Fha C'h~~esare Iha dry bmras of the eadh, na o~ndark Z~IWrrh brsath tqm th Adtotre7rP3 lhroil h fire.

IJE history of Old and New St, Andrew's T in is likewise the chronicle of anothcr great centre of with a long list of namcs noted in Canadian history. Many of thc clcrgy are referred to in the chapter on Education. In I Szi there was a Prcsbytcrian congregation in Yark hoIding services in a house on Richmond Street. The Honourable Wm. Morris, of Perth, called a meeting of Presbyterians on March 3, I S 3 o, to consider the buiIding of a . John Ewast was in the chair, and the noted Dr. Dun- lop. of tllc Company, moved the rcsolu- tion. The foundation-stonc of Sr. t'Cndrc\r's Church was laid by 'Thotl~~~sCarfr:tc, jtrn,, on rune 34? I 830. Thc first tsustecs were J,mes F. smith, Tt.lns. Carlme, John Ewart, Hugh Carfrae, WaIter Rose, Alexander Murray, and Jacob 317 Latham. The first minister was the Rev. Wm. Rintoul. EIc was sueceerlcd in turn hy Rev. U?.T. Leach, Rev. John Basclay, Rev. D. J. MacdonelE, Rev. W,1. McLaughlan, Rcv. Armstrong Blaclc In the ycat rS4S thc Iisrs of thc dill'crcnt branches of the Presbyterian Churcll rvcrc as follows :- In connection with thc Crmckr of SCOTLAND. Rev. Walter Roach, Moderator, and Rev. hdrcw nd, synod Clerk. dlontreot Presbytery-Montrcnl, St. Andrew's, Rcv. Alcx, Mathieson, D.D.; Quebec, St. .4ndrewgs, John Cook, D.D. Othcr places, Duncan Moody, Wm. Main, Jas. Anderson, Jas. C. Muis, Wm. Simpsen, John Marlin, John Davidson, James Thorn, Alex. Wallace, Robt. McGiII (ivlantreal, St. Paul's). Clcngarry Prcsbyferv-Revs. John McKcn zic, Hugh Utquhart, Jolin hlaclaurin, John Dickcy, T. Afc l'hcrson, Colin Crigor, /Encas McLcan. Hamilton Prcsbyterj~-Revs. \Irm, King7 Gc0rg.e McClatchey, 11.BetI, John Cruikshank, A.M., John Btyning, Alex McKid. IjRfIl~~rstPrcsb~dery-Revs. John Smith, Gco. Romancs, Wm.Bell, Jaseph Anderson, rllcx. Mann, Thos. Fsaser, G. Bell, \Vm.Bell, John MclMorine, John Robb. Kin~sfon Prcs bytwy-Revs, Petcr Ferguson, I'etcr Jlacnnughton, Thos. Jnhnston, John 7'alrsc, Alcxander Lc~vis, John McMurchy, $. Barclay, Alexander Ross, Sarnucl Poster, Wm. Brown, Wm. I3ars. 318 The wcm many vacnncicn in all thc Prcshy- terics, inclucling tllc Pastorate of Bytown. THE PRES~YTEREANCHURCII OF CANADA. Hamiltort Pr~slrytcry-Revs . Andrew Ferrier, D.D., Georgc Chcyne, Mark Y. Stark, Jolin Daync, Cco. SmelIic, Wm. Mcltlrum, Wm,Grahnm, Alcx. McLcnn, - McCrcgor, ItaIph Robb, Rol~t.'l,ind- say, D. McKcnzic, A. AIcIntosf~, D,Allnn, Robt. Pedcn, John h1 cKinnan, Wm. Mchllistcr, Tnrortla Pr~sbpfcry-Kobr. Durns, D .D., D. RlcMillan, Jas. Boyd, 1Ym. Rinroul, Pctcr Gray, Jas. I-larris, 1-Icnsy Esson, Cohrrrg f-'rcsbj~ier~Jas.Douglnss, CV. Rcicl, Robt. IValIace, ~llcx.M. Stcele. Kingston Prrstrylcry-Henry Gorrlon, W. I-Znrnilton, - Grcig, Robt. Rcid, Rabt. F. BMTIIS. Perth P~es!