The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments

Exponential Family Bipartite

Tibério Caetano

(with James Petterson, Julian McAuley and Jin Yu)

Statistical Machine Learning Group NICTA and Australian National University Canberra, Australia

AML Workshop, NIPS 2008

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The Problem

The Model

Model Estimation


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The Problem

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1 1

2 2 6 6 3 5 5 3 4


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nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 5 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Assumptions

Each couple ij has a pairwise happiness score cij

Monogamy is enforced, and no person can be unmatched

Goal is to maximize overall happiness

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Image Matching (Taskar 2004, Caetano et al. 2007)

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Machine Translation (Taskar et al. 2005)

nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 8 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Formulation

Goal: Find a perfect match in a complete :

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Solution is a permutation y : 1,..., n 1,..., n { } 7→ { } Aggregate pairwise happiness of a collective marriage y:

i ciy(i)

Best collective marriageP y ∗:

∗ y = argmaxy i ciy(i) P Maximum-Weight Perfect Bipartite Matching Problem. Also called .

Exactly solvable in O(n3) (e.g. Hungarian algorithm) nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 10 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments

The Model

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We relax the assumption that we know the scores cij .

1 d In reality we measure edge features xij = (xij ,..., xij )

Instead we parameterize the edge features and perform Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of the parameters.

cij = f (xij ; θ)

nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 12 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Maximum-Likelihood Marriage Estimator

Probability of a match given a graph: p(y x; theta) = exp( φ(x, y), θ g(x; θ)) | h i − y = match, x = graph

Most likely match: y ∗ = argmax φ(x, y), θ y h i IDEA: construct φ(x, y) such that y ∗ agrees with best match

φ(x, y), θ = c ( ) h i i iy i P

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φ(x, y), θ = c ( ) suggests: h i i iy i

φ(x, y) = i ψPiy(i)

ciy(i) = ψiyP(i), θ I.e. the pairwise happiness is now parameterized. I.e. the goal will be to learn which features of people are more relevant to make them happier collectively (not individually!!)

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`(Y X; θ) = N (g(x n; θ) φ(x n, y n), θ ) | n=1 − h i P Partition function: N N exp(g) = y exp i=1 ciy(i) = exp ciy(i) y i=1 P P X Y :=Biy(i) =| of{z matrix} B

Permanent: ]P-complete | {z }

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For learning we need to do gradient descent in `(θ):

N n n n θ`(X, Y ; θ) = θg(x ; θ) φ(x , y ) ∇ n=1 ∇ − P BAD NEWS

θg(x; θ) = φ(x, y)p(y x; θ) = E ∼ ( | θ)[φ(x, y)] ∇ y | y p y x P

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Model Estimation

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GOOD NEWS A sampler of perfect matches has been recently proposed (Huber & Law, SODA ’08), which is O(n4 log n) to generate a sample. This sampler is EXACT.

Previous fastest sampler (Jerrum, Sinclair & Vigoda J. ACM ’04) was O(n7 log4 n) and was INEXACT (truncated Markov Chain). This was IMPRACTICAL.

nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 18 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments General Idea of Sampler

Construct an upper bound on the partition function

Use self-reducibility of permutations to generate successive upper bounds of partial partition functions

Use sequence of upper bounds to generate an accept-reject algorithm

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1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

Ω = X, Ω = 6 Ω1 = x : x1,2 = 1 , Ω1 = 2 | | { } | |

1 1

2 2

3 3

Ω2 = x : x1,2 = 1, x2,3 = 1 , Ω2 = 1 { } | | nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 20 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments The Sampler

Let x be a sample obtained after the algorithm is run. Then:

p(Ω) = y∈Ω w(y) = Z p(Ω1) = w(y) P y∈Ω1 p(Ω2) = w(y) = w(x) Py∈Ω2 Its probabilityP is:

U(Ω1) U(Ω2) = U(Ω2) = w(x) U(Ω) U(Ω1) U(Ω) U(Ω)

Z But the probability of accepting is U(Ω)

