www.priefert.com I 800.527.8616 PRACTICE ® LIKE THE PrtPROSefert GET YOUR ROOM & TICKET PACKAGES! BoydGaming.com/NFR or 866-321-0703 It hos certainly been on unusual year strange turn, one we ore not accustomed to mo moved and some shows hove been canceled. Like our routines, but there is goodness to be found in Our animals ore healthy and happy, albeit o bit sunshine and graze in the ranch postures. Our fri ensure we ore all well, os we hove in tum reache their well being. There is still good in people. the d us, each day brings OS we continua to · is nothing new to Americans, we will and things will get battwr. Keep ri u we11 SN ou soon! Navigating Insurance Can Be a -�. \� Bumpy Ride. ;,�) � Butitdotm'tluverobe.Mamig,, yourtiskandproact}"mrbusincss wirhSptti.:alryProgr:unlnmrors from H:u, & Wilhrson lnsui.nce· upcrts in rh,rod,:o, ,:quin,and livcstockindwtri,s

SpecialryProgr.1.mlruurorsprovidts berr« products and suviccs,lcading cov•t.�and limits,andover80ycars of industryuptricnce Our wdl-tuined txptraspcci:iliu in insur.1.nafor rodeos,induding ev,nt IU.biliry and accid,nt covtng,,s,andcan tailorsolutions thar:u-,oosr-df,criv,and spccifictoyouruniquenttds 3205-t:.h.S-t:. l.'t'J[-..r:v-,.-illet, CA. 530-742-&2 webaddress: www.flyingur email address: flyingu@pac

,'rt' Cp,!.t� Rosset..:: General Manager· Reno Ro .,, Office Staff:. Barj:HlraFi,ncti.,­ �li"i.yScharfl.,;. F4ut£nT�:""(F.

PNit 6'-.id Bol\room in Lo$ Vf;90$,Nevodo. WO$ the $Ct!nt! of the 12th AmuolWrangler GGII hltd on Oeeember 2, 2019. A highlight of the tvening wos the pres entation of the ZOl91.ag91dofProRodto o.w,:rd to,otton Rosser. In 2006, th•Pro Rodeo Mo.II of Fomt! ondM"SeWl'l creot1

� MlNlllllllCUll'ill{IIJLl!S u11mmu nmmm 11111mm (209]80W65 l55Sl641-9B94 l559J223-ID52 ASS DC I A TIO f£E 0. COM

The Cowboys Are Comin' With Fire In Their Eyes As they Picture Their Next Go-Round Hands Over Our Hearts When Old Glory Flies Before Hoofs Are Driven Into The Ground A Long Way Home & Ifs Lonely Turn My Collar Up To The Wind The Man On The Horse Is My Hero Hank On The 8 Track He's The King Of The Old Rodeo A Cold Cup Of Coffee He Sits Deep In His Saddle My Diesel Winds Down In This Town Hal Tips To The Crowd There's Ghosts In The Grandstand Today Will Be One Hell Of A Show I Feel Them Watching Al The First Light Of Day Team Ropers, Bronc Riders Jose Feeds The Hay Give Their All To The Bulls, Horses & Steers Great Rides & Wrecks Mark The Day Hot Sun & Strong Winds Make & Break Dreams As The Seconds Tick Slowly Away

I Wouldn't Change A Thing If I Could But I Thank The Good Lord Above I've Made Millions Of Friends That Is My Jackpot My Work Has Been A Labor Of Love

I've Had Such A Great Life Lovin' My Third Wife & The Kids That Bear My Last Name When The Final Call Comes I'll Join Shoulders & Tibbs In Heaven We're All Still In The Game

The Man On The Horse Is My Hero He's The King Of The Old Rodeo He Sits Deep In His Saddle Hat Tips To The Crowd Today Will Be One Hell Of A Show

Considered the ultimo.teo.wo.rdo.wriouslycontl!Sting rodw cowboy con o.chieve, the World Chompion All Around Cowboy title iscerto.intythlbr"ll.$$ring in tMspor t of profl!Ssiono.l rod w. A contuto.nt must be vel"$0t ile (o. multi.«vent threo.t) o.nd eKtremely to.lented . He must o.lso eo.rn o. minimum of $3,000i n eo.ch of two or more events to be o. contender for tMwor1dSgreo.tut cowboy title. Tro.ditiono.l rod w compet ition is dividlldinto two event types-roughstock.orjudged events,o.nd tflled events, where tMCOWbO'f ro.c,is tM clock. Lost yeo.r tMAII Around title returnlldto tMroughstockend of tMo.reno. for tM fin;t time in over two deco.d u, lo.st won by Ty Murro.y in 1998. After o.Rookieseo.son,tho.t wos nothing short of o.mo.zing, StetsonWr i ght of Milford, UT left Los Vego.s,NV OS tM fin;t Rookie to co.pture the;PRCA World Cho.mpion All Around Cowboy title. Wri ght,who competes in both tMSo.ddle Bronc riding event o.nd theBull ridingoivent,entered theNFR OS the;yeo.r.«nd leo.der in tMAII Arou nd ro.ce. Quo.lifyinglnjust one event,bull riding. ht Mid off o.ll cho.llengen; tomo.into.in his leo.d throughou.t the wuk. d o v o is t th.s:�:; ::,:!:s� ::.\��i g�� f!�i�yr ;:::�. ,.: c.. son. brotMr o.nd nephew of multipleWorld Cho.mpion So.ddleBronc rid1n;,StetsonWri9ht co.rried on tM fo.mily tr"lldition of strikinggold o.ttheWorldSRichest Rod�

