By Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3)

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By Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) An Award Winning Publication THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE KENTUCKY NURSES ASSOCIATION Volume 58 • No. 1 Circulation 66,000 to All Registered Nurses, LPNs and Student Nurses in Kentucky January, February, March 2010 KNA District 2 Legislative Day Sponsored a Booth 2010 Page 3 Page 7 Strengthening Our Health Care Workforce By Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) Congressman John Yarmuth (3rd Congressional This article is re-printed with the permission workforce. Expansion in coverage will mean new District-KY) provided the following Op-Ed article of Congressman Yarmuth and Medical News patients, but we cannot build a successful system on to the Medical News Magazine in August 2009. magazine. the backs of doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists Since the publication of this article, the US and other health providers who are already stretched House of Representatives passed a comprehensive Congress is currently considering historic health thin. health reform measure that, at the time this reform that will make sure all Americans always That is why this legislation will strengthen our edition of the KY NURSE went to print, was have access to high-quality and affordable health health care workforce by providing funding for the center of debate in the US Senate. While it insurance. Spending on health care comprises a full crucial programs that help recruit, train, and retain is extremely difficult to publish articles about 18 percent of our country’s GDP, so tackling this health care professionals. It creates and expands health care reform because so much can change problem will not be easy. That’s why I am glad the new scholarship and loan repayment programs for in the course of a month, we found that Rep. President and my colleagues are taking the time primary care, nursing, dentistry, and other fields. Yarmuth’s message in this piece is applicable necessary to make sure we get it right by listening It authorizes an additional $3.9 billion annually no matter what changes occur by the time our to the ideas of everyone from health providers to for the National Health Service Corps to expand readership receives this edition. business leaders to individual citizens—because we this vital program that tackles workforce shortage At the time this introduction is being written, all have a stake in this health care debate. problems in the highest-need areas. This investment one of the key debates relates to the proposition What is clear is that the cost of doing nothing is not only helps patients in need, but also offers that health care reform should be tabled and unsustainable. If we do not act, premium costs for a financial security to participants by offering them resumed at a later date. Kentucky Senator Mitch family of four will increase to more than $24,000 per up to $50,000 annually for student loan repayments. McConnell has proposed that Congress “start year by 2016 and 15,000 Americans are expected to Beyond that, I also authored a provision in the bill over”. lose their health coverage every day until this crisis that will ensure our nation’s doctors have real is addressed. world training through residency opportunities in The U.S. House of Representatives has responded community health centers, rural health clinics, to this crisis with America’s Affordable Health ambulatory care sites and other settings. Highlights Choices Act. This legislation offers a uniquely These are just a few of the many provisions in the American solution by combining the best of the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act that will Strengthening Our Health Care public and private sectors to increase competition strengthen our health care workforce. This legislation Workforce . 1 and expand consumer choice. is part of the effort to make our health care system KNA Education Summit 2009 . 3 Over the coming months, as the details of the bill work for all Americans. And the only way to reach are finalized, there will be a lot of discussion about that goal is to ensure that those on the front-lines KNA Members on the Move . 4 the more controversial aspects. Often overlooked, of health care—our health care providers—have the Student Spotlight . 5 however, is the impact of reform on our health care resources they need and the respect they earn each Legislative Day 2010 . 7 and every day. Health Information Security & Privacy Collaboration . 8 KNA Calendar of Events 2010-2011 . 12 WE HAVE MOVED INTO Home Study Courses Offered by KNA 13 Welcome New Members . 14 OUR NEW OFFICE! Membership Application . 15 The KNA is pleased to announce that, as of December 1, 2009, Presort Standard our new office is located at: US Postage PAID Permit #14 200 Whittington Parkway Princeton, MN current resident or 55371 Suite 101 Louisville, KY 40222-4900 Our phone number and fax remain the same as always. We look forward to many happy years in our new space and we hope our members will visit often. Page 2 • Kentucky Nurse January, February, March 2010 District Nurses Associations “The purpose of the Kentucky Nurse shall be to convey information INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS relevant to KNA members and the profession of nursing and practice of nursing in Kentucky.” • Kentucky Nurse Editorial Board welcomes submission articles to Presidents 2009-2010 be reviewed and considered for publication in Kentucky Nurse. Copyright #TX1-333-346 • Articles may be submitted in one of three categories: #1 Teena Darnell, MSN, BSN, RN H: 502-749-7455 6905 Windham Parkway For advertising rates and information, please contact Arthur L. Davis • Personal opinion/experience, anecdotal (Editorial Review) Prospect, KY 40059 Publishing Agency, Inc., 517 Washington Street, PO Box 216, Cedar Falls, • Research/scholarship/clinical/professional issue (Classic Peer E-Mail: [email protected] Iowa 50613, (800) 626-4081, [email protected]. KNA and the Arthur L. Review) Davis Publishing Agency, Inc. reserve the right to reject any advertisement. • Research Review (Editorial Review) #2 Leandra M. 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Manuscripts that are not used will be returned if material appearing herein may be reprinted with permission of KNA. #7 Jason Shuffitt, MSN, RN H: 270-843-6635 (For advertising information call 1-800-626-4081, [email protected].) accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. 734 Denali Street 16mm microfilm, 35mm microfilm, 105mm microfiche and article copies • The Kentucky Nurse editors reserve the right to make final editorial Bowling Green, KY 42101 are available through University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb changes to meet publication deadlines. E-Mail: [email protected] Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. • Articles should be mailed, faxed or emailed to: Editor, Kentucky Nurse #8 Russell J. Brown, BSN, RN H: 270-298-0307 844 Hoopee Hill Road W:
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