Michigan's State Health Assessment and State Health Improvement Plan 2012–2017
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Michigan’s State Health Assessment and State Health Improvement Plan 2012–2017 Rick Snyder, Governor Olga Dazzo, Director Acknowledgements Michigan’s State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) was developed through the engagement and partnership of many stakeholders. Our deepest appreciation is extended to you—the more than 1,500 individuals, organizations, part- ners, and stakeholders in health from across the state who contributed knowledge, expertise, perspectives, time, and resources to this effort. Perhaps you participated in the public health system assessment via the National Public Health Performance Stan- dards Program or the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) Public Health Accreditation Board beta test. You may have been a key informant and/or contributed your time and expertise as one of 650 partici- pants in the 8 State Health Assessment and Improvement regional meetings. Or, you may have joined more than 500 organizations and individuals who enthusiastically participated in the Obesity Summit or in the development of the Michigan Health and Wellness 4 x 4 Plan. Additionally, you may have conducted research, written reports, prepared presentations, and collected or supplied data to inform this ongoing process. Whether you are a consumer; state, local, city, or tribal employee; health care professional; policy-maker; academi- cian; or work in a corporate, non-profit, faith-based or community organization, your willingness to collaborate via ongoing large-scale community engagement has been vital. With your continued dedication in future efforts, we jointly will realize success. Together, we can implement this plan, continue to engage Michigan communities to improve health and wellness, and positively shape Michigan’s health status in the months and years to come. This State Health Improvement Plan was prepared by Public Sector Consultants for the Michigan Department of Community Health. It was developed through the collaborative efforts of the public health system and additional partners. August 2012 Michigan Department of Community Health Public Health Administration 201 Townsend Street Lansing, Michigan 48913 517-335-8024 http://michigan.gov/mdch/ August 16, 2012 Dear Health Improvement Partners and Friends of Public Health, Michigan ranks near the bottom in multiple key health status indicators. Many of these outcomes relate to conditions that Michigan residents live with every day, regardless of where we work, reside, or play. Obesity, poverty, lack of insurance, health disparities, limited access to primary care, tobacco use, high infant mortality, and other conditions or factors impede our efforts to become and remain healthy. Based on these findings and during these economically challenging times, it is imperative for us to work together across various health systems to lead a process that improves our health—as individuals and collectively. During our state-wide health assessment meetings, you described obesity as the most pressing problem in your communities—pressing in terms of prevalence, cost to society, and quality of life. Michigan’s high rate of obesity is also pressing in terms of related chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, sleep apnea, and many others. To advance our mutual work in addressing these persisting health concerns, we are very pleased to share Michigan’s 5-year State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP). It lays the foundation for work we can do together to improve the health of people across the lifespan and in all communities across the state. The initial focus of this SHIP is to build upon our work in tackling Michigan’s obesity crisis—a crisis that knows no race, gender, or age. Because of the prevalence of obesity, we aim to channel our collective efforts and resources to tackle this important issue. In subsequent years, with community engagement and your assistance, additional health priorities will be added to this SHIP. I would like to sincerely thank everyone involved in this important work! It is our hope you will use this plan, in part, as the basis for your organization’s strategies to improve population health. The MDCH Public Health Administration is very proud to be part of Michigan’s public health community—comprising highly knowledgeable, passionate, innovative, and capable professionals working together to address obesity and other serious conditions that prevent us from living our healthiest lives. Sincerely, Jean Chabut, Deputy Director Public Health Administration Contents ExecutivE Summary ................................................................................................................................................................ 1 An OvErvIEw of MichigAn’S Health StatuS ........................................................................................................................ 3 MichigAn’S PuBlic Health System ........................................................................................................................................ 7 national Public Health Performance Standards Program ...................................................................................................... 9 State Health AssessmenT AnD State Health IMPrOvemenT PlAnnIng ........................................................................ 11 State Health Assessment and SHIP Advisory group ............................................................................................................ 11 regional Meetings and Key Informant Interviews ............................................................................................................... 12 Statewide Regional Meetings ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Key Informant Interviews.................................................................................................................................................. 13 Michigan’s Health Issues and Priorities ............................................................................................................................... 13 Issues and Themes ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 Top Priorities ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Summit on Obesity to Identify Actions ................................................................................................................................ 14 Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Strategic Plan ......................................................................................................... 15 MichigAn’S State Health IMPrOvemenT PlAn .................................................................................................................. 16 Summary of the Michigan Health and wellness 4 x 4 Plan ................................................................................................. 16 Strategic Issue: Obesity .................................................................................................................................................... 17 Looking Ahead ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Appendices .............................................................................................................................................................................. 21 z Appendix A: National Public Health Performance Standards Program Participant List z Appendix B: Michigan’s Health Profile Chartbook z Appendix C: Statewide Regional Meeting Participant List z Appendix D: Obesity Summit Participant List z Appendix E: The Michigan Health and Wellness 4 x 4 Plan z Appendix F: Crosswalk between the Michigan Health and Wellness 4 x 4 Plan and National Objectives and Strategies ExEcutIvE Summary The public health system in Michigan comprises not nities for improvement, the MDCH began preparation only the Michigan Department of Community Health for national accreditation by participating in the Public (MDCH) and the state’s 45 local health departments Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) beta test. (LHDs), but also a variety of partners and organizations that play important roles in assuring the public’s health. More recently, the MDCH convened partners across Michigan has a long history of monitoring the health the state in a state health assessment (SHA) and status of its residents and identifying and implement- state health improvement planning (SHIP) process. ing evidence-based strategies to improve the health An advisory group made up of MDCH staff and rep- and wellness of the population. Health assessment and resentatives of the Michigan Association for Local planning are integral to the operation of the state public Public Health (MALPH), MPRO—Michigan’s quality health system. improvement organization, and the Michigan Health and Hospital Association (MHA) was convened in the State health priorities have consistently been identified spring of 2011 to guide the planning process. The group through close examination of data and dialogue with reviewed critical health indicators and other sources of critical partners in health. The state collaborated with information on the health of Michigan residents