UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OXFORD ISSUE 9 | SPRING 2019 UNDER THE DOME Theatres of Hope ALSO IN THIS ISSUE MAKING WATER WORK UNITED NATIONS I’M GONNA BE (4,000 MILES) Smart handpumps saving lives Shaping attitudes to education Istanbul to Vienna and back Contents From the Editor elcome to the spring 2019 issue of Contents WThe Martlet, the magazine for all members of University College Oxford – past, present and future. I would like to thank all those who contributed to this issue. In particular, my colleague Dr Robin Darwall-Smith, College Archivist, for compiling the In College Memoriam section, Ariane Laurent-Smith and Justin Bowyer, for their copy-editing and proof-reading assistance, and Charles From the Master 04 Your view 05 New at B&M Design & Advertising for Sir Ivor Crewe reflects on the History Memories of Jim Ray his fantastic design work. and English degree curriculum I hope that you will enjoy everything that this issue has to offer. If you have any suggestions for future articles, Fellows’ news 06 The art of composition 08 or any comments, please email New appointments A Univ conversation about music,
[email protected]. composition and expression Our next issue will include features celebrating forty years since women were first admitted to the College. In the meantime, keep an eye out on the College’s website, e-news and social media for details of activities taking place throughout the year to mark the occasion. Sara Dewsbery Communications Officer 07 11 Banking and big data 07 My view of Univ 11 Understanding central