~~vfcr.y-\V.G, Johnston, Wm.Lock- head, Andrcw Mclvillc, - IJlnis, Jas. Finlay, Tlras. IVnrdtopc (J3ytown), John CorI~ctr. ilrocf:rtiltc Pr~.sl?y(~rjt--Wm. Smart, Jas. Ccggic, Robt. Uoyct, W. J. filcDo~~~cll,Rlex. Luke. A40nfrcol Prcshyf~ry- John Clagsron, Dczvid B lack, Sitnon D. Frazer, John Frazcr, DcznicI Clarke, Thos, I-Icnry, Wm. Lcislunnn. UNITED I1~~~n~~~~r~~CI-IURCFIOF Cn?r'hnr\. lllontr~nl IYrcs6j*frry-Rcvs. l.Tnylnr, Andrcw Kcnncdy, Alcxnndcr Lowdcr, 1Vm. .4ikcn, jnlm Morrison. Tnmnto Pmsbj~ter.y-Rcvs. Jnhn Cnssie, Robt. Thntntnn, tTrrn. Frnser, Jas. Dick, Darpid Coutts, Walter Scolt. 319 Hamitfun Presbytery-Thos. Christie, Jarnes Roy, Alcx. Ritchie, \iTm. Barric, Robt. Torrencc, Alcx. Drummond, Gco. Fisher, David Caws, Jas. R. Dalrymplc. London Presl?)rf~-ry--W.Proudfoot, Jas. Skinner, George Murray, Alex. McKenzie, John McLellan. Missionaries : A. Hcnderson, Jas. Pringle, John Porteous, John Proudloot. The Presbyterian Church of to-day in Eastern Canada is a vcry large body, and has many notcd divincs within its communion, many of them of Scottish extraction. The oficers for I 909-1 o were : Moderator, Rcv. Smuel Lylc, D .D,, of Hamilton ; Clerks, Rev. Robt. Campbell, D.D., , and Rev, John Sornervillc, D .D., Toronto. ihong so many ahlc men, where there is no outward mark of distinction given, any selection tvoulcl be invidious. I-Iowcvcr, a11 are familiar with thc names of the following : %hc Rcvs. Dr. Barclay, Montreal ; Dr. Armstrong, LadicsTollcgc, Ottawa ; Dr. Rarnsay, Ottawa ; Dr. DalEantpc, Toronto ; Dr. Robcrt Cmpbcll, RIontrcal; D Currie, Halifax; Dr. Eakin, Toronto ; Dr. Fleck, Montreal ; Dr, Forest, Halifax ; Dr. Fowler, Kingston ; Prof. Trascr, STontrcal ; Dr. Candies, Toronto ; Prof. Gordon, hlontreal ; Dr. Jordan, Kingston ; Dr. Lyle, I.larnilton ; I3r. filaclarcn, T'oronta ; Dr. MC~~C~~I, Godcrich ; Dr. McMillan, Halifax ; Dr. Mc;llulkn, Woodstock ; Dr. McCrae, St. John's, New Brunswick ; Dr. MiHigan, Toronto ; Dr. Wm. 320 Moarc, Ottawa ; Rev. J . Cibson Inkstcr, London. 'I'hc latter is a giftcd son of tile Orkncys, and is an authority on the ancient histury of Scotland, especially that of rhc far nortlr. Dr. Mursny, Toronto ; Dr. hlackay, 'I'oronto ; Iiev. Norman I'vIcLcorl, l3rockvillc ; Itcv. Rohcrt I lad- dew, Rfl .A., llrlitar of the IYrslmindrr, 'I'ororilo ; J3r. J, :l. hlacdannld, ISrlitar nl thc (ilubc, 'E'oronto ; Dr. Iinrtlon (" Rnll~l~Conlrnr "1, \\Gnni- pc~:Dr. Scr~mgcour, h1ontrc:rl; l)r. Shcarrr, 'Soronta ; Dr. Snrncrvillc, 'I'oronra ; Dr. Stewart, I-Ialifax ; Dr. 'Torrancc, Kingston : 13s. Ward- robe, Guclptt ; Prof. Welsli, Montreal. The Churches in Halifax wcre rcptcscnted by sornc notcd tlivines of Scottish extraction. Rtnnng thcm were the folluwing : Rcv. Thos. Rusi;c!E, Ministcr of St. Mnthcw's Church, rfSj-Rh. Jipv. c2nt!rcw llso\m. D .D ., Ministcr oi SE.3lathe1v's, I 7x7-95 ; wrorc a Plistnry of Nova Scati:t-the manuscril~t is now in thc Dritisll hruscunt. Tlc ~vas thc first chaplain of tlw KOnriti.;!~ Snciety, in I 79 r Scottish Garrison chaplain, and afterwards Professor of Rl~ctoric at I

