
My Fandom

Jennifer Stockton

I am a fan of the Foo Fighters. No, I am a really big fan. Huge. Massive. Slightly obsessive. Giggly-teenage-girl excited about them. It all started with Nirvana.

Perhaps you don’t know that , the beautiful front man for the Foo Fighters was the for Nirvana. My love for their sound was epic, and I can remember vividly the day I was at work at the hospital and Dr. Fara told me that was dead. That one hurt. Well, eventually Dave got to work on his own project and some twenty years later, we 40- somethings have a fabulous rock band that speaks to us, that gets us, that IS us.

So, how would I show you my fandom in photos? I think I have it narrowed down enough to give a good representation of my love for the Foo.

My husband and I went to Memphis in 2015 to see them in concert. We are music people, and we have been to more than our fair share of concerts. This one was powerful. We got to see Dave in his air cast on his rock throne (broken leg) and I have to say that I actually felt sad when they played their last song that night. It was like finally meeting your soul mate, then only having a few hours together.

My Creations

That concert was in early October. That Halloween,

I created my very own Dave Grohl. The top photo is “actual Dave” of course, and the bottom is my husband. I drew his tattoos on myself. He tried to talk me in to being (the Foo drummer) that night, but I settled on Dead Amy Winehouse. Still, I got to look at “Dave” all night.

My Foo Wear

I do own just a few Foo Fighters T-shirts. We are about to head to Lexington, Kentucky this coming weekend for the Foo Fighters concert. I surely will be adding to my collection at the show. Between me, my husband and my eighteen year old son, who is attending the concert with us this time, I believe we have about thirty pieces of Foo apparel.

This past Halloween, I created a “Dave” again, this time out of my son, Nick. He is a superfan as well.

My Blog I have written a few blog posts that are Foo-Fighters inspired. I have also blasted them out a tiny bit on social media hoping to catch the eye of someone who may be so inclined to call me out at the concert.

My “Dear Dave Grohl,” blog post is certainly from my heart. I am a music lover, but this group means something more to me than just ear candy. They are guys who are my age who followed their hearts and did what they love. You can read the whole post if you would like to at https://jenniferstockton.wordpress.com/2017/09/15/dear-dave-grohl/

Here is a brief excerpt: