The Chief Minister added: ‘It is Laurence Skelly explained the importance of a maintain and expand them into Local Economic regional approach to supporting economic Committees in order to help guide further activity. He said: ‘It is important economic and wider development in their that all regions share in the Isle communities.’ of Man’s success and that It is anticipated each community has that the Local Regeneration Committees will take on this wider remit before the end of the year. The Committees are a proven format for “ delivering successful schemes at the local level with strong community support. “ — Chief Minister Allan Bell MHK CASTLETOWN Exciting plans taking shape Regeneration scheme will enhance one of most visited parts of the Isle of Man xciting plans to enhance the Market Castletown the first town to offer free Castletown Regeneration Committee Square in Castletown are now being connectivity for all and is aimed at encouraging commented: ‘The scheme is now well implemented. people to stay longer and enjoy the enhanced underway to give the Square a high quality E surroundings. The scheme will enhance the quality of one of the most visited parts of the Island by Richard Ronan MHK, Chairman of TURN TO PAGE 4 providing a flexible area that can adapt quickly to meet the needs of the community. More public space will be provided for NIGHT AND DAY: Images of how the refurbished Town Square will look during the pedestrians and events as part of a scheme hours of darkness (above) and in the daytime (below) which allows parking to be increased or decreased on demand. Crucially, the proposal will mean that it will not be necessary to close off the entire Square to vehicles during all events. Instead, smaller events will be able to be accommodated by a permanent space adjacent to the Castle and only larger events will require all parking to be suspended. Castletown Commissioners have already provided additional short stay parking to more than make up for any loss of parking in the Square. To support this, the recently upgraded George Lane now provides an attractive pedestrian link into the Square from the George Paddock parking area. High quality stone paving, increased seating and low energy lighting will be used to make the most of the historic setting and show off the town’s assets. Castletown Commissioners are looking to give the Square an even greater appeal by providing free wi-fi in the area. This could make CASTLETOWN Enjoy a stunning and historic setting while having a coffee CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 He continued: ‘The project has brought years now and it has always been our plan to together key stakeholders within the town to establish an outlet in Castletown. Last year we finish and useable layout to allow it to continue drive forward a bright future for Castletown, were presented with the opportunity to trade to serve residents and visitors to our town. The and we are currently working with Castletown from the former Benefits Office in the Committee is conscious that works to improve Commissioner’s to provide free wi-fi in the Quarterdeck Area of the town. such a well-used public area will be impacting centre of Castletown which is an excellent ‘The building will be known as the Castle on businesses. demonstration of how Regeneration initiatives Gate and working in partnership with our ‘I have been very pleased with the can benefit our town centres'. landlord – Manx National Heritage – and their understanding shown by those affected and am Another exciting project is also moving Architects, Horncastle Thomas, we believe that confident that the completed project will closer with plans to use the vacant building no Costa in Britain will trade from a more encourage further adjacent to the Gluepot as a café. Planning stunning location.’ investment in approval has just been obtained and the They continued: ‘However, the key reasons Castletown.’ project has the potential to attract greater we decided to trade from this small outlet are footfall to Castletown and build on the existing that the Government’s Regeneration Scheme offer of the town. will help us to have a Costa in a beautifully Gary and Anne Dorling, Directors of Fancy restored historic site and have outdoor seating A Coffee Limited, commented: ‘We have traded on a high quality paved area rather than the our Costa franchise on the Isle of Man for 10 old tarmac that currently exists.’ I am pleased with the understanding shown “ and confident the project will encourage further investment in Castletown. “ — Richard Ronan MHK DOUGLAS Uplifting scheme wins top award he current phase of the Douglas regeneration scheme is nearing T completion ahead of schedule, with only the new lighting still to be installed. This major project has seen the main shopping streets in the capital upgraded using granite paving. The underground services have been renewed where required and features such as lighting, street art, benches and trees have been incorporated to create a vibrant and more usable town centre space. The benefits being delivered by the scheme were recently recognised in December 2014 GRAND STRAND: Strand Street in Douglas when the project scooped the award in the how it appears today (above) and how it landscaping category of the Natural Stone looked before (inset) Awards, with judges describing the first phases of the works as ‘uplifting’ and ‘exemplary’. They added: ‘The overall project design has unified the various street footprints and maximises the town’s layout to take full held once every two years, recognise advantage of sunlight. From its integrated excellence in the natural stone industry. The original concept to its careful specifying and judges praised the use of the Archibald Knox- precision installation, this is an exemplary inspired street furniture and artwork that has scheme.’ helped to transform previously drab streets into modern, vibrant retail areas. David Cretney MLC, Chairman of the Douglas Regeneration Committee, said: ‘Parts Business guru Lord Digby Jones presented The judges said: ‘The stonework brings the award to members of the Island of the town centre previously had a tired, brightness and light into the heart of the dreary appearance that did little to inspire. partnership involved Island’s capital. The results are already lifting in enhancing some and enhancing the area, instilling pride and ‘The improvements to the paving, street of the capital’s commitment across a diverse range of retailers furniture and lighting have transformed the busiest where associated grant-aided property town centre.
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