Laxcnsr~.~, rotlt Octohcr. I R3ti. REV.and DF.!R I:~l1~s~.-Yoarcornmnaicatiotl of llic 2?11d Junc T duly rcceircd, and ~vouldllacc rcplicd to it or1 rccuipt 3 23 wcrc if not that l I~YIS waiting in tilt cxpcctntion of 21nving some- thing of i~nprtanccto rclatc to yor~ It nnrv nppmrs to mc that thc Imd has opcncrl R door for you in a nciglibottring pnrirl~ callctl hlartit~tnwn, al~aut twclvc milcs fro111 hcrc. r;~cant, occa~ioncclby tIic dmlh at its pastor, the Rev. Arch. Concll, n n;~tivcof Isln in Scott:~!~d. Hc \vr.as a nian rnrtch dc~.otcrlto tlic scrvicc of CChri?rt,ancl rsns cnnldcd by thc air1 of thc Spirit to Irrin~out of hi3 trc.~.;t~rctl~lngs nc\ttar~cl old : ancl was enu of tllc l>rigl~icstorn:imenL~ of (hc Clrurch in this I'ravincc. l irust Illnt tic lt:~sl~ecn inslrumcnlnl in 5owing tlic gnnrl srcd in Iliu live%nf his ltc:~rcrs, h fcw yc:tru agn l~crva* all a tol~rto 3110 snrltl~of Scntl:~nd,rvllcrc Irc rnisetl l~yconlrihrr!in~is from thc Churclu.; or &m, tvhiel~,wit11 thc it1 of t t~vconjircg:~tio~i, t hcy Iia\lc I)ccn onalrFvrl tn huilr1 onc ol tl~cmost mn~~iificciikcliurchm of tl~ckind 111 Ihc IJrovincc. II is rlat ycl qi~itclinishcrl, hut :,]as ! tlic rlccr.xscd lrcvcr Itad tlic %?tisYaetioti ol prcacllilig \vitliin ilu walls, hut dirirtc acrricc is pcrfnrnicd in it occnr;io~inltyt)y the clcrfiyrncn ol neighl.lourir\~ parishcs ; thc origin;~l place of worsl~ipwasa tcnrpor:~ry woodcn building and \vats Irl n ducnycd sl:~tc. Thcrc tw5 prt of his co!~grcg:btiontimt Iircrl in a acciinn of tl~ccout~ly callctl thc Iadiati Iclf ; tllu 13cv. 1-111g11 ZJrqul~:zrt,from ncar Ii~vcrr~cw ; Tbc Itcv. Alex. XlcN:tt~~l~ton [i-(~tl~1'~~tli-hi~c : :111d Iht: I?cvc~.Mr. MEISRC. 'rhc Inlicr's pI;tcc f i I riotl Tliuiiv cnnulitlttc tt~cn~cll~lycrs al ttlc IZrcdP~rlcrpol t;lcngarrp. I h;i\*c lltc jlrotrbiac of ot~cof tlicir t~tin!livrtli:tt Iic will cntIc:wour to wrilc yuu ill~soou I~cPCO~IL. n~:ilrc njbplicrtiol~. \\'llc.!l~cr or not t sltxlY, if :~nytl~in~:sooil Il.itlihpi~.ck,~01nllltlni~:~tc wit11 you : hut l I111pc l. slinll li;it,c your cttcr Ijcforc Ilicy m:ikc lltc appliention b1ntliig wlictl~crrvc may cxlx:st you .Iionld [you ?]Itavc :I c:a11. 'Thu!* Inn\* prol~nhIynliply io llic Cnloiitnl Socicty ur tl~cIZcv. Mr. Julin >Iul)nlinErl of I:rcltil~r~rlto clrr>clsc:I ~?;irlnrfor ttlcrr~. 'I'o tlic~c~o~ti'cu$yu11c:ul apply if llluru is nr~la c:11I writ clircct to yotircclf. it11 cvulit* v1:111uruto, I can Gay tqrotl Ihc nt~lhurilynfmtiic ol t lrc rrterrlhcrfi 01 Ihc l'rcal~~tvry111:i1 tl~ywill ~inr;~~etr.uyilii :I F~cttcrlivilig tl~:u~you linru tllcrc, .ihotrltl you cnnlc. I ittiornlctl ~llernbcrsni (IIC crmgrugntio~~rc.fcrrc(l to th:~~1 war goinc to writc yall iii~mcr!i:ktul!., M'II~CEI\I,I!] p~rI~aps11~ the mC:Lrbs of ~lt~il1~tllcm tn tlcby \~'t.iti~~ghomc till I Ilc.:~rfro111 you. You will tl~urufurc plcnsv to write 1111' wjtho~tdclnp.

