Chapter 20 - Test Name: Assisting With Grooming Date:

1. Which activity is considered a grooming activity? Select all that apply. A) Shaving a patient's or resident's beard B) Caring for nails of the hands and feet C) Shampooing and styling the hair D) Sewing a button on a shirt E) Applying makeup

2. Personal grooming practices are least influenced by a resident's A) friends and relatives. B) current health and disabilities. C) access to expensive grooming aides. D) feelings about his or her own sexuality.

3. It is true that nail care A) is an optional grooming activity. B) can cause hangnails. C) should result in smooth, trimmed nails D) is best provided when the nails are hard and dry.

4. Which one of the following observations provides clues to the patient's or resident's overall health? A) The length of the nails B) The color of the nail beds C) Whether the nails are chewed D) Whether the nails are regularly cared for

5. A nursing assistant would soften a resident's nails before performing nail care by soaking the fingers for a A) short time in a basin of cold water. B) long time in a basin of cold water. C) short time in a basin of warm water. D) long time in a basin of warm water.

6. Which person would be performing a task outside his or her scope of practice if he or she were to use nail clippers to trim a patient's or resident's toenails? A) The nurse B) The doctor C) The podiatrist D) The nursing assistant

Page 1 7. Which is used to a person's nails after trimming with nail clippers? A) Nail B) Nail clippers C) An emery board D) An orange stick

8. Hangnails are best cared for by A) filing them with an emery board. B) them off using a nail clipper. C) trimming them off using cuticle scissors. D) leaving them alone to fall off by themselves.

9. After providing nail care, dryness of the skin is best prevented by A) using the edge of a washcloth and gently rubbing it on the skin. B) using the edge of an orange stick to create a gap at the nail bed. C) soaking the fingernails in warm water until it becomes cool. D) applying hand cream generously to both hands.

10. When helping a patient with an intravenous (IV) line to dress, the nursing assistant would first A) bring the arm through the sleeve and then the IV bottle and tubing. B) bring the IV bottle and tubing through the sleeve and then follow with the arm. C) place the arm that has the IV bottle and tubing through the sleeve. D) remove the IV bottle and tubing and then dress the person.

11. The nursing assistant is caring for a resident whose hair has become very tangled. When a wide-tooth comb isn't able to remove the tangles, the nursing assistant A) uses a fine-tooth comb. B) shampoos the resident's hair. C) applies oil to the resident's scalp. D) asks for permission to have the hair cut.

12. A male patient who is taking medication that causes him to bleed easily is requesting to be shaved. What type of will the nursing assistant use? A) A changeable unit B) A disposable blade unit C) A disposable razor D) An electric razor

Page 2 13. In what direction would a nursing assistant shave a man's cheek? A) Upwards, against the direction of hair growth B) Downward, with the direction of hair growth C) Crossways, toward the nose D) It really makes no difference.

14. Which of the following statements about helping a patient or resident apply makeup is true? A) The use of makeup by patients and residents is usually governed by the facility's policies. B) A patient's or resident's culture and religion usually do not contribute to her feelings about, and use of, makeup. C) Helping a person to continue with her normal personal grooming routine has a large impact on the person's well-being. D) Most elderly women prefer dark lipstick and heavy face powder to reduce wrinkles on the face.

15. The nursing assistant will help a resident care for his or her glasses by A) washing them in hot, soapy water daily to remove smudges. B) wiping each lens with a paper towel and window-cleaning solution. C) only using a special cleaning and soaking solution daily to clean them. D) using warm water to clean the glasses and then drying them with a soft cloth.

16. Using care when handling a prosthetic eye is important because A) they are fragile and easily scratched. B) improper handling could lead to an eye infection. C) replacing it would be expensive and inconvenient. D) the patient would be angry if the prosthesis was damaged.

17. Contact lenses are A) cleaned with warm water and soap. B) made of either soft or hard plastic. C) interchangeable between eyes. D) inexpensive.

18. When it is clear that the resident cannot hear with his or her hearing aid in place, the nursing assistant first A) reports to the nurse that the hearing aid is broken. B) removes the hearing aid and replaces the batteries. C) uses a louder tone of voice when speaking to the resident. D) suggests that the hearing aid be removed and thoroughly cleaned.

Page 3 19. Before styling the hair of a patient who wears a hearing aid, the nursing assistant will A) ask the patient's permission. B) turn off the hearing aid. C) remove the hearing aid. D) wash the patient's hair.

20. To provide safe nail care to a female resident, the nursing assistant A) uses the nail polish color the resident selects. B) cares for the nails before the resident has visitors. C) applies lotion to the resident's hands when finished. D) fills the soaking basin with water that is between 100°F and 115°F.

21. When bathing a patient, the nursing assistant will put on gloves A) every time. B) whenever available. C) when the patient requests him or her to. D) if contact with broken skin is possible.

22. A resident who is dominantly right-handed has a sprained left arm. When replacing the resident's hospital gown, the nursing assistant works first with the side that is A) nondominate. B) noninjured. C) dominate. D) injured.

23. A resident has a broken arm and needs help to undress. The nursing assistant A) works with the resident's unaffected side first. B) selects only clothes with large buttons or snaps. C) suggests that the resident wear loose-fitting clothes. D) gives the resident extra time in order to dress himself or herself.

24. A nursing assistant caring for a resident's hair is showing concern for the resident's safety when A) combing the resident's hair the way he or she wants. B) using the shampoo and styling gel the resident likes. C) setting the blow drier on low to dry the resident's hair. D) asking the resident's permission before trimming his or her bangs.

Page 4 Chapter 20 - Test Assisting With Grooming Faculty Use Only

Answer Key

1. A, B, C, E 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. D 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C