Tod,:tyB,:tr«bocl<.ridingis (lf'ltOf savtn stondcm:I rodeo «vtnts. It oppl(11'$Wlld ,:tnd r«cl« othl1tic obilityof cowboys ond hors1?Sgets incn1osinglyb«Her. Str«ngth, boldnc1, skill ond dtterminotion will t,:trn o cowboy cont«stont high scor«s from the judg«s.Tht highest recorded scor«for borebock riding is shdred byfour cowboysot 94points. Whikt not listed (lfll(lf'lg the r«cord scorers, the urnings Cloyton Biglow 4ccumu.1oted in 2019 stonds os singkt-SIClS(lf'IIVlnt r«cord.

portner, onon-eomptting c.._...,,"-'::.....==,:.c....."----'-='-'-" ====&l ridtr, known os oHour, comts from thlothtrside of tht chute ond hosno borritr. ThtHour kups the stecr running stroight os th t conttstont drops from his horse to tht bock of tht onimo.l. Ht wro.ps his orms oround tht sturS horns ond brings it to tht ground. All four k!gs mu.st be focing tht SCll'lle direction whtn tht field judge drops the flog. This fut of levero.gc. str11ngth ond timing is more (11'1lOZing when one r11olius the steer often weighs mor11 thon double tht cowboy$ body weight. Hours gcnerolly n,ceive 25¾ of o successful cowboy$ wmmngs. StccrWr11stling. olso known os bulldogging. hos been oround since the1890S ond itssoid Sill Pickett wos tht first cowboy to ptrform it. TM fosttst r11cordl!d time in thl SturWn!Stling event i$ 2.2 seconds set in 1930. Oro.I ZW'llwolt wos tht cowboy ond olthough ht did not come from behind o borricr ht set o high bor. A ropid 2.4 seconds is r11cogniud os thl fostest time with thl cowboy coming from behind oborrier.TyErickson lcd thcst4ndings enteringtM1'FRondheldoff tht compttition for his firstWorldChonpionship.

to ropt ond titcolvuthe quicktst; ond thotgrtw into on tof todoySstondord rodeo tvents. As with rodlOSother frntd tvtnts,o Tit Down roptr storts his run from b1hind o borritr. StrttchedCICro$$ tht front of tht ropin9chut1,the borri,r o.llows thi colf o.heod stort. A five second ptnoltywill btO$$Ustdfor o borrN!r. After roping the coif, the cowboy dismounts,fktnks tht coif from o standing position o.nd ties onythrtt kgs with hispiggin'string.Thecolf then mu$tstoytitdfor six s1conds oft1rthe ·, o t � 1 :��:: ;��=-:�s �.,': ro�� if�� �,J,i��:.-, col fg«ts loost b1fort the field flo9 � judge stops his wotch the cowboy� disquolifki!d. Itis o co.tch-os-eotch-eon tventso onyloop is ltg,:tl.Ti ming.strtngth,othltticism,quick rtfltxts, ,;,.nd o will trointd hors, ort the cowboy$ most vo.luobk tools. Btcou.s• it is o tin-..d tvent, the win gou to the fost,st over,;,.11 tim«. Rookit of the Ytor Hovtn Mtg