The history of the Anglican Church in Canada is also Iargcly onc of Scotsmen and Ulsicr Scotsmen. Irut it is more than this. It slrotvs that ihc Anglican Church in early Canada o~rcdnlzlcll to the old Church of Scotland ; (or, strnngc to say, many of the leading clergy of the Churclt in Canada and thc AIaritimc Provinces were 325 originaIly Presbyterians, or the sons of Presby- rerians. The first bishop of the Anglican Church in Canada {t,*r?san Ulster Scotsmnn, t11c Right Rev. Chnrlcs Ing-lis, of a noted Scottish family in Rox- burgh and Perthshirc, il branch of which had scttlcd in Ulster. Bishop Inglis was tllc third son of the Rev. Archibaltt Inglis, Rector of Clcn and Kilcnrr, Doncgal. The Uishop was born in I 734 in Donegal. He emigrated to America, and conducted a free school at Lancaster, Pcnnsyl- vania, where many Ulster Scotsmen had settled early in the eighteenth century. Studying for Orders, he was ordained by the Bishop of London, ancl returning to America he became a missionary at Dcnvcr, in Delaware. In I 7 6 5 hc was madc assistant of Holy Trinity Church, Nctv York City. Hc was a strong Loyalist, and, removing to Nova Scotia at thc Revolution, ltc was appointed thc first Bishop of that, the original Dioccse of nritish North America. His carecr is dcpicted in the chaptcr on Universities. I-Iis son was after- wards third Bishop of Nova Scotia. The second Bisl~opof Quebcc (or of both Upper and Lower Canada) was also a Scotsman and the member of a great Scottish House. The Hon. and Right Rev. Cllarlcs James Stcmrt, who suc- cceclcd rllc first Bishop Mountain, was a younger son of the Earl of Galloway. Hc was a man of a singular piety and a detcminntion to spend his life lor the furtherance of the cause of Cl~ris- tianitv. Hc came to Canada as a young mis- 3 26 DIPSrotrrntna i?r thr CJt rrrc7tes sionary, and subjected himself to the grcatest prit*ntions in ordcr to carry out his irlmls. Hc bec.unc noted for his seIf-denying character nnrl zeal as a missionary. When he succeeded to thc J3ishopric in rR26, on the death of thc agccl DisI~op Mountain his dioccsc cxtendcd from Gnspc to tllc shores of Lakc I-Iuron. Dut be ncvcr spared him- self, going from one cxtrcmc of this vast territory to the otlrcr, performing his work and cncour:rgil~g tl~cIcw thinly scnttcrorl clergy until his nercr I~:~rtly frame llrokc down undcr thc tcrrildc strain, and in 1837 he went l~omcto die. The Right Rcv. John Skrachm, first Rishap of tlppcr Canada, ancl the Right Rcv. Alcxnndcr Ncil Bcthunc, second Bishop of Toronto, with his brothcr, Archdencon ncthunc, of B'Iontrcnl, rwsc othcr prominent Scottish Canadians in the :2nglictzn Church. Thr two lattcr rvcrc sons oE tllr Rrmr, Jnhn ltctllunc, thc vcncrahlr pioneer of I'rcshy- kcrianism in Uppcr Canattn. t\notlrcr norcrl Scottish family wcrc the