The London Gazette, September 11, 1857. 3111
THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 11, 1857. 3111 Mary Lacey, late of Mean wood-street, Leeds, Yorkshire, ' occasionally Dress Maker, theretofore of the Napier Inn, Milliner and Dressmaker, and occasionally Dealer in Thornton-road, Bradford aforesaid, Beer-house Keeper Stuff Goods. and Licensed Dealer in Tabacco, and during part of the James Hawkesworth (sued and committed with Thomas time Designer of Fancy Goods and formerly of West Whitling, William Allinson, and John Hey), late of Mill- Brook-terrace, Little Horton, Bradford aforesaid, Designer lane, Elm wood-street, Leeds, Yorkshire, in lodgings, of Fancy Goods. Lamplighter, previously of No. 9, Chapel Town-road, James Shackleton, late of the Adelpbi Inn, Bradford, York- Leeds aforesaid, Lamplighter and Provision Dealer, and shire, out of business, in lodgings, previously of the Uni- Licensed Dealer in Tea, Coffee, Tobacco, Vinegar, and corn Inn, Ivegate, Bradford aforesaid, Publican, Licensed | [Snuff, formerly of Roundling-street, Leeds aforesaid, Pro- Brewer, and Dealer in Tobacco and Cigars, and formerly vision Dealer, and Licensed Dealer in Tea Coffee, To- of No. 51, Victoria-street, Bradford aforesaid, Woolstapler bacco, Vinegar, and Snuff, and Lamplighter. and Top Maker. John Hey (sued along with Thomas WhitHng. James Joseph Thompson, late of No. 6, Gamble-street, Bradford Hawkesworth, and William Allinson), late of Victoria- Moor, near Bradford, Yorkshire, Journeyman Brick- street, Hogg's-field, Hoi beck, near Leeds, Yorkshire, in maker, and having a Contract to make Bricks for John lodgings, Labourer, previously of the same place, La- Watson, at a place near the Queen's Arms Inn, on the bourer, Grocer, and Provision Dealer, and Licensed Manchester-road, near Bradford aforesaid, theretofore of Dealer in Tea, Coffen, Pepper, Tobacco, Vinegar, and Nova Scotia, Near Chester-le-Street, in the county of Snuff, also Earthenware and Shoemaker's Grindery.
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