History of the Roche
Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Compliments of CURTICE p. BROS. CO. V Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection O OMETIME you may want to move, store or pack your household goods so don't forget that we have the largest and best warehouse outside of New York City. Also the largest and best moving vans and always keep experi- enced men to pack and handle your goods. Metropolitan Warehouse Co., A. R. Sheffer, Pres. 359 State Street ALLIANCE BANK ALLIANCE BANK BUILDING, CORNER MAIN STREET, EAST. AND STONE STREET, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Capital $ 275,000.00 Surplus and Profits 184,292.35 Deposits 5,222,721.06 INTEREST PAID ON SPECIAL DEPOSITS ....OFFICERS.... Hobart F. Atkinson, President; James G. Cutler Vice-President; Albert O. Fenn. Vice-President and Cashier; John P. Palmer, First Assistant Cashier; Charles A. Elwood. Assistant Cashier; Charles L. Barton, Assistant Cashier. ....DIRECTORS.... Hobart F. Atkinson, James G. Cutler. Hiram W. Sibley, George Eastman, Albert 0 Fenn Charles E. Angle. John C. Woodbury, Fernando E. Rogers, Abram J. Katz, James S. Watson, Thomas W. Finucane, Walter S. Hubbell. Henry A. Strong. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection ROCHESTER IN 1S27, SHOWING FIRST COURT-HOUSE Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection HISTORY OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF ROCHESTER, N. Y. FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO MAY I, 1903 WITH A RECORD OF THE PRINCIPAL CRIMES COMMITTED A DESCRIPTION OF THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS CONNECTED WITH THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE AND LISTS OF THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE FORCE FROM THE BEGINNING AND OF OFFICIALS CONNECTED WITH THE DEPARTMENT BY WILLIAM F.
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