Eb-2012-00375 International Committee for Information
eb-2012-00375 InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards INCITS Secretariat, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) 1101 K Street NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20005 Date: April 11, 2012 Replaces: eb-2012-00009 Reply to: Lynn Barra To: INCITS Technical Committee Chairs of: B10, B11, CS1, DM32.2, DM32.8, H3, L1, L2, L3, M1, PL22, PL22.4, PL22.11, T3, T10, T11, T13, V1, W1, Executive Board Subject: Updated Status of 2012 Five-Year Maintenance Review of INCITS National Standards Due Date: Recommendations Due by June 27, 2012 In accordance with ANSI and INCITS policy, action must be taken during the four-year anniversary of a standard's approval date to reaffirm, stabilize or withdraw the standard. Five-year maintenance actions should be completed before the end of the fifth year. The TCs should review the attached list, identify the standards that pertain to their committee and submit to the INCITS Secretariat approved recommendations to reaffirm, withdraw or stabilize each standard noted for their committee. This review should include providing recommendations on any associated amendments and corrigenda. If a recommendation is not forthcoming from the technical committee, the INCITS Executive Board shall make a recommendation on this issue without the benefit of the Technical Committee's input at their July 2012 meeting. ___________________________________________________________________________________ If the recommendation is for reaffirmation, a meeting vote or 30-day ballot (with two-thirds approval criteria) should be conducted. If the recommendation is for revision, a meeting vote or 30-day ballot (with two-thirds approval criteria) should be conducted. This action shall include a project proposal describing that the proposed revision should be submitted with the recommendation to reaffirm, pending revision.
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