So p(x) = w(x)/U(Ω) = w(x) EXACT SAMPLER Z/U(Ω) Z ⇒ nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 21 / 38 The purpose of this work is to present a perfect sam- possible, then applying the idea in [12] using the new pling algorithm that generates random variates exactly generalization of Bregman’s theorem. from π where the running time of the algorithm is it- For simplicity, in this section the algorithm is self a random variable. In addition, the time used to presented only for 0-1 matrices, and where the δ of generate these variates can be used to approximate the Theorem 1.1 lies in (0, 1]. For arbitrary nonnegative permanent of the matrix at no additional cost. Finally, matrices, see Section 5. Let A be a 0-1 matrix. Then the expected running time of the method is polynomial to determine if the permanent is zero or nonzero, the when the original problem is dense. Hopcroft and Karp algorithm [11] can be used to find a permutation in O(n2.5) time (for weighted bipartite Theorem 1.1. For any  0 and δ (0, 1], there ex- graphs, the Hungarian Algorithm [1] can be employed, ≥ ∈ ists a randomized whose out- but takes O(n3) time.) When the permanent is nonzero, put comes within a factor of 1 + δ of the permanent of a this method finds a permutation σ with A(i, σ(i)) = 1 nonnegative matrix A with probability at least 1  with for all i, so per(A) 1. Then changing any zeros in A − 1≥ random running time T satisfying: for a function R(n), to α1 = (δ/3)(n!)− increases the permanent by at most a factor of 1 + δ/3. 4 2 1 (1.3) E[T ] = O(n log n + R(n)δ− log − ), 1 s/2 (1.4) P(T > sE[T ]) 2 − , for all s > 0. Definition 2.1. A 0-1 matrix A is γ-dense if every ≤ row and column sum is at least γn. When A is a 0-1 matrix such that all the row and column sums are at least γn and γ (0.5, 1], then When a matrix is (1/2)-dense the choice of α1 need 1.5+0.5/(2γ 1) ∈ R(n) = O(n − ). In particular, if γ .6, not be so extreme. Work in [5, 14] implies that for (1/2)- The Problem The Model 4 2Model Estimation1 ≥ Experiments 3 then the running time is O(n [log n + δ− log − ]). dense matrices, when α1 = (δ/3)n− , the permanent increases by at most a factor of 1 + δ/3. The UpperThe primary Bound tool in this algorithm is a version of Phase I: Nearly Doubly Stochastic Scaling. Bregman’s Theorem similar in form to an inequality of For diagonal matrices X and Y , XAY is a scaling of the Soules [26]. Let us first define: matrix A where each row i is multiplied by X(i, i) and each column j is multiplied by Y (j, j). In our work A r + (1/2) ln(r) + e 1, r 1 must be scaled to be nearly doubly stochastic so that the (1.5) h(r) = − ≥ 1 + (e 1)r, r [0, 1] rows and columns each sum to almost 1. To be precise,  − ∈ following the same definition in [18], we say diagonal Our bound is as follows: matrices X and Y scale A to accuracy α2 if

Theorem 1.2. Let A be a matrix with entries in [0, 1]. T (2.7) XAY ~1 ~1 < α2, YA X~1 ~1 < α2, Let r(i) be the sum of the ith row of the matrix. || − ||∞ || − ||∞ where ~1 is the vector of all 1’s. In [18], the ellipsoid n h(r(i)) (1.6) per(A) . method was used to show that accuracy α2 could ≤ e 4 1 1 i=1 be achieved after O(n log(nα− log α− )) arithmetic Y 2 1 operations on numbers with O(log(n/(α1α2))) digits, The next section describes the algorithm in detail. where α1 is the minimum nonzero element of the matrix. Section 3 describes the history of the original Bregman’s 2 In our algorithm, α2 will be Θ(n− ). (HuberTheorem & and Law, proves SODA Theorem 2008) 1.2. In Section 4, the The drawback of the ellipsoid method is its com- bound on the running time in Theorem 1.1 is proven. plexity. A slightly slower but much easier method to In Section 5 further applications are considered. implement is the Sinkhorn method [25]. First all the rows are normalizednicta-logo by dividing by their row sum, Tibério Caetano:2 The Exponential Algorithm. Family Bipartite Matching 22 / 38 then the columns, and this two step procedure is re- The algorithm is an extension of ideas in [12]. There the peated until the accuracy falls below α2. This re- 1 1 algorithm only ran on 0-1 matrices, and had a provably quires O((α2− + log n)√n log α1− ) steps, each of which polynomial running time only when the matrix was γ take Θ(n2) time. This makes the Sinkhorn method 4.5 1 dense (defined below) for some γ (0, 1] and regular O(n [n log n + log δ− ]) for general matrices, and ∈ 4.5 1 in the sense that all the row and column sums were O(n [log n+log δ− ]) for (1/2)-dense matrices. There- identical. The algorithm presented here dispenses with fore in the dense case this method is slower than the the regularity requirement by first scaling the matrix so ellipsoid method by a factor of n1/2. that all the row and column sums are close to 1, then Phase II: row scaling. Let m(i) denote the max- scaling the matrix to make the row sums as large as imum entry of row i of the nearly doubly stochastic

682 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Monte Carlo

Why is this good?

From samples yi p(y x; θ), approximate expectation: ∼ | 1 m E ∼ ( | ;θ)[φ(x, y)] φ(x, yi ) y p y x ≈ m i=1 P

nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 23 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Optimization

Given the approximated gradient, we perform a quasi-Newton optimization to obtain the Maximum-Likelihood Estimate (we actually use a prior and do MAP estimate).

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nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 25 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Matching with vs without learning

nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 26 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Matching with vs without learning

nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 27 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Matching with vs without learning

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Can be formulated as a Matching Problem (Le et al, 2007)

Documents retrieved by query Ranking of the documents

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i i Data: qn, d i , s i { n} { n} th qn: n Query

i d i : Set of documents retrieved by query { n} i s i : Labeled scores for documents retrieved by query. { n} Typically si 0,..., N where 0 =‘bad’ and N =‘excellent’. n ∈ { }

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i cij = s(d , q)f (y)

Where f is monotonically decreasing


y(1) y(last) argmaxy i ciy(i) = argsorty (s(d , q),..., s(d , q)) P (argmaxy v, w(y) is obtained by sorting v according to y if w is non-increasing)h i

nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 33 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Ranking LETOR Dataset (TD2003)

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nicta-logo Tibério Caetano: Exponential Family Bipartite Matching 36 / 38 The Problem The Model Model Estimation Experiments Final remarks

We use a linear model, with competitive results

Best competitors are highly non-linear models

We can instead use kernels and obtain a non-linear exponential family model, and it is still a convex problem

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