PIICAM-P,llotO (Jr,,______�

Te(ll'll Roping is ,mother rodeo event thot noturolly evolved from ronch work. When two cowboys would ro� o steer or coif forb!"llnding or doctoring thr( would not need to dismount ond wrtStle the onimol tothe ground when roping os o te(ll'll. One rider would ro� the heod ond his portner would ro� the heels,stretching the steerbetween thvn. Todoy, the Heoder stor� frombehind o borrier, meont to give the steer o heod s¼rt. Abroken bo.rrier oddsl0$1!condstothe totol time. Thlre onthrulegol heod cokhes•oround therll!ck,oround the Mod ond on.... horn, or oroundboth horns• oll other cotches will res.u.lt in•no time"for the teom After the Heoder mokls his cotch, he dollies or wrops his ro� orou.nd the soddle horn ond turns his horse so the Heeler con get into position. The steer$ diniction must be cho.ngedbefoni the! heel loop is thrown. If the heel loop is thrownbefoni o cho.nge in diniction o•crossfini"occurs ond the te(ll'll is disquo�fied. The steer mu.stbe stonding when ro�dby both its hud ond heels. Officiol frnestops whenboth horses oni focing.front feet on the ground withboth ropes stretchedtight. Cloy Smith enter,id the NFR os the niigning World Chompion Heoder ond provlldlost yur"S win wos no,;iccident ,cktiming his $1!cond con$1!cutive title. l\'tl!lll!f,...ntl�lc,1,ag!llluro�filllllfill"mllptyntyrurJIUI I'- tor,,,.,IE ll!Ol>:I....,... IHD . met, nttm toyour ..u.iowllll aoor OO!g\CtlctClllgoo,1�1111.y.LOtlgltpourn101roornm,uruquo,,..y,Of�1 «<1'111J>lfflJY,IOltill'fl(\h,l\t,o,:t""'"trlll.rrll!ll,."'flllt\Nro!l'IO\lil!0<1. SIERRA your prOIIJCUllllyour�ilttl twoo,kliill'!T•-.m... mrru,,xp,rowllTllOll>.1U1m<1rort� -�j• PACIFICWINDOWS T1(11'1lRoping is th1 only rod10 1vent whl!r1hW'll(l.n portn1rs,working os o t1(11'1l,Urn equol mon1Y whl!n thl!y win. A !"llnch inspired 1Vent,te(lfll roping futur.s o Moder ond o hider. It is thl! job of thl! Huler to ro� th1 sturS two hind legs; on1 leg will result in o fiv1-s1cond �r14lty. Onc1 both l«gS Ort $

Bronc riding is orul crowd fo.vorite. Although it opp«ors deCQptivQlyusy,in r«olityit is o difficult 1vent to mC1St1r. As th1 onimo.l kov1s thl chut1 th1

• CIS thl horw bucl<.s. i td on ��bu��g :t��;s' t__.;,....;....;=a••---..;_� mt'!!,J ond power. Thi ffl cowb<1'f is judged on how well hi is obit to keep his form ond mo.intoin spurring oction CIS thl bronc div1s ond bucl<.s for 1ight sQconds. Thi cowboy holds o buck roiin in one hond ond his fn11 hond is Mid oloft. Oi$quo�fication occurs whQn o rider foils to ridt for thl mo.ndotoryeight seconds, hi mlSSIS thl horSI out , or toucl>Qs hims1l f or thl bronc with his fr«1hond. Ahomh�,C1Ssociotion opproved soddl1 isustd byoll comp«titors. A toti:11 ofSO point$ moyb1 oworded for both thl hors1 ond rider tofl:l.ling 100 poin;s. Tot highest r«cordtd soddk bronc $COr« in professionol rodeo is9Spoinh;shor«d bytwoConodion cowboys• Poug Vold (1979) ond Glen O'Neill (1996). Z1k1 Thurston,onothlr Conodion rider, ent1nid thl l'FR in $C!Cond pktc1, but wolk1d owoy with onothllcrWorldChompionship ofter 10 rounds of comp«tition. CaliforniaGrmvn, Local Beef

Our Hmii Raoch>Wly stan,:u the nnch GnwRAned-Gmi11Fi11W..,I wher, "'Csource cottl, from prosrcssivc Ourbeefca1tleg,aze onwesll'rnranchesforng 70-80%rithetlmebeforebei fed ranchingfunilicsthroug.homthcwatwho inmium 9rait,li:>r supe,«flavoraoctQVal,ty utili,� superiorgencti<'.1 in thcfr hmh. Our ���"=':,!'='l, netwodofcattkprodocingfamiliesart tthirdp,,ny comm;1tcdrosuminabko.nchingrn,ctiw to,,..',fyourcompl...-.a,,,.,;th1he8eefQua!ty •nd hum•ncli,-eU

� THE CULTURE OF THE WEST IS MORE THAN FOLKLORE, TRADITION AND RODEO. It's about the land. Mud,dthll�IP'Cll-.nJO'l'"-"-1-.Wardedbyra�who...... ply abo<.f;Hrvl"llthllland andl..ipl"11to�•ndpn;,wctlt.n.■CaHfoml■R■r,g.iandTN1t-'<1to_....,�pW1iJlrll,;■r,contnJ■dd"11whatth■v M-..di;,n■fl;M-hu!MhdsdpW9-pn;,tac:tlr,gthlld_,■1,,.....,w-.rand_YQ... th■t 1.. talnu,al.