Stuarts, fnthcs and son. ?'he Rev. John O'liilI Stuart wns a tfnitcrl Ernpirc Loyalist, who camc to Canatla at ~hc ~cvolutionfrom the American colony of Pcnnsyl- vania. He was chaplain to the forces, ant1 tllc first head of the Olrl Toronto Grmar Sd~ool. His son, the Rev. Gearge O'Kill Stunrt, !.;as after- wards Rector of Kingston and Archdeacon of Ontario. In the year 1327 an ecclesiastical chart !was made, showing the number of T'rotestant rlcrp in LTppcr Canada. Of the Estnlslishcd CIlurcPl 337 there were thirty, eleven of whom were of Scottish extraction, and nearly a11 of thesc had been originally Presbyterians. They wcrc Archdeacon Strachan, York : Archdeacon Stuart, Kingston ; REV. Thornas Camphell, I3cllcvillc ; Rcv. Mr. 13urns, Richmoncl ; Rcv. John Grier, Carrying I'lacc ; Rcv. \\'m. Macauley, Col>urg ; Rcv. Samuel Armour, Pctcrhorough ; Rcv. J. Thornp- son, Cavan ; IZcv. Alcxnn(lcr T3ethunc, Grinwby ; Rev. Mt. Crccn, Quccnston ; Rev. hlr. McIntosh, k'cttlc Crcck. Of thcsc, Archdeacon Strachan was educatcd at St. Andrcw's, ant1 rhc Rcvs. Thornas Cnrnpbcll, John Gsicr, ancl Samuel Arn~ournt Glasgow University. Many of tllcsc tvero lllster Scotsmen-that is, tl~ose~vl~osc families hacl comc from Scotland and hacl livcd in lfEstcr 11rforc emigrating again to Canada. T11c Rcv. Tliomns C,mpl>cll was doubly of that clan, his mothcr l~uln~also a Carnp1)cll of the sanic family as I~is lathcr. The family wcrc a cnclot I~anrhof El~e I-Iousc of Argyll, and came originntty From In- veraray. Thc Rev. blr. Cnmpbcll was ttrc scrond son of Jamcs Campbcll, Esq., of Kilrcn, and his wile and cousin Elizabctlz Campbcll. The year he dicd be had becn appointcd to a prominent Rectory in Lonrlondesry . The Rev, SmueI Armour canic originally from Ayrshire, ancI the Rcv. John GrIcr tws of an Antrim family thar crnigratccl from the Scottisl~ borders. They were all, ns was Stmchan, tllc Stuarts, and tllc Dcthunes, of Prcsl>ytcrian fn~nilics. History shows that the Anglican Church in 32s Upper Canada owcs much to Presbyterianism ancl Scottish education and ideals ; ancl, as has hccn shown, most of tlrc leading clcrgy in rlw cnrly days of thc ninctecnth ccntliry camc of thnt stock arlrl I~cEicfciilrcr in Scetlnnd or Scottish U lstcr. 'I'hcrc is not a clan name in Scotland that is not now, or has nor bccn, rcprcscnrctl in tl~c Anglican Churclr in Cnnncla, mong tllcnr hcing strctl rlis- tinguislicd prclatcs as. Stri~clian,Jnglis, I-lamiIcon, and Mackray. All of thcse mcrl 11atl a grcnt influ- cncc tl~ro~iglioutthe colinrv, ;tt1~1 some 01 tllcm wcre prnmincnk in spiritual, political, and crluca- tinnal all'nirs ; and, as !ins hccn sl~ownelsewhurc in tl~isvolurnc, makers of laws and Fot~ncIcrsand cnntrallcrs of univcrsitici;, as wcll 3s ~TC~GIIC'SS ut 1l1c gospcl nntl cccl~siasticnl dignitaries. 