THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 2, 1909. Ill) BANKRUPTS. John Thomas Taylor, Burringham, Lincolnshire, grocer and provision dealer. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. George Walter Ineson, residing at 34 Savile Park Streetr Halifax, Yorkshire, formerly carrying on business at the EKCBITING OEDKRS. same address, formerly grocer, fruiterer, and beer seller, now out of business. Adams & Co., 97 AVigmore Street, in the comity of Lon- don, furniture dealers. Thomas Cloke, 399 London Road, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, Sussex, grocer. Issy Browu, 90 Regents Street, in the county of London, residing at 41 York Mansions, Prince of Wales Road, Allan Garnett, residing at 6 Spring Street, and carrying Battersea, London. on business at 7 Spring Bank, both in the city and county of Kingston-upon-HulI, hairdresser. Thomas Bush, 54 Ebury Street, Eaton Square, in the county of London, builder. John Fair, 12A Domestic Street, Holbeck, in the city of Leeds, lately carrying on business as a butcher, but now Henry George Clayson, of and carrying on business at 52 a butcher's manager. Francis Road, Ley ton, Essex, coal dealer. J. R. Mills, Cliff House, Bnrton-on-the-Wolds, near Lough- Isaac Cooklin, 27 Great Pearl Street, Commercial Street, borough, lately residing at 262 Haydn Road, Sherwood, London, and 35 Kavenscroft Buildings, Columbia Road, in the city of Nottingham, and formerly residing and Shoreditch, London, cabinet maker. carrying on business at Moat Farm, near Loughborough, Herbert S. Fisher, 5 Penywern Road, Earl's Court, in the in the county of Leicester, farmer. county of London. Thomas Jobsou Johnson (trading under the style or firm F.
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