Mainland Mi’kmaq Marine Spatial Planning Program

st March 31 , 2020

Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq 57 Martin Crescent PO Box 1590 Truro, B2N 5V3


Progress Report prepared by: The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq

Progress Report prepared for: Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Disclaimer: This document contains confidential information and is not to be used for legal purposes.

Contact: Angeline Gillis Associate Executive Director The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq PO Box 1590 Truro, NS B2N 5V3 Tel: (902) 895-6385 [email protected]


Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ...... 4

List of Abbreviations ...... 5

Overview ...... 6

Objectives...... 7

Oceans Symposium: “Mawita'mk Wjit Apaqtl - Gather for the Oceans” ...... 8

Presentations ...... 8 Group Discussions ...... 9 Mentimeter Activities ...... 9 Panel Discussions ...... 12 Graphic Facilitation ...... 14

New Hire and Training ...... 14

Key Insights and Deliverables...... 15

Workplan ...... 15

Bibliography ...... 16

Appendices ...... 17



Thank you to all rightsholders and knowledge holders who participated in this project. The Knowledge you shared is invaluable and we are grateful for the incredible contributions you have made. We would also like to extend our gratitude to all guest presenters who shared their expertise, Fisheries and Oceans Canada for their support, and Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq colleagues whose assistance was greatly appreciated.


List of Abbreviations

AAROM: Aboriginal Aquatics Resources and Oceans Management CCG: Canadian Coast Guard CEMS: Cumulative Effects of Marine Shipping CEPI: Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative CMM: Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq CRF: Coastal Restoration Fund DFO: Fisheries and Oceans Canada GIS: Geographic Information System IK: Indigenous Knowledge MCG: Mi’kmaw Conservation Group MERP: Marine Environmental Response Program MK: Mi’kmaw Knowledge MMRP: Marine Mammal Response Program MPA: Marine Protected Area MSP: Marine Spatial Planning MSPLO: Marine Spatial Planning Liaison Officer MoU: Memorandum of Understanding OPP: Oceans Protection Plan TC: Transport Canada TOR: Terms of Reference



The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq (CMM) is a tribal organization that has served its members since 1986 and currently employs a staff of 100+ employees. The CMM’s mission statement is, “to proactively promote and assist Mi’kmaw communities’ initiatives toward self determination and enhancement of community.” The Mi’kmaw Conservation Group (MCG) is the aquatics division within the CMM. The MCG is a member of the Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s (DFO) Atlantic Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management (AAROM) program (2011-2023). The MCG works under the direction of the CMM’s Board of Directors and, the MCG Advisory Board (i.e. Community Fishery Managers and Traditional/Local Knowledge Holders) for the environmental management and conservation concerns of eight mainland Mi'kmaw communities in Nova Scotia. These Mi'kmaw communities are: , Annapolis Valley First Nation, , , , Pictou Landing First Nation, Paq’tnkek Mi’kmaw Nation and Sipekne'katik First Nation. As expressed in the MCG’s mandate, "Restore the concept and practice of Netukulimk in Nova Scotia’s watersheds," the MCG strives to promote the concept of Netukulimk. This concept is based on showing respect to the lands by taking only what is needed and wasting nothing. Mi’kmaw people are stewards of the marine environment surrounding Mi’kma’ki (Atlantic region). From partaking in commercial fishing or Netukulimk activities, the Mi’kmaq understand that all life is sacred, from the smallest rock to the largest creature. By referring to the ways of Msit-No’kmaw (“All my Relations”), it is understood that every living and non-living being must be treated with respect. Integral to this worldview is the responsibility of not harming or damaging the environment for the sake of the next seven generations. In January 2020, the CMM was informed that the proposal for the Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Program under Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) was officially approved. As a result, the “Mainland Mi’kmaq Marine Spatial Planning” project was established. The design of this project was influenced by the number of marine related projects that have developed over the past few years at the CMM. Since the MCG’s establishment in 2012, most of the technical and field work had been riverine based. However, a marine focus started when a need was identified for technical work on commercial fisheries. After the identification of this need, studies were conducted on Marine Environmental Response Planning (MERP) and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Within the past two years, the CMM has become involved in several initiatives under the Oceans Protection Plan (OPP), such as the Coastal Restoration Fund (CRF), Cumulative Effects of Marine Shipping (CEMS) and the Marine Mammal Response Program (MMRP). Additionally, the CMM member communities have received support to build capacity in marine Search and Rescue and received training for Environmental Response. One of the more recent developments, is the acquisition of funding to obtain a vessel, which can be dedicated to marine research. Thus far, most of the marine projects are focused on the Maritime Region. However, there is potential to do more work in the Gulf of St. Lawrence Region since some of the CMM member communities reside in proximity to that area. The “Mainland Mi’kmaq Marine Spatial Planning” project is a multi-year project (2020-2023), therefore it is an opportunity to build technical capacity to engage in MSP activities and increase collaboration on marine related files. Moving forward, the workplan will be guided according to the values and interests of the CMM member communities.



MSP activities can be broad in scope and they usually involve multiple partners. By definition, “Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) is a public process of allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities in marine areas to achieve ecological, economic, and social objectives that are usually specified through a political process” (Ehler & Douvere, 2009). In general, MSP is about organizing how different uses of the marine environment are co-managed. A focus can be placed on various types of interests, whether that be cultural activities, recreational activities, the conservation of species, marine safety or fisheries management. Based on this understanding, the “Mainland Mi’kmaq Marine Spatial Planning” project was purposely designed to be flexible. This means that the activities and workplan will be derived from the CMM’s member communities’ priorities and interests. For the 2019-2020 fiscal year, the following objectives were outlined for the project:

• Coordinate at least one meeting or workshop to scope the interests of the CMM’s member communities and discuss the workplan for fiscal year 2020-2021; • Research potential training opportunities or activities related to marine spatial planning; • Fulfillment of liaison role with Fisheries and Oceans Canada on the Marine Spatial Planning Program; • Submit a report on the workplan for fiscal year 2020-2021. To meet these deliverables, an Oceans Symposium was hosted by the CMM, interviews were conducted to hire a “Marine Spatial Planning Liaison Officer” to lead this project, and targeted discussions were held on the workplan for the following fiscal year. In the sections to follow, this report will describe each of these deliverables in more detail.


Oceans Symposium: “Mawita'mk Wjit Apaqtl - Gather for the Oceans”

On February 19th and 20th, 2020, the CMM hosted its first oceans symposium, “Mawita'mk Wjit Apaqtl - Gather for the Oceans.” The purpose of this event was to bring together representatives from the eight mainland Mi’kmaw communities to discuss the existing and potential marine related projects at the CMM. This two-day event consisted of a trade show, presentations, group discussions, panel discussions and graphic facilitation. The agenda, with the outline of all the activities, can be found in Appendix A. The first day of the symposium was internal to community members, however, the evening session and the second day were open to guest presenters. More specifically, the first day was dedicated to introducing and discussing the “Mainland Mi’kmaq Marine Spatial Planning” project. As shown in Table 1, twenty rightsholders from the CMM’s member communities, as well as three representatives from Fort Folly First Nation attended the event. Table 1: Number of Attendees

Community Number of Attendees Acadia First Nation 1 Annapolis Valley First Nation 4 Bear River First Nation 4 Fort Folly First Nation 3 Glooscap First Nation 1 Millbrook First Nation 3 Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation 1 Pictou Landing First Nation 4 Sipekne’katik First Nation 2


On the first day, a brief presentation was given to explain the concept of MSP and to explain the project deliverables. The slides for this PowerPoint presentation can be found in Appendix B. After this presentation, attendees were given the opportunity to ask questions about the project. These questions were focused on the type of roles that exist in marine spatial plans. For instance, a question was raised on whether the Mi’kmaw would be “rightsholders” or “stakeholders” in a given marine spatial plan. The discussion around this question emphasized the importance for the Mi’kmaw to be recognized as rightsholders and to stand up for their values. In addition, an inquiry was asked on whether partnerships with external organizations could be established. In response, it was explained that this project is still in its early stages, it is not possible to determine what decisions will be made in terms of partnerships. On the second day of the symposium, representatives from Fort Folly First Nation gave a presentation on their salmon release project. In addition, representatives from the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) and Transport Canada (TC) were invited to give presentations on some of their initiatives under the OPP, namely Environmental Response, Enhanced Maritime Situational Awareness, Marine Liability Act Review, Places of Refuge and Regulatory Roundtable.


Group Discussions

One of the dominant activities for this event was group discussions. This type of activity is instrumental in obtaining feedback from community representatives. On the first day of the symposium, there were nine group discussions. The topics were focused on existing and potential marine related projects at the CMM. Each group had a lead to facilitate the discussion and a notetaker. As shown in Table 2 below, these group discussions were divided into three sections. Therefore, for each section, attendees had to choose one group to participate in. Each group was given twenty minutes to discuss their respective topic. Following this, ten minutes was allocated for reporting back to the larger audience.

