AMERICAN ·FISHERIES but work in the fishing industry. Some lines-some reporting as many as PROMOTION ACT will hire on elsewhere with other pro­ seven separate incidents on a single cessors. But many will be forced to claim. Foreign fishermen take a sig­ abandon their trade, their city, and nificant number of fish other than HON. LES AuCOIN their way of life. those they are licensed io catch under OF This is the kind of economic and their so-called incidental take. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES social devastation we are facing. The As a Nation we are committed to full Wednesday, May 7, 1980 problem is this kind of devastation use of our ocean resources and to does not merit national concern, as having U.S. fishermen harvest these • Mr. AuCOIN. Mr. Speaker, the Mer­ the plight of Chrysler did. The truth resources. I have previously indicated chant Marine and Fisheries Commit­ is this kind of devastation should my support for a phaseout of foreign tee soon will report to the House H.R. worry us more than Chrysler. fishing and for a 100-percent observer 7039, the American Fisheries Promo­ As a member of the House Banking program until that time, and I repeat tion Act. I want to take a few moments Committee, I thought the bailout of that commitment again today. to alert my colleagues to the impor­ Chrysler set a bad precedent of prop­ Harvesting of all our offshore fisher­ tance of this comprehensive legislation ping up a company whose products ies resources by U.S. fishermen is the in reviving our drowning fishing indus­ had been rejected in the marketplace. objective of the Fishery Conservation try. This is an industry that haS been That is not the problem of the U.S. and Management Act. This goal pre­ ignored too long-ignored for what it fishing industry. sumes that sound management will de­ has been, ignored for what it is, and ig­ The fishing industry is undercapi­ termine harvesting efforts. But sound nored for what it can be. , talized, fragmented, and norunarket management is impossible without The fishing industry has always oriented. It has not been rejected in sound data. A 100-percent observer been important to America, providing the marketplace-it has never got its program is· a necessary step in the di­ valuable foo

e This "bullet., symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 10378 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 7, 1980 move quickly and forcefully. The Social security, however you view its Those of us who work within the Social future of America's first industry is at appropriateness in today's economy, is Security Administration have long been stake.e one of this Nation's success stories proud of the effectiveness and efictency of our agency. It has been particularly frus­ from the administrative standpoint. trating to us that the press and the public, With a national accuracy rate of 96 in their generalized criticism of federal EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH percent and an administrative cost of MAKES ITS ANTIABORTION agencies and employees, appear to be un­ less than 2 percent, there are very few aware of the fact that the Social Security STAND CLEAR who could fault this program on its de­ Administration, which will be responsible livery to the people. The Joliet, Ill., for one-quarter of the national budget this· HON. JOHN M. ASHBROOK office is to be particularly commended year, operates at less than a 2. percen~ ad­ or omo for its delivery service to the local ministrative cost margin and achieves a 96 percent payment accuracy rate in its pro­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES area. The Joliet Office ranked first in grams. As was pointed out in our meeting, Wednesda"'• Ma"' 7., 1980 performance out of 12 districts in the the cost efficiency and operational effective.­ H: s central IDinois area. In achieving this ness of our agency are unmatched, to my e Mr. ASHBROOK. Mr. Speaker, ranking, ·that office demonstrated a knowledge, by any private industry or gov­ there is nothing unusual about a 99-percent-accuracy rate in processing ernment agency in the world. church disagreeing on a particular SSl claims and a 98.8-percent-accuracy Naturally, my staff was happy with your moral point with the public position of rate in processing retirement benefit acknowledgement of the efficiency of Social one.. of its members on the political claims. In addition. there are several Security Administration, nationally, and of the Joliet district office, locally, in serving scene. The whites-only membership other areas in which they achieved your constituents. We concurred fully with policy of Mr. Carter's home church, or outstanding results. At ·this point, I your observation that it is time the Ameri­ the exclusion of blacks from higher would like to include in the RECORD a can public ceases its preoccupation with the levels of the Mormons, which Mr. letter I received from Mr. james H. faults in our society and government and Romney regretted during his political Becker, district manager of the Joliet begins to recognize and take pride in our career are two recent examples. A · office, so that all may see that social strengths-one of which is our agency .. recent article in the Evangelical security employees, especially those in Prior to the close of our meeting, you Be'acon, published by the Evangelical Joliet, work to provide others with the asked that I provide you with a copy of the data used by Mr. Budney in his presentation Free