Reference by Hon'ble Mr. Lustice Sania Y Karol, Acting Chief Lustice
El Reference by Hon'ble Mr. lustice Sania y Karol, Acting Chief lustice, High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla (on 9.5.2017 at 3.00 p.m.) Though we have assembled here to condole the sad demise of one of our accomplished leaders late Mrs. Justice Leila Seth, former Chief Justice of this Court, but certainly, and I can say with conviction that she would not want us to mourn her death. On Saturday, i.e. 6th May, 2017, when the news of her death flashed in the media, immediately I got in touch with the officiating Registrar General for ascertaining the time of her cremation and performance of last rites. Promptly, I was informed that the dead body, as per her desire and Will, stood donated and that the memorial services would be performed by 28 1h May, 2017. Such was her stature that very rarely you find the First Citizen of India, the Vice President, the Prime Minister, Chief Ministers of various States, social activists, media and general public, unanimously coming forward in acknowledging the contribution to the development of jurisprudence by a noble Judge of this country. Undoubtedly, Justice Seth was far ahead of her times and age. She was a great jurist, an author, a social activist, and above all a great human being. I had known her personally for many years. I do remember of having appeared before her in the High Court of Delhi and also having received the warmth and affection on a 1)2 my, elevation as a Judge of this Court, which fact I do acknowledge.
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