Table 2: Group Discussion Topics

Section 1 1. Centre of 2. 3. Expertise – Ocean Vessel Microplastics Cumulative Effects Section 2 4. 5. 6. Search and Rescue Ghost Gear River Monitoring

Section 3 8. 9. 7. Marine Mammal Coastal Protected Areas Response Restoration Fund

Mentimeter Activities

Throughout the Oceans Symposium, Mentimeter was used as a method for interaction with the attendees. Mentimeter is an online platform that displays questions on a screen and allows attendees to respond using their personal devices, such as cell phones. Through this medium, responses are viewed in real-time and attendees can provide comments and ask questions anonymously. There are several strategies for developing marine spatial plans, one common theme is to define a “vision” or “scope” to guide the overall management of a given area. Even though it has not been determined if this project will include the development of a marine spatial plan for a specific area, it was decided that it would still be useful to gather this type of input. By using this platform, helpful insight on the marine environment was captured. The following questions were asked using this platform; 1. “What are the first words that come to mind when you hear the word ‘ocean’?” 2. “What ‘vision’ do you have for the oceans?” Attendees were asked to answer the first question on two separate occasions. This question was initially asked before the group discussions and subsequently after the group discussions. This was done to compare the responses and see whether perspectives had changed. As shown below, Figure 1 displays the responses that appeared before the group discussions, meanwhile Figure 2 illustrates the responses from after the group discussions. The most prominent words in Figure 1 are “water”, “life”, “fishing” and “food”. As for Figure 2, the

10 standout words are “protection”, “home” and “fish”. It is worthwhile noting that 61 responses were provided for the first time this question was asked, whereas only 19 responses were provided for the second round. Various responses were provided for the second question, “what ‘vision’ do you have for the oceans?”. Once again, the word “protection” was a dominant response, however the words “clean” and “healthy” also reoccurred. As displayed in Figure 3, the twenty-five responses are spread out across three slides.

Figure 1: Mentimeter Questions - Before Group Discussions

Figure 2: Mentimeter Questions - After Group Discussions


Figure 3: Mentimeter Questions - What “Vision” Do you Have for the Oceans?


Panel Discussions

In the evening of the first day, two panel discussions were held. One of the panel discussions focused on the OPP and the direction of that program, and the second panel discussed the theme of collaboration. The following paragraphs list the questions that were posed during the panel discussions and summarize the panelists’ responses Figure 4 displays a list of the panelists and their corresponding panel. Figure 4: List of Panelists

Panel 1: Oceans Protection Plan Community or Organization Lindiwe MacDonald Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Rachel Parkin Transport Canada (TC) Lindsey Weber Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Panel 2: Collaboration Community or Organization Elder David Nevin Sipekne’katik First Nation Céline Gaudet Transport Canada (TC) Alexa Goodman Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada Jason Naug Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)


The following is the list of questions posed for the first panel, “Oceans Protection Plan (OPP)”; 1. What is your mandate and role relative to marine safety and oceans protection? 2. What has been your approach in building partnerships with Indigenous communities on marine safety and oceans protection? What are some of the most important lessons that have been learned in the past 3 years since OPP was launched? 3. What priorities are you currently working on to advance marine safety and oceans protection in the coming years?

During this panel discussion, it was apparent that each department has their own mandate for the OPP program. Even though they have similar goals, such as increasing marine safety and ocean protection, their approaches are quite different. When it comes to building partnerships for the OPP program, TC is developing their engagement styles and are learning from having open discussions, whereas DFO are learning from their existing partnerships to advance their mandate. Meanwhile, the CCG have recruited individuals who have experience in working with Indigenous communities or organizations. Additionally, the CCG has focused on reaching out directly to communities and organizations. As a lesson learned, it was acknowledged that partners need resources and support in order to build capacity to work on these projects. Moving forward, there is some uncertainty on what will happen to the OPP program post-2022. Feedback is needed to get a better grasp on what the marine space should look like and to determine what initiatives should be funded, as well as what educational material should be developed. Another possible topic to explore is a blue economy strategy, which is a long-term strategy that would support sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors. It is important for these projects to continue in order to further develop these partnerships. The second panel, “Collaboration”, had the following set of questions; 1. What are the benefits of collaborating and working together on marine related topics? 2. What are some of the challenges of collaboration? 3. What are the best methods for efficient and effective collaboration? 4. Can you share any examples of projects or work with good collaboration? The second panel emphasized the importance of working collaboratively on marine related projects. Some of the themes discussed were that there are often “wicked” problems and groups tend to work in silos. Also discussed was how in order to find solutions, all perspectives must be considered. By communicating, problems can be identified and then solutions can be found. Adding to this, marine spaces have a diversity of uses and everything is interrelated. By bringing everything together, a common approach can be developed. It was elaborated that when it comes to collaboration, it should not be about egos or money. At times it will be challenging to cooperate and there may be disagreements, but it is not about being “right”. A balance needs to be found between the competing interests. Furthermore, it was explained that to find compromises, conversations need to be open and receptive. Every user has their own needs and mandates. Adding to this, there are varying capacities for collaboration. When discussing the best methods for collaboration, it was mentioned that an open mind is needed. Effective collaboration will depend on the context of the project. Each project should be approached with a “blank slate” and there should be a degree of flexibility. There should a be willingness to recognize that things will change. It also helps to know who you are talking to and to take time to understand their perspectives. Examples were given on what types of arrangements can be made such as, Terms of Reference (TOR) and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). It was also stated that processes can be heavy. Too much energy can be