Church, says it is "very clear that very best public seivice. of awards to six of my staff, so that you Representative ANDERSON does not SociAL SECURITY ADIIIIUsTRAnox. could read this information into the con­ represent the consensus of opinion in Joliet, Ill., March 25,1980. gressional record and have it placed in an the free church in regard to his pro- Hon. GEORGE O'BRIEN, article in the Joliet newspaper. Attached, choice views on abortion." The impor- Member, u.s. House of Representatives, 101 for use, is a copy of that data. tant point here is not the fact that his N. Joliet Street. Joliet, Ill. In closing, let me thank you, again for church disagrees with one of Mr. AN- DEAR MR. O'BRIEN: Thank you for taking your presentation to my staff. I will look DERSON's specific stands. The real the time from your busy schedule to partici· forward to our next meeting with pleasure. pate in our staff meeting last week. Your Sincerely, point is that it is not exclusively presentation was candid, informational and JAKES H. BECKER, Catholic proabortion legislators who much appreciated by everyone involved. District Manager. have this difference with their church. The stereotyping of prolife movement PERFORMANCE.OF SSA AND THE JOLIET DISTRICT OFFicE as Catholic is dangerous and insulting OVERAll SSA ANANCIAl PERFORMANCE-ASCAl YEAR 1978 to all of us of every faith. and it is -for this reason that the Evangelical $98,500,000,000 Beacon article should be regarded as t:b~:: =!:'SSI~-~-~.:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::==:::::=;:::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::=::=:::::::::::::::=:=:::::::::::::::::::: 1,990,000,000 particularly significant. Total funds spent (RSOI and SSI) ·····-··-······-··--···------··-···-······-·········-··· ...... 100,490,000,000 I was enraged some time ago when the Congressional Quarterly, in listing Pl!rtent spent for Administration ...... _...... - ...... - ...... - ...... _...... 1.99 congressional votes on abortion-relat­ ed issues, had a special marking for ADMINISTRATIVE PERFORMANCE-FEBRUARY 1980 Members who were Roman Catholic. Singling out political figures on the National performance Dlicago region Central Illinois area Joliet cistrict 1 basis of tbeir religious affiliation is something our Founding Fathers re­ ~ :l: =:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~ ::L:::::::: ~~:~ ::L::::::::: ~U =:t::::::::::::: ~ : ~ r:::t jected two centuries ago. When it RSI claims =processing time (application to payment) ...... _. ___ 31.9 days...... 30.6 days...... -...... 31.6 days._,.,.,...... 27.1 days. DIB claims proces$ing time (D.O. to State) ...... -...... - ...... 7.0 day's ._,,,____ ,. 6.3 days ...... -- ... 6.2 days .. _...... 3.5 days. raises its head today. then it must be SS1A claims processing time (applicatiJR to payment) , __ ,,_,,_,,, 111 days...... -·-·-· 16.9 days. .... - ... - ... 14.4 days.._:...... 10.5 days. attacked. repeatedly and single-mind­ SSI BID claims processing time (D.O. to State) .. -···---.. ---· 8.5 days ...... 7.5 days ...... __ 6.6 days ...... - •• 5.2 days. edly, until it crawls back under a rock Pbstentitlement actions processed in 30 days ...... - ...... _.,_.. ,_.. _ 93.0 percent. .... _...... 95.4 percent...... 98.0 percent.._ .... ,_.. 100 percent where it belongs.e • Note: The Joliet Disbict Office ranked 1st in performance out ~ 12 districts in the central Ulinois area. e

JOLIET, ILL., SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE COMMENDATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION One, I am going on the· stump around the country to elevate the consciousness of HON. GEORGE M. O'BRIEN Americans about what-classroom teachers HONi WIWAM E. DANNEMEYER do, to provide a greater sense of value for Or ILLINOIS classroom teachers. On a longer range, I am IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES or CALil"'RNIA hopeful that we can encourage regional con­ Wednesday, May.?, 1980 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ferences with various elements of the educa­ Wednesday, May 7, 1980 tion community to begin to address the • Mr. O'BRIEN. Mr. Speaker, too problems "whole." I want them to start often we Americans tend to be preoc- • Mr. DANNEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, ta.lldng to each other. In order to get hold cupied with the problems and faults of the new Department of Education. of the paperwork burden we have to know our Nation and fail to recoptize and which opens its doors today, has who's putting the burden on-which agen­ take pride in the many strengths and placed on its seal an· acorn embedded cies. good programs we have. Recently, I in an oak tree. What the designers of That last statement about looking had the opportunity to meet informal- that seal forgot is that nothing grows for culpable agencies is like a man ly with the Social Security Adminis- in Washington except bureaucracies. standing in the middle of a bam tration's district office in Joliet, m.. to Excerpts from a recent conversation ·asking where is the smell coming from. discuss its local operation as well as with ·the new Secretary of Education A change of five votes in the House the national social security program. ·reveal the truth of that statement: last July would ·have scuttled the new May 7, 1980 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10379 agency. Now that it is in business, MR. CARTER'S FAMILY PLANS band as wage-earner, the housewife mother, what should we demand from an