Plants, Natural History, Animals & Medicinal Manuscripts Old Manuscripts & Incunabula - Specialists in Facsimile Editions Facsimile Editions PO Box 6019 FDR Station, New York NY 10150 Monday, March 2, 2020 tel/fax 212/ 758-1946 • •
[email protected] Manuscripts arranged by library location. Please inquire about availability of titles with no price. MANUSCRIPTS (by location) 1447 Etymachie-Traktat. Ein Todsündentraktat in der katechetisch-erbaulichen Sammelhandschrift Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, 2º Cod.160. Farbmikrofiche-Edition. Einführung zur 'Etymachia' von Nigel Harris. Einführung zu den katechetischen Texten und Beschreibung der Handschrift von Werner Williams-Krapp. [Augsburg, Staats- & Stadtbibl., 2º Cod.160] [3-89219-036-4] Codices Illuminati Medii Aevi, 36. Munich, 1995. 17 x 25 cm, 50 pp, 3 fiches. Paper MS of 104 fols., dated 1447, from Swabia. Miscellany of 18 catechetical tracts, written by the scribe Petrus Willen of Neuburg. Only the ”Etymachia”, i.e., the mental or spiritual battle, treating the 7 cardinal virtues and vices, is illustrated with 14 paintings (fol. 76-104): Armed chevaliers and ladies as their allegoric personifications are riding on animals (dromedary, panther, bear, unicorn, elephant, dragon, etc.), showing additional emblematic signs on helmets, shields, and suits of armour, according to the descriptions of the corresponding texts. Quotations of patristic authorities and biblical examples refer to the tradition of Latin sources. Linen. € 240 1542 Model Book of Giovannino de Grassi. [Bergamo, Civica Biblioteca ”Angelo Mai”, ms. VII. 14] Luzern, 1998. 17 x 22.7 cm, 62 pp + commentary. This work is the best known and most precious manuscript in the Angelo Mai Library in Bergamo; it is commonly regarded as the most important example of late Italian gothic art.