14 put into the process rather than the work that needs to be done. To avoid this situation, it was suggested that periodic reviews be built into the process to keep the objectives in check. Some good examples of collaboration include having monthly calls, having the right intentions and initiatives that benefit communities. A project that was mentioned as being a good example of how groups of people can come together was the Bras d’Or Lakes Collaborative Environmental Planning Initiative (CEPI). Graphic Facilitation

Throughout the symposium, a graphic facilitator illustrated the key messages and points from the presentations and group discussions. A photo of the final mural can be found in Appendix C.

New Hire and Training

One of the deliverables for this fiscal year was hiring a “Marine Spatial Planning Liaison Officer (MSPLO)” to be the lead for this project. The MSPLO will act as an important liaison between the MCG, Mi’kmaw communities, governments, industry participants, and other relevant parties. The roles and responsibilities of this position include attending meetings, participating in working groups and consultation tables, and presenting information. The MSPLO will also provide technical advice and updates to the CMM’s Board of Directors, which will help keep Chiefs informed during their decision-making processes. On February 27th, 2020, interviews were held for this position. One successful applicant was selected from the six candidates. After some internal discussions, it was decided that the appropriate timing for this candidate to start this position would be at the beginning of April, rather than in March at the end of the fiscal year. Some research was done to find possible training opportunities and find events related to marine projects. For instance, the “Marine Planning Process Workshop” provides training on the process of MSP. The “Indigenous Mapping Workshop” and the “Atlantic Ocean Forum” would provide Geographic Information System (GIS) training. Due to present circumstances with COVID-19, most of the following events have been postponed;

• Marine Planning Process Workshop: April 28th-30th, 2020 • Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership Conference: May 13th-16th, 2020 • Indigenous Mapping Workshop: May 26th -28th, 2020 • Atlantic Ocean Forum: June 3rd-4th, 2020 • H20 Home to Overseas Conference: June 15th-17th, 2020


Key Insights and Deliverables

Overall, much insight was gained from the first few months of this project. The following are some lessons learned about this initiative and potential strategies for further engaging the CMM member communities on marine spatial planning;

• Internally, the CMM needs to review how the various marine related projects are connected. Project leads and departments must come together to discuss the most efficient ways to engage with the member communities. This also entails discussing with funders on how information and data can be shared amongst the projects. • MSP is a concept that is broad and can include many types of activities. There is a tendency to view marine projects from the perspective of a large spatial scale. These aspects can make it difficult to decide on what activities should be prioritized. Through the MCG Advisory Board meeting and the Commercial Fisheries meeting, it was recommended that specific examples of marine spatial plans and marine activities, such as case studies, should be shared with the member communities. • There is a need to build capacity in the member communities to participate in marine activities, such as training and personnel. As outlined in the Contribution Agreement, deliverables for the 2020-2021 fiscal year include;

• Engage communities in workplan for 2020-2021. • Coordinate at least two meetings or workshops. • Modify or develop the workplan for fiscal year 2021-2022. • Fulfillment of liaison role with Fisheries and Oceans Canada on the Marine Spatial Planning Program. • Submit report on activities and on the workplan for fiscal year 2021-2022. • Conduct a literature review.


The following workplan was developed by taking into consideration the lessons learned and the expected deliverables. Due to the circumstances with COVID-19, there is uncertainty as to how much in-person engagement the CMM will be able to conduct. Innovative methods for engagement will have to be explored in the coming year.

