F Rkentucky Baptist'\ El I Mstorlcal Society I
t. ~- .. .- '· :._: . ' (.._ .. ~ ' •.. PUBLICATIONS OF THE FrKentucky Baptist'\ el Imstorlcal Society I a..--~--v;,c;v-- .... I A• NUMBER TWO II J ... PUBLICATIONS... OF THE Kentucky Baptist Historical Society No.2 EDITED BY W. ]. McGLOTHLIN, D.D. I. The Revival of 1800-l, by Rev. 0. Olin Greene, Author of ~'Normal Evangelism/' II. The Laying On of Hands---A Forgotten Chapter in Baptist History, by W. J. McGlothlin, D.D., Louisville, Ky. III. Some Kentucky Baptist Confessions of Faith. 1911 BAPTIST BOOK CONCERN Louisville, Ky. PREFACE Tihis second number of the "Proceedings of tile Kentucky Baptist Histwi~cal Society'' pre!Sents two papers on as many subjects, which are of interest to the religious, and especially the Baptist. history of the State. In addition severa,l original documents whi,ch have a very important p[ace in the history of the doctrinal position of the early Baptists. of Kentucky, are re produced. They also serve to show the reliation of Kentucky 'Baptists to those of the earlier colonies, as well as their general attit11de towards confessions of faith and theological questions. The Revival of 1800-1 By 0. OLIN GREENE Author of "Normal Evangelism." A Scotch-Irish Population. The Rev·ival of 1800-1, commonly known a:s "The Scotch Irish Revival," is one orf the most famo·us in American hisrtory, if rJot in all history. The Revival had its origin in Kentucky among a population tha·t was predominantly Scotch-Irish. They were a mixture o.f Teutonic and Celtic blood, and combined the shrewd, practical, common-sense and intelligent purpose of the Teuton with the strong emotionalism of the Celt.
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