S1111;11199&,tt.1tanrg.iandTN1ti.a.-ad-340,000■cr.dc■lfomla'lpri,,..wo,klnrgranch■., -wlthl,und,-,b°'�dacr.11:ill-■ lthg��pn;,t,Jdlon,-i..-lyoiwl..iptoansuno Callfoml■'•�•paa11wlll...... n•thlly■rw,'-• ·

Join the Rangeland Trust to conserve the woming londscopes we alllove and cherish. has long bun o comp«tition betwun mgn ond bullUsing onlyo roptaround the bulls girth, the cowboyputs onthond e f ::!!:�i!'°f�� ::�or;n� n:i's�� �;;,.;dL -��-..- The ridtmust lost the st,:mdard eigh t wconds for the rlduto score.Thereis not o 'mork out' requirWlent ,but if the fr«e hand touchesthe onimol or the riderodisquolificotion resu.lts. Judges score the bull ond cowboyo totol ofSOpoin;s eoch.The bullis judged onits strengthond obilifyto maintoin its momentW'll throughout the eight second ridL Perfection is in the e-,-e of the beholder,ond whil«scores con be high, o p«rfect IOOhas onty bun officiollyrecordtd oncL Wode Leslie reochedthat pinnocl« inl991. Reigning World Champion SogeKimuy mgde historylost yur winning six consecutive BullRidingtitl«s.HisRooki« �or, 2014,sow him winhis first chompionship ond «ach y«or sinc« he has Cldded onoth erGold Buckl« to his coll«ction. With o personctl goo.I to be the first mgn to «orn nin« World Championships in o single event, SogeKr'lluyisolreodytwo-thirds of the woytherL

� �"ti?

Brt!(lk(tw(lyRoping hos long been (1Women$, Youth (lndCollcgio.te Rodto ev«nt for gi rls (,:tS well (1S b(J'fS) o.nd women. The rider C(l'llltS from behind o. ba.rrier with IQ-secondsO.$$«$Sld for leoving too urly. Unlike tie d(IWn ropingthe riderdoesn'tdismount o.nd tie the co.lfo.fter co.tching it.Theyst(lymountlld, pitch their ski.ck ond when the co.lf rt!o.ches the end of the rope, which i$ s«curad with o.piece of string.it 'brt!o.ks o.wo.y' from thew.ddlehorn. A flo.gis tied to the end of the rope o.nd when theJudg« $1!«s theflo.gbnl!ok fnl!efrne is stopped. Thefo.stest time wins o.nd sub-thnl!e second runs o.re needlld to win most contests. In the p,:tSt few yeo.rs thisr,entho.s been $1!«nO.t o.n incrf!(1Singnumber of profe$$iono.l rodeos. Itis o.nothervenue forwomen to doimonstro.te their skill o.nd tolent with o. rope. Womenho.ve been o.ble toTeo.m R(lpe in the p,:tSt, but bnl!oko.wo.yroping o.llows women to compete individuo.llyin o. roping event. Breoko.wo.y Ropingho.s o.lso o.llowed women to vie for o.nd win the All-Around title o.t rodeoSwhenl! it is feo.turad. Breo.ko.wo.yRopingisga.iningin populo.rity,:tSO. feo.turt!d pro rodto event. It isfo.st,e,:tSyto unders¼nd -'------' o.nd provides women with o.dded o.reno. tim,i. <�> ..Cil!E1i R.tYser ,.WESTERN FEATHERLITE ENTERPRISES LeeGreeil'S

'Tt)e&'f)oeln'J;'hOP pleteNuttilio/laSenice 31740DLnlap8lvd als&Supplements · Slipplements Yucoipa,CA 92399 kedAninuiFeeds 909-794-3455Phorie 909-794-8519 Fox M< 'BeefFeeds fl!G [email protected] E-mail 'FieldSeeds __t heshoeinshop.comWebsite 'Pe/Food·�= ' ..Wiale$:llenyFeed&$aed,K8)9$'[email protected] F8d'1'l81'$�,Kft)9(1'209-632·2333 EYU)'1hin9fOf'thefarrierondSupplyStore AL GILBERT ffiMPANY JOIN.YC61:11W:!Ave'Cla<�e.CA95.li1'eroa47-1n1 Weaw,rialeyrulxsress! Finally,thoebest-sellingfictionRODEO ::! ys learned to read... :: ��':;� Talkabouthoelping themiles goby-

""ll'sbun said //,a/laugl,tais Threebooks thathave sold 11,�b,s/ m�dicin�. over160,000 copies to date, 20.hoursof listenlng... \\'�II,my good o/'fri�nd, Or. Jla�·/alllad:.l,as//u Fictional,Funny,Authentic! pusaiptio11/or11s all. Enjoyll,i,·w/l�dio11.' w�can'tslopla11glring.·· .JAJrryMal,an,8/imu Wor/d€/,ampio,1,andJ11/anltt', hi�lo11g.. rnffui11g -..·if� All THREE AUDIO BOOKS! For the cowboy price of $39.95!!

OrdiMrily we would be well on o


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