'Tliiu was wuc not only of thc prsIntcs, lrnt also of snmc of thc clcrgy, who hart pnrislies, or groups ob pnrislics, unticr their charge almost eclual in cxrcnt to small rliaccscs of thc prcscnt clap ; and in somc cases the clcrgy hclrl a grcnt power social l y at~dpoliticnlly . 'Shey were on thc roar1 comrnittccs, oltcn chairmen of thc educa- tional boards, and, in a fcw cascs, wcrc tlie Icaclcrs on all n*lnttt:rs in their local counties. Thcp Ilrcrc, in some instances, applied to hy rhc Licutcrlnnt- Govcrnor For an opinion when imp~rtnr~tlocal po~itiona srfcrc lo Iw allottcrl. 'I'ttr~sc wcrc tlrc days tvhcn FI clergyman was ,z forcc in [he Inncl, and corild cxcrt an influcncc for good, bc-fore thc party lay-polit icinnr; drovc thc Prorcstnnt Churchcs out of public alTairs. Sincc thcn thosc Churches, 3 29 whi1c earncst and active with regard to thc weal af tIlc individual, have failed to cxert tF~emselvcs as great religious communities in the nationaI life. In Hugh Scobie's Almanack for I 848 there is a list of the clergy of thc Unitcd Church of and Ireland in Canada, and in it arc thc following Scottish names :- Diocese Q/ Qrrebec.-Rcv . Georgc Mackie, D .D., B ishopnsCommissary. klontreat, D r . John ncthune, Rcvs. 117. A. ,~lrInmson, J. Ramsay, M.A., D. Rohcrtson, G. F. Sirnpsen, M.A. Other placcs, T. Johnston, 4. J. Johnston, J. Scott, C. Reid, G. M. Ross, J. Reid, M, A. W. 3IchTaster, J. Nichols, G. Milne, C. B. Flcming, J. Torsance, E. G. Ross, Wm. Anderson, R. Anderson, A. Dalfour, Diocesc U/ Toronto.-nishop S tsachan ; Arch- dcncon C;. 0'Kill Stuarr ; Rrchrlencon l3ciliunc ; Rcvs. John McCxu1, J. G. D. R~tcIicnzic, Robt J. bZcGcorgc, John Gibsan, John rentland, John hicIntprc, J. L. Alexander, \Vm. I1IcMurray, J. CarnpbeII U shcr, Alex. Pyne, Gcorgc Gtaham, Adm Elliot, Donald Fsnser, John Anderson, G. M. Armstrong, James Stewart, R. F. Campbell, Wm. Ritehie, Fredk. Mack, F. Geo. Elliot, Andrew Jarnieson, John Gunne, Dr. A. N. Dcthun~,Samuel ilmous, T. S. Kenncdy, John Crier, CVm. Macaulcy, \V. Grieg, J . Antisell Allen, Harvey hfcAlpins, Mathew Ker, Hcnry Patron. Tl~crcarc, to-clay, many able and earncst clergy of Scottish and Ulster-Scotrish cxtrastion in the hgIican Church in Canada. Among the many 330 names are : Bishops-llarnitton, Dunn, Mills, Richardson, and Anderson. Archdeacons-Cndy, McIyterian farnilics. The Iincst orator, nntl one of the grcnr cst clivincs of ~hchlcthodist Church in Canada, lvas n Scots- man, the noted Dr. Douglas, ~vhosc noble utrcr- RJlces and apostolic appeals stirred the llcarts of all Protestant Canada. A survey of the list of the clergy of the different Con ftrences will show a Iasgc percentage of Scotsmen raking their part in the active propaganda of this energetic and earnest branch of Protestant Cl~ristianity in Canada. In the list of the IVeslcyan cler~yin I 848 the following of Scottish extraction arc to hc Counrl : Rcv. Mathew Iiichcy, Gcor~cKenncdy, Wm. Scor t, .rhos. fiatray, Samuel Rosc, Kcnncdy