• Host internal meetings to discuss how marine projects at the CMM can work together efficiently. • Host meetings or workshops with member communities to provide information about the marine projects and to receive guidance on next steps. • Provide specific examples or case studies on marine spatial plans and marine activities. • Develop educational materials and an information package that can be distributed to member communities. • Based on the feedback received from community members, research potential training opportunities and methods for building capacity in member communities to engage in marine related activities.


Ehler, C. and Douvere, F. (2009). Marine Spatial Planning: A Step-by-Step Approach. Paris, France, UNESCO, 99pp. (IOC Manuals and Guides 53), (ICAM Dossier 6). DOI Retrieved from


Appendix A: Oceans Symposium Agenda The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq: Mawita’mk Wjit Apaqtl - Gather For Our Oceans

February 19th-20th, 2020

Location: Prince George Hotel (1725 Market St, Halifax, NS B3J 3N9)

Day 1: Morning [internal to CMM staff, member communities and youth]


8:00 am • Breakfast 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Elder Joe Michael • Opening Prayer

• Welcoming Remarks Robert Bernard • Trade Show: An interactive information sharing forum about

the on-going projects at The Confederacy of Mainland The Confederacy of Mi’kmaq featuring displays, commonly used equipment, and Mainland Mi’kmaq the opportunity for discussions with staff. Staff

Day 1: Afternoon [internal to CMM staff, member communities and youth]

12:00 pm-1:00 pm Lunch

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Elder Joe Michael • Opening Prayer • Welcoming Remarks Robert Bernard • Sharing Circle 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm The Confederacy of • Marine Spatial Planning Program: Mainland Mi’kmaq Introduction to the new marine spatial planning project. Staff * 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm The Confederacy of • World Café: Structured conversations for information sharing Mainland Mi’kmaq and discussions on ocean-related projects. Each table will Staff explore a different topic for 30 minutes then individuals will switch tables and repeat the same exercise (3 times). Topics:

1. Centre of 2. 3. Expertise – Ocean Vessel Microplastics Cumulative Effects

2:30 pm - 2:45 pm Break


2:45 pm - 4 pm The Confederacy of • World Café: Continued Mainland Mi’kmaq Staff* Topics:

4. 5. 6. Search and Ghost Gear River Monitoring Rescue 8. 9. 7. Marine Mammal Coastal Restoration Protected Areas Response Fund

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Robert Bernard • Wrap up • Closing Prayer Elder Joe Michael * = An asterisk represents when Multimeter questions were asked

Day 1 Evening [Open to CMM staff, member communities and guest presenters]

5:30 pm - 5:45 pm Elder Cathy Martin • Opening Prayer and Song • Welcoming Remarks Robert Bernard 5:45 pm - 7:30 pm Robert Bernard • Banquet Dinner • Panel Discussions: Guest speakers share their insights on Guest Speakers oceans programs and collaboration. 7:30 pm - 7:45 pm Elder Cathy Martin • Closing Prayer

Day 2 Morning [Open to CMM staff, member communities and guest presenters]


8:00 am • Breakfast 9:00 am - 9:30 am Elder Joe Michael • Opening Prayer • Sharing Circle Robert Bernard • Recap of Day 1 9:30 am - 10:00 am Fort Folly First • Presentation: Nation* How Fort Folly is Bringing the Ocean Back into its Salmon Recovery Project 10:00 am - 10:15 am Break 10:15 am - 12:00 pm Canadian Coast • Presentation: Guard (CCG)* CCG Roles and Responsibilities for Environment Response

* = An asterisk represents when Multimeter questions were asked


Day 2 Afternoon [Open to CMM staff, member communities and guest presenters]

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch Transport Canada* • Platform Presentation: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Enhanced Maritime Situational Awareness

2:00 pm - 2:10 pm Transport Canada* • Flash Presentation: Regulatory Roundtable

2:10 pm - 2:20 pm Transport Canada* • Flash Presentation: Marine Liability Act Review 2:20 pm - 2:35 pm Break 2:35 pm to 2:45 pm Transport Canada* • Flash Presentation: Places of Refuge

2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Transport Canada* • World Café: Structured conversations for information sharing and discussions on Transport Canada Ocean Protection Plan initiatives. 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Robert Bernard • Sharing Circle • Closing remarks Elder Joe Michael • Closing Prayer

Appendix B: Marine Spatial Planning Program PowerPoint Presentation




Appendix C: Graphic Facilitation