F HE LONDON GAZETH3E, OCTOBER 20, 1.865. 4953 Whom Full Particulars, Together with Inventories of VT OTICE Is Hereby Given/That the Partttftsbip Hereto
f HE LONDON GAZETH3E, OCTOBER 20, 1.865. 4953 whom full particulars, together with inventories of VT OTICE is hereby given/that the Partttftsbip hereto- . •i.% - fore subsisting between 'us the undersigned,''Frederick I their stores and fittings, may be obtained, *? Oetzmann and Thomas" Luis Plumb,' as Piano Forte Manu- " KEANGSOO," .1,0.15 tonnage,.Tvoqd,.paddle,; facturers, at .No.~ 151; Regent-street, in the county of Mid- 300 horse-power, makers of engines B&y and dlesex, under the style or firm of Oetzmann and Plumb, was this day dissolved, as and frpm the 29th .day of September • Co., built by White, of Cowes. last, by mutual consent. All debts due and owing by or " KWANGTUNG," 525 tonnage, iron,-peddle, to the;;said late, .partnership will be paid jrnd-received by the 150 horse-power, makers of '„ engines »Lairdj( said Frederick Oetzhiann, by whom the business will in future Brothers, built by Laird, Brothers. « be carried on.—Dated this" 18th day of October, 1865. " AMOY," 301 tonnage, wood, screw, 80 horse- Frederick Oetzmann, power, maker of engines Maudslay, purcHased -. "Thomas Luis Plumb. ^ of Admiralty. OTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership 'here- N tofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Maria ' Fattorini and John Fattorini, at Harrogate; in the county of The Silk stone Coke Company (Limited). York, as Watchmakers, Jewellers, and Silversmiths, under th$ style or firm Fattprini 'and Sons, was this day dissolved .. OTICE is hereby given, that a Resolution •.by mutual consent; and that the said business will in future was passed at an Extraordinary General be carried on by the aforesaid Maria Fattorini and Antonio Meeting of the above Company, held on the SOth Fattorini.—As witness our" hands this 26th day of June, 1865.
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