Crcigf~ron, Geo. Ferguson, John Law, Lactllin Taylar, Ccarge Carr, Peter Kcrs, Alexander Campbell, Wm. 331 Grabam, Jonatl~anScott, Alcx. MacNab, Hamilton Biggar, John Beatry, T. I-Iannah, IVm. McCul- lough, U'm. McFactJen, Danicl McMullcn. John C;ourlcy, John Jllnck, Daviil Ilnrrlic, Cyrus C. AI l ison, Jas. Armstrong, Robt . Lockhenrl, hl ichacl Raxtcr, Jos. W, McCnlIum, Wm. ibIcC;ilI, Jnrncs Elliot, Wm. Pntt yson, D. McDo~r~ll,John Armstrong. Next te thc Pscshyterinn, the Baptist Church is untlnuhtcclly tltc most Scottish in its origin of all the Cnnntlinn Churchcs. In the early days Presb ytcrinnism and Anglicanisrn, by reason of the paucity of their missionary clcrgy, lost thousands of thcir adhcmnts in tllc newly scttlcd districts, rhc Corrncr to tllc 3fetboclisrs and thc lnttcr to thc Baptists. No Church in C'annrla to- day has a morc sturdy gron~rliand n highcr idcal of Christian work and inflacncc than the Ili~~~tist Church has. Strong in llcr iclcals, shc holtls her oum, nnd sl~cincludctl many of trur iincst scllolnrs ancl d ivincs among her preaclacrs nt~d tcachcrs. In tS4S tllc follo\ving Scatsrncn wcrc among the Daptist clergy in Canada : Rcvs. IVm. Fraxcr, IIngh Reicl, R. Boycl, \Ym. nick. Robcst Dick, J. Campbell, T. King, John Ed~vatds, S. IIfcEachron, A. ~lc~hom,A. Gillis, Jahn Clark, E. ;\Titclirll, P. 3IctJonnIrl, \V. 3lcDctmid, tsaac EIFiot, Jas. Dick, A. Stcvcns, 335. In~lis,P. L. Davidson, D. Mcl'"hai1. 1, Gilmour, ;l. McI.can, J. nairrl, D, Curry, \Ir. Clorsic, CV. Drummond, T. Bailey, T. Blills, \V. Hcwson, J. Andcrson, R. A. Fyfe, C. Stcwart, J. hlitchcll, C. McDermand. 332 The Cangrcgniional Church, which is essentially Englisll Prcsbytcrir~tiisrn, has had also a number of Scaismen among its clcrgy, The late Rev. Dr. McI ntosh, of t hc iirst Congregational Church in Ottawa, and commonly callccl Uisl~opof cl~c Congrcgarional Church, was a I-Iighlnnder of tlw I-Iighlanders, and unu of 111c noblcst or Incn. I-Iis dcnth was n Ereat loss tu tlw St. Rndrew's Society of Ottawa, aC which he hacl bcen onc of thc rnast honou rcd chaplains. I-lc has been succccrlcd by tt~cRcv. G. Watt-Smith, latc of Glasgow. Thr Church of thc Disciples of Christ, whicIr is a llrancll of the Rapt ist Cl~urcl~,I~as also many adllcrcnls in Canndn. It was foundcrl by e lcslrr~ccl divine of thc cl;un CampbclP, who wcnl from Scot- lancl tn the Lfnitcct Statcs, ancl its origirlal adllcrcnts wcrc called " Campl~cllitcs." TI'l~csubjcct of thc Scotsman in rhe Cnnatlian Churches is onc worthy r~fbeing clcalt tvitll in a largc valum~. hlcanwhilc I hol~tllat thc wry innclcrluatu troatmcrrt of this sidc of ScottisE~ liCc in Canada in thc two precccting, but ncccssarily brief, chapters may at lcast introduce sl~esubject to the attention of thc ttroughtful Canadian reader and cause him to realise tl~cvery iniportant part played by Scotland and Scottish ideals in the rdigious life of tl~cDominion.