Drag.Qxd (Page 1)
Academy established its separate its established Academy courtesy Patsy Lynch Patsy courtesy Beulah Buskirk, 2004 Buskirk, Beulah America pageant. In 1986, the 1986, In pageant. America equally diverse in their styles and music with music and styles their in diverse equally took it over as the Miss Gaye Miss the as over it took offer a mix of all backgrounds. Performers are Performers backgrounds. all of mix a offer the St. James, and many others. many and James, St. the leading female impersonators, female leading white. The ethnic circuits overlap where clubs where overlap circuits ethnic The white. Kazans, the Maharises, the O’Haras, the Santanas, the O’Haras, the Maharises, the Kazans, , one of Washington’s of one , Buskirk cuits: African-American, Latino, Asian, and Asian, Latino, African-American, cuits: the Dennises, the Devereaux, the Kanes, the Kanes, the Devereaux, the Dennises, the Beulah a.k.a. Buskirk, Jerry Today’s club scene offers distinct ethnic cir- ethnic distinct offers scene club Today’s include the Bloomingdales, the Blues, the Carreros, the Blues, the Bloomingdales, the include first city-wide pageant. In 1964 In pageant. city-wide first beyond the gay community. gay the beyond eages as well. Well-known DC drag families drag DC Well-known well. as eages started a Masquerade Ball, the Ball, Masquerade a started sional drag performances to an audience far audience an to performances drag sional of them trainees of the Academy) created club lin- club created Academy) the of trainees them of In the fall of 1961, Bill Frye Bill 1961, of fall the In Brice and her Henry Street house brought profes- brought house Street Henry her and Brice trees.
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